The Omega Code (1999) Movie Script
Let her go.
You have what you came for.
Tell your master we've arrived.
He already knows.
I am standing here outside...
the Alexander Satellite
Network studios,
where this teeming,
overflow crowd...
awaits any chance
to get a peek inside.
We have had an overwhelming
response to my next guest.
Crowds have been lining up
outside of this studio since last night...
to see this special interview
of this world renowned speaker.
His new book, " Empower Your
Future by Embracing Our Past,"
explores mankind's unending
quest for meaning and purpose.
Please welcome Dr. Gillen Lane.
Let's go. Let's go.
That was, uh, quite an entrance.
Very different for a Doctor in
World Religion and Mythology...
from Cambridge University.
They didn't know
what to do with me either.
Like I say in my seminars, what
creates an extraordinary life,
is an extraordinary mind-set.
Well, in addition to
your many accomplishments,
you seem to be an authority
on the Bible Code,
which is back in the headlines
after Rabbi Aaron Rostenberg...
was found murdered
in Jerusalem last week.
Rostenberg's loss is tragic.
I was fortunate to meet him
on several occasions.
Explain what this Bible Code is
and how it works.
Crisscrossing the Torah is
a code of words and phrases...
that not only reveals
our past and present,
but foretells our future.
Some even believe it contains
the blueprints of the universe.
See, after removing all
the spaces and punctuation,
hidden words appear by skipping
equal numbers of letters:
For example,
every fourth, 12th, 50th,
like a giant crossword puzzle.
Hitler, the Kennedy
assassinations, all encoded.
Isaac newton spent
the last 10 years of his life...
studying the Bible Code.
Another example,
the computer found...
"Princess" and "Diana" encoded
at the same skip distance.
And around it, "Paris,"
"tunnel," even "Aug"...August.
And "5757"...
1997 in our calendar.
The very month and year
she was killed.
Most amazingly,
in the "Book of Daniel..."
an angel tells him to seal up
the book until the end of days.
But Rostenberg may have found
the key to unlock it.
See, he believed the Bible was
a holographic computer program,
and instead of two dimensions,
it should be studied in three.
If this could be achieved,
the code would actually...
feed us prophecies
of our coming future.
The reason I discuss this
in my book is because...
what we want to believe
as religion...
traces back to myths borne of
our collective consciousness.
Has anyone raised the question
of how people like yourself...
can believe in these
hidden codes within the Bible,
and yet not in the Bible itself.
You mean like...
"Jesus loves me, this I know,
for the Bible tells me so?"
Yes, exactly.
My mother used to sing me
that song,
but you know what?
She died in a tragic car
accident when I was 10...
and I finally realized that
her faith in this loving god,
her truth, was just a myth.
Therefore, myth must be truth.
Well, that has obviously
colored your attitude a bit.
Cassandra, my goal is simply
to create an environment...
to see change in people's lives.
Somebody out there say "change."
- Change!
- That's right.
Change is what we're about.
I've seen too many held back
waiting on some higher power.
Not until we grasp
that we are the higher power,
can we take the next step
in our evolution...
and finally become whole.
Stone Alexander has again
opened his gates...
for his annual celebrity gala
and auction for charity.
And here comes the world famous,
globe trotting Dr. Gillen Lane.
Tell us, are you a buyer
or seller this afternoon?
Oh, I'm just here to drink
some fine champagne.
And support a worthy cause.
Alexander, the beloved media
mogul turned political dynamo,
has recently been named
chairman of the European Union.
He plans to celebrate
his good fortune today...
by auctioning his
Arabian stallions,
with all proceeds going to the
African Children's Relief Fund.
Friends, Romans, countrymen,
lend me your money.
Thank you so much for coming.
My friend Princess
Gabrielle Fuccine of Tuscany...
has requested this opportunity
to say a few words to you.
In the last year,
Chairman Alexander's
corporations have focused on...
new ways to combat our
diminishing resources.
Today, we have the first signs
of a breakthrough:
The development of a cheap,
high nutrient wafer...
that can sustain an active
person for more than a day.
And a revolutionary new form
of ocean desalinization...
that will bring life-giving
water to the driest of deserts.
Salute. Cheers.
In light of
these remarkable advancements,
I am proud to present
Chairman Alexander...
with this year's United Nations
Humanitarian Award.
Mr. Chairman.
Ah, Mr. Mythology,
the motivation guru.
It's all right, Dominic.
So, are you going to help us
raise the roof around here?
I'm sure the bids will be
out of my league.
Oh, come now, Dr. Lane.
What creates
an extraordinary life...
is an extraordinary mind-set.
I believe you've met
Miss Barashe.
I'm a big fan.
Please excuse me.
Change and forward motion
is everything.
I'd like to get together
with you and set up a meeting.
- Who's his friend?
- Oh, you mean Dominic.
He's one of Stone's top aides.
A bit odd, for sure.
I think he used to be a priest.
Well, if I were Stone,
I'd watch my back.
Ah, brilliant.
- Always come prepared.
- Oh, thank you.
- May I?
- That's very kind of you.
What would your wife say?
We're separated,
so probably not too much.
Almost as effective as
your personal power tapes.
Did I do something to offend you
in a former life?
No. Only in this one.
You know, Stone is a good man.
He doesn't deserve to
be exploited.
Hey, I believe in what
he's doing for the world.
I'd like to help people where
it's not about making money.
Brilliant. You know the best
thing about your power tapes?
The money back guarantee.
So much for my run.
Your rack, Gillen.
You OK?
Of course.
Always out to play
the lone wolf.
How's your family?
What's that supposed to mean?
I don't know.
Just a day back from pursuing
the likes of Stone Alexander,
which I told you was a mistake,
and now you're over here.
Hey, you invited me, remember?
You boys ready for
the good stuff?
But you spend all your time out.
Tennis. Golf.
Why are you doing this to me?
Dorothy spoke with Jennifer.
Is that why you had me over?
Why didn't you tell us that
you two were having problems?
She said you're filing
for divorce.
Not everyone can stay married
for 30 years, Jack.
We're trying to help.
What about little Maddie?
What do you want to hear?
That I'm losing the best thing
that ever happened to me,
but I don't know how to fix it?
That's a start.
We're friends, Gillen.
Friends share things
with each other.
Gillen, we've had
our tough times, too.
Being the wife of a senator
hasn't been that easy.
We just promised each other
that we'd stick it out,
that we'd make it work,
no matter what.
No matter what.
What do you know about visions?
You're the mythology expert.
I've been seeing them.
What kind of visions?
I don't know.
Weird ones.
Your collective consciousness
is telling you something.
Great, now you're mocking me.
I wouldn't mock the man who
empowered my last election.
I don't know about visions.
I never had one.
But I know about marriage.
And I know about family.
And I know the worth of a man...
will show in the countenance
of his wife's face.
This, uh, this Dr. Lane.
What do you think of him?
I don't know what to think.
Well, I find him interesting.
A man of vision.
Not enough people
with vision around me.
Because you know in your heart,
you know in your soul.
- Hello, Gillen.
- Daddy!
Where's my birthday girl?
You can't keep spoiling her.
You already sent her birthday...
Where are you, pumpkin?
I need some...
Guess who else came to visit you
on your birthday?
Tickle spiders!
Oh yeah?
Well, my tickle spiders are
bigger Than your tickle spiders.
I reckon if you'd loved me
half as much as her,
we'd have one heck
of a marriage.
Don't tell me it's not true.
Every time you come home
I get a "hi,"
and she gets tickles and kisses.
You want tickles and kisses?
I'm serious, Gillen.
Sometimes I wonder if you take
those speaking engagements...
just so you don't have
to talk to me.
I got to finish the cake.
- Jen...
- No, Gillen, don't.
I took a teaching
position at the university.
I want to be here...
for you and Maddie.
I know it'll take some time,
but I'll make it work.
As we go deeper into our dreams,
we see how interconnected
we all are.
Someone say,
"my life might be..."
"My life might be..."
- "someone else's dream."
- "Someone else's dream."
And mythology is to society what
dreams are to the individual.
Religion will have us believe...
there are demons fighting
and battling over our souls.
But who needs that.
We do well enough on our own.
- Thanks.
- Sign my book, Professor?
Stone Alexander apologizes...
for having too many
guests and too little time.
He would like to invite you
back to his world peace summit.
You'll have to apologies for me.
I won't be able to make it.
I'm sure that'll disappoint him.
- How do I look?
- The studio says you look great.
Thank you, can you come in
on a medium shot?
- OK.
- Tell me when you're framed.
Are you rolling?
We've got to get this.
We're interrupting right now
for a breaking story.
Let's go live to
Cassandra Barashe in Jerusalem.
Behind me are the raging flames
of where the Dome of the Rock,
one of Islam's most
sacred sites, once stood.
Just moments ago the shrine was
rocked by an explosion...
We lost the feed.
Go find out what happened,
we lost the feed.
Where is Benjamin?
He is gone.
You cannot help him now.
We have a message
for you to carry,
but we must leave this place.
Come with us, please.
Into its seventh day,
both Israel and Palestine...
are denying any involvement
in last week's explosions.
E.U. Chairman Alexander has been
holding talks with both sides...
for the last 3 days,
but little progress
has been made.
World markets are
under severe pressure...
for fear fighting will spill
into the rest of the region.
Oil is skyrocketing
as the Saudis threaten...
to stop shipments unless Israel
confesses to the explosions.
Looks like Maddie's out.
Are you going back
to your place tonight?
You could stay here.
We could pretend like
we're newlyweds again.
No kid, staying up late.
- What's this?
- It's nothing.
Stone Alexander?
Why didn't you tell me
about this?
Nothing to tell.
I turned it down.
But now you're reconsidering?
You were moving
back in this weekend.
You know, to tell you the truth,
I'm surprised it lasted
this long.
- It's just a week.
- A week.
I made you and Maddie
a promise.
I'm gonna make it work.
It's just a week.
Both Palestinian and Israeli
casualties continue to mount.
E.U. Chairman Alexander
remains optimistic...
that he can still get both sides
to sit down to talks.
Fighting in the region escalated
to a higher level yesterday...
as tanks from both sides
exchanged fire near Bethlehem.
Sir, Israel is pulling out
of the talks.
I'm afraid they find
your position unreasonable.
Tell them unreasonable people
shape the world.
Tell them it was unreasonable
for their fathers to think...
they could get a homeland again.
Then tell them you'll continue
to be unreasonable...
- until they make a deal.
- Well, that's all well and good.
No, no, no, no.
I'd like you to contact
the Israeli Prime Minister...
with Lane's excellent advice,
and I want you to get his bags
and lay another place at dinner.
- Now!
- Yes, sir.
Leave me.
I knew you'd be an asset.
That's all
these wild siblings need:
A beast to tame their savagery.
Ah, but it's not just them.
We're all so savage,
so disjointed,
so... so independent.
There's no order,
no direction, no common...
- Vision.
- Yes.
The Roman empire emerged
after a century of strife,
not unlike our own century,
yet Pax Romanus ushered in
200 years of global peace.
Art, literature, culture...
the world was united.
And that is what
I would like to see.
Oh yes, like you,
I like to create a climate...
to foster change
in people's lives.
Yes, I'd like to see us take
the next step in our evolution!
What we need is
someone to rally behind.
Someone to...
- What is this music?
- Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Oh, he makes me feel alive!
He inspires me.
Yes, inspires.
We need an archetypal figure
to embody the message.
Like... Dr. Martin Luther King...
A new Caesar to usher
in a new peace!
Oh no, no, no, not Caesar.
Why, he doth stride the narrow
world like a Colossus!
And we petty men walk
beneath his huge legs...
and peek about to find ourselves
dishonorable graves.
Oh, no, no,
I'm not that ambitious.
I'm going to tell you something
to which few are yet privy.
The bombings,
the food shortages...
the epidemics...
all connected.
Who? Why?
Well, I don't yet know,
and that's what makes our job...
all the more urgent.
Our job?
The finest Barolo
in the land.
From the vineyards
of Stone Alexander...
A man of many talents.
My father was a grower.
My father...
Fathers, that like
so many Alexanders,
have been these parts
from morn to even fort!
Dishonor not your mother.
Oh yes! He was also a drunken,
wife-beating womanizer...
a vile man.
I've tried to separate the wheat
from the chaff, as it were.
You've reached the Lanes.
Leave a message.
Hi guys.
Jen, I hoped you'd be there,
but, well, um,
I've been offered a position...
as Chairman Alexander's
Minister of Information.
We'd head off on
a goodwill tour tomorrow.
Don't know for how long yet,
but everything inside me
says that this is it.
This is my reason for being.
Tell Maddie I love her.
I'll try to get in touch
as soon as I can.
Take care of yourself.
or the greater good?
Oh, it's a hard choice.
I had to make it, too...
a long time ago.
Ever regret it?
You and I...
we have a higher calling.
So come.
Let's go and celebrate
our new association.
Stone Alexander and
motivational guru Gillen Lane...
embarked today on what they deem
a worldwide tour of goodwill.
They start the tour with peace
and unity rally in Washington,
to be followed by gatherings
in capitals around the globe.
The Stock Market leapt
to new heights...
with Stone Alexander's proposal
to create a global currency.
He followed his announcement
by offering to donate...
his latest desalinization plants
to struggling nations...
that would need help with
jump-starting their economies.
In Jerusalem, crowds of curious
onlookers have been gathering...
around two unidentified men...
who are claiming to be
prophets sent from God...
to warn the world
of its coming end.
At the vatican, Gillen Lane,
announcing the formation of a
united world religious council,
claimed that the world is
not at an end,
but at a glorious new beginning.
Following the conference,
Dr. Lane will remain in Rome,
taking some much-deserved
rest at Alexander's castle.
You must stop
the Mideast summit.
What? Who is this?
You cannot allow it to proceed.
The summit's top secret,
hasn't even been set yet.
- Who is this?
- It plays right into their hand.
Whose hand?
Who is this?
I know about
Rostenberg's program!
I can't be part
of it any longer.
Meet me at the piazza
tomorrow at 2:00... alone.
The truth shall set you free.
And then he said,
the truth shall set you free.
Probably just a wacko.
I think you should meet him.
Who knows what we might learn?
I'll send some men along
for protection.
If I go, it should be alone.
I don't want to scare him off.
And this is all he gave you?
He didn't say who was after him?
He didn't have a chance.
I should never have let
you go alone.
- I should have known...
- But he said...
I don't care what he said!
You could have been killed!
What's this all mean?
Wild siblings tamed by beast?
Those are practically my words.
And then the Hebrew code.
To be honest, I don't know.
What if this was designed
to dissuade us from the summit?
I don't know how it was learned,
but I do know what it tells me.
We need to move ahead
before something else happens.
Get me the Israeli
Prime Minister on the line...
and prepare the jet for Israel.
I'm telling you, no, no, no,
I won't agree!
No, I want it understood...
that we will not give up
one more grain of sand!
My people will not stand for it!
Gentlemen! Please!
I understand your fears
over hidden agendas,
but Chairman Alexander
is a reasonable man,
a giver, not a taker.
Gentlemen, let's not get hung up
on negatives here.
Chairman Alexander has given
his wealth to the world.
He wants to give it to you.
And as a show of good faith...
I would like to make
to you all... a proposition.
I am very pleased
and proud to announce...
a 7-year peace treaty...
that not only secures
the borders of Israel,
but grants to the Palestinian
people an independent state.
To help restore hope,
I have agreed to begin
the healing...
by personally funding
the rebuilding...
both of the Dome of the Rock...
and the famed
King Solomon's Temple...
side by side
on the Temple Mount!
Listen to me carefully.
Your life is in danger.
OK, where's the camera?
Stone put you up to this, right?
Gillen, I am serious.
Look, I don't understand
any of this,
but I have a message for you
from those prophets.
They said to follow
the pages of blood.
You sure it wasn't
the butler did it...
in the conservatory
with the candlestick?
Gillen! Cassandra!
Come and join the celebration!
Chairman Alexander continued
to leave his mark...
as U.N. Delegates approved his
plan to create a world union...
modeled after his 10-zone
European power base.
In return, Alexander delivered
into their hands...
his food and water formulas...
and a new technology that
neutralizes atomic weaponry.
Gentlemen, as a symbol of
our new tenfold global unity,
I have great pleasure
in presenting you...
with this enduring image.
It's hard to believe
that so many countries,
including our own, would just
hand over their sovereignty!
Oh, no, wait, wait...
And frankly, I'm also surprised
to find myself in the minority.
It's not about handing
over sovereignty.
- It's about greater resources!
- Oh, no!
Look what an Alexander-run
European Union has done there!
The World Union is a democracy,
just on a broader level.
- Balderdash!
- That's a cheap shot.
Now, one year after...
the decree to rebuild the Temple
and the Dome of the Rock,
work is progressing
on both holy sites.
The mysterious prophets continue
to stir up trouble in Jerusalem,
claiming God has given them
the power to shut the heavens...
as part of God's judgment
on the world.
Chairman Alexander and Dr. Lane
will return to Rome tonight,
after celebrating
the three-year anniversary...
of the Middle East treaty
here in Geneva.
They said to follow
the pages of blood.
So, you tell me.
If fate assigns us our roles,
and we don't fulfil them,
are we damned for it?
What are you talking about?
If Adolf Hitler was
assigned his role,
and he played it out
perfectly to the end,
was he damned for his obedience?
- Stone, you are on the verge...
- Of what?
Listen, when we took
Rostenberg's program...
none of us could have dreamed...
that following the prophecies
would bring all this about.
The food breakthroughs,
the political secrets,
the remapping the Middle East,
your name, my name, Lane's name.
If the code's phase one
was so unstoppable,
what happens when
we initiate phase two?
All you have to do is
trust the code. Look.
"From ten horns he will rise,
an empire built on stone.
All bow before the beast
and his prophet."
You have to trust the code.
Go downstairs,
initiate phase two,
and it's prophesied that
the world will lay at your feet.
Ah, yes, but will it be
of my own free will...
or because I am the beast?
A pawn in something...
Son of a...
Dr. Lane?
We know you're in here.
Hold it right there.
Put that gun away, Dominic.
He's seen the prophecy, sir.
Put it away.
You stole Rostenberg's program.
You've been following
the code like a script,
blowing up the dome,
the synagogue.
Yes, and look what
good we did, Gillen,
how many people
you and I have helped,
how many lives we've saved.
Think of all that
we've accomplished together.
Give me the program.
I gave up my family,
my life, for you!
People are dead!
But, Gillen, listen to me.
Life is never what it seems.
You stand on the brink
of achieving your dreams.
Now, don't give up on them now.
I need you...
to be my spokesman
for this new world:
My visionary, yes!
My prophet.
Leave us, Dominic.
- I said leave us.
- You said I'd be the prophet.
Dr. Lane shot Chairman Stone.
He's locked me in the lab.
Get me out!
Help the police find Lane.
I want him dead or alive.
I don't care.
How could he escape?
I don't care.
I want his face in every police
department on this planet.
Now do it!
Outside in the hall,
either side of the door.
Please be home, Cassandra.
Are you all right?
Gillen, what is going on?
It's all over the news.
Dominic! Dominic shot him.
- Oh, that's great...
- Wait!
I found the pages.
The pages of blood?
You were right.
- Look, I need your help.
- They'll be combing the airport,
so I would have to sneak you
aboard one of the network jets.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
Get in.
Bye, my friend.
I'll take it from here.
I'm on my way down.
Doctors are announcing
that Stone Alexander died...
from an assassin's bullet
at 2:06 a.m. Rome time today.
Again, the suspect is said to
be Dr. Gillen Wilcott Lane.
Motive is unclear at this hour,
but Lane is said to be
armed and dangerous.
Law enforcement agencies
from around the globe...
are banding together
in a worldwide manhunt.
Italian authorities shut down
all avenues out of that country.
I think I speak for
everyone when I say...
that we are shocked at
the actions of this Dr. Lane,
that we cannot, we must not,
let the deeds of one lunatic...
stop or even slow down
Stone Alexander's global work.
Every once in a while,
there comes a person...
who is the embodiment of
the collective conscience.
Buddha, Confucius,
Christ, Muhammad...
and now, I believe
somebody who is worthy...
of our praise and adoration,
Stone Alexander.
We must not forget him.
We must embrace his work...
with the assurance and courage
that he's watching over us.
So what do we do after
we find the prophets?
Do we try and expose the truth?
The disk.
Rostenberg always said
the Torah contained...
the genetic code
of the universe.
I never thought he was serious.
He used a prophecy
in the "Book of Daniel"...
to create the 3-D model
and unlock the code.
70 sevens are decreed
for people and your holy city.
70 rungs of text,
7 rows each.
But this top rung is missing.
In "Daniel,"
it says that after 69 sevens,
day will be cut off until
the end of the gentiles.
Rostenberg must have never
had a chance to enter it.
Out now! Get out!
Nobody gets in here.
Oh, never mind.
Come here.
I said, come here.
Hello, my friend.
I'll take it from here.
Continue to be useful to me,
and I'll keep you,
but when that isn't the case,
you'll watch your bowels
spill out of you...
as Judas did when
he betrayed his master.
Is that understood?
The final code.
You've recovered it, correct?
- No progress on the final code.
- And Lane?
Do you realize a man struggles
his entire life...
to gain his parents' praise,
the love of a woman...
or of a man,
and the respect of his peers,
and they reward all this effort
by putting him in a box...
piled high with this
sort of ghastly flowers...
he'd never buy himself.
In or out, Dominic?
I'm sorry, I thought
you might be resting.
I didn't want to...
Oh, I haven't slept
in 48 hours.
- Then I'll go.
- No, no, no!
No, I've lost the need to sleep.
I close my eyes
and thoughts fill my head.
Thoughts that are not my own,
thoughts... ah.
What have you brought me?
"7 horns bow
to wounded head."
I want you to set up
a meeting of the World Union.
We'll see which of the ten
nations remains faithful to me.
- Here?
- Yes, why not?
A bedside summit.
It has a rather nice ring
to it, don't you think?
Yes sir.
The thoughts.
Are they like the voices?
No, no, they're more powerful.
More powerful in the singular,
as if whoever it is has me...
at his complete mercy
and... painful.
So painful...
Yet sweet.
Yes, much more sweet
than the voices.
Oh yes, I owe you a debt
of loyalty, don't I?
I made a mistake with Lane,
but you...
you gave up
the priesthood for me.
You saved me from the voices.
I wouldn't be here if you hadn't
stumbled into my confessional.
Well, I couldn't think straight.
The blood was still on
my hands and the voices were...
What you see as a weakness,
I see as a strength.
Any man that's willing
to kill his own father...
has the courage to
accomplish anything.
Oh, yes...
Oh, yes, indeed.
- Are you sure this is the place?
- It's where they brought me.
It's hard to tell because
it was dark the last time,
but I think if I'm not mistaken,
that this is the room
that they brought me to.
Shalom, Dr. Lane.
We have waited
a long time to meet you.
- Who are you guys?
- Our names do not matter.
What matters is the truth.
Seven out of ten,
I'm overwhelmed.
Oh, it's amazing what one will
do for a little attention.
What was it like, sir?
Do you remember anything?
I heard a voice whisper,
I turned and there was this man.
"I am Alexander the Great,"
I heard him say.
Gentlemen, what I will tell you
goes no further than this room.
Then the great general,
he said to me,
"In my time on earth,
I conquered the entire world,
"but after a near short life,
"I find myself here
in a different world,
"and weary of war,
I decided to stay...
"rather than go back
and solidify my kingdom,
but you," he said,
"You, you must go back.
"For the sake of evolution,
be the Alexander I was not.
Unite the world."
Stone Alexander
has just been appointed...
the first ever
Chancellor of the United World.
At one point, tensions flared,
and three members stormed out.
The majority, however,
remained resolute.
Official inauguration
is said to coincide...
with the dedication ceremonies
for Solomon's Temple...
on the Jewish holiday of Purim,
one week from today.
Here comes Sir Percival Lloyd.
Let's see if we can talk to him.
Chairman Alexander rejected
our pleas three times,
but we finally managed
to convince him that...
who better to heal
our wounded world...
than a man who has himself
been mortally wounded...
and yet has miraculously
risen again.
At such moments of trial
in our history,
certain famous words
have been spoken,
but never, never have
they rung more true.
The king is dead.
Long live the king!
Thank you.
No more comment, thank you.
"The dragon gave the beast
his power and his throne,
and great authority."
One of the heads of the beasts
seemed to have a fatal wound,
but the fatal wound
had been healed.
The whole world was astonished
and followed the beast.
A near death experience
doesn't make someone...
It is written in the last days,
a world leader will rise up,
rebuild Solomon's Temple,
and usher in three and a half
years of world peace...
under a new Roman Empire.
Then possessed by Satan,
he'll declare himself God...
and embark on
a reign of terror...
until the Lord comes
and destroys him.
The final battle between
heaven and hell approaches.
Look, all I care about
is clearing my name.
How do I get the final code?
There is a war going on between
angels of light and dark...
over your soul, Dr. Lane.
What are you talking about?
The four horses of
the apocalypse.
- The other visions.
- No.
They're not real.
They're in here.
- Maybe you are, too.
- The proof is staring at you.
All you need is the faith
of a child to accept it.
My childhood was
ripped away from me,
so I don't know exactly
what that is.
You keep looking for something
To fill a void in your soul...
that only god can fill.
This is ridiculous!
- Jennifer, it's Gillen.
- Gillen, are you all right?
I need your help,
I've got proof of everything.
I've been e-mailing it to
the World Union leaders,
but I think Alexander's
intercepting them.
I want to e-mail you
the program,
and maybe you can run it by that
law school friend in the NSA.
Anything, Gillen.
Thanks, Jen,
I knew I could count on you.
- Gillen, what happened?
- They found us!
Who are you calling?
I can't get a good reception.
- Pull over.
- What? Why?
Just do it!
Hey, it's me.
Have you found anything?
You must think
I'm a fool, Gillen.
I checked out the program.
You don't have anything.
Alexander is a good man.
He's done a lot for the world.
I think you need
some psychological help, Gillen.
They've gotten to you, right?
I want you
to leave us alone, Gillen.
Don't call here again.
We gotta get to L.A.
Are you insane?
- Dominic's men are all over...
- I don't care.
It' my fault
that they're in this mess.
I gotta do something.
It's my child.
Program's stopped running.
It's as far as we can go.
Never mind.
We'll proceed with
my coronation at the temple.
Without the final code,
we're backed into a corner.
There's no way out.
Oh, I always leave myself
a way out.
How'd he get to Los Angeles?
Who's helping him and why
isn't that house surrounded?
They're on their way.
No one thought he'd
actually turn up there.
Why isn't he
taking the shot?
- Take the shot!
- I don't have it.
Take the shot!
I don't have it.
- Daddy!
- Sweetie! No, no, no!
You just had another dream
about daddy, that's all, OK?
What is going on?
Gillen, I told you,
leave us alone.
Get out!
I'm so scared.
I don't want him to hurt us.
Gillen, we don't have much time.
All right, Jen, call your mom.
Tell her you and Maddie are
coming to visit for a few days.
But the phone's bugged.
They'll be listening.
Exactly what we want...
because then we'll all get in
the minivan and go to Mexico.
That should throw them off
and buy some time.
They're rolling.
- Where are the troops?
- They're seconds away.
Gillen? What are you doing here?
What's going on?
Sorry, Jack,
we had no place else to turn.
Jack, what's the matter?
What is it?
Maddie! Honey!
We got a full force searching,
but it looks like we lost them.
- Why can't you come with us?
- Listen to me, sweetheart,
Dorothy's gonna take you
up to their cabin for a while.
Remember the fun
we used to have up there?
Uncle Jack's gonna call
some government friends...
and help me straighten this out.
- I'll join you in no time.
- Promise?
Take care of yourself, OK?
You, too.
Don't go, daddy.
Let me make those calls
and get you a drink.
I put some whiskey in it
to settle the nerves.
Jack, I'm seeing demons.
Demons? God!
You really do need help.
They're real.
They're real!
Look, I don't know what to say.
Uh, excuse me a minute.
I'll be right back.
Weak bladder.
I just received your message.
Keep Lane there...
My men are moments away.
Are you OK?
I'm sorry!
It was for your own good.
I did it for you!
I did it for your family!
He's in the bathroom!
Hey! Hey!
What are you doing?
Nobody said anything
about shooting him!
All units,
suspect has fled on foot.
Believed to be leaving
Hancock Park area.
Destination uncertain.
It's OK.
It's just a bad dream.
You were having them
the whole flight back.
- Where are we?
- Safe.
- Back in Israel.
- What?
I found you passed out
in the street.
You have awaken.
He's won, hasn't he?
Whatever happens,
you must not give up hope.
The final code.
Good-bye, and remember:
The faith of a child.
Where are you going?
It has been foretold in
the "Book of Revelation."
It is time for us
to meet our destiny.
- They gave you the final code.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, they did.
- I knew they would.
Hand it over.
You should know by now, Gillen,
even Satan comes
as an angel of light.
The massive temple has been
meticulously reconstructed...
based on Old Testament accounts
and detailed historic records.
Despite this detail,
many Orthodox Jews are angry...
over Chancellor Alexander's
change of the sacred place.
she just signaled.
We have Lane and the final code.
And there's my way out.
I told you I always leave one.
Yes, sir.
You have built
a magnificent house for me.
My soul leaps to see
all that has been accomplished.
For I have said in my heart,
I will ascend to heaven,
and it has come to pass.
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God,
and it has come to pass.
I will sit enthroned on
this mount of assembly...
on the utmost heights
of the sacred mountain,
and it has come to pass.
I alone have done what
no man has been able to do.
I have taken the next step
in our evolution.
I have become king and God!
That is blasphemy!
That man! Blaspheme!
Can you see
the abomination of desolation...
spoken of by Daniel...
standing in the holy place?
Let those in Judea free,
or death has come up
into our houses...
to cut off
the children from without...
and a young man from within.
How you have fallen
from heaven, Lucifer,
son of the morning.
How you are cut from the ground.
The day has come when people
will stare at you and say,
"Is this the man who made
the nations tremble?"
You have all bowed
to the man of sin.
But on the house of David,
- The Lord...
- The Lord?
Yes! The lord will pour out
his spirit of grace.
They will look on the Lord,
and they have peace.
And mourn, as one mourns
for his only son.
The lord?
I alone am
the Prince of Peace.
If there is any other,
then show us all a sign!
Right here, right now.
It is a wicked and
perverse generation...
who asks for a sign.
But like Christ,
your only sign will be this.
Destroy these temples
of his holy prophets,
and the Lord will rebuild them
in 3 days!
It will be my pleasure.
I want these reprobates
put on display and guarded.
Let the world see what happens
to those who oppose me.
Get me out of here.
The Israelis and several
others are seceding.
Then I'll make them an example
To the rest of the world...
for treating me this way.
Have my generals
waiting for me in Rome.
- Others may follow, sir.
- Then I'll crush them, too.
Don't forget,
I have the final code.
So if I give the signal,
I want a quick ground strike...
to allow our envoys
out of the region...
followed by a strategic
nuclear strike.
Oh, yes, they'll pay the price
for their insolence.
And let me know
when Ms. Barashe arrives.
Yes, sir.
Chairman, you may want to
have a look at this.
What can possibly be
so pressing?
Take your pick.
Over three million are dead and
thousands are seeking refuge...
after a freak meteor shower
hit Eastern Europe.
The Hong Kong plant
has ground to a halt...
as tests are confirming...
that the ocean's molecular
structure has somehow mutated.
The entire fishing industry
has shut down...
I just received this
from Gillen Lane.
It's true, isn't it?
- Well, what do you think?
- We will not stand for this.
Oh, I'm sorry,
but you don't have the choice.
Yes, we do.
The world shall hear of this.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
Let us continue to work together
as we have in the past.
Allow me to finish here,
and I will join you.
Ah, Cassandra.
My Jezebel.
My... Salome?
- Well done.
- He never suspected a thing.
Oh, I'm sure he didn't,
but me, I, uh...
I just hope it wasn't
difficult for you,
knowing how attached
you've become.
Attached? I don't know
what you mean.
I mean, I just wonder
if you'd ever have...
the courage to pull the trigger.
Never mind.
What are you two playing at?
He's tricked you!
- It's impossible! He couldn't!
- Oh, so now you defend him.
I think that you and I had
better go and talk with him.
We can't have the last prophecy
without the final code.
What is it?
We're gonna keep asking
until you tell us.
I don't know.
You realize I may not have to
destroy the Middle East...
if I have the security the final
prophecy would give me.
I had to die to initiate
its second phase, so...
who will die to kick it
into its final phase, hmm?
Jesus, save me.
Everything's forward motion.
How about I help you to
the next level of evolution?
Let him go.
The truth has set you free.
In light of the resurrection
of God's holy prophets,
we are recanting our support
and declaring you a heretic!
Call off the attack.
Dr. Lane.
What an unexpected pleasure.
- Call it off, or you're dead.
- Oh, I've already been dead.
Call it off.
So help me God, I'll...
God? I'm the God of this world!
And you could've been with me,
couldn't he, my love?
Yes! My Trinity!
You've spent too much time
in your codes.
The beast and his false prophet
get cast into the lake of fire.
Fairy tales.
I am the one who controls
the outcome of history.
I'm the one who calls the shots.
I'm the one who tells people
what to think and believe.
I was Judas, betraying
Christ to be crucified.
I was Hitler leading
millions to the slaughter,
and I was the drunken driver
who killed your mother.
But I was also the one who
stopped a bullet for you.
I died so that you might live.
- Can't you see what he is?
- Oh, she sees.
She sees who raised her out
of the gutter, empowered her,
and who turned her
into someone desirable.
- Just like I did to you.
- I'm sorry, Gillen.
Is there anything else
you'd like to add,
like, uh, the final code?
There's still time to
call off the troops.
Very well.
Prepare the attack.
I'll give it to you.
Yes, I knew you'd be reasonable.
Forgive me.
Thank you.
- Commence the attack on my mark.
- What?
They're already in position.
Why waste the trip?
On my mark.
Three... two... and...
Let her go.
You have what you came for.
Tell your master we've arrived.
He already knows.
I am standing here outside...
the Alexander Satellite
Network studios,
where this teeming,
overflow crowd...
awaits any chance
to get a peek inside.
We have had an overwhelming
response to my next guest.
Crowds have been lining up
outside of this studio since last night...
to see this special interview
of this world renowned speaker.
His new book, " Empower Your
Future by Embracing Our Past,"
explores mankind's unending
quest for meaning and purpose.
Please welcome Dr. Gillen Lane.
Let's go. Let's go.
That was, uh, quite an entrance.
Very different for a Doctor in
World Religion and Mythology...
from Cambridge University.
They didn't know
what to do with me either.
Like I say in my seminars, what
creates an extraordinary life,
is an extraordinary mind-set.
Well, in addition to
your many accomplishments,
you seem to be an authority
on the Bible Code,
which is back in the headlines
after Rabbi Aaron Rostenberg...
was found murdered
in Jerusalem last week.
Rostenberg's loss is tragic.
I was fortunate to meet him
on several occasions.
Explain what this Bible Code is
and how it works.
Crisscrossing the Torah is
a code of words and phrases...
that not only reveals
our past and present,
but foretells our future.
Some even believe it contains
the blueprints of the universe.
See, after removing all
the spaces and punctuation,
hidden words appear by skipping
equal numbers of letters:
For example,
every fourth, 12th, 50th,
like a giant crossword puzzle.
Hitler, the Kennedy
assassinations, all encoded.
Isaac newton spent
the last 10 years of his life...
studying the Bible Code.
Another example,
the computer found...
"Princess" and "Diana" encoded
at the same skip distance.
And around it, "Paris,"
"tunnel," even "Aug"...August.
And "5757"...
1997 in our calendar.
The very month and year
she was killed.
Most amazingly,
in the "Book of Daniel..."
an angel tells him to seal up
the book until the end of days.
But Rostenberg may have found
the key to unlock it.
See, he believed the Bible was
a holographic computer program,
and instead of two dimensions,
it should be studied in three.
If this could be achieved,
the code would actually...
feed us prophecies
of our coming future.
The reason I discuss this
in my book is because...
what we want to believe
as religion...
traces back to myths borne of
our collective consciousness.
Has anyone raised the question
of how people like yourself...
can believe in these
hidden codes within the Bible,
and yet not in the Bible itself.
You mean like...
"Jesus loves me, this I know,
for the Bible tells me so?"
Yes, exactly.
My mother used to sing me
that song,
but you know what?
She died in a tragic car
accident when I was 10...
and I finally realized that
her faith in this loving god,
her truth, was just a myth.
Therefore, myth must be truth.
Well, that has obviously
colored your attitude a bit.
Cassandra, my goal is simply
to create an environment...
to see change in people's lives.
Somebody out there say "change."
- Change!
- That's right.
Change is what we're about.
I've seen too many held back
waiting on some higher power.
Not until we grasp
that we are the higher power,
can we take the next step
in our evolution...
and finally become whole.
Stone Alexander has again
opened his gates...
for his annual celebrity gala
and auction for charity.
And here comes the world famous,
globe trotting Dr. Gillen Lane.
Tell us, are you a buyer
or seller this afternoon?
Oh, I'm just here to drink
some fine champagne.
And support a worthy cause.
Alexander, the beloved media
mogul turned political dynamo,
has recently been named
chairman of the European Union.
He plans to celebrate
his good fortune today...
by auctioning his
Arabian stallions,
with all proceeds going to the
African Children's Relief Fund.
Friends, Romans, countrymen,
lend me your money.
Thank you so much for coming.
My friend Princess
Gabrielle Fuccine of Tuscany...
has requested this opportunity
to say a few words to you.
In the last year,
Chairman Alexander's
corporations have focused on...
new ways to combat our
diminishing resources.
Today, we have the first signs
of a breakthrough:
The development of a cheap,
high nutrient wafer...
that can sustain an active
person for more than a day.
And a revolutionary new form
of ocean desalinization...
that will bring life-giving
water to the driest of deserts.
Salute. Cheers.
In light of
these remarkable advancements,
I am proud to present
Chairman Alexander...
with this year's United Nations
Humanitarian Award.
Mr. Chairman.
Ah, Mr. Mythology,
the motivation guru.
It's all right, Dominic.
So, are you going to help us
raise the roof around here?
I'm sure the bids will be
out of my league.
Oh, come now, Dr. Lane.
What creates
an extraordinary life...
is an extraordinary mind-set.
I believe you've met
Miss Barashe.
I'm a big fan.
Please excuse me.
Change and forward motion
is everything.
I'd like to get together
with you and set up a meeting.
- Who's his friend?
- Oh, you mean Dominic.
He's one of Stone's top aides.
A bit odd, for sure.
I think he used to be a priest.
Well, if I were Stone,
I'd watch my back.
Ah, brilliant.
- Always come prepared.
- Oh, thank you.
- May I?
- That's very kind of you.
What would your wife say?
We're separated,
so probably not too much.
Almost as effective as
your personal power tapes.
Did I do something to offend you
in a former life?
No. Only in this one.
You know, Stone is a good man.
He doesn't deserve to
be exploited.
Hey, I believe in what
he's doing for the world.
I'd like to help people where
it's not about making money.
Brilliant. You know the best
thing about your power tapes?
The money back guarantee.
So much for my run.
Your rack, Gillen.
You OK?
Of course.
Always out to play
the lone wolf.
How's your family?
What's that supposed to mean?
I don't know.
Just a day back from pursuing
the likes of Stone Alexander,
which I told you was a mistake,
and now you're over here.
Hey, you invited me, remember?
You boys ready for
the good stuff?
But you spend all your time out.
Tennis. Golf.
Why are you doing this to me?
Dorothy spoke with Jennifer.
Is that why you had me over?
Why didn't you tell us that
you two were having problems?
She said you're filing
for divorce.
Not everyone can stay married
for 30 years, Jack.
We're trying to help.
What about little Maddie?
What do you want to hear?
That I'm losing the best thing
that ever happened to me,
but I don't know how to fix it?
That's a start.
We're friends, Gillen.
Friends share things
with each other.
Gillen, we've had
our tough times, too.
Being the wife of a senator
hasn't been that easy.
We just promised each other
that we'd stick it out,
that we'd make it work,
no matter what.
No matter what.
What do you know about visions?
You're the mythology expert.
I've been seeing them.
What kind of visions?
I don't know.
Weird ones.
Your collective consciousness
is telling you something.
Great, now you're mocking me.
I wouldn't mock the man who
empowered my last election.
I don't know about visions.
I never had one.
But I know about marriage.
And I know about family.
And I know the worth of a man...
will show in the countenance
of his wife's face.
This, uh, this Dr. Lane.
What do you think of him?
I don't know what to think.
Well, I find him interesting.
A man of vision.
Not enough people
with vision around me.
Because you know in your heart,
you know in your soul.
- Hello, Gillen.
- Daddy!
Where's my birthday girl?
You can't keep spoiling her.
You already sent her birthday...
Where are you, pumpkin?
I need some...
Guess who else came to visit you
on your birthday?
Tickle spiders!
Oh yeah?
Well, my tickle spiders are
bigger Than your tickle spiders.
I reckon if you'd loved me
half as much as her,
we'd have one heck
of a marriage.
Don't tell me it's not true.
Every time you come home
I get a "hi,"
and she gets tickles and kisses.
You want tickles and kisses?
I'm serious, Gillen.
Sometimes I wonder if you take
those speaking engagements...
just so you don't have
to talk to me.
I got to finish the cake.
- Jen...
- No, Gillen, don't.
I took a teaching
position at the university.
I want to be here...
for you and Maddie.
I know it'll take some time,
but I'll make it work.
As we go deeper into our dreams,
we see how interconnected
we all are.
Someone say,
"my life might be..."
"My life might be..."
- "someone else's dream."
- "Someone else's dream."
And mythology is to society what
dreams are to the individual.
Religion will have us believe...
there are demons fighting
and battling over our souls.
But who needs that.
We do well enough on our own.
- Thanks.
- Sign my book, Professor?
Stone Alexander apologizes...
for having too many
guests and too little time.
He would like to invite you
back to his world peace summit.
You'll have to apologies for me.
I won't be able to make it.
I'm sure that'll disappoint him.
- How do I look?
- The studio says you look great.
Thank you, can you come in
on a medium shot?
- OK.
- Tell me when you're framed.
Are you rolling?
We've got to get this.
We're interrupting right now
for a breaking story.
Let's go live to
Cassandra Barashe in Jerusalem.
Behind me are the raging flames
of where the Dome of the Rock,
one of Islam's most
sacred sites, once stood.
Just moments ago the shrine was
rocked by an explosion...
We lost the feed.
Go find out what happened,
we lost the feed.
Where is Benjamin?
He is gone.
You cannot help him now.
We have a message
for you to carry,
but we must leave this place.
Come with us, please.
Into its seventh day,
both Israel and Palestine...
are denying any involvement
in last week's explosions.
E.U. Chairman Alexander has been
holding talks with both sides...
for the last 3 days,
but little progress
has been made.
World markets are
under severe pressure...
for fear fighting will spill
into the rest of the region.
Oil is skyrocketing
as the Saudis threaten...
to stop shipments unless Israel
confesses to the explosions.
Looks like Maddie's out.
Are you going back
to your place tonight?
You could stay here.
We could pretend like
we're newlyweds again.
No kid, staying up late.
- What's this?
- It's nothing.
Stone Alexander?
Why didn't you tell me
about this?
Nothing to tell.
I turned it down.
But now you're reconsidering?
You were moving
back in this weekend.
You know, to tell you the truth,
I'm surprised it lasted
this long.
- It's just a week.
- A week.
I made you and Maddie
a promise.
I'm gonna make it work.
It's just a week.
Both Palestinian and Israeli
casualties continue to mount.
E.U. Chairman Alexander
remains optimistic...
that he can still get both sides
to sit down to talks.
Fighting in the region escalated
to a higher level yesterday...
as tanks from both sides
exchanged fire near Bethlehem.
Sir, Israel is pulling out
of the talks.
I'm afraid they find
your position unreasonable.
Tell them unreasonable people
shape the world.
Tell them it was unreasonable
for their fathers to think...
they could get a homeland again.
Then tell them you'll continue
to be unreasonable...
- until they make a deal.
- Well, that's all well and good.
No, no, no, no.
I'd like you to contact
the Israeli Prime Minister...
with Lane's excellent advice,
and I want you to get his bags
and lay another place at dinner.
- Now!
- Yes, sir.
Leave me.
I knew you'd be an asset.
That's all
these wild siblings need:
A beast to tame their savagery.
Ah, but it's not just them.
We're all so savage,
so disjointed,
so... so independent.
There's no order,
no direction, no common...
- Vision.
- Yes.
The Roman empire emerged
after a century of strife,
not unlike our own century,
yet Pax Romanus ushered in
200 years of global peace.
Art, literature, culture...
the world was united.
And that is what
I would like to see.
Oh yes, like you,
I like to create a climate...
to foster change
in people's lives.
Yes, I'd like to see us take
the next step in our evolution!
What we need is
someone to rally behind.
Someone to...
- What is this music?
- Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Oh, he makes me feel alive!
He inspires me.
Yes, inspires.
We need an archetypal figure
to embody the message.
Like... Dr. Martin Luther King...
A new Caesar to usher
in a new peace!
Oh no, no, no, not Caesar.
Why, he doth stride the narrow
world like a Colossus!
And we petty men walk
beneath his huge legs...
and peek about to find ourselves
dishonorable graves.
Oh, no, no,
I'm not that ambitious.
I'm going to tell you something
to which few are yet privy.
The bombings,
the food shortages...
the epidemics...
all connected.
Who? Why?
Well, I don't yet know,
and that's what makes our job...
all the more urgent.
Our job?
The finest Barolo
in the land.
From the vineyards
of Stone Alexander...
A man of many talents.
My father was a grower.
My father...
Fathers, that like
so many Alexanders,
have been these parts
from morn to even fort!
Dishonor not your mother.
Oh yes! He was also a drunken,
wife-beating womanizer...
a vile man.
I've tried to separate the wheat
from the chaff, as it were.
You've reached the Lanes.
Leave a message.
Hi guys.
Jen, I hoped you'd be there,
but, well, um,
I've been offered a position...
as Chairman Alexander's
Minister of Information.
We'd head off on
a goodwill tour tomorrow.
Don't know for how long yet,
but everything inside me
says that this is it.
This is my reason for being.
Tell Maddie I love her.
I'll try to get in touch
as soon as I can.
Take care of yourself.
or the greater good?
Oh, it's a hard choice.
I had to make it, too...
a long time ago.
Ever regret it?
You and I...
we have a higher calling.
So come.
Let's go and celebrate
our new association.
Stone Alexander and
motivational guru Gillen Lane...
embarked today on what they deem
a worldwide tour of goodwill.
They start the tour with peace
and unity rally in Washington,
to be followed by gatherings
in capitals around the globe.
The Stock Market leapt
to new heights...
with Stone Alexander's proposal
to create a global currency.
He followed his announcement
by offering to donate...
his latest desalinization plants
to struggling nations...
that would need help with
jump-starting their economies.
In Jerusalem, crowds of curious
onlookers have been gathering...
around two unidentified men...
who are claiming to be
prophets sent from God...
to warn the world
of its coming end.
At the vatican, Gillen Lane,
announcing the formation of a
united world religious council,
claimed that the world is
not at an end,
but at a glorious new beginning.
Following the conference,
Dr. Lane will remain in Rome,
taking some much-deserved
rest at Alexander's castle.
You must stop
the Mideast summit.
What? Who is this?
You cannot allow it to proceed.
The summit's top secret,
hasn't even been set yet.
- Who is this?
- It plays right into their hand.
Whose hand?
Who is this?
I know about
Rostenberg's program!
I can't be part
of it any longer.
Meet me at the piazza
tomorrow at 2:00... alone.
The truth shall set you free.
And then he said,
the truth shall set you free.
Probably just a wacko.
I think you should meet him.
Who knows what we might learn?
I'll send some men along
for protection.
If I go, it should be alone.
I don't want to scare him off.
And this is all he gave you?
He didn't say who was after him?
He didn't have a chance.
I should never have let
you go alone.
- I should have known...
- But he said...
I don't care what he said!
You could have been killed!
What's this all mean?
Wild siblings tamed by beast?
Those are practically my words.
And then the Hebrew code.
To be honest, I don't know.
What if this was designed
to dissuade us from the summit?
I don't know how it was learned,
but I do know what it tells me.
We need to move ahead
before something else happens.
Get me the Israeli
Prime Minister on the line...
and prepare the jet for Israel.
I'm telling you, no, no, no,
I won't agree!
No, I want it understood...
that we will not give up
one more grain of sand!
My people will not stand for it!
Gentlemen! Please!
I understand your fears
over hidden agendas,
but Chairman Alexander
is a reasonable man,
a giver, not a taker.
Gentlemen, let's not get hung up
on negatives here.
Chairman Alexander has given
his wealth to the world.
He wants to give it to you.
And as a show of good faith...
I would like to make
to you all... a proposition.
I am very pleased
and proud to announce...
a 7-year peace treaty...
that not only secures
the borders of Israel,
but grants to the Palestinian
people an independent state.
To help restore hope,
I have agreed to begin
the healing...
by personally funding
the rebuilding...
both of the Dome of the Rock...
and the famed
King Solomon's Temple...
side by side
on the Temple Mount!
Listen to me carefully.
Your life is in danger.
OK, where's the camera?
Stone put you up to this, right?
Gillen, I am serious.
Look, I don't understand
any of this,
but I have a message for you
from those prophets.
They said to follow
the pages of blood.
You sure it wasn't
the butler did it...
in the conservatory
with the candlestick?
Gillen! Cassandra!
Come and join the celebration!
Chairman Alexander continued
to leave his mark...
as U.N. Delegates approved his
plan to create a world union...
modeled after his 10-zone
European power base.
In return, Alexander delivered
into their hands...
his food and water formulas...
and a new technology that
neutralizes atomic weaponry.
Gentlemen, as a symbol of
our new tenfold global unity,
I have great pleasure
in presenting you...
with this enduring image.
It's hard to believe
that so many countries,
including our own, would just
hand over their sovereignty!
Oh, no, wait, wait...
And frankly, I'm also surprised
to find myself in the minority.
It's not about handing
over sovereignty.
- It's about greater resources!
- Oh, no!
Look what an Alexander-run
European Union has done there!
The World Union is a democracy,
just on a broader level.
- Balderdash!
- That's a cheap shot.
Now, one year after...
the decree to rebuild the Temple
and the Dome of the Rock,
work is progressing
on both holy sites.
The mysterious prophets continue
to stir up trouble in Jerusalem,
claiming God has given them
the power to shut the heavens...
as part of God's judgment
on the world.
Chairman Alexander and Dr. Lane
will return to Rome tonight,
after celebrating
the three-year anniversary...
of the Middle East treaty
here in Geneva.
They said to follow
the pages of blood.
So, you tell me.
If fate assigns us our roles,
and we don't fulfil them,
are we damned for it?
What are you talking about?
If Adolf Hitler was
assigned his role,
and he played it out
perfectly to the end,
was he damned for his obedience?
- Stone, you are on the verge...
- Of what?
Listen, when we took
Rostenberg's program...
none of us could have dreamed...
that following the prophecies
would bring all this about.
The food breakthroughs,
the political secrets,
the remapping the Middle East,
your name, my name, Lane's name.
If the code's phase one
was so unstoppable,
what happens when
we initiate phase two?
All you have to do is
trust the code. Look.
"From ten horns he will rise,
an empire built on stone.
All bow before the beast
and his prophet."
You have to trust the code.
Go downstairs,
initiate phase two,
and it's prophesied that
the world will lay at your feet.
Ah, yes, but will it be
of my own free will...
or because I am the beast?
A pawn in something...
Son of a...
Dr. Lane?
We know you're in here.
Hold it right there.
Put that gun away, Dominic.
He's seen the prophecy, sir.
Put it away.
You stole Rostenberg's program.
You've been following
the code like a script,
blowing up the dome,
the synagogue.
Yes, and look what
good we did, Gillen,
how many people
you and I have helped,
how many lives we've saved.
Think of all that
we've accomplished together.
Give me the program.
I gave up my family,
my life, for you!
People are dead!
But, Gillen, listen to me.
Life is never what it seems.
You stand on the brink
of achieving your dreams.
Now, don't give up on them now.
I need you...
to be my spokesman
for this new world:
My visionary, yes!
My prophet.
Leave us, Dominic.
- I said leave us.
- You said I'd be the prophet.
Dr. Lane shot Chairman Stone.
He's locked me in the lab.
Get me out!
Help the police find Lane.
I want him dead or alive.
I don't care.
How could he escape?
I don't care.
I want his face in every police
department on this planet.
Now do it!
Outside in the hall,
either side of the door.
Please be home, Cassandra.
Are you all right?
Gillen, what is going on?
It's all over the news.
Dominic! Dominic shot him.
- Oh, that's great...
- Wait!
I found the pages.
The pages of blood?
You were right.
- Look, I need your help.
- They'll be combing the airport,
so I would have to sneak you
aboard one of the network jets.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
Get in.
Bye, my friend.
I'll take it from here.
I'm on my way down.
Doctors are announcing
that Stone Alexander died...
from an assassin's bullet
at 2:06 a.m. Rome time today.
Again, the suspect is said to
be Dr. Gillen Wilcott Lane.
Motive is unclear at this hour,
but Lane is said to be
armed and dangerous.
Law enforcement agencies
from around the globe...
are banding together
in a worldwide manhunt.
Italian authorities shut down
all avenues out of that country.
I think I speak for
everyone when I say...
that we are shocked at
the actions of this Dr. Lane,
that we cannot, we must not,
let the deeds of one lunatic...
stop or even slow down
Stone Alexander's global work.
Every once in a while,
there comes a person...
who is the embodiment of
the collective conscience.
Buddha, Confucius,
Christ, Muhammad...
and now, I believe
somebody who is worthy...
of our praise and adoration,
Stone Alexander.
We must not forget him.
We must embrace his work...
with the assurance and courage
that he's watching over us.
So what do we do after
we find the prophets?
Do we try and expose the truth?
The disk.
Rostenberg always said
the Torah contained...
the genetic code
of the universe.
I never thought he was serious.
He used a prophecy
in the "Book of Daniel"...
to create the 3-D model
and unlock the code.
70 sevens are decreed
for people and your holy city.
70 rungs of text,
7 rows each.
But this top rung is missing.
In "Daniel,"
it says that after 69 sevens,
day will be cut off until
the end of the gentiles.
Rostenberg must have never
had a chance to enter it.
Out now! Get out!
Nobody gets in here.
Oh, never mind.
Come here.
I said, come here.
Hello, my friend.
I'll take it from here.
Continue to be useful to me,
and I'll keep you,
but when that isn't the case,
you'll watch your bowels
spill out of you...
as Judas did when
he betrayed his master.
Is that understood?
The final code.
You've recovered it, correct?
- No progress on the final code.
- And Lane?
Do you realize a man struggles
his entire life...
to gain his parents' praise,
the love of a woman...
or of a man,
and the respect of his peers,
and they reward all this effort
by putting him in a box...
piled high with this
sort of ghastly flowers...
he'd never buy himself.
In or out, Dominic?
I'm sorry, I thought
you might be resting.
I didn't want to...
Oh, I haven't slept
in 48 hours.
- Then I'll go.
- No, no, no!
No, I've lost the need to sleep.
I close my eyes
and thoughts fill my head.
Thoughts that are not my own,
thoughts... ah.
What have you brought me?
"7 horns bow
to wounded head."
I want you to set up
a meeting of the World Union.
We'll see which of the ten
nations remains faithful to me.
- Here?
- Yes, why not?
A bedside summit.
It has a rather nice ring
to it, don't you think?
Yes sir.
The thoughts.
Are they like the voices?
No, no, they're more powerful.
More powerful in the singular,
as if whoever it is has me...
at his complete mercy
and... painful.
So painful...
Yet sweet.
Yes, much more sweet
than the voices.
Oh yes, I owe you a debt
of loyalty, don't I?
I made a mistake with Lane,
but you...
you gave up
the priesthood for me.
You saved me from the voices.
I wouldn't be here if you hadn't
stumbled into my confessional.
Well, I couldn't think straight.
The blood was still on
my hands and the voices were...
What you see as a weakness,
I see as a strength.
Any man that's willing
to kill his own father...
has the courage to
accomplish anything.
Oh, yes...
Oh, yes, indeed.
- Are you sure this is the place?
- It's where they brought me.
It's hard to tell because
it was dark the last time,
but I think if I'm not mistaken,
that this is the room
that they brought me to.
Shalom, Dr. Lane.
We have waited
a long time to meet you.
- Who are you guys?
- Our names do not matter.
What matters is the truth.
Seven out of ten,
I'm overwhelmed.
Oh, it's amazing what one will
do for a little attention.
What was it like, sir?
Do you remember anything?
I heard a voice whisper,
I turned and there was this man.
"I am Alexander the Great,"
I heard him say.
Gentlemen, what I will tell you
goes no further than this room.
Then the great general,
he said to me,
"In my time on earth,
I conquered the entire world,
"but after a near short life,
"I find myself here
in a different world,
"and weary of war,
I decided to stay...
"rather than go back
and solidify my kingdom,
but you," he said,
"You, you must go back.
"For the sake of evolution,
be the Alexander I was not.
Unite the world."
Stone Alexander
has just been appointed...
the first ever
Chancellor of the United World.
At one point, tensions flared,
and three members stormed out.
The majority, however,
remained resolute.
Official inauguration
is said to coincide...
with the dedication ceremonies
for Solomon's Temple...
on the Jewish holiday of Purim,
one week from today.
Here comes Sir Percival Lloyd.
Let's see if we can talk to him.
Chairman Alexander rejected
our pleas three times,
but we finally managed
to convince him that...
who better to heal
our wounded world...
than a man who has himself
been mortally wounded...
and yet has miraculously
risen again.
At such moments of trial
in our history,
certain famous words
have been spoken,
but never, never have
they rung more true.
The king is dead.
Long live the king!
Thank you.
No more comment, thank you.
"The dragon gave the beast
his power and his throne,
and great authority."
One of the heads of the beasts
seemed to have a fatal wound,
but the fatal wound
had been healed.
The whole world was astonished
and followed the beast.
A near death experience
doesn't make someone...
It is written in the last days,
a world leader will rise up,
rebuild Solomon's Temple,
and usher in three and a half
years of world peace...
under a new Roman Empire.
Then possessed by Satan,
he'll declare himself God...
and embark on
a reign of terror...
until the Lord comes
and destroys him.
The final battle between
heaven and hell approaches.
Look, all I care about
is clearing my name.
How do I get the final code?
There is a war going on between
angels of light and dark...
over your soul, Dr. Lane.
What are you talking about?
The four horses of
the apocalypse.
- The other visions.
- No.
They're not real.
They're in here.
- Maybe you are, too.
- The proof is staring at you.
All you need is the faith
of a child to accept it.
My childhood was
ripped away from me,
so I don't know exactly
what that is.
You keep looking for something
To fill a void in your soul...
that only god can fill.
This is ridiculous!
- Jennifer, it's Gillen.
- Gillen, are you all right?
I need your help,
I've got proof of everything.
I've been e-mailing it to
the World Union leaders,
but I think Alexander's
intercepting them.
I want to e-mail you
the program,
and maybe you can run it by that
law school friend in the NSA.
Anything, Gillen.
Thanks, Jen,
I knew I could count on you.
- Gillen, what happened?
- They found us!
Who are you calling?
I can't get a good reception.
- Pull over.
- What? Why?
Just do it!
Hey, it's me.
Have you found anything?
You must think
I'm a fool, Gillen.
I checked out the program.
You don't have anything.
Alexander is a good man.
He's done a lot for the world.
I think you need
some psychological help, Gillen.
They've gotten to you, right?
I want you
to leave us alone, Gillen.
Don't call here again.
We gotta get to L.A.
Are you insane?
- Dominic's men are all over...
- I don't care.
It' my fault
that they're in this mess.
I gotta do something.
It's my child.
Program's stopped running.
It's as far as we can go.
Never mind.
We'll proceed with
my coronation at the temple.
Without the final code,
we're backed into a corner.
There's no way out.
Oh, I always leave myself
a way out.
How'd he get to Los Angeles?
Who's helping him and why
isn't that house surrounded?
They're on their way.
No one thought he'd
actually turn up there.
Why isn't he
taking the shot?
- Take the shot!
- I don't have it.
Take the shot!
I don't have it.
- Daddy!
- Sweetie! No, no, no!
You just had another dream
about daddy, that's all, OK?
What is going on?
Gillen, I told you,
leave us alone.
Get out!
I'm so scared.
I don't want him to hurt us.
Gillen, we don't have much time.
All right, Jen, call your mom.
Tell her you and Maddie are
coming to visit for a few days.
But the phone's bugged.
They'll be listening.
Exactly what we want...
because then we'll all get in
the minivan and go to Mexico.
That should throw them off
and buy some time.
They're rolling.
- Where are the troops?
- They're seconds away.
Gillen? What are you doing here?
What's going on?
Sorry, Jack,
we had no place else to turn.
Jack, what's the matter?
What is it?
Maddie! Honey!
We got a full force searching,
but it looks like we lost them.
- Why can't you come with us?
- Listen to me, sweetheart,
Dorothy's gonna take you
up to their cabin for a while.
Remember the fun
we used to have up there?
Uncle Jack's gonna call
some government friends...
and help me straighten this out.
- I'll join you in no time.
- Promise?
Take care of yourself, OK?
You, too.
Don't go, daddy.
Let me make those calls
and get you a drink.
I put some whiskey in it
to settle the nerves.
Jack, I'm seeing demons.
Demons? God!
You really do need help.
They're real.
They're real!
Look, I don't know what to say.
Uh, excuse me a minute.
I'll be right back.
Weak bladder.
I just received your message.
Keep Lane there...
My men are moments away.
Are you OK?
I'm sorry!
It was for your own good.
I did it for you!
I did it for your family!
He's in the bathroom!
Hey! Hey!
What are you doing?
Nobody said anything
about shooting him!
All units,
suspect has fled on foot.
Believed to be leaving
Hancock Park area.
Destination uncertain.
It's OK.
It's just a bad dream.
You were having them
the whole flight back.
- Where are we?
- Safe.
- Back in Israel.
- What?
I found you passed out
in the street.
You have awaken.
He's won, hasn't he?
Whatever happens,
you must not give up hope.
The final code.
Good-bye, and remember:
The faith of a child.
Where are you going?
It has been foretold in
the "Book of Revelation."
It is time for us
to meet our destiny.
- They gave you the final code.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, they did.
- I knew they would.
Hand it over.
You should know by now, Gillen,
even Satan comes
as an angel of light.
The massive temple has been
meticulously reconstructed...
based on Old Testament accounts
and detailed historic records.
Despite this detail,
many Orthodox Jews are angry...
over Chancellor Alexander's
change of the sacred place.
she just signaled.
We have Lane and the final code.
And there's my way out.
I told you I always leave one.
Yes, sir.
You have built
a magnificent house for me.
My soul leaps to see
all that has been accomplished.
For I have said in my heart,
I will ascend to heaven,
and it has come to pass.
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God,
and it has come to pass.
I will sit enthroned on
this mount of assembly...
on the utmost heights
of the sacred mountain,
and it has come to pass.
I alone have done what
no man has been able to do.
I have taken the next step
in our evolution.
I have become king and God!
That is blasphemy!
That man! Blaspheme!
Can you see
the abomination of desolation...
spoken of by Daniel...
standing in the holy place?
Let those in Judea free,
or death has come up
into our houses...
to cut off
the children from without...
and a young man from within.
How you have fallen
from heaven, Lucifer,
son of the morning.
How you are cut from the ground.
The day has come when people
will stare at you and say,
"Is this the man who made
the nations tremble?"
You have all bowed
to the man of sin.
But on the house of David,
- The Lord...
- The Lord?
Yes! The lord will pour out
his spirit of grace.
They will look on the Lord,
and they have peace.
And mourn, as one mourns
for his only son.
The lord?
I alone am
the Prince of Peace.
If there is any other,
then show us all a sign!
Right here, right now.
It is a wicked and
perverse generation...
who asks for a sign.
But like Christ,
your only sign will be this.
Destroy these temples
of his holy prophets,
and the Lord will rebuild them
in 3 days!
It will be my pleasure.
I want these reprobates
put on display and guarded.
Let the world see what happens
to those who oppose me.
Get me out of here.
The Israelis and several
others are seceding.
Then I'll make them an example
To the rest of the world...
for treating me this way.
Have my generals
waiting for me in Rome.
- Others may follow, sir.
- Then I'll crush them, too.
Don't forget,
I have the final code.
So if I give the signal,
I want a quick ground strike...
to allow our envoys
out of the region...
followed by a strategic
nuclear strike.
Oh, yes, they'll pay the price
for their insolence.
And let me know
when Ms. Barashe arrives.
Yes, sir.
Chairman, you may want to
have a look at this.
What can possibly be
so pressing?
Take your pick.
Over three million are dead and
thousands are seeking refuge...
after a freak meteor shower
hit Eastern Europe.
The Hong Kong plant
has ground to a halt...
as tests are confirming...
that the ocean's molecular
structure has somehow mutated.
The entire fishing industry
has shut down...
I just received this
from Gillen Lane.
It's true, isn't it?
- Well, what do you think?
- We will not stand for this.
Oh, I'm sorry,
but you don't have the choice.
Yes, we do.
The world shall hear of this.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
Let us continue to work together
as we have in the past.
Allow me to finish here,
and I will join you.
Ah, Cassandra.
My Jezebel.
My... Salome?
- Well done.
- He never suspected a thing.
Oh, I'm sure he didn't,
but me, I, uh...
I just hope it wasn't
difficult for you,
knowing how attached
you've become.
Attached? I don't know
what you mean.
I mean, I just wonder
if you'd ever have...
the courage to pull the trigger.
Never mind.
What are you two playing at?
He's tricked you!
- It's impossible! He couldn't!
- Oh, so now you defend him.
I think that you and I had
better go and talk with him.
We can't have the last prophecy
without the final code.
What is it?
We're gonna keep asking
until you tell us.
I don't know.
You realize I may not have to
destroy the Middle East...
if I have the security the final
prophecy would give me.
I had to die to initiate
its second phase, so...
who will die to kick it
into its final phase, hmm?
Jesus, save me.
Everything's forward motion.
How about I help you to
the next level of evolution?
Let him go.
The truth has set you free.
In light of the resurrection
of God's holy prophets,
we are recanting our support
and declaring you a heretic!
Call off the attack.
Dr. Lane.
What an unexpected pleasure.
- Call it off, or you're dead.
- Oh, I've already been dead.
Call it off.
So help me God, I'll...
God? I'm the God of this world!
And you could've been with me,
couldn't he, my love?
Yes! My Trinity!
You've spent too much time
in your codes.
The beast and his false prophet
get cast into the lake of fire.
Fairy tales.
I am the one who controls
the outcome of history.
I'm the one who calls the shots.
I'm the one who tells people
what to think and believe.
I was Judas, betraying
Christ to be crucified.
I was Hitler leading
millions to the slaughter,
and I was the drunken driver
who killed your mother.
But I was also the one who
stopped a bullet for you.
I died so that you might live.
- Can't you see what he is?
- Oh, she sees.
She sees who raised her out
of the gutter, empowered her,
and who turned her
into someone desirable.
- Just like I did to you.
- I'm sorry, Gillen.
Is there anything else
you'd like to add,
like, uh, the final code?
There's still time to
call off the troops.
Very well.
Prepare the attack.
I'll give it to you.
Yes, I knew you'd be reasonable.
Forgive me.
Thank you.
- Commence the attack on my mark.
- What?
They're already in position.
Why waste the trip?
On my mark.
Three... two... and...