The Secret of Convict Lake (1951) Movie Script

"On September 17th 1871."
"29 convicts escaped from the
penitentiary in Carson City Nevada."
"23 were soon recaptured. And killed."
"Five weeks later six of the
fugitives were still at large."
"And had last been seen moving towards
the Owens River Valley in California."
"The posse picked up
the convicts' trail."
"And tracked them through the mountains
to a point near Monte Diablo Lake."
"The trails were hidden
under icy drifts."
"Freezing winds blew down
from the high peaks."
"Blinding men and horses
with the stinging snow."
"On the third day of the storm."
"The floundering horses
could go no farther."
"The sheriff and his
posse had to turn back."
"They left the fugitives to die."
"In the mountains."
"In the cold."
We are over.
- Yeah.
Come on, Sam. We're over it.
He ain't.
He can't get up.
Get up, Sam.
He is burning hot.
And froze to death.
We ought to bury him.
How? The ground is all froze up.
He'll just have to bury himself.
"While the storm raged on
the peaks above them."
"The fugitives headed
for the floor of the valley."
"By sundown."
"They had reached the
shelter of the last ridge."
We got to eat.
We'll eat alright.
Limey, you and Matt.
Go down and have a look. See what
we're walking in to. We'll stay here.
You stay here too.
I figured I can find somewhere
to get this leg-iron off.
I don't feel so good.
I don't want any more trouble
than we've already got.
So that's the place, huh?
What place?
The place where you've
got the money hid.
What's the matter?
You got a bug in your head, Greer?
I told you a hundred times.
I ain't after any money.
Sure you don't.
But it goes down mighty hard.
Take a look at the facts.
A man gets killed. Right?
His money disappears.
He couldn't have hidden his money
after he was murdered, could he?
Next, you break jail and
head straight for this place.
What's a fellow supposed to think?
You talk too much.
You don't talk enough.
But you will.
What do you make of it, eh?
I haven't seen a man in the whole place.
That won't bother me.
We'd better get back.
Millie, Is that you?
Yes, Mary. What's wrong?
I don't know.
What's the matter, Millie?
I wish I knew.
Did you hear anything special?
Only Tam barking his fool head off.
Wait a minute.
Tam. Come home boy.
Tam. Here Tam. Here Tam.
There's something out there.
Probably just a coyote.
- How do you know?
That was no coyote out there.
If it was, Tam would still be after him.
That's just the lake freezing over.
That's nothing to be scared of, Susan.
I am scared.
I am scared all the time.
Why don't Luke come back?
Why don't he come back?
But he is coming back.
They'll all come back. Any day now.
Three months they've been
coming back 'any day now'.
I can't stand being alone like this.
I never wanted to have no
baby without Luke being here.
You've got to stop being a baby
now you've got one of your own.
Waiting for somebody is bad.
But it ain't as bad as
having nobody to wait for.
There's Granny.
Blast the lot of them.
She's wanting her coffee.
You'd better come and have some with us.
It will make you feel better.
The trouble with you is you just
ain't calloused up to being married.
Men are always traipsing off
for one reason or another.
If it ain't silver it will
be for something else.
Now, my first husband.
He wanted to stay young.
He went looking for
the fountain of youth.
He got killed by buffaloes.
He got what he wanted though.
He never did grow old.
Ain't we going along, Ma?
What for?
You ain't scared, are you?
That is foolishness.
Well, come on then.
See who it is, Marcia.
Hold him in, Barbara.
Come on. Come on.
There's some men coming.
- Men?
Our men?
They are strangers.
Go back and sit by granny.
- I just want to see them.
Do like I say. Do you hear?
We got no call to be scared.
They are men. Not wild bear.
Just ask them to account for themselves.
Come and take this rifle.
Just in case they turn out
to be wild bear after all.
I told you, didn't I?
Nothing but women. All over the place.
Good evening, ladies.
May I ask where we are?
Lake Monte Diablo.
Far away from things, aren't you?
We don't get many visitors.
Especially in the winter.
- Who are you?
Yes. We do look kinda rough.
But we're peaceable enough.
Nobody said you ain't peaceable.
We're just waiting to hear who you are.
We are prospectors.
Just got caught in a blizzard.
Barely made it down here.
We'd be much obliged if we
could continue talking inside.
Prospecting in the mountains?
This time of year?
Fellows do funny things when
they hear of a gold strike.
Around here?
It's like the fellow said, ma'am.
Gold is where you find it.
Where are your horses?
Up in the drift with
the rest of our gear.
All we ask is a place to sleep
and a little something to eat.
Just a little Christian charity, ladies.
That's all.
- I don't like the look of them.
They have to take us in.
I'm going to die for sure if they don't.
He's only eighteen, ma'am.
He's real sick.
Come closer. Here in the light.
He's too sick to answer
questions, ma'am.
He'll have to answer this one.
What's that on your leg?
This gun is loaded and I can use it.
Show us your ankles.
All of you.
I said, show 'em.
The other leg.
What you doing, Marcia? What is it?
- That's an Oregon boot.
A prison shackle.
Yes. We're convicts.
All of us.
We're running away.
But we're still asking
for food and shelter.
Because if we don't get
them we're going to die.
Our men are away.
You can't stay here.
Better start moving.
Now, ladies. You wouldn't be
so heartless. Would you?
I tell you again I can use this gun.
You're taking a lot on yourself,
aren't you ma'am?
Judge. Jury. Hangman.
All wrapped up in pretty skirts.
Having yourself a
ladies' lynching party.
You'd better move on.
I cannot go no further.
I got to find some place to lay down.
You may as well start shooting.
One thing is sure. He ain't moving.
Lying real still like that he's
going to be kinda hard to miss.
Go on and shoot.
Don't try it.
Stand back, you. Respectful-like.
Pick him up.
Load up the basket with meat and bread.
And some whiskey.
Enough for a good
swallow for each of them.
Now, which one of you was talking so
high and mighty about lynching parties?
I was.
- Alright.
You seem to know what decency is.
Even though you may
not have any yourself.
I'll talk to you.
You and your friends can stay.
We'll give you some food
and a place to sleep.
Until the storm is over.
Then you got to be on your way.
Food and a sleep is all we want.
While you are here you've got to keep
to yourselves. Do you understand?
If you don't.
We'll blast your heads off.
That's a fair enough bargain, ma'am.
We have guns to back up our bargain.
And I guess you ain't.
Or you'd have let us know by now.
Give it to them.
If you behave yourselves.
We may feed you again tomorrow.
See that cabin down by the lake?
You're giving them Rudy's cabin?
What other one is there?
But that's ..
That is for when they get married.
We'll scrub it out good after they go.
You bunk down there on the floor.
Don't mess it up more than you have to.
Fixing to get married real soon, ma'am?
What is that to you?
Nothing at all.
Back inside.
Millie. You and Mary get the children.
Take them over to Harriet's.
You are going to stay there
with her and Barbara.
Susan. Get the baby. Bring it here.
You and Rachel are going to
stay here with Marcia and me.
Wait a minute.
- Granny, you got to rest.
There's things to be settled first.
Got to clear the guns
out of all the cabins.
Bring them here.
We got to hide them so those
convicts can't get at them.
I ain't giving up my gun.
I got Barbara to look after.
I got all of you to look after.
So you do what I say.
Come on, baby.
You want me to fix you something?
No thank you.
What's the matter?
How did you know about those leg-irons?
She's got eyes to see, hasn't she?
You ought to bless your stars
she does know about it.
Take this rifle.
Go over to the window.
We're going to keep a watch on
the cabin and you're starting it.
Go and help Susan and the baby.
She'll have a parcel of things to carry.
Go on now.
Moses and the mountain.
I hope we don't have to
shoot none of them.
I'm too old and tired to start burying.
Why don't you leave the girl be?
What kind of devil is in you to make
you take after her all the time?
I don't call asking a
question taking after her.
She is marrying my brother.
Better than he deserves if you ask me.
We don't know nothing about her.
Where she's from. Who she is.
We know what she is.
It don't take me ten months to know the
kind of girl living with me in my house.
She's trying to make a
place for herself, Rachel.
Trying to make a life.
She has no folks.
She's got nobody but what's
here in Lake Diablo.
You can't take to her.
Just remember it's Rudy
that's marrying her.
Not you.
Rudy is my brother and if I
can't ask a simple question ..
That wasn't the simple question.
Go on back and watch the cabin.
See what they're doing?
Just that they lit a lamp.
And built a fire.
Making themselves at home.
Come along now.
I said come along.
I don't like the ways you got
for amusing yourselves.
Take it easy, Mr Canfield.
We just tried to get your attention.
We feel like talking.
Talk to each other.
I have nothing to say to you.
You don't seem to have the idea.
So I'll give it to you.
Real simple.
This blizzard won't last forever.
The boys and me count on the
women for guns and horses.
And we're counting on you for a stake.
Why don't you get it through your
head, Greer? There is no money.
Sure. Sure, I know.
Where you got it hid?
You know, I've seen hound dogs
get on a trail that led nowhere.
And stick on it until they dropped.
I didn't think a man could be that dumb.
Now, I'll give it to you real simple.
I didn't steal any money and
I didn't murder anybody.
I came here to kill the
man that said I did.
Why don't you get some horses and
get out of here while you can?
I never did see such a stubborn man.
Did you, Matt?
- No.
- No.
Matt, do you think you can persuade this
fellow to tell us where the money is at?
I'm ready to start any time he is.
I am sick.
- What's the matter, kid?
Work him over easy to start with.
Hold on a minute, Matt.
Don't make him do it, Canfield.
Let's get him.
Call off your dogs, Greer.
Hold it, Matt.
After all, he ain't told us
where the money is yet.
Come on, boys.
We'll pay our respects to the ladies.
They'll be wondering
what happened to us.
[ Gunshot! ]
You were told to keep to yourselves.
We could have taken
those guns last night.
We could have got our eyes shot out too.
Jim. I'm burning up.
Am I doing to die like
Johnny said? Am I?
No, kid.
No. You're not going to die.
Where do you think you're going?
He's no animal.
We got to get help for him.
Wait a minute.
I ain't ready for you to die yet.
How can you be sure they ain't
going to shoot your head off?
I ain't sure.
Don't come any closer
or I'll start aiming.
No you won't, ma'am.
You're at a kind-of disadvantage.
[ Gunshot! ]
That's what I mean.
See, no decent human being
can shoot a man in cold blood.
Start any trouble and
you'll find out different.
One of our men is burning up with fever.
We must have help.
Bring that gallows bird in here to me.
Alright. You can come on in.
Mary. Keep an eye on him.
The rest of you, stay where you are.
Morning, ma'am.
One of you is sick, eh?
- Yes, ma'am.
If you ask me he ought to be
glad for a chance to die in bed.
Maybe he ought to. But he ain't.
Just like the rest of us. Yesterday all
he wanted was a place to lay down.
Now he's laying down, he wants
to get better and go on living.
That beats everything, don't it?
Are you sassing me, young man?
No, ma'am. I'm just saying
how he feels about it.
The boy needs help.
A little medicine. Some bleeding maybe.
You won't be bothered if you come
over to help take care of him.
I give you my word.
- Your word?
Go back to the rest of them.
We'll think it over.
Think it over fast, will you ma'am.
I'm not sure how long he can wait.
Maybe you should look at him, Rachel.
You would know what to do.
I ain't going over there.
It might be better if we went.
- She's right.
Treat them decent.
Shame some of the devil out of them.
They'll be less trouble.
We get rid of them faster.
I don't trust them.
Not him. Not any of them.
Nobody asks you to trust them.
- Yes?
You are going too.
You're riding shotgun.
Good morning, ladies.
Don't bother to bow.
We don't aim to curtsy.
Get back in.
Come on.
That rifle ain't necessary, ma'am.
As long as I got it, it ain't.
You three.
Get over there where I
can keep an eye on you.
Come on, Clyde. Let's go.
Come on, kid.
You putting him in there?
- That's right, ma'am.
You got no right dirtying up that bed.
There ain't no other, ma'am.
You could bed him down on the
floor like we asked you to.
Yes. I guess we could.
Rachel, please.
It don't matter. Let's just do what
we can and get away from here.
You was told to stay with the others.
Yes, ma'am.
Ain't no use bleeding him.
He's too weak.
Nothing to do but try to break
his fever with a sweat.
I'll make some sassafras tea.
Shall I give him the soup?
It's still hot.
Might as well.
You could take his shoes off.
Come on now.
It will make you feel better.
Sorry about your bedding, ma'am.
This is your bed, isn't it?
He ought to be covered up warm.
There's a blanket in that cupboard.
This cabin is almost ready to move into.
That's right.
I guess you'll be getting married soon.
Real soon?
You were asking me
about that last night.
You got some special
interests in weddings?
No, ma'am.
No. Just talking. That's all.
There are other things
than 'just talking'.
Other things maybe ain't as interesting.
Rudy is your man?
How do you know his name?
I heard someone mention it last night.
Have you gone for the preacher?
Why don't you stop beating
around the bush?
If you want to know where the men are
and when they come back, just say so.
When are they coming back?
It's liable to be a lot
sooner than you'd like.
You never know what a man will like?
I'll see if the tea is ready.
I'll take it, ma'am.
Keep pouring that into him.
And keep him covered up good.
I just want to thank you, ma'am.
To tell you what a pleasure it's been ..
To have a pretty lady around
the house doing some chores.
It's been a real pleasure.
I don't want you looking at me.
That's what the lord gave me eyes for.
For looking.
Don't you put me in
with your blaspheming.
It's been a long time since I had
a woman that slapped my face.
I guess can't shoot
a man for just talking.
Let's get out of here.
Come on, Marcia.
We're going.
Why did you come here?
We got lost, ma'am.
How come you remembered Rudy's name?
I told you. I heard somebody mention it.
You wouldn't remember
just hearing it once.
Not unless you had a reason.
Do you know Rudy Schaeffer?
Your friends are waiting for you, ma'am.
- Do you?
Come on, Marcia. We're leaving.
[ Gunshot! ]
Mary, what's the matter?
- What happened, Mary? What is it?
For land's sakes.
It was nothing but a coyote.
Are you crazy?
Scaring everybody half to death.
I thought those convicts
had busted out for sure.
Who's been watching that cabin?
- I was.
You see?
How do we know one of them didn't sneak
out while we were standing here talking?
I never seen such a bunch of
nervous nellies in all my life.
You're the worst of them all, Rachel.
If you weren't so fidgety ..
- Don't talk to me like that.
I'll talk to you any way I please.
I tell you something ..
I have more important things to do than
stand here and talk to you all night.
Nobody fed the stock today.
You want somebody to come
along with you, Rachel?
No thanks.
Who's there?
Who is it?
Who is it?
Who is it?
You keep away.
You keep away from me.
You keep away!
What's happened?
How did it start?
We ain't going to be able to
save nothing. Just nothing.
I have to get the cows out.
No, Mary. No. You can't take them.
Get back. Get back where you belong.
Don't be a fool, ma'am.
Everything you have is burning in there.
There are horses in there.
Greer, get the cows.
Henderson, get the sheep.
There is hay back there in the manger.
What happened? You're soaking wet.
I'm alright. Better get her warm though.
She fell through the ice.
We'll see if we can't find
you some dry clothes.
No thanks, ma'am.
I can get dry down at the cabin.
I guess we're all pretty near frozen.
I got a big kettle of stew on the fire.
You're welcome to come in and sit down.
Ain't this better than rushing them?
And maybe getting our heads shot off.
Sure, Johnny. Sure.
If you get ugly with them women.
I'll kill you.
More likely, Canfield.
We are going to kill you.
- Gents.
Please. We mustn't be late for tea.
Another helping?
No thank you, ma'am.
You've been more than generous already.
More coffee?
- No thank you.
Very nice of you, ma'am.
Very nice. Thank you.
Why not play the ladies a tune
to show our appreciation?
Yes. Glad to.
With your permission, ladies.
Is there anything else I
can do for you, ma'am?
You can take your friends
and go away from here.
I'd like to oblige you, ma'am. But ..
They ain't my friends.
Not you, Barbara.
- Ma, please. Come on.
There you are, kid. How's that?
- Thanks, Matt.
Well, Who is that perishing bloke?
Handsome, ain't he?
Hurry up with that razor, Limey.
We've got things to do.
Now, you mustn't rush me, Johnny.
I want to look my best when
I go visiting the ladies.
Come on. Come on.
My hands itch to get hold of a gun.
You hold your horses. We'll get them.
Easy as silk.
- We'll get them alright.
If I have to tear the place apart.
You're a smart one.
You start getting rough and we'll be sat
at the wrong end of a shooting range.
Where's he going?
To get a gun.
If he can find one.
We can't let him get a gun.
- Matt.
Let him go.
If we use our heads we all get guns.
And there are four of
us and only one of him.
Look in on that nice lady
who lent us this razor.
You look in on any place
where there ain't anybody.
I want to keep everything
nice and gentle.
As long as we can.
How about me, Johnny?
Where do I go?
Sit down.
- Why?
Because you'll ..
You will stir up trouble.
Because you're crazy, Clyde. That's why.
I am not crazy.
You know, I always wondered if a
crazy man knew when he was crazy.
Do you remember the things you do?
Just like everybody else?
Sure I do.
Most of the time.
Remember waiting to be hanged?
Do you remember what for?
Then you knew what you were
doing when you did it?
Not until later.
When they pulled me.
Why don't you just leave women alone?
You have to kill them.
It ain't only women.
Anybody who fights me.
I don't know what to
do when they fight me.
I'm not like that anymore.
I'm different now.
- Sure. I know.
I know you are, kid.
I just want to be sure that
you stay out of trouble.
Go on. Sit down.
Keeping well.
Stand back there where you was.
Go on.
I suppose you come nosing
over here after this.
I only come over to ask
after your health, ma'am.
It's a darn sight better than is
good for any of you people.
You're wasting your
time looking for a gun.
They are at the bottom of the lake.
And you can tell that
to the rest of them.
I'll do that, ma'am.
Nobody said for you to go.
Is that the one that
was asking about Rudy?
That's him.
Come over here, son.
Sit down.
What's your name?
Canfield what?
James Canfield.
What's yours?
Where do you come from?
What did you used to do back there?
I had a farm. Raised some wheat.
Not good enough, eh?
You had to come out here
hunting your fortune.
That is right.
I suppose you killed someone.
I hear they make quite
a fuss about that nowadays.
So I hear.
There's a posse coming across that pass.
As soon as this blizzard clears.
So will Rudy Schaeffer.
You sure want to see Rudy bad.
I don't remember nobody ever
wanting to see Rudy that bad.
What do you want of him?
If you have no objection
ma'am, I'll go now.
You devil. Don't.
You Indiana scum.
Let me go.
I'd forgotten until how
a woman felt to hold.
Let me go please.
I didn't know there was this much
left inside of me for a man.
Moses and the mountain.
That is no gallows bird, Marcia.
Where you going?
Wait a minute.
What do you want with Rudy?
I've got to know.
Go away, Miss.
- Tell me. Please.
I've got to kill him.
Because he lied.
He sat in the witness chair and
said he saw me murder a man.
He sat there and lied.
And he fixed it for me to hang.
Why would he do that?
I don't know.
Money maybe.
I don't know.
- Not Rudy.
I don't believe you.
That's up to you, ma'am.
I can't help how you believe.
It can't be true.
It can't be.
Did Rudy ever mention my name to you?
Read this.
Then ask yourself how come
he never told you about it.
I just hope you're not too much
in love with Rudy Schaeffer.
That don't prove nothing.
I know it don't. Only ..
Only Rudy is in trouble.
And we got to try and help him.
Has he ever .. has he ever said
anything to you about money?
You talk about this money here?
This forty-thousand dollars?
- Did he, Rachel?
You don't care for Rudy. You couldn't
if you think he'd do a thing like that.
I ain't saying he did it.
I only say we got no right
to be sure he didn't.
Not if it means he might be killed.
If there was money here,
maybe if we gave it to Canfield ..
Maybe he'd go away.
Where are Rudy's things?
You ain't looking for no
stolen money in this house.
I ain't going to be a party to
suspecting my own brother.
Would you rather see him killed?
Would you?
You get out of here.
Alright, Rachel.
If you won't do nothing to help him ..
I will.
Hiya, Marcia. Where are you going?
I didn't know anyone was back there.
I've been watching you.
Where is she going?
I don't know.
Why were you watching me?
I just liked watching you.
Because you're pretty.
I was getting kindling for my Ma.
I'll help you.
If she knew I was talking to one of you.
That's my Ma. I got to go.
- Stay talk a little while longer.
No. Ma is awful strict.
She'll be looking for me.
Can I see you later?
Not if Ma knows.
She don't have to know.
We could go someplace.
Barbara. Can you hear me?
Alright, Ma.
I'll be coming out again
tomorrow morning for kindling.
Real early.
Where have you been?
I told you to stay put.
I don't want you making
no trouble around here.
Well, I ain't making no trouble.
I seen something.
That girl. That Marcia.
She was riding to the pass.
You sure about that?
- I seen it just snow, Johnny.
She must be off her head.
Where could she be going?
- Where do you think she can be going?
After the posse.
Matt. You get a horse and go after her.
A pleasure to settle with that one.
- Sit down, Anderson.
I'll bring the girl back.
- I said Matt.
I came here to kill one man.
I don't mind killing a couple
of others if I have to.
That's a fine-looking gun.
Where do you suppose he got it?
Looking for me?
Don't be afraid.
I ain't going to hurt you.
Maybe I ain't a good man
according to most folks.
But I ain't mean like you think.
I've just had bad luck. That's all.
I haven't had a girl to saddle me down.
A girl like you maybe.
Let me go.
You know, I can still feel
your hand across my face.
You wouldn't think that could make a
fellow feel good all over, would you.
Get away. You get away from me.
You are nice. You know that?
You are real nice.
Get out of my way.
- You're not going anywhere.
Let me go.
To die out there on that mountain?
What for?
To save Rudy Schaeffer?
Get back in there.
You are free.
You can get away.
Why don't you go?
Why don't you leave us alone?
I ain't leaving Rudy Schaefer alone.
Not until he's dead.
Like he should be.
Whoever gave you the
right to sit in judgment?
You are a murderer.
You killed a man.
Didn't you?
I killed Morgan.
I came in asking for the money
he'd swindled me out of.
He pulled a gun.
It went off when I was
wrestling with him.
You call that killing?
Sure. I killed a man.
Rudy saw it happen but that
ain't the way he told it.
I don't believe that's true about Rudy.
But suppose it was.
Suppose he did lie.
What good would it do to kill him?
- How can you beg for him?
What kind of a woman are you to
be in love with a man like that?
Maybe I know a different Rudy Schaefer.
The man who as decent to me when I
needed someone to be decent to me.
A man who gave me a roof over
my head when I had no ..
No people.
And no place to go.
Is that why you are marrying him?
I think it is.
You don't love him, do you?
Do you?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know what love is.
All I'm looking for is ..
Kindness. Peace of mind.
I guess I'm not going to find even that.
Thanks to you.
I'm going to do what I have to do.
I've thought about this a long time.
I know I am right.
My father was right.
And my brother.
They went out to get revenge.
But after they were dead it didn't
make much difference who was right.
Not to my mother.
Or to me.
It didn't make much difference.
When I was kicking around in
gambling halls and saloons.
It didn't make much difference
who was right then.
We'll be going back in the morning.
Better try to get some rest.
Come on back to the fire.
It's not only his life I'm begging for.
I'm begging for your life too.
And for my own.
It's too late, Marcia.
I've waited too long now.
You will take me with
you Johnny, won't you?
Won't you, Johnny?
Won't you?
I told you I would, didn't I?
Johnny. Johnny.
Where are the guns?
I can't tell you that.
Don't ask me. Please.
You've got to tell me.
We dropped them in the lake.
They're under the ice.
- You're lying.
Do you want to be stuck here
for the rest of your life?
Drying up. Belonging to nobody.
I can't.
I can't tell you.
Alright then. Stay.
Stay here and rot.
Wait. Wait.
They are ..
They're in Granny's cabin.
Under her bed.
Where are you going, Johnny?
You're not mad at me, are you?
You are still taking me with you?
- I can help you, Johnny.
I got two hundred dollars saved up.
Two hundred dollars?
You hold on to your savings.
There is real money.
Forty thousand dollars.
It's a stake I've been
waiting for all my life.
Who's there?
What do you want?
- Get out of that bed.
What are you after?
- Get up.
I can't. I'm a poor old woman lying on
her bed in pain and reading my bible.
You bloodthirsty weasel.
Alright, boys. Get her up.
Now, lady.
You'll walk through hell for this.
Look at that.
Attacking a poor old cripple
in the last hours of her life.
If I had an ax I'd split you lengthwise.
Alright, boys. Let's go.
Sorry, ma'am. Lost your page. Goodnight.
May you be stricken with the
plagues of the Pharaohs.
And the curses of
Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
Wait a minute.
Take a look at this, gents.
It's getting up, Johnny.
We'd better start thinking
of moving in the morning.
We're waiting for Canfield.
You sure he's coming back?
I'm sure.
For forty thousand dollars.
It sure feels good to get in
out of that cold. Eh, Rudy?
Which way is the bar, boys?
We got no business staying here tonight.
We ought to be getting home.
Doggone it, Luke. You've pushed
us three days through this blizzard.
Let up, will you.
It's alright for you but I got
Susan and a new baby.
Quit worrying about Susan.
The women will take care of her.
Hello boys.
Evening. How are you, ma'am?
- Same as you. Thirsty.
It just happens I am buying.
Come along, ma'am.
It sure was a good idea
stopping over here.
Rudy Schaeffer is my name. What's yours?
- Tess.
You fellows been on the silver strike?
- That's right.
Any luck?
Some luck. Mostly hard digging.
Set 'em up bartender. Keep 'em coming.
Yes, sir. What will it be?
What's the matter with you?
I said, what will it be?
How long has this been up?
- Just a few weeks.
A big break out of Carson City jail.
They come by here?
I heard they went over Monte Diablo.
The hard way.
Over Diablo?
- Yeah.
- A week ago.
The sheriff turned around and came back.
He figures they'll freeze
to death up in them hills.
The sheriff is right.
It's more than likely.
But what if he ain't right?
What if they don't freeze?
I Don't know about the rest
of you but I am moving on.
Right now.
- Take it easy, Luke.
We're all going. Come on, boys.
Coming, Rudy?
Have you seen Barbara?
I cannot find her anywhere.
No. I ain't seen her.
I can't understand why
she don't answer me.
How long has she been gone?
I don't know.
You don't think those men ..
- You stop that, Harriet.
What's the matter?
Harriet has lost Barbara again.
Where is Barbara?
Have you seen her?
- Your daughter?
No, ma'am. We ain't seen her.
Where is Maxwell?
With Limey.
At least he's supposed to be.
Ain't Maxwell been with you?
I thought he came back here.
I told you to keep him with you.
Ain't that Barbara?
- Yeah.
You ride on ahead.
Fire stones, they call them.
Some fellows say the Indians
can start fires with them.
Though I never seen it.
I got to be going now.
Ma's going to wail at me.
Don't go yet. Please.
Ma don't like me being away too long.
- But it's so nice out today, ain't it?
I guess so.
- Sure it is.
Come on.
You ought not do that.
Never kissed a fellow before?
You ain't.
I can tell by the way you look.
You ain't ever, have you?
- I got to be going.
Ma will be ..
- Forget about her.
You can see her later.
Leave me alone.
No. No.
Don't fight me. Please.
Let go of me.
I told you not to.
I told you.
Give me that knife.
I don't want you to get
into trouble, Clyde.
I'm your friend.
How come you got a gun
on me if you're my friend?
Come on, Clyde.
Give me that knife, Clyde.
Clyde, come on now.
Give me that knife.
Run now. Run.
Harriet. Harriet.
No way.
He saved me.
Saved me.
Get his gun.
It's alright, ma'am.
We'll take care of him.
They think Canfield knows
where the money is.
If they don't get it they kill him.
You must let me look for it.
You've got to.
I've looked.
In here.
Give it to them.
Get them away from here.
What's the matter, Marcia?
Get your guns.
Get your guns quick.
There's some men down there
and they've all got guns.
Stop it.
Stop it. You'll kill him.
Here's the money.
Take it and go.
Is this all of it?
Count it, why don't you?
Look at that.
- Yeah.
I guess it's all here.
Let's get going.
- What about the split up?
Sure, Matt.
We'll split it three ways. Even.
When we get away from here.
I want my cut now.
- Time enough for that. Let's move.
Wait a minute.
What's the matter, don't you trust me?
I don't trust nobody.
Of course we trust you, Johnny. Come on.
Come on, Matt.
I'll be keeping my eye on you, Johnny.
Sure, Matt.
You do that.
Wouldn't you think someone would
come out and wave us goodbye?
Drop your guns and you won't get hurt.
Don't reach for your gun.
And don't turn around.
I finally caught up with you, Rudy.
Don't, Canfield.
Don't shoot me.
You can have the money.
All of it.
You can't shoot me in cold blood.
You can get away. There's still time.
Before they come back.
We'll wait for them. Right here.
I'll give you a chance to live, Rudy.
I'll give us both a chance.
When they come back you are
going to tell them the truth.
You're going to tell them what you know.
If you don't I'll kill you.
I'll be a killer like you said.
I was hoping to do it your way, Marcia.
But it didn't work.
Now you can tell them I'm here.
And I am through shooting.
Is it a posse?
That's what it looks like.
I guess I'll be going back now.
No, Jim.
I've got to, Marcia.
I ain't giving you up, Jim.
Not that easy I ain't.
You gotta decide now.
There ain't much time.
Do you mean to turn him in or not?
Well, we got to turn him in.
I don't see we can do any different.
Even knowing he's innocent?
That Rudy took the money.
We ain't no court of law, Marcia.
He has to go back to Carson City.
They'll hang him.
You can't say that, Marcia.
He'll get a fair trial.
Can he prove anything?
Has he got anyone to stand
up and talk for him?
We'll talk for him.
Two hundred miles away?
You all leaving your farms and
waiting in Carson City for the trial.
If he gets as far as a trial.
Even if you did go.
Who would believe you?
- It's no use, Marcia.
This belongs in front
of a judge and a jury.
You're the ones that should
be the judge and jury.
Because you're the only
ones who know the truth.
If he ever gets a fair trial.
It will be right here and right now.
In front of you.
He is a man with good in him.
And I'm asking you to give him a chance.
Out of your own goodness.
He killed my brother.
He shot in self defense.
I saw it.
He killed him.
He came here to kill him.
No matter what you say,
it was deliberate.
The posse will be here in a minute.
We ain't finished the burying.
But Granny.
- We'll finish the burying.
Those evil men.
They touched us all with their evil.
But maybe we ain't the
ones to do the judging.
We ain't without sin.
None of us.
So I say. May the Lord have
mercy on us as well as on them.
And deliver us from evil and ..
Good afternoon, folks.
Good afternoon, ma'am.
Sorry to interrupt your burying.
You ain't interrupting.
We've just finished.
I see.
I am Sheriff Cromwell.
We're looking for five escaped convicts.
Well, there is five graves.
A body in each of them.
I guess that accounts
for all of them, boys.
They say there was six.
We found one of them froze
to death up in the snow.
Did they give you a bad time?
Pretty bad.
Anybody care to make a statement?
Just for the record.
A statement?
I don't know.
No. I got nothing to say.
No. I guess not.
Looks like we ain't got no
statement but them five graves.
Well, I guess that's all
the statement we need.
Goodbye, folks.
"This was a true story."
"Today, if you look on
your map of California."
"You will find the Monte Diablo Lake
is now called by the sinister .."
"And pathetic name this story gave it."
"Convict Lake."
"As for Marcia and Jim Canfield."
"We don't know exactly
how their story ended."
"Some people said they crossed
over into Utah territory."
"Settled down and raised a family."
"But as we say."
"As there is no record to go by,
we don't know for sure."
"We can only imagine."