Watchers (1988) Movie Script
[ Dogs Barking, Whining ]
[ Creature Snarls ]
[ Snarling, Roaring ]
[ Snarling Continues ]
[ Ship Horn Blaring
In Distance ]
Updating tonight's
lead story,
let's go back to
Banodyne Laboratories
and Dan O'Dowd.
As you know, Bob,
the explosion was enormous.
That, coupled with
the intense fire
that followed,
virtually destroyed
the whole lab.
[ Bob ]
Any word on what caused
the explosion, Dan?
Nothing as yet, but
it is speculated here that...
it was due to
some faulty wiring...
in a room containing
cleaning materials.
[ Bob ]
Dan, it's known that Banodyne
has conducted...
classified biological research
for the National Security
Organization in the past.
Any reason for our viewers
to be concerned?
No, Bob,
none whatsoever.
The N.S.O.
has issued a statement...
assuring us that the fire
poses no health hazard
to the public--
that although the research
animals which were kept here
have been destroyed,
absolutely no toxic elements
or radioactivity...
have been released
into the atmosphere.
Who escaped?
What makes you think
anything lived through that?
[ Thunderclap ]
You called me.
If you wanted to know
who blew the place up,
you would've got
Phelan or Davis.
You called me because
I know Banodyne.
- G-H-3.
- The dog?
Of course.
He would've smelled
the explosives.
And one of the Oxcoms.
Number 7.
Always the bad seed.
Cliff Soams is our local agent.
Keep him on
a need-to-know basis.
The dog still transmitting?
Are the Oxcom and the dog
still telepathically linked?
On a bio-frequency that
only the Oxcom can receive.
We have a maximum
of 72 hours before the Oxcom
kills the dog...
and anyone with it.
You know,
whoever blew up Banodyne
did you a big favor.
This Oxcom project's
been a total disaster.
Disaster? No.
Behind schedule,
over budget, results
we never expected,
but certainly
not a disaster.
Imagine 20 Oxcoms
in the field...
tracking their prey
gorging on their quarry,
growing stronger
with every kill,
drawn by a dog
that insinuates itself
into the enemy's camp.
An innocent dog--
Yeah, well,
that's a nice scenario.
But there's one big problem.
The Oxcoms
keep killin' the dogs.
There are defects.
We'll solve them on
the next go-round.
You just find them
and bring them back.
What if they
don't wanna come back?
Do your job.
[ Thunderclap ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Snarling Continues ]
[ Whining ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Cattle Lowing ]
[ Whinnies ]
[ Gasps ]
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry! I-I know.
It was very immature of me.
I agree.
I agree with you.
I'll make it up to you.
I will.
[ Laughs ]
Help me.
I can't get it undone.
[ Lowing ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Grunting ]
What is that?
My dad.
Again? Again.
Yes. You have to go.
You have to go.
I love you. Bye.
[ Weapon Cocking ]
Damn it, girl!
What are you doin' out here?
Sorry, Dad.
I heard the horses
and came out.
Uh-huh. That boy ain't
out here again, is he?
What boy?
The Cornwell boy.
It's Cornell.
Uh-huh. That's the one.
No, Daddy, I'm just
checking the horses.
I'm gonna get Nell
some sweet feed
to calm her down.
Well, do that,
then get back in the house.
You got school tomorrow.
- Tomorrow's Saturday.
- Yeah, right.
[ Whinnies ]
[ Chuckles ]
Hi, Nell.
Hi, baby.
Good girl.
[ Creaking ]
What are you
doing now, Travis?
My dad could come back.
You were right.
You are immature.
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
- [ Whinnying ]
- [ Screaming Continues ]
[ Yelling ]
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Siren Continues ]
Oh, shit!
[ Sighs ]
Hey, come on. Come on.
Out of my truck.
Where did you come from?
Now what are you doing?
[ Sighs ]
Look, come on.
[ Whining ]
Look, I don't have
a driver's license.
This isn't gonna look
that good-- me standing
out here all alone...
talking to a dog.
Come on. Move in.
[ Panting ]
Hey, you know,
you are one pushy dog.
Yeah, well,
I guess you're hungry.
Yeah, go ahead.
Eat 'em.
[ Chattering ]
[ Dogs Baying, Barking ]
This is pretty ridiculous,
don't you think?
- What?
- Well, if this thing is
as vicious as you say it is,
what the hell are
we gonna do with it
once we find it?
- Throw a net over it?
- Maybe.
[ Man ]
Agent Johnson,
call for you, sir.
Thanks, Donnie.
Johnson here.
That was Washington.
Let's go.
[ Horse Whinnying ]
[ Sobbing ]
They haven't taken
the head yet.
There were a whole bunch
of really strange footprints
around it.
I don't think
we're gonna find the eyes.
Keep it down, Porter.
Poor child.
Her mom died last year.
Now her dad.
[ Sobbing Continues ]
You know, when Fish and Game
wanted to reintroduce
the grizzly in this area,
most of these ranchers
were dead against it.
I wrote a letter.
Didn't do no good.
You can't tell
the government anything.
I don't think this
was a grizzly, Sheriff.
This thing has Sasquatch
written all over it.
[ Horse Whinnies ]
You know--
the Abominable Snowman.
Porter, when are you
gonna grow up?
There ain't no Tooth Fairy,
there ain't no Santa Claus,
and there ain't no Sasquatch.
Well, why would a grizzly
rip a man's eyes out?
Who the hell's this?
How you doin'?
Lem Johnson,
National Security Organization.
This is Cliff Soams.
Who called you?
Excuse me.
Can I have a look at that,
Thank you.
[ Lem ]
Is she a witness?
She's his daughter.
Get her to a hospital
and arrange security.
Hold on a minute.
You just can't walk in here
and take over.
Sheriff, if you check,
I think you'll find
some instructions
from your governor.
Now, I'm gonna need
all the cooperation
I can get.
Excuse me.
Hey, watch those footprints.
You don't mess up
my crime scene.
Come take a look at this.
That the Oxcom?
[ Lem ]
And that's our dog.
Look, this would never
work out.
I gotta let you go.
My mom would never
let me keep ya. Besides,
I'm all out of snacks.
Except for a, uh--
a candy bar
in the glove compartment.
What are you,
a circus dog?
Wait. Do you want me
to unwrap it for you?
[ Barks ]
No problem.
I'll split it with you,
I just want a little,
little bite.
Little bite. It's really--
It's mine.
You're really cute.
Nice bed, huh?
This is my dad's.
Yeah. You like it?
[ Whines ]
Okay. You sleep
here tonight, okay?
Good night.
No. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Look, my mom will
never let me keep you.
So, just till I can
figure something out,
stay here, okay?
Okay? All right.
Stay. Good night.
Hey. Thanks
for wakin' me up.
Wait a second!
What are you doing?
How'd you get in here?
[ Knocking ]
[ Woman ]
My mom!
She can't find you here!
Honey, can I come in?
Mom, now, I know that
I shouldn't have driven
the truck yesterday.
I don't wanna talk to you
about the truck.
Look, Mom, I already know
how to drive. Just because
I don't have my license--
I have to talk to you
about something.
I just got a phone call...
about Tracey.
There's been an accident.
An accident?
She's in the hospital.
[ Woman Over P.A.,
Indistinct ]
Sorry, folks.
You can't go in there.
Is this where
Tracey Keeshan is?
There's no visitors
allowed up here.
Why is that?
- I wanna see my girlfriend.
- I can't allow that.
Couldn't we just see her
for a moment? You see,
the kids are very close.
- Hey! Come on.
- Hey, where is she?
Come on!
Who are you?
I'm Tracey's boyfriend.
I was with her last night.
Well, I can see why
you'd be concerned then.
We had to move her
to another facility
for observation.
I don't know what's going on
here, but I'm sure that Tracey
could use her friends right now.
Where is she?
[ Lem ]
She's okay.
She's suffering from shock.
We've had to sedate her.
Are you people doctors?
Look, we'd be more than happy
to let you know when Tracey's
well enough to have visitors.
- Get off, man!
- Now, why don't you just
give us...
your name, address
and phone number,
and we'll get back to you.
Those guys had guns
under their coats.
Come on.
Why would they have guns?
'Cause they're not doctors.
Well, they didn't say
they were doctors.
They got Tracey.
They said that.
Isn't this getting just
a little weird to you, Mom?
I mean, it is to me.
That was them right there.
Well, what do you want
me to do, follow them?
[ Siren Wailing ]
This is where
they kept them.
Any word on the device
that triggered the explosion?
[ Chuckles ]
No, and I doubt
there ever will be.
The people that did the job
were top notch.
Look at those bones.
Oxcom 18--
outside experimental
combat mammal.
There were seven.
Now there's only one.
Well, it's kind of nice to know
that in the future,
though there may
still be wars,
we won't have to fight them.
Well, that's progress,
isn't it?
It's gonna be kind of hard
to catch the one
that got away.
The ultimate predator.
We've just gotta
be smarter than it is.
How smart is this thing?
How smart's
a crazy person?
[ Exhales ]
I almost forgot about you,
[ Barks ]
Now, I got big problems.
I mean, stuff
that dogs don't understand.
Okay, I'm sorry.
You do understand, okay?
Who are you talking to?
[ Travis ]
- I was talking to him, Mom.
- I don't understand.
What's this?
[ Barks Softly ]
Oh. It's, uh--
It's a dog.
Yeah, I see that, Travis.
It's a golden retriever.
He's also filthy.
And he doesn't belong here.
No, thank you.
I don't wanna shake a paw.
Look, Mom,
I mean, he's really sensitive,
and he is also the smartest dog
that I have ever seen.
Honey, if he is so smart,
he can find his way home.
No, I don't think
he can find his way home,
because I found him
in the back of my truck
on the way home from Tracey's.
We can't keep him, Travis.
I have to work.
You have to go to school.
Who's gonna look after him?
Look, Ma, he can
take care of himself.
All right, just watch, okay?
All right, Furface,
there's a pack of hot dogs
in the-- in the refrigerator,
and if you go down there
and you get them,
you can have one.
[ Barks ]
Watch. Come on.
And you thought
I was lying to you, Ma.
That hurts.
[ Barking ]
[ Barks ]
You know, I usually don't
bathe my friends, Furface.
I mean, I consider you
more of a friend
than a dog.
[ Barks ]
You don't mind if
I call you a dog,
do you?
I mean,
you look like a dog,
you smell like a dog.
[ Whines ]
I mean-- Okay,
you're definitely a dog.
It's just weird is all.
I mean, it's like you can
understand everything we say.
[ Barks ]
I'm worried about Tracey.
I know they have her somewhere.
Wanna help me find her?
[ Barks ]
You do? Yeah?
[ Barks ]
All right. Cool.
We'll be like, uh--
We'll be like
the Delta Force. Yeah.
You know, my dad
was in Delta Force.
Taught me some real cool tricks.
Well, I haven't seen him
since my mom and him split up.
What's this?
[ Growls Softly ]
[ Barks ]
Is that your name?
[ Barks Twice ]
G-H-3. G-H-3.
It's-- It's a code.
It's a code.
You're a research animal.
That's why
you're so smart.
What's in this ear?
[ Man ]
This tape was made during
Banodyne's recent tests...
on Oxcom 7.
Oxcom 7 remains obsessed
with killing the dog and
removing its ocular orbs,
a situation witnessed
in the deaths of both...
G-H-1 and G-H-2.
The project team hoped
that they would see
a dramatic lessening...
of the Oxcom's
pathological hatred of G-H-3.
This the one
that got out?
[ Man On TV Continues ]
The most advanced
of the Oxcoms.
The most successful
gene weave.
Whether that hatred was caused
by sibling rivalry...
and jealousy over the affection
the dogs received from staff,
or a DNA crossover in
the symbiotic bonding process...
as the geneticists believed,
the treatment failed.
The third phase of
the St. Francis project
has achieved--
[ Ejects Tape ]
The Oxcom and the dog,
they're like brothers.
How do you mean?
They share genetic material that
was used in their creation--
the Oxcom, the dog
and a third experiment.
Was the Oxcom's hate
for the dog a mistake?
Yes. Totally.
No one knows why...
he ended up absolutely
hating the dog.
The dog was like
a homing device,
the creature,
a search-and-destroy missile.
It would've been
the perfect weapon
had it worked.
Born of fire.
Consumed in flames.
Oh, here it is.
I'm gonna call the paper.
I'll put in an ad and find out
who this guy belongs to.
[ Sighs ]
I don't believe it.
It, um, looks like
he doesn't like
where he belongs, Mom.
How did he do that?
It's almost like he understands
everything we're saying.
He-He does understand
everything we're saying.
All right, um,
for "yes," bark once,
and for "no" bark twice.
Do you understand?
[ Barks ]
- See?
- Okay. If you're so smart--
Let's see.
Tell me,
which one is a deer?
Very lucky.
Is this a deer?
[ Barks Twice ]
[ Travis ]
Is it a house?
[ Barks Twice ]
All right.
Is this George Washington?
[ Barks Twice ]
Is it Abraham Lincoln?
[ Barks ]
I rest my case.
Can you tell me
the Gettysberg Address?
[ Barks Twice ]
Come on, Mom.
Look, he's a genius.
I have to keep him.
Honey, if he's a genius,
he's obviously
very valuable.
He belongs to somebody.
No, obviously he does
not belong to anybody,
or he wouldn't have just
hopped in the back of my truck
when I was at Tracey's, right?
[ Barks ]
You know what happened
at Tracey's, don't you?
[ Barks ]
Do you-- Do you know
where Tracey is?
[ Barks Twice, Whines ]
[ Man ]
Now they messed up my fish.
Damn kids.
Come out of my bus!
I'll kick their butts
this time.
Come out of there!
[ Whistles ]
- [ Snarling ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Mother ]
Hey, just a minute.
Where do you think you're going?
[ Travis ]
School, Mom.
Where else?
School? With the dog?
You're taking the dog
to school?
Yeah, right.
I wanna show the guys
how smart he is.
Travis, dogs
aren't allowed in school.
All right, Mom, look.
I'm not going to school.
I have to find Tracey.
You're not going
to look for Tracey.
Look, Ma,
Furface can help me.
Travis, I'm sure
Tracey's all right.
The people at the hospital
wouldn't let
anything happen to her.
Ma, the people at
the hospital had guns.
I don't care
what you think they had.
Now put the dog in your room
and get to class.
And don't think you can wait
till I drive off
and then go where you please.
I'm gonna call you at school,
and if you're not there
Furface goes.
You know, I'm really
disappointed in you, Mom.
I really am.
What's up, dude?
Hey, what's happenin'?
Sorry to hear
about Tracey's dad.
Is she all right?
I don't know, man.
They won't let me see her.
[ Boy #2 ] That's weird.
Hey, man, we're going up
to Dalberg's bus
to bug him for a while.
Yeah. I can't take one more day
of that computer class.
Teacher's a real dweeb.
Wanna come?
Uh, no, thanks, guys.
I got enough problems
as it is.
- I'm just gonna go to class.
- All right, man.
See you later.
Catch you guys later, huh?
Take it easy.
Come on, piggy!
Sweat a little!
Get a haircut, goof!
Think of it as exercise.
Burn off some of
that baby fat.
[ Man ]
Positive to positive,
negative to negative.
'Round and 'round
and 'round she goes.
Where she stop--
Ow. Fuck!
[ Groans ]
Well, blimey. There is
a Santa Claus after all.
Hi. Is Mrs. Cornell here,
What, you mean Nora?
No, no, she's not in.
Uh, Ted Hockney.
I'm taking care
of her appliances, if
you know what I mean, mate.
[ Lem ] Is Travis here?
No, he's just off
to school.
I wanna talk to him
about his girlfriend.
Tracey Keeshan.
Yeah, I heard
about that.
It's a tragedy, eh?
What's the world coming to?
You want a cuppa?
Well, uh, you want me
to tell him somethin'?
I'll come back.
Just tell him I dropped in.
Does Travis have a dog?
No, no pets.
He had a snake once,
but Travis let it go.
He's a good lad.
Hates to see anything suffer.
Nice talkin' to you.
Yeah, sure.
All right.
[ Chattering ]
[ Whistle Tweets ]
Did anyone see you?
Well, I guess so.
[ Barking ]
Isn't he cute?
- Should we let him in?
- Sure. Why not?
[ Bell Ringing ]
[ Boy ]
Hey, pooch.
Hey, pooch.
[ Man ]
[ Laughter ]
Class! Brooks.
Hmm. Very good work,
Miss Brooks.
I wish everyone
in the class...
would have done as well
as Miss Brooks here.
Very nice work.
Very nice.
Thank you, Miss Brooks.
[ Brooks ]
Thank you, sir.
Are you all right, Travis?
You seem a little distracted.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
I hope you take
my class seriously,
young man.
Of course I do, sir.
Thank you.
You idiot!
Get down!
- What are you trying to do,
get me in trouble?
- [ Teacher ] Haskell?
[ Travis ]
Holy shit!
Did you type that?
[ Barks ]
You stay after school!
What the hell
is goin' on?
Maybe old man Dalberg
got busted for all
that weed he was growin'.
[ Man ]
Willie, check for tire tracks.
Hey, let's get out of here
before someone sees us.
Yeah, good idea,
[ Sighs ]
The eyes are gone,
just like at Bill Keeshan's.
Yo, Johnson,
I want a word with ya.
Of course, Sheriff.
What happened?
[ Laughing ]
Well, I thought
I'd ask you that question.
Two murders
occur in my district,
and the N.S.O. appears.
Now what's goin' on?
Naturally, our information's
classified, Sheriff.
We'll know more once
we've run some tests.
But, uh, I'd like to offer
any N.S.O. assistance you
might need to track down leads.
Don't patronize me.
I don't know what
the N.S.O. has to hide,
but this is my county,
my responsibility.
Look, Sheriff,
we've both
got jobs to do.
Now let's try and stay
out of each other's way.
You guys shouldn't leave me
behind like that.
You're gonna hang with us,
you gotta learn to keep up.
- Hey, it's gettin' late.
- So?
- So maybe we should go.
- No, maybe you should go.
It's not like we wouldn't
be able to catch up to ya.
Go ahead, man!
Go ahead, piggy!
We'll give you
a ten-second head start!
One thousand one,
one thousand two,
[ Snarling ]
one thousand three,
one thousand four!
We lied, piggy!
Here we come!
We're gonna get you, man!
[ Boys Shouting ]
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Run, piggy!
[ Laughing ]
Where'd he go?
This way, man.
Come on.
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Piggy ]
What the hell was that?
Go, piggy! Go!
Look behind us, man!
Go, piggy!
Get out of the forest!
It's after us! Go!
Go, piggy!
Come on, man! Move it!
Faster, piggy!
Get out of the woods, man!
Go to the right, man!
[ Roaring ]
[ Boy Screaming ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Furface Barks ]
You stay there.
Here, sir.
Wow. This is
better than usual work.
Uh, yeah, thanks.
The dog helped a little.
[ Snarling ]
[ Snarling In Distance ]
"Danger N.S.O." What kind
of danger is N.S.O., Furface?
[ Barks ]
I mean, look,
they're not dangerous.
They're part of the government.
Where'd you learn
how to type?
[ Snarling Softly ]
Travis, is that you?
- [ Cracks Knuckles, Roars ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Screaming Continues ]
[ Ringing ]
Sheriff's office.
It's the maintenance man
here at the school!
You're the maintenance man?
What's go--
That's right, the high school.
Look, I'm in the basement
at the high school.
There's a big problem out here.
There's something terrible
goin' on!
There's hollerin'
and screamin' and--
Just hold on now. Take it easy.
It's like someone's bein'--
[ Screaming ]
[ Roaring ]
Hello? Hello?
What is it?
Maintenance man
over at the high school.
He was screamin'.
If it's important,
he'll call back.
Let's go.
[ Growling Softly ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Phone Line Beeping ]
[ Machinery Clattering Loudly ]
[ Clattering Continues ]
[ Creature Breathing Heavily ]
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Reporter ] Five gruesome
murders and the disappearance
of three teenagers...
in the last 48 hours
have the people
of this quiet town--
[ Cliff ]
We're not gonna be able to
keep a lid on it this time.
Look at that--
all the newspapers, TV,
radio out here.
Look, we'll leak it through
the usual rumor mill.
What, a bear?
No, a psycho killer.
It'll make the whole official
"No comment" much easier.
How can you have no--
My partner's dead!
She's had her eyes ripped out...
because we didn't know
what we were up against!
Now, you tell me
what the N.S.O. was into,
what it's gotten us into!
I can't tell you.
Either you talk to me,
or I talk to the press.
Either way, I'm gonna get
to the bottom of this.
Get out of here.
Hey, I'll talk to you.
But not here.
[ Lem ]
Listen. Can you hear them?
The crickets.
They're talking to each other.
Johnson, I don't have the time,
and I'm in no mood.
Now what the hell happened?
This got something to do
with what went on
down at Banodyne?
Yes. We called it
the Francis Project.
St. Francis of Assisi
was a monk who had
an affinity with animals.
He could communicate with them.
And we were developing
new animals,
animals with extraordinary
mental abilities,
animals with extraordinary
physical powers.
You mean like this thing
that killed Keeshan
and my partner?
You mean it's intelligent?
Well, why doesn't somebody
reason with it?
Can't you control it?
It's gotta be stopped.
It's experimental.
It has a mind that can reason,
but it's never been right
- What do you mean?
- It's disturbed... and insane.
Well, there's gotta be
some kind of a pattern
to this thing's actions.
It's after a dog.
A dog?
A golden retriever.
It was another experiment.
Like the creature, it has
some human genetic material.
It's almost human
in its intelligence.
You bastards!
The goddamn government
thinks it can do any
goddamn thing it likes.
Is that all there is? Huh?
These two animals?
When we catch them,
is it gonna be over?
Sure, Walt. Everybody'll
stop making weapons, and then
there'll be peace on Earth.
[ Flesh Tearing ]
I've got a lovely bunch
of coconuts
There they all are
standing in a row
I'm very tired.
I've had a really rough week.
Big ones
Small ones
My feet are killing me.
Oh, here.
I'll massage your feet.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
That's okay.
No, I don't mind, really.
You don't have to do this.
No, really,
I don't mind.
You know, the nerves
from all over your body...
terminate in
the soles of your feet.
This here's your spleen.
And this is your liver.
Over here is your kidneys.
Ow! Oh, oh, oh, oh.
And down here
are your bladder--
Okay, okay.
That's enough.
Well, it's good for ya.
It stimulates
the circulation.
Yeah. Yours or mine?
Both! It stimulates
our circulation.
Hockney, I'm, uh--
I'm just not in the mood
for this.
Gor. Why is it
women don't like sex
as much as men?
Can you tell me that?
If I can just figure out
that one little thing--
Hockney, you know,
there's a picture of you
in the dictionary...
under the word
[ Chuckles ]
It pays to advertise.
I know what's gonna
turn your lights on, love.
That part for
your dryer came in.
Oh, great.
Yeah, I fixed it.
Hi, honey.
you do have a dog.
[ Mother ] Yeah, why?
Well, some fellow was by
asking if he had a dog.
Some stiff
bureaucratic bloke from NASA.
Oh, yeah, that's it.
I was wonderin' why
some space fellow would
be wonderin' about a dog,
unless it was from
some astronaut thing.
God knows the way
things are around here,
what with that policeman
and that teacher bein' murdered
down at your high school.
Wait. A teacher was murdered
at the high school?
Well, who did it?
Well, I don't know.
Same psycho killed
Bill Keeshan.
Oh, yeah.
That's what the fellow
was by askin' for.
He wanted to tell you
somethin' about Tracey
and to ask you about your dog.
[ Barks ]
Hey, what's, uh--
what's goin' on then?
Nothin'. Nothin'.
Not a thing.
Not a thing at all.
Uh, I gotta go upstairs.
- I have to talk to you.
- Okay, I'll be down
in one minute.
You know, every place we go
this thing shows up.
It's after you, isn't it?
[ Barks ]
It went to Tracey's,
and it went to the school.
It's comin' here next,
[ Barks ]
Yeah. So that's the danger
you're warning me about.
[ Barks ]
All right, so,
then we have to get out,
then Mom will be safe. Go.
[ Hockney ]
If there's some kind of trouble,
I can help.
Look, Nora--
Uh, just a minute, Hockney.
[ Scoffs ]
Oh, bloody hell.
[ Engine Starts, Revs ]
Here. Have a look
at this, love. Now,
just give me a minute, now.
Have a look
at this.
I'll be back.
Oh, bloody hell!
[ Tires Squeal ]
[ Engine Shifting Gears ]
What the hell
is going on?
[ Growling, Heavy Breathing ]
The N.S.O. has got Tracey.
[ Grunts ]
[ Growling ]
[ Growling, Heavy Breathing ]
And that-- that thing that's
killing everybody wants the dog.
I'm not giving him up, Ma.
I'm not gonna let him down,
and I'm not gonna
turn myself in.
[ Sighs ]
Honey, whatever
this thing is,
we're in this
together, okay?
[ Growls ]
Hey, what's the matter?
What's wrong, boy?
[ Rhythmnic Banging,
Distant ]
[ Banging Continues, Distant ]
[ Breathing ]
Are you here?
What the hell?
[ Banging Continues, Louder ]
[ Mother ]
What happened here?
[ Banging Continues ]
[ Growling ]
Oh, my god.
[ Growl ]
[ Snarls ]
Mom, we gotta
get out of here. Go!
[ Screech ]
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Mother Screams ]
- [ Furface Barking ]
[ Glass Breaking ]
[ Barking ]
[ Travis ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Travis ]
Lock the door!
[ Snarling ]
Get in the closet!
Get out! Hurry!
[ Mother Shouting, Indistinct ]
Come on!
[ Snarling, Roaring Continues ]
Furface, jump!
Jump! Come on!
[ Furface Yelps ]
Get the truck!
[ Grunts, Groans ]
Damn it.
[ Creature Howling, Distant ]
[ Whining ]
[ Whines ]
All right, Ma.
Go. Go!
[ Tires Squealing ]
[ Snarling, Distant ]
[ Travis Exhales ]
We have to
do somethin', Ma.
[ Whining ]
[ Crowd Chattering ]
[ Woman ]
Psycho killer--
who is it, and where
will he strike next?
The latest victim,
34-year-old handyman
Ted Hockney,
was discovered just hours
after the horribly mutilated
body of Sheriff Walt Gaines...
[ Chattering Continues ]
washed up on the shore
of Bass Lake.
Officials are unsure of the whereabouts of
...of Nora Cornell and her son Travis,
-Come on. Come on.
-who, according to neighbors,
were in the house...
-Hurry up. Let's go.
They're not through takin' the blood,
but one sample
is definitely canine.
The dog's
been injured.
We might have a chance
at findin' them
before the creature does.
[ Man ]
Got some bruises, but he took
the fall very well.
[ Whining ]
That's a good boy.
He's in good shape.
He'll recover,
won't you, boy?
That's right.
He's okay.
He'll be fine.
But I'd like
to keep him here.
No! No, you can't.
We're just passing through.
We weren't planning on staying.
Yeah, we're from out of town.
I'm going to get
some antibiotic cream.
I'll be right back.
[ Travis ]
Mom, wait here.
Is this
the American Cancer Institute?
Uh, I've got that dog
you're looking for.
Ma, that guy
just called someone.
I think he knows.
I'm at the Upper Valley
Animal Hospital--
up on Howard.
No. Yes, ma'am,
but there's a--
Yes. 33 Howard.
[ Tires Squeal ]
Well, I should have at least
given him some money.
- Now we're really criminals.
- Mom.
We have to find
some place to rest.
[ Snoring ]
[ Door Opens ]
[ Snoring ]
[ Door Closes ]
[ Dings ]
[ Gasps ]
I'm sorry to wake you.
Oh, that's
all right, Miss.
C-Could I have a room?
Oh, yes. That's my job.
Oh, dear.
Oh, my.
- What's wrong?
- You've got an animal.
We don't allow pets.
[ Takes Deep Breath ]
All right.
But please,
don't let my missus
find out, okay?
Okay. Um,
room number two.
Thank you.
[ No Audible Shushing ]
[ Door Opening, Closing ]
Look, the vet's
here, right?
And if they
keep headin' north--
Did we blanket the area?
We got it covered.
[ Travis Exhales ]
Mom, where are we gonna go?
I don't know--
as far away as we can...
until they catch
this thing.
Don't you think
if they could've caught him
that they would have already?
I don't know.
- All right. What about Tracey?
- I don't know.
- Suppose they never
catch this thing.
- I don't know, Travis!
I just don't know, okay?
we'll figure it out
in the morning.
Get some sleep.
Good night, boy.
Good night.
You see, sir, no animals
in this place. Ne-ver.
Number one rule.
But this stupido gotta--
What's a-matter with you?
I'm sorry.
You no hear radio?
That bugger?
They seemed like nice people.
Hey! You, you, you!
Yeah, you. You clean up
those cancer germs, eh?
We'll take care of it.
Good. Shut up.
They were such nice peop--
[ Soft Growl ]
Hey, Furface.
What is it?
Mom, get up. Those N.S.O. guys.
They found us.
What? What?
Get dressed.
We can sneak out
the bathroom window.
Take the truck.
Go to the cabin.
No. Ma--
[ Exhales ]
Just don't start the engine.
They'll hear it.
Let it roll to the road.
Yeah, I know. I've been
sneakin' out of the house
for months, Ma.
Remind me to spank you.
[ Knocking ]
Mrs. Cornell?
[ Mother ]
Who is it?
Lem Johnson,
the N.S.O.
At the hospital,
I-Is there something wrong?
Could you open the door?
I'd like to talk to you.
[ Railroad Crossing
Bell, Distant ]
[ Train Whistle, Distant ]
It's a silly game
you're playing,
Mrs. Cornell.
Beg your pardon?
Where's your son
and the dog?
I don't know
what you're
talking about.
If you'd been a criminal,
Mrs. Cornell, you would have
been locked up a long time ago.
You blush when you lie.
I really have no interest
in speaking with you people.
Now, if you'd please--
Why don't we...
sit down...
and be straight
with each other?
Now, I know it's fashionable...
to think that Washington
is full of secret,
evil organizations,
but stop and think for a moment.
We're your government.
We're the good guys.
And we're in this together.
I don't know who you are,
but we are definitely
not in this together.
We know you've
grown attached
to the dog.
- Is that attachment
worth your son's life?
- Are you threatening my son?
No. As long as he's with
the dog, his life is in danger.
What have you done with
his girlfriend, Tracey?
We're protecting her.
What did you think?
That creature will kill anybody
that's been near the dog.
[ Exhales ]
Would you believe us
if we took you to see Tracey?
I take it back,
Mrs. Cornell.
You'd make
a wonderful criminal.
[ Orchestra ]
Goddamn dog.
Look, look, look.
Dog hair everywhere.
Stinking whole place--
[ Yells ]
[ Man Singing Opera ]
Now I going stinking
like a dog for a week.
[ Puffs ]
[ Continues ]
[ Rattling, Distant ]
[ Liquid Trickling,
Distant ]
[ Trickling Continues ]
[ Groans ]
[ Faucet Handle Squeaks ]
[ Water Draining ]
[ Gasps, Breathing Heavily ]
- [ Snarling ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Ends ]
[ Engine Stops ]
We're home.
You know, my dad used to
take me here all the time.
[ Chuckles ]
I-I never
killed anything.
[ Latch Rattling ]
You know,
I used to think
that's why my dad
divorced my mom--
'cause I was
a lousy hunter.
I guess kids think
pretty dumb things, huh?
[ Lock Turning ]
[ Keys Jingling ]
She really was
quite banged up.
We had to sedate her.
Are you qualified
to care for her?
You're telling me this place
is safer than a hospital?
Tempered steel on the windows,
and we're around.
Nobody's gettin' in or out
of this place.
Honey, are you okay?
It's good you're here.
You can look after her.
I remember this.
- [ Paper Rustling ]
- [ Game Pieces Rattling ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Game Pieces Rattling ]
Level with me.
[ Barks Softly ]
We can't ever escape
this guy, can we?
[ Barking ]
So then I say,
we make a stand,
right here, right now.
- [ Barks Twice ]
- Why not?
We got nothin' to lose.
[ Whining Softly ]
All right.
I'm gonna go get some stuff.
You stay here.
[ Breathes Heavily, Moans ]
[ Moaning ]
Now, tell us where
your son took the dog.
We'll go get them
and we'll bring
them back here.
She isn't hurt.
There's nothing wrong
with this girl.
You've just kept her drugged.
- She was quite hysterical
when we brought her here.
- You're crazy.
Look, why don't you just tell us
where the dog and your son are?
we're gonna find him...
or the creature will.
Is that what
you want? Hmm?
Well, we'll do it your way.
[ Men Chattering ]
That it?
Uh, no. No, I need, uh--
I need some shells.
How old are you, son?
Let me tell you, sir.
I'm old enough to know these
woods like the back of my hand.
Me and my dad-- we're staying
up at Totem Creek.
He told me that this week,
my 16th birthday,
was my day. The day.
Yeah, but 30-30--
what are you bringin' down?
- A grizzly.
- Grizzlies is protected.
- I know that.
- [ Both Chuckling ]
Furface, I'm home.
I got you some dinner.
You feelin' better? Huh?
What'd you do here?
[ Barks Softly ]
"I go.
I danger 'U'"?
[ Whining Softly ]
"I stay, 'U' die"?
[ Barks ]
Furface, we're in this together.
You're-- You're not
going anywhere.
Where's Travis?
He's okay.
Come on. Trust me.
No, no, no.
He got him too.
Where is he?
He's safe. He's okay.
- You saw him?
- Mm-hmm.
He's up at Totem Creek.
No one's gonna
get him.
They won't let me go.
They keep injecting me.
I feel funny.
Come on, ladies.
We're going.
Totem Creek.
[ Barks ]
There's about two pounds
of scrap metal in there,
Furface. Think that'll stop 'im?
It's somethin'
my dad showed me.
What's taking you
so long, anyway?
I beat you,
didn't I?
[ Barks Twice ]
Let's see.
What, "D-Z"?
That's not a word.
- [ Barks ]
- It is not.
Oh, what,
you looked it up?
All right, mister.
Okay. "D-Z."
- Oh, no. No. You cannot
use abbreviations.
- [ Barks ]
- Come on. You read the rules.
You are such a cheat.
- [ Growling ]
[ Barking ]
[ Barking Continues ]
It's those damn N.S.O. guys.
- [ Barks ]
- And I got a surprise for them.
Come on.
You bastards.
- [ Lem ]
Come on.
- Shit!
- Mom, Tracey, get down!
- [ Women Scream ]
Get in the cabin!
Go, go, go! Get in!
- What?
- What the hell are you doin'?
You're gonna kill somebody.
Understand this, Cliff:
none of these people
can ever leave this place.
But it's a woman
and a couple of kids. Why?
Because that's the way
it's gotta be.
I can't...
and I won't do it.
Okay. I'll do it myself.
You're a cold son of a bitch.
That's right. I am.
Remember I told you there were
three biological experiments
at Banodyne:
the Oxcom, the dog
and their best animal.
It's me, Cliff.
I'm the third experiment.
What makes you
so fuckin' special?
I'm the perfect killing machine.
I've got no conscience.
Okay, I'm goin'.
Furface, you watch them.
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Glass Breaking ]
Hi, there.
[ Moaning ]
Now, son, there are
two types of animals
on this planet.
[ Moaning ]
There are
those that kill,
and those
that get killed.
What kinda animal
are you, son? Huh?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Barking, Growling ]
[ Lem Sputters ]
[ Straining ]
You can't win...
because Multitude's coming.
[ Yells, Grunts ]
Tracey, I'm fine.
[ Fabric Tearing ]
- [ Furface Growls ]
- It's here.
Ma, Ma, get the door.
Tracey, get the shutters. Go!
Go, go, go!
Get into the bedroom. Hurry!
[ Tracey Screaming ]
Oh, my god!
Ma, Ma, he's goin'
around the house.
Light this thing. Quick.
Tracey, go! Get out
of the window, quick!
All right, Mom. Get out
to the truck. Go!
Be careful, honey.
[ Women Screaming ]
- Shoot!
- I can't.
I'll hit Furface.
[ Mother ]
[ Screams ]
[ Mother ]
Travis, no!
[ Water Sloshing ]
[ Creature Moaning ]
[ Snarling Softly ]
[ Moaning Softly ]
[ Moaning Continues ]
[ Moaning ]
[ Snarls ]
[ Creature Panting Heavily ]
[ Shot Resonating ]
Oh, Travis.
Oh, Travis, you're okay.
[ Kisses ]
We gotta get to a vet.
He's alive?
We gotta hurry.
Come on.
[ Furface Whimpering ]
[ Barks ]
[ Dogs Barking, Whining ]
[ Creature Snarls ]
[ Snarling, Roaring ]
[ Snarling Continues ]
[ Ship Horn Blaring
In Distance ]
Updating tonight's
lead story,
let's go back to
Banodyne Laboratories
and Dan O'Dowd.
As you know, Bob,
the explosion was enormous.
That, coupled with
the intense fire
that followed,
virtually destroyed
the whole lab.
[ Bob ]
Any word on what caused
the explosion, Dan?
Nothing as yet, but
it is speculated here that...
it was due to
some faulty wiring...
in a room containing
cleaning materials.
[ Bob ]
Dan, it's known that Banodyne
has conducted...
classified biological research
for the National Security
Organization in the past.
Any reason for our viewers
to be concerned?
No, Bob,
none whatsoever.
The N.S.O.
has issued a statement...
assuring us that the fire
poses no health hazard
to the public--
that although the research
animals which were kept here
have been destroyed,
absolutely no toxic elements
or radioactivity...
have been released
into the atmosphere.
Who escaped?
What makes you think
anything lived through that?
[ Thunderclap ]
You called me.
If you wanted to know
who blew the place up,
you would've got
Phelan or Davis.
You called me because
I know Banodyne.
- G-H-3.
- The dog?
Of course.
He would've smelled
the explosives.
And one of the Oxcoms.
Number 7.
Always the bad seed.
Cliff Soams is our local agent.
Keep him on
a need-to-know basis.
The dog still transmitting?
Are the Oxcom and the dog
still telepathically linked?
On a bio-frequency that
only the Oxcom can receive.
We have a maximum
of 72 hours before the Oxcom
kills the dog...
and anyone with it.
You know,
whoever blew up Banodyne
did you a big favor.
This Oxcom project's
been a total disaster.
Disaster? No.
Behind schedule,
over budget, results
we never expected,
but certainly
not a disaster.
Imagine 20 Oxcoms
in the field...
tracking their prey
gorging on their quarry,
growing stronger
with every kill,
drawn by a dog
that insinuates itself
into the enemy's camp.
An innocent dog--
Yeah, well,
that's a nice scenario.
But there's one big problem.
The Oxcoms
keep killin' the dogs.
There are defects.
We'll solve them on
the next go-round.
You just find them
and bring them back.
What if they
don't wanna come back?
Do your job.
[ Thunderclap ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Snarling Continues ]
[ Whining ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Cattle Lowing ]
[ Whinnies ]
[ Gasps ]
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry! I-I know.
It was very immature of me.
I agree.
I agree with you.
I'll make it up to you.
I will.
[ Laughs ]
Help me.
I can't get it undone.
[ Lowing ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Grunting ]
What is that?
My dad.
Again? Again.
Yes. You have to go.
You have to go.
I love you. Bye.
[ Weapon Cocking ]
Damn it, girl!
What are you doin' out here?
Sorry, Dad.
I heard the horses
and came out.
Uh-huh. That boy ain't
out here again, is he?
What boy?
The Cornwell boy.
It's Cornell.
Uh-huh. That's the one.
No, Daddy, I'm just
checking the horses.
I'm gonna get Nell
some sweet feed
to calm her down.
Well, do that,
then get back in the house.
You got school tomorrow.
- Tomorrow's Saturday.
- Yeah, right.
[ Whinnies ]
[ Chuckles ]
Hi, Nell.
Hi, baby.
Good girl.
[ Creaking ]
What are you
doing now, Travis?
My dad could come back.
You were right.
You are immature.
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
- [ Whinnying ]
- [ Screaming Continues ]
[ Yelling ]
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Siren Continues ]
Oh, shit!
[ Sighs ]
Hey, come on. Come on.
Out of my truck.
Where did you come from?
Now what are you doing?
[ Sighs ]
Look, come on.
[ Whining ]
Look, I don't have
a driver's license.
This isn't gonna look
that good-- me standing
out here all alone...
talking to a dog.
Come on. Move in.
[ Panting ]
Hey, you know,
you are one pushy dog.
Yeah, well,
I guess you're hungry.
Yeah, go ahead.
Eat 'em.
[ Chattering ]
[ Dogs Baying, Barking ]
This is pretty ridiculous,
don't you think?
- What?
- Well, if this thing is
as vicious as you say it is,
what the hell are
we gonna do with it
once we find it?
- Throw a net over it?
- Maybe.
[ Man ]
Agent Johnson,
call for you, sir.
Thanks, Donnie.
Johnson here.
That was Washington.
Let's go.
[ Horse Whinnying ]
[ Sobbing ]
They haven't taken
the head yet.
There were a whole bunch
of really strange footprints
around it.
I don't think
we're gonna find the eyes.
Keep it down, Porter.
Poor child.
Her mom died last year.
Now her dad.
[ Sobbing Continues ]
You know, when Fish and Game
wanted to reintroduce
the grizzly in this area,
most of these ranchers
were dead against it.
I wrote a letter.
Didn't do no good.
You can't tell
the government anything.
I don't think this
was a grizzly, Sheriff.
This thing has Sasquatch
written all over it.
[ Horse Whinnies ]
You know--
the Abominable Snowman.
Porter, when are you
gonna grow up?
There ain't no Tooth Fairy,
there ain't no Santa Claus,
and there ain't no Sasquatch.
Well, why would a grizzly
rip a man's eyes out?
Who the hell's this?
How you doin'?
Lem Johnson,
National Security Organization.
This is Cliff Soams.
Who called you?
Excuse me.
Can I have a look at that,
Thank you.
[ Lem ]
Is she a witness?
She's his daughter.
Get her to a hospital
and arrange security.
Hold on a minute.
You just can't walk in here
and take over.
Sheriff, if you check,
I think you'll find
some instructions
from your governor.
Now, I'm gonna need
all the cooperation
I can get.
Excuse me.
Hey, watch those footprints.
You don't mess up
my crime scene.
Come take a look at this.
That the Oxcom?
[ Lem ]
And that's our dog.
Look, this would never
work out.
I gotta let you go.
My mom would never
let me keep ya. Besides,
I'm all out of snacks.
Except for a, uh--
a candy bar
in the glove compartment.
What are you,
a circus dog?
Wait. Do you want me
to unwrap it for you?
[ Barks ]
No problem.
I'll split it with you,
I just want a little,
little bite.
Little bite. It's really--
It's mine.
You're really cute.
Nice bed, huh?
This is my dad's.
Yeah. You like it?
[ Whines ]
Okay. You sleep
here tonight, okay?
Good night.
No. Come here.
Come here. Come here.
Look, my mom will
never let me keep you.
So, just till I can
figure something out,
stay here, okay?
Okay? All right.
Stay. Good night.
Hey. Thanks
for wakin' me up.
Wait a second!
What are you doing?
How'd you get in here?
[ Knocking ]
[ Woman ]
My mom!
She can't find you here!
Honey, can I come in?
Mom, now, I know that
I shouldn't have driven
the truck yesterday.
I don't wanna talk to you
about the truck.
Look, Mom, I already know
how to drive. Just because
I don't have my license--
I have to talk to you
about something.
I just got a phone call...
about Tracey.
There's been an accident.
An accident?
She's in the hospital.
[ Woman Over P.A.,
Indistinct ]
Sorry, folks.
You can't go in there.
Is this where
Tracey Keeshan is?
There's no visitors
allowed up here.
Why is that?
- I wanna see my girlfriend.
- I can't allow that.
Couldn't we just see her
for a moment? You see,
the kids are very close.
- Hey! Come on.
- Hey, where is she?
Come on!
Who are you?
I'm Tracey's boyfriend.
I was with her last night.
Well, I can see why
you'd be concerned then.
We had to move her
to another facility
for observation.
I don't know what's going on
here, but I'm sure that Tracey
could use her friends right now.
Where is she?
[ Lem ]
She's okay.
She's suffering from shock.
We've had to sedate her.
Are you people doctors?
Look, we'd be more than happy
to let you know when Tracey's
well enough to have visitors.
- Get off, man!
- Now, why don't you just
give us...
your name, address
and phone number,
and we'll get back to you.
Those guys had guns
under their coats.
Come on.
Why would they have guns?
'Cause they're not doctors.
Well, they didn't say
they were doctors.
They got Tracey.
They said that.
Isn't this getting just
a little weird to you, Mom?
I mean, it is to me.
That was them right there.
Well, what do you want
me to do, follow them?
[ Siren Wailing ]
This is where
they kept them.
Any word on the device
that triggered the explosion?
[ Chuckles ]
No, and I doubt
there ever will be.
The people that did the job
were top notch.
Look at those bones.
Oxcom 18--
outside experimental
combat mammal.
There were seven.
Now there's only one.
Well, it's kind of nice to know
that in the future,
though there may
still be wars,
we won't have to fight them.
Well, that's progress,
isn't it?
It's gonna be kind of hard
to catch the one
that got away.
The ultimate predator.
We've just gotta
be smarter than it is.
How smart is this thing?
How smart's
a crazy person?
[ Exhales ]
I almost forgot about you,
[ Barks ]
Now, I got big problems.
I mean, stuff
that dogs don't understand.
Okay, I'm sorry.
You do understand, okay?
Who are you talking to?
[ Travis ]
- I was talking to him, Mom.
- I don't understand.
What's this?
[ Barks Softly ]
Oh. It's, uh--
It's a dog.
Yeah, I see that, Travis.
It's a golden retriever.
He's also filthy.
And he doesn't belong here.
No, thank you.
I don't wanna shake a paw.
Look, Mom,
I mean, he's really sensitive,
and he is also the smartest dog
that I have ever seen.
Honey, if he is so smart,
he can find his way home.
No, I don't think
he can find his way home,
because I found him
in the back of my truck
on the way home from Tracey's.
We can't keep him, Travis.
I have to work.
You have to go to school.
Who's gonna look after him?
Look, Ma, he can
take care of himself.
All right, just watch, okay?
All right, Furface,
there's a pack of hot dogs
in the-- in the refrigerator,
and if you go down there
and you get them,
you can have one.
[ Barks ]
Watch. Come on.
And you thought
I was lying to you, Ma.
That hurts.
[ Barking ]
[ Barks ]
You know, I usually don't
bathe my friends, Furface.
I mean, I consider you
more of a friend
than a dog.
[ Barks ]
You don't mind if
I call you a dog,
do you?
I mean,
you look like a dog,
you smell like a dog.
[ Whines ]
I mean-- Okay,
you're definitely a dog.
It's just weird is all.
I mean, it's like you can
understand everything we say.
[ Barks ]
I'm worried about Tracey.
I know they have her somewhere.
Wanna help me find her?
[ Barks ]
You do? Yeah?
[ Barks ]
All right. Cool.
We'll be like, uh--
We'll be like
the Delta Force. Yeah.
You know, my dad
was in Delta Force.
Taught me some real cool tricks.
Well, I haven't seen him
since my mom and him split up.
What's this?
[ Growls Softly ]
[ Barks ]
Is that your name?
[ Barks Twice ]
G-H-3. G-H-3.
It's-- It's a code.
It's a code.
You're a research animal.
That's why
you're so smart.
What's in this ear?
[ Man ]
This tape was made during
Banodyne's recent tests...
on Oxcom 7.
Oxcom 7 remains obsessed
with killing the dog and
removing its ocular orbs,
a situation witnessed
in the deaths of both...
G-H-1 and G-H-2.
The project team hoped
that they would see
a dramatic lessening...
of the Oxcom's
pathological hatred of G-H-3.
This the one
that got out?
[ Man On TV Continues ]
The most advanced
of the Oxcoms.
The most successful
gene weave.
Whether that hatred was caused
by sibling rivalry...
and jealousy over the affection
the dogs received from staff,
or a DNA crossover in
the symbiotic bonding process...
as the geneticists believed,
the treatment failed.
The third phase of
the St. Francis project
has achieved--
[ Ejects Tape ]
The Oxcom and the dog,
they're like brothers.
How do you mean?
They share genetic material that
was used in their creation--
the Oxcom, the dog
and a third experiment.
Was the Oxcom's hate
for the dog a mistake?
Yes. Totally.
No one knows why...
he ended up absolutely
hating the dog.
The dog was like
a homing device,
the creature,
a search-and-destroy missile.
It would've been
the perfect weapon
had it worked.
Born of fire.
Consumed in flames.
Oh, here it is.
I'm gonna call the paper.
I'll put in an ad and find out
who this guy belongs to.
[ Sighs ]
I don't believe it.
It, um, looks like
he doesn't like
where he belongs, Mom.
How did he do that?
It's almost like he understands
everything we're saying.
He-He does understand
everything we're saying.
All right, um,
for "yes," bark once,
and for "no" bark twice.
Do you understand?
[ Barks ]
- See?
- Okay. If you're so smart--
Let's see.
Tell me,
which one is a deer?
Very lucky.
Is this a deer?
[ Barks Twice ]
[ Travis ]
Is it a house?
[ Barks Twice ]
All right.
Is this George Washington?
[ Barks Twice ]
Is it Abraham Lincoln?
[ Barks ]
I rest my case.
Can you tell me
the Gettysberg Address?
[ Barks Twice ]
Come on, Mom.
Look, he's a genius.
I have to keep him.
Honey, if he's a genius,
he's obviously
very valuable.
He belongs to somebody.
No, obviously he does
not belong to anybody,
or he wouldn't have just
hopped in the back of my truck
when I was at Tracey's, right?
[ Barks ]
You know what happened
at Tracey's, don't you?
[ Barks ]
Do you-- Do you know
where Tracey is?
[ Barks Twice, Whines ]
[ Man ]
Now they messed up my fish.
Damn kids.
Come out of my bus!
I'll kick their butts
this time.
Come out of there!
[ Whistles ]
- [ Snarling ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Mother ]
Hey, just a minute.
Where do you think you're going?
[ Travis ]
School, Mom.
Where else?
School? With the dog?
You're taking the dog
to school?
Yeah, right.
I wanna show the guys
how smart he is.
Travis, dogs
aren't allowed in school.
All right, Mom, look.
I'm not going to school.
I have to find Tracey.
You're not going
to look for Tracey.
Look, Ma,
Furface can help me.
Travis, I'm sure
Tracey's all right.
The people at the hospital
wouldn't let
anything happen to her.
Ma, the people at
the hospital had guns.
I don't care
what you think they had.
Now put the dog in your room
and get to class.
And don't think you can wait
till I drive off
and then go where you please.
I'm gonna call you at school,
and if you're not there
Furface goes.
You know, I'm really
disappointed in you, Mom.
I really am.
What's up, dude?
Hey, what's happenin'?
Sorry to hear
about Tracey's dad.
Is she all right?
I don't know, man.
They won't let me see her.
[ Boy #2 ] That's weird.
Hey, man, we're going up
to Dalberg's bus
to bug him for a while.
Yeah. I can't take one more day
of that computer class.
Teacher's a real dweeb.
Wanna come?
Uh, no, thanks, guys.
I got enough problems
as it is.
- I'm just gonna go to class.
- All right, man.
See you later.
Catch you guys later, huh?
Take it easy.
Come on, piggy!
Sweat a little!
Get a haircut, goof!
Think of it as exercise.
Burn off some of
that baby fat.
[ Man ]
Positive to positive,
negative to negative.
'Round and 'round
and 'round she goes.
Where she stop--
Ow. Fuck!
[ Groans ]
Well, blimey. There is
a Santa Claus after all.
Hi. Is Mrs. Cornell here,
What, you mean Nora?
No, no, she's not in.
Uh, Ted Hockney.
I'm taking care
of her appliances, if
you know what I mean, mate.
[ Lem ] Is Travis here?
No, he's just off
to school.
I wanna talk to him
about his girlfriend.
Tracey Keeshan.
Yeah, I heard
about that.
It's a tragedy, eh?
What's the world coming to?
You want a cuppa?
Well, uh, you want me
to tell him somethin'?
I'll come back.
Just tell him I dropped in.
Does Travis have a dog?
No, no pets.
He had a snake once,
but Travis let it go.
He's a good lad.
Hates to see anything suffer.
Nice talkin' to you.
Yeah, sure.
All right.
[ Chattering ]
[ Whistle Tweets ]
Did anyone see you?
Well, I guess so.
[ Barking ]
Isn't he cute?
- Should we let him in?
- Sure. Why not?
[ Bell Ringing ]
[ Boy ]
Hey, pooch.
Hey, pooch.
[ Man ]
[ Laughter ]
Class! Brooks.
Hmm. Very good work,
Miss Brooks.
I wish everyone
in the class...
would have done as well
as Miss Brooks here.
Very nice work.
Very nice.
Thank you, Miss Brooks.
[ Brooks ]
Thank you, sir.
Are you all right, Travis?
You seem a little distracted.
Oh, no, I'm fine.
I hope you take
my class seriously,
young man.
Of course I do, sir.
Thank you.
You idiot!
Get down!
- What are you trying to do,
get me in trouble?
- [ Teacher ] Haskell?
[ Travis ]
Holy shit!
Did you type that?
[ Barks ]
You stay after school!
What the hell
is goin' on?
Maybe old man Dalberg
got busted for all
that weed he was growin'.
[ Man ]
Willie, check for tire tracks.
Hey, let's get out of here
before someone sees us.
Yeah, good idea,
[ Sighs ]
The eyes are gone,
just like at Bill Keeshan's.
Yo, Johnson,
I want a word with ya.
Of course, Sheriff.
What happened?
[ Laughing ]
Well, I thought
I'd ask you that question.
Two murders
occur in my district,
and the N.S.O. appears.
Now what's goin' on?
Naturally, our information's
classified, Sheriff.
We'll know more once
we've run some tests.
But, uh, I'd like to offer
any N.S.O. assistance you
might need to track down leads.
Don't patronize me.
I don't know what
the N.S.O. has to hide,
but this is my county,
my responsibility.
Look, Sheriff,
we've both
got jobs to do.
Now let's try and stay
out of each other's way.
You guys shouldn't leave me
behind like that.
You're gonna hang with us,
you gotta learn to keep up.
- Hey, it's gettin' late.
- So?
- So maybe we should go.
- No, maybe you should go.
It's not like we wouldn't
be able to catch up to ya.
Go ahead, man!
Go ahead, piggy!
We'll give you
a ten-second head start!
One thousand one,
one thousand two,
[ Snarling ]
one thousand three,
one thousand four!
We lied, piggy!
Here we come!
We're gonna get you, man!
[ Boys Shouting ]
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Run, piggy!
[ Laughing ]
Where'd he go?
This way, man.
Come on.
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Piggy ]
What the hell was that?
Go, piggy! Go!
Look behind us, man!
Go, piggy!
Get out of the forest!
It's after us! Go!
Go, piggy!
Come on, man! Move it!
Faster, piggy!
Get out of the woods, man!
Go to the right, man!
[ Roaring ]
[ Boy Screaming ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Furface Barks ]
You stay there.
Here, sir.
Wow. This is
better than usual work.
Uh, yeah, thanks.
The dog helped a little.
[ Snarling ]
[ Snarling In Distance ]
"Danger N.S.O." What kind
of danger is N.S.O., Furface?
[ Barks ]
I mean, look,
they're not dangerous.
They're part of the government.
Where'd you learn
how to type?
[ Snarling Softly ]
Travis, is that you?
- [ Cracks Knuckles, Roars ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Screaming Continues ]
[ Ringing ]
Sheriff's office.
It's the maintenance man
here at the school!
You're the maintenance man?
What's go--
That's right, the high school.
Look, I'm in the basement
at the high school.
There's a big problem out here.
There's something terrible
goin' on!
There's hollerin'
and screamin' and--
Just hold on now. Take it easy.
It's like someone's bein'--
[ Screaming ]
[ Roaring ]
Hello? Hello?
What is it?
Maintenance man
over at the high school.
He was screamin'.
If it's important,
he'll call back.
Let's go.
[ Growling Softly ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Siren Wailing ]
[ Phone Line Beeping ]
[ Machinery Clattering Loudly ]
[ Clattering Continues ]
[ Creature Breathing Heavily ]
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Reporter ] Five gruesome
murders and the disappearance
of three teenagers...
in the last 48 hours
have the people
of this quiet town--
[ Cliff ]
We're not gonna be able to
keep a lid on it this time.
Look at that--
all the newspapers, TV,
radio out here.
Look, we'll leak it through
the usual rumor mill.
What, a bear?
No, a psycho killer.
It'll make the whole official
"No comment" much easier.
How can you have no--
My partner's dead!
She's had her eyes ripped out...
because we didn't know
what we were up against!
Now, you tell me
what the N.S.O. was into,
what it's gotten us into!
I can't tell you.
Either you talk to me,
or I talk to the press.
Either way, I'm gonna get
to the bottom of this.
Get out of here.
Hey, I'll talk to you.
But not here.
[ Lem ]
Listen. Can you hear them?
The crickets.
They're talking to each other.
Johnson, I don't have the time,
and I'm in no mood.
Now what the hell happened?
This got something to do
with what went on
down at Banodyne?
Yes. We called it
the Francis Project.
St. Francis of Assisi
was a monk who had
an affinity with animals.
He could communicate with them.
And we were developing
new animals,
animals with extraordinary
mental abilities,
animals with extraordinary
physical powers.
You mean like this thing
that killed Keeshan
and my partner?
You mean it's intelligent?
Well, why doesn't somebody
reason with it?
Can't you control it?
It's gotta be stopped.
It's experimental.
It has a mind that can reason,
but it's never been right
- What do you mean?
- It's disturbed... and insane.
Well, there's gotta be
some kind of a pattern
to this thing's actions.
It's after a dog.
A dog?
A golden retriever.
It was another experiment.
Like the creature, it has
some human genetic material.
It's almost human
in its intelligence.
You bastards!
The goddamn government
thinks it can do any
goddamn thing it likes.
Is that all there is? Huh?
These two animals?
When we catch them,
is it gonna be over?
Sure, Walt. Everybody'll
stop making weapons, and then
there'll be peace on Earth.
[ Flesh Tearing ]
I've got a lovely bunch
of coconuts
There they all are
standing in a row
I'm very tired.
I've had a really rough week.
Big ones
Small ones
My feet are killing me.
Oh, here.
I'll massage your feet.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
That's okay.
No, I don't mind, really.
You don't have to do this.
No, really,
I don't mind.
You know, the nerves
from all over your body...
terminate in
the soles of your feet.
This here's your spleen.
And this is your liver.
Over here is your kidneys.
Ow! Oh, oh, oh, oh.
And down here
are your bladder--
Okay, okay.
That's enough.
Well, it's good for ya.
It stimulates
the circulation.
Yeah. Yours or mine?
Both! It stimulates
our circulation.
Hockney, I'm, uh--
I'm just not in the mood
for this.
Gor. Why is it
women don't like sex
as much as men?
Can you tell me that?
If I can just figure out
that one little thing--
Hockney, you know,
there's a picture of you
in the dictionary...
under the word
[ Chuckles ]
It pays to advertise.
I know what's gonna
turn your lights on, love.
That part for
your dryer came in.
Oh, great.
Yeah, I fixed it.
Hi, honey.
you do have a dog.
[ Mother ] Yeah, why?
Well, some fellow was by
asking if he had a dog.
Some stiff
bureaucratic bloke from NASA.
Oh, yeah, that's it.
I was wonderin' why
some space fellow would
be wonderin' about a dog,
unless it was from
some astronaut thing.
God knows the way
things are around here,
what with that policeman
and that teacher bein' murdered
down at your high school.
Wait. A teacher was murdered
at the high school?
Well, who did it?
Well, I don't know.
Same psycho killed
Bill Keeshan.
Oh, yeah.
That's what the fellow
was by askin' for.
He wanted to tell you
somethin' about Tracey
and to ask you about your dog.
[ Barks ]
Hey, what's, uh--
what's goin' on then?
Nothin'. Nothin'.
Not a thing.
Not a thing at all.
Uh, I gotta go upstairs.
- I have to talk to you.
- Okay, I'll be down
in one minute.
You know, every place we go
this thing shows up.
It's after you, isn't it?
[ Barks ]
It went to Tracey's,
and it went to the school.
It's comin' here next,
[ Barks ]
Yeah. So that's the danger
you're warning me about.
[ Barks ]
All right, so,
then we have to get out,
then Mom will be safe. Go.
[ Hockney ]
If there's some kind of trouble,
I can help.
Look, Nora--
Uh, just a minute, Hockney.
[ Scoffs ]
Oh, bloody hell.
[ Engine Starts, Revs ]
Here. Have a look
at this, love. Now,
just give me a minute, now.
Have a look
at this.
I'll be back.
Oh, bloody hell!
[ Tires Squeal ]
[ Engine Shifting Gears ]
What the hell
is going on?
[ Growling, Heavy Breathing ]
The N.S.O. has got Tracey.
[ Grunts ]
[ Growling ]
[ Growling, Heavy Breathing ]
And that-- that thing that's
killing everybody wants the dog.
I'm not giving him up, Ma.
I'm not gonna let him down,
and I'm not gonna
turn myself in.
[ Sighs ]
Honey, whatever
this thing is,
we're in this
together, okay?
[ Growls ]
Hey, what's the matter?
What's wrong, boy?
[ Rhythmnic Banging,
Distant ]
[ Banging Continues, Distant ]
[ Breathing ]
Are you here?
What the hell?
[ Banging Continues, Louder ]
[ Mother ]
What happened here?
[ Banging Continues ]
[ Growling ]
Oh, my god.
[ Growl ]
[ Snarls ]
Mom, we gotta
get out of here. Go!
[ Screech ]
- [ Roaring ]
- [ Mother Screams ]
- [ Furface Barking ]
[ Glass Breaking ]
[ Barking ]
[ Travis ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Travis ]
Lock the door!
[ Snarling ]
Get in the closet!
Get out! Hurry!
[ Mother Shouting, Indistinct ]
Come on!
[ Snarling, Roaring Continues ]
Furface, jump!
Jump! Come on!
[ Furface Yelps ]
Get the truck!
[ Grunts, Groans ]
Damn it.
[ Creature Howling, Distant ]
[ Whining ]
[ Whines ]
All right, Ma.
Go. Go!
[ Tires Squealing ]
[ Snarling, Distant ]
[ Travis Exhales ]
We have to
do somethin', Ma.
[ Whining ]
[ Crowd Chattering ]
[ Woman ]
Psycho killer--
who is it, and where
will he strike next?
The latest victim,
34-year-old handyman
Ted Hockney,
was discovered just hours
after the horribly mutilated
body of Sheriff Walt Gaines...
[ Chattering Continues ]
washed up on the shore
of Bass Lake.
Officials are unsure of the whereabouts of
...of Nora Cornell and her son Travis,
-Come on. Come on.
-who, according to neighbors,
were in the house...
-Hurry up. Let's go.
They're not through takin' the blood,
but one sample
is definitely canine.
The dog's
been injured.
We might have a chance
at findin' them
before the creature does.
[ Man ]
Got some bruises, but he took
the fall very well.
[ Whining ]
That's a good boy.
He's in good shape.
He'll recover,
won't you, boy?
That's right.
He's okay.
He'll be fine.
But I'd like
to keep him here.
No! No, you can't.
We're just passing through.
We weren't planning on staying.
Yeah, we're from out of town.
I'm going to get
some antibiotic cream.
I'll be right back.
[ Travis ]
Mom, wait here.
Is this
the American Cancer Institute?
Uh, I've got that dog
you're looking for.
Ma, that guy
just called someone.
I think he knows.
I'm at the Upper Valley
Animal Hospital--
up on Howard.
No. Yes, ma'am,
but there's a--
Yes. 33 Howard.
[ Tires Squeal ]
Well, I should have at least
given him some money.
- Now we're really criminals.
- Mom.
We have to find
some place to rest.
[ Snoring ]
[ Door Opens ]
[ Snoring ]
[ Door Closes ]
[ Dings ]
[ Gasps ]
I'm sorry to wake you.
Oh, that's
all right, Miss.
C-Could I have a room?
Oh, yes. That's my job.
Oh, dear.
Oh, my.
- What's wrong?
- You've got an animal.
We don't allow pets.
[ Takes Deep Breath ]
All right.
But please,
don't let my missus
find out, okay?
Okay. Um,
room number two.
Thank you.
[ No Audible Shushing ]
[ Door Opening, Closing ]
Look, the vet's
here, right?
And if they
keep headin' north--
Did we blanket the area?
We got it covered.
[ Travis Exhales ]
Mom, where are we gonna go?
I don't know--
as far away as we can...
until they catch
this thing.
Don't you think
if they could've caught him
that they would have already?
I don't know.
- All right. What about Tracey?
- I don't know.
- Suppose they never
catch this thing.
- I don't know, Travis!
I just don't know, okay?
we'll figure it out
in the morning.
Get some sleep.
Good night, boy.
Good night.
You see, sir, no animals
in this place. Ne-ver.
Number one rule.
But this stupido gotta--
What's a-matter with you?
I'm sorry.
You no hear radio?
That bugger?
They seemed like nice people.
Hey! You, you, you!
Yeah, you. You clean up
those cancer germs, eh?
We'll take care of it.
Good. Shut up.
They were such nice peop--
[ Soft Growl ]
Hey, Furface.
What is it?
Mom, get up. Those N.S.O. guys.
They found us.
What? What?
Get dressed.
We can sneak out
the bathroom window.
Take the truck.
Go to the cabin.
No. Ma--
[ Exhales ]
Just don't start the engine.
They'll hear it.
Let it roll to the road.
Yeah, I know. I've been
sneakin' out of the house
for months, Ma.
Remind me to spank you.
[ Knocking ]
Mrs. Cornell?
[ Mother ]
Who is it?
Lem Johnson,
the N.S.O.
At the hospital,
I-Is there something wrong?
Could you open the door?
I'd like to talk to you.
[ Railroad Crossing
Bell, Distant ]
[ Train Whistle, Distant ]
It's a silly game
you're playing,
Mrs. Cornell.
Beg your pardon?
Where's your son
and the dog?
I don't know
what you're
talking about.
If you'd been a criminal,
Mrs. Cornell, you would have
been locked up a long time ago.
You blush when you lie.
I really have no interest
in speaking with you people.
Now, if you'd please--
Why don't we...
sit down...
and be straight
with each other?
Now, I know it's fashionable...
to think that Washington
is full of secret,
evil organizations,
but stop and think for a moment.
We're your government.
We're the good guys.
And we're in this together.
I don't know who you are,
but we are definitely
not in this together.
We know you've
grown attached
to the dog.
- Is that attachment
worth your son's life?
- Are you threatening my son?
No. As long as he's with
the dog, his life is in danger.
What have you done with
his girlfriend, Tracey?
We're protecting her.
What did you think?
That creature will kill anybody
that's been near the dog.
[ Exhales ]
Would you believe us
if we took you to see Tracey?
I take it back,
Mrs. Cornell.
You'd make
a wonderful criminal.
[ Orchestra ]
Goddamn dog.
Look, look, look.
Dog hair everywhere.
Stinking whole place--
[ Yells ]
[ Man Singing Opera ]
Now I going stinking
like a dog for a week.
[ Puffs ]
[ Continues ]
[ Rattling, Distant ]
[ Liquid Trickling,
Distant ]
[ Trickling Continues ]
[ Groans ]
[ Faucet Handle Squeaks ]
[ Water Draining ]
[ Gasps, Breathing Heavily ]
- [ Snarling ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Ends ]
[ Engine Stops ]
We're home.
You know, my dad used to
take me here all the time.
[ Chuckles ]
I-I never
killed anything.
[ Latch Rattling ]
You know,
I used to think
that's why my dad
divorced my mom--
'cause I was
a lousy hunter.
I guess kids think
pretty dumb things, huh?
[ Lock Turning ]
[ Keys Jingling ]
She really was
quite banged up.
We had to sedate her.
Are you qualified
to care for her?
You're telling me this place
is safer than a hospital?
Tempered steel on the windows,
and we're around.
Nobody's gettin' in or out
of this place.
Honey, are you okay?
It's good you're here.
You can look after her.
I remember this.
- [ Paper Rustling ]
- [ Game Pieces Rattling ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Game Pieces Rattling ]
Level with me.
[ Barks Softly ]
We can't ever escape
this guy, can we?
[ Barking ]
So then I say,
we make a stand,
right here, right now.
- [ Barks Twice ]
- Why not?
We got nothin' to lose.
[ Whining Softly ]
All right.
I'm gonna go get some stuff.
You stay here.
[ Breathes Heavily, Moans ]
[ Moaning ]
Now, tell us where
your son took the dog.
We'll go get them
and we'll bring
them back here.
She isn't hurt.
There's nothing wrong
with this girl.
You've just kept her drugged.
- She was quite hysterical
when we brought her here.
- You're crazy.
Look, why don't you just tell us
where the dog and your son are?
we're gonna find him...
or the creature will.
Is that what
you want? Hmm?
Well, we'll do it your way.
[ Men Chattering ]
That it?
Uh, no. No, I need, uh--
I need some shells.
How old are you, son?
Let me tell you, sir.
I'm old enough to know these
woods like the back of my hand.
Me and my dad-- we're staying
up at Totem Creek.
He told me that this week,
my 16th birthday,
was my day. The day.
Yeah, but 30-30--
what are you bringin' down?
- A grizzly.
- Grizzlies is protected.
- I know that.
- [ Both Chuckling ]
Furface, I'm home.
I got you some dinner.
You feelin' better? Huh?
What'd you do here?
[ Barks Softly ]
"I go.
I danger 'U'"?
[ Whining Softly ]
"I stay, 'U' die"?
[ Barks ]
Furface, we're in this together.
You're-- You're not
going anywhere.
Where's Travis?
He's okay.
Come on. Trust me.
No, no, no.
He got him too.
Where is he?
He's safe. He's okay.
- You saw him?
- Mm-hmm.
He's up at Totem Creek.
No one's gonna
get him.
They won't let me go.
They keep injecting me.
I feel funny.
Come on, ladies.
We're going.
Totem Creek.
[ Barks ]
There's about two pounds
of scrap metal in there,
Furface. Think that'll stop 'im?
It's somethin'
my dad showed me.
What's taking you
so long, anyway?
I beat you,
didn't I?
[ Barks Twice ]
Let's see.
What, "D-Z"?
That's not a word.
- [ Barks ]
- It is not.
Oh, what,
you looked it up?
All right, mister.
Okay. "D-Z."
- Oh, no. No. You cannot
use abbreviations.
- [ Barks ]
- Come on. You read the rules.
You are such a cheat.
- [ Growling ]
[ Barking ]
[ Barking Continues ]
It's those damn N.S.O. guys.
- [ Barks ]
- And I got a surprise for them.
Come on.
You bastards.
- [ Lem ]
Come on.
- Shit!
- Mom, Tracey, get down!
- [ Women Scream ]
Get in the cabin!
Go, go, go! Get in!
- What?
- What the hell are you doin'?
You're gonna kill somebody.
Understand this, Cliff:
none of these people
can ever leave this place.
But it's a woman
and a couple of kids. Why?
Because that's the way
it's gotta be.
I can't...
and I won't do it.
Okay. I'll do it myself.
You're a cold son of a bitch.
That's right. I am.
Remember I told you there were
three biological experiments
at Banodyne:
the Oxcom, the dog
and their best animal.
It's me, Cliff.
I'm the third experiment.
What makes you
so fuckin' special?
I'm the perfect killing machine.
I've got no conscience.
Okay, I'm goin'.
Furface, you watch them.
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Glass Breaking ]
Hi, there.
[ Moaning ]
Now, son, there are
two types of animals
on this planet.
[ Moaning ]
There are
those that kill,
and those
that get killed.
What kinda animal
are you, son? Huh?
[ Chuckles ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Barking, Growling ]
[ Lem Sputters ]
[ Straining ]
You can't win...
because Multitude's coming.
[ Yells, Grunts ]
Tracey, I'm fine.
[ Fabric Tearing ]
- [ Furface Growls ]
- It's here.
Ma, Ma, get the door.
Tracey, get the shutters. Go!
Go, go, go!
Get into the bedroom. Hurry!
[ Tracey Screaming ]
Oh, my god!
Ma, Ma, he's goin'
around the house.
Light this thing. Quick.
Tracey, go! Get out
of the window, quick!
All right, Mom. Get out
to the truck. Go!
Be careful, honey.
[ Women Screaming ]
- Shoot!
- I can't.
I'll hit Furface.
[ Mother ]
[ Screams ]
[ Mother ]
Travis, no!
[ Water Sloshing ]
[ Creature Moaning ]
[ Snarling Softly ]
[ Moaning Softly ]
[ Moaning Continues ]
[ Moaning ]
[ Snarls ]
[ Creature Panting Heavily ]
[ Shot Resonating ]
Oh, Travis.
Oh, Travis, you're okay.
[ Kisses ]
We gotta get to a vet.
He's alive?
We gotta hurry.
Come on.
[ Furface Whimpering ]
[ Barks ]