The Woman Next Door (1981) Movie Script

It was still dark when the squad car
left Grenoble
The village is 15 miles away
The ambulance is probably already
for it left from Chambery
I am Odile Jouve
You think I'm a tennis player?
Well, you're wrong
If the camera would pull back a little
you'll see what I am
Go on, pull back!
Now, you see!
No, this will do
I manage this tennis club
Its members are from Grenoble
and other regions nearby
They all know each other here
and I know everybody
It all started six months ago
You might say it goes back
ten years...
but it was actually six months ago
In some stories, the main character
is a house
In this one, the principals are
two neighbouring houses
The first is the home
of Bernard Coudray
his wife Arlette and their son, Thomas
Here they are, posing for a friend
The second house...
we'll get back to it later
As you see, it was still unoccupied...
when it all started
You okay, Thomas?
Can I help?
No, thanks
So, you've rented the house?
No, I'm from the real estate agency
Mr. Bauchard is the new tenant
Philippe Bauchard
Bernard Coudray, nice to meet you
I must make a phone call
I'm sorry, but the phone won't
be connected till next week
Use our phone
May I?
Of course, come on!
If you run into any problems...
be sure to call on us
Is he our new neighbor?
He's moving in next week
With his wife?
I don't know if he's married
He wears a wedding ring
Then, we'll have new neighbours
Come to think of it
we'll have to be careful
No more love-making on the lawn
We can do it quietly
No! No more outdoor sex
Anyway, I always catch cold
from the damp grass
I hate it! Never again!
Wait for me, Thomas!
Can I carry the suitcase?
I'll put it down
Yes, Gimme
Is he in your way?
Not at all
Thomas, your pal's waiting for you
They're both called Thomas,
Come in,
you probably know the house
We've never been inside
You must meet my wife
Come down!
You've got to fit your staff
into the new set-up
Mathilde, my wife...
Mr and Mrs Coudray
How do you do?
Bernard, hello
I'll put the lights out
always leaves a trail for Thomas...
like the Indians in Arizona
Some Indian!
Damn it!
Did you wake him?
Their lights are out
They go to bed earlier than we do
The pilo
He's not a pilot,
he's an air controller
Yes, he works at the Grenoble airport
I steer boats and he guides planes
Isn't his wife beautiful?
I think she's rather unusual
Well, I think she doesn't belong here
What do you mean?
Look, we live here because we love...
the land, the trees,
the natural environment
She just doesn't belong here!
Bernard, I know you're alone
Can we talk?
We can talk anytime
Of course, but I don't want
to embarrass you
Did you tell your wife about us?
Did you tell your husband?
No, but I will
He trusts me, he's understanding
He's wonderful man
Good for you
So long!
Don't hang up
Wait... wait...
I'm waiting
Have I changed much?
No, you're exactly the same!
You sound nasty
I didn't move next door on purpose
Philippe took the house on his own,
to surprise me
If I'd known beforehand
I've have found
a pretext to turn it down
But since i
I've got to go to work
Wait... Tell me about yourself
There's nothing to tell
In case you need me...
take my number
No, I don't need anything
I'm hungry
Didn't you eat your dinner?
Yes, I did
I'm still hungry
Why sit in the dark?
I'll light up
You seem worried
No, but I want to suggest something
We could leave around the 8th
Thomas has to go to school
Besides, they're auditing our books
at the lab
I've got my hands full
No, i
Don't eat the salmon
Have an apple
The salmon is for our guests
What guests?
I invited our neighbours over for dinner
What did you do that for?
The wife is very charming
I thought you'd be pleased!
Do you want me to put it off?
We can do it some other time
Never mind...
They're fighting
No, they're making love...
like mad!
So long
At what time will you be home?
At 8
Hello there!
Just getting up?
Remember to pick up the groceries
Don't worry
Don't forget!
I won't
Your briefcase...
Bernard, your case!
Damn it! The door's locked
I'm locked out!
Go in the back way
I can do it
Okay, try it
Slide over to the front
Hurry up! Just press the red button
Fine, come on out
I'm late
Hurry up!
Remember the store!
Right! I've got the list!
Don't forget...
you're coming over tonight!
Why does the sun circle around
like that?
I wonder what'
Thomas! Is he bothering you?
Not at all
Mr Bauchard...
Just call me Philippe
Philippe, won't you sit down?
No, I sit all day long
Be back in a second
I wonder what'
He should be home by now
Sometimes, they work overtime,
but not tonight
I believe your husband works
on tankers
Yes, he's an instructor
on heavyweight tankers
He trains the men on a small lake
The captains take refresher courses
on miniature models
Miniatures, like toys?
Not exactly
They're certainly not toys
They're actually scale models
Yes, one-fourth their normal size
Where on earth is he?
That must be him!
Bernard? Wha
You could have let me know
He can't make dinner...
he's stuck
Try to get here in time for dessert
He asks you to excuse him
We're expecting you
Do your best!
I couldn't help overhearing you...
and you were lying
Yes, I lied...
but I don't make a habit of it
Well, you were very convincing
Now, I can blackmail you
You may buy me off with a bourbon
What will you have?
I don't know, I'll serve you first
Do that, dear liar
Wait... Let me explain
A couple just moved in next door...
and Arlette's already invited them over
for dinner
Don't you like them?
I've got to get used to people
next week, they invite us
It becomes a ritual
What do they do? Are they nice?
He's an air controller
He works at the Grenoble airport
He's relaxed and phlegmatic...
like an Englishman
What about her?
I don't know...
she's rather unpredictable
I think she's the kind who likes
to borrow trouble
I don't know what you mean
Look, if since you're not going home...
you can share my grub
Come on, i
I'll just grab a cheese sandwich
Over my dead body!
We'll share my veal stew
But first, I've got to feed Benito
Did you hurt yourself?
Help me up
My prosthesis turns some men on!
A few days ago, a man followed me
in the street for hours
I tried to shake him but I couldn't
Finally he spoke up
I might have guessed:
He was a fetishist!
I'm not surprised
I saw a movie about that
The heroine hated a man's arms
around her
she just couldn't stand it
So the man had his arms cut off
Both arms?
I'm not sure... One arm, or both
In any case, he did it for love
So did I, I did it for love
For love?
I heard it was an accident!
It was a so-called accident
"An accidents" in quotes!
What did they say?
That you fell out of an 8th floor window...
The 7th floor...
and by luck, you landed
on a glass casing just below
Right, it was in Nice
and it was above a studio
If not for that casing, I wouldn't be here
But i
It happened 20 years ago
at the time of the putsch in Algeria
I might as well tell you the truth...
because I like you
I didn't fall out
I jumped out of that window!
That took courage!
Nonsense! It'
I was simply desperate...
in love and desperate
He jilted me and went
to New Caledonia
Like an idiot, I kept on hoping...
until I learned he's gotten married
That did it!
What did he say when he heard
what you'd done?
I made sure he'd never know
Men prefer not to know
about these things
They're so right!
By now, I feel the thing was tragic,
but not fatal
Like in the Piaf song:
What the hell! I've got no regrets!
Hey there! You're dreaming?
No, I'm listening
I'm glad you came
I'm sorry that Bernard isn't here
Never mind, we enjoyed it
Right! Next time, we'll invite you
Do you mind if I walk along?
I want you to know we had
a good time
Your wife made a delicious meal
Naturally, we talked about you
It's your car outside?
Look, let'
That dinner party was her idea
Maybe so...
but we're neighbours now...
in a tiny village
So, le
Besides, we're adults now,
aren't we?
You've got a nice kid
He looks like you
You're surely happy
Yes, I'm happy...
I mean I was, until you turned up
I'm not trying to make you feel guilty...
but don't forget, I went through hell
One week, you'd leave
because you couldn't stand me...
the next, you couldn't live without me
So I worked up the guts to quit
If I hadn't, I'd have gone crazy
Now that we're both over it,
can't we be friends?
I suppose you're right
I guess I resent hurting you as much as
your hurting me
I'm glad you're happy now
Next week, Philipe and I will invite you
to dinner...
with Arlette, of course
Promise you won't let us down
I promise
I'll be there like Old Faithful
How about a kiss?
I want to ask for another favor:
Mention my name from time to time
In the past, I could always tell...
when you were feeling hostile...
because you would never call me
You've probably forgotten...
Will you be all right?
See... You just look at the ball
There's your mother
I love beautiful hair,
especially dark hair...
there are too many blondes
Where? Here, or in general?
Both, it'
but mostly the commercials...
So, here you are!
Hello, Odile
Are you here for the day?
For the whole weekend
I'll stay at the Pergola
Are you crazy?
Call the Pergola right now...
Cancel the room
You'll stay here!
He's a gem
I'd be lost without him
I can't tell you all the things
he's done for me
Excuse me for not introducing you
I forgot your name
I'm Mathilde Bauchard
We're Bernard's new neighbors
Oh, of course! I've heard about you
But you don't seem the kind
to borrow trouble
Roland! I wasn't sure because
of the beard
Besides, I'm a little older
How long has it been? 4 years?
I think it was five...
This is great!
Mathilde, come here!
This is Roland Duguet
We were teammates
in the Corsica rally
Without him, I doubt...
this is Mathilde
Madam! Hello
We were about to...
play a game
You stay here with your friend
I'll practice
A local publisher... Isn't it tough?
There are more advantages
than drawbacks, Bauchard
I was fed up with Paris
Just call me Philippe
Of course! I always tend to be formal
Mathilde is beautiful
but she's foreign... An Italian perhaps...
No, she's from the south of France
As soon as we met...
I knew she'd be important to me
I never sought out the ideal woman...
or any woman, in fact
But when I met Mathilde, she seemed
like a promise
In fact, I remember thinking:
Here is my last chance for happiness
Mrs. Jouve, please
I'm looking for Mrs. Jouve
No, thanks, I'll be alright
You seem upset
Yes, I got a cable, a rotten cable...
but I'll ignore it
Can't I help?
No, never mind
If you need me, just call
Philippe tells me you do
children's books
He's always promoting me!
He says you're talented,
but you lack confidence
Too true! I wrote a few stories and...
illustrated them, but it's amateurish
I might be interested in an album
What kind of drawings are they?
No, I use a margin and 2 or 3 point line
I work with India ink
I also use four colours
for quadrichroms reproduction
Well, I worked for 3 months at Okapi's
but that was years ago
I quit because of illness...
There are new techniques now
Techniques may change, but we can
always use a good story
I'd really like to see your work
Since you've got no partner,
how about a game with me?
I can't, I think I hurt my wrist
Simple as ever, I see
Don't forget: at 6 pm
I made a phone reservation
Bernard Coudray
Right, Number 18
She took the key
Go on up
To the first floor?
This way...
Come along, sir
Look at this mess!
You had one just like this
It was shorter
You were smaller
No, you idiot! The styles were shorter
I bet you've forgotten our first meeting
I have not
It was at a children's party
I came through the garden...
and saw you inside
through the window
You were feeding the children
and that did it:
I fell in love with you
right then and there!
After which you declared your love
by getting drunk
You said, I'm not drunk, Mathilde
I can prove it by my lucid reasoning
You reasoned on and on...
while I thought:
Why doesn't he just kiss me?
Don't talk
Just caress my face
Wait, wait...
I'm waiting
How could you?
Mind your own business, my friend
I'm not your friend
I'm your lover, your ex-lover
Well, my love thought he had backgone
but it was just a carapace...
and when it cracked, he hated Mathilde
You're right
I truly hated you for a long time,
but not anymore
I've changed a lot
Yes, you have changed
it was ill-timed
If we'd meet now, we'd make a go of it
Well, we've just met
not the same thing
You're even more beautiful now
We were both too young,
but now we understand each other
I don't know
I don't want to know
We were in love...
No, I loved you...
You were merely in love,
You'd say:
I love you because I love you...
Well? Wasn't that a good reason?
Besides, you were a skirt-chaser,
I was always intrigued by wonders
they concealed
And now?
You were tender with me
So were you
I'm waiting
This looks like a battlefield
Your hair's a mess
I just wanted to see that gesture again
The first time you did it,
I thought:
If he asks me to sleep with him, I will
I resent other couples making love
in our bed
Air-inter 323
Next to the right
Parking B1
You're wanted downstairs
Mme... Jouve's taking a plane...
Will you give this to Mathilde?
What is it?
She knows
Tell her she can reach me
at the tennis club all week
Odile's asked me to keep an eye
on things
she's leaving town for a few days
Take care of Mathilde
I mean it:
take good care of her!
I will
Have a good time in Paris
I've got to get back to work
Are you in charge of our take-off?
Spare us the fancy pirouettes!
I see you've allowed for the captions
I bet you even estimated
the copy space
I admit I was tempted to...
Mr Roland...
That man at the bar...
he's waiting for Madam Jouve
I told him she's out of town
He was here this morning...
I'll talk to him
I'll be right back
He was snooping around
when I came to work
That man... Don't look at him
He claims he came to see
Odile Jouve...
all the way from New Caledonia
From New Caledonia? Really?
He claims she knew he was coming
If she had, she wouldn't have left town
There he goes!
Coffee, everybody?
Not for me, thanks
Then, three coffees, Mathilde!
Come here
Tomorrow at 6
I've got to talk to you!
I said no!
Bernard, can you bring the cups
Here's the coffee
Your present
My present?
I meant to wait...
Your birthday?
No, i
What separation?
I'm leaving for 3 days
Mathilde won't come
She wants to move the furniture around
God help us!
Why don't you open it?
I'm dying to...
I think I know...
We saw it in a shop
Mathilde adored it...
so we went in
She tried it on and...
I realized I wouldn't dare...
to wear it in public
Not to look at, but...
Try it on...
Let them see it
He's right
Go on
I'll help you
This way
When I first met her...
she was as lovely as she is now,
but she never laughed
At most, a vague smile
She had just divorced
Yes, a blitz divorce after a blitz wedding
Does that happen often?
Only when a house looks unoccupied
Didn't I tell you?
I'm sure you won't mind...
if she wears it while you're away?
She'll wear it where and
when she wants to
I'm not a Spanish husband
Bernard, can you help me
with the cups?
I'll see you tomorrow at 6
Where's the key for 18?
He got here first today
Come in
Look Bernard...
you wanted to talk
Why not in the room?
I know you and I know myself
And I dislike taking advantage...
of Philippe's absence
We need some sugar
The sugar...
May I borrow it?
I mean the one before Philippe
You got married after leaving me?
Yes, I did it to get rid of you...
to forget you
I was so hurt I decided...
to marry the first man who'd ask me
He was an idiot
You married an idiot
Yes, a blissful idiot
I sensed it was a mistake,
but I had to do it
I'll marry the first girl who walks in
I meant to divorce at once,
but I'd met his whole family
I was trapped
It took me 6 months to get rid of him
Then, I lived alone until two years ago...
until Philippe
he was determined...
he was patient and gentle
He waited until I trusted him
So you yielded to his British charm
A few days ago, we talked of you
but I can't get over what he said:
Mathilde made a disastrous marriage
to recover from an affair
- Now hear this:
with a violent manic-depressive
Am I the violent manic-depressive?
Is that how you talk of me?
He simplified
He got things mixed up
He simplified...
Look, Mathilde...
Look at me and listen:
Why not ditch all this
and run away together?
I know we can be happy
8 years ago... Didn't you know that?
I was crazy about you
but I'd rather have died
than let you know
Why didn't you say so?
When I was expecting a baby,
why didn't you want it?
You yourself said it was impossible...
that it wasn't right...
that we should wait!
I hoped you'd deny it
You want a child!
But not with me,
and you've got one now
No, we'd better stop seeing each other
Take me home
Have you got a handkerchief?
Wait... I
I don't care
Feeling better?
Take it back
Now, i
Thanks, my darling
Am I hearing right?
Yes, you're still my darling
even if you don't care
My darling...
Look, Bernard...
I enjoy it, but i
Dinner's ready!
Blow on it if the soup is too hot
Is it alright?
Quiet... I can't hear
Hear what? It'
I'm cold
I'll get a sweater
I think it'
It must be upstairs
I'm taking 2 hours off
Are you sick?
No, just get a man to replace me
Hello, you didn't reserve for today
No, 18 is taken,
but I've got another room
OK, can I make a call?
Where are you?
At the hotel
The hotel?
Yes, our hotel
How come?
I was driving by and I thought...
Listen, come on over!
No, I can't
Yes, come on!
Remember what I said in the car
Come anyway!
I really can't
You can't, or you won't?
You forget, we talked it all over
No, it'
We never have enough time
How about tonight?
No, I can't tonight
Is your husband back?
No, why?
Where were you last night?
Last night? Wait...
I went to see my publisher
You expect me to believe
you talked business all night?
It wasn't all night
Don't kid me!
At 8:12, your lights were still on
At 8:20, you drove off in your car...
At a quarter past midnight, the car...
I was showing Roland my designs
Are you still there?
Answer me...
You can't be jealous!
He's not interested in women
I don't believe you
You don't?
No, not a word of it
I don't care
I'm through with you
You scare me!
I want you to explain
Why are you scared of me?
Never mind
I was just upset
Is that why you hung up on me?
I hung up because you insulted me
You sounded like a cop
talking to a thief
Don't stay there, come in
You're right...
absolutely right
With us, i
Sit down
No... I'm so tired I'd fall asleep
There's something else...
What is it? What did I do?
I hate lying
Since we've been meeting,
I'm living a lie
I meant to tell Philippe everything...
but I couldn't...
I couldn't do it either
We can't keep this up
Next week, I'm going away
with Philippe
That too, it's why I couldn't go to the hotel
Remember, you used to say to me
and it always made me feel miserable
Love affairs must have a beginning,
a middle
and an end
It was true!
You're right...
you're absolutely right
From now on, I won't bother you
We'll become friends again...
like before
Like before...
Before what?
I'd better go home now...
What if Arlette sees you?
I'll tell her that...
that you fixed my freezer
Yes... No, I'll tell her I'm feeling better...
that I'm breathing again...
Here's my Thomas!
I'm cooking
No cooking tonight!
Call the baby-sitter
We're going to town
A movie, dinner...
Tonight, we celebrate!
A coffee and a sanka...
I'm really glad to see you relaxed...
I'm always relaxed
Not for the past few weeks
I felt you wanted to be by yourself
In fact, I mean to visit my mother
with Thomas...
to give you a break
Hell, no!
What I'd really like is to take time off...
and go away with Thomas...
on a real vacation
Look who's here
I hadn't been to Paris for years:
They're all hysterical
I want to face Madam Jouve
I'm sorry... The chef is gone
Then, a salad for two
He's nervous
Whenever he sees baggage...
he just goes wild
I see you took the night off
He saw a movie...
Which one?
The Walking Dead
I think I saw it...
For no reason!
His wife's an angel
I'm not so sure:
The other guy, the young one,
kills the husband
No! The husband commits suicide...
and makes it look like a murder
Yes, I saw it! It'
He placed the knife
above the door hinge...
Then, he stabbed himself
The knife's in one room...
the body's in the other...
He knew they'd suspect his wife
Are you sure?
Of course! The knife is in one room...
the body in the other...
He made it look like murder
Didn't you hear it?
Sure, I did
He was asleep!
With his eyes open!
You need a drawing board...
now that you're a pro
Roland told me of a place
Shall I get one?
No, I'll go myself
If this little boy was blond,
he'd look like Thomas
Well, mine has dark hair
Pictures are fascinating
I prefers yours to mine
I'm sorting them:
High school, graduation, college
each one brings you closer to me
You already knew Bernard
You're right
This is the only time we met
My cousin was wild about him!
Here she is
Did he love her?
Why didn't they marry?
My cousin's father loved her
He checked Bernard's background...
and he told her: Do as you like
but I know his kind:
Easy to get but hard to keep
You love me?
Will you always protect me?
Come, Thomas... A picture
Mathilde, we want you in it...
You see, we can be friends
You thought we never could
Friends, may I have your attention
I'm not going to make a speech...
but I'll tell you the reason for this party
In two hours, Mathilde and I
are going away
You already know that,
but you don't know...
Since we married and settled here
we haven't had time...
for the ritual honeymoon...
which will consecrate our marriage
And that'
Two love birds!
Their plane leaves at 6
I'm taking them to the airport
I'm beat!
Sit down
No, you sit down...
Just lend me your knees
You're radiant...
but Bernard looks miserable
I'd like one...
of you and Philippe
Where is he?
I'll go to get him
Never mind that, Nicole...
Come help me fix my dress
Need me?
No, Nicole will do it
Mathilde, a call for you!
There's nobody...
Yes, there's me!
We must talk... Come to the hotel...
In my car then
We must talk!
We've got nothing to say to each other
We never have time to talk
Not so loud!
I'll talk as loud as I want to!
I just ask you not to leave tonight...
or to put off your trip for a while
I'll tell you I must speak to you!
Let me go! You're crazy!
You... Go to hell!
Stop it! You're crazy
Go away!
You're mad at me
You must hate me...
I'm not mad, I don't hate you
I know you've gone through hell...
but I can't help being jealous...
jealous of her, of you
even of your suffering
And you might have trusted me enough
let me know
What could I tell you?
Arlette, our new neighbour...
it's the dame who drove me nuts
8 years ago
I thought I was mad for her
At first, I thought I could forget her
We'd see them so often
A situation like that is bound
to be difficult
she got on my nerves
I don't understand it
I really don't
Come closer, please
Yes, it was Mathilde 8 years ago
We were so fond for each other
It was all a disaster
A disaster?
Yes, a disaster
It seemed pointless to discuss it...
and we won't
Are you sick? What is it?
Guess what...
You've improved
in the past few weeks...
with Roland's help
But you've got something else in mind
Yes, we must make
new living arrangements
I asked Mrs Jouve to help us find a flat
in town
That woman is god-send
You know what she did last month?
A former lover of hers
who lives in New Caledonia...
came to see her in Grenoble
Well, she spent three days in Paris...
to avoid meeting him...
so he wouldn't see how she's aged
You're wrong!
You're all wrong!
That man was Odile's only love
Because of him, she jumped out
of a window 20 years ago
She never let him know...
that she's a cripple because of him
She's a remarkable woman
but he never understood it
Well, neither did I
Men never understand love
They're amateurs
I love you...
but I don't understand you
I've never lied in my life:
but now, I'm living with a liar
sleeping with a liar
and I'm in love with a liar
Tell me... Wha
Right, I'm Philippe
But i
Shall I tell you what name you say?
Do you remember me?
Sure, No.18
Could I rent the room by the month?
No, we only rent by the day
We're reconverting as
an apartment building
Never mind...
Did you reverse it by mistake?
No, the drawing belong
on the recto page
We turn profiles
towards the outside margin
Do you mind?
I'm tired
I love your handwriting
If we do another book
we'll print your handwriting
If you like...
Excuse me
We've got a problem
with the blood stain
The drawing is very good...
but the blood stain is too crude
too violent for young readers
I worked out a variant
You're wrong!
I want the red to stand out
If not, the drawing's meaningless
Not really...
Look... Does this variant betray
your meaning?
I'm tired
I must go
I'll call you at home
Hello Thomas
How are you?
I'm thirsty
Can I go in?
Can I have some water?
You want some?
What a nice house, the kitchen, too
Let me see your room
Where's your room?
Now nice!
Come see my toys!
What are you doing?
I like that picture...
What is it?
Why is it crying?
What do you know about unhappiness?
Is this your first book?
Yes, i
Never mind, i
Can you sign a copy for my niece?
I leafed through it
almost too good for children
How can you say a thing like that?
Do you know how to use this?
Were you scared?
Look at you!
Go and wash up
Just look at this mess!
Did you hear about Marcel?
I haven't seen him lately
Did he mention his blonde neighbour?
Yes, he went for her in a big way
At first! Now, he can't shake her
I don't get it
He keeps on meeting her
in the elevator
He'll have to move
Don't ever get involved
with a neighbour
Excuse me, are you the lady
who wrote this book?
Could you sign it for me, please?
Later, sir
Thank you
Look, I'm in love
Where's Mathilde?
Did you see Mathilde?
I'm looking for Mathilde
She's over there
Your husband is coming
This can't go on...
No, it can't
You must eat
You've lost weight
I'm ugly...
I'm skinny...
I'm garbage
I want to die
Your husband will help you
I want to understand...
I've got to understand
Contrary to what people believe...
a nervous breakdown is a real illness
on the contrary!
If your wife wanted to, she'd go home
in a week...
but she prefers to be sick
Right now, i
What will you do?
I'll try to convince her it'
to seek refuge in illness
By the way...
had you noticed this coming on?
No, she collapsed...
she simply collapsed!
True, she was disturbed
Last week, we were downtown
There was lots of traffic
She kept on saying:
Where are they all going?
I wanted to see you
I know i
but I've got to talk to you about Mathilde
I don't want to hear about her
I'll tell you anyway
I went to the clinic today
She's in a very bad way
I'm certain your visit would help
You can talk to her, reason with her
The trouble is I know her too well
If anyone can help, i
You're wrong, Bernard
You're well over it, but she's not
Please, don't insist
A man to see you
He didn't say
You can do as you like...
but when I step into her room...
the look on her face makes it clear
It isn't me she's expecting
You want me to stay?
You want me to go?
You don't care either way
Ask me why I'm late
Why are you late?
Philippe Bauchard came to see me
He insisted that I visit Mathilde
She's in clinic... In therapy
Yes, I heard
Is she any better?
Not really
They prescribed shock treatment,
but Philippe objected it
He's right
It helps one forget,
but there are side effects
Was she pleased to see you?
I talked, but she wouldn't answer
I promised Philippe I'd go back...
but I doubt whether it will help
If I were you, I'd go back
In such cases, you never know
what helps
She adored him
When she heard he was going away...
he said to himself:
I'll wait for him
so I decided to kill my mother!
Back to Mrs Jouve:
When she learned her lover
had gotten married...
she opened the window and jumped out
Luckily, she landed on a glass roof
just below
that was 20 years ago
And now, she's cripple
Any comments?
I'd say the lady was lucky
You call that luck?
Yes, it is
She was lucky to stay alive
She may fall in love again
Life has more imagination
than we have, you know
One can love, or be loved
more than once
Only if one is loveable...
and I'm not...
I'm just not
I seem to turn people off
What about your husband?
My husband loves me...
but he's like you:
he pretends he's listening
He says: Turn over a new leaf
But the leaf weighs a ton!
Nobody really cares
Sure, you're paid for it!
According to all those books
I should fall in love with you...
but you leave me cold
Something's wrong with the treatment
Never mind, don't talk
Instead of playing nursemaid
put new batteries in my radio
They're over there
Time for your medicine
These pills are just wonderful
This one makes you hungry
This one makes you sleep
I've even got one to cheer me up...
if you take two, you become hilarious
You should try one
No, thanks
I'm fine
You think so?
How's Mrs. Jouve?
She's very well
These visits give you a pain,
don't they?
Not at all, but...
See, i
I'm glad you want to hear the news...
I only listen to the songs
They tell the truth
even those that sound silly
besides, they're not silly
You know what they say?
They say: Don't ever leave me
Broken-hearted me
I'm alone because I love you:
or "Love as pride"
or else
You're nobody till somebody loves you
I've got to run now
I'll be back
Don't bother...
you don't have to
You can tell them...
Mission accomplished
The nut is back to normal
Did you find a house?
No, a flat in town
How's Mathilde?
Much better
She's her old self
To Let
Well, this is the big day
I saw the doctor
We're all set
Good! You brought the pumps
My favorite shirtwaist!
I don't care, I prefer the white...
because i
You remembered my raincoat!
Shall I wear my straight skirt,
or the pleated one?
I like the pleated one
Take me away
Take me away, my love
I had to speak to you
The squad car arrived at dawn
The ambulance was already there
The attendants went in
with two stretchers
The coroner's report stated:
We found the bodies of a man
and a woman
The man was on top
of the woman's body
There was a bullet hole behind his ear...
and traces of blood on his temple
an identical wound
on the woman's face...
was made by the weapon in her hand
The woman's legs were spread out
Her skirt was raised above her thighs
Her head was turned
towards the window
The deaths probably occurred
around 5:30am
From the position of the bodies,
it may be assumed...
the two had sex just prior to their death
I suspect that Mathilde and Bernard...
won't be buried together
If I had to select an epitaph
for those two...
it would be...
Neither with you, nor without you
but I doubt whether I'll be asked