Time Stands Still (1982) Movie Script

Mafilm Budapest Studi presents
Budapest, 5 November 1956
- Dini! Didnt I tell you not to do that?
- I want to go down to father.
Youll be the death of me!
Do you want to ruin me?
Your fathers coming soon.
Shall I plead with you, Gbor?
Dont drive me mad!
Do you want to be the death of me?
You could have more sense.
Be quiet just this once
or we will all perish here.
Is that what you want?
This isnt the last farewell,
- wait a bit till the wind has dropped...
- This isnt the last farewell,
wait a bit till the wind has dropped...
Father, you arent going away now,
are you?
Come on! What are you standing there
like a stuffed dummy for?
- Get moving, damn it.
- Im not going.
You are going, get a move on.
What are you standing here for?
Im not going anywhere.
The driver said
hed give us ten minutes.
You go if you want to.
What do you mean want to?
I must!
Cant you understand that much?
Theyve probably picked up
Bodor already.
They can come for me any moment,
cant you understand?
Im not...
Its a Red Cross truck.
Well be in Vienna
in a matter of hours.
They cant say a word.
Well be bandaged up as wounded.
Is there another man?
How can you think that?
- Well, what are you waiting for, then?
Get going. - I want to stay here.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
What are you standing here for?
These kids cant stay here!
- Ill take Gbor with me.
- No.
Oh, all right. I told you
to stay here if you want to.
Stay here with your little favourite.
When youve come to your senses
and bitterly regret it,
you can come after us to Vienna.
Whenever you want to.
Youll always be my wife.
Ill write.
TIME STANDS STILL - Hungarian film
So were going to live here.
Written by Gza Beremnyi
and Pter Gothr
Director of photography: Lajos Koltai
Directed by Pter Gothr
Time stands still,
5 November 1963
silent stars are hanging in the sky...
One to the left, two to the right,
left one, right, two...
Stand up straight, dont slouch.
Left one, right two.
Left one, right two...
Dont stare into space.
Thats all, thank you.
To introduce yourselves,
boys turn right.
Dont play now, Hedvig.
- Gyula Tosoki.
- Dnes Kves.
Magda Szukics.
The Rosenbergs.
Left one, right two.
Thats it.
Its not so tricky, is it?
May I?
Dont worry if your palms are sweaty,
it can happen to anyone.
Left one, right two.
This girl here is doing very nicely.
Thats right.
Hold the hand higher,
on the shoulder blade.
Thats it.
Thats right. Yes.
...then Pierre went over to Ficere,
took out a one Forint coin,
bent it in two with his
two fingers and said:
Shall I break your spine?
Ficere looked at Pierre and said:
Come, come, dear boy.
- And Pierre...
- Vilma, who is this Pierre?
You bloody fool.
You made me jump.
Listen, Vilma.
Do you know a girl
called Magda Szukics?
Are you crazy?
She rows for Dzsa, you idiot.
Does she?
Magda and Dini together!
Thats a laugh!
I know how to dance.
And I was Pierres
girlfriend for a month.
Why do you think I came to this
dumb dancing school anyway?
Why did you?
Dont you know? Really?
Well, when youve found out,
let me know, okay?
Are you pulling my leg
or are you really like that?
Arent you coming, Dini?
Its the foxtrot...
Get lost. Are you blind?
Is mother asleep?
Shes on the dawn shift.
Stuff them!
What on earth did they do with it?
With a knife.
Aimed at my liver.
I went round to a party at Irns
with Pierre.
- Irn stabbed you?
- Course not.
Her dad...
Hes not going to help me
get into university either.
For all my trying to make it with Irn,
and his being a partisan.
They dont even know where my liver is.
You go. Im not at home.
Im at the hospital or somewhere.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Im looking for Mrs. Istvn Kves.
My mother is asleep.
Which one are you?
The little one?
Good evening,
Im sorry. Who are you?
- Laci.
- Laci?
Lszl Bodor.
Come on in, then.
Well, I never!
Have something to eat.
Have you eaten yet?
Youll have something later.
Come this way.
Have you had anything to eat, Gbor?
Why dont you two ever eat anything?
Everything goes bad on me.
Nothing to drink?
When did you get out?
Two weeks ago.
Where are you now?
Im tunneling the underground.
In the caisson,
where works the hardest.
Theyve shoved me...
...into the ground up to my waist.
What news of your husband?
He left this place
seven years ago for America.
And since then nothing.
It must have hurt him
that you refused to go.
- Why wasnt he more persuasive?
- Why do you lot need to be persuaded?
You lot?
If youre trying to blame me
for Mdi leaving you,
forget it.
- Dont you dare lump us together.
- She was right, too.
She was young,
we didnt have children.
Its just me she ruined.
Everyones right.
In this shit piled on shit.
- Have you got anywhere to live?
- No. But neither has Mdi.
While I was in prison,
she was kicked out of the flat.
Some sort of big shot
lives there now.
Well, hes right, too.
So are you, va.
Everyones right.
I didnt say that.
I see youre doing all right.
- Do you need anything?
- No. Ive got it already.
- The main thing is were alive.
- And healthy.
Tell me something about yourself.
What was it like inside?
What was it like outside?
Were just about getting out of
the mess Pista got me into.
Im trying to fix up Gbors
university entrance.
Perhaps I can straighten out my life.
I do extra work.
We may pull through somehow.
I dont want the kids mixed up
in our past.
- Dyou want to swoon?
- You bet.
Well, then take a look at these.
Do you see?
- What do you say?
- Bloody hell!
Well? I found them
in my fathers drawer.
There are at least
another five thousand there.
And films, too,
which can be projected.
What do you think
they are doing here?
Im not sure, either.
Wait a minute.
That must be the blondes hand.
Heres the blokes leg.
Up there? His leg?
Its twisted, see?
Because of the black-haired girl.
But why is his leg so far up there?
Because he is so randy.
- Better than the Hungarian
Youth Magazine, eh? - You bet.
- Take your pick.
- I dont want any.
Youre crazy. Just look.
We can project this later at your place.
- Do you want to wank with these?
- Who said so?
But we can look at them, cant we?
Im not interested. Understand?
What shall we do with them, then?
- We ought to sell them.
- Who to?
- To the fourth graders.
- Doesnt your brother want them?
My brother does those positions so much
that hes sick to death of them.
Theres that Pierre in the
fourth grade. You know, Pierre.
You know him, dont you?
- Only to say hello to.
- Does he say hello back?
Youll see.
How much shall we sell them for?
I guess the ones where theres just
one girl should go for one Forint,
the group pictures
and the pairs for two.
This for one Forint?
Look what that girls doing
with her hands!
Its better than any group picture.
Doesnt matter.
Dont lets quibble.
The whole things not worth it.
One Forint for solo, two for duos
and pictures ensembles.
And the filmstrip?
What are you going here Kves?
Vilma? Join in.
- Good day, sir.
- Good morning, sir.
- Hello. Im sorry to disturb
your lesson. - Hello.
Ive done too much desk work.
Id like to loosen up a bit.
- This is the class for the
untalented boys. - Can I join in?
A bit of basketball with the lads.
I used to play volleyball,
- but I can probably play this as well.
- Vilmon, to the vests,
Kves to the non-vests.
Would you like to join
- the vests?
- Thank you.
- Dyou hear?
- The fourth graders.
- Pierre.
- Hey, Pierre.
Pierre... Pierre...
You promised youd come up.
Didnt I tell you
never to come to the school?
- Kid!
- Dyou mean me, Pierre?
Bring it to me tomorrow morning,
Magda Szukics loves you.
How about it? 378-802
Everyone says that Magda Szukics
is crazy about you.
Pierre, my boy, tomorrow
well have a talk about hair.
Pierre. I waited for you
the whole evening. You said...
You said youd tell me
what I ought to do.
Im going to be a nervous wreck
if you dont talk to me.
Pierre, can you spare a moment?
Id like to have a word.
Whats up, kid? Are the bogs blocked?
Theres a lot more of them. Theyre
two Forints. Different variations.
Havent you seen these before?
The second graders
are flogging them to everyone.
- Ive got more if you want.
- Beat it, will you?
- Two Forints.
- Get stuffed.
Give me the money or give them back!
Did you really go out
with Magda Szukics?
Whos she?
Who dyou think you are?
You little...
- Theyre coming.
- Watch out!
Class stand up!
Sit down.
Everyone should empty their pockets
on their desks.
And your satchels, too.
Nothing can remain in your desks.
Take care, were going to check.
Even the handkerchiefs, sir?
Yes. Everything.
And I dont want to hear a word.
Mr. Szombati,
whats this boys name?
Come on now.
Introduce yourself
to the vice headmaster.
Thats Vilma.
- Pter Vilmon.
- Pter Vilmon.
Could you give me the matches, too?
Keep it pressed down.
I didnt ask for a lesson, boy.
What a punchy little class!
What do you use this for, Kutas?
I live in a slum area.
When I go home I always...
- All right.
- No, no. Its by no means all right.
Well, of course not.
I didnt mean it as a praise.
Of course.
Whose coat is this?
And this?
What are these pictures?
On holiday at the lake Balaton...
Whose coat is this?
And this coat?
Well, Mr. Szombati?
Theyre not here.
Thats all, then. Good work.
Class stand up!
Fine little class you are.
- Stop!
- Goodbye, sir.
- Cap on!
- Goodbye, sir.
- Untidy lot! - Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye. Good day, sir.
- Greetings, sir.
- Goodbye, sir.
While you were looking at these
pictures, did it never occur to you
that your mother and father
joined together
so that you should be born
and then they did the same thing
as these people here?
And as you will do
in order to have children?
Arent you ashamed of yourself?
Did you take these pictures with you
to the lavatory?
It never occurred to you, did it,
that this is a sacred thing?
I may be the last person you meet
who thinks like this,
so I would like to impress upon you:
sex is a sacred gift from God.
And there is no philosophy
and no political regime
which can deny it.
Otherwise there is no family,
no ethics.
Youll come to realize this later on.
So will they.
They can throw me out of the school.
Because they think
nobody cares about me.
But when you stand sniggering on the
street corners of the world
Ill be missed.
If the girls dont want to become
mothers, youll see how it will be.
Then you can practise these positions
all you want.
Then youll realize what I stood for
and what they are destroying now.
Not to worry.
Im leaving the school.
They asked me not to tell anyone
that Im going.
Youll get someone else.
With the new teacher
you wont get away with it.
you can go.
And you can tell anyone
what I said, son.
Listen, you, Magda is waiting.
Are you free now?
Theres no one at home.
My familys gone away for two days.
Sorry, not now.
Another time.
But nows the time.
How long do you want to go on
doing this for? Are you crazy?
Magda is frantic because of you.
Im busy.
Szombati asked me to do something.
John F. Kennedy, the 5th president
of the US of A has died
- under tragic circumstances.
- Good morning.
He was born on May 29, 1917...
- Up you get.
- ...in Brooklyn, Massachusetts.
- He was inaugurated on 20 January 1961
- Its morning.
...into his office as president.
In the summer of this year
he made a European tour
during which he met Prime
Minister Krushchev in Vienna.
- The scene of his death was Texas.
- That means you, too, Gbor.
He arrived there yesterday and was
planning to finish his tour this evening.
It was in Dallas, Texas,
that the murderers bullet hit him.
Good morning!
Gbor, are you listening?
Look whos here.
Mr. Bodor. Good morning, Mr. Bodor.
Your mother asked me
to explain the situation.
She isnt in a state to.
Do you want to register this
as your address?
We both thought it was a good idea.
If you think so too...
If you dont interfere in things...
He can interfere with what he likes
for all I care.
But if youre made legal here, this
flatll soon become a nest of crime.
My father is a counter-revolutionary,
and Im applying for university
for the second time.
I havent got in yet
and I wont get in now, either.
And dont forget, its not only mother
whos taking you on, but me, too.
You obviously dont now
that Ive recently been given
a very respectable job.
Ive become an important person
in agriculture.
Oh yes? In what capacity?
As a full time consultant.
I went to agricultural university
in the old days.
Ive got my own innovations.
They need me.
Thats just expertise. It doesnt
clear you politically in any way.
It does, as a matter of fact.
This is the beginning
of my purification process.
But when does it end? Because
Im taking the entrance exam now.
And you wont object
to our smoking,
will you, Laci?
Not me.
And from now on we can bring
girls up here, cant we?
Theres a bird who keeps phoning
to say, How about it?
Guzmics, tell me what lep is.
The lep, the lep is a teeny-weeny,
curly-whirly spiral seven times over.
A spiral, Guzmics?
- Well, not quite.
- Guzmics, you...
Sit down.
Im going to write a quotation
on the board.
We are humans, not beasts,
we have minds,
and as long as our hearts nourish desire,
we are not data for filing systems.
Can anyone tell me who wrote this?
- Attila Jzsef.
- Exactly.
And its my motto.
Please, dont laugh.
By now you have probably guessed
that Im your new teacher.
My name is Mrs. Endre Lovas,
Lvia Kertsz.
My nickname is Piggie. However,
I dont like having that name
shouted after me
down the corridor.
I weigh 58 kilos, married.
Any other information
you would like?
Could you tell us
why the previous teacher
was kicked out?
I didnt expect that question.
I didnt think Id be in a class
with such a good spirit.
I hope in future, too,
well discuss things openly.
Well, you see, they want to make
a model school of this one.
I dont know to what extent
Ill fit in with their ideas,
but thats neither here nor there.
One thing is certain though:
Mr. Szombati didnt fit in.
Was my explanation satisfactory?
Except that I dont quite understand.
This is Free Europe...
Yes. Ill get him.
Phone for you.
How about it?
Im standing here at the ready.
You can come, you can come.
But hurry.
Bye, you little wretch.
Get the hell out of here. Shell
seize up completely if you meet.
Can you move?
Get lost, you idiots.
Well, then, cheers
for the home team, big chief.
What do you know about the woman?
Just some young bird, I guess.
Yes? Your brother costs a bit much.
Your mother in church praying for him
to get into university, and
us standing around here. Lets go.
- One more minute.
- All right.
Look! In a taxi and all.
Wait! Where are you going?
What do you want?
To your place if you want to know.
Whats it to do with you?
Im going to your brother, not you.
Dont. Please dont, if possible.
- What are you so sad about? Thats
what you wanted, isnt it? - Not me!
- Piss off, will you?
- I wont let you go up.
Thats what you think!
Come on. Come on.
That should really be the last
or well be late.
At least they couldnt make
this blended stuff any worse.
Whats up?
Is it a woman?
Im not interested in women.
Im not going to knuckle under
to them.
I dont want to be a wreck.
Well said.
But then you know
what youll have to learn?
Youll have to be very careful.
You have to have your wits
about you in this country.
Are you on good terms
with any of your teachers?
Dyou talk to any of them?
- Theres one.
- Does he ask questions?
Have you spoken about me
or your father?
Take care, Dini,
dont let them take you in,
dont be big-mouthed, dont show off.
Am I not a bad enough example for you?
What did your brother say
when I moved in with you?
That Id bring trouble.
Can I say a single word against that?
Though Im almost on the straight now.
And Ill tell you
why its only almost.
Though Im good at the work
they allow me to do now.
So why? Why? Are you listening?
Because once, just once,
I had the guts to step out of line.
I did some shooting.
I was a patriot.
They deal with people like that
straight away.
They hunt them down.
And now any snivelling brat can
accuse me of ruining his life.
Thats what I want
to protect you from, Dini.
Anyone who asks questions is pumping
you. Because hes being pumped.
Study. Learn your school work,
repeat it back to them.
Thats your job.
Dont put your hand up, never speak
unless its necessary.
Not to mention women.
My boy!
- Dini Kves!
- Good day, sir.
Hello, son.
- What news at school?
- Nothing.
Do you know that Im teaching
in Eger? I enjoy it.
- Do you ever talk about me?
- No.
- I beg your pardon?
- No.
Have you been drinking?
And Ill have you know
its not a sacred thing.
Take someone else in.
What are you talking about, Kves?
That screwing isnt sacred.
Are you out of your mind, Kves?
Whats the matter Kves?
Ive had my eye on you
for some time.
Oh, come now.
Please, dont bother about me.
Theres nothing the matter.
Why do you never put your hand up?
Even when you know the answer?
You used to be so active.
Im watching you, Kves.
Havent you got anything
better to do?
All right, then. Ill put my hand up.
There you are.
Ill put my hand up, okay?
- Shes crazy.
- Ill say.
Dear boys and girls,
respected teaching staff.
Its 19 years today that the Soviet
army drove the last fas... fash...
fascist soldier out of our
long-suffering country
and started the work of rebuilding.
But let me relate to you
that I was in Csepel
on that day 19 years ago.
Ill never forget the faces
of the people
when the cheering news
reached their ears.
After so much trouble,
so much suffering,
they hardly dared believe
that we were liberated.
Then, not long after that, I saw
those same workers
as they stood at the entrance
of their bombed factory
and looked aghast at the destruction.
But only for a moment.
Then, as one man,
they knuckled down to it,
running about to see
how they could repair
and rebuild everything
with their feverish work.
And they did this
without a word of command
with the faith and enthusiasm...
- Excuse me, sir.
- ...which only those have...
Im Pter Szalai from IV/a.
Could you possibly start again
because we cant hear a thing
because its crackling.
Mr. Vigassi couldnt understand
the speech, either.
Could you please turn it up
or something,
because wed like to know
what happened then.
- Whats going on here, Szalai?
- He came in...
Because we cant
understand a word. Hello, hello.
Can you hear, Cs? Its Pierre.
Long live the idiots.
Let there be nothing.
Be good. Blueberry Hill.
Construction work.
Kiss. Down with babies.
Long live girls.
Our long suffering land.
With faith and enthusiasm.
Hurray for being alone.
Hungary 6, England 3.
You know you wont graduate
from here, Pierre?
This is more than a school affair.
You know what this is?
Its your affair, eh, Rajnk?
State interest.
Arent you afraid?
Youll never grab me.
What do you think
Im doing right now?
Who have I got here right now?
No one. Hes not here, Rajnk.
Dear boys and girls.
Respected teaching staff.
Its 19 years today since the Soviet
Army drove the last fascist soldiers
out of our long-suffering country
and started the work of rebuilding.
- It may sound immodest...
- Kves?
Yes, sir.
What are you doing here?
Mrs. Lovas sent me out.
May I ask why she sent you out?
I was laughing.
At what?
Something occurred to me.
Come on, tell me. What occurred
to you? Id like to laugh, too.
Nothing, really.
All right, then.
Well ask your teacher.
Is it true you sent this boy
out of class?
Its not important.
How come?
Its not important enough
to involve you.
Allow me to decide that, all right?
Allow me to decide that, all right?
Class. Stand up!
Sit down.
I wouldnt like you to misunderstand
the recent scene.
The vice-headmaster and I
made a mistake.
We shouldnt have behaved
as we did.
Are you listening?
We brushed because the spheres of
authority are not clearly defined.
Its my job to put this problem
before the staff,
because its only a question
of organization.
So I would like to ask you
to leave the affair with me,
and with it your interests.
No one should try to put two together
Thats my job. Is that clear?
Sit down.
Kves, come here!
Why were you sent out of class
during the headmasters speech?
- What should I tell him, teacher?
- The truth.
- What should I tell him, teacher?
- What happened.
The affair no longer belongs to our
sphere of authority, Kves.
- I laughed.
- What did you find so funny?
Im not going to answer you anyway.
And me?
It only concerns us.
He laughed because
I said mole to him.
Yes, because Krmendi said prole.
Which is Krmendi?
I said prole
because Morvai said
the workers wanted to lute.
What sort of workers?
The ones the headmaster
was talking about on the radio.
You said that after the liberation
you saw those workers...
Who went into the bombed factories
and started rushing around
to rebuild them as soon as possible.
At which Morvai whispered to me
that they must have been rushing
around for something to loot.
So you said prole
at which he said mole
and you laughed at that.
Do you know what it meant
to live and work at that time?
Yes, I do, sir, but...
How should he know? From you?
Whats your fathers occupation?
Hes at the post office.
A sort of...
Have you thought what your father
would say to all this?
He calls himself a prole at home.
All right, thats fine.
Well ask him.
What about your father?
Hes dead.
All three should get
a written reprimand.
Whos our leader?
Wholl toss her up?
Wholl catch her?
No one.
Whos our leader?
- Wholl toss her up?
- Everyone.
- Wholl catch her?
- No one.
Wheres little Kves?
Dini, Pierre wants you.
You were great, Pierre.
Have you been expelled?
- Who?
- Hello, Dini.
I didnt know you were Kvess
little brother.
- Have you been expelled, Pierre?
- Yes.
Tell you brother that
Pierre wants him to look him up.
Whos our leader?
Wholl toss her up?
Wholl catch her?
No one.
Whats the matter, Kves?
Ive been watching you
for a long time.
Dont bother about me.
Theres nothing the matter.
Youre still not prepared
to put your hand up.
- Leave me in peace, please.
- In a moment.
Just tell me why
you want to shake me off.
- You want to know?
- Yes.
Because Im crazy about you.
Can I go?
What sort of arguing power are you
talking about, you cow?
Stop that immediately, will you?
Why didnt you say what I said,
that it would be good?
Dont you dictate to me.
- Bloody hell! Im a fool
to talk to you. - Thats it.
Lets stop this whole madness!
- Keep quiet! The bells ringing.
- Ill answer it.
Let me go, you bloody fool!
Come back!
Ill lock you in!
Ill lock you in!
Im stronger than you anyway.
You wont keep me in here!
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Im Mrs. Istvn Kves.
- Mrs. Endre Lovas.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Im sorry but we can only talk
in the kitchen.
- My husband doesnt feel well.
- Come in here, madam.
- You go in there. Go in!
- Hey, dont shove me.
Dont lock me in again.
I wont do anything.
- I said go in there.
- Dont lock the door on me, please.
Have you the nerve to lock it?
I dont want to disturb you
for the world.
I can come another time.
Its just that...
Dr. Ludwig, my boss,
encouraged me to come.
You told him I could come
any time, didnt you?
Thats why I took the liberty.
Whats the matter
with your poor husband?
Nothing in particular.
How is Feri? Feri Ludwig?
Is he world famous yet?
Not as much as hed deserve to be.
You know, hes got all those enemies.
But he spoke very kindly of you.
He raved about what a sensible
woman you always were.
What sort of work do you do with him?
I carry out his experiments
in the Institute.
I do the paperwork for Dr. Ludwig.
Open up.
Why dont you let him out?
Should I go?
Hell stop soon.
- Please, open the door.
- His nerves.
I was in that state once.
And if Id been locked up,
I would have felt dreadful.
Didnt Ludwig tell you what sort
of a husband Ive got?
I know he told you.
He knows
and hes not the sort of person
not to say so.
And hes bound to have said
that Im a fool...
How can you say that?
I told you that he said
you are very sensible.
You said that he said
I was sensible.
And I know why he used
the past tense.
It doesnt matter. Its past history,
lets change the subject.
- You came about your son,
didnt you? - Yes. Look.
I suppose my younger son is
as much of a fool as those
who gave him the reprimand.
It matters damn all whether it was them
or my son who started it.
Stand between them for me, too.
Now I know whats the matter
with your husband.
Mine, the current one, is beginning
to earn quite well, thank God.
You are more in need of this.
Theres something you dont know.
My husband used to have
such an important job that,
whatever his present state is,
he gets such a huge allowance
that Im quite ashamed of it.
- All right, I was only trying.
Does it matter? - Lvia!
- You...
- Let me out.
Im va.
- What does your son say about me
at home? - Only the best things.
Why arent you frank with me?
If you werent my sons teacher...
Listen, Lvia.
- Why do you expect...
- Lvia, let me out!
You are where you are, in the
movement or wherever you like.
Im here where I am.
I never bothered about you people.
Your husband was being shot at
by my husbands in 1956.
Cant you see its your son
we are talking about?
Dont tell me
that he was shooting, too.
Do you think that I dont know
that you know...
...that I know? We know.
Why cant one give an honest opinion
about a child?
Why cant one give an honest opinion
about anything?
Why do you want to involve your son
in our affairs
when at long last we can speak
of them as they really are.
They are just as we are.
They are the same as we are.
Theyll be the same as we are
if you dont stop this evasive talk.
Let me out!
And if you want to know,
your son is...
- Ill break everything.
- ...already...
- ...a sly.
- Ill kill myself!
Now whats the matter?
I just wanted to get to know
my sons teacher.
Hey, whats up there?
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Dont come near, Rajnk!
Come here at once.
Time stands still,
silent stars are hanging in the sky.
On the Earth just you and me...
Why dont you come home?
What are all these phone calls?
I was at the ministry.
What did they want?
Theyve entrusted me
with the meat programme.
A government committee
has been set up.
And youre a member of it?
Then Gbor will be a doctor.
Dont rush.
The thing is not quite clear.
Do you think it could fail
and you with it?
They may want that. Its possible.
- Last time you said that things were
going to tighten up. - Yes.
Well, and if they tighten up,
youll be among the tighteners now.
...I get involved.
Can you get out of it again any time?
If I keep my wits about me,
any time.
Dont worry.
Ill warn you if you start
getting dishonest. Ill notice it.
Im frightened...
I dont want to end arse up again.
Dont be too much of a patriot.
What then?
Think of me in the meantime.
You are going to do what I say,
Well cure ourselves.
Tonight Im the doctor of the soul.
Ill get you better.
All right. But what do you want?
Youre coming in with me.
Theres a woman there.
Go to hell!
If you dont do this for me,
youre not my brother.
Think that youre doing it for me.
I cant rest till were quits, see?
Take a look. How do you like her?
So, hes my brother, Jutka.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Well, Jutka, dear,
here are the sheets.
You go ahead
and Ill send the kid after you,
but first well have a bit of a chat.
Okay, but dont be too long
because the bell can ring any time.
Listen, Dini.
Im leaving this woman to you.
You can go and see her any time.
As if she were me.
He didnt say you were here, Pierre.
Because its a secret.
But tomorrow Im getting out,
eh, Gbor?
- Where are you going?
- Wait.
You mustnt breathe a word
of what Im going to say to anyone.
Ive been turned down
for university again,
and Im damned
if Im going to appeal.
Ill become a doctor in America.
Because tomorrow
when they take off the plaster
were going to skip it to America.
- How?
- There are ways.
But not a word to Mother
till you get a card from Vienna.
Well, when youre finished,
Jutka will see you out.
- Shall I tell Father that you send
your love? - Yes.
Bend down and give me one, too.
The one with the most votes
goes on to the finals.
Its Kroly Tth, parody actor.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Were Dini Kvess brothers.
Can we come in a moment?
Of course. Kids!
- More people have come.
- Of course, boys, come on in.
In you go, Lvia, do your duty,
offer the sandwiches round.
- Youve come at just the right time,
the mood is at its peak... - Lvia.
If you look at me like that, you can
spread me on the sandwiches.
Pierre, Pierre!
Come on!
Try this.
Everyones had some.
Everyones had a drop of it.
It knocks you out completely. Pierre,
I cant see straight any more.
Its making me see picture postcards.
Its a drug.
- What the hell is it?
- Coca-cola.
Coca-cola? Where is it from?
My parents brought it. They brought
a whole bottle from London.
Its crazy, Pierre, crazy.
Its fantastic. Knocks you out.
I brought the tape recorder, too.
Do you want a Phillip Morris?
- Wheres Dini?
- Dini?
Shall I call him? Ill call him.
- Does my wife teach you, too?
- No, thank God.
- Dont you even know her?
- I do. Very well. Shes Piggie.
Dont drink any more.
- What do you think of her?
- The same as you.
- Poor Lvia.
- Dont be sorry for her.
She deserves it.
If she must be so stupid.
- You dont know what she was like
in the old days. - I dont.
- They mucked around with us so,
you know. - I know. Prison.
- Who said shed been in prison?
- Hasnt she? They usually have.
Not her. She was just kicked out
of everywhere.
She was a labourer
in the hard times, eh?
- At least she is working now.
Thats essential. - Thats good.
Do you know what she says?
That these young people here will...
...make up for what we destroyed.
Shes discovered that for herself.
Thats the latest.
- What do you think?
- What about?
Do you think about yourselves
that youve discovered something?
Did you really not know, Bandi?
Doesnt Lvia tell you anything?
You must think this is
just a party, right?
Well, what is it then?
Havent you noticed
that the people in that room
are just going mad as a cover?
In the meantime somethings
happening in the next room.
Why do you think Im here now?
Were having a meeting.
- About what?
- About what should happen.
How it should be. The whole thing.
Were going to win, youll see.
Didnt you know? Your wifes
been organizing it for years.
- Go to hell.
- Dont you believe me? Youll see.
- Were going to win, Bandi.
- You?
Why do you think Im here now?
To win you over, too.
Are you with us?
With you?
Youre an incredible fellow.
Whats your name?
Cliff Richard and the Shadows.
- Vilma!
- Whats he done?
Are you crazy, damn it, are you crazy?
Are you crazy?
Are you mad, Vilma,
are you out of your mind?
Why isnt there anyone? I brought
the tape recorder for them, too.
I do everything for them.
Why isnt there anyone?
Please, teacher, tell me.
You still here?
It turns out
that Ill be a Hungarian doctor.
Comrade Bodor appealed on my behalf.
- I wanted to follow you tomorrow
to America. - Come, come.
- Im done in. - Try to be sick.
Stick your fingers down.
You mixed your drink, eh?
- Arent you going either, Pierre?
- Course I am.
Im starting from here.
I got quite excited about it.
Will you take me to America?
- As you are, sloshed?
- I said I wanted to go tomorrow.
Tell father to write his address.
I want to ask him for medical books.
Oh, Pierre.
- Lvia!
- Whats up?
Ah, Dini. Heres your teacher.
I want to say good bye. Go out.
All right. Come on, Gbor.
Cant you see youre disturbing him?
But wait for me, Pierre.
Dont go. Dont let me down.
Dont spend too long on a woman.
Im going away, Lvia.
Where are you hurrying to Kves?
- To America.
- Is it so late?
Are we going in that?
Dyou know whose car it is?
A bird married a bloke for this car.
And that bird you go around with?
Which one?
- The one I saw you with in the school?
- Yeah? What about her?
Dont you want to bring her?
Then well have to turn left here.
It was great.
Pierre seized up the situation and left
the bathroom, didnt you?
I turned the key and fell on Lvia
and bang, bang...
Just like that? Bang, bang?
Before that I said to her: Darling
Lvia, Id like to say goodbye.
Im leaving for America.
And then, Lvia darling,
hold onto the bath for a moment.
Is that how you make a bird,
little Kves?
- Why, wasnt it like that, Pierre?
- I dont know. I left the bathroom.
But I do know that
youre upsetting your girl now.
Shes ready to fly off with you
at a moments notice,
at which you start getting at her.
Im just telling her what happened.
- But take care...
- Forget it, Pierre.
Dinis taking his revenge.
I can see that.
Pack it in. We feel good, dont we?
And Ill have you know, from now on
Pierre is my brother, too.
You can get this brother of mine,
too, if you want.
Youre vile. Is that why you called me,
just to be horrible to me?
Take your Lvia with you instead.
- Stop, Pierre.
- Not bloody likely.
Whats wrong with you? I thought
you liked that sort of thing.
Why, didnt you think
Id feel rotten about it?
- Oh shut up, for Christs sake.
- You?
Who with my own brother...
It was all because of you, you wretch.
I didnt know what to do with myself.
- How would you know what its like
for a woman... - Thank you. Wonderful.
And Ill have you know
that the whole time...
- I was with Gbor, the whole time...
- What was happening the whole time?
- I wasnt with Gbor at all...
- Well, who were with then?
Who, if not him?
With you.
Because I was thinking
of you the whole time.
You know what? Next time
be with me and think of my brother.
- But be with me, okay?
- Be with him.
How, when you get Piggie
to hold the side of the bath?
Youre disgusting.
With your own teacher.
Didnt you even think
how it must have felt for Piggie?
I dont care. I only care about
how I felt when you did that.
Is that all you can talk about,
nothing else?
Who only has to whistle for me
to come running?
Whose nonsense am I listening to here?
Whose, if not yours?
Oh, cut it out!
Youre like
your own fathers and mothers.
Well, thats something. Fantastic!
Lets have a last swim in the Balaton.
Fist as far as Im concerned.
- Im not coming.
- Whats up now?
- I cant swim.
- Oh.
- Dini.
- What?
If you like, we can ditch the bird.
That girls crazy.
Whatll happen at the border when we
crash through the barrier?
The barrier?
- Of course. What will happen?
- Well keep our heads down.
Dont worry about us.
But your bird looks crazy
at first sight. Isnt she police?
Are you mad?
Her dads a dentist.
So what?
The cops have got teeth, too.
Hey, stop!
Stop! Cant you hear?
Dont go mad, we need that car!
Hey, dont give it so much gas!
Im not going to foot it to
Yugoslavia because of you lot.
Are you deaf? Cant you hear?
We need it at least
as far as Vienna.
Dini, at least
you should have some sense!
- Huhu, Pierre.
- Stop!
What was it like?
Ive tried this car out
a couple of times myself.
If youd asked me, Id have
suggested the grass any day.
Forget it, Pierre.
What sweet little bears youve got
on your nightie!
Im not going to America
with a little idiot like you.
Who wants to go to America?
Im just seeing Dini off.
Bye, Dini. Will you write?
As soon as weve arrived.
Ciao, bird. How lucky you are,
youre even said goodbye to.
You too?
Thats how it is.
Dont you mind?
Why the hell should I mind?
Its easier alone.
Its just that I thought your father...
He wouldnt have stayed here
because of a woman.
Are you absolutely sure
about not coming?
Whether you are sure or not, I still
want to get my little speech in.
If you stay here, you wont stand
much of a chance.
Im only trying to convince you
because youre my mate
and thats a sentimental
reason for me.
Did you see Piggies husband?
Do you want to be like that?
A bloke stuffed with sedatives?
Theyre all dead, old mate,
because they proudly stick
to their guns.
And the best you can do is
say, bend over now, Lvia.
I just said that. It wasnt even true.
Playing thing tough calls for style, too.
And thats not style. I think...
Or that bird? Is she style?
Ive had enough of them
even if you havent.
So, hello,
31 December 1967
Well, I never! What a surprise!
I certainly wasnt expecting this.
Have you come to see the old folk?
Well, what shall I do?
Childrens television didnt invite me.
But dyou know what?
Ill take on the role, of old girl.
- You will? - Thats right.
- The eternally young Hanna Honthy?
Are you starting that, too?
Where is that summer,
Where is old love?
Wheres that summer,
It flashed across my heart...
Good evening.
Im sorry. I just...
Id like my wife...
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Is she here, too?
How lovely you both are!
Happy New Year!
Thank you.
Thank you,
- Thank you.
- Photo.
Come on. Cant you see
that theyve all died.
But this one is still alive.
And I modified the formula.
How would it be if you studied a bit
instead of these experiments!
Youll never become a doctor
at this rate.
But this ones alive!
Its going to live the next year.
Ive discovered something.
Its certain now.
See how its moving?
Do you see?
- Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Come on!
- Let me take it off.
- Come on!
- Cant I even take it off?
- Come on. Someones waiting.
- Has Dini got leave from the army?
- No. A surprise!
Neither of the kids is coming...
This isnt the last farewell.
Wait a bit till the wind has dropped.
You ask what life will bring,
Because you think Im afraid.
Im not afraid, Im just losing heart.
Take me with you let me drift far away.
The wind blows people apart,
So hold my hand, please, in this wind.
Well fly together through this life,
Like autumn leaves blown about.
This bitter, mocking wind,
what does it whisper to us?
This isnt the last farewell.
Wait a bit till the wind has dropped.
So hold my hand, please, in this wind.
Well fly together through this life,
Like autumn leaves blown about.
This bitter, mocking wind,
what does it whisper to us?