Vampire Genesis (2024) Movie Script
(celestial music)
(suspenseful music)
(sinister music)
(growls echoing)
(Karen breathing heavily)
(Karen panting)
(ominous music)
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
Father Domenici.
Father, you said I could call
you whenever I needed you.
It's that same dream again,
only this time it's more real.
I'm scared and I'm alone, and...
These demons you battle are
very persistent, my child.
If you desire solace, you
may come to my office.
I-I'd like that.
But, are you sure?
It's so late, and...
I advise you come quickly
before the storm comes.
You will have a shelter
here when you arrive.
Yes, my child?
I have to admit,
I've always been
a little nervous
walking through the
church's cemetery.
It's night, and
it's kind of creepy.
These are childish
emotions, Karen.
Come, sit with me.
I will conquer your real demons.
I'll be right there.
See you in 30 minutes.
I will see you then, my child.
(switch clicking)
(door clunking)
(door clunking)
(crickets chirping)
(ominous music)
(Karen yelps)
(inhuman voices growling)
(footsteps clomping)
(crickets chirping)
(distant wolves howling)
(ominous percussive music)
Hi, Father.
May I use the restroom?
Yes, my child.
(somber piano music)
(somber piano continues)
(knuckle knocking)
May I come in, Father?
Of course, my child.
Go ahead, close the
door and have a seat.
(footsteps gently tapping)
I didn't know you
liked dragon's, Father.
Just a little indulgence of
mine, collecting artifacts.
(footsteps tapping)
Now, tell me about this
dream you're having.
Well, like before, there
was a woman in orange,
and she was coming
out of the ground.
And she looked strange,
like her face was deformed.
And there was smoke or fog,
maybe even fire.
And she keeps saying she
has a message for me.
But this time it's
a little different.
Go on.
Well, there was another woman,
and she looked strange.
Her mouth was full,
like she was holding
something in her mouth
and there was a man,
a mean tall man was with her.
Then suddenly, I became
the woman in orange.
It's like I saw what she
saw, felt what she felt.
And then, next thing I know,
they were on top of me.
And he held me
down with his arms
and she leaned in towards me.
Her breath was hot in my face.
This is a message, Karen.
An old man.
It is?
But what could it mean?
(Maalik growls)
(Karen gasps)
(Karen screams)
(Karen groans)
How? Why?
You know me as Father Domenici.
But know, I am rightfully known
as Diablo Maalik, eater
of souls! (laughs)
Please, please.
You beg me, pathetic
little girl!
(Maalik chews and
pants) (Karen whimpers)
(Maalik laughs)
Why are you hurting me?
You are the "First Seer".
And your dreams are the
foretelling of the Alien Savior
that will come to
redeem this world,
and the Earth Daughter
shall be with her. (snorts)
The time is nigh,
we have been preparing
for this moment
for thousands of years! (laughs)
But you're a holy man.
Your humankind is too ignorant
of the creatures of darkness.
Lacking knowledge of our ways,
calling us myths, even. (laughs)
What do you want from me?
I, Diablo Maalik,
will take your puny
human soul from you...
The First Seer.
Consuming it to assuage
my hunger. (laughs)
I tracked you down.
I have stalked you
since the first time
you confessed your dreams.
I claim the right! (laughs)
(vampires growl)
Queen Akeldama,
Kes'a, you're here.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(Kes'a growls)
(dramatic music)
(flesh slicing) (head thudding)
(dramatic music)
(body thudding)
(Ahriman laughs)
You claim the right?
All this time you
conspired for your own gain
the knowledge I commissioned
you discover for me
in the first place.
Diablo Maalik.
Eater of souls indeed.
(tense music)
Now that you have
verified the prophecy,
I will proceed, knowing my
valuable time is not wasted.
I did not give you
my Daywalker Stone
for you to use for your own
devices, nor to betray me.
Tonight you die
an eternal death.
(flesh tearing)
For your sin of disobedience.
(tense music)
(object scraping)
(tense music)
(flesh squelching)
(Ahriman laughs)
(ominous music)
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
(arms swishing)
(man grunting)
(flames crackling)
(explosion booming)
(phaser blasting)
(ominous music)
(flames crackling)
(flesh squelching)
(heartbeat pounding)
(Kes'a slurps)
Ahriman, retrieve
the dragon effigy.
What of Maalik, Kes'a?
(Kes'a sighs)
Burn him.
Burn this place.
(zip buzzing)
(effigy scraping)
(flames crackling)
(ominous music)
You've served me so well, Femi.
I live to do your
bidding, Empress.
None is higher than you.
[Amunet] Yes, yes, Femi.
And so on and so forth.
(ominous music)
(engines roaring)
(phasers blasting)
(explosion booming)
(distant screams echoing)
(footsteps shuffling)
And what of you, Lateefah?
Do you not love your
Empress so fervently
as this sweet one?
I too live to do your
bidding, Empress.
I have always served
you faithfully.
(ominous music)
(display bleeping)
(communicator beeping)
(display bleeping)
Captain Abu'al.
Why am I being disturbed?
Empress Amunet,
I beg your forgiveness
for the intrusion,
but a harem slave has stolen
the Force Fear escape pod,
and eluded our fighters.
She's traveled to
the Terran surface.
How is this possible?
She must have...
Collaborated with
rebel sympathizers
to obtain the proper
codes for launch.
Find out who the betrayers are.
Yes, Empress.
And what of the slave?
Well obviously we can't pursue
her into the atmosphere.
But she is important property,
representing centuries
of genetic manipulation.
We can't risk her disturbing
the delicate balance
we've maintained on
this planet for so long.
Radio the Scimitar
patrolling the solar system.
That cruiser has a
hunter with Terran genes
who would not provoke a backlash
from the planet's
guardian entity.
Have her hunted
down and returned,
alive if possible,
for interrogation.
What are you waiting for?
So it is ordered,
so it shall be done.
(display beeping)
(engines humming)
(engine roaring)
(engine roaring)
(engine roaring)
(engine roaring)
(flames roaring)
(engine whining)
(explosion booming)
(crickets chirping)
(explosion booming)
(craft crashing)
(explosion booming)
(flames crackling)
(force-field droning)
(force-field smashing)
(dramatic music)
(flames crackling)
(display bleeping)
(dramatic music)
(flames crackling)
(dramatic music)
(distant screams echoing)
I thought you were
cutting off your hair.
I'm not, I'm getting war-braids.
You may enter.
(footsteps clomping)
Very good disguises, Dagon.
You know what to do.
Yes, Empress Amunet.
Is your friend capable?
This is Enlil, Empress.
I serve at your pleasure.
(tense music)
(body thudding)
Then get to it.
(suspenseful music)
(engine purring)
(engine roaring)
(transporter humming)
(footsteps shuffling)
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps shuffling)
(helmet hissing)
(suspenseful music)
(display bleeping)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(somber music)
Come here.
Come here.
(somber music)
So you're not gonna
ask me for any money?
No food?
What's your name?
I don't give people
money, but...
Come on, let's go
get something to eat.
Come on.
(somber music)
You know the drama
is never ending
Don't let it get
the best of you
And all the fake friends
just keep pretending
(man roars)
Man, what's your problem?
Let him go!
Let him go!
Let him go!
Let him go.
(body thudding)
Let him go.
(man laughs)
(door clunking)
The first time I
saw your pretty face
Your pretty face
I knew that I wanted to
know more than your name
More than your name
And here you are in front
of me and I can't speak
You take the words
right out of me
I feel the air
beneath my feet
It's just like magic
I can't explain
what I feel inside
It would be tragic
If this was all
just in my mind
You must be from
another planet
Make me so hot that
I can't stand it
Wow ow ow ow ow
I wonder if
You feel this fire
burning inside of my soul
I wonder if
I got this hold on you 'cause
y'all just won't let go
I wonder if
You want me as bad as
I want you here and now
I wonder if
I wonder if
(chilled R&B music)
Hey, you're not
about to go, are you?
Well, we were kind
of thinking about it.
Oh girl, y'all have a good time.
I'm going home.
Okay, you call me later.
All right.
I got this hold on you
So, do you wanna go to the bar?
I wonder if
You want me as bad as
I want you here and now
I wonder if
I wonder if, yeah
You must be from
another planet
Make me so hot that
I can't stand it
Wow ow ow ow ow
I wonder if
what can I get for you, honey?
You're a little on
the skinny side,
but you'll do.
Get off of me.
Get off.
Help, Sam!
[Sam] You got a
problem here, Coco?
I wonder if
- Watch out, he's crazy
- I want y'all to welcome
my girl to the stage, Candy.
(audience applauds)
(mellow pop music plays)
Baby, What did I tell
you about joking around?
Apologize, babe.
I play by the rules
Sweetie, I'm sorry.
My new friend here
can get carried away.
Everything is changing, yeah
I swear, you and your means.
Just keep him on a leash, okay?
Stop, silly.
(woman yelps)
I can tell you
like to play rough.
Yes, rough. (laughs)
Let's go to my place.
Is it me you're looking for
Me you're looking for
Am I giving you enough
Something to remember me by
If you're far away
Hello, love
Is it me you're looking for
Me you're looking for
Am I giving you enough
Something to remember
Can't believe I'm doing this.
Look, I'm not gonna allow you
to stay out here in the streets
and fend for yourself.
Is it me you're looking for
Where are you from?
Am I giving you enough
Something to remember
Slow down, Romeo.
There's plenty of time for that.
(man laughs)
Where's your car?
I don't have a
car, I have a ship.
Um, okay, you really
need to get a ride.
(laughing) Stop.
Something to remember
(vacuum whining)
(suspenseful music)
Kevin, get back in here, boy.
Quit it!
(foot smacking)
(Kes'a growls)
Mommy, Kevin kicked me.
Todd, come get your son.
(Larissa whimpers and sobs)
Boy, get your ass
back in this house.
[Agnes] I told you I
got somewhere to be.
Agnes, I told you, ain't
nothing I can do with that boy.
He ain't got no kind of respect.
[Agnes] Well, get Larissa.
Can't you say she's crying?
(suspenseful music)
Baby, you all right?
Come here.
I got you.
(ominous music)
(pensive music)
Mother, why must you leave?
Our world is dying, Tyrie.
So I must make this sacrifice,
leaving you for a time,
so that we may have a life.
Promise me you will return.
Nothing will keep me
from returning to you.
And even though I'll be gone,
you will always be with me.
[Number One] Queen
Akeldama, time to depart.
(Kes'a growls)
(engine whines)
(explosion booming)
(sinister music swells)
(Kes'a roars)
(phone thuds)
You done rest in pieces
No picture on a T-shirt
Like you never existed
I'm done being a victim
Get undressed and
under the covers.
Imma go and get
freshened up, baby.
Now you've gone,
don't make a sound
Oh wait.
What about you?
What is it, freshen up?
(chuckles) I didn't think so.
What's your name?
Close enough.
Try it again, you're
gonna lose your girlfriend
(jacket rustling)
You think I wouldn't
disappear from your life
Boy, watch me
Cold blooded
Cold blooded
Are you cold blooded
You said you don't
like your women skinny.
I like meat on my bones.
Ooh, ice water in my veins
Memorial service
in your place
Cold blooded blooded
(both groaning)
Oh, oh yes.
Oh yes, yes.
So basic, baby, I thought
you liked to play rough.
(sinister music swells)
(flesh crunching)
(woman moaning)
(flesh crunching)
(Roh'keen moaning)
So, you gonna tell me
what you were doing
on Fifth and Eighth?
Waiting on the bus.
At two in the morning?
At two in the morning.
And where were you going
at two in the morning?
[Suspect] Now, that's
none of your business.
It'd be in your best
interest if you cooperate.
It'll be in your best
interest to let me go.
Have you ever considered
practicing law
again, Captain Bean?
This job pays the bills
until I retire, Mayor Thomas.
(door clunking)
(phone ringing)
I want my phone call.
Sorry about that.
(detectives chattering)
(phone ringing)
(body thudding)
(fist smacking)
(elbow smacking)
(fist smacking)
Where's my lawyer?
Now, sit your ass down.
(cop laughs)
[Criminal] I know my rights.
Yeah, Detective Cole,
having a bad hair day?
Shut your mouth, Parker.
(phone ringing)
Cole, get in here.
Yes, Captain.
Okay Cole, I got him.
(palm slapping)
Hey! (knee thudding)
(criminal groaning)
Didn't I tell you to sit down?
Man, what the hell's wrong
with the women in this place?
Well, thank you for
your time, Captain Bean.
I will let the commissioner know
you were very cooperative
regarding our concerns.
Have a good day, Detective Cole.
Thank you, ma'am.
(detectives chattering)
Causing more trouble, Cole?
Just trying to do
my job, Captain.
Who's he?
He's your new
partner, Larry Fisher.
I'm really glad-
The hell he is.
Cole, you're a good detective,
but you're a royal
pain in my rear.
I gotta reassign you
while I get the police
commissioner off my ass.
Reassign me to what?
Well, we have a situation
where some of the local
residents have been complaining
about some weird sightings.
The hell?
Captain, no!
Cole, you brought
this on yourself.
Besides, this assignment
will help keep you away from
some real people for
a while. (laughs)
[Jessica] This is a wild
goose chase, Captain.
Fairytales told by drunk
people on the street
and dope fiends.
You can't be serious.
Well, some more
respectable people
have been making some
similar reportings.
And the mayor wants to be
able to tell the people
that we investigated it,
no matter how far-fetched it is.
And I want you to start
with that farmhouse
that we saw on the news.
And after you finish there,
I'd like you to end up here.
The African American
cultural complex.
I've been hearing about a
lot of strange sightings
going on in there. (laughs)
You still here?
(Jessica sighs)
(footsteps receding)
(footsteps clomping)
(doorbell ringing)
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
[Jessica] Hey, Jared.
No, Jessica, not again.
Hi, Mom.
(footsteps approaching)
Hi, Jessica.
Hey, Jimmy.
(door shutting)
Get outta those Skittles.
The cookies are almost done.
Hi, Jessica.
I see you brought a gift.
(catches clicking)
(kisses) I'll see
you later, babe.
(loud jaunty music plays)
Jimmy, turn that TV down.
(jaunty music volume lowers)
(kisses) Sweetheart,
we can go to the movies
when I get back from
the store, okay?
(door clunking)
Why is dad offering to
take me to the movies, Mom?
Honey, we need to
talk for a minute.
Honestly I was down,
he was down too
Honestly I would've
roded you to row two
Honestly I ain't judge
you but you judge me
Hope, you know how my job is,
it can get crazy.
Then why don't you
just change your job?
You know I can't do that.
It's what I do,
protect and serve.
It'd be nice if, for once,
you would put me
ahead of other people.
You are ahead of other people.
It's not like that, it's...
(Jessica sighs)
You're too young to understand.
I'm free tomorrow, okay?
I'll come over, I'll
park the car here
and then you and I can go
walk over to Grandpa's
kung fu school.
Oh, I understand.
I'm not the important
one in your life.
Honestly you don't know
the meaning of loyalty
Honestly you ain't care
Honestly you unfair
Honestly you ain't here
Obviously I ain't
there - Cookie?
I had a friend
that's a snake
Looking me right in my face
Thinking after everything
I've been through
How much more could I take
(door slamming)
Tend to your business.
Where to, Officer Cole?
We're taking a drive
to the country.
(engine starting)
Oh, and Larry,
it's Jessica.
(Larry chuckles)
(engine idling)
(engine purring)
(blaster firing)
Damn planet.
I need a ride.
[AI] Specify, car, truck, SUV.
Display truck.
[AI] Parameters?
Not so new, but bigger.
[AI] Dodge Ram Big Horn.
With a powerful power plan.
[AI] 5.7 Hemi with
aftermarket supercharger.
(ominous music)
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
(tires screeching)
(jaunty music)
(engine purring)
(doors slamming)
You're trespassing.
Get off my property.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're police detectives.
We're here on official business.
Get your hands up high.
Daddy, put that gun down.
Connie, they're trespassing.
Ms. Taylor, I'm Detective
Jessica Cole.
We're here to talk to you
about the fire and explosion
that happened behind your house.
So you're a detective too?
You look awfully young
to be a detective.
Yes, ma'am.
He's trespassing.
Can I shoot him?
Daddy, give me that gun.
He does have a point though.
Let me see your badges.
Can we talk about what you saw?
Come in the house.
Come on, Daddy.
I can walk myself.
Actually, it was
my dad who was here
when whatever crashed exploded.
I work at the hospital
and my shift had ended
when it happened.
My daddy was kicking
up an awful fuss.
My nephew is the mayor.
When I call him,
y'all can't ignore me.
We don't want to ignore you, Mr.
She was naked.
[Both] What?
Daddy told me, he saw us-
I can speak for myself.
She was a naked alien.
(Larry chuckles)
A naked alien?
She was naked as a newborn calf.
She stood up, fire
and smoke all around,
naked as a jaybird.
And walked into the woods.
We wanna take a look around
if you don't mind, Ms. Taylor.
That's fine.
Y'all don't wanna hear
about the other alien?
(ominous music)
You can see where it
impacted near the yard
and settled here
where the furrow ends.
(ominous music)
That makes logical sense.
(jacket thudding)
I've never seen meteor
material like this.
[Larry] Oh, so you're a
meteor specialist now?
And there are footprints
going towards the woods.
Over there.
(ominous music)
Don't tell me you're buying
that old man's story.
He came out here poking around.
Those are his footprints.
No, those are bare footprints.
Leading from the blast area
towards the woods over there.
There are no footprints
leading from the yard to here.
And there are a second
set of larger footprints
leading from this depression,
with some kind of shoe on.
(sinister music)
(door slamming)
(alarm beeping)
(footsteps clomping)
(window whining)
(ominous music)
(footsteps crunching)
(man growls) (dramatic music)
(footsteps crunching)
(inhuman screams echoing)
(engine starting)
(ominous music)
(engine purring)
(door slamming)
Victor Bravo, this is Eagle One.
Do you read me?
Are you in place?
[Victor Bravo] Eagle one,
this is Vector Bravo.
Standing by.
(tense music)
Victor Charlie,
give me your status.
[Victor Charlie] Eagle
One, Victor Charlie.
All secure.
(tense music)
(palm slapping)
(door clunking)
(door slamming)
(tense music)
Security is in place, Sir.
All clear.
Why not have a contingent of
guards right here at the house?
No one is to know
we're here. Understood?
Yes, Sir, understood.
(door slamming)
(tense music)
(doorbell ringing)
(classical music plays)
Get that.
Yes, my queen.
(footsteps clomping)
(classical music continues)
(door clunking)
Kevin, go to Lilith.
Yes, Kes'a.
(classical music continues)
(Kevin hisses)
(flesh squelching)
President Brunson,
thank you for coming.
(Kevin slurping)
You disapprove?
Your personal appetites
are not my affair.
(Lilith moans)
Why have you summoned me here?
What is the status on submitting
the Citizens'
Unified Legislation?
My investors are nervous
because we are on
unsteady legal footing.
While liberal groups
continue to challenge
this one court decision.
[Brunson] I've been
twisting arms in Congress
but the moderate
Republicans are afraid
to lose any seats
to the Democrats.
(Kes'a scoffs)
It'll get done.
You didn't need me
here to discuss that.
But I so like your company.
I'll be needing more funding
funneled through my
corporate accounts.
I have projects that demand
more financial resources.
How are we gonna do that?
We're already pushing
billions to you
in our unaccounted
funds through the
increased military
spending bill last year.
Find another source.
Cut back on domestic budgets.
Like what?
[Kes'a] I was going
through the figures
and the previous administration
increased school budget
funding for lunches 50%
before you...
We were in office.
That's over 12 million eating
off of the taxpayers tab.
But they're children.
And what about that
healthcare bill?
Didn't we campaign on
repeal and replace?
The expenditure is huge.
I want that legislation
pushed through.
We're already working
on the healthcare act.
But the school lunch
program? (scoffs)
The political optics alone,
that I cannot do.
(Kes'a hisses)
(tense music)
(flesh squelching)
(body thudding)
(Kes'a hisses)
(Kes'a hisses)
(flesh squelching)
Don't don't tell me no.
Never tell me no.
Yes, Kes'a.
I'll make sure it gets done.
(heart squelching)
(ominous music)
You're not gonna turn him?
You know how I do, Ahriman.
But that is my concern.
(ominous music)
(fire crackling)
You know I don't approve of
your lab-rats in my home.
The old blind man
named Steven Cole,
he displays the skill which
is taboo among all the humans.
Dira Kaeva.
We observed him from the
back of the alleyway.
He was being trailed by a group
of men seeking to rob him.
And we watched from
the end of the alley.
(cane tapping)
(ominous music)
[Thug] Hey, old man,
you just keep opening up
that door and invite us in.
Yeah, and don't give me
an excuse to cut you.
(knife clicking)
[Thug] I know you're blind,
but are you deaf too, old man.
(metal clanging) (thug grunting)
(cane swishing)
(cane thudding) (Cole grunting)
(cane smacking)
(shoe scraping)
(cane clattering)
(arms swishing)
(fists smacking)
(knee smacking) (Cole grunting)
(tense music)
(fists smacking)
(Enlil coughing)
You got this coming, old man.
(gun firing)
(Enlil coughing)
Let's go, Enlil.
(Enlil coughing)
We've got what we came for.
(Enlil coughing)
(ominous music)
If what you say is true...
It is.
(Kes'a hisses)
Then you know what must be done.
It is not allowed.
Yes, Queen Akeldama.
I'm assuming your men know
how to take out the trash.
Take him to the vat,
dispose of the body.
You know where.
Yes, Ahriman.
You will go with
them to dispatch
this human they call Cole.
Have your men test the old fool.
If he displays Dira
Kaeva, kill him.
And if he doesn't?
Kill him.
Yes, Kes'a.
(classical music plays)
Kes'a. what is Dir Kaeva?
Dira Kaeva.
It is the ancient Earth-based
skill of stopping projectiles
delivered by
non-traditional means.
I don't understand.
Unlearned acolyte,
he can stop bullets
because they are fired by
a modern weapon like a gun.
But if he's to stop
arrows or a spear,
he must use his physical skills.
Why do Ahriman's
men have powers?
Why'd you call them lab-rats?
Our beloved ancient
one, Queen Akeldama
is a original vampire
arrived from the stars.
She and Ahriman,
the first bitten,
had the power to
bestow unique gifts
to those that are fed upon
by ingesting a specific
formula beforehand.
That is, if they aren't
food and don't die.
But only original
vampires have the power
to turn a vampire into one.
Kevin, go to my room
and await me there.
We'll watch some TV
when I'm done. (kisses)
(classical music plays)
(sighs) You have learned
your lessons well, Lilith.
But this is not history class.
(sighs) Now, pleasure me.
(classical music plays)
Dinner can wait.
(classical music plays)
(display bleeping)
(display buzzing)
Where are you going?
I need to find
someone important.
I thought you couldn't talk.
Now, who is so important?
I must find the Earth Daughter.
The who?
(chuckles) What are
you talking about?
I know you will not understand,
but I'm not from this world.
My ancestors were.
I must seek help
to save my people.
Honey, I think you
need to lay down.
Are you sure you're
feeling okay?
Thank you for what you've done.
But I must go.
Hell, I'm not doing anything.
This could be dangerous.
Oh, girl, come on, let's ride.
But I get to stop for ice cream.
I'm sorry about your
birthday night, Hope.
You know how my
job seems to always
revolve around emergencies.
I know, it just doesn't
make it feel any better
when you're not there.
Honey, I love you
more than anything.
Always remember that.
I know. I love you too, Mom.
(ominous music)
(fists smacking)
(Cole laughs)
Papa Cole, you're
always testing us.
And you never
disappoint, young lady.
Hey Pops.
How you doing, sweetheart?
It's good to see you again.
How's work?
Things have been getting weird.
And I needed to talk
to you about it.
Can I work with
one of your swords?
Why don't you practice
your moves on the bo staff?
We'll do some moves on the sword
once I get a chance to
practice with you more, okay?
Okay, that's fine.
(footsteps clomping)
(foot smacking)
I still see weird people.
Only more frequently now.
Well, I told you,
hiding from it ain't
gonna change things, Jess.
(sighs) That's not all.
We've been getting
calls at the precinct
about alien sightings.
(Cole laughs)
I went to a crash site this week
and there was nothing
normal about it.
I felt these strange eyes
on me while I was there.
There's a change in
the wind, Jessica.
And, you know, your mother
passed these gifts along to you.
Don't start with that. Pops.
[Cole] Gifts that
will never mature
if you don't break through
that phobia of yours.
Taken a bath lately?
I do fine in the
shower, thank you.
(laughs) You know what
I'm talking about.
Your grandmother
activated her gift
by submerging her whole
body, even her face.
I know you don't
want to hear this.
And I know that you're
a fighter, Jessica,
but if you don't hone
all of your abilities,
you're not gonna be able
to stand what's coming.
And that baby girl of yours,
her gifts are tied to yours.
But you're not gonna
be able to teach her
if you don't come to
term with your own.
I just wanna do my job.
And be with you and my daughter.
The rest of the world can
go to hell in a hand basket.
The world has a way of
sweeping you along with it.
Come here,
[Jessica] Let's help
your pops with the mess.
Okay, Mom.
(staff clattering)
(somber music)
(arms swishing)
(door clunking)
We're closed for the evening.
(tense music)
(guns cocking)
(guns firing)
(bullets clattering)
Where did you learn
this skill, old man?
You know as well as I do
that there are many of us
who have inherited these
abilities from the Earth Mother.
(laughs) Well
tonight you join her
in the bowels of hell.
(tense music)
(jacket thudding)
(arm swishing)
(Ahriman chuckles)
(flesh squelching)
(fist smacking)
(foot thudding)
(body thudding)
(Ahriman laughs)
(fist smacking)
Ooh. (laughs)
(hand smacking)
(foot thudding)
(opponent grunts)
(suspenseful music)
(Ahriman laughs)
(cleaver swishing and thudding)
(suspenseful music)
(Ahriman tuts)
Now now, Cole,
a true kung fu master
needs no weapons.
(suspenseful music)
(flame crackling)
(rings jangling)
(shuriken swishing)
I'm gonna bust you up
you old son of a bitch.
(fists thudding)
(fists thudding)
(rings jangling)
(suspenseful music)
(rings clattering)
(hands thudding)
(foot thudding)
(hand thudding)
I'm gonna cut you up, old man.
(knife swishing)
(hands thudding)
(knife thudding)
(fist smacking) (Cole screaming)
(hands clapping and rubbing)
(Cole groans)
(vampires laugh)
(body thudding) (bone crunching)
(joint crunching)
(vampires laughing)
(knife squelching)
(Cole groaning)
(suspenseful music)
(palm slapping)
(vampires laughing)
Mean old bastard, ain't you?
Mom, something's wrong.
Hope, go back to the house.
I'll take care of it.
But Mom.
Now, Hope.
(suspenseful music)
(shuriken swishing)
(Cole groans)
(Ahriman laughs)
(Cole groans)
(shuriken thudding)
(Jessica shouts)
(suspenseful music)
(fist smacking)
Who the hell are you?
Jessica, be careful.
He's not of this world.
And soon, neither shall you be.
(Ahriman swishing)
(arms clashing)
(fists smacking)
And Jessica went back to
the school to help grandpa
when you sensed
something was wrong?
Go to your room, honey.
Your mom is more than capable
of taking care of herself.
But something
doesn't feel right.
Sweetheart, Donna's right.
Jimmy's upstairs.
You go head to your room
and I'll stay here
and wait for your mom.
(suspenseful music)
(case clunking)
(suspenseful music)
You go upstairs too, hun.
I'm gonna wait here for
Jessica to come back.
Imma see what the hell
this is all about.
(suspenseful music)
(engine purring)
So how did you
know to come here?
When an alien in uses its
power, I can sense it.
So when I felt the
pulses from the power
I knew to lead you this way.
(seat belts clunking)
You should stay here.
(door clunking)
(door slamming)
"You should stay here, Cindy."
(scoffs) Maybe I should.
I'm not gonna get involved.
I just wanna see.
(door clunking)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(Cole groaning)
(dramatic music)
(electricity crackling)
(fire crackling)
(electricity crackling)
(flesh squelching)
(Cindy screams)
(electricity crackling)
(suspenseful music)
Are you okay?
- I'm fine. - Let me help you.
Just, no just see
if you can help her.
Wait, Jessica, she's a friend.
How do you know?
Besides the fact that she
just fought along beside you,
trust me, I know.
(Cole coughs)
(Cole coughs)
Oh, Pop.
What is it?
Hope, she's in danger.
She must be saved.
I can feel it,
but how can I leave
you like this?
The threat is too great for
your abilities right now,
but this one, she's special.
She can neutralize the
threat against Hope...
If she's in time, (coughs)
No, you stay here.
(somber music)
(Cole groans and coughs)
I love you, little tiger.
I love you too, Pops.
(melancholy music)
Tell, tell my granddaughter
that I love her too.
Tell her yourself, old man.
(Cole coughs)
I don't think I'll
be doing that.
(melancholy music)
No, no, no, no, no.
No! No!
(Jessica sobs)
No! (sobs)
No! (sobs)
(inhuman voices echoing)
(ominous music)
(door slamming)
(Daevas chuckles)
(Daevas growls)
(Daevas roars)
(knocking on door)
(door clunking)
Who the hell are you?
Jessica sent me.
Where is Hope?
(Hope screams)
Mommy, what's going on?
Donna, take Jimmy in
the room with you.
Jimmy, come here.
(Hope screams)
(Daevas growls)
(Hope screams)
(flames crackling)
(Hope screams)
(Hope screams)
(electricity crackling)
(gun smacking) (Daevas groans)
(electricity crackling)
(Daevas screams)
(flames crackling)
(electricity crackling)
(Daevas screams)
What is your name?
(electricity crackling)
I am Daevas.
And who are you to
imprison me in these...
These Earth energies
polluted by alien power?
Just know it is enough to
hold you, unholy demon.
Who sent you?
(electricity crackles)
(Daevas screams)
You may be able to entrap me,
but when Queen Akeldama's
fresh blood comes upon you,
you shall tremble.
Knowing that all your
power is a false hope.
Why are you here?
(electricity crackles)
(Daevas screams)
(electricity crackles)
I was sent to feed upon
this young, scrawny human.
To take her power and
deliver it to Kes'a,
lest the abomination
use it against her.
(foot smacking)
(flesh squelching)
(Daevas laughs)
Step back, you fool.
You do not know what dark
forces you are dealing with.
You will never
unleash the powers
to undo Queen Akeldama's plan.
Your best hope lies trapped
in her mother's old dreams.
The puny child cannot
learn to assist her
without the benefit
of the relic.
She will need to focus
her own fledgling power.
(flames crackling)
(Daevas laughs)
(electricity crackling)
(Daevas screams)
I gotta go see about grandpops.
Young lady, you're not
leaving this house alone.
Whoever you are, thank you.
Come on
(footsteps rustling)
Mom, look, it's a stone man.
Yeah, it's been here as
long as people can remember.
But no one really knows
where it came from
or how it got there.
(flames crackling)
(ominous music)
It looks so real.
It does.
Let's look at some other stuff.
It's almost time to go.
(flames crackling)
(ominous percussive music)
Mom, he opened his eyes.
Girl, come on, let's go.
But Mom.
(somber piano music)
(liquid pouring)
(Jessica sighs)
(somber piano music)
(phone buzzing)
(phone beeps)
I'm all right, Captain.
Okay, I'll meet you at Jared
and Hope's house in an hour.
(phone beeps)
(somber piano music)
(cuffs jangling)
(ominous music)
(faucet running)
(ominous music)
(footsteps clomping)
Who would murder Cole's
father like that?
It was brutal.
That's why we're here.
It's for answers.
(footsteps clomping)
Good morning, Captain.
Good morning, Detective Fisher.
Parker, you can station
outside with Fisher
while I see why Cole
wants us to do this here.
Okay, Captain,
(footsteps clomping)
How's it hanging, Fisher?
I just need to know what
the hell's going on.
Now, you said wait for
the police to get here.
So come on, spit it out.
Captain, I know what you're
about to hear is incredible,
but you have to believe
that something
extraordinary is going on.
Can you come and
have a seat, Captain?
What I need to
tell you may be...
Difficult to believe.
(footsteps clomping)
And who the hell are you?
She's a damn alien.
Can you believe that?
Is this everyone who
witnessed what happened?
I sent my wife and son
to stay with her sister.
But they were in the bedroom
and didn't see anything.
But we did!
And it was crazy.
Man, you just need
to go upstairs
and see what's in that bedroom.
[Bean] All right, all right.
Just calm down.
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
Parker, get in here.
And tell Fisher to
give you that camera.
[Parker] Okay, Captain.
When I come back in here, I
want some answers from you.
You'll know what
we know, Captain.
I don't understand why
this is happening to us.
Your ancestors
passed down a legacy
through your genes, Hope.
It is your mother's destiny.
It is your destiny.
But how can we fight this enemy?
I did everything I could.
You came and helped.
And what was that man?
He looked like...
A monster? A demon?
Yes, that's exactly what it was.
What you don't know
is that what you humans have
passed down through legend
as vampires and demons are
aliens who invaded this world
thousands of years ago.
(footsteps clomping)
And what the hell was that
monstrosity we saw up there?
A demon.
A foul creature
spawned from the bite
of the most ancient of vampires.
The original one.
And you expect us to
believe this shit.
[Bean] Parker!
Go back outside and
wait with Fisher.
And tell him he has
surveillance duty on this house
until further notice.
But Captain.
Now, Parker.
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
Cole, convince me now
why I shouldn't call
mental health services
to come pick you and
this alien up right now.
Captain, I've seen things
you would not believe.
They can lock three up
just as easily as two.
Teh'a, show him.
(electricity crackling)
Some kind of circus trick.
No trick, Captain.
It's real.
Who are you?
How can you do these things?
I am an alien hybrid bred
from Terran and alien races.
My ancestors were
abducted from this world
thousands of years ago.
Like by flying saucers.
Yes, the Earth Mother Gaia
repelled an invasion of Earth.
Once it was evident
they were not peaceful.
Some were taken as
captives and enslaved.
One Vampire Queen gifted with
artifacts and unholy abilities
was left behind
to spawn creatures
to infiltrate your government
and prepare for the second wave.
And why are you here?
Alien vampires patrolled
the Earth's orbit
from time to time.
But they never invaded again.
Lest they awaken the awful
powers of the Earth Mother.
They will risk suffering
another humiliating defeat
if they were not ready.
You still haven't told
us why you are here.
What is it that you want?
Everybody always
wants something.
A rebel helped me to escape
the Emperor Amunet's mothership.
I've come seeking
the Earth Mother
to gain her help in
freeing my people.
And what was this
Earth Mother's answer.
She is hidden from me.
I believe she is still asleep
after all this millennia.
That is possible if
the Vampire Queen
found where she was sleeping.
She cannot harm her,
but she can place ancient spells
to bind Gaia's sanctuary
and prevent her from awakening.
Prevent her from awakening?
Yes, as long as
she sparingly uses
her Earth-based powers such as
the skills I used last night,
the Earth Mother
should stay asleep.
But now I sense she is awake,
only somehow trapped.
A Goddess, huh?
That is the best that I
can describe her to you.
Some power source must be
utilized to feed the spell.
What do you want me to do?
I can't go back to
the mayor with this.
Just be on alert that
something is going to happen.
Be prepared to ensure
the safety of the people
in case all hell breaks loose.
If this situation escalates,
everyone will know.
At least you have been
warned in advance.
So what now?
And why the hell wouldn't
my gun fire on that thing?
An ancient skill
the vampires used
to follow their
minions everywhere.
Projectiles and weapons
that use gunpowder
are useless against them.
But they can be killed
with a weapon like a blade.
Let me verify something.
I think I know a way.
I'm sorry about your father.
He was a good man.
But what do I say about him
and that thing upstairs?
Just put in the report that
Pop's school got broken into,
and he died in a
failed robbery attempt.
I'll put the real
culprits to justice.
Well, I'm still having a
difficult time with this.
But keep me apprised.
(exciting music)
(dramatic music)
I'm scared but I
wanna do something.
They killed Grandpops.
Don't worry, Hope.
We'll make them pay.
(footsteps approaching)
(Teh'a sighs)
I've confirmed why
the demon was drawn
to the child's room.
All they needed to do
was kill one of you,
and we would not be able
to find the Earth Mother.
What do you mean?
[Teh'a] I sense gifts.
Surely you know what
yours is by now.
Pop said My mother
passed on a gift to me
through my firstborn.
She could open portals
to other places
as long as someone
she personally
knew was in that place.
That gift was passed on to Hope.
And I can travel to a place
I can sense but not know.
Except I've never
used that gift,
I've just been cursed with
seeing creatures no one else
They found a way to neutralize
your ability somehow.
(Jessica sighs)
I know how it's triggered.
Pop said my grandmother
could use the same skill
if she submerged
her head underwater.
Oh, you mean like a
transporter. (laughs)
Beam me up, Scot-
The gift is given in pairs.
The same ability
skips a generation.
Mother and daughter
augment their skills
to open the portal
for the other.
Along with anyone
else that may follow.
I feel a special bond
with anyone in my family.
But I've never done anything
like what you're saying.
And me, I can't bring
myself to be underwater.
Childhood fear of mine.
You must overcome that fear.
And we must help hope
develop her abilities.
(sighs) I will pray
to the Earth Mother.
She will hear,
and she would help
me make a way.
One last thing.
The alien ships could not invade
lest they was wakening
the Earth Mother.
So they sent a special warrior,
enhanced with great physical
strength to track me down.
He is an enforcer
with human genes.
We must be wary.
From a spaceship?
Wouldn't he have a
ray gun or something?
At least any energy
weapons won't fire
while the power
source is active.
(footsteps receding)
(door clunking)
Baby girl, just know
that me and your mom's not gonna
let anything happen to you.
I know.
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(Cindy hisses)
(Cindy growls)
(Cindy growls)
(flesh squelching)
(sinister music)
(Cindy panting)
(suspenseful music)
(heat crackling)
(Ahriman grunts)
(somber piano music)
(hilt clicks)
(somber piano music)
(blade clicking)
(somber piano music)
(liquid fizzing)
(somber piano music)
(suspenseful music)
(liquid fizzing)
(suspenseful music)
(liquid fizzing)
(liquid hisses)
(amulet fizzes)
(suspenseful music)
(Ahriman laughs)
It worked.
(Ahriman laughs)
(engine purring)
(zip buzzing)
(effigy scraping)
(Karen groans)
(Ahriman growls)
(match strikes)
(flames crackling)
(somber piano music)
I missed you, Ahriman.
Come lay with me for a while.
You know it's hard for me.
I don't want to...
(heartbeat pounding)
Compromise you
by such extended
intimate activities.
Oh Ahriman, you talk
so romantic to me.
(door clunking)
(woman clears throat)
I'll be in my room.
I've just finished
creating a potion
that transforms this medallion
into a Day-Walking stone.
So where did Kes'a get hers?
She says it was a gift,
left by Earth Mothers
estranged consult.
The archangel Michael.
She betrayed him with
the spellbound blade
right before the failed
attempt by her people
to invade this world.
So left behind and they escaped.
And then she made you
the first and only human to
be transformed into a vampire.
Yes, but not pure blood.
Simply turned.
She would make no more, less
any so powerful to betray her.
So then why would she
risk it by making you?
Kes'a made me her
master chemist.
Capable of transforming her
alien potions as needed.
(somber piano music)
Any potions we vampires consume
are designed with a purpose.
We can transform
the prey we bite
with all manners of skills
and characteristics.
All well and good,
but you promised me a potion
that would transform me,
and not tie me to my maker
the way that you
are bound to her.
I have the poison I created
from the bodily fluids
she left in Karen's blood.
(somber piano music)
She'll be vulnerable to
a weapon treated with it.
(somber piano music)
And this Daywalker Stone
gives me more opportunities
to fashion my plans.
But you are still bound to her.
Not anymore.
I concocted a potion to
break that bond long ago.
Well, two centuries ago
I created the potion
that gave you longevity and
strength when she bit you.
Why do you continue
to defy the question
about the potion
that you promised me?
Patience has rewarded us.
Last night, I smelled the
genes of a human descendant
of one of Kes'a's
dangerous trysts.
And this helps me how?
Kes'a's saliva mixed
with Karen's blood
was sufficient in helping me
craft the Daywalker Stone.
But I needed her blood,
or the blood of her progeny
to complete the
potion you required.
Why does Kes'a
turn young children
only to toy with them
and then kill them off
before their
transformation is complete?
When she was stranded here
thousands of years ago,
she left behind a young son.
These children are nothing
more than temporary surrogates
for her unholy affections
until their deaths.
But how does she
fake love for them?
It seems so genuine.
(Ahriman laughs)
The same affection
she's had for you?
It's just a game she plays.
She can snap our
necks on a whim.
(pensive music)
We vampires live and die by
Queen Akeldama's pleasures.
And you would do well
to remember that.
(pensive music)
(chuckles) Why do you lay
with that wretched sheep?
Especially when you
can have a companion
worthy of your standing?
(Ahriman hisses)
Call it nostalgia.
And remember, you
are still only food.
(somber piano music)
Take me away from here, Ahriman.
I've been successful in
making my Daywalker Stone.
Then there's nothing to keep us
from escaping this
dismal existence.
My plans are almost complete.
Be patient with me.
(somber music)
Make love to me, Ahriman.
Lock that beast away long
enough to fulfill my desires.
(Ahriman inhales deeply)
(heartbeat pounding)
(flesh squelches) (Karen moans)
(heartbeat pounding)
Ahriman! (moans)
Oh. (moans)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
Did you talk to Donna and Jimmy?
Yeah, they're fine.
Your Aunt Sheila said
they could stay there
as long as they need to.
Daddy, I don't know what to do.
Don't worry about
that right now, okay.
(sighs) Come on.
Let's go in the family room.
I'll fix us something to eat.
You can watch some TV, okay?
Gimme a hug.
(door shutting)
(Kes'a giggling)
(Kes'a sighs)
No, no, nothing, boy.
(footsteps clomping)
(Kes'a giggles)
(Kes'a sighs)
Watch TV with me, Paul.
I didn't bring you back
in my place for TV.
(chuckles) But I told you
I don't have sex
on the first date.
You talk so sexy.
That accent, is it European?
You say that to all the girls.
Baby, I just wanna hold you.
I mean a cuddle.
Come here.
What are we doing in here, baby?
A cuddle.
Paul. (giggles)
Oh no, I'm not
getting undressed.
(both moaning)
Let's dance.
Paul, put your clothes on.
What are you doing?
(phone thudding)
(romantic jazz music plays)
What are you doing?
(both moaning)
Put your clothes back on, Paul.
No, no, stop.
Oh, Paul, oh no.
You feel so good, baby,
I can't help myself.
You're hurting me.
Yeah, you want it.
But I'm a virgin, baby.
I'm saving myself.
Come on, baby.
Just let me stick it in.
Come on baby, just
let me stick it in.
(sinister music)
Come on, baby, let
me stick it in.
(Paul groans and
screams) (flesh tearing)
(faint hip-hop music plays)
(Paul screams)
(Kes'a growls)
What's the matter, baby?
(Kes'a growls)
I know you want it.
(Kes'a growls)
(ominous music)
(gun firing)
(Paul whimpers)
(Kes'a growls)
Nothing to do
(flesh squelching)
(Paul screams)
You know I do it all
Toss some money in the air
Do it all (Paul screams)
And I'm hustling
Morning to the crack of dawn
(flesh tearing)
(Kes'a growls) (Paul whimpers)
(claws scratching)
(Paul screaming)
(Kes'a growls)
(flesh tearing)
(Kes'a growls)
(Kes'a slurps)
(chilled hip-hop music)
I was born on a Tuesday
Covered in blood
Two days to baptize me
I am a God
Elliptical pupils synonymous
With the bad seed,
bad deed and bad trees
Corrupted Johnny Appleseed
Thoughts of murder
Visions of blood and the
latter part of winter
Reclused up in the
summer (Kes'a growls)
But come out
cold as December
(Kes'a growls)
You lost 'cause
you're unaware
I'm woke and I'm winning
Three eyes, one head
Probably the cause
of your dissension
I'm looking from one above
You're looking
from one below
We could have
been face to face
But on your hand you folded
You had a King and Queen
But couldn't
wait for the Ace
(bats screeching)
So hard for those
that move against me
I'm just moving in silence
(bats screeching)
Man, I call that a diamond
(bats screeching)
(footsteps rustling)
I sense from the Earth Mother
that what we seek
may be in this place.
I'm supposed to be here.
What is wrong with you?
Well, we've been
out here for a while
and I'm trying to
increase my water intake.
I need to go to the bathroom.
(Jessica sighs)
I hope you're good
with bushes and trees.
Ain't nothing but a thing.
(footsteps rustling)
(urine trickling)
(footsteps rustling)
(Cindy gasps)
(head thudding)
(man laughs)
(footsteps rustling)
Who are you?
I'm Ahriman.
I know who you are.
But who are you?
And where do you come from?
I do not answer to your kind.
(Ahriman laughs)
Then you'll come with me
to answer to one whom
you cannot resist.
(exciting music)
(fists smacking)
(fighters grunting)
(body thudding)
(Cindy screaming)
(Ahriman growling)
(flesh squelching)
(Cindy screams)
(foot smacking)
(arms thudding)
(foot smacking)
(arms thudding)
(Cindy screaming)
(Ahriman growls)
(fists smacking)
(tense music)
(flesh squelching)
(shuriken swishing)
(fists smacking)
(foot smacking)
(arms thudding)
(foot smacking)
(Cindy whimpers)
Small experiment.
(fist smacking)
(electricity crackling)
(tense music)
(flames crackling)
(explosion booming)
(Cindy screams)
(flames crackling)
(Ahriman hisses)
(tense music)
Another time.
(exciting music)
(mellow hip-hop music)
I was born on a Tuesday
Covered in blood
Two days to baptize me
I am a God
Elliptical pupils synonymous
with the bad seed,
bad deed and bad trees
Corrupted Johnny Appleseed
Thoughts of murder
Visions of blood in the
latter part of winter
Reclused up in the summer
But come out
cold as December
You lost 'cause
you're unaware
I'm woke and I'm winning
Three eyes, one head and
Probably the cause
of your dissension
I'm looking from one above
You're looking
from one below
We could have
been face to face
But on your hand you folded
You had a King and Queen
But couldn't
wait for the ace
Fell on the play, I'm
trumping on your day
'Cause I am spade
No heart for those
that move against me
I'm just moving in silence
Hard of heart that
still reflects the light
Man, I call that a diamond
Looking for my four leaves
Amongst all these
regular clovers
And when it's
all said and done
It's always the closest
ones to fuck you over
Every day I live I feel
one step closer than death
But in my sweat over work
Margin strength's
in my death
Every day I feel one step
close, closer to death
But in my sweat over work
Margin strength's
in my death
And there ain't nothing
I can do about it
Maybe one day I can
live in the cloud
And there ain't nothing
I can do about it
Maybe one day I can
live up in the cloud
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
A parting gift of knowledge...
or curse.
I gift to you.
[Cole] That gives
you and Jessica
a chance to get in the house
behind our safety wards.
By yourself?
Just keep Jessica safe.
I've got this.
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps clomping)
(suspenseful music)
(ominous music)
(zip buzzing)
(explosions booming)
(moody hip-hop music)
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
I'm about to murder 'em
And it's on some easy shit
I'm about to bite 'em
Send 'em down
the river quick
Ain't nothing to do it
'Cause you know I do it all
Tossing money in the air
Fuck it, screw it all
And I'm hustling morning
to the crack of dawn
Money stacking up so
high like the Taj Mahal
And I'm a crazy chick
You silly rabid crazy tricks
You think you
effing with my money
You's a silly bitch
Ain't no working
Work, work, work
(music fades)
This is a bosses life
No, I don't rehearse
This is murder
No casket, no Hearse
It's getting ugly,
homie (Kes'a sniffs)
Don't tell me.
You were unsuccessful in
disposing of the old man?
He's dead.
there were complications.
(Kes'a sighs)
Ahriman, I so hate
Do tell.
He encountered the
old man's daughter.
(Kes'a hisses)
As well as a alien hybrid
from another world.
I am Roh'keen, and
I'm not your enemy.
Kes'a, I have been
sent by Empress Amunet
to join forces with you.
To help stop the slave
harlot named Teh'a.
She seeks to awaken the
Earth entity known as Gaia.
You trust what this cretin says?
How else would I
know these things?
Queen Akeldama
knows I speak truth.
If what you say is true
you let a dangerous
enemy escape you.
A rebel faction sabotaged the
security in the mothership
and she escaped
in a force field.
Since she reached Earth,
she has developed
some unique abilities.
Of course, we couldn't
follow in force
without waking the Earth entity.
Never heard of me
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
(explosion booming)
(celestial music)
(suspenseful music)
(sinister music)
(growls echoing)
(Karen breathing heavily)
(Karen panting)
(ominous music)
(phone beeping)
(phone ringing)
Father Domenici.
Father, you said I could call
you whenever I needed you.
It's that same dream again,
only this time it's more real.
I'm scared and I'm alone, and...
These demons you battle are
very persistent, my child.
If you desire solace, you
may come to my office.
I-I'd like that.
But, are you sure?
It's so late, and...
I advise you come quickly
before the storm comes.
You will have a shelter
here when you arrive.
Yes, my child?
I have to admit,
I've always been
a little nervous
walking through the
church's cemetery.
It's night, and
it's kind of creepy.
These are childish
emotions, Karen.
Come, sit with me.
I will conquer your real demons.
I'll be right there.
See you in 30 minutes.
I will see you then, my child.
(switch clicking)
(door clunking)
(door clunking)
(crickets chirping)
(ominous music)
(Karen yelps)
(inhuman voices growling)
(footsteps clomping)
(crickets chirping)
(distant wolves howling)
(ominous percussive music)
Hi, Father.
May I use the restroom?
Yes, my child.
(somber piano music)
(somber piano continues)
(knuckle knocking)
May I come in, Father?
Of course, my child.
Go ahead, close the
door and have a seat.
(footsteps gently tapping)
I didn't know you
liked dragon's, Father.
Just a little indulgence of
mine, collecting artifacts.
(footsteps tapping)
Now, tell me about this
dream you're having.
Well, like before, there
was a woman in orange,
and she was coming
out of the ground.
And she looked strange,
like her face was deformed.
And there was smoke or fog,
maybe even fire.
And she keeps saying she
has a message for me.
But this time it's
a little different.
Go on.
Well, there was another woman,
and she looked strange.
Her mouth was full,
like she was holding
something in her mouth
and there was a man,
a mean tall man was with her.
Then suddenly, I became
the woman in orange.
It's like I saw what she
saw, felt what she felt.
And then, next thing I know,
they were on top of me.
And he held me
down with his arms
and she leaned in towards me.
Her breath was hot in my face.
This is a message, Karen.
An old man.
It is?
But what could it mean?
(Maalik growls)
(Karen gasps)
(Karen screams)
(Karen groans)
How? Why?
You know me as Father Domenici.
But know, I am rightfully known
as Diablo Maalik, eater
of souls! (laughs)
Please, please.
You beg me, pathetic
little girl!
(Maalik chews and
pants) (Karen whimpers)
(Maalik laughs)
Why are you hurting me?
You are the "First Seer".
And your dreams are the
foretelling of the Alien Savior
that will come to
redeem this world,
and the Earth Daughter
shall be with her. (snorts)
The time is nigh,
we have been preparing
for this moment
for thousands of years! (laughs)
But you're a holy man.
Your humankind is too ignorant
of the creatures of darkness.
Lacking knowledge of our ways,
calling us myths, even. (laughs)
What do you want from me?
I, Diablo Maalik,
will take your puny
human soul from you...
The First Seer.
Consuming it to assuage
my hunger. (laughs)
I tracked you down.
I have stalked you
since the first time
you confessed your dreams.
I claim the right! (laughs)
(vampires growl)
Queen Akeldama,
Kes'a, you're here.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(Kes'a growls)
(dramatic music)
(flesh slicing) (head thudding)
(dramatic music)
(body thudding)
(Ahriman laughs)
You claim the right?
All this time you
conspired for your own gain
the knowledge I commissioned
you discover for me
in the first place.
Diablo Maalik.
Eater of souls indeed.
(tense music)
Now that you have
verified the prophecy,
I will proceed, knowing my
valuable time is not wasted.
I did not give you
my Daywalker Stone
for you to use for your own
devices, nor to betray me.
Tonight you die
an eternal death.
(flesh tearing)
For your sin of disobedience.
(tense music)
(object scraping)
(tense music)
(flesh squelching)
(Ahriman laughs)
(ominous music)
(gun firing)
(ominous music)
(arms swishing)
(man grunting)
(flames crackling)
(explosion booming)
(phaser blasting)
(ominous music)
(flames crackling)
(flesh squelching)
(heartbeat pounding)
(Kes'a slurps)
Ahriman, retrieve
the dragon effigy.
What of Maalik, Kes'a?
(Kes'a sighs)
Burn him.
Burn this place.
(zip buzzing)
(effigy scraping)
(flames crackling)
(ominous music)
You've served me so well, Femi.
I live to do your
bidding, Empress.
None is higher than you.
[Amunet] Yes, yes, Femi.
And so on and so forth.
(ominous music)
(engines roaring)
(phasers blasting)
(explosion booming)
(distant screams echoing)
(footsteps shuffling)
And what of you, Lateefah?
Do you not love your
Empress so fervently
as this sweet one?
I too live to do your
bidding, Empress.
I have always served
you faithfully.
(ominous music)
(display bleeping)
(communicator beeping)
(display bleeping)
Captain Abu'al.
Why am I being disturbed?
Empress Amunet,
I beg your forgiveness
for the intrusion,
but a harem slave has stolen
the Force Fear escape pod,
and eluded our fighters.
She's traveled to
the Terran surface.
How is this possible?
She must have...
Collaborated with
rebel sympathizers
to obtain the proper
codes for launch.
Find out who the betrayers are.
Yes, Empress.
And what of the slave?
Well obviously we can't pursue
her into the atmosphere.
But she is important property,
representing centuries
of genetic manipulation.
We can't risk her disturbing
the delicate balance
we've maintained on
this planet for so long.
Radio the Scimitar
patrolling the solar system.
That cruiser has a
hunter with Terran genes
who would not provoke a backlash
from the planet's
guardian entity.
Have her hunted
down and returned,
alive if possible,
for interrogation.
What are you waiting for?
So it is ordered,
so it shall be done.
(display beeping)
(engines humming)
(engine roaring)
(engine roaring)
(engine roaring)
(engine roaring)
(flames roaring)
(engine whining)
(explosion booming)
(crickets chirping)
(explosion booming)
(craft crashing)
(explosion booming)
(flames crackling)
(force-field droning)
(force-field smashing)
(dramatic music)
(flames crackling)
(display bleeping)
(dramatic music)
(flames crackling)
(dramatic music)
(distant screams echoing)
I thought you were
cutting off your hair.
I'm not, I'm getting war-braids.
You may enter.
(footsteps clomping)
Very good disguises, Dagon.
You know what to do.
Yes, Empress Amunet.
Is your friend capable?
This is Enlil, Empress.
I serve at your pleasure.
(tense music)
(body thudding)
Then get to it.
(suspenseful music)
(engine purring)
(engine roaring)
(transporter humming)
(footsteps shuffling)
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps shuffling)
(helmet hissing)
(suspenseful music)
(display bleeping)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(somber music)
Come here.
Come here.
(somber music)
So you're not gonna
ask me for any money?
No food?
What's your name?
I don't give people
money, but...
Come on, let's go
get something to eat.
Come on.
(somber music)
You know the drama
is never ending
Don't let it get
the best of you
And all the fake friends
just keep pretending
(man roars)
Man, what's your problem?
Let him go!
Let him go!
Let him go!
Let him go.
(body thudding)
Let him go.
(man laughs)
(door clunking)
The first time I
saw your pretty face
Your pretty face
I knew that I wanted to
know more than your name
More than your name
And here you are in front
of me and I can't speak
You take the words
right out of me
I feel the air
beneath my feet
It's just like magic
I can't explain
what I feel inside
It would be tragic
If this was all
just in my mind
You must be from
another planet
Make me so hot that
I can't stand it
Wow ow ow ow ow
I wonder if
You feel this fire
burning inside of my soul
I wonder if
I got this hold on you 'cause
y'all just won't let go
I wonder if
You want me as bad as
I want you here and now
I wonder if
I wonder if
(chilled R&B music)
Hey, you're not
about to go, are you?
Well, we were kind
of thinking about it.
Oh girl, y'all have a good time.
I'm going home.
Okay, you call me later.
All right.
I got this hold on you
So, do you wanna go to the bar?
I wonder if
You want me as bad as
I want you here and now
I wonder if
I wonder if, yeah
You must be from
another planet
Make me so hot that
I can't stand it
Wow ow ow ow ow
I wonder if
what can I get for you, honey?
You're a little on
the skinny side,
but you'll do.
Get off of me.
Get off.
Help, Sam!
[Sam] You got a
problem here, Coco?
I wonder if
- Watch out, he's crazy
- I want y'all to welcome
my girl to the stage, Candy.
(audience applauds)
(mellow pop music plays)
Baby, What did I tell
you about joking around?
Apologize, babe.
I play by the rules
Sweetie, I'm sorry.
My new friend here
can get carried away.
Everything is changing, yeah
I swear, you and your means.
Just keep him on a leash, okay?
Stop, silly.
(woman yelps)
I can tell you
like to play rough.
Yes, rough. (laughs)
Let's go to my place.
Is it me you're looking for
Me you're looking for
Am I giving you enough
Something to remember me by
If you're far away
Hello, love
Is it me you're looking for
Me you're looking for
Am I giving you enough
Something to remember
Can't believe I'm doing this.
Look, I'm not gonna allow you
to stay out here in the streets
and fend for yourself.
Is it me you're looking for
Where are you from?
Am I giving you enough
Something to remember
Slow down, Romeo.
There's plenty of time for that.
(man laughs)
Where's your car?
I don't have a
car, I have a ship.
Um, okay, you really
need to get a ride.
(laughing) Stop.
Something to remember
(vacuum whining)
(suspenseful music)
Kevin, get back in here, boy.
Quit it!
(foot smacking)
(Kes'a growls)
Mommy, Kevin kicked me.
Todd, come get your son.
(Larissa whimpers and sobs)
Boy, get your ass
back in this house.
[Agnes] I told you I
got somewhere to be.
Agnes, I told you, ain't
nothing I can do with that boy.
He ain't got no kind of respect.
[Agnes] Well, get Larissa.
Can't you say she's crying?
(suspenseful music)
Baby, you all right?
Come here.
I got you.
(ominous music)
(pensive music)
Mother, why must you leave?
Our world is dying, Tyrie.
So I must make this sacrifice,
leaving you for a time,
so that we may have a life.
Promise me you will return.
Nothing will keep me
from returning to you.
And even though I'll be gone,
you will always be with me.
[Number One] Queen
Akeldama, time to depart.
(Kes'a growls)
(engine whines)
(explosion booming)
(sinister music swells)
(Kes'a roars)
(phone thuds)
You done rest in pieces
No picture on a T-shirt
Like you never existed
I'm done being a victim
Get undressed and
under the covers.
Imma go and get
freshened up, baby.
Now you've gone,
don't make a sound
Oh wait.
What about you?
What is it, freshen up?
(chuckles) I didn't think so.
What's your name?
Close enough.
Try it again, you're
gonna lose your girlfriend
(jacket rustling)
You think I wouldn't
disappear from your life
Boy, watch me
Cold blooded
Cold blooded
Are you cold blooded
You said you don't
like your women skinny.
I like meat on my bones.
Ooh, ice water in my veins
Memorial service
in your place
Cold blooded blooded
(both groaning)
Oh, oh yes.
Oh yes, yes.
So basic, baby, I thought
you liked to play rough.
(sinister music swells)
(flesh crunching)
(woman moaning)
(flesh crunching)
(Roh'keen moaning)
So, you gonna tell me
what you were doing
on Fifth and Eighth?
Waiting on the bus.
At two in the morning?
At two in the morning.
And where were you going
at two in the morning?
[Suspect] Now, that's
none of your business.
It'd be in your best
interest if you cooperate.
It'll be in your best
interest to let me go.
Have you ever considered
practicing law
again, Captain Bean?
This job pays the bills
until I retire, Mayor Thomas.
(door clunking)
(phone ringing)
I want my phone call.
Sorry about that.
(detectives chattering)
(phone ringing)
(body thudding)
(fist smacking)
(elbow smacking)
(fist smacking)
Where's my lawyer?
Now, sit your ass down.
(cop laughs)
[Criminal] I know my rights.
Yeah, Detective Cole,
having a bad hair day?
Shut your mouth, Parker.
(phone ringing)
Cole, get in here.
Yes, Captain.
Okay Cole, I got him.
(palm slapping)
Hey! (knee thudding)
(criminal groaning)
Didn't I tell you to sit down?
Man, what the hell's wrong
with the women in this place?
Well, thank you for
your time, Captain Bean.
I will let the commissioner know
you were very cooperative
regarding our concerns.
Have a good day, Detective Cole.
Thank you, ma'am.
(detectives chattering)
Causing more trouble, Cole?
Just trying to do
my job, Captain.
Who's he?
He's your new
partner, Larry Fisher.
I'm really glad-
The hell he is.
Cole, you're a good detective,
but you're a royal
pain in my rear.
I gotta reassign you
while I get the police
commissioner off my ass.
Reassign me to what?
Well, we have a situation
where some of the local
residents have been complaining
about some weird sightings.
The hell?
Captain, no!
Cole, you brought
this on yourself.
Besides, this assignment
will help keep you away from
some real people for
a while. (laughs)
[Jessica] This is a wild
goose chase, Captain.
Fairytales told by drunk
people on the street
and dope fiends.
You can't be serious.
Well, some more
respectable people
have been making some
similar reportings.
And the mayor wants to be
able to tell the people
that we investigated it,
no matter how far-fetched it is.
And I want you to start
with that farmhouse
that we saw on the news.
And after you finish there,
I'd like you to end up here.
The African American
cultural complex.
I've been hearing about a
lot of strange sightings
going on in there. (laughs)
You still here?
(Jessica sighs)
(footsteps receding)
(footsteps clomping)
(doorbell ringing)
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
[Jessica] Hey, Jared.
No, Jessica, not again.
Hi, Mom.
(footsteps approaching)
Hi, Jessica.
Hey, Jimmy.
(door shutting)
Get outta those Skittles.
The cookies are almost done.
Hi, Jessica.
I see you brought a gift.
(catches clicking)
(kisses) I'll see
you later, babe.
(loud jaunty music plays)
Jimmy, turn that TV down.
(jaunty music volume lowers)
(kisses) Sweetheart,
we can go to the movies
when I get back from
the store, okay?
(door clunking)
Why is dad offering to
take me to the movies, Mom?
Honey, we need to
talk for a minute.
Honestly I was down,
he was down too
Honestly I would've
roded you to row two
Honestly I ain't judge
you but you judge me
Hope, you know how my job is,
it can get crazy.
Then why don't you
just change your job?
You know I can't do that.
It's what I do,
protect and serve.
It'd be nice if, for once,
you would put me
ahead of other people.
You are ahead of other people.
It's not like that, it's...
(Jessica sighs)
You're too young to understand.
I'm free tomorrow, okay?
I'll come over, I'll
park the car here
and then you and I can go
walk over to Grandpa's
kung fu school.
Oh, I understand.
I'm not the important
one in your life.
Honestly you don't know
the meaning of loyalty
Honestly you ain't care
Honestly you unfair
Honestly you ain't here
Obviously I ain't
there - Cookie?
I had a friend
that's a snake
Looking me right in my face
Thinking after everything
I've been through
How much more could I take
(door slamming)
Tend to your business.
Where to, Officer Cole?
We're taking a drive
to the country.
(engine starting)
Oh, and Larry,
it's Jessica.
(Larry chuckles)
(engine idling)
(engine purring)
(blaster firing)
Damn planet.
I need a ride.
[AI] Specify, car, truck, SUV.
Display truck.
[AI] Parameters?
Not so new, but bigger.
[AI] Dodge Ram Big Horn.
With a powerful power plan.
[AI] 5.7 Hemi with
aftermarket supercharger.
(ominous music)
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
(tires screeching)
(jaunty music)
(engine purring)
(doors slamming)
You're trespassing.
Get off my property.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're police detectives.
We're here on official business.
Get your hands up high.
Daddy, put that gun down.
Connie, they're trespassing.
Ms. Taylor, I'm Detective
Jessica Cole.
We're here to talk to you
about the fire and explosion
that happened behind your house.
So you're a detective too?
You look awfully young
to be a detective.
Yes, ma'am.
He's trespassing.
Can I shoot him?
Daddy, give me that gun.
He does have a point though.
Let me see your badges.
Can we talk about what you saw?
Come in the house.
Come on, Daddy.
I can walk myself.
Actually, it was
my dad who was here
when whatever crashed exploded.
I work at the hospital
and my shift had ended
when it happened.
My daddy was kicking
up an awful fuss.
My nephew is the mayor.
When I call him,
y'all can't ignore me.
We don't want to ignore you, Mr.
She was naked.
[Both] What?
Daddy told me, he saw us-
I can speak for myself.
She was a naked alien.
(Larry chuckles)
A naked alien?
She was naked as a newborn calf.
She stood up, fire
and smoke all around,
naked as a jaybird.
And walked into the woods.
We wanna take a look around
if you don't mind, Ms. Taylor.
That's fine.
Y'all don't wanna hear
about the other alien?
(ominous music)
You can see where it
impacted near the yard
and settled here
where the furrow ends.
(ominous music)
That makes logical sense.
(jacket thudding)
I've never seen meteor
material like this.
[Larry] Oh, so you're a
meteor specialist now?
And there are footprints
going towards the woods.
Over there.
(ominous music)
Don't tell me you're buying
that old man's story.
He came out here poking around.
Those are his footprints.
No, those are bare footprints.
Leading from the blast area
towards the woods over there.
There are no footprints
leading from the yard to here.
And there are a second
set of larger footprints
leading from this depression,
with some kind of shoe on.
(sinister music)
(door slamming)
(alarm beeping)
(footsteps clomping)
(window whining)
(ominous music)
(footsteps crunching)
(man growls) (dramatic music)
(footsteps crunching)
(inhuman screams echoing)
(engine starting)
(ominous music)
(engine purring)
(door slamming)
Victor Bravo, this is Eagle One.
Do you read me?
Are you in place?
[Victor Bravo] Eagle one,
this is Vector Bravo.
Standing by.
(tense music)
Victor Charlie,
give me your status.
[Victor Charlie] Eagle
One, Victor Charlie.
All secure.
(tense music)
(palm slapping)
(door clunking)
(door slamming)
(tense music)
Security is in place, Sir.
All clear.
Why not have a contingent of
guards right here at the house?
No one is to know
we're here. Understood?
Yes, Sir, understood.
(door slamming)
(tense music)
(doorbell ringing)
(classical music plays)
Get that.
Yes, my queen.
(footsteps clomping)
(classical music continues)
(door clunking)
Kevin, go to Lilith.
Yes, Kes'a.
(classical music continues)
(Kevin hisses)
(flesh squelching)
President Brunson,
thank you for coming.
(Kevin slurping)
You disapprove?
Your personal appetites
are not my affair.
(Lilith moans)
Why have you summoned me here?
What is the status on submitting
the Citizens'
Unified Legislation?
My investors are nervous
because we are on
unsteady legal footing.
While liberal groups
continue to challenge
this one court decision.
[Brunson] I've been
twisting arms in Congress
but the moderate
Republicans are afraid
to lose any seats
to the Democrats.
(Kes'a scoffs)
It'll get done.
You didn't need me
here to discuss that.
But I so like your company.
I'll be needing more funding
funneled through my
corporate accounts.
I have projects that demand
more financial resources.
How are we gonna do that?
We're already pushing
billions to you
in our unaccounted
funds through the
increased military
spending bill last year.
Find another source.
Cut back on domestic budgets.
Like what?
[Kes'a] I was going
through the figures
and the previous administration
increased school budget
funding for lunches 50%
before you...
We were in office.
That's over 12 million eating
off of the taxpayers tab.
But they're children.
And what about that
healthcare bill?
Didn't we campaign on
repeal and replace?
The expenditure is huge.
I want that legislation
pushed through.
We're already working
on the healthcare act.
But the school lunch
program? (scoffs)
The political optics alone,
that I cannot do.
(Kes'a hisses)
(tense music)
(flesh squelching)
(body thudding)
(Kes'a hisses)
(Kes'a hisses)
(flesh squelching)
Don't don't tell me no.
Never tell me no.
Yes, Kes'a.
I'll make sure it gets done.
(heart squelching)
(ominous music)
You're not gonna turn him?
You know how I do, Ahriman.
But that is my concern.
(ominous music)
(fire crackling)
You know I don't approve of
your lab-rats in my home.
The old blind man
named Steven Cole,
he displays the skill which
is taboo among all the humans.
Dira Kaeva.
We observed him from the
back of the alleyway.
He was being trailed by a group
of men seeking to rob him.
And we watched from
the end of the alley.
(cane tapping)
(ominous music)
[Thug] Hey, old man,
you just keep opening up
that door and invite us in.
Yeah, and don't give me
an excuse to cut you.
(knife clicking)
[Thug] I know you're blind,
but are you deaf too, old man.
(metal clanging) (thug grunting)
(cane swishing)
(cane thudding) (Cole grunting)
(cane smacking)
(shoe scraping)
(cane clattering)
(arms swishing)
(fists smacking)
(knee smacking) (Cole grunting)
(tense music)
(fists smacking)
(Enlil coughing)
You got this coming, old man.
(gun firing)
(Enlil coughing)
Let's go, Enlil.
(Enlil coughing)
We've got what we came for.
(Enlil coughing)
(ominous music)
If what you say is true...
It is.
(Kes'a hisses)
Then you know what must be done.
It is not allowed.
Yes, Queen Akeldama.
I'm assuming your men know
how to take out the trash.
Take him to the vat,
dispose of the body.
You know where.
Yes, Ahriman.
You will go with
them to dispatch
this human they call Cole.
Have your men test the old fool.
If he displays Dira
Kaeva, kill him.
And if he doesn't?
Kill him.
Yes, Kes'a.
(classical music plays)
Kes'a. what is Dir Kaeva?
Dira Kaeva.
It is the ancient Earth-based
skill of stopping projectiles
delivered by
non-traditional means.
I don't understand.
Unlearned acolyte,
he can stop bullets
because they are fired by
a modern weapon like a gun.
But if he's to stop
arrows or a spear,
he must use his physical skills.
Why do Ahriman's
men have powers?
Why'd you call them lab-rats?
Our beloved ancient
one, Queen Akeldama
is a original vampire
arrived from the stars.
She and Ahriman,
the first bitten,
had the power to
bestow unique gifts
to those that are fed upon
by ingesting a specific
formula beforehand.
That is, if they aren't
food and don't die.
But only original
vampires have the power
to turn a vampire into one.
Kevin, go to my room
and await me there.
We'll watch some TV
when I'm done. (kisses)
(classical music plays)
(sighs) You have learned
your lessons well, Lilith.
But this is not history class.
(sighs) Now, pleasure me.
(classical music plays)
Dinner can wait.
(classical music plays)
(display bleeping)
(display buzzing)
Where are you going?
I need to find
someone important.
I thought you couldn't talk.
Now, who is so important?
I must find the Earth Daughter.
The who?
(chuckles) What are
you talking about?
I know you will not understand,
but I'm not from this world.
My ancestors were.
I must seek help
to save my people.
Honey, I think you
need to lay down.
Are you sure you're
feeling okay?
Thank you for what you've done.
But I must go.
Hell, I'm not doing anything.
This could be dangerous.
Oh, girl, come on, let's ride.
But I get to stop for ice cream.
I'm sorry about your
birthday night, Hope.
You know how my
job seems to always
revolve around emergencies.
I know, it just doesn't
make it feel any better
when you're not there.
Honey, I love you
more than anything.
Always remember that.
I know. I love you too, Mom.
(ominous music)
(fists smacking)
(Cole laughs)
Papa Cole, you're
always testing us.
And you never
disappoint, young lady.
Hey Pops.
How you doing, sweetheart?
It's good to see you again.
How's work?
Things have been getting weird.
And I needed to talk
to you about it.
Can I work with
one of your swords?
Why don't you practice
your moves on the bo staff?
We'll do some moves on the sword
once I get a chance to
practice with you more, okay?
Okay, that's fine.
(footsteps clomping)
(foot smacking)
I still see weird people.
Only more frequently now.
Well, I told you,
hiding from it ain't
gonna change things, Jess.
(sighs) That's not all.
We've been getting
calls at the precinct
about alien sightings.
(Cole laughs)
I went to a crash site this week
and there was nothing
normal about it.
I felt these strange eyes
on me while I was there.
There's a change in
the wind, Jessica.
And, you know, your mother
passed these gifts along to you.
Don't start with that. Pops.
[Cole] Gifts that
will never mature
if you don't break through
that phobia of yours.
Taken a bath lately?
I do fine in the
shower, thank you.
(laughs) You know what
I'm talking about.
Your grandmother
activated her gift
by submerging her whole
body, even her face.
I know you don't
want to hear this.
And I know that you're
a fighter, Jessica,
but if you don't hone
all of your abilities,
you're not gonna be able
to stand what's coming.
And that baby girl of yours,
her gifts are tied to yours.
But you're not gonna
be able to teach her
if you don't come to
term with your own.
I just wanna do my job.
And be with you and my daughter.
The rest of the world can
go to hell in a hand basket.
The world has a way of
sweeping you along with it.
Come here,
[Jessica] Let's help
your pops with the mess.
Okay, Mom.
(staff clattering)
(somber music)
(arms swishing)
(door clunking)
We're closed for the evening.
(tense music)
(guns cocking)
(guns firing)
(bullets clattering)
Where did you learn
this skill, old man?
You know as well as I do
that there are many of us
who have inherited these
abilities from the Earth Mother.
(laughs) Well
tonight you join her
in the bowels of hell.
(tense music)
(jacket thudding)
(arm swishing)
(Ahriman chuckles)
(flesh squelching)
(fist smacking)
(foot thudding)
(body thudding)
(Ahriman laughs)
(fist smacking)
Ooh. (laughs)
(hand smacking)
(foot thudding)
(opponent grunts)
(suspenseful music)
(Ahriman laughs)
(cleaver swishing and thudding)
(suspenseful music)
(Ahriman tuts)
Now now, Cole,
a true kung fu master
needs no weapons.
(suspenseful music)
(flame crackling)
(rings jangling)
(shuriken swishing)
I'm gonna bust you up
you old son of a bitch.
(fists thudding)
(fists thudding)
(rings jangling)
(suspenseful music)
(rings clattering)
(hands thudding)
(foot thudding)
(hand thudding)
I'm gonna cut you up, old man.
(knife swishing)
(hands thudding)
(knife thudding)
(fist smacking) (Cole screaming)
(hands clapping and rubbing)
(Cole groans)
(vampires laugh)
(body thudding) (bone crunching)
(joint crunching)
(vampires laughing)
(knife squelching)
(Cole groaning)
(suspenseful music)
(palm slapping)
(vampires laughing)
Mean old bastard, ain't you?
Mom, something's wrong.
Hope, go back to the house.
I'll take care of it.
But Mom.
Now, Hope.
(suspenseful music)
(shuriken swishing)
(Cole groans)
(Ahriman laughs)
(Cole groans)
(shuriken thudding)
(Jessica shouts)
(suspenseful music)
(fist smacking)
Who the hell are you?
Jessica, be careful.
He's not of this world.
And soon, neither shall you be.
(Ahriman swishing)
(arms clashing)
(fists smacking)
And Jessica went back to
the school to help grandpa
when you sensed
something was wrong?
Go to your room, honey.
Your mom is more than capable
of taking care of herself.
But something
doesn't feel right.
Sweetheart, Donna's right.
Jimmy's upstairs.
You go head to your room
and I'll stay here
and wait for your mom.
(suspenseful music)
(case clunking)
(suspenseful music)
You go upstairs too, hun.
I'm gonna wait here for
Jessica to come back.
Imma see what the hell
this is all about.
(suspenseful music)
(engine purring)
So how did you
know to come here?
When an alien in uses its
power, I can sense it.
So when I felt the
pulses from the power
I knew to lead you this way.
(seat belts clunking)
You should stay here.
(door clunking)
(door slamming)
"You should stay here, Cindy."
(scoffs) Maybe I should.
I'm not gonna get involved.
I just wanna see.
(door clunking)
(suspenseful music)
(door slamming)
(Cole groaning)
(dramatic music)
(electricity crackling)
(fire crackling)
(electricity crackling)
(flesh squelching)
(Cindy screams)
(electricity crackling)
(suspenseful music)
Are you okay?
- I'm fine. - Let me help you.
Just, no just see
if you can help her.
Wait, Jessica, she's a friend.
How do you know?
Besides the fact that she
just fought along beside you,
trust me, I know.
(Cole coughs)
(Cole coughs)
Oh, Pop.
What is it?
Hope, she's in danger.
She must be saved.
I can feel it,
but how can I leave
you like this?
The threat is too great for
your abilities right now,
but this one, she's special.
She can neutralize the
threat against Hope...
If she's in time, (coughs)
No, you stay here.
(somber music)
(Cole groans and coughs)
I love you, little tiger.
I love you too, Pops.
(melancholy music)
Tell, tell my granddaughter
that I love her too.
Tell her yourself, old man.
(Cole coughs)
I don't think I'll
be doing that.
(melancholy music)
No, no, no, no, no.
No! No!
(Jessica sobs)
No! (sobs)
No! (sobs)
(inhuman voices echoing)
(ominous music)
(door slamming)
(Daevas chuckles)
(Daevas growls)
(Daevas roars)
(knocking on door)
(door clunking)
Who the hell are you?
Jessica sent me.
Where is Hope?
(Hope screams)
Mommy, what's going on?
Donna, take Jimmy in
the room with you.
Jimmy, come here.
(Hope screams)
(Daevas growls)
(Hope screams)
(flames crackling)
(Hope screams)
(Hope screams)
(electricity crackling)
(gun smacking) (Daevas groans)
(electricity crackling)
(Daevas screams)
(flames crackling)
(electricity crackling)
(Daevas screams)
What is your name?
(electricity crackling)
I am Daevas.
And who are you to
imprison me in these...
These Earth energies
polluted by alien power?
Just know it is enough to
hold you, unholy demon.
Who sent you?
(electricity crackles)
(Daevas screams)
You may be able to entrap me,
but when Queen Akeldama's
fresh blood comes upon you,
you shall tremble.
Knowing that all your
power is a false hope.
Why are you here?
(electricity crackles)
(Daevas screams)
(electricity crackles)
I was sent to feed upon
this young, scrawny human.
To take her power and
deliver it to Kes'a,
lest the abomination
use it against her.
(foot smacking)
(flesh squelching)
(Daevas laughs)
Step back, you fool.
You do not know what dark
forces you are dealing with.
You will never
unleash the powers
to undo Queen Akeldama's plan.
Your best hope lies trapped
in her mother's old dreams.
The puny child cannot
learn to assist her
without the benefit
of the relic.
She will need to focus
her own fledgling power.
(flames crackling)
(Daevas laughs)
(electricity crackling)
(Daevas screams)
I gotta go see about grandpops.
Young lady, you're not
leaving this house alone.
Whoever you are, thank you.
Come on
(footsteps rustling)
Mom, look, it's a stone man.
Yeah, it's been here as
long as people can remember.
But no one really knows
where it came from
or how it got there.
(flames crackling)
(ominous music)
It looks so real.
It does.
Let's look at some other stuff.
It's almost time to go.
(flames crackling)
(ominous percussive music)
Mom, he opened his eyes.
Girl, come on, let's go.
But Mom.
(somber piano music)
(liquid pouring)
(Jessica sighs)
(somber piano music)
(phone buzzing)
(phone beeps)
I'm all right, Captain.
Okay, I'll meet you at Jared
and Hope's house in an hour.
(phone beeps)
(somber piano music)
(cuffs jangling)
(ominous music)
(faucet running)
(ominous music)
(footsteps clomping)
Who would murder Cole's
father like that?
It was brutal.
That's why we're here.
It's for answers.
(footsteps clomping)
Good morning, Captain.
Good morning, Detective Fisher.
Parker, you can station
outside with Fisher
while I see why Cole
wants us to do this here.
Okay, Captain,
(footsteps clomping)
How's it hanging, Fisher?
I just need to know what
the hell's going on.
Now, you said wait for
the police to get here.
So come on, spit it out.
Captain, I know what you're
about to hear is incredible,
but you have to believe
that something
extraordinary is going on.
Can you come and
have a seat, Captain?
What I need to
tell you may be...
Difficult to believe.
(footsteps clomping)
And who the hell are you?
She's a damn alien.
Can you believe that?
Is this everyone who
witnessed what happened?
I sent my wife and son
to stay with her sister.
But they were in the bedroom
and didn't see anything.
But we did!
And it was crazy.
Man, you just need
to go upstairs
and see what's in that bedroom.
[Bean] All right, all right.
Just calm down.
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
Parker, get in here.
And tell Fisher to
give you that camera.
[Parker] Okay, Captain.
When I come back in here, I
want some answers from you.
You'll know what
we know, Captain.
I don't understand why
this is happening to us.
Your ancestors
passed down a legacy
through your genes, Hope.
It is your mother's destiny.
It is your destiny.
But how can we fight this enemy?
I did everything I could.
You came and helped.
And what was that man?
He looked like...
A monster? A demon?
Yes, that's exactly what it was.
What you don't know
is that what you humans have
passed down through legend
as vampires and demons are
aliens who invaded this world
thousands of years ago.
(footsteps clomping)
And what the hell was that
monstrosity we saw up there?
A demon.
A foul creature
spawned from the bite
of the most ancient of vampires.
The original one.
And you expect us to
believe this shit.
[Bean] Parker!
Go back outside and
wait with Fisher.
And tell him he has
surveillance duty on this house
until further notice.
But Captain.
Now, Parker.
(footsteps clomping)
(door clunking)
Cole, convince me now
why I shouldn't call
mental health services
to come pick you and
this alien up right now.
Captain, I've seen things
you would not believe.
They can lock three up
just as easily as two.
Teh'a, show him.
(electricity crackling)
Some kind of circus trick.
No trick, Captain.
It's real.
Who are you?
How can you do these things?
I am an alien hybrid bred
from Terran and alien races.
My ancestors were
abducted from this world
thousands of years ago.
Like by flying saucers.
Yes, the Earth Mother Gaia
repelled an invasion of Earth.
Once it was evident
they were not peaceful.
Some were taken as
captives and enslaved.
One Vampire Queen gifted with
artifacts and unholy abilities
was left behind
to spawn creatures
to infiltrate your government
and prepare for the second wave.
And why are you here?
Alien vampires patrolled
the Earth's orbit
from time to time.
But they never invaded again.
Lest they awaken the awful
powers of the Earth Mother.
They will risk suffering
another humiliating defeat
if they were not ready.
You still haven't told
us why you are here.
What is it that you want?
Everybody always
wants something.
A rebel helped me to escape
the Emperor Amunet's mothership.
I've come seeking
the Earth Mother
to gain her help in
freeing my people.
And what was this
Earth Mother's answer.
She is hidden from me.
I believe she is still asleep
after all this millennia.
That is possible if
the Vampire Queen
found where she was sleeping.
She cannot harm her,
but she can place ancient spells
to bind Gaia's sanctuary
and prevent her from awakening.
Prevent her from awakening?
Yes, as long as
she sparingly uses
her Earth-based powers such as
the skills I used last night,
the Earth Mother
should stay asleep.
But now I sense she is awake,
only somehow trapped.
A Goddess, huh?
That is the best that I
can describe her to you.
Some power source must be
utilized to feed the spell.
What do you want me to do?
I can't go back to
the mayor with this.
Just be on alert that
something is going to happen.
Be prepared to ensure
the safety of the people
in case all hell breaks loose.
If this situation escalates,
everyone will know.
At least you have been
warned in advance.
So what now?
And why the hell wouldn't
my gun fire on that thing?
An ancient skill
the vampires used
to follow their
minions everywhere.
Projectiles and weapons
that use gunpowder
are useless against them.
But they can be killed
with a weapon like a blade.
Let me verify something.
I think I know a way.
I'm sorry about your father.
He was a good man.
But what do I say about him
and that thing upstairs?
Just put in the report that
Pop's school got broken into,
and he died in a
failed robbery attempt.
I'll put the real
culprits to justice.
Well, I'm still having a
difficult time with this.
But keep me apprised.
(exciting music)
(dramatic music)
I'm scared but I
wanna do something.
They killed Grandpops.
Don't worry, Hope.
We'll make them pay.
(footsteps approaching)
(Teh'a sighs)
I've confirmed why
the demon was drawn
to the child's room.
All they needed to do
was kill one of you,
and we would not be able
to find the Earth Mother.
What do you mean?
[Teh'a] I sense gifts.
Surely you know what
yours is by now.
Pop said My mother
passed on a gift to me
through my firstborn.
She could open portals
to other places
as long as someone
she personally
knew was in that place.
That gift was passed on to Hope.
And I can travel to a place
I can sense but not know.
Except I've never
used that gift,
I've just been cursed with
seeing creatures no one else
They found a way to neutralize
your ability somehow.
(Jessica sighs)
I know how it's triggered.
Pop said my grandmother
could use the same skill
if she submerged
her head underwater.
Oh, you mean like a
transporter. (laughs)
Beam me up, Scot-
The gift is given in pairs.
The same ability
skips a generation.
Mother and daughter
augment their skills
to open the portal
for the other.
Along with anyone
else that may follow.
I feel a special bond
with anyone in my family.
But I've never done anything
like what you're saying.
And me, I can't bring
myself to be underwater.
Childhood fear of mine.
You must overcome that fear.
And we must help hope
develop her abilities.
(sighs) I will pray
to the Earth Mother.
She will hear,
and she would help
me make a way.
One last thing.
The alien ships could not invade
lest they was wakening
the Earth Mother.
So they sent a special warrior,
enhanced with great physical
strength to track me down.
He is an enforcer
with human genes.
We must be wary.
From a spaceship?
Wouldn't he have a
ray gun or something?
At least any energy
weapons won't fire
while the power
source is active.
(footsteps receding)
(door clunking)
Baby girl, just know
that me and your mom's not gonna
let anything happen to you.
I know.
(ominous music)
(suspenseful music)
(Cindy hisses)
(Cindy growls)
(Cindy growls)
(flesh squelching)
(sinister music)
(Cindy panting)
(suspenseful music)
(heat crackling)
(Ahriman grunts)
(somber piano music)
(hilt clicks)
(somber piano music)
(blade clicking)
(somber piano music)
(liquid fizzing)
(somber piano music)
(suspenseful music)
(liquid fizzing)
(suspenseful music)
(liquid fizzing)
(liquid hisses)
(amulet fizzes)
(suspenseful music)
(Ahriman laughs)
It worked.
(Ahriman laughs)
(engine purring)
(zip buzzing)
(effigy scraping)
(Karen groans)
(Ahriman growls)
(match strikes)
(flames crackling)
(somber piano music)
I missed you, Ahriman.
Come lay with me for a while.
You know it's hard for me.
I don't want to...
(heartbeat pounding)
Compromise you
by such extended
intimate activities.
Oh Ahriman, you talk
so romantic to me.
(door clunking)
(woman clears throat)
I'll be in my room.
I've just finished
creating a potion
that transforms this medallion
into a Day-Walking stone.
So where did Kes'a get hers?
She says it was a gift,
left by Earth Mothers
estranged consult.
The archangel Michael.
She betrayed him with
the spellbound blade
right before the failed
attempt by her people
to invade this world.
So left behind and they escaped.
And then she made you
the first and only human to
be transformed into a vampire.
Yes, but not pure blood.
Simply turned.
She would make no more, less
any so powerful to betray her.
So then why would she
risk it by making you?
Kes'a made me her
master chemist.
Capable of transforming her
alien potions as needed.
(somber piano music)
Any potions we vampires consume
are designed with a purpose.
We can transform
the prey we bite
with all manners of skills
and characteristics.
All well and good,
but you promised me a potion
that would transform me,
and not tie me to my maker
the way that you
are bound to her.
I have the poison I created
from the bodily fluids
she left in Karen's blood.
(somber piano music)
She'll be vulnerable to
a weapon treated with it.
(somber piano music)
And this Daywalker Stone
gives me more opportunities
to fashion my plans.
But you are still bound to her.
Not anymore.
I concocted a potion to
break that bond long ago.
Well, two centuries ago
I created the potion
that gave you longevity and
strength when she bit you.
Why do you continue
to defy the question
about the potion
that you promised me?
Patience has rewarded us.
Last night, I smelled the
genes of a human descendant
of one of Kes'a's
dangerous trysts.
And this helps me how?
Kes'a's saliva mixed
with Karen's blood
was sufficient in helping me
craft the Daywalker Stone.
But I needed her blood,
or the blood of her progeny
to complete the
potion you required.
Why does Kes'a
turn young children
only to toy with them
and then kill them off
before their
transformation is complete?
When she was stranded here
thousands of years ago,
she left behind a young son.
These children are nothing
more than temporary surrogates
for her unholy affections
until their deaths.
But how does she
fake love for them?
It seems so genuine.
(Ahriman laughs)
The same affection
she's had for you?
It's just a game she plays.
She can snap our
necks on a whim.
(pensive music)
We vampires live and die by
Queen Akeldama's pleasures.
And you would do well
to remember that.
(pensive music)
(chuckles) Why do you lay
with that wretched sheep?
Especially when you
can have a companion
worthy of your standing?
(Ahriman hisses)
Call it nostalgia.
And remember, you
are still only food.
(somber piano music)
Take me away from here, Ahriman.
I've been successful in
making my Daywalker Stone.
Then there's nothing to keep us
from escaping this
dismal existence.
My plans are almost complete.
Be patient with me.
(somber music)
Make love to me, Ahriman.
Lock that beast away long
enough to fulfill my desires.
(Ahriman inhales deeply)
(heartbeat pounding)
(flesh squelches) (Karen moans)
(heartbeat pounding)
Ahriman! (moans)
Oh. (moans)
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music continues)
Did you talk to Donna and Jimmy?
Yeah, they're fine.
Your Aunt Sheila said
they could stay there
as long as they need to.
Daddy, I don't know what to do.
Don't worry about
that right now, okay.
(sighs) Come on.
Let's go in the family room.
I'll fix us something to eat.
You can watch some TV, okay?
Gimme a hug.
(door shutting)
(Kes'a giggling)
(Kes'a sighs)
No, no, nothing, boy.
(footsteps clomping)
(Kes'a giggles)
(Kes'a sighs)
Watch TV with me, Paul.
I didn't bring you back
in my place for TV.
(chuckles) But I told you
I don't have sex
on the first date.
You talk so sexy.
That accent, is it European?
You say that to all the girls.
Baby, I just wanna hold you.
I mean a cuddle.
Come here.
What are we doing in here, baby?
A cuddle.
Paul. (giggles)
Oh no, I'm not
getting undressed.
(both moaning)
Let's dance.
Paul, put your clothes on.
What are you doing?
(phone thudding)
(romantic jazz music plays)
What are you doing?
(both moaning)
Put your clothes back on, Paul.
No, no, stop.
Oh, Paul, oh no.
You feel so good, baby,
I can't help myself.
You're hurting me.
Yeah, you want it.
But I'm a virgin, baby.
I'm saving myself.
Come on, baby.
Just let me stick it in.
Come on baby, just
let me stick it in.
(sinister music)
Come on, baby, let
me stick it in.
(Paul groans and
screams) (flesh tearing)
(faint hip-hop music plays)
(Paul screams)
(Kes'a growls)
What's the matter, baby?
(Kes'a growls)
I know you want it.
(Kes'a growls)
(ominous music)
(gun firing)
(Paul whimpers)
(Kes'a growls)
Nothing to do
(flesh squelching)
(Paul screams)
You know I do it all
Toss some money in the air
Do it all (Paul screams)
And I'm hustling
Morning to the crack of dawn
(flesh tearing)
(Kes'a growls) (Paul whimpers)
(claws scratching)
(Paul screaming)
(Kes'a growls)
(flesh tearing)
(Kes'a growls)
(Kes'a slurps)
(chilled hip-hop music)
I was born on a Tuesday
Covered in blood
Two days to baptize me
I am a God
Elliptical pupils synonymous
With the bad seed,
bad deed and bad trees
Corrupted Johnny Appleseed
Thoughts of murder
Visions of blood and the
latter part of winter
Reclused up in the
summer (Kes'a growls)
But come out
cold as December
(Kes'a growls)
You lost 'cause
you're unaware
I'm woke and I'm winning
Three eyes, one head
Probably the cause
of your dissension
I'm looking from one above
You're looking
from one below
We could have
been face to face
But on your hand you folded
You had a King and Queen
But couldn't
wait for the Ace
(bats screeching)
So hard for those
that move against me
I'm just moving in silence
(bats screeching)
Man, I call that a diamond
(bats screeching)
(footsteps rustling)
I sense from the Earth Mother
that what we seek
may be in this place.
I'm supposed to be here.
What is wrong with you?
Well, we've been
out here for a while
and I'm trying to
increase my water intake.
I need to go to the bathroom.
(Jessica sighs)
I hope you're good
with bushes and trees.
Ain't nothing but a thing.
(footsteps rustling)
(urine trickling)
(footsteps rustling)
(Cindy gasps)
(head thudding)
(man laughs)
(footsteps rustling)
Who are you?
I'm Ahriman.
I know who you are.
But who are you?
And where do you come from?
I do not answer to your kind.
(Ahriman laughs)
Then you'll come with me
to answer to one whom
you cannot resist.
(exciting music)
(fists smacking)
(fighters grunting)
(body thudding)
(Cindy screaming)
(Ahriman growling)
(flesh squelching)
(Cindy screams)
(foot smacking)
(arms thudding)
(foot smacking)
(arms thudding)
(Cindy screaming)
(Ahriman growls)
(fists smacking)
(tense music)
(flesh squelching)
(shuriken swishing)
(fists smacking)
(foot smacking)
(arms thudding)
(foot smacking)
(Cindy whimpers)
Small experiment.
(fist smacking)
(electricity crackling)
(tense music)
(flames crackling)
(explosion booming)
(Cindy screams)
(flames crackling)
(Ahriman hisses)
(tense music)
Another time.
(exciting music)
(mellow hip-hop music)
I was born on a Tuesday
Covered in blood
Two days to baptize me
I am a God
Elliptical pupils synonymous
with the bad seed,
bad deed and bad trees
Corrupted Johnny Appleseed
Thoughts of murder
Visions of blood in the
latter part of winter
Reclused up in the summer
But come out
cold as December
You lost 'cause
you're unaware
I'm woke and I'm winning
Three eyes, one head and
Probably the cause
of your dissension
I'm looking from one above
You're looking
from one below
We could have
been face to face
But on your hand you folded
You had a King and Queen
But couldn't
wait for the ace
Fell on the play, I'm
trumping on your day
'Cause I am spade
No heart for those
that move against me
I'm just moving in silence
Hard of heart that
still reflects the light
Man, I call that a diamond
Looking for my four leaves
Amongst all these
regular clovers
And when it's
all said and done
It's always the closest
ones to fuck you over
Every day I live I feel
one step closer than death
But in my sweat over work
Margin strength's
in my death
Every day I feel one step
close, closer to death
But in my sweat over work
Margin strength's
in my death
And there ain't nothing
I can do about it
Maybe one day I can
live in the cloud
And there ain't nothing
I can do about it
Maybe one day I can
live up in the cloud
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
A parting gift of knowledge...
or curse.
I gift to you.
[Cole] That gives
you and Jessica
a chance to get in the house
behind our safety wards.
By yourself?
Just keep Jessica safe.
I've got this.
(suspenseful music)
(footsteps clomping)
(suspenseful music)
(ominous music)
(zip buzzing)
(explosions booming)
(moody hip-hop music)
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
I'm about to murder 'em
And it's on some easy shit
I'm about to bite 'em
Send 'em down
the river quick
Ain't nothing to do it
'Cause you know I do it all
Tossing money in the air
Fuck it, screw it all
And I'm hustling morning
to the crack of dawn
Money stacking up so
high like the Taj Mahal
And I'm a crazy chick
You silly rabid crazy tricks
You think you
effing with my money
You's a silly bitch
Ain't no working
Work, work, work
(music fades)
This is a bosses life
No, I don't rehearse
This is murder
No casket, no Hearse
It's getting ugly,
homie (Kes'a sniffs)
Don't tell me.
You were unsuccessful in
disposing of the old man?
He's dead.
there were complications.
(Kes'a sighs)
Ahriman, I so hate
Do tell.
He encountered the
old man's daughter.
(Kes'a hisses)
As well as a alien hybrid
from another world.
I am Roh'keen, and
I'm not your enemy.
Kes'a, I have been
sent by Empress Amunet
to join forces with you.
To help stop the slave
harlot named Teh'a.
She seeks to awaken the
Earth entity known as Gaia.
You trust what this cretin says?
How else would I
know these things?
Queen Akeldama
knows I speak truth.
If what you say is true
you let a dangerous
enemy escape you.
A rebel faction sabotaged the
security in the mothership
and she escaped
in a force field.
Since she reached Earth,
she has developed
some unique abilities.
Of course, we couldn't
follow in force
without waking the Earth entity.
Never heard of me
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Ain't nobody, ain't
nobody fucking with me
Mostly flux, first
lady flux with me
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
Watch me kill 'em,
watch me kill 'em
Watch me kill 'em all
(explosion booming)