The Reflected Self (2024) Movie Script
Go on, I got it, I got it.
I was going to say
it's really nice!
Got a great personality
I'm sure.
You alright?
I can work with this.
You sure?
There must be so much
history here.
Strange to think we're
now a part of it.
There's like
three other bedrooms
if you don't like this one.
It's not the room.
I'm going to make this
work for us, Nia.
I Promise.
I know.
Because if you don't.
[Nia] You back yet?
[Nia] Oi!
[Nia] Ooh you making pancakes?
[Dion] There you go.
[Dion] Look, your blood pressure
is going to thank me
[Dion] when you're older.
Living with you is going to give
me higher blood pressure
than any food.
Hm. Forbidden fruit.
I'm going to take a walk.
Look. I just.
I just really want you
to be careful, alright?
If it's just going to be
the two of us,
I can't be your only hobby.
[Dion] Nia, wait.
I had a Snickers
on the way home.
[Door closes downstairs]
[Bang from upstairs]
[Crash from upstairs]
[Footsteps running upstairs]
[Nia] What you doing?
I am not clearing that up.
Is that revenge for
the Snickers?
You bring me to
Norman Bate's house
what else do you expect me to do
in my spare time?
Want to hear something funny
to cheer you up?
[Dion] Go on.
It's Dark.
[Dion] Just say it.
It's funny how you can die
in a house fire,
yet still be cremated.
[Dion] Fucking hell, Nia.
[Dion] I suppose Dad would have
laughed at that.
[Dion] Mum not so much, but.
How's your unpacking going?
It's not.
You bored yet?
I started bored.
Come on. Let's do something fun.
[Fireplace crackling]
You know, this wasn't exactly
what I had in mind
when you said we should do
something fun.
You used to love playing
chess together, though.
Alright keep it down.
No need to tell everyone.
Don't touch it.
[Nia] You know,
[Nia] it was never the chess
that I wanted to
[Nia] spend time with.
Oh come on.
I'm pouring my heart out,
you can't look at me like that.
I know I should have been there
more for you.
I should have been there to
cheer you on at matches,
and help with homework,
and just be a
shoulder to cry on.
I, I didn't need all that.
I just, I needed, well.
I can't change the past, Nia.
But I promise.
I promise, I am here now.
And I am not going anywhere.
As long as we've got a roof
over our heads,
food in our stomaches,
maybe I'll feel like I've done
something right.
Well that just got serious
very quickly.
I'm going to go to the shops,
get us some picky bits,
you know, real food, and maybe a
couple of alcoholic beverages
and we'll get this
party started.
You going to go on your own?
[Front door closing]
[Door creaking]
Are you alright!?
Yea, just slipped.
On what?
No, just slipped.
I leave you for five
bloody minutes!
Come on.
Dion, it's OK, it's OK.
Who are you?
[Woman] Dion, It's me.
[Woman] It's me!
Stop, stop, stop!
What are you doing
in my bedroom!?
Wheres Nia?
Calm down.
Wheres my sister?
Your sister?
Shes not here.
No one is.
Just breathe.
What's happening to me?
I don't know how much
you remember.
Or if you're even aware of
what's happening right now?
What do you remember exactly?
Remember, what?
Why are you here?
In this house?
Our house burned down.
Me and Nia, we got this place.
OK, Dion, I've been dreading
having to explain this to you.
But your entire family died
that night in the fire.
No, I know that.
No, everyone.
Including Nia.
No, no, no.
No she couldn't. I was just
with her. There's no way.
Can you explain exactly
where that was?
Here! In this house!
[Woman] Would you like to know
what really happened?
- That is what...
- [Nia] Wake up!
[Nia] Please, wake up!
- [Dion] Nia!
- [Nia] I need you to wake up!
[Dion] Nia!
- Nia!
- [Woman] Dion, please.
[Nia] Oh my God.
- [Nia] I dont know what to do.
- [Dion] Nia!
[Nia] Oh my God, please wake up.
[Nia] Oh my God.
[Nia] Please just wake up
I need you to wake up. Please!
[Nia] Wake up!
[Dion] Ah, Nia!
[Nia] Are you alright?
Yeah. Let's get inside.
Are we going to talk about this?
Or just sweep it
under the carpet?
I mean,
I'm fine either way,
it's your funeral.
I don't know.
Maybe I was dreaming?
I think it was more
than a dream.
Do you want to know
what really happened?
You were having
some kind of night terror.
Thanks for that by the way.
[Nia] And then.
[Nia] Well I thought you woke up
in some kind of...
[Nia] Daze.
Like sleepwalking, except...
It wasnt.
It was as though you were asleep
and awake at the same time.
Well then I kept trying to
wake you up and...
You just kept muttering to
yourself about some, woman?
That woman.
I've been having visions of her.
We'll come back to that,
but, go on.
The other night.
She was standing
at the foot of my bed.
I was here, but I mean I wasn't,
It was so familiar, Nia, but,
She said that.
Next thing I know we were
outside walking.
But you know
this is real, right?
Here and now, with me?
I know how this sounds.
[Nia] I believe you, I just.
I don't know what we do now.
Do you need help?
It's her isn't it, the woman?
No, no, no.
Can you see her now?
Nia, please just.
I just.
Nia, Stop!
Nia I'm sorry!
[Dion] Looks like the weather's
picking up, doesn't it?
How 'bout those dodgers, kid?
Boucher hits one out
to left field.
It's going.
It's going!
Oh it's gone, the crowd
go wild! [Cheers]
No we need to talk about this.
I know. I'm just.
[Nia] It's happening again
isn't it?
No, I've...
Mum explained everything.
Explained what?
[Door knocks]
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Nia, what?
Nia, what are you doing?
What's going on?
You wouldn't talk to me.
I didn't know
what else to do, I.
I didn't know who else to call.
[Nia] thank you so much.
[Woman] Dion!
Dion. It's ok, it's me.
No, no no.
[Dion] Nia!
[Dion] You're still here?
And so are you.
[Woman] Well, good morning!
It's tomorrow?
Well, only compared
to yesterday.
I must have been
down all night?
Well, it was quite
the day yesterday,
I'm sure you needed your rest.
Is there anything you'd
like to ask me?
What is this, therapy?
Well, this is not, no.
This is. Yes.
OK, Dion, let me explain.
And if at any point it feels
like too much,
you just tell me to stop.
After you lost everyone
in the fire.
You had a complete...
Well, we don't like to call
it this anymore, but.
For lack of a better term.
You had a complete breakdown.
You went into something of a
comatose state.
And so you were brought here.
For rehabilitation.
With me as your live-in help
and therapist.
Sorry, where are my manners.
[Dr Minos] I'm Doctor Minos.
- And as for where you've been.
- [Dion] I know where I've been.
What are we doing here?
Well, funnily enough, you're
already in my therapy chair.
Don't get any ideas.
Wouldn't dream of it.
To be completely honest,
it's a lot of this, really.
Through your emotions,
your thoughts.
OK. Let's say...
That I was intrigued on...
Hearing your thoughts
on where Id been.
OK, well.
OK, well, hypothetically.
I would assume,
where you've been.
Was some form of
'Double Bookkeeping'.
Or 'Derealisation'.
Where you've created a reality
in your own mind.
[Dr Minos] A reality where
you feel safe.
Where Nia didn't perish and
you could live in peace.
Knowing that you saved her
and could care for her.
Masking the trauma of what
actually happened.
Look, I know,
this must be,
an extraordinary amount to bear.
But the first thing I need you
to understand, Dion, is that,
None of what happened
was your fault.
I think that's enough
for one day.
Where I was.
With my sister.
It just felt more like home?
I mean, I've got memories
there of before.
Whereas here.
There's just nothing.
Well, the mind is a
powerful tool.
And even more powerful when
you're unaware of what it's
doing subconsciously
But we need to make you
understand what is,
and is not, real.
You're standing in-front
of a mirror.
You look down and you can see
yourself and your surroundings.
But looking up you can see your
same self and your
same surroundings
in the reflection.
The difference is,
you know that where
you're standing is reality
and what you're looking at
is a reflection.
How do you know you're not the
reflection, though?
There is something
I think could help.
If you're willing?
[Dr Minos] Now, hypnotherapy
has a great track record
of helping patients regain
some of their memories.
Hang on, you want to
hypnotise me?
I don't know if I want you in my
head making me bark like a dog.
Nothing like that.
Hypnosis puts you
into a controlled
and relaxed state of mind,
where we may boost the mental
performance of your subconscious
and start to regain some of
those memories youve...
Well, misplaced.
Think of your subconscious
as your all seeing eye.
A part of your mind which is
always watching and taking notes
even when your conscious-self
is unaware.
The problem is.
Your conscious mind and your
subconscious mind,
they have trouble communicating
with one another.
Hypnosis can improve
that communication.
And hopefully,
allow us to travel back
to the memories
stored within your subconscious
and bring them to the surface so
they become conscious memories
once more.
Now sit back.
Close your eyes.
[Dr Minos] Let yourself
relax completely.
[Dr Minos] Take a deep
breath in.
[Dr Minos] And as you exhale,
feel yourself let go.
[Dr Minos] Im going to count
from five to one
[Dr Minos] and as I do, youll
feel your relaxation deepen.
[Dr Minos] Five. Nice and
[Dr Minos] Youre safe here.
Safe to let go.
[Dr Minos] Four. Doubling or
even tripling your relaxation.
[Dr Minos] Three. Everythings
peaceful now.
[Dr Minos] Two. Going
even deeper.
[Dr Minos] One. Here we are.
[Nia] Youve got to stop doing
that to me.
See, I told you hed be OK.
What are you doing here?
Taking care of you of course.
Doctor Minos?
Doctor Minos?
Dion, its me?
You really dont know who I am.
Do you?
Dion, look at me.
Its me.
You honestly dont know?
Its Doctor Minos, my therapist.
Yeah, shes Doctor Minos, but
shes not your therapist.
Shes Aria.
Your wife.
[Aria] Dion! Are you OK?
[Aria] Its OK calm down.
[Aria] Dion, Im going to
count from one
[Aria] and when I reach number
five youre going to wake up.
[Aria] One. Moving your fingers
and your toes.
[Aria] Two. Moving your hands
and your fingers.
[Aria] Three. Lots of energy
returning to the body.
[Aria] Four. Coming back
to this place. This time.
[Aria] Five. Opening your eyes.
[Aria] Dion?
Youre OK, hey, hey, look at me,
look at me!
Its OK, its OK.
Look at me, its OK.
Youre my wife.
Its OK.
This is a good sign.
I, I.
I dont...
Its alright.
You take all the time you need.
Ill be here whenever
youre ready.
Do you mind if I come in?
What were we like?
As a couple?
Im afraid its not
my place to say.
My memories are my
interpretation of events.
It would be dangerous for me to
fill the gaps in your memory
with my own.
For fear of implanting something
your mind doesnt deem as true.
A false memory as such.
But. Deep, deep inside there.
Is all the truth you need.
You done all of this,
just for me?
I watched you fade
And there was nothing
I could do to help.
And then one day,
you just sat there.
And continued to sit there.
You were truly lost
inside of yourself.
There was only so much
I could take.
And so I packed everything we
owned and I brought you here.
To get you away from everything.
To make a fresh start.
Start the healing process.
So sorry I...
It will all come back with time.
But right now it seems healing
isnt our only goal.
We need to keep you here.
In this reality.
And stop you from sinking into
this world that your mind
has orchestrated.
Well thats for me
to worry about.
I think hypnotherapy is
off the agenda
for the foreseeable though.
Nearly lost you there.
[Aria] Place any feelings of
anger, fear, worry
in the core of your stomach.
And attach those feelings
to the energy that is now rising
slowly through your body.
And as you exhale, feel those
feelings evaporate.
As you finally release
that energy.
[Aria] Your eyes are
open arent they?
No. No, no no.
Keep going this is, eh, good.
Dion, meditation is not about
closing your eyes.
Its about being in
total control.
Of your mind, body,
and - soul.
That is if you
believe in the soul?
You dont have to answer this
if you dont want to.
But as far as your concerned,
Nia survived?
Look, as far as Im concerned
this could be a false reality.
You could just be a projection
of my imagination.
No, Im serious!
Im sure you are.
And whos to say
youre wrong, eh?
No, look.
I think I am starting
to realise that
this other reality isnt real.
And its probably not healthy
for me to spend time there.
[Dion] If you had somewhere,
[Dion] Where you could visit
loved ones that had passed.
[Dion] Wouldnt you want
to be there?
I think thats my struggle with
all of this.
If this other world does exist,
even in my mind.
Nias there, the whole tragedy
never happened.
Why would I want to be here?
Because you have to.
You, you have to live here,
in reality and face your
problems head-on.
[Aria] I appreciate what youre
feeling, I do.
[Aria] But it wreaks of
ignorance is bliss.
Your body without your mind
is mere mechanics.
And your body is here.
In this world.
[Aria] And if your mind
and your body
[Aria] arent connected, living
in a real world with real people
[Aria] then what would you be?
No, look, Im sorry I didnt
mean, I didnt mean it like...
Its fine.
[Aria] Nia, look at him,
he needs help!
[Nia] I promise hes done this
before, he comes back around,
[Nia] will you just wait!?
[Aria] What if he doesnt, Nia,
then what?
[Nia] He will!
[Nia] Just be patient, please!
Please dont take him
away from me.
Is that all this is?
How selfish.
Do you not worry about how this
is affecting him?
How its affecting us?
Thats it.
Im calling an ambulance.
Are you OK?
She called you Mum?
Aria, she called you...
Shes our daughter.
No, no.
No, she cant.
Shes my sister.
[Aria] Think, Dion.
Think very hard.
What do you actually remember?
I, I definitely remember.
I remember holding her
when she was born.
You were at the birth
of your own sister?
Its not uncommon for siblings
to fulfill the role of parents
in family relationships.
But is that all this was?
[Aria] A fatherly figure, or?
You lied to me.
No. No, Dion, I never...
What else have you
been hiding from me?
I need to see her.
Dion, no.
I need to see her!
Dion, look at me!
Nia is gone.
You cant talk to her.
No, no, no. Youre wrong,
shes alive.
Where, in your mind?
That is not Nia.
That is your projection.
A memory is not real.
That place is not real. This,
here with me, this is real!
Please, Dion.
Stay with me here.
In this reality, and we can
work through this together.
And how do you plan on seeing
her anyway?
You transitioning,
its uncontrollable.
But you can control it.
No. Out of the question.
- But it worked, Aria.
- It didnt work!
I nearly lost you!
Im not risking it again.
- Look, Aria...
- [Aria] No, Dion!
[Dion] Aria!
[Dion] Aria, stop!
No, Dion, you stop!
Everything Ive done.
Everything I have been through
to try and help you!
You may not remember me,
but I remember you.
And I need you here and now
and not escaping
to some other world whenever
this one gets too tough.
And I need you to start
realising that whatever this
other world may be,
its not real!
And you cant use it
to fix everything!
I am here.
I always have been and I always
will be to help you through this
But I have lost you too many
times and I will not send you
back there just to
lose you again.
- [Dion] Look, Aria.
- Dont.
Come with me.
I cannot think of anything
I would want less than to
send you back there.
I think hypnosis seems to be a
gateway into this other world.
And thank could prove
really dangerous.
But. If its what you want.
Now is your chance
to tell me why.
You say that I
dont remember you.
But I do.
I might not remember the first
time we met, or our first kiss,
But I remember every moment
that weve spent here.
Maybe this whole
Dissociative Fugue
Maybe its permanent.
And youve lost me.
Youve lost the old me forever.
But what if thats not
what this is about though?
What if this new world
is a part of me?
A part of who Ive become?
Every time Im there, theres
something pushing me to remember
and forcing these memories to
the surface of my mind.
Theyre memories that
have got no meaning, but,
I dont know.
Maybe in time
theyll make sense.
There must have been a reason
my mind has created this world
and put everything in it.
Why would we strip me of that?
I just think.
If I could go back and see Nia
one last time,
it might,
ignite something
in some deep, dark recess
of my mind that,
I dont know, might push me to
remember and,
answer some of these questions.
And that might be
a load of rubbish
but thats my reason.
As strange as it sounds,
I agree with you.
I think this other world
is a part of you.
Except I think its like a paras
Drawing life from within you
and I think you need to
make peace with it.
Before we remove it.
And close the wound for good.
Because I will only agree to
this under one stipulation.
This has to be goodbye.
If you truly believe
that visiting there will ignite
some long lost memory.
Then Im willing to help.
[Aria] But this is
the last time.
You cannot rely on
some imaginary world
to solve all of your problems.
And I need you to treat this
as a form of closure.
Now, the second I see you
in distress like before,
Im pulling you out immediately.
If this works,
this will bring you
immeasurable pain.
I know.
Rest your head back
and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in.
And as you exhale, feel yourself
relax completely.
[Aria] Im going to count
from five to one.
[Aria] And as I do, youll feel
your relaxation deepen.
[Nia] Mum!
[Nia] Dad?
I know.
Sorry, I.
Its OK.
[Aria] Dion!
- Mum?
- My Boy!
No, no. Wait, wait. You cant.
[Dion] No, no.
[Dion] How?
You died?
- What?
- Died?
[Aria] Dion!
Listen to me, theyre not real.
This is all in your mind.
Please come back inside.
Its OK son.
Weve been searching
a long time for you.
Just step outside and we can
talk through this.
[Dion] But how have you?
Dad, is Nia with you?
- Look, come outside and we can
- Is Nia with you?
Whos Nia?
Get back!
[Dad] Aria, please, just.
Let him go and then
we can talk this through.
No! Dion, I did this for you.
[Aria] I did this for us.
We could have been so happy.
Aria, listen.
Im sorry.
Im so sorry.
I just wanted you to love me.
We were so young.
We only had two years but I
wanted so much more for us.
And then you left me.
I couldnt bear to lose you.
I knew I alone
wasnt enough for you.
You agreed to meet me here
for a weekend getaway to work
on our relationship.
And I knew we could
have a life together
if you only you could truly
experience it first-hand.
Then you would believe
in the idea of us.
I put you into a prolonged
state of deep hypnosis.
Implanting false memories that
would help make you see
our potential together.
Creating a world full
of possibility.
Our happy marriage that was left
desolate after the death
of a daughter and your parents.
So we could start
a new life together
and rekindle everything
that was lost.
But once you awoke
I couldnt understand where
I went wrong.
Your mind rejected the reality
I was trying so desperately
to make it believe, and
everything was misconstrued.
A daughter you
deemed as a sister
and no memory of myself
or our relationship.
And so I continued
to work with you.
Taking opportune moments to
take you into hypnosis
and correct the
story in your mind.
And slowly it began to stick
When you called me your wife
I could hardly breathe.
And the revelation of Nia being
your daughter
it was all Id ever
wanted for us.
And when you finally
wanted to see her
it was only then that I knew
you were starting to believe.
And, Nia?
Just a character I created.
[Aria] To help you see what
could have been.
I needed you to believe
we had a family.
And having lost a child, with us
here alone, we could try again!
[Aria] Start anew. Have
everything we ever wanted.
Just leave.
I wish things could have
worked out differently.
I know theres no future
for us now.
But I just wanted you to know
how much I loved you.
[Dad] You ready to go?
Yeah, almost.
I miss her.
[Dad] Aria?
[Dad] Oh.
I havent even got a picture
of her, you know?
Just memories.
Memories that didnt happen.
[Dad] I know son, but.
[Dad] Those memories will begin
to fade as time goes by.
Like so many people that come
and go in our lives.
[Dad] Take all the time
you need.
[Dion] Mum. Dad. But you died?
Dion, listen to me.
[Aria] Theyre not real. This is
all in your mind.
Please come back inside.
[Aria] Sleep!
[Aria] I needed you to believe
we had a family.
And having lost a child, with us
here alone, we could try again!
[Aria] Have everything
we ever wanted.
[Dion] And, Nia?
[Aria] Just a character
I created.
[Aria] Dion!
I did this for you.
Your sister?
[Aria] Shes not here.
No one is.
I did this for us!
Deep inside there, is all the
truth you need.
Go on, I got it, I got it.
I was going to say
it's really nice!
Got a great personality
I'm sure.
You alright?
I can work with this.
You sure?
There must be so much
history here.
Strange to think we're
now a part of it.
There's like
three other bedrooms
if you don't like this one.
It's not the room.
I'm going to make this
work for us, Nia.
I Promise.
I know.
Because if you don't.
[Nia] You back yet?
[Nia] Oi!
[Nia] Ooh you making pancakes?
[Dion] There you go.
[Dion] Look, your blood pressure
is going to thank me
[Dion] when you're older.
Living with you is going to give
me higher blood pressure
than any food.
Hm. Forbidden fruit.
I'm going to take a walk.
Look. I just.
I just really want you
to be careful, alright?
If it's just going to be
the two of us,
I can't be your only hobby.
[Dion] Nia, wait.
I had a Snickers
on the way home.
[Door closes downstairs]
[Bang from upstairs]
[Crash from upstairs]
[Footsteps running upstairs]
[Nia] What you doing?
I am not clearing that up.
Is that revenge for
the Snickers?
You bring me to
Norman Bate's house
what else do you expect me to do
in my spare time?
Want to hear something funny
to cheer you up?
[Dion] Go on.
It's Dark.
[Dion] Just say it.
It's funny how you can die
in a house fire,
yet still be cremated.
[Dion] Fucking hell, Nia.
[Dion] I suppose Dad would have
laughed at that.
[Dion] Mum not so much, but.
How's your unpacking going?
It's not.
You bored yet?
I started bored.
Come on. Let's do something fun.
[Fireplace crackling]
You know, this wasn't exactly
what I had in mind
when you said we should do
something fun.
You used to love playing
chess together, though.
Alright keep it down.
No need to tell everyone.
Don't touch it.
[Nia] You know,
[Nia] it was never the chess
that I wanted to
[Nia] spend time with.
Oh come on.
I'm pouring my heart out,
you can't look at me like that.
I know I should have been there
more for you.
I should have been there to
cheer you on at matches,
and help with homework,
and just be a
shoulder to cry on.
I, I didn't need all that.
I just, I needed, well.
I can't change the past, Nia.
But I promise.
I promise, I am here now.
And I am not going anywhere.
As long as we've got a roof
over our heads,
food in our stomaches,
maybe I'll feel like I've done
something right.
Well that just got serious
very quickly.
I'm going to go to the shops,
get us some picky bits,
you know, real food, and maybe a
couple of alcoholic beverages
and we'll get this
party started.
You going to go on your own?
[Front door closing]
[Door creaking]
Are you alright!?
Yea, just slipped.
On what?
No, just slipped.
I leave you for five
bloody minutes!
Come on.
Dion, it's OK, it's OK.
Who are you?
[Woman] Dion, It's me.
[Woman] It's me!
Stop, stop, stop!
What are you doing
in my bedroom!?
Wheres Nia?
Calm down.
Wheres my sister?
Your sister?
Shes not here.
No one is.
Just breathe.
What's happening to me?
I don't know how much
you remember.
Or if you're even aware of
what's happening right now?
What do you remember exactly?
Remember, what?
Why are you here?
In this house?
Our house burned down.
Me and Nia, we got this place.
OK, Dion, I've been dreading
having to explain this to you.
But your entire family died
that night in the fire.
No, I know that.
No, everyone.
Including Nia.
No, no, no.
No she couldn't. I was just
with her. There's no way.
Can you explain exactly
where that was?
Here! In this house!
[Woman] Would you like to know
what really happened?
- That is what...
- [Nia] Wake up!
[Nia] Please, wake up!
- [Dion] Nia!
- [Nia] I need you to wake up!
[Dion] Nia!
- Nia!
- [Woman] Dion, please.
[Nia] Oh my God.
- [Nia] I dont know what to do.
- [Dion] Nia!
[Nia] Oh my God, please wake up.
[Nia] Oh my God.
[Nia] Please just wake up
I need you to wake up. Please!
[Nia] Wake up!
[Dion] Ah, Nia!
[Nia] Are you alright?
Yeah. Let's get inside.
Are we going to talk about this?
Or just sweep it
under the carpet?
I mean,
I'm fine either way,
it's your funeral.
I don't know.
Maybe I was dreaming?
I think it was more
than a dream.
Do you want to know
what really happened?
You were having
some kind of night terror.
Thanks for that by the way.
[Nia] And then.
[Nia] Well I thought you woke up
in some kind of...
[Nia] Daze.
Like sleepwalking, except...
It wasnt.
It was as though you were asleep
and awake at the same time.
Well then I kept trying to
wake you up and...
You just kept muttering to
yourself about some, woman?
That woman.
I've been having visions of her.
We'll come back to that,
but, go on.
The other night.
She was standing
at the foot of my bed.
I was here, but I mean I wasn't,
It was so familiar, Nia, but,
She said that.
Next thing I know we were
outside walking.
But you know
this is real, right?
Here and now, with me?
I know how this sounds.
[Nia] I believe you, I just.
I don't know what we do now.
Do you need help?
It's her isn't it, the woman?
No, no, no.
Can you see her now?
Nia, please just.
I just.
Nia, Stop!
Nia I'm sorry!
[Dion] Looks like the weather's
picking up, doesn't it?
How 'bout those dodgers, kid?
Boucher hits one out
to left field.
It's going.
It's going!
Oh it's gone, the crowd
go wild! [Cheers]
No we need to talk about this.
I know. I'm just.
[Nia] It's happening again
isn't it?
No, I've...
Mum explained everything.
Explained what?
[Door knocks]
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Nia, what?
Nia, what are you doing?
What's going on?
You wouldn't talk to me.
I didn't know
what else to do, I.
I didn't know who else to call.
[Nia] thank you so much.
[Woman] Dion!
Dion. It's ok, it's me.
No, no no.
[Dion] Nia!
[Dion] You're still here?
And so are you.
[Woman] Well, good morning!
It's tomorrow?
Well, only compared
to yesterday.
I must have been
down all night?
Well, it was quite
the day yesterday,
I'm sure you needed your rest.
Is there anything you'd
like to ask me?
What is this, therapy?
Well, this is not, no.
This is. Yes.
OK, Dion, let me explain.
And if at any point it feels
like too much,
you just tell me to stop.
After you lost everyone
in the fire.
You had a complete...
Well, we don't like to call
it this anymore, but.
For lack of a better term.
You had a complete breakdown.
You went into something of a
comatose state.
And so you were brought here.
For rehabilitation.
With me as your live-in help
and therapist.
Sorry, where are my manners.
[Dr Minos] I'm Doctor Minos.
- And as for where you've been.
- [Dion] I know where I've been.
What are we doing here?
Well, funnily enough, you're
already in my therapy chair.
Don't get any ideas.
Wouldn't dream of it.
To be completely honest,
it's a lot of this, really.
Through your emotions,
your thoughts.
OK. Let's say...
That I was intrigued on...
Hearing your thoughts
on where Id been.
OK, well.
OK, well, hypothetically.
I would assume,
where you've been.
Was some form of
'Double Bookkeeping'.
Or 'Derealisation'.
Where you've created a reality
in your own mind.
[Dr Minos] A reality where
you feel safe.
Where Nia didn't perish and
you could live in peace.
Knowing that you saved her
and could care for her.
Masking the trauma of what
actually happened.
Look, I know,
this must be,
an extraordinary amount to bear.
But the first thing I need you
to understand, Dion, is that,
None of what happened
was your fault.
I think that's enough
for one day.
Where I was.
With my sister.
It just felt more like home?
I mean, I've got memories
there of before.
Whereas here.
There's just nothing.
Well, the mind is a
powerful tool.
And even more powerful when
you're unaware of what it's
doing subconsciously
But we need to make you
understand what is,
and is not, real.
You're standing in-front
of a mirror.
You look down and you can see
yourself and your surroundings.
But looking up you can see your
same self and your
same surroundings
in the reflection.
The difference is,
you know that where
you're standing is reality
and what you're looking at
is a reflection.
How do you know you're not the
reflection, though?
There is something
I think could help.
If you're willing?
[Dr Minos] Now, hypnotherapy
has a great track record
of helping patients regain
some of their memories.
Hang on, you want to
hypnotise me?
I don't know if I want you in my
head making me bark like a dog.
Nothing like that.
Hypnosis puts you
into a controlled
and relaxed state of mind,
where we may boost the mental
performance of your subconscious
and start to regain some of
those memories youve...
Well, misplaced.
Think of your subconscious
as your all seeing eye.
A part of your mind which is
always watching and taking notes
even when your conscious-self
is unaware.
The problem is.
Your conscious mind and your
subconscious mind,
they have trouble communicating
with one another.
Hypnosis can improve
that communication.
And hopefully,
allow us to travel back
to the memories
stored within your subconscious
and bring them to the surface so
they become conscious memories
once more.
Now sit back.
Close your eyes.
[Dr Minos] Let yourself
relax completely.
[Dr Minos] Take a deep
breath in.
[Dr Minos] And as you exhale,
feel yourself let go.
[Dr Minos] Im going to count
from five to one
[Dr Minos] and as I do, youll
feel your relaxation deepen.
[Dr Minos] Five. Nice and
[Dr Minos] Youre safe here.
Safe to let go.
[Dr Minos] Four. Doubling or
even tripling your relaxation.
[Dr Minos] Three. Everythings
peaceful now.
[Dr Minos] Two. Going
even deeper.
[Dr Minos] One. Here we are.
[Nia] Youve got to stop doing
that to me.
See, I told you hed be OK.
What are you doing here?
Taking care of you of course.
Doctor Minos?
Doctor Minos?
Dion, its me?
You really dont know who I am.
Do you?
Dion, look at me.
Its me.
You honestly dont know?
Its Doctor Minos, my therapist.
Yeah, shes Doctor Minos, but
shes not your therapist.
Shes Aria.
Your wife.
[Aria] Dion! Are you OK?
[Aria] Its OK calm down.
[Aria] Dion, Im going to
count from one
[Aria] and when I reach number
five youre going to wake up.
[Aria] One. Moving your fingers
and your toes.
[Aria] Two. Moving your hands
and your fingers.
[Aria] Three. Lots of energy
returning to the body.
[Aria] Four. Coming back
to this place. This time.
[Aria] Five. Opening your eyes.
[Aria] Dion?
Youre OK, hey, hey, look at me,
look at me!
Its OK, its OK.
Look at me, its OK.
Youre my wife.
Its OK.
This is a good sign.
I, I.
I dont...
Its alright.
You take all the time you need.
Ill be here whenever
youre ready.
Do you mind if I come in?
What were we like?
As a couple?
Im afraid its not
my place to say.
My memories are my
interpretation of events.
It would be dangerous for me to
fill the gaps in your memory
with my own.
For fear of implanting something
your mind doesnt deem as true.
A false memory as such.
But. Deep, deep inside there.
Is all the truth you need.
You done all of this,
just for me?
I watched you fade
And there was nothing
I could do to help.
And then one day,
you just sat there.
And continued to sit there.
You were truly lost
inside of yourself.
There was only so much
I could take.
And so I packed everything we
owned and I brought you here.
To get you away from everything.
To make a fresh start.
Start the healing process.
So sorry I...
It will all come back with time.
But right now it seems healing
isnt our only goal.
We need to keep you here.
In this reality.
And stop you from sinking into
this world that your mind
has orchestrated.
Well thats for me
to worry about.
I think hypnotherapy is
off the agenda
for the foreseeable though.
Nearly lost you there.
[Aria] Place any feelings of
anger, fear, worry
in the core of your stomach.
And attach those feelings
to the energy that is now rising
slowly through your body.
And as you exhale, feel those
feelings evaporate.
As you finally release
that energy.
[Aria] Your eyes are
open arent they?
No. No, no no.
Keep going this is, eh, good.
Dion, meditation is not about
closing your eyes.
Its about being in
total control.
Of your mind, body,
and - soul.
That is if you
believe in the soul?
You dont have to answer this
if you dont want to.
But as far as your concerned,
Nia survived?
Look, as far as Im concerned
this could be a false reality.
You could just be a projection
of my imagination.
No, Im serious!
Im sure you are.
And whos to say
youre wrong, eh?
No, look.
I think I am starting
to realise that
this other reality isnt real.
And its probably not healthy
for me to spend time there.
[Dion] If you had somewhere,
[Dion] Where you could visit
loved ones that had passed.
[Dion] Wouldnt you want
to be there?
I think thats my struggle with
all of this.
If this other world does exist,
even in my mind.
Nias there, the whole tragedy
never happened.
Why would I want to be here?
Because you have to.
You, you have to live here,
in reality and face your
problems head-on.
[Aria] I appreciate what youre
feeling, I do.
[Aria] But it wreaks of
ignorance is bliss.
Your body without your mind
is mere mechanics.
And your body is here.
In this world.
[Aria] And if your mind
and your body
[Aria] arent connected, living
in a real world with real people
[Aria] then what would you be?
No, look, Im sorry I didnt
mean, I didnt mean it like...
Its fine.
[Aria] Nia, look at him,
he needs help!
[Nia] I promise hes done this
before, he comes back around,
[Nia] will you just wait!?
[Aria] What if he doesnt, Nia,
then what?
[Nia] He will!
[Nia] Just be patient, please!
Please dont take him
away from me.
Is that all this is?
How selfish.
Do you not worry about how this
is affecting him?
How its affecting us?
Thats it.
Im calling an ambulance.
Are you OK?
She called you Mum?
Aria, she called you...
Shes our daughter.
No, no.
No, she cant.
Shes my sister.
[Aria] Think, Dion.
Think very hard.
What do you actually remember?
I, I definitely remember.
I remember holding her
when she was born.
You were at the birth
of your own sister?
Its not uncommon for siblings
to fulfill the role of parents
in family relationships.
But is that all this was?
[Aria] A fatherly figure, or?
You lied to me.
No. No, Dion, I never...
What else have you
been hiding from me?
I need to see her.
Dion, no.
I need to see her!
Dion, look at me!
Nia is gone.
You cant talk to her.
No, no, no. Youre wrong,
shes alive.
Where, in your mind?
That is not Nia.
That is your projection.
A memory is not real.
That place is not real. This,
here with me, this is real!
Please, Dion.
Stay with me here.
In this reality, and we can
work through this together.
And how do you plan on seeing
her anyway?
You transitioning,
its uncontrollable.
But you can control it.
No. Out of the question.
- But it worked, Aria.
- It didnt work!
I nearly lost you!
Im not risking it again.
- Look, Aria...
- [Aria] No, Dion!
[Dion] Aria!
[Dion] Aria, stop!
No, Dion, you stop!
Everything Ive done.
Everything I have been through
to try and help you!
You may not remember me,
but I remember you.
And I need you here and now
and not escaping
to some other world whenever
this one gets too tough.
And I need you to start
realising that whatever this
other world may be,
its not real!
And you cant use it
to fix everything!
I am here.
I always have been and I always
will be to help you through this
But I have lost you too many
times and I will not send you
back there just to
lose you again.
- [Dion] Look, Aria.
- Dont.
Come with me.
I cannot think of anything
I would want less than to
send you back there.
I think hypnosis seems to be a
gateway into this other world.
And thank could prove
really dangerous.
But. If its what you want.
Now is your chance
to tell me why.
You say that I
dont remember you.
But I do.
I might not remember the first
time we met, or our first kiss,
But I remember every moment
that weve spent here.
Maybe this whole
Dissociative Fugue
Maybe its permanent.
And youve lost me.
Youve lost the old me forever.
But what if thats not
what this is about though?
What if this new world
is a part of me?
A part of who Ive become?
Every time Im there, theres
something pushing me to remember
and forcing these memories to
the surface of my mind.
Theyre memories that
have got no meaning, but,
I dont know.
Maybe in time
theyll make sense.
There must have been a reason
my mind has created this world
and put everything in it.
Why would we strip me of that?
I just think.
If I could go back and see Nia
one last time,
it might,
ignite something
in some deep, dark recess
of my mind that,
I dont know, might push me to
remember and,
answer some of these questions.
And that might be
a load of rubbish
but thats my reason.
As strange as it sounds,
I agree with you.
I think this other world
is a part of you.
Except I think its like a paras
Drawing life from within you
and I think you need to
make peace with it.
Before we remove it.
And close the wound for good.
Because I will only agree to
this under one stipulation.
This has to be goodbye.
If you truly believe
that visiting there will ignite
some long lost memory.
Then Im willing to help.
[Aria] But this is
the last time.
You cannot rely on
some imaginary world
to solve all of your problems.
And I need you to treat this
as a form of closure.
Now, the second I see you
in distress like before,
Im pulling you out immediately.
If this works,
this will bring you
immeasurable pain.
I know.
Rest your head back
and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in.
And as you exhale, feel yourself
relax completely.
[Aria] Im going to count
from five to one.
[Aria] And as I do, youll feel
your relaxation deepen.
[Nia] Mum!
[Nia] Dad?
I know.
Sorry, I.
Its OK.
[Aria] Dion!
- Mum?
- My Boy!
No, no. Wait, wait. You cant.
[Dion] No, no.
[Dion] How?
You died?
- What?
- Died?
[Aria] Dion!
Listen to me, theyre not real.
This is all in your mind.
Please come back inside.
Its OK son.
Weve been searching
a long time for you.
Just step outside and we can
talk through this.
[Dion] But how have you?
Dad, is Nia with you?
- Look, come outside and we can
- Is Nia with you?
Whos Nia?
Get back!
[Dad] Aria, please, just.
Let him go and then
we can talk this through.
No! Dion, I did this for you.
[Aria] I did this for us.
We could have been so happy.
Aria, listen.
Im sorry.
Im so sorry.
I just wanted you to love me.
We were so young.
We only had two years but I
wanted so much more for us.
And then you left me.
I couldnt bear to lose you.
I knew I alone
wasnt enough for you.
You agreed to meet me here
for a weekend getaway to work
on our relationship.
And I knew we could
have a life together
if you only you could truly
experience it first-hand.
Then you would believe
in the idea of us.
I put you into a prolonged
state of deep hypnosis.
Implanting false memories that
would help make you see
our potential together.
Creating a world full
of possibility.
Our happy marriage that was left
desolate after the death
of a daughter and your parents.
So we could start
a new life together
and rekindle everything
that was lost.
But once you awoke
I couldnt understand where
I went wrong.
Your mind rejected the reality
I was trying so desperately
to make it believe, and
everything was misconstrued.
A daughter you
deemed as a sister
and no memory of myself
or our relationship.
And so I continued
to work with you.
Taking opportune moments to
take you into hypnosis
and correct the
story in your mind.
And slowly it began to stick
When you called me your wife
I could hardly breathe.
And the revelation of Nia being
your daughter
it was all Id ever
wanted for us.
And when you finally
wanted to see her
it was only then that I knew
you were starting to believe.
And, Nia?
Just a character I created.
[Aria] To help you see what
could have been.
I needed you to believe
we had a family.
And having lost a child, with us
here alone, we could try again!
[Aria] Start anew. Have
everything we ever wanted.
Just leave.
I wish things could have
worked out differently.
I know theres no future
for us now.
But I just wanted you to know
how much I loved you.
[Dad] You ready to go?
Yeah, almost.
I miss her.
[Dad] Aria?
[Dad] Oh.
I havent even got a picture
of her, you know?
Just memories.
Memories that didnt happen.
[Dad] I know son, but.
[Dad] Those memories will begin
to fade as time goes by.
Like so many people that come
and go in our lives.
[Dad] Take all the time
you need.
[Dion] Mum. Dad. But you died?
Dion, listen to me.
[Aria] Theyre not real. This is
all in your mind.
Please come back inside.
[Aria] Sleep!
[Aria] I needed you to believe
we had a family.
And having lost a child, with us
here alone, we could try again!
[Aria] Have everything
we ever wanted.
[Dion] And, Nia?
[Aria] Just a character
I created.
[Aria] Dion!
I did this for you.
Your sister?
[Aria] Shes not here.
No one is.
I did this for us!
Deep inside there, is all the
truth you need.