What's Love Got to Do with It (1993) Movie Script

This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
You know
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Let it shine
Oh, yeah
Jesus told me
You know my Jesus told me
He said it's time to let my...
Let my moonlight shine
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Told me
Young lady,
what is wrong with you?
You just cut out all that wild
gyration and blues shoutin' in here.
Ain't the Fourth of July picnic,
and you ain't singin'...
with Mr. Bootsy Whitelaw
and his slide trombone.
Show the Lord
a little more respect.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand me?
"Bright light",
from "bright light".
Bright light, my little light
I'm gonna let it shine
Bright light, my little light
I'm gonna let it shine
My bright light
My pretty little light
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Gonna let it shine, oh, yeah
Let it shine
Oh, this little light of mine
This little light of mine
Oh, yeah
I'm gonna let it shine
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
This little light of mine
Yeah, yeah
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
Oh, yeah
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine
Let it shine
I can't stay here
and let him beat me like that.
You understand what
I'm sayin' to you?
I tell you, I'm sick of that man!
I ain't lettin' him
beat me no more.
Girl, you better...
...come back here.
You take care of Anna
Mae, you understand?
I won't! I'm not goin'
to unless you help.
You take care of her.
It's too much trouble to
take care of both of 'em.
You can't leave Anna Mae here!
- You can't leave her!
- Take care of my baby!
You goddamn bitch!
She took Alline and not me.
How could she?
Don't you worry about a thing.
You're gonna stay
with grandma, ya hear?
When is she coming
back to get me?
She ain't, honey.
She just ain't.
Lord, what I'm gonna do
with another teenager?
Well, she's not my mistake.
Alline, don't get fresh with me.
I'm not gettin' fresh, mama.
I wonder what she look like now.
Probably look like that damn
no-good daddy of hers.
Now, you said you wasn't gonna
start today. Mama, please...
- What, y'all don't recognize your own kin?
- Anna Mae!
- Alline!
- My God, is it her?
- Oh, Anna Mae!
- Anna Mae?
- Mama, look at her.
- Hi, sweetie, how ya doin'?
- Hi, ma.
- Look it here,
you ain't nothin'
but skin and bones.
Come here.
All right, all right. D'ya
have a good ride, sweetie?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, what'd ya bring with you, baby,
some bags? You got some bags?
Oh, over... That big
brown one right there.
- I'll get it.
- All right, come on.
- All right, come on.
- How'd you ever get so tall?
You know what? I kept
all your letters, Alline.
I'm sorry we missed
grandma's funeral.
You know, by the time we
heard, Anna Mae, it was...
Yeah, I know.
Mama, can I borrow some
of your new perfume?
Go ahead on, girl.
And that was some fine
sweet potato pie, baby.
- Your grandma teach you how to cook?
- Who else?
Now, wait a minute, wait a
minute, Anna Mae. Sit down.
Sit down.
Now, Anna Mae,
I know I wasn't around...
but believe me, honey, you was
too young to understand...
what was goin' on
with your daddy and me.
Did Alline understand?
She ain't that much older than me.
Now, don't think you gonna
come live in my house...
and make me feel bad.
You gonna pull your weight, girl.
This ain't just some party town, ya hear?
Yes, ma'am.
Now, we all got jobs.
Tomorrow you start lookin'.
You headin' for the club, Alline?
Reggie gonna meet me there
and wait for me till I'm ready to go.
- I want you to take Anna.
- Mama, I got to work.
- Reggie don't want nobody...
- Well, I have a date.
Go on, Anna Mae.
Put on a dress.
I need some privacy.
And, Anna Mae, look a-here.
Don't you get any ideas,
baby girl.
I'm the only sinner in this house.
Well, I got a girl, she
lives up on the hill
Come on, Anna Mae.
Well, I got a girl, she
lives up on the hill
Excuse me! Girl!
Well, she moves mighty quick
Lord, but I love her still
Oh, boy
Gonna jump for joy
Yeah, man, have you
had your baby, boy
My baby bought me a
brand new choo-choo toy
There you are.
Anna Mae, this is Fross.
This is Spider.
- You already met Reggie.
- Spider?
Yeah, Spider.
- I play piano for the revue.
- Anna Mae Bullock.
Anna. That's a pretty
name, little girl.
He's back! That's right,
Ike Turner and the Kings of Rhythm.
All right!
Hear of jalopies
and the noise they make
Let me introduce
my Rocket 88
Yes, it's great
just one wing
Everybody love
my Rocket 88
Gonna ride in style
movin' all along
It's got the V-8 motor
with a modern design
Convertible top
and the girls don't mind
Rollin' with me ridin'
all around town for joy
Play that thing.
Come on, step in my rocket
don't be late
Baby, we're pullin' out
'bout half past eight
We're goin' around the corner
and get us a fifth
Everybody in my car
gonna take a little nip
Movin' on out
boozin' and cruisin' along
All right!
I know you love me, baby
But you never tell me so
- Yeah, over here!
- Here, Ike!
I know you love me, baby
But you never tell me so
If you don't tell me you love me
- Swing it.
Oh, yeah, swing it.
I'm gonna pack my rags and go
All right now, who's gonna
help me out now?
I live across the street
from the jukebox, baby
Every time they spin
that record, baby
Oh, Alline, they're just awful!
How come they get up?
Please, girl. Every woman in here
wanna sing with Ike's band.
He's got a reputation.
No, not from his looks.
Always make me think of you
Well, he been with
'bout every woman in here.
He's somethin' else.
song in particular, baby
Always stays on my mind
There's one particular song, baby
Always stays on my mind
Every time you play it, baby
I just break down and cry
Oh, no, no, no, Mr. Turner,
I'll wear it out.
Oh, there's one little
song in particular, baby
- Is that Anna Mae in there?
Always stays on my mind
Yes, one little song...
Aha, I knew it!
You been bit by the bug.
You been bit by
the Ike Turner bug!
- You got the flu.
- Shut up, Alline!
- Come on.
- Shut up!
Come on, now.
Leave her alone.
There's been some
lonely, lonely nights
Baby, yes, since
you've been gone
Lay my head on my pillow
How I cried...
- Lord, Anna Mae,
I told you not to
borrow the white dress.
- Oh, my!
- Is anyone sittin' here?
You stick around, Anna Mae...
'cause I'd like to take you
out after the last set.
Breakfast. For breakfast?
Well, all right.
Yes, you know that I love you
Oh, I see.
So you a big girl now?
I hope you know what comes
along with that territory.
Can I get you
something to drink?
- Coca-Cola, please.
- Why, certainly, ma'am.
All right now, who's gonna
help me out now?
I live across the street
from the jukebox, baby
All night they play the blues
Gee whiz!
And when they spin that record, baby
You know it makes me think of...
I love you, Ike!
- Come on. Pass it up!
- That's not gonna help me.
Come on now. Must be somebody
out there who'll sing tonight.
Come on, baby!
Come on. You ain't deaf.
Bring the microphone.
- She's a nobody.
- Here, here, here!
- Stacy. Here, right here.
- What you want, girl?
Right here. Give it to my sister.
Give it to Anna Mae.
Go on, Anna Mae.
Girl, go on now.
You've been practicin'
in the bathroom enough!
Go on. That's right.
know you love me, baby
But you never tell me so
I know you love me, baby
But you never tell me so
If you don't tell me
you love me
I'm gonna pack my rags and go
- Baby!
- Girl!
Oh, I live on the street
from the jukebox, baby
All night long
they play the blues
I live across the street
from the jukebox, baby
All night long
they play the blues
Every time they
spin that record
Honey, it makes me think of you
And there's just one thing
in particular, baby
Always sticks in my mind
Yes, one little song
in particular, baby
Always sticks in my mind
And every time
they play it, baby
I start right in to cry
Oh, please
don't leave me, baby
That girl can sing!
Whoo, Lord, give it to her!
- It was really good!
- Do you want a refill?
- White people eat here?
- Yeah.
Spider, get going.
Where'd Spider go?
Oh, I sent him to get
me some cigarettes.
Oh, yeah?
What's wrong? Ain't you never
been in a restaurant before?
- Of course!
- Coffee?
That's all right. That's all right.
Forget it.
Here you are, miss.
Thank you.
I thought you ran out of smokes.
- Yeah, well...
- Here's your silverware.
Ready to order?
Look here, I'm gonna have the
steak and eggs, over easy.
And, be sure to get
whatever you want, hear?
- Miss?
- Could I have a steak?
Anna Mae!
Girl, you shocked
the hell out of me.
Where a little woman like you
get such a big voice?
You had them folks
tore down in there, like...
let me put it to you this way.
See, it's like you sang like a man.
I mean, you all woman. You all woman.
Any man can see that, but...
girl, it's like you got your own
particular way of gettin' a song out ya.
It's unique. You got
your own unique sound.
See, that's what sells records.
Whoo, you got a flair.
Oh, yeah, you definitely
got a flair, now.
Do you have a... a flair?
A flair? Yes, I do.
Matter of fact, I got a flair
for writin' songs, and...
I also have a flair for
makin' singers famous.
- What do you mean?
- The people that's come up with me...
folks that sang in my revue,
lot of 'em went on to be big time.
After they with me, they'd,
you know, they'd take off.
But that's all right, though. That's
all right. That's all fixin' to change.
- Steak.
- I got a new singer in mind.
Oh, yeah? He good?
Oh, yes, indeed.
She is real good.
Matter of fact, she's very good.
He say he want me
to be his new singer.
What's she talkin' about now?
He told you that?
- Who?
- Ike, mama! Ike Turner!
And he gave you his address
to come around and rehearse...
- Oh, Lord!
- What's a Ike Turner?
Anna Mae, get your gullible
country ass out of the clouds.
He does that to all the girls.
That's his line.
You know what I'm sayin'?
Alline, how come this
string of pearls is shorter?
Did you cut off my pearls, girl?
This is tighter around my neck.
Maybe it's all them
chitlins you ate.
- Don't get smart with me, miss Alline.
- What?
Who is that in
a red convertible?
Red convertible?
Mornin'. May I speak
to your mother, please?
- My mother?
- Anna Mae Bullock's mother...
Mrs. Bullock,
does she live here?
- I'm her mother.
- This is Anna Mae's mother!
Y'all believe that?
- I can't believe that.
- No.
My goodness! What's a fine young thing
like you doin' with two grown daughters?
Hey, miss Alline.
- How can I help you, Mr...
- Turner. Ike Turner.
The Kings of Rhythm. We play
down at the Club Royal every...
Listen, Mrs. Bullock,
Anna Mae sang at the club last night.
- She knocked everybody out.
- Oh, sure did.
Mr. Turner say
I got a flair, mama.
- The kind that would sell records.
- Mama, Anna Mae can sing.
I didn't pay for Anna Mae
to come all the way up here...
from Nutbush, Tennessee, to be
wastin' time with a bunch of musicians.
Well, wait a minute, mama.
It wasn't like that. Anna Mae...
- Alline, take Anna Mae in the back.
- But, mama...
Yes, ma'am.
- Come on, Anna Mae.
- Go on, girl.
Mr. Turner, I don't know
what you had in mind, but...
this little girl's
gonna be a nurse...
and bring a steady
paycheck in this house.
Yes, ma'am, but, Miss Bullock...
did you ever see a nurse drivin'
an automobile as fine as mine?
Me, neither. May I?
Now, look here, if you
let Anna Mae work with me...
I guarantee you she'll be
makin' big money in no time.
You tellin' me
Anna Mae sing that good?
Put it like this: I could get anybody
in St. Louis to sing in my band,
but I want her.
Think about it. Let her
come to a few rehearsals.
Let me work with her.
You're welcome to sit in if you like.
You have my word as a gentleman
she'll be under my protection.
You know, I noticed my boys...
crushed some of your flowers
accidentally outside.
That should cover the damages.
We'll be expectin' her
around 7:00 this evening.
It's been a pleasure
meeting you, Miss Bullock, and...
you have a nice day.
Make me over
Make me nice
And when I'm done
Oh, I wanna be right
I wanna be made of...
Anna Mae, you're gonna have to
sing rougher. You hear me?
Rougher! From here.
Okay? All right.
We gonna take it from the top.
Here we go.
And one, two, three, and...
I'm talkin' to the priest
Rougher, Anna Mae.
The high priest
Come on. Rougher.
And everybody out there
in the universe
If what I'm sayin' is wrong...
I don't understand what
you mean by "rougher".
Tell me what to say.
What's "rougher" mean?
'Cause I wanna be made over.
Now you got that girl
screamin' like a maniac.
Yes, ma'am.
Keep singin', Anna Mae.
That don't make
no sense to me.
Look here. That's what sells
records, Mrs. Bullock.
Look, do you want a drink?
Yeah, I want a drink,
but I wanna watch this rehearsal.
Keep singin'.
Come on. I'll get you a drink
in the back. Come on, Alline.
- Come on. I'll get you a drink.
- I wanna watch this rehearsal.
Give me a liniment
and wash me clean
Make me over
Make me nice
And when I'm done
Oh, I wanna be right
Hey, Lord, make me over
I wanna be made over
Hey, Lord, make me over
I wanna be made over
Make me over
I wanna be made over
- All right, girl. From here.
I wanna go places
- Oh, let me hear it.
Oh, I wanna do some things
- Yeah!
I wanna be a star
Oh, I wanna have a big name
And in my heart
let beauty reign
And when I'm done
Oh, I wanna have fame
Oh, Lord, make me over
I wanna be made over
- Lets go, baby.
Oh, Lord, make me over
- All right! Go ahead, Anna.
I wanna be made over
- Make me over
I wanna be made over
- Wanna be made over
I wanna be made over
- Make me over
I wanna be made over
- Wanna be made over
Oh, Lord, make me over
- Make me over
Come on, keep goin'!
Oh, Lord, make me over
- Make me over
Lord, make me nice
Lord, make me good
And give me power
- Make me over
Give me love
- Wanna be made over
Give me voluptuousness
- Make me over
I wanna be made over
All right, bye-bye.
Hey. Hey, hey, hey.
Fross, Fross, tell them
to be quiet?
Y'all look here.
we're fixin' to go on tour.
That's right.
We're goin' on tour.
Which means my name's
gonna be on this thing...
which means any time
you fuck up a step...
you fuckin' with my good
reputation, you understand?
Jackie, you was 15 minutes
late to rehearsal today, wasn't you?
- Well...
- Well, a five-dollar fine.
What you laughing at, Spider?
You ain't but that far...
from not even having
a job your damn self.
All right, now, y'all look here.
It's gonna be Anna Mae's
first run out the startin' gate.
All right.
I want all y'all to pitch in, help
her out, do what you can, all right?
All right.
- All right.
- All right.
- Yeah, hey, Lorraine!
- I'm sick and tired of this shit, Ike.
Lorraine. W-w-wait,
wait, wait, wait.
- Now, now, come on, now.
- We finally get paid...
and he invents a
new way to take it back.
And he wants everybody
to help her out.
He sure got a sudden
case of the niceness.
Yeah, I wonder why.
I guess he caught it from that
new swing in somebody's ass.
Come on.
He's with Lorraine.
Lorraine! Oh, honey, please.
Lorraine was Ike's last gig.
He's always bookin' ahead.
Now, you watch yourself.
Ike's got a thing for every
young heifer sticks her butt out.
- Yeah, you wish he did.
- Come on, Anna Mae. Let's go.
All right, in a sec, okay?
- Hey, now.
- I was, just about to go home...
but I wanted to,
you know, say good night.
Well, don't go nowhere yet. Come on.
Sit down. Let me talk to you.
You know, you got
the prettiest smile.
You do.
Come on.
Open your mouth for me.
You ain't been to
the dentist before, have you?
I said you ain't been to
the dentist before, have you?
I'm gonna have Fross carry you
to the dentist in the morning.
You got a lot of cavities
back there. All right?
- All right.
- All right.
And, look here, its kinda
late for you to be goin' home.
I want you to stay here tonight.
I got a room in the back.
It's all made up for you,
and don't you worry about it.
I'm gonna call your mama and let
her know you're stayin' here, okay?
- All right.
- Why don't you go on back there?
Go on.
- Good night.
- Good night.
What the fuck is goin' on here?
Lorraine, don't.
Please don't.
You ain't even worth the bullet.
- Lorraine! Lorraine!
- What's the matter? Hey!
- Lorraine! Lorraine!
- Lorraine! Open the door!
Open, open the door!
Oh, shit!
Lorraine! Anna Mae!
Anna Mae! Hey, Fross!
- Hey, Fross, get up here, man!
- What's goin' on?
- Hey!
- Oh, shit! What happened?
- Hey, call an ambulance.
- You drove me to this, Ike.
I'll get an ambulance.
You, you stay with her.
- Ike, Junior, go back downstairs now.
- Hey, hey, hey!
Watch him, Ike!
Watch him, Ike!
Y'all just go home, please.
All right, Ike, let's go.
Ike. Come on. Let's go.
We got to go.
How's Lorraine? Is she...
Well, she's fine.
She's gonna be all right.
Doctor says sh-she gonna,
she gonna pull through just fine.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Yeah, I'm gonna be okay.
I can't stand hospitals, man.
My daddy got holes
kicked in his stomach.
Took him three
long years to die.
And you could,
could smell his insides.
'Cause he was messin' around
with some gangster's woman.
Can't stand hospitals, man.
I'm sorry.
I need to go.
Come on, Anna Mae.
Don't go nowhere now.
Don't leave me by myself.
I can't be by myself tonight.
- But Lorraine, she's your wife.
- No, we ain't married.
We ain't never been married.
I just can't make her
happy no more.
Things could change.
I mean, maybe...
y'all can work it out.
She did the worst thing
you could do to anybody like me.
She stopped believin' in me.
See, I got dreams, Anna Mae.
I got dreams that's
bigger than St. Louis.
And she can't
touch me like you do.
She don't make me feel
the way you do.
I can't even talk to her.
You're the only one.
You're the onliest one
I could talk to like this.
You know, just like
everybody else...
I done tried to help out
in my whole life...
she done left me.
I wouldn't do that...
what those other people
did to you,
leave you.
- I would never do that.
- I know.
- Never.
- I know.
Ike Turner!
Oh, look, look, look!
Oh, man! Oh, shit!
- Hey, look here, y'all.
- What's up?
I want y'all to take Anna
down to this beauty shop here.
Get her a bleach job,
you know, like Marilyn Monroe.
Like, like the lady
on the poster up there.
Get her hair did like that,
all right?
- Okay. Come on, come on.
- Come on, Marilyn.
- Come on, come on. Hurry up.
- Where?
Right here. Grab this bag.
Come on. Let's go.
Hey, Anna Mae, what d'ya
think, honey? Is it me, girl?
- Hey, what's the matter with you?
- Nothin'.
I just didn't think we'd be, playin'
in a place like this, ya know.
What, thought we'd be playin'
at Carnegie fuckin' Hall?
From what I heard about Ike, baby,
the shit's about to hit the fan.
Girl, now you know Ike'll
work the fuck outta you.
- Do I detect a note of bitterness?
- It's a gig.
And you know what
they say about Ike.
Oh, chil', don't mind me.
I'm just havin' a little fun.
Now, Anna Mae, what's
that do doin' back there?
It's lookin' kinda orange.
No, girl, it's supposed
to look like that.
Hey, you the singer?
- Yeah.
- But you gotta have more up there.
Oh, she'll get bigger
the way she's been eatin'.
Yeah, Anna Mae,
we scared to eat around ya.
Girl, your appetite
done picked up lately.
I noticed that too.
Noticed it? Honey,
Ray Charles could see it.
Oh, what?
Look what you did, girl.
Now look at that!
Now, you know
you need an ass whoopin'!
Anna Mae!
Anna Mae, get your
butt out here, girl!
Rock me, baby
Rock me all night long
Rock me, baby
Rock me, baby
I said I want you to
Rock me, baby
Rock me all night long
Rock me, baby
Rock me, baby
I want you to rock me
Like my back
ain't got no bone
Then I want you
to roll me, daddy
Like you roll
your flour dough
I want you
to roll me, daddy
Like you roll
your flour dough
I want you to roll me
Till I want no more
Oh, play guitar.
Oooh! Hey, little Ann,
girl, you were slick!
Baby, you blew those people
way out. You were wonderful!
Girl, girl, I'll tell you!
All right now. Ike
finds out Jack Daniels...
been dancin' with the Ikettes,
you're gonna be in big trouble.
I ain't thinkin' 'bout Ike.
Yeah, Jack better stop
dancin' on my feet.
Whose idea was this,
Darlene? Jackie?
Leanne, how come ain't nobody
told me about this new look...
- we got goin' on here?
- See, Ike...
I like it! I like this!
I mean, this is perfect.
We're gonna keep this in the act.
We gonna make it part
of the act from now on.
Now, we got 92 dates between
here and a good night's sleep.
- So y'all know what y'all
got to do, right? - Yes.
Look here, Anna Mae.
You did real good
out there tonight.
- Really, Ike?
- Yes, ma'am, you did real good.
Now I got this new song I'm writin'.
You keep singin' like you've been doin'...
and I might let you record it for me
when we get in the studio, all right?
How 'bout that?
You like that?
Baby, look like you put on
a few pounds there.
- Oh, well...
- Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Now, now, it's all right.
I like that. I like it when
you're healthy like that.
Come on, little man.
Smile for your daddy. Come on.
You know what? Your daddy's rich
and your mama's good-looking.
Come on. Smile.
Come on, Craig.
Come on.
- Let the baby rest and the nurses too.
- Don't forget.
- You heard that first on WTEX.
- All right, doc.
Ike and Tina Turner with
"Fool in Love". Now our next...
I don't know even when y'all
got time to make that record.
Who, who is that?
"Ike and Tina"!
Sounds like weddin' bells
to me, baby.
Yeah, girl. The man
gave you his name.
Tina! What kinda name is that?
Oh, what's the matter, baby?
Don't you like it?
Come on, it's like
"Sheena of the Jungle".
Gorgeous, sexy woman
on God's green earth!
Oh, sexy thing on
God's green earth!
Oh, go on, Ike.
Go on!
Hey, doc,
she lookin' kinda peaked.
What's wrong with her?
Well, she's quite ill.
- We're lookin' at a severe case of anemia.
- A who?
She needs rest, and
I'm not releasing her.
- Not for at least another three weeks.
- Oh, no, no, no, not now.
I got, I got a lot of dates
booked between here and then.
I got, San Antoine.
I got Austin.
No, no, Sam, we be talkin'
about a lot of money here.
This is very serious,
Mr. Turner.
All right, your man come
to take ya home now.
Come on. Sit up for me.
- Come on. Sit up for me.
- Ike?
Come on, Fross.
There ya go.
Now let Ike put his arm
around you. There ya go.
- Yeah, that's it.
- What happened to the baby?
Oh, Fross gots him.
Come on. Let's go.
Oh, what time is it?
Hey, little man, I got ya.
- Ike, ain't I supposed to stay?
- You all right, little man?
Now look here, darling. You're
supposed to stay with your man.
Who you gonna listen to?
Some doctor who don't know me from
Adam, don't know you from Eve?
Or you gonna listen to your man?
- But, Ike, are you sure?
- I'm sure.
But, no, wait.
Put me down.
Hold on, Anna Mae, hold on.
Look here, look here.
Come on, little Ann.
I can't wait no longer.
Yeah, we'll go down to Mexico
and get it done in a few hours.
No, I can't take
my baby to Mexico.
Wait, now hold on, now.
Alline's downstairs in the car, hon.
Your mama can look after
the baby while we're gone.
We'll go to Mexico,
get it done in a few hours...
- and then we off to New York City.
- New York?
What's in New York?
We are, baby. You and me.
Ike and Tina.
There's somethin' on my mind
Won't somebody please
tell me what is wrong
- Ike...
- You're just a fool
You know you're in love
What you say
- Yes, sir! You hear that, Fross?
- Yeah, congratulations.
Look here. I'm a married man.
Come on. Let's get outta here.
- Darlin'
- Yes, Tina
It's time to get next to me
Honey, that was my plan
from the very beginning
I never thought that this could be
- What do you mean?
Oh, yeah
- Come on, man! Let's go.
Your lips set my soul on fire
And you can feel
my one desire
- Oh, darlin'
- Yes, yes
I think it's gonna work out fine
It's gonna work out fine
I wanna tell you
something, Ike.
I've been to see
the preacher man
The preacher man?
Why, you must be losin' your mind
- I started
- Started what
I started makin'
wedding plans
- Oh, really,
- Oh, yeah
If your love is half as true
As the love I offer you
- Oh, darlin'
- Yes, yes
I think it's gonna
work out fine
It's gonna work out fine
I keep on tellin' you
I think it's gonna
work out fine
Oh, I can feel it's gonna
I feel it's gonna work out
I want ya to know it's gonna
I know it's gonna
work out fine
Oh, I can feel it's gonna
I feel it's gonna work out
I want ya to know
it's gonna
I know it's gonna
work out fine
I know it's gonna
work out fine
Girl, you look like
I felt last night.
Go on and drink that.
You'll feel better.
- Thanks, Jackie.
- Come on. Give me the baby. Come on.
Come on, precious.
They don't never give a nigger no ink!
If I was one of them...
one of them Ofays, I'd... I'd be
number one with a bullet by now.
No, no, I got to murder somebody
before I can get some ink.
Jackie, check on the girls.
You tell Leanne...
if she miss a step tonight,
she be fryin' fish tomorrow, hear?
Hey, Ann, why ain't you dressed yet?
The show fixin' to start.
Ike, I'm tired.
What you talkin' about, you tired?
You can't be tired.
Not tonight, now. I got too
much ridin' on tonight.
No, it's not me, Ike.
It's my throat.
I mean, suppose I go out there,
and don't nothin' come out?
Look, Ann, I don't know
what you talkin' about,
but you can't do this
tonight, not tonight.
I got too much ridin' on this,
all right? Now, come on.
Oh, Ike, I'm really exhausted.
I mean, it's all happenin'
too fast, you know?
The baby, and, and the road...
and the whole thing.
I just, just need a rest.
All right now, but look now,
you got to understand if we don't
get out on that stage tonight...
we don't get paid, ya hear?
- Now, if we don't get paid, we don't eat.
- What about me?
What about the band?
Well, you talkin' about the baby...
and the road and, and, and
it's all happenin' too fast.
Ann, you got more excuses
than a nigger goin' to jail.
You got too many excuses, woman.
And this here's about
business right here.
That marquee out there say
"Ike and Tina Turner"...
and the people out there
are waitin' on me,
and you layin' up here
talkin' about you tired.
Now, what you wanna do?
You wanna take care of business,
or you lookin' for a way out?
Oh, I see, you wanna,
you wanna leave me,
like all them other suckers
I done made famous.
- That's not what I meant.
- Well, what you talkin' about then, Ann?
Now, we're here. We're at the place
I've been tryin' to get to my whole life.
We got the right song at the
right place at the right time!
Now, I need you to get out
on that stage right now.
I'm sorry, Ike.
Yeah, you sorry.
The sorriest motherfucker
I ever seen.
Here, I'm supposed to do a show tonight,
and you done fucked up my head for that.
It's supposed to be the greatest night of
my career, and you done fucked that up.
Yeah, you're a sorry
motherfucker, all right.
And now, from St. Louis,
Ike and Tina Turner...
singin' their new song,
"Fool in Love".
There's somethin'
on my mind
Won't somebody please
Please tell me
what's wrong
You're just a fool
you know you're in love
- What you say
- You've got to face it
- To live in this world
- Hey, hey, hey, hey
- You take the good along with the bad
- Hey, hey, hey, hey
Sometimes you're happy
and sometimes you're sad
- One more time
- You know you love him
- You can't understand
- Tell me about it
Why he treats you like he do
when he's such a good man
He's got me smilin' when
I should be ashamed
Got me laughin'
when my heart is in pain
Oh, oh, now
I must be a fool
'Cause I'll do anything
he wants me to
- How come
- You're just a fool
- You know you're in love
- Tell me one more time
You've got to face it
to live in this world
You take the good
along with the bad
Sometimes you're happy
and sometimes you're sad
- One more time
- You know you love him
- You can't understand
- Tell me about it
Why he treats you like he do
when he's such a good man
Listen, without my man
I don't wanna live
You think I'm lyin'
but I'm tellin' you like it is
He's got my nose open
and that's no lie
And I, I'm gonna
keep him satisfied
- Tell me how come
- You're just a fool
You know you're in love
- Tell me how come
- You've got to face it
- To live in this world
- How, how come
You take the good
along with the bad
- Tell me how come
- Sometimes you're happy
- And sometimes you're sad
- One more time
You know you love him
- You can't understand
- Tell me about it
Why he treats you like he do
when he's such a good man
Listen, the weight of action
speaks louder than words
Truest saying
that I ever heard
I trust a man
and all that he do
And I'll, I'll do anything
he wants me to
- How come
- You know you love him
- You can't understand
- Tell me about it
Why he treats you
like he do
- When he's such a good man
- Come on, tell me
- Do, do, do, do
- Tell me one more time
- Do, do, do, do
- Hey, hey, hey, hey
- Do, do, do, do
- Hey, hey, hey
- Do, do, do, do
- Tell me one more time
- Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
- Whoo-hoo-hoo
This what you got off
"A Fool in Love"?
It's a advance from Sue Records.
That's for songs
I ain't even wrote yet.
Oooh, my, oh, my,
I am a fool in love!
Yeah, we used to work
without gettin' paid.
Now we get paid
before we even work.
Anna Mae Bullock, you're
priceless, girl. Priceless!
Yeah, yeah,
she priceless, all right.
Shit, she ain't seen
a dime of it yet.
Here, here, here,
hand me that baby.
- Oh, thanks.
- Give me Craig.
- Come on, Craig. Hey, he's sweet.
- Thanks, mama.
Anna Mae, what you plannin' on doin'
with all that money, honey?
Live better. Ike wants a big
house with a pool and...
I know he's always wanted
his own recording studio.
Now, don't forget about those who
helped you to get to where you are.
No, ma. Never forget
my blood?
Shh. Hey.
I told you you're gonna get in trouble,
messin' with other people's stuff...
puttin' your hands where
they don't belong.
- Just playin' around.
What's wrong with you, girl?
Every time I turn my back, ma.
Oh, child, he's just bein' a man.
Don't be worryin' about him.
Don't be naggin' him now.
Look here.
You got yourself a good man.
You just keep him happy.
- Ya hear?
- Yeah.
Now go on.
I got the baby.
No, honey, put 'em back on.
Give me that. Give me my money,
and put them glasses back on.
Shit! Damn! Hold on, baby.
Hold on. I'll be right back.
Come on.
Come on, come on!
All right, Lorraine, I ain't
got time for your mess now.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I hear you're playin' daddy?
You're playin' the family man!
All right, let me finish
this, and I'll help you.
Ike, here they go.
They're yours. Y'all say
hello to your daddy.
Come here, come here.
Wait right here. I'm gonna talk
to your mama. Don't go nowhere.
- Lorraine, come here. Look here, now.
- No.
I done told you about, about showin'
up here and, and, and startin' this mess.
- I'm not messin' with you.
- What am I gonna do with two more kids?
What am I gonna do with two more
kids, woman? Come back here!
Leave me alone, Ike!
You always wanna come around
here and, and start some mess!
You better get your ass
away from around here!
Don't fuck with me, Ike!
You better not never bring
your ass around here again!
I said don't fuck with me, Ike!
Come on. You guys take those on out.
What the hell am I gonna
do with two more kids?
What am I gonna do
with two more kids?
- I saw you.
- Oh, it's all right. It's okay.
- Hey, you ever been to California?
- No.
- No? Me, neither.
- We did not.
- No? It's gonna be an adventure?
- I saw you?
You wanna go inside and see
what toys I packed up?
Yeah? All right.
- Come on.
- Go see it.
It's the cool sound of KAJT...
and here comes the hot sound
of the British invasion:
Manford Mann and
"Do Wah Diddy."
Do wah diddy diddy
dum diddy do
Snappin' her fingers
and shufflin' her feet
Singin' do wah diddy diddy
dum diddy do
- She looked good
- Looked good
- She looked fine
- Looked fine
She looked good
she looked fine
And I nearly
lost my mind
Before I knew it
she was walkin' next to me
- Singin'
- Do wah diddy diddy, dum, diddy, do
Holdin' my hand
just as natural as can be
- Singin'
- Do wah diddy diddy, dum, diddy, do
So what's your take on the new
English music invading the States?
Well, Ike said there ain't nothin' new
about it. Ain't nothin' but black music.
I mean, negro
music with an accent.
But, personally,
I like a lot of it.
Ike, you... I sense you don't
feel fully appreciated here?
Well, we have been doin' a lot of
tourin' all over the country, and...
Ike's been writin'
a lot of great new songs.
- Thank you.
- Oh, sure. You're welcome.
Thank you.
Jackie! Jackie!
Hey, you motherfuckers, be quiet out
there! I'm tryin' to work, goddamn it!
I'll be right back.
Ike, come on, come on, come on.
Come on, take a break?
What you talkin'
about take a break?
I ain't got no time to take a break.
I got to work.
I got to write these songs.
Sue Records motherfuckers...
been after me about
these songs for six months.
You know how much money
I owe Sue Records?
What you mean owe Sue Records?
As much as we work?
They always givin' you stacks
of cash whenever we do a show...
- and I know I don't spend it.
- Oh, no?
Well, what about...
all them wigs and
wardrobe and whatnot you
got in the back there?
What about the way you got
this place decked out?
All this furniture, that fish tank,
the sofas, that fountain and shit.
That shit costs money, Anna Mae.
I got to pay the girls,
and I got to pay the band...
and on top of that,
I'm tryin' to build us a studio.
- You know, you want the studio.
- And I'd have it by now...
if you would sing the
songs the way I tell
you to sing 'em,
Anna Mae, goddamn.
That's what I've...
I been tryin' to do, Ike.
I mean, but they all sound
like the same, you know?
I ain't hear you.
What you say?
I ain't hear you.
I ain't hear you. What you say?
I said...
I mean, not exactly, you know.
I mean, but you...
you do have your own style.
My own style. -
- What's wrong?
Ike, you promised you wouldn't
hit me. Don't hit me, please!
- Seems like you wanna fight?
- No, no! No! No!
Where you goin'? Come here.
Here we go. Here we go?
No! Stop!
- Come here.
- No! No!
Ike, please!
- Ike, no!
- Shut the fuck up!
- Oh! Come back! No! Ike, please!
- Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
Guess you gonna leave me now?
Go on, then.
Now keep your behind
in there, hear?
Everything all right. Me and
your mama just talkin'. Go on.
Y'all go on!
I said go on!
Oh, Anna. Oh.
No, no, no.
I'm all right.
I'll be out in a second.
Somebody needs to
slap his ass around.
Thank you.
He just got a lot of worries
right now, you know?
But I know he's sorry.
Is he sorry for
all the other times too?
- He's a pig!
- Don't do that, Jackie.
Don't do that.
Can't nobody understand
that he got a lot of...
a lot of pressure right now?
Music ain't right.
This, that and the other thing,
and what I do?
I insult him when I know he try.
No, Anna. Look,
this has got to stop.
You can't keep hiding
black eyes from us,
pretending like
nothin's happenin'.
We know.
I know what
I gotta do, you know.
I'm gonna help
get it back on track.
And then things between
me and him gonna get better.
Thank you.
Now, your last few songs haven't
quite reached the all-time popularity...
of "Fool in Love," but
you're still going strong.
It must be difficult to be
such a busy performing couple.
- How do you do it?
- Well, Ike's always busy writin' songs...
touring, you know, everything, and me,
I'm just a homebody, you know?
I love cookin', cleanin',
takin' care of the boys.
So between the two of us,
it just works out.
And here they are
with their contribution...
to the latest dance craze
sweeping the nation.
It's Ike and Tina Turner
with "Shake a Tail Feather".
Well, I heard about the girl
you been dancin' with
All over the neighbourhood
Tell me, why didn't you
ask me, baby
Or didn't you think I could
Well, I know there's a possum
wanna step aside
I seen you do
the jerk all night
Tell me, why didn't
you ask me, baby
I would've shown you how
to do it right, do it right
Do it right
do it right
Do it right
do it right
Do it right
Shake it, shake it, shake it, baby
Whoo! Here we go
loop the loop
Come on and let me,
let me shake it up, baby
Here we go loop DE Li
all right now
Said bend over, let me
see you shake a tail feather
You bend over, let me see you
shake a tail feather
Would you bend over, let me
see you shake a tail feather
Well, you bend over
and let me see you do it
Twistin', shake it, shake
it shake it, shake it, baby
- Come on
Come on, baby
Shake it, shake it shake
it, shake it, baby
Come on
come on, baby
Shake it, shake it
shake it, shake it, baby
Do the twist
And do the fly
Shake it, shake it shake
it, shake it, baby
Shake it, shake it
shake it, shake it, baby
Come on, now, come on, baby
Shake it, shake it
shake it, shake it, baby
Shake it, shake it
shake it, shake it, baby
Shake it, shake it
shake it, shake it, baby
I'm gonna need you to
move those lights there.
There's a whole bank.
Tina? Mr. Spector would like
to have a word with you.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, Mrs. Turner.
Thank you.
Your performance was wild.
Hey, Phil Spector. How you doin'?
I didn't know you was a fan.
Hey, look here. Anything you got
to say to her, you can say to me.
All right, then. I'd like
to record a song with her.
Hey, y'all hear that? Phil Spector
want to record with Ike and Tina.
- All right!
- I'd like to record a song with Tina.
I dig. Well, look here.
Come on in my office.
Let me to talk to you
about that here.
All right, I'm on my way.
When I was a little girl
I had a rag doll
Only doll I've ever owned
Now I love you just the way
I loved that rag doll
But only now
my love has grown
And it gets stronger
In every way
And it gets deeper
Let me say
And it gets higher
Day by day
And do I love you
my, oh, my
Yeah, river deep
mountain high
Yeah, yeah, yeah
If I lost you would I cry
Oh, how I love you, baby
Baby, baby, baby
When you were a young boy
did you have a puppy
That always
followed you around
Well, I'm gonna be
as faithful as that puppy
No, I'll never let you down
'Cause it goes on and on
Like a river flows
And it gets bigger, baby
And heaven knows
And it gets sweeter, baby
As it grows
And do I love you
My, oh, my
Yeah, river deep
- Real good, Ann.
Mountain high
- Real good work.
- You really like it?
- Oh, yeah, it's out of sight now.
I ain't lyin' to you.
It's out of sight.
- Thanks, Ike.
- No, it's really out of sight.
Baby, baby, baby
Of course, that's #1 in Europe, and it's
movin' up the charts here in the U.S.
- You wanna turn that shit down?
- That's Tina Turner and "River Deep".
More of your favorites comin'
up so stay right where you are.
- Turn the music down?
- Hey, turn the music down.
- Just a minute.
- Hey. Hey there, Jackie.
- Fross.
- There's Anna Mae.
- Yeah.
- Look, what y'all... what y'all want?
- They got any beer?
Hell, no, they ain't got no beer, girl.
Don't y'all want some breakfast?
- Nah, I don't want any.
- No, none for me.
- Well, how y'all feelin'?
- I feel good.
She should feel good with
a hit song on her hands.
Could I have your
autograph, Miss Turner?
Mrs. Turner. That's a
married woman you talkin' to, boy.
So when are you gonna make
another single, Mrs. Turner?
Who knows, you know?
- There you go. All right. Bye-bye.
- Thanks. Thanks a lot. Bye.
Psst. What's up with your bullshit, man?
We're supposed to be celebratin', now.
Come on.
Yeah, we're supposed to
be celebrating, I guess.
Ike and Tina Turner Revue fixin'
to go on tour with the Rolling Stones.
- There you go. There you go.
- Yeah, we're gonna celebrate.
We're gonna celebrate. Hey!
Can we get some of that cake?
Matter of fact, bring
that whole cake over here.
Cake, cake.
- Yeah, let's have some cake.
- We need plates.
Come on. Bring us some plates.
Get rid of this here.
Yeah. All right.
Come on. Let's see here.
Don't that look good?
Come on, Anna Mae.
- I don't want any cake.
- Come on. Just a little piece.
- Come on, Ike.
- What's the matter, baby?
You high. You're embarrassing me.
I don't want no cake.
Come on now.
Open your mouth. See that?
White man ask her to open her mouth,
she sing all goddamn day long.
I ask, you ain't gonna
say nothin'?
- Come on, now. I'm askin' you nice now.
- And I'm sayin' no nice.
Ike, come on. Come on. I...
You know you want some of this cake.
Come on, piece of cake.
- Piece of cake.
- Ike. Ike! Shit!
Oh, so you done lost
your motherfuckin' mind.
No, Ike, Ike, Ike. Leave...
- No, leave her alone, Ike.
- Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
- Come on! Come on, bitch!
- Sucker! Fuck you, you motherfucker!
- Come on. Get up. Come on.
- Fuck you, Ike!
I'm outta here, Ike! Fuck you, Ike.
I'm outta here.
I'm all right.
- You ain't gotta hit me but once!
- Jackie, it's all right.
It's not all right to let some
motherfucker pound on you!
If you had any sense,
you'd get out of here too.
If you had any sense, you'd
get the fuck out of here.
Come on!
Kiss my ass!
You a dead woman if you stay here.
And don't let me catch you
around my house either!
Come on. Sit down,
eat some cake, Anna Mae.
What the fuck y'all lookin' at?
Y'all just mind your
own goddamn business.
Hey, somebody come in here
and clean this shit up, please!
Goddamn, Fross.
This cake good.
Anna Mae, come on.
This cake real good.
Anna Mae, just take
the cake, please.
Where you goin'?
To the bathroom.
Ike Junior.
Come on. Wake up.
Michael? Wake up. Come on. Hurry.
Go with your brother. Come on!
Hey, ma! Oh, it's so good
to hear your voice.
Oh, yeah, they're great.
Ma? I need to ask you
a huge favour.
Yeah, well, I need
to come stay with you.
Ma, why you wake us up?
Come here. Come here.
Yeah, well...
- Can we have some breakfast?
- . Over there.
- When'd you talk to him?
- Ma, where's dad?
When he what?
Ike bought you a house?
Jesus. Jesus!
Ma? Ma, I'm comin' to see you,
all right? Put this on.
Ma? I'm gettin' on a bus.
Do me a favour, please, ma.
- Don't tell Ike. Please.
- Where we goin'?
All right, help me.
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm gonna let it shine
Hello, Ike.
Okay. Sorry.
All right.
- Doughnuts?
- Fifty cents.
Keep the change.
Thank you.
Here we go.
- Michael! How long do we have, sir?
- About five minutes.
Ike Junior!
Ike Junior and Craig!
No! Ike!
Don't get in the car!
Get outta the car!
Come on, boys! No!
I ain't got time for
this foolishness now, Ann.
You gonna get in or you
gonna stay here?
You're crazy!
You better get your ass in
this car, woman. You hear me?
Get outta the car!
I been lookin' all
over the place for you.
Don't nobody know where
you at. I'm callin' your mama.
Jackie don't know
where you're at.
Get in the car! You know, they... they
lock people up for kidnappin' their kids.
Get in the car.
Get in the car.
All right. Sorry to keep
you all waiting. Are you ready?
- Yeah!
- Come on!
We have a special, special treat.
For the first time in London...
the fantabulous duo,
Ike and Tina Turner!
You know...
every now and then, I think you might
like to hear something from us...
nice and easy.
But there's just one thing.
You see, we never, ever do nothin'...
nice and easy.
We always do it nice...
and rough.
But we'll take the beginning
of the song and do it...
But then we gonna
do the finish rough.
That's the way we do
Creedence Clearwater's...
"Proud Mary".
And we're rollin'
Rollin' on the river
Listen to the song now.
- Left a good job in the city
- Down in the city
Workin' for the man
every night and day
- And I never lost
- But I never lost
One minute of sleepin'
I was worried 'bout the way
the thing might have been
- You know the
- Big wheel keep on turnin'
Proud Mary keep on burnin'
- And we're rollin'
- Rollin'
- Rollin', yeah
- Rollin'
Rollin' on the river
Rollin' on the river
- Say we're rollin'
- Rollin'
- Rollin', yeah
- Rollin'
Rollin' on the river
Rollin' on the river
Oh, I left a good job
in the city
Workin' for the man
every night and day
And I never lost
one minute of sleepin'
Worryin' 'bout the way
things might have been
Big wheel keep on turnin'
- Proud Mary keep on burnin'
- Burnin'
Rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin'
rollin' on the river
All right!
Oh, I cleaned a lot of plates
in Memphis, y'all
And I pumped a lot of tane
down in New Orleans
But I never saw
the good side of a city
Till I hitched a ride
on the riverboat queen
- Big wheel keep on turnin'
- Turnin'
- Proud Mary keep on burnin'
- Burnin'
We're rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on the river
All right
Whoo, yeah, yeah, yeah
yeah, yeah, yeah
If you come down
to the river
Oh, I bet you gonna find
some people who live
You don't have to worry
if you got no money
People on the river
are happy to give
- Big wheel keep on turnin'
- Turnin'
- Proud Mary keep on burnin'
- Burnin'
Rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on the river
Rollin', rollin'
We're rollin' on the river
Give up
Shake that tail feather!
Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!
Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!
Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!
Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!
Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!
Tina! Tina! Tina! Tina!
A church house, gin house
School house, outhouse
On highway number 19
The people keep
the city clean
They call it Nutbush
Oh, Nutbush
They call it
Nutbush city limits
Nutbush City
Goddamn, Ann, what the fuck
you doin' in there?
That ain't what you supposed to sing.
Now you know better than that.
You know you got to sing this motherfucker
the way I told you to, right?
Goddamn, Ann. How many
motherfuckin' times I got to tell you?
If you gonna sing the song, you got to sing
this motherfucker. You dig what I'm sayin'?
I wanna feel this motherfuckin'
song through my skin.
You got to get up. I want you
to get up from way in here.
You better put some stink
on this motherfucker.
You better sing this
like your life depended on it,
you understand me?
All right. All right, all right. All right.
Come on, Ike. Come on. Come on.
Damn! How many motherfuckin'
times I got to tell the bitch?
A church house, gin house
School house, outhouse
On highway number 19
The people keep the city clean
They call it Nutbush
Oh, Nutbush
They call it
Nutbush city limit
Look, Ann, what the fuck was that?
What's the problem here?
What, you done forgot the words?
Of course I can remember
the words, Ike. I wrote it!
Yeah, you wrote a motherfuckin' song,
and now you can't even
remember the goddamn words?
- I mean, what the fuck you doin'?
- Later, man.
Yeah, all right, now. Look, ain't
nobody gonna buy this motherfucker...
unless you sing this motherfucker
the way I know you can sing it, Ann.
I'm tryin' to help, Ike,
all right?
Tryin' to help Ike?
You tryin' to help Ike?
I ain't the motherfucker that need help?
You the one that needs some help!
What y'all think
about this song?
- Nah, nah.
- It ain't cool.
It ain't cool till I say it's cool.
This is Ike and Tina.
And you gonna sing
like I tell you to sing.
You gonna sing this motherfucker
till you get it right,
you understand me?
Come on, y'all.
We need some privacy.
- All right, come on.
- Get these people out of here.
- Come on. Get the fuck out.
- Come on. Let's go.
- All y'all get the fuck out.
- Come on.
Come on. We got to go
to work now. Come on.
Hey, hey, where the fuck
you goin'? This ain't flour.
- Now get the fuck out. Shit.
- Come on.
Come on. Let's go, let's go.
Get the fuck out of here.
See you tomorrow, girl.
All right.
No wonder can't nobody hear you.
Your goddamn shirt too loud.
You need to give me them glasses
so I can look at that ugly motherfucker.
Hey, look here, um,
what you want me do?
- You want me to go?
- Oh, go on. I'm gonna work.
- All right, man. All right.
- All right. See you tomorrow.
- All right. Hey!
- Hey!
- Don't get none on ya.
- Hey, hey, all right now.
Ike, that's it for me,
honey. Come on.
No, it ain't.
Oh, I like this one.
Darlene, look at this.
Darlene, you think
I could wear this?
Let me see that.
The mirrors. There are
too many mirrors on it.
- Oh, but it's black and it's sexy.
- They don't wanna see you...
Well, let's see that silver one.
Who wore this dress?
Honey, nobody could fit into it.
That's why we couldn't wear it.
Whoo-ooo! Girl, you know
I could wear this dress.
I could wear this dress.
We don't get paid...
if we not on time.
Polka dots?
No, not polka dots.
Well, I don't care
what y'all pick.
You just better pick
somethin' and hurry up.
- Make sure Ike get pa-paid.
- Anna? Anna, what is it?
Darlene! Darlene,
somethin' wrong with her!
- Anna, Anna, what'd you take?
- Outta here.
Oh, shit.
Ike. Ike. Ike!
Hold on to this.
Come on, Anna Mae.
Come on, baby.
You gonna make it now.
Goddamn, if you don't make it...
I kill you, hear me?
Hear me, bitch? If you don't
make it, I'll kill you.
Miss Turner? Sorry.
I know you said no visitors...
but your sister's here.
Just one minute.
Anna Mae Bullock?
Tina Turner.
I was afraid they wouldn't
let me in if I wasn't family.
- Jackie.
- Oh, little Ann.
Well, honey, this isn't a good way
to take a coffee break from Ike.
I got a sofa bed.
It's yours if you need it.
- I'll be all right.
- I just want you to know...
that I'm here.
I'm still your friend.
I love you, Anna Mae.
You take care of yourself,
little Ann.
- Hey. Psych.
- Horseshit.
Turner. Turner.
Oh, hey, Ann.
Mornin', Ike.
Feelin' all right?
Ike Junior?
Junior. Junior!
- Say hey to your mama.
- Hi, mama.
How you like the way we got
the place decked out for you?
Look here,
next time you gonna take some
time off, give a nigger some notice.
I mean, goddamn, we on the road.
You gonna fuck around and,
and, and end up in a hospital.
For what? For nothin'.
You done run up this doctor bill. Cost me
a whole lot of money. You know that?
Look, we got,
some new material...
and I want you to get
together with the girls
and come up with some new routines.
We got...
we got wardrobe fittings.
We got,
what, 12 more cities
in a couple of weeks,
and we got to get
on the road next week.
Michael and Ronnie runnin' around here
like they done lost their mind.
Now you supposed
to be their mama.
I wish you'd get after them 'bout
that schoolwork and things. Now...
I hope you got you some rest,
'cause I'm gonna need you.
I'm gonna need you be on top of your
game, 'cause we got to go out here...
and do what we got
to do, all right?
- Sure, Ike. Sure.
- All right.
Good to see ya.
Just a minute!
Anna Mae!
Well, what a surprise.
Hello, Jackie.
I know it's not like me
to come by without callin', but...
I just really
felt like seein' you.
It's okay.
I'm glad ya did.
Oh! Well, come on in
and make yourself at home.
Well, this is...
this is a little different.
Yeah, I know.
Would you like some tea?
Yeah. Hey, why not?
- So how ya doin', Anna?
- Oh, you know, busy as ever.
Gettin' ready to go on tour.
Twelve cities.
- How are you doin'?
- Hey, you know me.
Once I'm on stage, I'm fine.
- And when you're not?
- Hey, all right now. See?
Now, ain't no such thing
as not bein' on stage.
You what... you ain't on stage,
you gettin' ready to go on stage?
Hey. Hey, bitch. Wait, wait, wait a minute,
motherfucker. What you doin'?
What, you...
you makin' fun of me?
Now you know, fine.
Fine your ass!
See that? Now, now, see, now that's
the shit there that I'm talkin' about.
Oh! Next time I just might not take your
motherfuckin' ass t-to the hospital.
Oh, I... Ike, I'm sorry, Ike.
Am... am I late for rehearsal?
Bitch! Bitch, you came here late. You gonna
owe me at the end of the week, goddamn it.
Jackie! Jackie, what you doin'?
Jackie, what you doin'?
You gonna try that again?
You gonna try that again,
Jackie? Fine your ass.
Oh, Lord.
Oh, Anna.
Oh, Anna, I'm...
Oh, Anna, I'm...
no, I'm...
- No, I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry.
- No. No, Jackie.
Oh, Jackie, I just...
you know, I know what it's like to have
your own blood walk out on you.
And I just can't walk out.
I just...
I just can't walk out.
I just...
It's going to be okay.
Oh, it's gonna be okay.
Now listen.
It's gonna be okay.
Anna, come here.
Come here. Come on.
I want to share
something with you.
This is what you were doin'
when I came up?
Yeah, I was, and I'd really
like to finish it with you.
Just follow me, Anna.
Say these words with me.
Jackie, what...
I don't know what...
I don't know what I'm sayin'.
It sounds...
I know. I know.
I know it.
It feels strange,
but it's chanting.
I'm a Buddhist now. And when you
chant, Anna, you can see things clearly.
It's like life's mirror.
And when you can
see yourself clearly...
you can change anything.
Come on. You wanna
try it with me?
Hey, Fross?
- Turn the music up.
- Turn it up?
- Hey. Oh, now, what you doin'?
- Come on, Ike.
I'm tryin' to get some sleep.
Careful with that chocolate bar.
Don't get it on your suit.
Hey, come on, Ann.
I'm tryin' to get...
Where you goin'?
Hey! Where you...
What's wrong? Hey.
Ann, you better come back over here
so I can get some sleep now.
Go straight to hell, Ike.
- Hey, Ann, where you goin'?
- Taxi!
Come on now.
Get in the car now.
- What you talkin' about taxi?
- I'm goin' shoppin'.
Look, you ain't goin' shoppin'.
You wanna go shoppin', I'll
have a man take you shoppin'.
Come on, Ike!
Woman, I tell you, get your ass in
this car. I ain't playin' with you now.
Hey, hey, call me when you're
ready to go to sound check.
Yeah, don't worry 'bout it now.
Make sure everybody be there
when they supposed to be there.
All right, all right.
What's wrong with you,
talkin' to me like that?
Don't. Leave me...
- What'd you say?
- Don't start with me.
- I ain't in the mood today, all right?
- You ain't in the mood?
Don't you ever talk to me
like that again!
You hear me?
You hear me?
I'm gonna make sure you don't ever talk
to me like that no more. Come here.
- No, Ike. No!
- Come here. Come here.
Show you somethin'. You gonna
talk to me like that again?
Come here.
Come here.
Is that your best shot?
You can't do no better than that?
Come on. Come on!
- Thank you.
- Can I call you a doctor?
Oh, man, don't nobody need
no damn doctor. Where the elevator at?
- Just around the corner.
- Come on.
Hey, Ann. Want you wake me up
a hour before the sound check, hear?
Anna Mae Bullock, you hear me?
You hear what I said?
You hear what I said, woman?
Sure, Ike.
Is there anything else
you want me to do for you, baby?
Go on in there and
clean yourself up.
Miss Turner?
I need to speak
with your manager.
Yes, ma'am.
Right away. George.
I'm... I'm Tina Turner.
My husband and I
just had a fight.
I'm supposed to open
at the Academy tonight.
I have 36 cents
and a Mobil card...
but if you will
give me a room...
I swear I will pay you back.
No, no, no. That won't be necessary.
Now, miss Turner...
Take these.
I'd be honored, really.
W-we'll take care of you.
Thank you.
Nick. Let's give
Miss Turner a room.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, people keep askin' me 'bout where
my... where I'm hidin' my investments.
Only investments I got,
she done destroyed.
The Ike and Tina Turner
Revue, that was my investment.
Ike Junior! Ike Junior!
We couldn't play all the
dates I done booked.
People are mad at me
all over the country.
$750,000 she done cost me.
What I got left? I got, I got, I got...
I got some clothes.
I got some jewelry.
the rest I got tied up in investments.
I ain't got nothin' else.
Please instruct your client to remove
his sunglasses. This is a courtroom.
Well, ho... ha. Look, you ain't
got to instruct me to do nothin'.
Your honor, in order
to expedite this matter...
my client would like to
make an oral motion...
amending her petition for divorce,
revoking any financial claims.
I want you to be
very sure about this.
It means you're going to walk out
of here with absolutely nothing.
Except my name.
I'll give up all that other stuff,
but only if I get to keep my name.
I worked too hard for it,
your honor.
The name is mine. The name
got my daddy's blood on it.
Now she wanna go, she, she, she
can go wherever she wanna go,
but the name belong to me.
- Sir... Mr. Turner.
- No, no, no. Look here, now.
Hey, hey, hey, get your
hand off me, man. Now look.
Mr. Turner...
If she wanna go, she can go.
That's fine. She can go.
But the name stays home.
The name stays home.
As Mrs. Turner has decided
to drop all claims...
I hereby grant her divorce on the
grounds of irreconcilable differences.
Mr. Turner will retain
all publishing rights...
royalties, all real property...
clothing, jewelry
and all other assets.
Mrs. Turner will retain
the use of her stage name.
We did it, mama.
We did it!
Anna Mae Bullock! See, you ain't
know that was her name. Hey!
That's all right. I'm gonna talk to her.
Yeah, you keep the name, Anna Mae.
You keep the name. But remember,
who gave it to you? I did! That's right!
- I gave it to her! What you gonna do?
- Come on, mom. Let's go.
You got four boys,
four grown boys.
Yeah, carry your country
ass back to Nutbush.
No, it's all right, man.
It's all right.
All right, sonny, okay. Come on, now. Let's
go. Ike Junior, come on. We goin' home now.
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to San Francisco...
and welcome to
the Fairmont Hotel.
...this marvellous truffle salad
and lovely chicken...
prepared especially for
your enjoyment this evening.
Oh, my God. Roger Davies came.
I would like, this evening,
to say hello to those of you...
who are participating in this
lovely venture here tonight.
I really want this manager
to sign me. I'm so nervous.
And we are very, very happy tonight
to have an old-time favorite.
- "Old-time"?
- Miss Tina, of Ike and Tina Turner Revue.
Go get 'em, grandma.
Whoo! You're burnin'.
We love you! Oh, baby! Whoo!
I don't want to see a show
if I have to pay extra.
It's included, sir.
Have a seat.
- Does it come with a drink?
- No, ma'am.
Nah, that's how they get ya.
Burn, baby, burn
- Yes
- Burn, baby, burn
- Burnin'
- To my surprise
One hundred stories high
People gettin' loose now
Gettin' down on the roof
I tell you
- We love you, honey!
Folks screamin'
Out of control
It was so entertainin'
When the boogie
starts to explode
I heard somebody say
Burn, baby, burn
- Disco inferno
- Burn, baby, burn
- Burn that mother down now
- Burn, baby, burn
- Disco inferno
- Burn, baby, burn
Oh, you see, Ike...
Ike was straight R & B.
You know?
My baby done left me...
took all my money,
cut up my clothes.
Oh, I'm standin' here naked.
I'm so sad.
But I ain't about the blues
anymore, you know?
- Well, what are you about?
- Rock and roll.
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
- Rock and roll.
- That's right.
I'm talkin' 'bout the energy
of it. Fun stuff, you know?
You hear it in the music
of, like, Bowie and Jagger.
You know? That's the stuff
I wanna do. You know?
Not that old sad-sack stuff
I used to do with Ike, and...
not this borin' stuff
I have to do for these hotels.
You know, rock and roll
is for young people. It's...
it's a very different audience
to what you'd be used to with Ike.
I just believe that
anything is possible.
You know? Anything. Now, it took me
a long time to get Ike out of my system.
And now that I've done that,
I'm ready.
I'm ready,
and I know what I want.
Tina, cheers.
To you.
- To us.
- To us.
- Oh, I'll see you tomorrow, noon. Yes!
- Noon? Where you goin'?
- No, you need to come in early.
- Hey, Tina...
between you and Roger, how do
you expect us to get any rest?
- Yeah, we'll both stay up till then.
- Oh, good night, fellas.
Hello, Anna Mae.
Hey, look, I... I just wanna talk to you,
now. Give me a few minutes of your time.
No. I don't think so, Ike.
Come on, Ann. Now hold on.
Look, I brung you somethin'.
I brung a... I brung
a gift for you.
Hold on. Look here.
You gonna like this.
Oh, yeah, you gonna like this.
Look here.
Come on. I brung 'em for you.
Now go on and take 'em.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Now I'm, I'm...
look, I just... I just need
to talk to you couple,
two, three minutes, all right?
All right?
I'm not gonna make it. I need
to talk to somebody. Please.
All right.
Two minutes.
All right.
Two minutes.
There you go. That's...
Okay. Okay, two minutes.
Two minutes.
Goddamn, girl!
You look good!
- What's that you got on? You smell good.
- Look, Ike...
- All right, all right, all right.
- What is this about?
Well, the record company
tryin' to put me in jail.
Talkin' 'bout I owe them all kind of
money, and, well, I got to do somethin'.
Well, you do, Ike.
I mean, you took a lot of advance money,
and you didn't make good on it.
Yeah, well, look here.
I know all that, but...
see, if I could just get me
another hit record, I'd be all right.
They'd get off my back, give me some slack.
You know what I'm talkin' about? Look...
I've been writing some songs.
Yeah, I have, and
I wrote this one song.
It's called...
goddamn, I forgot the name of it.
Anyway, look, I wrote it for you.
And it's got... I mean,
it's a beautiful love song.
It's got that real nice, slow groove
everybody listen to now.
And, every time I hear it,
it remind me of us.
I got my own band now,
you know? I got my own songs.
But look here, that... a lot
of that stuff you doin' now,
there ain't nobody
gonna buy that.
I mean, maybe somebody buy it,
but it ain't like you and me.
I mean, when we was together,
our thing was like this here.
Look, I really gotta go.
Just, just hold on a second, will ya?
I got one more thing
I wanna say to you.
Look, I been doin'
a lot of thinkin', and...
Two minutes.
All right, now! I... look... I...
goddamn it, I miss you, Ann.
I'm tired of this. This...
this done gone on long enough,
and I want you to come home now.
I know everything between us wasn't...
look, everybody got problems, Ann.
I'm tryin' to take care of mine,
and I gave up that narcotic. I'm just...
look, I'm tellin' you right here
and right now I'm gonna...
I'm gonna try and do right
by you this time.
Bye, Ike.
Bye? Wait a minute. I ain't
through talkin' to you yet now.
Think about this.
I made you.
You wasn't nothin' without me, and you
ain't gonna be nothin' without me.
You know, I was wonderin' when
old Ike Turner was gonna show up.
You get on. Do your La-Di-DA thing.
Go ahead.
Yeah, all right. Right on.
You ain't Donna Summers.
I'm gonna see you again, Ann.
Goddamn it, you done
broke my window.
Look what you done did, now.
You done messed up a nice automobile.
That's all right.
I'm gonna take care of it.
This shit ain't over, Anna Mae.
You can believe
this shit ain't over.
I'm a sole survivor
- Sole survivor
- Okay, well, it's very exciting.
We've booked the Ritz
in New York City.
One of the reasons for doing
the showcase at the Ritz...
is that, a lot of these people, a
lot of these doubters can come along...
and see how exciting this
new stuff really is and how...
how focused she really is
at the moment.
In Buddhism we do a chant
called "Nam myoho renge kyo"...
and what that signifies is that
everything in our life is cause and effect.
If there's anything within you that needs
to be changed, you do it. You change it.
Can Tina Turner really make
a comeback at age 44?
- Forty-three! Here.
- Thank you. Tell 'em to get it straight.
Who is it?
'Bout time he turned up.
Ike Junior, mother.
What happened? Who
did this to you, Junior?
Father. He freaked out.
Kicked me out of the house.
Jackie? Come on in here.
Get me somethin' to clean
him up with, please.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fine.
- What happened?
- Turn that off. Please. Come on. Ronnie.
Listen, I don't want you goin'
back over there, all right?
I want you to stay with me.
Mama, there's somethin'
you should know.
I mean, he's been
sayin' crazy stuff.
I mean, anybody mention you or
the show at the Ritz, he just go nuts.
He go nuts. Said you ain't
gonna walk out on that stage.
- That man has got a hit out on you.
- Thank you, Jackie.
Listen, Junior, don't you think
about that, you hear me?
I'm sorry.
I know it hurts.
Mama, he wants to hurt you.
He's going to hurt you.
I don't know what he's gonna do.
Come here.
I'm sorry.
I know it hurts.
- Five minutes, miss Turner.
- Okay, thank you.
All right, now listen. I'm going
out the front. See you after the show.
Okay. All right.
- Thanks.
- Good luck?
Yeah, come in.
Damn, who died? You got enough
flowers in here for a funeral?
How'd you get in here, Ike?
What do you want?
Hey, it's a big night
for little Anna Mae.
I come to see the show
just like everybody else.
- How'd you get past security?
- Oh, come on, now.
You know me better than that.
Now look here, I told you.
I told you it wasn't over.
I told you you was gonna see me
again. Here I am, big and bold as shit.
Didn't even believe me. Thought
you was gonna get away from me.
Thought, thought, thought a nigger like
me was gonna let you get away from me?
You can't get away
from me, Ann. I'm in here!
Now you gonna act like
you don't even know me.
Yeah, I know you, Ike.
I know you real well, all right?
All right, Ann.
You know me so well...
tell me what I'm gonna do now.
Come on.
I can't hear you.
You ain't got
all that mouth now.
Come on. Tell me. Talk to me, Ann.
I can't hear you.
That supposed to scare me?
Oh, yeah.
What you gonna do?
I don't know. Do what you
wanna do, Ike. I don't care.
Let me tell you
what I'm gonna do.
I got a room full of people who've
come to see me. You hear me, Ike?
Come to see me.
So what do you wanna do?
I don't know. Shoot me?
Pistol-whip me?
Here she is, in her first
solo performance at the Ritz.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Tina Turner!
You must understand
Though the touch
of your hand
Makes my pulse react
That it's only the thrill
Of boy meetin' girl
Opposites attract
It's physical
Only logical
You must try to ignore
That it means more than that
Oh, what's love got to do
Got to do with it
What's love but
a secondhand emotion
What's love got to do
Got to do with it
Who needs a heart when
a heart can be broken
It may seem to you
That I'm acting confused
When you're close to me
If I tend to look dazed
I read it someplace
I've got cause to be
There's a name for it
There's a phrase that fits
But whatever the reason
you do it for me
Oh, what's love got to do
Got to do with it
What's love but
a secondhand emotion
What's love got to do
got to do with it
Who needs a heart when
a heart can be broken
I've been taking on
a new direction
And I have to say
I've been thinkin' about
my own protection
It scares me to feel this way
Oh, what's love
Got to do, I said
got to do with it
What's love but
a secondhand emotion
What's love got to do
Got to do with it
Who needs a heart when
a heart can be broken
Got to do
got to do with it
- What's love?
- What's love
but a secondhand emotion
- What's love
- Got to do, I say got to do with it
Who needs a heart when
a heart can be broken
There's a pale moon in the sky
The kind you make
your wishes on
Like the light
in your eyes
The one I built
my dreams upon
It's not there any longer
Something happened somewhere
and we both know why
But me I'm gettin' stronger
We must stop pretending
I can't live this lie
I don't care
who's wrong or right
I don't really wanna
fight no more
Too much talkin', babe
Let's sleep on it tonight
I don't really wanna
fight no more
This is time for letting go
I hear a whisper in the air
That simply doesn't bother me
Boy, can't you see
that I don't care
Or are you looking
right through me
- It seems to me that lately
- Seems to me that lately
You look at me the wrong way
and I start to cry
- Could it be that maybe
- Could it be that maybe
This crazy situation
is the reason why
I don't care
who's wrong or right
I don't really wanna
fight no more
Too much talkin', babe
Don't care now who's to blame
I don't really wanna
fight no more
This is time for letting go
Hanging on to the past
It only stands in our way
We have to grow
for our love to last
But we just grew apart
Don't wanna hurt no more
But, baby, don't you know
No, I don't wanna hurt no more
Too much talkin', babe
Don't care now who's to blame
I don't really wanna
fight no more
Tired of all these games
I don't care
who's wrong or right
I don't really wanna
fight no more
This time I'm walkin', babe
So let's sleep on it tonight
I don't really wanna
fight no more
This is time for letting go