Two Sisters (2019) Movie Script
Sister. Sister, wake up.
What's happening?
I heard a woman crying downstairs again.
Well, I don't hear anything.
Yeah, come on, you have to believe me.
Okay, let's see it.
I still don't hear anything.
Nothing at all?
I've already told you. There is no woman crying.
What if you knock on the door?
This way I'll feel more at ease.
Okay, let's see if there's anyone.
Little sister, I'm scared.
Don't worry. I'll always be by your side.
Promise me you'll never leave me.
I promise you, I will never leave you.
Are you sure this is the room?
where the noise comes from?
That's how it is.
Sister, dad won't let us into this room.
Don't worry.
Sister, don't come closer.
Sister... no.
See? There's nothing here. You can come in.
Don't worry, come in.
Do you think we'll meet again?
We'll see.
Well, I have to go.
I hope to see you. Goodbye.
Where have you been? You're late. Your fans are waiting for you.
How about we get started?
What happened last night? Where were you?
I'm not going to give you any explanations.
Thank you, Xi, for coming today.
I have a question for you.
I've noticed that there is a specific theme in this book...
which is recurrent in your works.
The female protagonists
appear to suffer from dissociative identity disorder.
Are you based on someone you know?
or someone you have a close relationship with?
I have always believed that
resides a dual personality or an imaginary world.
In a patriarchal society, many women do not recognize...
that deep side of his personality.
My novel describes the story of a woman
which tries to get away from that hierarchical system.
Wow... impressive. Let's give him a big round of applause.
-Thanks to you.
-Can you sign it for me, please? -Yes.
-Thank you. -You're welcome.
Could you sign the cover for me, please?
Of course.
Thank you.
I really like your book.
Thank you.
-Can you sign it for me, please? -Yes.
You haven't told me... where you were.
I've been calling you and leaving you messages,
but you didn't answer me. Where were you?
Why do you care so much?
Shouldn't I?
We slept together a long time ago, it's true.
But it doesn't mean anything.
What do you mean?
Remember that you are married.
It is better for our relationship to be professional.
Well, let's get to work.
Your next book. Tell me when I can read the draft.
I need a break.
I'll send it to you when I'm done.
Mrs. Xi, I'm sorry to bother you.
I am Hui Ern from Wong Law Firm.
And Mr. Wong?
With an important matter.
From now on, I will be in charge of your business.
Do you have something to tell me?
Can we sit down and talk?
So the house is ready for sale?
Yes. According to the will,
He needs his sister's permission to sell it.
We have news from the hospital and he will be discharged soon.
I suggest you talk to her about this matter.
one of the terms of the will...
forces him to take care of his sister until she is self-sufficient.
Sister, promise me... that you will never leave me.
I promise I will never leave you.
Mei Yue has improved a lot in these months.
Her mood is more stable and she is less violent.
He also communicates in a healthier and calmer way with the staff.
For that reason, I think we can discharge him,
to reconnect with the outside world.
Of course, he will need your help.
He often talks about you and says he wants to see you.
When did you last visit her?
I know I've been selfish,
but first I had to finish my book.
I understand.
You should never forget your medication.
And keep me informed at all times.
Call me if you need help.
I will. Thank you, doctor.
Yue, are you leaving already?
Please take good care of yourself, okay?
Grab your bag.
Let's go.
I've missed you.
Me too.
Why didn't you come to see me on my birthday?
I was traveling...
looking for material for my novel.
I didn't arrive on time.
I'm sorry.
You didn't come last time either.
I thought you had abandoned me.
Never that.
You're the only family I have, sister.
Promise me you will never...
you will leave me again.
I promise you.
I will never leave you again.
What's wrong? Can't sleep?
Are you still mad at me because I couldn't come see you on your birthday?
No, I'm not that stupid.
I wonder why I can't remember anything about our childhood.
And why do you want to remember her?
Aren't you curious to know what happened?
What do you want us to do?
I want to go back to our house.
But I thought you hated her.
We must go back.
I want to find out what happened and close that chapter.
Well, we'll go together.
Thank you.
... nothing has changed.
It's the same as it was ten years ago, look.
I remember everything.
It's true.
-Hello hello.
Apart from the security system, everything else is fine.
Hello, I'm Hui Ern.
-Let's go in and take a look. -Okay.
Come on... Let's go see her.
Here are all the keys. They are identified.
One question, why are there padlocks on that door?
I don't know. I didn't have them when I left.
It is assumed that he does not plan to sell the house soon.
I don't think so.
Well, I'm going now. Call me if you change your mind.
Fine, thanks.
What's happening?
Who is that woman?
The family lawyer.
What do you want?
Don't worry.
I'll bring the luggage from the car.
So you are here.
Looking through your stuff?
Do you remember this?
I gave it to you for your birthday. When you were 19.
You told me you wanted to be a writer.
I don't remember.
And this?
Is it mine too?
I brought it to you from Taiwan as a souvenir. You were very excited.
I don't remember anything.
Relax, don't strain yourself.
Let's take a little rest.
Let's go.
Come on.
When we were little,
Do you remember when we used to play hide and seek at night?
But we stopped playing when Mom died.
Because you didn't feel like playing anymore.
Was that the reason I didn't want to play?
Leave the past where it is. Forget it.
To bed.
What do you plan to do with the house?
Don't know.
I haven't thought about it yet.
What was the lawyer doing here?
What did you want? If something happens, tell me.
He just came to give us the keys.
Our family's properties are managed by his law firm.
Have you ever considered selling our house?
To do that, you need my consent, right?
What do you think?
Do we sell it or do you want us to keep it?
Do you think Mom and Dad would agree?
How are you doing lately?
Are you calling me to ask me that?
No, I'm calling to apologize.
The other day, I was very abrupt.
Where are you?
I'm out.
But would you mind telling me?
-I'm with my little sister. -Sister?
I didn't know you had a sister.
I don't usually tell it.
And why don't you tell it?
He has left the hospital.
From the hospital? Are you okay?
I'm very happy to hear it.
Don't hesitate to call me
When do you plan to come back to Kuala Lumpur to see us?
We should end this relationship.
What's happening?
We used to get along well. Am I too controlling?
I don't want to continue like this.
Even if we leave it,
Can we talk about this calmly when we meet?
Hello? Are you still there?
Yes. I am.
Are you OK?
Yes, fine. But I have to work.
Okay. Good night.
It's me. It's me. It's me.
Calm down.
What happened? Huh?
I... I have seen... I have seen...
What have you seen?
You must take your medication.
Sister, why did you come down alone?
I heard the crying like the one I heard when I was little.
And I decided to go to that room.
You have to believe me. I've heard it.
And what have you seen now? Anything different?
Don't know.
Tomorrow I will call a locksmith to open those padlocks.
I'll take a look in the room.
It's late.
Let's go to sleep. Come on.
These locks are old. Can I break them?
Well... What's in the room?
Probably just old stuff.
And we have to lock them up like that?
It's a normal room.
Hello, doctor. Good morning.
How are you, how is everything going?
We're ok.
But last night an incident occurred.
What happened?
He says he has heard the crying again...
and also had a panic attack.
Do you take your medication?
Sure. I made sure he did.
Does he/she live with you?
Yes, we have come to the family home.
Oh yeah?
I thought, I hated that place.
It was she who insisted on coming.
But don't worry. We won't be here long.
Please note that we do not yet know the cause of your illness.
Going home might... make things better.
I hope so.
Anyway, please let me know.
Call me if you need anything.
I will. Thank you, doctor.
-Sister. -Yes? Tell me.
Be patient. The food will be ready soon.
Are you making a draft?
Yes, from my next novel.
Next novel?
I published my first novel last week.
I forgot to bring you one.
Have you published a novel?
If John comes here I'll remind him to bring it to you.
John is my manager and also my publisher.
I'll introduce you to him when he comes.
And... Can I know the plot of your next novel?
For this novel,
I have decided to be inspired by mom.
I'm coming.
Good night.
-Have you just moved into the house? -Yes, recently.
He's from our family. Is there a problem?
None. My name is Hsiung. I am the security guard of the housing estate.
This is my card. Call me if you need anything.
-Thank you. -Oh, one more thing.
Who else lives in the house with you?
-My little sister. -Ah.
Well, take care. I'll continue with the night rounds.
What's happening?
-Who was that? -The night watchman.
Shall we go in?
What are you doing up?
I can't sleep.
Do you know why dad wouldn't let us go in there?
Don't know.
You do?
Me neither.
I thought you did.
When mom died,
Dad decided to send me to a boarding school.
I don't know much about the family.
Do you know how... Mom died?
What did you see that night? Can you tell me?
I'm coming to you.
You have left the hospital.
We haven't seen each other for a long time.
Now that we're together, let's leave the past behind.
So we'll start over.
Why have you come back?
Tell me why now.
Xi, who were you talking to?
With nobody.
I'm exhausted. I'm going to sleep.
Where have you gone?
I just went out to buy a few things.
Why are the shoes here?
Don't know.
They are your little shoes.
Dad gave you these shoes.
Have you forgotten?
I don't remember.
What are you doing?
Go back to the room.
Ah, Xi.
Tell me why you did this again.
-I haven't done anything. -What are you up to?
Sister, what do you mean?
You told me you wanted to go back to find out the truth.
But I feel like you're still hiding a lot of things from me.
I'm not hiding anything from you.
It's okay. I believe you.
But tell me what you saw last night.
I already told you that I didn't see anything.
I never want to see these shoes again.
What are you doing here?
What have you come for?
Oh, to bring me some documents.
-Why didn't you wake me up? -Because you looked very comfortable.
Let me take care of it.
If he comes back here, let me handle it.
-Hello. -Hello, doctor.
Has Yue really recovered?
It has changed a lot.
In what sense?
Since we opened the room...
What room?
The one I told you about the other day.
Are you referring to the room...
which their father forbade them to enter
Yue has changed her behavior.
What do you mean, have you done something wrong?
Not quite.
Okay, I'll stop by in a few days.
Okay. We're in touch.
Good. And remember...
take the medication.
Thank you, doctor.
Bye bye.
Are you very far into the novel?
I won't bother you anymore.
What are you doing?
No, nothing.
Sister, come.
I brought you a cake for your birthday.
Sister, close your eyes and make a wish.
Look, there's nothing here.
Come see it for yourself.
Don't worry. You can come in.
It's okay. Sister, calm down.
Calm down, sister. It's okay.
You're safe, sister. Calm down, Xi.
It's okay, you're safe. Calm down.
It's over.
It's over, it's over.
Xi, we're leaving here tomorrow.
Why are you so stubborn?
Why do you want to know the truth?
Look at you, I'm worried about your health.
You don't look well.
Mom loved you more.
Don't you want to know the cause of his death?
Don't you care about the truth?
Why, sister?
It's too late now.
Take them.
They will help you.
Go yourself, if you want.
Xi, you're up.
Doctor, how are you?
Who is he?
He's my boyfriend, and he's also my editor. John.
Hello, I finally meet you.
He is not John.
John is my editor, sister.
What is this? Can you explain it to me?
It is the novel that I published a few years ago.
It can't be. It's mine.
It's my novel, not yours.
What are you up to?
The other night I saw you opening my laptop...
and using my mobile.
Xi, the laptop and cell phone you are using are mine.
Doctor, I think they have come for nothing good.
They are conspiring against me to keep the house.
We have no such intention.
You don't have that intention?
Do you think I'm crazy?
You were the one who plotted everything that happened in this house.
Please calm down.
Nobody wants to hurt him or take the house.
That's all in your imagination, Xi.
He has never published any novels.
He has always been in the hospital.
Shortly after his father died, he began to suffer from paranoia.
and she was admitted to my hospital for treatment.
Xi, are you leaving already?
Please take good care of yourself, okay?
Grab your bag.
Let's go.
I've missed you.
Me too.
-Sister... -Yes?
... nothing has changed.
It's the same as it was ten years ago.
It's true.
Here are all the keys. They are identified.
One question, why are there padlocks on that door?
I don't know. I didn't have them when I left.
Presumably, he does not plan to sell the house soon.
I don't think so.
Who is that woman?
The family lawyer.
And what did he want?
Don't worry.
It's okay. Sister, calm down.
Calm down, sister.
I have seen...
Oh, one more thing. Who else lives in the house with you?
My little sister.
Doctor, I'm calling to tell you that my sister's condition has worsened.
-He still thinks it's me. -I know.
He called me using his phone
Okay, I'll stop by there.
Thank you so much.
Sister. Why did mom commit suicide?
What really happened?
Xi, you must return to the hospital for treatment.
It's on their side! They want to take my house!
-Sister. -Xi.
-Sister. -Xi.
-Xi. -Don't do it. Xi.
-Open, open. -Come on, Xi.
Go back to your room.
To your room!
Xi. Xi...
Open the door.
-I'll go get the keys. -Okay.
Do you like the shoes I bought you?
-Do you like them? -I love them.
Look, this is the bear... and this is the bunny.
Go back to your room.
To your room!
What are the animals doing?
Yue. To bed.
come with me.
How do you explain this?
-Explain it to me. -It's none of your business.
What do you mean it's none of my business?
I'm warning you. Don't you dare touch her again.
Let me.
Mind your own business.
I'm warning you.
If you touch her again, I'll call the police.
To the police?
Go ahead. What will you get?
The eldest, the youngest, you depend on me.
If I go to jail, how will you survive?
If you dare say a word...
it will be worse for everyone.
So shut your mouth.
Never tell what you just saw in this room.
Not even your sister.
Now we will live a happy life together.
Whatever you say, Dad.
Now go away.
-Sister! -Xi!
-Sister. It's okay. Everything's okay. -Let me go! Let me go!
Xi, calm down, I'm with you.
Let me go!
If you continue living in your world, in that fantasy world...
can never recover.
You see, I suggest you stop seeing her temporarily,
until it gets better at least a little.
If not, you will continue to believe,
who is living his life.
Will he ever be able to recover?
Maybe. But it's not certain.
Are you back?
I'm a big fan of yours.
Xi is back with us. Prepare his medication for tonight.
-The same dose? -I'm not sure.
Ask Dr. Kim. He told me there would be some change.
Very good.
Good morning. Have you had breakfast?
How are you feeling today?
-Have you eaten anything? -Yes.
-The medication? -That's it.
But he had a fever two days ago.
-Thirty-seven and nine. -Are you better?
-Yes. -Keep watching her.
-Okay. -One more thing.
He's been in bed all week, it's too much.
This afternoon take her for a walk.
Okay, I'll assign Nurse Wong to you.
Let's see the next one.
I'm sorry.
What's happening?
I heard a woman crying downstairs again.
Well, I don't hear anything.
Yeah, come on, you have to believe me.
Okay, let's see it.
I still don't hear anything.
Nothing at all?
I've already told you. There is no woman crying.
What if you knock on the door?
This way I'll feel more at ease.
Okay, let's see if there's anyone.
Little sister, I'm scared.
Don't worry. I'll always be by your side.
Promise me you'll never leave me.
I promise you, I will never leave you.
Are you sure this is the room?
where the noise comes from?
That's how it is.
Sister, dad won't let us into this room.
Don't worry.
Sister, don't come closer.
Sister... no.
See? There's nothing here. You can come in.
Don't worry, come in.
Do you think we'll meet again?
We'll see.
Well, I have to go.
I hope to see you. Goodbye.
Where have you been? You're late. Your fans are waiting for you.
How about we get started?
What happened last night? Where were you?
I'm not going to give you any explanations.
Thank you, Xi, for coming today.
I have a question for you.
I've noticed that there is a specific theme in this book...
which is recurrent in your works.
The female protagonists
appear to suffer from dissociative identity disorder.
Are you based on someone you know?
or someone you have a close relationship with?
I have always believed that
resides a dual personality or an imaginary world.
In a patriarchal society, many women do not recognize...
that deep side of his personality.
My novel describes the story of a woman
which tries to get away from that hierarchical system.
Wow... impressive. Let's give him a big round of applause.
-Thanks to you.
-Can you sign it for me, please? -Yes.
-Thank you. -You're welcome.
Could you sign the cover for me, please?
Of course.
Thank you.
I really like your book.
Thank you.
-Can you sign it for me, please? -Yes.
You haven't told me... where you were.
I've been calling you and leaving you messages,
but you didn't answer me. Where were you?
Why do you care so much?
Shouldn't I?
We slept together a long time ago, it's true.
But it doesn't mean anything.
What do you mean?
Remember that you are married.
It is better for our relationship to be professional.
Well, let's get to work.
Your next book. Tell me when I can read the draft.
I need a break.
I'll send it to you when I'm done.
Mrs. Xi, I'm sorry to bother you.
I am Hui Ern from Wong Law Firm.
And Mr. Wong?
With an important matter.
From now on, I will be in charge of your business.
Do you have something to tell me?
Can we sit down and talk?
So the house is ready for sale?
Yes. According to the will,
He needs his sister's permission to sell it.
We have news from the hospital and he will be discharged soon.
I suggest you talk to her about this matter.
one of the terms of the will...
forces him to take care of his sister until she is self-sufficient.
Sister, promise me... that you will never leave me.
I promise I will never leave you.
Mei Yue has improved a lot in these months.
Her mood is more stable and she is less violent.
He also communicates in a healthier and calmer way with the staff.
For that reason, I think we can discharge him,
to reconnect with the outside world.
Of course, he will need your help.
He often talks about you and says he wants to see you.
When did you last visit her?
I know I've been selfish,
but first I had to finish my book.
I understand.
You should never forget your medication.
And keep me informed at all times.
Call me if you need help.
I will. Thank you, doctor.
Yue, are you leaving already?
Please take good care of yourself, okay?
Grab your bag.
Let's go.
I've missed you.
Me too.
Why didn't you come to see me on my birthday?
I was traveling...
looking for material for my novel.
I didn't arrive on time.
I'm sorry.
You didn't come last time either.
I thought you had abandoned me.
Never that.
You're the only family I have, sister.
Promise me you will never...
you will leave me again.
I promise you.
I will never leave you again.
What's wrong? Can't sleep?
Are you still mad at me because I couldn't come see you on your birthday?
No, I'm not that stupid.
I wonder why I can't remember anything about our childhood.
And why do you want to remember her?
Aren't you curious to know what happened?
What do you want us to do?
I want to go back to our house.
But I thought you hated her.
We must go back.
I want to find out what happened and close that chapter.
Well, we'll go together.
Thank you.
... nothing has changed.
It's the same as it was ten years ago, look.
I remember everything.
It's true.
-Hello hello.
Apart from the security system, everything else is fine.
Hello, I'm Hui Ern.
-Let's go in and take a look. -Okay.
Come on... Let's go see her.
Here are all the keys. They are identified.
One question, why are there padlocks on that door?
I don't know. I didn't have them when I left.
It is assumed that he does not plan to sell the house soon.
I don't think so.
Well, I'm going now. Call me if you change your mind.
Fine, thanks.
What's happening?
Who is that woman?
The family lawyer.
What do you want?
Don't worry.
I'll bring the luggage from the car.
So you are here.
Looking through your stuff?
Do you remember this?
I gave it to you for your birthday. When you were 19.
You told me you wanted to be a writer.
I don't remember.
And this?
Is it mine too?
I brought it to you from Taiwan as a souvenir. You were very excited.
I don't remember anything.
Relax, don't strain yourself.
Let's take a little rest.
Let's go.
Come on.
When we were little,
Do you remember when we used to play hide and seek at night?
But we stopped playing when Mom died.
Because you didn't feel like playing anymore.
Was that the reason I didn't want to play?
Leave the past where it is. Forget it.
To bed.
What do you plan to do with the house?
Don't know.
I haven't thought about it yet.
What was the lawyer doing here?
What did you want? If something happens, tell me.
He just came to give us the keys.
Our family's properties are managed by his law firm.
Have you ever considered selling our house?
To do that, you need my consent, right?
What do you think?
Do we sell it or do you want us to keep it?
Do you think Mom and Dad would agree?
How are you doing lately?
Are you calling me to ask me that?
No, I'm calling to apologize.
The other day, I was very abrupt.
Where are you?
I'm out.
But would you mind telling me?
-I'm with my little sister. -Sister?
I didn't know you had a sister.
I don't usually tell it.
And why don't you tell it?
He has left the hospital.
From the hospital? Are you okay?
I'm very happy to hear it.
Don't hesitate to call me
When do you plan to come back to Kuala Lumpur to see us?
We should end this relationship.
What's happening?
We used to get along well. Am I too controlling?
I don't want to continue like this.
Even if we leave it,
Can we talk about this calmly when we meet?
Hello? Are you still there?
Yes. I am.
Are you OK?
Yes, fine. But I have to work.
Okay. Good night.
It's me. It's me. It's me.
Calm down.
What happened? Huh?
I... I have seen... I have seen...
What have you seen?
You must take your medication.
Sister, why did you come down alone?
I heard the crying like the one I heard when I was little.
And I decided to go to that room.
You have to believe me. I've heard it.
And what have you seen now? Anything different?
Don't know.
Tomorrow I will call a locksmith to open those padlocks.
I'll take a look in the room.
It's late.
Let's go to sleep. Come on.
These locks are old. Can I break them?
Well... What's in the room?
Probably just old stuff.
And we have to lock them up like that?
It's a normal room.
Hello, doctor. Good morning.
How are you, how is everything going?
We're ok.
But last night an incident occurred.
What happened?
He says he has heard the crying again...
and also had a panic attack.
Do you take your medication?
Sure. I made sure he did.
Does he/she live with you?
Yes, we have come to the family home.
Oh yeah?
I thought, I hated that place.
It was she who insisted on coming.
But don't worry. We won't be here long.
Please note that we do not yet know the cause of your illness.
Going home might... make things better.
I hope so.
Anyway, please let me know.
Call me if you need anything.
I will. Thank you, doctor.
-Sister. -Yes? Tell me.
Be patient. The food will be ready soon.
Are you making a draft?
Yes, from my next novel.
Next novel?
I published my first novel last week.
I forgot to bring you one.
Have you published a novel?
If John comes here I'll remind him to bring it to you.
John is my manager and also my publisher.
I'll introduce you to him when he comes.
And... Can I know the plot of your next novel?
For this novel,
I have decided to be inspired by mom.
I'm coming.
Good night.
-Have you just moved into the house? -Yes, recently.
He's from our family. Is there a problem?
None. My name is Hsiung. I am the security guard of the housing estate.
This is my card. Call me if you need anything.
-Thank you. -Oh, one more thing.
Who else lives in the house with you?
-My little sister. -Ah.
Well, take care. I'll continue with the night rounds.
What's happening?
-Who was that? -The night watchman.
Shall we go in?
What are you doing up?
I can't sleep.
Do you know why dad wouldn't let us go in there?
Don't know.
You do?
Me neither.
I thought you did.
When mom died,
Dad decided to send me to a boarding school.
I don't know much about the family.
Do you know how... Mom died?
What did you see that night? Can you tell me?
I'm coming to you.
You have left the hospital.
We haven't seen each other for a long time.
Now that we're together, let's leave the past behind.
So we'll start over.
Why have you come back?
Tell me why now.
Xi, who were you talking to?
With nobody.
I'm exhausted. I'm going to sleep.
Where have you gone?
I just went out to buy a few things.
Why are the shoes here?
Don't know.
They are your little shoes.
Dad gave you these shoes.
Have you forgotten?
I don't remember.
What are you doing?
Go back to the room.
Ah, Xi.
Tell me why you did this again.
-I haven't done anything. -What are you up to?
Sister, what do you mean?
You told me you wanted to go back to find out the truth.
But I feel like you're still hiding a lot of things from me.
I'm not hiding anything from you.
It's okay. I believe you.
But tell me what you saw last night.
I already told you that I didn't see anything.
I never want to see these shoes again.
What are you doing here?
What have you come for?
Oh, to bring me some documents.
-Why didn't you wake me up? -Because you looked very comfortable.
Let me take care of it.
If he comes back here, let me handle it.
-Hello. -Hello, doctor.
Has Yue really recovered?
It has changed a lot.
In what sense?
Since we opened the room...
What room?
The one I told you about the other day.
Are you referring to the room...
which their father forbade them to enter
Yue has changed her behavior.
What do you mean, have you done something wrong?
Not quite.
Okay, I'll stop by in a few days.
Okay. We're in touch.
Good. And remember...
take the medication.
Thank you, doctor.
Bye bye.
Are you very far into the novel?
I won't bother you anymore.
What are you doing?
No, nothing.
Sister, come.
I brought you a cake for your birthday.
Sister, close your eyes and make a wish.
Look, there's nothing here.
Come see it for yourself.
Don't worry. You can come in.
It's okay. Sister, calm down.
Calm down, sister. It's okay.
You're safe, sister. Calm down, Xi.
It's okay, you're safe. Calm down.
It's over.
It's over, it's over.
Xi, we're leaving here tomorrow.
Why are you so stubborn?
Why do you want to know the truth?
Look at you, I'm worried about your health.
You don't look well.
Mom loved you more.
Don't you want to know the cause of his death?
Don't you care about the truth?
Why, sister?
It's too late now.
Take them.
They will help you.
Go yourself, if you want.
Xi, you're up.
Doctor, how are you?
Who is he?
He's my boyfriend, and he's also my editor. John.
Hello, I finally meet you.
He is not John.
John is my editor, sister.
What is this? Can you explain it to me?
It is the novel that I published a few years ago.
It can't be. It's mine.
It's my novel, not yours.
What are you up to?
The other night I saw you opening my laptop...
and using my mobile.
Xi, the laptop and cell phone you are using are mine.
Doctor, I think they have come for nothing good.
They are conspiring against me to keep the house.
We have no such intention.
You don't have that intention?
Do you think I'm crazy?
You were the one who plotted everything that happened in this house.
Please calm down.
Nobody wants to hurt him or take the house.
That's all in your imagination, Xi.
He has never published any novels.
He has always been in the hospital.
Shortly after his father died, he began to suffer from paranoia.
and she was admitted to my hospital for treatment.
Xi, are you leaving already?
Please take good care of yourself, okay?
Grab your bag.
Let's go.
I've missed you.
Me too.
-Sister... -Yes?
... nothing has changed.
It's the same as it was ten years ago.
It's true.
Here are all the keys. They are identified.
One question, why are there padlocks on that door?
I don't know. I didn't have them when I left.
Presumably, he does not plan to sell the house soon.
I don't think so.
Who is that woman?
The family lawyer.
And what did he want?
Don't worry.
It's okay. Sister, calm down.
Calm down, sister.
I have seen...
Oh, one more thing. Who else lives in the house with you?
My little sister.
Doctor, I'm calling to tell you that my sister's condition has worsened.
-He still thinks it's me. -I know.
He called me using his phone
Okay, I'll stop by there.
Thank you so much.
Sister. Why did mom commit suicide?
What really happened?
Xi, you must return to the hospital for treatment.
It's on their side! They want to take my house!
-Sister. -Xi.
-Sister. -Xi.
-Xi. -Don't do it. Xi.
-Open, open. -Come on, Xi.
Go back to your room.
To your room!
Xi. Xi...
Open the door.
-I'll go get the keys. -Okay.
Do you like the shoes I bought you?
-Do you like them? -I love them.
Look, this is the bear... and this is the bunny.
Go back to your room.
To your room!
What are the animals doing?
Yue. To bed.
come with me.
How do you explain this?
-Explain it to me. -It's none of your business.
What do you mean it's none of my business?
I'm warning you. Don't you dare touch her again.
Let me.
Mind your own business.
I'm warning you.
If you touch her again, I'll call the police.
To the police?
Go ahead. What will you get?
The eldest, the youngest, you depend on me.
If I go to jail, how will you survive?
If you dare say a word...
it will be worse for everyone.
So shut your mouth.
Never tell what you just saw in this room.
Not even your sister.
Now we will live a happy life together.
Whatever you say, Dad.
Now go away.
-Sister! -Xi!
-Sister. It's okay. Everything's okay. -Let me go! Let me go!
Xi, calm down, I'm with you.
Let me go!
If you continue living in your world, in that fantasy world...
can never recover.
You see, I suggest you stop seeing her temporarily,
until it gets better at least a little.
If not, you will continue to believe,
who is living his life.
Will he ever be able to recover?
Maybe. But it's not certain.
Are you back?
I'm a big fan of yours.
Xi is back with us. Prepare his medication for tonight.
-The same dose? -I'm not sure.
Ask Dr. Kim. He told me there would be some change.
Very good.
Good morning. Have you had breakfast?
How are you feeling today?
-Have you eaten anything? -Yes.
-The medication? -That's it.
But he had a fever two days ago.
-Thirty-seven and nine. -Are you better?
-Yes. -Keep watching her.
-Okay. -One more thing.
He's been in bed all week, it's too much.
This afternoon take her for a walk.
Okay, I'll assign Nurse Wong to you.
Let's see the next one.
I'm sorry.