Under Two Flags (1936) Movie Script

Ivan. Why are you doing that?
The notice said 'full marching orders'.
What the notice says and what you do
are horses in two different stables.
But the order was signed
by the Comandante.
Ha. The Comandante.
Whenever he sees a piece of
paper he has got to sign it.
Confidentially, you know
what that order means?
It means that you will stand
up in the sun for three hours.
The sweat will pour off your face.
The flies will eat you.
You'll get so tired that you'll faint.
But they will stand you up.
And you faint again
and they stand you up.
Up down, down up, up down.
I'm getting busy with
your ups and downs.
Then what is it all for if
we're not going to march?
You see those old-timers?
They never take a full pack on a parade.
I am going to play safe.
I'll take a full pack.
And a full water bottle.
I bet you faint. I bet you.
Well. Do they understand the orders?
Full pack and equipment. Ready to march?
- Yes, sir.
Are they ready to march?
- Yes, sir.
Then march.
- March?
To Mahjuria.
- Now, sir?
But it is forty kilometres.
It is and a bit more.
The relief company hasn't arrived yet.
Since when did the
legion wait for reliefs?
They have their full water bottles.
They have their hardtack.
If they haven't, heaven help them.
They can't play tricks on me.
The orders were for the company
to parade ready to march.
The 14th Company will now march.
Now, bet you faint.
Shoulder arms!
Forward march!
They are gone.
They are gone. My money.
My money.
[ French language ]
You heard me.
You ruin my father. You ..
- Easy now. Easy.
Now what is this all about?
- Look at these.
What your fine legionnaires
have not paid.
And what do you do?
You march them away.
And now we will never
get our money. Never.
There, there my bonny ..
I wouldn't do a thing
like that to hurt you.
I never even gave it a thought.
No, no.
You never do.
Well, what can I do now? They are gone.
You can order them back.
- Order them back, is it?
No, no. I cannot countermand an order.
Ah, but ..
Don't try to get over
me with your soft ways.
An order is an order and there's
going to be no changes.
For Cigarette, huh?
I was not only thinking
of my poor father.
I was thinking a little of you.
Hmm That's good.
You don't believe me?
Why did you send the 14th away
before the reliefs arrived, eh?
To discipline them. That's why.
There's a lot of recruits among them.
And they have to learn.
Perhaps you make a little
mistake, mon Comandante?
What is that?
Suppose something should happen?
Suppose the arabs should attack
and the reliefs should never arrive?
What would your Colonel
say, mon Comandante?
You marched them away to spank them.
Well, you have.
Now bring them back.
And I spank them too.
That's a big no.
And yet you say you love me.
You say you love me and when I ask
you such a little thing and you say no.
Now then.
Look here. You know I'd never
refuse you anything within reason.
Well, you have been kind.
Yes. And patient too.
You keep putting me off with
promises and promises.
But you will soon be a Colonel.
You said Major when I was a Captain.
- Did I?
So funny.
- You little devil.
Sometimes I think you are just a ..
I don't know how to take you.
Do you love me or don't you?
Answer me.
So very, very much.
And now, will you bring the men back?
- No.
My arm. You hurt me.
Oh, I am sorry. Oh there ..
Sure, I'll buy you a bracelet for it.
No. A bracelet will not make it well.
Well, will a kiss do it?
No. Now, you send for your soldiers
and when they come back ..
I'll kiss you.
Like that.
Cigarette. Come back here.
- Yes, sir?
Tell the Adjutant to message the 14th
Company. Order them back to barracks.
Do you hear me?
Major Doyle.
What do you mean by sending 14th Company
away before the relief was in?
Discipline is one thing.
Common sense another.
Order them back at once.
I've done so already, sir.
But you marched them off.
- I did, sir.
To let them eat dust and sweat a bit.
Then I recalled them.
You never know in the desert
what will happen to the reliefs.
I've had reports that Sidi-Ben Youssiff
has just attacked the 17th Company.
Cut them to bits.
The entire convoy destroyed.
Did you know that?
- No, sir.
I took ordinary precautions.
That's all, sir.
Good, Major.
Take a troop of chasseurs and go
there. Maybe some are still alive.
Very good, sir. Orderly.
Squadron, halt!
Tortured. Poor devils.
Bare heads. Sun.
Food and water just out of reach.
Sidi-Ben Youssiff
never forgets a detail.
It must have been a complete wipe-out
if they decided do that sort of thing.
Whoa. What's all this?
Say boys, this won't do. You're going at
that like it's your last meal on earth.
Barone. Better go and
relieve Number 4, will you.
Grivon. Mouch. Get up on the hill.
Those fellows deserve a meal too.
Who do you think you are, a General?
I am the very model of
a modern Major General.
Come on. There's a good fellow.
- Alright, Corporal.
Hey, Corporal.
Try a bit of that.
Pt de Foie Gras.
- And wine too.
I doubt the Colonel will ever invite me
to dinner so I'll dine with him now.
I hope the Colonel won't mind.
Ah, I hope the Colonel won't know.
We can always blame it
on the arabs anyway.
I say, Corporal.
Send the head waiter, will you.
You have never seen a
head waiter in your life.
Well, that leaves twenty of us.
How are you feeling?
- No complaints.
Food is alright.
But I don't like these beds.
Why don't you ring for the chambermaid?
I never thought of that.
How about a drop of this?
My head is whizzing so ..
I can't tell whether it's my old mother
or the angels singing me to sleep.
Chteau Latour '75.
I never thought I'd see that again.
That makes you think of home and mother.
Don't it, sir?
[ Gunshot! ]
Stand to, Get to your posts.
[ Gunshot! ]
Ha .. chasseurs.
Hold your fire.
All of you. Parade inspection.
Fall in. The company.
Company .. halt!
The 17th Company, sir.
Sentries posted?
One on the point and one on the hill.
Where is your machine gun?
Trained on your back, sir.
- Victor, sir.
Well done, Corporal.
- Thank you, sir.
Who is that man?
Corporal Victor of 17th.
He is the one who saved the convoy.
- Oh.
Come on, come on, come on. Service.
Corporal Victor.
I welcome you to my caf.
Thanks, Mademoiselle.
Three glasses please.
I am Cigarette.
How do you do.
Come, come, come.
We're very thirsty if you don't mind.
The first time you come here I will
always give you a bottle of wine.
Thanks, Mademoiselle.
But as you see we have Cognac.
Very good old Cognac. Gentlemen.
And now Mademoiselle,
may we have some glasses?
So you insult me. You refuse my wine.
You bring your own Cognac and
then you ask me for glasses.
Ha-ha. Well, perhaps we may find
some use for your wine later.
We have no wine for you now or later!
Well, Mademoiselle. What does it matter?
The thing is to get it down.
Gentlemen. I give you .. the Colonel.
"I want to win the heart of
the Queen of the Legionnaires."
"My handsome legionnaire, you
will fight until the battle is won."
"And this is the oath you swear."
"One for all and all for one."
"You are one for all that too."
"I am all for one."
"That is you."
Thanks Mademoiselle
for a charming evening.
And for the entertainment.
Don't move. I'll give you entertainment.
Don't move.
Stop him. He will kill me.
Mademoiselle. Your cutlery.
Have him arrested. He tried
to murder me in my own caf.
In my own caf.
Get out. Get out and never come back.
Get out!
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
She screams at him to get out.
But she really means 'do come back'
unless I'm much mistaken.
Amusing, what?
I say, isn't it amusing?
Yeah, yeah. Very funny.
Sergeant Victor reporting, sir.
Do you speak Arabic, Sergeant?
- Fairly well.
You know the dialects
of the southern tribes?
The Arab and Berber syntax?
Well enough to swear at the men
and be polite to the women.
Well, I have a very important
assignment for you.
Some dealers have arrived
from the far desert.
New ones.
Go down to the marketplace
and keep your ears open.
For what purpose?
Any talk of Sidi-Ben Youssiff.
Any hint of him gathering his tribes.
What name?
Sidi-Ben Youssiff.
I see. Yes.
Somebody keep these
raving lunatics back.
I came to see horses.
Not arabs.
Here is a good one, mon Capitaine. Look.
Ah, that's better.
That's a horse, that is.
By George, that's a horse.
I say, what's the price?
His owner demands two thousand francs.
I will get it for you
for fifteen hundred.
Good. Splendid. I'll take it.
They haven't got another
like it, have they?
It would make a good
pair for the general.
He has one, mon Capitan.
He will get him at once.
Now, you see those dealers over there?
They would have robbed
you if I was not here.
Thanks very much.
Same horse. Different saddle.
That is an old trick she's playing.
Mon Capitaine. Look.
A perfect match.
A half-brother to the other one.
It's not so good as the
first one of course.
Ah, but ..
- No it isn't.
Any fool with half an eye can
see that. Still, I will take it.
And that, Rake, is a pretty swindle.
Don't you think we should tell him, sir?
- Shush.
Now show me what else they've got.
Trot them along.
Two at a time.
I'll attend to it myself, mon Capitaine.
Once more and he'll have it.
- Have what?
The one-horse polo string.
Oh, it's you, is it?
How are you, Sergeant?
Good afternoon, sir.
- Know anything about horses?
A little.
A good horse that last one.
- As you say, sir. Quite extraordinary.
A chap has to keep his wits
about him with these arabs.
Turn your back for one minute
and they will swindle you.
Bonjour, Mademoiselle.
Mon Capitaine, here
are the other horses.
Which horse do you like best, Sergeant?
I rather fancy the black. Don't you?
I you want my opinion
I'd take the chestnut.
What would a legionnaire
know about horses?
You can take my word mon Capitaine.
I know.
Well, well ..
There's one way to prove
that the black is the best.
I will ride him and the
boy will ride the other.
We will race for you, huh?
- That is a good idea.
That'll show us, won't it?
It's not a bad idea, but ..
Supposing I ride the chestnut?
You see, the arab boy might
be inclined to think that ..
Someone wants you to buy the black.
What did you say?
I see. Splendid, Sergeant. Splendid.
That is if .. Mademoiselle doesn't mind.
Of course she won't.
I say. You know, you two
ought to have a bet on this.
How about a bottle of wine .. to a kiss?
A bottle of wine to a kiss?
Well, the wager is hardly fair but ..
I am willing.
What about you, Mademoiselle?
I would bet.
Although it would kill me to pay.
This ought to be fun.
Now remember, this is a friendly race.
Official gymkhana rules.
In and out of the poles on the way.
And straight down on the way home.
Knock over one pole
and you lose the race.
Are you ready?
By Jove, that fellow can ride.
He's a groom somewhere, I expect.
- A groom? What him?
A brilliant race, Sergeant.
Now you can collect.
Make the little lady pay.
Perhaps the lady doesn't care to pay.
After all, the horse won.
Why not compromise and let her ..
Kiss the horse.
Hey, wait a minute. I did not ..
Come on.
Well, I say.
There's a woman for you.
She's welshed on him.
Stop. Please stop.
- Go away.
But I want to talk to you.
- Go away.
You will stop.
Put me down.
Put me down!
Are you hurt?
Are you hurt?
Why don't you leave horses
alone if you cannot ride?
You want to break my neck?
No. I would not want to
break that pretty little neck.
I hate you.
I don't blame you and
I am terribly sorry.
Yes. That is why I dashed after you.
I didn't mean to offend you.
And the first time you come
to my caf you insult me.
And the next time you see me
you tell me to kiss a horse.
After all, you did tell me it
would kill you to pay the bet.
But I wanted to let you off and I said
the first thing that came into my head.
Forgive me.
Please do.
Are you .. very sorry?
Of course I am.
But you have forgiven me, haven't you?
Would it have killed you
if I had paid my bet?
I should say not.
Did you like that?
- Like it? Who wouldn't?
I only wish that we had bet some more.
But we did.
Five .. six .. ten bets.
And you won every time.
The bet was a bottle of wine to a kiss.
My idea, you know.
The Sergeant won by a nose.
He rides like a cavalryman, by gad.
But when they came to pay he told
her she'd better kiss the horse.
That is carrying a difference a
shade too far if you ask me.
And what happened?
She rode like the devil were after her.
The Sergeant followed. I don't know why.
They're a long time coming back.
I would be slow myself if I
were the Sergeant. I say.
I wonder if she kissed
the horse after all.
There are their horses now, but ..
But where are they?
I say, steady on old boy.
I bought that horse you know.
I did not know I could hate
a man so much and ..
Love him so quick.
What a funny little
creature you are, Cigarette.
[ Bugle call ]
The retreat. Come on.
No horses. A long walk.
Now I suppose I have got to carry you.
Carry me?
This is not the first time I
have walked in the desert.
I have marched with the legion.
You have? Then march.
An order for the barracks.
When Sergeant Victor arrives.
Tell him to report to me at once.
Sergeant Victor is at your office, sir.
He has waited there for over an hour.
What are you doing here?
- I came to make my report, sir.
Ah, yes, yes.
Well, did you find out anything?
Nothing definite.
But I got the impression that
there is something afoot.
What did you say?
I said. I got the impression
that there is something afoot.
Thank you, Sergeant.
Is that all, sir?
- Sergeant.
Did .. did you ..
Did anything else of importance
happen this afternoon?
No, no.
Nothing of a military nature.
I see.
Thank you, Sergeant.
May I present Lieutenant LaBroche.
How do you do?
To meet you Mademoiselle, is like
coming to an oasis in the desert.
Thank you, Monsieur.
You can't believe everything you see in
the desert you know. It may be a mirage.
Where is His Lordship, the Commissioner?
- Coming, old boy. Coming in a few days.
The official reason is to pick
up his niece. The Lady Venetia.
Is that his niece over there?
- A charming girl.
You'd better cultivate her, Major.
Good politics.
I was thinking the same.
Introduce me, will you?
- What?
Pardon me, Colonel Ferol.
Lady Venetia, may I
introduce Major Doyle?
The only Britisher with a
command south of Algiers.
How do you do, Major Doyle?
No doubt you want to see everything
of the legion while you're her.
So you must see the
best battalion first.
Yours, Major?
It is that. If I say so myself.
How nice.
I'm sure Lady Venetia will be happy to.
Sometime in the future no doubt.
- No, no.
I'd love to see your
battalion, Major Doyle.
At your convenience, Milady.
And I am sure you'll enjoy it.
You've carved him kinda delicate,
haven't you. His legs I mean.
Perhaps I have.
He'd have broke a foreleg with bone like
that when he hit that wall at Aintree.
Yes. He nearly tossed me that day.
- Not you sir, with your seat.
You steadied him up
like a bit of alright, sir.
He had a great heart, that fellow.
Biggest in England.
Attention! Comandante doing his rounds.
You'd think these legionnaires would
be a lot of daredevils and cutthroats.
But you would be wrong.
My lot are fighters.
No fools. There's many
fine fellows among them.
Of course it depends entirely on
the Commandant who picks them.
Obviously a credit to you, Major Doyle.
Well, if I do say so myself,
I do pick men with initiative.
I do hope they won't mind my coming in.
They'll be honoured.
Come this way.
They must be tortured by the flies.
Do they have screens in their quarters?
- Screens, is it?
They say in the legion that when a
fly bites a legionnaire, the fly dies.
Now, there is an excellent
fellow over there.
He does the most delicate work.
That is clever, isn't it.
How interesting.
Do they sell these things?
They do so.
How else could they get drunk once
in a while on half a sou a day?
Thank you so much.
Come this way.
It is my contention.
And Napoleon thought so too.
That Sergeants are the
backbone of the army.
Now, here is a fellow.
I just made him a Sergeant.
How do you do?
He showed initiative in a brush
with the arabs the other day.
English, of course.
I looked up his record.
His Legion record, I mean.
Nothing to be ashamed
of there at any rate.
Your work, Sergeant?
No. My recreation.
What a beautiful piece of carving.
What's this?
A likely looking beast.
A perfect model of a
thoroughbred English hunter.
An English hunter, is it?
A lot he would know about those.
He sees nothing but arab
ponies around these parts.
It might have been carved from ..
From memory?
Not likely, I should say.
And that's treading on
dangerous ground, Milady.
We must never look into their past.
Excuse me.
He is rather like a bull
in a china shop isn't he.
I am glad you liked my .. my horse.
I think it's lovely.
You like it? Well, I'll buy it for you.
But I couldn't.
- Why not?
Sure. Everything is for sale around
here. Here, Sergeant. A Franc.
A week's pay.
No thank you, Major Doyle.
I really could not think of it.
I know the Sergeant doesn't
really want to part with it.
Just as you say, Milady.
You can keep the Franc, Sergeant.
At ease.
You gave me the creeps
the way you looked at her.
For a moment I thought it
was someone who knew you.
Seeing a lady like that again.
Makes a man feel sort-of ..
Doesn't it, sir?
It does.
Is it for me?
- No.
No. It's not for you.
My bottle of Cognac that I want.
Give me that.
- But I need it.
You see, I've got a very
distinguished guest with me.
She is my cousin.
- What?
Well, she is my second cousin.
You see, she is related to ..
To Princess Jardini.
She just got in on a camel
train and we have got ..
Family and first cousins.
Go on. Go away.
I told you this place is reserved.
So the Comandante is coming eh?
- He's not coming?
Okay. We can move in.
- You will move.
You will move for Sergeant Victor.
Ah, Sergeant Victor.
I see. You want to poison
him with this, eh?
Go on. Go away.
I bet you 10 sous.
I bet you 20 sous he doesn't come.
That is one bet I'll take.
Now, you and your ..?
Princess .. my apologies.
Go and we'll join the common people.
What, going out again?
Why not? I have a late pass
and the night is young.
There's the ball over at the hotel.
You're going, of course?
Oh. I may drop in.
I don't think.
Permit me, sir.
Your hat.
- Thank you, Rake.
Your cane, sir.
Thank you again.
- Should I wait up for you, sir?
No. I may be a trifle late.
Just leave a whisky and
soda on the sideboard.
And a few sandwiches.
- Yes.
Pt de foie gras, of course.
I think you have been very
charming about the whole thing.
Not at all. I think it's great fun. Hot?
Yes. It is warm.
Urgent message for Colonel Ferol
from headquarters.
Message for Colonel Ferol.
Very urgent. Don't keep us waiting.
Very well, Sergeant. Follow me.
Come on, man. Do as you're told.
Wait here.
Wait here.
You know my husband.
He likes to surprise everybody.
I bet he does. Do you know I have ..
An important despatch
has just arrived, sir.
For Colonel Ferol.
- From headquarters?
Quite possible, sir.
Afraid I must go.
Are you coming in, Lady Venetia?
No. No. I will wait here for you.
Alright. Thank you, Sergeant.
Excuse me.
Need I apologise?
Was there any such message?
- Oh yes.
Yes, But I did not bring it.
Isn't it dangerous for you to be here?
Twice dangerous.
Confined to barracks on the
one side and on the other ..
Those eyes of yours.
You are a daring man, Sergeant.
I had to come to bring you this.
You were kind enough to admire it.
I wouldn't sell it.
I'd never sell it.
With a third party present
it was impossible to give it.
Will you please accept it?
I should love it.
Not only for itself, but ..
Because you risked so much to bring it.
Do you know this is the first exciting
thing that's happened to me ..
In all this monotonous country.
Africa monotonous?
Isn't it?
- This isn't Africa.
It's just a hotel in
any part of the world.
Africa is out there. The arab quarters.
The Jewish bazaars.
The cafs, the camille dancers.
Things I've always wanted to see.
Things you ought to see
if you want to see Africa.
I could take you.
But perhaps adventure
does not appeal to you.
Is this a challenge?
Of course, you realize it is absurd.
And that's why you think I might do it?
You ought not to tempt me.
When can we go?
How can we get out?
Can you climb?
I used to. Apple trees.
You're climbing tonight. Come on.
An extraordinary thing.
Just a moment.
You'd better give me your jewelry.
If you say so.
No. Not at all.
Don't they ever bite him?
They do indeed.
I suppose the fangs are removed
and the poison taken out?
No, neither. He gets a full dose.
Then why doesn't it kill him?
You see that boy, the assistant?
Every day he takes
his dose of snakebite.
Starting with a little and gradually
increasing the dose until ..
He becomes immune too, like his father.
Evidently it's possible to
become accustomed to anything.
Even snake bites.
You must not laugh.
The honourable profession.
Handed down from father to
son over hundreds of years.
Doesn't the snake get tired,
just biting without any success?
He's bored stiff with it.
Look at that expression.
The snake's I mean.
He's saying:
Don't you ever feel anything, you idiot?
Don't you ever die?
I think we had better
say goodnight here.
Thank you for showing me Africa.
It has been thrilling.
You don't think that was
the real Africa, do you?
You said it was.
- Did I?
No, no.
That is the real Africa.
Out there in the desert.
The Mai-Bous oasis.
At full moon.
That sounds lovely.
It's only three miles out.
You can almost see it from your balcony.
Come now.
Are you trying to tempt me again?
- Yes.
Are you tempted?
But it's impossible.
Quite impossible?
Goodnight, Sergeant.
Goodnight, Milady.
Lady Venetia.
Haven't you forgotten something?
Oh yes. Yes, my jewelry.
It's a pity I mentioned it.
I nearly got away with it.
Don't you think a poor soldier should
be rewarded for his honesty?
May I put the necklace on?
Can't you do it?
I nearly did.
Thank you.
Forgive my being so clumsy.
It's a long time since I
fastened a woman's necklace.
Goodnight again.
I win my bet. I win my bet.
He didn't come.
He didn't come.
- Of course.
He couldn't come.
The Comandante gave him some work to do.
He sent me a message.
I don't care why he didn't call.
But he didn't call.
Hey, Cigarette.
You owe me money. You didn't pay.
Well, I should have
known better, old fellow.
Head for home, eh?
You came after all.
You knew I would.
Aren't you going to show
me the rest of your Africa?
How grave.
How incredibly old it all is.
Yes. That's the real Africa.
This place must have a story.
A thousand stories.
Can I tell you one?
This was once an old monastery.
Perhaps the most famous
monastery in all Africa.
It is said that no woman ..
But one.
Ever set foot on this holy ground.
You see, you are not listening.
I would rather hear another story.
Your own.
Ah, my story is much too long.
And much too dull to tell you.
Not dull, I am sure.
Well, perhaps it's not so dull.
And it hasn't seemed long until ..
After this.
It will be endless.
You see .. the old trick.
I am playing on your sympathy.
Will it really seem ..
I ..
- No.
No. Don't say anything.
Let me ride back alone.
Sidi-Ben Hamadu - Lord Seraph.
Colonel Farley.
Won't you?
- Thank you.
Your presence here is most
opportune, Lord Seraph.
You understand that I am here merely as
an observer for the British government.
For some time we've had trouble with
a powerful chief, Sid-Ben Youssiff.
And Hamadu is one
of our few loyal chiefs.
He himself wants our help.
He wants to continue in
peace and prosperity.
But his own tribes are already
wavering in favour of Sid-Ben Youssiff.
And if they join with him
then he must break with us.
I have repeatedly assured
him that the rumours ..
Of trouble between France
and England are lies. But ..
If you will add your word.
- Certainly.
Tell Chief Ben Hamadu ..
That the friendship between
France and England continues.
And that they will mutually support one
another in suppressing any revolt ..
Against territorial authority.
[ Arabic language ]
Chief Hamadu desires to
express his gratitude.
He will confer immediately
with the other chieftains.
And return tonight with their answer.
Ben Hamadu.
And a gruesome way to declare it.
- So that is their answer.
Major Doyle.
- Sir?
Excuse us. Gentlemen.
Major Doyle?
- Yes, sir?
I'm giving you a post
of great importance.
If you succeed the revolt
may be checked.
You will move your battalion
to Abu Hamid immediately.
Your objective is to stop the juncture
of Sid-Ben Youssiff's three tribes.
Thank you, sir.
- How soon can you move?
By midnight, sir.
- Very well then. Move.
Don't worry, boy.
Nothing will happen to you.
No-one ever gets hit the
first time under fire.
Thanks, Ivan.
Guess who I've seen.
No idea. But he hasn't
improved your grammar.
Seriously, sir.
I have just seen Lord Seraph.
Seraph? Here?
You're sure?
Saw with my own eyes.
With that British party at the hotel.
You remember the lady
that came here one day?
That's his niece.
His niece?
Rake, you must pack for me.
- Buy we march in an hour, sir.
I can't help it. I must get the
horse I gave to Lady Venetia.
It has 'Forest King' on the base.
If Seraph sees that he'll know.
I've got to get it back. Bring my kit.
I'll meet you at the parade.
- Hello, Cigarette.
Where have you been?
I have looked everywhere for you.
Two nights I waited for you.
Why didn't you come?
- Sorry my dear, but I couldn't.
It was the Comandante, huh?
He gave you some special duty?
No. I was detained.
Please forgive, my dear. I must go.
You would leave without saying goodbye?
No. No, my dear.
I was coming to say goodbye
before I left. Believe me.
Is that all you were going to say to me?
Forgive me.
Forgive me, my dear. I must go now.
I will see you on the parade ground.
Every precaution has been taken.
I've heard such terrible things.
What really is happening?
- Nothing. Nothing at all.
Victor. Victor, I'm so glad you're here.
If you hadn't come I'd have come to you.
Venetia, there's
something I must ask you.
It's very important. It's the horse.
The carving. I want you to give it back.
But why?
It's mine. I love it.
Yes. I can't explain.
But I must have it back.
Will you give it to me? Please.
Of course, dear. But you must promise
to let me have it again when you return.
You won't be here when I return.
You will be in England.
Oh no.
I shall be here, Victor.
I cannot leave you. Ever.
No. Please don't speak.
I know exactly what you're going to say.
That I know nothing of you.
Except yourself.
That's all I need to know.
My dear, you don't know what
you're saying. It is madness.
When two people love
each other like this.
And we do.
Don't we, Victor?
And then part. That is madness.
Besides, you won't always
be a legionnaire.
Someday, your service will end.
No. It will never end.
I can never go back to England.
I should only be exchanging
my service here for ..
For a prison cell.
That is nonsense.
You are saying that to frighten me
because you think it is hopeless.
But it isn't hopeless.
I won't let it be.
You can't get rid of me, Victor.
Can you?
You want me to wait?
Oh, my dear.
Then I'll wait.
[ Door knocks ]
Venetia, my dear. Can I come in?
It's my uncle. I want you to meet him.
- I cannot meet him.
I must go.
I shall be here when you come back.
I love you, Victor.
- My darling.
Every night in the desert.
I will be thinking of Mai-Bous. Of you.
I shall be counting the
hours until you come back.
You must not let anything happen to you.
- Shush.
Venetia, my dear. Where are you?
Look at me, darling. I have it.
My Commission just arrived.
I am a Colonel. A Colonel!
Don't you see? This is what
we planned and waited for.
You are crying. What is it?
Don't speak.
In the name of the saints, what is it?
I'm crying .. because you're going away.
You are lying.
It's that Sergeant.
You've been different since
the first day you saw him.
No. That isn't true.
- Stop lying to me.
Yes. I am lying.
I love him.
Battalion ready to march, sir.
Shoulder arms!
Battalion will move off in columns
and forward from the left.
Number 14 leading.
Forward to the left .. march!
Where did you get this?
It was given to me. Why?
Look at the name: Forest King.
That's the model of a
horse Rafe Brett gave me.
He is in my stables now.
Rafe Brett?
Yes. He was a young friend of mine.
One of the most popular
officers in the guards.
I haven't seen him for years.
He disappeared. An ugly scandal.
It meant prison if he'd been caught.
- What had he done?
He had been shielding
his younger brother.
Last summer his younger brother
met with a nasty accident.
And before he died he
cleared Rafe completely.
This was given to me the other day.
The other day? By whom?
By the man who carved this.
A legionnaire, an Englishman.
- An Englishman? A legionnaire?
By Jove. Where is he now?
- He's gone. He left with his battalion.
We'll get him back. I must see him.
- Can we?
Can we at a time like this?
- Sure we can.
I'll see Colonel Ferol at once.
Sergeant Victor's patrol
just come in, sir.
They had a brush with the
arabs and lost six men.
Did ..
Has ..
Sergeant Victor come back?
- Yes, sir.
Send him in.
- Very good, sir.
My section patrolled as far as Giardia.
Six men lost, five killed, one captured.
Fill up the gaps.
Take twenty men and return to Giardia.
That position must be held at
all costs and to the last man.
You're going to make sure
of me this time, aren't you?
What do you mean by that?
Quite apparent, isn't it?
You send me out three times.
And like the bad penny I keep on coming
back. It seems to annoy you, doesn't it?
You know what that means in the legion?
- Oh, death probably.
Death one way or the other, isn't it?
You have your orders.
Now carry them out.
Yes, sir.
Hello Cigarette.
Sergeant Victor.
Is he alright?
Sergeant Victor?
No. He is not dead?
No. But it won't be long.
The Comandante has seen to that.
The Comandante?
For some reason he's trying to
have the Sergeant killed.
He's tried three times.
This time he will succeed.
He has sent him to Giardia.
With twenty men.
Against four thousand.
Do you happen to know if any more
wounded are to be brought in?
If you are looking for Sergeant Victor.
You do not need to look anymore.
He's not coming back.
What's that you just said?
What's happened?
Mademoiselle, tell me please.
I'll tell you.
He has been given a
post that means death.
He'll stay there until he dies.
How could you know that? Who told you?
I know from the wounded.
Now you can go back to your country.
You will never see him again.
Why do you speak to me like that?
Because I love him like you never could.
He does not belong with your kind.
He's of the legion. He's of my kind.
Would you follow him into the desert?
Would you march with
them and nurse them?
I have even shot them so that the
arabs cannot take them alive.
Could you do that?
You poor child.
You do love him.
Yes, I love him.
And I could save him if I wanted to.
Save him?
In a way you wouldn't understand.
But why should I save him?
For you?
For me?
What difference does it make?
Surely you cannot leave
him out there to die?
Can you?
Well, can you?
Yes. I can.
Where are you going?
- To the Comandante.
To the Comandante?
The Comandante is in the desert.
At the war.
You must love him very much
to go way out there to see him.
Cigarette. Cigarette.
Take it away.
A man just came through from
Sergeant Victor's patrol, sir.
The post at Giardia is overrun.
- Yes? Well, bring him in.
Tell Henri Husson to
report to the Comandante.
Did Sergeant Victor send
this message himself?
He was alive I believe sir,
when the messenger started.
What do you mean by that?
Nothing. Nothing at all, sir.
Can I order the battalion to march, sir?
- You will not.
The patrol will hold on by themselves.
We can't move until they
send us reinforcements.
Surely sir, you're not going
to leave them out there?
That is enough.
Sergeant Victor reports, sir ..
That Side-Ben Youssiff has advanced his
main force to the hills behind Giardia.
Any casualties?
- Yes, sir.
We lost ten men, sir.
Another message.
I don't understand it, sir.
He said, tell the Comandante.
That this time the bad
penny won't turn up.
Who said that?
Sergeant Victor, sir.
It's a sort-of code I think, sir.
He said you would understand.
That will do.
Do we still stay, sir?
- We do.
Bad penny.
Lieutenant. Turn them out.
Get them on the march at once.
What the devil are you waiting for?
Can't you obey orders?
Very good, sir.
Don't waste your ammunition.
They've gone.
The arabs. They've gone.
They've run away.
That can only mean one thing.
Husson got through.
The battalion is on its way.
You are right, Sergeant.
It's the battalion.
They are coming.
So that's why the arabs ceased firing.
They're drawing them into a trap.
The whole battalion will be wiped out.
Can we do anything to warn them?
- Here.
Battalion, take cover.
Can't we help them?
Can we try something?
No. Nothing.
It will be our turn next.
Take cover over there will you.
I'm alright.
Get back to your post.
They are driving them off.
They're driving them off.
Orders are orders. He's the only man
in the legion who could have done it.
Orders for Battalion.
Our objective is Giardia.
As soon as it gets dark the battalion
will march in extended order.
The 14th Company to take the
advance and the 17th the rear.
The post must be reached
and held at all costs.
More of them.
They're at them again.
If they can hold out until dark
they may have a chance.
Jean, take the other wall
and keep a sharp lookout.
Alright, Sergeant.
How do you feel, sir?
- I am alright.
What is our strength?
- We've only 55 men still on their feet.
Food and water for 48 hours but
the ammunition is very low.
I see.
One more attack and we're done for, huh?
Scout below.
Well, what did you learn?
I scouted to the end of the defile, sir.
Sidi-Ben Youssiff's main
force is withdrawn.
Evidently to wait for daylight.
Very good, Sergeant. Wait.
Lieutenant Petaine.
Post double sentries.
Very good, sir.
Sit down.
So, the bad penny
is still in circulation.
Still in circulation.
Why did you take Cigarette from me?
- Yes. Cigarette.
She loves you. She told me so.
So that's why you tried
to exterminate me.
No. You are wrong, Colonel.
But there is someone.
But it isn't Cigarette.
- You are lying, blast you.
What difference does it make?
We'll both be dead tomorrow.
We will that.
If we can only hold out until midday.
Dawn or midday. They've got us.
What does it matter?
There's four squadrons
of chasseurs on the way.
They could reach us by noon.
By noon?
Yes. It is time we need.
Perhaps I can ..
Perhaps I can give you that time?
You? How?
We can't spare any men.
I would not need any men.
I would have to do this myself.
That is, with your permission.
You have it.
If I don't come back,
your score is settled.
What is in the wind?
- I can't tell you, Rake.
But there won't be any
pt de foie gras this time.
Open up.
[ Arabic language ]
A pleasure to renew an old
acquaintance, Sidi-Ben Youssiff.
Your men have been most helpful.
Old acquaintance?
I don't recall your face.
Rafe Brett.
Oxford. Class of '92.
The same year as yourself.
You were at Balliol. I was at Maudlin.
Surely you have not forgotten
Professor York's teas?
Professor York?
Professor York's tea?
How well I remember.
But this is amusing.
Old classmates meeting here
in the heart of the desert.
As enemies.
Won't you sit down?
May I offer you a refreshment?
- Thank you.
Why have you made me
this most unusual visit?
To save my life.
And possibly yours.
I believe there's an old
proverb which says ..
'A wise man is he who
makes peace in time'.
Recently, a British commissioner
arrived at Aberjee.
As no doubt your spies have
already informed you.
Yes. I heard of his Lordship's arrival.
So sorry that I was not
there to receive him.
But what has this to do with the
necessity for my making peace?
If you were caught here.
With the British behind you.
That would be a bit
awkward, wouldn't it?
British troops in French territory.
That is absurd.
The secret has been well kept.
You suppose me naive
enough to believe that?
You have your scouts. Send them out.
Learn for yourself.
If what you have told me is true.
I shall be indebted to you
for the rest of my life.
If not.
This renewal of our acquaintance.
I'm afraid shall be short-lived.
We shall know in a few hours.
Shall we imagine we are again
at one of Professor York's teas?
Battalion .. Halt!
The battalion is at Giardia.
They are surrounded.
Giardia. A change in orders.
To Giardia.
- Hurry.
I trust you slept well?
- Very well, thanks.
And enjoyed your morning meal?
- A great relief after hardtack.
I'm very glad. It will be your last.
You lied.
I had scouts out all night. There are no
British within 500 miles. You knew it.
I was very amused
you believed it at all.
Now I can amuse myself with you.
Well, that is natural.
What can I expect?
Remember the old soccer game?
Played with a ball?
We're going to play it now.
But on horseback.
And you will be the ball.
You look .. so worried.
I've seen so many men die.
I know what this is.
You cannot do anything.
- Yes?
She said.
The English lady.
She said.
If I loved you, I would save you.
Tell her I tried.
I will tell her, my dear.
Is the pain ..?
Oh no.
It is nothing.
When you hold me.
When I waited for you.
You didn't come.
Now you have come and ..
I must go away.
You will remember the day in the desert?
I will remember. Always.
Will you bet once more?
For me?
We are assembled here.
To do honour to a soldier of France.
Killed in action against the enemy.
In life.
She was the devoted friend,
nurse and companion ..
To the men of the Foreign Legion.
And by her last heroic deed.
She saved the remnants
of our 5th Battalion.
And prevented the revolt
of the arab tribes.
In the annals of all brave women.
The name of Mademoiselle Cigarette.
Will hereafter be given high rank.
In the hearts of the
French Foreign Legion.
She will live forever.
On behalf of the government of France.
I hereby confer on
Mademoiselle Cigarette.
The Mdaille Militaire.