The Night Watch (2011) Movie Script

If you go to the cinema
mid way through a film,
you watch the second
half first, don't you?
So you see how the characters
end up in the story.
'In spite of shortages
and rationing...'
What happened to turn them
into the people they became...
it's like a riddle
you have to solve...
Get your paper!
Try to keep an open
mind, Mr Bryant.
No. How about this one?
New in last week.
Enjoys dressmaking, walking and...
No-one in spectacles.
I haven't got time for this.
You know the type I want.
If and when you get
one suitable call me.
It's like he thinks
finding the perfect woman
is his reward for doing
his bit in the war.
What about our Forest Hill lady?
He's after someone younger.
I had one this morning.
EX-RAF, married the
girl next door...
came home to a peroxide blonde
chasing anything in trousers.
War changes people.
Not always for the better.
Our two o'clock will be along.
Better see if we've
got anyone suitable.
Forever Amber is on at the Odeon.
We should go one evening.
I'll bring my brother, he
could do with a night out.
You can bring your chap.
About time I got to meet him.
Sounds like fun.
Don't they drive you mad?
Thought we'd treat ourselves to
tea in the parlour this time.
Fish paste all right, dear?
You don't belong in this...
museum, Duncan.
You belong at home
with Dad and me.
It's not like you owe him anything,
is it? It's just not healthy.
Do you think if we keep having
this conversation, it'll
come out the way you want?
Can you not even visit?
Come home for Sunday lunch once in
a... I can't go back to that house!
You bloody know why.
Mats and cosy, Duncan.
Cat... or cottage?
The cat, why not?
Let's see now...
Thank you for the
gift of food, oh Lord,
and we will keep in mind
that lust and covetness
are powerless in the face of
your forgiveness. Amen. Amen.
Shall I be mother?
'Guest house in Jostlyn Street.
Six people trapped inside...
Stop it!
'Section 58 call
out deal with it!'
Run Rabbit, Run Rabbit,
run, run, run...
'Is she worth that much?'
Our legs are all mixed up. You
can't tell which belongs to who.
Can I see?
You look so glamorous.
You're biased.
Do you think it's wrong,
being so happy when there's been
so much suffering in the world?
All the more reason
not to squander it.
Do you think I do squander it?
I think you feel you've
forfeited the right to be happy,
to atone for past sins.
How about present sins? Stop!
Behave! Not until you say it.
You know I'll make
you eventually.
I concede! I love you.
You better.
Hello, Duncan.
They said at the front desk
I'd find you back here.
You haven't changed one iota.
Not one bit!
How did you know where to...
I phoned the parole
office, at the scrubs.
Chatted up the secretary,
she said to try here.
She said you got
out just after me.
Six months after.
I never thought you'd
come looking for me.
I wanted to see how
you were getting on.
I'd better let you get on.
Give me your number,
we can meet.
I'm not on the phone.
Here's my number.
Call me, we can have a drink...
Or drop round if you'd prefer.
Don't leave it too long, OK?
Hello, gorgeous.
You know it's coming up
for six years for us?
You're my life raft, Viv.
Only you keeps me afloat.
If you hadn't forgiven me.
If you'd walked out of my life.
I'd have no life.
My love.
My precious girl.
We can't, not here.
My dearest love,
let me in, please.
Say you'll never leave me.
Promise you'll never leave?
Say it again, my love.
You'll never leave me.
Say it!
All the best, love.
Thank you.
They say romance is dead.
It's for Dad.
I sometimes think he loves the
Royal Family more than his own.
Prezzie for you.
Peaches for a peach.
Oi! Watch it, Mr!
Miss, I should say.
Stop the car!
Stop! What? What is it?
I know her! I'm sure I do!
'Where's the fighting Spits that
kept us going through the war?
'Everywhere people are
asking how long they
must go on lacking
the basic things...'
and they don't only mean
the food on their table
'and the clothes on their backs,
but decent housing and jobs.
'It's not just our fighting
spirit that's shrunken up...'
Glory be.
Better late than never.
Two years late.
I swore if you ignored
my last letter
it'd be the last one I'd send.
Tardy bitch.
So spill, what's been
going on with you?
I got left some money, my aunt in
Holland Park with the antique shop,
so, I'm what you call
a lady of leisure.
Until the well runs dry anyway.
You didn't fancy running
the shop yourself?
What one earth do you do
with yourself all day?
Walk mostly.
Walk where? Anywhere.
Did you hear it?
Interview on the Home
Service on her latest book.
Look at us!
You were the bravest
person I knew.
No, I think it's easy
to be brave in war time.
I thought I was better than
this, Nancy. Stronger than this.
But everything always
goes back to that night.
Most people you pass
on the street have
lost a heck of a
lot more than me.
They've lost a child or...
They're getting on with
their lives, aren't they?
Listen to me.
Going on about loss
to you of all people.
I'm not fit company
for anyone but myself.
Don't you dare run
out on me now.
You're human, Kay...
join the bloody club.
Do you ever...
think about it?
The scrubs, our life there?
Living death more like.
How was it for you...
after you got out?
I sort of lost my bearings.
I had to get away,
so I did a stint up north
for a refugee charity.
Salving my conscience
you might say.
Jews mostly, from
all over Europe.
God, what those people
have been through.
They told me terrible things.
They told me
wonderful things too.
The unexpected
goodness of people.
Their courage and...
I started writing
down their stories.
Selling them to the newspapers.
I struck lucky, The West London
Gazette took me on a reporter.
Nothing earth shattering.
Anyway, it's you I
want to hear about.
How's that sister
of yours doing?
I remember her from
the prison visits.
Viv, isn't it?
She works in Soho now,
one of those...
introduction agencies.
Still living at home
with she and your dad?
No, I'm in... digs
just round the corner.
Off Wood Lane.
So close to the Scrubs?!
Half the reason I
left London was to get
away from the stench
of that BLOODY place.
You should do the same Duncan.
Make a fresh start somewhere.
Nothing to keep you
here, is there?
Ah, so there is someone
to keep you here?
You'll have to ask me
back so I can meet them.
I'll worm it out
of you eventually.
Coaxing information out of
people is my stock in trade now.
I never take no for an answer.
Top up?
'How about this one?'
26 years old, ex-commando,
awarded the Victoria Cross.
Is that a glass eye?
How thrilling!
Do you suppose he
takes it out at night?
West End Introduction Agency?
Hello, gorgeous. Listen, it has
to be Thursday instead of tonight.
The wife's roped me into some damn
cocktail do with the neighbours.
What time Thursday sir?
Seven o'clock, usual place?
I'm counting the
minutes, my love.
Daddy! Daddy!
Do you have an appointment?
You need to fill this in,
as much detail as you can.
Actually, I'm not here after
a date, it's you I want.
Viv, isn't it?
Robert Fraser?
I shared a cell with your
brother in the Scrubs.
I ran into him the other day.
I'm concerned about him.
As I'm sure you are.
The cafe, at the top
of Poland Street.
I finish in 20 minutes.
I'll see you there.
Duncan never said
you were married.
I'm not.
Look, I know it's queer,
me dropping into your life out
of the blue like this, but...
when I saw Duncan with
Mundy the other night...
You went to their house?
I mean, Mundy, of all people!
Didn't he get enough
of him in prison?
A boy like Duncan, it's...
just not right is it?
A boy like him!
Why not just say what you mean?
And why do you suddenly
care so much about him?
About who he lives with or...
Oh, I see!
It's not like that.
I'm not like that.
Is that what you think?
Maybe he went to Mundy's because
he had nowhere else to go.
He couldn't come home, "Never
return to the scene of the crime",
isn't that what you cons say?
Sharing a cell...
like we did...
The truth is, I wasn't always as
kind to him as I should have been.
I want to do right
by him now, if I can.
I used to watch you,
in that visiting room.
When you walked in, it was like
in The Wizard Of Oz, you know...
when suddenly it all
goes into Technicolor.
Just for a few minutes,
things didn't seem so...
utterly, bloody bleak.
I'd like to call you
sometime, may I?
There's someone
else, of course.
As if I'd ever get that lucky.
Wait. Please!
Hello! Wait, please?
I knew it was you.
You did me a great kindness in
the war. You loaned me this?
I saw you near here last week.
I've been back every
day, hoping to find you.
You shouldn't have
gone to the trouble.
I'd forgotten all about it.
I'll never forget it.
What you did for me.
God bless you!
Streatham 212?
Viv, Viv it's me!
Where are you, love?
I'm here waiting for ya! Viv?
Viv, I can't stop much longer,
one of the kids is ill. Viv?
Viv, are you there?
Answer me, Viv!
It was an accident! I'll retype
it for you. I'll start on it now!
What were you doing
in here anyway?
I waited supper for you.
I was at a concert.
God, what a mess.
What was it?
The concert?
You were with
Ursula, weren't you?
Fine, it's her birthday,
she had a dinner party.
She asked me if I'd
help her with it.
I suppose there were
others like her there.
You mean like us?
Yes, a matter of fact.
As it happens she
invited you too.
I told her you
were unavailable.
Because you still can't cope with
being around queers, can you?
You can't deal with it.
That's not true!
So why is I never meet your friends?
Or you never want to meet mine?
When I do go out, or
anything on my own,
I have to come back to
another of your inquisitions
because I'm so bloody
irresistible that even if a
girl isn't a raving
lesbian when she meets me,
she will be by the time
I've got my hands on her.
You know why I do it.
Because I'm afraid you
no longer love me.
If you ever did.
It wasn't just about revenge?
God, must it always
come back to that?!
We can't go on
like this, Helen.
Torturing each other
over the past.
You need to find a
place of your own.
Sort out who you are,
what it is you want.
It's you I want
Remember when we met?
You loved me then!
I can be that
person again, I can!
I want to be that person!
One sugar.
Just as you like it.
Sit a minute.
How was your day?
The usual.
Nothing more from Fraser?
We're better off
without him, lad.
Dial needs a bit of a clean,
if you've a mind.
You're up, girls. Another
guest house in Joswick Street.
More round the corner!
Two walking wounded, one fatality,
one still unaccounted for.
Bloody hours, digging
around, looking for him.
So much for a quiet night.
I had in mind a couple
of fractures, maybe
a nice old lady
with a broken ankle.
A nice YOUNG lady, you mean.
Women's work, Harry?
People will talk.
You'd know all about that.
Sticks and stones.
I've heard it all before,
lived to tell the tale.
Not if Hitler gets his way.
He'd have you lot
strung up by your tits.
Just another reason
to bash the Bosch.
Break it up, you two.
He started it, Mummy.
Here we go, stand by your beds.
You're up, Hughes. Brandon Place,
corner of Levington Street.
Come on.
Don't get too
comfortable, Langrish.
Night's not over yet.
I suppose you don't hear much of
the bombs, down in your shelter?
We're not allowed
in the shelters.
Only the guards are.
Still, safer here than you
would be at the front, eh?
Hardly. They say, er,
Pentonville got hit by an
incendiary bomb the other day.
Your cell mate, isn't it?
The one who was at university?
You can tell just
by looking at him
he doesn't belong here.
Meaning I do?
He didn't say that, Duncan.
I thought the chap at the
end was due for release?
They're letting him out next week.
Going to the army.
Good on him.
What, so there's no shame in the
army making you into a murderer?
It's all right to have blood on
your hands for King and Country?
For heaven's sake, Duncan!
You want to talk about shame?
You wait until you're out
of here and you can't walk
down the street without
people pointing at you,
whispering about
you and that boy.
If you're so ashamed, why
bother coming to see me?
You're my son.
No need for that.
Be a man, eh?
Bloody chambermaid's on the prowl,
had to play hide and seek with her.
Jesus, what a dump! I should
have come ahead, checked it out.
I just thought it would be a
change from our Paddington one...
I have something for you!
Not much...
They grow in the
woods by the base.
Every time I see them
they remind me of you.
So unspoilt. Beautiful.
Oi! Keep it down in there!
These walls are like paper.
Perfect timing for once.
Langrish! Langrish!
What the hell are you doing?
Go the other way!
Through Dean Street.
Stay back! Another one
over here. Stay back!
Get back!
I hear you've been up to
your heroics again, Langrish.
Putting out incendiaries? How many
times? It's not our responsibility.
So, let an entire street
get reduced to ashes?
You know the procedure.
Either stick to it
or I'll put you on manning
the damn telephone.
Loose lips.
It's for your own
good, Langrish.
You'll pull that once
too often one night.
I need a mortuary run.
Who's not done it this week?
Mother and three kids.
No survivors,
Parkside Road.
After identification, take
them to the local mortuary.
Err, I'll go with Hughes.
Maybe you are a bloody hero, letting
O'Neill off the hook that way.
If you're a good boy,
I'll let you drive.
Direct hit on a shelter.
We think there's four kiddies.
More limbs than we
can account for.
What on earth have
you done to yourself?
Why do you have to go
out there every night?
No-one would think the worse
of you if you didn't. I would.
You should get some sleep.
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
OK in there?
What could I say?
He obviously thinks
I'm your sister.
Or your lodger.
You're my spoils
of war, my darling.
Hello, stranger.
You remember Julia?
We bumped into her at that
Red Cross do at Christmas?
Of course, yes. Hello.
Your hair's different.
I like it.
Do you work round here?
Town Hall, housing department,
relocating bomb victims. And you?
Helping survey
bomb-damaged buildings.
Speed up reconstruction if and
when this bloody war ever ends.
I suppose you're still doing your
trusty ambulance bit every night?
Gets lonely, doesn't it?
How's the writing?
Seems irrelevant, frankly.
Not to say pointless.
So many terrible things
going on in Europe.
People still need
entertaining, don't they?
Somewhere to escape,
now more than ever.
Which way do you, err...
? Lavern Road.
We must meet up for lunch
sometime, since we're close by.
I'd like that.
Good seeing you again, Kay.
Why will you never talk about
what went wrong between you?
You always change the
subject, don't you?
It was a misaffection, that's all.
What we felt for each other
wasn't entirely equal.
That's how I know
it's right between us.
Oh, it's little Miss Pearce!
Shift up ladies,
make room for her.
We girls are all
law breakers, love.
You're no better
than the rest of us.
All I'm saying is, give
a man a decent job,
a decent home, he'd get the
point of pacifism soon enough.
So where are you on
pacifism, Pearce?
Not given it much thought.
There we are!
The less we think about war,
the less we question it, the
more compliant we become.
Mr Mundy! Help us out here.
Enlighten us
as to why the prison
system won't let us
read newspapers or
listen to the wireless,
or anything which might
actually inform or educate us?
You know why, lad.
Because hearing from the outside
just stirs you all up.
In other words, denying us the
right to form our own opinions
makes us easier
for you to manage?
You have a grievance, Mr Fraser,
take it up with the governor.
Or better yet, Mr Churchill.
All right, son?
Give me an honest sadist than
a hypocrite like him any day.
He's better than most of them.
And kinder.
To the pretty ones, he is.
Run rabbit, run
rabbit Run, run, run
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Goes the farmer's gun
Run rabbit, run
rabbit Run, run, run
Run rabbit, run
rabbit Run, run, run
Don't give the farmer
his Fun, fun, fun
He'll get by Without
his rabbit pie
Run rabbit, run rabbit...
Tastes like battery acid.
That's quality contraband
gin, I'll have you know.
So it hasn't got you down yet?
Living in the shadows?
The pretence to be someone
you're not every waking second?
This from the women
who used to say living
outside the social
order was intoxicating.
After the war, I'm tempted
to chuck in the whole game.
Find myself a nice chap, push out a
couple of kids while I still can.
After the war things
will be different.
We will be used to
independent women.
All the old prejudices
will be gone...
They need us to be independent NOW
to drive their damn ambulances,
work in their factories!
Come the peace,
they'll have us back
in aprons, you'll see.
I for one do not
intend to win the war
and lose the peace.
I have too much to lose.
Looking like a man doesn't
give you the same rights, Kay.
Oh! Take that lot through.
Kay, glasses.
Excuse me.
I saw Julia today.
We're meeting for
lunch on Friday.
You don't mind, do you?
Why should I?
Say if you do - I'll
make up an excuse.
I don't mind, really. Just remember,
fiction is her speciality.
Hope you like rabbit.
Is it really rabbit?
My neighbour claims they're
running wild all over London.
He says he saw one on a platform
at Victoria Station the other day.
Apparently it was
fearfully het up.
Kept looking at its pocket
watch, saying it was late!
Things are going well for
you and Kay, are they?
This passion everyone
has now to parade
around in uniforms
even off duty,
as if war gives them some
status they otherwise lack.
They're just proud
to wear them, surely?
I have a tendency
towards cynicism.
It used to drive Kay mad.
I should be more generous
and well-adjusted, like you.
Me? Well-adjusted? Hardly.
You seem to handle the whole
grisly L business pretty well.
I mean, I never really thought
about it before I met Kay.
It just never...
occurred to me.
If you ever need company when Kay's
off doing her ambulance thing,
I'm in the book.
I know how lonely
these nights can be.
I'll remember that.
I've enjoyed this,
it's made a nice change.
I'd forgotten how
underrated the word nice is.
We've seen your twat, Chase!
And it was as black as a hat!
She can't answer, she's got
her gob round Evan's knob!
Shut it!
MAN SINGS: # I see her tripping
where the bright streams play
Happy as the daisies
that dance on her way
Many were the wild notes
her merry voice would pour
Many were the blithe...
God, I wish I had
a girl right now.
To touch her...
Sweet Jesus.
Are you awake?
God, you're a
pathetic specimen.
You were dreaming.
I could see it in your face.
Of me, I hope.
You look just like when I first
held you in that dreadful place.
I have something for you!
You spoil me. You wait
till the war is over.
My life will be dedicated
to making you happy.
The buttons are real bone, see?
I had your initial
put on them...
Try it on!
How glamorous you look.
Like Greta Garbo!
Sorry, damn tube's up the spout.
Before I forget.
It's too big, Reggie.
It's only for show, isn't it?
Remove your shoes
and your skirt
and your underthings,
Mrs Harrison.
And sit back in the seat.
Right back.
I must ask, when you leave, to put
a handkerchief over your mouth,
give the impression you
were here for dental work?
The war has made everyone
so suspicious these days.
Legs apart.
Try not to tense up.
So, then... Deep breathes.
Here you are, sir, the Devon Hotel.
Cheers, thanks.
Let's get you inside.
Bloody shyster, trying to
spring an extra two quid on me
at the eleventh hour!
God, Viv, you're freezing cold!
Another gauze thing.
Something's happening, Reggie!
Oh, Jesus!
Get a towel!
It won't stop!
I can't stop it!
He'd said there'd be bleeding.
Not like this!
We have to call someone.
A doctor or...
No, no. He'll know
it's an abortion!
He'll call the police.
We'll end up in the bloody clink!
Please, Reggie, get help!
Before the sirens start. Get help!
Yeah, eh, ambulance, yes.
It's, eh, Devon Hotel,
Weston Street, room 21.
For my wife.
Yeah, yeah, hurry please!
Can you tell us
your name, love?
Pearce. Vivian.
How long have you been
bleeding this way?
Where's Reggie?
Is he your husband?
No... Yes, my husband yes!
How far along was the baby, Vivian?
You must lie still. Where is he?
Why isn't he here? Reggie?
At the hospital, if they
send for the police,
don't tell them my real name!
Tell them I'm Mrs Harrison.
Why would they send for the police?
Getting rid of a baby.
They'll know it's an abortion.
The ring. Oh, it's gone!
We have to find the ring! They'll
know I'm not married without it!
You must stay calm, Vivian!
Vivian? We're at the hospital.
Listen to me!
I've made a tear in your coat,
put your ration book in it.
They won't find it there.
You're Mrs Harrison,
like you said.
I have no ring!
Let me do the talking.
Leave it to me, OK?
What have we got tonight?
A Mrs Harrison. A miscarriage,
with complications.
She's had a fall,
lost a lot of blood.
Is it Kay?
I'm taking you at your word...
if I needed company.
I prefer to be out in the
open when there's a raid.
I can't breathe in
that bloody shelter.
I'm the same.
Which way? You choose.
You got a death wish?
Wear something white!
Keep yourself visible!
Maybe we like being invisible!
It's like they're putting
on a display just for us.
After a raid, the first
thing everyone asks is,
"Did St Paul's make it?
" Have you noticed?
Never mind the scores of families
bombed to oblivion, so long as
the symbol of our
illustrious past survives.
It reminds us what we're
fighting for, doesn't it?
We like to think love and
altruism define human nature,
but savagery and hatred
are part of it, too.
In a war, that part of us wins.
Sometimes it can give you
courage you never knew you had.
Come on!
I've got something to show you.
Christopher Wren built this,
too, after the Great Fire.
His daughter Jane helped
him design the tower.
I remember the
night Kay met you.
It's like it's
scored into my brain.
She always wanted a wife.
Someone she could look after,
Someone innocent.
When she came home that night,
told me how she'd met you,
I knew she'd found what
she was looking for.
We were over.
But it was you who
left her for someone?
She said what you had was...
Is that what she calls it?
She still wears the snake
ring you gave her every day.
It's just a piece
of jewellery to her.
Of no more significance
than I was.
Are you frightened yet?
Not of the bombs.
Now I am!
Tell me this isn't about punishing
Kay for what she did to you?
It's real?
Now we're invisible again.
Unlock this bloody door!
In God's name, have pity!
Me and my pacifism!
When it comes to it, I'm
just a bloody coward,
like anyone else! Oh, God...
Oh, shit!
Talk to me.
And keep talking!
Tell me about the boy,
about what happened.
His name was Alec.
He lived across
the road from me.
They catch you at it, did they?
The police? Was that it?
No, that's not how it was.
We just got word.
Rathbone Place has been hit.
Section 58 are on their way.
They'll keep us posted.
Helen will be in the shelter.
She never uses the damn shelter!
Give me the keys!
Section 58 will report back.
I have to go to her!
Give them to me.
There's nothing you can do, Kay!
Stop, Kay! For God's sake!
It's Section 58's. They'll deal
with it. You know the bloody drill!
It's not our call!
You want to be thrown off the
service? She worth that much?
Help us! We need help!
Somebody, please! Help us!
I thought you were gone.
I thought I'd lost you!
You're not rostered
for tonight.
They changed the rota.
I was born at night,
Kay, but not last night.
You volunteered
again, didn't you?
You just can't keep away
from that damn place!
I don't begrudge you your writing,
do I? Why do you this for me?
I'm just afraid one night you won't
come back. I always do, don't I?
I'm indestructible.
Don't you know that yet?
Check the black-out
before you turn in.
Can I tempt you, love?
I'm watching my figure.
You're not the only one.
Is the guard about?
The ticket inspector?
Tickets, please.
Miss? Miss, he's coming, the guard!
I've lost my ticket, you see.
Let me in, just
till he's gone by.
I go to the front next week.
I've only 24 hours leave.
I've already lost five of them
waiting for the bloody train!
If he throws me
off, I've had it!
Tickets, please!
One minute.
You are heaven sent,
you know that?
Glad I could help.
One more minute, eh?
Make sure the coast is clear?
Try anything,
I'll scream blue murder.
You spending your
leave in London?
My wife just had a baby.
Boy or girl?
Girl. We already had a boy.
You might say
we've the set now.
Does it scare you,
going to the front next week?
Maybe if I stop and
think about it.
The home front's
no picnic, either.
Every time I go back,
I dread it more.
It'll end up like always.
Minutes after stepping
through the door, my wife
and I will be arguing again.
Good luck - at the
front, I mean.
The memory of this will
keep me going there.
That once, I got a break.
I got to spend a few precious
minutes with the most
gorgeous girl who
ever drew breath.
I can die a happy man.
Maybe one more cigarette?
Alec, is that you?
My papers came.
This is it Duncan!
I'm to report to some
training place in Salisbury.
Mine aren't through.
They'll come soon enough. When I
told my father I wasn't going,
I thought he'd tear
my bloody head off!
I said to him,
"They're bloody quick
enough to send you
to war, they don't
"tell you about the gas Hitler
uses to fry your brains, do they?"
I wrote the letter,
like we planned.
"To whom it may concern..."
I was going to put
"To Mr Churchill",
but this way, it's to Hitler
and Mussolini, too, see?
"We, the undersigned, do not
undertake this deed lightly.
"We are two young people who
choose to die to save others.
"We would rather
take our own lives
"than collude in the waste of war.
" They'll have to take notice
of a gesture like
that, won't they?
We might even end the war!
We've not planned how yet.
What are the options?
I know, rat poison!
Shh, shh, shh! Shh.
There's only bleach.
The pain would kill us!
Look at this, Duncan!
This is just the bloody job!
We'll do it at dawn.
First bird song we hear,
that's the cue, ok?
I'll go first.
Directly I've done it, you
take the razor, do it, too.
We must make a good job of it.
Helping someone top themselves,
they'll throw away the key.
Bugger this waiting lark.
Let's get on with it!
You're the best,
you are, Duncan!
You're up, girls.
Guest house in Jocelyn Street.
Six people trapped inside.
I didn't do it.
I couldn't do it.
Duncan James Pearce, I am
arresting you on suspicion
of inciting and assisting in
the suicide of Alec Jennings.
Anything? No.
Over here!
We need help lifting her.
Can you move your legs?
Move your toes for me?
Are you a doctor?
Just a dab hand at first aid.
I went out with a doctor once.
Well, nearly, he was
a medical student.
It didn't work out.
Why is it we can never
love the people we ought?
Don't worry.
I won't let anything happen to you.
Be brave a bit longer.
You're the one that's
brave, doing this job.
It's easier being out in thick of
it than cowering in some shelter.
And at night, when
there's a raid on,
when no-one's about and
the streets are empty,
it's like the whole
city belongs to you.
You're protecting it.
Over here!
I'll be where you can see me.
You do realise, now you've saved
her, she's yours for life.
'Someone once said
a happy ending
'depends on where you
decide to stop your story.
'Then again,
'it could be when you realise
your story is not yet over,
'that you are only at the end
'of the beginning.'