Violett (2023) Movie Script

(camera whirring)
(energetic music)
(atmospheric music)
(rain pattering)
(birds calling)
(atmospheric music)
(jaunty music)
(jaunty music)
(tense music)
(woman exhaling)
(rising music)
(crickets chirping)
(door clicking)
(crickets chirping)
(door creaking)
(jaunty music)
(tense music)
(door creaking)
(tense music)
(jaunty music)
(crickets chirping)
(birds calling)
(tense music)
(Sonya exhaling)
(tense music)
(gentle music)
- Violett, are you
ready for school?
(children chattering)
Have a good day. All right?
- Sonya?
(tense music)
(vigorous music)
(tense music)
(wind rustling)
(tense music)
(child humming)
(dramatic music)
(children chattering)
- [TV] The seven dwarfs
forth to find Snow White.
Oh no. There's snow white now.
I hope she sees through
the queen's trickery.
(cutlery sheathing)
- Oh, well, how are you
this fine day, my dear?
(door clicking)
It comes from a tree contains
that contains a natural potion
that will keep you young
and beautiful in years.
- [Narrator] It was
as though the queen
had cast a spell over her
as Snow White took
the poisoned apple
and placed it to her lip.
(dramatic music)
(queen cackling)
(Snow White gasping)
When the seven dwarfs
returned home from work,
they found snow white
and nothing they could
do would revive her.
They were heartbroken to
lose such a good friend
and they spent day after
day keeping a vigil over
her casket of flowers.
Never had they known
nor could they imagine-
- Eat your soup.
- [Narrator] To take
their beloved snow white
away from them.
Even as she laid
there, her beauty,
and she looked as lovely
as she had in life.
(somber music)
- I think I go for a walk.
Before it gets too dark.
- [Narrator] The
seven dwarfs found him
to be kind and generous
and agreed to let him
move her to his castle.
(crickets chirping)
- I don't want to sleep.
I have nightmares.
- Your gran will
be here tomorrow.
You have to try.
- I need Ava next to me tonight.
(crickets chirping)
- Where's Ava?
- I keep her under the bed.
(tense music)
- Where did you get this from?
- The lady gave it to me.
- What lady?
- The lady down the street.
- You don't take
gifts from strangers.
Is that clear?
(crickets chirping)
I said, is that clear?
Go to sleep.
I love you.
- I love you too.
- 1, 2, 3. (blowing)
(water trickling)
- Should do this more often.
(birds tweeting)
We don't see each other enough.
- I can feel your look.
- What look?
- I'm doing okay, mom.
- Are you?
- Yes.
- When you were a
kid, I always knew
when you were
telling me the truth.
You'd look at me.
- I'm just taking one
day at a time, mom.
- Oh, you should lose
those nasty things.
(birds cawing)
- What if I told you that
there was something else
here in the house?
That it's not me.
Would you believe me?
- Of course I would.
- Right?
And I'm not going
away again, Mom.
- We're not gonna
let that happen.
Time will heal. I promise.
- I know.
- Tell me about Stan.
- What about him?
- He loves you.
- I know. He's a doctor, right?
He'll take care of me.
- I just don't want you to
do something you'll regret.
(somber music)
(tense music)
(door knocking)
- [Sonya] Violett.
(somber music)
(tense music)
(thunder cracking)
(tense music)
(thunder cracking)
- These storms should pass soon.
Did you cancel your
appointment today?
(tense music)
You've been drinking
again, haven't you?
Please don't ignore me.
I said-
- You don't know me.
You don't know
anything about me.
You don't see what I see.
- I'm just trying to help
you, like I always do.
- Help me?
(tense music)
(cutlery clunking)
(somber music)
- [Broadcaster] Another
child reported missing today
in the town of Miles.
A family devastated when
their 6-year-old son, Kyle,
disappeared from the local park.
Detectives say the parents
looked away from their son
for just seconds
when he vanished
right before their very eyes.
(somber music)
Right now the growing number
of child disappearances
is catastrophic.
For an entire community
in a state of disbelief.
(somber music)
(Sonya exhaling)
(children chattering)
(somber music)
- What do you say we go and get
one of your favorite sweets?
- Toffee apple?
- Well, all right.
(somber music)
(thunder cracking)
- [Violett] Mom?
What happens if we die?
- [Sonya] What are
you talking about?
- [Violett] A girl in my class
did something strange
at school today.
- [Sonya] What was that?
- She said that we die
like the way a plant dies.
We go into the ground
and we never come back.
Is it true?
- No. It's not true.
It's not true.
- Well, if we don't go into
the ground, where do we go?
- I want you to stop
talking to people.
- I don't believe
we never come back.
- Listen to me. We're
living in dangerous times.
Nothing is safe.
Promise me you won't
talk to strangers.
Promise me.
(tense music)
(door knocking)
(door creaking)
- (Neighborhood Woman)
Sorry to disturb you, lady.
- It's quite all right.
- I have an abundance of fruit
that keeps falling
from my tree, you see.
Would you like to take some?
I don't like to waste God's
beautiful fruit, you know?
- It's all right. I have
plenty of fruit already.
- Are you sure, lady?
Can't hurt to have more.
- Yes. Yes, I'm sure.
- We don't like to waste
things in this neighborhood.
(birds cawing)
- I said I'm fine.
Now please leave.
- Are you okay, my dear?
(tense music)
I can help you.
- I said I don't need any of
your goddamn fruit. Now go.
- I said...
Good fruit for children's
health and wellbeing,
you selfish little
fucking whore.
(tense music)
Do you want your child to live
or do you want
your child to die?
(Sonya exhaling)
(jaunty music)
(sheep bleating)
(jaunty music)
(young Sonya humming)
- Sonya.
You should answer
me when I call you.
What's this rubbish
you're drawing now?
You don't get to do your
stupid little fucking drawings
until your chores are done.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand me?
(tense music)
- Please, father.
- Now do the chores
I told you to do
and then see me in the shed.
(somber music)
(door creaking)
(sheep bleating)
(tense music)
(birds tweeting)
(car tires rolling)
(car horn honking)
(engine humming)
- You know you're a
liability on the road, mom.
- Nobody tells me I'm not
fit to drive except me.
Get in.
I said get in.
You wanna tell me
what you're doing?
- What are you, a detective now?
- Yeah. Should have been.
Would've been a damn good one.
I know about closure.
- Closure?
- You just have to accept the-
- No, Mom, you don't have
a clue about closure.
- What are you
doing? Where's Stan?
- Working.
He's always working.
(somber music)
Are you okay, Mom?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
Don't... No, no.
Don't worry about me.
I just never wanted
this for you.
- I know that.
- Obviously.
We both know I should
have left your father
much sooner than I did,
for both our sakes.
- I know you're trying
to make it up to me.
- Just trying to help.
It's what moms do.
(birds tweeting)
(somber music)
- I love you, mom.
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(somber music continues)
(cups rattling)
(somber music)
(jaunty music)
(tense music)
(jaunty music)
(jaunty music)
(children laughing)
(The Candy Man hissing)
(jaunty music)
(The Candy Man hissing)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(The Candy Man screeching)
(tense music)
(animated characters
speaking German)
(jaunty music)
- Oh, I'm quite sure.
- Oh.
- With you holding my hand,
I'm sure of everything.
- Oh, okay. Mr. Squiggle.
Is it upside down?
- Everything's upside down.
- Turn the television
off, Violett.
Come here.
I won't let anything
happen to you.
Do you understand?
Do you?
(somber music)
(water trickling)
(somber music)
(solemn music)
(audience clapping)
(jaunty music)
(audience cheering)
(somber music)
(violin bow creaking)
(door knocking)
- [Sonya] Can I help you?
- Yes. Yeah.
Sorry to bother
you, my dear girl.
I've been doing some
work in the neighborhood.
Well, I, I seem to have
lost one of my toolboxes.
You haven't seen any
thieving looking youths
wandering the streets, have you?
- No.
- It's been a while since we
had thieving little youths
in these streets.
Wouldn't want that
again now, would we?
There used to be a time
when you could leave
your doors unlocked here.
I miss those days.
I blame parents not watching
their kids close enough,
if you ask me.
I don't think we've ever
really met, have we?
You know, we've both lived
on this long street here
forever, it seems.
My name is Edmond.
I'm the local handy
man around here.
Most people just call me Ed.
Pardon me for
saying this, ma'am,
but they had no
right to suspect me.
Anyway, I'll leave you
to your day, ma'am.
Oh, here's my card.
If you ever need any
work done around here.
Pardon me for saying so,
but seems like your could.
Well, goodbye now.
Oh, and keep your doors and
windows locked at all times now.
You hear?
(water trickling)
- (laughing) Violett, sweetie,
you can't expect to
get it straight away.
It takes practice.
Hey, when are you go
to see Stan, then?
Violett, sweetie.
Look, I tell you what.
Why don't you go change
then go and play for a while
and I'll get the brushes ready.
What do you say?
(wind rustling)
- What have you
got there, Violett?
(tense music)
What are you doing going
near the junk pile?
You shouldn't be touching that.
- You know, I never dreamed
that I could have
such a beautiful girl
who would sit and paint
with their mother.
How lucky am I?
- Maybe Stan could
paint with me too.
- Well, I don't think painting's
really his thing, sweetheart.
- He hates art, doesn't he?
- He doesn't hate art.
Don't say things like that.
He used to take you fishing.
- I hated it.
- How can you remember
if you liked it or not?
It was so long ago.
You were only four
when he would take you.
- I remember.
You throw a line into the water
and then wait till a
helpless fish came along
and got its mouth
stuck on a hook.
- You watch too much TV.
- [Violett] I prefer
to paint with you.
(somber music)
- I'm going to be
better for you.
- [Violett] Do you wanna see
what I've been
working on in my room?
(somber music)
- Of course I do.
(birds tweeting)
It looks like you have many
new additions, Violett.
Did you do them recently?
- Mm-hmm.
- What's this one?
- That's the lady
who gives me fruit.
(tense music)
(flowers rustling)
(sheep bleating)
(man humming)
(sheep bleating)
(wind rustling)
And then we're gonna start a
new clay creation together.
Please, Mom. It would just
be for a little while.
- Don't ask me, Violett.
You know no one except your gran
is allowed to come to
the house right now.
- Why?
- Is that understood.
I said, is that understood?
(tense music)
Don't look up.
(tense music)
- There is something
so beautiful
about the closed hands
of a mother and daughter.
I once had a daughter,
but resplendent beings
are often more fragile.
Life has a habit of
swallowing beauty from us.
Would you like to
see my drawing?
- Some other time?
- I see you.
I watch you
walking to school with
your child every day.
Can't be too careful.
Lots of strange characters
roaming our streets
in these times.
Come over here.
I have something to show you.
Something I think you'll enjoy.
(disconcerting music)
Stop right there.
Stay there.
Stay there.
Don't move now.
Stay there.
We have a duty to record
beauty when we see it.
For it is a fleeting thing
in this world of ours.
(atmospheric music)
There is something so beautiful
about the closed hands
of a mother and daughter.
- So this is what you
do all day out here?
- I am all.
(tense music)
Sketching beauty.
An artist's duty
is to make people see.
- Wasn't that that
young girl, Daria,
who was kidnapped from
the park five years ago?
- Yes.
And she was drowned in a bath.
(tense music)
Memories in physical form
are such more powerful.
You know that.
(tense music)
And all.
(scary music)
- Mom.
(dramatic music)
(ice cream van chimes ringing)
(tense music)
(pastels scratching)
(artist whistling)
(thunder cracking)
(tense music)
- Why?
Why can't they see what we see?
(somber music)
(tense music)
(door creaking)
- You left the front
door unlocked again.
- [Sonya] Sorry, I, I
thought I locked it.
- Well, you didn't.
I found these lying
out next to our bin.
How many are you taking?
I prescribe you the
correct amount you need.
- Why?
I'm sorry, Stan.
- If only you knew
what I do for you.
What is it?
What do I need to do to
make you love me again?
(somber music)
- I do love you.
- I'm the one that
tried to help you.
I gave you everything
that was mine.
- It's a curse to
have dreams, I know.
I told you once a long time
ago that I was no good.
(somber music)
- Hey.
I'm just trying to find a
way to get us through this.
I need your help, Sonya.
(tense music)
(baby crying)
(tense music)
(baby crying)
(tense music)
(fan whirring)
(sheep bleating)
- No one likes
lazy little girls.
Hey, stop dreaming
about the Emerald city
and start thinking about
helping your father.
- [Mother] Sonya.
(jaunty music)
(sheep bleating)
It's dinner time.
- Mother is calling, Father.
She says it's dinner time.
- It's dinner time when
I say it's dinner time.
(jaunty music)
(sheep bleating)
(jaunty music)
(sheep bleating)
(jaunty music)
- You are not going anywhere.
(sheep bleating)
(sheep bleating)
(knife sheathing)
(Sonya trembling)
(Father exhaling)
(gate creaking)
(Sonya trembling)
- Sonya?
Where have you gotten to now?
(tense music)
Are we playing hide
and seek again, are we?
(tense music)
(birds tweeting)
(Sonya trembling)
(Sonya yelling)
(sheep bleating)
(tense music)
I want to show you something.
(tense music)
(somber music)
- Keep spiraling.
(somber music)
(fire crackling)
(somber music)
(door knocking)
- Found my other toolbox.
Sorry to disturb
you again, ma'am.
I was doing some work next door.
I accidentally kicked a piece
of brick into your riser,
sewer pipe.
I think it may have ricocheted
into your connecting pipe.
T junction.
Is it okay if I check
your drainage out?
- Is this necessary?
- I'm afraid it is, ma'am.
You may not be able to
use your shower again.
Or toilet.
Or anything, really.
I really need to have
a look. (laughing)
(door clicking)
Seems to be all right.
I will need to
come back tomorrow
with an extended claw
and get that brick out for you.
- So there's no issues, then?
- Let me just check
your kitchen sink here.
So sorry about all this, ma'am.
I'm a bit of a dunderklumpen.
What's this?
There's something here.
It's stuck. Wrapped
around the pipe.
- What do you mean?
- I found a 1930 penny once.
Paid for me.
Another time, I
found a jar of teeth.
(tense music)
- That's my daughter's
little camera.
We bought that for
her 10th birthday.
What's it doing in there?
- I've seen stranger things.
If you asked me,
it's a perfect spot
to hide a present from a child.
Probably wouldn't have
been found for a long time
if I hadn't been
poking around in there.
(tense music)
(door banging)
- Are you okay?
- Yep.
I'm just going to freshen up
before I start making dinner.
- Okay.
(tense music)
Are you gonna eat?
I said, are you going to eat?
- I'm not hungry.
(tense music)
The handy man was here today.
Ed. Ed was his name.
There was some accident outside.
- Okay.
- So he had to come
inside to fix it.
That's when he found it.
- Found what?
(tense music)
Is there something
you're not telling me?
(tense music)
- Where is it?
- Where's what?
- It was right here.
- What was?
I don't know what
you're talking about.
- He found Violett's old camera
hidden under the sink, Stan.
- I don't know what
you're talking-
- What was it doing
hidden under the sink?
- I don't know.
- Don't tell me I'm mad.
Tell me you took
it. I know you did.
Fucking tell me, Stan.
- Why are you doing this?
- Give it to me.
(tense music)
(tense music)
- Stop.
This is all in your
mind. All of it.
- Not all of it.
- Yes, it is.
(tense music)
And I don't know how
else to help you.
(tense music)
- Stan.
You did it.
- Sonya. Stop this.
- Let's ask her.
Let's ask Violett.
Kids never lie.
- What are you doing?
- Violett?
- Stop this madness.
(tense music)
I said enough of this madness.
(sheep bleating)
- Do you see this?
Now this is no ordinary
skull, you see.
The ones in here are special.
Do you know why?
Demons live inside of them.
(tense music)
And when little girls
haven't been very good,
the demons come out,
and we don't want the
demons to come out, do we?
(tense music)
'Cause when the demons come out,
they make us do things
that we don't wanna do.
So have you been good, Sonya?
(sheep bleating)
I don't think you
have. Have you?
I think we'll let
the demons decide.
You can stay in here
without supper tonight.
(tense music)
(crickets chirping)
(somber music)
- Please.
Let me out.
I promise I'll be good.
I promise.
I promise.
(somber music)
I promise.
I promise.
I promise.
I promise.
I promise.
(crickets chirping)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(Sonya screaming)
(fire crackling)
- Sonya.
(Sonya panting)
Sonya, what are you doing?
- She's here.
- What are you talking about?
She's dead.
(somber music)
You have to accept.
(somber music)
She is gone and she's
not coming back. Okay?
(somber music)
She was never coming back.
(somber music)
- [Broadcaster] The
shocking tragedy
in the small town of Miles.
A mother and father
were devastated
when their 11 year old daughter
did not return home from school.
- [Broadcaster] Police
are on the search
for a violent...
(broadcaster voices
blending together)
(somber music)
(Sonya crying)
(somber music)
(search party yelling)
(somber music)
(fire crackling)
(somber music)
- I should have walked
her home from school.
I should have walked
her home that day.
(somber music)
- [Stan] There's nothing
you could have done.
- Just leave me. Please.
(somber music)
(fire crackling)
(somber music)
(gentle music)
(tense music)
(tense music)
(birds tweeting)
(somber music)
What about the old
lady down the street?
I still see her in my dreams.
- You made her up.
- And the man?
Who trolls children
as he sees them.
(somber music)
- [Sonya] You made him up, too.
- But not the handy man.
He was real.
What if he kidnapped her?
What if he has her
locked up somewhere?
(somber music)
- It's going to take
some time, but...
She can recover from this.
Whether she gets back all
of her memory, I don't know.
- She's truly accepted it now.
So maybe she will.
(somber music)
- Pardon me for saying so,
but given the fact that
you're not just her husband,
it shouldn't have got this far.
- I thought I could
save her, in my own way,
but without real closure
there will always be grief.
(somber music)
(tense music)
(somber music)
(thunder cracking)
(somber music)
(birds tweeting)
(tense music)
(tense music continues)
(tense music continues)
(group laughing)
(somber music)
(trimmer revving)
- I didn't take your
little girl, ma'am.
(birds tweeting)
(tense music)
They never should
have suspected me.
I'm just a handy man.
(somber music)
- [Stan] I thought you'd
never come home to me.
- [Sonya] I promised to
be the best for you, Stan.
That's what you've
always deserved.
- You know, you're still young.
Maybe one day when
the time is right
we could try for another.
- That's really
thoughtful of you, Stan.
But Violett doesn't
need a sibling.
She's got her mother.
That's all she'll ever need.
(tense music)
Where are you going?
- Nowhere.
Just a walk.
Before it gets too dark.
I won't be long.
- Is everything okay?
- Of course it is.
(birds tweeting)
(tense music)
I will see you tonight.
(tense music)
(thunder cracking)
(tense music)
(somber music)
(thunder cracking)
(tense music)
(Stan exhaling)
(tense music)
What are you doing,
going near the junk pile?
(tense music)
Do you want me to
get angry with you?
(tense music)
(camcorder bleeping)
- In this episode of the
Blood of the Cyclops,
Mr. Scully is about
to murder his doctor.
- Violett.
It's time for bed.
Let's wrap it up.
- I haven't finished my game.
- Come on. It's
getting very late.
- We'll finish
this murder after.
After the doctor
has gone to bed.
- Violett, what did I tell you?
You can't be playing
with that, all right?
It's dangerous.
Do you hear me?
(tense music)
Give it to me.
Give it to me now.
Why do you always have
fucking to defy me?
(tense music)
(Stan retching)
(tense music)
(crickets chirping)
(birds tweeting)
(tense music)
(Sonya exhaling)
(tense music)
(birds tweeting)
(tense music)
(dramatic music)
(gun blasting)
(tense music)
(footsteps patting)
(somber music)
(tense music)
(birds tweeting)
(somber music)
(birds tweeting)
(somber music)
(birds tweeting)
- In this episode of the
Blood of the Cyclops,
Mr. Scully is about
to murder his doctor.
- Violett. What did I tell you?
You can't be playing with that,
all right? It's dangerous.
Why do you always have
to fucking defy me?
(Violett humming)
- Violett, it's time
to go to bed. Okay?
Listen to your father.
What have you got there?
(tense music)
(tense music)
Give it to mommy.
(tense music)
(Violett screaming)
(intense music)
(blade plunging)
(water gargling)
(somber music)
(somber music continues)
(Stan exhaling)
- [Stan] Sonya.
Violett didn't come
home from school.
(birds tweeting)
(police chattering)
(solemn music)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)
(solemn music continues)