Vivants (2023) Movie Script
Yeah, I'm good.
I left you a message.
Dunno. I hope so.
If it works out, I won't be back.
You'll be fine.
Yeah, right.
Anyway, lots of love.
Hello. I'm here to see Camille Vastel.
- Right. Lemarquand?
- Yes.
I'll tell her.
Camille, Gabrielle Lemarquand's here.
The network green-lights
the power stations idea.
Yeah, it's cool.
No, not outside. It's -2C.
What's he gonna do?
His mom can't. She's wiped out.
No, I have the kids, so forget it.
- Seen Kosta?
- No.
No sign of him.
Yup. I'm sick of it, too.
And it's a tank.
As soon as it comes into shot...
It goes off. Mortars, Kalashnikovs...
Mad shit everywhere,
and he's stock still.
Suddenly, he spins around,
sees three soldiers run past.
He follows the soldiers,
who take cover behind the tank.
He holds on the tank and soldiers.
Follows, follows...
This woman appears,
like she'll jump on the tank.
But she passes by and, opposite,
a girl comes into shot,
and mother and daughter hug full frame,
and it's fantastic. A masterpiece.
That was with Kosta?
Nah, it was in Gaza.
- You checked your camera?
- Yup, all good.
To wind up behind a desk.
What a waste!
It's cool, just that first bit.
No, no music. Why bring that back up?
A couple notes.
- Are you nuts?
- Just a little.
Sorry. Want anything? Coffee?
No, thanks.
Shit, why do I never have change?
Maybe I have.
I'm here. Why call me?
We don't need an extra camera.
Sorry, starting a shoot.
I agreed to meet you
but no promises.
Got a resum?
You didn't receive it?
Sure, but they flood in.
Jean-Michel Riou told me to contact you.
All right, that's you.
From Grenoble.
I have a resum here.
ICS Audiovisual. No idea what that is.
A 2-year course, covers lots of stuff.
Editing, sound...
What's your little extra?
Everybody wants to work here.
What you got?
I can repair cameras.
We have people for that.
What else?
I know all the editing software.
- Not your damn camera!
- Just in case.
30% cuts!
Just in case you didn't know.
- Protect the shoot.
- A camera protects nothing.
It costs me 200 euros for nothing.
Until yours breaks.
- Never happens.
- It happened to me.
So talk to a shrink.
Potential intern. Jean-Michel sent her.
Vincent, our exec producer.
Jean-Michel Riou?
You know him?
He led a seminar.
A friend of my course tutor.
He's from Grenoble, too.
Sorry I didn't get back to you. No time.
No worries, I'll be there.
She's my niece, isn't she?
He talked about you.
He showed us photos of you both.
Did he?
I've changed?
No, I recognized you.
Come on!
Can't you help?
I sent out dozens of resums.
No replies.
You take graduates, but hey...
I flunked high school.
Camille asked what I've got.
What have you done?
Reports for an online channel
in Grenoble.
Before that I was a mountain guide.
Why'd you quit?
I got scared.
Shit, the gift!
What should I get?
She has a phone?
Hold on, know what?
I'll buy her one...
Tell me what she wants and I'll buy it.
I know why I don't have kids.
All right, I gotta go.
I have your resum.
It's worth a shot.
No, keep your camera.
It's worth a shot.
We going?
I'm psyched.
Who are you?
- You?
- Damien.
We going?
Dispatch 75, this is Piti 2.
We picked up a motorcycle rider,
after a high-kinetic collision,
so we need emergency OR.
Presents tachycardia with hypotension.
We'll lose her without that OR.
Vassili, what are your tension levels?
Highly vigilant.
At the same time, zen.
You get used
to handling the stress.
So what's most important?
The job of an ambulance driver
is to anticipate.
Absolutely everything.
People's driving and reactions.
On an intervention,
some folks slow down ahead of me
because they start panicking.
So, be extra vigilant
to avoid hurting anyone, of course.
Vincent, they won't let us in OR.
Can you call Admin?
I'll talk to the execs, okay?
I can film with the backup camera.
Film what?
Dunno. Lots of stuff.
We don't film "stuff."
Focus on the gear.
Coming through!
Are you okay?
- I found him like this.
- Jesus, Kosta!
- Camille.
- Fuck!
Guess who's calling. Look!
Vincent. If we get kicked out,
he'll freak, after weeks getting us in.
Awesome guy, the anesthetist.
I couldn't hear you.
He's filming, probably can't answer.
Yeah, just great.
Go get Damien.
You think about getting out?
The aftermath?
If I keep working hard,
I can go even further.
Like mini-victories.
Camille needs you. An issue with Kosta.
I'll be right back.
Check his mic. Something's fuzzy.
What's going on?
He's gone to get a battery.
Can I check your mic?
Can you say something, please?
1, 2, 3, 4...
Thank you.
Go on, ask your questions.
I can't.
I'm the intern handling the equipment.
I know what your buddy wants.
My version of the shootout.
Where I was, how I reacted...
It helps people understand.
People don't want to understand.
Just the thrill of danger.
"What would I do in his shoes?"
Get a quick fright,
your life, legs and mind intact.
And what for?
To come off as the bad guys?
It's not a report about you.
It's about the hospital.
A day-in-the-life of it.
Who else is in it?
An ambulance driver...
A patient. That's you.
A doctor.
It's not about the police?
What are you doing?
Get out.
I'd no idea.
Like I give a shit. You just shut it.
I asked you to check his mic.
I did check it.
I bet. So why open your trap?
- You said it was on the police?
- Or he'd refuse.
- You wanted a cop?
- Yes.
I've hit it off with the anesthetist.
For sure. Two junkies...
Wrong. Not all anesthetists are junkies.
Some stick to dealing.
Never follow his example.
- Got a smoke?
- No.
Fuck it!
You talk to him, will you?
- Where are you?
- On our way.
Get anything good?
He's listening.
Remember what I said?
Yeah, thanks.
All right, let's go.
All right, why not?
The wage gap
between women's and men's soccer,
but that's your topic, in and of itself.
What interests me
is how we give the info.
And crucially, how to hold back.
If you splurge info,
the audience flips channels.
They've got all they need.
How do you make one fact
last 15 minutes?
Holding it back
until the audience is in your pocket.
Laurent pulled it off last week.
I'd love us to do it more.
Make the audience want more.
Besides that, the numbers are in.
They're not good, as you know.
The last two shows took a hit.
We need to bounce back fast.
I spoke with the network.
They don't say it's on you,
but they remarked
on the cost of your reports.
They've already slashed our budgets.
We have no sound guys, only one editor.
And the dip in audiences
corresponds to the cut in budget.
We don't shoot overseas,
and it's our USP.
30% less funding, no air travel.
Overseas, forget it.
International subjects won't fly.
What else?
Something on Chinese triads.
One of the families.
- The mafia?
- Right.
Not sure the mafia's a big draw.
They got permission for a mall
totaling 1,000 sq. meters.
So money-laundering, all that.
City hall pushed it through super fast.
We know, thanks to Alex,
that a councilman
celebrated his daughter's wedding there
ten days ago.
We're talking to the cops.
It's moving forward.
If it's true, I want to see it.
I want pictures.
The mayor with the mafia, and all that.
Don't come back with nothing.
That's the point of investigating.
Okay, what else?
Vegan commandos. Backup option.
Vegan commandos? Excellent.
Why excellent?
It speaks to young people.
The crux of your ratings battle.
Sorry, guys,
bouncing back
means thinking of them.
- We're on eco-warriors, too.
- Great.
Only a pitch so far.
We could share sources.
Why not?
Where will you go with it?
Three minutes on cable?
No. A bit more.
More? How much?
- Give him a break.
- Hold on now,
a good investigative documentary
is weeks of work,
three cameras...
What's to share?
Our ratings?
Give yours a boost.
My takeaway is, guys,
escapism, not doom and gloom.
People need a dream.
- Vincent, got that? Talk later?
- Sure.
Happy? Ran your mouth off?
The planet goes to shit
and we're shilling "a dream"?
Is he high?
Know what?
- Go to bat for us.
- Like you just did?
- Simon, I'm going.
- All good?
Take care.
Call me anytime, even late.
I appreciate it, thanks.
One missing.
One mic missing. I was sure I had it.
Breathe. You'll find it.
How long with no sleep?
Since I started. Whenever that was.
To work with them, go easy.
You're their safety blanket.
And take a look at their work!
Deas meets friends at a disco,
barely 50 m from Serbian lines.
Here, if you don't run, you might die.
You run these risks
every time you go to the disco?
Yes, to go to the disco,
or anywhere else.
Hear that? A mortar shell.
So you slow down?
That's right. I slow down to avoid
aggravating the patient's condition.
Shuttling between overrun ER units,
Vassili and his team
finally find a bed for every patient.
After 12 hours on duty,
time to hand over.
A relief?
Yeah, it's a relief.
Two floors up,
Rmi waits for his family.
A police officer for 19 years,
he was wounded in a shootout.
It cost the life of a fellow officer.
If I work hard today,
tomorrow won't be such an effort.
Damien, always the right distance.
Why did Vincent stop?
Ask him.
Let's see what Alex shot.
First intern to come to the edit.
It should be mandatory.
Here, Camille.
From Jo.
- What is it?
- The hospital footage.
Put them over there, will you?
Hold the line.
Alex! It's Marouf.
Fuck! Marouf...
Yes, I'm investigating the triads.
Gotta cut in. We don't pay our sources.
We're journalists, so we just don't.
Can you get us in?
Yeah, see you.
- What's he got?
- He confirms.
Deputy mayors
eating with the Chinks.
- How you talk!
- No, I'm good.
To Marouf.
Why talk to him like that?
- He's our contact.
- He wants paying.
I write him a check?
What's with the zooms?
Respect our style guide.
- I did respect it!
- Really?
Ask Jo if he can edit your interviews.
People aren't approachable for you?
Busts my balls.
He's under pressure.
Going around in circles.
So he busts our balls.
Attack in Bangui.
128 people killed.
France is going in.
I called it three weeks ago.
- What's the embassy say?
- Nothing.
The ambassador's in London
for his daughter's wedding
to an Arsenal player.
He won't have any news for us.
They're sending in the Legion
and the infantry. It's a big deal.
If you go embedded...
Not embedded.
Stuff's going down.
The army won't let us near it.
There's talk of babies killed by machete.
Personally, I'll pass.
All you do is pass.
There's one spot up for grabs.
Let's get in at the start.
To do their PR.
Sure, save on the flight,
but I'll binge Netflix in a hotel
waiting on their call.
Vincent, you tell her.
You never went with the army.
Sure I did. Starting out.
As part of my military service.
All right then,
so we toe the line, too?
I'll go if you want.
- You're not meeting the vegans?
- We'll swap.
No, thanks.
- Gimme army goons any day.
- The marines are "army goons"?
I know a fixer.
Expensive but safe as houses.
We're first in on the ground. And free.
Didn't you hear?
It's the army or nothing.
- What's with you?
- I wanna get home.
I'll go if you want.
There we go.
Settled. Send her.
Got a bulletproof vest?
I've a spare at home.
Go on, you'll miss your flight.
I'll go.
If I make it back,
I fuck every chick here.
Okay, all except you.
- Very funny.
- C'mon, can't take a joke now?
And again. A bit faster.
Anyone seen Kosta?
He's not on set.
You checked the toilet?
Kosta, your car's in the way.
Can you move it, please? Thanks.
There you go, can you move it?
- Go on, I've got this.
- Thanks.
Where are Kosta's keys?
Alex, give me your shirt.
Kosta puked on his.
- Fuck it.
- Come on, no time.
Gimme your sweatshirt.
Intern, do as you're told.
Come on, kidding.
Gabrielle, joke!
Give me my jacket back.
You're pushing?
Sure, I'm pushing!
You take over here.
- Steer!
- I'm steering.
No, the other way!
Hold on!
Turn it.
- Help or just laugh?
- Sure.
Go on.
All good?
Great. Eco-friendly.
- How long you been exec producer?
- Two years.
Why this line of work?
When I was 3,
I got a camera for Xmas.
It was a real eye-opener.
Just kidding.
Always cut to the chase.
Like you only have one question.
Not too tough,
watching the others leave?
We moved your car away to the left.
Not obstructing, just badly parked.
Is that okay?
You got a smoke?
I had some in my pocket.
It's Alex's shirt.
All right, fuck it!
Camille, where's my shirt?
I'll kill him.
It's hopeless.
Kosta, we're good to go.
Kosta, in position, please.
Unlike what we see in your film,
and in the light of current statistics,
it turns out
that staffing levels have not gone down.
Simply, we are seeing
overstaffing in some units,
and vice-versa,
understaffing in other units.
It's up to the specific institution
to deploy staff
to suit their actual needs.
I'd even point out
that hospital staff overall
have benefited from increases...
"Their actual needs"?
To be fit for purpose.
That nails it. Have you ever been there?
Yes, we just saw your film.
After 24 hours, we were glad to go.
Stick it to him.
Holes everywhere.
On walls, on floors.
Water stagnating in places.
Or something else.
EMTs can't get through
to the operating rooms.
- We're fully aware...
- Two years asking for repairs!
"Actual needs"?
A crash victim needs a scan.
It's in another building.
Tight on the guest.
Nobody's available.
On vacation, on sick leave...
- Sir...
- Or unauthorized.
Your film makes this very clear.
So it's a two-hour wait
for that one patient!
A 2-hour wait!
As you can imagine, we...
And patient is the right word!
She passed away. Brain hemorrhage.
A gynecological nurse sent her bosses
a memo about organizational failings
between units.
She talks of deficient care,
danger for patients,
and concludes,
"The team was exhausted,
mentally and physically."
The team was her.
All on her own.
With eleven patients.
She didn't dare write that.
So, yes, yes, yes...
You're thinking,
"What can I say to that?"
Or "what time's my dinner party?"
Please, I cannot allow that.
It's not...
I know. I'm only telling you
what you hear every day.
I know you're sick of it.
So, give a straight answer.
Like, we don't care.
It's not the priority.
Or we're totally broke. Or whatever.
But how can we avoid
wasting each other's time?
Our time.
And that of people tuning in.
He did it all without notes.
Yeah, the guy's a pro.
Vincent, the guy was lined up
for the evening news.
Kosta pulls his shit, so he bails.
Now I have to apologize to the network.
Courteous, you said. Was it courteous?
He's the studio guest,
he knows the show and Kosta...
You work for a group.
When will you get that?
- I thought it was great.
- Why protect him?
Where's Kosta?
He just left.
You got his mic?
One job to do. The gear.
Focus on that, for fuck's sake.
Fuck it!
Who called the embassy?
Laurent, I spoke to AFP.
They confirm it at AFP.
They claim he wasn't with the army.
Go check, please.
- What's up?
- Damien got shot.
What town was it?
Some place 50 clicks from the capital.
Who broke this?
A Belgian reporter.
Swiss Red Cross picked him up.
The guys in Brussels
can't reach their reporter.
Comms are down.
An attack in Mbaiki.
Posted by someone over there.
- How is he?
- We don't know.
An Italian reporter saw him
but no news.
I'll go get him.
Your point person?
Chlo's on it. We're checking access.
- I file a request for cash?
- No, keep it mum.
Everybody knows.
That he was embedded, so keep it mum.
Call Alex.
No, on Monday.
That's why I'm calling back.
Damien Lacaze.
You confirm he landed
with your regiment?
Colonel Marty.
Can I have a Coke?
It's our job to be off-limits.
Yes, I see. Thank you.
That's beautiful!
Kids, you're sleeping at Mom's tonight.
I'll call her.
How come?
I'm going to get Damien.
Won't be long.
My blankie's at your house.
Here, number of the fixer in Bangui.
I texted it to you,
but take this as well.
In case your battery dies.
I brought this scarf back from Cambodia.
It's your blankie till I get home.
You won't need it?
A phone battery, just in case.
And charger cord.
We're the medical team.
You're in good hands.
We're taking you back.
But first, a transfusion.
You lost a lot of blood.
All right, prep him.
A tourniquet on his thigh
to stop the bleeding.
That's where he got shot.
- Who's there?
- Camille. She can hear you.
Hey, good-looking!
Good to see you.
How about a kiss?
What's going on?
It cut out.
Switch to the other.
We'll put you on an IV now.
Before you board the plane.
You'll get some painkillers.
Give him some keta.
Sir, we're here with you.
We doped him up.
It decreases the pain
but he might turn delirious.
It's crucial to maintain blood pressure,
or else...
Or else what?
We operate to stop the bleeding.
And there are no facilities here.
Hear that, Camille?
Yeah, right here.
Just to get you out the office.
If I don't bang
every chick out there now...
How's the intern?
Yes? When, though?
They're headed to the airport.
I got here as fast as I could.
They're on the way to the airport.
- We know what happened?
- No.
They drugged him up.
He's hardly conscious, so...
Any footage?
The network's asking.
We need to call Vincent now.
- Where are they?
- Algeria.
Screen size doesn't matter.
It's about coming together.
You ever went to church?
- You're religious?
- No.
Who cares.
You ever buried anyone?
My mother.
How old were you?
What's the first image you have?
The first that comes to mind?
My father. He was lost.
That's what I mean.
Imagine the funeral
without your sobbing father there.
It's a different experience.
In films, same deal.
It's not the screen size.
The church can be huge or tiny.
Makes no difference.
Being there with people
changes your perspective.
In practically 100% of farms.
Bred again, 11 days after delivering,
or whatever rabbits do.
They produce a litter of baby rabbits
every 42 days.
They deliver, suckle for 35 days.
Then they deliver again.
While they're suckling,
they get inseminated.
Until they die. Just imagine.
Shot, give birth, suckle.
Shot, give birth, suckle.
After 3 years, they're dinner.
- Rabbits kindle.
- They kindle, right.
You're staying, after all?
I haven't eaten.
I'll do something with my footage.
I'll edit it all up.
Or I'll try, at least.
I need to work.
Or else...
I install the software?
Anywhere we can chill this?
Shit, no expense spared.
On the network's dime.
Take it back.
I'm back on the slab tomorrow.
Get rid of that too, please. It stinks.
All good,
it's installed.
If you have a problem, call me.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Some guy asked for my autograph.
- Asked you?
- Yes, me.
A nurse. Young guy.
"Actual needs," he said.
So much for we're losing young viewers.
- Sure that's better?
- I'm sure.
I eat beef every day.
Those guys are psychos.
Wrong! I eat meat, too.
What difference does it make?
The difference is,
you're a pain in the ass.
I'll take that one.
Not a chance.
What's this about?
Vegan commandos. We're going tonight.
- Here.
- No, thanks.
- Chill.
- I'm good.
Go easy. We're working later.
Count me out. Not the rabbits.
Kosta, it'll do you good.
Get off your ass and act,
instead of always criticizing.
You ever even leave Paris?
Two weeks ago. Brittany.
What's up?
You saw him with his pulped leg?
Months of rehab.
Why'd we let him go?
You're not his mother.
C'mon, it's cool.
It is fucking not cool.
All we've been through,
you die
or you're hardwired to enjoy it.
Wine, I've had my fill
Give me your hand
My arms takes a hold
around your hips
Wine carries me away
towards other paths
Shut the door
Love is right for us
- Where's your rabbits?
- Melun.
Go home. I'll go.
- You're sure?
- Yeah.
Take him.
I got kicked out by Anna.
Until when?
No, this time it's serious.
Got your toothbrush?
I'm not sharing mine.
Later, champs!
It's far? After an hour's hike.
It's there.
- Not far at all.
- No, we're almost there.
What you doing?
Hugging a tree.
It reduces stress and fatigue.
So says Camille.
She does it with a group.
Pitched the idea to the boss.
How'd you get in contact?
They hate film crews.
A buddy's ex-roommate.
A wacko, apparently.
Why this particular farmer?
All his ads and PR
claim he's against antibiotics
and he's improving conditions.
We think he's bullshitting,
so we're here to check.
- That's your hardware?
- You got better?
The fuckers!
What is all that?
Those are artificial hormones.
And those are dead fetuses.
What you doing now?
Taking them out.
"Taking them out"?
Isn't that theft?
We're saving lives here.
Help us maybe.
One of them's escaping.
The guy got public funding
to improve conditions.
It never stops.
All the lying is so discouraging.
I'm flunking college,
I'll be homeless,
no money from the folks...
What's your dream?
Me and my sister work on zoos,
to open up their cages but...
- Maybe it won't work.
- Why not?
Releasing animals is powerful,
but it can endanger them.
If it's just an empty gesture...
Over here.
Hold the shot.
Hold it.
I watched your reports.
- Where'd you see them?
- Your online channel.
"Drop the traps
or I'll report you to the police."
They could've shot you.
Even so, you watched it.
Hey, look at you.
Come here.
There we go.
There are boxes there.
He throws them.
Haven't they suffered enough?
What next? You eat them?
He has a point.
What's so funny?
Seriously, what next?
Three hours' footage of giggling idiots.
How was I to know?
What about Marouf?
- Where you at?
- Nowhere.
You tried talking him round?
The guy's so rotten
he got fired from the police.
Hey, guys.
New outfit?
Yeah, I had nothing else clean.
you're all going to Fashion Week.
Knock it off.
I don't want any no's, but's or why's.
It's just you guys filming the show.
Get your fingers out to find an angle.
Yes, it's a request from the boss.
And yes, we'll accept it.
We have nothing else lined up.
- What about the Chinese?
- It's ongoing.
So nothing's lined up. Settled.
Kosta, am I interrupting?
I mean,
if the Stasi's picking our subjects...
Open your eye.
- It's open.
- The other one.
Keep both eyes open.
Imagine a lion pops up nearby.
You see it.
You still get devoured.
At least you get the shot.
Phone. Sophie couldn't reach you.
Nothing serious.
Elliott's running a fever.
Journalist. Camille Vastel.
- All good?
- Sure.
- Gabrielle Lemarquand.
- Zerki Kosta.
Pisses me off!
Why are we doing this?
Quit whining.
Six months
after the creator's initial request.
- How long's the show?
- Ten minutes.
What's the budget in total?
Just under 2 million.
Don't look like that.
2 million, though!
Sounds shocking
but in terms of image, sales and jobs,
it's not so shocking.
She's on 60k, just for the day.
You look magnificent.
Come on, it's no big deal.
We started out together.
- I did all his shows, even sick.
- I know.
It's no big deal, getting cut.
I bet it wasn't even his call.
But sending his assistant to tell me...
He's under pressure.
- Should I go see him?
- Now?
Two minutes left.
- You're tired?
- Yes.
The hardest part of the job?
Not you personally but...
having to talk.
Nothing. Where were we?
No, go on, tell me.
I always thought it was so important,
so talking was easy.
Now, I don't know.
It's rare to see a designer
so engaged.
You demanded and obtained
production of garments 100% in Europe.
I did that, at least.
So how do you explain
laying off staff in workshops?
Protectionism means protecting jobs,
not cutting them.
What do you mean?
You laid off 30 or so seamstresses
two days ago.
Didn't you know?
Ten minutes to the show,
you toss that at him?
How can you take that risk?
Risk? Asking him questions?
You think we're having a blast?
Only you have any integrity?
- So what now?
- No idea.
- No idea?
- No.
- We let them kick us out?
- What else?
We go up there
chanting about press freedom? Go ahead!
- I'm outta here.
- What?
- I'm gone.
- Seriously?
I didn't do all this to film fashion.
It busts my balls!
- You blew it, so we're here.
- Meaning?
Your triads contact. You blew it.
Bail if you want,
but don't patronize me.
Yeah, right. Go.
- At the same time...
- Shut it!
Get blazed, hang yourself, whatever.
I won't protect you now.
Where's the kid?
Inside. Where are you?
Yeah, I have the backup camera.
How did you get into the business?
My mother worked from home
for the garment industry,
so I always saw her
on her sewing machine.
And the taste for couture
came like that, quite naturally.
You don't make friends in fashion
but Raphal...
We go back so far.
It sounds dumb, but that counts.
What counts?
He won't go out there.
Raphal won't leave his trailer.
You want to knock me up?
Just kidding.
A kid? I have no time for me.
Good job, guys.
"Good job"? Gracious.
And he's fast asleep.
What is this?
No one gets migraines here?
Not even a little Tramadol.
Can you just sit down?
There you go.
They let you out?
Thanks to Gabrielle.
She soft-soaped them.
Stop that.
To the hero of the story.
You saved me. That's the story.
What Chinese?
They did what to you?
Alex! Where are you?
No, get back here!
Got his ass kicked by the Chinese.
- Where is he?
- On his way, in a cab.
Those are the Chinese guys.
- Who's that?
- That's the mayor.
All right, no kidding.
Shit quality.
It was my phone.
The camera would be too obvious.
Shit, shit, shit!
The picture's shot to hell.
In the chase, it went all over.
But we got the shot he wanted.
Now we can investigate.
How'd you get the tip-off?
I paid up.
- You paid Marouf?
- Yes, I paid Marouf.
- What did you pay him with?
- Out of my own pocket.
2,000 bucks.
Yup, I had it. I paid.
I'm bougie.
My parents were bougie.
My grandparents were bougie.
I'm not ashamed of being bougie.
Gimme a break.
You say nothing?
How come?
You don't bawl him out?
I'd have done the same.
But I'd have got the shot at eye level.
Go for it, Vincent!
What is this?
He did it for hours.
Hours, no. That was the acid.
In Limoges.
You think we only do high-roller shit?
It was Gaza, dummy.
- You need to get back?
- Screw it!
Come on, if the desk closes,
you're in shit.
Hold on, I'll give him a ride.
Watch out, hole!
I always trip on that one.
You okay?
I can't feel a thing. I'm anesthetized.
Cute, aren't they? Look.
No kidding.
Go on!
I'm just looking.
He's gotta go for it.
No, don't be assholes. Don't look.
No, not all of us. Get real.
No lights?
Remember that first day at the office?
I thought, now I'm in shit.
What the heck are you doing?
Taking you back.
I don't mean that.
You don't see the issue?
No, I see you lightening up
since she arrived.
The rest...
If you change lens,
check your whole set-up.
Okay, balanced.
Hold it like this,
with both hands, okay?
Need something, Vincent?
Yeah, if we do the triads,
what we got?
We said 3 cameras handheld.
But we won't have
weeks-long availability.
- See you, thanks.
- See you, Chlo.
Sure thing.
Then I heard screaming.
And the gunfire.
So I ran.
Even if I felt no pain.
Kirika, I'm on camera here.
When I arrived in the village,
I ran into some...
of my students.
Who had managed
to hide and escape.
The others...
How many...
How many of you are there now
in this school?
I count
every day. Over forty of us.
In the panic,
a lot of people come here.
But we can't take everyone.
Especially the mothers and children.
Are you in contact with NGOs
or other journalists?
Over there. Go over there.
He filmed it all.
It's our job. We film.
You think we can air it?
Why wouldn't they air it?
Nobody wants to see people dying now.
You saw Damien's footage?
Crazy, right?
The show's canceled.
Nothing to do with you, so...
Don't wonder
what you could've done better.
When did he tell you?
Just now.
I could see it coming.
It's definite?
You'd cling to a show
that's run for 15 years?
You gotta move on.
Invent your own stuff.
We had fun
and we caught shit.
But now we need air.
Not wrong.
I'll put you in touch
with a buddy of mine.
A reporter with Belgian TV.
Looking for a cameraman.
It's paid work.
Starting right away.
It'd be good for you to work news.
You'll learn lots.
This is Vincent's. Where's it go?
Give it to me.
He split without saying goodbye.
Make your mind up.
You pushed him out.
That's what kids do. They cut the cord.
What a load of bullshit!
He bailed on us.
No, he's on vacation.
Hold on...
Vincent, where are you?
Vincent saw a giraffe by the river.
They did it.
The vegans.
Releasing the animals, like they said.
Can't hear you!
He's not on vacation?
He's never on vacation!
No, I can't hear you.
Where are you exactly?
Please go back to your cars.
The bridge is closed.
Please, ladies and gentlemen,
there's a giraffe on the loose in Paris.
Don't make it panic. Keep calm.
Sorry, sir, you can't get through.
The road is blocked.
A giraffe's on the loose.
Nobody moves, so it doesn't panic.
They're closing the bridges. Try Rivoli.
It's blocked. We can't get through.
Got any info?
The police
are sealing off roads and bridges.
Whatever it takes,
get in there and shoot.
Okay, we'll find a way.
Lock it down, channel them to Bastille.
Bastille, fast.
Eye level, if you can.
Miss, wait!
Camille wants a shot of it by you.
Come on.
How do I film?
Wide, close up or what?
Relax. It won't come on the gallop.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
It's sublime.
I hope Gabrielle got it, too.
- Who cares!
- What do you mean?
Who cares.
What counts is being here.
Let me see.
How did you get through?
Dude, I don't know what to say.
For sure, you won't be sent
to the savannah.
Worst case,
a texting driver runs you over.
At best,
you get caught
and put back in your cage.
Unless they put a chick in your cage.
Your cage becomes cool.
You don't see the bars.
In fact, your cage becomes a refuge.
A cozy little pad
where you can chill out with her.
I left you a message.
Dunno. I hope so.
If it works out, I won't be back.
You'll be fine.
Yeah, right.
Anyway, lots of love.
Hello. I'm here to see Camille Vastel.
- Right. Lemarquand?
- Yes.
I'll tell her.
Camille, Gabrielle Lemarquand's here.
The network green-lights
the power stations idea.
Yeah, it's cool.
No, not outside. It's -2C.
What's he gonna do?
His mom can't. She's wiped out.
No, I have the kids, so forget it.
- Seen Kosta?
- No.
No sign of him.
Yup. I'm sick of it, too.
And it's a tank.
As soon as it comes into shot...
It goes off. Mortars, Kalashnikovs...
Mad shit everywhere,
and he's stock still.
Suddenly, he spins around,
sees three soldiers run past.
He follows the soldiers,
who take cover behind the tank.
He holds on the tank and soldiers.
Follows, follows...
This woman appears,
like she'll jump on the tank.
But she passes by and, opposite,
a girl comes into shot,
and mother and daughter hug full frame,
and it's fantastic. A masterpiece.
That was with Kosta?
Nah, it was in Gaza.
- You checked your camera?
- Yup, all good.
To wind up behind a desk.
What a waste!
It's cool, just that first bit.
No, no music. Why bring that back up?
A couple notes.
- Are you nuts?
- Just a little.
Sorry. Want anything? Coffee?
No, thanks.
Shit, why do I never have change?
Maybe I have.
I'm here. Why call me?
We don't need an extra camera.
Sorry, starting a shoot.
I agreed to meet you
but no promises.
Got a resum?
You didn't receive it?
Sure, but they flood in.
Jean-Michel Riou told me to contact you.
All right, that's you.
From Grenoble.
I have a resum here.
ICS Audiovisual. No idea what that is.
A 2-year course, covers lots of stuff.
Editing, sound...
What's your little extra?
Everybody wants to work here.
What you got?
I can repair cameras.
We have people for that.
What else?
I know all the editing software.
- Not your damn camera!
- Just in case.
30% cuts!
Just in case you didn't know.
- Protect the shoot.
- A camera protects nothing.
It costs me 200 euros for nothing.
Until yours breaks.
- Never happens.
- It happened to me.
So talk to a shrink.
Potential intern. Jean-Michel sent her.
Vincent, our exec producer.
Jean-Michel Riou?
You know him?
He led a seminar.
A friend of my course tutor.
He's from Grenoble, too.
Sorry I didn't get back to you. No time.
No worries, I'll be there.
She's my niece, isn't she?
He talked about you.
He showed us photos of you both.
Did he?
I've changed?
No, I recognized you.
Come on!
Can't you help?
I sent out dozens of resums.
No replies.
You take graduates, but hey...
I flunked high school.
Camille asked what I've got.
What have you done?
Reports for an online channel
in Grenoble.
Before that I was a mountain guide.
Why'd you quit?
I got scared.
Shit, the gift!
What should I get?
She has a phone?
Hold on, know what?
I'll buy her one...
Tell me what she wants and I'll buy it.
I know why I don't have kids.
All right, I gotta go.
I have your resum.
It's worth a shot.
No, keep your camera.
It's worth a shot.
We going?
I'm psyched.
Who are you?
- You?
- Damien.
We going?
Dispatch 75, this is Piti 2.
We picked up a motorcycle rider,
after a high-kinetic collision,
so we need emergency OR.
Presents tachycardia with hypotension.
We'll lose her without that OR.
Vassili, what are your tension levels?
Highly vigilant.
At the same time, zen.
You get used
to handling the stress.
So what's most important?
The job of an ambulance driver
is to anticipate.
Absolutely everything.
People's driving and reactions.
On an intervention,
some folks slow down ahead of me
because they start panicking.
So, be extra vigilant
to avoid hurting anyone, of course.
Vincent, they won't let us in OR.
Can you call Admin?
I'll talk to the execs, okay?
I can film with the backup camera.
Film what?
Dunno. Lots of stuff.
We don't film "stuff."
Focus on the gear.
Coming through!
Are you okay?
- I found him like this.
- Jesus, Kosta!
- Camille.
- Fuck!
Guess who's calling. Look!
Vincent. If we get kicked out,
he'll freak, after weeks getting us in.
Awesome guy, the anesthetist.
I couldn't hear you.
He's filming, probably can't answer.
Yeah, just great.
Go get Damien.
You think about getting out?
The aftermath?
If I keep working hard,
I can go even further.
Like mini-victories.
Camille needs you. An issue with Kosta.
I'll be right back.
Check his mic. Something's fuzzy.
What's going on?
He's gone to get a battery.
Can I check your mic?
Can you say something, please?
1, 2, 3, 4...
Thank you.
Go on, ask your questions.
I can't.
I'm the intern handling the equipment.
I know what your buddy wants.
My version of the shootout.
Where I was, how I reacted...
It helps people understand.
People don't want to understand.
Just the thrill of danger.
"What would I do in his shoes?"
Get a quick fright,
your life, legs and mind intact.
And what for?
To come off as the bad guys?
It's not a report about you.
It's about the hospital.
A day-in-the-life of it.
Who else is in it?
An ambulance driver...
A patient. That's you.
A doctor.
It's not about the police?
What are you doing?
Get out.
I'd no idea.
Like I give a shit. You just shut it.
I asked you to check his mic.
I did check it.
I bet. So why open your trap?
- You said it was on the police?
- Or he'd refuse.
- You wanted a cop?
- Yes.
I've hit it off with the anesthetist.
For sure. Two junkies...
Wrong. Not all anesthetists are junkies.
Some stick to dealing.
Never follow his example.
- Got a smoke?
- No.
Fuck it!
You talk to him, will you?
- Where are you?
- On our way.
Get anything good?
He's listening.
Remember what I said?
Yeah, thanks.
All right, let's go.
All right, why not?
The wage gap
between women's and men's soccer,
but that's your topic, in and of itself.
What interests me
is how we give the info.
And crucially, how to hold back.
If you splurge info,
the audience flips channels.
They've got all they need.
How do you make one fact
last 15 minutes?
Holding it back
until the audience is in your pocket.
Laurent pulled it off last week.
I'd love us to do it more.
Make the audience want more.
Besides that, the numbers are in.
They're not good, as you know.
The last two shows took a hit.
We need to bounce back fast.
I spoke with the network.
They don't say it's on you,
but they remarked
on the cost of your reports.
They've already slashed our budgets.
We have no sound guys, only one editor.
And the dip in audiences
corresponds to the cut in budget.
We don't shoot overseas,
and it's our USP.
30% less funding, no air travel.
Overseas, forget it.
International subjects won't fly.
What else?
Something on Chinese triads.
One of the families.
- The mafia?
- Right.
Not sure the mafia's a big draw.
They got permission for a mall
totaling 1,000 sq. meters.
So money-laundering, all that.
City hall pushed it through super fast.
We know, thanks to Alex,
that a councilman
celebrated his daughter's wedding there
ten days ago.
We're talking to the cops.
It's moving forward.
If it's true, I want to see it.
I want pictures.
The mayor with the mafia, and all that.
Don't come back with nothing.
That's the point of investigating.
Okay, what else?
Vegan commandos. Backup option.
Vegan commandos? Excellent.
Why excellent?
It speaks to young people.
The crux of your ratings battle.
Sorry, guys,
bouncing back
means thinking of them.
- We're on eco-warriors, too.
- Great.
Only a pitch so far.
We could share sources.
Why not?
Where will you go with it?
Three minutes on cable?
No. A bit more.
More? How much?
- Give him a break.
- Hold on now,
a good investigative documentary
is weeks of work,
three cameras...
What's to share?
Our ratings?
Give yours a boost.
My takeaway is, guys,
escapism, not doom and gloom.
People need a dream.
- Vincent, got that? Talk later?
- Sure.
Happy? Ran your mouth off?
The planet goes to shit
and we're shilling "a dream"?
Is he high?
Know what?
- Go to bat for us.
- Like you just did?
- Simon, I'm going.
- All good?
Take care.
Call me anytime, even late.
I appreciate it, thanks.
One missing.
One mic missing. I was sure I had it.
Breathe. You'll find it.
How long with no sleep?
Since I started. Whenever that was.
To work with them, go easy.
You're their safety blanket.
And take a look at their work!
Deas meets friends at a disco,
barely 50 m from Serbian lines.
Here, if you don't run, you might die.
You run these risks
every time you go to the disco?
Yes, to go to the disco,
or anywhere else.
Hear that? A mortar shell.
So you slow down?
That's right. I slow down to avoid
aggravating the patient's condition.
Shuttling between overrun ER units,
Vassili and his team
finally find a bed for every patient.
After 12 hours on duty,
time to hand over.
A relief?
Yeah, it's a relief.
Two floors up,
Rmi waits for his family.
A police officer for 19 years,
he was wounded in a shootout.
It cost the life of a fellow officer.
If I work hard today,
tomorrow won't be such an effort.
Damien, always the right distance.
Why did Vincent stop?
Ask him.
Let's see what Alex shot.
First intern to come to the edit.
It should be mandatory.
Here, Camille.
From Jo.
- What is it?
- The hospital footage.
Put them over there, will you?
Hold the line.
Alex! It's Marouf.
Fuck! Marouf...
Yes, I'm investigating the triads.
Gotta cut in. We don't pay our sources.
We're journalists, so we just don't.
Can you get us in?
Yeah, see you.
- What's he got?
- He confirms.
Deputy mayors
eating with the Chinks.
- How you talk!
- No, I'm good.
To Marouf.
Why talk to him like that?
- He's our contact.
- He wants paying.
I write him a check?
What's with the zooms?
Respect our style guide.
- I did respect it!
- Really?
Ask Jo if he can edit your interviews.
People aren't approachable for you?
Busts my balls.
He's under pressure.
Going around in circles.
So he busts our balls.
Attack in Bangui.
128 people killed.
France is going in.
I called it three weeks ago.
- What's the embassy say?
- Nothing.
The ambassador's in London
for his daughter's wedding
to an Arsenal player.
He won't have any news for us.
They're sending in the Legion
and the infantry. It's a big deal.
If you go embedded...
Not embedded.
Stuff's going down.
The army won't let us near it.
There's talk of babies killed by machete.
Personally, I'll pass.
All you do is pass.
There's one spot up for grabs.
Let's get in at the start.
To do their PR.
Sure, save on the flight,
but I'll binge Netflix in a hotel
waiting on their call.
Vincent, you tell her.
You never went with the army.
Sure I did. Starting out.
As part of my military service.
All right then,
so we toe the line, too?
I'll go if you want.
- You're not meeting the vegans?
- We'll swap.
No, thanks.
- Gimme army goons any day.
- The marines are "army goons"?
I know a fixer.
Expensive but safe as houses.
We're first in on the ground. And free.
Didn't you hear?
It's the army or nothing.
- What's with you?
- I wanna get home.
I'll go if you want.
There we go.
Settled. Send her.
Got a bulletproof vest?
I've a spare at home.
Go on, you'll miss your flight.
I'll go.
If I make it back,
I fuck every chick here.
Okay, all except you.
- Very funny.
- C'mon, can't take a joke now?
And again. A bit faster.
Anyone seen Kosta?
He's not on set.
You checked the toilet?
Kosta, your car's in the way.
Can you move it, please? Thanks.
There you go, can you move it?
- Go on, I've got this.
- Thanks.
Where are Kosta's keys?
Alex, give me your shirt.
Kosta puked on his.
- Fuck it.
- Come on, no time.
Gimme your sweatshirt.
Intern, do as you're told.
Come on, kidding.
Gabrielle, joke!
Give me my jacket back.
You're pushing?
Sure, I'm pushing!
You take over here.
- Steer!
- I'm steering.
No, the other way!
Hold on!
Turn it.
- Help or just laugh?
- Sure.
Go on.
All good?
Great. Eco-friendly.
- How long you been exec producer?
- Two years.
Why this line of work?
When I was 3,
I got a camera for Xmas.
It was a real eye-opener.
Just kidding.
Always cut to the chase.
Like you only have one question.
Not too tough,
watching the others leave?
We moved your car away to the left.
Not obstructing, just badly parked.
Is that okay?
You got a smoke?
I had some in my pocket.
It's Alex's shirt.
All right, fuck it!
Camille, where's my shirt?
I'll kill him.
It's hopeless.
Kosta, we're good to go.
Kosta, in position, please.
Unlike what we see in your film,
and in the light of current statistics,
it turns out
that staffing levels have not gone down.
Simply, we are seeing
overstaffing in some units,
and vice-versa,
understaffing in other units.
It's up to the specific institution
to deploy staff
to suit their actual needs.
I'd even point out
that hospital staff overall
have benefited from increases...
"Their actual needs"?
To be fit for purpose.
That nails it. Have you ever been there?
Yes, we just saw your film.
After 24 hours, we were glad to go.
Stick it to him.
Holes everywhere.
On walls, on floors.
Water stagnating in places.
Or something else.
EMTs can't get through
to the operating rooms.
- We're fully aware...
- Two years asking for repairs!
"Actual needs"?
A crash victim needs a scan.
It's in another building.
Tight on the guest.
Nobody's available.
On vacation, on sick leave...
- Sir...
- Or unauthorized.
Your film makes this very clear.
So it's a two-hour wait
for that one patient!
A 2-hour wait!
As you can imagine, we...
And patient is the right word!
She passed away. Brain hemorrhage.
A gynecological nurse sent her bosses
a memo about organizational failings
between units.
She talks of deficient care,
danger for patients,
and concludes,
"The team was exhausted,
mentally and physically."
The team was her.
All on her own.
With eleven patients.
She didn't dare write that.
So, yes, yes, yes...
You're thinking,
"What can I say to that?"
Or "what time's my dinner party?"
Please, I cannot allow that.
It's not...
I know. I'm only telling you
what you hear every day.
I know you're sick of it.
So, give a straight answer.
Like, we don't care.
It's not the priority.
Or we're totally broke. Or whatever.
But how can we avoid
wasting each other's time?
Our time.
And that of people tuning in.
He did it all without notes.
Yeah, the guy's a pro.
Vincent, the guy was lined up
for the evening news.
Kosta pulls his shit, so he bails.
Now I have to apologize to the network.
Courteous, you said. Was it courteous?
He's the studio guest,
he knows the show and Kosta...
You work for a group.
When will you get that?
- I thought it was great.
- Why protect him?
Where's Kosta?
He just left.
You got his mic?
One job to do. The gear.
Focus on that, for fuck's sake.
Fuck it!
Who called the embassy?
Laurent, I spoke to AFP.
They confirm it at AFP.
They claim he wasn't with the army.
Go check, please.
- What's up?
- Damien got shot.
What town was it?
Some place 50 clicks from the capital.
Who broke this?
A Belgian reporter.
Swiss Red Cross picked him up.
The guys in Brussels
can't reach their reporter.
Comms are down.
An attack in Mbaiki.
Posted by someone over there.
- How is he?
- We don't know.
An Italian reporter saw him
but no news.
I'll go get him.
Your point person?
Chlo's on it. We're checking access.
- I file a request for cash?
- No, keep it mum.
Everybody knows.
That he was embedded, so keep it mum.
Call Alex.
No, on Monday.
That's why I'm calling back.
Damien Lacaze.
You confirm he landed
with your regiment?
Colonel Marty.
Can I have a Coke?
It's our job to be off-limits.
Yes, I see. Thank you.
That's beautiful!
Kids, you're sleeping at Mom's tonight.
I'll call her.
How come?
I'm going to get Damien.
Won't be long.
My blankie's at your house.
Here, number of the fixer in Bangui.
I texted it to you,
but take this as well.
In case your battery dies.
I brought this scarf back from Cambodia.
It's your blankie till I get home.
You won't need it?
A phone battery, just in case.
And charger cord.
We're the medical team.
You're in good hands.
We're taking you back.
But first, a transfusion.
You lost a lot of blood.
All right, prep him.
A tourniquet on his thigh
to stop the bleeding.
That's where he got shot.
- Who's there?
- Camille. She can hear you.
Hey, good-looking!
Good to see you.
How about a kiss?
What's going on?
It cut out.
Switch to the other.
We'll put you on an IV now.
Before you board the plane.
You'll get some painkillers.
Give him some keta.
Sir, we're here with you.
We doped him up.
It decreases the pain
but he might turn delirious.
It's crucial to maintain blood pressure,
or else...
Or else what?
We operate to stop the bleeding.
And there are no facilities here.
Hear that, Camille?
Yeah, right here.
Just to get you out the office.
If I don't bang
every chick out there now...
How's the intern?
Yes? When, though?
They're headed to the airport.
I got here as fast as I could.
They're on the way to the airport.
- We know what happened?
- No.
They drugged him up.
He's hardly conscious, so...
Any footage?
The network's asking.
We need to call Vincent now.
- Where are they?
- Algeria.
Screen size doesn't matter.
It's about coming together.
You ever went to church?
- You're religious?
- No.
Who cares.
You ever buried anyone?
My mother.
How old were you?
What's the first image you have?
The first that comes to mind?
My father. He was lost.
That's what I mean.
Imagine the funeral
without your sobbing father there.
It's a different experience.
In films, same deal.
It's not the screen size.
The church can be huge or tiny.
Makes no difference.
Being there with people
changes your perspective.
In practically 100% of farms.
Bred again, 11 days after delivering,
or whatever rabbits do.
They produce a litter of baby rabbits
every 42 days.
They deliver, suckle for 35 days.
Then they deliver again.
While they're suckling,
they get inseminated.
Until they die. Just imagine.
Shot, give birth, suckle.
Shot, give birth, suckle.
After 3 years, they're dinner.
- Rabbits kindle.
- They kindle, right.
You're staying, after all?
I haven't eaten.
I'll do something with my footage.
I'll edit it all up.
Or I'll try, at least.
I need to work.
Or else...
I install the software?
Anywhere we can chill this?
Shit, no expense spared.
On the network's dime.
Take it back.
I'm back on the slab tomorrow.
Get rid of that too, please. It stinks.
All good,
it's installed.
If you have a problem, call me.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Some guy asked for my autograph.
- Asked you?
- Yes, me.
A nurse. Young guy.
"Actual needs," he said.
So much for we're losing young viewers.
- Sure that's better?
- I'm sure.
I eat beef every day.
Those guys are psychos.
Wrong! I eat meat, too.
What difference does it make?
The difference is,
you're a pain in the ass.
I'll take that one.
Not a chance.
What's this about?
Vegan commandos. We're going tonight.
- Here.
- No, thanks.
- Chill.
- I'm good.
Go easy. We're working later.
Count me out. Not the rabbits.
Kosta, it'll do you good.
Get off your ass and act,
instead of always criticizing.
You ever even leave Paris?
Two weeks ago. Brittany.
What's up?
You saw him with his pulped leg?
Months of rehab.
Why'd we let him go?
You're not his mother.
C'mon, it's cool.
It is fucking not cool.
All we've been through,
you die
or you're hardwired to enjoy it.
Wine, I've had my fill
Give me your hand
My arms takes a hold
around your hips
Wine carries me away
towards other paths
Shut the door
Love is right for us
- Where's your rabbits?
- Melun.
Go home. I'll go.
- You're sure?
- Yeah.
Take him.
I got kicked out by Anna.
Until when?
No, this time it's serious.
Got your toothbrush?
I'm not sharing mine.
Later, champs!
It's far? After an hour's hike.
It's there.
- Not far at all.
- No, we're almost there.
What you doing?
Hugging a tree.
It reduces stress and fatigue.
So says Camille.
She does it with a group.
Pitched the idea to the boss.
How'd you get in contact?
They hate film crews.
A buddy's ex-roommate.
A wacko, apparently.
Why this particular farmer?
All his ads and PR
claim he's against antibiotics
and he's improving conditions.
We think he's bullshitting,
so we're here to check.
- That's your hardware?
- You got better?
The fuckers!
What is all that?
Those are artificial hormones.
And those are dead fetuses.
What you doing now?
Taking them out.
"Taking them out"?
Isn't that theft?
We're saving lives here.
Help us maybe.
One of them's escaping.
The guy got public funding
to improve conditions.
It never stops.
All the lying is so discouraging.
I'm flunking college,
I'll be homeless,
no money from the folks...
What's your dream?
Me and my sister work on zoos,
to open up their cages but...
- Maybe it won't work.
- Why not?
Releasing animals is powerful,
but it can endanger them.
If it's just an empty gesture...
Over here.
Hold the shot.
Hold it.
I watched your reports.
- Where'd you see them?
- Your online channel.
"Drop the traps
or I'll report you to the police."
They could've shot you.
Even so, you watched it.
Hey, look at you.
Come here.
There we go.
There are boxes there.
He throws them.
Haven't they suffered enough?
What next? You eat them?
He has a point.
What's so funny?
Seriously, what next?
Three hours' footage of giggling idiots.
How was I to know?
What about Marouf?
- Where you at?
- Nowhere.
You tried talking him round?
The guy's so rotten
he got fired from the police.
Hey, guys.
New outfit?
Yeah, I had nothing else clean.
you're all going to Fashion Week.
Knock it off.
I don't want any no's, but's or why's.
It's just you guys filming the show.
Get your fingers out to find an angle.
Yes, it's a request from the boss.
And yes, we'll accept it.
We have nothing else lined up.
- What about the Chinese?
- It's ongoing.
So nothing's lined up. Settled.
Kosta, am I interrupting?
I mean,
if the Stasi's picking our subjects...
Open your eye.
- It's open.
- The other one.
Keep both eyes open.
Imagine a lion pops up nearby.
You see it.
You still get devoured.
At least you get the shot.
Phone. Sophie couldn't reach you.
Nothing serious.
Elliott's running a fever.
Journalist. Camille Vastel.
- All good?
- Sure.
- Gabrielle Lemarquand.
- Zerki Kosta.
Pisses me off!
Why are we doing this?
Quit whining.
Six months
after the creator's initial request.
- How long's the show?
- Ten minutes.
What's the budget in total?
Just under 2 million.
Don't look like that.
2 million, though!
Sounds shocking
but in terms of image, sales and jobs,
it's not so shocking.
She's on 60k, just for the day.
You look magnificent.
Come on, it's no big deal.
We started out together.
- I did all his shows, even sick.
- I know.
It's no big deal, getting cut.
I bet it wasn't even his call.
But sending his assistant to tell me...
He's under pressure.
- Should I go see him?
- Now?
Two minutes left.
- You're tired?
- Yes.
The hardest part of the job?
Not you personally but...
having to talk.
Nothing. Where were we?
No, go on, tell me.
I always thought it was so important,
so talking was easy.
Now, I don't know.
It's rare to see a designer
so engaged.
You demanded and obtained
production of garments 100% in Europe.
I did that, at least.
So how do you explain
laying off staff in workshops?
Protectionism means protecting jobs,
not cutting them.
What do you mean?
You laid off 30 or so seamstresses
two days ago.
Didn't you know?
Ten minutes to the show,
you toss that at him?
How can you take that risk?
Risk? Asking him questions?
You think we're having a blast?
Only you have any integrity?
- So what now?
- No idea.
- No idea?
- No.
- We let them kick us out?
- What else?
We go up there
chanting about press freedom? Go ahead!
- I'm outta here.
- What?
- I'm gone.
- Seriously?
I didn't do all this to film fashion.
It busts my balls!
- You blew it, so we're here.
- Meaning?
Your triads contact. You blew it.
Bail if you want,
but don't patronize me.
Yeah, right. Go.
- At the same time...
- Shut it!
Get blazed, hang yourself, whatever.
I won't protect you now.
Where's the kid?
Inside. Where are you?
Yeah, I have the backup camera.
How did you get into the business?
My mother worked from home
for the garment industry,
so I always saw her
on her sewing machine.
And the taste for couture
came like that, quite naturally.
You don't make friends in fashion
but Raphal...
We go back so far.
It sounds dumb, but that counts.
What counts?
He won't go out there.
Raphal won't leave his trailer.
You want to knock me up?
Just kidding.
A kid? I have no time for me.
Good job, guys.
"Good job"? Gracious.
And he's fast asleep.
What is this?
No one gets migraines here?
Not even a little Tramadol.
Can you just sit down?
There you go.
They let you out?
Thanks to Gabrielle.
She soft-soaped them.
Stop that.
To the hero of the story.
You saved me. That's the story.
What Chinese?
They did what to you?
Alex! Where are you?
No, get back here!
Got his ass kicked by the Chinese.
- Where is he?
- On his way, in a cab.
Those are the Chinese guys.
- Who's that?
- That's the mayor.
All right, no kidding.
Shit quality.
It was my phone.
The camera would be too obvious.
Shit, shit, shit!
The picture's shot to hell.
In the chase, it went all over.
But we got the shot he wanted.
Now we can investigate.
How'd you get the tip-off?
I paid up.
- You paid Marouf?
- Yes, I paid Marouf.
- What did you pay him with?
- Out of my own pocket.
2,000 bucks.
Yup, I had it. I paid.
I'm bougie.
My parents were bougie.
My grandparents were bougie.
I'm not ashamed of being bougie.
Gimme a break.
You say nothing?
How come?
You don't bawl him out?
I'd have done the same.
But I'd have got the shot at eye level.
Go for it, Vincent!
What is this?
He did it for hours.
Hours, no. That was the acid.
In Limoges.
You think we only do high-roller shit?
It was Gaza, dummy.
- You need to get back?
- Screw it!
Come on, if the desk closes,
you're in shit.
Hold on, I'll give him a ride.
Watch out, hole!
I always trip on that one.
You okay?
I can't feel a thing. I'm anesthetized.
Cute, aren't they? Look.
No kidding.
Go on!
I'm just looking.
He's gotta go for it.
No, don't be assholes. Don't look.
No, not all of us. Get real.
No lights?
Remember that first day at the office?
I thought, now I'm in shit.
What the heck are you doing?
Taking you back.
I don't mean that.
You don't see the issue?
No, I see you lightening up
since she arrived.
The rest...
If you change lens,
check your whole set-up.
Okay, balanced.
Hold it like this,
with both hands, okay?
Need something, Vincent?
Yeah, if we do the triads,
what we got?
We said 3 cameras handheld.
But we won't have
weeks-long availability.
- See you, thanks.
- See you, Chlo.
Sure thing.
Then I heard screaming.
And the gunfire.
So I ran.
Even if I felt no pain.
Kirika, I'm on camera here.
When I arrived in the village,
I ran into some...
of my students.
Who had managed
to hide and escape.
The others...
How many...
How many of you are there now
in this school?
I count
every day. Over forty of us.
In the panic,
a lot of people come here.
But we can't take everyone.
Especially the mothers and children.
Are you in contact with NGOs
or other journalists?
Over there. Go over there.
He filmed it all.
It's our job. We film.
You think we can air it?
Why wouldn't they air it?
Nobody wants to see people dying now.
You saw Damien's footage?
Crazy, right?
The show's canceled.
Nothing to do with you, so...
Don't wonder
what you could've done better.
When did he tell you?
Just now.
I could see it coming.
It's definite?
You'd cling to a show
that's run for 15 years?
You gotta move on.
Invent your own stuff.
We had fun
and we caught shit.
But now we need air.
Not wrong.
I'll put you in touch
with a buddy of mine.
A reporter with Belgian TV.
Looking for a cameraman.
It's paid work.
Starting right away.
It'd be good for you to work news.
You'll learn lots.
This is Vincent's. Where's it go?
Give it to me.
He split without saying goodbye.
Make your mind up.
You pushed him out.
That's what kids do. They cut the cord.
What a load of bullshit!
He bailed on us.
No, he's on vacation.
Hold on...
Vincent, where are you?
Vincent saw a giraffe by the river.
They did it.
The vegans.
Releasing the animals, like they said.
Can't hear you!
He's not on vacation?
He's never on vacation!
No, I can't hear you.
Where are you exactly?
Please go back to your cars.
The bridge is closed.
Please, ladies and gentlemen,
there's a giraffe on the loose in Paris.
Don't make it panic. Keep calm.
Sorry, sir, you can't get through.
The road is blocked.
A giraffe's on the loose.
Nobody moves, so it doesn't panic.
They're closing the bridges. Try Rivoli.
It's blocked. We can't get through.
Got any info?
The police
are sealing off roads and bridges.
Whatever it takes,
get in there and shoot.
Okay, we'll find a way.
Lock it down, channel them to Bastille.
Bastille, fast.
Eye level, if you can.
Miss, wait!
Camille wants a shot of it by you.
Come on.
How do I film?
Wide, close up or what?
Relax. It won't come on the gallop.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
It's sublime.
I hope Gabrielle got it, too.
- Who cares!
- What do you mean?
Who cares.
What counts is being here.
Let me see.
How did you get through?
Dude, I don't know what to say.
For sure, you won't be sent
to the savannah.
Worst case,
a texting driver runs you over.
At best,
you get caught
and put back in your cage.
Unless they put a chick in your cage.
Your cage becomes cool.
You don't see the bars.
In fact, your cage becomes a refuge.
A cozy little pad
where you can chill out with her.