The Three Lives of Thomasina (1964) Movie Script

Who is the most
self-reliant animal
made since the world began?
Who can be the most
defiant animal
known to the world of man?
born with emerald eyes
so cold, so warm, so wise
within her kingdom lies
the world's arena
do we need to ask
more than that?
you must know now
it's a cat
but a very important cat
at that
who's called...
what are you thinking now?
what makes you so highbrow?
for I do think it very odd
if you are an Egyptian God
that the wee, little mouse
runs in and out his house
each time you blink or nod
though you may love to roam
don't go too far from home
there are beasties
in the garden
who would never accept
your pardon
if you left
the jungle yard in
which we play
don't ever run away
come along with me now
though you've seen a
little bird leave the bough
even if it's
a lark or dove, you
let them all
fly away above you
but I guess I'll always
love you
come along with me now
I love you anyhow
Yes, I am Thomasina.
This story's all about me.
I'm a self-made cat,
And here's the house
I live in
With the Macdhui family,
Whom I'd adopted
when they first came here.
They started off
by calling me Thomas,
But when they, well,
got to know me better,
They changed that
to Thomasina.
Humans are funny that way.
That the Macdhuis
are a happy family
Is entirely due to me.
I made them
what they are today...
Although I had to be
murdered first.
Here's the scene
of the crime -
Inveranoch, in Scotland,
In 1912.
And this is Mr. Andrew Macdhui.
From a cat's point of view,
even before my murder,
He was a most difficult man,
Believe me.
His wife had died sometime
before he came here,
So there was just himself
And Mrs. Mackenzie,
his housekeeper,
And Mary, his daughter.
I'd moved in on them a few days
after they'd arrived,
And on the whole,
I got on with them very well,
Though mostly
because of Mary Macdhui.
She appreciated
my rather special qualities
From the start.
Thomasina, there you are.
Of course I had
this sort of thing
To put up with every day -
Fussed over,
treated like a doll,
Being dressed up...
And over a fur coat, too!
Everything that happened
to me from here on
Was due, in a way,
To a blind man and his dog.
Here they are now -
Tammas and Bruce.
Good morning,
Good morning, Mary.
Say good morning to Tammas
and Bruce, Thomasina.
Good morning, Thomasina.
She's not in a very
talkative mood today.
I have the same trouble
with Bruce here.
He can be very reserved
at times.
Isn't that right, laddie?
But what would we do
without them, you and me?
Where are you going?
Oh, just to get some tobacco
for my pipe.
Mind how you go, Tammas.
Och, Bruce is my eyes,
Come on, say goodbye
to Thomasina.
Be good now, Mary.
Thomasina, it's rude
not to answer
When you're spoken to.
Hello, Geordie.
Oh, what have you
got there?
I found him
down by the loch.
I think his leg's broken.
He can't hop or swim
or anything.
Oh, he looks fair sick.
Doesn't he, Thomasina?
Ah! Don't touch.
Why don't you go and
ask my daddy to cure him?
Och, I don't know.
Do you think he would?
My daddy
can cure anything -
Dogs and cows and cats
and lions and pigs and...
Aye, but frogs?
And frogs.
You take him in, then.
Och, I'm not allowed
in the surgery.
You go, Geordie.
Well, if you say so.
I'm only saying I'm here against my
better judgment, minister, that's all.
You'll be glad
you listened to me, Dobbie.
Mr. Macdhui's a clever man.
Maybe so, but up till now,
I've never found much wrong
with dosing Jock here
With Watsons
patent powders.
Ah, you must move
with the times, man.
a man of science.
Aye. I Haven't heard tell
much good of that.
Ha! Book learnin'.
Up at Kinkairale's farm,
they're grateful enough to him.
Two hundred sheep cured
of the foot rot
And not one lost.
Aye, you're a good persuader,
Mr. Peddie,
But farm beasts
are one thing.
A man's pet is another.
You wait and see.
Och, I'll give him a try.
No one can say
I'm not a fair man,
But it's for him
to convince me.
How old is this dog,
Mrs. Laggan?
Fifteen years and a bit.
I've had him
since he was a puppy,
The year my husband died.
He's been ailing
a wee bit this past year
But not so sick as this.
Well, he's very old.
The kindest thing would be
to have him put to sleep.
Oh, no. You see how bad
he is with the asthma.
The poor dog
can hardly breathe.
He's in pain, Mrs. Laggan.
But you can't put Rabbie
to sleep, Mr. Macdhui,
Or I wouldn't have come.
He's all I have in the world.
Couldn't you give him
a wee bit of medicine
To tide him over
till he's well again?
There is no medicine
that can make him well.
He's very old,
he's in great pain,
And his life is a misery
to him, can't you see?
But I can't lose him.
What would I do without him?
Poor Rabbie.
Be fair now. It's yourself
you're pitying, not the dog.
Oh, dear.
I don't know what to do.
I've told you what I think
is for the best.
Now I've told you
it's up to you
To make up your mind.
Very well.
I suppose
if he is suffering...
You'll be gentle with him?
He won't feel a thing.
He'll just go to sleep.
Fifteen years.
Poor Rabbie.
Poor Rabbie.
You're doing the right thing.
It's for his sake.
Oh, no,
there'll be no charge.
Just leave him here
with me.
You're leaving Rabbie
to be cured, then, Annie?
Mr. Macdhui says
there's no cure.
He's to be put away.
now, Mrs. Laggan,
that's a shame.
No cure for him?
If it was my dog, I'd want a
second opinion, I'm thinkin'.
I'll go with you, Annie.
Good day to you,
Mr. Macdhui.
Good day, sir.
Good day.
Who's next, please?
Please, sir, Mr. Macdhui?
Uh-oh. Who are you?
Geordie Macnab,
please, sir.
I'm a bit of a friend
of Mary's.
I found him
down by the loch.
He's hurt his leg.
Can you make him better,
please, sir?
No one can cure
a hurt frog, Geordie.
You put him back
where you found him.
But he might die.
Could you not mend
his leg, please, sir?
No, nature's the only doctor
can do that, laddie.
Come on, now.
Come on, off you go.
I'm busy.
You've lost another
customer, Andrew.
Is there really nothing
you can do
About old Mrs. Laggan's dog?
No, not a thing, just put it
out of its misery.
Well, whoever's next,
Will you come in, please?
Oh, it's all right,
Mrs. Campbell.
You go in ahead of me.
I'm in no hurry.
hey, there's Geordie.
What have you been
doing in there?
I took my sick frog
to Mr. Macdhui.
Oh, aye.
What did he say, then?
He wouldn't even
look at him,
And he's going to kill
Mrs. Laggan's Rabbie.
Kill him? Rabbie?
Aye, I heard him say so.
It's just like grandfather
says about him -
He's only good
with farm beasts.
He's not interested
in people's pets.
A frog Will die
if he can't hop or swim.
I'm not going to
let him die.
What are you
gonna do, then,
Cure him by magic
or something?
Come on, Jamie.
Why don't you take your frog
To the witch woman
livin' in the Glen?
She's supposed to do magic.
Well, why don't you?
Our mother says
the witch woman's crazy
And we're not
to go up there.
Och, you're just afraid,
the pair of you.
I'm not afraid of anything,
and neither is Geordie.
Are you, Geordie?
Right. Let's take the frog
to her, all three of us.
I dare you.
Very well.
Geordie, we'll all go.
You want to get your frog
cured, don't you?
We don't have to
tell mother we went.
I was only joking.
No, you weren't.
You dared us.
I think
you're afraid to go.
Me, afraid?
Let's go now.
Come on.
Keep up with us.
You'd think they were
all telling on us.
Aye. Are you afraid
to go on, then?
Well, come on.
Whisht! Listen.
It's the witch singing
and banging a drum.
She is crazy.
I want to go home.
When you've got this far?
What about your frog?
Put your box under the tree
and ring the bell.
Aye, go on, Geordie.
We'll wait for you here.
No, no! Go on, Geordie. Go on.
Come on, Geordie.
Go away. Go away.
Go away. Go away.
Larry, come back here.
Oh, your leg is broken.
You poor wee thing.
Has somebody brought you
up here to be cured
By the mad witch
in the Glen?
Eye of newt and hair of dog,
Give me the power
to cure the frog.
listen. Magic.
Off to my cauldron.
Where is my broom?
Och, you poor wee thing.
I don't know why
I bother
To dose that dog
of yours.
The worst thing that's
wrong with him is his owner.
Don't give him sugar.
Aw, but he has
a sweet tooth, Andrew.
Poor old Finn.
Look how pleased he is.
You think more of his
affection and gratitude for you
Than you do of his health.
All you people with pets
are the same.
That's why he's too fat,
poor brute.
he calls you, Finn.
Oh! That's part of the reason
Why folks here are slow
to accept your doctoring.
You show no feeling
for the sick animals you treat,
The animals they love.
Are sentimental about, you
mean, to the point of not knowing
What's best for them, like you and
Mrs. Laggan who was here just now.
Poor old Annie.
Poor old Annie.
Poor old brute of a dog,
you should say.
You thought I was hard on her
just now, didn't you?
My job is to relieve suffering
in animals.
The tribulations of the soul
I leave to you.
She'll get over it, angus.
Aye, but when someone
you love dies,
Something of yourself
dies, too.
You think you have to
tell me that?
Oh, I'm sorry, Andrew.
Forgive me.
That dog of hers was all old
Annie Laggan had left to love.
At least you're not alone.
Look at her now.
Thomasina, where are you?
Be careful.
It's the jungle.
It's a million Miles thick.
It's full of lions
and tigers.
Thomasina, come back!
Have you lost
something, Mary?
Shh! We're hunting lions.
Lions? Here?
Geordie, where's your frog?
Did daddy cure him?
No, he wouldn't try.
We took it to the witch in the Glen.
You didn't. I did. We all did.
You saw her?
Is she a real witch?
Aye, we saw her
chant magic over the frog
And take it into her house.
Did you speak to her?
Och, no. She's queer
in the head.
She's got a big drum
in the house.
She bangs on it
and sings awful weird.
There's all kinds
of animals there.
Did she fly
on a broomstick?
Well, not exactly fly.
But she had one, though.
Weren't you afraid?
Well, I wouldn't recommend
just anybody goin' up there.
You were afraid.
You made Geordie take
the frog to the tree.
That was you.
I wasn't afraid.
You must be awful brave.
I am... A bit.
Uh... Remember, angus,
Just keep him
off the sugar.
Well, I can try.
Hello, Mary.
Geordie Macnab took his
frog you wouldn't cure
To a witch who does magic
and flies on a broomstick.
She could have turned him
into a frog,
And it would have been
all your fault.
Mary, Mr. Andrew,
I'm waiting for you.
Come on, now, inside.
Wash your hands.
Never mind Thomasina.
Come on, now, inside.
Wash your hands.
There's a good girl.
That's enough
about witches.
Mrs. Mackenzie Will
tell you the same as me -
There aren't any
outside of storybooks.
Oh, yes, there are.
She been making up more
of her fairy tales?
I didn't make it up. There
is a witch in the Glen.
Och, the Glen.
She bangs a big drum
in her house.
And lives with wild animals
and rides a broomstick.
Jamie Macnab told me.
He and Hughie
and Geordie saw her.
They're filling your head
with nonsense.
And for the hundredth time, Will
you not feed that cat at the table?
Especially with meat.
She likes meat,
and there is a witch.
Now, Mary...
It's a poor wee soul
called Lori Macgregor
That's rented a croft
in the Glen from Mr. Peddie.
She spends most of her time
weaving on a handloom.
That's the "drums"
your friends heard.
Now what do you say?
She's a witch.
She's a wee bit weird,
that's true enough.
It seems she's a lassie
That doesn't mix
with other folk,
But, mind, she's not
been there long.
Some of the shepherds
in the Glen say
She has a rare way with
beasts and birds and that.
Now, mind Thomasina
doesn't spill her cream.
Oh, just a wee drop,
Mr. Andrew.
It helps her
to see in the dark.
She told me so.
Didn't you, Thomasina?
There, you hear?
Ask her if she'd like me to go out
and get my rod and catch her a salmon.
She says, no,
She'd rather go to
the store on market day
And choose
her own fish.
Come on, now, no more talk
about witches or magic.
Just say your prayers,
get into bed.
And look after mummy in Heaven
and us down here,
Especially daddy
and Mrs. Mackenzie
And Willie and Geordie and Jamie
and Hughie and Tammas and Bruce
And Geordie's frog
and Thomasina and me.
That's all till tomorrow.
Yours truly, Mary. Amen.
Good night,
yours truly Mary.
Up. In you get.
There we are.
Good night.
Good night, daddy.
I've told you about that
before, my bonny.
You mustn't keep that cat
on the bed at night.
Oh, please let me
have her.
No, you can have your doll
if you like.
I don't want my doll.
She must go out
and you must go to sleep.
Go on, lie down.
There's a good girl.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Thomasina.
You know.
Yes, I knew,
And Macdhui didn't.
This being put out
for the night
Was just nonsense.
I could get in again
anytime I wanted to.
Mary and I
had it all worked out.
It was as easy as that.
Thomasina, come on up.
But not tonight.
I'd remembered
it was Wednesday,
The night before market day.
They set up the stalls at dawn,
So Wednesday's
always my night out.
And just when I was beginning
to feel like breakfast,
The market was getting ready
to provide it.
Fish, fresh fish,
And the best sauce for it -
The danger of helping myself...
...Which needed cunning
and caution,
A lot of caution...
And speed!
You, get out of the way!
Get out!
Mary, come and have
your breakfast.
What's the child
I can't find Thomasina.
I've looked everywhere.
She can't be far away.
Come on, now, sit down.
She didn't come home
last night.
For what we're
about to receive,
May the lord make us
truly thankful.
I'm not hungry.
Daddy, she must be lost.
Of course not.
Cats don't get lost once they've
decided to move in on people.
She's just had a night out and
hasn't come back yet, that's all.
She's been out
all night before,
But she's always come back.
She climbs up the tree
and gets in my window.
She always has.
It's our secret.
Aye, it certainly is.
Well, I'm off
to the surgery now.
Be a good girl.
Eat your breakfast.
Don't worry about
the pussy, child.
But she's lost.
Thomasina's too clever
to get lost.
You do like her, don't you?
Aye, of course.
Would you do anything for her
if I asked you to?
Well, let me go and look
for her now, please.
You promised.
You're even craftier than
Thomasina, you wee monkey.
We'll split up.
Mary, you come with me.
Hey, what are you
lookin' for, son?
A lost cat.
Have you seen one?
Not at my stall. Away
you go. Go on. I'm busy.
She's a big... Mrs.
Macfarland, what would you like?
Nice cabbage.
Have you seen
a lost cat?
Thank you very much.
Drat the cat!
Och, it's not Thomasina.
But never mind.
We'll find her.
Hughie, Mary,
I've found her!
She's here, Mary!
Oh, Thomasina.
Give her to me.
I don't think
anything's broken,
But she's
terribly stiff.
Oh, poor Thomasina.
I couldn't help it,
He walked
right in front of me.
it looks
like Bruce.
Bruce? My Bruce?
What's all this about?
Och, Mr. Macdhui.
You're just here
in time.
It's Tammas' Bruce.
Where is he?
Steady now, Tammas.
He's fair crushed, sir.
I couldn't help it,
Mr. Macdhui.
Better get him back
to the surgery - quick.
Bruce is my eyes,
Mr. Macdhui.
Can you save him? I'll do what
I can. Stay with him, angus.
He's in good hands now, Tammas.
Now, come on, you come with me.
This is going to take
a long time.
I hope his heart
Will stand it.
Are you ready?
The Spencer wells, Willie.
How is he, Willie?
He's doin' fine.
What are you children doing?
Mary, go away from here.
Daddy, it's Thomasina.
She's hurt.
Go away, child.
Please look at her.
She's awful sick.
Here, Willie,
take this cat.
Daddy, daddy, please look
at her. Please make her well.
Mary, you mustn't
stay here.
Now, listen to me.
I've got blind Tammas'
dog here. He's badly hurt.
Well, so is Thomasina.
If you only look at her!
All right, I'll look at
her, but go away, all of you.
You'll make her well?
You promise?
Yes, I promise,
but go on out.
Come on.
Out, all of you.
I think you better
look at her, sir.
Not now, man.
We got work to do.
Mr. Macdhui, sir, look.
Quick, get her out of here,
and that cloth she's laying on.
That cat has tetanus.
Get her out of here.
Deal with her, disinfect
your hands and hurry back.
But, sir... Mr. Macdhui,
you promised the child.
The cat is beyond help.
Will you do as I tell you?
Hurry up, man.
We've the dog to seal.
Aye, I Will.
I Will.
Nearly an hour
How much longer
can it be?
Aye, the waiting
is hard.
Well, Bruce Will live, Tammas.
He'll even walk again.
Thank God.
Take me to him.
Not now.
He's still unconscious.
But I'll send Willie round
to fetch you this evening.
Bruce Will know you then.
And he'll get better?
Aye, be as good as new.
It's a great skill
you have, Mr. Macdhui,
And no one can deny it.
There now,
what did I tell you?
Come on, Tammas,
I'll take you home.
God bless you,
Mr. Macdhui.
God bless you.
His pulse rate's fine.
I'll stay with him
till he wakes.
Aye, he'll do.
I never thought to see
such a surgery as that.
Aye, and what
you have to do now
Will be just as hard,
I'm thinking.
You have to tell the child
about her cat.
"the shoeblack tries
his bread to earn
"and would
an honest penny turn.
"when mud upon our boots
leave stains,
"his ready help
good payment gains.
The beefeater
we see today... "
Daddy, Thomasina -
is she better?
She's out of pain, Mary.
What was wrong with her?
Let me go to her.
She is better, isn't she?
Mary, uh, now,
Will you listen?
Listen to me
just a minute.
You see,
there are some things
That you have to learn
to face,
Even if at first
they seem a bit unfair.
Where is she?
Thomasina's wound
was poisoned,
And she might have made other
people's pets ill, even die.
But you did save her?
I- I couldn't, Mary.
I couldn't.
See, there are some things your
daddy can do and some things he can't.
What did you do to her?
I, uh, had her put to sleep.
There was nothing else
I could do.
Now, try to understand, Mary.
No! No! You said
you'd make her better.
You promised! You
promised! Come on, Mary...
I'll never speak to you
again! Mary, please...
He promised,
and he's killed Thomasina!
She's dead!
I'll go up to her.
And take everything she was
wearing when she found the cat.
Everything, do you hear?
And burn what you can't boil.
I didn't realize she was
going to take it so hard.
Could you not
have saved the cat?
It was wounded,
infected with tetanus.
I did what was right.
I'll get her another cat.
Can't I?
Well? Can't I?
Well, I'll buy her
anything she wants.
Why did she take it so hard?
For a clever man,
You've an awful lot
to learn.
Don't be so sad.
You'll do yourself harm.
Look, I tell you
what we'll do.
We'll give Thomasina the best
funeral any cat ever had, won't we?
Aye, with a full service
and everything.
My mother's got
just the right box
That'd do fine
for a casket.
We could pick some flowers
and have a procession,
Like when Old Dougal
was buried.
Everyone in the village
would see us.
Aye, you'll wear
widow's mournings
And walk behind
the casket, weeping.
And Annie here,
she can be chief mourner.
I can cry awful loud, Mary.
not now.
Will I wear a hat
and a black coat?
Mrs. Mackenzie
has one.
Aye, we'll all dress up
and get everyone to come.
I know! Jamie's
just learning the pipes.
He's not very good... I can
play Macktintosh's lament!
I'll wear my dress kilt with
my skean dhu and sporran,
And everyone in the street Will say,
"there goes the poor widow Macdhui,
of her dear Thomasina,
Foully done to death,
God rest her soul. "
Will they? Really?
Aye. It'll be a great,
great procession.
You'll see.
We'll go
and get Thomasina now!
Aye, come on.
I opened my eyes,
And where was I?
They say that to die
Is a Journey from light
into darkness,
But here was light again.
This was no quiet
endless sleep.
I was flying,
Flying wildly,
Without weight or effort,
Diving, spinning,
Falling backward
and downward
Into the mists of time,
Where my ancestors
were worshipped
In the temples to bast
Thousands of years ago.
Bast, the cat goddess,
The goddess
with the golden eyes
Staring and staring,
Drawing me upward and upward
And upward and upward.
Then there were flowers,
Flowers everywhere,
All around me,
touching me,
And the sound of music
Wild enough
to wake the dead.
"mackintosh's lament")
Lord sakes,
What are the children
a- burying today?
Mary Macdhui's cat
My grandson Hughie
told me
Her father couldna be
bothered to cure its sickness.
His own daughter's pet.
Ah, well, maybe
he was busy at the time,
You know,
what wi' Tammas' dog,
And after all,
it's a blind man's eyes.
His own daughter's pet.
It's hard to understand.
This is far enough.
Put it here.
Now get some stones and
build a cairn for the grave.
Now get
the coffin off
And put it down
just there, you two.
Come on, hurry.
Now get
some stones.
Come on,
get some stones.
That'll do fine.
Now, let's get on
with the service.
I'm going to take
the service.
It was my idea.
No, you're not.
I'm the oldest,
and I've come prepared.
Brethren, friends,
and fellow mourners...
och! Go on, then.
We have come here
To bury Thomasina
and to praise her.
She was the friend of Mary
Macdhui here, who you all know.
Uh, eh, well, anyway,
there she is.
Shh! Not yet.
Hold your noise.
Thomasina was one of the best
cats in all Argyllshire,
And we all feel for her
best friend and owner.
Not yet, not yet.
There is no doubt that Thomasina
was a terrific mouser, too.
She had a few faults, aye,
But I won't mention
them here.
Uh, and her mortal remains
Will now be laid to rest.
playing "the Bonny Banks
O' Loch Lomond")
by yon bonny banks
and by yon bonny braes
where the sun shines bright
on Loch Lomond
where me and my true love
Will never meet again
on the bonny, bonny banks
of Loch Lomond
oh, ye'll tak' the high road
and I'll tak' the...
It's mad Lori.
and I'll be
in Scotland afore...
It's the witch!
She's coming for us.
Run for it!
Run quickly!
She's a witch!
Run for it!
The witch!
The witch!
What were they doing?
Your heart's still beating.
Oh, poor thing.
Didn't they know?
You come with me.
Mary, come on in
and get your supper.
Hello, Mary.
What have you been doing
all afternoon?
Mary, your father's
speaking to you.
Mrs. Mackenzie,
I've seen the witch
That lives
up in the Glen.
We all ran away
from her...
Hughie and Geordie and
Jamie and Jock and Annie.
What's this
nonsense now?
And what were you doing
in the Glen?
And she is a witch.
I've seen her.
So there.
Mary, the... The kittens that
Mr. Peddie's cat Amanda had
Are now ready
to leave their mother.
Would you like to come and
choose one for yourself?
Would you like to come
To Mr. Peddie's
with me tomorrow
And choose a kitten?
Jamie Macnab can play
"mackintosh's lament" on the pipes
With only nine mistakes.
Answer me, Mary.
Answer your father,
But he's not very good
at "Loch Lomond. "
This is ridiculous.
If this is her way
of sulking just because...
Don't you want
your supper?
No, I do not.
Now who's sulking?
Tell miss Macdhui if she does want a
kitten, she'll have to come and ask me.
Everybody was real scared when
they saw the witch, except me.
I wasn't.
I just looked at her and said,
"I'm not afraid of you. "
Oh, give me strength.
Oh, you and your stories.
Eat your supper.
Now you've made
your father angry.
No, I Haven't.
My father's dead.
by yon bonny banks
and by yon bonny braes
when the Moon...
bright on Loch Lomond
Don't cry, child.
I Haven't seen you cry
for a long, long time.
Look, Mary, I'm sorry
about Thomasina.
I've told you.
I'll get you another cat,
Or maybe a wee dog
to be all your very own.
Wouldn't you like that?
Now, look, child, I can't
bring Thomasina back to life.
What's done is done!
Oh, very well.
Good night, then.
Oh, granddad,
don't keep on about it so.
That cat's funeral was
nothing but a children's game.
Not to some of us.
I'm tellin' you...
I've said it before
and I'm saying it now -
That Mr. Macdhui
is doing no good here.
Now, don't interrupt me,
He's a townsman,
not a highlander.
He has no feeling
for animals at all.
Oh, come now, granddad.
Some of the farmers round...
The farmers?
Did you not hear
that he made an order
To destroy the whole herd
of Ian Macclennen's cattle
Because one cow was sick?
That's the law. They had
foot-and-mouth disease.
It wasna the law in my day,
And it was only Macdhui's
opinion that they had it.
and look at his record.
Never mind the cattle.
Annie Laggan's old dog Rabbie
- he had him killed.
He saved blind Tammas'
Bruce, though.
Oh, aye, that was because
everybody was there watching.
That was
just showin' off.
Now, granddad,
you shouldn't say that.
Well, the man
that did what he did...
And he wouldna
even take the trouble
To treat his own daughter's
cat when it was sick...
Is no better
than a murderer.
It'd be a good thing
if he went away.
I'd make it too hot
for him here,
I'm telling you,
if I was younger.
So would others.
Him and his
newfangled science.
Mary Macdhui!
Are you coming out
to play?
She won't be comin' out
today. She's in mourning.
And anyway,
we've got work to do.
What work?
an anti-Macdhui society
To drive him
out of Inveranoch.
Och, listen to him.
My grandpa said he's no
better than a murderer.
Your grandpa?
And he told me Mr. Macdhui
Had two whole herds of cows
Because he thought
one beast was sick.
People are saying he ought to go,
and I think we ought to join them.
And what does blind Tammas
say about him?
Och, he's only one.
Now, here's what we'll do.
Me and you, Geordie...
Mrs. Macleod.
You're not thinking of taking
your cat to Mr. Macdhui, are you?
Why not? Och, he won't bother with it.
He doesn't care
for anybody's pets.
He'll just say,
"can't be cured,"
And then kill it.
Get away wi' you.
It's true. He even did it
to his own daughter's cat.
And Mrs. Laggan's dog.
He killed them.
I did hear about Rabbie,
but he was awful old.
That cat of yours is younger
than Mary's Thomasina.
You take him in there,
And he'll just get his
bottle of chloroform and...
Just a minute, Harry.
We were just telling Mrs. Macleod,
Mr. Wallis, about Mr. Macdhui.
You'd be well advised not
to take your dog in there.
I'm thinkin' of
rebuilding my pigsties.
You know, I've had two outbreaks
of swine fever up to now.
Have you spoken to this
new vet here... Uh, Macdhui?
Not yet.
Is he any good?
One of Mr. Macclennen's cows
had foot-and-mouth disease,
And Mr. Macdhui
had two whole herds killed.
That young Annie of mine
Took my best black shawl
from my closet yesterday
And tore it into ribbons
in some game.
Aye, I saw them
playing at funerals,
Burying young
Mary Macdhui's cat.
Mr. Macdhui
killed it.
Killed it?
Aye, the same as he did
Mrs. Laggan's dog.
He kills things.
He saved Tammas' Bruce,
Aye, because everybody
was there watching.
That was showin' off.
He's an animal murderer.
You tell me he killed
his daughter's cat?
He didn't like it,
So he took his gun
and killed it.
His gun? Well!
Och! Isn't that awful?
Well, now, Andrew.
Glad I saw you.
I wanted a word with you
about Mary.
I did what you said,
asked her to come round
And choose
one of your kittens,
But she'd have none of it,
or me, either.
It's like speaking
with a blank wall.
To a child of her age, feeling
is stronger than reason.
You know that, Andrew.
Aye, and grief is usually
forgotten quickly, too,
But the death of this cat,
it's like an obsession with her.
Well, she's something
of a loner child.
Forgive me.
She has no mother, and
she needs someone to love.
She has me.
I'd do anything for her.
No child's ever been
loved so much. Unselfishly?
What do you mean?
Tell me the truth, Andrew.
Were you maybe
a wee bit jealous
Of that cat of hers?
The truth, now.
The animal had to be destroyed.
It would have died anyway.
You can take my word for that.
Angus, would you do me a favor? Do you
think you could have a talk with her?
You might be able
to reason with her.
Well, I can try.
I wish you would.
She's at home now.
You ought to be out playing
in the sunshine
And not moping here indoors.
Geordie Macnab and Hughie
came asking for you.
Why don't you go
and look for them?
Oh, Mr. Peddie,
Mr. Andrew's not in.
I was just passing by,
Mrs. Mackenzie,
And I thought
I'd pay a call on Mary.
Would she be at home,
do you think?
I'm here, Mr. Peddie.
Well, now,
there you are.
You were so quiet,
I didn't see you.
It's fair warm outdoors.
You're wise
to stay inside.
Would you mind if I sit down
and rest a while?
Ooh, I think the stairs
are a grand place
When you want to have
a good think.
You know, I was thinking
just now about your Thomasina.
What with my own cats,
I get all mixed up remembering
what yours was like.
Thomasina, now,
he was about...
Oh, aye, she, yes.
She was about, what...
So long?
And did she not have a wee
square blaze on her chest?
No, it was round.
Round? Aye!
Now you remind me.
It was round, aye.
But she did have three
little white feet, didn't she?
No white feet at all.
No? Oh.
But she had a pink nose
With two black specks
on it.
I remember that well.
No specks.
No specks?
Do you remember
How she'd sit and look
at you sometimes
With just the tip
of her tongue showing?
When she was waiting
to be fed.
Yes, when she was waiting
to be fed.
You see, Mary,
Thomasina isn't dead at all,
Not really dead,
Not when we can remember her
together like this,
Because she's alive in our minds. No!
And as long as you can remember
her like this, she'll never die.
Just call her to your mind,
and she'll come,
Even if you were to have
another wee cat to love.
You know, I was saying to
your daddy just this morning...
My daddy's dead.
I killed him.
Did you, Mary?
I killed him.
I put him in a box
with flowers in it.
We all took him out into
the Glen and had a funeral,
And now I Haven't
anybody at all.
No! I like being alone!
Good day to you, Birnie.
I'm here to look at the bull.
I've let him out.
He's in the paddock.
Oh, right. I'll find him.
No need to, Mr. Macdhui.
He'll do very well.
Just tell me how much
your fees are.
What's all this about?
I'll be no more needing
a veterinary.
If there's anything wrong
with my beasts,
I'll take them
to the woman in the Glen.
She's a rare way with them
and charges nothing, I'm told.
Is that where
you're takin' the cow?
Aye, my man is.
What's wrong with her?
She's dried.
You have as much chance of
getting pints of beer as milk
Listening to that rubbish.
I thought you were becoming
enlightened, Birnie.
What I do with my beasts is no
concern of yourself, Mr. Macdhui.
This cow has no disease reportable
under the acts of the county.
Your bull didn't, either.
Aye, I didn't know then
what sort of a vet you were -
Putting beasts to death
whenever it suits you.
Aye, my stockman heard it from
his son at school in Inveranoch -
The dogs and cats
you've no use for,
Even your own child's pet.
I see.
So you believe that,
And you're going back to the
witchcraft and the superstition.
You said times change.
Well, maybe they're changing
back again, Mr. Macdhui.
The old remedies are as good
as book learning, sir.
Good day to you.
Apart from Mary,
I've another headache now.
The whole village seems to be
boycotting me and spreading tales
About what a heartless
monster I am.
Och, a few children.
It's having its effect.
In a few days,
the people have forgotten
That the blind man's dog
is alive because of me,
But they remember the few creatures
that I had to have destroyed.
Be patient with them, Andrew. Patient?
Tell me something.
What do you know about a
half-witted woman named, uh...
...Named Lori
who pretends to be a witch?
Well, I rented her
the croft she's living in.
I know that.
That's why I'm asking you.
And she's not half-witted, nor
does she pretend to be a witch.
She's been labeled that, just as you
say you've been labeled a monster,
Only she doesn't mind, because
she wants to be left alone.
Well, she's not succeeding.
At least two farmers that I'd
won round to scientific treatment
Are taking their beasts
to her.
Aye, I hear she has a
remarkable skill with animals.
What skill?
Without real knowledge,
you can do great harm.
Would you take a sick child
to a quack doctor?
Some people have
natural gifts, Andrew,
And Lori Macgregor has
the rare quality of mercy.
Since you know her so well,
perhaps you'd tell her
To stop undermining the progress that
I'm trying to bring to these people here.
Why don't you tell her,
And tell me afterwards
what you make of her.
Aye. Aye, I Will,
one day,
And put a stop to her
interference with my work.
Time passed,
And I began to see
and feel again.
I couldn't remember any part
of my first life,
Although something told me
I'd lived before,
That I was still me.
I'd heard that a cat
has nine lives.
I accepted the fact, so...
This was my second life,
My life with a girl
named Lori.
She was gentle and kind,
I'll give her that,
But she didn't seem
to realize -
And neither did the other creatures around me
- how important I was.
There we are.
All of you -
Dorcas, Mack,
Whisker - be nice
to Thomasina now.
"be nice," she said,
But none of the others paid
any attention to me at all.
They weren't really
my kind anyway.
Thomasina, dear,
Go and walk in the sun
now you're able.
There are others here
who are not.
I wasn't important anymore,
Treated just like
everybody else.
Now I knew
how a king feels in exile.
Hughie, Jamie, quick!
what is it?
Come and see quick.
A badger.
He's been in the trap
a long time,
And he's badly hurt.
What'll we do with him?
If we try and take the
trap off, he'll only bite.
We could wrap him up
in a sack, trap and all,
And take him to the village, to the vet.
To Mr. Macdhui?
We can't do that.
We're trying
to get rid of him.
What else, then?
Couldn't we take the badger
to the witch?
She's nearer.
Aye, that's true.
She couldn't cure a mess
like that with magic.
I bet she could.
Mr. Macdhui would
only kill it,
So let's wrap him up
and take him to the witch.
Jamie, get the things.
I'll get the sack.
Careful now.
You've got him?
Aye, got him.
Seeing and hearing these boys
gave me that
"I've been here before"
You know what I mean?
I knew them,
and yet I didn't.
They made me feel
uneasy somehow,
So I kept an eye on them.
Well, who's gonna
take him to her, then?
You. You're the eldest,
you're always telling us.
Aye, but -
but it was Geordie's idea.
He's too big
for Geordie to carry,
But if you're afraid...
I'm not afraid of anything.
Well, go on, then.
Put him by the tree
and ring that bell.
Oh, poor thing.
Poor thing.
Oh, God, please, God,
help me.
Don't touch it.
But it's hurt,
from that.
Cursed gin traps.
Look what it's done to...
Mind yourself.
Drop it. It'll tear
your throat out.
It'll not harm me. No creature
harms me. They're not afraid.
Put it down. You're mad. Aye, so I hear.
Get away from it.
Let me go. Let me go!
I'm sorry, but a wounded
badger could half kill you.
No creature ever harms
me. Don't touch him!
Leave him to me.
To you?
Why, who are you?
My name is Macdhui. I'm the
veterinary from Inveranoch.
You are?
Now I see.
What do you mean?
You have the skill
that I Haven't,
The skill that I prayed for
when I found the badger.
Don't you see? You're meant
to help him, and you must.
It's no use, I tell you.
It's too late.
Be kinder to put him
out of his pain.
And wonderful
to give him his life.
You have the skill for it.
Please, for pity's sake.
Don't go!
I've got to get my instruments.
They're in my car.
God, you sent him.
Please make him hurry back.
Well, that's it.
We'll have to see
how it takes.
Still, they're hardy creatures
with great vitality.
He has a chance.
Bless you and thank you
for giving it the hance.
He'll have to stay quiet
until the wounds heal.
Have you got a place
where you can keep him?
All right.
Are all these wild things
in your care?
Yes, they come here
to me.
Some instinct or guardian
Angel brings them.
And what kind of treatment
do you give them?
Food, warmth,
comfort and love.
And let nature
take its course,
And that mends them.
And what about the other
beasts that are brought to you?
Farmer Birnie's cow,
for instance.
I know all about that.
What did you do for her?
I sent her back to him with a
message for him to be kinder to her.
Ha. Like to seen his face.
And this?
I found him one morning by
the tree outside in a box.
He had a broken leg,
but he's better now.
Well, I can describe
his guardian Angel to you.
He's about six years old, red hair,
and his name is Geordie Macnab.
Well, keep your eye
on the badger, Miss Macgregor,
And see that he doesn't
tear off the dressing.
Aye, I'll watch him.
You know, um,
in Inveranoch,
They, uh,
they call you "witch,"
And if you can get all these creatures
here to live together in peace,
Perhaps there's
some truth in it.
The truth is
that they have security
Because they've no fear.
Animals are not like people.
They only fight and kill
when they're hungry or afraid,
Not for gain or to prove
how strong they are.
You don't have to be a witch
to understand that.
What made you come here,
Mr. Macdhui?
Well, I-I thought that, uh...
It's no matter now.
I must go.
I've work to do.
Wait. I must pay you
for the work you've done.
Um, there's no need.
Will you take this,
then, from me?
I made it here.
Then I'm glad to have it.
Thank you.
I knew the man...
And yet I didn't know him.
He reminded me of someone,
Something that was missing
in my present life.
What do you think
he's done?
Killed it.
But the witch
wouldn't let him.
He wouldn't be likely to help
her with magic, now, would he?
Suppose we had a look
through the window.
It's our badger.
We're responsible for him.
Aye. Maybe if
we were careful...
Come on, Geordie.
If she catches us,
You can say you came to see
how your frog was getting on.
You want to know,
don't you?
Come on, then.
the badger's in here.
I think he's dead.
I told you Mr. Macdhui
would kill him.
Here, Geordie,
you're the smallest.
Climb up
and have a look.
He's not dead.
I can see him breathing.
are you sure?
Look out!
Let me go!
Let me go!
Och! It's all right.
What's the matter?
What are you afraid of?
Let me go!
You're the one who
brought the frog to me.
He's better now.
His leg has mended.
Do you want him back?
Then come and see him.
He's not very strong
at hopping yet,
But he can swim
all right.
He's going in with her.
She must have put
a spell on him.
Here's your wee frog.
Oh, he's better.
Did you do it with magic?
With a powerful magic,
You know my name.
Was it you who brought
the wounded badger, too?
Is he going to be
all right, please?
Did you do magic
with him?
No, that was Mr. Macdhui.
What he did was magic.
Mr. Macdhui -
does he do magic?
He has a wonderful skill
that's almost magic.
He saved the badger's life.
Can I go now?
Don't you want
to take your frog?
Thank you
for curing my frog.
I'm not afraid anymore.
Well, not much, that is,
But I have to go now.
are you all right?
Yes. Look,
she cured the frog.
But what about the
badger? She cured him, too.
She put a spell on Mr. Macdhui
and made him help her.
She's an awful good witch.
Hello, Mary.
Do you know
what I did today?
Went up to the Glen
to see your witch.
You know, she's not
a witch at all.
She, uh... Isn't even what Mrs.
Mack calls, uh, "something weird. "
She's a bit like yourself -
Wants to be left alone.
Except that she's, uh,
She's got all kinds of
creatures up there with her -
Squirrels and rabbits,
stray dogs, cats,
Uh, wild birds
And a -
And a badger.
If I go up there again,
Would you like to
come with me and see him?
Look, Mary,
I brought you a present.
of your very own.
Och, I couldn't get
nowhere with her.
She shows no signs of wearying of this
game she's playing, that I'm not there.
And how do you play it,
Talk to her, behave as if
everything was normal between us,
Read stories to her,
but she pays no heed.
And that wee dog
you got for her?
She'd have none of it.
I had to take it away again.
No, she won't forgive me,
because I failed her.
At least, that's the way
she sees it.
I think the trouble lies
deeper than that.
You were the only human focus
for her love.
That's why her shock of
disappointment in you was so great.
Andrew, have you ever thought
of getting married again?
You need another focus
for your love
Besides the child,
and Mary needs a mother.
It's too late for me
to fall in love again.
Oh... So you've seen
Lori Macgregor.
Aye, I've seen her.
What do you make of her?
Don't know.
She, uh, she has a-a
strange way with her,
A strange skill
that's instinctive.
I don't understand how she
lives out there, cut off, alone,
And yet doesn't seem
to be alone.
You should see her
again, Andrew.
Maybe she could teach you
that rare virtue.
You're in need of it,
my friend, great need of it.
Good night, angus.
Hello, Miss Macgregor.
So he came to see Lori,
But putting a stop
to what she was doing
Soon went out of his mind,
And he kept on
coming to see her.
I've learned a great deal
watching you.
If only I had
the skill you have.
But you've a way of taking the
fear out of these wild creatures,
Making them trust you,
that I wish I had.
But I'm a witch, remember?
Aye, you must be.
You cast some kind
of a spell on them.
I love them all.
When they're lost
or strayed or alone in pain,
That's what they need.
I feel for them.
And you, with all
your skill - do you?
I give them what I have,
my knowledge of what to do.
I do my job.
Is that all it is to you?
You must have chosen
to become a veterinary.
No, my-my father
was one himself.
He chose it for me,
And he was a man
that you didn't cross.
No, all my life,
I wanted to be a doctor,
Dreamed of it
and worked for it.
You must have put a spell on me
to make me tell you that.
Except for my wife,
I've never told another soul.
Only she knew.
Aye, she's dead now,
about five years ago.
You say you believe in
providence and in God's mercy,
And you wonder
why I don't?
How can you not?
I loved my wife.
She did nothing but good.
She went out nursing the sick
in an epidemic,
Caught the sickness herself,
and died.
"the Will of God is
inscrutable," they told me.
"God is love," they told me.
Which is true.
That's what she believed,
Yet the God who's supposed
to be love allowed her to die.
And therefore
you reject him?
Because your love died,
his love has no truth?
Is that what you mean?
Ask yourself that
when you've known pain.
I saw both my parents drown,
Andrew, in a storm at sea,
But my Faith
didn't die with them,
And they wouldn't have
wished it. I know that.
I'm sorry. Forgive me.
I'm glad you told me
of yourself
And I told you.
I'm glad, too.
I must go now.
The man's coming back gave me
that feeling once again
Of there having been
some other time,
Some other place...
And one night
it came to a head.
It was as if something
was pulling me,
Drawing me on
And on and on.
I knew the way somehow,
Although I didn't know why
or where I was going.
Thomasina! Thomasina!
Come back!
No, no!
Let me go! I saw her!
I saw her! Let me go!
You were right
to call me.
She's in bad shock.
Could turn to pneumonia.
I see signs of it now.
I've done all I can
for the moment.
I'll be around
first thing in the morning.
Thank you, Strathsay.
What should I do?
Keep taking her temperature
every hour or so.
It's just
over 100 now.
If it gets any higher,
let me know at once.
I won't leave her. Show
the doctor out, Mrs. Mack.
You better get out of those
wet things. You'll catch cold.
I heard the shouting,
saw the doctor arrive.
Glad you came, angus.
I'm worried sick.
If she should catch
Aye, that's a great battle
For a wee bairn
to fight alone.
Pray for her, Andrew.
Pray for God's help
and mercy.
Yes, pray, because if ever
there was a man
In need of mercy,
it is you.
You know I'm not a one
for praying,
For goin' down on my knees.
Well, pray
on your feet, man.
It's what's in your heart
and mind that matters,
Not whether
you kneel or not,
Though that would be good
for your soul.
It's this stubborn pride
of yours
That has made you live
inside yourself so long.
I've forgotten how to pray.
I can't do it.
I can't feel
the need for it.
Humble yourself, Andrew.
Humble yourself.
If you love the child,
Pray for her.
Oh, Thomasina,
where have you been?
I didn't know.
From the present
back into the past,
To the present again,
Where I was safe,
And loved.
Where are you boys
Further up the Glen,
granny. Well, you're not to.
They say in the village
there's a witch up here.
She'll put
the evil eye on you.
make way!
Hah! Hah!
Right, you devil.
You'll pay for this.
Come on!
What's he gonna do
to the horse?
Let's go and see.
Darvas, put the bear
to his paces
And wake him up.
come on, get out.
Get out. Go on. Go!
all right, get him out.
Get him out!
Down you come.
Come on.
Now this way. Up.
Up now.
Come on, up and dance.
Come on, up! Up!
Up and dance.
Come on, you blackguard.
Get up and dance now!
This one's worse
than the other.
The bear can hardly walk,
let alone dance.
What are you doing under there? Get 'em!
Come on, boys, get 'em!
One gettin' away.
The other one's...
Got him down.
All right!
Let him go!
Come back here, you.
Get back to work!
Mr. Macquarrie, sir, there's
some gypsies in the Glen,
And you've got to do
something about them.
They're beating horses, and
there's half-starved dogs
And a poor bear with
a sore foot. It's true!
Now, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
One at a time. Now.
We were up there watching them.
They're beating their animals.
Oh, they're awful people, sir.
You've got to arrest them,
Mr. Macquarrie.
I've already told them to
leave the district and move on.
I gave them until tomorrow
while they rest their horses.
rest them? You should
see what they're doing.
You bring me a complaint from the
proper person, and I'll act on it.
I don't take orders
from a lot of children.
What proper person?
The county officer
With cruelty to beasts -
Mr. Macdhui.
Mr. Macdhui?
Uh-oh, what's this?
How's Mary, please, sir?
We're sorry that she's sick.
Aye, she's very sick.
We hope she'll
get better soon.
We Haven't seen
much of her sin...
Since the funeral
of Thomasina.
But we really came to see
you about another matter, sir.
what's that?
To report
cruelty to animals.
There's some gypsies
up in the Glen
With performing animals.
They're awful cruel.
They've got a bear
with a sore foot,
And they make him dance!
Constable Macquarrie said that
if you were to examine them
And report them to him, he
could put a stop to it, sir.
But I thought that my opinion
as an animal doctor
Was no good.
Somebody called Hughie Stirling
has been saying so.
Would he be
a friend of yours?
He's no friend of mine, sir.
Hughie Stirling's
a bit of a fool, sir.
Everybody knows that.
would you do something
about the circus animals?
Aye, I, uh,
I Will when I can.
Well, uh, run along now,
all of you.
He won't do anything.
He wasn't even listening.
Yes, he was.
He said he'd go when he can.
He doesn't care
about those animals.
Well, we can't do
any more, can we?
Yes, we can. We've got to. Hey, Geordie.
We could tell the witch
about it - Lori.
The witch?
Aye, why not?
You say you're not
afraid of her.
You could tell her.
She'd maybe put a spell
on those gypsies,
Turn that big one into a horse
or a bear and learn for himself
What it's like
to be badly treated.
I bet she'd do it.
Go and tell her, Geordie.
Go on. I dare you.
Why, Geordie,
hello there.
I came to ask you
something, please.
Will you come in, then?
It's better if I do.
I brought you a present
if you'd like it.
It's because
you cured my frog.
Oh, Geordie, you didn't
have to do that.
How is your frog?
Och, he's fine.
This is my present.
I made it myself.
What a beautiful
pipe rack.
Thank you, Geordie.
It's just what I need.
I thought you might.
I was -
we were wondering
If you'd do something else
with magic.
Another frog?
Och, no.
There's a gypsy circus
down in the Glen
With all kinds of animals
and a bear,
And the people are
awful cruel to them,
Beating them and that,
and they're half starved.
Have you told the police?
Aye, and Mr. Macdhui,
But they won't do
anything about it.
Mr. Macdhui won't?
No, we asked him,
and he said so.
We thought maybe
you could put some magic
On the gypsies to stop them.
Would you, please?
The bear's got
an awful sore foot.
I'll go and see what I can
do, anyway, I promise you that.
I knew you would.
Oh, thank you.
I have to go now.
She's going to do it!
She's going to put a spell
on the gypsies!
You cannot stay in here
all day and night
Torturing yourself, man.
You've had no rest,
no food.
Rest? What rest can I have?
Strathsay says
she's no longer fighting.
It's as if she's lost
the Will to live.
Where is Strathsay?
He said he'd be back by now.
He said the fever
must run its course.
There's no crisis yet.
He's done what he can
for Mary.
We're all of us
praying for her.
I humbled myself
and prayed, too.
I'd crawl on my hands and knees if
begging for her life would save it.
She's lost and hurt, angus.
I can make no contact
with her.
I wonder...
Perhaps someone
who has the gift
For hurt and lost creatures
Could unlock the child's mind.
You mean Lori Macgregor?
I do.
Then ask her.
Bring her here.
She's unlocked your mind
enough to make you realize
You're not sufficient
Stay here
with the child, Angus.
So one night
the man came again...
...But this time
he looked helpless
And lost
And frightened.
music playing)
Now let's get the bear out.
We'll have him on next.
Wait a minute.
What are you doing
in there?
She's the witch
the women speak of.
Come on out, you!
If you're in charge here,
you should be ashamed.
Your dogs are sick,
these horses past work.
The bear is... You're breaking my heart.
All right, then,
you dance, witch.
you do
the bear's act for him.
Come on.
it's the witch.
no! Aah!
Let -
Let me go!
Let me go!
you dance
for the bear.
Look at him!
Look at Mr. Macdhui!
Who's in charge here?
I am. King Targu.
What right have you
to knock about my people?
What exactly
were you doing?
Driving out the witch who
set the evil eye upon us.
Evil eye? I've heard about the evil
you do with these wretched beasts.
What do you want here?
I have the power to close down
your show for cruelty to animals.
That's what I'm going to do.
You'll pay for this.
Get him, and the witch!
Behind your back,
Mr. Macdhui!
I'm not standing
for this. Come on!
Get the boys out of here.
Keep clear of this.
Form a water chain! Quick!
Lori, get those children
out of here. Quick!
Macquarrie, take that man in
charge for cruelty to animals.
Here, give a hand here!
Try to hold still.
The bleeding has stopped, but it's
an awful deep cut you have there.
Lori, Will you listen
to me?
I've told you I'll not till
I finish dressing this wound.
You should have gone down to
Inveranoch with the others,
To a doctor, and not come up here to me.
Stop! Listen to me, m...
I am listening, Andrew.
I'm a wee bit scared not to
when you're so fierce.
I was afraid of you
down there in the fightin',
And afraid for you.
I came up here
looking for you,
Just like the other strays
and the lost that come to you.
My daughter is sick
with pneumonia,
And I need your help.
I want you
to come to her with me.
To your house?
Please come.
Why me?
Well, you have a
- a kind of a magic for the hurt and the sick.
I've hurt the child so much that
her sickness is the worse for it.
You have? How?
Well, she had a pet that
she loved more than anything.
I had to have it destroyed.
I didn't realize how much
it meant to the child,
But in-in doing
what I did, I...
I betrayed her trust in me.
I killed something in her.
Lori, you prayed yourself
once, didn't you?
And you said
that my coming here
Could be the answer to
the prayer. Aye, it was.
Well, I prayed, too, and your coming
with me now could be the answer to that...
For me, for Mary.
Will you come, please?
So... He brought you.
What have you
been doing, man,
To get in that state -
brawling somewhere?
How is she?
The same.
What is this?
Mary Macdhui.
Do you hear me?
may I take her?
Do what you Will.
What does this woman think
she's doing? Let her be.
Andrew, there's
so little of her left.
When the man took Lori away
and they left me alone,
I was frightened.
I had to be with somebody.
The feeling grew stronger
And stronger.
Suddenly, like the lightning
flash that split the tree,
Everything -
My other lost life -
came back to me.
I knew where I belonged.
I had to go home.
Can't be.
It's my Thomasina.
I found her sick
and nursed her.
Is she hers?
Is that the pet?
Thomasina! Thomasina!
Lori, call her!
Make her come in.
No, you must.
She must come to you.
Don't you see
that if Thomasina
Is the love
your child has lost,
Only you can give it
back to her.
Call her. Make her come.
Come to me.
For the love of God,
come to me.
I knew him now...
Macdhui, my murderer...
And he needed me.
Without me, he was lost.
So this was my Chance,
The moment of truth
for both of us.
Come to me.
Yet, because of my
second life with Lori...
...Because of what
I'd learned from her,
I didn't want revenge.
I wanted to come home.
I brought Thomasina
to you.
She's come back
to life again.
No, it's not a ghost,
Not a dream.
It's Thomasina.
She's come back.
It's Thomasina.
She's alive again.
She's alive again.
And you're alive again, too.
I'm alive again, too.
So, my third life began,
With all of us together.
Not now.
And, to coin a phrase,
We all lived
happily ever after.