Three Kilometres to the End of the World (2024) Movie Script

Made with the support of the National
Center Romanian cinematic
produced by:
I see.
So I'm waiting for
you to let me know.
Okay, Macarie. THANKS.
He waits
to hear from the city.
If you're not going to poach,
How will we reimburse?
You should go talk to her.
Request to Zenov
to leave us more time.
What if we can't pay?
Do you need the boat this afternoon?
- No, do you want to go out?
- No, I want to repair it.
- Is she broken?
- Why do you laugh?
- He laughs at me.
- Did you take Ilinca to the
beach this morning? Dad !
How are you.
Just put a blanket ...
Say not such things!
- Do you want a wine spritzer?
- Later.
How did you do it to see it?
What do you know?
Come to the festival, i will
find you five hedgehogs per day.
I don't know.
I have nowhere to sleep.
Sleep in a tent,
like everyone else.
You show off with a bottle.
At least come after the festival.
You can't come for a few days
in Bucharest?
You will sleep on the street.
Just kidding, you'll sleep at my place.
- I don't know.
- I'll pay you for the trip.
When is your entrance exam?
Are you afraid of your parents?
Tell them you want too
try a university in Bucharest.
- Did you cut yourself?
- No, their quills don't cut.
It must be a bramble thorn...
I have disinfectant at home.
It'll be OK.
What are you doing,
are you throwing up?
Follow my finger with your gaze.
Don't move your head.
- Dizziness?
- No.
- Headache ?
- No.
Head back.
Look at the ceiling.
Does it hurt?
Turn around.
Breathe deeply.
Hold back.
Do I also have to make a statement?
You're not involved.
Were you a witness?
I saw him come home.
- Did you see him get hit?
- Of course not.
So we just need his statement.
Take off your pants.
Traumatic lesions ...
of which...
Severity ...
will be...
evaluated ...
by the Medico-Legal Institute ...
of Tulcea.
Further away.
What did you do then?
I went home.
- Alone ?
- Yes.
Didn't you come across anyone?
Have you walked alone?
I fell forward
When I was hit.
I fainted.
Nobody around?
New paragraph.
This is for the IML of Tulcea.
Radios, orthopedics and lungs.
Here is the medical certificate
that the IML must verify,
they will give you a new one.
This is your copy, the other is
to be filed with the police.
Is everything clear?
Come sign.
The preliminary report.
- Did you note the date and time?
- Top left.
His ID.
Come on, let's smoke.
Hold this for me.
Finish taking his statement.
Good, boss.
- Madam.
- Good night.
You saw that your phone was missing
once you get home, or sooner?
I don't know.
- How are we going...
- How are you ?
- Did you look for it?
- Yes.
Did you return to the scene?
No, I looked around.
Did you look or look for it?
Look for his phone, it's a shame.
If it was stolen from him,
we change the type of offense.
We go through blows and wounds
aggravated theft.
It is punishable
three to seven years in prison,
because it was night.
And bring back the medical
examiner's report.
- How are you getting there?
- By boat.
It was Pagai.
I owe money to Zenov,
I'm a week late.
He sent Pagai to beat him up.
I don't think so.
It's not what you think.
Zenov is capable of a lot,
but not that.
Are you sure?
If it's him,
we'll take care of it.
You'll see.
We're going to find
out who beat him.
Listen, Pandele.
Do you also have children?
- I hardly ever see him.
- I know.
He's all I have.
Everything I earn
goes into his rent in Tulcea.
I know well.
He's finally coming home
for the summer and...
Put yourself in my place.
We'll take care of it, don't worry.
What do they make up, damn it?
Do you have everything?
Do you have a plastic pocket?
Your identity document?
- What ?
- Your identity document.
I have it.
Do you give it to me or keep it?
I keep it.
Hello ?
There, now?
I'm going to Tulcea
for his medical report.
I don't have enough for the fast boat,
I'm going home tomorrow.
Ok, I arrive.
Adi, I go to the police station,
Tell your mother to make sandwiches.
- I come back quickly.
- All right.
- Good morning.
- Hey !
- Where are you going?
- See the chief.
- Is he waiting for you?
- Yes.
- Drgoi is there.
- that he enters.
Go ahead.
- Between.
- Hi.
- Coffee ?
- No.
- Why are you there?
- ADI got hit?
- Make me another coffee.
- Right away.
They left together.
I suppose, I'm not sure.
Can you describe it?
He was roughly our age.
He had earrings.
He had short and curly hair.
What time are you on?
Around 11 p.m.
But you went
in a nightclub together.
Me and Adi,
the tourist came alone.
- Which tourist?
- Wait.
You don't know when they left?
I left them both.
Tell him what you told me.
Old Tocu saw who beat him.
Dad told Mom this morning.
How does he know?
He drank with him
at the Saules bar last night.
With Tocu?
Yes, dad and Tocu.
- Did he say who it was?
- I don't think so.
Dad didn't know.
Mom told him not to get involved.
I left it there.
With the tourist.
I don't know.
And Adi did not answer my calls.
He lost his phone.
Where is your father?
He left for Tulcea.
- Did he just take the boat?
- Yes.
I told you I would sign nothing.
My father would kill me.
No one will do anything to you, come ...
- Drgoi, stay quiet!
- Go home.
- Wait a little!
Do you hear? Let her go.
Come on, go home.
- ADI is at home?
- Yes.
Can I go see it?
Good day.
Leave open.
Hold on.
So let's see Tocu.
Here we go ?
Stop your nonsense.
For what ?
Do you think she is lying?
I don't know,
But if she refuses to sign ...
These are reported remarks.
Tocu says anything, a vodka
And he takes himself for Snow White.
Let's go see him.
Please, Pandele.
- You let me talk.
- All right.
- It's clear ?
- Yes.
Who was it?
What did he look like?
Listen, if you speak,
We will resolve it faster.
Otherwise, we will get out of
the mandates, Quotes to appear.
It makes no sense!
If someone had done this to your
daughter, Wouldn't you like him?
- Don't mix it with that.
- Imagine.
Are you going, leave me.
Is he someone from the village?
Drgoi, wait!
Leave me!
If you know something, help me.
Is just a child.
Do you know what he did to him?
It was Ciprian.
Zenov's son.
It wasn't me who told you that.
Zenov's son.
I told you.
- Let's go.
- Calm down.
- He already told us.
- The boss said to wait!
Did you see it yourself?
I came home from the bar
to take a jacket.
When I came out,
I heard a noise.
I approached the gate
and I saw two guys hitting him.
I didn't see the
first one very well.
But the other was Ciprian.
Would you make a statement?
What is it?
Leave us alone with this thing!
Let's go.
Stay there. Hold it!
Stop, you're asking for trouble.
Without a statement,
I can't do anything.
Go all the way.
I said what I had to say.
Make of it what you will.
Listen to me. It's the procedure,
I can't do anything about it.
To question them,
a referral is required.
Tell the kid
to make a statement.
I have his statement,
but he doesn't know who beat him.
Do you think we would be there
if he had seen them?
You have to go all the way.
I will not declare
anything against Zenov.
If you want to do it,
do it yourself.
- Chief ?
- Wait!
And if you're a man,
forget what I said.
Don't be stupid,
think before you speak.
Didn't you drink
with Gabone last night?
I didn't say anything,
what's wrong?
- Wait.
- I'm waiting.
You're going home, understand?
I'll take care of the rest.
Come inside and I'll call you.
I want to come with you.
Chief !
- I want...
- I said I'll take care of it!
That's why I want to come.
Pardon ?
Repeat what you said.
Is that why you want to come?
I'm just saying
that you know yourself.
So what?
- So why don't I go?
You're not going anywhere, idiot.
You will lose your calm
and screw everything up.
And I'm going to have
to call the prosecutor.
I don't have a mandate,
I can't cause a scandal.
If you want me to help you,
let me handle it.
You don't know anything
about procedures.
With just your son's testimony,
we're screwed.
- and two witnesses.
- One!
He refuses to sign,
it's worth nothing.
Two, with Ilinca.
Ilinca saw nothing,
are you silly or what?
She heard her father
who spoke with Tocu,
Who would have seen ... you speak!
Let me manage in my own way.
You knew that
the brother-in-law of Zenov
...had just been appointed
head of the county?
Do you want to make everything me?
Go fight with Zenov.
Crazy a slap and everything
will be finished.
It will make my task easier.
Trust me.
Come on.
Radu How?
- Is he in the second year?
- He is a volunteer at exams.
How so ?
I mean...
He helps people
for the entrance exam.
- He left this morning?
- Yes.
My father too,
He may have seen it on the boat.
Do you think he follows it?
But no,
I look at if he's in the stories.
Your father has Facebook?
You're stupid!
Can you put it on my back?
I have no friend
at the theater school.
These are the Radu that I found.
Look at.
Pandele is there.
Brings food.
- Have you eaten?
- Useless...
Go ahead!
Are you aware?
- Someone saw him.
- Who ?
It seems that Tocu
was with Gabone all night.
It must have come
from one of them.
That's all they would
have talked about.
Nobody told me anything.
But people say
that it was your son.
What are we going to do?
It's up to you to tell me.
He has to come and do
a statement, then we'll see.
A prosecutor will come from Tulcea,
and that will be all.
And if you didn't send the file
in Tulcea?
Wait until tomorrow.
I can't.
I registered the complaint,
we have the doctor's report.
- Did he go to the doctor?
- Last night.
He reported his phone stolen.
It's wounds and wounds
and aggravated theft.
Don't move.
- Should I take notes?
- I'll tell you when.
Give it to him.
- Is it his?
- It's Adi's.
The file must not arrive in Tulcea.
I could still manage there,
but if they appeal, it will go to Bucharest
and my sons will get the maximum sentence.
Are they both involved?
It's 3 to 7 years old firm.
At night, it is an
aggravating circumstance.
They would be released
For good driving halfway.
- Are they there?
- Yes.
Call them.
We followed him at Tana,
where the other housed ...
The tourist.
We followed them from afar,
They took the main street,
And we took the back alley.
Adi broken down it.
Once at the portal, the guy ...
kissed her hand.
- He licked it.
- He has it ...
Then they kissed,
they hugged each other.
Afterwards, the tourist returned
and we followed Adi.
- You weren't after the tourist.
- No.
Why did you attack Adi?
Tell him what you told me.
Because he's a faggot.
- Pardon ?
- Say it clearly!
Because he's getting fucked.
I write it like this:
Because hes getting fucked?
How did you deduce that?
Because he was kissing a boy?
I thought he was drunk.
When you're drunk,
Do you kiss boys?
- Why did you take your phone?
- It's him.
He fell to the ground,
I picked it up.
I wanted to break it,
not steal it.
And we insulted it.
My brother, especially.
Save yourself.
What did you do after?
We came back.
Was you there?
I was there,
We drank a drink with friends.
- Didn't you see them?
- We entered the front.
Help me,
Try saving time.
I can't,
The minutes are dated.
Don't send it yet.
- If the prosecutor sees it...
- I'll talk to him.
It is better
that this doesn't happen in Tulcea.
And on the other hand,
Its a pedal, dammit!
If we find out we have pedals here,
imagine what that will be like.
Do you want to watch them?
Don't you want a peaceful retirement?
They're going to bring back drugs.
Haven't you seen these
degenerates on TV?
They walk around with their asses
in the air with piercings...
They will come on vacation here,
We will see them fiddling everywhere.
They licked their hands,
Fucking shit!
If it was a normal guy,
I would have nothing to say.
Well, it's my children,
They beat a guy.
It would have been different.
But there, you have to help me.
We have to squeeze our elbows.
My brother-in-law told me
that you asked for an early retirement.
Do you want to stay five more years?
Help me and I'll help you.
Your file will be approved in a month,
You have my word.
I swear.
We're going to see.
Come on.
Okay, Macarie.
Its a theater school, right?
UNATC... You can't read anymore!
Yes, in short, that one.
Want to go to the wreck?
I'm done with the boat.
Yes, I don't know, do you want?
As you wish.
We have a mutual friend in Tulcea,
who studies at UNATC.
Do you want some jam?
- Do you want some?
- Yes.
- It's not him.
- No ?
He was young, 17-18 years old,
less than 20.
He took the boat this morning.
Did you take his ID?
Or make a photocopy?
Why don't register
Taxes would leave me nothing.
You are not believable.
Do you have at least
his phone number?
I got it back to the boat,
He did not reserve.
Excuse me for a while.
They want to pay by card.
Tell them to remove.
The distributor is dry.
They want to make a transfer.
Ok, do they have the number?
- Do you have the number?
- yours?
- Yes, ours.
- No.
Give them the Nelu number.
Tell me what he did.
Everyone is looking for him.
Pagai also came by this morning.
Did he steal something?
Did you see anything last night?
- Was he accompanied?
- Do you think I'm watching them?
I served dinner
from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
he had to go to town.
And this morning?
He left quietly.
In any case, nothing is missing,
he stole nothing from me.
All right.
If anyone else is looking for it,
call me, understand?
Here we go !
At least tell me what he did.
Tax evasion and curiosity
Don't go hand in hand.
Call me if anyone comes
to tell you about it.
- Goodbye, Tana.
- Hi.
It was?
How is Adi?
Say, do you know
his host in Tulcea?
Is he someone serious?
She is a woman I know.
I have a question, don't lie.
I listen to you.
I could have turned around the pot,
But I prefer to be direct.
Your boy is ...
in the other camp?
That's to say ?
Is he on the other side?
I was told certain things.
Zenov's sons
saw him kissing a boy.
It was they who beat him,
sure, but...
You knew that...
Is that why they did it?
Do you think they're lying?
why would they lie?
In any case, it is better
let it not get out.
Did they see him kiss a guy?
Do you want me to tell you?
You can go talk to them.
He was...
Finally, they...
They were licking each other, and...
Don't make me say those things.
With whom ?
A tourist who lived in Tana.
- Is he still there?
- He left this morning.
Check that it works.
Here, now ...
Do what you want.
Come on, come.
Who is aware?
Only Zenov, I believe.
And his sons.
And his sons, yes.
It is better that it does not know.
It will be worse for him.
If they start talking
right to left,
You will be able to
go out more in public.
Waiting for,
Try to talk to him.
See what he has to say,
just to be sure it's true.
Maybe he was drunk.
Or, who knows,
he may have been drugged,
by the tourist, or...
I don't know.
See what happened.
And if he had put something
in his glass?
I know Adi.
You can't suddenly
kiss a guy in the street!
There are lots of pretty girls
in the village and he kisses boys?
This guy must have
done something to him.
Listen to me.
That's what I think.
You are his parents, talk to him.
See what it is.
Here, I let you see
what you want to do,
And you tell me, ok?
We will see what we can do.
See you later.
He was canon.
- Where are you?
- At the dike!
Okay, he was canon.
Wait a little.
What ?
Ilinca, go ahead,
I have to talk to him.
Go ahead.
I'm waiting for you there.
- It's true ?
- What ?
Do you kiss boys?
Go inside.
Do you hear? Go inside.
It's true ?
For what ?
Why boys, my darling,
What happened to you?
Did you drink too much?
I think that might help him.
Didn't he have a girlfriend?
If he were to marry
the daughter of Gabonese.
I know her. Why do you say
that he likes boys, then?
Someone saw it.
He was with another boy and...
Don't make me say it...
You never suspected anything?
I never would have imagined.
A doctor should not be the only one
to take care of a sick person.
His entourage
must make sure he is okay,
not leave him to face his illness
until it is too late.
- I just learned.
- I understand, but ...
It doesn't work like that.
What you ask me is not trivial.
My father, please,
Let's do it once.
Just once.
All right. Talk to him, bring
him to the church, we will see.
He doesn't want to hear anything.
I think it's better like that.
I understand, but ...
I can't do it alone.
We will do as you want.
I have no one else
to whom to turn to.
Tell me, did he get
vaccinated against COVID?
- Get up.
- What is it?
Nothing, nothing.
Adi, put this on.
Come on.
- Where are we going?
- Nowhere.
Come on, my darling.
Get dressed.
Where are we going?
I told you, nowhere.
Someone came to see us.
Who ?
The father wants to talk to you.
The father?
- The priest?
- He wants to talk. Put this on.
No, leave me alone.
- Leave me.
Adi, please.
- Go away.
- Please do it for me.
- Let me sleep!
- Adi!
- Adi, he's at the door!
- Leave it there.
Don't be ashamed!
Please, get up!
Take it by the hand and go to the sea,
What do you want from me?
- Adi, please!
- Let me sleep, please!
-Go, leave me!
- Are you not ashamed?
- Get out of here!
- I told you ...
- Get out from there, I tell you!
Tell him, it's not going to kill you!
I don't want to talk to her!
Stop shouting on it!
Leave me where I scream
And the whole village will hear me!
- Get out of my room!
- Florin!
Florin, come there!
What are you doing ?
- Catch his arms.
- Dad ?
What are you doing ?
Let go!
Dad !
Dad, you hurt me! Dad !
Mom !
Let go!
Let go!
- Mom, help!
- Stop debating you!
- Help!
- Calm down!
I hurt, you crush me!
We appear before you
With our humble prayer
For your servant Adrian,
tested by the disease,
suffering and temptation.
We beseech you, heavenly physician,
to hear our prayers
and relieve his suffering.
In you we find
remedies for all ills
and we hope that your love
of humans has not weakened.
Who can list all your miracles?
Who can say how many have healed
by your prayers?
Help them, Saint Ephrem!
Help the afflicted!
Pray to our Lord Christ
for their healing,
if that's what's right for them,
for the glory of God.
But if it's just for them
to carry the cross of suffering,
help them bear it
without complaining,
so that they get
the luminous crown
patience and healing.
Holy Martyr Ephrem,
you have suffered
unspeakable torments...
while our lives
full of pleasures.
But although we are sinners
and corrupted by passions,
...we dare to pray to you,
because we do not pray
for ourselves,
...but for these afflicted
that suffering has brought to its knees.
Be their guardian, their guide,
their protector and healer, that they may give you thanks
humble heart and glorify God
...who has granted you His grace,
introducing you
like a great miracle worker.
For centuries and centuries.
Put incense on him.
Hello Mrs.
Dragoi is here?
He went fishing.
- Is he coming home soon?
- I think so.
It shouldn't be long.
Do you want to come in?
No, I will see it later.
As you wish.
The other guy arrives.
What do I do?
I call you or do I write to you?
Okay, hi.
Good morning !
I went to you,
Maria told me you were fishing.
Come, we discuss.
You know what it is,
when you drink.
They heard themselves,
the tourist
may have caused them ...
It happens, when you're young.
The fights and the fuck,
It does not fade.
I helped you
When you needed me.
I will forget your debt,
And we will be left.
We go together to the police,
Adi withdraws his complaint,
And we stay friends.
From one father to another,
You love your son, I like mine.
They made a mistake,
They regret!
I assure you that they regret!
I did it, I can kill him,
But no one can touch him.
What is between you and me
does not concern him.
- Do you think I sent them?
- No, he did it himself.
Damn, speak with them!
Ask the police!
You wouldn't have come
If they hadn't taken his phone.
Wait a little.
One last thing.
To prove to you that
I want to help you.
Do you know how to
use these things?
I'll show you something.
It is like that of Adi.
When my sons had his phone,
Adi received messages.
You can't read them
He locked the screen,
But you can see the first line
When they arrive.
My sons told me
that the boy is from Bucharest,
The tourist.
And Adi wants to leave there.
That's what I understood.
I know how much you wanted
that he enters the Navy.
Take his phone and check.
I advise you to do it.
Tell him to unlock it.
I don't judge, everyone raises
their children as they want,
...but at least you will be fixed.
Maybe you'll change your mind.
Let's forget what happened.
Let's be human. Please.
Why did you leave?
How do you know he won't come back?
Where are you?
OK, stay there, I'll be there.
If you go to a boat to Tulcea,
You will arrive at night!
Did they argue?
Do you hear what I say?
- Adi!
- What ?
- Listen to me.
- Did they argue or not?
Damn, I don't know,
they were talking.
Zenov was very calm.
And dad?
I don't know, I didn't hear it.
What did they do to you?
- Adi!
- They attached me.
My God !
Go to the police, it's madness!
- And your parents?
They are the ones who attached me.
It's not true!
When I arrive in Tulcea,
tell daddy that I took his boat,
we didn't steal it.
Go to the police!
Look at these wounds, it's crazy.
Do what I ask you.
- How will he get it back?
- We don't care.
Go to Murighiol instead,
you leave the boat there
and you take the boat in the morning.
The police will search for the boat.
What do you have with the police?
This is what will happen,
its logical!
It's dad.
Come home, I'll let you know.
- Will you call me?
- Yes, or I will write to you!
Be careful!
The pipe is missing!
What ?
He took the pipe!
Leave her here!
Come back, go ahead!
Ilinca, where is Adi?
I don't know.
- Tell me where he is!
- I don't know.
- Damn, where is my son?
- I told you, I don't know!
He's home!
- Where were you?
- At the lighthouse.
I told you to stay here!
Am I in prison?
- Why are you lying, big guy?
- I'm not lying!
Do you take us for idiots?
Are you going to the
lighthouse with your bag?
You want us to die of worry?
Haven't you done enough?
I have my sneakers in the bag!
There are thistles,
I can't go there in sandals!
Do I shame you again?
- Where were you?
- Leave him!
- Where were you?
- To the lighthouse!
It's my fault,
I should have watched him.
- What did I do?
- Shut up !
Come here.
What are you doing ?
It seems that you want
to go to Bucharest.
And the Navy, then?
What would you do in my place?
What would you do if you saw
that your son is lying to you so much?
Give it to me.
Turn it on and open your messages.
Sit down.
Come listen to this, it's beautiful.
Read the one about suffocation.
Out loud, for your mother.
Im getting choked up at
the thought of you leaving.
"I would be ready to swim to Bucharest,
rather than stay here.
I have fucking chores to do
for my mother, she drives me crazy.
Ill tell you
about it this evening.
"P.S.: The Perseids can be
seen better from the beach."
Do you see what it is?
You always did what you wanted.
And I trusted you.
You can draw a line on that.
The Navy is for serious people.
We will take the time to think about it.
We'll see next year.
I'm keeping that.
If you want to call, ask.
That's not what I meant.
It was a way of saying
that I would go anywhere.
This too will eventually pass.
We'll see how you feel in the fall.
That's why I'm suffocating here.
Mom, I don't have mumps.
It can't be cured with a tablet.
City life has messed you up,
my big guy.
Are you afraid of what
the world will say?
The world is not my family.
No, but you have to live in it.
I can't live here.
Don't you understand it?
You don't feel it,
isn't it clear?
If he leaves now,
who knows what he will do?
He's a big boy.
Imagine the scandal
if he stays in the village!
I will retire early
in six months.
I want a perfect file.
It's already a disaster
during the film festival.
I spend the night watching them.
They get drunk, they fuck on the dike,
launch fireworks.
Excuse me, boss!
If we pay a fine here. Do you have to
submit the receipt to the town hall?
- No, let him keep it.
- Thank you, sorry.
You see, all these fools
make themselves at home here.
Well, you know the Zenov boys.
If either of them says anything,
everything is ruined.
Zenov swore they would keep quiet.
Do you think he's watching?
All they say?
And the university?
You kept it in high school
So that it wins in a boat?
How much did he have in the bac?
You see?
My father would have bought me a boat
If I had had 19.6!
This is what I think.
Bring Adi
So that he withdraws his deposition.
I classify the file
And you arrange between you.
It's better like that.
You get rid of your debt,
Adi will be happy to leave here.
People forget.
Everything is good that ends well.
Listen to me, I'm trying to help you.
What about the doctor's certificate?
I have it.
Without attestation of the IML,
It's worth nothing.
She makes reports.
You see?
Like that, everyone is happy.
When we see a man
Wounded by a stone, we don't think:
"Who threw him, what is it done?
"Why did he throw him away?"
We have time to think about it later.
At the time,
We rush to help.
- Against his will?
- Adi!
Sometimes against his will,
if you believe it is for your own good.
God protects us every moment,
...without being asked.
But it would be good
to help Him a little.
Do you understand?
You can go there.
Put a Bible under his pillow,
or nearby.
May He at least protect him
bad dreams.
Man does not know how
to distinguish them.
Good dreams come from God,
temptations come from the Devil.
And pray.
Is that all?
We can take him to the monastery
of Stipoc, I know the abbot.
It would do him good
to be among men of faith.
- I don't know, father.
- Believe me.
It will be worse if
he stays in the village.
If people find out,
it will be a nightmare.
What are you doing ?
Mom !
- Mom !
- It's better that way.
- Open the door!
- Believe me, my darling.
- That's better.
- Mom, open!
- Mom !
- Calm down, please!
Mom !
Mom !
Mom, have you gone crazy?
Open the door!
It will pass! Stop hitting!
Mom !
What are you doing here?
Good morning.
Is Adi there?
Yes, but he doesn't want
to talk to anyone.
I called him, but he doesn't answer.
- Can you tell him to get out?
- I don't think he wants to.
Or let me know later?
I'll tell him.
All right.
- Good day.
- Bye.
Tomorrow we have to pay our debt.
Didn't he say he would delete it?
Only if we withdraw the complaint.
Well ?
Ilinca has just written to him.
How does it unlock?
What are we going to tell him?
He will be better
in the monastery.
We take him there,
And everything will work out.
They will make masses,
We will treat him.
It will be good.
This country is rotten!
Finally, its inhabitants are.
Without the channels of Ceauescu,
The delta would be blocked.
It was not he who dug them.
I was talking about
the system as a whole.
When did the church date?
Lipovens built it
Before the end of communism.
Half burned 10 years ago,
The priest rebuilt it ...
Can you call it?
I would like to talk to him.
Right away.
- I'm going to talk to the inhabitants?
- We will go together, if necessary.
Hello, My father.
Are you at home?
There are two people from Tulcea
Who would like to talk to you.
Can they come?
No, not for a confession.
It's something else.
Okay, thank you.
- He is waiting for you.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
It's him.
They come from Tulcea,
Following a call at 112 ...
In fact, at 119,
Child Welfare.
Simona Petrescu.
Florin Dragoi.
Your son's name is Adrian, right?
- Can we go into the shade?
- Let's go inside.
- I have a few questions.
- Let's go.
We received a call,
could you tell me where your son is?
At home.
- Can I use your pen?
- Of course.
Can we call him to come?
I have his phone.
For what ?
- He's okay, isn't he?
- Yes.
I would like to see it.
Who called you?
Make a request to the county service,
I have no right to say it.
- Can I smoke here?
- No problem.
- Lara!
- Yes ?
- An ashtray.
- Right away.
Who beat him?
Oh, "beaten"...
It was just... a collision.
- Coffee?
- No, thank you.
- Will you make one for me again?
- Of course.
It was more of an argument.
So tell me about the fight.
A fight between children.
I have to write a report,
you know it.
Of course.
Did you tie it up?
Did you hear? Did you tie it up?
We held him so he wouldn't...
- Did you exorcise him?
- No !
- It was a prayer.
- For what ?
- For his health.
- Do you allow that?
Yes ?
One minute.
This boy has problems...
That's why
that there are sometimes scandals.
He is rarely there, he studies
in Tulcea, but when he comes back...
There are sometimes problems.
But he is a minor.
Does this fall under your jurisdiction?
Isn't that a matter for the police?
For at risk cases.
The appeal was for assault.
It goes directly to us.
How old is he?
17 years old.
Over 16 years old,
he can file a complaint himself.
Doesn't that concern the flooring?
- Only if we grab it.
What we will do,
if he was tied up and sequestered.
For now, we make the report
of the referral.
You know the boys
who beat him?
Young people from here,
we don't know.
Let him answer, please.
If I have a question for you,
I will ask you.
- Have you reported the assault?
- Yes.
- Can I see the declaration?
- Of course.
I would like to go to your home
To discuss with your son.
Rather go to the priest,
He is waiting for you.
- Then you will see the boy.
- It's better.
I also have to go to my boat.
- We can go together.
- Nicu, come!
Take that.
Accompany it to the priest,
Then at Drgoi.
Do what you have to do with the boat
And wait for the lady at home.
It is the preliminary report.
Where is the medical certificate?
By that, do I give it to you?
When I come back.
Can I take this with me?
We will see for your testimony.
- Of course.
We quickly see each other.
Come on, let's go.
Go ahead!
Did you attach it?
Speak !
Have you attached and exorcised it?
Jerk ! I should leave them
Put yourself in prison!
Why did you say anything
to me, mess?
Fuck ...
- What do I do?
- Close it, that's all! Imme!
- Lara!
- Yes !
Come there.
- Do you have any cigarettes?
- Yes, do you want some?
No, listen carefully.
What ?
- For what ?
- Come here!
- What do you want?
- Come here!
Tell me what you want!
- I have a package.
- Come here!
What ?
The boss said to hold her
as long as you can.
Go talk to Adi.
If you tied him up and sequestered him,
or I don't know what stupidity,
ask him to forgive you
and say nothing.
If he says it's true,
you're screwed.
You will collapse
under the accusations,
you and your fat priest.
What do I ask him?
To say that he accepted
to be tied.
Did you understand
what you have to do?
That's it, blinking!
And those who beat him?
We can't let go of the case.
I'll go talk to them!
What ?
Didn't they hit him?
Someone called their services,
The complaint is recorded, moron!
If your son speaks,
we're screwed up.
You, me, the sons
of Zenov, the priest.
Seeks to know
to whom else he spoke.
Lara! If I am looking for me,
I am on the ground.
Yes, chef.
Wait for a moment, I arrive.
Hello, God bless you.
Hello, where is the priest?
He is eating.
The chief called him earlier.
- Go see if he has finished.
- No, don't bother it!
Go tell him that the police are there.
- There is no emergency.
Go ahead.
Who are you listening to?
Take your time.
Clean these two fish too.
My father,
The gendarme is there
with two people.
My father.
Sorry to stop your lunch.
They come from Tulcea,
They have a few questions.
- You are welcome.
Hello Mrs.
Hello, my father!
Tulceas childhood social assistance.
The police chief warned you.
Yes, absolutely.
I came to tell you about Adrian,
The child you went to.
- What is his last name?
- Drgoi's son.
As you see, we are busy,
Tomorrow is a holy festival.
No problem.
Can we walk?
Of course.
How are you ? I was told
that you renovated the church.
With volunteers and the help of God.
- She is very beautiful.
Tell me,
What happened with Adrian?
What happened,
that's to say ?
We were told that you have
exorcised it, is it true?
Exorcisms are not
only on episcopal authorization.
We prayed.
For what ?
His parents asked me.
People come to us
When they are desperate.
What did the boy?
Medical problems.
And his parents asked you
to resolve them with a prayer.
Have you ever been sick?
Do you have children?
I don't understand.
Have you ever been sick
And do you have children?
I was it,
But what is the report?
When you have been,
Have you never prayed?
Or when was your child?
Didn't you pray for him?
Did you attach it?
He was already attached.
- So his parents attached him.
- I don't know.
It didn't challenge you,
An attached child?
As a priest.
Or even humanly.
I see where you want,
But it's not that simple.
It is different to tie someone
To hurt him
and attach it to its own good
and that of others.
You can believe what you want,
But you can't do
What you want.
Often, in life, we have to
do things against his will.
So, do you have children?
It's too personal.
It matters, when it is
someone's well-being?
My father!
Do we do it with the pike or carp?
Make both, my brave!
Why ask me?
Don't you see that I am busy?
Excuse me.
- I have a daughter.
- Congratulations.
When you took him
in the doctor for a bite.
She did not cry, resisted, And implored
to stop because she was in pain?
I know what you did.
You have retained it.
You cried, it displeased you,
it broke your heart,
...but you did it,
for the doctor to treat her.
And you're not a doctor.
The doctor said it was necessary, you held her back
for her own good.
Am I wrong?
People trust the doctor
because he went to medical school.
He makes a prescription
and they take medicine
or injections without flinching.
They believe him because
he is a doctor.
We also studied, the Faculty of Theology.
But people judge us,
especially those in cities,
and also judge
Those who trust us.
Depending on your theory,
we should also
Take the child to the doctor.
Yes, but we don't leave children
in front of the door of a doctor.
We make phone calls,
We make sure it's a good doctor.
It's the same for us.
When I was deacon,
An old priest said to me:
"Eugen, it is not enough
to believe in God.
"You also have to trust him."
This is the best.
That's what he should say.
But you know
what he will ask us in exchange.
Give it to him.
Why is she snooping around here?
Yes of course.
She came with her grand airs!
The boss told me she smoked
and ordered coffees in his office.
She made herself at home.
Isn't it?
In short, the idea
is that its serious.
What ?
I don't know,
but get rid of her.
- What's her name?
- Simona Petrescu, social services.
Simona Petrescu, social services.
Seized by a call to 112.
- 119, they transferred it.
- 119.
Ok, we do like that.
Thank you so much.
We see each other tomorrow or the day
after tomorrow, I will go to you.
All right.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you, have a nice day.
My brother-in-law will call
The head of this woman.
- Drgoi is his home?
- Yes, I told her to wait.
And to speak to his son.
I'm going to look for Ciprian.
Go to the police station,
we join you.
You have already had other
conflicts with them?
No problem.
Do you often go to nightclubs?
Is it open every evening in summer?
Yes, but I'm not going there.
Just this once.
Did anyone see you arguing?
Where did the fight take place?
And there was no one else there?
I see.
Were your sons the ones who beat him?
- They didn't beat him.
So what?
- They fought.
- They fought?
But he took all the hits?
My son hits hard.
Put the phone on silent.
Did you call your other son?
He's gone fishing,
but he's going to come.
- As soon as he comes home,
he will come. All right.
I can see
the boy's initial statement?
You wish to complete
your initial statement?
Or file a complaint
for the theft of your phone?
Are you sure?
We're all here, you have witnesses.
Add the content of the deposition
to our report.
Can he write it in the other office?
- Of course.
Lara will help you.
"The phone was stolen, not lost,
"but the victim does not file
a complaint because he got it back.
You write: I, the undersigned,
your name and address...
Wait, don't write anything.
Describe the fight at the box...
- Madam, you are not the police.
- It's for the prosecutor.
The prosecutor
can request it himself.
If the perpetrator of the attack is known,
we have to take his statement.
Mind your own business!
Wait a bit.
No problem, the flooring will come!
Bogdan, come here,
I need a witness!
- Don't touch me!
- Pardon.
We can settle this without a scandal.
- There is no problem.
Don't tell him to write.
Leave him alone.
So don't write anything.
do you have anything to add?
No, ma'am,
you asked me four times!
When I arrived,
he was tied up and injured.
This is also what he said,
we'll see later.
You maintain that you
haven't done him any harm?
Hurt him?
Is it a crime to read a prayer?
- So yes!
- I'm just doing my job.
Why are you asking me the same question
And wait for a different answer?
- You are welcome.
We waste our time.
You were at home and
your parents brought the priest.
And they tied you?
Excuse me a moment.
Don't write anything,
did you understand?
Go slowly, you too.
The boy is really laughed,
Know it.
No, he has not disappeared.
Yes, the police chief is there.
For what ? I can go
As soon as I finish here.
By boat, yes.
Did something happen?
Please leave me
Resolve this case, I will do quickly.
You are welcome.
I understand, it will be done.
Provides documents.
Keep them for the other team,
We have to return to Tulcea.
- Heard. Is there a problem?
- No.
- Do you have everything?
- Yes. Should we leave?
We have another file.
We will declare that the boy
did not disappear to close the referral.
Can I sit?
A sheet of paper, please.
Someone will come
to take your depositions.
If you change your mind,
You can file a complaint.
I'm calling you, ok?
I'm calling you.
Adaptation: Simona Florescu
subtitling titrafilm