The Texas Rangers (1936) Movie Script

A thousand miles from El Paso
to the border of Louisiana,
1, 000 miles from the gulf
along the winding, colorful
waters of the Rio Grande,
from Mexico to the Panhandle,
Across this vast empire
moved first
the shaggy buffalo
and then cattle
in great herds,
raiding red men
and marauding white men,
and later, as the 19th century
was nearing its end,
the settlers who had
established themselves
in this frontier wilderness
were beset by desperadoes
and outlaws,
and it was in order
to make life safe,
to ensure prosperity
and progress,
that, early in the American
occupation of Texas,
an organization known
as the Texas Rangers
was formed,
Throughout their history,
the Rangers have been men
of exceptional character,
unyielding courage,
rare physical endurance,
Hard riding, fast shooting,
Their service
was to a state they loved,
For an ideal, they were
willing to give up
their lives, and gladly,
To the Texas Rangers,
this picture is dedicated,
Come on, donkeys!
Get up there, Ginger!
Put up your hands!
Throw down
that express box!
AII right, get down.
Open the door.
Get out peaceably, folks.
The gentlemen will keep
their hands up.
You in the hat,
bring me that express box!
Don't do it, son.
Don't do what?
Hold up this coach.
This isn't a holdup.
We're just resting
our horses.
Pass your hat.
This is for charity, folks.
We want money and jewelry.
It's a vile outrage,
a shame.
These people paid
their fares. They're
entitled to my protection.
Shut up. I haven't killed
a stagecoach driver
in a Iong time.
You're my witnesses.
I'm doing this
against my will.
Tourist. My passport.
Put it in.
Oh, dear. Oh, please.
Snap it up, blubber puss.
I'II warm you up
with some hot Iead.
This is an heirloom.
AII right, keep it.
Oh, thank you.
I'II take
that watch instead.
Aw, Iisten, my grandpa
give me this watch
on his deathbed.
I told him
I'd never part with it.
You're parting
with it now.
AII right,
get back in Iine.
Everybody face the coach!
Keep 'em in the air!
AII right, amigo,
The dirty, thieving, robbing,
Iying sons of coyotes!
So they rob
my stagecoach, huh?
I'II show 'em!
Killing's too good for 'em,
but I'II get 'em. I'II get 'em
if it's the Iast thing
I ever do on this earth.
I'II shoot 'em on sight
quicker than I'd shoot
a rattlesnake!
The dirty, Iying,
thieving buzzards!
I lived up on the square
I never had any pocket change
And I thought that hardly fair
But out upon the highway
I went to rob and steal
And when I met a stagecoach
How happy I did feel
How happy I did feel
Boy, what voices.
Ah, grandfather's turnip.
Give it to me.
Here you are.
And there's your
collection plate, Deacon.
Look, Jim, I'm very easy
to get along with,
but you're going too far.
These two, I don't mind,
but, Iook, today,
he tried to put
a permanent part in my hair.
Now, Iisten,
will you cut it out?
Sure, you want
to be more careful.
Jim, you're Iiable to kill
Wahoo. Then we'II have
to break in a new man.
I Iike to miss him close.
It's good practice.
Yeah, I get a Iot
of sympathy here, don't I?
I got a mind to save
this one for Maria.
Say, I'd give everything
here right now
just to have
that Iittle "enchilady"
sitting in my Iap tonight,
Iooking at me
with those big brown eyes
and running her fingers
through my hair,
saying, "Mi dulcito pepecito, "
I'm keeping
this Iittle trinket
for that same Maria.
Who, you?
Of course, I've never
seen her yet, but then
she's never seen me, either.
Well, I got something here.
She never seen me, neither.
How far is it, Sam?
Just across Arkansas,
skip or two down Texas
toward the Rio Grande.
Rio Grande?
Too far.
I tell you, you boys go down
and meet the enchilada.
I'II take all the money.
Wait here till you...
Hey, wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Stay where you are, fellows!
MAN 2:
Put up your hands!
We've got you surrounded!
Don't try nothing funny.
You ain't got a chance!
They'II hang us, sure.
Let's take a chance
and run for it.
CIose in on 'em, boys!
We can't make it.
Being shot's
better than hanging.
They're all around us.
They'II be scared
of hitting
each other, Jim.
Make a run for the horses
when I douse the fire.
MAN 1:
Let 'em have it, boys!
MAN 2: They're making
a break for it!
Don't Iet 'em get away!
There goes one of 'em!
Get 'em!
Go get 'em!
How do you expect to find
Sam down in this country?
No towns,
no ranch houses,
no gals, no nothing.
We ain't seen a jackrabbit
in two days.
Boy, you can't tell me
we're still
in the United States.
We'II find Sam
if I have to shove you down
every prairie-dog hole
in Texas.
He always swore
he'd go back to his Maria.
Maria. We've talked
to 60 Marias.
Every Mexican gal's name
is Maria,
but none of them know
Sam McGee.
Buenos dias, seorita,
We are the good friends
of Sam McGee.
Have you seen him?
Do you know him?
No, seor, I do not know
this man you call Sam McGee,
but I have a cousin,
Maria Theresa,
who Iives in Casablanca.
She is very pretty.
Maybe she know him,
because she Iikes
the americanos, S, seor,
Gracias, seorita,
Will you tell us how far
it is to Casablanca?
Oh, seor, it is not far.
Oh, about 100 miles,
maybe 200 miles.
That's all.
That's all, 200 miles.
She didn't tell us that
her cousin Maria Theresa
in Casablanca
was married
and had six kids,
did she? No!
How much money
we got Ieft?
Don't be foolish. You saw me
spend that Iast cartwheel
at the bar.
Well, seems Iike
we ought to go to work.
Now you're talking sense.
Them Iittle mules
sure is running fools,
ain't they?
Takes a good strong man
to hold them. Yes, sir.
Been driving Iong?
Practically all
my Iife, practically.
Texas, Missouri, Kansas.
To me, stages is stages.
Get up there, CIancy!
Ever been shot at?
Some. Why?
You might be held up today.
What makes you think that?
We ought to know.
Who's "we"?
Rangers? What's them?
You ain't been in Texas Iong
if you ain't heard
of the Texas Rangers.
Oh, somebody's
fooling you, neighbor.
Ain't nobody gonna hold up
this coach today.
They'd be crazy
if they did.
Come on,
get up there, Gabe.
Comes real trouble,
I shoot first
and ask questions afterwards.
You mean that?
You ain't got nothing
to worry about.
You just keep a hold
of them Iines.
Still and all, ain't no use
shooting to kill
if you can help it, is there?
We'II see.
AII right, folks.
You can get out and stretch
your Iegs if you want to.
Thank you.
Hello, stranger.
AIways got room
for one more passenger.
What's the matter with you?
You daffy?
Get up on that seat
and be ready to throw down
that express box.
Who, me?
No, sir, the only time
I was ever Iate
was when one of my mules
threw a shoe.
Don't start nothing now.
Get in that stagecoach
and sit tight.
I'II explain to you Iater.
You'II explain nothing.
Get up on that seat.
That man up there,
riding with me...
Hey, driver, you've watered
those mules Iong enough.
Let's get moving.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Right away. Yes, sir.
I'II have you
in Junction City in
no time at all, my friend.
Come right in here.
AII aboard, folks.
Wait a minute. I ain't riding
in this shoe box.
$3.60, right to the penny.
Get in. Get in.
Come on, boys.
Get going.
What a day!
What a day, neighbor,
just to be alive.
I feel so good
I think I'II sing a song.
Would you Iike
to hear me sing?
I don't care for music.
It's your Ioss, my friend.
I think I'II sing anyway.
Come on there, Jasper!
Leave the gentleman's gun be!
Mustn't touch things
Iike that.
MAN: Put up your hands!
That's what I was trying
to tell you. Texas Rangers.
Texas Rangers, huh?
If that's
the way they work,
I'm gonna stay clear of 'em.
They got
no sense of humor.
I motion we adjourn
to the nearest saloon
and talk over
this episode at Iength.
I second the motion.
Therefore, as a member
of the Ranger Force of Texas,
I do solemnly swear...
To make the peace
and preserve Iaw and order.
BOTH: To make the peace
and preserve Iaw and order.
To the best
of my ability.
To the best of my ability.
AII this to the end
that the State of Texas
may be a safe place
in which to Iive.
BOTH: AII this to the end
that the State of Texas
may be a safe place
in which to Iive.
So help me God.
BOTH: So help me God.
Sign right here.
We don't ask
too many questions
when a man joins the Rangers.
Courage, a good head
and a better aim,
that's about all
that's required.
Those men died
with their boots on,
not for the small wage
they receive,
but for an ideal,
the determination to make
this state a civilized place
in which to Iive,
and so, Hawkins, Jones,
you enter into a service
which holds a fine heritage.
If you're worth
two hoops in Hades,
it'II bring it out of you.
If you're not,
it'II bring that out, too.
Fair enough.
Oh, here's
some regulations you boys
better be Iooking over.
That's all, boys.
Hiya, Ranger.
He doesn't know it yet,
but he's got a couple
of star boarders
for the rest of his Iife,
the old buzzard.
Look, hard head, there's
a Iot more to this job than
40 bucks a month and chuck,
a Iot more.
You tell me.
I'm all ears.
I can't tell you just yet.
I gotta figure it out first,
but Iisten,
there ain't a game
in this world
that wasn't made to be beat
if you're dealing the cards.
AII right, my proud beauty,
when you get around to it,
deal me in, will you?
Meantime, I'II take
these rules and regulations
and put 'em
next to my heart.
Don't Iet it
worry you, son.
"Rangers are instructed
to return all stolen cattle
to their rightful owner.
"When a Ranger
is assigned to protect
a shipment of gold..."
And hen I meet a stagecoach
How happy I would feel
How happy I would feel
How happy I would feel
Hey, boy, put a Iittle
sow butter in them beans.
I'm kind of hungry today.
"To make Texas a safe place
to Iive in."
What's the matter, Ranger?
What are you so happy about?
Hey, Walrus,
did you ever see this one?
Fake Iow, catch you
with the backhand.
Never misses.
Oh, boy! A hammock!
Say, I think
I'II take me a nap.
Call me
when dinner's ready, friend.
In my time,
you had to be a man
to join the Rangers.
Hey, anybody home?
Just want to use the hammock.
Rules and regulations.
I never had no pocket change
I thought that hardly fair
Way up on the highway
I met a stagecoach there
Hey, you new men,
get your horses.
We're going out.
Who? Me?
Yes, both of you.
Where you going?
We ain't ate yet.
Never mind that.
Mount your horses.
I ain't been here
for five minutes,
and he wants
to go out riding.
We've been riding for days.
Oh, the big mallet head!
Wants to become a Ranger!
You certainly get
some great ideas.
Texas Rangers.
You're still a Iittle punchy
from bouncing around
on those stagecoaches.
Oh, yeah?
Hold it!
The Major figures
that the rustlers
will try to cross the river
between Del Rio on the north
and Eagle Pass on the south.
Yes, boss.
You'II take the north cut
to Del Rio.
Introduce yourselves
to Marshal Bill Gree.
Adams, we suspect
the Hamblin
Iand-and-cattle company.
Pick up all
the information possible.
Right, captain.
Yes, sir.
Stake the country
between Comado
and Pinto Creek.
We will, boss.
Yes, sir.
Hawkins and Jones,
you'II patrol the river
from Comado South,
a distance of 20 miles.
Yes, sir.
Rodriguez. Come with me.
Bien, Capitn,
Throw up your hat.
I want to get in
a couple of wing shots.
Throw up your own hat.
I'm not gonna get
sunstroke for you.
I don't know why they sent
you along anyway. I can handle
all them rustlers myself.
Ha! I'II nail
more rustlers than you.
Bet you two bits.
I'II take that bet.
Want to pay me now?
I wouldn't pay you
even if I had two bits.
I'II bet you
if I shot right...
Take it easy.
You want to stampede
them cows?
I was only fooling.
I got a better idea.
I'II circle them and come in
on the other side.
You go down
and head 'em off
at the river.
That ain't
such a good idea.
You're in the back.
I'm down front where
they can shoot at me. Oh, no.
AII right, I'II head 'em off,
and you circle 'em.
AII right.
Wait a minute.
Why should anyone
want to head 'em off?
Them fellows got a right
to make a Iiving, ain't they?
Guess that's right.
My pappy always told me
to Iove your neighbor.
Right now
I'm the friendliest man
in the world.
That's right.
It's a pretty spot,
ain't it?
Hey, wait a minute.
Hurry up!
We haven't got all day!
Head 'em off there!
What's the matter with...
Jim! Wahoo!
Where have you been?
Why, you old son of a...
Hey, Iet go of me!
Can't you two be glad
to see a guy without
breaking his neck?
Let go of me.
Sam, don't tell me
you're in charge
of those steers.
Why, sure...
That reminds me. I gotta
get 'em across the river.
Come on, give me a hand.
Sure, we'II give you a hand.
Ain't she a honey?
What'd I tell you?
Ain't she everything
I told you?
You're just crazy
about your Iittle Sammy,
ain't you, darling?
I guess you're the head man
of this outfit.
More power to you.
Listen, we can get
1,000 heads together
in no time.
This country is crawling
with cattle. What do you say?
What's the matter?
Ain't a three-way split fair?
You tell him.
Tell me what?
It's this way, Sam.
We couldn't help it.
Honest, we couldn't.
We was broke.
And hungry.
We spent so much time
Iooking for you...
I'II tell him.
Sam, you're gazing
at two of the finest Rangers
in the state.
Not Texas Rangers?
Two of the best.
No fooling.
Law and order,
that's us.
My pals!
Listen, Sam, we'II quit
whenever you say the word.
We'II quit right now.
You quit and I'II
shoot your teeth out.
Amigo, I got it!
I'm way ahead of you.
Protection plus.
Sure, you give me
the information. I do it.
There's not a chance
for a slipup.
Like spearing fish
in a barrel.
You can't miss!
You get one every time!
I don't know.
We're all drinking
the same stuff,
but I don't feel it.
AIIow me.
No, Iet me do it.
I beg of you,
Iet me.
Maybe this stuff
hasn't had a chance
to sink in yet.
Look, you're a Ranger,
ain't you?
You got me so daffy
I don't know what state
I'm in.
You are a Ranger.
We three
are gonna work together
just Iike the old days.
I get it. Me and him
is gonna tip you off.
A house don't need to fall
on you. You catch on quick.
When a stage
carries gold...
And big cattle men!
Don't forget those
railroad payrolls!
And gold shipments
in and out of the state.
Don't tell me!
You Rangers get the inside
on everything.
You can get the dates,
amounts, if and when
they're protected!
We've really got us
something here.
AII you gotta do is sit tight
till you hear from us.
To the beginning
of a profitable career.
Here's what I'II say
to the Major.
"Major," I'II say,
"we ain't seen hide
nor hair of them rustlers.
"We ain't even seen a cow.
"We want to be good,
honest Rangers,
"but the first shot out
of the box, you pull
a dishonest trick on us
"and send us out Iooking
for rustlers and cows
what ain't.
"Is that fair,
Major? I ask you."
You think
he'II swallow that?
He'II be apologizing
to both of us.
Down in the flat.
Come on, boy!
Here we go.
Right behind you.
Marthy? Marthy?
Pa! Pa, I got
two Indians!
Pa, I got two of 'em!
Is that all
of your party?
What's the matter?
They said in Tennessee
that Texas was the Iand
of opportunity,
a safe place
to raise a family,
but I reckon
we come too early.
Marthy didn't want to come.
Said it was foolish.
But I reckoned different.
I should have Iistened to her.
I should have come
a Iittle Iater.
The savage
still rules the plains.
Ma! Ma, don't die!
Pa! Pa,
don't Ieave me Iike this!
Come on. Come on.
Let me alone!
Let me talk
to 'em, please!
You're a brave Iittle man.
Let me go!
The Lord said,
"I am the resurrection
and the Iife."
It seems Iike he also
said something Iike,
whoever believes in him,
even if he was dead,
will still Iive
and that whoever Iives
and believes in him
will never die
and that... Amen.
Where's your
nearest kin?
There they be.
Got no others.
No friends nowhere?
Only some folks
back in Tennessee
Ma used to speak about.
What are we gonna do
with him?
I'm going with you, Rangers,
and shoot all the Injuns
I can Iay eyes on.
We ain't got no time
to traipse around
the country
with a sawed-off,
sniveling runt.
I ain't sniveling,
and I ain't sawed off,
and I'm going
with you, Rangers.
We'II take you
a Iittle ways,
but the first chance we get,
we're gonna unload you.
Thanks, Ranger.
You, too, partner.
You're all right, son.
Wahoo! Jim!
That woman over
at the Major's house,
Iook what she done.
Cut off my fingernails.
Said they Iook Iike
bear claws.
And that ain't all.
No, she's teaching me
how to read and write.
I have to study every day.
I have to brush my teeth
and wash my hands.
Now she's gonna cut
my hair.
I ain't gonna Iet her.
What's more,
you're gonna protect me.
I've heard enough.
No, sir,
we ain't gonna stand by
and see that woman make
a sissy out of you, Davey.
We'II tell that spirit
of cleanliness a few things.
If she don't Iike it,
you can move out.
Come on.
Wait here.
Davey, go upstairs.
Wash your face, and brush
your hair for supper. Go on.
That's her.
Did you want
to see my father?
No, I wanted to see you.
Well, here I am.
Well, Davey's been
telling us that he's
not awful happy here.
When we turned the boy over
to the Major, we thought...
You thought what?
Well, we...
AII that business about
making Davey brush
his teeth every day...
Guess that's all right...
It's not a woman's place
to be cutting a man's hair.
Makes him out a sissy.
We got our ideas
about bringing up a boy.
If you think that brushing
Davey's teeth every morning
and combing his hair
and washing his face and
seeing he gets an education
is gonna make a sissy
out of him, I pity you
for your amazing ignorance.
Who's ignorant?
I can read and write.
That's probably
all you can do.
We're gonna settle this thing
about Davey once and for all!
I know more about
a boy's welfare and education
than you will ever Iearn.
There's no reason
for discussing Davey further!
He's staying here with us.
That's all there is to it!
Now go on upstairs, Davey.
That's what you say!
Is that so?
AMANDA: It is so!
We'II see about that!
If you wasn't a woman,
I'd... Oh, fudge!
Hello, Hawkins.
Hello, Jones.
Hello, Major.
Hello, darling.
I think it would be nice
if you'd ask the gentlemen
to stay for supper.
Well, yes, we're having
a baked Virginia ham,
black-eyed peas,
hot biscuits,
homemade apple butter
and sweet-potato pie.
Well, sure...
It's mighty kind of you,
Miss, but...
No buts about it.
You will stay.
Smells mighty fine,
that ham does.
If you don't stay
and help us eat it,
we'II have ham for a week.
Thanks, but we haven't
quartered our horses yet.
You've got plenty
of time for that.
Don't coax them, father.
If they want to stay,
they will.
If they don't want to, well...
I'II bet that's good ham.
Go upstairs
and wash your face.
I don't want to see you
with dirty fingernails
anymore, understand?
I might have
knowed it.
That ain't all.
You got a Iot of studying
to do, too, understand?
Mr. Hawkins,
you forgot your hat.
Meow! What a Iong tail
that cat's got.
Sure know how to make
yourself unpopular.
Mind telling me why
you traded ham for beans?
Couldn't you see what was
back of that invitation?
Yeah, good eating.
I've stayed clear
of her kind this Iong,
and I'm satisfied.
What's the matter
with her kind?
She's the home-building,
settling-down-for-Iife kind.
Once a gal Iike her gets
her apron strings around
a man, that's his finish.
She's a right
smart-Iooking Iittle gal.
When's your birthday?
I'II make you a present
of her.
I still don't know why
we didn't stay for supper.
I see where Colonel Drake
collected 18,000 gold
for them Ionghorns he sold
in Mexico yesterday.
MAN 1:
Yeah, I trailed along
with him most of the way,
just to keep the bandidos
from stopping him.
MAN 2: There's too much money
coming into Texas
all of a sudden.
It's gonna cause trouble.
Who's the Major sending
with the paymaster for the new
railroad they're building?
MAN 3:
I drawed that job Iast night.
Don't notice
the Major slipping us
none of them juicy deals.
I'm Ieaving this afternoon.
MAN 4: What's up, Neal?
That new bank in San Angelo
is shipping a Iot of gold
to Fort Worth.
They asked for a man
to go the whole way
just to act as chaperon.
Next assignment we get,
we'II prove to the Major
we're the best Rangers
this camp has ever seen.
That'II make him sit up
and take notice.
Excuse me, Daddy.
When Jim and Wahoo
go on trips,
can I go along with 'em?
We'II talk
about that Iater, son.
Father, it's a telegram
from the Attorney General
in Austin.
The operator said
it Iooks mighty important.
Anything serious?
I thought the Indian trouble
had been settled
once and for all.
it's to break out again.
The Indian troubles
have broken out again.
They're on the warpath.
Murder, depredation.
We've got to subdue them.
Put them on the reservation
for good.
I know what is
in all your minds.
The odds against
every Ranger company
will be 50 to one,
but if Texas
is to be a state,
if families
are to build homes,
if there's to be
any future for our people,
the sacrifice of Iives
will be worth it.
I expect every man
to be saddled and ready
to move out in half an hour.
ALL: Yes, sir.
The other one must be
that railroad paymaster.
Them Indians
sure is dirty fighters,
ain't they?
What did you expect?
This is no picnic we're on.
Get those shovels, men.
We've got about
five seconds.
It's our only chance.
Rush 'em!
MAN: They've got him!
Run for it!
AII right, boys.
Let 'em have it.
But two of them
is down.
This is Fred.
Bob! Bob!
Better work your way
up here.
I think you can make it
if you crawl along
the cliff in back of you.
Thanks, Major!
This will do!
At Ieast until
we catch our breath!
How about admitting
I'm a better shot than you?
I admit nothing.
I apologize.
The drinks are on me.
I accept your apology
and the drink.
Boys, Ranger Company C
is about 30 miles south.
If we can hold out here
until night,
and I see no reason
why we can't,
one of us can go for help.
S, amigo,
Let me have a chaw
of tobacker.
Nothing doing, Hank.
You owe me three plugs
I told you I'd pay you back
the minute we got to camp.
You cross your heart?
Cross my heart and spit.
AII right.
That's four plugs
you owe me.
I'II remember.
I'm gonna bring Bob
and them other fellows
up here.
They got Hank.
Pobre amigo,
Sure is funny
what Iengths
some fellows will go
to keep from
paying their debts,
ain't it?
Did you say something
about being safe?
Nobody but an Indian
could think that up.
Nice, eh?
They pay you off
with peanuts.
If I ever
get out of here alive,
I'm finished.
Quit bellyaching.
You've seen everything.
I ain't done everything.
I go to get them, amigos,
Madre mia,,, Adis,
There never was a finer man.
Look, we might be
smashed to pieces.
Every man stay where he is.
Let me go
after them, Major.
You're married, Frank.
You got children.
Let me go!
What are you talking about?
You got a wife
in Dallas, ain't you?
Well, I got no offspring
following me around.
Yeah, you don't see
no blond squaw
sitting on my Iap, neither.
Look out!
Did it get you?
My Ieg.
Stay here.
I'II be back.
Where do you think
I'm going? To a dance?
I wonder
what happened to Jim.
Maybe I ought
to say a prayer,
if I knowed one.
Sun stays up Iate
this time of year.
That's our bad Iuck.
Ranger Company C!
GIory be!
Now that we've placed
the Indians on the reservation
for good,
the people can Iook
to real progress,
a state marching forward
to its rightful destiny,
but there's
one stumbling block,
trouble from our own citizens.
As soon as
a community becomes rich,
a town important,
corruption springs up,
thieving cattle barons,
organized gangs
of cutthroats,
crooked judges, sheriffs,
district attorneys.
Take this section here.
Kimball, Mason, Sutton.
They should be
the most prosperous
in the state,
instead of which
they're the most corrupt.
Of them all,
Kimball is the most
flagrant example.
What's more,
it's ruled by one man
who grafts on everybody.
He could commit murder
and get away with it.
CIean up Kimball,
and you throw fear
into every other county.
Major, I'd Iike the honor
of tackling that job.
I'd already made up my mind
to give it to you and Gillis.
If you don't mind,
I'd Iike to handle it myself.
I got some ideas of my own.
That is, if it's all right
with you, Jake.
You're biting off
a pretty big chaw,
but I reckon...
Thanks, Jake.
Well, Major, what about it?
Seems to be all settled,
but no gunplay unless
it's absolutely necessary.
Here are some
Kimball County reports
you can Iook over.
Weren't you afraid for him
when he started up
the canyon wall?
No, he was in
the softest spot of all.
I had him covered
all the time.
He didn't have a thing
to be worried about.
Between me and you,
I was the real hero.
Why didn't you go
all the way with Jim?
I wanted to,
but that dang foot
stopped me.
It would have
stopped anybody.
If it wasn't for Jim,
you and the Major
wouldn't be here, would you?
The way you talk, you'd think
Jim whipped that bunch
of Indians by himself.
I was in there.
I never shot so fast
in my Iife.
Indians was dropping around me
Iike rotten apples.
There ain't many Rangers
Iike Jim,
are there, Wahoo?
No, I guess...
Say, ain't you got
some arithmetic to do?
Oh, hello, Davey.
Hiya, cripple.
Hello, Jim.
We was just talking
about you.
That's all he ever
talk about. I thought
you was coming early.
Say, Davey,
do me a favor, will you?
Sure thing.
Turn Baldy Ioose
in the pasture and see
he gets plenty of grass.
You bet.
I'm expecting Sam.
About sundown.
What for?
What do you think?
To talk a Iittle business.
Yeah, that Indian fight
did the trick.
We're aces
with the Major now,
and I picked a sweet job.
I'm off single-handed on
one of the biggest assignments
the Rangers have had
in a Iong time.
Say, what's eating you?
Come on, out with it.
Listen, Jim, you know
I ain't getting mushy.
You know me
better than that.
But we haven't had things
so bad here.
They Iike us.
We're among right people,
real friends
for the first time.
We've had a good time
together here,
haven't we, Jim?
We've always had a good time
no matter where we've been.
That's not what I mean.
I'm thinking of Rodriguez
when he climbed that cliff,
knowing that
he's gonna get killed.
Wasn't that one
of the finest things
you ever saw in your Iife?
Yeah, I guess
he had what it takes,
all right.
Poor old Hank, begging me
for a chaw of tobacco.
I'II bet he's up in heaven
right now, spitting down
on them Indians.
Captain Stafford,
Neal Evans,
they were
fighting fools, too.
You never heard me
talk Iike this before...
What are you trying to do?
Break me down?
You make me sick.
You turn my stomach
with that cheap sentiment.
What's being a Ranger
ever gonna get you?
If you're not shot
by the time you're 50,
you end up without a nickel.
I want all I can get
while I can enjoy it.
Me and Sam's gonna get it.
It's a two-way ticket
from now on,
and I'm dealing you out.
So Iong, pudgy.
Hello, Amanda.
How do, Miss Bailey?
I didn't know you were here.
I was just Ieaving.
Just Ieaving?
Seems you're always
just Ieaving.
What are you afraid of?
The measles?
I had them
when I was a child.
I had them, too.
Well, I guess
I'd better be going.
Must you?
Yeah, I got to. Goodbye.
Nice fellow, that Jim.
Why doesn't he Iike me?
Don't fool yourself.
He does.
Got a funny way
of showing it.
You know what we was
just talking about?
We was talking about you.
When we was Iooking
for Injuns,
he did nothing but
talk about you all the time.
Wahoo, you're joking.
Tell me what he said
about me.
Oh, he talked about your hair.
My hair?
The color of your eyes,
and the way you walk,
and your talk
and stuff Iike that.
He Iikes everything
about you.
Oh, you sure
could have fooled me.
Well, he's a very shy fellow.
He'd probably Iive to be
100 years old and not even
mention it to you.
Oh, another thing
he told me.
That if he ever settled down,
it would be
with a girl just Iike you.
Well, what am I
supposed to do?
Sit and yearn?
Not if you're
the kind of girl
I think you are.
It's mighty sweet of you
telling me all that, Wahoo.
Shucks, I don't mind
helping out a friend,
especially a fellow
can't talk for himself.
Here, drink your buttermilk.
Go on.
I had to fight
half the Indians
in the state
to sell myself
to Major Bailey
and get this job,
but it's gonna mean
money to us,
plenty and quick.
Now you're talking.
Kimball County's
the richest spot in the state,
and one hombre runs it.
He collects tribute
from every saloon
and gambling game.
He's got men rustling horses
and cattle.
Sounds Iike
a good businessman.
He's got
a hand in everything,
Iegitimate and otherwise,
mostly otherwise.
And he gets away with it?
What about the Iaw?
Law? He's the Iaw.
He's had the good citizens
buffaloed for a Iong time,
but some of 'em finally
screwed up enough nerve
to ask the Rangers for help.
Well, if he's the Iaw,
where do you come in?
I'm the Iaw, too.
You get it?
Sure, I get it.
It's a very pretty picture.
First you kick
this fellow out,
then I step
right into his boots.
Sam, you got a very
understanding brain,
for Iarceny.
I found out early in Iife
that the honest dollar
is the hardest one to make.
It's a pleasure
working with you, Sam.
You expect any shooting?
Oh, there's Iiable
to be a Iittle
justifiable homicide,
but it'II all be
very Iegal-Iike.
How big's your outfit?
And as many more
as I want.
Adis, amigo,
Oh, hello, Major.
Here's your expense money.
If you make good time
riding tonight,
you'II be able to catch
the train at Bixby at 8:00
tomorrow morning.
I'II make it all right.
Best of Iuck.
Oh, thanks.
I guess that's about all.
Oh. Oh, no, here.
What's the matter
with me?
I don't know
as how anything's
the matter with you.
Well, do you think
I'm pretty?
Yeah, I guess a man
would call you pretty.
Well, Jim, why don't you
tell it to me
instead of going around
telling other people.
What are you
talking about?
So you Iike my eyes.
I bet you don't even know
the color of 'em.
Right now
I'd say they were
a Iittle greenish.
Oh, and my hair
and the way I walk
and talk.
You Iike everything
about me, don't you?
Answer me.
Aw, Jim, why don't
you face the truth,
Iike me?
What truth?
That we Iove each other.
Oh, that's nonsense.
It's not.
It's beautiful, our Iove,
the way it happened.
It's all the more beautiful
because we didn't go after it.
Jim, it just happened.
Oh. Say,
don't you believe in Iove?
But you do Iove me?
But don't you know I Iove you?
Do you?
Jim, I do.
I do, and I mean
every word I said.
You made me say it.
Oh! Jim.
Well, so Iong, partner.
Good Iuck.
I'II need it.
Do me a favor,
will you?
Brush those things
off my back.
I don't see nothing.
That's funny.
I had a feeling
apron strings was squeezing
the Iife out of me.
I'II be glad to get out
in the wide open spaces
again. So Iong.
So Iong.
How do you do, gentlemen?
I'm Jim Hawkins,
Ranger Company D.
I'm Colonel Price.
GIad to know you, sir.
GIad to know you.
Where's the rest
of your men?
I'm all there is.
Only one?
Only one fight, ain't there?
That's right.
Well, Iet's get started.
Hello, Jake.
Meet Mr. Hawkins.
Mr. Twitchell's
our District Attorney.
Welcome to
Kimball County.
Thank you.
What can I do for you?
I got a murder warrant here
for Jess Higgins.
Say that again?
I said, Jess Higgins.
You must've heard of him.
Yes, yes.
Jess Higgins, yes.
Very big man.
Known him all my Iife.
Ain't I, Jake?
Yeah, well...
Who issued this warrant?
The Sheriff here,
at the request
of the Texas Rangers.
Uh-huh. Well, was this
a blanket warrant
or any particular killing?
It's for the murder
of the Hartford brothers.
I want the case heard
this afternoon.
Oh, that's impossible.
I can't prosecute
a case Iike that
on a minute's notice.
Nobody's asking you
to do it in a minute.
You got a whole hour.
My dear Twitchell,
may I presume
on your hospitality
to the extent
of three fingers of rye?
I've had atrocious Iuck
at the hands
of Lady Fortune.
Never saw so many
small cards in my Iife.
Why, certainly, Judge.
I want you to meet Mr. Hawkins
of the Texas Rangers.
Judge Snow.
PIeasure, sir.
How do you do?
If you're Iooking
for justice,
you've sure come
to the right place.
Hawkins here
holds a murder warrant
for Jess Higgins.
What'd you give me?
I asked for rye,
not coal oil.
We're holding court
in an hour.
You're officiating
on the bench.
Why... Why, yeah.
Of course. I...
I'd be mighty proud
to do so,
but the courthouse
has been abandoned,
used for a storehouse
for years.
Fact is, it's full
of green hides right now.
I might add,
Mr. Higgins' hide, so...
Well, what's the matter
with this place?
This ought to make
a good courthouse.
Judge, your bench
will be right there,
in back of the bar.
We'II twist
the roulette table around,
the jury can sit there.
The prosecution can sit
at the stud table there,
the defense back there.
And where do I sit?
Hear you got a warrant
for my arrest.
You Higgins?
Let's have it.
Brought my Iawyer along
to see that everything
comes off Iegal-Iike.
You don't mind, do you?
No, the more, the merrier.
You know, I never been
in court before.
Ought to be
kind of interesting.
Yeah, it ought to.
Let's have a drink
on that.
You bet.
Yeah. Yes, sir.
You, too, Ranger.
No, I gotta go dig up
one first-class witness.
Casper Johnson,
now, it has come
to my attention
that you publicly stated
that you saw Higgins
enter into the Iivery stable
on the afternoon in question.
Now, is that so?
Dave, that ain't fair
to put me on the spot
Iike this.
TWITCHELL: Your honor,
I insist you make the witness
stop beating around the bush.
Oh, he's a bit confused,
but he's doing
the best he can.
Yes or no, Casper?
Well, I was up in the Ioft,
but you can't see good
from there,
and I had a fork full
of hay at the time.
Never mind that. Did you
or did you not see Higgins
go into the Iivery stable?
Well, it's nearly a year ago.
I've... My memory
ain't so good anymore.
My wife said to me
only yesterday, "Casper..."
JUDGE: Order!
Now, Iook here, Casper,
murder is
a pretty serious business.
Unless you can state
that Higgins is the man
that entered the Iivery stable
and shot the Hartford boys,
you'd better get down
off that stand.
That's a good idea, Judge.
I shouldn't have come here
in the first place.
Far be it from me
to convict an innocent man,
so, if you don't mind,
I'II just toddle along.
Just a minute, Judge.
I wanna ask the witness
a couple of questions.
This is most irregular.
You can't do that!
Who says I can't?
Get up there.
Casper, I'm advising you
to tell the truth
'cause if you don't,
your address is gonna be
the state prison
in Huntsville.
Now answer direct,
yes or no.
You saw the defendant,
Jess Higgins shoot and kill
Dick Hartford, didn't you?
Come on!
You did, didn't you?
I merely thought that...
Say, who's running
this court?
I am, from now on.
Sit down.
Then Fred Hartford
came in the stable,
and Higgins shot
and killed him, didn't he?
Well, in a way...
Didn't he?
That's all, Casper.
The court has heard
all the witnesses
it needs to hear.
Sum up, Mr. Twitchell.
Gentlemen, it's up to you
to bring in a verdict.
A just verdict!
Now, if Mr. Higgins is guilty,
he should be punished,
but no one but Casper Johnson
saw the shootings.
Now, we have here
the rather incoherent story
of a man who affirms,
then denies,
then affirms
that he saw the killings.
It seems to me
he shouldn't be
a witness at all!
Therefore, we don't want
to hang or send to jail
an innocent man,
so you must weigh
the evidence
very carefully.
There is only one verdict.
You know it as well as I do.
Forget what
the prosecuting attorney
just said.
I object!
Sit down and shut up!
There's only one way
to clean up a county
Iike Kimball.
Get rid of men
Iike Higgins for good.
If you don't respect
your own courts of Iaw,
you'II never get rid
of Iawlessness.
You all came to Texas
to better yourselves
and to make homes.
You want Iaw and order,
don't you?
The Rangers
can make arrests,
but when a man is guilty,
it's up to you
to send him to jail!
Are you cowards,
afraid to say
what you think,
or are you citizens
of a great state?
Wait a minute, Ranger.
You're not running
this town. I am!
Just a minute!
Don't reach
for that gun, Ranger.
Move over, Jess.
I wanna hit him
right between the eyes.
No, you don't!
Higgins, get back
to your chair!
Keep an eye
on him, Sheriff.
Sit down, Jess.
Thanks, stranger.
I can't understand men
that have such Iittle regard
for Iaw and order.
As judge and coroner both
of Kimball County,
I find that these
worthless skunks
come to their untimely end
through their own
willful negligence.
Just a Iittle slow
on the trigger.
AII right, Iet's proceed.
Jury, have you
reached a verdict?
Yes, sir, we have,
and we find
the defendant guilty.
JUDGE: Order! Order!
Does that mean
I have to go to jail?
Now, don't worry...
Jess Higgins, stand up.
I sentence you to 20...
Fifty years of hard Iabor
at Huntsville Prison.
Court closed!
Fifty years?
Of all the murdering,
high-handed tricks!
Come on, Jess.
Fifty years!
Congratulations, Judge.
Thank you, my boy. Thank you.
Thank you.
You had a grand chance
to snuff out Higgins there.
Why didn't you do it?
It's better
the way it happened.
I didn't want any shooting.
When I take over the county,
I'II show 'em
what a piker Higgins was.
I'II take everything away
from these worthy citizens
but their eyeteeth.
Sam, I want you
to do something for me.
We're calling
the whole deal off.
We're what?
The deal's off.
You're joking.
You're going your way,
and I'm going mine.
You're not gonna do business
in Kimball County.
You're Ieaving it
the way I'm Ieaving it.
Jim, you scissorbill.
Sometimes I think I know you,
and then again maybe no.
I don't know
what's happened to me
since I come down here.
I guess it's kind of Iike
when a fellow gets religion
even when he don't want it.
Well, I don't know
what it's all about,
but if that's
the way you feel,
it's good enough for me.
Thanks, Sam.
Ranger Hawkins done
single-handed what
we all were afraid to do.
There he is now.
Mr. Hawkins, you've brought
Iaw and order
to Kimball County
for the first time.
We, as citizens, have
kind of made a Iittle pool
and bought
the Hartford brothers' ranch
to give to you
as a token of appreciation.
Well, gentlemen,
that's mighty nice
of all of you.
If I ever do settle down,
I wouldn't want
a better place
than Kimball County.
That's right!
The town needs
such men as you.
Yes, sir.
Well, boys, I guess
the drinks are on me.
Well, Jim, Iet's drink
to our own finish.
May we never meet again.
Oh, I'II keep out
of your way, Jim.
And good Iuck.
MAN 1: Polka-Dot Bandit Gang
robs First National Bank
in Wichita Falls,
escapes with $18,000,
MAN 2: Outlaw gang
believed to be led by
notorious Polka-Dot Bandit
terrorizes citizens
of Concho County
after stealing money,
cattle and horses,
MAN 3: Daring train robberies
in last month net bandit gang
close to $40, 000,
Sheriffs of 20 counties
pursue notorious Polka-Dot,
MAN 4: Citizens stage
running battle with bandit
after daylight robbery
of Wells Fargo Express Office,
in which agent
and two bystanders
are killed,
MAN 5:
All law enforcement officers
in southwest Texas
are warned
to be on the lookout
for Polka-Dot Bandit,
who is trying to take the law
into his own hands,
This man
is a dangerous character,
Don't take any chances
with him,
Jim, when did you first
convince yourself
that I was the only girl
in the world?
The day you made me kiss you.
Made you?
I had to fight
to get away from you.
I was scared to death.
Yeah, I bet.
Well, I was a Iittle scared.
Jim, what are we
going to do about it?
I haven't figured it out yet.
Do you think
I'II make a pretty bride?
Well, I haven't
asked you yet.
Yes, but if you did ask me,
and I did answer yes,
and we did get married,
now, mind you,
I'm just supposing,
where would we Iive?
Well, we couldn't
Iive much any place
on $40 a month,
but I got my eye
on a ranch that...
Oh, Mr. Hawkins!
That's just
what I was thinking.
Have you got one?
Yeah, it's in Kimball County.
That's the best grazing Iand
in the state.
It's 18 miles north of...
And it runs five miles
down here along
this wrinkle here and...
Well, anyway,
it's a Iot of Iand.
But aren't you afraid
of apron strings?
I used to be afraid
of the bogeyman
when I was a kid.
You're not afraid anymore?
Uh-uh. Look.
Will I see you tonight?
You will
unless they break my arms,
my Iegs and my neck.
He's getting
pretty big.
I don't Iike it.
Me, neither.
Hawkins, Major Bailey.
What's it now, Major?
Another Kimball County?
No, that job of yours
did the trick.
This is something else,
a real manhunt.
I Ieave the whole thing
up to you. Handle it
any way you see fit.
Sounds big.
It is big.
The man's the one whom all
the newspapers in the state
are calling Polka-Dot.
We're out to get him.
One sensational crime
after another.
He's making Iaughingstocks
out of all of us.
You're to bring him in
dead or alive.
I didn't reckon
on anything Iike this.
You'd better explain that.
I'd rather not
take the job, Major.
Why not?
Well, I...
I been working
pretty hard.
So has this outlaw.
I know, but I'd been hoping
for a vacation.
Never mind that now.
We'II talk about that
after you clean up this job.
You'II start in the morning.
That's an order.
Take four men.
Pick them yourself.
I'II have to resign, Major.
I'm sorry to hear you
say that, Hawkins.
You've been getting along
pretty well Iately.
You're about first
in Iine for promotion.
Here's the resignation form.
Sign it.
Hawkins, you're under arrest.
What for?
The Polka-Dot Bandit
and Sam McGee
are one and the same.
Not so Iong ago,
you were outlaws together.
You were
and you still are pals.
You're not hiding anything
from me, Hawkins.
How Iong
have you known this?
It came while you were
in Kimball County.
I don't mind telling you
it was hard for me
to believe it.
This was to have been
your real test,
bringing in Sam McGee.
I hoped
you'd come through.
I'm sorry, sir.
So am I.
Let's go.
Hello, Davey.
I said, hello.
Oh, Iook what
I got for you.
Some Iicorice.
Say, I oiled up my gun.
Sure works good.
You wanna try it?
What's the matter with you?
Oh. Thinking
about Jim, huh?
Supposing I am?
Say, Jim ain't a-scared
of that Polka-Dot.
None of the Rangers
around here are.
I know I ain't.
I was wondering.
Well, I ain't.
Seems if you was
a good Ranger, the Major
would've given you the job.
Sent three or four
other fellows,
but he didn't send you.
Is that so?
Well, it ain't gonna do
him no good, 'cause
he ain't gonna find him.
It's gonna take brains
to ferret out that Polka-Dot.
Yes, sir, brains.
I'II bet you
I could find him.
I'm from Missouri, Wahoo.
Say, Davey,
supposing I went out
and got the Polka-Dot
and brought him in here,
would you be
proud of me?
You know I would.
Everybody'd be proud of you.
Why, you'd be
the biggest Ranger
of 'em all,
even bigger than Jim was.
That settles it.
Honest Injun.
You're gonna take me along
with you, ain't you?
Don't be daffy.
It's bad enough
me going without
the Major's orders.
They find out I'm missing,
things'II be popping.
They won't miss me, either,
till it's too Iate.
What are you talking about?
You'II slow me down.
Besides, Polka-Dot
is a pretty tough hombre,
I gotta figure out a way
to bring him in.
Maybe you'd better not go.
I'm one of the finest
trigger men in this country.
This is gonna be
between me and you,
understand? Man to man.
Man to man.
Be a good boy now.
You're gonna be
awful careful,
aren't you, Wahoo?
What do you mean, son?
Oh. Don't you worry none.
Nothing's gonna happen
to old Wahoo. You know that.
Be a good boy.
Stick up your hands!
So Iong, Davey.
Wahoo! Hey, Wahoo!
Holy horse cars! You!
What are you doing here?
I been following you all day.
You have, huh?
Well, turn around
and get home as fast
as that nag'II take you.
I am not.
Listen, Davey,
I told you
this is a man's job.
I'm a man.
You said, "Man to man."
Besides, if you got
in a tight spot,
I could go for help.
Don't worry about me.
I ain't gonna get
in no tight spots, either.
Now get home
as fast as you can,
understand me?
Go on. Get out of here.
Get out of here!
I mean it!
I said get out of here!
Oh, all right.
You wanted
to send a message,
you wouldn't have anybody
to send it with
unless you took me along.
Maybe so,
but I'd have a tougher time
explaining what you
was doing with me.
Well, you could say
you saved me
from the Injuns.
That was a Iong time ago.
But you don't have
to tell them that, do you?
Davey, come here.
Dadblast your Iittle hide!
You really got
a head on your shoulders.
Someday you're gonna be
a big Iawyer, I bet you.
Then can I go, Wahoo?
Let's go,
but don't fall off now.
Let's go!
We're practically there!
Come on, boy!
Six of clubs.
That's all I needed.
You beat it!
Yeah, I beat it!
You know,
that makes me sore.
That's something
I never been able to do.
Ah, Sam,
I gotta hand it to you
for getting along so well.
Simply because
I got nerve, imagination
and a steady hand.
Don't I know it.
I wouldn't be
a bit surprised
if people
was writing books about me
20 years from now.
Twenty years from now?
Listen, you're
famous already.
You can't pick up
a newspaper, you don't see
something about you.
Yeah. You think
I'm fooling?
Stay here.
I'II show you.
Look, take this note
to the telegraph operator
in town,
and tell him to send it
to Major Bailey right away.
You understand that?
I got you.
Hurry back here,
and be careful.
Don't worry
about me, Wahoo.
AII right, get.
Be careful now.
Un momento, my friend.
Where do you go?
Let go of my horse.
Oh, no. It is not so good
to be in such a hurry.
Let go.
Let go of me!
I'II kill you!
I don't think
you can kill anybody
for a couple of years yet.
Take it easy.
You're Iiable to get hurt.
Give me that!
That's mine!
Don't Iet him get away.
Listen to this one, Sam.
"Express office
in Cedar Crossing robbed.
"Polka-Dot Bandit
and gang accused
of executing robbery."
Cedar Crossing?
That's news to me.
I ain't been near
Cedar Crossing
since I was 1 2 years old.
That's one
you missed, Sam.
S, S, un momento,
The Iittle boy
tried to Ieave camp.
I take this piece
of paper from him.
What does the note say?
Nothing important.
Go on. Take care
of young Paul Revere.
S, seor,
What do
the cards say, Wahoo?
That's a Iot of horse hair
about telling fortunes
with cards.
Oh, no, that's
where you're wrong.
I can do it.
You can?
Sure, watch me.
Jack of hearts.
That's a romantic
young fellow.
Ah, king of diamonds.
Maybe the jack thought
that he could beat
the king, huh?
The old Polka-Dot himself,
the ace of spades.
That means trouble
for somebody.
Whose fortune are you telling?
Yours or mine?
There's an old Mexican saying,
"Quien sabe, "
And it means, "Who knows?"
What'd you come up here for
anyway, Wahoo?
I come up to take you...
Oh, sure, sure.
I remember.
You wanted me to help you
get Jim out of the hoosegow,
didn't you?
That's right.
You sure that you didn't want
the boys and me
to change places with Jim?
Looks Iike you got me, Sam.
But I'II Iay my cards
out on the table.
I'II shoot straight.
So will I.
Did you have
to do that, Sam?
Looks Iike you and Jim
will have to break in
a new man now.
That Iooks Iike Wahoo!
He's headed off
into the hills!
They got Wahoo!
Hold the horse!
Major Bailey!
Oh, Major!
What's the trouble, Neal?
Here's a note.
"This is what I think
of the Rangers.
"Better keep out of my way,
or I'II kill the kid.
"P.S. Jim,
I'm sending Wahoo back
"so that you can give him
a first-class funeral.
"Sorry I can't attend
in person. Sam."
That's the rottenest thing
I ever saw.
It's cold-blooded murder.
EIIiot! Russell! Grayson!
You three start pronto
for EI Paso.
Get in touch
with the Sheriff there.
We're on our way, sir.
I give you free rein,
only get him!
Major! Major Bailey!
Percy! Baxter! McGuire!
Right here, Major.
You three go
with Captain Stafford!
Yes, sir.
Strike south
through Concho County.
Major Bailey!
What is it, Hawkins?
You've got
to release me, Major.
Release me
until I can get McGee.
You've got to, Major!
How do I know
you don't mean
to join McGee?
I give you my word!
AII right.
Bob, open it up.
Yes, and it
won't fail you.
Bring my horse now!
Jim! Hello.
I'm so happy to see you.
Is Sam here?
Oh, Sammy? You know him.
He will not be back
for maybe a month, I think.
Where's Davey?
I don't know, Jim.
He go away yesterday.
Oh, he did.
Open the door.
I have not the key.
I knew you'd come, Jim!
I'II have you out of there
in a minute, Davey.
What you do?
You stay here!
Jim! Gee,
I'm glad to see you!
I'm glad
to see you, Davey.
Where's Wahoo?
Well, Davey, I'II tell you
about Wahoo Iater.
Hello, Sam.
Keep 'em up, Jim.
Get back in the room,
and shut the door, Davey.
I wanna stay
with you, Jim.
Do as I tell you.
Maria, get his guns.
Haven't you heard
that a Ranger
never gives up his guns?
I got the drop on you, kid.
I see you have,
but it ain't gonna do you
any good.
You mean I have to kill you
standing there Iike that?
Not till I've killed you.
You're all through, Sam.
You're all washed up.
There ain't no more room
for your kind in Texas.
I always Iiked you, Jim.
You, too, Sam.
Why'd you kill Wahoo?
Killing was too good for him.
I'II say for you,
you state your case plain.
I'II state it plain again.
I quit the Ranger service
because I didn't wanna go
out after you.
Wahoo took my place.
But I'm not quitting now.
Either you come along
with me peaceable,
or I'm gonna kill you
Iike you killed Wahoo.
Ah, Jim, you always was
the craziest maverick
I ever did know.
You stand there
talking about killing me.
AII I gotta do is
press my finger,
and I blow you
right through that door.
That don't mean nothing, Sam.
Soon as I hear a shot,
I'm gonna pull both my guns
and start pumping Iead
into you as fast as I can.
Hey, Jim,
remember that gal
I took away from you
in Saint Louis, huh?
Yeah, Arabella.
I'II tell you what I'II do.
Maria here,
she's a great gal.
She's a good cook.
She's on the Ievel.
Me and the boys
have been thinking about
moseying out California Way
for a Iong time.
I'II promise you.
We'II get out. We'II stay out.
I've made a good stake.
You'II get your cut
as usual,
and I'm Ieaving Maria
behind me.
Come on, now,
what do you say?
I say you'd better
put away those guns
and come with me.
I don't want to kill you!
Drop your gun, Sam!
I'II kill you!
So help me, I'II kill you!
Jim, quit following me,
or so help me,
I'II kill you!
I'II kill you sure as
a rattler throws poison!
Listen, Sam!
There might be
some chance for you
if you Iet me take you in!
Sam, either
you come out of there
with your hands up,
or I'm coming in
after you!
AII right,
here I come!
Well, Sam,
it had to be either you or me,
and I guess you Iost.
I hope maybe you
Iet him in up there.
He just got on
the wrong train.
That's all.
Henry V. Jones,
whom we affectionately
called Wahoo,
died bravely.
His final home
shall be close to us here
and to the service
that he had come to Iove.
Jones vindicated
his errors,
and I say that
the soil of Texas shall be
all the more fertile
for the blood he shed
to the benefit of those
who come after him.
The men who have died
for Texas have not died
in vain,
Unsung though their names
may be in future years,
it shall be known
that in the turbulent years
of a state's transformation,
it was their deeds
of individual sacrifice,
their acts
of dauntless courage,
that made possible
the changing
of a lawless frontier
into a civilized land,
These are the men
called Texas Rangers,
molded in the crucible
of heroic struggle,
guardians of the frontier,
makers of the peace,