The Starling (2021) Movie Script

If you've painted with me before
you probably know
that I love to make big trees.
-Oh. How big are we talking?
-Absolutely humongous trees
with leaves and beautiful limbs.
I've always found Bob Ross very sexy.
You know, that hair,
the mom jeans.I'm all in.
-I am.
-Oh my God.
I totally forgot to tell you this.
I was watching Katie sleep earlier on.
I did that thing
where I fast forward into the future
and I can see
who she's become and whatnot.
And I did it, and it was incredible.
She's a podiatrist.
Our child's a podiatrist?
In Cleveland. Doing really well.
Third biggest in her firm.
She drives a Lexus. Like,
four years old, but it's pretty good.
I I always thought she'd be like
a a a butcher.
-A butcher?
-Mm-hmm. A butcher.
A v a vegan butcher.
You know, so she'd take carrots
and carve little rib eyes,
or her pork chops
that'd really be made from cauliflower.
Do you think that we should
put a bird up there?
Uh, birds are tricky.
Ah, you just need to be gentle with them.
-Aw! Look who's awake.
-Did you have a lovely little nap,Katie?
Did you?
Would you like to inspect your wall?
-Pretty good.
She can tell I'm not a painter.
She's so smart. Mama's little butcher.
-Who's daddy's little podiatrist?
-Or mama's little butcher.
Yeah, that's you.
Yeah, it is.
You're quite something.
Can you believe this guy
used to be a therapist?
He can't even talk to animals.
And now he has to talk to animals
and owners.
It's so frustrating.
Eighteen in love
All in a night
Felt it coming home
Bathe in the light
For awhile, for awhile, for awhile
Came in like a thief
Lost and afraid
With your head in hand
Sworn enemies
Was it I, was it I, was it I
I'll get that.
It's all right, Isabelle
I know there's only one way to fly
I know theres everyone and I
And the weight we hold
Is it all you know
Can we make it out alive?
It's all right, Isabelle
I know there's only one way to fly
I know theres ever yone and I
I, I
Lilly to produce.
Lilly, produce.
Move, move to the left.
Stop. You know what?
-More left.
-To my left?
Yeah, to your left. Okay.
Now, slide it, slide it all.
This way. A little more.
Too much.
Okay, there.
Hey, shouldn't we be doing
inventory right now?
You know what?
-Oh, here.
-Give me two.
Coming up.
I can drive to the Superstore
and get two of these for four bucks.
-Mrs. Oberhoffer.
-Those will rot your teeth.
Only if you eat 'em by the dozen.
-You go inventory something.
How's everything, dear?
Everything's good.
How are things with Jack?
He's just great. Yeah. I
Thanks for asking.
I'll be sure
to tell him that you said hello.
I was talking to the pastor.
And we would like to come over for a visit
and talk with you.
I cannot imaginewhat you've beenthrough.
Lilly to
the freezer aisle. Lilly, freezer aisle.
Give the pastor my best.
I'll shoot straightwith you, Lilly.
People have been noticing
you're acting sort of funny.
What do you mean, "funny"?
You know,
with that thing, all that's goin'on.
You're distracted.
I'm not distracted.
Sweet tiny Jesus.
What the hell is that? Gum selfie?
Everyone is distracted.
-Nobody works.
-Okay, Travis.
You know that I have to go
to thatmeeting in Rosewood tonight.
-So maybe we can just pick...
Well, that's
It's every Tuesday.
It's gonna be at least once a week.
-You see?
That's what I'm talking about.
You're my right-hand man, Lilly.
But your mind's not in the game.
What good's a pro ball QB
without a left tackle?
-Who's gonna pick up the blitz?
I don't really follow football,so
get with it.
Sherri, no more selfies.
Bubblegum or otherwise. Okay?
We've talked about this.
Golly Wally! You're Lilly.
Uh Oh!
-Yeah, that's my name.
-Um, he's getting these, right?
Every week. I'll buzz you in.
Hi, everyone.
It's so great to see you tonight.
-How are you?
-Hi, baby.
-I'm doing great.
-You look good.
Okay, everyone.
Let's take our seats.
I believe we left off last time
talking about emotional triggers.
Does anyone have any thoughts
or questions about that?
Okay. Well, as always
You know me.
I'm a sucker to peer pressure.
Yeah, but you hate thosethings.
They've got all these flavors now.
So, tonight I'd like to talk about trust.
Lilly, let's start with you and Jack.
Okay, sure.
Some families have a hard timeadjusting
after they've been apart
for an extended time.
Seeing how things
are going to be different.
I don't think
that's gonna be aproblem for us.
I I can see that would be
for somepeople, but
changes are scary,
but that doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Scary? We're not
We're not scared. Right? I mean,that's
-They scared. They scared.
-She's fine.
Of course I'm fine. You're fine too.
Is that true, Jack?
Let's just move on, shall we?
Lot of people to get to.
It's just that we
we haven't actually
talked about it, but I mean, I
-We haven't. I mean...
-I mean, look.
If you wanna talk about it,
let's talk about it. By all means.
Great. We should do that. Talk about it.
Let's talk about something
other than vaping.
What's next week? Meth?
-Not appropriate.Not appropriate, Lilly.
It's just, it's a joke.I don't mean that.
Never mind that. She has turned
my only son against me. What about that?
Mother, you know I haven't...
-I am not your mother!
-Can we talk about something else?
You know, I saw her on TV
with that Dr. Phil.
-Scheming to have him tie my tubes.
-Mama, calm down.
-I am not your mother!
-Velma, sit down.
-Don't you talk to me!
Why do you keep telling me to becalm?
I am calm!
You got a sec?
-That didn't go so well.
I don't know. I think Velma
made some real progress tonight.
I deserve that one.
Not what you call a ringing endorsement
for psychiatric care.
How's he doing?
It's gonna take some time, Lilly.
He's been through a lot.
Yeah. Well, that's the way it looks.
And what about you?
Are yougetting back to a normal routine?
Have you done anything
with Katie's things?
-What does that have to do withanything?
-Emotional triggers like that aretough.
Are you saying
I should get rid of her things?
No. I I don't know.
How would that make you feel?
I think it's getting late,
and I should get a move on.
Lilly, when you come here
do you get anything
out of it for yourself?
Yes, yes, but let's
let's keep the focus on Jack.
We're doing that.
But are youseeing anyone?
I see people all the time.
I see you right now.
Okay, Lilly.
You have to do the work too.
Okay. Well, great.
You know, there's a guy I used
to work with that lives down your way.
A therapist.
Maybe you could give him a call.
Larry Fine?
Like The Three Stooges?
He's a good guy, Lilly.
Someone you could talk to.
Sure thing, Regina.
You know, it'd be nice to see someone,
Lilly, before you have to see someone.
Yeah. Well, I'll see you nextweek.
-Oh, hello, Jack. Wait.
-Thank you.
From Lilly.
She's consistent.
Is that a bad thing?
Thank you.
Clear out my eyes
Spit out my lungs
Scream it out up and down
Seasons go and come
Run for my life
Then dont turn around
Sometimes you gotta get lost
Son of a
Be found
Take some time
-Come on!
- Clear my mind
Find another reason why
Airplanes will fly
Flowers will bloom
Humans gonna feel alone
When we go in the wrong room
Go fall apart
Rip out my heart
Let the pieces crumble into nothing
Till its just true
Take some time
Clear my mind
Find another reason why
Take some time
Clear my mind
Find another reason
Hey, little guy.Watch whereyou're going.
Son of a bitch.
-How are you sleeping?
-Terrific. Thank you.
-Are you eating okay?
-Oh, yes.
Yes. I mean,
the food up here is exquisite.
I don't know if they give Michelinstars
to mental health facilities,
but if they did
And the medication.
How is it working?
I really don't know.
-What do you think?
-It's not about what I think.
Has your wife come in to see you?
My wife?
Has she come in to see you?
Y-Y-You know,
I've actually been meaning to ask, um,
does that have to happen so much?
The visits. I mean, it's just
I feel bad about her having tocome
the whole way up here every week.
Have you been having dreams
about your daughter?
My daughter?
There's something about
The simple sound of morning
That lets me know that I'm alive
The way the sun is painting
Every corner
All of my fears start to subside
There was a time
When all the boys got to know you
That was the time
Of your life
But now the fault lines on my face
Are pushing you away
So, oh my darlin', I am leaving you
There was a time
When all the boys got to know you
That was the time of your life
And all the fault lines on my face
Are begging me to stay
Oh, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving
Oh my darlin', I am leaving
Oh, I am leaving you
Without saying goodbye
Excuse me, ma'am.
How much for the crib?
You got any plans for thatrecliner?
Not really.
-Hi. Thank you.
Goldfish. Oh gosh.
No, I I think once they're done,
they're, you know
Sorry for your loss.
Okay. Bye.
Can I help you?
Uh, no. I just think I've made a mistake.
Are you here to see Dr. Larry?
-Uh, well, is it is it Larry Fine?
-We just go by Dr. Larry.
Lilly Maynard?
Uh, yes. That's, uh
-Oh! Okay. Wow! Oh!
Helen, please.
All right. I can't help it.
What do you think I'm here for?
Uh, what's your pet's name?
Well, uh, that's just it.
I I don't have a pet.
-No pet?
Uh, Dr. Larry,
uh, Lilly has an appointment but no pet.
That's a first.
Oh my. Hey! Buddy, I'm married.
I get this 24 hours a day.
-I want his marbles knocked off.
-Helen, it's called neutering.
Nobody's here to get
their marblesknocked off, I presume.
Uh, I'm as advertised.
Did you have a question
about an animal or what?
Well, uh, no, I don't.
I I had gotten a referral for you
from a gal.
A gal?
Regina Miller?
Is she still with the state?
Uh, she's at New Horizons.
Well, I have taken up enough of your time,
so thank you.
No, no, no. Why don't you come on back?
Come on back. Him too.
Oh, that's how it is.
Not you.
Sit. Sit.
Am I supposed to be in here?
He doesn't mind.
Don't understand why Regina didthat.
I've been out of the mental health field.
I left it ten years ago.
To become a vet?
-Isn't that kind of weird?
It's an easy explanation really,
but, uh, let's leave it at weird.
What were you doing at, uh, NewHorizons?
Well, I wasn't. I mean, I was,
but my husband is, you know, there.
-Is he getting better?
-I guess.
-He says he's fine.
-Well, that's good.
-What about you?
-Me? Oh, I'm fine too.
Regina sent you to see me
because you're fine.
Well, it wasn't my idea.
-But you're here.
I, uh
You know,
she said it might help him a little
if I did some work, so
I also I also kind of traded in
some of my furniture,
most of my furniture,
for a pleather La-Z-Boy.
I mean, not all of it, but
My daughter, our baby, died.
Just over a year ago now, so
SIDS, that's what they told us.
That's awful.
My husband Jack didn't handle itso good.
And you did?
No. No, I
No, I'm
It's a good question.
Okay, well
I just don't do
this sort of thing anymore.
Well, no offense,
but you can kind of tell.
Maybe Regina can set you up
with someone else.
Yeah. Yeah.
If you have an animal problem,
you know where to find me.
Thank you.
Trigger, hang in there, pal.
It doesn't get better.
Sarah, that's very good, but
Okay, okay, don't, um
Relax. Treat it gently. You don'thave to
beat it to death, darling.
Oh, Velma, that's What is that?
-It's an emoji.
-The poop one.
-Looks very accurate.
-When do I get to put it in the oven?
-Soon, dear. Very soon.
That's beautiful.
I have some finer utensils
back behind the shelf over there.
Good work. It's more even this time.
Keep going. Keep going.
You found the utensils.
Um, what's that from?
It's just some old junk
from back when this was a school.
-What happened to it?
-The school?
Not enough kids.
Come on, let's go finish your vase.
It's done.
Go on! Get the hell out of here!
Go! This is my garden!
And don'tcome back!
Hi, Lilly.
-Who are you talking to?
-You, Chuck.
No. I'm sorry. Chuck, I was just mess
Well, it doesn't need stitches.
-You got a tetanus shot recently?
-Do I need one?
Just to be safe.
The bird obviously thought
you were a threat.
Well, I am now.
It's, uh, breeding season, you know?
Eggs, hatchlings, that sort ofthing.
-You might wanna stay out of your yard.
-It's my fucking yard.
You always this angry?
What am I supposed to do, call the cops?
I mean, you said call
if I had an animal problem.
Are you familiar with stage three
of the grieving process?
I'm assuming that follows stage two?
Not, uh, necessarily.
But generally.
Uh, it's "bargaining and anger."
Nobody ever talked to you about this?
Nope. What comes after that?
Great. I can't wait.
Mmm, you might not have to wait toolong.
So you're done.
-Look, um, sorry about the hassle.
-No hassle.
I guess I'm gonna try to find
one of those people doctors.
Um Uh, excuse me.
What What did the bird look like?
Um, I don't know. Dark, wings.
That that narrows it down.
You know, if if you
if you would like to, you know,
talk about it.
Maybe talk talk about the bird?
Yeah, the bird.
All right.
Okay, well
see you later.
In In the meantime, stay away
from that new neighbor of yours.
Yeah, new neighbor.
That That's a good one.
Uh, you don't want that one.
No, I don't I don't want funguspeppers.
Who does?
Do you have anything
that might, um, scarebirds away?
-Bird deterrent?
-That's funny.
I like a good joke.
How do you feel about spikes?
No, I don't, kinda, need to kebab 'em.
got it.
Huh. Kind of, um,
Asian beach ball.
Yeah. I got one by my pool. Nobirds come.
No people either.
You know? Got it.
Am I supposed to be following you? I
Scares the shit out of birds too.
I'll take it.
How's that, you little shit?
When my wife passed away,
I didn't think I could continue.
I didn't know how to.
And if I'm being honest,
I stilldon't know how to,
but I do.
Every morning I ask for strength
and the courage to move forward
and be there for others.
Amen. You know,
pastor, you made that difference for me
Never gonna believe what I'mwatching.
It's one of those religious shows,
The Higher Power.
Sounds like a utility company.
Or a pot store.
Do the kids still call it pot?
Feels like they'd have
a cooler way of saying that now
or an emoji, or
Well, I'm sure theyhave an emoji, right?
They have it for everything.
Hey, guess what?
I got the garden going again.
I found the watering can
you painted with Katie.
It was buried in the brush.
Almost hit it with a lawn mower.
and the higher power.
In God's name we should pray,
Exodus says,
"And they make their lives bitter
with hard bondage"
in mortar of service in the field
wherein they made them serve
"with vigor."
-I'm good. Thanks.
Good. Bye.
See you later.
That's the one, officer.
The great-tailed grackle.
Well, he's a little far afield
from the Okeechobee Swamps of Florida.
Maybe he's lost.
Guess you don't talk
with yourpatients that often.
Oh, you mean 'cause they're animals?
Oh no, we talk all the time.
Tends to be a one-sidedconversation
but fine with me.
How's Jack doing?
Good. I guess.
Well, I have to seehim tomorrow.
You have to?
Well, it's Tuesday.
Tuesday nightsare, uh, family night.
So that's what I mean.
I have to go see him 'cause family night.
-Don't you want to?
-Well, yeah. He's my husband.
-I leave work every week early
just so I can be there on time.
But I think I'dgo nuts
if I was shut up in that place 24/7, but,
he doesn't seem to mind.
So was it Jack's idea
to be admittedto the hospital?
Sort of.
Sort of?
-Is this how it works?
-How what works?
-Oh, you think
No, no, no. If we were doing that,
I'd just say,
"Sorry our time is up.Take this pill."
Anyway, we're just talking.
You know, sometimes we push people away
just to see if they'll come back.
Maybe it'll be better this time.
You think?
You sure it wasn't a blue jay?
I I stitched up a cat once
who'd gone a few rounds with a blue jay.
Very aggressive avian, that.
Don't think it was a blue jay.
Oh. What's that?
-That's a hawk.
-No. It wasn't a hawk.
I know what a hawk is.
-You know, they used to be dinosaurs.
-Birds did.
You probably knew that
because you're a vet.
I knew that even before I was avet.
What happened to your head?
Oh. Just
There's a bird that thinks I'm a threat.
Are you threatening it?
No, I'm just minding my own business
in the garden.
I don't care what she is.
You can tell she don't cook.
She's so skinny.
We got a new recliner.
What was wrong with the old one?
Nothing. Just thought we needed a change.
You gotta be kidding me.
Go on.
Get off my owl!
That is a starling.
You see the little white flecks
that look like stars?
Very territorial.
You won't be able to scare him
away easily. He's too smart for that.
-Oh, they're brilliant.
They're, uh
extraordinary mimics.
Mozart had one as a pet.
And, uh, they found in his notebooks
a melody from one of his concertos
that he wrote out, and nextto it,
the melody as the bird sang it,
except for one or two sharpsor flats.
Yeah. He was, uh, inconsolable
when the bird died.
Even gave it a funeral.
There's an idea.
Two weeks prior to that,
Mozart did not attend
his ownfather's funeral.
Apparently, his father was anasshole.
You the lady with the birdproblem?
Yeah, that's me.
Yeah, well, here are the traps.
This is really more for a coyote.
I can't sell you this one.
It's illegal You have a license?
I could rent it to you
if you gotit back to me first thing.
-Oh, no. This is just for a little bird.
-Oh. Well, you could trap it with this.
But you better release it inMexico,
or it's just gonna find its way back.
I do not want it to come back.
There's only one way to do that.
-You mean
Like, kill it?
We don't like to use that word.
It's inhumane.
Yeah. Okay, that's
I get I get that. I mean,
it is what you mean though, right?
There are 400 billion birds
on this planet, lady.
-That seems awfully high.
-It's not.
-It seems very high.
-It's not.
It's my business.
I will tell you this.
Lady came in last month.
Glass eye. Bird attacked her.
-Oh my God.
-I think it was a sparrow.
-You serious?
-Extremely aggressive.
Never feel a thing.
It's really 400 billion?
It's a plague.
What if a raccoon gets at it?
Or a cute little bear cub.
Or, like, a baby koala.
It's a bird feeder. It's tiny.
Nothing's going to get inside of it.
And you know there's no koalas
in North America, right?
Oh yeah. That's true.
I saw a possum shimmy up
a hummingbird water feeder thing one time,
a super skinny one.
I mean, it was bent like a palm tree
in a tropical storm.
Okay. Well, that's not gonna happen here.
Probably not, yeah.
It could, though. You know?
Animals will do anything for a snack.
And sugar water
-Have you tried sugar water?
-No, Dickey.
I have not tried hummingbird sugarwater.
It's really sweet.
Any animal would go
to great lengths to taste it.
Yeah, it's not sugar water. It's seed.
Right. Just seed.
Mixed with poison seed.
Crap. Now I've gotta go home
and take it down.
I'll clock you out at 5:00.
I'm sorry.
You didn't deserve this.
-How are you sleeping?
-Are you eating okay?
-Fine. Yeah.
-Are you feeling depressed?
-Okay. We don't have to go through this.
We don't
So you're ready to leave?
Believe me,
if I thought I could, I would.
Even if it meant pretending.
But I tried that.
I already tried to do that.
And I ended up here. So what am I
What am I supposed to
I'm just supposed to go back to work?
Do you know what I do for a living?
You know what my job is?
Yes. You are a teacher.
I'm a grade school art teacher.
So you go
and look at those kids every day.
You try doing that.
And what about your wife?
I'm sure she'd like to have youhome.
You know, a few years back,
I joined this Frisbee league.
I don't know.
And Lilly, my wife,
she felt left out,
so she insisted that
she become our sole cheerleader.
Just to be clear, Frisbee leagues
do not have cheerleaders,
or indeed, spectators.
But there she'd be with her pom-poms.
I'd make out like I was this jock.
She got me this letterman jacket.
And we
It was so dumb.
I don't know how to get back there.
I can't be
who I was for her.
So, what is your plan?
I just need a minute
to figure outwhat happens next.
So, if you could just
write down whatever
you need to write down.
We can
Can we do that?Wejust
It's okay then?
It's okay for meto stay?
I believe that's what's best fornow.
Where are you? Where'd you go?
Oh. Yeah.
Didn't expect that, did ya?
Look, can we just
kind of clearthe air, you know,
for the record that I
I know what you're thinking.
That I killed her
Remediated that bird, but
I mean, I put that
Forget it. It doesn't matter why.
I put it out. You know why I put itout.
It was really wrong. It was
And I shouldn't have done it.
I'm dealing with some pretty heavy shit
right now if you couldn't tell.
'Cause everybody's rolling along,
living their lives like nothing happened,
you know? And I'm saying, "Stop."
'Cause I wanna get off for a little bit.
I mean, it's just
It's pretty weird me talking to you.
And you're actually
Oh, there you go.
Right. Well, good session.
It's my co-pay.
Oh, let me tell you, child
Whistle that, bitch!
Let me tell you, honey child
That morning sun
Has come to greet you
She's peekin' round the corner
Just waitin' just to meet you
Shinin' down on all your troubles
Let me tell ya, child
Let me tell you, honey child
'Cause this world wasn't made
For dreamin'
This world wasn't made for you
This world made for believin'
In all the things you're gonna do
Now, honey child
Here you go.
The, uh,Naugahyde stains.
Yeah. Thanks.
How did you find me?
Only one "L Fine. DVM" in the directory.
-It's a dope rapper name if youever
-I don't rap.
I just thought a walk would do me good.
In the rain?
-How did your visit go last week?
-Great. Swimmingly.
Well, that's good. Thanks forcoming by.
It's late. I'm gonna go to bed.
I don't know what you want me tosay.
This whole thing,
it it's not about Katie.
You'll talk about her, you know?
It's about Jack and you. Jack and you.
How do you restart?
How do you have a marriage, now?
Why Why was Jack admitted
to the hospital?
He, um
He He was
He hadn't been sleeping well. Um
Yeah, he just wanted to go to sleep
and not wake up.
Like Katie.
You must've been pretty angry.
I wasn't angry.
No, he was depressed.
He He had every reason to be.
So did you,
and you didn't try toend your life
and leave your husband behind.
You blame yourself.
Who's to say anybody's to blame?
-I do.
-Oh, that's shitty, Larry.
Not 'cause it's right or wrong, or good
or bad, but because that's what we do.
We can't stand the idea ofsomething
so tragic happening for no reason at all.
So You know, and
and emotions have to find a way out,
and they always do.
So we kick the cat, or we kick thedog,
or poison a bird.
And worst of all,
we turn on ourselves.
Does Jack know how you feel?
Bathroom's down the hall to the left.
Talk to him, Lilly.
Come on.
Do you like it, being here?
Do I like it?
You know, is it helping?
Yeah, I I guess.
I thought maybe
we could go upto the lake again,
when you get home.
You know, for theFourth.
-Sure. Yeah.
-That's fun, right?
Yeah, it'll be just like it was,
like nothing ever happened.
I didn't say that.
-No, I know.
No, but that is why I'm here,
isn't it? I'm
I'm supposed to just go back
to being my good old self,
and we can all get on with ourlives.
-It's just gonna take time, that'sall.
-Don't, don't, don't. Please.
I mean You really think
that time is gonna make all ofthis okay?
It's gonna make us okay?
I'm not saying that. I'm justsaying
that we can't stay here like this.
-This is not good.
-I know.
But I don't know how I fitanymore.
I don't know how we fit,
how any of it works.
I I'm I'm just not like you, Lilly.
You're not like me?
I carried her inside me for ninemonths.
So why are you here?
-Why did I sleep in that morning?
-Don't do that!
I could've just gone over
and woken her up.
I could've done something.
But I overslept.
Every morning, when I wake up,
the first thing I hear is our baby crying.
And in that brief moment,
I get to imagine that I just wakeup.
Like I always did.
That precious moment of agony,
it's the highlight of my day.
So please, don't talk to me about time,
because I've got loads of it,Lilly.
And I hate it. It never ends.
-Honey, please.
-I wish Iknew how to stop.
I wish. I don't.
I got rid of all her things.
I didn't know what to do.
I just kept staring at her closeddoor.
I got rid of all of her things.
I just couldn't.
-I just wanted...
-You should go, I think.
-I'm sorry, I...
-No, I think...
I don't know why I did it. I
I should've asked you.
You made me a lunch?
What do we have here?
-My mother used to put those in my lunch.
'Cause I love you the mostess
Tell me this, tell me now
When's it gonna be
My time to be loved actually
-That's good. Maybe toward me.
-She's doing it again.
Poor thing.
She's not doing well.
I don't know.
Maybe it's in the wrong aisle.
They wouldn't buzz me in. I was starting
to think something was wrong. Is he okay?
Why don't we sit down?
-Is he okay?
He's good.Fine.It's just that, um
-Why don't we sit down?
-I don't want to. I wanna talk to Jack.
Actually, he's requested to not see
any visitors for a while.
I'm not a v visitor. I'm his wife.
It's not unusual
for a patientto want some space.
Space? Uh, I drive an hour
both ways to get here.
-That's all the space he gets.
-Legally, he has the right.
-Legally, I don't give a shit.
-Lilly, please, sit down. That's it.
Fine! God! There!
It's all better now that we'reseated.
Did you look up
that old colleague of mine?
Yes. And maybe you could've mentioned
that he also treats poodles.
He'd never tell you this,
but Larry was on track to run
the whole show at Johns Hopkins.
Yeah, but he didn't, did he?
So he's a quitter like everybodyelse.
When do you think
I will be ableto see Jack?
I don't know.
That's up to Jack.
You know what?
Here. Give him that.
I drove an hour. That's what I do.
For us.
And you don't wanna see me.
You think I like driving an hourhere
and an hour back?
I get it.
I mean, you want your space.
You want space? I'll give youspace.
I'll give you an-hour-both-waysspace.
You never ever thought
about what I did, did you?
Not once!
Not even once!
I feel shit too, Jack!
You don't wanna see me?
You know what? I don't wanna see you!
I don't wanna see you either!
Did you ever once think about that,
that I don't wanna see you?
Get another visitor!
Oh my God.
Oh God, what do you
Shh shh.I can't I can't hear the cat.
What It's murmuring?
Can you hear a murmur?
All I hear is a grown man wailing. Shh.
Okay, here's the deal.
Give him his medicine.
Twice a day, with food.
And no more truck-stop food.
Dry food only.
-Okay, I got it.
I mean it.
Okay, I will tell him.
Hey. Hey, you hear that?
Hey, hey, no more nachos.
No more corn bread. Huh?
No more corn dogs.
And no more Cheetos.
Don't look at me like that.
Why are you looking at me?
-Your mom really isn't here?
-She's coming back to get me later.
Yeah, well, let's wait for her, okay?
I know what you're gonna say.
She gets tired all the time.
My brother says she's getting skinny too.
See, it's, uh
She's in a lot of pain,
and thequality of her life is
is is going to
I'm talking about the quality of her life.
I'm talking about the quality of life
to a ten-year-old.
Did Howie's mom not say anything about...
I told you. She signed off on it.
She's coming back later.
-It's not her fault.
She's not good with these things.
Are you sure there's nothing?
I'm sure.
It's okay.
You've got to stop
with thejust-showing-up business.
I need a favor, Larry.
He won't see me,
and they won't even let me talk to him.
-Well, that's within his rights.
-So I hear.
But I I I was thinking that
you couldcall Regina or someone.
Doesn't work that way.
But you know how it does work,
and you must have some
some kind of credentials still, right?
-This isn't the best time, Lilly.
-Well, no shit, Larry.
I've been scratched off the guestlist
in a mental hospital by my own husband.
Here's what you do.
Go and talk to Fawn
and make an appointment.
Make an appointment?
Aren't you supposed to be helpingme?
Isn't that what this is?
Non-therapy therapy,
pretend therapy, whatever?
Isn't that what we've been doing?
-What, am I on this island all alone?
-I'm not a therapist anymore.
And I am certainly not your therapist.
You got that right.
Because you're a shit one.
Maybe that's why you quit.
I mean, what is it that makes
this so much better, huh?
'Cause wha... Is it 'cause
cats don't talk back?
No, they don't.
They do, however, make appointments.
What do you want from me?
You You want some kind of answer?
You want me to say
everything's gonna be okay?
Yeah, Larry. I
Answers are good. People wantanswers.
I don't have the answers.
I never did. I just talked.
And the moment I figured that out,
I quit and stopped pretending.
You think you can fix Jack?
You think that's the solution?
What am I supposed to do?
I'm supposed to quit?
Like him?
Or like you?
At least quitting is an activechoice.
Why don't we quit?
I'm so sorry.
I never should've started this.
It's my fault.
Let's just agree
to not do thisanymore, okay?
Sure thing, Larry.
You son of a bitch!
Okay, you little shit.
Here comes the pain.
Ow! God!
Oh God.
Oh, Lilly.
Hi, Jack.
Being there for others
is exactlythe answer I was searching for.
You reach out to someone today.
Pastor, I can tell you
that you made a difference in my life
when you reached out to me.
When I found the good word, I was
I was lost. I was broken.
Sleeping around.
-I'm not proud of it.
Reminds me of Ephesians 6:7.
- "With good will"
"doing service
as to the Lord and not to men."
Not tomen. Amen.
Not to men. That's the journey.
That was the takeaway for me.
Because there were so many men.
So many men. A lot of men.
Pretend you're a tiger.
Chase your tail.
-Whoa, I'm dizzy!
-Now, sit up.
Good tiger, good tiger.
Now let's roar.
Down, tiger. Good boy.
-This is fun.
-Keep going.
Sit up.
Spin around.
Now roar.
Again, again!
-Good tiger. Good boy.
-Hey, Iwanna play.
-Can I play?
-I'm the lion tamer.
-Oh, and a good one.
How about I'm I'm just anotherlion?
-I'm a tiger.
-Oh, you're a tiger!
Do you Do you have a roar?
You frightened the life out of me.
That was really good.
Well, if we're a circus, we're gonnaneed
some more animals, I think.
Uh, I spy a giraffe.
Hey, Mel. You're a giraffe.
Come on. You're a giraffe.
-I'm giraffe?
-All right, I'm a giraffe.
-You're a giraffe.
Okay, we've got our giraffe.
Oh! Who's that playing in the mud?
I found our elephant!
We need an elephant, don't we?
Bob, you're gonna be an elephant.
Can you do it?
-Yeah, that's it.
All right, everybody.
-Come on, giraffe.
-All right.
We've got our lion tamer
to tellus what to do, okay?
Can we do the sounds.
What's the sound?
What is the sound like, Bob?
That's it!
How about our tiger?
Young lion tamer, what is thy command?
Roar! Roar!
-I don't wanna play.
-Sweetheart. It's okay.
No, it's okay. I was only
I was only playing.
Hey, listen,
why don't we do a parade instead...
-I wanna go now.
-Okay, Jack.
-Oh, I was just Oh, look!
-That was fun.
Here come the clowns.
You wanna be in the parade band?
-Come on, everyone.
-Hold on.
-Come on.
What's, um
All right, that's it.
-Where'd my giraffe go?
-What do you say you go inside?
-Mel, what's going on?
-Don't touch me.
-You're scaring people.
-What do you say you go inside?
-I don't wanna go inside.
-Okay, Jack...
-I don't wanna go in!
-Ow. I'm all right.
Get off!
Okay. I don't wanna go in.
Regina, I don't want to go inside.
I wanna play outside.
We were just playing.
I don't wanna go back.
Oh my God, this is crazy.
Uh, can I get
a price check on register two?
Uh,need a price check on register four.
- Y'ello.
We need another checker
on four, andthree, and two.
Travis, to the front, please.
What the hell are you doing?
Doing the price changes
that you asked me to do.
Since when do we charge a nickel
for a package
of feminine hygiene products?
Or a bag of crispy fish fry?
Or just about every other damnitem
in the store?
Well, I don't I don't know. I mean, that
That can't it can't be right.
What color is the sky
in yourworld, Kemosabe?
We need a price check in the bakery.
Maybe I should I should just
start changing these back
before people start to get the wrong idea.
It's all five cents over here!
Or maybe I should take a break.
Just take the rest of the day off, sister.
You're gonna have to earn this back.
Thin ice, Lilly. Thin ice.
Sir, sir, nothing in the store
is five cents. Nothing.
We need a manager up front.
You already know me
It's like you drew me and then
Colored me in
I was paper thin
No shape
For the state of mind I was in
I thought you would hurt me
I thought it was my turn, but
Lilly Maynard.
Maybe you still will,
Maybe I'm gonna learn
Lilly Maynard.
Love is something that you earn
Lilly Maynard.
So I wanna hear that song
For the very first time
I wanna feel the way that I
Did in my prime
I wanna stop, fast forward
And rewind
I don't wanna know when it will be
The last time
So I wanna hear that song
For the very first time
I don't wanna know
When it will be
The last time
The problem in dealing
with a territorial creature,
such as a starling, is that people
begin to take it personally.
I I don't think the laws of nature
are intrinsically right or wrong,
until you're faced with something
that's just so
inexplicable, so randomly cruel.
And you
try to find a reason for it.
And when you can't find any,
I I guess that's when
it starts to getpretty personal.
And she came to see you about thebird?
Well, yes, uh, technically.
And now you're here
to talk to meabout the bird?
Not Not
per se. Um, I'm here to ask you,
in fact, to
just talk to Lilly.
I I don't think it's your intention
to punish her.
No, no. It is only my intention
to punish myself.
-Did she tell you why I'm here?
So she came to you for help
because because you're her shrink,
but ina vet form.
She came
to talk.
And I'm afraid I just didn't do
a very good job of that.
Then why are you here?
I told you.
-So that you would I I'm asking you...
-Oh, you're here for yourself.
Yes. Okay.
You came here to make you feelbetter.
Well, you did it. We talked.
feel better.
You want a beer?
-I know I could use one.
-Thanks, man.
This place is really nice.
Yeah, it was my grandpa's.
It's a bitch to mow.
-Is that the one?
-Yep, that's him.
-He looks pretty harmless.
-Oh, don't let it fool you.
You can't do anything about it?
Some things are just out of ourcontrol.
And the sooner you figure out
what they are,
the faster you can let them go.
Look at that. You got aphilosophy.
Little guy's coming this way.
Oh, shit, shit!
Holy shit! That bird's crazy!
It's coming back. He's circlingaround.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, throw it. Throw it!
-Oh shit!
-Nice shot, Mrs. M!
-Shit! What did you do, Lilly?
-Oh, you nailed it, man.
-That was awesome.
-No, no, no, no.
-Go get me something.
-Wait, what am I getting?
-Like a towel or something.
-Okay. Where do you keep...
-Dickey, just get a towel!
Just get it? Got it.
It's in shock. It's suffocating.
This is the best I could do
on short notice.
-Avian anatomy's not our specialty.
-That looks like a hummingbird.
-They're all the same.
-Yeah, it's the anterior air sac.
But I don't know how I can get inthere.
Uh, I don't know.
-Uh, where's my bird box?
-You don't have a bird box.
Yes, we do.
It's got all the right instruments.
-Great. It's a vet without abird box.
-Will you wait outside?
-What about a coffee stir straw?
-Good idea.
-Have you not done this before?
No, I haven't. Have you?
-You wanna wait for a specialist?
-Is that an option?
I'd love to,
cause you're talking coffee stir straws.
-Could you wait outside, Lilly?
-No! I won't wait outside!
-Out, out, out!
-Go, please.
-What do you need?
Well, uh, surgical soap,
sterile drape, and, uh, vodka.
Oh, for you.
-We have a bottle of gin.
-That'll do.
Tonight, I'd like to talk about
the importance of being honest.
With ourselves.
Velma, would you like to start?
-I'm sick of all the damn talkin'.
That was honest.
I'll go.
If, uh, if that's okay.
Yes, of course.
I'm depressed. That's why I'mhere.
Um, my little girl passed away.
And then I tried to pass myselfaway.
That's not funny.
But that is what I tried to do.
And I thought it was because ofKatie.
Uh, that was my
That is my daughter's name. Katie.
But if I'm being honest withmyself,
I have been in and out of this state
since I was in my 20s.
And I don't know how to get out of it.
I, um
I've been to therapists.
I've taken the medication.
And sometimes, it works.
It does feela bit better.
And then after a while,
I quit.
Because I don't need that shit.
I can deal with my own life.
Quit on myself so fast.
And then I quit on the people wholove me.
I mean, my wife.
"My wife."
My wife wouldn't know how to quit.
Wouldn't know where to start.
She just keeps at it.
Just keeps hoping and believing
and moving around in the world.
And I hate her for it.
And I love her so much for it
at the same time.
So much that
I wanna not quit with her.
Not for her.
I wanna not quit with her.
Yeah, so that's my day.
a happy day.
You asshole.
I know.
Thanks for sharing, Jack.
Might as well take him home. There's
no point in staying here all night.
What do I do?
Uh, just try to get a couple drops of this
into his throat
every couple of hours if you can.
Will he wake up?
It's hard to say.
-What's on his wings?
-They're bound so he can't flyaway.
You know, even if he does wake up,
I I might still have to
If the wound doesn't heal,
he won't be able to protect himself.
It wouldn't be fair to send himout there
like this on his own.
Funny how that works.
How what works?
Oh, just the idea of this little guy
trying to survive
out there in the cruel world
all by himself.
Starlings are different than otherbirds.
When they mate,
they they build a nest together,
and they protect the nest.
They even feed the hatchlings together.
They're just not meanttoexist
in the world alone,
on their own.
Real subtle stuff, Larry.
I thought so.
Okay, that's enough.
Maybe just a little.
You know you like this.
I read that if you talk tosomebody
in a coma, it can help them heal faster.
Come on. Come on.
I'm a little busy here, Jack,
so I don't really have time tolisten
to you breathe.
You know thatyou're not the only one
in pain, right?
I mean, ever since Katie left us,
it's been
And then you did what you did.
Which is not okay, Jack.
I've been holding down
the fort for a year and
I haven't had five minutes
to think about my own feelings.
We never seem to
get around to that, right?
Which is pretty fucking selfish,
isn't it, Jack?
So when you get back, shit's gonnachange.
Things are gonna be said,
tears are gonna be shed,
and then we're gonna move on and move up.
And we're gonna find a different
but even better life than the onewe had
because I am not interested
in some kind of lateral move.
And you're gonna say sorry
to me for trying to take you fromme.
You're gonna say it every day.
You're gonna say it every day
for therest of our lives.
That's gonna be a very long, long time.
'Cause we're gonna live a long life, Jack.
And we're gonna do it together.
So I'm gonna hang up on you now,
because that'd make us even-steven
'cause you hung up on me, so
Besides, I've gotta go feed
a bird that I tried to kill.
Can you understand?
You're married, right? I mean,
I'm assuming you're married.
At least, are monogamous?
At least? I don't know.
Are birds monogamous?
I don't know how that works.
Here's your tube.
Come on. Come on.
Excellent, Sarah. Watch yourfingers.
Oh! Looks like the picture. Very nice.
Velma, what do we have here?
See? You got the switch.
-It goes right in there.
You turn it on, and it stays up.
-Yes! Up!
-Ooh, it's, yes, creative.
I think, um,
you forgot something?
-The hole? For the
-Oh! Yeah.
Can I just leave it?
How would it work?
Does it have to work?
No, I guess not.
It's lovely.
Thank you.
Good-lookin' tree.
-How are you sleeping?
And how are you feeling?
-You are a creature of habit.
-So you're feeling good.
Yes, I am.
But what if I stop feeling good?
What if it doesn't last?
That's a possibility.
Can I just say I found our timetogether
fairly unhelpful overall?
But you've made progress.
I have.
I just don't know
if it was because of you.
There will be good days
and therewill be bad days, Jack.
Gonna miss these gems.
Living is predictable in that way.
Embrace routine.
It's good for you.
Ah yeah, the routine of living.
Make dinner, go to bed,wake up,
make your bed, kiss your wife.
But eventually, you'll go back to work.
You'll be around children again.
Maybe you can start planting
in your garden.
And one day,
you will say your daughter's name
without thinking about it.
It will just slip out
in remembrance and not in anguish.
And that'll be that.
-That was actually pretty good.
-Thank you.
Maybe there's hope for you yet.
Wow, hello.
Don't, don't, don't, don't do that.
I am gonna pick you up.
It's okay.
There we go.
I'm not afraid of you.
You're very small.
My helmet is very close too.
I'm gonna take you outside.
I think he was wrong about you.
Maybe I was too.
Okay. Come on. Fly, fly.
Come on, fly. Please go.
Go, go, go, go!
Fly, fly, fly, come on, fly!
Fly! There you go!
There you go, you son of a bitch!
Did I mention
that we have a new recliner?
It's kind of leather-esque.
It smells like, a little like beef jerky.
Well, that's a smell I generally like.
You know, I was thinking, uh,
a sectional sofa would work inthat room.
In the window nook, facing in.
Where Katie used to play.
That'll work.
Oh, shit. I, uh,
I made you something.
Oh, it's lovely.
You don't know what it is.
-Does it have a purpose?
-Yes. It's a light switch cover.
Oh, well,
there's no hole for the switch.
Does it need a hole to work?
Well, yeah. I mean, you
you gotta have a hole for theswitch,
or you can't turn the light on or off.
And then what?
I'm sorry.
-Well, we'll figure it out.
-No, no. I'm
I'm so sorry about it all.
-You deserve better.
-It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
I presume that
this makes up for everything.
We'll cut a hole in it.
That's smart.
That's smart.
Just cut a hole in it.
Otherwise, you're really
you're forcing a choice
of being in constant darkness
or constant light.
And that's just nuts.
-I mean, no offense.
-No, that's fair.
Hang on
Just hang on for a minute
I've got something to say
I'm not asking
You to move on or forget it
But these are better days
He's gonna be fine.
To be wrong
All along and admit it
-How are you doing?
-Not so good.
But to be loved
Sit down.
Even when you've changed
Tell me about it.
Tell me
Did I go on a tangent?
Did I lie through my teeth?
Did I cause you to stumble
On your feet?
Did I bring shame on my family?
Did it show when I was weak?
Whatever you see
That wasn't me
Oh, that wasn't me
Do I make myself a blessing
To everyone I meet?
When you fall
I will get you
On your feet
Do I spend time with my family?
Did it show when I was weak?
Yeah, I gotta admit, I'm, uh,
I'm a little bit scared.
When that's what you see
Me too.
That will be me
That will be me
That will be me
Put this on.
Okay. Carrots, tomato,
and a head of lettuce.
If you can get to the cucumbers, grab two.
Got it.
On three?
One, two, three.
Did I go on a tangent?
Did I lie through my teeth?
Did I cause you to stumble
On your feet?
Did I bring shame on my family?
Did it show when I was weak?
Whatever you see
Do I spend time with my family?
Did it show when I was weak?
When that's what you see
That will be me
What the
Son of a bitch!