UFO Endgame to Disclosure (2023) Movie Script

MAN 1: For the first time
in half a century,
there will be a
public hearing
on UFOs.
The House Intelligence
are up to hear two senior
Pentagon officials tomorrow,
MAN 2: If Congress can't get
answers on something
this simple from the Pentagon,
how can we expect that Congress
really knows what's going on
with the Pentagon at all?
MAN 3: Federal lawmakers
who have been
briefed on the sightings say,
"We're dealing with something
quite different this time."
And NASA Administrator
Bill Nelson said it's something
that the space agency
is very serious about.
MAN 4: Of course,
there's another theory that
this is adversary technology
from Russia or China,
for example.
But, you know,
the extraterrestrial hypothesis
is out there, too.
MAN 5: So they're generals
in the military, and sometimes
they refer to the endgame
as far as the military strategy,
obviously, this propulsion
such as a tic tac
has some heavy propulsion.
How concerned are some
of these guys in regard
to this private corporation,
possibly having this power?
Well, it's come something in
very meeting I've had since
the 90s
is that when people begin
to look into this, whether
you're admiral or general,
what's going to happen is that
once you realize
that there is an organization
that have technologies
that can do circles around
the B-2 Stealth,
then they immediately
feel outgunned,
and they are.
they absolutely are outgunned.
So the question then becomes,
you have to have
a different strategy.
Because you're not going
to resolve this problem
in a conventional,
confrontational way.
You're going to have to do
things where you disclose
the information.
You get the people on your side,
you use the rule of law.
So the end game is that,
unless there's enough pressure
put on these guys
that they capitulate.
And they come clean.
And we'll see.
I mean, it's hard to know
how that will all play out.
On the other hand,
they may hit the button
for a false flag
or some other event.
This is what you don't know
when you're dealing with people
who are sociopaths
and crazy people
who have that much power.
I call it the Doctor Strange
Love Syndrome.
You know, where
they just get crazy.
NEWSREADER: Washington, D. C.
may remain divided by partisan
animosity of those things,
but something's apparently
is to rise above politics
and considering the national
security implications,
the House of Representatives
voted unanimously
to create a secure
government system
for reporting UFOs.
People around the President,
you know, may say,
"Look, this is an
inevitable situation."
So, you know, we want to be
on the right side of this
and begin to cooperate openly,
but, you know,
that remains to be seen.
I think that they're also
intimidated by the power behind
some of these
beyond black projects
that it's
a frightening proposition.
And, unfortunately,
that's a real problem because,
as I mentioned,
intimidation is a big issue.
MAN: There's been some official
sort of channel being
created here for these pilots
who were witnessing
all sorts of things to be able
to come forward,
discussing things without
harming their own careers.
Obviously, a major issue.
One of my roles is to try
to say, "Look, just stay
the course.
This is an intimidation."
It's more of a mind trick.
But a lot of these folks,
they are, you know,
they're going
to be intimidated,
and then they're
gonna fall silent.
I know that's happened
to a number of Presidents
and the ones
where it hasn't happened,
they were given
just enough information
to make them develop policies
that run to the favor
of these covert programs.
I think that's what happened
with Reagan, with SDI Star Wars.
It's quite likely, I believe,
that's what happened with Trump
and Pence with the Space Force
and some other things.
So. you know. Because remember,
if you're the fox guarding
the henhouse,
you can walk into
the Oval Office
and present all kinds
of frightening-looking stuff
that would be convincing
to someone who has come
into the Oval Office
as a peanut farmer like Carter,
or a real estate developer
like Trump or whatever,
you know, fill in the blank.
Um, so they're very vulnerable.
This is one of the big problems
with this kind of secrecy.
If there's corruption
in the system, which there is,
then the President and
his inner circle that
he appoints and brings in,
are very vulnerable to either
the information being partial,
or false or completely withheld.
And fixing that is a major
investigation that's going
to require those,
like I said, subpoena power
and the willing to go
the distance.
Once people are identified
and places are identified
and say,
"Look, this is, you know,
you are now going
to be compelled
to disclose this information."
Now, even if that happens,
then the question becomes
whether it's out of Capitol Hill
or the White House,
how much of that will make it
out to the United States public?
Yeah, I think one of the really
big problems the public
doesn't understand about this,
and I've been dealing
with this since '93,
that we meet with a lot
of these officials
who are not read into
these projects and they
find out it's true.
They are traumatized.
I mean, it's traumatic.
I think, for the public,
it's like a conspiracy theory.
It's entertaining.
It's something to Google,
it's something, you know,
troll of the Internet.
But if you're actually
on Capitol Hill
or the White House
or the Pentagon or CIA
or in a responsible position
and you find out that there is
an entire universe,
a whole secret
government program,
that's massive.
That you don't know about
and you're not overseeing,
even though you are required
to oversee it.
It's a shock, it's traumatic,
and I have been very
compassionate about that
and working with folks
since the '90s,
and more recently,
these guys who...
I mean, you know,
they've been special forces,
and they've done all kinds
of things all over the world,
and they are genuinely
traumatized by it.
Because it is a sort
of a mind-blowing situation.
And for that reason,
we know that when you start
talking about the leaders
who are elected,
the constitutionally-appointed,
elected leaders
they're going to have
to be brought up to speed
in a graduated way.
Now, it could be a year,
but it isn't going to be
in one meeting.
You know, it might be
in 20 briefings or something.
And so what I recommended
is that they set up a set of
briefing modules
to be put together,
that go over the whole course
of the history of this,
but then all of the facilities
and the operations,
but then also all
the technologies,
starting with the basic ones,
[CHUCKLES] how those things fly,
to the more esoteric ones.
Compartmented operations
underneath the Pentagon,
technology management office,
for example, um,
some of the folks
that I've been dealing with
who literally oversee
all the agencies and all that
black budget funding.
They literally, when I mentioned
these facilities,
they've never heard of them.
They don't know where they are.
So I think that, you know,
when you're talking about
most of Washington,
they are just now beginning
to ask any questions.
But, so, it's not like
there's any great effort.
Now, when someone begins
to make these inquiries,
then they have surveillance,
they have Black Hawk helicopters
over their house
and all that kind of stuff.
But, that's just recently begun.
Over the years, though,
whether it's a President
or anyone else
who pushes too far into this...
I recently found out
that a congressman
I had briefed way back
named Congressman
Christopher Cox
of Orange County,
when I put the facilities list
together for him
that listed all the contractors
and all this,
he had two guys approach him
and threaten him with death
and his family with death
if he were to talk about this
any further
or make any more inquiries.
And he was on the Science
and Technology Committee
of the House of Representatives.
So that kind of stuff
does happen.
Unfortunately, he didn't
notify me of this.
So, you know, it happened
and then he backed off.
And I think that's one
of the real problems.
I mean, there i
lethal force threatened.
There's all kinds
of intimidation.
I've had people break into
my home.
I have had people break into
my condo here
and just move things around
to let them know we can
get in here anytime we want.
And I think for a lot of people
who are elected officials,
and they start running
into this,
they don't realize what kind
of buzz saw is out there.
You know, how serious these guys
have been about keeping
the secret.
So, you know,
a couple of days ago,
I was on an
encrypted messaging system
with a top-secret guy
who was wanting to come forward.
And in real time, he was sending
me video of Black Hawks
that were circling his house
out in the middle of nowhere,
way out in the upper Midwest.
So that really does happen.
But, you know, most
of those enforcement issues,
you're not going to see it
at the situation room
in the White House or
a skiff up on Capitol Hill.
Eagle has landed.
accepting a mission that so far
has proven harder than landing
a man on the moon.
What's your thoughts like now
NASA is getting into
the game of UFO hunting?
The release from NASA was that
they are going to allocate
$100,000 to look into this.
Let me explain how...
$100,000 will get you
two paper clips.
So, again,
I don't think anything serious
is going to be done by NASA.
My understanding is they're
doing things to check off a box.
But, there is an investigation
that we can talk about
that is very effective
and it's working
and that is really getting
to the bottom of it,
it is not at NASA.
If you're seeing it in the media
or on politico,
or on the Internet.
those are all things that
they are just wanting
to check boxes
so that members of Congress
feel like
they're doing something.
It's like, I grew up
in the South,
they say, "Look busy,
Jesus is coming".
There is this whole mindset
of you just do busy work.
So the Pentagon office,
this NASA initiative,
I would like to be proven wrong,
and certainly if those guys
invited me in
to get actionable intelligence,
detailed information
I'd absolutely do it,
but we'll see.
I mean, you know, a broken clock
is right twice a day,
it's possible that they will
actually do something,
but they're not going to do
anything with $100,000.
Which is why in
their release it said
they were going to allocate.
Is NASA being straight with us?
-I don't know...
-Apparently, they're getting
into the UFO hunt
right now, too, they say.
They are. They are.
The American public
turns it up.
Not only the Tim Burchetts
of the world.
I'm already there.
I know we got to do something.
We better find out.
I think we need to find out.
With this evidence coming in
from NASA,
for the years of third phase
alone, we've been keeping
a close eye on them.
They're one of the most biggest
archives of the UFO phenomenon
that exist right now.
-We could tell NASA,
"Go back to this date,
go back to this ISS footage
and let's start there".
And again, we have hundreds
of videos from NASA themselves
that they refused to explain
to the public what
they captured.
How can we change
the narrative of NASA
to be a little bit more
of straight answers
instead of never
a straight answer?
We've got to get
more people than me
in Congress that are going
to ask those tough questions.
You know, we're talking
about NASA and what NASA
hasn't done all these years
since the last time
we were on the moon.
You know, they want to go
into the UFO studies.
They have thousands of images
that have been taken
by the astronauts,
either at the International
Space Station,
or on the shuttle,
or even going back
to Germany and Apollo.
So, you know, for them
to just get into it,
you know, say they're
getting into it now,
why haven't they been
investigating it since they
were formed?
That's their job.
I think it's really exciting.
It almost feels like opening
a new book.
MAN: NASA's, announcement,
coming on the heels of a new
office set-up at the Pentagon
to investigate
top secret encounters
between pilots and
unidentified aerial phenomenon.
What you get is a double-speak,
you never get a straight answer.
NASA reports to us.
We're their employer.
They've lost credibility.
We're falling by the wayside.
And our federal government
is failing us.
MAN: As for what they are...
So far, we've seen NASA say
that there is no evidence
that this is
extraterrestrial life.
But does that mean that
it's not extraterrestrial life?
I'm a scientist.
And if somebody asked me,
is this extraterrestrial life?
Frankly, at this moment in time,
the simple answer
is the right one,
which is, I don't know.
The fact that this office just
said that they're only going
to investigate UFOs
that are not man-made.
Right? What that
tells you is that
my message, your message,
and message of many other people
that we know,
these tic tacs are actually
man-made vehicles, devices.
That message has
gotten back to them.
It's gotten back to them,
and so now they are
experiencing a lot of loss
of traction.
MAN: And is this one
of the phenomena
that we can't explain?
I do not have an explanation
for what this specific
object is.
When I say we can't explain,
I mean exactly
as you described there,
that there is a lot
of information,
like the video that we showed,
in which there's simply
too little data
to create a
reasonable explanation.
When I say unexplained,
I mean everything from
too little data
to simply the data that we have
doesn't point us towards
an explanation.
What I call Operation Fail Safe
are all of these tic tacs,
all of these UAPs
sometimes called UATs.
'T' is for threat, all right?
They're losing a lot
of traction.
And the momentum that they had,
you know, I don't know,
like six months ago
when this was all going
to come out in congressional
committee hearings,
and records and the NIDs,
was the
National Intelligence Director
was going to answer a lot
of questions, and release
a lot of information.
All this stuff added up
to basically nothing.
Added up to nothing.
And now they're realizing it.
So now they're trying
to follow...
They're going to follow
the same narrative
and the narrative
is going to be,
"Hey, we have nothing
to do with man-made UAPs.
We're not looking
into that at all.
That's not even a factor
in stuff we're doing."
And they're saying it expressly,
but in an indirect way,
all of these things
that we're studying,
that we're looking at,
they're all extraterrestrial.
They're all
interdimensional also.
They're genuine alien vehicles,
let's say.
They're not man-made,
no matter what.
And I don't think
that's really going to...
that's not really going
to help them too much
in the long run,
because there've been
so many people
that have been
looking at these videos,
been looking at these things,
we see no clues
that lead us to the conclusion
that this is
definitely extraterrestrial.
It looks man-made. It just does.
And that's going to
be haunting them now.
Moving forward,
from here forward.
And what they say
gives it away. Gives it away.
They are very concerned
about that.
Through our own ability
to capture some
of these UFO craft,
I believe that the U.S. Military
and maybe even other militaries
and other countries
have captured a few
of these and have been
reverse-engineering UFOs
for quite some time.
I believe that the actual
incident that happened
in Roswell
was a UFO that was
brought down
by a scalar weapon.
We actually brought
the UFO craft down.
They disoriented
its control system
and brought it down.
And so by doing this,
we were able to capture
that device and take it
to a top secret military base,
and start to try to figure out
how to reverse-engineer it.
There have been people
who have come out
talking about the fact
that Velcro, fiber optics,
and microchips all came
from the reverse-engineering
from 1947 of the Roswell Craft.
I've talked to people that have
handled material,
that have stated that it is
something different.
That they can break it down
pretty much into what it was.
But how it was layered
and how it was attached,
without, you know,
blending too much
is still a mystery.
-Is this crash retrieval?
Is this crash retrieval?
I thought it was.
They thought it was.
But there again,
you have to be real careful
with that stuff because,
you know, you spend
a million dollars chasing
something and analyzing it,
and it's something
that's been created in a lab.
And they're just trying
to chase us down
another long path.
When it comes to material
that we have,
e have no material.
We have detected no emanations
within the UAP task force
that is...
that would suggest it's anything
non-terrestrial in origin.
So when I say unexplained,
I mean everything
from too little data
to simply the data that we have
doesn't point us towards
an explanation.
But we'll go wherever
the data takes us.
Again, we make no assumptions
about what this is or isn't.
We are committed
to understanding these,
and so we'll go wherever
that data takes us.
Are we going to have more UFO
Congress hearings coming up
in the future here?
I doubt it.
You know, is there anything else
that stood out to you?
Yes. I mean, at 51 minutes,
you have Scott Bray, ONI,
Office Naval Intelligence, say,
"When it comes to material
that we have,
nothing would suggest
non-terrestrial origin."
A number of these UAPs,
you said, "We can't explain."
Again, in the service
of sort of reducing speculation
and conspiracy theories,
"We can't explain,"
can range from a visual
observation that was distant
on a foggy night,
we don't know what it is,
to we found an organic material
that we can't identify, right?
Those are radically
different worlds.
So, when you say
we can't explain,
give the public
a little bit better sense
of where on that spectrum
of we can't explain we are.
Are we holding materials,
organic or inorganic,
that we don't know about?
Are we, you know,
picking up emanations
that are something other
than light or infrared
that could be deemed
to be communications?
Give us a sense for what
you mean when you say
we can't explain.
Sure, when I say
we can't explain,
I mean exactly
as you described there,
that there is
a lot of information,
like the video that we showed,
in which there's simply
too little data.
BILLY: Well, recently,
there were some
congressional hearings
where they actually had active
military basically testifying
before Congress
that they had encounters
with UFOs and UAPs.
They're call 'em UAPs now.
And what's interesting is
they even had 11 encounters
where they almost had an impact
with these things, it almost
crashed into them.
They've been caught on radar,
they've been heavily tracked.
And, admittedly,
by the Pentagon,
they are able to make maneuvers
that we cannot even conceive
of doing right now
with our current technology.
And so the reason why
all the redaction is there
is because they don't want
the public to know truly
how sophisticated
these things really are,
and also to add a little
tiny bit of questioning
as to whether they are ours
or if they are UFOs.
In other words,
they're claiming that
these things exist,
but at the same time,
they're not officially
really stating,
"Yes, these are alien craft
from another world."
What they want to do is keep
that question mark there.
By keeping the question mark,
they keep control
of the narrative, and by
controlling the narrative,
they control the money
from the general population.
So, right now, we have
the Space Force, which now
is going to be allowed
to extract trillions of dollars
into projects that they can now
claim are to protect Earth
from these unknown, these UAPs.
And so it really is another
driving force of creating
revenue for the military,
because right now there's
no more wars on the planet.
There's nobody else to fight.
We brought "democracy
to everybody,
and now we've turned
everything into dust.
And now the only way we can make
more money in military
is to take the war to space.
It's the crash retrievals
that are the Rosetta Stone
for solving the UFO cover-up
or the cosmic Watergate,
as it's called.
Because it's
the crash retrievals
that have all
the evidence we need.
The bodies, the debris,
the craft, the autopsies,
the reports,
the eight-by-ten glossy
black and whites,
the gun camera footage.
It's all wrapped around
the crash retrieval.
So if we can,
as a group of ufologists,
get access to that debris,
the bodies, the craft,
then we can change the world,
but it has to be handed over
to the scientific community
as a united coalition
so that they can third-party,
independently verify
what we're looking at here.
Because, we could be looking
at hoaxes,
we could be looking
at red herrings off to the side.
These guys are very good
at keeping secrets.
So we need a third-party
independent source
to verify this,
and then we can come up with.
Yeah. Well, you know,
one of the most ridiculous parts
of this NASA
getting into the UFO business.
Yeah. They made the statement
that they are not going to...
Everything to do
with man-made UFOs.
How in the heck do you know
if it's man-made
unless you investigate it?
Unless you have
some good imagery?
So the fact that
we don't have anything sharp,
we don't everything definitive,
of what, A UFO or a UAP?
It's a freaking flying saucer.
And for NASA to have all this
stuff in their files already,
it makes no sense.
It's really an insult to those
of us that have been digging.
Those of us,
you know, who have spent
time and energy trying
to track this stuff down,
and we're just getting nothing
but double-talk from NASA.
They're not doing their job.
They're not producing
products that we bought
and paid for.
Let me ask you this.
This is kind of a new news
that is been developing
the language in Washington.
They have their new UFO office
that they're setting up.
I guess it got, I don't know,
some kind of budget.
It's pretty small,
but they've made a statement
saying that they're
not going to investigate
man-made objects,
the man-made UFOs.
What does this tell you
in regards to
the possibility
that humans ourselves,
a private corporation,
have cracked the code
in propulsion,
and it just so happens
that you may capture these
on your instruments?
But what if these UFOs
could be man-made
and now they're just
kind of rolling that out,
that they don't want
to investigate anything
that's man-made?
But, again, what if there is
something that is out there,
such as a tic tac,
that is man-made and you so
happened to capture that
on your instruments,
would you report that
to the public?
No. I mean, if it looks like
it's human-made, I'd be glad
to deliver it to Washington D.C.
without analyzing it.
It is not of interest to me.
NASA or Galileo Project,
if they were to capture
something in our solar system,
like a craft approaching Earth,
would they be able to get that
out to the public right away,
or would national security
kick in?
Well, it depends on who's
funding them and what kind
of contract they have.
Again, I think it's going
to have to be somebody
who's going to have to leak it.
Somebody's gonna
have to leak it.
-And just put it out...
-And risk prosecution.
what everyone needs to know
is that there is now
an official mechanism
for whistleblowers
and people who are
under nondisclosure agreements,
to come forward.
And that law makes
a pathway for people
to come forward.
Now, the problem is, you know,
politico and a lot
of news organizations
have had stories about that.
But those folks,
who are they going to contact?
So what I am saying...
I'm making an appeal here.
They should contact me
at our website,
S-I-R-I-U-S disclosure.com
There's a contact box
just for witnesses,
military whistleblowers,
and that will get passed
on to me.
And then I can bring
those people to the correct
folks here in Washington
who are in charge
of this investigation.
Because, most people would try
to contact the Pentagon office.
That's not where anything
is happening.
All right? Um...
So, the folks I'm working with
are involved with intelligence
and military
and those committees,
National Security Council, etc.
And they are the ones
who actually are going
the distance
and drilling the deepest
on this.
And in the last year,
since I've been providing
really specific intelligence
and introducing them
to certain key people,
they've actually gotten
dozens of people
to come forward,
and there is actually
a whistleblower suit
proceeding, but it's been...
It is very classified,
at this point.
So that's really big news.
Because, in my 32 years
of working on this issue,
you know, having met
with all kinds of folks
over the years,
it's only in the last six,
eight months, maybe a year,
that this, what I just said,
has been even a possibility.
No one has ever taken it
this far before.
And the reason it happened
is that there is a more
clandestine group
that are on the right side
of disclosing this,
that are doing it under
the authority of the bill
that was passed,
And, in fact, a couple of them
actually helped write that bill.
So I think this is a really
exciting development.
It's very good news.
Now... a footnote.
You know, the U.S. Government
moves at the speed of molasses
in winter,
And, you know, I caution people
that it's a process
I think it's going
to be a year or two,
but, you know, and the fact
that I've been doing this
for 32 years,
that's the speed of light.
You know, because, frankly,
before right now,
when I've provided materials
to the President
or to other members
of the Congress...
I mean, back in the '90s
and early 2000s,
I briefed members
of the
Senate Intelligence Committee
and chairmen
of committees in the House,
no one wanted to pursue this.
And there wasn't
a mechanism for them to,
that was a legal mechanism.
You know,
because if they made an inquire
they'd be saying, you know,
"It's none of your business.
You don't have a clearance."
Well, now there is a mechanism
where it's actually mandated
by law
that the Director
of National Intelligence
and the government
provide material
to these oversight committees
of the Congress.
That's very different.
That's a whole new ball game,
so that's really exciting.
And I think that's a door
that is open now.
I don't predict how long
that door will be open.
It could close like that.
I mean, so we want to move
through that door
with as much information,
whistleblowers, evidence.
The other thing is that
our group separately,
the Disclosure Project
in 1997 and '98,
declared these illegally-run
classified projects,
a criminal organization.
And we stated that anybody
who has information,
documents, materials,
are free to speak.
To us and to the public.
That was a letter that is called
Unless Otherwise
Directed Letter.
And my military advisers said,
"Look, this is how you have
to do this."
So the way it's worded is:
unless directed otherwise,
this is our assessment.
These projects are
being run illegally.
Therefore, we can disclose
any document, classified
or not,
any testimony or material.
You know, mat was of parts,
um, without penalty of the law.
And from 1998, which I gave them
a 60-day period to respond,
to now, no one has ever
contradicted that assessment.
And in fact, the people now
that I have been meeting
with know
that what I said about that
is 100% true.
That the projects
that are being operating,
dealing with the UFO, UAP issue,
all that has been run
completely illegally
without oversight.
And where the thuggery
of threatening even officials,
as I mentioned, a member
of Congress that I briefed,
being threatened
with he and his family
being killed.
So, that is the
sort of thing that,
you now crossed the line.
You're outside the umbrella
of the Constitution
and the rule of law.
Therefore, they're playing
naked, and that's what
we've been saying.
But, what I said in '97 and '98,
which was the foundation
of this first group
of military whistleblowers
to come forward in 2001
with the Disclosure Project
here in D.C.,
at the National Press Club.
That's now gotten to the point
where it's enshrined in the law.
And so that's
a really big development.
Because, before,
it was a civilian
with no standing,
making this statement.
And for a lot of military guys,
they say,
"Well, that's probably
legally true,
because we ran it past
our constitutional attorneys.
But I'm still afraid."
Well, now I can say,
now there's people
to give you protection
and a mechanism.
So if we are ever going to get
this resolved,
here's the window.
Let's move through it.
JAMES: You know,
the commander of NORAD,
which is the North American
Air Defense Command,
it's jointly managed
by both Canadian
and U.S. forces.
He said that, you know,
there are systems
which are designed to thwart
a Soviet attack
or a Russian attack,
or now, a Chinese attack
on our mainland.
So they haven't
picked up anything
they consider extraterrestrial.
How do you know it's not
an alien craft?
How do you know it's not
something that the
Lockheed Skunk Works created
or the Boeing
McDonnell Douglas
Phantom Works?
We don't know.
Recently, the commander of NORAD
actually stated that they have
no evidence of UFOs or aliens.
And he was kind of
really being sarcastic.
They have a lot of evidence
of you UFOs and aliens,
because information
has been being released
and declassified for decades,
including the new...documents.
What he really is saying is,
we have information about
UAPs and UFOs,
but we don't want
to share it with you,
and we're not going
to actually openly claim
that these are actual
alien craft or spacecraft
that are not created by us,
because if we do that,
and we're the ones in control
of protecting airspace
over the world,
then we look like
we're inadequate
and we can't do our jobs.
So, that's why they do this.
They do this to give
the citizens of the world
a false sense of protection
or security
that they do have control
and they can protect us,
when in actuality,
they cannot control
these beings, whatsoever.
There is a little bit
of a discrepancy here.
Because, how can you
declassify something that
you don't have access to?
So, if we go to the Senate
and Armed Services Committee
in Washington, D. C.
and we asked them
to pull the files,
if they don't have access to it,
or if they're not
read into the program,
we're never going to get it.
So, that's this delicate line
that's being
kind of crossed here.
Somehow, we need to get access
to these programs,
but still keeping under
the umbrella
of national security.
And so, you can see the way
this government is trying
to play this.
They're trying to keep
the secrets on one end,
but then on the other end,
we've got these
congressional hearings
that are just...
They're almost throwaways.
They're really not
doing anything.
They're not moving this field
any further.
It's also been reported
that there have been
UAP observed
and interacting with
and flying over
sensitive military facilities.
And not just ranges,
but some facilities housing
our strategic nuclear forces.
One such incident
allegedly occurred
at Malmstrom Air Force Base,
in which ten of
our nuclear ICBMs
were rendered inoperable.
At the same time, a glowing
red orb was observed overhead.
I'm not commenting on
the accuracy of this,
I'm simply
asking you whether
you're aware of it
and whether you have any comment
on the accuracy of that report.
MAN: Let me pass that
to Mr. Bray,
he's been looking at UAPs
the last three years.
That data is not within
the holdings of the UAPs
task force.
I know that our government
and the military hasn't
been sitting on their hands
on this situation,
because if it's
a threat to national security,
if these unknowns can fly
over a military strategic
missile facilities
like Francis E. Warren
or Minot Air Force Base,
and, you know, they control,
virtually all of the
Minuteman IIIs
that are in the upper-Midwest.
For them not to get excited
or have some of
the best equipment,
monitoring equipment, going
when these things
have been shutting down
ballistic missile sites.
They're not interconnected.
That's, you know,
they're separated,
because that's
their protection.
And some craft,
this number of years ago,
literally shut down
over half of the silos
in the missile complex.
Okay, but are you aware
of the report?
That the data exists somewhere?
I have, uh, heard stories.
I have not seen
the official data on that.
So you just seen
informal stories?
No official assessment
that you've done or exists
within DOD that you're aware of
regarding the
Malmstrom incident?
All I can this is,
you know,
what's within my cognizance,
the UAP task force, and we have
not looked at that incident.
When he was saying
that he had absolutely
no knowledge
of unknown alien craft
overflying our
military installations.
and affecting our nuclear triad,
the man should have
been fired right there.
I mean, that's...
that's gross incompetence.
If they're there representing
the federal government
and we're going to take
our best and brightest
and we're going to investigate
unknown aerial phenomenon,
also called UFOs,
and you have someone
who has absolutely no idea
of some of the instances
that is general public,
that I know about.
You know, people who just...
who aren't military historians
or whatever have read about it.
It's been on the front pages.
It's been on the news.
Well, that's a pretty
high-profile incident.
I don't claim to be
an expert on this,
but that's out there
in the ether.
You're the guys
investigating it.
I mean, who else is doing it?
If something was officially
brought to our attention,
we would look at it.
There are many things
that are out there in the ether
that aren't officially brought
to our attention.
GALLAGHER: How would it have
to be officially brought to...
I am bringing it
to your attention.
This is pretty official.
So we go back
and take a look at it,
but generally there is some
authoritative figure that says
there is an incident
that occurred.
We'd like you to look at this.
But in terms of just tracking
what may be in the media,
that says that something
occurred at this time
at this place,
there's probably a lot of leads
that we'd have to follow-up on.
I don't think we have resource
to do that right now.
Well, I don't claim to be
an authoritative figure,
but for what it's worth,
I would like you
to look into it.
If for another reason
you could dismiss it
and say this is not worth
wasting resources on.
I was listening
to these witnesses.
I'm saying, "My gosh,
if I was that stupid..."
That's the only word I could...
That or incompetent.
I'm up there in front
of the world talking about
a subject matter
that everybody has
an interest in,
even if it's remote interest.
You know, when you say,
"Hey, there's flying saucers
out there."
"There's things that
go bump at night."
Everybody sort of goes,
"Oh, really?"
So, it's not something that
it's a fly-by-night,
it's not something that doesn't
spark anybody's interest,
but they have two people
up there representing
our government,
which are supposed to be
the best and the brightest,
coming across
as an absolute fool.
And they were coming across
like a couple of
Jehovah Witnesses have come up
to your door and they
weren't prepared to speak
about the Almighty.
I mean, it was a joke.
It was a joke.
It was a waste of time.
MAN: These documents
include reports on
the biological effects
of UFO sightings on humans,
something we haven't
heard before.
The report describes 42 cases
where humans sustained injuries
after alleged encounters
"anomalous vehicles".
In some of the cases,
humans, the Pentagon says,
showed burn injuries
or other conditions related
to electromagnetic radiation.
What do you make of this...
these UAP encounters that caused
brain trauma when you get in
close proximity to it?
From Garry Nolan?
Is this proper language?
Well, look, you know,
a couple months ago,
there was a 1500-page release
from the Department of Defense
of alleged contact cases
with UFOs that resulted
in all kinds of injuries.
And those cases were put
together by a senior member
of the covert programs
that have been staging
fake events, false events,
named Dr. Kit Green.
He as fellow physician in Ohio,
and we know that it was stated
that he had facilitated
putting that together.
Where he talked about
people had brain injuries
and burns and
unwanted pregnancies.
Well, of course,
this is now being,
as I predicted.
As we move forward
with actual disclosure,
secret government programs
through their lackeys,
their operatives,
are going to create a narrative.
MAN: Garry Nolan is definitely
at the top of that list.
He's a Stanford professor.
Stanford PhD.
He's an immunologist.
And he has,
over the last decade or two,
spent a lot of time studying
the harmful effects
that apparent encounters
with UFOs have on
the human brain.
Now, remember,
every one of those cases
they're presenting
were covert human projects
targeting civilians
with these sort of injuries.
But this report comes from
a shadowy Pentagon department
that was shut down in 2012.
And the ailments listed
after these experiences,
as you say, the most common
experience, by the way,
is abduction,
radiation burns, paralysis,
brain damage,
even sexual encounters.
Don't take my word for it.
Dr. Jacques Vallee,
who has published
a book in 1992,
stated point blank,
that he had
a document from 1985,
a CIA official document,
explaining how
they were "abducting"
people in South America,
making it look like
an "alien encounter"
for its, and I'm quoting,
psychological warfare value.
So what people have
to understand is this is
a 60, 70-year
sort of brainwashing plan.
So you get people like Nolan
and others who appear
in the media.
Those doors open for them,
because they're going to tell
the public
the false information
that the secret keepers
want people to believe.
Well, to what end?
It's unmistakable.
You have to say, okay,
well, what did that?
I can conjecture
or hypothesize about, you know,
is it the Russians?
Is it UFOs, or whatever?
But, the fact is,
there is data that says
something is happening,
and so we need to study it.
And that's what
a scientist should do.
MAN: Of course, absolutely.
So, for some context,
who were these people
who'd been injured?
Dr. Garry Nolan has recently
come out and stated that people
have had adverse effects
to UFOs or being in a location
where UFOs recently
were located.
Now, these effects seem
to have affected their mind,
their skin, and some type
of illness or sickness
had fallen over them.
Kind of like radiation sickness
or radiation poisoning.
When you look at
this other guide
that exists called
the Firefighters
Disaster Guide,
which is distributed
to all firefighters
in the United States,
they actually have
a section in this guide...
You can get this on Amazon.
...it talked about
how to deal with disasters
dealing with UFOs,
and what some of
the actual side effects are
[CHUCKLES] of coming in contact
with UFOs.
They teach this
to firefighters.
They say that people get sick,
they get ill,
they have mental problems.
So all of a sudden, we see
what Dr. Garry Nolan
is talking about
isn't really a conspiracy,
it's something that
the firefighters in America,
which require to save lives,
actually think really exists.
Could it be another program
by the United States military,
where they test different types
of technologies
on their own citizens?
We know that they've done this
over many, many decades,
we know that they tested
chemicals and all different
types of hallucinogenics
on their own military officers
without even telling them.
They've actually even given
soldiers different types of STDs
and diseases to see how
they would play out.
You know, so this is something
that we know is factual
and actually happens.
Could there be another program
where they are actually
impregnating women through some
type of alternative technology?
We just don't know.
All we can do is hypothesize.
All we can do
is maybe speculate.
But there seems to be
something strange going on
and I believe that
the government knows exactly
what it is.
They want to create,
as Wernher von Braun stated,
an "alien threat"
that doesn't exist
for the warmongers
and the war profiteers
and the military industrial
complex. Is very simple.
So this has been put in place
since the '50s.
All you have to do is pull
the CIA director Smith's memo
from 1953 and we have it.
Where he explains
the psychological warfare value
of the UFO subject.
So now that was almost
70 years ago,
69 years ago.
So, I think that this is
something the public
and the media
have to get educated on.
They're not going to get it
through the UFO
research community
or from the media,
because most people
have not done their homework
To find out what
the counterintelligence
operations are.
And by that I mean, the people
who are embedded out there
concocting all kinds
of frightening stuff
for its psychological warfare
value, to create fear.
Well, I think there
has been a realization
that this is a serious defense
and national security issue,
and I think part of that
has come from within Congress.
People like Marco Rubio,
for example, have spoken out
quite strongly on this.
But, the other thing is,
we just got a lot more evidence
than was previously the case.
We always knew pilots
saw these things.
Because if you create fear,
you can control people.
Demagogues have done
this forever.
And if you're going to have
another enemy
bigger than another power
like China or Russia,
and you want to unite the world
around a military effort,
which is their agenda,
you have to create something
bigger and badder
than the Russian bear
or the Chinese panda
or what have you.
This is what's been planned.
It's a 70-year plan,
and we know it.
Carol Rosin and
Wernher von Braun
had seen that defense plan,
and it specifically outlines
exactly what we're seeing now.
I would like to make
the prediction right now,
I absolutely believe this
with every fiber of my being,
that within the next couple
of months to 90 days,
there's going to be no more
of these near-misses.
Near-misses are already
considered a hostile action
in a military kind of milieu,
it already is.
But what we are going to have
is we're going to have
direct military action
from these UAPs,
these tic tacs, which are
of all shapes and sizes,
by the way,
and we will have a huge
hostile action
against an entire battleship
or many airliners
as well.
Airliners. And we're going
to see huge consequences
from that,
because they have to do it
at this point,
because people are losing
interest in the UAP situation.
They are seeing
a fraud artist like Elizondo
and others that work
with him as well.
And people are just not
impressed that much
by these tic tacs
and this 1950s videos
that they're showing.
People just don't care.
So, they have to go
into the desperate
if they want to keep this alive,
and they have to,
because this is
Operation Fail Safe,
it's going to be their
final, final position
of the cabal.
When everything else fails
and they got nothing else,
they're going to have to go
to fake alien invasion.
That's what we are facing,
and that's what we're
looking at,
and that is something
that will absolutely happen.
What they are doing,
what the secret illegal,
unconstitutional government
is doing,
is getting both witting,
knowing people who know
they're putting out
false information
and a lot of unwitting people,
naive people,
who will just take the bait.
And so most of the media
does not have any real depth
of research on the issue.
So, if they get something
that gets released
from the Pentagon,
like these 1500 pages
of terrifying accounts,
they're not saying,
"Who is doing this?"
What we know and have known
since the early '90s,
and I've had it confirmed to me
by dozens of operatives
inside the system,
that these are actually people
who are humans,
doing these things
for their sort of
brainwashing value.
Because, if you don't
have another big enemy,
as one of my military advisers
said back in the '90s,
God help us,
if peace were to break out,
we'd all be out of business.
So, you know, there is this sort
of manipulative aspect to this,
and that's what that's about.
So if you just keep that in mind
when all these things
are rolled out,
you're going to go, well,
[CLEARS THROAT] you know,
is it real or is it false?
Obviously, I would say
90-plus percent
of everything that's going
to come out is false,
and that's why people
have to be very skeptical
and very thorough
in their research.
Dr. Greer had talked about,
and he wrote a white paper
that discusses this.
If you've got a classified
program, you've got
a U-sat program,
unacknowledged special
access program.
So from the very get go,
if this is contrary to
the Constitution
at the very beginning,
then the entire program
goes against the law.
So, they're not bound to
their national security deals,
because it's
extra-constitutional from
the very get go.
So, you can see the way
Greer has played this.
It's very masterful.
It's very genius.
So, not necessarily are
all these people
under this umbrella of secrecy.
If the entire program
is extra-constitutional
from the very beginning,
and so it's a very good play
that we can capitalize on,
and it might be a wedge
to get in there
so that some of these
programs can be declassified.
Programs associated
with the analysis
of retrieve debris in 1952.
We have a
very interesting source.
She passed away now, but she was
present at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base,
where over 1,000,
and I'm going to repeat,
1,000 artifacts
from multiple UFO
crash retrievals
were, number one,
photograph, bagged,
tagged and catalogued,
and it's sitting in a warehouse
at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base right now.
So, they cannot claim that they
don't have physical evidence.
They've got the evidence.
It's just they don't have
access to it
or the people below them
are not read into the program.
DR. GREER: Remember,
there are very, very advanced
material sciences
and technologies from
inhuman covert programs
that have been
So, whether it's a
nano molecular material
that's human
or something
of extraterrestrial origin,
you really have to know
what you're looking for.
I don't know who's possessing
that material.
Um, I don't possess it.
I would know what to look for.
But, you know,
it'd be impossible to know
without the provenance
of the material.
But, then also, you know,
getting down
to the nano molecular level
of how it was made.
-You want to go right...
-MAN: Right there, yeah?
what about these politicians?
You know, there is
a couple coming forward.
Is that positive thing
that this...?
Yes, there are quite
a few politicians.
I mean, this is how these bills
were passed and the Congress
coming forward,
you know, who are very
interested in the issue,
and over the years I've met
with many of them.
At a certain point, it creates,
you know,
a pressure to look into this,
that there's got to be something
to it.
That doesn't mean that they
have been briefed on
what's actually going on,
because it takes a very long
time to get to the bottom
of this very deep hole,
black hole that they've created.
So, you know, when you're
dealing with an illegally-run
black project,
you know, you're dealing
with people
that I've worked with for years
who have clearances, you know,
top secret black projects,
special access projects
and they don't have access.
As you know, and as
Dr. Greer has talked about,
the United States government
does not build anything.
They source it out
to contractors.
So, a lot of these times,
these programs,
whatever they build,
whatever they saw,
whatever they reverse-engineered
is outsourced
and it is proprietary.
So you can't throw a FOIA
request at something
that's proprietary,
because it is contractor base,
so you can you can write
all the FOIA requests you want.
If it's a proprietary
contractor program,
they won't release it.
And so, that's one thing
we're up against.
The other thing we're up against
is it doesn't matter what
your rank is in the House
and the Senate.
Whatever you're
in the Washington Beltway
if you're not cleared and read
into these programs, you are not
going to get access to it.
So when we have these
congressional hearings
that we've been recently seeing,
and they don't have
access to these
to these programs.
So how are they going to filter
that down to the general public?
They don't even have
access to the program,
so it's going to take
a monumental crusade to...
I think we have to go beyond
Washington D.C.
We have to go to
the scientists, and we have
to go to the witnesses
and engineers who worked
on these programs
and work it that way.
Well, you know, remember,
the Pentagon office
is at this stage
for a storefront,
like Project BLUE BOOK
was in the '60s.
It's a very small operation.
The people in there
have not been read in.
Um, they've probably
been told what to say.
That's not where the real
investigation is happening.
That's a different discussion.
But, they are there because
it was mandated by law
that they be there.
And, you know,
of this statement that we're not
going to investigate
any of the man-made objects,
well, you've just eliminated
80 to 90 percent of
all UFO sightings.
Now, a lot of our pilots,
navy, jet and Air Force pilots,
what have you,
who had these encounters,
because these objects
simply go so much faster
and they maneuver
at right angles in a way that no
conventional aircraft can,
they all assume
it's from outer space.
They are not read into
what Ben Rich of the
Lockheed Skunk Works told us,
and the vast majority of these
UAP, UFO objects
are, in fact, ours.
They're man-made,
and they're not Chinese
or Russian.
They're ours, American.
So I think this is
sort of a big...
They're hoodwinking
the Congress,
and they're
actually deliberately
pulling their punch on
disclosing the biggest part
of the secret.
Now, I will say,
ten, 20 percent of things
that have been seen
are of extraterrestrial origin.
It's a minority.
The majority are actually ours,
but that's a bigger secret
than the "alien" part.
Why? Because, and here
is the linchpin of the secrecy,
to disclose to the public
that those are ours
would also admit
that we already have
the energy
and propulsion systems
to replace all the oil
and gas and coal
and nuclear power
and wind and solar
on the planet.
Why? The sensors.
The Pentagon has admitted,
their infrared sensors
of the tic tac
and these other objects.
There's no heat source,
there's no jets,
there's no rockets,
there's no nuclear device
on-board creating energy,
because that would be a huge,
as you know,
nuclear fission or fusion
creates an enormous
amount of heat.
Nothing. Well, how are
they moving?
Well, they're using
what's called...
They're using electromagnetic
field propulsion.
Which are very
high-voltage systems.
We understand how they work,
but for these covert programs
that have been run illegally
and without oversight,
to admit that,
for any part of the
U.S. Government to admit that,
it'd be a scandal 1,000 times
bigger than Watergate
or Iran Contra
or anything you can think of.
Because of what
it would mean is,
all the deaths from
our space program
and shuttles
and Apollo missions,
like my uncle worked on,
and all of the pollution
and all the poverty in the world
and all of the environmental
degradation has been unnecessary
since 1954.
So for the past 68 years,
we have not needed
rockets, jets,
gas engines, or any of it.
Now, that statement is, I know,
some people say,
an outrageous statement.
But, it can be proven.
I mean, there's plenty
of documentation
of even aerospace journals
back in the early '50s
before they mastered
"gravity control"
talk about this.
So, the reason this office
has probably been told,
I mean...
They're sort of just mouthpieces
saying what they're told to say
by someone,
that we are not going
to look into the things
that are made by humans.
It's because the ones
that are human
are most of them.
So then
they don't look
into them.
And number two,
to disclose their existence
would be the
pull the curtain back
on the crown jewel
of the secrecy.
The reason for the secrecy.
Because it's all about
macroeconomic and
geopolitical control.
And if you bring out
technologies that allows
every home, office,
manufacturing plant,
village in Africa,
to have its own energy source
without a transmission line
and burning expensive fuel,
oil, gas, coal,
you've just changed
the whole geopolitical
macroeconomic system.
The power equilibrium
of the world is gonna shift
away from a handful
of global oligarchs,
to we, the people.
I view this coming out properly
as a sort of
the next American Revolution.
Bloodless, we hope,
that has to happen.
It is a revolution.
It's a revolution in thought,
it's a revolution in energy,
technology, science,
energy propulsion,
and, most importantly,
how society would be structured.
Because, the evolution
of fascism
was actually powerful
industrial private interests
colluding with
and controlling government
and using government.
That's the root of fascism.
But, that's what this is.
What Eisenhower
called the military
industrial complex.
He was using a different term
for the old 1900s,
early 20th century fascism.
So the Antifa people
and the anti-fascist people
need to understand
what fascism actually is.
And that's what's going on here.
Because that's...
those interests,
financial, corporate,
what have you,
they're the tail wagging
the dog of the U.S. Government.
And, like I said, 99-plus
percent of the U.S. Government,
even the people I've worked with
who managed the black budget,
and oversee the
three-letter agencies,
they're been denied access
to these projects.
And, yet, here we have all
the evidence and proof for it.
So, I think this is
a constitutional crisis
so that we need the renewal
of the rule of law
and the Constitution.
It's a civilizational crisis
because of what's happened
to the biosphere.
But, it's also
a humanitarian crisis.
Three billion,
with a 'B', people.
Three billion people don't have
any way to cook their food.
They don't have
electricity or gas.
In 2020. 2022.
This came out in
The Economist last year.
Well, I think that in
that situation,
what a huge humanitarian crisis
when all that poverty
as well as the damage
to the environment, could have
been fixed before I was born.
You know, I was born in 1955.
We mastered gravity control
and these energy systems
in October of 1954.
How do I know this?
The top scientist at
the Naval Research Labs,
Richard Fauch,
was in "the vault"
not far from here,
and saw the document
that stated that
and had the proof of it.
Now, he didn't take it out,
of course,
you're not allowed to,
but very reliable person.
I mean,
he was the senior scientist at
the largest Department
of Defense lab in the world
here in Washington,
and they were research lab.
And routinely had briefings
with the Vice President
and admirals
and generals and stuff
all the time, so he was
very high clearance.
So, I think that this
is a real crisis.
And everyone thinks the crisis
is coming from outer space.
Here is the technique.
You set up a diversion.
"You look out here.
There's a threat
from outer space."
Meanwhile, what it really is,
these old curmudgeons
and these elite
global money people
are like The Wizard of Oz
behind the curtain,
pulling all the levers.
And just creating this
whole insane narrative,
and they're very good
at doing this.
They're very good at doing this.
So, I think this is why
the public has to be
very questioning
the reason disclosure...
When I say disclosure,
I coined the term
in the '90s and early 2000s,
as the father
of disclosure movement.
It's been hijacked by people
who call any false revelation,
So there is 100 disclosure
efforts out there now.
And I say what most of them
are just putting out,
there is an
echo chamber of parroting
the narrative in
the script being written
by these black projects,
these illegal black projects.
So I'm a big skeptic.
I always have been.
I mean, if you take 99 percent
of what's presented
on this subject
that you go to any conference
or Internet search
or what have you,
I go, "That's false.
That's false. That's false.
That's false."
And can be provably so.
But no one's listening.
Because it's more exciting
to get all, you know,
worked up about a threat
from outer space.
It makes for excitement.
The juices get flowing.
Because humans love to have
someone to hate, right?
We've had some of the pilots
and the intelligence people
talking about them.
And now we learn that this
is an ongoing situation
and it's not just UFOs.
There's frankly, they've been
looking at other things
which sound like
they come straight out of an
X-Files script.
And the demagogues
running these information
warfare programs
and psychological
warfare programs,
they know human nature.
They know how they can
trigger people into fear,
but also into sort of,
let's unite people around
an enemy.
Short of a couple
of little green men landing
on the South Lawn
of the North Lawn
of the White House
and saying hi
to the press corps there,
or landing at the next
Super Bowl
and dropping in,
what is the bridge
between these videos.
And we know that whatever
this thing is, it is not human.
They want a new enemy.
They've been wanting
to build up a new enemy.
The Pentagon office.
A lot of the folks
I know in this city
absolutely realize that
that office is sort
of a window dressing
to comply with
the congressional bill
that was passed
mandating that the director
of national intelligence
and the Pentagon
report to the Congress
this issue.
But, a true investigation
absolutely is not writ large.
I'm on the record here,
and I'm in a position to say
this authoritatively.
It's going to happen
from that office.
I think what's going to
have to happen with UFO,
we're going to have somebody
on the inside who is going
to have to leak it.
Is going to have
to leak some stuff.
-Would that be in danger with
breaking NDAs?
-Yeah, absolutely.
-They're getting...
It's illegal.
They risk going to jail.
But, what if they're revealing
is an illegal operation?
Therefore, it'd be covering
something that's illegal.
So, there wouldn't be any...
You're trust the crooks
to give you a fair trial?
If you're a whistleblower,
I don't know if there's
a benefit to come forward,
unless you're thinking
big picture here,
because they had to sign
nondisclosure agreements,
so they are still bound
under all that.
But, again,
if we go back to this
extra-constitutional concept,
if it was a rogue concept
from the very beginning
and went against
the Constitution,
then they are technically
not under the umbrella
of that law.
And so, that's kind of the thing
that we are fighting here.
I don't think the whistleblowers
are going to come forward
until they feel completely
safe to do so.
So, it will have to come down
from the very top
that all of those rulings
and restrictions
have been completely rescinded.
Then we might have an influx
of more whistleblowers.
I don't think any whistleblowers
would be compensated,
but I'm also sure that
a lot of them are dying
to tell their story.
Because the clock is ticking,
and as Stanton Friedman
had talked about so many times,
we are racing the undertaker
and at this time,
at this late in the game,
really, the undertaker has won.
Because this is 60, 70...
We are now at the 75th
anniversary of Roswell.
And how far are we in ufology?
I mean,
we've made some progress,
but we still don't have
access to the bodies,
we still don't have access
to the debris,
we still don't have access
to the gun camera footage,
which we know they have
and it's a fact.
So, what do we need to do?
We have got to get
to this evidence.
We can't have any more
CE1s anymore.
That's really
completely useless.
We need to get to the physical
evidence and then
we'll be moving forward.
Just a couple weeks ago,
I am directly knowledgeable
about the fact
that our Air Force
sometimes engages kinetically,
which means fires upon
what we know to be UFOs.
Some of these people
have stated that they
have regular encounters
with these crafts.
Regular encounters.
Are we engaging them
with the firepower?
Are we shooting at them?
No, we're not.
Corbell was saying that
we actually have been
firing upon these UAPs
as of a month or so ago,
as of a while ago,
and that we've
been engaging them
in that military
aggressive stance.
And Congressman Tim
actually said the opposite.
He said, "No, there is no way
that we would
fire upon these UAPs
just for the sheer
technological superiority
of these vehicles."
I mean, can you imagine
getting one of these vehicles
really pissed at you
if you're just in a conventional
jet propulsion engine plane?
You know, it wouldn't be good.
It just wouldn't be good.
And I think the people
who give the call,
the green light, red light,
to go ahead and shoot,
I think they know that.
They know that.
And they feel that dissuasion.
They feel that they shouldn't
shoot at these things,
because it would turn out
real bad.
MAN: So if the President
of the United States
wanted to hire SEAL Team Six
or a Special Force operation
to bust down the walls
at Area 51,
our private corporation,
would that be possible?
I don't really think
it's going to happen
quite that way.
In terms of, you know,
them busting into places
and bringing things out.
It's going to be a negotiated
situation by using leverage.
Now, what does the legal
constitutional government
of the United States have
that these organizations
don't have?
The rule of law,
the Constitution,
prosecutorial powers,
and subpoena powers.
So at a certain point,
once I have been given
enough specific information
that they have gotten into
and seen that this is real,
it then becomes a matter
of political and social will
to bring these projects to heel
and put them on a leash
so that they are
overseen appropriately
by we, the people,
and our people's
So, that is really how
that's going to happen.
You know, someone recommended
when Obama got inaugurated,
that I recommend that he go in
with tactical nuclear weapons
into some of these facilities.
And I said, "This is
the craziest thing
I ever heard of."
I said, "No, I'm not going
to recommend that."
But, it wouldn't work anyway,
because they would just
self-destruct all those assets.
So they have things in place
to do that.
So it has to be done very smart.
You know, now there has
to be a serious, um... threat,
not a violent threat,
of consequences.
Because, ultimately,
if a group organization,
corporation, stays on that path,
they're actually
committing treason
and treason can be prosecuted
up to and including
execution, federally.
So, once you establish that
that's what's going on,
which we have,
then it's about
using that power.
And as I've said,
I've said to them many times
in the last few months,
you're either going to make
the U.S. government relevant
on this issue or not.
And that's...
I don't control that.
But, all I can do is advise
this is the approach
you should be taking.
I don't worry about that. No.
There was a time I did.
But you know,
there are other ways
to do that, obviously.
Even if your cell phone is off,
um, totally off,
they're tracking
and monitoring.
All my email
is continuously monitored.
Anything important
it gets to me gets diverted,
as you've seen.
This is happening now
to some of the folks in
the investigation here in D.C.
And I said this is just
to be expected.
You're not going to, you know,
be able to get around that.
But it's, you know.
Look, you know,
when you look
at way back in 1950,
the Wilbur Smith
documentary said
"this is the most classified
project in the history
of the United States,
exceeding the development
of a hydrogen bomb," right?
We hadn't detonated
a hydrogen bomb yet.
And it is, to this day,
still in that level.
Except, they went deep black
beyond constitutional oversight
between 1945 and 1955.
That was the decade, by the way,
where the whole thing went off
the rails.
But, the technologies
and the capabilities they have,
even people who are read into
National Security Agency, CIA,
and the National Reconnaissance
Office of Technology
and Satellites,
they're not read into the means
that this organization has,
this covert
secret government group,
and that's why
they're always shocked,
because they think
they're using encryption
and everything's
known instantly.
They think they are,
you know, in a skiff,
and everything that's done
in there is known instantly.
And I warn people.
I started warning people
that in 1993,
when the man who set up
my meeting with the CI director
wanted me to be going
to phone booths,
talking in code
so nobody would know.
And I said, "John,
this is not going to work."
Because, even by '93
I'd been read into
what the technologies were
that can go
totally around conventional
signals intelligence.
So, anyway.
You know, you just arrived,
so I'm very patient with it,
because I understand the SEC ops
security ops that people have
to do to comply with
their regulations.
Those are employed
in the government.
I, on the other hand,
have never been in
the government and never...
I paid a few
million dollars in taxes,
but I've never gotten
an Indian Head nickel.
But, um...
But, that's something
I just understand,
because that's the way,
you know, their world works.
But, I just tell them,
"Don't expect it to keep you
from being tracked
and monitored in real time."
I mean, after all, I mean,
except for the names
and personal confidences
I keep,
which I'm very
strict about.
You know, you figure...
I'm not going to keep a secret
from any of these guys.
As Ben Rich said,
"There are
no private conversations
anywhere on the planet."
That was one of the things
Ben Rich said
in that lecture.
And that's true, by the way.
So, you know,
once you realize that,
then why waste the time?
I tell people strategically,
if you do a lot of,
you know,
spy versus spy weirdness,
trying to be so paranoid,
then all you're doing
is slowing yourself
and your team down.
But, you're not slowing down
your adversaries here,
the people, you know,
the criminal organization
doing this.
Because, they got technologies
that are many generations ahead
of what even folks who are
managing the black budget
know about.
So, you know, at a certain point
once you realize that,
it's very liberating.
Why? Because you don't have
to keep a secret.
You just, you know, like I said,
the only thing
when I'm talking to people,
is that if I have, you know,
a colonel or some operative
out of Area 51 contact me
and wants their name
to be kept strictly quiet,
I keep their confidence.
You know, but other than that,
the information,
and it's sort of like
the Chatham House rules
in London, the think tank,
I went to a secret meeting once,
and they invoked
the Chatham House rules.
And what that is,
it means that
you can share anything
you hear at the meeting,
but you can't cite who said it.
You can't disclose
who the source was.
So, I was there as the keynote
talking about these technologies
and this issue
to a whole group of elites
on an island off the coast
of Australia.
There's about
120 global elites there.
But, the reality is more
than 90 percent of all the men
and a few women that come to me,
they're not wanting to have
their identities known
in the public.
They may be happy to let
their identities be known
to the folks
that I'm providing materials to
here in Washington,
but not to the general public.
So I go, "Okay, that means
that's your requirement."
So I think there is, you know,
a whole ethics around this,
which is also
very old-fashioned,
some would say.
But, you know,
being trained as a doctor,
you know, it's like
doctor-patient privilege.
And they know I'm going to be
very strict about that.
One of the problems you run into
when you're dealing with an area
where you absolutely
need and require
a security clearance,
and you send signed
a nondisclosure agreement.
What are the ramifications
if you decide to go public?
You know Bob Lazar did it.
He decided that
it was worth the risk.
Because he felt that
his life was in danger.
And that may be,
you know, the...
the catalyst that...
makes someone else decide,
"I'm going to do what's right.
I'm going to go public on
what I know, what I've seen."
And that has to happen.
There's got to be legislation
put forward.
I don't think it's going
to happen with this President.
Maybe his replacement.
But it has to be done because
this information has to get out.
If we are being visited by
interdimensional beings
from wherever,
we should know about it.
I mean, if you don't know
who your adversary is,
if you don't know who the enemy
of the people are, you know,
besides the federal government,
you know, you're putting
yourself in a disadvantage.
And I'm talking about
the world in general,
not just individuals.
And I want to know.
And I've been criticized
for asking,
demanding answers
from my government.
But, it is my government,
and it's for the people,
by the people.
You know, there are people
in some of these organizations
feel that, you know,
they are God Almighty.
They have, you know,
they have all the information
and we can control your destiny
by what we know,
and we're not going to share
that information with you.
And to me, that's baloney.
That's, you know,
that's un-American,
and that's just wrong.
Well, this is a big question.
It's like,
if we can make this happen,
an actual, honest
disclosure of this subject
would include
not only the fact that
we're not alone in the universe
and that we need
a diplomatic effort
to reach out to
these civilizations,
but the 70 years of research
and development
of astonishing technologies
that would transform the world,
those would begin to come out
and the world in ten,
20, 30, 40 years from now,
won't even look
like this planet.
I mean, every aspect
of our civilization
will just be raised
to a much higher level
of prosperity, abundance.
Free, clean energy.
Transport, eventually,
will be above ground.
So, it's a very exciting world.
And, you know, once you get
to the point where civilization
has that kind of abundance
and social justice,
then you can actually begin
talking about having peace.
And so the whole world
can take this big leap forward,
a quantum movement forward.
But, it's not going to happen
unless we change
what we're doing.
You know, this is why
I left my medical career,
because the
implications of this...
is the difference between us
heading in the direction
we are now,
which is an
extinction-level civilization,
versus one that's going
to take off to the stars
and go forever.
It's beautiful.
So, that's the consequences.
This happened, unfortunately,
to the Trump administration.
I was trying to intervene
when they were being
approached by people
who were going
into the White House
with briefing dossiers
filled with these
terrifying accounts,
so that they could convince
the President and
the Vice President
that there was
an "alien threat".
And, unfortunately,
they were so convinced,
and subsequently
we got something
called the Space Force,
which has various purposes.
But, part of it is
to be kicked into gear,
once they disclose,
falsely, there
being a threat from outer space.
So, this is something that is,
you know,
people say, "Oh,
it's a conspiracy theory."
I said, "No. There are
conspiracies that are facts."
There is something called
the Mafia.
There are criminal conspiracies.
The people running
these projects
are the largest conspiracy
of criminals in the history
of the world. Bar none.
There's nothing
that comes close.
Now, I can prove that
in a court of law.
What I just said can be proven.
But, we hope it doesn't
get to that.
What we hope is that
the truth can come out.
The problem is,
we are very much the underdog
in trying to educate
the public on this
in a way that's
objective and factual,
and that could lead
to a positive outcome.
You know,
what good is it to go from
geopolitical tensions
over China and Taiwan,
and Russia and Ukraine,
and then expand
those global tensions
to an interplanetary level?
Well, this is not going forward
for our civilization
and our species for humans.
So, this is the big challenge.
It's a battle for
the minds and hearts
of the people of the world.
This is really what...
It's not an evidential
issue now.
I mean, even the government
has said, that's real.
The UFOs are real.
UAPs, whatever the nom
of the day is,
you know,
that the name of the hour is.
You notice they keep changing
the name to bigger and bigger
fake names.
But, in reality,
this is exactly
what I had predicted
back in the '90s
when I saw the plan
for what was going on
and had people
inside the system say,
"This is what we're doing
and this is how we're doing it."
Now, this has the
big disadvantage of the truth
being much more unbelievable
than the fiction.
The fiction everyone
thinks is going on,
like this blinkered professor
who was this guy, Garry Nolan,
who I sort of introduced to
this subject some years ago.
People like that just
take the bait,
hook, line, and sinker.
But, they don't have the depth
and breadth of contacts
to verify anything
they're talking about.
They'll just get a case.
"Oh, This happened
to this person."
They don't ask the question.
How did it happen?
Who did it?
Why might it have been done?
Well, it wasn't "aliens".
And I believe that they have
done this successfully
a few more times.
And have possibly
been reverse-engineering
these things for decades.
And right now,
they're so advanced they
have something called a TR3B,
which is the most widely-seen
UFO right now,
which actually is not alien.
It's actually ours.
And these TR3Bs
are triangular-shaped crafts
with a rotating ring
at the bottom.
And these things are capable
of anti-gravity, flying silent,
moving at incredible speeds,
they create an
anti-gravity bubble,
which allows the pilot to not
feel the G-forces like
a normal flight pilot would,
a fighter pilot would,
in a different kind of plane.
And so some of
these things are creating
different types of side effects,
different levels of radiation,
and other types
of exotic energies
that are being emitted
from these things.
Specifically, the fact
that it seems to be
running off of some type
of electrified mercury vortex.
Which means, if that gets out
or if that leaks or drips,
or comes in contact with
anybody, any skin,
any human being
or any biological material,
it's going to permanently
damage it.
So, it could be that some
of these UFOs, UAPs
are actually ours,
and there's bad side effects
to this technology
as we begin to learn
how to develop it
and actually perfect it.
A classic case.
One of the most famous cases.
So, there's a case
to illustrate...
These women
were outside Houston,
and there was a extraterrestrial
vehicle that we had captured,
that we were test flying
and we could not get
the energy system
to run properly,
so we put, stupidly,
a portable nuclear reactor
on the thing for energy,
like some of
the space satellites
and some other objects
we put up.
But this is flying over
U. S. territory.
They had a malfunction on it.
And we know this because
an Air Force Office of
Special Investigations official,
who was the principal
investigator of this accident,
has testified on camera for us
about this.
But, as it was flying along
and it had this malfunction,
it started spewing radioactive
material on people.
Now, of course, the nuts
in the UFO conspiracy theories,
now this is
the conspiracy theory,
We're going, "Oh, my God,
the aliens are radiating people
and killing, injuring people."
This is just what you just
saw had on Fox News.
Well, actually,
it was four humans
piloting and older
extraterrestrial vehicle
that humans had put on
a small nuclear reactor
that malfunctioned,
and was totally
a human covert black project,
military mishap.
And those women who were...
they were hospitalized
and badly injured
with radiation illness.
But, they could not sue
the government because
when they tried,
the government just said,
"We don't know anything
about this."
But, the people who said
we don't know anything
about it, didn't.
Because, again, there are
two governments.
There is the government of
we, the people,
and as Senator Inouye,
from Hawaii, said,
"There's a secret government
with its own Air Force,
its own Navy,
its own funding mechanism,
that's above the law
and free from the law itself."
I'm paraphrasing,
but it's very close
to the quote.
Well, when you
have that situation,
an innocent civilian harmed
by one of these illegal
black projects. Deep black.
Those guys are going to have to,
you know, they're going to deny
any involvement,
because they're black.
They're not acknowledged
this existing.
So, when someone goes through
a FOIA request
or the main government,
the main government,
literally, when they say,
"We don't know.
anything about this,"
they know nothing about it.
So, this is one
of the big problems.
It's like it's
two parallel universes
between the secret government
and the mainstream
legal constitutional government.
This Cash-Landrum case
is one of hundreds
and hundreds like that.
All over the world,
not just U.S.
I mean that CI document
from 1985
states explicitly, it was a
psychological warfare operation
staging alien abductions,
with, you know, poor villagers
in Brazil and Argentina.
So, I am recommending that
that document be subpoenaed
from the people
who I know hold it.
I know three people
who hold that document,
who will not release it.
I think they're afraid
of being killed.
But, that's really
what the agenda is,
and it's not hard to do.
Moreover, there have been
enough number of accidents
that have been like the
test flying or malfunction
of a manmade anti-gravity
alien reproduction vehicle,
whatever you want to call them.
Where they will then make it
look like it was some alien
unknown UFO, UAP thing.
Because it's a great
cover story.
It's a great cover story
for all kinds of accidents.
You just sort of blame it
on the aliens, right?
So this is very easy to do
when people don't have
enough knowledge.
So, knowledge is power.
And If you have a government,
here and abroad,
other governments
who don't have this knowledge,
they are powerless
over the folks who do,
and who can do
circles around them,
not only technologically,
but in terms of staging things.
So, this is
the big vulnerability
I started warning about
in the '90s.
Like, when I was briefing
the head of the Defense
Intelligence Agency,
General Hughes, that was
the whole subject matter.
Which is why he didn't know
how vulnerable he was,
how vulnerable the Pentagon was,
because everyone thinks that
the "government" is hiding UFOs.
I said, "Most of the people in
the government know nothing
about this issue.
This is why I am here a lot
and meeting with folks."
The bigger issue is,
why don't they know?
And who does know?
And what's the architecture
of that secrecy?
Because in my mind,
that is the biggest
security threat to
the United States
and the world happening
in the last 50 years.
More than the Cold War,
more than China.
And it's not an alien
national security threat.
It's from within.
And there's a great quote
about how the worst enemies
or the treasonous people
from within.
So now, luckily, there are a lot
of people now here
in Washington,
in high places who
have concluded, as I did,
back 30 years ago
that this group conducting
these programs
are in fact the breakaway,
treasonous people.
And if they do not come clean,
they need to be treated
that way.
If the world was able to see
exactly what was going on behind
the veil
with these black budget
top secret projects,
these secret space programs
that do exist
that are being run out
of private corporations,
they'd be blown away.
First and foremost,
the reason why they're
using private corporations
is because then they can avoid
the Freedom of Information Act,
because with that FOIA,
they can actually then release
all the information
to the public,
even if it's redacted.
But through
private corporations,
now they can hide everything.
They can cover everything up.
And what happens
behind the scenes
is advanced technology
that's 300 years ahead
of what the general population
is at right now.
So, whatever you can think of
has already happened.
Whatever you can possibly
even conceive, already exists.
That's how far advanced
they are.
But, by keeping these things
locked up in the
black budget programs
and using them for
top secret military projects,
the general population is only
going to get this information
one slight trickle at a time.
When you're talking about
the USAID programs,
the unacknowledged
special access programs,
there are other programs where
as Dr. Greer
had mentioned before,
that if if you're working
on those type programs
and the President asks you
for specific details,
regarding that program,
your mandatory reply is to be,
"Mr. President,
no such project exists."
So in that way,
they are able
to compartmentalize
different programs,
different projects,
different locations.
We kind of talked about
where these crash retrievals
are kept.
There's multiple repositories
around the country
where these debris,
bodies, craft,
are allegedly being stored.
Examples would be
Air Force Base,
Langley Air Force Base,
Virginia. Homestead Air Force
Base, Florida,
MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.
All allegedly locations
where debris and bodies
are being kept.
What kind of projects?
Do you have an example?
Okay. I've got
an example for you.
A specific example.
Timeframe is 1952,
and the primary eyewitness
is working at the Pentagon.
She goes down to a lower level
and I don't know how this
actually went down,
but she accidentally
bumped into a room
that she wasn't
supposed to go inside.
So you can picture this
this dark, musty, dingy room.
It's very poorly lit
and there's some boxes
off to the side.
She kind of goes
into this room.
She kind of makes about
a 180 degrees.
And what does she see
kind of sitting off to the side?
About a three-foot tall
"pickled alien in a glass jar".
And within like ten seconds,
she feels this very firm hand
on her shoulder,
and it was an MP.
Again, this is 1952 at the lower
level of the Pentagon,
and this MP says, "You are not
supposed to be here."
He got her
out of there immediately.
And you can see here,
so very concerned look
on her face.
But, she did see a pickle alien
in a glass jar
at the underground facility
at the Pentagon in 1952.
So, if this woman's
testimony is true,
and we have no reason
to believe that it's not,
they do have the physical
evidence that we need
as a coalition of ufologists
to move this field forward.
This is what happens
when you have 70 years
of illegal,
corrupt, beyond black projects,
and you have
generations of people
who have been in government.
Some, you know, for 30, 40 years
who have no idea what's been
going on beneath the surface.
I mean, to the point that
some of these folks who are
at that level of oversight,
an oversight of the intelligence
community and the black budget
of the United States,
they didn't know
that there were DUMBS,
Deep Underground
Military Bases.
They didn't know
there were connectors
between, say,
Edwards Air Force Base
and that facility
and the Nellis Range,
so called Area 51.
I had to dredge up
the actual blueprints
of the machine
that built them
and told them about which
corporations like
Bechtel Corporation and others
that ran and built those with
a beyond black
budget authorization.
So, all of this gets to be
very complicated,
including the money.
So, you know,
one of the first questions was,
how is this being funded?
I said, "Well, several
mechanisms." One...
those States say
the B-2 stealth bomber
cost two billion dollars
a copy.
Actually probably cost more
like $100 million, $150 million.
The rest is diverted
into a black project
that they don't know about
and have not approved.
Now, that is,
in fact, embezzlement
of U.S. federal
taxpayer dollars.
The other issue is
corporations that
have gotten spinoffs
of these technologies
that have been studied since
the '40s and '50s.
The reverse-engineering of
who then have it pass on
some of that information
to a corporate public entity
that can then sell you
a fiber optic system
or a night vision system
or an advanced integrated
circuit and things of this sort.
So, that creates a profit center
for subsidiaries of
these corporations.
And, of course, the darkest
is the illegal running
of both arms and drugs
by some elements,
the darkest elements
of these covert groups
And that is not an urban myth.
That is real.
And I had two men,
one was a senior executive SAIC,
Science Applications
International Corporation,
and the other one
was a former congressman
who is a bit of a consigliere
for George H. W. Bush Sr.
And they both...
I met with them here
in Crystal City,
near the Pentagon,
at the congressman's condo.
And they explained to me
how there was an army
of 8,000 men
that were
running drugs illegally,
that were undercover
of military
covert secret projects
and that this was
destroying things.
I mean, it's an absolutely
destruction of our planet.
I will tell you,
Director Deutch,
as a former Los Angeles
police narcotics detective,
that the agency has dealt drugs
throughout this country
-for a long time.
Director Deutch,
I will refer you to three
specific agency operations
known as Amadeus, Pegasus
and Watch Tower.
I have Watch Tower documents
heavily redacted by the agency.
I was personally exposed
to CIA operations and recruited
by CIA personnel who attempted
to recruit me in the late '70s,
to become involved in protecting
agency drug operations
in this country.
I have been trying
to get this out for 18 years
and I have the evidence.
So, we had this long discussion
about the rot and the danger
of this kind of secrecy,
because if no one's
controlling them,
or watching them,
all kinds of things can happen,
and that's what has happened.
So, this is now...
Now, let's talk about
what this is really about.
It's really about
the renewal of democracy,
because everyone says,
"We're in a free country
and a democracy."
But, how free
and how democratic can it be,
if the most
important technologies,
the most important discoveries,
are kept from the media
and the public
and our policymakers?
I remember Jimmy Carter
demanded to know about this
and the outgoing CI director.
And we have this from people who
were involved at the time,
told the incoming President,
"We're not going to
tell you anything."
So there are... This happened.
Bill Clinton explicitly
made inquiries
and was denied information.
So, you know, I'm not
speculating when I say that
when you do that,
this is why in a court of law,
you can prove
that these projects
are being run illegally
and unconstitutionally.
That's, you know,
that's a matter of fact.
And that's happened
to Presidents since Eisenhower.
I remember Eisenhower
lost control of these projects
in the late '50s,
And that's when these entire
operations just sort of
got big enough
and powerful enough
to sort of go off on their own
and would disclose what
they wanted to the President.
So, I think that's why it takes
someone who's willing to issue,
you know, subpoenas
and investigate
and get to the bottom of it,
which is happening now.
The question is, how far are
they going to able to go before
they get sat down?
All this boils down
to one word: courage.
You know,
if you have the courage
to do it, fine.
If you don't,
then you're irrelevant,
you know?
And that's why when,
after I briefed
Clinton's CI director,
his friend came down
to my house and said,
"Well, they're convinced
that President will end up
like Jack Kennedy."
I thought it was a joke.
And he said, "No." I said,
"Well, he's the President
and I'm not."
So, if you want to be
the President
or if you want to be a member
of the Senate or House,
you have an obligation
and a responsibility.
Now, if you want to shirk it,
you can't complain
about the fact
that this is an
out of control black project.
So, you either have to,
you know, step up to the plate,
or get off, you know,
move out of the way.
But, for decades,
people have not been
willing to do either.
They're just too intimidated,
because of the
threats and bribes
and all that kind of stuff.
I mean, you know, I've had
so many of my colleagues
that I started working with
who've gotten threats
or buy-offs,
and then were
subsequently corrupted.
So, I think that's one
of the real problems
in a city like this,
where you spread enough money
around you twist enough arms,
you get what you want.
So, I always say
the indispensable currency
in all this to me isn't money.
It's the courage to do it.
And if you don't have
the courage to do it,
then you just made yourself,
whether you're the President
or you're the chairman
of the Senate Intelligence
or whoever,
you've made yourself irrelevant.
So, being relevant,
on something like this means
having the courage
to go the distance.
So, there's something there.
We just don't know what it is.
Do you think it could
possibly be Russia or
another foreign adversary?
That's what we need to find out.
Because if there is an adversary
with that kind of technology,
then we definitely need
to be very, very careful.
How much they know?
I don't know. I know I've been
dealing with some people
in Russia
who are very informed
on the subject.
I don't know
to what extent Putin
or Xi in China are
involved or briefed on it.
I just don't have anyone
at that level
in those governments.
Here, I do.
But, in the United States
and Great Britain
and other countries.
So, that's a big question mark.
Interestingly, there are
members of the Senate
who have been questioned
whether these UAPs
are from China,
which they're not.
But, I think that's...
One of the problems is that
during even the Cold War,
there were events with UFOs
that were mistaken as a possible
incoming threat from
the Soviet Union,
and something like that
is dangerous.
So, I think this is
another reason why
the extreme secrecy
on this issue
is a danger to
operational tactical decisions
that are being made
at the Pentagon or CIA
or wherever.
Because, most of those guys
don't know
what these objects are.
So, something could happen.
They think, oh,
that's coming from China
or Russia or whatever.
And it isn't.
Either it could be man-made UFO
or it could be
an extraterrestrial one.
So not having that
in your algorithm,
not having that
in your list of things,
maybe it's this,
maybe it's that,
maybe it's this.
That is really dangerous.
And I think this is a big
problem that doesn't get talked
about in the media.
There is a threat to
the national security that's
very severe, related to UFOs.
But, it's not that the UFOs
from outer space are a threat,
the human secrecy is a threat.
And that's what the first
director of the CIA
wrote to The New York Times
in a letter.
And we have the letter,
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter
where he said the secrecy
around UFOs is a threat
to the national security.
This is 1960 or '61.
So, you know,
don't take my opinion.
Take the opinion of the
very first Director of the CIA.
There was a statement
the five felons
from Lue Elizondo in contact
with this lure as well,
and they were talking
back and forth.
And these statements
were leaked out to everyone,
and they really showed what
Lue Elizondo is really
all about.
I mean, there are
actually accusations
of the Fellon-5
saying that all these people,
John Greenwald
of the Black Vault,
and Dr. Greer...
[LAUGHS] Dr. Greer.
...and a couple of others.
You know, I know these people.
And for anyone
to say that they are
charlatans or they're criminals,
or they have a criminal record,
it's ludicrous.
It's ludicrous.
Anyone who has talked
with any of these,
anybody was talked with
John Greenwald, with Dr. Greer,
with Thirdphaseofmoon,
I mean, knows that
these are people who are
utterly dedicated,
utterly dedicated
to their purpose,
which is to bring
the truth to people.
Bring real things to people
that people can actually use.
And that's what Dr. Greer
has dedicated his life to.
That's what John Greenwald...
John Greenwald is just
a super intellect.
He's got just a huge intellect.
I mean, he's not
a person who has
any iota of criminality
about him at all.
And Thirdphaseofmoons.
I mean, they're just guys
who just care about bringing
the truth
in an area that has
so much fakery in it.
So much fakery.
Which brings me back
to Lue Elizondo.
Lue Elizondo is just using
standard techniques
of a CIA contractor,
that's what they teach them.
They teach them to envelope
whoever the enemy is,
whoever is speaking out
against you,
you're supposed to wrap them up
with false accusations,
counter claims,
and the more scurrilous
and baseless
the accusations are, the better.
Because, you're trying
to create outrage.
You're trying to show people
that they can't mess with you.
Greenstreet, Greenwald,
and Thirdphaseofmoon
and yourself, The Fellon-5.
Yes, I like this.
That people who are
the mouthpieces
for an unconstitutional,
rogue, criminal organization
calls people who are actually
the truth tellers, the felons.
You know, and I've been called
that for years.
You know, back in the '90s
there were a group of these guys
who basically said
I'm a traitor to my country.
When in reality,
these people are creating
high crimes,
misdemeanors and treason
by deceiving the public,
lying to the President,
lying to the Congress,
taking hundreds of billions
of dollars,
trillions over the years
and putting them
into unapproved projects
that the Congress doesn't know
they're spending the money on,
and we can prove that also.
But, of course, people like that
are always going to accuse
other people
of what they themselves
are guilty of.
Just remember that.
And, you know, one of the things
that just irks the hell
out of me
is when we're in a
relatively small community.
You know, those of us that
investigate and look into
the unexplained.
And there are people out there
that are getting an awful lot
of media coverage that aren't,
you know, they aren't doing
themselves or other areas
of interests any good.
When you're, uh...
When you're slamming people
for being unprofessional,
you're slamming people
for being incompetent.
I mean, again it's the people
who are, you know,
the people are saying that are,
you know,
the three or four talking heads
that you see all the time.
I mean, it's Lue. It's...
It's Nick and few others,
and it's...
They keep going
to the same ones.
They're not coming up
with any answers.
Yet they feel it's their duty
to trash people like
the Cousin brothers
who go out and they get
the news, you know,
they're the first ones there.
Why should you
be jealous of that?
JOHN: Just the fact that
he would just scurrilously
make accusations like this.
The release of these emails
really show what kind of person
Elizondo is,
and that's why anyone
going forward from here,
anyone who associates with him,
in the ufology community
or anywhere else,
they're just taking
their own life into their hands
by associating with this guy,
because he will turn on them
at any moment. Any moment.
Just like he did with
these five people,
who he actually has had
contacts with in the past,
and just he [SNAPS FINGERS]
turned on a dime
because that's his training.
I'm telling you,
that's what it is.
He's trained to do this
and he'll continue to do this
as long as he's around.
They do a flip, you know.
So, the only way
they know how to handle it
is they accuse other people
what they themselves are doing.
MAN: When he calls us,
I've never had...
were not felons.
Are you a felon?
-Have you ever had...
-I've never had a felony.
Of course not.
I mean, you couldn't have
a medical license
[CHUCKLES] for one thing,
which I have.
But anyway, you know,
this is just...
This is the typical what
happens is, the people,
the whistleblowers,
always get attacked
by very powerful interests
that are being exposed
for their criminal activities.
And that's a really typical
response from people who know
they're wrong.
It's doing a disservice
to all of us,
not just the ones
that they are bad mouthing,
but to the entire industry.
And if you come across
as a bunch of crybabies
and say, "Well, so and so
is an ass and so
and so is incompetent,
and so and so doesn't know
what the hell he's doing."
It also reflects on you.
I mean, in today's world,
all you see nowadays
are people slamming other
people, and it's not right.
Unfortunately, you know,
you just have to...
If you're doing this kind
of work, which I've been doing
for 30 years now,
you just take it as a given
that you're going to have
these sort of attacks
hurled at you, you know,
all kinds of defamation
and accusations.
And I don't think...
You know, I tell people,
you just have to
get battle-hardened
if you're taking on
the most powerful group
of criminal, monied people
in the world,
and this is what this is.
I mean, you know,
there's no question that
the group that's keeping
this stuff secret,
they have the most power,
the greatest technologies,
the most influence
of any group in the world.
Certainly more than
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
up here.
I sure hope to hell,
you know, before my time is up,
that we get full disclosure.
That Dr. Greer and his soldiers,
all the, you know,
all the men and women
that support his effort
and all the, you know,
the fans and dedicated people
that support the effort
of the Cousin brothers
and Michael Schratt
and others that are just...
We're just trying
to find information.
We're just trying to do what...
what any human being would do.
You know, I'm curious to
who are these people?
And I'm hoping before...
before I start pushing up weeds,
I'm hoping that there's
an answer.
I'm hoping there's
full disclosure.
And they tell us, "Okay,
this is where we came from,
this is where we're going,
this is how they got here,
this is what it means
to civilization
and humanity in general."
And I'm hoping that day comes
while I'm still here.
Now, I am fearful
I'm going to live to be 105,
and I keep having recurring
dreams that I am still around
in 2050...
and hopefully something
will happen by then.
Hopefully, something will happen
before the end of the year.
And if not? Uh,
I'm going to come back
and I'm going to haunt
all you bastards
that wouldn't release
the information.
If my mom can do it...
She was born on Halloween
and you know, she had
an incredible spirit.
And I have some
of that same spirit in me.
If there isn't disclosure
when my day comes,
I'm going to come back and
I will be one haunting
son of a bitch.
And I'm going to make life
miserable for everybody
that denied us access
and full disclosure.
The entire field of ufology
has this strange,
self-protection automatic system
built into it.
Because it's so crazy.
It's so outlandish.
It's just so odd-ball-sounding,
bodies and aliens
and craft and debris
and a big cover up.
And it's been lasting
for 75 years
and we have nothing to prove.
So you can see
it's got this self-protection,
fail-safe mechanism
built into it.
The story is so crazy,
the government really doesn't
have to do too much
to keep their secrets,
because it's so outlandish.
We're the ones, you know,
keeping the cover-up alive,
because we're talking about
these stories and so,
you can see how it's easy
for the government
to keep this secret,
because the story is so crazy.
Without that physical evidence,
we'll always be in this zone
of mockery and belittling.
And the giggle factor
is still alive.
Even after all these
congressional hearings,
what we need to pierce through
is the Leonard Stringfield
crash retrieval case's
actual physical evidence.
Then we got something.
So it's easy to trigger
the fear,
and people are gonna assume
it's from outer space,
it's a threat.
"Oh, my God, I'm so scared."
So, it would be nothing
at this point.
After 70 years
of this kind of planning,
brainwashing, disinformation,
to have one
singular event happen.
It could be
a fairly minor event.
That'd be it.