The Phantom Warrior (2024) Movie Script

Oh no.
Please... please
Get on your knees, sugar tits.
Mom, what are you doing?
Bethany, is that you?
Now you remember me.
You need help.
You taking your medication?
How fucking dare you!
You make me sick,
you fucking bastard!
This is all your fault.
You're right. You're right.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Like you were
when all those times
you physically abused me, em?
Sorry like that.
We were...
We were young and stupid.
Oh, so it was our fault
you used to beat me
for breakfast,
lynch me for lunch,
dismantled me after dinner.
You're right. You're right.
I was wrong.
I was wrong. I'm sorry, Bethany.
Please forgive me.
Please forgive me.
And you
bastard children,
I disown you both.
I curse the day I ever gave
birth to you ungrateful cunts.
Why are you doing this?
Cause you just forgot I existed.
You are all complicit
in my genocide
from this godforsaken family.
Oh, God, please no, no God!
Now you're all gonna
suffer my wrath.
You have to do something
just to be able to go on living.
Since I was a girl,
I was haunted by the gods
in my dreams.
I realize now
they were merely trying
to lead me onto
the path of my destiny.
I was the daughter of a junkie,
a gambler,
a womanizer.
He left me and my mom when
I was just 13 in search
of pastures new.
Mom died a couple years later
broken hearted
and ravaged by cancer.
My parents didn't leave me much,
but they left me
with an empty stable
that had belonged to my family
as far back as
anyone can remember.
an old horse called Zeus,
and a hunting rifle,
was my inheritance,
my birthright.
It wasn't much too many.
but it was enough
for me to survive.
Sleep had become
an ordeal for me.
I knew the world
I was about to enter
and this world of unconscious.
I didn't understand
and didn't care to either.
Join us, Nemesis.
Join us, Nemesis.
I decided to follow my instincts
and chase my destiny.
I began to feel, to hear
my instincts and intuitions
as if they were voices
singing to me.
These instincts,
had taken possession of my body
and I was being guided
by my unconscious self
towards my destiny.
Join us, Nemesis.
Join us, Nemesis.
Join us, Nemesis.
Join us, Nemesis.
What are you doing on my land?
I don't want any trouble.
I thought this was a...
public church.
It's not.
It's my land.
It's all mine.
All of it.
You're trespassing.
Now you have to pay
the consequences.
Back away!
You're crowding me.
Can I please smell your face?
It looks like it has some
wonderful aroma.
Smells like...
I bet you taste wonderful.
Why don't you and I
make a deal?
You let me eat your cheek
and I'll forgive you
for trespassing on my land.
Back away!
Don't be so hasty,
You might as well
just give it to me.
You're gonna lose it anyway.
I ran past All
Saints Church
virtually every day of my life.
But now...
...instinct was telling me
this tiny little church
would lead me to the blueprint
of my destiny.
I am Pythia.
Oracle of Delphi
and High Priestess
of the Temple of Apollo.
Your destiny was long decided
by the spindles and threads
of the goddesses of fate,
the Moirai Sisters.
Embrace who you are, Nemesis.
Know thyself, great
goddess of revenge,
for you are
the seeker of retribution
and punisher of hubris.
met before.
we have met in many lives,
in many forms,
and many different places.
From drowning the arrogant
using the last of his own
to Peter, the first of Portugal,
ripping the hearts
out of his wives murderers.
Embrace the darkness
in your soul,
for it is that outer darkness
that makes your light so special
All will become clear to you,
if you trust your instincts.
First, drink the kykeon.
Are you prepared to travel
deep into the underworld?
I am.
I wish there was another way
to do this.
There is no coming to
consciousness without rebirth.
And in order for
you to be reborn,
we must first kill the being
you convinced yourself you are.
Don't worry, young Riley.
All the other boys
play this game.
Don't be scared.
It's just a game.
Ahh! Oh...oh
Come on.
It's alright.
Does it hurt?
Does it hurt?
I was entering the realm
of the unconscious mind
where the gods rule all
and therefore
rule us all
He in there?
You can't tell anyone
what goes on in there.
I knew then what I had to do,
why I was put on the earth.
Hello, can I help you?
I know what this is,
you sick son of a bitch.
She's my daughter.
There must be some
kind of mistake.
I'm a man of God.
I don't know
what you've heard
or who you've been talking to.
I swear to God, I'm innocent.
You're gonna burn in hell
for what you've done.
Please don't hurt Poppa.
The Lord works in mysterious
ways, my daughter.
Welcome to the underworld.
I'm dreaming.
No you are not
You are living in the
world of the unconscious mind
A place
where you and I have existed
almost as long as mankind.
Mask of Dionysus
will protect you
from those
who seek to prevent you
from achieving your destiny
with revenge and retribution.
Wear it with pride.
I realized Destiny's ambitions
for me
far exceeded Chaos county.
So I headed to the city
in search of those
who have caused pain
and suffering deliberately
and without just cause.
Always a pleasure
to meet a new girl
especially when they are
tight and good.
You know me like you, you know?
Revenge for all the lost souls
and your narcotics spell
and your disappointed parents.
for all the victims
of your petty crimes.
You are the scourge of society,
on our great community.
I met my future husband
when I was still at school.
I can't have been more than 15
while he was already
well in his forties,
maybe even fifties.
He was so good to me.
His age didn't
make a difference either way.
They say power
is the greatest aphrodisiac.
Well, he was one of the most
powerful men in Chaos County,
the head of
the Greco crime family,
the most feared
crime family around.
With that fear came
a danger that made him
to a young, innocent dancer
from a small town
after her big break.
So how did the abuse begin?
The what?
When did he
start hitting you?
It started off with an
occasional slap when he didn't
get his way
in front of his friends.
And then
the slaps became punches
and kicks
until one day I became pregnant.
I blame myself.
I should have ran away
and saved my baby's life.
It's not your fault, Kristina.
He doesn't love you.
And he never loved you.
He loved the power
he had over you.
You've already
won the hardest battle.
And that was walking out
that front door.
If I've already won,
why does it still
hurt so much?
Do you have a solid support
What does that mean?
Any family
you can turn to?
During some of
my darkest days,
my family really
dragged me through.
My parents is strict Catholics.
Wonderful God fearing people.
They cut me off entirely
when I chose to marry a gangster
who was over 20 years
my senior.
What about your friends?
He made me cut off my friends
in the first six months
of our relationship.
have you tried exercising?
I thought that's what you said.
Oh, it is the best way
to arm yourself
against the daily
mental onslaught.
and chocolate!
Can I help you?
"I'm the Leader of the Gang"
by Gary Glitter plays
My dear.
Defeated sisters
fresh from the battlefield
wounds green unable to heal
I feel your pain.
I truly do.
You fought a battle
against monsters who
were stronger than you
and you were defeated.
Your souls crushed like...
like Romans
facing Hannibal in Canae.
But today
I offer you all revenge.
I offer, I truly do.
a new family.
A family
that will love you
and protect you from monsters.
A family
that will show you the true
meaning of life.
It just feels...
Kristina, where are you going?
They could be dangerous.
You remember me, kid?
There's no such thing
as a coincidence.
You can't go back there.
trust your instincts.
I will get you your money.
Please be patient with me.
I'll get you every penny.
I swear to Christ.
I'm worth more to you alive
than dead though, right?
Because if you kill me,
then you won't get nothing.
It was just a bad investment.
That's all.
Nobody expected the market
to crash the way it did.
Who could have predicted
a drought?
A fucking drought?
We were just unlucky,
both of us,
because it could have gone
the other way too, right?
We could have made a fortune.
But you win some, you lose some.
Please don't kill me, man.
Are you a superhero?
Yes, I am.
I'm the Phantom Warrior.
My purpose
was to balance
the equilibrium between the evl
and the just.
Guided by my instinct
and intuitions
passed down to me
by the gods
who came before me.
Deputy Lee.
You ever get the feeling
that there's...
more to life
than just being born,
marrying a girl, procreating
and dying?
What the fuck is this?
Wait by there, ma'am.
I don't want you
making any sudden movements,
you hear me?
Have I done something wrong?
Well, that's what
I'm attempting to ascertain.
I'm just jogging.
What's your name, ma'am?
Nemesis Knight.
That's a fine name.
You don't hear many names
like that around here.
I'll take that as a compliment.
So you should.
There's nothing
more boring than usual.
You mind losing the mask,
Ms. Knight?
I'd rather not.
Take off the mask.
I recently had an accident.
It's protecting the wound.
Is that so?
No rule against
wearing a mask
I suppose.
No rule about arming yourself
in this great nation either
especially since this is
an open carry state.
It's just rather unusual.
Wouldn't you agree?
Times are tough.
I was hoping
I might be fortunate enough
to encounter a rabbit or such.
A rabbit or such?
Any luck?
'Fraid not.
Do you live around here,
Ms. Nemesis Knight?
I sure do,
Lieutenant Pallas.
That's my stable over there.
That stable yours, huh?
Yes, sir.
Well, you be careful running
with those firearms.
Mind you don't fall over
cause yourself a mischief.
Yes, sir.
You take care,
Ms. Nemesis Knight.
I'll see you around.
There's nothing
to be afraid of.
We are the Erinyes,
punishes of evil men.
What is this place?
Welcome to Erebus.
What the...
Eh! What...
Ah! Eh!
Ow, you... Ah!
What the fuck you doing, man?
What you... What
you want with me? Eh?
Me got no god damn money.
so what you want with me?
You wanna rape me.
Come now.
All right, come on.
Me will take the rape.
Come rape me now.
Come rape me.
Hello, Sanka.
Remember me?
Your wife.
Oh, bumbacla...
What you...
You stupid woman? Eh?
It's my revenge story, Sanka.
It's payback.
As the immortal soul
Dollos taught me.
you have to do a little evil
just to continue living.
You really
tried my patience
you know, woman?
You left me!
You remember?
So what happened?
You come here with all these
white women to murder me?
Wanna murder me, women?
and may God
judge you for the ultimate sin.
That's right, Sanka.
That's right.
I'm here to kill you.
You not kill me.
You is a God fearing woman,
a Christian.
Hatred stirs up trouble.
Love overlooks
the wrongs that others do.
If you have good sense
it will show when you speak.
But if you're stupid,
you'll be beaten with a stick.
The same way me beat you
biblically for God Almighty sake
If you have good sense
you would learn all that you can
but foolish talk
will destroy you.
you see
I box you
out of love
I box you so I can teach you
the same way Jesus
taught his disciples.
Fuckers! Fuck!
Fucking prick!
Darling I should have been
on a stage.
Hello ladies, I'm sorry
we are closed today.
It's appointment only.
I am on my own.
Darling, how are you?
What is with all the guns?
Please put them down
You are scaring my customers.
Goodbye, Mario.
Theo darling no please.
Drop the gun, sugar tits.
Are you police?
Who sent you?
Who is that,
a stripper?
Let me go
and I might spare you once
I turn the tables in my favor.
Oh, babes,
there won't be no turning tables
tonight, Love.
You are proper fucked.
Lyssa's with me tonight
on night watch.
Who the fuck is Lyssa?
You time is up, abuser!
Welcome to Erebus.
is a simple word with
a basic meaning
a term that even a child
can understand.
The idea of
wanting something that is wrong.
To give in to temptation
will merely circumvent the path
to your own destiny.
Fulfill what is inside you,
dear Phantom Warrior.
How did you find us?
What you want?
We're gonna torture you,
fuck face.
Did my husband send you?
Are you with the Greco family?
She's kind of cute, isn't she?
Do ya reckon Dollos will
let us keep her?
Good evening,
Oh, I missed you Dollos.
I love you, Dollos.
Godfather on my baptism
into rebirth.
I love you too.
Great teacher.
Thank you so much
for everything
you do for us.
Oh, without you,
we would be victims.
With you we are women of power
in control of our own destinies
and one
with our unconscious minds.
do you know who this beautiful
Phantom Warrior is?
This is my sensational sister,
an immortal soul
as old as mine.
As ancient as man himself.
I've never met you before.
Oh, come now, sister.
Still driven
by your unconscious mind.
Open up your eyes already
and get a grip, would you?
Your actual sister?
Do you know what
an immortal soul is, sister?
I'm not your -
An immortal soul
is somebody
who can physically die,
but be instantly reborn
with a full memory
of their previous life.
We have the ability to
brainwash and influence
unwoken minds.
Your destiny is to judge
the sins of mortal men
and punish the evil,
the ultimate act of retribution
in the conscious world.
Sound familiar?
You've met
the Pythia, the Oracle.
Met her?
Met her.
Oh, my dear sister,
I've known her for millennia.
I know all the old goats
in the world
and in the underworld, including
Let me guess.
He gave you that
be aware of temptations speech.
That feels so 300 B.C. right?
delve deep into
your unconscious mind,
and you will remember
the fun we've had.
We've tortured Trojans in Troy.
We've- we've- we've- we've
We've chopped off
the heads of Ottomans in Vienna.
We've bashed British skulls
with bats in York Town.
We've poured acid
over the backs of the Japs
in Hiroshima.
My dear sister,
You and I,
we are at least 10,000 years old
Look deep into my eyes, sister.
Can't you see?
Yes, yes, sister,
It is I.
Yes, yes, yes, it is I.
Oh my sister,
Join us.
Join us and we will take over
the world all over again
Both the world above
and in the underworld,
we will reign as we see fit.
We will wipe out the evil,
reward the just, the righteous.
We will make Earth
our paradise.
Oh, of course.
Of course.
We can have a little fun.
Oh, join me, Sister.
The world above still
got some benefits.
This my granddaddy's rifle.
Oh, spare me
that sentimental bullshit.
I will shoot this motherfucker
dead, I swear I will.
Take it!
Just don't hurt him.
I couldn't bear it
if I lost Dollos.
Yeah, just shoot me.
Take me if you are
going to shoot somebody.
It's not going to make a
difference in the long run.
No! No, Please!
Please! Not Dollos!
Take me instead.
Please, spare the Great One.
Touch one hair on
his head
and I will crush your
fucking skull.
Good luck, my sister.
I will see you again
in the realm of dreams.
Nobody fucks with
Nemesis Knight.
You ever dream
a dream feels like it's real
even though you know
you dreaming?
Come on man!
My Granny
drives faster than you do.
Following a horse, man
not a fucking car.
I'm here
for my justified revenge
for all the years of abuse,
for the punches
and kicks, the insults,
and for the child
you made me miscarry
by kicking me
down the stairs last May.
You can do it, Kristina!
Hey, watch out boss!
The Smurfs are here
Oh, oh, oh.
It is a well-known
scientific fact
that the human brain
takes enormous pleasure in
justified revenge.
I like to think of myself as...
a pleasure giver.
Faccia merda!
Revenge is a bitch.
Woah! Haha!
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Oh oh.
Gratitude is the
parent of all virtues, my dear.
Drop your weapons!
Drop your fucking weapon.
Get on your knees.
Put your hands behind your head.
See you in the realm of
the unconscious mind, Pallas.
So long, Nemesis.
I'll see you around.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
I'll take it from here.
Lose the goddamn mask.
We tried, sheriff.
It's stuck on.
So the mask...
is that a sex thing?
More like a destiny thing.
Okay, I want to know
start at the beginning,
shall we?
What's your real name?
Nemesis Knight.
That's unusual.
What are you, foreign?
Apparently, my daddy came up
with the name when he was high
hallucinating on LSD.
But I believe
it was the name given to me
by the gods.
Came to Pops as a
stroke of fate.
You see, no matter how blind
you are in the conscious world,
Your unconscious still sees.
how long is this going to take?
You've committed
premeditated mass murder
in multiple states this night.
This is this is bigger than
the Chaos County
Sheriff's Department.
This is a
federal matter.
The FBI should be here soon
to pick you up.
Well, why are we talking then?
Purely for my amusement.
You don't have to keep talking
if you don't want to.
That's your right.
We can keep going
if it pleases you, sheriff.
Appreciate that.
It pleases me.
I want to take you back to
to last Friday.
I understand that you had
some interaction
with two of my officers.
Do you recall that interaction
Ms. Knight?
I do recall that interaction.
It's not every day
I encountered a Titan in Chaos.
A Titan?
Are you telling me
that you and
one of my officers had a
previous relationship?
Sheriff, I've had a relationship
with your officer
for thousands of years.
Your officer is
the Titan God of War.
I see.
So, Lieutenant
Pallas has no idea
that the only reason
you spared his life
is because you believe you
recognize him from your dreams.
But he doesn't recognize you,
does he, Nemesis?
Unfortunately, Lieutenant Pallas
still lives very much
in the conscious world.
He's fast asleep
to his own reality
and destiny.
Pallas has no idea
how powerful he can be.
That's a pity.
But I should go.
I'm sure your ancestors
are warning you
of the danger
you're in right now.
Through fear.
I won't hesitate to kill you
if you try and stop me leaving.
I understand.
So what happens now?
I'll leave town
continue on destiny's path just
as I have done over centuries
to punish the evil
with the ultimate act
of bloody retribution.
Hey cabron
puta de madre!
Ha ha ha
That's impossible.
Jesus Christ.
Help! Help!