Twenties (2024) Movie Script
(Shower runs)
(water runs)
(phone beeps)
(indistinct chatter)
(Soca music plays in background)
(indistinct chatter continues)
(birds chirping) (cars drive by)
How'd you sleep?
Good. How did you sleep?
Pretty good. Was good.
- Your bed's so comfy.
- I know.
It's terrible. It's a blessing and a curse.
No, it's awesome.
I like your bed. It's comfy.
Just stay here all day.
Yeah, right.
What are you gonna do today?
I don't have any plans.
I have the whole day off.
Really? That's awesome.
Make you some breakfast.
Go for a walk or, I dunno.
- That sounds good.
- Anything else?
I like breakfast.
Just got some fresh peaches.
Oh my God.
Can make that famous fruit salad
that my mom always made for me.
Fruit salad?
I love fruit salad.
I know.
I love fruit salad.
I should probably go home.
Yeah, I should probably go.
Because I have stuff to do.
- No, you don't.
- Yeah, I do.
You can stay here.
- I want to.
- I know you do.
I know.
I like fruit.
I should probably go.
I gotta go home.
And you don't have to
leave if you don't want to.
I know.
You can at least stay for breakfast.
[Guest] (sighs) Thanks for the offer.
I have to go home and
do stuff though. You know?
You can stay.
It's not like weird or
anything If we hang out still,
you know?
[Guest] I, I think it is though.
I think it's weird if we hang out still.
I don't wanna, I don't wanna give you
the wrong idea, you know?
I mean, I don't, I don't
have any ideas at all.
I have no ideas whatsoever, except that
we're gonna eat breakfast
and it's gonna be nice.
Okay. Okay. Just breakfast though.
- Yes, yes, yes.
- But that's it and then I go.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
And then I'm gonna eat fruit salad.
I knew it! I knew you were gonna stay.
Do you want some coffee too?
Yeah, I was gonna
say, can we make coffee?
I'll make some coffee real fast.
- And then I'm going home.
- No, you're not!
- These are super good.
- Aren't they yummy?
Oh my god. They're so like tangy.
They're so good, thank you.
My friend Lauren was at
the grocery store the other day
and she was like at the checkout
and I guess she was
telling me about it at work
and she was just like,
"Yeah, this guy is really sweet."
And he was checking me out like,
- like at the cash register.
- Right.
But then he's like, "Also,
you're really beautiful."
And she's like, "Why is he checking me out"
and also checking me out at the same time?"
No! (laughs)
It was just like such a bummer.
Like, "Ugh, I can't even have
a nice conversation with you."
And not have you want to like
"get into my pants."
It's like you wanna just
like, you're like, "Oh my God."
Like everyone's so friendly.
"It's such a nice day" or whatever.
You're having a great conversation
and then you're like, "No, you just like"
want to have sex with me."
- Mm-hmm.
- That's great.
Great. (chuckles)
Like if I was anyone else,
you'd probably just like not
even care about talking to me.
My pants are just like
a little bit tighter today.
Great, I get it.
Also, it makes me
like afraid of like getting
to be like a mom age or
older 'cause then it's like,
what if no one cares about you anymore?
That's like a really weird, like deep fear.
But like seriously, you know?
I know you should have like
goals other than being pretty.
Well, I'll care about you
when you're at a mom age.
I'll care about you and your mom.
- Thanks.
- We'll be mom friends.
I'm really happy that we're hanging out.
I get really sad sometimes when I like,
it's just hard.
It's just like I hear about you
or, I mean, Shay saw you the other day
because they saw you at
the grocery store or something.
And it's just like, I
don't know. It's just-
- You can't be sad like every time
we run into each other, like I live here
and you live here and like
we're bound to see each other.
You can't be sad every time. (sighs)
Why don't you just forget
about me when I'm not around?
Because I miss you more
than just us being friends.
Thank you.
It's cute on me.
Thank you.
Favorite group.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
(birds chirping)
(indistinct chatter)
It's like really nice out.
I think I should, I
should get outside more.
(scoffs) Soak up the vitamin C.
Yeah, me too.
Before it gets cold.
Or we could go to the other one.
I think it's like I have time somewhere.
It's not too late though.
[Guest] Yeah, I would love to,
but I think I'm gonna go home actually.
Yeah. Okay.
[Guest] Because-
but I had fun today.
Me too. Yeah, thanks
for hanging out with me.
[Guest] Yeah, thanks
for hanging out with me.
(both chuckle)
You wanna stay a little longer?
I know, I haven't
shaved in a while. (laughs)
(overlapping chatter)
I like 'em.
Ballerina shoes.
Treating me like a princess? (laughs)
Actually, I'm gonna go pee really quick.
Okay. (laughs)
(clothes unzip)
(both giggle)
- Take this off.
- Yeah.
I love you.
(plane flies overhead)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
Hey, (clears throat) different.
It's me.
Just gimme a call back when you can.
(sighs dejectedly)
(birds chirping)
Hi Scott. It's Elise.
Um... it's okay.
I don't know if I'm gonna
be able to make it in today
Again at all...
I guess.
(Scott is indistinct)
I'm sorry.
(Scott is indistinct)
(faucet runs)
I went to, I went to the store
and spent like seven bucks on beverages.
Like different types of beverages.
Like, like different types
of water. It is a dumb thing.
(Elise chuckles)
I've been trying to leave soda alone.
So like I bought mineral
water, San Pellegrino,
that actually have
flavor in it, regular water.
I bought a mineral water
that was more intense than San Pellegrino
'cause it's soft, you know?
What is more intense?
It's like that. Like when
you swallow it's like-
- It hurts.
Yeah. But San Pellegrino
is like smooth kind of.
Really? I feel like San
Pellegrino hurts my mouth.
No, we can try this out one day.
Like just put it in different cups
and be like, "Taste this
one and then taste this one."
- Cool.
- It's two different.
Like... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Carbonizations, I should say.
I like it when
carbonated things are flat.
When they're like not carbonated.
It just feels like there's some type
of toxic in it when it's flat.
I like it. I like that taste.
(laughs) No. Not allowed. (chuckles)
Oh, that's terrible. Where you been at?
I don't know.
I haven't felt very good.
Oh, why not?
Where's your lover? Where's she at?
We're not together anymore.
What? You didn't tell me this.
You hiding from me?
You hiding from everybody.
Just hiding from everybody. (chuckles)
Yeah. You can't hide from me.
You gotta tell me what's going on.
You locking doors and shit now?
No, I don't know.
It really sucked.
We were just hanging out one day
and then I woke up and she was just gone.
She won't really talk to me
or like text me back or anything.
That's shitty. What'd you say to her?
Maybe you said something weird.
No, I didn't say anything weird.
Maybe it was that toxic water shit.
Maybe you gave her
like flat soda and she just-
- No!
- No, I'm just joking.
No, I don't know. I just
don't think she likes me.
I don't know.
I think you should
just give it some time.
Maybe it'll come back around, you know?
Yeah, I guess so. I don't know.
Maybe it's a better thing if it
doesn't come back around.
Do you like, do you want to see her
or are you avoiding her also?
I would love to see her,
but she's not texting me back.
Well, she shops at where
we work, so maybe go to work,
you might see her.
No, I quit.
You quit?
- (chuckles) Yeah.
I called Scott today and
I was like, "Hey, I'm sick."
That's why he was freaking out and shit.
Yeah. (laughs) - That
makes a lot of sense.
He was like pissed, dude.
He sucks so I don't care.
Now I feel bad about leaving you there.
Everyone else is kind
of a jerk, so you know.
With his colorful socks and shit.
Yeah, he, yeah, he sucks. But
damn dude, all this new stuff.
What else is going on? You
want to tell me something else?
No, I don't think there's anything else.
I think I'm gonna go back
to Denver for a few days
and visit my brother and stuff.
Hm. There's not much going on there.
But I mean like shit, I mean,
you having these problems,
maybe you should get away.
I'm gonna leave for a while also.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna see what the tour life's about.
- No!
- Yeah.
See, we both got secrets.
Tell me more. Tell me more.
Tell me more. Tell me more.
I'm probably, I think it's like six,
probably like six days.
It's a small tour, but.
That's so good though.
Yeah, like live band
and shit. So I'm gonna be-
- That's the real deal.
Yeah, I might like get a mic stand
and like close my eyes
when the beats drop and shit
and feel all like important, you know?
- That's pretty important.
- Yeah.
Kind of like cradle it
too. You have to cradle it.
Just act like I'm on drugs.
I'll just get a, just drink
a bunch of sparkling wa-
- San Pellegrino.
- Yeah, exactly.
And just-
People expect when you say fettuccine
that it's a white sauce.
Fettuccine is a type of noodle.
Spaghetti is a type of noodle.
So you could have white
sauce on spaghetti noodle.
When people hear spaghetti,
it's red sauce, you know?
(laughs) Yeah, it specifies the sauce.
Yeah, like tortellini like that,
that could be any sauce, you know?
Or it could be like a butter sauce.
Mm. I like butter sauces.
See, but... Like white wine sauce.
What about when you...
(birds chirping)
(water ripples)
(water splashes)
(Elise hums playfully)
You like it.
Yeah! (chuckles)
(awkward chuckle)
Yeah, I like that
one. The color's pretty.
Are you filming me?
Why, you look pretty.
(sharp exhale) I don't feel pretty.
You should, you look great right now.
Even without lipstick.
I had this crazy
dream last night that like,
I could control everything
but like, not really control
my dream, but kind of.
And it was like I had a remote control
for it so I could like-
- Ooh cool.
Yeah, like pause it or
go forward or back.
But in the dream we were
buying a house together
and it was really fun
and we would like pause
and then like go forward to
see how we should decorate it.
And then come back to like
a long time ago when we
found like the perfect chair
or something at a thrift
store that we didn't buy
and then we bought it.
And we bought it in the dream?
That would be awesome.
I wish we could pause it right now.
This would be a good time to pause it.
(birds chirping)
What time does your train leave?
In a few hours.
It's not the pack.
(chuckles) Do you need me to drive you?
I can give you a ride
if you need it.
(plane flies overhead)
(train pulls in)
(indistinct chatter)
Hey Shannon, it's me.
I am outside of your
apartment building I think.
I guess just let me know when you get this.
Okay, I'll see you soon, bye.
(indistinct chatter) (laughter)
Now with that attitude.
All right, big boy.
(car beeps)
(dog barks)
- Hey!
- Hey!
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
Sorry, my class got out late.
Oh, it's okay. No worries.
Let's get your stuff inside.
(door closes)
- Oh, it's so cute.
- Thanks.
Super expensive, but I love it.
Oh, you can set your
stuff in that little room.
Oh cool. Thanks.
Who's that guy?
Oh, this is Liam.
- He's cute.
- Yeah, he's a sweetie.
So how are you?
I'm good.
I'm really tired from
that train ride. I'm good.
Excited to get away from
Salt Lake for a little bit.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I could use a vacation too.
- Feels really good.
- Good.
[Elise] Are you still in school?
Yeah, I actually just
got an internship, so.
Wow. Awesome, congratulations.
[Shannon] Thank you.
Yeah, it's not paid but my,
my family's going to help me out
so I can focus and stuff.
Wow, that's so nice. That's great.
Super nice.
[Shannon] What about
you? Are you still in school?
Um... not really.
I am taking a very long break,
possibly just a break forever.
But I don't know, I just have
a hard time like justifying
paying so much money for like a film degree
that won't really do anything for me
unless I actually just go
out and you know, do it.
So it's like why am I paying
money? I could just do it.
So... Yeah, school is expensive.
That makes sense.
[Shannon] So are you going to like
see your mom and brother?
Yeah. Yeah, I'll definitely
see my brother probably
sometime tomorrow I think.
- Cool.
- Yeah.
But I don't really know.
I might see my mom. Maybe not.
We haven't really been
talking at all lately, so.
But I mostly came to
see you and my brother.
Cool. I saw your brother
the other day actually.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Cool. That's funny.
Yeah, it was super
awkward though. (chuckles)
Yeah, he, he can be that way.
He's kind of the worst sometimes.
Yeah. We just kind
of like made eye contact
and then didn't really say anything.
Yep, that's about right.
Sorry, don't take it personally.
That's all him.
- I didn't.
- Cool.
[Shannon] So are you hungry?
You know, I'm not actually that hungry.
I had a really bad sandwich,
like a veggie sandwich on the train,
but I would be down to go
out later and get some food.
[Shannon] Okay. Yeah. Do
you know where you want to go?
I could go, I could go anywhere.
I could go to a diner.
Could go get like real
kind of fancy food too
if you wanted like at like
Watercourse or something.
[Shannon] Yeah, that
would be fun. Totally.
There's a lot of new restaurants too, so.
Cool, yeah, I would be
down to see what all the,
all the noise is about.
[Shannon] (chuckles) Yeah. Cool.
Do you want some coffee or water?
Oh, water would be great. Okay.
Hi kitty.
How's it going?
You're so cute and fluffy.
- Here you go.
- Oh thanks.
- Yeah.
- How old is Liam?
Oh he is four.
- He's cute.
- Yeah, he's a sweetie.
He's like the size of
my two cats combined.
Oh, you have two cats?
Yeah, but they're babies.
They're not even like a year old yet.
We thought that one of 'em was a boy.
We thought they were brother and sister
and then we took them to get fixed
and we found out that
they were just two sisters.
- Oh yeah.
- It was really funny.
Bye! See you later!
- He's cute though.
- Yeah.
(phone beeps)
(indistinct distant chatter)
Oh, I feel like they always do that too.
I mean, I'm the new guy I guess.
They just dump all this shit on me.
- Yeah.
- I mean
now my name's gonna be on something
that's kind of like gonna be half-assed.
They're gonna have to have licence three
'cause I have a day left to do it, so.
Yeah. Do you have to go back?
Yeah, definitely. I'm gonna
have to, to stay late tonight.
- Oh this is Elise by the way.
- Hi.
- Alan.
- I'm Alan.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
She's visiting from Salt Lake.
Oh right. Well...
I guess I should get back to work.
I've got a lot, a lot to do, so.
[Shannon] Are you
going to the party tonight?
[Alan] Yeah, I'll be there.
I just have to finish
some stuff up at work.
I might be kinda late so.
- Okay, cool.
- We'll see you though.
- Alright.
- It was good to meet you.
Yeah, you too.
[Alan] I guess I'll see you tonight
and good luck on your test.
[Shannon] Thank you. I'll see you.
(door closes)
So you have a test today?
Yeah, I couldn't really get out of it
so, but it shouldn't take too long.
Like I'll be back and stuff so.
Oh yeah. Okay.
You can make yourself at home.
Cool. Thanks.
What was that about a party or something?
Yeah, so Alan, he has some friends
that are throwing a party
tonight if you wanna go.
It should be pretty fun.
Okay. Yeah...
I'll think about it.
Okay, cool.
Yeah, it's like a little bit
after I get back so we can like
get dinner and go if you want.
Cool. Yeah. Yeah, I'll think about it.
He seems nice.
Thanks. He's cool.
(ethereal music)
(ball bounces in distance)
(ethereal music continues)
(ball bounces in distance)
(indistinct chatter)
Oh yeah, we went to Milk Bar
and this guy was like following her around
and being super, I mean he wasn't creepy
but he's just-
- Odd.
- Odd, yeah. (laughs)
Very strange.
Which is hard to do at Milk Bar,
but she like gave me the
face and I was like, "Come on!"
She, yeah, just found this
random person off of Craigslist
and then got them to come
and didn't really vet 'em properly-
- And they just left?
Yeah. Didn't even tell her at all.
Wait, how long they been gone?
Just like trashed-
- We don't even know. We don't even know.
We don't even know what happened.
Like she went there
because she's trying to get out
of her other place
'cause she doesn't like
those roommates either.
So she's doing the same thing again?
Yeah. So she's pretty
much doing the same thing.
They're doing a better
job with the vetting process.
- She gonna sublet to them?
- Yeah, she's gonna sublet
her new place as well.
No, get in, get in!
This is warmer than clean water.
Sit down!
(laughs) It's fine!
I hate you.
I split my knee.
I met Elise in school.
Earliest memory, Easter...
We're hanging out hunting for eggs.
We have purple Peeps. Was it purple?
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Okay, so we're hunting
for eggs. Big pile of eggs.
The grand prize, six eggs at once.
Elise here, throws up completely,
just vomits all over the eggs.
I know. And that's, I mean,
you're still making movies, right?
Yeah, yeah, uh-huh.
And you're living in Salt Lake?
- Yeah, I am. I am.
- She vomits all over the eggs
and no one really wins.
And it was, I mean that was my
third grade Easter experience.
But I'm sure you're doing
well in what, Salt Lake?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Great.
Thank you. I'm gonna,
I'm gonna get another beer.
- They're over there.
- Okay. Thank you.
So good seeing you.
Thank you. Anyway.
(indistinct chatter)
Hey, how's it going?
(clears throat) Good.
Nice. My name's John.
Nice to meet you. I'm Elise.
Nice. Cool.
This is my place so make yourself at home.
Thanks. No, thank
thanks for having us over.
That's a really nice...
Yeah, if you drink too much
or anything, feel free to stay.
I've got a really comfortable bed.
I sleep on the couch usually, so.
Thank you.
That is so nice. But I'm
staying with Shannon.
- So I think I'm good.
- Cool.
Oh man, I gotta go to
the bathroom. I'll be back.
You looked a little low there.
Yeah, my, my, my bed's really comfortable.
It's a Tempur-Pedic.
Thank you. Have a good night.
(soft music plays in distance)
[Elise] It's like so close to being good
and then it's just like, ah!
That pool was funny.
Sorry that got weird for a bit.
Oh, that's okay.
I don't know.
He seemed pretty harmless.
- Yeah...
- But I guess
I'm just learning that a lot
of people are like kind
of shitty in the world.
Not that, not that he is shitty
but like, I don't know,
just in general, can't really
trust everyone all the time.
[Shannon] Yeah. What makes you say that?
I don't know. Just...
I don't know, I guess I
don't really know how to
describe it, but.
[Video] ...To your face.
And I know that I'll never have that back.
I'll never have that back dude.
And it's like she made me feel like...
I hate you. I don't know like, ah,
she made me feel like I could fly, dude.
- With?
- Yeah.
She made me feel like I could just like,
I could achieve anything I like wanted to.
- That's what it feels like.
- And you know,
I've been looking for
like something that's like-
- It feels like when you're in
a healthy relationship, bud.
Dude, I don't need
you telling me that stuff
and I, I could drop you.
He keeps looking on my neck really weird.
So there's like, you know,
just have to crack it, I don't know why.
Thumbs me all the time too.
Tossing and turning lately.
Do you have school today?
Um... no, not today.
I been working on some stuff though,
what, what, do you know
what you're doing today?
I don't know, I might go see my brother
but I know I might just hang out.
Go see all the stuff that I
haven't seen in a long time.
Yeah. (chuckles) Smart.
Ah, spicy.
No it's good. I put hot sauce on it.
I like it spicy so I don't think about it.
No, it's good.
- What are you drinking?
- Some Bulleit Rye.
[Elise] Can I try?
Are you 21 yet?
You're not, so no, (chuckles)
you can't.
When did you get in town?
- Yesterday.
- Yeah?
You weren't gonna call before
and let me know you were coming?
Just show up on my doorstep?
Mm-hmm. (chuckles)
[Brother] Alright.
It worked. (laughs)
[Brother] You're lucky I didn't go
with Kate shopping today, so.
I guess so. (chuckles)
[Brother] You're gonna
be here a little while?
You gonna...
No, I'm, I'm heading
back to Salt Lake like
tomorrow I guess.
- All right.
- Just stopping,
saying hi to Shannon.
Taking a break from
reality and stuff for a little bit.
What are you doing?
Just like, do you need anything?
Do you need any money or something?
[Elise] No, I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You're just showing up on my doorstep,
randomly? (chuckles)
[Elise] Well I thought,
I mean I was in town
to visit Shannon.
I thought it would be nice
if I came and said hi to you
'cause that's like the nice thing to do.
So yeah.
I mean if you need
money, it's fine. I mean-
- [Elise] I don't need
money. I'm fine, thank you.
[Brother] Alright.
I mean, are are you
still, are you still working?
Are you at that co-op still?
No, not right now.
(softly) I didn't want to.
[Brother] What happened with that?
My boss was a jerk.
[Brother] Your boss was a jerk? (scoffs)
Yeah. (chuckles)
[Brother] I mean I
guess I understand that
but sometimes you just need
to power through those things,
you know, so you can get
to the next level in your life.
Maybe go back and finish
your film degree or something.
Yeah, I guess so. I don't know.
I'll do what I think is right for me, so...
[Brother] Me and Kate are
doing really well right now too.
So you know, if you need
help going back to school,
you know, maybe we can get you in there
and like, I don't know,
maybe you can get out
and like make commercials
or something, you know?
It's okay. I don't really
wanna make commercials.
[Brother] It's good money.
You can at least like
help that, like help use that
to like fund your like more
weird shit you like to do.
Yeah, I don't know. I'll think about it.
[Brother] Well let me know.
You know, I'm here for
you if you need me, so.
Does mom know you're here?
- No.
- Are you gonna see her?
- I don't think so.
- Why?
I don't know.
I just didn't really feel
like putting myself in
that position of like being
like really upset because
you know, I don't know.
I just knew that she's
gonna like be angry with me
so I might as well just
avoid her being angry
with me altogether.
[Brother] Well, should at least call her
'cause she's worried about you.
(sighs) She's not worried
about me. She doesn't care.
[Brother] I feel like
you kind of ignore us
and you know, family is
the most important thing and
we care about you and we
wanna make sure you're all right.
I'm fine though.
If you cared about me, you
would have faith in the fact
that I am able to take care
of myself and if I need help,
I'll find a way to get help.
[Brother] Yeah, but you
can't take care of yourself.
You can't even keep a job down.
You didn't even finish school.
How does that mean I'm not
taking care of myself though?
[Brother] What are we
supposed to think when you're like
just off, like doing whatever you want
and like we're sitting back here worried
that like if you're gonna pay your rent
or if you're getting enough
food to eat, you know?
Well I'll be able to figure
that out. I don't need help.
If she cared about me, she
would just ask me what I'm doing.
Like that I actually care about not just
what she thinks is right for
me 'cause it's very different.
[Brother] Well I still
think you should call her.
Just let her know you're here.
I mean you'll do it anyway.
[Brother] She's not far from there.
You could stop by there. I
can ask her to come here.
We can have dinner together or something.
No, that's okay. I
have plans tonight, so.
[Brother] All right.
I don't know what to say then.
Here, I'm gonna give you some money.
I know you said you don't need it,
but we have plenty right now.
We're doing fine. So let
me do this for you, okay?
I wanna make sure you're all right.
(ethereal music)
(cars whiz by)
It is just weird now 'cause he's like
what his thirties I guess
or about to be or is.
I don't even know how old he is now.
Just feels like he's
been that age for, forever.
He went from being
like a stoner kid to being
a shitty bummer adult.
I guess that's kind of how it goes though.
Like there's just one day
where it switches in the mirror.
It feels like, I don't know,
like you, me and Leah
and Carly all hanging
out was like yesterday,
but now it's kind of not,
it seems pretty far away.
- Mm-hmm.
- I guess it'll probably
just keep getting farther away too.
Definitely wish I could go
back when it was easier.
I'm thinking a lot about your old,
like your, your, was he
your dad's sister, I think?
Your mom's sister, your dad's sister
who had the house at Telluride.
You would go up there
for the music festivals.
[Shannon] Yeah.
And thinking about that, like
just going back to
and like dancing at the festivals
and I don't know.
It was just so fun and relaxing.
It was great.
We were actually looking through pictures
from when we went up there,
my mom and I, when I saw her last
and they were so funny.
They were super cute.
We were like not that much,
you know, like we weren't
that young, but we
used to look like babies.
So tiny. (both giggle)
Little babies.
That's crazy.
I really love that house.
Maybe next time I come back we can try
and like plan a trip for us to go up there,
go on hikes and stuff.
Sounds nice.
Yeah, my parents actually sold it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Sucks.
- Sucks a lot.
[Shannon] I told my mom,
you're in town, actually.
- Really?
- Yeah.
She said hi.
She was bummed she couldn't see you.
Give her a big hug and kiss
for me next time you see her.
- Thanks.
- I miss her.
She was the best mom I never had.
[Shannon] (giggles) I
know, you were always over.
She'd make us food.
Yeah, she was a good mom.
You always had the best lunches at school.
That's how you can tell a
good mom if they make you
a good sack lunch.
That's cool.
- Tell her I miss her.
- Okay.
(bag zips up)
(dishes clatter)
Ah, thanks.
(door shuts)
- Um, no.
The train made it fun.
Yeah. It should be pretty painless.
Yeah. Pretty fun.
Well, thanks for letting me stay with you.
Yeah, of course. Anytime.
See you later. (chuckles)
- Bye.
- Bye.
(water rushes)
(shower pours)
(birds chirping)
Yeah, he kind of can do that.
Like mac and cheese.
I've been thinking about
maybe eating meat again,
I don't know.
I like, my morals are kind
of telling me that's bad,
but then also my stomach is like, a steak
sounds kind of good sometimes.
Yeah, it's just kind of heavy sometimes.
I don't know, I'll eat meat
and I'm just like, "Whoa, this is good."
(buzzing sound)
(phone buzzes)
(phone buzzes again)
(phone buzzes again)
(Shower runs)
(water runs)
(phone beeps)
(indistinct chatter)
(Soca music plays in background)
(indistinct chatter continues)
(birds chirping) (cars drive by)
How'd you sleep?
Good. How did you sleep?
Pretty good. Was good.
- Your bed's so comfy.
- I know.
It's terrible. It's a blessing and a curse.
No, it's awesome.
I like your bed. It's comfy.
Just stay here all day.
Yeah, right.
What are you gonna do today?
I don't have any plans.
I have the whole day off.
Really? That's awesome.
Make you some breakfast.
Go for a walk or, I dunno.
- That sounds good.
- Anything else?
I like breakfast.
Just got some fresh peaches.
Oh my God.
Can make that famous fruit salad
that my mom always made for me.
Fruit salad?
I love fruit salad.
I know.
I love fruit salad.
I should probably go home.
Yeah, I should probably go.
Because I have stuff to do.
- No, you don't.
- Yeah, I do.
You can stay here.
- I want to.
- I know you do.
I know.
I like fruit.
I should probably go.
I gotta go home.
And you don't have to
leave if you don't want to.
I know.
You can at least stay for breakfast.
[Guest] (sighs) Thanks for the offer.
I have to go home and
do stuff though. You know?
You can stay.
It's not like weird or
anything If we hang out still,
you know?
[Guest] I, I think it is though.
I think it's weird if we hang out still.
I don't wanna, I don't wanna give you
the wrong idea, you know?
I mean, I don't, I don't
have any ideas at all.
I have no ideas whatsoever, except that
we're gonna eat breakfast
and it's gonna be nice.
Okay. Okay. Just breakfast though.
- Yes, yes, yes.
- But that's it and then I go.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
And then I'm gonna eat fruit salad.
I knew it! I knew you were gonna stay.
Do you want some coffee too?
Yeah, I was gonna
say, can we make coffee?
I'll make some coffee real fast.
- And then I'm going home.
- No, you're not!
- These are super good.
- Aren't they yummy?
Oh my god. They're so like tangy.
They're so good, thank you.
My friend Lauren was at
the grocery store the other day
and she was like at the checkout
and I guess she was
telling me about it at work
and she was just like,
"Yeah, this guy is really sweet."
And he was checking me out like,
- like at the cash register.
- Right.
But then he's like, "Also,
you're really beautiful."
And she's like, "Why is he checking me out"
and also checking me out at the same time?"
No! (laughs)
It was just like such a bummer.
Like, "Ugh, I can't even have
a nice conversation with you."
And not have you want to like
"get into my pants."
It's like you wanna just
like, you're like, "Oh my God."
Like everyone's so friendly.
"It's such a nice day" or whatever.
You're having a great conversation
and then you're like, "No, you just like"
want to have sex with me."
- Mm-hmm.
- That's great.
Great. (chuckles)
Like if I was anyone else,
you'd probably just like not
even care about talking to me.
My pants are just like
a little bit tighter today.
Great, I get it.
Also, it makes me
like afraid of like getting
to be like a mom age or
older 'cause then it's like,
what if no one cares about you anymore?
That's like a really weird, like deep fear.
But like seriously, you know?
I know you should have like
goals other than being pretty.
Well, I'll care about you
when you're at a mom age.
I'll care about you and your mom.
- Thanks.
- We'll be mom friends.
I'm really happy that we're hanging out.
I get really sad sometimes when I like,
it's just hard.
It's just like I hear about you
or, I mean, Shay saw you the other day
because they saw you at
the grocery store or something.
And it's just like, I
don't know. It's just-
- You can't be sad like every time
we run into each other, like I live here
and you live here and like
we're bound to see each other.
You can't be sad every time. (sighs)
Why don't you just forget
about me when I'm not around?
Because I miss you more
than just us being friends.
Thank you.
It's cute on me.
Thank you.
Favorite group.
- Ready?
- Yeah.
(birds chirping)
(indistinct chatter)
It's like really nice out.
I think I should, I
should get outside more.
(scoffs) Soak up the vitamin C.
Yeah, me too.
Before it gets cold.
Or we could go to the other one.
I think it's like I have time somewhere.
It's not too late though.
[Guest] Yeah, I would love to,
but I think I'm gonna go home actually.
Yeah. Okay.
[Guest] Because-
but I had fun today.
Me too. Yeah, thanks
for hanging out with me.
[Guest] Yeah, thanks
for hanging out with me.
(both chuckle)
You wanna stay a little longer?
I know, I haven't
shaved in a while. (laughs)
(overlapping chatter)
I like 'em.
Ballerina shoes.
Treating me like a princess? (laughs)
Actually, I'm gonna go pee really quick.
Okay. (laughs)
(clothes unzip)
(both giggle)
- Take this off.
- Yeah.
I love you.
(plane flies overhead)
(birds chirping)
(birds chirping)
Hey, (clears throat) different.
It's me.
Just gimme a call back when you can.
(sighs dejectedly)
(birds chirping)
Hi Scott. It's Elise.
Um... it's okay.
I don't know if I'm gonna
be able to make it in today
Again at all...
I guess.
(Scott is indistinct)
I'm sorry.
(Scott is indistinct)
(faucet runs)
I went to, I went to the store
and spent like seven bucks on beverages.
Like different types of beverages.
Like, like different types
of water. It is a dumb thing.
(Elise chuckles)
I've been trying to leave soda alone.
So like I bought mineral
water, San Pellegrino,
that actually have
flavor in it, regular water.
I bought a mineral water
that was more intense than San Pellegrino
'cause it's soft, you know?
What is more intense?
It's like that. Like when
you swallow it's like-
- It hurts.
Yeah. But San Pellegrino
is like smooth kind of.
Really? I feel like San
Pellegrino hurts my mouth.
No, we can try this out one day.
Like just put it in different cups
and be like, "Taste this
one and then taste this one."
- Cool.
- It's two different.
Like... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Carbonizations, I should say.
I like it when
carbonated things are flat.
When they're like not carbonated.
It just feels like there's some type
of toxic in it when it's flat.
I like it. I like that taste.
(laughs) No. Not allowed. (chuckles)
Oh, that's terrible. Where you been at?
I don't know.
I haven't felt very good.
Oh, why not?
Where's your lover? Where's she at?
We're not together anymore.
What? You didn't tell me this.
You hiding from me?
You hiding from everybody.
Just hiding from everybody. (chuckles)
Yeah. You can't hide from me.
You gotta tell me what's going on.
You locking doors and shit now?
No, I don't know.
It really sucked.
We were just hanging out one day
and then I woke up and she was just gone.
She won't really talk to me
or like text me back or anything.
That's shitty. What'd you say to her?
Maybe you said something weird.
No, I didn't say anything weird.
Maybe it was that toxic water shit.
Maybe you gave her
like flat soda and she just-
- No!
- No, I'm just joking.
No, I don't know. I just
don't think she likes me.
I don't know.
I think you should
just give it some time.
Maybe it'll come back around, you know?
Yeah, I guess so. I don't know.
Maybe it's a better thing if it
doesn't come back around.
Do you like, do you want to see her
or are you avoiding her also?
I would love to see her,
but she's not texting me back.
Well, she shops at where
we work, so maybe go to work,
you might see her.
No, I quit.
You quit?
- (chuckles) Yeah.
I called Scott today and
I was like, "Hey, I'm sick."
That's why he was freaking out and shit.
Yeah. (laughs) - That
makes a lot of sense.
He was like pissed, dude.
He sucks so I don't care.
Now I feel bad about leaving you there.
Everyone else is kind
of a jerk, so you know.
With his colorful socks and shit.
Yeah, he, yeah, he sucks. But
damn dude, all this new stuff.
What else is going on? You
want to tell me something else?
No, I don't think there's anything else.
I think I'm gonna go back
to Denver for a few days
and visit my brother and stuff.
Hm. There's not much going on there.
But I mean like shit, I mean,
you having these problems,
maybe you should get away.
I'm gonna leave for a while also.
Where are you going?
I'm gonna see what the tour life's about.
- No!
- Yeah.
See, we both got secrets.
Tell me more. Tell me more.
Tell me more. Tell me more.
I'm probably, I think it's like six,
probably like six days.
It's a small tour, but.
That's so good though.
Yeah, like live band
and shit. So I'm gonna be-
- That's the real deal.
Yeah, I might like get a mic stand
and like close my eyes
when the beats drop and shit
and feel all like important, you know?
- That's pretty important.
- Yeah.
Kind of like cradle it
too. You have to cradle it.
Just act like I'm on drugs.
I'll just get a, just drink
a bunch of sparkling wa-
- San Pellegrino.
- Yeah, exactly.
And just-
People expect when you say fettuccine
that it's a white sauce.
Fettuccine is a type of noodle.
Spaghetti is a type of noodle.
So you could have white
sauce on spaghetti noodle.
When people hear spaghetti,
it's red sauce, you know?
(laughs) Yeah, it specifies the sauce.
Yeah, like tortellini like that,
that could be any sauce, you know?
Or it could be like a butter sauce.
Mm. I like butter sauces.
See, but... Like white wine sauce.
What about when you...
(birds chirping)
(water ripples)
(water splashes)
(Elise hums playfully)
You like it.
Yeah! (chuckles)
(awkward chuckle)
Yeah, I like that
one. The color's pretty.
Are you filming me?
Why, you look pretty.
(sharp exhale) I don't feel pretty.
You should, you look great right now.
Even without lipstick.
I had this crazy
dream last night that like,
I could control everything
but like, not really control
my dream, but kind of.
And it was like I had a remote control
for it so I could like-
- Ooh cool.
Yeah, like pause it or
go forward or back.
But in the dream we were
buying a house together
and it was really fun
and we would like pause
and then like go forward to
see how we should decorate it.
And then come back to like
a long time ago when we
found like the perfect chair
or something at a thrift
store that we didn't buy
and then we bought it.
And we bought it in the dream?
That would be awesome.
I wish we could pause it right now.
This would be a good time to pause it.
(birds chirping)
What time does your train leave?
In a few hours.
It's not the pack.
(chuckles) Do you need me to drive you?
I can give you a ride
if you need it.
(plane flies overhead)
(train pulls in)
(indistinct chatter)
Hey Shannon, it's me.
I am outside of your
apartment building I think.
I guess just let me know when you get this.
Okay, I'll see you soon, bye.
(indistinct chatter) (laughter)
Now with that attitude.
All right, big boy.
(car beeps)
(dog barks)
- Hey!
- Hey!
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
Sorry, my class got out late.
Oh, it's okay. No worries.
Let's get your stuff inside.
(door closes)
- Oh, it's so cute.
- Thanks.
Super expensive, but I love it.
Oh, you can set your
stuff in that little room.
Oh cool. Thanks.
Who's that guy?
Oh, this is Liam.
- He's cute.
- Yeah, he's a sweetie.
So how are you?
I'm good.
I'm really tired from
that train ride. I'm good.
Excited to get away from
Salt Lake for a little bit.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I could use a vacation too.
- Feels really good.
- Good.
[Elise] Are you still in school?
Yeah, I actually just
got an internship, so.
Wow. Awesome, congratulations.
[Shannon] Thank you.
Yeah, it's not paid but my,
my family's going to help me out
so I can focus and stuff.
Wow, that's so nice. That's great.
Super nice.
[Shannon] What about
you? Are you still in school?
Um... not really.
I am taking a very long break,
possibly just a break forever.
But I don't know, I just have
a hard time like justifying
paying so much money for like a film degree
that won't really do anything for me
unless I actually just go
out and you know, do it.
So it's like why am I paying
money? I could just do it.
So... Yeah, school is expensive.
That makes sense.
[Shannon] So are you going to like
see your mom and brother?
Yeah. Yeah, I'll definitely
see my brother probably
sometime tomorrow I think.
- Cool.
- Yeah.
But I don't really know.
I might see my mom. Maybe not.
We haven't really been
talking at all lately, so.
But I mostly came to
see you and my brother.
Cool. I saw your brother
the other day actually.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Cool. That's funny.
Yeah, it was super
awkward though. (chuckles)
Yeah, he, he can be that way.
He's kind of the worst sometimes.
Yeah. We just kind
of like made eye contact
and then didn't really say anything.
Yep, that's about right.
Sorry, don't take it personally.
That's all him.
- I didn't.
- Cool.
[Shannon] So are you hungry?
You know, I'm not actually that hungry.
I had a really bad sandwich,
like a veggie sandwich on the train,
but I would be down to go
out later and get some food.
[Shannon] Okay. Yeah. Do
you know where you want to go?
I could go, I could go anywhere.
I could go to a diner.
Could go get like real
kind of fancy food too
if you wanted like at like
Watercourse or something.
[Shannon] Yeah, that
would be fun. Totally.
There's a lot of new restaurants too, so.
Cool, yeah, I would be
down to see what all the,
all the noise is about.
[Shannon] (chuckles) Yeah. Cool.
Do you want some coffee or water?
Oh, water would be great. Okay.
Hi kitty.
How's it going?
You're so cute and fluffy.
- Here you go.
- Oh thanks.
- Yeah.
- How old is Liam?
Oh he is four.
- He's cute.
- Yeah, he's a sweetie.
He's like the size of
my two cats combined.
Oh, you have two cats?
Yeah, but they're babies.
They're not even like a year old yet.
We thought that one of 'em was a boy.
We thought they were brother and sister
and then we took them to get fixed
and we found out that
they were just two sisters.
- Oh yeah.
- It was really funny.
Bye! See you later!
- He's cute though.
- Yeah.
(phone beeps)
(indistinct distant chatter)
Oh, I feel like they always do that too.
I mean, I'm the new guy I guess.
They just dump all this shit on me.
- Yeah.
- I mean
now my name's gonna be on something
that's kind of like gonna be half-assed.
They're gonna have to have licence three
'cause I have a day left to do it, so.
Yeah. Do you have to go back?
Yeah, definitely. I'm gonna
have to, to stay late tonight.
- Oh this is Elise by the way.
- Hi.
- Alan.
- I'm Alan.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
She's visiting from Salt Lake.
Oh right. Well...
I guess I should get back to work.
I've got a lot, a lot to do, so.
[Shannon] Are you
going to the party tonight?
[Alan] Yeah, I'll be there.
I just have to finish
some stuff up at work.
I might be kinda late so.
- Okay, cool.
- We'll see you though.
- Alright.
- It was good to meet you.
Yeah, you too.
[Alan] I guess I'll see you tonight
and good luck on your test.
[Shannon] Thank you. I'll see you.
(door closes)
So you have a test today?
Yeah, I couldn't really get out of it
so, but it shouldn't take too long.
Like I'll be back and stuff so.
Oh yeah. Okay.
You can make yourself at home.
Cool. Thanks.
What was that about a party or something?
Yeah, so Alan, he has some friends
that are throwing a party
tonight if you wanna go.
It should be pretty fun.
Okay. Yeah...
I'll think about it.
Okay, cool.
Yeah, it's like a little bit
after I get back so we can like
get dinner and go if you want.
Cool. Yeah. Yeah, I'll think about it.
He seems nice.
Thanks. He's cool.
(ethereal music)
(ball bounces in distance)
(ethereal music continues)
(ball bounces in distance)
(indistinct chatter)
Oh yeah, we went to Milk Bar
and this guy was like following her around
and being super, I mean he wasn't creepy
but he's just-
- Odd.
- Odd, yeah. (laughs)
Very strange.
Which is hard to do at Milk Bar,
but she like gave me the
face and I was like, "Come on!"
She, yeah, just found this
random person off of Craigslist
and then got them to come
and didn't really vet 'em properly-
- And they just left?
Yeah. Didn't even tell her at all.
Wait, how long they been gone?
Just like trashed-
- We don't even know. We don't even know.
We don't even know what happened.
Like she went there
because she's trying to get out
of her other place
'cause she doesn't like
those roommates either.
So she's doing the same thing again?
Yeah. So she's pretty
much doing the same thing.
They're doing a better
job with the vetting process.
- She gonna sublet to them?
- Yeah, she's gonna sublet
her new place as well.
No, get in, get in!
This is warmer than clean water.
Sit down!
(laughs) It's fine!
I hate you.
I split my knee.
I met Elise in school.
Earliest memory, Easter...
We're hanging out hunting for eggs.
We have purple Peeps. Was it purple?
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Okay, so we're hunting
for eggs. Big pile of eggs.
The grand prize, six eggs at once.
Elise here, throws up completely,
just vomits all over the eggs.
I know. And that's, I mean,
you're still making movies, right?
Yeah, yeah, uh-huh.
And you're living in Salt Lake?
- Yeah, I am. I am.
- She vomits all over the eggs
and no one really wins.
And it was, I mean that was my
third grade Easter experience.
But I'm sure you're doing
well in what, Salt Lake?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Great.
Thank you. I'm gonna,
I'm gonna get another beer.
- They're over there.
- Okay. Thank you.
So good seeing you.
Thank you. Anyway.
(indistinct chatter)
Hey, how's it going?
(clears throat) Good.
Nice. My name's John.
Nice to meet you. I'm Elise.
Nice. Cool.
This is my place so make yourself at home.
Thanks. No, thank
thanks for having us over.
That's a really nice...
Yeah, if you drink too much
or anything, feel free to stay.
I've got a really comfortable bed.
I sleep on the couch usually, so.
Thank you.
That is so nice. But I'm
staying with Shannon.
- So I think I'm good.
- Cool.
Oh man, I gotta go to
the bathroom. I'll be back.
You looked a little low there.
Yeah, my, my, my bed's really comfortable.
It's a Tempur-Pedic.
Thank you. Have a good night.
(soft music plays in distance)
[Elise] It's like so close to being good
and then it's just like, ah!
That pool was funny.
Sorry that got weird for a bit.
Oh, that's okay.
I don't know.
He seemed pretty harmless.
- Yeah...
- But I guess
I'm just learning that a lot
of people are like kind
of shitty in the world.
Not that, not that he is shitty
but like, I don't know,
just in general, can't really
trust everyone all the time.
[Shannon] Yeah. What makes you say that?
I don't know. Just...
I don't know, I guess I
don't really know how to
describe it, but.
[Video] ...To your face.
And I know that I'll never have that back.
I'll never have that back dude.
And it's like she made me feel like...
I hate you. I don't know like, ah,
she made me feel like I could fly, dude.
- With?
- Yeah.
She made me feel like I could just like,
I could achieve anything I like wanted to.
- That's what it feels like.
- And you know,
I've been looking for
like something that's like-
- It feels like when you're in
a healthy relationship, bud.
Dude, I don't need
you telling me that stuff
and I, I could drop you.
He keeps looking on my neck really weird.
So there's like, you know,
just have to crack it, I don't know why.
Thumbs me all the time too.
Tossing and turning lately.
Do you have school today?
Um... no, not today.
I been working on some stuff though,
what, what, do you know
what you're doing today?
I don't know, I might go see my brother
but I know I might just hang out.
Go see all the stuff that I
haven't seen in a long time.
Yeah. (chuckles) Smart.
Ah, spicy.
No it's good. I put hot sauce on it.
I like it spicy so I don't think about it.
No, it's good.
- What are you drinking?
- Some Bulleit Rye.
[Elise] Can I try?
Are you 21 yet?
You're not, so no, (chuckles)
you can't.
When did you get in town?
- Yesterday.
- Yeah?
You weren't gonna call before
and let me know you were coming?
Just show up on my doorstep?
Mm-hmm. (chuckles)
[Brother] Alright.
It worked. (laughs)
[Brother] You're lucky I didn't go
with Kate shopping today, so.
I guess so. (chuckles)
[Brother] You're gonna
be here a little while?
You gonna...
No, I'm, I'm heading
back to Salt Lake like
tomorrow I guess.
- All right.
- Just stopping,
saying hi to Shannon.
Taking a break from
reality and stuff for a little bit.
What are you doing?
Just like, do you need anything?
Do you need any money or something?
[Elise] No, I'm good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You're just showing up on my doorstep,
randomly? (chuckles)
[Elise] Well I thought,
I mean I was in town
to visit Shannon.
I thought it would be nice
if I came and said hi to you
'cause that's like the nice thing to do.
So yeah.
I mean if you need
money, it's fine. I mean-
- [Elise] I don't need
money. I'm fine, thank you.
[Brother] Alright.
I mean, are are you
still, are you still working?
Are you at that co-op still?
No, not right now.
(softly) I didn't want to.
[Brother] What happened with that?
My boss was a jerk.
[Brother] Your boss was a jerk? (scoffs)
Yeah. (chuckles)
[Brother] I mean I
guess I understand that
but sometimes you just need
to power through those things,
you know, so you can get
to the next level in your life.
Maybe go back and finish
your film degree or something.
Yeah, I guess so. I don't know.
I'll do what I think is right for me, so...
[Brother] Me and Kate are
doing really well right now too.
So you know, if you need
help going back to school,
you know, maybe we can get you in there
and like, I don't know,
maybe you can get out
and like make commercials
or something, you know?
It's okay. I don't really
wanna make commercials.
[Brother] It's good money.
You can at least like
help that, like help use that
to like fund your like more
weird shit you like to do.
Yeah, I don't know. I'll think about it.
[Brother] Well let me know.
You know, I'm here for
you if you need me, so.
Does mom know you're here?
- No.
- Are you gonna see her?
- I don't think so.
- Why?
I don't know.
I just didn't really feel
like putting myself in
that position of like being
like really upset because
you know, I don't know.
I just knew that she's
gonna like be angry with me
so I might as well just
avoid her being angry
with me altogether.
[Brother] Well, should at least call her
'cause she's worried about you.
(sighs) She's not worried
about me. She doesn't care.
[Brother] I feel like
you kind of ignore us
and you know, family is
the most important thing and
we care about you and we
wanna make sure you're all right.
I'm fine though.
If you cared about me, you
would have faith in the fact
that I am able to take care
of myself and if I need help,
I'll find a way to get help.
[Brother] Yeah, but you
can't take care of yourself.
You can't even keep a job down.
You didn't even finish school.
How does that mean I'm not
taking care of myself though?
[Brother] What are we
supposed to think when you're like
just off, like doing whatever you want
and like we're sitting back here worried
that like if you're gonna pay your rent
or if you're getting enough
food to eat, you know?
Well I'll be able to figure
that out. I don't need help.
If she cared about me, she
would just ask me what I'm doing.
Like that I actually care about not just
what she thinks is right for
me 'cause it's very different.
[Brother] Well I still
think you should call her.
Just let her know you're here.
I mean you'll do it anyway.
[Brother] She's not far from there.
You could stop by there. I
can ask her to come here.
We can have dinner together or something.
No, that's okay. I
have plans tonight, so.
[Brother] All right.
I don't know what to say then.
Here, I'm gonna give you some money.
I know you said you don't need it,
but we have plenty right now.
We're doing fine. So let
me do this for you, okay?
I wanna make sure you're all right.
(ethereal music)
(cars whiz by)
It is just weird now 'cause he's like
what his thirties I guess
or about to be or is.
I don't even know how old he is now.
Just feels like he's
been that age for, forever.
He went from being
like a stoner kid to being
a shitty bummer adult.
I guess that's kind of how it goes though.
Like there's just one day
where it switches in the mirror.
It feels like, I don't know,
like you, me and Leah
and Carly all hanging
out was like yesterday,
but now it's kind of not,
it seems pretty far away.
- Mm-hmm.
- I guess it'll probably
just keep getting farther away too.
Definitely wish I could go
back when it was easier.
I'm thinking a lot about your old,
like your, your, was he
your dad's sister, I think?
Your mom's sister, your dad's sister
who had the house at Telluride.
You would go up there
for the music festivals.
[Shannon] Yeah.
And thinking about that, like
just going back to
and like dancing at the festivals
and I don't know.
It was just so fun and relaxing.
It was great.
We were actually looking through pictures
from when we went up there,
my mom and I, when I saw her last
and they were so funny.
They were super cute.
We were like not that much,
you know, like we weren't
that young, but we
used to look like babies.
So tiny. (both giggle)
Little babies.
That's crazy.
I really love that house.
Maybe next time I come back we can try
and like plan a trip for us to go up there,
go on hikes and stuff.
Sounds nice.
Yeah, my parents actually sold it.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- Sucks.
- Sucks a lot.
[Shannon] I told my mom,
you're in town, actually.
- Really?
- Yeah.
She said hi.
She was bummed she couldn't see you.
Give her a big hug and kiss
for me next time you see her.
- Thanks.
- I miss her.
She was the best mom I never had.
[Shannon] (giggles) I
know, you were always over.
She'd make us food.
Yeah, she was a good mom.
You always had the best lunches at school.
That's how you can tell a
good mom if they make you
a good sack lunch.
That's cool.
- Tell her I miss her.
- Okay.
(bag zips up)
(dishes clatter)
Ah, thanks.
(door shuts)
- Um, no.
The train made it fun.
Yeah. It should be pretty painless.
Yeah. Pretty fun.
Well, thanks for letting me stay with you.
Yeah, of course. Anytime.
See you later. (chuckles)
- Bye.
- Bye.
(water rushes)
(shower pours)
(birds chirping)
Yeah, he kind of can do that.
Like mac and cheese.
I've been thinking about
maybe eating meat again,
I don't know.
I like, my morals are kind
of telling me that's bad,
but then also my stomach is like, a steak
sounds kind of good sometimes.
Yeah, it's just kind of heavy sometimes.
I don't know, I'll eat meat
and I'm just like, "Whoa, this is good."
(buzzing sound)
(phone buzzes)
(phone buzzes again)
(phone buzzes again)