The Octagon (1980) Movie Script

Does anyone know?
How can they?
We're at the beginning.
No, not at the beginning.
There's no perspective.
Why did you do it.
Hold it right here.
I'm not getting any
closer to that place.
- Hey, where the hell are we?
- Relax, fella.
Everybody out, end of the line.
Hey, listen, buddy. What
are you trying to pull?
My people paid for the
full ticket for this trip.
Start walking.
Two kilometers, down the road.
Go on, move it.
Thank you so much.
That's the kind of girl I'd like to settle
down with. Pretty, but not too pretty.
I'm so glad you came.
Good body, nice smile.
Good in bed. You can
tell that by the way she moves.
- Maybe you should ask her out.
- I owe it to myself.
It's time for me to get
something meaningful going.
I'm tired of dating these space cadets.
What did you call me?
You're right about the smile.
I'll let you know about the rest later.
A.J., you better apologize to me.
What for?
I said that for your benefit.
I knew you were standing there.
You really expect me to believe that?
I enjoyed your performance very much.
Thank you.
He was shot down right in the street.
It was definitely a
terrorist gang that did it.
There's no doubt about it.
When did that happen?
Oh, sometime this morning.
Did the police catch any of them?
Someone got taken into custody,
but they didn't give his name.
He wasn't an American, was he?
Oh, I don't know.
That is... I don't know why
I asked such an odd question.
People tell me I'm psychic.
Sure am looking
forward to Mexican food.
Uh, table for two.
- Your name, sir?
- Scott James.
Kill the family.
I can't figure out whether tequila
is the only thing I can drink...
or it's the salt that keeps
me from throwing up.
Just as long as it keeps me out of
the bathroom with porcelain worship.
You're not obligated to tell
me what's bothering you...
but you're not obligated to sit here
and pretend nothing's wrong either.
Thank you.
I'm glad you asked me out.
So am I.
That's a complete lie.
But who knows?
Maybe if I quit acting so dingy,
it'll turn out to be the truth.
I liked the way you incorporated the
martial arts into your dance tonight.
How'd you get involved?
In martial arts?
I'm not.
My brother studied for years.
It was something I grew up with.
What, does he compete?
I imagine he could if he wanted to.
He studied overseas for a while, but...
I'm sure that doesn't
impress someone like you.
It did me.
I guess it still does or
I wouldn't have mentioned it.
You know what interests me?
Why you monitor yourself so heavily.
Having to live with my parents
till I get a job doesn't help.
Plus, it's hell being a dancer
trying to get a job in L.A.
Come on in.
There's someone here, I feel that.
Not again.
I just changed that bulb last Tuesday.
Stay down!
Don't get up!
Help! Somebody!
Oh, my God!
It has to be.
But they don't exist anymore.
Operator, give me the police.
They can not exist!
Nobody knows them except me...
and Seikura.
Come forward.
Bastards, what the hell
are you trying to do to me?
Your first teaching...
expect the unexpected,
and trust no one.
In coming here for training,
you have made a commitment
beyond your individual causes.
You bastards!
Whether they be political, religious...
or purely mercenary.
Son of a bitch!
You are now bound by certain codes.
You prefer death to capture.
And nothing can persuade you to reveal
the technique of your training...
or the location for this place.
If you do so, your family...
sons, daughters,
wives, brothers, sisters,
will be killed without regard.
Son of a bitch!
Idiot! You're gonna pay for this.
You know, I've been thinking
about what happened last night.
It really burns my ass.
Wasted energy, pal.
Look, you got your reasons
for not wanting to fight anymore,
that's your business. But don't
get sanctimonious about it.
Sorry. That was a cheap shot.
Just that these terrorists.
I just don't go for it.
They weren't terrorists.
They were ninja.
What do you mean
they weren't terrorists?
You know that guy they caught
in Paris yesterday is Nancy's brother.
- Where did you hear that?
- It's in the newspaper.
Listen, you wanna grab breakfast
here, or that coffee shop by the gym?
I don't think I'm gonna workout
this morning. I'm gonna go for a drive.
Hey, Scott. You saw
worse in the war, a lot worse.
I think you're just letting this
thing get out of proportion.
You only knew the
girl for a few hours.
It's not just the girl.
I know the answer.
Only you can train ninja.
Seikura, you're my brother!
Fine. Fine. Come on, come on.
That's it. Don't get
mad. Don't get mad.
If you're involved, McCarn will know.
He's anti-terrorist.
I gotta take that down.
Beats me what kind of an S.O.B.
can kill a fine animal like that.
This bastard, though...
I'm a merciful man.
If my first shot's not clean,
I'll grant almost any man a second bullet,
except this bastard.
Him, I'll let suffer.
Bother you, me talking like that?
Why should it?
I've heard it all before.
Yeah, that's what puzzles me.
You hear it, but you don't act on it.
As much as you condemn me...
for living to kill...
it's people like you who are paving
the way for others to have to kill to live.
I ran into some ninja last night.
I thought maybe you might know how
they came about being in the country.
Hold on. I've got a pretty
good sense of history.
If you saw ninjas,
you're seeing ghosts.
My interest is personal, not business.
That's the mistake right there.
You, uh...
you see these ninja often,
or just when it's a full moon?
If you hear anything, I would
appreciate it if you'd let me in on it.
By the way, Randy's working for me now.
I don't believe it.
Well, why not?
A man only needs one
good eye to shoot a weapon.
That's not what I meant.
I know.
You're too happy blaming yourself,
thinking he'd sour on life.
Hell, he's so happy being out of that
martial arts competition
horseshit, it isn't even funny.
Besides, the way he sees it,
his getting hurt...
was the Lord's will.
And looking at it that way,
you blaming yourself
only amounts to you
butting in and taking credit.
You've always been good
at convenient attitudes.
I'm not.
And you're always a gloomy S.O.B.
And I'm not.
Hey, man, you finish
working out already?
Yeah, I got something to do.
I might be back later.
Say that...
that friend of yours that
was observing yesterday...
- was that Scott James?
- Yeah.
Man, he could put
everybody here to shame.
Me included.
No, he doesn't compete anymore.
You mean after all this time?
Hell, man, I saw that fight.
That guy getting hurt is no
reason for him not to compete.
Yeah, you tell him that.
I already tried. I'll see you later.
Good Lord.
Be a hell of a lot better if
they was using real people.
They will.
- Hello.
- Hi.
I have a bit of a problem.
Can you help me?
I can try.
That's not a very definite answer.
Well, you haven't told me
what the problem is.
Well, it's... it's rather idiotic.
Tolerance is my middle name.
Good. It's in the back.
It seems that my right rear wheel
is trying to get to heaven, and...
I'm trying to get to get to L.A.
Oh, boy.
How did you manage to do that?
Uh, courage, planning.
Actually, I got on the wrong road,
and I was trying to turn around
and my accelerator jammed.
Well, maybe I can angle in
behind you and give you a push.
Provided our bumpers match.
Oh, that would be lovely.
Incidentally, wouldn't it be a lot safer
if you drove my car and I drove yours?
Not for you, maybe.
Well, you're a stranger. I'd be a bloody
fool to think of you before myself.
Keys are in it.
Aren't you giving in too easily?
Just trying to fall all over myself
to please a beautiful woman.
That's rubbish.
Glad you recognized it.
Keys are in it..
Listen, I am really pressed for
time. Let me just say thank you.
And I hope I never
have to return the favor.
if you're ever in my
neighborhood, please...
4120 Ashton.
Stop by for a drink. I'd like that.
- Fair enough.
- Good.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
It's okay.
What're you doing here?
You ended up with my keys.
Oh, I'm mortified.
No need. No harm done.
Why don't you dismiss the taxi
and I'll drive you back to your car?
Aren't you jumping the gun?
I don't understand.
How do you know I'm
right about the keys?
I don't.
Could you bring me my purse, please?
You take Bertha.
Come on, baby.
Would you like to come in?
No, thanks.
Would you come inside if
I said I took your keys deliberately?
I wish I had.
Thank you.
Let's see.
Please, let me take you back.
It's only proper.
One condition.
You don't drive. I do.
Your name is Johann, right?
- No.
- That girl in Nancy Bell's dance troupe
said it was. Said you used
to work with her brother.
What do you want?
- To talk to you about an assignment.
- Well, I have a job.
Yeah, I know. I said an assignment.
Hey, hey, hey. Goodbye.
Hey, come on.
You oughta be more
careful who you talk to.
It's easy to get mixed
up in some bad company.
You don't look so
whistle clean yourself.
Add a couple of knife wounds
and booze and dump in that
fleabag hotel over on Canal Street.
While I enlighten this young man
as to the complete
uselessness of calling the police,
my long friendship
with his buddy, Scott...
and in general...
some intelligent information.
Why haven't you asked me to out?
Maybe I know you expect it.
So why don't you ask me
something I don't expect?
Who owns the car?
I do.
That's not what the registration says.
What were you doing on
the road to McCarn's place?
Mc who?
Get down.
No, no. Don't stop.
I want to know who they are.
I know who they are.
You said they know who they are.
My father owned
a number of publishing...
concerns in Europe.
about six months ago,
he was killed by a terrorist.
And as the heiress to his empire, I...
I began receiving threatening
letters demanding I change...
editorial policies...
or else I'd be next.
I refused, of course.
I was advised that
I should leave Europe, and...
and live here for a while.
Why didn't you hire
a bodyguard or something?
I did. Two.
They were driving the limousine.
I suppose I shouldn't complain.
Most people have
precious little to live for.
Certainly nothing to die for.
I'm sorry. I'm being morbid, and...
I'm also sorry that you've
been dragged into all of this.
How about having dinner
with me tonight?
Does this mean that I've
suddenly become the object for pity?
Thank you.
If this were a hostile environment...
you and you and you would be alive.
And you would be wounded
or in jeopardy...
and you would be dead.
Only the body is asleep.
The mind never sleeps.
I know I heard somebody.
McCarn's men.
McCarn and Justine.
It's not like him to cover up.
Why won't he tell me?
A field rat.
So what?
I killed a second before
you even saw him.
Go back to sleep.
- This guy nailed a field rat...
- You didn't even see him.
No, not yet. Thank you.
Sorry I'm late.
Oh, that's all right. I never
cared about time per se.
Just timing.
Would you like a drink?
Got scotch, vodka... wine?
It doesn't matter.
Well, I'd say scotch is a
little too every day, and...
vodka is not quite cozy enough.
What's your involvement with McCarn?
And don't say "Mack who?"
The two bodyguards that
I hired are McCarn's men.
So the guys who
chased us is after them.
My guess is that you hired them, too.
The truth before even a single drink?
I don't drink.
Well, you have a personality,
I have to manufacture one.
- Come on, that doesn't wash.
- I know.
I have the most confident
looking cheekbones.
Well, originally,
I planned to hire you,
and McCarn assured
me that, that was...
Hire me for what?
To find a man named Seikura.
To kill him.
Because he trains terrorists
in the ninja techniques.
The silent style of killing.
Actually, there are three men.
Madani in the Syrian desert,
and Kromus in Greece.
However, Madani and
Kromus were recently retired
due to the fact that they were killed.
Yes, I had something to do with that.
In one case, I supplied the
money and in the others, I...
supplied the information.
And what was the plan in my case?
Well, I had hoped...
to entice you into taking a
personal interest in things.
That's an insult to both of us.
That makes me stupid...
and you a whore.
Well, perhaps...
that's why, in a way,
I'm glad it didn't work.
I'm glad you're glad.
And goodbye.
Well, don't forget your integrity.
Without it, you come very
close to being a rock heart.
Oh, stop it.
It can't be true.
Justine is lying again.
Not you, Seikura.
Not you.
Hey, honey.
Where's the peanuts?
I told you, sir, they're at
the other end of the bar.
Story of my life.
The nuts are always at
the other end of the bar.
What do you mean
Nancy Bell was an operative?
That dance troupe
did a lot of traveling,
and she took advantage to courier money
for a terrorist group that her
and her brother were working for.
She was just tapering off when
her brother was scooped in Paris
and spouted everything to the cops.
Where did you hear all this?
I did a little scouting around.
Ran into a guy, says he knows you.
Anti-terrorist named McCarn?
The thing I find hard to believe is
Nancy figuring she could
walk away from a terrorist group
like it was a volleyball team.
- I mean, hell, I know a volleyball team...
- Wait.
Back up. McCarn? How
did you get to McCarn?
We were after the same guy.
A German terrorist named Johann.
Anyway, McCarn killed
him before I could talk to him.
Then McCarn and I
started to have a few words.
A.J., what is going on with you?
What happened last night hit just a little
too close to home for my taste.
That's fine.
But it's not up to me or you...
Well, who's it up to?
The cops? The government?
They can't do jack shit.
These gangs are trans-national.
Other countries won't
even honor extradition.
I told you they were ninja.
- Ninja?
- Yeah.
Talk about world class killers.
Hey, wait a minute. They've
been outlawed for over 300 years.
That doesn't mean they
have completely vanished.
Come on, Scott. I mean, we
have to train hard, but ninja?
Those guys used to have
pull a bow for three years
before they let them use an arrow.
That kind of dedication
just doesn't exist anymore.
Okay, have it your own way. All right?
What are you trying to do, put me off?
It's better than talking
when you should be listening.
Well, at least I'm not sitting on
my tail like some people I know.
What is going on?
- This isn't like you to get...
- It is like me.
I'm just getting tired
of holding it inside.
Well, what do you plan on accomplishing
by getting involved in all this?
I don't know. Maybe nothing.
At least I don't have to worry
about if I'm a chicken shit.
A.J., you awful thing.
You better apologize to me.
You know, I've been waiting
out in that lobby for like...
Yeah, yeah. Just a minute.
Remember you told me
the old guy that adopted you
said you could never go back?
What are you leading up to?
It's been sitting in the back
of my brain for a long time,
but maybe he's a part of the Yakuza.
Now I'm thinking maybe even ninja.
There's no dark side
to my father's nature, A.J.
Okay, Scott, have it your own way.
Right. Come on, honey.
They're misdirecting me.
A.J. is right.
I have to start helping myself.
Yeah, I'd like an assignment.
Who's taking the orders?
More new recruits are
scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
If we do not graduate these,
there will be no facilities.
This is a kill.
This is a kill.
That cripples.
This kills.
This is a disgrace.
The world is full of failures.
Do not intend to add to their numbers.
What did you say?
Say it in English.
I said...
you can take this place and stick it!
Now circle to the left
Go round the horn
Now circle to the left
And here we go
Walking on heel
Walking on toes
Now right foot's back
Go other way round
Pick your foot up
Put your left foot down
Get back home
And everybody swing
Are you Beedy?
Oh, no, those people are
all over on the other side.
I'm sorry.
Oh, that's okay.
Well, here we go again.
Walk all around
Your left hand lady
Seesaw around
Your pretty little doll
You Beedy?
Mr. Beedy.
I'm here to join up.
Had any experience?
Speak any slope or Arab?
A little Japanese.
He looks like the
constipated type to me.
Give him a chair. Let him sit.
Why do you want to join up?
Heard the money was good.
I need some background on you.
For a ninja...
trickery is his weapon.
Illusion, way of life.
That should do it.
We will be in touch.
I appreciate it.
I still say he looks like
the constipated type.
Why did you have to agitate him so?
I don't like being made a fool of.
His name ain't Steve Colby.
It's Scott James.
Oh, no. Why didn't you tell me?
What is Doggo going to say?
More interestingly...
what's Doggo going to do?
What is with that Scott?
I keep calling him and
he never calls me back.
Listen, Sharkey, I'm not
his keeper, you know.
Hey, everybody
knows he listens to you.
I'm proud of you, A.J.
I came to the expo to see you win.
Now you resent me.
You resented me too, Seikura.
If we were brothers,
why wasn't my victory yours?
- Seikura!
- It's mine!
He cheated.
Ask your brother's forgiveness.
I ask nothing.
Prove to me you deserve it.
- Coward.
- Seikura!
You have broken the discipline
and brought dishonor to us all.
From this day forward, you name
will not be spoken in my presence,
nor in my home.
I reject you
and the memory of you totally.
See to it...
that you never seek him out.
Never make amends.
He is no longer your brother.
He's your life-long enemy.
Father, I don't understand.
If winning overshadows all...
why wasn't one of us taught to lose?
Can you offer a lady a kind word?
I said, can you offer
a lady a kind word?
- Have a seat.
- Thank you.
If it's any consolation,
you're not the only one who
suffers from moral dilemmas.
It's not any consolation.
I don't confess often.
I'd like to finish.
I knew
the kind of pain that I'd be causing
you when I told you about Seikura.
And there's a part of me that is...
a bit ashamed of that.
I'd like to believe you.
- But?
- I don't.
Well, I'll try another tact.
If Seikura were a good man...
and he was killed...
as my father was...
wouldn't you want to avenge his death?
I might.
But I don't believe in
sitting in judgment of others.
Well, to sit in judgment,
one has to care.
To care, one has to allow
oneself to be close to people.
And I think Seikura
ruined that for you.
Who ruined it for you?
I have been very much a spoiled brat.
And until recently, I didn't
know that I could care.
But now that I know that...
I want to change.
Good luck.
I feel encouraged.
I think I'm looking
in the right direction.
I don't.
I doubt it.
Of course you do.
I am stuck playing this...
game with you.
Damn it, help me stop it.
And I thought you'd
be off soul searching.
Justine, this is A.J.
- My pleasure.
- How do you do?
If you two are in the
middle of something...
Oh, no, it's okay.
There must be some
reason you've been hiding her.
Are you hiding me?
Game's open to all players.
Deal me in.
Well, champagne might
be a nice opening bet.
Well, you really are off
your stride these days.
I think I'm gonna call it a night.
- I wanna talk to you later. Okay?
- Yeah.
You live here or just visiting?
- Just visiting.
- Good.
One reminder.
For the rest of your lives,
your actions
and your affiliations
will be known to us.
Any violation of the code...
is punishable by death.
- Who is it?
- A.J.
You said you want to talk to me?
Yeah. What did Justine have to say?
Nothing in particular.
We had a few laughs
and a lot of champagne.
I'll tell you one thing.
That is one lady who's got it all.
You better look
a little bit deeper because
she's not out for anyone but herself.
Well, you name anybody
with half a brain who ain't.
There's a difference
between that and using people.
Why you gotta figure she's using me?
How come you can't figure
maybe she just likes me.
Hey, you're taking
things the wrong way.
all the time we've know each other,
I've never once felt
bad about losing to you.
But that doesn't make me second best.
You're drunk.
I told you that when I came in.
you know, you're not in town very often.
Why don't you give Sharkey a call?
I have nothing to talk
to Sharkey about.
Doggo is not the answer.
But if I go part way to them...
they'll have to move towards me.
Look, Doggo...
Why won't you let me
return to my group?
I thought Seikura was
supposed to send you back here
just brimming with discipline.
If you're trying to change my mind and
turn me into one of your mercenaries...
First demonstrate that you have a mind.
There's some new men here.
Come on. I gotta look 'em over.
So move it.
All right. Over at the benches.
Come on, sit down.
All right, listen up.
We got employment
opportunities in South Africa...
the Mideast...
There might be something
coming up in Central America.
When your name is
called, stand over there.
Nice and obedient.
And state your job preference.
Steve Colby.
Front and center.
Steve Colby, that's your real name?
Does it matter?
Are you wanted for any crimes?
Behind on any
alimony payments, Mr. Colby?
Then, what the hell
are you doing here?
Well, I'm pretty good
on the world market.
I figured some specialized
training could boost my price.
What kind of specialized training?
I heard you got connections
with a guy named Seikura who...
trains ninja style.
And I'd like to learn.
Well, I might, too, if I knew
what the hell a ninja was.
Any of you boys know what a ninja is?
Ain't it that new type of Jap camera?
I'm sorry.
I'm afraid you've made a trip
all the way out here for nothing.
That's too bad.
Not necessarily.
Perhaps you can give us a little show.
Let us see what you're
supposed to be so good at.
Some other time.
You go when he tells you.
Know what I mean?
Oh, shit. Shit!
You son of a bitch,
I'm gonna kick your ass!
You wanna try again?
All right, all right.
You showed us your stuff.
No need to run it into the ground.
I can go now?
Yeah, go and stay gone!
Take over.
Doggo. Scott James was just
here, which is no great surprise.
But who gave him Seikura's name?
And who warned you
that was going to happen?
I say she's more than a
nuisance and we kill her.
You want the final say?
You got the final say.
Now why didn't you like "Hamlet"?
Dummy couldn't make up his mind.
All he did was go faster
and faster on smaller wheels.
Well, that is certainly an
interesting interpretation.
- Hey, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
Nothing, just...
Just give me a minute
to compose myself.
- Come on, just tell me what's...
- No, don't! Please!
If you don't tell me
what's wrong, I can't help.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm just so tired
living in fear, just...
wondering when they're gonna...
When who's gonna do what?
Just hold me. Hold me.
When are you gonna get tired of snooping
around and starting making some serious moves?
When I see a clear direction.
Clear, my foot.
You're just setting it up
so you can back into things.
And you're not to blame when
you have to fight your way out.
That wit or wisdom?
How long has it been since you've been
playing with those research groups?
Well, the kind of research
I do is not exactly "play."
Three years.
I told you then, "You
wouldn't last and you wont."
Then why am I leaving
tomorrow for Seattle?
Better question, why did you
stay over here to see the expo?
And why are you working out everyday?
We'll have to get together
for a drink on my next trip.
You don't want to leave
town until you see Tibor.
Who's Tibor?
He's a fundraiser for
the terrorist groups.
You don't think those idiots have got
enough brains to support themselves, do you?
You see, Doggo is no more than
a glorified employment agency.
He doesn't give a damn.
Terrorist, mercenary.
He doesn't care who or what
he channels through his place.
Tibor, though...
Tibor is getting to the
underbelly of terrorism.
Thanks, but the whole subject's
wearing kinda thin to me.
And to any rational person.
Until the next group of innocent
people come along and get skyjacked,
or held hostage, or shot.
I love the way you just
naturally downplay things.
I care.
I don't see any bloody potatoes.
Get out of here, Olive Oil!
Don't tell me.
You're interested in an all-weather
coat with a fur lining. Right?
What do you mean?
You're not interested
in a fur lined coat?
Yeah, make me a turn. Make me a turn.
Fully let out, no dye.
All female skins.
Believe me.
Then, what do you want?
Can we talk privately?
Take her to try on the first coat.
Yeah. Come.
Well, what can I do for you?
I need some information
about a man named Seikura.
Seikura? I deal in furs,
not transistor radios.
Seikura trains men.
And Doggo supplies him with the men.
And you supply them
both with the money.
Yes, it's true. I once
dealt with these men.
You see, I had a younger brother.
Fine young athlete.
He was killed in the
Olympics in Munich.
I grieved.
I wanted justice.
But you know something?
Justice is for young men.
Besides, terrorists are crazy.
Mercenaries I understand.
But terrorists?
Where does Seikura
have his training camp?
Ask Doggo.
My business is big corporations.
Big corporations don't concern
themselves with such details.
Only "how much is it going to cost?"
My friend.
Before you go out there to
save the world, I can tell you...
the world, it doesn't
want to be saved.
Only to be left alone.
Your world maybe.
Not mine.
Are you sure you
haven't seen A.J. today?
You're making me crazy, you know that?
I mean, you got a God-given
talent and you're wasting it.
When I think of the
money you can make...
I'm not interested in money.
Okay, so give it away. Donate
it to a charity. Get rid of it.
Look, Sharkey. I'm not
interested in fighting anymore.
I'm here to workout. That's all, okay?
Okay, okay. I give up. I give up.
Listen, I got a bout for you.
You beat this guy...
Could I do it again?
Could I fight you now?
Stop thinking about it.
It doesn't have to come to that.
Control. Discipline.
Why do you choose
that weapon to master?
Are you afraid of it?
What are you doing in here?
Doggo asked me to get a file for him.
You know no one's
allowed to be in here alone.
I'm beginning to worry
about your attitude.
What am I supposed to do?
Feel loyalty to Doggo?
All this place is
is an incubator for killers.
Hey. You ought to be grateful
you have a safe place to stay
until your group can reform.
Doggo just ordered me
to take a job in Egypt.
Do you know what's in Egypt?
A mouthful of dollars for him and
the privilege of getting killed for me.
Come on, give me a break.
Give it to me.
You wouldn't even know each other...
if it weren't for me.
I feel responsible.
I'm the bridge.
It's not too late.
I can still change things.
I need your help.
I like the way you say please.
This is only because
I'm afraid of you.
This is ridiculous.
If you wanted to take this away
from me, I couldn't stop you.
Besides what?
The crux of things,
how I got into this.
I'm the type of person
who can't see in advance.
Is that why I saw you
at Doggo's compound?
May I sit down? This is
gonna take a while to explain.
The girl defected.
That's five people this year, Doggo.
Is the answer what I think?
Are you less than inspirational?
What the hell are you talking about?
Well, consider this.
The recruits are fine when
they come back from Seikura's.
- They're at your place for a short time...
- Seikura's a fanatic!
I'm a businessman.
Now depending on how much
you're enjoying this conversation...
I'd just like to slide
free and go get the girl.
Too late, my friend.
Seikura's enforcement
troops are already at work on it.
Well, that's proof of
the pudding, isn't it?
He's a fanatic.
Well, now, that may be...
but this is for certain.
Because of this little incident,
Seikura has placed us on notice.
He won't be accepting any
more of our recruits for training.
Well, then, I guess it's
time for a blood bath, isn't it?
You're not capable.
Everybody. My parents, everyone.
They weren't living.
They were existing.
All sorts of horrible things could happen
in the world and nothing affected them.
I wanted something to care
about, something to live for.
That's how I got mixed up with Doggo,
and ended up ultimately
training with Seikura.
I can't help you.
You're gonna have to face
your own responsibilities.
I don't know why I came to you.
You're no better than they are.
Scott, open the door!
I'm sorry, I wouldn't have come, I...
I need your help.
Have you seen A.J.?
- No, why?
- Because...
Who is she?
Never mind.
I have something to tell
you I don't think you'll like.
Well, I'm waiting.
I can't find A.J. He's
supposed to meet me and...
- I think he's left to find Seikura.
- What?
- Damn it, don't accuse me.
- I haven't had time.
I am not to blame.
Well, I am and I'm... I'm not.
I inadvertently fueled a fire.
But I didn't start it.
The whys and wherefores don't matter.
You wanted a man for this mission
and now you've got one.
I wanted you, because
you could succeed.
Help me find him.
Why the sudden turnaround?
What is the use of
talking to you? I'll find him.
You won't do it. I'll find him.
Can you tell me how to
get to Seikura's camp?
I can't tell you how
to get there, but...
- Why not? You trained there.
- I know that I trained there.
It's just that it's... It's a little
bit more complicated than that.
A.J., thank God! I thought you left.
In the process.
- Put this in Scott James' box.
- Sure.
- Don't. Don't.
- Why not?
You know, it feels good having a cause.
Oh, how well I know that
makes you feel terribly important.
I feel important on my own.
No, you don't. You feel that Scott
is the better man. That's stupid!
You can't compare apples and oranges.
If it was Scott leaving,
would you try and stop him?
That's not the point, A.J.
Damn it, A.J. It's comparing
apples and oranges. It can't be done!
Down there!
Why am I so cold?
Hold it.
Doggo. Damn.
One of these days,
I'm gonna have to kill that...
Let's get out of here.
Whoever it was, he's long gone.
Call Scott James' room. Tell
him to get his ass down here.
Check the destination of that cab.
You know, there are cops
all over the place down there.
Wait here.
One thing I like about the
Oriental way of thinking,
it's a double-edged sword.
Example, to take
no action is an action.
Don't you ever get
tired of prodding me?
Yeah, I hate the hell out of it,
but I know my limitations.
Seikura's beyond me now.
- Where are you going?
- After A.J.
Too late. Cab dropped him
off at the airport a half hour ago.
There's more than one plane flying.
Not tonight. Not where he's going.
And besides, you'll need visas.
Assuming, of course, that
A.J. manages to get to Seikura.
Where's Seikura's operation?
Some say Venezuela.
Some say in Brazil.
I personally think it's some
place in Central America.
- I'll see that you got bodyguards.
- I don't want them.
You got them anyway.
Can you get me to Seikura?
I can't tell you how to get
there, but I'll get you there.
The sofa's yours. We'll
leave in the morning.
You know, Seikura's
what I'm running away from.
Me too.
What the hell?
Hey, we've had a complaint
about the noise. What's going on?
I'm sorry about the noise.
We're newlyweds and I...
- guess we got a little carried away.
- All right.
Well, let's keep it down
to a roar, huh?
Okay, you bet.
I told you to wait until
they hit the ground.
Now get some of the boys
and clean this place up.
All this and you still
don't want Seikura's hide.
- All you wanna do is stop A.J.?
- That's right.
Your business, I guess.
Always was.
Damn, I sure feel better
after killing that son of a bitch.
Good enough of take a vacation.
Hawaii maybe.
Sounds like a good
place to be in the morning.
Let's go.
Wait a minute. Where
are we going first?
Well, I may need to get some things.
Forget it. I'll loan you my shampoo.
He's coming.
- Senor.
- Here.
- Senor, here?
- Yeah.
What country in Central America?
I don't know. I forget.
Hey, senor.
Come on. Which country
in Central America?
- Just go away!
- Hey, come on.
Which one?
- Huh?
- Money.
Yeah, plenty.
We talk.
All right.
All right, you'll get
there. Don't worry.
How long will it take?
Couple of hours.
Yes sir. What can I do for you?
When are you gonna stop
treating me like a leper?
Sorry. It's not intended.
Well, I know I'm not the
most righteous person going.
But, you know, I never killed anyone.
Never even hurt anyone.
Except Jimmy Suttles...
who deliberately set my hog on fire.
You had a hog, huh?
I didn't have a hog. I had the hog.
He won all sorts of prizes.
How much farther?
I told you, 60, maybe 70 miles.
No matter what you think of me...
I think that you had a
leg up on life, and I didn't.
How do you mean?
No matter how Seikura turned out...
you had a brother and
a father to look up to.
Stuff like that was important.
I mean, if people knew it
all when they were born...
there'd be no reason
to have to grow up.
Go to sleep.
It'd be a lot easier if
I could come closer.
If I'm not back by tomorrow,
you know how to contact McCarn.
I don't feel right
about staying behind.
Look, I'm the kind of person...
I have this rule about
owning up to what I do.
Good or bad, I was one of them.
I was out there, marching in
this parade that went off course,
and I don't feel right
about excusing myself.
Then make up for it.
But not here. And not now.
You're here.
I'm sorry.
If I could take your place...
can I do it?
Can I kill my brother?
Why, Seikura?
Why has it come to this?
Hey, Bob, you drunk again?
Don't kill him!
Welcome home.
Oh, my God, Scott.
Damn it!
This is my fight!
I chose it!
You know the path.
Let him go.
Your friend is waiting.
Look out!
Burn, you son of a bitch!
Bleeding Nazi cowards!
What are you two
doing just standing there?
Hey, we get paid for fighting.
Ever think that's why you're
just low-rent mercenaries?
Let's do it.
Let's go.
Get in the camp, open
the valve on the barrel.
This time, you broke the discipline.
You don't torment me anymore, Seikura.
I'm going to kill you.