Viduthalai Part 2 (2024) Movie Script

Finish the work quickly.
Everyone will be safe
with god's blessing.
Thank you, brother.
If you are caught, don't reveal that
the sickle is made in our workshop.
- Okay brother.
- We will lose our lives too.
Snake that wraps us around
will not go without hurting.
This happened to my grandmother.
Don't cry mother.
Things will be different from today.
And I thought it would stop
in my daughter's period...
Hey son!
They forged it!
Karuppa, where are
you going at this hour?
Tell us where!
What took you this
long Kuttiyappa?
It took time to
sharpen the sickle.
A sharp edge will let the sickle
pierce through the bones and kill.
Dad, where are you going?
- Hey!
Why are you standing in the rain?
Everyone get back to home.
Don't ask where I'm going.
- Take me with you
- Karuppa!
What is it Kuttiyappa?
If we hack that guy today,
his son will come tomorrow.
He is an inhuman person.
He will not let anyone
in the village alive, son.
That scares me.
I understand Kuttiyappa.
You have your wife...
and the children.
- You stay back. We will take care.
- Hey children...
...don't get soaked up in the rain.
Get inside the home.
Look here, Kuttiyappa...
Young fellows are
going alone in the rain.
Are you going to sit
and hatch eggs here?
- Man up and go with them.
- Hey!
Hey wait, I will come with you.
Why are the school
lights lit at this time?
Looks like union members,
village heads and the elders
are in a meet together.
Mentor would've brought
the union members to...
talk with the village elders.
(V/O) Every journey begins
at a simple point.
Many a times...
The journey begins from a far
different space from where it is to end.
Mentor Perumals journey too...
started from one such point, mother.
Hey Karuppa...
Where are you
going at this hour?
It's nothing, Mentor.
Kuttiyappa had
a sacrificial goat.
(V/O) That sickle made
in the workshop that night,
and what Karuppan did with it,
is the beginning of the events,
where today, authorities,
with thousands of police like me,
searched for him as a
terrorist and arrested him.
Be in alert until
Chief Secretary and Collector leave.
- Here.
- Sir.
Everything is under control, sir.
Our team will take him
till the Railway station.
- RPF will take over from there.
- Subbiah? Are you leaving?
Yes, sir.
- DSP is on the line to pass an important...
- It's my daughter's birthday tomorrow.
information to the SP.
- If I start now, I can reach home by morning.
How old is she now?
She is turning fifteen sir.
- Then has she finished Prathmik or Madhyama?
- Sir, DSP is on line.
- Sir, we don't have...
- Yes, coming.
- people who can teach Hindi in our village.
- Disperse.
I am to take further steps.
We should set an example to others
here, by making our children learn Hindi.
Yes, Sunil.
Sir, today evening,
with a constable's tip off,
we went on a raid
to Kelamparai village.
We have arrested Perumal.
Sunil is on mic sir.
He says they have arrested Perumal.
- Hey.
- Sir?
Call up CM sir's house.
So finally,
the ghost is no longer a ghost.
But just an old man...
who is called Perumal.
I was never a ghost.
I am the people.
We are always
standing in front of you.
But you refuse to see us.
You've made me sit in a
dark room to scare me off.
But I see fear only
in your eyes, Sunil.
Our class liberation
movement of Annihilation
did not bring out this
fear in your system.
Because it had no impact
on your caste structure.
To destruct your caste structure,
when we started to bring people
together through land, race and language...
and if the people accepted
us and followed us,
after that,
you could not gain
political advantage...
with caste, religion,
class differences.
That's when it
started... this fear.
It is in that fear you propagate
us as divisive elements.
Who is divisive element?
Is it you who segregate...
people by birth into upper, lower
and even as bottom of the strata?
Or is it us who fight
for equality, unity...
and deny this division
of upper and lower?
You bloody!
Why did the police enter
the village and opened fire?
Sorry sir. Sunil had sent teams
randomly without expectations.
There was no plan
for such a big arrest.
Why did you do something
like this without planning?
Sir when a team was sent
on an ordinary PC's words..
Why wasn't I informed
about the firing?
- Sir he didn't inform even us.
- Sir.
Anger is not going
to change anything.
In such scenarios, things
are bound to happen like this.
You please just leave it sir.
You guys will say "just
leave it" and get away with..
an enquiry, a temporary
suspension and transfer.
I am the one who has to show up at
the village for anything tomorrow.
Sir, nothing has happened
here for you to get this tensed.
Let's deal with it.
How will you deal it man?
A child and a woman is
dead, a man is wounded.
What big deal you
think you can muster?
- Look at the way he is sitting.
- Sir,
We are educated to
handle such situations.
So, are you implying that
I am an uneducated brute?
- Did you just call me an illiterate brute?
- Sir!
Where did he
say such a thing sir?
Then what's the meaning
of what he said sir?
Sir... if you assume something
that he hasn't said, then what can we do?
So all you educated guys are
ganging up to insult me?
That's not true sir.
I might not be as
educated as you guys are.
But I have studied life from people.
I've have competed
in five terms...
and won three times.
Because an illiterate man
like me put his head on a railway track...
people like you got
the right to educate.
Just because you've changed your
food and the language you speak,
doesn't mean you'll
become part of "them".
This is their problem sir.
Whose problems?
- Problem of the illiterate?
- Sir, what is this sir?
- What man?
- Sir.
- You..
- Sir...
- Problem of the illiterate!
- Sir.
Sir don't forget the problem
we are dealing with right now
and get diverted into
petty issues like this.
What do you mean
by petty issue, sir?
You've shot dead a kid.
Whole place is raging.
Is this a petty issue for you?
Let us sit and talk it out sir.
I will not talk to you sir.
I will talk with the Boss.
Okay then talk to him!
You don't tell me that sir.
Go talk to him sir.
You don't tell me
that sir. I'll deal it.
Okay. Go!
Hey, where is the driver?
Chief Secretary, SP, Collector will all
show their arrogance of education to us.
All sitting without respect
when a Minister is standing.
Hey! Where is the driver?
Start the car.
Start the car.
- Sir?
- What?
You've told the Chief Secretary
is very close to our Boss.
What if we leave now and
he twists it up with the leader?
I know that.
You don't fucking tell
me what I should do.
Sit, sit.
I know very well how much a
Minister is to be respected.
Our current situation is an
absolutely pressurised one sir.
What situation?
We have arrested Perumal.
That's the reason of the firing,
boy's death and everything.
Are you saying that we can start
the mining work without any problems?
I think so.
Why are you upset
over a happy news?
Who arrested him?
For disobeying the
superior's orders,
for not replying to the memo,
Suspension order.
I will make sure your name is not
included in Perumal's arrest too.
Go away.
Now, we'll talk?
It takes four men to hit
me and strip me naked
to make you feel like my equal?
Let's talk.
The unbelievable has happened at last.
Yes sir.
He did good, like in
the film 'Leaping Tiger'.
The train you
bombed and derailed,
...the 25 dead in it are
not the people you talk about?
Those peeping through
the window, come here!
Fall in!
We both know what happened.
The system you represent
has no sentiments.
For you it is a mere strategy.
For us it is pain.
Bring that dress.
Give it to me.
I'll take it.
Give it to him.
What's your name man?
What are you going to
do with knowing my name?
You should have retired...
and be resting at home.
Do they give you any day off?
Do you get to take your wife
and kids out to fairs or movies?
They must be
working you to death.
But ask them about it...
They would spend every weekend,
taking their families out.
You should do that too.
For that matter...
aren't you all searching for me?
Even I go to theatre
often to watch movies.
There is a Rajendar
movie running
now in our Ganesh cinema hall.
'My beloved Mythili...'
I have watched it.
Good film.
Hey Sunil...
the movie you last watched...
Sir, he is being disrespectful
and dancing in front of you.
- Ezhumalai!
- Sir?
Didn't you apply for leave?
How is your father's health?
They said his days
are numbered sir.
Who are you guys?
They said they've came to
sell sarees in the village, sir.
- Hey!
Weren't you the one selling
sarees outside Ganesh cinema hall..
..when the film 'My
Beloved Mythili' was running?
Yes sir.
You cannot be here. Leave.
Okay, sir.
Ezhumalai, did
you watch that film?
No, sir.
It was very nice.
You keep waiting at the
back side of the camp.
Once he knows where they
are taking Comrade Perumal,
constable sir will inform you.
Okay comrade.
I will convey the message that the film
'My Beloved Mythili' is said to be good.
Nagaraj here.
I watched "My Beloved
Mythili" at Ganesh cinema hall.
- It was good.
- Is that so?
The elders who watched
along with me, said the same.
I will handle it.
What decision was
made while watching,
"My Beloved Mythili" movie
at Ganesh cinema hall?
It was to make news of the
arrest of the main leaders,
when they pass that
information from the inside.
You send this information through telegram
to the High Court and all the press.
I'll do that comrade.
Inform our comrade Pavel,
and ask him to go
to the base camp...
where Comrade
Perumal is detained.
Yes sir.
Sir, it's a call from the
IG office, Intelligence.
Seems they have sent telegrams to
the high court judge and all the press...
saying we have arrested Perumal
and detained him illegally sir.
Our people are not
politically literate.
But if they realise that their
language and tradition are threatened,
then they will fight
against it on their own.
Even before the
inequalities of caste, religion,
class that we are
fighting against existed,
it was their language and tradition that
made them live together in their land.
When you try to grab it from them...
- Sir.
- SP sir is on the mic.
- they fight against it.
Sunil, how did the news of the
big parcel in the camp leak out?
I don't know sir.
But I am suspicious of a
head constable in this company.
Don't keep the
parcel in the camp.
Move it to a safe place.
Let it be there until
you get further information.