The Walls of Jericho (1948) Movie Script

Yes? What do you want?
Mrs Connors, may I please see
Mr Connors for just a minute?
He's upstairs dressing.
He's got to meet a train.
Please, Mrs Connors.
It's terribly important.
I'll see if he's nearly ready.
Julia Norman's at the door to see you.
Julia? Jack Norman's daughter?
What does she want?
I don't know. She didn't say.
Julia... what is it? What's the matter?
It's father.
He's down at McCurdy's.
Wait a minute. I'll get my hat and coat.
So it's that old soak again?
He's a regular disgrace to this town.
He's probably the most brilliant
lawyer Jericho ever had.
When he's sober... maybe.
I thought it was important you
met that fine friend of yours?
Tucker Wedge. And the woman he married.
Well, I'll do both.
The 06:20 is never on time.
We'll have to hurry.
Ah... you'd better wait here.
See this.
What do you want?
Jack Norman.
- Who said he was here?
That's unimportant.
Where is he?
- You got a search warrant?
You ain't going to search my place
even if you are County Attorney.
Unless you got a search warrant.
Either you tell Jeff Norman
I want to see him, or...
Warrant or no warrant... I'm going in.
Don't take nothing off him, Gotch.
If he gets smart, bust him one.
Well come on Gotch, make up your mind.
I've got to meet a train.
Alright, go on in and get him.
You don't take no hair off of my scalp.
I was just testing you, Mr Connors.
Mr Norman.
Come on, Mr Norman. Come on.
Dave Connors, isn't it?
- That's right.
Well... it's very good of you.
Very good indeed.
I don't desire to leave just now.
Shut up.
He got you plumb backed-down, ain't he?
I'm warning you, shut up.
You're plumb scared to death.
I suppose I'd better be...
I can...
I don't desire... to keep her waiting.
She's a good girl, David.
- That's right.
A good girl.
Look out, Gotch. He's got a crowbar.
It feels like I've busted
something inside.
Gotch, you'd better have somebody
call for an ambulance right away.
And don't let anybody touch him
until Dr Patterson gets here.
Let's go, Mr Norman.
[ Train whistle ]
Here it comes.
Snorting like an old bull.
Hello there.
Ah, Connors. Again we meet.
Are you folks taking this train?
In all the excitement, I suspect
that Julia neglected to tell you...
That she and I are leaving Jericho.
- Not for good, I hope?
Yes... as it happens, a distant
cousin of mine in Delaware...
Of whose existence I must
confess I had little knowledge.
Has died and left an estate to us.
You might say I was, in a manner...
Celebrating that unfortunate
event when Julia asked me to...
To seek me out this afternoon.
I'm sorry to see you go. I'll miss you.
Thank you.
And we shall miss you too. Both of us.
You're a fine man, Connors.
And a fine lawyer.
Thank you, sir.
You'll go far.
Even... in Kansas.
Come, Julia.
Goodbye, Mr Connors.
And thank you again... for everything.
- Goodbye, Julia.
Thank you, dear.
He's here somewhere. Oh Jim,
those five pieces over there.
Sure thing Mr Wedge.
- Hi Dave.
Son of a gun, how are you?
I told Algeria we'd find that face
of yours right here on this platform.
So you're Dave Connors.
Honestly, Tucker talks of no-one else.
As far as I know, Jericho consists
of one person: David Connors.
Come on Dave, say something.
What do you think of her?
I think she'll be quite
a revelation to Jericho.
You sure took us all by surprise.
Hey, I was almost as surprised myself.
Poor darling.
He didn't have a thought in his mind of
marrying until I deliberately lured him.
Of course we knew each other before.
Sort-of casual.
Then, one evening we found ourselves in
each other's arms. There you have it.
That's how it usually happens, isn't it?
It was so nice of you to meet us.
- I wouldn't miss it for the world.
By the way, how's The Clarion
been doing without me?
Still covering Kansas like the dust.
- Don't tell him, Dave.
All he thinks of is
that newspaper of his.
And why not? After all, it's our
meat and potatoes, Mrs Wedge.
The Apex House, Jim.
- Yes sir, Mr Wedge.
Thanks for meeting us.
See you tomorrow at the office.
Good to see you. Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Well, hello you two.
About time you got here.
You know women.
Tucker thinks that all a woman need do
is slip into a dress and she's ready.
Algeria, I'd like you
to meet my wife, Belle.
How do you do, Mrs Connors.
It was so sweet of you to ask us.
Dave wanted... I mean...
I wanted to meet you.
- Hello Belle.
Hello Tucker.
Can I take your hat and things?
Tucker, just put your head over here
and come on in. You know everybody.
Sure. Hello Judge.
Good to see you again.
My, what a beautiful hat.
- Do you like it?
I'm so glad. That's alright.
I'll just put it here.
Tucker and I married in such a hurry
I didn't have time to do any shopping.
I'll leave these with my hat, if I may.
- I'll take them.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
Shall we go in?
- Yes, let's.
Excuse me.
- Certainly.
Belle, will you introduce
Algeria to our guests?
Dave, I'd rather you did it.
I get so mixed up with names.
- Of course, dear.
Algeria, I'd like you to meet
Belle's mother, Mrs Dunham.
How do you do Mrs Dunham?
Oh don't get up, please.
- That's alright. I'm not sick.
It's so nice meeting you.
- Much obliged.
Now come on over here
and meet Mrs Hutto.
How do you do, Mrs Hutto.
- How do you do, Mrs Wedge.
And this is Judge Hutto.
Delighted to meet you at last, Judge.
Tucker does nothing but quote you.
Accurately, I hope.
After all, he is a newspaperman.
You can't expect too much.
Quite right.
I believe you already know this fellow.
- Oh yes, slightly. Hello darling.
In spite of what you just
said about me. Hello.
And this is Mrs Ransome.
- Mrs Ransome.
Her daughter, Margie.
- Hello, Margie.
And this is Tom Ransome. He runs the
best dry-goods store west of Topeka.
Good evening ma'am.
May I offer my best wishes and hope
that you and Tucker will be very happy.
Thank you. That's very nice
of you. I'm sure we will be.
Won't you sit down?
- Thank you.
Well, I'll sit here if I may.
Oh that's a beautiful piano.
Do you play Mrs Connors?
No. It came with the house.
Neither do I. It's one of
the regrets of my life.
Tucker, the darling, promises to send
to Chicago to get me a player-piano.
It's probably the only instrument
I'll ever be able to play.
Hey Belle, is supper ready?
- I don't know. Ask Nellie.
Nellie? Who's Nellie?
- The maid.
Oh. Excuse me.
Oh, Nellie. Are you ready
for us to come in yet?
As soon as I get another plate of soup.
This one is cracked and it's for her.
You may as well come in everybody.
She'll be ready by the time we are.
I hope you won't mind just a country
supper at a country lawyer's.
We're pretty informal around
here. No regular service.
Of course not.
I'm flattered to be included.
We don't have to worry with Belle and
her mother cooking the way they do.
Over here please, Algeria.
[ Singing: ]
"Shine on harvest moon."
"Up in the sky."
"I ain't had no loving since..."
"January, February, June or July."
"It's no time. April time."
"To stay outside and spoon."
"Shine on, shine on harvest moon."
"For me and my gal."
I suppose you find Jericho pretty dull?
On the contrary.
I find Jericho very diverting.
A lot of people think
it's ugly and backward.
But you don't. You love it, don't you?
- Why?
Oh I don't know. Maybe...
Maybe because of nights
like this. Kansas nights.
Look, there is Venus. The bright one.
[ Crockery breaking ]
Now look what you've
done you stupid fool.
I'm sorry, ma'am. It just... slipped.
Well don't just stand there.
Mop it up before everything is ruined.
Look at my dress.
That's alright, Nellie.
We all make mistakes sometimes.
You know, I never did like this pitcher.
You were right, Tucker.
Dave is everything you said he was.
But those dreadful women.
- They are pretty awful, aren't they.
Whatever possessed him
to marry such a creature?
Why does any man ever marry any woman?
Except you, of course.
- You...
I suppose she used to be pretty.
- Very.
Living in her mother's boarding-house,
naturally they were thrown together.
The old lady saw to that.
And I suppose the main trouble is...
She just hasn't been able
to grow up with Dave.
I suppose.
And that's why she drinks.
- Drinks?
Don't say you didn't know.
Of course, there's been a lot of talk.
- I knew it the minute I saw her.
You can always tell.
That sort of guilty, resentful look.
Why doesn't he leave her?
Search me.
You know, Dave is a strange fellow.
Perhaps he feels a sort
of responsibility for her.
Why, you don't go on living with someone
just cause you feel sorry for them.
But that's serious business
in this neck of the woods.
Remember, this is Kansas
and Dave's in politics.
It seems such an awful shame and waste.
That's his cross.
Not ours.
Good evening.
- Algeria, how nice to see you.
Tucker, how are you?
- Fine, Judge. Yourself?
Want to go in and join the people?
- I'd love to.
How are things down at the office?
- Fine, Maurice.
Do you know Doctor Patterson?
- Herbert? One of my favorite people.
Why sure, how nice.
- How are you?
Hello, Mrs Wedge.
- Good evening.
They told me to give you that.
Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Gee, some party, ain't it?
Isn't everybody here yet?
Your friend Dave Connors
just turned us down.
At the last minute, too.
- That's too bad.
What excuse did he give?
- None.
Except he had to go to a meeting.
'If it doesn't last too
long I'll drop by'.
'Meeting', nothing.
It was that wife of his.
Well I guess she does kind of
put a crimp in his social life.
Still, on the other hand, it may be
true. He could be going to a meeting.
What kind of meeting?
Some farmer's meeting probably.
Well after all, he's in politics.
And the way things look now.
It wouldn't surprise me if, in a few
years from now, he runs for Congress.
- Uhuh.
Dave Connors?
- And he'll win too, by a mile.
Dave's a born vote-getter. He's already
got the farmers eating out of his hand.
His only trouble will be in
getting the party behind him.
Ah, there they are. Hello Jerry.
Hello Joe.
I'm sorry we're late.
- That's alright. Honey...
You remember Joe Wilson, don't you?
- I should say I do.
Shall we go in?
- Yes.
What a lovely home you have.
How does it work?
- It's very simple, actually.
All you have to do is just
flip these two little keys.
Why, I've never seen one
you didn't have to pump.
It's the very newest thing.
If I knew they were going to make pianos
like this, I'd never have taken lessons.
You're a great success, darling.
Jericho hasn't seen anything like this
since Jennings Bryan ate supper here.
I still think it was rude of Dave to
wait until the last minute to refuse.
And I'm going to tell
him so to his face.
Well, now is your chance.
Hello Dave.
Hello. The meeting was over sooner
than I expected. Am I still welcome?
That depends on how well you dance.
Oh yes, we enjoyed it, too.
- Thank you.
Tucker tells me you are thinking
of running for Congress.
That's a long way off.
A couple of years at least.
A lot of things can
happen in the meanwhile.
You must drop by some time.
Tell me about it.
Thanks, I will.
- When?
I don't know exactly, I'll have to...
- Tomorrow?
I am afraid I have to
go to Topeka tomorrow.
Well then, we'll make
it when you get back.
I had no idea you were
interested in politics.
A beautiful woman.
- But I am... definitely.
Hello. There you are.
What are you up to?
Oh, nothing. Just having some punch.
- And talking politics.
Algeria invited me to drop in some time,
and tell her of my plans for Congress.
Algeria, interested in politics?
You'd think so if you'd heard her trying
to pin me down as to when I'd drop by.
In fact, she sounds like
a campaign manager.
Leave it to women. They always have to
find something new to be interested in.
Oh come on, honey.
This is the last dance.
Sorry Mr County Attorney, but this
one is reserved strictly for husbands.
Martha, never mind about that tonight.
You may tidy up in the morning.
Thank you Mrs Wedge. Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Goodnight Mr Wedge.
- Goodnight Martha. I'll get the lights.
- A little.
No wonder. All those people.
- It isn't that.
I thought some of them were very nice.
- Hmm?
I've been thinking about
Dave Connors and Congress.
Doesn't that disturb you?
Why no. I figure Dave is just
about as good a man as...
I know. But...
Just imagine that awful
wife of his in Washington.
Of course, I can understand
how she'd like that.
I guess any woman would like to see her
husband in Congress. But Belle Connors?
Why, everybody in town knows she's
drunk from morning until night.
How do you know other wives in
Washington don't take a nip sometimes?
It's no laughing matter, Tucker.
It's tragic.
Darling, I know how you feel about Dave,
and how loyal you are to him.
But there are some things you
just have to put above friendship.
Yes, but if The Clarion doesn't support
Dave, how will I ever explain it?
There doesn't have to be
anything personal in it.
After all, a newspaper
has its responsibilities.
I'm awfully sorry, dear.
I didn't mean to upset you.
I know you think of Dave as the
most wonderful man in the world.
But it just so happens
that I think you are.
And I don't want to see you do
anything that wasn't right. Ever.
Well, compliments from you?
What brought that on?
I'm afraid you'll probably
laugh at me, but...
Sometimes, I just can't
help feeling jealous of Dave.
Maybe it's because I'm just not big
enough to want to share you with anyone.
Maybe that'll show you how much you need
to be jealous of anybody or anything.
Thank you, darling.
Good evening, Mrs Sherwood.
- Hi, Dave.
Howdy, Mr Connors.
Hello Mr Connors.
- You look tired.
You reckon anyone around here is
going to announce for Congress?
I couldn't say, Andy. People are
kind of shut-mouth on that subject.
Say, Mr Connors, you been
reading The Clarion lately?
Everyone in Jericho
reads The Clarion, Gotch.
A fine paper.
What's all this talk about
a 'vice' campaign?
You better ask Tucker Wedge. He seems
to be the authority on the subject.
Ah, Tucker's loony.
Everybody knows there ain't no
vice in Jericho... to speak of.
I reckon it's me they really mean.
But I ain't no big
bootlegger, Mr Connors.
I ain't running no blind tiger.
I give you my word.
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
It will all come out in the wash.
Looks like I owe the
barber here a quarter.
Howdy, Judge.
- What's going on, Dave?
How are you, Sam?
How are you, Henry?
- Good evening, Mr Connors.
How do I stand, Joe?
- You're up next.
As soon as I get through slicking Sam.
He's to look good tomorrow.
Never mind how pretty I look.
Just be sure and stop the bleeding.
Alright, Jim.
Hey, you mustn't have
been in here, lately.
How's the game going?
- He's learning.
You still haven't announced, huh?
- No. Too early, Judge.
I'll wait and see what other
people are going to do first.
Then you're crazy. Thing to do is jump
in quick. Beat everyone else to the gun.
All I can say is, you'd better
get The Clarion off your neck.
How, Judge? Going on a liquor raid?
It's pretty sure-fire
politics in Kansas.
Joe. Got any suggestions
on where I should start?
Not in my house.
- Mine, neither.
Besides, Judge, everyone knows as you do
that there's no bootleg ring in Jericho.
Maybe Gotch McCurdy has
a few bottles hidden away.
If I catch him with them,
I'll ring his tail.
But this business of snooping
into people's homes...
Just to get on the front page.
Not for me.
Thanks, Tom.
Trouble is, if a newspaper keeps yelling
its head every day about the same thing.
A lot of people are liable
to begin believing it.
By the way.
I've got a new lawyer coming in
my office who'd like to meet you.
Okay. Send him over.
It's not a 'him'. It's a 'her'.
What? You mean you've gone and
hired yourself a She-Lawyer?
The sight of a pretty woman around the
office isn't such a bad idea, young man.
Especially when you haven't got any more
time left to enjoy them than I have.
Ready, Belle?
Belle. It's after four.
We'd better get started.
Belle. You alright?
Oh, Belle.
You promised.
Is this husband of mine
taking good care of you?
If he isn't, let me know.
Good afternoon
Miss Lawrence, Miss Shelley.
David Connors.
Hello, David.
- Nice to see you.
Glad to see you.
Hello, Jim.
Why, hello Dave.
My, we've been missing you.
Hello, Algeria.
You know, everybody is
so rushed these days.
But as soon as things settle down a bit,
we must see more of each other.
After all, old friends are best friends.
David's here.
Hello Tucker.
- How are you, Dave?
Oh, Dave.
Dave, do come along.
I want you to meet Porter.
Senator Grimes.
This is Mr David Connors.
Our County Attorney.
Why yes, of course. I've heard about
you Connors. Delighted to meet you.
Thank you, senator.
You know, I once had ambitions
to be a county attorney myself.
Yes sir, I always take off my
hat to the county attorney.
Nearly always chief repository for the
legal knowledge of his community.
He has to be. It's forced upon
him whether he likes it or not.
You know. Tucker and Dave
are such old friends.
I'm sure we can depend on
him to support the ticket.
Can't we, Dave?
- Depends on who runs on the ticket.
Haven't you heard?
Porter has persuaded
Tucker to run for Congress.
Thank you, Dave.
Now, if you'll all excuse me, please.
Oh, hello.
- Hello.
Come on over, Dave.
Here is someone else
who wants to meet you.
But I already know Mr Connors.
Julia... Julia Norman.
I can't believe it.
I'll have you know I came to
see you three or four days ago.
But I gather you can't be
bothered with 'She-Lawyers'.
You are the 'she'...?
I'm sorry.
- What am I supposed to say?
Nothing. I think women
lawyers are frightful too.
Your father, he is well I hope?
Father died just after we left here.
- I'm sorry. I didn't know.
How could you?
I hope you don't mind me saying so,
but a real miracle has happened to you.
In what way?
- In many ways.
I haven't changed really.
It's just that like Topsy, I just grow.
Are you really going to practice here?
- Only in Judge Hutto's office.
I... I doubt if the time has come for a
woman to appear in a courtroom.
Why not?
Customs of the race.
What led you to do it?
A guilt complex, I expect.
You see, I was supposed to be a boy.
And when I wasn't, Dad had to do
the best he could with what he had.
He began teaching me when I was ten.
And then, after he died I went
to law school in the East.
I got through my bar
examinations only last month.
I wrote to Judge Hutto,
and he gave me a job.
And here I am.
You're certainly the prettiest
lawyer in the country.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, but I'm
afraid I'll have to run.
Trying to kill two birds with one stone.
I've another party out in the country.
- Hmm. Potential.
May I go with you?
It's quite a long ride.
It will give me a chance to catch
up on things since I left Jericho.
Then I suppose we should
say goodbye to our hostess.
Now... shaking hands.
I am afraid that's rather impractical.
It looks as if Algeria is going
to be awfully busy for a while.
Okay, senator. Nice big smile.
Alright, Harry. How's the family?
Good evening, Mr Connors.
- Good evening, Harry.
Good evening, Mr Connors.
- How are you, Tom?
A good night for dancing, Mr Connors.
- Yes, it is.
Hello, Mr Connors.
From what I've noticed, this district
ought to go very solidly for Mr Connors.
That may be.
But if I want their votes, I'd best let
those young bucks have a turn with you.
Who cares about a few votes?
Dave. Look...
Mr Pickwick. Just arriving
at the Blue Lion. A model.
If it weren't so crazy I'd go
in and buy him right now.
What would you do with him?
- How should I know?
Every woman wants something,
sometime, that's no use at all.
Just frivolous and funny and useless.
Are you going home?
- Uhuh.
I'll drive you.
Isn't it out of your way?
- Miles.
Well then. I accept.
Have you made up your
mind about Congress yet?
I don't know. What do you think?
If you are interested in a career, I...
That's just it. I'm not sure it's
worth giving up my whole life for.
And that's what it would
mean if I were elected.
Besides, there is something I
haven't proved to myself yet.
Whether I can be successful
in general practice.
Oh, how ridiculous.
Why, everyone knows you use your office
to build up a slinky, criminal practice.
You've been reading Tucker
Wedge's editorials again.
Judge Hutto says they
must be pretty scared.
The way they're going after
you horse, hoof and artillery.
You're not hesitating because you and
Tucker used to be friends, are you?
No. That would make me all the
more interested to beat him.
Then I'd do it.
Maybe I will.
Hello there.
Hello, Algeria.
You haven't by any chance
seen Tucker around have you?
I promised to pick him
up and I'm hours late.
He's going to be furious, poor darling.
I suppose you know there
is your real opponent.
Hmm. I wonder why she
dislikes me so much.
I doubt if she does dislike you.
As a matter of fact I've an
idea that's the trouble.
She likes you more than she should.
Now wait a minute.
- And since she can't have you.
She's got to make what she
does have, better than you.
That's why she can be so deadly.
She's going to elect Tucker, or else.
- Ha.
Say, that must have been some
law-school you went to, young lady.
It was.
I suppose I should bow to custom...
By saying that my decision
to run for Congress...
Was brought about by an overwhelming
demand on the part of the public.
But everyone would know...
That's the old malarkey.
'Malarkey'? That's a new one.
- Make it apple sauce.
I am running for Congress
simply because I would like...
Very much to be a Congressman.
And because...
Ah, hold it there. I'll finish it later.
Good morning, Mr Connors.
- Morning.
What can I do for you?
You had a little figurine of Mr Pickwick
in the window yesterday.
Yes, we did have.
But I sold it not an hour ago.
But I have some other very
nice pieces. Let me see.
How about Hiawatha?
No, thank you. No, that'll be all.
Too bad about Judge Hutto, isn't it?
What about Judge Hutto?
- Didn't you know?
He's just died. My wife happened to be
passing there and telephoned me.
Well no, I didn't know.
- A wonderful old gentleman.
But then, as I'll always say,
we all have to go sometime.
I telephoned your office,
but you were out.
How did it happen?
He just leaned back in his chair.
And was gone.
You know how I felt about him.
If there is anything I can do for you...
Don't worry about me.
I've lived a long time,
and I've learned one thing.
Accept whatever life has to offer.
You are so good to me, David.
She's asked me to take charge of things.
And incidentally, she'd like you
to be one of the pallbearers.
I'd be honored.
I just dropped by to see if
there was anything I can do.
Mrs Hutto hasn't been seeing
anyone since the funeral.
I see.
Well... goodnight.
Julia, darling.
Take me away from here, please.
Anywhere. I don't care.
For a little while.
Alright, come.
We'll go for a drive.
What are we going to do, Dave?
I mean, how are we
going to deal with it?
Why should it be dealt with in any
way, except the way we want?
Because it's utterly wrong.
You know that.
So do I.
Things like this have happened to other
people before and it turned out alright.
I've never known anything
like this to turn our right, yet.
But I love you, Julia.
I know now.
I have never loved anyone else.
I would only make you miserable.
In all my life,
I've only wanted one thing.
To make you happy.
I've been in love with you for
as long as I can remember.
Even when I was a child.
You used to come and see my father.
I used to watch you then. So kind...
So sure.
So amusing.
You never knew it, but I used
to walk blocks out of my way.
Just hoping I'd catch a glimpse of you.
- Julia.
Why shouldn't I tell you now?
You've always been
the centre of my life.
I guess that...
More than anything else.
Is why I came back to Jericho.
Take me home, Dave... please.
Don't say anything more tonight.
Just put it here.
That will be all, Dora. You may go and
draw the shades in the living room.
Guess what?
- What?
Dave Connors isn't going to run.
- Not going to?
How do you know that?
- He just issued a statement.
What did he say? What was his excuse?
- None. Except that after...
Careful consideration he can't devote
enough time and energy to the office.
Oh, darn it.
What's the matter?
Why, I thought you'd be delighted.
I am of course, but...
I would rather have beaten him
at the polls. Beaten him publicly.
You know sweetheart,
sometimes you're too deep for me.
Here we are with Washington
right on the horizon and...
You act as if beating poor old
Dave were a personal issue.
Say, if you ask me, I think it
was mighty sporting of Dave.
Oh Tucker, don't be foolish.
Sportsmanship had nothing to do with it.
He quit for a reason.
If I only knew what it was.
That's not so important, is it?
The point is...
Of course it's important. Anything like
this must have something behind it.
You don't suppose he...?
- What?
Oh... nothing.
By the way, I saw that
wife of his today.
Sat on her front porch. Drunk as usual
I guess, in the middle of the afternoon.
That's it. Maybe he suddenly realized...
- Tucker, please don't scavenge.
I can't keep a thing in the
house when you're around.
Has it ever occurred to you that
an attractive man like Dave might...
Might have found consolation
somewhere else?
Who... Dave?
Ah, you're out of your mind.
- It's been done you know.
If you'd only told us.
Why Dave? Why?
Give us one sensible reason.
You read my statement.
- We read a lot of words.
You could have won.
You know it. You can.
Alright, it's your decision.
Oh Tom... I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be rude.
It's just that everybody's
been at me all day.
But I don't want you to think I don't
appreciate all you have done for me.
Alright. We understand.
- Thanks Tom.
Night, Dave.
Goodnight, Counselor.
- Goodnight, boys.
Hello? Get me 4-7...
Ah no... never mind. Cancel that.
[ Telephone ]
I've been reading the papers.
Why did you do it?
Well I just... I couldn't afford
to make the race at this time.
Can you pick me up and drive me home?
I've got to see you.
Yes, my car is outside.
I'm just leaving.
I'll meet you there.
- Hello, Julia.
Hello, Mr Connors.
- Hello, Margie.
Julia, I returned the books
to the library for you today.
Oh, thank you, dear. Very touching.
- That's alright.
No... that's over, Dave.
I'm leaving Jericho.
- Leaving?
The firm of Grohs & Strauss in
Kansas City has offered me a job.
The reason I called is because Mrs Hutto
wants you to handle her affairs.
I've all the papers here.
- Why Julia, why?
You gave up the election because of me.
That's not the reason at all.
It was just...
You do a lot of things well, David.
Lying isn't one of them.
Alright, I quit because I
knew if I ran for office...
I couldn't see you anymore.
But you realize, Dave...
That all it can ever mean is
a sordid backstreet love affair.
I don't want that.
I'll ask Belle to free me.
- She'd never do that and you know it.
But I love you, Julia.
I know. It's my fault.
I had no business letting it start.
We'd better hurry.
There isn't much time.
I'm leaving tonight on the 11:40.
Why, Margie.
- Hello, Miss Norman.
Mr Connors.
- Hello, Margie.
I hope you don't mind.
- What is it, Margie?
It's just that...
- Is something wrong?
Oh no. No, I mean...
I just felt I had to tell you that
somebody has been going by.
Half a dozen times. Watching you.
I mean the house.
What do you mean, 'watching'?
Who is it?
Mrs Wedge.
I didn't know what to do. I mean...
That's alright, Margie. And thank you.
I guess I'd better go now.
I hope I didn't...
- Oh not at all, Margie.
It was very kind of you.
Thank you... and goodnight.
If there are any other
questions about the papers...
Perhaps Mrs Hutto can help you.
- Please, let's hurry.
All aboard!
I guess this means she'll
be back here soon.
- Algeria Wedge.
What's she done now?
It's not her this time. It's him.
According to the paper, looks as
if he's going to run for senator.
Maybe we'll have something
to say about that.
We could have been there
in Washington right now.
Well, we could.
Then, why aren't you?
Because Dave lost his gumption and quit.
And he won't quit next time.
- Well.
It looks to me that she's
there and you're not.
Now, if you ask me...
- Nobody's asking you.
How dare you talk to
your own mother like that.
I'll not spend another minute
in this house. To be insulted.
Who's stopping you?
I'm not.
Belle, would you like to go for a walk?
Where to?
- Just a walk.
No thanks.
I'll be back in a little while.
Hello, Mr Connors.
- Good evening, Anita.
Hello, Mr Connors.
- How are you, Terry?
"Julia, this is Dave."
"May I come up?"
The second entrance to
the right on the third floor.
[ Door knocks ]
- Julia.
I was so surprised to hear your voice.
I can hardly believe it.
When did you arrive?
- Just an hour ago.
May I?
Won't you come in?
- Thank you.
Please sit down.
Thank you.
These apartments are all
built in the same pattern.
Living-room, bedroom, bath and kitchen.
You have all that here?
- It's really very liveable.
I hate apartments.
It's very pretty.
The way you've furnished it.
I haven't spent much time on it.
I've been very busy at the office.
And you? What have you been doing?
Oh I... I'm not sure yet.
There has been a lot of talk.
I may run for the Senate.
Oh, Dave.
Tom Ransome, and a lot of
people have been after me.
I've been making quite a few speeches.
But then... I always did.
It sounds exciting.
Tucker Wedge is going to run.
Of course I can always
run as an independent.
It might be fun to upset
Algeria's little applecart.
Or try to.
Yes... yes, it might.
I guess... I'd better be getting along.
I... I'm going back
tonight on the 10:20.
It's been nice seeing you again, Julia.
I'm glad you are doing so well.
Thank you, Dave... and lots of luck.
Oh I... I almost forgot.
I thought you might like to have this.
Mr Pickwick.
Oh, Dave...
You remembered.
Look, Julia.
Julia, darling.
Oh hello, Lucy.
- You're not going someplace, are you?
No, it's just...
Mrs Landon, this is Mr Connors.
He's from Jericho. He's a lawyer.
An old friend of my father's.
Oh really? How do you do, Mr Connors.
- How do you do.
My husband's a lawyer too.
He's in Julia's firm, you know.
That's nice.
Well I... suppose I'd better go.
Yes. I expect so.
With your leaving, Mr Connors, I'll
just wait and drive home with Julia.
I didn't tell my husband I was coming
so naturally he's not here to meet me.
You haven't other plans have you, Julia?
No... no, I have no other plans.
Well goodbye, Julia.
Goodbye, Dave.
Goodnight, Mrs Landon.
Goodnight Mr Connors.
So nice seeing you.
All aboard!
What an attractive man.
Is he married?
- Yes. Yes, he's married.
Too bad. But then, the
attractive ones always are.
Such a dreary trip.
The dust was simply awful.
Then, to make things worse,
we developed a flat wheel.
It was worse than having a toothache.
And now, ladies and gentlemen.
It gives me great pleasure to
turn this meeting over to a man.
Who has been closer to Dave Connors
than any other man in Jericho.
The man who has been chosen to serve
as his campaign manager in this fight.
I give you Tom Ransome.
But what is it called? A hobble skirt?
No. It's a 'sheath gown'.
Honestly, everybody in New York
and Washington is wearing them.
You really like it?
- I love it.
I only wish I had the nerve,
and the figure to go with it.
Of course you realize it'll cause talk.
After all this is Jericho.
Oh yes.
I came back here to help my
husband campaign for the Senate.
And I'm afraid I'm going to find
myself the centre of attention.
It's not through anything Tucker's done,
but simply because I show an ankle.
It's probably a good thing.
That will give people something else
to gossip about besides the Ransomes.
The Ransomes? What about the Ransomes?
- Haven't you heard?
No. What?
It seems they're not married
and they never have been.
Tom and Myra Ransome?
- That's the story.
I don't believe it. Who said so?
The people who used to know them back
in Virginia let the cat out of the bag.
They said everybody back
there knew all about it.
When did you hear it?
- Only last night.
Does Margie know?
- Of course.
By now, everybody knows.
It only goes to prove that if
you open enough closets...
You'll surely find a skeleton somewhere.
Shall we start?
It's been ages since I sat down
to a whist table with you girls.
Well I'll be darned.
You keep away from me.
You're that Ransome girl, ain't you?
Open up!
Don't please, Mr McCurdy.
It ain't no use making a fuss.
I can pretty nice to a
girl if she's nice to me.
Or I can get mean, too.
If I get mad.
Oh no. Please, Mr McCurdy.
No. Please, Mr McCurdy.
You don't know what you are doing.
The brakeman found him just at midnight.
He was dying when they brought him in.
He wanted to say something, and we took
this down. Then he went into a coma.
Will he recover his senses?
- Extremely doubtful.
The corner of the shovel
got him in the temple.
He'll be gone in a couple of hours.
Then this in effect,
is a deathbed statement?
I'll have to turn it over to the Police,
Dave. That means the newspapers.
I thought you may want to break
it to Tom Ransome's wife first.
- But you'll have to hurry.
Thanks Doctor. Give me half an hour.
You and I know it couldn't have
been the way McCurdy said.
But we've got to find
Margie to get the truth.
[ Door knocks ]
Yes? What is it?
Excuse me. I thought
this may be important.
Oh. Excuse me.
Is there any answer?
Ah, no. No answer.
[ Door knocks ]
[ Door knocks ]
Hello, Dave.
- Julia, I got your wire.
Now Margie, everything
is going to be alright.
She came directly to me. Nobody knows.
- Good.
You've seen the papers.
You know what's happened.
I didn't mean to kill him.
He was coming at me.
- I know. I know.
That's why you've got nothing to fear.
First, you have to come back to Jericho.
- Oh no, no. I'll never.
I hate that horrid place.
But you'll have to, Margie.
It's the only way.
I couldn't. I'll die first.
I'll just die.
Now listen, Margie. You trust me,
don't you? And Julia?
You know we won't ask you to
do anything that wasn't right.
Yes. But...
He's right, darling. You must go. Now.
Of your own free will. Before
anyone knows where you are.
Will you come with me, Julia?
Yes, Margie. If you want me to.
I will go.
There's a train leaving in an hour
that will get us there by morning.
I'll wire your father to meet us.
Dear, you put on that
dress I laid out for you.
She will be alright, won't she?
I mean, no jury would convict her after
she's had a chance to tell her story?
Ordinarily I'd say no.
But we can't take a chance, Julia.
You'll have to help me with this.
She trusts you.
You mean, a trial?
- Yes.
But I can't.
I mean... I'd rather not.
There's another reason, Julia.
This may be the last time
we can ever be together.
It's always the last time, David.
We've said that before.
I can't help loving you, Julia.
You know that.
Please, David.
[ Telephone ]
[ Telephone ]
What the devil do you mean
by waking me at this hour?
I see.
Use your own judgement.
You're in charge.
Yeah. Yeah, I understand that.
Yeah. Yeah, later. Goodbye.
Who in the world was that?
- The city editor.
He wanted to know whether
to get out and extra or not.
Of all things. Waking us up
in the middle of the night.
What on earth for?
- Margie Ransome's back.
Good heavens, is that so important?
Where did they find her?
- They didn't.
She came back of her own accord
with Dave Connors and Julia Norman.
Dave Connors and Julia Norman?
- Uhuh.
Julia is back here?
Yeah. Going to assist Dave at the
trial according to his statement.
But I thought...
- Huh?
Nothing... go to sleep.
What are they doing now?
Nothing exciting.
Just picking themselves a jury.
It looks as though he'll get her off.
I said it looks as though
he's going to get her off.
- Marjorie Ransome.
Sure. It looks that way.
Everybody knows that girl
couldn't commit murder.
Really, Tucker. You're the most
naive person I've ever known.
Just look at all the free
advertising Dave's getting.
And in your own paper, too.
Dave just happens to be lucky
they've got a good case. That's all.
Fine. Look what he's doing with it. He's
the whole county eating out of his hand.
If you're not careful, he's likely to
ride right in on the bandwagon.
What do you expect me to do?
You can't go and convict a
girl just to win an election.
No, of course not that, but...
It seems to me there should be
something you could do to offset him.
I wouldn't worry about it.
You know, winning a murder
case is not winning an election.
Say, I'd better get going.
Goodbye, dear.
Goodbye, Tucker.
Hear Ye, Hear Ye. The district court for
the county of Jericho is now in session.
Everybody rise.
Be seated.
Alright, Mr Peddigrew. You may proceed.
Your Honor, the state wishes to continue
the cross-examination of Miss Ransome.
Marjorie Ransome. Take the stand.
Miss Ransome... you
told us before recess...
That you went to the brake yard
on the night in question.
That Mr McCurdy followed you,
and he attempted to seize you.
And in self-defense
you swung the shovel.
Yes, sir.
- Now.
Can you tell us what you were doing in
the freight yard at that time of night?
Running away.
- Oh yes.
Running away. Running away from what?
- Go on. Tell us.
Running away from what?
- I was...
Just running away.
- I see.
And Mr McCurdy urged you
not to do that, didn't he?
No, no.
You were running away. You'd let
no-one stop you. That's it, isn't it?
- That's the truth.
Admit it. Come on. Answer me truthfully.
Your Honor. I ask state counsel to give
the witness time to answer questions.
Answer the question, Miss Ransome.
I withdraw the question for
the moment, Your Honor.
And now, Miss Ransome.
Would you tell the jury why...
If, as you say, you were simply
defending your honor...
You didn't stay and
report this occurrence?
Well, I...
I didn't realize I'd hit him so hard.
- Oh come, Miss Ransome.
All I ask you tell us is whether
at that very moment...
You didn't know McCurdy was dying.
You failed to report it because
you knew you were guilty of murder.
Answer me.
Do you realize what can happen
to you if you don't tell us the truth?
Your Honor, I must protest the
prosecution's manner of questioning...
My client as abusive and threatening.
I beg your pardon, Miss Ransome.
I didn't realize your
feelings were so tender.
However, I must insist that
you answer my questions.
Did you run away because you knew
you had killed him, or didn't you?
That's all, Your Honor.
Alright. You are excused, Miss Ransome.
Your Honor, the defense will now
call Miss Julia Norman to the stand.
Raise your right hand.
Do you swear the testimony
you are about to give...
Is the truth, nothing but
the truth, so help you God?
I do.
- Take the stand.
Your name?
Julia Norma.
- Where do you live?
Kansas City.
- Occupation?
Attorney at Law.
- You formerly lived in Jericho?
How long have you known the defendant?
Almost all of her life.
Did you ever see Marjorie
Ransome in Kansas City?
I did.
- When?
About six weeks ago.
What did you discuss?
Her plans to return to Jericho.
Tell the court under what
circumstances she returned.
When she learned that McCurdy had died.
That murder charges had
been filed against her.
She decided of her own accord, to come
back here to answer those charges.
And prove her innocence.
Thank you, Miss Norman. Your witness.
Mr Connors.
How long have you been
a resident of Kansas City?
About two years.
Have you in that time, had any
correspondence with the defendant?
We have exchanged Christmas cards.
- Is that all?
Yet she came directly to you after she
had killed, uh... after McCurdy's death?
- Why?
She knew I was her friend.
At the time you say you
talked to the defendant...
Was she, or was she not, a fugitive?
A fugitive.
- A fugitive from what?
From slander and cruelty
and prejudice. Mr Peddigrew.
Occasioned by what, may I ask?
Circumstance over which she
had not the slightest control.
Her birth.
Do I understand you to
say, Miss Norman...
That the people of Jericho slandered
the defendant and were cruel to her?
I had no idea that Jericho
was so vicious and depraved.
I do not blame the entire
community for the actions of a few.
Hmm, that's very generous of you.
Very generous.
Miss Norman.
What is your relationship to the chief
counsel for the defense, Mr Connors?
Associate Counsel.
- Is that all?
Never mind answering that, Miss Norman.
You are excused.
If it please Your Honor,
I should like to ask for a recess.
For what purpose, Mr Connors?
Your Honor, a very important
matter of a personal nature.
Has just come to my attention,
which requires immediate settlement.
Has the matter any bearing on this case?
Yes, Your Honor. I consider it
highly prejudicial to the defendant.
Very well, Mr Connors.
This court is adjourned until
ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Get out of here. Get off this place.
- I want to see Belle.
Well, I didn't expect to see you here.
Didn't you?
Right out in the open, eh?
Yes, right out in the open.
Where's Belle?
- She doesn't want to see you.
Belle... Belle.
I want to talk to you, alone.
I've got nothing to say to you.
Then I'll say what I've
got to say right here.
I came here to tell you that
you've got to drop this suit.
Why? So you can save that cheap...
You can have the property, Belle.
Everything. I'm not going to fight you.
But you aren't going to drag this
through the mud. Do you understand?
Get out of here. I'll do as I please.
Listen, Belle. I'm going
to tell you something.
We have lived together a long time.
I've always let you have your own way.
But this time is different.
For once, I'm going to fight back.
There's more at stake here
than a woman's reputation.
Or any spiteful little revenge on me.
You're too naive to know.
But you were talked into doing
something that affects many people.
If you insist on making this scandal.
I promise you it will be
something you'll never forget.
It may interest you and
your friend, Mrs Wedge.
To know there isn't a word
of truth in your accusations.
And on the particular date
you mention in your petition.
On the night when Mrs Wedge drove
past Julia's house half a dozen times.
Julia and I were going Judge Hutto's
papers. And I can prove it by a witness.
Come on, Belle.
Go upstairs and sleep it off.
And when you're feeling better.
We'll sit down and
have a nice, long talk.
I hate you.
I've always hated you.
I'm not good enough for you.
You married me when you had nothing.
When you started you were ashamed of me.
That's not true and you know it.
And so does your mother. Look...
Put that gun away. Don't be a fool.
Give me the gun, Belle.
His hat and coat.
- Thank you.
You may come in now, Miss Norman.
But for just a moment.
It's too early to say, yet.
He's a very sick man, Miss Norman.
A double shock. A bullet and surgery.
He's lost a lot of blood.
We just gave a transfusion.
Julia. Miss Norman.
How is he?
It just doesn't seem possible.
I mean, Dave...
How could it have happened?
May I see the doctor in charge
of Dave Connors, please?
The only thing to do is to
ask for a postponement.
You are entitled to one, Margie.
And under the circumstances
I feel it's the only thing to do.
And besides...
It would really be better for me to
withdraw from the case altogether.
My very presence might
be prejudicial to you.
How long a postponement?
That depends on Dave's...
Mr Connors' condition.
Or at least until some other lawyer
can familiarize himself with the facts.
Does that mean that...
Margie will have to go
through all this again?
I'm afraid so.
- Oh no.
No, I can't go through it again.
I can't go back on that stand.
I couldn't bear it.
I can't do it... I won't do it.
- Margie.
Couldn't you go on alone?
If you can, I think we'd
all rather get it over with.
Be seated.
Miss Norman.
Yes, Your Honor?
Have you any information this morning
regarding Mr Connors' condition?
Yes, Your Honor. I have a message
here from Dr Patterson at the hospital.
It says.
'Patient's condition unchanged'.
'Respiration and pulse, weak'.
'Have ordered second transfusion'.
Miss Norman.
This court will be inclined to entertain
a motion for a postponement.
If you so desire.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
But the defendant does not wish a delay.
You are prepared to proceed alone?
Yes, Your Honor.
Very well.
You may call your next witness.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
But first, may I point out to the court.
That this case, through circumstances
beyond our control.
Has ceased to be an
ordinary murder trial.
And has become a political contest.
In which the guilt or innocence of
Miss Ransome is of secondary importance.
Your Honor. I protest this imputation
of ulterior motives. And I ask...
Word has gone out, Your Honor.
Beat Dave Connors. Beat him here and
you won't have to beat him at the polls.
I'm aware of no such word.
Just a moment, Mr Peddigrew.
This is a grave charge, Miss Norman.
Are you prepared to
produce any evidence...
That this court has been subjected
to undue political pressure?
I am, Your Honor.
Then, Your Honor.
I insist the jury be dismissed...
While these fantastic charges...
The court will decide if the charges
are fantastic, Mr Peddigrew.
Go ahead, Miss Norman.
I intend to prove by my next witness.
That a definite conspiracy did
exist for the sole purpose of...
Discrediting David Connors'
candidacy for the U.S. Senate.
I shall prove further, that the
injection of this irrelevant issue.
Tends to deprive the defendant of her
rights to a fair and impartial trial.
And it's inconceivable that it should
not react upon and influence the jury.
If it please the court.
No-one can regret more than
I do the unfortunate accident.
That has removed
Mr Connors from this trial.
However, I must point out
to my learned colleague.
That a purely domestic quarrel to which
Mr Connors has become involved.
Brought about, as I shall prove,
if not actually planned...
By forces inimical to
Mr Connors' political aspirations.
But with no bearing whatever
on the matter before us.
On the contrary.
Having great bearing, Your Honor.
If the counsel for the
defense has proof...
That the defendant is being
deprived of a fair trial.
This court wishes to be informed.
Call your witness, Miss Norman.
- But, Your Honor...
Take your seat, Mr Peddigrew.
First, Your Honor.
May I direct your attention to
a peculiar set of circumstances.
About which, even Mr Peddigrew
cannot claim lack of knowledge.
I ask you to look at the
Press table, Your Honor.
Why were all these out-of-town
newspapermen brought here yesterday?
Why was their arrival
perfectly timed to coincide...
With the publication and
circulation in this courtroom...
Of a scandalous newspaper story
regarding Mr Connors and myself?
Is anyone naive enough to believe
that they just happened to be here?
Or is it possible that the word
went out to certain editors...
That this case may be
well worth watching?
Your Honor.
I object to this wholly unfounded
attack on the press of this state.
And I ask the defense counsel's entire
statement be stricken from the records.
As immaterial, irrelevant.
And based upon nothing more
sound than vague inferences.
I must warn you, Miss Norman.
That vague and
unsubstantiated deductions...
Will not be acceptable to this court.
If you have evidence that your client is
being denied a fair and impartial trial.
You may proceed.
Otherwise, I shall have to accept
the prosecution's objections.
And order all such immateriality,
stricken from the record.
Mrs Tucker Wedge.
- Mrs Tucker Wedge.
Your name?
Mrs Tucker Wedge.
Raise your right hand.
Do you swear the evidence you give will
be the truth and nothing but the truth?
I do.
- Take the stand.
Mrs Wedge.
You are acquainted with Belle Connors?
The wife of David Connors.
Don't answer that.
I object, Your Honor.
What has her knowledge of Mrs Connors
to do with the murder of Gotch McCurdy?
I withdraw that.
When did you last see Mrs Connors?
Really Mr Peddigrew.
I have no objection to answering.
I have only the slightest
acquaintance with Mrs Connors.
As a matter of fact, she's
never even been in my home.
And you've never been in hers?
Yes, I've been to her house.
I remember my husband
took me there once.
Several years ago.
Just after we were married.
Did you see her yesterday?
- Don't answer that.
Your Honor, I must ask that
counsel for the defense...
Be directed to discontinue
this entire line of questioning.
Mrs Wedge isn't on trial here.
Counsel may continue.
But confine her questions to the issues.
- Yes, Your Honor.
When did you last see Mrs Connors?
Did you see her yesterday?
Yes, I did.
- At your home?
- Where did you see her?
Well... really, I fail to...
- Was it at her home?
Yes it was.
- Who was there?
I really don't remember.
Her mother.
- No-one else?
Not that I recall.
- Wasn't David Connors there?
He came in later.
Then you were present when he was shot?
Your Honor. I, again object
to this line of questioning.
And I repeat.
Mrs Wedge isn't on trial here.
I withdraw the question, Your Honor.
Tell us why you were at
Mrs Connors' house, Mrs Wedge.
Why, I...
- You were just calling on her?
Is that it?
- Yes.
Yet you just testified that you and
Mrs Connors were not intimate friends.
You hadn't been in her house for years.
- I didn't say that. I said...
Well, besides.
I've a perfect right to
call on anyone I please.
But you were there, Mrs Wedge?
Yes. I was there.
Now, tell us.
Is it true you made Mrs Connors file
for divorce against her husband?
Don't answer that.
And you persuaded her to file that
suit just before the end of this trial.
Regardless of what the effect
is on Marjorie Ransome.
I Insist that the witness be not
permitted to answer that, Your Honor.
And that the jury be instructed to
disregard this entire testimony.
Which has no bearing
on the case whatsoever.
If Miss Norman wishes to
defend her own reputation.
Let her go and do so elsewhere.
You needn't answer that
question, Mrs Wedge.
Nor Miss Norman, will you
continue this line of interrogation.
If the defense asks to make this subject
the basis of a motion for a new trial.
We will proceed without
the presence of the jury.
In the meanwhile.
Members of the jury are
instructed to disregard.
The testimony of the witness.
The defense does not wish to
offer such a motion, Your Honor.
Witness is excused.
Your Honor.
As concluding witness for the defense.
I should like to return
to the stand myself.
For the purpose of answering the last
question that was put to me yesterday.
By the prosecuting attorney.
And at which time, I was
not permitted to answer.
Very well, Miss Norman.
Mr Reporter.
Read the concluding
questions of the last session.
Question. 'Miss Norman'.
'What is your relationship to the chief
counsel for the defense, Mr Connors'?
Answer. 'Associate Counsel'.
Question. 'Is that all'?
Never mind answering that, Miss Norman.
You are excused.
My answer to that question, gentlemen.
Is that it is true that I am, and have
been, in love with David Connors.
I think I began to love him as a child.
It was this love of him that caused me
to return to Jericho to practice law.
Knowing that I might be near him.
Later, Mr Connors came to love me.
But, that there has been anything
reprehensible in our relationship.
That we have ever, at any
time done anything to spoil it.
That we are guilty in any degree of the
conduct described in the newspapers.
I deny just as forcibly...
As I confess my love for him.
From the day we acknowledged our love.
We both regarded it as hopeless.
That's why I went away from Jericho.
And that's why, with one exception.
I never saw Mr Connors.
From the day he left here.
Until he came to my
apartment in Kansas City.
To bring Margie Ransome
back here for trial.
Are there any further
questions, Mr Peddigrew?
No questions.
Your Honor.
Whether I would have answered
Mr Peddigrew's question yesterday.
As I have today, I don't know.
My first reaction to his question
was that of any woman.
I was angry.
I was bewildered.
I was ashamed.
My first impulse was to run away.
Just as Marjorie Ransome ran away.
When she faced the slander
and gossip of this town.
However... events have transpired since.
Which have served to change my mind.
I've come to realize that the
only way to rid this case...
Of the false and irrelevant issue
regarding Mr Connors and myself.
Is to face it openly... and frankly.
Now that I have done this.
I ask you to instruct
members of the jury.
To forget us.
And to consider only the evidence
that relates to the guilt...
Or innocence of Marjorie Ransome.
I ask that in your charge.
You remind the jury.
That Marjorie Ransome was a voluntary
and competent witness in her own behalf.
But the state's witnesses repeatedly
testified under cross-examination.
As to the unsavoury
character of Rufus McCurdy.
That they be instructed
to take into full account.
The facts which caused Marjorie to run
away from Jericho in the first place.
If they would confine themselves,
to those facts.
They will realize... and so conclude.
That it's inconceivable such a child
could have intentionally killed anyone.
That it's inconceivable that she could
strike even the lowest of animals.
Much less, a human being.
In self-defense.
That is the plea...
That I know Mr Connors would make.
If he were able to be here today.
The defense rests.
Alright, Mr Peddigrew... we'll proceed.
One, one, one.
Who's speaking, please?
Miss Ellen. This is Mr Tucker Wedge.
Can you tell me how Mr Connors is now?
I see.
If there's any change Miss Ellen,
I wonder if you'd let me know.
Thank you.
Don't look at me like that.
I'm not a criminal.
Tucker, surely you don't think
I planned to have Dave shot?
Why didn't you tell me you were there?
It never really occurred to me.
- Oh yes. It did occur to you.
You were afraid to tell me, weren't you?
- If that's the attitude you're...
You have deliberately ruined the
only real friendship I ever had.
I shouldn't worry too much
about it if I were you.
At least Dave's problem
has been simplified.
His and Julia's.
Now he has the sword
held over Belle's head.
Provided of course, he lives.
Whatever happened.
Surely you realize that
what I did, I did for you?
For me?
For yourself, you mean.
It was you who wanted to go
to Washington to make a big splash.
You never did like this town,
not from the first. You hated it.
It was too little and narrow
and small-town for you.
That's why you used me
to get away, wasn't it?
Yes, that's true. I did hate it.
And I always will hate it.
I'm sorry to hear you say that, Algeria,
as I'm afraid it won't do you any good.
Whether you hate it or not.
From now on you're going to live
here and make the best of it.
Where are you going?
I'm a newspaperman.
I'm going down to my office to make an
announcement for the evening paper.
I've just decided not to run
for the Senate after all.
Julia... I...
You may come in now.
How is he?
- He asked for you.