What Is a Woman? (2022) Movie Script

Being a dad is one of the great privileges of my life.
Give my son a BB gun, and that's just about all the emotional support he needs.
My daughter, on the other hand, I've heard people say that there are no differences between male and female.
Those people are idiots.
I'm a husband.
I'm a father of four.
I host a talk show.
I give speeches, I write books.
I like to make sense of things.
But making sense of females is a whole other matter.
Even astrophysicist Stephen
Hawking, who could come up with
a theory on black holes, was
completely dumbfounded by women.
Women, they are a complete mystery.
And now our culture is telling us that
the differences between girls and boys
don't matter, that if you identify as
something, then you are that thing.
How do we help our kids make sense
of this when they're bombarded with
conflicting messages about gender and
identity? Forget trying to figure out women.
The real question is, what is
a woman? As you grow, your
body changes from that of a
young girl to that of a woman.
Soon Molly will be a
young woman having dates,
going to dances, and
lovely romantic dresses.
The boy's shoulders
are broad and his body
muscular, while the
girl's body is more curved.
I'd like to know more about different kinds of hormones.
The presence of these
hormones in the blood brings
about many changes in the
bodies of both boys and girls.
Being a woman is one of the things I like best about myself.
I think you'll like it, too.
I like to come out here to think.
Nature seems to always tell the truth, even when we don't want to hear it.
Truth is, I'm not very
good at fishing, but what is
truth? Is there a truth?
Is this what progress looks like? Can my boys really
become girls? Do I have four
daughters? Do I now have
to pay for four weddings?
Is there a son trapped
in my daughter's body? If
so, how do I get them
out? Are any of my kids who
they claim to be? Who are
these people? Who am I?
I better see a therapist
in the state of Tennessee.
I'm a licensed marital
and family therapist, which
basically means I've
been trained up to think
about, like, systems,
family systems, how we
were raised up, how that
shapes who we are today.
So on your website,
if you'll bear with me
quoting you say I use a
combination of approaches
in my therapeutic work, including anti
oppression, feminist, and narrative frameworks.
I rely deeply on systems
theory and understanding
that individuals are products
of and in dialogue with
our surroundings, including
our families, broader
culture, workplaces,
nature, and political climates.
What does that mean? Yeah.
So thinking about the
modalities that I use, I'm
definitely informed by
feminist family therapy.
And the idea is that we've lived in gendered
worlds where there are certain imperatives
that are placed on us about who we are and
what we do based on how we've been gendered.
From the minute I was
assigned female, I was told, okay,
these are the kind of clothing
that you're going to wear.
These are the type of play that
you're going to engage in as a child,
the path that maybe your life will
take because of social expectations.
What do you mean by assigned female? Who assigns female? Yeah.
So most times people,
when they're born, they're
assigned to gender
by the doctor doctors.
What are they based that assignment on? So basically it's based on genitalia.
So people are looking at genitalia and deciding, okay, this is a girl or a boy.
And we know now that sex and gender are so much more than just this binary.
Some women have penises, right? Some men have vaginas.
That's not how gender work.
How do we know that
that's not true? Where did we
learn that? Yeah, well, I
learned that from hearing
from transgender people
who said, like, oh, I'm a
trans woman, and just because
I happen to have a penis.
That doesn't mean that
this is like who I am as
a person or that genitalia
doesn't equal gender.
Who they are, their gender, their gender expression.
Trans woman is a woman with the fluidity of these things.
How do I know if I'm a woman? That's a great question.
I like scented candles.
I've watched Sex in the City.
So how do I know? Yeah,
Matt, that question right
there, that question is
when it's asked with a
lot of curiosity, that's
the beginning of a lot
of people's gender identity
development journeys.
If my mom who gave birth
to me is a woman and my wife
is a woman, so I haven't
asked her, maybe I should.
But if they're all women and also the
boy who sits down with you and says,
I think I'm a girl actually is one,
then what is a woman? Great question.
I'm not a woman, so I can't really answer that.
I thought therapy would make me less confused.
we're talking about gender in society.
Let me start with a real basic question.
I don't want to assume, but you guys are all women.
How would you define it? Like in the simplest terms, that is hard.
It is a stumper.
A woman is someone
that likes to be pretty and
think of themselves
as a delicate creature.
I'm pretty indelicate.
I could be a woman, too.
Yes, you could.
Defining womanhood is just a product of someone who identifies as a woman.
Yeah, but I'm saying, what do they identify as they identify as a woman.
But what is that as they do now? It's a simple question.
for all of human existence, women were understood to be a certain thing.
So what changed? No one can seem to answer the question now.
Over 2000 surgeries and counting, Dr.
Marcy Bowers is the nation's preeminent sex change surgeon.
talking to.
Marcy Bowers, first of all, thanks for talking to us.
My pleasure.
So you're a world renowned gynecologist and surgeon.
You're also a transgender woman.
Can you tell me a little bit about that? I identify as a woman.
But you're a woman, right? I'm a woman.
That's my life day to day.
But I have a transgender history.
So one thing on your website, it says gender affirm Gav.
Gender affirming vaginal plasty.
What is that exactly? Vaginaplasty is the creation of a female vagina.
And Balva.
We're altering the physical
characteristics of the individual
to fit better with a gender
identity that is female.
This is all constructed from the penis.
Yes, that's right.
The surgeries are quite refined in the
sense that they really not only do they
look like female anatomy, but they
also function that way for the most part.
I mean, certainly it's a bit of a Faustian bargain.
It's not perfect.
Does anyone ever regret their surgeries? We know they do.
But how often do people
regret their surgeries?
Well, actually, we
don't know that they do.
There are legitimate detransitioners,
and there are people who
truly feel that in their journey
they may have made a mistake.
Now, fortunately, this is a really uncommon phenomenon.
I don't know if you've ever heard of people in the trans abled community.
These are people who are
physically able bodied but
feel like they should be
disabled or identify as such.
For example, a man who has two arms but feels like you should have one.
If a man in this kind of
marginalized community went to
the doctor and said, I want
to have my arm cut off, do
you think that doesn't have
anything to do with gender
identity? Someone's self
identity? That's someone who has.
And I'll accept it as a mental diagnosis, a psychiatric condition.
I don't even pretend to know what abdomen
affiliate is all about, but somehow it's
the idea that you're fascinated or charmed
by having a limb or part of a limb missing.
Okay, I would say that's, pardon my non medical language, Kooky.
You don't see any.
Do you think this is totally irrelevant? Yes.
So the biggest broadest
question is, what is a woman? A
woman is a combination of
your physical attributes and then
what you're showing to the
world and the gender clues that
you give, and hopefully those
match your gender identity.
The critics on the other side of this issue, there aren't many.
But go ahead.
There aren't many who would
disagree with what you're saying
about, well, the dinosaurs of
the world are certainly out there.
How long have you been running the shop here? 25 years.
Now you had an incident here a little while ago that went really viral online.
Lots of reaction in the public.
Aberdeen Councilwoman
ties confronted owner Don
Sucker about a sign he
posted in his store one day.
I just put the sign up over
here and he came around
the corner and I thought,
okay, I recognize him.
I said, oh, I recognize you.
You're our new city Councilman.
He says, no, I'm your new city Council woman.
So it was kind of on from there.
You know what? It's bullshit.
Your spouting is bullshit.
No, it's not.
Women are women.
Sir, that sign is bullshit.
I've been doing this 25 years.
I've never had a problem with anybody.
Whether they're gay, trans, sex, anything.
Now you're saying, Councilman
he, this individual is saying,
I'm a woman, right? And
you said, you're not a woman.
How do you know that person is not a woman? How do I know? Well, common sense.
Doesn't the science say
that if someone identifies as
a woman, then they are?
No, that's completely bogus.
I don't care if you think you're a sheep dog and you come into my store.
It don't matter to me.
Just don't come in and try to shove that shit down my throat.
If it makes someone feel better.
What about their feelings? I don't give a shit about their feelings.
I'm old.
What about a Star Wars universe
charge our banks pansexual? Do you think
transgender? Why would I even care
if it's his truth? Well, it ain't true.
You're not a scientist.
You're not a gender studies major.
Or are you? No.
How do you know that you're a man? How do I know that? I guess because I got a Dick.
Well, I guess Don isn't overthinking it.
He admits he's not a gender studies major or at the very least, a doctor.
Maybe I should go talk to one.
My name is Michelle 14, and I have a medical degree from University of Connecticut.
Residency, University of Utah Pediatrics.
And I've worked for a number of different plant Parenthoods for 20 years.
I do advanced contraception and abortion,
as well as gender hormones and sort
of looking at the whole sort of schema
of gender, sex and reproductive justice.
So you've done a lot of work in this field.
Could you just start by telling us? Sure.
At what age can a child first
begin to transition into another
gender or identify themselves
as a gender different from how
they were born? Yeah, well,
there's research and data that
show that babies and infants
understand differences in gender.
Some children figure out their gender really early.
And the reason why we
say, oh, that's interesting
or important is
because they're figuring
out their gender
identity is not necessarily
congruent with their
sexist signed at birth.
When the doctor sees
the penis and says, this is a
male as a sex of male,
that's an arbitrary distinction.
Telling that family based on
that little penis that your child is
absolutely 100% male identified, no
matter what else occurs in their life.
That's not correct.
So what is gender affirmation care
you're a big proponent of if we walk
through a child is sitting down
with you is questioning their gender.
What's the gender
affirmation process? Affirmation
means that as a
pediatrician, as someone who
says my job is to provide
the best medical care
for you is I need to
listen really carefully.
And how I put it in
words for kids so that
they can understand
it is tell me your story.
Where have you been in
terms of your gender and
your gender identity?
Where are you right now?
And more excitingly,
where would you like to
be in the future? Have
you ever met a four year
old who believes in Santa
Claus? This is someone
who believes that fat
man is traveling through
the sky and a flying
reindeer at lightning speed,
coming down his chimney
with presence? Yes.
Would you say that this is someone
who maybe has a tenuous grasp on
reality? They have an appropriate
four year old handle on the reality.
That's very real for them.
But Santa Claus is real for them.
But Santa Claus is not actually real.
Yeah, but Santa Claus does deliver their Christmas presents.
Yeah, but he's not real, though, to that child they are.
When I see a child who believes in Santa
Claus and then let's say this is a boy and he
says, I'm a girl, this is someone who can't
distinguish between fantasy and reality.
So how could you take that as a reality?
I would say that as a pediatrician and
as a parent, I would say how wonderful
my four year old in their imagination is.
Aren't kids famous for
their active imaginations?
Should we really let our
children define reality?
If I said that I feel
a certain way, then
obviously you can't tell
me I don't feel that way.
But just because I feel
that way, does that mean
that it's true? Truly,
like none of my business.
So we all have our own identity realities.
What if I said, I want you to say that it's true that I'm a woman.
Would you say that? I would also say that if you want I honestly don't care.
Whatever makes you happy.
What's true to you can be false to me.
What if I said that my truth is
that you don't exist? Does that
mean you no longer exist? I
mean, if that's your true chair.
I don't.
Because it's so you do.
I mean, if you're saying that I do that I do.
Well, but even if I said that you don't, you still do.
Because we're having this conversation, are we? I think so.
That's what you think.
Well, I should have known it would be hard to define reality in Hollywood.
I should probably look
to the place where truth
is the foremost pursuit,
the American University.
What we do in gender studies
is not just reduce gender to what
psychologists might call individual
differences, but rather thinking about
gender, not women and man, but
gender as a social form, something
that kind of infuses itself into
virtually all aspects of social life.
Let's talk about that.
I guess we should start with
we've got gender and sex, right?
What's the difference between
the two? Is there a difference?
I saw that in your questions,
and I thought, my goodness, this
is what we spend an entire
semester kind of thinking through.
But what we tend to think about in the
social Sciences today is that sex refers to
a set of biological characteristics, and
gender is a social constructor category.
What I think is often
misleading about that character,
that it's allowed to be sort
of messy and complicated.
But in that framing, when you split them
up into these wholly discrete constructs,
study scholars and really more specifically,
people who study gender and sex.
We're not talking about sexuality right now.
Academic universe that
I travel in is that we see
how deeply gendered
ideas, cultural ideas about
masculinity, feminine,
maleness and femaleness,
both in humans and
in lots of other animals.
So our gender and sex two different things.
Well, I think that they both are and they aren't.
I'm comfortable saying that
gender and sex are two different
constructs, but they're deeply
intertwined with each other.
We're talking about gender and sex, and there's a lot of controversies there.
If we're talking about a trans woman has
all of the male physical characteristics,
so would that not be a male, then?
Couldn't we plainly say this person is
a male? Well, I guess it's like, why are
you asking the question? I think I want
to understand sort of why that's so
important to sort of understand reality.
Well, I mean, I think when someone tells you who they are, you should believe them.
So if a person says that
they're a woman or they're
a man, then that's them
telling you their gender is.
I'm not so sure what social interactions
would have to do with maleness
or femaleness that we I'm not
even talking about social context.
I'm just trying to start by getting to the truth.
I mean, I'm really
uncomfortable with that language
of, like, getting to the
truth again in social life.
Why is that uncomfortable? Because it sounds actually deeply transphobic to me.
And if you keep probing, we're going to stop the interview.
If I probe about what the
truth is, you keep invoking
the word truth, which is
condescending and rude.
I'm saying to you, how is the
word truth condescending and
rude? Why don't you tell me
what your truth is, and you're
walking on 30 seconds more of
the nights before I get up what
my truth is? Well, I don't
think I really have the truth.
I think that there's just the truth, like the reality.
And so we should begin by trying to figure out what the reality is.
And why are you concerned
when someone else tells you that
they're a man, or even if they
use the word male, why are you
concerned with not believing
them? Well, you keep bringing it back
to how do you respond in a
social situation? That's what I do.
I'm a social scientist.
Well, right.
But we're in a University.
This is a place of understanding truth, isn't it? Absolutely.
We pursue truth.
And I'm a social scientist, and that's what I did.
You just say the truth is transphobic.
That you would say if you're saying the truth is that I get to say you're not a man.
Show me your genitalia.
That's transphobic.
No, I don't want to see if it's genitalia.
I just mean someone can make a statement about themselves that could be untrue.
Like, for example, if I
were to say that I'm a
black man, would you
accept that, or would you
be skeptical? Are you
black? Are you African
American? Are you
biracial? I don't think so.
Well, you don't look that.
And I don't think
that's a it doesn't sound
like that's a genuine
statement of who you are.
So that's my point.
I could make a statement about who I am.
That's incorrect.
Of course.
I think it's well established that human beings can lie.
Or not even lie.
I mean, I could just be mistaken.
I guess this all comes back
just all comes down to really
one question, especially women,
gender and sexuality studies.
Why do you ask the question? I just really
like to know, what do you think the answer
to that question is? Well, I'm asking
that's why I came to a College Professor.
This is what you do.
a lot of like this where you're not answering? I've gotten a lot of that.
I think it's interesting that
you say that some of the
people you've interviewed
have been reluctant to answer it.
And I think that has a lot to do
with the the way questions that
preceded it and the way that you've
conducted yourself in the interview.
How have I conducted myself? How do
you think you've conducted yourself? You
just really don't want to answer the
questions, do you? I came today very
willing and enthusiastic about answering
questions about women and gender
sexuality studies, which is you wanted to
answer questions about women's studies.
And so the first answer
you should be able to
provide is what exactly
is a woman? Well, for
me, it's actually a
really simple answer, and
that's the person who
identifies as a woman.
But what are they identifying
as a woman? What is that as
a woman? Do you know what
a circular definition is? I do.
It's sort of like what you're doing right now.
Where is a woman? Because
you're seeking what we would call
in my field of work, an
essentialist definition of gender.
I think it sounds like you would like
me to give you a set of biological or
cultural characteristics that are
associated with one gender or the other.
I'm not seeking any type of definition.
I'm just seeking a definition.
Yeah, I gave you one.
Well, now I can say I've been to College.
Glad I didn't pay for it.
Is there anyone willing to
give me a straight answer?
Ideally somebody with a bunch
of medical degrees on the wall.
Grossman, thanks for talking to us.
You're a psychiatrist
and medical doctor and
you've done a lot of
work in child psychiatry.
What is transgenderism?
From a psychiatric
standpoint? The best way
to approach it is by speaking
about gender dysphoria,
which is an intense
loathing and discomfort
with one's biological sex.
They exist anywhere between one in 30,000 people and one in 1100.
It's important to
distinguish those people from
what's happening much
more recently, which is
kids that never had any
discomfort or dysphoria,
as it's now called,
with their biological sex.
And then quite suddenly, as preteens
or as adolescents, they come out and
they announce that they are gender
fluid or they start to question their sex.
So first, let's define the terms sex and gender.
Yes, please.
Sex is biology.
Sex is unchanging.
It's based on chromosomes.
99 point 99% of the cells in the body are marked either male or female.
Gender, on the other hand, is a perception.
It's a feeling.
It's a way of identifying it's an experience.
Okay, that's subjective.
It sounds like what you're
saying is that if a man is male
but thinks of himself as a
woman, he's not actually a woman.
That's correct.
Male gametes.
That's what makes me male.
No, your sperm don't make you male.
Then what does it's a constellation in reality.
In truth.
Okay, whose truth are we
talking about? The same truth
that says we're sitting in
this room right now, you and I.
No, you're not listening.
If I see a chicken laying eggs and
I say that's a female chicken laying
eggs, did I assign female or am
I just observing a physical reality
that's happening in the world? Does
a chicken have gender identity? Does
a chicken cry? Does a chicken
commit suicide because you're talking.
You're trying.
Chicken has sex.
Like any biological organism, an assigned gender.
But a chicken doesn't have a gender identity.
So we assign female the chickens and they lay eggs.
We assume they're female if they lay eggs.
Now, I was told that really,
everyone agrees with the current
approach to gender and
transitioning kids and all that.
And if you don't agree that you
are a dinosaur and a bigot, are
you a bigoted dinosaur? I'm not
bigoted and I am not a dinosaur.
I am rooted in reality and in science.
Who's reality? There's one reality.
The first race that I
competed against a
transgender athlete was
during my freshman year.
And once the gun went off,
the two transgender athletes
took off flying and left
all of us girls in the dust.
Throughout all four
years of high school, I
was forced to compete
against biological males.
I only competed against them in the
sprinting events, but I raced against these
athletes over a dozen times throughout
the years, and every single time I lost.
Did they inch you out of metals that you
would have won otherwise or trophies you
would have won? They beat me out by 20
meters out of medals and qualifying spots.
I missed out on qualifying for New England.
I had to go in the long jump and the four X 200 meters relay.
So I was forced on the
sidelines in my own event, and if
they were not there, I would
have been able to qualify.
So I missed out on so much throughout my high school career.
Did they win all the events or
almost all the events between
the two of them? They want
every single event they competed in.
How does that feel? It is so
frustrating and heartbreaking
because we elite female
athletes train so hard to
shave distractions of a
second off of our time and going
into races knowing that
we will never be able to win.
It feels like all that work gone to waste.
In Connecticut, there were two male track runners, trainers, girls, right.
Who decided that they were going to race against the girls.
And you look at those
individuals, you look at
their times against the
men, against the boys.
So they were kind of middle
of the pack, and then they're
racing the girls and they're
first and second place.
Is that indicative of some kind of
unfair advantage that those individuals
might have against the girls? No, it's
not indicative of an unfair advantage.
And I think part of the proof of
this is that more transgender girls are
coming out in high school and still
playing sports and they're not winning.
The Connecticut case is the exception.
It got a lot of attention because those two trans girls performed well.
But there are many more trans girls competing in sports, and they don't excel.
At the end of the day, whether or
not you win a game is about how
hard you work in your practice,
and most of us aren't going to win.
And that goes for transgender athletes, too.
Let's go.
The norm is that transgender youth don't win that much in sports games.
Alana McLaughlin was very appreciative for Provost to take this by.
I don't know how appreciative now, but she got a couple of punches in.
It is very much the exception when
a transgender young person does
win, and it's because there's not
really an advantage to being trans.
Only a few people are going to lead the pack.
if there was a big advantage
to being transgender in sports,
then we would see transgender
women totally dominating.
And over the last half
of the pool, nobody will
touch Leah Thomas and
man a feel like a woman.
Transgender swimmer Leah Thomas breaking barriers and records.
But in a new article,
Sports Illustrated calls the
College senior the most
controversial athlete in America.
Leah obviously helps us do better, right? Swimming really fast.
Leah's performance helps the University of Pennsylvania swim team.
The feeling of winning doesn't feel as good anymore because it feels painted.
There was a lot of things
you couldn't talk about that
were very concerning,
like a locker room situation.
If you even brought up concerns about it, you were transphobic.
If you even bring up the
fact that Leah swimming
might not be fair, you
were immediately shut down.
This being called a hateful person or transphobic.
But there's never any conversation.
The coaches don't
sit everyone down and
acknowledge what
everyone's really upset about.
So kind of actually
brought in people high
up in the athletic
Department to talk to us.
They brought in someone from the LGBTQ center.
They brought in someone from the psychological services.
So you're upset about what's happening and so you need psychological help.
And they told us in this meeting,
they said, look, we understand
there's an array of emotions, but
Leah, swimming is a non negotiable.
However, we can help you make that okay.
That's what we here for.
So you're anonymous for this interview.
Why did you decide that you can't have your face out there
saying these things? They've made it pretty clear that
if you speak up about it
and you say anything negative
that your life will be over
in some way, you'll be lost.
It all over the Internet.
As a transphobe.
If you come out and then you'll never be able to get a job.
Like anyone who wants
to hire you will look you up
and see your transphobic
and your life will be over.
Let's say that I identified
as a woman tomorrow, and I
wanted to go into the same
locker room where you are.
Should I be allowed to do that? As long as I identify that way, I don't know.
I just feel that other women would be uncomfortable by you walking in.
controversy at a health club in Korea Town over the issue of gender.
That's right.
Video of spa goers complaining was posted on social media.
I just want to be clear with you.
It's okay for a man
to go into the women's
section, show his penis
around the other women.
Young, little girls under age.
Your spa.
We spa condone that.
Is that what you're saying? Like I asked, he could stay there.
He could stay there.
Busettual orientation.
I see a ditch.
Police identified the
person involved as 52
year old Darren Morager
of Riverside County.
Moragor, who has been a
registered sex offender since
2006, now faces five felony
counts of indecent exposure.
Hello, I'm Congressman Mark Dakano.
Trans month of visibility is a
time to recognize the strength,
diversity and resiliency of
the transgender community.
Together, we can make our country and our world
a more accepting place by speaking out against
transphobia at the source and supporting the trans
community by getting the quality acts signed into law.
Congressman, thank you for being here.
Thanks for joining us.
You are the first member of
Congress who's a member of
the LGBT community and
also a person of Asian descent.
You're also a big proponent of the Equality Act.
What is the Equality Act? If you were to just summarize it very briefly, I know it does a lot.
The most simplest way to talk about
the Equality Act is that it simply amends
the Civil Rights Act to include
sexual orientation and gender identity.
So public accommodations is one area.
What's a way that someone who's LGBT could be discriminated in public accommodations.
Currently, public
accommodations is the whole area
of hotels and motels,
bathrooms and sports teams.
Is that.
I say bathrooms, sports teams, athletic events.
Let's get into more specific policy issues.
There are some women who say and I've talked to a few who say this.
They say, hey, I'd like some Privacy in the bathroom.
I'd prefer not to encounter naked penises.
Frankly, they say even that the penis is a telltale sign that someone is a male.
There are people really bought into the rumor that only men have penises.
we're talking not about a lot of people.
I think a person who wants to use
a woman's bathroom, who identifies
as transgender really does
think of themselves as a female.
respect their basic right to live? I think it will be an important part of this law.
Wait a minute.
Bathrooms are where you want to take this
conversation instead of the basic right to
dislike is something that I'm kind of
mystified that you're kind of not focusing on.
First, we're going straight to the controversy over bathrooms.
So you know what? I think this interview is overview is over.
I just had one last question.
The interview is over.
We want to know what is a woman? Please turn off the camera.
I just wanted to know.
I came all this way to know what they're fair.
Quote, I just wanted to know what is a woman.
My trip to California
isn't providing many
answers, but at least
I'm making new friends.
Do you worry about kids walking
around out here? No, because I
raised two daughters they're two
of the most well adjusted adults.
They grew up around naked people.
And there's been studies that have
shown that children raised around
non sexual nudity actually have
fewer hang ups when they're adults.
People do have hang ups.
There's a lot of things hanging right now during this conversation.
Can anyone be any gender they
want to be? Can a man become a
woman if he wants to be what
people do? That's personal choice.
People can live the life they want to.
I'm trying to live the life I want to.
An authentic life.
That's why I respect other people's rights to choose what they want to do.
Well, why are you asking the gay man
as to what it means to be a woman? You
should be asking women what it means
to be women, especially trans women.
Who what it means to be women.
I'm asking all kinds of people.
Can anyone have an opinion about it? Only people who are women.
Gay men don't know nothing about what it means to be a woman.
Have you told gay men here in San Francisco
that they're not allowed to talk about
this? No, but it's not like I come around
and say what a gay man is allowed to be.
So you're saying if you're not a woman,
then you shouldn't have an opinion? Where
does the guy get a right to say what a
woman is? Women only know what women are.
Are you a cat? No.
This is actually a genuine mistake.
I'm sorry I even came up here.
Do you want to tell us what a woman is?
If my friend in the purple hat is correct
and only women can tell me what a woman is,
I guess I need to go where the women are.
Oh, you're at the women's March.
You must have some idea.
So I see girls vagina.
Does that mean that they're the
only people who can get pregnant?
If men can get pregnant, too, I
think they want the right to choose.
But men can get pregnant.
We're saying someone
who was born as a woman
but identifies as a
man, that's a real man.
It's a real man.
So men can get pregnant? Yes.
They have the parts.
Is it just women that give birth or is it.
So men could give birth to Dino, but that could be a man or one.
Well, I mean, I think that's the whole point, right? That it's fluid.
The way that we define these things changes a lot.
What are you doing here?
I'm asking these questions,
okay? I'm trying to figure
out what a woman is.
That's why I'm here.
This is the women's March.
I figured it's a good place to find out.
I've come all this way, ask that question.
Can anyone tell me what a woman is? What is that? Am I ask her a question.
If one person could tell me what a woman is.
Do you guys know what a woman is by any chance? No.
I've been all over America.
I still can't find an answer.
Maybe I'm looking too close to home.
We came a long way to come and talk to you guys thousands of miles from America.
Thank you for inviting us into your tribe.
First of all, I can say it is my pleasure to meet you and feel most welcome.
But you're here to learn with me.
I'm here to learn with you too.
with the elbow? Yeah.
I mean, they're laughing.
I guess it's not good, but I thought it was pretty good.
Not good enough to be a man yet.
What does a man do? What
are his roles within the tribe?
At the role of a man, you
need to work for your woman.
Secondly, to have children.
If you have children
and you don't have
something to feed them,
you are not still a man.
The best raw kidney I've had in my life.
in Masai community? It will not exist at all.
It doesn't exist.
A woman has its own duty and a
man has its own duty and a lady cannot
duty the duty of a man and a
man cannot do the duty of a woman.
It looks like if you want
to become a lady, but
your man, you have
something wrong in your mom.
Something wrong in your family.
Something wrong in you.
What about if someone was non binary? Come again? Non binary.
Someone is neither.
he's saying.
We have never seen things like this for a man, he has a penis.
For a woman, he has a vagina.
So we know this is a lady.
This is a man.
People are laughing.
They're just laughing because they have never heard something like that.
This is their first time.
I never heard it before.
A woman has a Penny and she's a woman.
In my country, I can't go day without hearing it.
We hear it every day.
So in my country, sometimes
you'll hear people say a
man will say that I'm a
woman trapped in a man's body.
And so they say that I have a woman trapped inside.
They want to know a woman has the breast.
Secondly, he has a vagina.
And the question is, does
this man deliver? Does
he deliver babies? No,
not as far as I know.
The question is, let's
say if you want to sleep a
woman, definitely you'll
do sexy, is it? But for the
man, where do you you ask
that question? I don't know
all the logistics of it
based on what I'm saying.
She saved a woman, delivered.
A man cannot.
So it sounds like you don't spend a lot of time thinking about gender.
You just kind of live your lives.
You don't think much about it.
It doesn't matter.
He said no because we believe that's a God plan.
God's plan? He's saying that I'm shocked on what you're telling me.
He's shocked? Yeah.
The Messiah.
People don't think much about gender, but they have a firm sense of their identity.
It's clear that gender ideology is a uniquely Western phenomenon.
So where did all this come
from? Who came up with
it and why? Matt, I
want to show this to you.
You're a parent, right? Okay.
It's perfectly normal for ten years.
for ten and up, huh? It's unspeakable what these people have done to our children.
When did that start? When was it
decided that we need to start teaching kids
about this stuff at such a young
age? So I'll answer that with one word.
Kinsey was a social reformer.
He wanted to rid society of
JudeoChristian values when it came to
sexuality, and he worked very hard to
do that, and I would say he succeeded.
Kinsey would be very happy with our culture today.
His idea was that children
are sexual from birth, that
we're all inherently sexual
creatures from cradle to grave.
He believed that true
happiness is found in a life of
perverse sexual experimentation,
no matter the age.
What came out is that his research was fraudulent.
Kinsey based his fraudulent
conclusions on data he
collected from convicted sex
offenders and child molesters.
His research was conducted in prisons, not everyday America.
He also performed horrific sexual experiments on children, some under the age of one.
His most influential book,
Sexual Behavior in the
Human Male, contains an
infamous chart called table
34, which documents
the orgasms of very young
kids, including babies as
young as five months old.
But instead of suffering the
consequences for his heinous actions,
he was, and still is, celebrated
by academia and Hollywood.
His ideas form the foundation for sexual education and public schools today.
How do we get from this to you can choose your own gender.
Okay, well, now we have another and very important character.
And his name was John Money.
John Money was a psychologist and professor at Johns Hopkins University.
Gender ideology was his brainchild.
In fact, he coined the terms gender identity and gender roles.
And according to Money, babies
are gender neutral at birth, and
ultimately, environment determines
whether a person is a man or a woman.
Money was telling the world
about his theory that a boy
could be raised as a girl and
do just fine and vice versa.
And so Money tried out his theory on
two young twin boys, the Rhymer Twins,
when the twins were eight months
old and they went to be circumcised.
The first twin, whose name
was Bruce, something went
wrong with the machinery
and his penis was burnt off.
They stopped and didn't
do a second circumcision
on the other twin,
as you might imagine.
And the parents, of course, didn't know what to do.
How are they going to
raise this child? John Money
convinced Bruce's parents
to transition him into a girl.
Money also conducted sexually abusive
experiments on the twins throughout
their childhood, including forcing
them to simulate sex acts on each other.
He reported up to the age of ten that this was a complete success.
Well, it wasn't true.
The results were a disaster.
Bruce could never fully accept his female identity.
Eventually, his parents told
him the truth, and he chose
to transition back to a
boy, taking the name David.
As an adult, David spoke out about the abuse and the damage done to him by John Money.
The girls would do their
things with their barbecues
and things like that, and
that wouldn't interest me.
And things such as
trucks and rolling forts
and getting to the fist
fight, climbing trees.
That's the kind of stuff that I like.
But it was unacceptable.
So I never as a girl, as a girl, I had no place to fit in.
The trauma that he and his brother and his entire family went through left deep scars.
His brother died of an overdose when he was 38, and then David committed suicide.
There was never a retraction or an apology from John Money.
Instead, his ideas were adopted
by mainstream psychology,
and they formed the basis
of gender ideology today.
Why don't more people know
about John Money and offered Kinsey?
Evidently, there are forces that
don't want this information out.
I never said I was an Alpha female sales executive.
That kind of just didn't fit in any box.
When psychologists or somebody
that I was in love with or whatever said
that I was in the wrong body, I
started to think, well, maybe I am.
I'm a biological woman
that medically transitioned to
appear like a male through
synthetic hormones and surgery.
I will never be a man.
Is it transphobic for me to tell the truth?
Why is it then, a couple of hundred years
from now, if you dug
up my body, they're going
to go, yeah, that was
a woman had babies.
Can you tell me about the procedures that you had? I've had seven surgeries.
I've had one stress heart attack.
I've had a helicopter life ride with pulmonary embolism.
I've had 17 rounds of antibiotics.
I had six inches of hair on the inside of my retrain for 17 months.
Nobody would help me,
including the doctor that
did this to me because
I lost my insurance.
I get infections every three to four months.
I'm probably not going to live very long.
Was there any real discussion of the risks and the side effects? No, there's not.
And I know that people want to think that there is, but there's not.
The truth is that medical transition is experimental.
We have studies that
said that medical transition
helps mental health,
helps mental health of kids.
They've all been retracted, modified, changed.
But the only long term study
tells us seven to ten years is
when transgender people are
the most suicidal after surgery.
But that's transphobic to say
for the first time in history, a
marginalized group has a huge
dollar sign on the top of their head.
We have five children's hospitals in the United States promoting that.
That's a paleoplasty.
That's a bottom surgery.
We have five children's
hospitals in the United States
telling girls that they
can be boys at $70,000 a
pop in a surgery that has
a 67% complication rate
that will kill me from
infection that I can't sue on.
We're butchering a
generation of children
because nobody's willing
to talk about anything.
I have three kids at the age that they're doing this to kids.
I'm not transphobic.
I love my kids and I love other people's kids.
And you should, too.
This is wrong on so many levels.
Can kids consent?
Do you think kids are
capable of consenting
to that? No, they're not.
Being a parent is loving the hell out of your kids
and helping them see around corners what's the
youngest patient that you've
operated on? The youngest
patient I've done vaginal
plastic on is age 16.
Do you worry that minors just don't understand
enough about themselves? They're not
neurologically developed
enough yet to make
permit life altering
decisions? Absolutely not.
A young person's self perception.
One day they may be clear, the next day they may be totally confused and not sure.
And you're affirming it
with hormones that have
never been used in this
way in the field of medicine.
You're talking about puberty blockers blockers and then opposite sex hormones.
What age does the medical transition begin with medication.
So medical affirmation begins when the patient says they're ready for it.
So that could be a kiddo
who is just starting puberty
and panicking because
they're getting breast buds
or their penis is getting
bigger and busier and
they're worried about all
kinds of masculine changes.
And that way puberty blockers, which
are completely reversible and don't have
permanent effects, are wonderful
because we can put that pause on puberty.
It's like if you were listening to
music, you put the pause on and we
stopped the blockers and puberty
would go right back to where it was.
The next note in the song just delayed that period of time.
You can just pause puberty.
No, you can't and then pick it up.
No, you can't.
In the future.
No, you can't.
How many studies do
they have? Long term
studies on hormone
blockers with children? None.
I just spoke a month
or two ago with a mother
whose 14 year old
daughter was put on blockers.
They discovered after two years, this 14 year old girl has osteoporosis.
That's something that like old women get.
How can doctors assure parents
that a certain medicine is totally
safe? Based on what you're
saying, they can't possibly know that.
How can they be removing the healthy breaths of 15 year
old girls? How can they be sterilizing kids? How can this
whole thing be happening?
Matt, every child that they
convince is transgender and
in need of medical transition.
It generates $1.3 million to Pharma.
And we're believing a pharmaceutical company, loopron hormone blockers, reversible.
So they say, well, the truth
is that in 2003, Lupron was
sued and deemed a criminal
enterprise by the US government.
They paid the most fine of any pharmaceutical company at that time.
$874,000,000 wrote a check.
Is Lupron chemical castration? Yes.
We're giving it to Pedophiles, aren't we?
We're giving it to people that are dying
and we're giving it to kids telling them
that they were born in the wrong body.
And it's completely safe.
One of the drugs used as Lupron.
Which has actually been used to chemically pass rate sex offenders.
You know what? I'm not sure
that we should continue with this
interview because it seems like
it's going in a particular direction.
Well, you're a medical professional.
I am a medical professional.
So you don't want to talk
about the drugs that you give
to kids? Again, I'm a
physician and I use medication.
You're choosing exploitive words, drugs I give to you.
I'm choosing a chemical word that was in a dictionary.
That's not a correct term for puberty blocking.
I could look it up on my
phone, but I'm pretty sure
if I looked it up, you can
look it up on your phone.
It says medical definition, the
administration of a drug to bring about a Mark
reduction in the body's production of
androgens and especially testosterone.
And I'm saying as a pediatrician
who takes care of hundreds of these
kids, when you use that terminology,
you were being malignant and harmful.
There are some who would
say that giving chemical
castration drugs to kids
is malignant and harmful.
It's about the context of caring
for a child and seeing the suffering
that kids can have that have not
been in affirmative home situations.
What do you say to the claim
that we have to do this for
these kids? Because if we
don't, they'll kill themselves.
They'll resort to drugs and self harm.
A lot of them were hurting themselves.
A lot of them were suicidal before they even discovered gender.
That is never part of the discussion.
And they say, what would you rather
have? A living daughter or a dead son? If
this is what the professionals are
saying, it's terrible emotional blackmail.
Hello? Hey, is this.
This is.
Hey, it's Matt Walsh.
Where are you right now.
I'm in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, right now.
Are you able to leave? I'm not able to leave BC.
I can't even go to another province in Canada right now.
And it's because I'm technically out on bail.
how exactly did this get into the courts to begin with? Right.
So what happened is we set up a meeting
with BC Children's Hospital, and according
to the BC Children's Hospital website,
there's going to be a thorough evaluation.
And I'm thinking, good.
This is going to be the end of it all.
You're going to clearly see that my child is not the opposite sex.
So my ex wife brings my child into VC Children's Hospital.
I get a call less than an hour into
that appointment is that they were going
to pump or pull across sex hormones
within the hour, and I put a halt to that.
I said no.
They agreed to stop for the moment.
They figured, well, let's get the dad on board to you.
This is all going to be better.
Let's just get everybody on the same page.
I said it's not going to happen.
So I get a letter from BC Children's Hospital
in December of 2018, and it says that
under the BC Infants Act, they will start
injecting my child with cross sex hormones.
And I have two weeks to respond with legal action if I still choose.
And so that's how I ended up in court, because I did respond with legal action.
So you called your daughter she and you went to jail for that.
It's considered criminal violence to not use the preferred pronouns.
It's no different than,
let's say I were to take a
broomstick and whack one
of my kids over the head.
So they were treating it in a similar fashion.
That misgendering.
Mispronouncing my child was the equivalent of family violence.
Is she on the hormone pills now? She is.
The court ordered that she could
do whatever she wanted 2010 until
I would say 2016, I would say
80% of my clients were trans youth.
Now it is.
You identify, you take hormones, you do surgery.
There isn't any other pathways.
So if you have two
parents, one parent wants to
affirm the trans identity,
the other parent doesn't.
Who wins that battle? The one who wants to affirm every time.
Every single time.
The goal is to get the parents to affirm the kid.
There's no such thing as a gender affirming therapist.
That's a contradiction in terms.
Why? Because you don't affirm.
If you're a therapist, it's not your business to affirm.
You come to see me because there's something wrong.
Maybe you come to see
me because a destructive
element of you is
wreaking havoc in your life.
I'm on the side of the part of you that wants to aim up, man.
That's what I'm on the side of.
Okay? Now, I don't know what that means.
In your case, we're going to talk about it.
Am I going to affirm what you think? No, it's not up to me to affirm it.
You don't get a casual
pad on the back from a
therapist for your pre
existing axiomatic conclusions.
That's not therapy.
That's a rubber stamp.
Is anybody at any point explaining to
these kids the real long term consequences
of hormones and puberty blockers? I don't
think they're explaining it to the kids.
That has frightened
me that it's become that
we're even talking to
the kids about it at ten.
We're presenting it in schools.
So this generation, they're the labyrinths biological sex binary.
It's been binary for like 100 million years longer than that.
Temperament is not binary.
Temperamental personality.
So it's gender.
Temperament is gender.
Well, gender is not a good word because it's vague and it isn't measurable.
So do we need it? Why can we just
say temperament? What do we even need
the word gender for? Well, I don't
need it, but what I would say is that
people who talk about the diversity
and gender are actually talking
about diversity and personality and
temperament, but they don't know it.
You can have a masculine temperament if
you're a woman, maybe one in ten women have
the average temperament of a man and
you can have feminine men temperamentally.
And it's not that uncommon
because the differences
between men and women
temperamentally aren't that great.
There are masculine girls.
There are feminine boys.
What are we going to do about
that? Carve them up? You as someone
who started your professional
life, you know, transgender care.
Now you're sitting here talking to me and I'm a dangerous man.
I've been told.
Are you worried about reprisals? Are you
worried about how this is going to play among
your professional
peers? I am worried that I
can't have conversations
with any other peers.
I don't know any other
peer that will speak
to me around these
things, that question it.
I just don't think developmentally this is helpful to our children.
You step wrong as a therapist.
You say the wrong thing
once and your bloody career
is over and now it's the
same with physicians.
How's that going to work?
You're going to go have
an honest conversation
with your physician when he's
terrified out of his mind
if he'll say something
politically incorrect during
the diagnostic process.
Hey, man, you're sick with whatever you want to be.
See you later.
You want a prescription
for something? I left
academia because the
climate had become too stifling
politically, especially
when it comes to the topic
of gender identity and
the science of gender.
It is absolutely impossible to do good research.
You basically have to decide
beforehand what you're
going to find so that
you don't upset activists.
And that is not how you do science.
Why has this shift occurred
where all of a sudden
gender and sex has
become so politically and
culturally charged?
There's a really ugly history
between sex researchers
and transgender activists.
In the past, if any sex researcher spoke out about science
that went against activist orthodoxy or particular narratives
that activists wanted to
promote, they would basically
have their personal and
professional reputations ruined.
So what you see is
that only experts who toe
the party line and say
the things that activists
like, those are the people
who get attention, those
are the people who get
lifted up in the media.
And also, I would say people are
incentivized to go along with the
activist narratives and gender
ideology because that helps their career.
Trans is very cool.
Trans is a way of giving yourself value.
Given the way society at the moment is functioning.
All of the things that used
to give us anchors of identity
have become very fluid or
very volatile in recent years.
And in that context, I
think what you find then is
new identities start to
fill the void of the vacuum.
Whereas in the past I might have
got my sense of self worth from
being part of the village where
I grew up, now I might get my
sense of self worth through
being part of the online community
that I connect with or part of
the sexual identity community.
So now we are seeing kids that
are identifying as animals going
to school, and they are purring
instead of answering questions.
And they Meow and the
teachers are not allowed to
question it because it's
considered a queer identity.
So you have kids that are going
to school and they're saying,
I'm a cat, and the teachers
have to affirm them as a cat.
Literal zoos.
Now, basically they are I am a 27 year old transgender woman.
I am a Wolf theory and a member of the Furry fandom.
When and how did you discover this inner wolfness? Probably around age ten or eleven.
I was watching an anime about
Wolves and see the Wolf running across
the screen, and I'm somehow
just intrinsically like, oh, that's me.
Have you spent any time around biological Wolves? Yes.
That sounds dangerous.
Also, what context are you?
So I was a volunteer with
a preserve, and I've also
visited many Wolf preserves.
Are you able to communicate with the
Wolf? Am I going to have a conversation
with a Wolf in the way that I'm
communicating? You and I obviously not.
Am I going to read their body
language, respond appropriately
to their behaviors and
their nonverbal cues? Yes.
Would you be able to give
us an example of this Wolf
communication? No, I'm
not comfortable doing so.
All right.
How exactly have these ideas
become pervasive? First of
all, I think we need to remember
that in the west, at least,
we have it drilled into our
minds from childhood onwards
that personal happiness is
the key to individual flourishing.
Secondly, we think of ourselves in psychological terms.
I am my feelings.
And in order for me to be happy, I have to be able to express my feelings.
I have to be outwardly that which I feel myself to be inwardly.
Thirdly, we're taught that interfering with somebody else's happiness is very bad.
We need to acknowledge that
there are powerful lobby groups,
powerful cultural and political
lobby groups driving this thing.
Hollywood is pressing LGBTQ plus matters in so many movies.
We're seeing it in the way Amazon sets up its algorithms.
There are all kinds of
factors in society that
are pushing what would
really be numerically a
fairly minority interest
into being one of the
main political focal
points of this generation.
After my operation, I will be a woman.
Why can't she just be a lesbian? Because she's not a lesbian mom.
She's a boy.
Because I was born in a girl's body.
Can I ask you a question? Why don't you kiss me? The
whole idea of social contagion, that there could be
something in one social
environment that could play
some role in somebody
coming out identifying as trans.
Would you say that that is
definitely part of your story?
When I look back, I don't
think I would have ever even
considered seeing myself as a
boy without these social aspects,
especially if I hadn't joined
these online communities.
I identify as non binary.
I'll officially be changing my pronouns to theyh them.
My pronouns are Dhamm and demonstrate selfs.
I've been going by they them pronouns for four years now.
I'm pretty comfortable pronounced.
There was literally a period of a few weeks to a few months.
I started out as an
ally, and then eventually
I was starting to
identify as transgender.
We are transmitted.
So they go on the Internet
and they're told that all
their problems will be
solved if they become a man.
Kids are being taught.
You might feel like you're
a boy, even if you have a
vagina and you're a girl,
you are what you feel you are.
Some people are girls, some are boys, some are both, some are neither.
Gender is all about how we feel on the inside and how we express ourselves.
Ah, the gender fluid teacher.
What do I go by in the classroom? I go by teacher fan BRAINI.
As a queer and trans
teacher, my agenda is to
show little boys that
they don't have to be like
esteriotypically masculine,
that they can paint
their nails and wear
earrings and still be a guy.
And it can be cool.
Do you worry that there could be
a sort of social contagion element of
this? A teeny tiny bit, maybe? Looking
back on it, it was the same pattern.
Just kids who were really struggling, kids who were very alone and isolated.
They have anxiety.
They don't fit in with their peers.
They don't know where they belong.
Maybe they didn't have a welcoming family life.
They just got caught up in these communities online.
Then they discover, hey, there's this group of people and they also don't fit in.
They're different.
They're not sure who they are.
Gee, that's where I fit in.
Today is the day before my top surgery.
I am waking up tomorrow at 05:00 A.m.
To have a subcutaneous mastectomy.
We're telling children when
they haven't fully developed that
all you have to do is medically
transition and you fit in.
I was one of those kids.
It got me at 42.
Your child doesn't have a chance.
This is only going in one direction.
You will respect us as parents come to understand more about gender identity.
Kids are coming out at younger ages.
It's exciting.
And you know who gets it right is the next generation.
The next generation who's
already telling us that our antiquated
ideas of things have to be a
certain way just don't apply to them.
They're rejecting a lot of our social mores.
They are tweaking the system.
I just don't think it's realistic to put this decision on them.
I'm a physician and I use medication.
It's a bit of a Faustian bargain.
Puberty blockers, which are completely reversible.
You keep invoking the word truth, which is condescending.
And Ruth, some women have penises, right? Some men have vaginas.
Does the chicken cry? Does
a chicken commit suicide?
I'm not a woman, but I
can't really answer that.
I guess because I got it there.
Somehow this madness has affected our entire society.
Am I the crazy one? I'm done asking questions.
Tanner Cross is on administrative leave for what he said about gender identity.
He said he would not call a student who is transgender by their preferred pronoun.
I can't lie to children, and I got to
also represent a whole community that
believes in biological facts and scientific
facts, and I can't do that to kids.
You get into teaching because you love kids.
This policy started coming into play and I was like, wait a minute, it's causing me.
I'm going to have to lie to my kids the ones I've always wanted to protect.
Do we have assaults in our bathrooms
and our locker rooms regularly? To my
knowledge, we don't have any records
of assaults occurring in our restroom.
The predator transgender student is or person.
Simply, it does not exist.
The Virginia Department of Education
says it is now reviewing whether the
Loudon County School District has
properly reported cases of sexual assault.
This comes after a 15 year old was
charged on two separate occasions
for assaulting two different
students at different schools.
Dozens rallying Center Loudon County to protest the school's policies.
So that includes limiting
who can talk during
public comment portions
of board meetings.
One speaker leased property in the area just so he could speak.
Tonight, Fox Five Paris Jones'live with the details.
That's right.
Conservative commentator
Matt Wallace told me he's leasing
out someone's basement in
Loudoun County so he'd be able
to speak during tonight's
meeting, I decided last week to
fulfill my lifelong dream of
being a Loudon County resident.
I've always felt like I lived in Tennessee.
I felt sort of like a Virginian trapped in a Tennessee.
In his body, I identified sort of state fluid, I guess.
This is Matt Wall, she tweeted.
How do you do, fellow Virginians?
Now I just got explained to my
wife and kids that we're going to
be staying in someone's basement.
They tried to muzzle me by
not allowing me to speak, and
when that didn't work, they
tried to muzzle me with a mask.
I would thank you all
for allowing me to speak
to you tonight, but
you tried not to allow it.
Yet here I am.
Now, you only give us 60 seconds.
So let me get to the point.
You are all child abusers.
You prey upon impressionable
children and indoctrinate
them into your insane
ideological cult, a cult
which holds many fanatical
views, but none so deranged
as the idea that boys
are girls and girls or boys.
By imposing this vile
nonsense on students to the
point even of forcing young
girls to share locker rooms
with boys, you deprive these
kids of safety and Privacy
and something more
fundamental, too, which is truth.
If education is not grounded in truth, then it is worthless.
Worse, it is poison.
You are poison.
You are predators.
I can see why you try to stop us from speaking.
You know that your ideas are indefensible.
You silence the opposing side because you have no argument.
You can only hide under
your beds like pathetic
little gutless cowards, hoping
we shut up and go away.
But we won't, I promise you that.
Johnny is a boy with a big imagination.
One day he's a dog, the next day a crustacean Johnny's mom loves her son's.
Make believe time you're Johnny the Walrus till you change your mind.
Matt Walsh is out with a new children's book.
The book is called Johnny the Walrus.
What is this about? It's sold out on Amazon in a few hours.
I have embraced my true calling as a children's author, hence the cardigan.
The book is about a little boy who is very imaginative and playful.
I have four kids and they all
have an imagination and he likes to
pretend to be different things, and
one day he pretends to be a walrus.
And unfortunately, his mother is very progressive and thus confused.
And so she's convinced by the
Internet and by society that if your
child is identifying as something,
then he really is that thing.
And so she tries to raise
her child as a walrus, as
a sort of trans walrus,
respecting his self identity.
One morning he came downstairs
barking and clapping wood spoons
for tusks and sock, fins of
flapping it spoons his mouth.
He's pretending to be a walrus.
I'm Johnny the Walrus, he said with Aurora.
Johnny the Walrus.
This is a hot topic.
That's a good thing, right? Yeah, absolutely.
It's good for us to have these conversations.
People open their minds and relearn and unlearn to what we've been taught.
So I want this to be a safe place to talk about and learn.
As you can see, there's an ongoing evolution of language and how people can identify.
My next guest, author and
conservative host of Daily
The Matt Walsh Show,
talking about his recently
published children's
book that has since been
removed online by a
popular large retail chain.
Now, Matt says gender is not a social construct, but rooted firmly in biology.
True, true.
As human beings,
we have a sex, male or
female, but it's a
biological, scientific fact.
Now, gender is a linguistic term.
Words have gender.
People don't you can have
whatever self perception
you want, but you
can't expect me to take
part in that self
perception or to take part in
this kind of charade,
this theatrical production.
You don't get your own
pronouns, just like you don't
get your own prepositions
or your own adjectives.
It's like if I were to tell you my adjectives are handsome and brilliant.
And whatever you're talking
about me, you have to describe
me as handsome and brilliant
because that's how I identify.
So you think it's a delusion? Well, this
is one of the problems with this left wing
gender ideology is that
no one who espouses
it can even tell you
what these words means.
Like what is a woman? Can you tell me what a woman is? No, I can't.
Womanhood is something that is an umbrella term.
It includes people that describes what people who identify as a woman.
What is that? What's to each their own.
Each man, each person is
going to have a different relation
with their own gender
identity and define it differently.
You want to reduce women.
You want to reduce
men down to maybe just
their genetics, our
genitals, our chromosomes.
Right? That's what you want to do.
What you want to do is appropriate woman.
You want to appropriate
womanhood and turn it
into basically a costume
that could be worn.
Joining us on stage is Dr.
Susie Denbo, associate professor at Kent State University.
Doctor Denbo, how do you feel
those who oppose using pronouns are
taking the wrong approach in this
conversation? There's the extreme
approach that you are admittedly
taking, and then there's also just
ordinary people that might not be
comfortable with the language change.
She began by saying that my view is extreme.
So the view that every
single person on Earth
has held up until 15
seconds ago is extreme.
They are conflating gender and sex
because on one hand, they say, well, you
got your biological sex, but then
your gender is whatever social construct.
But then they turn around and say that trans women are women.
So a man who identifies
with the gender, the
social construct of
womanhood actually is a woman
part of me wants to ask
why you care so much,
because it's really
not that big of a deal.
I care about the truth.
So basic truth matters.
I want to live in a society where people care about the truth.
I care about children, and
these insane ideas about gender
are being foisted on kids,
and that bothers me quite a bit.
I care about the women who are having their opportunities stolen from them.
I care quite a bit.
I wanted us to have a safe place to be able to talk about this.
And it seems like we
should just keep the dialogue
going and hopefully
find some middle ground.
What do you say to parents?
A parent comes to you and
says, My eight year old
son is telling me he's a girl.
Great, you're going to have him do an
experimental procedure that creates the most
suicidal ideation of any other population
seven to ten years after transition.
And here's what I tell parents.
You don't have the right to medically transition your child.
We have no research on long term hormone use.
We will be seeing the first generation of long term hormone use.
And we already know,
at least with ten years
of hormones, you're
giving yourself cancer.
What's your message to parents
who are trying to cope with
this? The first thing is to tell
parents that they're not alone.
It is our responsibility as a parent to be the front line defense for our children.
And I know with my child,
a lot of people will say,
Was it worth it because
you now seemingly have lost
your child? And I'll say,
yeah, but at least I saved
my conscience and my
morals and my convictions.
And when my child turns 25 and says, dad, where were you? I'll say, I was there.
I was fighting as hard as I could.
I was not prepared to let this happen.
This really matters is another
question matters for those
who are getting double
mastectomies when they're 16.
Why should we care if
we live in a society where
gender is? Well, I cared
because my government decided
that I had to call people
by the terms that they
designated or I'd be
subject to legal penalties.
It's like, no, I'm not doing that.
I don't care what your reason is.
You don't get control of my tongue.
We live in a climate now in which no one
seems to care about the safety of women and
girls who are going through a very
developmentally challenging time in their lives.
They may not want to share spaces with their male peers.
I would not be surprised.
In a few years, there will no longer be women's sports.
It will literally be men's sports and transgender sports.
The question being asked by the trans person is a legitimate one.
How can I be happy? The answer being
given by having my body transformed
to look like the other gender, by
having myself pumped full of hormones
clearly isn't working, and we have
to find a better and the more humane
way of dealing with individuals who
are struggling with gender dysphoria.
I have the utmost compassion for people who suffer from gender dysphoria.
It's a nightmare for them and their families.
The vast majority, up to 90% of kids.
If they go through a normal puberty, they're going to be okay.
They will be at peace with their
bodies, and they will have avoided
dangerous and experimental
medical interventions and surgeries.
Maybe we're up against a
battle here, up against a Hill
that perhaps we're not
going to necessarily win today.
But if we don't pave the way for a win, we'll never get there.
So we're going on this journey.
Boys can be girls.
Girls can be boys.
Men can be women.
Women can be men.
It makes me wonder, what is a woman?
What is a woman? A woman is someone
who claims that as their identity, it
could be many things to many people.
I think the question really brings up the fact
that it is pretty relative, right? That if you ask
women across race, across
identities, across class,
across culture, you will
get a different answer.
Some of it is based on biology, some of it is based on hormones.
Some of it is based on what you wear and how you present yourself.
A woman is not anything in particular.
There's no one particular thing.
There is not one particular thing.
A woman is someone who says that she is a woman and transitions to be a woman.
She says that she's what? Can
you define the word woman without
using the word woman? Actually
kind of like it's a curious question.
We've been journeying
across the country asking
people this question, and
almost nobody can answer it.
What is a woman? What is a woman? Marry one and find out.
So I should go home and ask my wife, I guess.
I mean, to ask you something.
Can you provide a definition
for the word woman?
Can I provide a
definition? Yeah, I can't.
You can't not in this context.
I'm not in biology of the
word woman is so unclear
and controversial that you
can't give me a definition.
Senator, in my work as a judge, what I do is I address disputes.
If there's a dispute about a
definition, people make arguments and I
look at the law and I decide the
fact that you can't give me a straight
answer about something as fundamental
as what a woman is underscores the
dangers of the kind of progressive
education that we are hearing about.
Just last week, an entire
generation of young
girls watched as our
taxpayer funded institutions
permitted a biological
man to compete and beat a
biological woman in the
NCAA swimming Championships.
I'm not sure what message that sends.
If you're asking me about the legal issues related to it.
Those are topics that are being hotly discussed.
As you say could come to the court.