Thirteen Women (1932) Movie Script

Look who's here, Sis.
Why, Hazel Cousins.
- Hello, June.
How you been, you old so-and-so?
Gosh, it's good to see you.
Tell me, do you see
any of the old crowd?
You know, the dear old Kappas?
- No, I don't get around much.
I've been taking a motor
trip with a friend.
And when I saw you were here,
I simply had to come in and say hello.
That's swell.
Come on, snap into it, honey.
We're on next. I'll be right back.
What's the matter, June?
I'll have to tell you.
I've got to tell somebody,
to get it out of my head.
I shouldn't go on with this act.
I'm afraid.
Afraid? Of what?
Something that's been on my
mind for a long time now.
It didn't bother me much at first.
Now, it's driving me ..
No .. no, I can't go on.
What's the matter? What's happened?
Do you remember that round-robin letter
we all sent each other? - Yes.
The letter mentioned ..
How miraculous a Swami in New York was
in predicting what would happen to us.
So you sent for your horoscope?
- Did you, too?
Well, he sent us three
letters, warning us.
He didn't tell my sister.
Hazel .. he said something terrible
was going to happen to one of us.
An accident. And another
one of us would go ..
Oh no, I ..
It can't go on. Way up there.
I know I'm afraid.
Come on, we're on.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I take great pleasure.
In introducing to you.
The marvel .. of the
Joe E Marvel circus:
The Raskob sisters!
And now .. the Raskob sisters.
Will do their world-famous double twist!
Done without a net.
The most breath-taking.
Death-defying aerial feat.
That this .. or in my opinion,
ladies and gentlemen ..
Any generation .. will ever see.
I've worked this horoscope out 5 times.
It predicts great happiness.
But still I'm afraid to send it.
Why, Swami?
Because I was fatally
wrong about June Raskob.
Her future was as happy as this one.
A week after I wrote her.
Her sister was dead and she was insane.
You must send it.
- Have I ..?
Have I lost the power
to divine the stars?
No, Swami.
But you must send the letter.
For the sake of the 12 women who wrote a
round-robin asking for their horoscopes.
They were schoolgirls together.
Their lives formed one chain of destiny.
Twelve women who believe.
Don't destroy their faith in the occult.
What is in that brain of yours?
Your eyes.
We've met before. Of that, I'm certain.
Not on this earth.
Were we lovers in another
incarnation, Swami?
Tell me.
Couldn't you learn by ..
Casting my horoscope?
I have cast it.
To see if the heavens
could explain your ..
Your effect on me.
- Please don't make me tell you.
Tell me.
It is death.
I read for you.
Aren't we all to die?
- But you, not pleasantly.
Oh, the thought it too horrible.
Your body.
Mangled like that.
- How?
An accident, the stars say.
A railroad .. perhaps.
How strange.
So, are you to die like that, too?
Don't look at me that way.
Don't look at me like that.
You are very tired, Swami.
Sleep is so sweet.
We're playing Tarzan.
And Ann says I can't climb trees.
But Tarzan did, Mother. So why can't I?
Los Angeles calling
Mrs Helen Frye in New York.
Mrs Helen Frye?
Hello .. hello, Helen?
Why, Laura Stanhope.
It's grand to hear you again.
What's up?
Oh yes.
His prediction came true.
Oh but dear, that's just a coincidence.
May going like that and then Hazel.
We mustn't believe in it, Helen.
I'm going to put a stop
to it. Do you hear?
Grace Coombs lives out here.
And Jo Turner is going to stop
off on her way back from Hawaii.
Helen, you try to come out.
Oh .. oh, I'd love to Laura but ..
George has been so wretched since ..
Since the baby left us.
I don't think I ..
- But the trip will do you good.
We'll laugh those fool horoscopes
right out of our heads.
Alright. Let me know.
Can I Mother, in my old clothes?
Yes, darling. You can climb
the apple tree in your own yard.
Oh, hello Grace.
How are you?
Come on, sit down.
Oh, another one of those messages?
- Yes.
Grace .. if you don't stop
selling your soul to the devil ..
By believing in those
foolish horoscopes.
What about May?
And Hazel is in jail.
It's pitiful, yes.
But the result of natural causes.
And belief in anything else
is believing in .. magic.
But Laura.
And you'd help the rest
of us Grace, if you'd hush.
And stop writing your letters
telling us all to prepare for our ..
The moon does control the tides.
And nothing can live without the sun.
Why shouldn't we be controlled?
Because we are reasoning human beings,
silly. And not irresponsible machines.
Listen, Laura.
This letter came from the Swami
just an hour ago. I have to tell you.
"I'd do anything to halt the disasters
that have come to you and your friends."
"As I would do anything
to save my own life."
"But I can do neither.
For I am helpless, too."
"I knew too much about the heavens."
"They are killing me."
"My own horoscope shows .."
"That I am to leave this earth."
"Before July the 1st."
Well, if I needed anything
more than common sense ..
To disprove your arguments,
that would be enough.
No-one is going to take his own life ..
Just to prove to 12 women
that he's a good stargazer.
You are deranged, Grace.
- This happens.
The Swami himself does die.
How can you disbelieve?
New York.
Before July the 1st.
[ Screams! ]
That makes it practically unanimous.
I'll have a lemonade
and bitters, please.
Excuse me.
Aren't you Helen Dawson?
Before I was married, yes.
Hello .. uh ..?
St Albans School, wasn't it?
Why, I have forgotten your name.
Ursula Georgi.
- Oh yes. Of course.
Well, isn't this fun, meeting like this?
Are you going to coast?
It doesn't seem long since
we were at St Albans, does it.
Tell me about the girls.
It's nice to have you
ask about the girls.
As I remember, it wasn't
very pleasant for you.
I didn't mind having to leave.
It was hard on the missionary.
Who sent me there.
He picked me up in India.
To .. to save me.
Oh, all those things
mattered so dreadfully, then.
They seem so childish now.
How I used to envy you girls.
Your parties .. your sorority.
You are lucky you don't
belong, if you ask me.
Because of those timetables made out
by the stars, we were talking about?
You straight-thinking, rational Anglo
Saxons don't believe in such things.
Do you?
Laura doesn't.
Thank goodness.
Mrs Stanhope always was a
strong character, wasn't she.
That's why she's
getting us all together.
So we can laugh it all away.
I haven't laughed for so long.
My little girl has the bluest eyes.
She was just two and a half year's old.
It's what happened to Yogadachi
himself that makes it all so convincing.
He predicted even the date he'd go.
You can't laugh that off, can you.
I want you to read his last letter.
Isn't that silly?
A man I've never seen.
And he has the nerve to tell me
that I'm going to kill myself.
Why the gun, then?
Aren't you afraid?
- Afraid?
Why, of course not.
This belongs to my husband.
I brought it along with me.
Just to prove to myself
that the Swami is bogus.
If I avoided the thing now.
I would know that I was afraid.
Oh, are you going to bed?
- Yes. It's so late.
We'll be in Los Angeles in the morning.
I'll see you at breakfast.
- Fine.
If I was you I'd ..
- This ..?
Oh .. don't worry.
No stars are going to twinkle
twinkle me into committing suicide.
[ Gunshot! ]
Oh, you let an old lady beat you.
You did not beat me. I let
you win because you're a girl.
Jo's going to help Mother
now darling. Come on.
She don't want to help you, mother.
- Yes, she does want to help me.
Oh, he's precious.
I do envy you, Laura.
To me .. life is just an ashtray
full of cigarette butts.
Why don't you marry again, Jo?
- Oh ..
I would if I was sure of
getting a kid like Bobby.
What about the present fiance?
Oh, he's a lot of fun.
But all he wants is a ..
A well-stocked cellar.
A racehorse. Bridge.
Anything but babies.
Laura, why don't you
marry again sometime?
I could never be dependent
on anyone again.
I love standing on my own feet.
I wonder if any woman can.
- Why not?
I say.
Do you remember how you were always
afraid the boys would go too far?
And I was afraid that they wouldn't?
Here, let me help you.
Here's Helen's.
Where do you want her?
- Oh, let's put Helen there.
Excuse me, Mrs Stanhope.
Can I put this up in my
room with nails, Mother?
It's for my engine to sleep on.
Hey, Burns, will you do it for me?
- Sure.
That's keen. Come on.
Burns, where is Mrs Frye?
Did you meet her?
I met the train, yes ma'am.
But no-one came.
Isn't it funny Helen didn't wire?
Oh, she probably missed
it and is taking a cab.
What do you say, Sergeant?
I agree with you, coroner. For once.
- Much obliged.
What is it? What's happened?
- Suicide.
Sergeant Clive here says the restricted
angles of the compartment prove that.
He's the mathematician
of the department, so ..
Suicide is bad enough,
but I'm relieved it wasn't ..
On the other hand.
Something makes one kill oneself.
So suicide is murder.
The trouble is you can't
arrest a something, can you.
I beg your pardon.
The porter believes he saw you
passing Mrs Frye's drawing room.
At about the time this suicide happened.
That's very possible.
Tell me .. did you hear
or see anything unusual?
I can't say that I did.
I feel terribly upset about it.
I met the lady on the train and
she seemed very charming.
Thank you, Miss .. or is it Mrs?
"Miss" .. Clemens.
Thank you, Miss Clemens.
Alright, folks. You can go now.
Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Jo, I sent a wire to Helen in New York.
Thought perhaps she'd missed the train.
I haven't got an answer yet.
Strange, isn't it.
Hello, Grace.
- Hello dear. How are you?
Jo Turner is here.
- Oh.
Hello, darling.
- Jo, dear.
Quite in the flesh.
Darling .. I'm sorry to make a liar
out of your incredible Swami.
But I haven't killed myself
over a man yet. - Jo.
He should have known that it's the
men that kill themselves over me.
Sit down, Grace dear. Sit down.
Oh Jo, please don't be so flippant.
What is written in the
stars must come to pass.
Okay with me.
I've had a lot of fun.
You are both fatalists.
- Hmm, sure.
When the Gods are
fed up with me .. voila!
Don't pay any attention to her, Grace.
- I beg your pardon, madam.
Oh yes. We'll wait on dinner
for the others, Henry. But ..
You might bring some
cocktails in here, please.
Yes. But excuse me, a Policeman.
May I come in?
Excuse me but the baggage belonging to a
Mrs Frye was marked for delivery here.
Did anything happen?
I'm terribly sorry.
It appears to be.
It happened on the train.
Do you know of any reason that
could account for ..? - Why ..
Mrs Frye.
A couple of months ago,
Sergeant, lost her only child.
I can understand that, Mrs Stanhope.
We were just going to have a ..
Reunion dinner.
Old classmates.
Mrs Stanhope, if you will be kind enough
to drop into Headquarters, tomorrow say.
A routine statement about Mrs Frye ..
- Yes, of course, Sergeant.
Thank you. Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Well, do you still doubt, Laura?
Are you still laughing, Jo?
Yogadachi has been right again.
Oh, you must accept his truth as I have.
That's the trouble with you,
Grace. Glorifying such rot.
I tell you that nothing
could save Helen.
Nor May. Nor Hazel .. from fate.
Don't you understand?
It was written for them.
As it is for all of us.
Well, if it's all settled
for us, why worry?
Stop talking about it.
Stop thinking about it.
Anyone can think
themselves into anything.
You two are stumbling in
a dark material world.
I am above it.
As Yogadachi was.
Death means peace.
I shall meet him.
Well .. I shan't.
Depression or not, personally
I'm mad about this world.
Oh .. go on home, Grace.
You give me the creeps.
- No. Not I.
But what is written for you.
Only you are afraid to face it.
- Grace. I think you'd better go.
Just as you say.
Ooh .. she gives me the jitters.
I guess you'd go the same way too, if
you'd received one of those horoscopes.
I have.
I've been trying not
to think about it, Jo.
He warned me that ..
That something dreadful
would happen to Bobby.
On or .. before his birthday.
But my dear, why on earth
didn't you go to the Police?
Oh, well.
I was determined not to
give in to superstition.
Yes, but surely it has gone
beyond a joke now?
You're right.
When I see that detective in the
morning, I'll tell him everything.
I think you should.
When is Bobby's birthday?
Three days.
I don't know how I've .. lasted.
Away from you.
You haven't.
You've grown fat.
- Well, it's a soft job.
Did you have any trouble
finding the place?
I thought a little house would be
better while you're here. - Yes.
How long must a man be in love with you
before you call him by his first name?
Why, you ..
You would think I was working for you.
You are.
Haven't you missed me?
- Of course I have.
When are you going to
tell me about things?
When are we going to stop all this?
I didn't figure on going this far.
I didn't even think it would work.
But you see, it does.
- With the others, perhaps.
But .. but the Stanhopes?
Is Mrs Stanhope ..
Is she still strong?
Yes, she is.
I hate her.
Her cool, poised character.
Her rigid mind.
You'll never break her.
Yes, I will.
That big elephant was so friendly
picked him right up with his trunk.
Here, Robert. It's for you.
Gee, it has my name on it.
- Yes.
I bet it's a present for my birthday.
Hmm .. chocolates, Nanny.
- Not until you've finished your milk.
Bye, darling.
Where did that come from?
- The mail, madam.
Perhaps I shouldn't have given it
to him. It must be a present for Sunday.
Now can I, Nan? Can I?
- No. No.
Not so early in the morning, darling.
I'm sorry, Mrs Stanhope. Come along
Bobby, you'll be late for school.
No .. no .. no.
How would you like to miss school today?
Stay home and help Nan
with your birthday party?
Can Burns finish building
my pirate boat?
You bet he can. Would you like that?
- Thank you, Mummy.
Hey, Burns. I don't
have to go to school.
Well, the candy is okay.
But it's been tampered
with since it was bought.
If anybody had eaten it, he'd have
strangled to death in 30 seconds.
How many of the Swami's predictions
have come true, Mrs Stanhope?
- Four.
You must remember that the
Swami foretold his own death.
Well, there is no sense in them.
The man goes out and mails the candy,
then goes and kills himself. No sense.
That's right, Chief.
It looks like the Swami was hired
to scare those women into ..
How can you hire a man to kill himself?
Ah, there is no sense in it.
Anyway Sergeant, it's your case.
If I think about it anymore I'll
probably wind up in the booby hatch.
That's just what happened
to the other people.
Thinking about it too much.
This case is just crazy enough
for Sergeant Clive to solve.
Excuse me, lady.
Oh why should the Swami
want to kill my little boy?
Perhaps he didn't.
This package was stamped at the Parcel
Post window at 14 minutes past three.
Now, the accident happened
at two minutes past twelve.
The Swami was dead for over three
hours when the candy was mailed.
But someone else is still alive.
Someone who still wants to kill Bobby?
Possibly .. there must be an accomplice.
The person who mailed this box is likely
responsible for all that's happened.
I'm going to find that person.
I'll send some men to
your house at once.
I suggest that .. you be at
your boy's side constantly.
Oh yes.
Yes, I'll be very careful.
Goodbye, Sergeant.
- Oh, pardon me.
Is that sorority pin always worn there?
Yes. That's the ritual.
And only the girls who are members of
your particular club wear them? - Yes.
Where is St Albans seminary?
North of San Francisco. At Medora.
What are you thinking, Sergeant?
I was just thinking of you.
Of your boy, Mrs Stanhope.
Oh, thank you.
- Not at all.
- Goodbye.
It seems incredible that such
things as you describe.
Could possibly be happening to those
other children of mine out in the world.
They're not children any more.
The New York Police questioned
Mrs Hazel Cousins in jail.
She told them that she
started the round-robin.
But .. you gave her the idea.
Why, how could she
say that? When I didn't.
I was merely having luncheon
with the dear child.
When I was attending a conference
of educators in New York.
Pardon me, Miss Kirsten.
Hazel Cousins insists that you
suggested the idea to her.
Oh but Mr Clive .. I ..?
Oh, it's simply impossible.
Why I ..
Wait a moment.
I'm remembering something.
Yes, I did see someone else.
Yes, the mood is coming back to me.
Schoolgirl friendships .. fading.
Soon forgotten.
That's a lovely sentiment.
Would you mind telling me who?
Of course not.
- Who?
Another one of my girls. Ursula Georgi.
That's a very musical name, isn't it.
Would you mind saying it again?
"Ursula .. Georgi".
You enunciate beautifully, Miss Kirsten.
What was she like?
Sweet .. very.
And mystical.
Sounds very interesting.
Now tell me, Miss Kirsten have you a
photograph of the class group? Anything?
Oh no. She wasn't here
long enough for that.
One day she decided to leave.
- And she left?
You are a very understanding young man.
Why didn't I go to the Police sooner?
I've been crazy, Jo.
Trying to whip instinct with ..
With just reason.
- Oh, you mustn't talk like this.
You mustn't even think like this.
- No, I know I mustn't.
I know I mustn't.
But I am.
That boy of mine is all I've got, Jo.
How can I help it with things I
don't understand striking at him?
Like it did the others.
Out of the dark where
you can't protect him.
Imagining that ..
That every little breath
he takes .. may be his last.
Nothing can happen here.
- No.
My mind tells me it's impossible.
But it is happening.
I'm afraid. Jo, I'm afraid.
Bobby .. Bobby!
Promise Mother you'll never
leave the house alone again.
Why not, Mumsy?
- Oh ..
Mother is just a little
worried. That's all.
You don't need to worry, Mumsy.
I'll take care of you.
Relay this to New York right away.
- Alright, Sergeant.
Give this to master
Bobby with all your love.
And don't drop it.
I ..
I can't.
I can't bear the thought of it.
I can't do it.
Of course you will.
You and I are going
away together, aren't we.
As soon as everything is done.
You'll do it.
Won't you?
What .. what will it do to him?
He won't know anything.
He'll bounce it.
Children always bounce
rubber balls, don't they.
And then?
- Why ..?
You've done a lot for me, Jo.
We've helped each other, rather.
But with Sergeant Clive around.
You won't need me.
But just the same.
I hate to see you go.
- And I hate going too.
Only I don't dare stay.
Oh, well I've quarrelled
with my fiance and ..
I believe anything of
myself when I'm in love.
Look here, Jo.
You surely don't believe
your prediction?
Ha .. I'm human, too.
Do you know .. the only credulous
animal on the whole face of the earth.
Is the human.
You'll excuse me, Mrs Stanhope.
- Yes, Burns?
I hope you don't mind.
I .. I took the liberty of ..
Of getting the little fellow a ..
Well, I got him a ball for his birthday.
Very thoughtful of you, Burns.
I'm sure he'll like it.
Is the car ready, Burns?
- Yes, Miss Turner.
Well, darling.
- Goodbye, Jo.
What's that?
A present dear, from Burns.
Can I see it?
- No. You know, Bobby.
If you open it now, you won't have
anything left for your birthday.
Come on sweetheart, take your nap.
That's it.
Here's a wire from New York, Sergeant.
Are you almost through?
- Just about, Sergeant.
Say, I know that woman.
- Yeah?
Yeah. She was on the train when
Helen Frye committed suicide.
Let me have it.
- Coming.
We want this woman.
Her name is Ursula Georgi.
A half-breed type.
Half Hindu, half Japanese. I don't know.
She's living right here in this
town. I want you to find her.
Check every move she makes.
There are one million, 238,048
people in Los Angeles.
And you want only one woman? A cinch.
Get going. Get going.
Ann, did you tell Burns I wanted him?
- He's bringing the car, Mrs Stanhope.
Are these all the presents?
- Yes, Mrs Stanhope.
I won't feel satisfied until I've
had every one of them tested.
I suppose it's silly .. but ever
since that poisoned candy came ..
Put these in the car please, Burns.
And then take me to Headquarters.
Yes, ma'am.
What's the matter, Burns?
- I beg your pardon, Mrs Stanhope.
I had hoped to have the afternoon off.
You see .. my mother is not well.
Oh, I'm sorry Burns.
Well, I tell you what you do.
You drop me off at Headquarters.
And you take the car on
out to your mother's.
Sergeant Clive will bring me home.
- But ..
[ Engine not starting ]
[ Engine not starting ]
Anything wrong, Burns?
I don't know. Something ..
Is your switch on?
I got a hot line on Ursula Georgi.
She bought herself some
dynamite in a hardware store.
Dynamite? How can she get hold
of dynamite without a permit?
She talked him right out of it.
He says she gave him the willies.
Mike, we've got to get that woman.
Sergeant .. here's some more
dope on that Hindu dame's case.
Read it.
Yogadachi chauffeur Burns,
disappeared a month ago.
Hello? Get me Mrs Stanhope
in Beverly Hills quick.
You have her number on the board.
Hello? Is Mrs Stanhope there?
Mrs Stanhope has just
left for your office.
She's taking all the packages
that Bobby had for his birthday.
Is Burns there?
- Burns?
He's driving her down.
Do you know if there was a present
from Burns among those things?
A what?
A rubber ball?
Come on, Mike.
Los Angeles Police Department
calling all cars.
[ Radio: ]
"Watch all roads from Beverly Hills."
"Be on the lookout for a limousine
being driven by a chauffeur."
"Contains a woman passenger."
"And they are headed for
Police Headquarters. Be careful."
Not so fast please, Burns.
Burns, don't you hear?
Not so fast, please!
[ Gunshot! ]
[ Gunshot! ]
Throw out the packages.
Take me home, Sergeant. Take me home.
Mike, take care of Mrs Stanhope's car.
- Okay, Sergeant.
I can't stand any more of this.
Why should she want to kill Bobby?
I don't understand it.
Mrs Stanhope.
I wish you'd get out of town until
we catch this Ursula Georgi.
Anything. Anything to
get away from all this.
Why don't you take the
train for New York tonight?
Yes, I will. Tonight.
- Fine.
[ Radio: ] "Los Angeles Police
Department. Calling all cars."
"Be on the lookout for a man."
"He might be dressed in a light
gray chauffeur's uniform."
"Also, a woman. A half-caste Hindu."
"Watch all trains, watch all
highways. Watch all boats."
How are we going to beat this dragnet?
If you had only let us go this morning.
They've got everything watched.
As if I ..
I would run into their arms.
They don't think.
- But, what .. what about me?
I'll come back for you. So wait.
I'll check this at the station and
you can pick it up when we leave.
Go on a train? Didn't you
hear that? All trains are ..
Why can't we hide out here
until this thing blows over?
They can't hang anything on us now.
Nothing will happen to the boy now.
You can't go on a train after what
Yogadachi said would happen to you.
Yogadachi was a fake!
I was his brain as I am yours.
You're running out on me.
They'll get me.
I won't stay here.
- 0h, yes you will.
I will .. I'll be alone.
You'll be more alone if you go out.
Because you won't know
what to do or where to turn.
And they'll pick you up in minutes.
That's why you'll stay here.
Goodbye, Bobby.
Be sure and take good care of Mother.
Sure. And don't forget you said
you'd get me a Policeman's badge.
I won't forget and I'll get
you a gold one, too.
Goodbye, Mr Clive.
- Goodbye, Bobby.
Goodbye, Mrs Stanhope.
I hope you have a pleasant rip.
I wish.
I would feel better if
you were going with us.
I wish I were going.
All aboard!
All aboard!
Everything is all ready, Sergeant.
- Goodnight, Mrs Stanhope.
Good evening .. Laura.
Ursula Georgi.
Does the exclusive Mrs Stanhope further
honor me by remembering my name?
Let me go .. let me go!
How is your child, Laura?
They tell me he is handsome.
And bright. And very lovable.
Yes. Burns told me.
Tomorrow is his birthday.
I looked at his star tonight.
And it was glowing red.
Like the ball I sent you.
Why should you want to kill Bobby?
He's your child, isn't he? Yours!
What have I done? What has anyone
done to make you so inhuman?
Do I hear the very human white
race .. asking that question?
When I was twelve years old.
A white sailor ..
- You're insane. Insane.
Maybe I am.
But do you know what it
means to be a half-breed?
A half-caste in a world ruled by whites?
If you're a male, you're a coolie.
If you're a female, you're .. well ..
The white half of me cries for
the courtesy and protection ..
That women like you get.
The only way I could free myself
was by becoming white.
And it was almost in
my hands .. when you ..
You and your Kappa society stopped me.
You're crazy, what did ..?
- My parents spent six years slaving.
To get money enough to put
me through finishing school.
To make the world accept me as white.
And you .. and the others wouldn't
let me cross the color line.
But we were young.
Maybe we were cruel.
But you can't use
that to justify murder.
I can.
You are very tired, Laura.
Mrs Stanhope.
Mrs Stanhope.