The Working Man (1933) Movie Script

I know the accounts are alright
for the rest of the country.
But that's no excuse for a ten
percent drop in Chicago.
What's the matter with
the Chicago salesmen?
I don't think it's the
fault of the sales force.
Now don't blame it on the depression.
People still wear shoes.
What's the matter with the
Reeves shoe? Any better?
They're backed by advertising that
cost me $150,000 .. and for what?
A ten percent sales drop.
If I get one more report
like that from Chicago ..
Here, get me Chicago.
I'll talk to them.
- Probably you've noticed.
The report blames the public's
preference for a long ramp.
Now here, here is one of
Hartland's latest models.
Ah, now we have it.
Hartland's men are
pushing the long ramp.
Hartland's men are cutting in again.
Their sales of shoes like these are ..
A year ago there wasn't a Hartland
shoe sold in the Great Lakes.
That was Reeves territory.
I had Tom Hartland locked out.
Wouldn't let him in.
If you would just glance at ..
About the long abandonment
of public taste.
The Reeves factory
makes the public taste.
We make the finest shoes in America,
and we teach the public to like them.
That's our policy.
And if I get any more reports
like this from Chicago ..
When do I get Chicago?
- That call is in Mr Reeves.
What time is that meeting?
It's called for 2:10, Mr Reeves.
- It must be postponed.
Make it 2:15.
What's upset him?
- He's seen the Chicago sales report.
I consider my uncle's antagonism towards
the Hartland firm unworthy of him.
Do you see any ashtrays?
Oh. Here you are.
That's something new, isn't it?
Gentlemen, I had that rule made
solely for efficiency's sake.
Which statistics prove, is lowered ..
In a tobacco-filled atmosphere
to a startling degree.
It's quite alright.
What are we going to do?
Well, can't you get Chicago?
Can't you get Chicago?
They haven't answered, Mr Reeves.
- Hmm.
Too busy talking about the
depression, I suppose.
Here. Let me have it.
Say, we're not shipping you
shoes to our main warehouses.
We are planning to do business
with the present generation.
Ha? What do you think I'm talking about?
I've just read your confounded report.
You sound natural, John.
I bet I know what's got your goat.
You probably heard .. that Tom Hartland
sold somebody a pair of shoes.
Who is this?
You're talking to Hank
Davis down in Maine.
Oh, Hank.
Well, well. Hold on a minute.
Let me get my breath.
Well Hank, I thought I was talking
to my sales manager in Chicago.
I guess you called me up to tell
me the fish are biting like 1916.
Just what I have.
The best in years.
"I put the old boat in
commission yesterday and .."
Oh .. by the way, John .. I ..
I told Nelly Higgins that we'd
split the telephone charges.
Does that seem fair?
Yes, Hank .. if we don't start
telling one another fish stories.
Go on. Talk your head off.
How about letting that
smart nephew of yours ..
Run the factory a while and ..
You come down here for some fun, huh?
Oh Hank, you're breaking my heart.
"But I can't possibly get away."
I'll see you sometime.
Before the summer is over.
God bless you.
It's Chicago, Mr Reeves.
Maine in the spring.
Yes, what is it?
Oh .. is that you, McKay?
Well .. what I want to tell
you and your men is this.
Oh, call me up in two hours.
I say, I can't talk to you now.
I'm not mad enough.
It's 02:15 Mr Reeves.
- Oh.
When Chicago calls up,
show me that report again.
Yes, sir.
Sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen.
But I'm in a pretty bad temper
with those Chicago salesmen.
And .. no, I've nothing to say
against you gentlemen.
We've got a long session
before us, so better light up.
Let me offer you one, Benjamin.
- No thank you.
Help yourselves.
Where's my ashtray?
Thank you.
You've heard reports from
all the department heads.
We've reached the highest point
of production in five years.
Mr Reeves has criticized
the Chicago salesmen.
I think at least he will have nothing
to say against the home management.
They've done exceedingly well, Benjamin.
Of course the new
machinery is responsible.
Perhaps, but I'm very pleased, Benjamin.
- Thank you, uncle.
This year if necessary, I can
promise 1,500 case lots a day.
Well, the production department
seems to be capably handled.
So I shall devote myself entirely
to the selling campaign.
Hartland's men are cutting in again.
When we are turning
out footwear like this.
And this .. what did I do
with that Hartland shoe?
Now this is the sort of article
that he's cutting in with.
The long ramp. Alright.
If there are fools who want a long ramp,
we'll give them a lot of longer ramps.
We'll show Tom Hartland what his
own models ought to look like.
That means an outlay of $20,000
for alterations and machinery.
I don't care what it costs.
I've been fighting Tom Hartland
for twenty years.
When we were learning the business
in the same factory, I fought him.
When we became partners, I fought him.
And when we became rivals.
He wanted to fight some more.
So I let him have it!
By gad, I'm going to keep fighting the
old codger as long as he's making shoes.
Oh, Mr Reeves ..
- What is it?
What is it, uncle?
- Mr Reeves, is there something ..?
Our old friend .. Tom Hartland.
"Thomas Hartland drops
dead while at work."
Too bad.
Was he in bad health?
- Had he been ill, uncle?
I haven't heard from Tom in years.
Well, he was a good fighter.
I say nothing about his shoes, but ..
Tom Hartland was a fine man.
We shall miss him.
I hope there's someone else to carry on.
- His right-hand man is Pettison.
Bright as a new dollar.
- Never misses a trick.
These latter years, Pettison has
been the power behind the throne.
Has he?
Then we'll fight Pettison!
We'll go after him harder than ever.
From now on, there is only going to
be one shoe. And that's the Reeves.
That makes a net profit for
the last quarter of $115,000.
We've outsold every competitor.
- What about Hartland's?
They've taken a terrible slump.
What's up with that
manager of theirs, Pettison?
I thought he was a fighter.
- He used to have that reputation.
If he can't make a better show than
that, the heirs ought to kick him out.
Poor old Tom. He doesn't want to
see what his factory is coming to.
Personally, I regard
it as very satisfactory.
It's too easy.
And Hartland getting laid down.
Well, I've been carrying on a
pretty stiff campaign against them.
But, it's a relief to know they
are no longer of importance.
A relief to whom?
Well, perhaps especially to me.
You see Uncle, I've finally
managed to get this firm ..
Running with the precision
of a perfect watch.
You have?
- Sorry if you misunderstand me, uncle.
But if my judgment is to
mean anything at all ..
Young man, your judgment is invaluable.
But there is one thing I can't
stand about you, Benjamin.
And that is your conceit.
It is insufferable.
He's failing.
What's more, he's aware of it.
I must find some way to prevent his
realizing how much he depends on me.
It hurts him.
Has to depend on you?
Naturally. Uncle commands
our general policy.
Why John Reeves could
run this factory, sleeping.
He put you in charge of the
production department ..
So that he had more time
to fight Tom Hartland.
Now that Tom's dead, he can't
find nothing to do, that's all.
And now, if you want my
resignation, you can have it.
But I don't want your resignation.
You are too valuable an auditor.
Besides, I admire your loyalty, Briggs.
Hello, Spengler?
About that shipment of St Louis hides.
Poor grade, weren't they?
I want the lot sent back to the tannery.
And if they make any trouble about it.
Send the matter to my
uncle to take care of.
It's not that important but it will
give the old boy something to do.
If he asks about me, I've just
stepped out to the sales department.
Briggs .. I ..
You're an old soldier of mine.
I want to ask you something.
Do you believe in that
"too old at sixty" stuff?
No, sir. I'm afraid you
overheard something.
But Benny is really a fine lad.
- I know it.
But sometimes, I think
he hasn't long to live.
Hank, you've saved a life.
Well, John, the season is about over.
If you want to fish,
you'd better get down here.
I'll come at once.
I'll come now.
Yes .. I'm leaving the building now.
Leaving the office so soon, uncle?
- Yes.
You'll have to deal with those St Louis
hides in your own inimitable way.
For the "old boy" is going fishing.
I bought these cigars in
your store this morning.
I never expected you to carry my brand.
Will you try one?
No thanks.
What did my clerk charge
you for that box, John?
Catalogue price.
Maybe she ought to have
given you a discount.
Maybe she ought.
What's that for?
- That's to make the fish bite.
Anything wrong with it?
- Hank, they are as dry as tinder.
They've been in the
showcase a long time.
It's the box you left
behind last summer.
You scamp!
Hello. What's this, Hank?
It's that fast crowd from Bar Harbor.
They come down here for
the night and get drunk.
They are tying up here.
They would tie up here, just when
the fish are beginning to bite.
Ah, confound those two.
Look out there!
You're tangling our lines.
How are they biting?
- You scared them off.
We came over to see if you
couldn't tip us off to bootlegger.
No, let him run! You'll break the rod.
Don't let it go. Here, let me.
Let her go, let her go!
He'll lose it.
Keep his head up, John.
Keep his head up.
Gosh! Must be a ten-pounder.
Play him, John.
Play him, John. Play him.
Ah, no ..
Lost him! Why can't you
stay on your yacht?
I suppose you went to sea to
make the ocean safe for fish?
Say, we're out of Scotch.
Listen, we're alright.
We've pulled in here before.
We've picked up supplies
at the village store.
Yeah, I own it. I remember you now.
Oh you must carry our
stock: The Hartland shoes.
Well I don't.
I stock nothing but the Reeves shoe.
America's best.
Oh, do you hear that, Sis'?
He has no Scotch but he stocks
the Reeves shoes: "America's best".
Reeves. The bunion king!
He's got half America limping.
Here, do you know who
you are talking to?
I'm Isaac Walton. Who are you?
We're the Hartland kids.
- And we're out of Scotch.
I'm sorry. We can't help you.
- Thank you, anyhow.
How's the Hartland factory doing?
- Not so well, thank you.
Do you run it?
- Who, Tommy?
They carried him through once as a baby.
He's always been timid about going back.
Sorry you weren't rum-runners.
You looked the part.
Give my regards to the village curfew.
Those are the Hartland heirs.
Tom's life work is squandered ..
By a pair of worthless brats.
You didn't want them to know you, huh?
- Hey? No.
If they had, I'd have had to spank them.
That's why Tom and I finally parted.
Both after the same girl.
Tom got her.
- And you got over it?
I guess so.
But for a kind providence.
You might have been the
proud father of those two.
Instead of the fortunate
uncle of Benjamin.
Where do you suppose
kids like that will end up?
Well, it's easy to see where
Tom's factory will end up.
I'd like to get a look at that property.
If I could buy it at a
price within reason ..
Hello. What's this?
Hi there.
Either of you two sportsmen play bridge?
- No.
Cribbage eh?
Pleased to have met you.
Hey .. I do.
Why .. we need a fourth.
What do you say?
I'll stake you to the game.
- Alright, I'll come.
No fooling?
- Sure.
You're not really going over there?
- You bet I am.
That's the boy.
Goodbye, Hank.
- Goodbye.
See you later.
Don't wait up for me.
- Don't worry.
Well, I'll be ..
Are you one of the natives?
I'm just seeing Hank Davis.
- Where you from?
I'm from Newark.
Oh, the tall grass, huh?
Say, your name isn't
really Isaac Walton is it?
He was a great fisherman, wasn't he?
No. They call me Isaac Walton
because I'm so fond of fishing.
My name is really John.
John .. Walton.
What do you do?
I'm a bookkeeper.
- What kind of books do you keep?
Oh, I specialize in factory accounts.
That must be terrible.
- Uhuh.
Go on. Tell us more.
Well, I was a department manager.
Department manager? What did you ..?
Just now I'm out of a job.
A nice big boat you've got there.
- Not a bad old tub.
Why, you're a perfectly
grand player, Mr Walton.
I have a perfectly grand partner.
Hello, Jenny. How's it going?
- Hello, Freddy.
This is Mr Pettison, manager
of the Hartland shoe factory.
Mr Walton.
How are you?
Look at Tommy .. he's so
drunk he can't see the cards.
What are you in for now, Tommy?
About two grand.
Excuse me, let me know
if I owe anything.
Tommy's getting lit up.
Asking for trouble, I can see.
Pass it up. We'll go out to the bar.
There is 8 dollars and 90 cents.
Not bad for a fisherman.
Enough to buy me a new pair of shoes.
You are a great darling.
- Thank you, ma'am.
Come again.
Well, hello there. Here's the fellow
who took us for a game of bridge.
How about it?
Hello, partner.
Here we go. Down the hatch.
Sounds as if someone
has stopped liking people.
It's only Tommy. He always
sputters before he goes out.
I can't believe I got
kicked out of the club.
Shut up, Tommy!
Sure, you were kicked out
of the club. What's more ..
If the directors hadn't been friends of
your old man, you'd have stayed out.
It's a lie! He was never
thrown out of the club.
You ought to smash him, Tommy!
If you weren't a poor little moron,
I'd throw you off your own ..
You're hurt.
- I don't think so.
Well, that's a bridge game for you.
- Yep, they're all liquored up in there.
It's hot.
- Sorry.
You've been a perfect peach
about the whole thing.
Everybody has been saying
what a good sport you are.
This must be X-Rayed.
X-Rayed? What for?
You must come to New York with us.
And see our doctor.
With you? At your house, do you mean?
- Uhuh.
I cannot afford the time.
How much a week do you get?
Well, this will be alright in
a week. We'll pay you fifty.
What's the idea?
I'll not let you go
back to the village ..
And tell everybody there's
been a fight on this yacht.
How do I know you won't sue and collect?
- Oh, so you are kidnapping me?
That's about it.
Well, I'll have to go back to the
old boat and get my clothes.
You come straight back.
Go to New York with us.
See our doctor.
And stay until it's healed.
Ha .. what will I do with myself
in New York for a whole week?
Maybe Pettison will find
you a job at the factory.
Anyhow, you can go to the
works and .. potter around.
Wait until I get something
to tie that up with.
Potter around, eh?
Thank you.
I'll only be five minutes, bud.
Hello, Hank.
Say, you've been gone .. it's daylight.
I got what I wanted.
- What's that?
An invitation to go down to
New York with the Hartlands.
- Hank.
I'm borrowing your old vest.
And your old coat.
- Here, here ..
It's alright. I'll leave
you my new ones.
You can put them in your showcase.
And sell them to me when
you come down next year.
Say, John.
Just what are you up to?
I'm going to get an inside
look at that Hartland factory.
You're going to skin
the Hartland kids, huh?
The Hartland kids don't
need any skinning.
They are skinning themselves.
Well, goodbye Hank.
I'll telephone you from New York.
How many of those do you make a day?
About half as many as we
did three months ago.
Too bad.
Hello, Jenny. I didn't
know you were here.
Hello Freddy.
- Come on, I'll show you around.
Well, hello Mr Walton.
What do you think of it?
Most complicated.
It seems so to a stranger I expect.
I am surprised to see so many
machines not working.
Well, it's difficult to
get first-class men.
There's the depression, you know.
- Oh yes.
Now in this next department,
we have a perforating machine.
Come along, Mr Walton.
This way, Mr Walton.
Sorry Pettison didn't get a job for you.
- Oh, that's quite alright.
I wonder if you would drop me somewhere.
I want to do some shopping.
Shopping, eh?
- Yes.
What about this next corner?
Brooks. Stop at this corner, please.
It will be grand.
A 5 and 10 just opposite.
Thank you.
- Don't be late home.
And don't be too extravagant.
- No.
I'm going bargain hunting.
You understand Mr Hammersmith.
My name is not to be
connected with this offer.
That's your highest price, Mr Reeves?
- 3/4 of a million. Not a cent more.
Do you think they'll listen to it?
- I'm offering more than it's worth.
The way it's been managed.
I could wait a year and pick
it up for the price of old junk.
I'll get in touch with the
Hartland people at once.
Where shall I telephone you?
I'll telephone you. Goodbye.
- Goodbye, sir.
Thank you.
- Ah, it's you, Walton.
How's your arm, now?
The bandage off tomorrow,
the doctor says.
I guess you'll be sorry to get
back to your little joint in Newark?
You know, you've had a nice, easy time
living here on the fat of the land.
And getting paid for it.
Have a cigar.
Oh, thanks.
I see. That costs money.
Plenty more where that came from.
He don't lock anything up.
Have a drink.
No thanks. I'm just going up
to my room to telephone.
You needn't go upstairs.
I'll take you into what used
to be old Hartland's study.
Make yourself at home.
There's the telephone.
Thank you.
I want to speak to Mr Hammersmith.
John Reeves.
Is that you, Hammersmith?
Well, what about that Hartland deal?
I haven't heard a word from them yet.
Tell them that if I don't
hear today, the deal is off.
And that my price is
going down every minute.
Alright .. bye.
That was our mother.
You are very like her in that dress.
Am I?
I'll give you one for that.
What are you doing here?
I came to telephone.
Then I won't disturb you.
I want to speak to Mr Hammersmith.
Is that you, Mr Hammersmith?
This is Reeves again.
I've changed my mind.
I'm going to offer ..
A million and a quarter.
For that Hartland property.
I've just this minute
heard from Pettison.
He not only turned down your offer.
But he let me understand the property
couldn't be bought at any price.
Doesn't this strike you as strange?
With bankruptcy staring him in the face.
Wouldn't sell at any price, eh.
Why? What else did Pettison say?
Something is wrong, Mary.
Say, you've been doing a lot of phoning.
Been talking to your best girl?
Sorry if I've been too long.
- Oh, that's alright.
This room ain't used much now.
This was Mr Hartland's study?
- Hmm.
I suppose he left the property
in the hands of trustees?
Yes. They don't trouble us much.
Who are they?
Well, there is Judge Larson,
Mr Hazlitt and ..
As a matter of fact I am a very recent
acquaintance of the young Hartlands.
But I have known them long enough
to see the kind of life they're leading.
And I've been through the factory.
And neither of those experiences
was very satisfactory, eh?
I knew Tom Hartland years ago,
before these children were born.
And I had a certain regard for him.
And I want to know,
if something can't be done.
To put the brakes on these youngsters
and to improve their prospects.
So, have you anything to suggest?
I don't know that I have.
Except that I think that
one of the trustees ..
Should give them more
personal supervision.
That's not very easy, Mr Walton.
Mr Hazlitt and I are busy men.
We took this trusteeship
in a purely business way.
The only other trustee is in Europe.
Permanently, I believe.
I see.
That leaves you, so to speak,
short of one trustee?
Just so.
Would you have the authority to
appoint another man in his place?
I might.
What about me?
Are you looking for trouble?
No. But I have a certain
amount of leisure time.
We'd have to look at your
credentials, your eligibility.
- Who are you, Mr Walton?
Well .. first of all.
I'm not Mr Walton.
That's not a very good start, is it.
- No. And there is worse to follow.
I'm Reeves, of Reeves Shoes.
Mr Reeves, I can't believe that you are
here to play a practical joke on us.
You must realize that you are a powerful
competitor of the Hartland firm.
And you surely don't expect us to place
the Hartland heirs in your hands.
No .. unless I can convince you.
When I came into this room.
I had no other thought than a
desire to save these children.
My interest in them is
a matter of sentiment.
Romance, if you like.
I was in love with their mother.
She became Mrs Tom Hartland.
And I never saw her after that.
And I never married.
By chance, quite recently.
I fell in with these young
people .. her children.
They know me .. as Mr Walton.
I'm not what you call a religious man.
But I honestly believe that
that meeting was intended.
That I have received a message
which I cannot disregard.
I've got all the money I need.
All the business I need.
If I wanted their business,
I shouldn't have to buy it or steal it.
Twelve months from now, if they go
on as they are, they'll have nothing.
Now, what I propose
gentlemen, is this ..
I think it would be better.
If they believe .. that the
original suggestion.
Came from them.
And Hank .. remember, I'm still
supposed to be with you in Maine.
But I may be here for some time yet.
So, if any letters or messages
come that seem important.
Just telephone me here.
Or at the Hartland works.
I'm Mr Walton, you know.
Say, Hank.
I look swell in your clothes.
Somebody coming. I must
hang up now. Goodbye Hank.
It worked! Get dressed quick. It worked.
- What worked?
Your idea. I went down to see the judge
as you suggested and he fell for it.
He and Hazlitt are downstairs now,
come to offer you the trusteeship.
What .. you don't mean it?
You've never seen Tommy
in action. Hurry up, hurry up.
I went to see the judge
with a pint holding me up.
I never show a pint, but
does it make me persuasive.
Well, first I sold him the idea that
we should have a new trustee.
Then in telling him the kind
I thought we should have.
I followed your advice
and described you.
With a few improvements.
- That was kind of you.
I said you was a real gentleman.
- Oh, that was going a bit too far.
It's true, in a way.
Then I told him that you were going
to live here and be a father to us.
Great Scott, he didn't believe that?
- He said he'd come and look you over.
He sent for Hazlitt and here they are.
- Well ..
It's all a little bewildering.
It's got to be the fattest
job you ever had.
I'm sure of it.
All you've got to do is to
sign the checks. And how.
And how.
I'll tell them you're coming.
Jenny. Jenny!
Call the gang. When those two fossils
leave here, we're going to celebrate.
There's no hooch.
- Well, call up Tony.
What about the cash?
- Cash?
What do you think we're
taking this into the family for?
You are wonderful.
I hope you won't be
disappointed with me.
We've got your number.
Get busy with Tony.
- Alright.
When everything is set and those two
have gone, we're going to stage a riot.
And you're invited.
And how.
Now .. I'll take you in.
Watch your step .. that's the boy.
This is Mr Walton. Mr John Walton.
This is Judge Larson, Mr Hazlitt.
Delighted to meet you, gentlemen.
- Thank you.
My young friend Mr Hartland tells me
you're a very old acquaintance of his.
He's already told you that, has he?
Oh yes. I told the
judge that first thing.
And you're willing to
sacrifice your own interests ..
And remain here and be, as Tommy
says, a father to him and his sister?
Why yes, of course. But do they
wish me to be a father to them?
Oh, we'd love to have him look after us.
Then if you will all sign this.
Does this give me the
necessary authority?
The agreement has been carefully drawn.
I trust you will not be
too severe with them.
I'll try not to be.
We'll do everything he tells us.
It will be nice to have
someone to turn to.
Well, it's getting late. I apologize
for keeping you all so late but ..
But Tommy wanted to get this settled.
Goodnight, Judge.
- Goodnight, Mr Hazlitt.
Goodnight, Judge.
- Goodnight.
Show the judge and Mr Hazlitt out.
Goodnight Judge and Mr Hazlitt.
- Goodnight.
I apologize for keeping you up so late.
I've got to phone the gang.
- Listen.
Get Jimmy, and then get Helen.
Call for Frances.
- Alright.
The liquor's come.
- Did he leave it?
Well, I told him about Walton and from
now on, we'll be his best customers.
Good old Tony.
- Where is Papa Walton?
He's upstairs. Jackson got
him some evening clothes.
He's all dolled up and he
almost looks like the real thing.
What a scream.
Ladies and gentlemen.
What's the matter with Papa Walton?
- He's going to make a speech.
Ladies and gentlemen.
When your glasses are filled,
I want you to drink to the health ..
Of our host and hostess:
Tommy and Jenny Hartland.
This party was given in honor ..
Of my appointment as their new guardian.
And they didn't like the old ones.
I hope they'll like me.
I want you to make the
most of this party tonight.
For who knows, it might be the last.
I might cut off supplies.
Or Jenny may decide to take care of her
youth and beauty and go to bed sometime.
Or Tommy might turn over a new leaf.
And go to work at the factory.
You can never be sure of
anything in this world.
Enjoy yourselves.
And kiss goodbye to the
Hartland home tonight.
For who knows?
You may never see it again.
Good morning, Miss Jenny.
This eggnog hasn't any brandy.
There isn't any. What there was,
Mr Walton poured down the sink.
Poured down the sink?
- Yes, Miss.
He's been acting cruel. He's fired
all the servants but me and cook.
What? He must have gone crazy.
Ken has gone, Mr Tom.
Gone? Where's he gone?
Get me a Gin Fizz.
There is no liquor of any kind.
Not a drop?
- Not a drop.
Did we drink that much?
Oh, I wonder how Walton is.
He's at breakfast.
Breakfast? How can he eat breakfast?
What's he having for heaven's sakes?
Ham and eggs.
If you don't throw him out, I will.
- Throw who out?
You seem cross this morning, dearie.
Walton has dismissed the servants.
- Walton's what?
Fired the servants except Helen and
cook and threw any liquor down the sink.
But where's Ken?
- Fired!
Watch me, I'll fix that bird.
He's drunk, that's what he is.
Thank you.
Anna, these hot cakes are delicious.
Who is going to do the
washing up, I'd like to know?
Me with no kitchen maid.
We'll do it amongst us.
What's the meaning of all this?
- All what?
Discharging all the servants.
- Are you sober?
Oh yes.
Then what possessed you
to throw out good liquor?
Oh, that. Well, I thought
we'd had enough.
And what about the servants?
- We can't afford them.
We can't?
- Speaking as your adopted father.
Say, are you trying to be fresh?
You just wait. I'll speak
to the judge about this.
Jennie. Listen to me.
Listen to you?
I should say not.
I've listened to you long enough.
You can pack up your things and go.
I'm afraid my agreement with the
Judge doesn't allow me to do that.
When you can speak respectfully,
you can come and see me in my office.
Your office?
And where is that?
- Well, your father's study.
It's a nice comfortable room.
And I am sure he would
like me to have it.
Though I am bound to say.
I never thought I should
stand in Hartland shoes.
Hello, Judge Larson?
- Yes.
Judge .. did you know this
man Walton is a lunatic?
He's as crazy as they make them.
He's fired all the servants.
He's thrown out all the liquor. He's ..
See here, young man.
What do you think the court is?
Something for you to play with?
At your own request and after a proper
investigation, I appointed Mr Walton.
You will have to keep him
as your trustee and advisor.
I know, but Judge ..
He hung up.
- What did he say?
He says we got to keep him.
- What?
I'll go back to court.
That will make him understand.
There is justice in this
world and I'm going after it.
Tommy, it looks as though
he's been and got us.
Who, Walton? He hasn't got me.
When I told him to pack up and go ..
He said the agreement he had with
the Judge didn't allow him to do that.
What did we put our names to?
- How should I know?
You were in such a hurry
to sign. I didn't look.
I was in a hurry? What about you?
We must buy him off.
- How to buy him off without money?
I'll have a talk with Freddy Pettison.
- What good is he when we want money?
We got to help ourselves. We must
frighten the old devil out of his wits.
He's burned us.
If the worst comes, I'll
throw him out the window.
Fine. I'll help you.
- Come on then.
Where did he go?
- In Daddy's study.
Now then. Are you packed?
Are you soft-headed enough to
think you can carry this bluff?
So, you're going to get rough, are you?
Well, two can play at that game.
Sit down.
- What?
And you, too.
Why should I sit down?
- Because I tell you to.
Suppose we do sit down? What then?
Have you got any self-respect?
Either of you?
That's no way to speak to my sister.
- I'll answer the question.
No, you haven't.
Have you got any respect for
the name of your dead father?
I'll answer that .. yes.
- I'm glad to hear it. Then sit down.
Your father was a worker.
He built up a fine business.
Where is it?
What do you mean? You know where it is.
- I know where the factory is.
Who looks after the business?
- Mr Pettison.
Do you know anything about him?
- Yes I do. You saw him last night.
Yes, I saw the way he looked at you.
And I heard some things he said to you.
And I saw the way he runs the
business. And I don't like any of it.
What do you know about our factory?
- I walked through it.
It's the rottenest-run junk
pile in the whole of America.
Oh, is it. I think Pettison will have
something to say about that.
If I were Pettison I'd be for Pettison.
Pettisons are like that.
Don't you insult our friend.
What's your game?
Why this sudden change?
I can't believe you're the perfectly
brainless waster that you appear to be.
I believe there must be some
gray matter there somewhere.
If fact, I'm not sure I don't even
like you a bit .. both of you.
You like us?
A $40 a week bookkeeper.
Well, I like that.
- What a cheek.
Now, listen.
You floated along on the brains
and energy of your dead father.
About as far as that will carry you.
Now you've got to paddle for yourselves.
Here is your last balance sheet.
Do you want to see it?
- Very well.
Then you're sunk.
Understand that? Sunk!
What hooey!
Do you know what "hooey" is?
- Yes, I do.
It's a perfect picture of
your entire existence.
Don't you talk to me like that.
- Here!
You want gin, don't you? Here.
There is a hundred dollars.
Go and drink yourself into the gutter.
Lead your filthy life and drag
your sister down with you.
And don't worry about me. I'm going.
I resign my trusteeship. I wash
my hands of the pair of you.
Children .. get out of my office.
Well. I guess I brought
him to his senses.
I let him know he can't do
that kind of thing with me.
Say, what's the matter with you?
He's funny.
- Funny?
I don't see anything funny about him.
He's queer.
You don't really think
he's insane, do you?
What's on your mind?
Suppose what he says is true?
Do you think I am what he says I am?
Yes, Tommy .. and so am I.
We're just young, that's all.
It's a rotten excuse, that youth stuff.
I don't think we ought to let him go.
I'm not going to ask him to stay.
No but .. let's go in again.
Don't let him know we care.
We'd better knock.
Think we had?
- Come in!
I think I left my handkerchief.
I haven't seen it .. got a cold?
I think I'd better just glance
at that balance sheet.
Come here.
You too.
Have a cigar.
It's your own.
Your butler gave it to me.
Thanks. I don't smoke cigars.
Then chew it. Look like something.
Now then.
These are your liquid assets.
You know what that means?
- Well, not exactly.
I'll tell you .. come here.
So .. the total loss for
the past fiscal year.
Is over $200,000.
Why, I had no idea things were
that bad. I'll get after Pettison.
You'll get after him?
- Certainly. I'll talk to him.
What will you say?
I'll ask why he can't run our
factory on a profitable basis.
Good for you. Suppose you
go and find out for yourself?
What do I know about the shoe business?
Suppose we go down there
together? See if we can't pick it up?
That's an idea.
- Suppose we go now?
Right now?
- Right now!
Alright. I'll get dressed.
Oh, Walton. I'm sorry if I ..
Thanks very much.
I'm afraid I've been rude to you.
- Well .. I was rude to you.
I can't understand you.
You seem to know so much.
Sometimes you're hard,
and sometimes you're kind.
What sort of a man are you?
I'm a working man.
What sort of a girl are you?
- You know.
You've told me.
- Yes.
But I don't think I told you the
whole truth about yourself.
You are not really the girl
who has been bullying me.
And drinking too much.
And telephoning the bootleggers.
That's not you.
What am I then?
You are the girl .. who
stood beside me yesterday.
When I first saw your mother's portrait.
The girl who spoke softly and sweetly.
And left a flower to
her mother's memory.
Are you going to help?
What can I do?
You can be our .. inspiration.
You mean, stand by and look pretty?
I want to do more than that.
Couldn't I learn the business?
The shoe business?
- Yes.
Lots of women are earning big
money in executive positions.
Well, that's an idea.
We'll get Tommy to give you a job.
Well, that's no good.
I'd only be Miss Hartland here.
Couldn't I go into some other firm?
- What firm?
Reeves. They're the biggest people.
They make rotten shoes. I could go there
and learn how they get away with it.
Reeves. You couldn't very well ..
How do you know they make rotten shoes?
- Everybody knows it.
They've got good management, that's all.
- Oh, I see.
So old-man Reeves is
a good manager, is he?
He's got a young nephew
that does all the work.
Who says so?
- Mr Pettison told me that.
I guess old-man Reeves is in his dotage.
But mind, if I were there,
I wouldn't spy on them.
I wouldn't give away any of
their secrets, even to Tommy.
But I'd learn the business and come
back here and do some good.
That old Reeves, was your
father's bitterest enemy.
Oh no.
Father loved to fight him.
But he never spoke of him as an enemy.
Didn't he?
He just said he was a nut. That's all.
- Oh.
A pretty hard one at that, I suppose?
- That's it. I'll get a job at Reeves.
Oh, the Judge will manage that.
He knows everybody.
Of course, you'll do as you
like, but I don't advise it.
Why not?
I .. they .. you'd be
fired the first week.
They say that nephew is a terror.
What's the joke?
I'm with Jenny. She wants to go to work.
Oh that's good.
Maybe she could at that.
Yes, but she wants to go
to the Reeves factory.
Reeves? That joint? Why, they make
the rottenest shoes in America.
Yes, I know. She told me that.
That's the reason I'm going.
If they can sell paper shoes, we can
sell twice as many leather ones.
If we know how.
- That's sound sense.
Well, do as you like. But don't
blame me if it turns out wrong.
Come on, Tommy.
You busy?
- Oh come in, Mike.
"Yours truly, etc."
That's all for the present.
Say, what's young Hartland doing here?
Mr Hartland junior has his
own office if you please.
But what for?
Don't worry. It's all a good joke.
Tommy's got a tame trustee, and they're
just making a bluff of doing something.
A new trustee? Will he
want to see the books?
What if he does? You're
the auditor, aren't you?
Everything is open and above board.
Looks fishy to me.
Why shouldn't it be fishy? Tommy hooked
him out of the sea off the Maine coast.
What do you mean?
- Don't worry.
He's just an old bum that
Tommy's bought body and soul.
Tommy put one over on the judge.
He's been pretty smart.
I'll credit him for that.
Well, I suppose you know.
Tommy will creep in here in a minute
asking which end of a pen to write with.
And in a month .. the spiders will
be holding receptions in his office.
I think we ought to be on the safe side.
Mr Hartland wishes to
see you in his office, sir.
Wishes to ..?
Did you get that?
- What did I tell you?
That drunken little upstart.
Have a cigar.
Oh come in, Pettison.
Well, hello Tommy old boy.
Good to see you here.
And quite the businessman.
I want you to meet Mr Walton.
- I've met Mr Walton on the yacht.
And in the factory. And wasn't he the
life and soul of your coming-out party?
How are you Walton, old sport?
I know, but I meant in his
capacity as trustee and all that.
Just so. I understand.
Well, we won't give you
much trouble, either of you.
Just so you'll know
if you see him around.
Sure, let him play around
as much as he likes.
And speaking of playing around.
I saw the Clintons last night.
Oh did you? The blond girl?
- Yes, Gracie.
She talked about you all the time.
- Did she?
They're giving a party Friday night
that will last until Sunday morning.
And they're counting on you.
- Well, I'll ..
I'll write them about it.
Just at present ..
I've got to be busy here.
Quite so.
I get you.
You are right. Both of you.
Got to show the judge, eh?
Well, I'll be getting
back to work myself.
Good day, Mr Walton.
Anything you want, just ask for it.
Thanks .. I'll ask you something now.
- Come on. Anything.
I wonder if you can give me any idea ..
As to why this business has
run down so rapidly of late?
Not for want of trying.
Pettison has worked like a dog.
He told me so.
- Oh, yes indeed.
Day and night.
- Day and night.
But then, of course when the head of
the firm goes, a man like Mr Hartland ..
Just so.
Although you were really in control for
some time before his death, weren't you?
Oh, yes.
And it didn't run down until after.
Well, that's the ups and
downs of business you know.
Just a moment.
How would it be if we called a meeting
of the salesmen, and had a talk to them?
That's an idea.
No. It's no good. I've tried it.
- Let's try again.
Shall we, Tommy? It might be
nice for you to meet them all.
So it would. Let's try it, Pettison.
Why, certainly. It's up to you.
You're the boss.
I'll call them for the
first of the month.
Say .. we're lucky to have Pettison.
He's a real man.
- Yes.
"Works like a dog", I think you said.
Dear Mr McKay. My uncle
is at present in Maine.
No, no. I can't use it.
Take a letter to Judge Larson.
Dear Judge.
In regard to .. Miss Grey.
It was our pleasure to place her
in a minor position in the office.
A condition has arisen.
Which is no fault of Miss Grey's but ..
- Miss Grey is here.
Show her in.
That's all for the present.
Oh and Miss Grey.
The manager of the filing
department has just left me.
He tells me you are
hopelessly inefficient.
Yes, sir.
In fact, that you know nothing at all.
Yes, sir.
Now, efficiency is the one
thing I must insist upon.
Yes, sir.
Efficiency is the one
thing I must insist upon.
Yes, sir.
Surely, you must understand.
Business is business.
Yes, sir. That's why
I wanted to learn it.
Yes. To be sure.
That's very good.
But Miss Grey. This is
not a business college.
No, sir.
So, in the circumstances.
I've written a letter to Judge Larson.
Just a friendly letter.
Do you understand?
Telling him that ..
You will have to go.
Oh, please Mr Burnett.
Come, come now.
We can't have that you know .. no tears.
After all, it's not so very serious. You
don't look as though you are starving.
There are other jobs
to be got, you know.
But I wanted to learn under you.
The "Napoleon" of the shoe business.
It's strange you should say that.
That's what this week's
trade paper called me.
I know. I read it.
Well, I'm afraid that is all
I have to say, Miss Grey.
I wish I'd never come.
Now, now. No tears.
They warned me about you.
They said you were a terror.
What? Who said that?
- Everybody says so.
And so hard.
- Oh, do they?
Well, now you've found it's true.
You'd better go,
if that's what you think.
Are you married .. or anything?
Who looks after you?
Haven't you any relatives?
A brother.
Well, isn't he working?
He wasn't when I left home.
A "terror", am I?
I don't think you're a terror.
I think you're wonderful.
Well now, Miss Grey.
Don't let us do anything in hurry.
You go back to your department
and let me think this matter over.
Oh, thank you, Mr Burnett.
Well, that's about all I
have to say, gentlemen.
This has been rather more of a
friendly than a business meeting.
I'm new at the game.
You all know a great deal
more about shoes than I do.
But I'm here, and I'm here to stay.
My new trustee, Mr Walton.
Has pointed out to me that I ought
to follow in my father's footsteps.
And .. and I'm going to try.
I'm sure we all welcome Mr Hartland
junior, the son of our old chief.
I only regret he's come at a time when
business is badly hit by conditions.
Well, I don't think
conditions are so bad.
What do you mean?
Well, we can't get any
cooperation from the factory.
When I do get an order,
it is never filled on time.
We can't get shoes
out of the air, Atkinson.
I've been obliged to cut down
on the staff to pay expenses.
I've got some complaints
lately about quality.
We have to go with the times.
Shoes can't be sold at present prices
and made of the best leather.
There's a long distance
call for Mr Walton.
Take it here, Walton.
- I won't interrupt the meeting.
Over there on the desk, Mr Walton.
- Thanks.
Oh .. hello, Hank.
Good to hear you again.
Are you going to stay with
that Hartland gang forever?
What you up to?
No .. I think my job here
is just about finished.
I shall soon be back in Buffalo
looking after my own business.
No, I haven't bought
the Hartland outfit.
Maybe I've done something better.
What's your trouble?
I've got a letter here
from your factory.
Maybe it's important.
Suppose you open it
and read it to me, Hank.
Oh, it's from your nephew.
Alright. Go ahead.
"Dear uncle."
"Conditions here at the factory
are getting along nicely."
"So enjoy your stay at Hank's
and hope the fish are biting."
"From what I've told you, you can see."
"The organization has never been in
such splendid shape as I have it now."
"I am certain, uncle, that you are
keen enough to realize that .."
"This is an age when youth
belongs at the helm."
That will do.
That kid don't like
himself much, does he.
He goes on to say.
"You ought to take a prolonged
vacation in Europe and .."
"And you'll be glad to hear."
"That he's going to put the
Hartland firm out of business."
I say, that's about all I can stand.
And, he says ..
"Have you seen the last week's trade
gazette in which they speak of him .."
"As .. the 'young Napoleon'."
I'll call you up later
when I feel better.
Aren't you well?
Yes, I am well .. but I am busy.
I think I ought to warn you,
that unless business picks up ..
There will have to be
a general cut in wages.
And anybody who doesn't like the idea
had better look for a job elsewhere.
That's all.
Hang on a moment, gentlemen.
I'd like to say a few words.
May I speak, Mr Hartland, Mr Pettison?
- Go ahead. Get it off your mind.
I told Mr Hartland that I wouldn't
interfere. But I've changed my mind.
What that man says is right.
There is nothing wrong with conditions.
The trouble is here.
I'll not say a word against
Mr Pettison. He's the manager.
But the only thing that's wrong
here is the management.
I apologize. It's Mr Hartland who is the
manager here now. I apologize again.
But you can't run a business
lying down on the job.
When a business is running down,
that's when you've got to spend money.
You've got to advertize. You've must use
better materials than you used before.
You've got to have a hundred
salesmen when you used to have fifty.
You've got to fight competition.
You've got to look around and find who's
your biggest competitor and go for him.
Who is your biggest rival?
- Reeves.
Then swat him.
Go into his territory.
Go with the goods.
I've been told twice in one day.
That Reeves make the
rottenest shoes in this country.
So you ought to have an easy job.
But don't count on it.
Perhaps he doesn't?
The public is the judge.
And it's the public you've got
to reach. Are you fighters?
- Then fight Reeves!
He's got a manager that calls
himself the "young Napoleon".
We've heard about him.
- So have I.
Well gentlemen, from now on
your middle name is "Wellington"!
And this is the battle of Waterloo!
And if Mr Hartland takes my advice.
He'll double your expense allowance
and buy you each a new hat.
Boys! We are going to wipe
Napoleon off the map.
There is only going to be one shoe.
And that's the Hartland.
Better go to Europe, had I?
Youth at the helm, eh?
I'll show him.
- "Oh, is that you, Walton?"
"This is Mr Pettison."
"I wonder if you would mind stepping
into my office for a few moments."
"I want to talk to you."
Why certainly, Mr Pettison.
I'll be right over.
Oh .. come in, Mr Walton.
Sit down.
Oh, thank you.
- Have a cigar.
Walton, that was a pretty raw thing
you said about me at the meeting.
Well .. it just slipped out.
But I'm not one to bear malice.
I've sent for you for a
very special reason.
You talked a good deal at the
conference. You surprised us all.
I surprised myself.
Just so. You got carried away.
But of course, what you
said was all baloney.
Yes .. sheer nonsense.
To do what you suggest
would cost $100,000.
Where is the money to come from?
Borrow it.
- On what?
- Ha.
Wait until you see our
next balance sheet.
We've actually got nothing to sell.
As bad as that?
- Worse.
Now then.
You seem to have some
influence with Tommy.
And anyhow, you are the trustee.
Though how you two put that
over is still a mystery to me.
Now then. Here's the proposition.
This business is gone .. busted.
Absolutely, if I had the chance to
buy it, I wouldn't give a dime for it.
But I am fond of these youngsters.
Where is Jenny, by the way?
Oh, still in Albany with
her aunt, so I hear.
Well .. I'd hate to see them broke.
Now this little syndicate
in Wall Street.
Is trying to corner the shoe business.
They've been after me for months
but I wouldn't listen to them.
But they're willing to
give half a million.
They're crazy of course, but they
want to use the name "Hartland".
And with you as manager, of course?
- Naturally.
And what do you want me to do?
Well actually, I don't
want you to do anything.
Just tell Tommy you
think it's a good offer.
But suppose I don't
think it's a good offer?
Now look here .. you can't bluff me.
You're willing to make
hay while the sun shines.
You are not averse to a little check.
Are you getting anything out of this?
- Not a cent.
I just don't want to
lose my job. That's all.
Well, you've lost it.
What do you mean?
- You're fired.
Do you think you can put me out?
Not physically, but perhaps
by mental suggestion.
You may think the game
you are playing is original.
But it's as old as the hills.
- What game?
To intentionally let a business run down
so far that the owners get discouraged.
Then you come in with your little
"Wall Street syndicate" as you call it.
Buy it up at a bargain price.
Whip it back in to prosperity
and scoop the pool.
With you as manager
standing fifty/fifty.
You can't prove anything against me.
You say your syndicate
is offering half a million.
I found out from the firm of Hammersmith
that quite recently you had two offers.
One for three quarters of a million.
And one for a million and a
quarter which you refused.
I didn't think they had the money.
- You knew they had the money!
It is the evidence on
which you are fired!
I'll talk this over with Mr Hartland.
- No, you're not!
You're not even going to kiss him
goodbye. You are going now!
If I go now, I'll ruin the Hartlands.
- Here's your hat.
Have you got an overcoat?
- No.
That makes it simpler. Get out.
We've got to admit it, Mr Burnett.
The Hartland crowd has got us thinking.
They're grabbing our
territory right and left.
But it's not logical.
Is your uncle still up in Maine?
- Yes. Still fishing.
You had better send for him.
- I have written to him.
He doesn't seem interested somehow.
Has he seen the reports?
- Yes.
His comments have
been strangely jocular.
He writes to me as "Dear Napoleon".
And signs himself: "Wellington".
I strongly advise that you
go and see your uncle.
You know, when he's fishing,
he forgets everything.
He becomes quite a different man.
But can I be spared from the helm?
Possibly, we can drift along.
Is there anything I can do
for you, Mr Benjamin?
No thank you, Miss Grey.
Thanks for putting the lovely flowers on
my desk. I don't as a rule, like them.
But they're very pretty.
It's a rotten shame the way those
Hartland people are behaving.
Miss Grey, I doubted you understood.
It isn't as if they make better shoes.
- Perhaps they can.
Not with the machinery they've got.
How do you know?
Well, a friend of the Judge's told me.
Their factory was the rottenest-run
junk pile in America.
But their advertizing campaign?
The things they claim in
their advertizements.
It's absolutely dishonest.
Their advertizing has
been of the highest order.
In fact, so many of their
methods are so like our own.
That I've sometimes wondered
if we haven't a spy in our office.
A spy?
- I don't say we have.
Mr Benjamin.
You don't think I'm a spy, do you?
Why, I'd as soon think of ..
There-there, now.
Don't cry.
- I couldn't bear it if you did.
Really .. you mustn't think such things.
I've watched you working
and I admire you so much.
Oh .. Miss Grey.
I can't stay if you think I'm
doing anything underhanded.
Miss Grey, don't talk about going.
I couldn't go on without you.
I've tried so hard not to let you
interfere with my efficiency, but ..
But I can't help it.
Oh, Benjamin.
You are so sympathetic.
So understanding.
Oh, Miss Grey.
What is your first name, Miss Grey?
- Jane.
Oh, it's a beautiful name.
[ Telephone ]
What are we doing?
And in office hours, too.
[ Telephone ]
You'd better go now, Jane.
I'm quite anxious.
Very well.
Send .. send him in.
Well ..
- Don't give me away, please.
To whom have I the pleasure of speaking?
My name is Pettison.
I was formerly manager of
Hartland Shoes, New York.
Indeed. Won't you sit down,
Mr Pettison. We've heard about you.
But are you no longer with the firm?
- No .. I left them.
I didn't like their way of doing
business, so I walked out.
I was quiet for a while, thinking they'd
come to their senses and ask me again.
But they haven't.
So I came here to offer you
my services in a fair way.
Now, I know everything there is to know
about the Hartland business from A to Z.
And if that isn't worth something
to you, I'd like to know what is.
I'm afraid I can't accept your offer.
The Hartlands are our natural enemies of
course, but they've always fought fair.
You are too trusting, Mr Burnett.
- What do you mean?
You've got a spy in your office now.
In what department?
- In this department.
This is my private office.
- And who is your little secretary?
Are you referring to Miss Grey?
If that's what she calls herself.
But her name is "Hartland".
She's old man Hartland's daughter.
Get out of my office.
You're nothing but a
beggarly blackmailer.
Alright, send for her. I'm not afraid.
Don't you ever dare
enter this office again.
Send Miss Grey to me.
- Miss Grey has gone, sir.
She left word for you that she'd had
an important message from her brother.
She won't be back.
I've said all I have to say to you.
And find out why those goods
were not delivered until Friday.
When I gave explicit directions that
they should be sent out on Thursday.
Yes, sir.
And ship the junk back to the North East
Leather people. It's not up to standard.
Yes, sir.
And say that the needn't try
any of those games on me.
That time is over.
- Yes, sir.
Hello there.
I may not be down to the office today.
I'm working out a new
scheme of advertizing.
And Tommy.
Send a sharp letter to those
salesmen of ours in Chicago.
Looks to me as if those Reeves people
are getting entirely too busy there.
There is a Mr Burnett here,
he wants to see you, sir.
He says he's Mr Reeves
nephew from Buffalo.
Send him in.
Come right in, Mr Burnett.
Mr Hartland, I've just
come down from Buffalo.
And you're Mr Reeves'
nephew and manager?
Glad to meet you face to face,
Hope I can be of help.
Sit down.
- Thanks.
I wanted to ask you about a Mr Pettison.
Who came to see me and
asked for a position.
Oh, well I'm afraid I shall have to
refer you to my trustee, Mr Walton.
Get Mr Walton.
I never discuss Pettison.
Mr Walton will tell you all about him.
You'll have to go up to the house.
Hello? Oh, Walton.
Mr Burnett of Reeves and Company
is here. I'd like to have you see him.
I won't see any of that Reeves bunch.
I said ..
You think I ought?
Well ..
Wait a minute, Tommy.
Alright .. send him along.
Ah, Tommy.
You had better come yourself,
just as soon as you can.
I may need you.
Here's the address.
I think you'll find Mr Walton
a very pleasant man.
I'm sure of it.
You live practically alone, I suppose?
Why yes, practically.
I thought there was a ..
You had a sister?
Oh, she's living in Albany.
Leading a wild life .. with her aunt.
Oh, she's not in business?
Business? Why, she's just a girl.
Yes, I think I've heard a
friend of mine speak of her.
"Jane" her name is, isn't it?
"Jane"? Oh, good heavens, what a name.
Well goodbye, Mr Burnett.
Glad to have met you.
Yes, sir?
A Mr Burnett will call.
Show him right in.
- Yes, sir.
Miss Jenny has come back, sir.
Why Jenny, this is a surprise.
Well, business agrees with you.
You're looking blooming.
Well, I don't feel blooming.
What are you and Tommy
doing to the Reeves's?
What are we doing? We're doing what
we set out to do: we're swatting them.
I call it very queer business etiquette.
Etiquette? We're not fighting
them with kid gloves.
Mr Benjamin there, working and
slaving while his uncle fishes.
And you two men trying to ruin him.
He's a man, isn't he?
- Yes, he is. He's a fine man.
But it is two against one.
I wish I had never gone.
What's happened to you?
- Why did you make me go?
I didn't make you go. I warned you.
Well, you didn't stop me.
It's done now.
Great heavens. Jenny!
You haven't fallen in love
with the young "Napoleon"?
Yes I have. - How did it happen?
- I don't know.
He's so different to all the
other men I've ever met.
[ Buzzer ]
And I love him.
Is that the front door?
Excuse me .. don't go.
So, it's all true then?
- Oh, Benny.
How dare you do this to me!
You come into my office,
worm your way into my affection.
Rob me of my efficiency,
and in business hours, too.
And then you turn out to be a spy.
- I'm not a spy.
Then why did you change your name?
"Miss Grey".
Oh Jane, Jane.
My name isn't Jane.
Not even "Jane"?
Hello, Jenny. What brings you back?
- Hello, Tommy.
Conscience, Mr Hartland.
That's what brought her back.
Now I know why so many of my business
calculations seem to be at fault.
There is no tail-baring,
if that's what you mean.
No. Your calculations have failed
because you're up against a better man.
- No, no. Not me.
The man you just spoke to. Mr Walton.
I haven't met Mr Walton.
- You haven't?
Then you might as well.
See if you can find Mr Walton, please.
Please, sir .. Mr Walton says he's gone
and will never come back any more.
But he was here a moment ago.
- What is the meaning of it?
I hope I didn't say
anything to offend him.
We can't get along without Walton.
The business will go to the dogs.
Yes. And what about us?
Who is going to look after us?
Sure. He was our best friend.
About the only honest
one we had, I guess.
Look what he's done for
me and the business.
And I did want him to know
I meant to make good.
I've grown to like him, terribly.
We must get him back.
His home is in Newark.
Oh .. he never told me his address.
Hello, Benny.
- Uncle!
- Uncle?
Why, you can't be his uncle.
Excuse me, Jenny. I can't
help being his uncle.
But Mr Walton ..
- This isn't Mr Walton. It's Mr Reeves.
He's the head of our firm.
- He's the head of our firm!
You've been fighting your own nephew.
You're wickeder than I thought you were.
Oh, not wicked, Jenny. Just crazy.
I've been fighting myself.
What made you do it, uncle?
- You did, Benny.
"Youth at the helm".
I wanted to see how old I really was.
It doesn't seem possible, but I believe
you did it to help Sis' and me.
Well .. maybe I did .. a bit.
I am sorry I was angry with you.
You've been wonderful to both of us.
It's terrible .. I resign my position.
I can't fight against Jane.
You are right. It is terrible.
You'll go back to your business
and you'll be fighting us again.
That's true .. it is terrible.
Boys and girls. There is
only one thing for it.
We must merge.
- Merge!
So, Hank .. it's going to
be Reeves and Hartland.
The biggest shoemakers
in the United States.
But John, who are you going to fight?
Well, the rest of the world.
Gee, it's good to go without shoes.