Vikings, The (1958) Movie Script

The Vikings, in Europe of
the 8th and 9th Century...
were dedicated
to a pagan god of war, Odin.
Cramped by the confines of their
barren, icebound northlands...
they exploited their skill
as shipbuilders...
to spread a reign of terror...
then unequaled
in violence and brutality...
in all the records of history.
The greatest wish
of every Viking...
was to die sword in hand,
and enter Valhalla...
where a hero's welcome
awaited them...
from the god Odin.
The compass was unknown...
and they could steer only
by the sun and the stars.
Once fog closed in, they were
left helpless and blind.
After all, the earth was flat.
Sail too far off course...
and the black wind
would blowthem...
across the Poison Sea
that lay to the west...
and over the edge
of the world into limbo.
Their abiding aim
was to conquer England...
then a series
of petty kingdoms...
each one
the jealous rival of the next.
Thus, when the Vikings set forth
to rob and plunder England...
they never sailed
out of sight of land.
They confined their attacks
to swift, overnight raids.
It was no accident that
the English "Book of Prayer"...
contained this sentence...
"Protect us, Oh Lord,
from the wrath of the Northmen."
The king is dead.
Long live the king.
For two months, we have
mourned the good King Edwin...
who by the cruel Viking Ragnar
was foully murdered...
and still lies unrevenged.
The council of the kingdom
now declare that Aella...
is of the true royal line...
and welcome his succession
to the throne.
Your Majesty.
Thank you, my gracious lady.
You may rest assured
that the barbarians...
that murdered
your husband, my cousin...
will soon feel
the weight of my anger.
And though your union
with Edwin was fruitless...
feel confident that you retain
the respect of us all.
You may retire, Queen Enid.
Thurston Bishop
and Matthew Bishop...
ask you will you take
Aella as your king...
You need not fear, my lady.
His words cannot hurt you.
He has no right to the throne.
There is no direct heir,
my lady.
There is an heir.
Brother Godwin,
I am with child...
but not Edwin's.
The child is that
of the Viking Ragnar.
A bad omen.
The holy sword Requiter...
the sword of kings.
Long live the king!
He's the son of a barbarian...
but I love him
as if he were Edwin's child.
There are already
rumors of his birth.
If they were to reach Aella...
Where are you sending him?
To Italy.
To be tended by monks...
who will not know his identity.
But his life will be safe...
and yours, too.
Father Godwin!
The pommel stone
of the sword Requiter.
It is his by right.
If you hope
to identify him...
in years to come
by means of this stone...
so can his enemies.
Twenty years passed.
Queen Enid had died...
but the rumor that
she had given birth to a son...
continued to plague King Aella.
Although his castle became
the stronghold of all England...
Aella was unable to stop
the Viking raids.
Now let it be known...
throughout the kingdom
of Northumbria...
that l,
King Rhodri of Wales...
bestow on King Aella...
the hand of
my daughter Morgana.
I will consent to this.
l, too,
King Rhodri of Wales, consent.
Praise be to God!
Please rise, child.
On the first day of Spring,
you will become my bride.
I trust, Lord Egbert...
that you approve
of this alliance?
With all my heart, sire.
Then why do you spread tales...
of an heir to the throne
left by Queen Enid?
'Tis common knowledge, sire.
The queen on her deathbed
spoke of a son...
sent off to Italy
with the pommel stone...
of the sword Requiter
tied about him.
Your Majesty, is it wise...
to speak of things
so long in the past?
I hope soon to silence
these wagging tongues.
This beautiful child...
will present me with
an heir to the throne.
And this marriage...
will combine the strength
of Wales and Northumbria...
and protect our people...
from the depredation
of the Vikings.
That is not enough!
I must also expose
a traitor in our midst.
Surely there are no traitors
in this hall, sire.
Cousin Egbert,
why have your lands...
never been attacked
by the Vikings?
What do you mean, sire?
Neither your lands...
nor the lands of
your fellow conspirators...
have ever suffered
any real harm.
For years,
you have schemed against me!
I'll not be made a scapegoat...
for your failure
to stop the Viking raids!
You have conspired
with the foes of England...
to unseat me
from my throne!
-What foes?
-The Vikings!
Take him out!
Lies will not sustain a tyrant!
Use skill. It must appear
as if he took his own life.
He's gone, sire!
Hunt him down!
Bring me his head!
Hail, Ragnar.
You're late. We've been
waiting half the night.
I nearly
didn't get here at all.
Aella knows of our meetings.
I barely escaped with my life.
Take me with you!
He is no more use to us.
Send him back.
That's no way to reward a man
who's guided our raids.
No, we'll find
good use for him.
Come aboard.
Make sail for Long Sound.
Make sail for Long Sound!
Come on.
Hail, Ragnar! Hail, Ragnar!
Hail, Ragnar!
Hail, Einar!
I drink to your safe return
in English ale!
I wish that
it were English blood.
Hold your mouth!
This is an Englishman.
Lord Egbert. An ally.
Then drink to
my father's return, Englishman!
Do you want the English
to think we're barbarians?
This is Einar,
my only son in wedlock.
He's so vain of his beauty...
he won't let
a man's beard hide it.
He scrapes his face
like an Englishman.
Hail, Ragnar.
And hail Ragnar's beard!
I want you to teach
Lord Egbert our customs.
I'll teach him.
I live by brains, not brawn.
Yes, my lord.
Then fetch him a horse!
-Why not?
Gently, gently.
I know. Brains, not brawn.
He's got to draw us maps
of the English coast!
What man ever had a finer son?
Odin could have sired him.
But I did.
Don't be frightened.
She's forbidden
to hunt Englishmen.
Too much for her to swallow.
We have the same sport
in England.
With hawks like this?
You call that a hawk?
I think we have hawks
to equal that one.
Bring up Long Claw.
Look, nowthere's
a hunting bird.
You again.
Whose bird is that?
It's mine.
A slave with a hunting hawk?
I found her frozen to a tree.
Where'd you steal it?
Sandpiper was with me
when I found her.
The perfect witness...
deaf and dumb.
Perhaps you'd like
your own tongue cut out.
Then you'll tell no more lies.
I'm not a liar.
Is this the way
slaves talk to Vikings?
Tell the English lord
that you're a liar.
Kill him!
Don't kill him.
Bring in the slave.
Look how he glares at me.
If he wasn't fathered
by a black ram...
in the full of the moon,
my name is not Ragnar.
What would you do with him
in your country?
We have a special reward
which is rather entertaining...
in a noisy way.
What's that?
It's nothing much...
just a pit full of wolves
half-mad with starvation...
and trained to appreciate
the flavor of human blood.
You see?
The English are civilized!
Can you think of anything worse?
I can think
of something far worse.
I guess you can...
with your pretty,
dainty face spoiled.
But he was a good slave.
Kill him quick.
No quick death for him.
What do you suggest
I do with him?
I want this slave alive.
You want him to live
after tearing your face apart?
The sun will cross the sky
a thousand times...
before he dies.
And you'll wish
a thousand times...
that you were dead.
You can't kill the slave.
What do the runes say?
If Odin willed
that Eric should die...
Thor's hammer would sound
his death knell.
But the sky is silent.
The curse of Odin
waits on him...
who kills the slave.
Then no man shall kill him.
Let the tide of the sea do it!
Bind him! Cast him into
the slop pool at lowtide.
Take him out.
You'll not kill him...
but you throw him
into the slop pool...
to be drowned
and eaten by crabs!
Then let the crabs
be cursed by Odin!
That's my decision.
If he survives the pool,
what then?
If he's still alive
when the tide turns...
then any fool who fishes him out
can have him.
send a wind and turn the tide.
Put her in the testing board.
I think I'll go and watch
that slave drowning.
Stay here!
You'll see something
more interesting.
It does look rather
an interesting game.
It's not a game.
It's Odin's test
for unfaithful wives.
Is she an unfaithful wife?
Ask Einar.
Her husband says she is.
Which is he?
He's throwing the axes.
But if she's innocent?
Her husband will succeed.
The braids will be cut.
Supposing he misses the braids
and hits her?
Well, then, she's guilty.
Oh, I see.
But what happens
if he misses...
both the girl and the braids?
Three misses and we drown him.
You're too drunk!
You'll split her wide open!
Drunk, am I?
I haven't had enough!
You missed her, didn't you?
What a son!
Kitala, my legs.
Move your legs, Eric.
You must move them.
Where did this slave boy
come from?
Bjorn brought him here
from a raid.
He was taken
from a ship on the sea.
And this was found
about his neck?
Yes. It's the only possession
he ever had.
He has no need of it now.
He's going to die.
Listen to me, little slave.
Einar is in the hall
celebrating your death.
Einar is laughing at you!
Live, Eric. Fight the cold!
Live and fight Einar!
Fight Einar.
Fight Einar.
Odin has answered you.
They were only flying clouds.
You are blind.
They were Odin's daughters.
I heard the singing
of their battle swords...
as they rode across the sky.
They bring the wind!
They bring the wind!
The North wind!
It's turning back the tide!
Cut him loose!
Tide is going out.
Your job is done.
I'll take the slave.
He's mine, Einar.
The wind turned the tide,
and I pulled him out.
I'll take him, Englishman!
If your father's word
means anything, he's mine.
Why such a sudden interest
in the slave, my lord?
Shall we say
an English passion...
for converting the wicked
to the paths of righteousness?
Well, you're not in England now.
And you never will be...
unless I draw maps of England
for your father.
All right.
You can keep the slave...
for as long as you live.
Odin's thanks for saving him.
And at no little risk to myself.
Do you know what this is?
Some day,
I'll tell you what it is...
and you'll remember then
that I saved you.
I'm still a slave.
You won't be
when we get to England.
I'll never get to England.
You're like a wounded animal.
You trust no one.
Good day, my lords.
Hail, Egbert!
How's the boat coming along?
She'll be ready in a week.
Well, she's no Sea Dragon,
but she'll do for a toy.
Does Einar still bear me
a grudge?
I still think you're a fool
to anger my son.
He'll kill you one day.
You're not still angry,
are you, Einar?
That depends.
On what?
On how well you draw maps.
See for yourself.
This is a map of Wales.
Wales? That slag heap?
That's not worth
one night's raiding.
It holds
the richest prize of all...
King Rhodri's daughter Morgana.
Rhodri couldn't raise enough
to ransom a skagerrak moose.
No, but Aella could.
He's to marry her in the spring.
I think our Englishman
has a good idea.
She's leaving soon
and must go round this point.
Here? You're sure?
I'd stake my life on it.
You already have.
Let me intercept her
and bring her back here.
How many men would you need?
One boat.
-Only one boat?
-No more.
What about him...
without the collar?
You'll take him along?
I'll take along my slave.
You stay here and draw maps.
I'll kidnap the girl.
Ragnar, try to get him
to draw maps...
that'll guide
a ship through fog...
and then maybe
he'll be worth having around.
There is no map
of any use in fog.
Then what use are you to us?
Think of that while I'm gone.
And don't let anything
happen to that slave.
It's a strange metal...
that fell to earth
from the North star.
Sandpiper brought it
from far away.
The price he paid
was his ears and his tongue.
No matter how you hold it...
it always struggles
to return homeward...
to the star
from which it fell.
It always points to the north.
Not in the fog.
It cannot see the stars
in the fog.
Can it see the star
through these walls?
This could lead you
to many places.
Even to the land
beyond the Poison Sea...
You will go there one day.
Only great heroes
have ever reached it.
See what the runes say.
Will this take me there?
A woman will point the way.
What will she look like?
You will know her
when you see her.
When will that be?
Soon enough.
Will she love me or hate me?
Love and hate
are horns on the same goat.
What woman would ever
look at a slave?
This one will.
You're lying, Kitala.
All your tales are lies.
Don't look so sad, my lady.
It doesn't become you.
Bridget, how can I marry
a man that I hate?
It's not easy to be
a princess...
but you have a duty.
This alliance
will help your people.
You must marry Aella.
I would rather that I were dead.
The Vikings! Turn back!
It's the Vikings!
Quick, my ladies, inside.
Steersman, cut to the wind!
Forecastle, men! Forward!
she's not to be harmed...
or she's worthless in trade!
Pull forward the bowline!
Bend your backs.
No! No!
My lady!
My lady! Help!
My lady!
Help! My lady!
Welcome aboard, my lady.
Aella will kill you for this.
Be a pity to send you
back to him.
What do you know of Aella?
I know he'll pay all
his treasure to get you back.
I'll keep you for myself.
By Odin, she'd make
a fine Viking queen!
Get away from me!, first
a little kiss of welcome.
Get away!
Little kiss of welcome.
she's not to be harmed...
or she'll be worthless
in trade!
Pretty bird. Pretty feathers.
Build her a nest
so she can hide.
Too many hawks around here!
Make sail!
Make sail!
Hail Einar! Hail Einar!
Stop rowing.
Oars down!
Hail, Einar!
Hail, Ragnar!
I give thanks to Odin
for your safe return.
Well, where is she?
Where is who?
Who do you think I mean...
your little friend
with the pigtails?
Stop shouting.
You sound like a moose
giving birth to a hedgehog.
Get this grain ashore.
I want to know why
you missed the wench...
you were sent to bring back.
I didn't miss her.
Where is she?
A little skinny perhaps,
but not bad.
Not bad at all.
Restrain yourself, my lord.
If she is dishonored,
she's worthless as a queen...
and Aella won't
pay ransom for her.
I don't need traitors
to plead my cause.
My quarrel's with Aella, lady,
not with you.
We were all agreed
you would be unharmed...
while you remained with us.
Remember that, Einar.
Leave her alone.
I haven't touched her...yet.
And you never will.
I'd kill myself first.
She doesn't seem to like you.
She likes me well enough.
I doubt it
from the looks of her.
So do I.
But the time will come.
You like the scars on my face,
don't you?
My beauty
stirs her little heart.
You have better luck
with falcons.
She'll never call you
"Dainty face."
Any objections?
Of course not, my lord.
He's just a slave.
Let's go ashore
and take her along.
She stays here.
We'll talk about her again...
when you're more drunk
or more sober.
Anchor the boat on the fjord...
and guard her well.
Ah, come.
You'll soon forget the wench.
She's too skinny, anyhow.
She's beautiful.
And all the bones
sticking out...
why, she's an old crow...
with all the feathers
pulled out.
She said she'd kill herself
if I touched her.
They all say that.
What they really mean is
they'll kill themselves...
if you don't.
Maybe, but I never had one
spit on me and bite.
They'll bite all the more
nowthat you're Einar One-eye.
I wanted to thank you
for proving me innocent.
Go back to your husband!
Come. Drink.
No one woman
is worth all this fuss.
Well, my lady, as terrible
as this captivity is...
at least
we should be thankful...
that so far our honor
has been spared.
Yes, Bridget.
We have that
to be thankful for.
Strange howthings never
turn out the way you expect.
I always thought Vikings
attacked their women.
We've been very lucky.
It hasn't been due
entirely to luck, Bridget.
He can't help the way he acts.
He's a pagan, my lady.
He's a mad dog.
if it weren't for
the scars on his face...
he'd be rather nice-Iooking.
For a Viking, I mean.
I don't want to talk about him.
Scratches and bites
won't hold him off forever.
What a son!
How about my mother?
Tell me,
did my mother fight you?
Did she fight me?
I have the scars
of her scratches...
and bites all over me.
What a woman.
That's how I feel about Morgana.
Look at me.
Do you think with this face...
I want the kind of wife
who would let me touch her?
I want her to fight me
tooth and nail...
the first time I take her
and the last.
You are my son...
and you'll be
wearing this one day.
Don't forget that.
I won't forget.
Now, you really want her,
as skinny as she is...
I give her to you.
Wait a minute.
What do you mean?
You mean we won't ransom her?
No! You can have her.
I'll give this little wench
from Wales...
a reason to bite and scratch.
I'm Einar!
Son of Ragnar!
I'll show her
what forging can be done...
when fire fights fire!
I'll make her howl...
till they hear her in Wales!
My pretty little bird!
Sharpen your claws!
I'm Einar!
All right, men!
Everybody off!
Morgana and I want to be alone.
Good job, men!
Thank you, Olaf!
Out! Out!
Come on, lady! You!
I can't swim!
If you touch me,
I'll kill myself.
There's a sword to do it with...
because I'm going to touch you.
Come on.
A woman can't fight a man.
You wench!
Kick! Bite! Scratch!
Now, come on...
fight me.
I will not lift one finger
to resist you.
Whatever you do
will be on your conscience.
Let it be on my conscience.
I've come to help you escape.
-I've stolen a ship.
My lady, it's only a tiny boat.
We'll drown.
-Are you afraid?
-Will you come with me?
My lady, how do you know
you can trust this slave?
-I know.
-But, my lady!
If you don't want to come,
you can stay.
Wait. Wait for me.
Our only chance
is to get far away by morning.
Yes, I can see that.
We'd go a lot faster
if we all rowed.
Would we?
Yes, we would.
Do you mean
that I should rowthis boat?
Yes, I do mean that.
Get an oar and row.
But a princess
doesn't row a boat.
Get an oar and row.
Well, I can't.
I don't know how.
Learn. You, too.
What's the matter now?
This bodice is too tight.
I'll have to stop.
-What's a bodice?
-This dress I'm wearing.
It's too tight right in there...
Mine isn't too tight.
Eric, look.
It's Einar.
Turn! Turn!
They're heading for the fog.
We'll get them.
We can't go into the fog.
Keep rowing.
Faster! Faster!
The men are afraid
we'll run aground. So am I.
Keep rowing!
Faster! Faster!
Look out!
Grab hold of the mast!
Stop rowing.
Odin! Odin!
I'm going under!
Hold on!
Get me out!
Into the boat!
Over here!
Over here!
Back to your oars!
Back to your oars!
Give up the chase.
Morgana's out there!
After them!
The Great Snake is sunk.
You want to wreck
this ship, too?
Where's Ragnar?
At the bottom of the fjord.
Curse of Odin on that slave!
If I have to cross
the Poison Sea...
I'll find him.
I swear it.
By the sacred blood of Odin.
Still afraid?
No. I'm worth more alive
than dead. Are you?
But I value my life
much more now.
Of course I'm grateful
to you for saving me...
and Aella
will certainly reward you.
Why should I take you
back to Aella?
-But you must.
I'm pledged to him
on my father's word.
I didn't steal you away...
just to give you
to another man.
Aella isn't another man.
He's a king.
And I'm a slave.
And I loved you
the moment I saw you.
I loved you even before then.
Kitala saw it in the runes.
That's just Kitala's silly talk.
Do you love Aella?
I belong to him...
by my father's word
as a Christian king.
What's your father's word
compared to Odin's will?
Do you know which of
all the oceans is the widest?
The Poison Sea.
The ocean between
a Christian and a heathen.
Our hands can reach across it
as easily as that.
But that's just
a joining of the flesh.
What else is missing?
Joining of our souls.
If our hands are touching,
our souls must be touching.
But your soul is heathen.
If my soul is content
to be heathen...
and yours content
to be Christian...
let's not question flesh
for wanting to remain flesh.
You'll be in England soon.
Suppose Aella releases you
from your pledge.
Then I'd be free.
But why should he?
I'll find a way.
How can I make you understand?
What would be the worst thing
for a Viking?
To die without
a sword in his hand...
and never enter Valhalla.
For me to break
my pledge to Aella...
would be as bad as that.
I'll find a way.
You captured
Ragnar single-handed?
We all owe you our thanks.
I don't want your thanks.
I want Morgana.
This barbarian
is under the illusion...
that you desire to be
released from your pledge.
Do you release me?
Surely you don't
want to be released.
-Yes, I do.
-That is absurd.
Sire, you gave your word.
Of course.
But first things first.
Father Godwin...
take the Princess Morgana
to the chapel...
that she may meditate
before making a final decision.
Yes, sire.
let us proceed to the kennels.
The royal pets are hungry.
Take him.
That stone, my lady...
where did you get it?
Eric gave it to me.
Where did he get it?
He said it was tied
around his neck...
when the Vikings
captured him as a baby.
Since you brought him here,
the pleasure shall be yours.
Push him in.
I claim the right of a Viking
to die with a sword in my hand.
And I deny you that right.
Go ahead. Push him in.
Cut my bonds
and give me the sword.
Why should I?
Would you deny me the right
to enter Valhalla?
What are you doing?!
You dare give him that sword?
And Einar is his brother.
Eric has surrendered
his own father to Aella.
Father Godwin,
we must try to stop him.
Yes. Come.
You have dared to defy a king!
You shall join Ragnar
in the pit.
I want all here
to see the reward...
for such defiance.
Your Majesty, I would
ask you to bear in mind...
that I made good your promise...
in the name
of Holy Mother Church.
Thank you, Father Godwin.
You are the watchdog
of my fury.
But if a common slave
can rob me of a queen...
and slay an enemy...
too cunning for
a whole nation to defeat...
then the day must come
when he will be...
a deadlier foe to England
than Ragnar ever was.
With or without
God's sanction...
I tell you, as your king,
this cannot be.
Yes, my dear?
I will keep my pledge to you.
Don't kill him.
In that case...
nothing could
distress me more...
than for you
to think me cruel.
Then let him go.
Hold out the hand
that has defied me.
Let this serve as a lesson
to all Vikings.
Take him to his ship
and cast him adrift.
Why do we wait?
Because of a slave...
my father's bones lie now
at the bottom of the fjord.
Ragnar was your king...
but he had no Viking's burial.
I have sworn
by the blood of Odin...
to avenge my father's death.
Why do we wait?
We must mourn Ragnar.
It's revenge Ragnar wants,
not mourning.
Every Viking wants to revenge
the death of Ragnar.
Then let's go to England now...
for the girl and the slave.
We don't even know
where they are.
Where else would the slave go
but to Aella's castle...
to be rewarded
for his treachery?
but what chance would we have?
Aella's castle is the strongest
in all of England.
I know Aella's castle well.
Here are the maps.
Einar has studied
every stone and beam.
To reach the castle,
we must hug the English coast.
They will have days
to prepare for our attack.
We don't hug the coast.
We sail across the open sea.
And if there's fog?
Can't we do what a slave did?
The slave used witchcraft.
His eyes sawthrough the fog
to the stars.
Are you afraid, Bjorn?
Do not confuse fear
with caution.
Odin has sent no sign.
Then you can stay here.
But we go to avenge
Ragnar's death!
Who sails with me?
Not even enough to man one ship.
Odin must have answered me.
Where's Morgana?
In Aella's castle.
You dare to come back here
just to tell me this?
No. I need you and your men
to take the castle...
and you need me to guide you
across the open sea.
Why should you want me
to free Morgana?
Because she shall be my wife.
All right, slave...
you live until Morgana's free.
Vikings! Vikings!
Odin has sent us a sign!
Kill him! Kill him!
Listen to me!
Make no mistake.
I hate this slave
more than any living man...
but he can guide us to Morgana.
What matters more to you?
A foreign wench
or vengeance for Ragnar?
Because of him...
your father lies
at the bottom of the fjord.
That's not true!
Ragnar died in England!
In the fog, he swam to my boat.
I took him there.
How did Ragnar die?
Aella ordered him bound...
and thrown alive
into the wolf pit.
Ragnar bound like a sheep
and thrown to wolves?
I cut his bonds.
He died fighting
with the sword I gave him.
And this was my thanks
from Aella...
for letting
Ragnar die like a Viking.
Now you know how Ragnar died.
His eyes can lead us to Aella.
who sails with me?
I will!
Strange, isn't it?
I was going
to take you to England...
and now you're taking me.
Do you still have that stone
you wear about your neck?
No. It's gone.
Just as well.
I used to think
it would bring me luck.
Now neither of us
will have any use for it.
Arthur, the Vikings!
It's the Vikings!
The Vikings!
Egbert, where would Morgana be?
The safest place...
the tower chapel.
Be assured, sire.
The second drawbridge
is much stronger than the first.
Take your magic elsewhere,
holy man.
The chapel is a sanctuary.
Father Godwin.
Go ahead. Jump.
You will be my queen.
I knew it the first moment
I saw you.
You knew it, too.
You knew it that night
on my ship.
It's not true.
it is true.
I don't love you.
You must love me
exactly as I love you.
I hate you. It's Eric I love.
Where are you taking me?
To see Eric...
for the last time.
Don't kill him.
You can't.
Look at this.
It's from the pommel
of the sword Requiter.
It was given to Eric
by his mother, Enid the Queen.
Listen to me!
Ragnar was his father!
Lies won't save him!
It's true. I swear it is!
He is your brother!
Look at him...
how he hastens to his death.
He can't wait to die.
If I can't have your love,
I'll take your hate.
Why did he hesitate?
Prepare a funeral for a Viking.