Vinterviken (1996) Movie Script

You know zero about
my desire, sisters......
- and nothing at all
about my lust.
Oh brothers and sisters...
- tell me, I want to know?
What is love?
Oh, lay off. Damned fool
- Wonder whos the fool here?
- Shut up.
Oh, check out those tits!
Hi. This...
You're short 50 Ore!
Sluggo, you got
some money on you?
Oh, come on.
Seriously speaking...
- Serious, it costs 12 Crowns.
- What the hell, fifty fire?
Damn you!
Last day.
Tomorrow it starts.
Then it's the end of this, Sluggo.
Yea, damned shame...
But at least you'll meet
a lot of cute photo models.
Photo models?
- I'm gonna be an actor!
- You'll probably see them naked.
Maybe you'll get
to show your cock too!
- Forget it.
- Depends on how much you get.
Do you know how much
Schwarzenegger gets a film?
- Yea, a lot.
- 12 million. Twelve.
I'd show my cock for that.
- Nobody wants to see it, Sluggo.
- Check it out!
Smells like pussy!
Why do all the nice chicks
live on the other side?
Come over here!
Why are you shouting? You haven't
got a chance with one of those.
Damn, we ought to have a boat
We have a boat!
- Look, look...
- I'm looking...
You see huh?
Damned nice...
- ls the water warm?
- So, so...
- Where are you going?
- We're training for Lake Race.
What the hell...
What an idiot
Stupid idiots!
Patricia! Patricia!
Alright, it's alright darling,
Mama's here...
Little baby.
Dear little darling.
- What happened?
- She just went under.
He saved her.
Come in, boys.
If this country had
more youth like you...
- things wouldn't go to hell.
- Cheers.
- Cheers...
I painted like that
when I was three.
It's Miro.
- Do you like him?
- Absolutely.
- What's you're name, anyway?
- John-John.
That's funny...
- How are you, then?
- Fine...
- You didn't get scared, did you?
- Not very, a little...
- But you're tough, right?
- Yes.
We ought to give
them something, Frank
Yes, of course.
- Thank you, John.
- John-John
And thanks to you.
Wow. Thanks.
Elisabeth. I've had a shock!
- How so?
- I almost drowned!!!
But John-John saved me!
We were incredibly lucky.
If John-John hadn't been so...
But Frank, we supposed to be
at your mother's soon.
Oh, yes, damn.
I'll just drive the boys home.
Where do you live?
- Bye.
Nice car.
- Where are you going?
- Home.
See you tomorrow.
- Hi sis!
- Hi!
- Nice!
- Isn't it?
Do you want me to paint
something for you?
Not in pink, anyway.
- Hi!
- Hi buddy.
You're on time for a change?
- What's the grub?
- Meat loaf.
Yum-yum, meatloaf.
You like that don't you.
What. You're ungrateful?
You ungrateful...!
Shit head...
What did you call me?
I must have heard wrong.
- What? Huh?
- Rolf.
- A little better.
- Rolf!
What are you up to?
I'm just teaching him
a few holds!
In case he runs into
some bad guys downtown.
You're a good boy.
And we don't slam any doors!
What are you doing?
Where'd this money come from?
Don't mess with my things.
- Whose is it?
- It's mine.
Where did you get it?
From a man. His kid was
drowning and I saved her.
- You expect me to believe that...
- I haven't stolen it.
It's my money. Ask Sluggo.
Sure. Sluggo! Just the man to ask.
You haven't lifted
a finger all summer...
- not even tried to get a job.
And now you've suddenly got 2000...
Not bad, huh?
- Hi, Sluggo!
- Hi...
- Nice!
- You think so?
Well, I'm out of here
She's really cute, your sis!
Damn...there's a number missing.
- It was 2630 something...
- What're you talking about?
The alarm code for that estate.
They're nice people!
They won't be back
until late tonight.
The guy will know
it was us immediately!
Why would he?
He said we were heroes!
What do you mean, 'we'?
Who's hurt if we
take a little money?
- They've got all they want.
- Come on Sluggo.
It's not a tobacco shop, it's
an estate with people living there.
Are you an old lady, or what?
It was a nine.
Damn you if the alarm goes.
I'm so stupid. It was a seven!
With more youth like you,
everything wouldn't go to hell.
What the...?
Where's the bread?
Maybe he took it with him
Or maybe he hid it!
She smells nice, huh?
What the hell! Are you stupid
or what? Put it away.
A real fucking revolver.
Make my day.
Put it away!
Relax. It's not even loaded.
- Let it go!
- It's mine. I found it.
- Put it back.
- Why?
Who are you gonna shoot?
Everybody I don't like.
You're not gonna shoot
anybody. Get it?
- Put it back.
- Okay.
I will.
What the hell!
How come the alarm didn't work?
Wait. Maybe they're still inside.
Stay out here.
Lisbeth, call the police.
- Lisbeth, what's going on?
- Someone broke in.
- Should I call the police?
- I've already done it, thanks.
Damned idiot.
What'd you do?
They had a swimming pool.
- You weren't supposed to steal it!
- Oh, what the hell.
Damn you!
You can probably get 1500 for it...
You've got bullets too?
Straight punches, Lasse,
straight punches.
Remy Martin.
Great! Pour this in the chicks
and they turn over for us.
This one stays here. Okay?
What are you doing here?
This late?
- Warming up.
- Hold it, Sluggo.
Training starts tomorrow.
Be on time.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Where's Mama?
- She's on night shift.
There's food
for you in the fridge.
How you get so dirty?
What've you been doing?
Nothing to do about it.
He was born that way.
Put them in the basket.
I'm doing wash tomorrow
Nice color, that one
This one?
- What is that, medium pink?
- Cerise.
On the other hand,
the first term...
John-John Sundberg
I presume.
We're making a survey
of our expectations...
- for this aesthetic education
in theater sciences.
I could start by asking you...
What do you expect?
Well...l want to work
with action movies.
What did you say?
- You want to work with movies...
- Yes. Preferably action.
Action movies... I see...
- Ulla Lundgren?
- I want to be a drama teacher
- But first children's theater.
- Well, that sounds good.
- And then...Staff an Nykvist.
- Yes, that's me.
I want to be a theater director,
and I want to write plays.
- Funny you going here.
- Yea.
I tried to go to Sodra Latin.
But I didn't get in.
- It's supposed to be better.
- Is that right...?
What were you saying?
Somebody broke into your house?
Yes, a burglary last night.
A burglary! Layoff!
- Tough luck.
- They take anything?
- Two paintings.
- Paintings?
- Two Miro.
- Miro...
- Papa's suing the alarm company.
- Were they big...
- No, I mean, were they expensive?
- Almost 3 million...
- Three million.
- What...?
Not this maybe...
Worst thing was they were in
my room. And read my diary.
They read your diary!
God, that's a deadly sin!
Tough shit...
Sluggo, softer in the waist...
Hell! I didn't steal them!
- Who took them, then?
- How do I know. I don't like art.
They're worth a hell of a lot.
- If I 'd known I'd have taken them.
- Idiot.
What else did she say?
She just talked
about the burglary
You tell her we did it?
I bet you 'd say it
if you had the chance.
Did she wonder why
somebody sniffed her dress?
Wait for the bell.
What's the matter with you?
Find out how the style
the author uses is constructed
Then write what ever you want,
but try to copy the author's style.
- You can go first...
- Thanks.
"Come, my children
with brown weathered cheeks.
Follow me as a troop...
- keep your weapons ready!"
Ah, sorry. I don't get it!
- It doesn't even rhyme?
- All poetry doesn't rhyme.
But try to find something
in the style, and in the tone
I thought we were going
to work with movies...
It's not just movies here, but
dramatic performance as well.
It's important to master the text
in both analysis and performance
But you just want to do "action".
Listen. Try to find
the tone of the text.
"Pioneers! Oh pioneers!
We can not wait here
We must march and win...
- meet and withstand the danger.
We are young and tenacious
everyone depends on us.
Pioneers! Oh pioneers!"
"Sisters. Oh sisters.
I long for you so.
I burn by day...
- and burn by night...
You know zero of my desires,
And you know nothing
at all of my lust."
And what are you doing here?
Too late for small boys to be out.
Go up now.
No... Stop it...
Wake up, wake up
you damned shit head.
Shut up, shut up or I'll shoot.
Get your clothes on
and get out of here. Leave
Get up or I'll shoot you cock off.
- Hurry up, damn it.
- Yea, yea...
Come on damn you.
- Get your fat ass up.
- Stop it, damn it.
Take it easy now.
Hurry up then
I'm on my damned way.
Take it easy.
What are you doing?
Shit head's moving.
Come on, speed up, damn you.
Get out!
Don't slam the door.
Take it easy.
We won't be seeing him again.
I took his key.
- It was my fault.
- It was not.
Yes, it was.
I should have shot the bastard.
Don't tell Mama. Promise!
Promise. She'd never forgive me
Okay, remove the pillows,
clear the floor.
Stand facing each other,
two and two.
- We're doing a movement exercise.
- Spread out.
You can use the whole floor,
down there too.
- Okay, put your hands like this...
- There's room over there.
With space between. Like that.
We'll do a movement exercise
based on that you...
How are you doing?
You look sad.
You down there, you must
participate in this too.
I'd rather work with movies, too
Isn't that right?...
Patricia was really happy
to hear you were in my class.
- She says you're her hero.
- Oh, it was nothing.
By the way, it's
her birthday today.
I thought...maybe you'd
like to come to the party?
Hey, look where you're going!
I'll take it myself.
Excuse me.
This is too bad.
- 32 guys and not a single chick.
- Too bad.
Check this! I'll hone it clown
and it will cut any lock at all
- Hey, I can't make training today.
- Why?
Well, there's something
I've got to do.
- See you later. Hi.
- What do you gotta do?
I just can't. See you.
What the hell?!
Who's been shooting
in the bedroom?
There's a bullet in the wall.
I scared Shit Head off with a gun.
It's okay. He moved.
How so moved?
He won't be coming back here.
You stupid kid.
What've you done?
Where'd you get the gun?
- I borrowed it.
- From whom?
I can't tell you.
Where do you keep it?
What are doing, John-John?
Why? Why?
Answer me!
He's a shit head...
What are you doing?
Yea, hi...
I was looking for a party here.
- John-John! Hi.
- Hi.
How does it feel to have a birthday?
A lot of presents?
- John-John? Hi.
- Hi there.
- Hi, Majken...
- John-John.
He's a hero! He saved me
from drowning in Winter Bay.
Really? Somebody ought
to give him a medal.
Frank, look who's here!
Did you bring me a present?
As a matter of fact, I did.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
How'd you know it was
Patricia's birthday?
Well, Elisabeth and I
are in the same class.
Really. What a coincidence.
Oh, thank you John-John!
- Bye.
- Nice pool you've got.
- Yes, it's kind of...nice.
- Lisbeth, you still swim?
- Sure I do.
- 20 minutes every morning.
- Yes, it's good for the thighs.
- You've got to keep fit.
- I know.
You don't have to swim, do you?
- Maybe you want to see my room?
- Sure.
- Is it up there or...?
- Yes.
It's a little messy.
You've got a lot of cd's...
That's Satie...
- Have you heard it, it's great?
- No, I don't think so.
Do you like this kind of music?
Yes, I like classical.
My grandfather was a conductor
And Mama was a pianist...
- or was until she married Papa
You may borrow it if you want.
Yea, cool.
I can't write in
my diary any more.
Damned shame.
What is it?
Ah, nothing.
John-John, where are you?
- Hi.
- Hi.
You get this instead of a medal!
Can you do magic tricks?
No, but I can do this...
Once again...
Did you find it?
Sure, it's here. I'm coming.
- What's the insurance pay?
- Full value.
Full indemnity?
They're priceless. Miro, damn it.
See you Monday.
You want to do
something Saturday?
Saturday? Like what?
- The carnival, maybe?
- You leaving already, John-John?
Yea, I'm going now...
Funny you ending up in the same
class when you live so far apart.
What do you say, is there
any future in acting?
I don't know.
We had a burglary Sunday.
I already told him.
- Nasty business.
- Yea, I understand.
I guess I'll got to go now.
So long.
Here's for last time, you asshole.
You're not cocky any more, huh?
Now you don't carry a piece.
Come up and fight, damn it!
You're a boxer, aren't you?
- Calm down! Don't kill the kid.
- Lay off. Don't get mixed up in it.
I've been like a father to this
bastard, and he's still ungrateful.
Damned shit. Come on now.
Try to look a little happier.
We're having fun now.
What's this? Where'd a little shit
like him get so much money?
I'll keep them, you've been
a naughty asshole.
Not the pipe.
This bastard waved a loaded gun
in my face. He's gonna die.
Wait. Wait. I know where
more money is. Take it easy. Wait.
Several millions.
- Stop. What are you doing?
- Why not...for money?
She swims 20 minutes every morning
And the alarm isn't on.
You just go in and take them.
Why are the paintings
under the bed?
Some have money
under the mattress.
Shut up now.
Nothing funny about this?
No, no. Foolproof.
The owner can't call the cops.
He's stolen them from himself.
If you're lying, you're dead.
Get it?
My God, John-John,
what have you done? Let me see...
This is crazy. What happened?
Sit down.
It hurts so bad!
You've got to tell me who did it.
How can I help you if...
I've never seen his name
in any movie.
Maybe he doesn't work
in the movies any more.
A lot can happen in 15 years.
Do you think he's
still in New York?
I don't know.
I've been kind of thinking of
going to see him some time.
I never got his new address.
Couldn't you try
to make up with Rolf again?
He wants to be like
a father for you.
You could give him a chance?
For me?
'Mamas moon means Mini
Mini's moon means Mama
Mama's moon means
Mini and Mama.
Sit up straight.
What've you done?
'90': mugged.
'BY Whom?
"A gang...
Who were they?
Never saw them before.
Can I see you tomorrow?
Yes, when?
- 7:30. Outside the carnival?
- Okay.
By the way, did you hearth cd?
No. I haven't had time yet.
Have you got a cd with Satie?
- Anything special?
- Yea, piano.
I've only got this one here.
I'll take it.
What kind of shitty
music is that?
I won't make training today.
- Come on now.
- I don't have time.
- Why not?
- I have to get away.
Ivo won't like it a bit
- What are you doing?
- I can't.
What am I supposed to do then?
- You're meeting her, aren't you?
- Yea. So what?
Damned traitor.
- Are you jealous?
- Nope.
You'll never fuck her anyway
And we don't miss
any more training sessions...
- Where's the gun?
- What are you doing?
- It's gone. Where the hell is it?
- Never mind.
Where is it?
- Did you sell it?
- Maybe I did.
You didn't sell it. Go get it.
I want to show it to a buddy
What buddy? You haven't
got any buddies..
Get it, damn it, it's mine!
You shouldn't play with
dangerous toys like that.
Did you fuck her?
I knew it. The wrong kind.
You stupid enough to think
she'd want to do it with a nigger?
What's the matter?
I saw you at the carnival.
- Don't say anything to Mama.
- How could you?
Don't tell Mama,
she can't take it.
With your own stepfather. Icsh!
- I love him.
- What?
I love him. But you wouldn't
understand. You don't know love.
- How do you know what I know'?
- You know nothing about love.
- You want me to hit you or what?
- Then hit me. Hit me!
That's all you know how!
Thank you.
That's not a little one.
This is blood, sweat and tears...
Sorry I didn't come.
That's okay.
Did you wait long?
No, not very.
I couldn't come.
I had to go somewhere.
You're not mad are you?
Oh... Thanks for the loan.
It was good.
But... This isn't it...
This is another pianist.
Is it? I must've taken the wrong one...
at home. This is good too.
- Can I borrow it?
- Sure.
Can we do something now?
Shit, shit, shit...
- Right...
- Shit...
Let's go...
I lied to you this morning.
I didn't go anywhere Saturday.
It was...well, Papa...
- didn't want us to meet
Why not?
He doesn't know you like I do.
If he did it'd be different.
This your chick?
Oh. Raimo.
- How are you doing, boy?
- Good.
Not good to mess with him
when he's mad.
It wasn't that bad was it?
Thanks for the tip.
Not any day you get one like that.
You found a real golden egg...
You want some smoke?
Moroccan. Good price.
For old friendship's sake. Good stuff.
- No business?
- No business.
How about you, sugar pie?
That's okay, you shouldn't
mess with that kind of shit.
See you in the next life!
When we're rich and famous.
- Who was that?
- What...oh...
It was...a neighbor
I hardly know him.
When I was little, I wasn't allowed
to go further than here.
Mama always said watch out
for water. I didn't cross the bridge
But you're older now.
- You want to swim?
- Where are your parents?
- Asleep.
Are you with somebody?
- No.
- That guy at the party?
Him... No, why do you think that?
He just looked like it.
No. That was my cousin
- I thought I heard voices.
- Lt's just me.
Do you know what time it is?
- Where have you been so late?
- I've been out.
With Camilla.
It's time you came up to bed.
Don't you think?
Yes, father.
- Bye
John-John, wait a minute...
Hows it going with your
writing assignment?
- Good.
- Really?
How come you haven't
handed it in then?
John-John. Theater Science is
no game. You have to work hard!
- Theater is very serious business
- It didn't turn out very well.
- What?
- What I wrote.
Let me be the judge of that.
Why'd you choose this class?
I want to be an actor
- My Dad is an actor.
- Really?
Somebody I've heard of'?
No, he lives in New York.
Well, then you have a good start.
To me, it's not writing
It's like opening the tap,
and it comes.
- I see...
- Pictures...
Exactly I see pictures, and you
just have to write them down.
It just flows...
What's the hurry, darling?
- Let me pass...
- You can stay a while.
- Let me go past.
- Why should I do that?
Let me go!
What's going on?
- Scram. Don't mess with my chick.
- You want a smack in the face?
You're pretty cocky, aren't you?
Nail him.
Hit him.
Stop it! John-John!
- Come on!
- Go to hell.
Now, Hakan. Get him.
Fight it out. Harder.
Now we calm down.
Calm down everybody
- I'm gonna kill you asshole.
- You'll do nothing of the kind.
He hit me first...
- Hi. Are you here?
- Waiting for you.
- Do you often do that?
- What?
- Fight.
- Yea, when I have to.
- But why did you hit him so hard?
- I didn't.
You did. He was bleeding.
Well, he deserved it.
So you think you're tough now?
Layoff. It's a lot worse
if they see you're scared.
Fighting doesn't solve anything.
But I did it for you.
Tell me straight then.
I'm the wrong kind, right?
I don't fit with a chick in
a castle with a swimming pool
No, not when you
behave like you do.
Then fuck the whole thing
Go to hell...
'Sisters! Oh sisters!
Why are you always
on the other side...?
What are you doing here?
I have to talk to you.
Not now.
I love you.
Couldn't you tell me
in a more normal way?
I have to tell you now.
You're crazy.
Go now! They can hear you.
What do they say at your house
when you go out at night?
Nobody notices.
My mother works nights
- What is she doing?
- She's cleaning.
- What's the matter?
- What if your father sees us?
Papa doesn't like that I chose theater.
He thinks I should have...
- chosen the humanities.
Natural science or something.
I guess he's right.
I don't fit in the class.
- I don't have any talent
- Sure you do.
Papa doesn't think so
He says I'll never be an actor.
What a bastard.
- He isn't having much fun now.
- Why not?
His company is almost broke.
We might sell the house.
He wants to move to Brussels.
Some business contacts there.
- Have you been with many girls?
- Not many.
How many?
No one that mattered.
I have something to tell you.
I've done something stupid.
More stupid than coming here
in the middle of the night?
We'll talk some other time
- Hi.
- Hi.
You looked worried,
what were you dreaming?
About you...
- A nice dream?
- Yes.
I know. We overslept.
I told Mama that we..
That I had a late class
I think you better leave
the same way you came in
That's okay.
Damn it.
Elisabeth... Elisabeth!?
What the hell's going on?!
A blow to his head.
I understand. Thanks for calling
Rolf has been knocked down.
He's at the hospital.
- I see.
- He's unconscious.
They said he had a letter in
his pocket with our address.
- Probably a welfare check.
- You be quiet now!
Not another word from you
He's moving back home.
I'll take care of him.
It was terrible.
He was standing there. I hit him
with the golf club. He collapsed.
- Oh, ish!
- I wouldn't dare.
- He could have died...
- God, what an experience...
- I'd like to go see him.
- Why?
- Maybe I killed him.
- No, don't go.
What if he comes back?
I once read about a burglar...
- he came back and cut
the whole family's throats.
- I'm serious about it.
- The same thieves as last time?
- That's what the police think.
- The ones that read your diary?
- Do you still love me?
- Yes.
- Can't we go to your place?
- I don't know if I can.
It's a little messy right now.
Rolf can come home today.
You got to help me get him.
Lena couldn't.
- How is he?
- Making progress.
Hi buddy.
You're going home now.
I'll take care of you.
I'll make meatloaf.
Isn't he going to jail?
How can they?
They can't even interrogate him.
The police say there's no charges.
Who was that?
- What are you staring at?
- Take it easy now, John-John.
Recognize me?
Doctors say it can take a while
for his memory to come back.
If it ever does.
- Yes, Elisabeth?
- Hi, Elisabeth, it's me...
Meat Loaf...!
- Hello?
- We have to talk...
I don't want to talk to you!
So it's you...
ls Elisabeth home?
In this house we use the door.
- I want to see her.
- You're not welcome here
You're the one who broke in here.
You little bastard!
If I see you here again,
I'll call the police. Understand?
You'll get there soon...
- You're going to an institution.
- You can't do anything to me.
Sure I can. I'll see to it
you never see my daughter again.
Get lost!
Faulkner was very disappointed
politically, after World War I.
He was a pilot himself. And
he had a lot of private setbacks.
You can see in his writing that
his viewpoint became very dark.
Or as he writes himself,
"In the choice between sorrow and..."
What do you say, John-John?
Do you agree "...between sorrow
and nothing, I choose sorrow'?
Oh, I don't really know.
- Welcome Elisabeth!
- Sorry I'm late.
- I have to talk to you.
- Shut up!
I know what happened. You told
your dad about our paintings...
He's not my dad...
And you have the nerve to say
you love me. You're disgusting.
Keep away from me,
I'll never talk to you again.
But your father
hid the paintings!
- What do you mean hid them?
- It's called insurance fraud.
My god, you're a liar!
- Need any help?
- You can go to hell too.
Damn' it...
- I've told you to lay off her.
- What are you doing?
What? You don't get
my meaning?
What the hell, are
you stupid or what?
What are you doing?
Get him in. Get him in...get him in!
You're not so cocky now, huh?
Okay, Sluggo. Hit the nigger.
Why. He's already
been beaten up...
- Come on now!
- Why?
I said hit him!
I-lit him!
Again! Once more!
Hit him again.
Hey! What are you doing?
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
John-John's in there.
Guess what he found
under Papa's bed?
- But, where do they come from?
- John-John made magic.
Hands up.
- You put that down
- Hands up, I said.
- Give me that.
- Stop or I'll shoot.
I can get you a much nicer gun
Have you seen Elisabeth?
- Nope...
- She doesn't want to see you
Maybe she changed her mind.
It's nice to see we have
an author among us.
I'll read you a composition,
the best I've received in many years.
- Have you seen Elisabeth?
- No. I don't know...
Shh! Listen!
"Sisters! Oh sisters! Why are
you always on the other side?
Why is there always
a kind of ocean between us?
Why are you always
somewhere else?
Why does one have to work
like an animal to get to you?
Sisters, oh sisters...
Tell me, what is love."
This is good!
It has presence and rhythm,
and a sway in the prose.
There's something wistful,
almost painful in the phrases...
It's good, John-John.
It is very good.
The next one is Elisabeth's.
She also takes up love...
But Elisabeth moved,
she's not with us any more
- The next composition is about...
- What? She moved?
Yes, she's moving
to Brussels today.
- Excuse me. Where are they?
- They just left.
You're too late, you bastard.
- John-John! Stop Papa.
- The hell I will.
I don't understand...
How could you do this...
Stop nagging. I did it for us
For our family.
You never give up, do you?
I'm talking to you!
Elisabeth, stop.
It's cool...
High Ground Copenhagen