When I'm Ready (2025) Movie Script

[arrows whooshing]
-[crickets chirping]
-[birds tweeting]
I bet you can't chug that.
It's 6:00 a.m.
What, so you're saying
you're scared?
[man sighs]
-You were saying?
I'll go refill.
[woman sighs]
[kisses gently]
[liquid pouring]
[chuckles softly]
-[door shuts]
-[dog barks]
-[glass shatters]
[mellow music]
[angry man]
-Come on, let's go!
[gun cocks]
-Come on, hurry!
-Fuck, fuck.
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
I'm right behind you.
-[man] Come on back here!
Come on!
-[both gasping]
-[man] Fuck you!
[engine revs]
-Son of a bitch!
-[woman] Fuck you!
-Fuck you, fuck you!
Oh, my God.
That was close.
Been closer?
I held onto it.
Wow, impressive.
Where are we going now?
We'll find something.
Can you check the news?
Yeah, there's--
uh, there's nothing new.
[radio voice 1]
Things are looking pretty grim
out there, folks.
Flights are being grounded,
major highways have been--
[radio voice 2] We're all
waiting on pins and needles here
for an update
on the last ditch plan
to deflect the asteroid cluster,
which sources have indicated
should be coming sooner
rather than later.
[radio voice 3] Reports
coming in of escalating clashes
between protestors
and National Guard--
[radio voice 4] President
has declared martial law.
[radio voice 5] The largest
asteroid in the cluster
is six miles long,
with an estimated weight
of 66 million metric tons.
[radio voice 2]
I'm seeing an update now, uh,
the joint chiefs
announced today,
the mission--oh...
[radio voice 2 sighs]
[truck door opens]
[birds cawing]
I think this is
the most beautiful one yet.
I think you say that
a couple times per week.
But this time
I really mean it, though.
You looked pretty slow
running away earlier.
I wasn't sure
you were gonna make it.
Do you think you could
beat me in a race?
I would destroy you.
-[fire crackling]
-[crickets chirping]
[woman] We left all of our shit
at that cabin.
Is that all we've got?
-[Michael spits]
-[bags zipping]
What are they saying now?
Um, 50-50.
[uneasy music]
I'm scared.
I know.
I don't know
what's gonna happen.
But I do know,
as long as we're together,
nothing's gonna happen to you.
What if it doesn't happen?
I mean, what do we do then?
If things go back to normal?
I don't think they can.
For us, at least.
Guess we're screwed either way.
[soft music]
You're not worried?
There's nothing to worry about.
I just wanna enjoy
every moment I have with you.
[Michael sighs]
[woman sighs]
[birds chirping]
[water lapping]
Come in!
I'm good.
It feels amazing.
Oh, come on!
Will you stop?
[woman] You're the one who said
we're fucked either way, right?
Come on, why not let loose?
[melancholic music]
When were you gonna tell me?
I wasn't not gonna tell you, I--
I don't know, I just--
I wasn't sure how you'd react,
I'm sorry,
I didn't know what to say.
Or how.
What do you mean,
you weren't sure how I'd react?
I just thought you'd
react, I--I--
I don't know, I--
I'm sorry, it was stupid,
I shouldn't have.
I wanna go see my grandma.
-By the time that we--
-Who the fuck cares?
Why do you keep acting like
you're not worried?
[cell phone buzzes]
[wind whistling]
[heartfelt music]
[birds chirping]
[woman sighs]
Should probably get up
pretty early tomorrow.
You got plans?
I just figured if you wanted
to go see your grandma.
Of course.
[woman squeals]
You're gonna love her.
She's gonna be really happy
to meet you, too.
She always used to complain
she never got to meet
a boyfriend of mine.
So, I'm your boyfriend now.
I don't know, don't push it.
[woman chuckles]
We'll tell her you are, though.
She'll like it.
[woman sighs]
[President over radio]
My fellow Americans,
the mission to deflect
the asteroid cluster has failed.
Impact will come
in just over six days,
but we are not backing down,
and we are not giving up.
A new plan from
our brightest minds is underway,
and I'm optimistic
about its chances.
For everyone's safety,
National Guard units
will be enforcing a ban
on all non-essential travel.
-God bless you--
-[Michael] Sorry.
[truck putters]
[radio voice 2] Food shortages
have been reported
for the first time
since the asteroid cluster
was discovered
just over a month ago.
Officials in multiple counties
say violent crime has spiked
since the announcement
of the present failure,
and that--
It's gonna be okay, yeah?
We're gonna make the best of it.
Let loose.
And they said they're
making another plan already,
it's not even 100 percent yet.
They're gonna be working
around the clock.
[gas tank door clunks]
[crows cawing]
I'm gonna go get some food.
You want anything?
Surprise me.
[uneasy music]
[traffic whizzing past]
[gun clicks]
-[Rose screaming]
[door dings]
[Rose mumbling]
Let her go!
-[Michael] Stop!
[Rose gasping]
[uneasy tone]
Aw, fuck.
[Rose panting]
[brakes screech]
What the fuck?
-You just killed those people.
Yeah, I know, we gotta go.
Why have you
been acting so weird?
About what?
About everything.
Like when you heard the news.
You just keep acting
so casual about everything,
and I am freaking out, okay?
[Rose breathing heavily]
I guess when I'm with you,
I'm not really
thinking about it.
I don't know, it's like
everything's okay.
[somber music]
We're gonna get to your grandma.
She's gonna be
so happy to see you.
And they said on the radio,
it's not even 100 percent yet,
they really sounded like
they might figure something out,
I swear.
There's still hope.
[Rose] That was just
really fucking crazy back there.
-I know.
-And there's a lot of blood.
-I know.
-I'm sorry.
Hey, it's okay.
I'm just glad you're safe.
Let's go.
-Come on.
So, we'll get there in time.
My grandma's gonna be
so excited to see me.
I figured that we could
just stay with her,
and hang out
for however long we have.
We could all
play cards or something.
Do you know how to play gin?
We'll teach you.
She really is the best.
You know, she...
...she kinda raised me,
before my mom was sober.
She was kinda like my mom
for a while there.
I got her these.
They're her favorite.
That's cute.
[soft music]
[insects chirring]
Do you think it's gonna hurt?
I think it'll be pretty quick.
[Rose sighs]
You don't think
that your parents
might have gone to get her?
Oh, no.
God, no.
She wouldn't have gone with them
even if they had,
but they definitely didn't.
Do you think everything's okay
at her place?
Yeah, I'm sure it is.
They wouldn't just
abandon them there.
[mellow music]
[disc jockey] Another day down,
five and a half left to go.
Bryan Benson back with you
here at KIWA,
where we'll be
bringing you good times
up until the end times.
NASA's saying
the asteroid cluster--
...so get out your telescopes
if you wanna catch a glimpse.
And be careful out there, folks.
The National Guard
is out in full force--
[flames crackling]
[flies buzzing]
[back opens]
Hey, Rose.
Let's go.
[flies buzzing]
[birds chirping]
Laser tag?
Come on, it'll be fun.
You think we can get in?
Yes, I do.
[metal crunches]
[arcade machines beep]
You want me to win you a prize?
[jaunty tune]
-[Rose squeals]
-[Michael groans]
Okay, that was so close.
[Rose whoops]
Oh, right by the head!
[claw machine]
-And, your prize.
-[Rose hums]
[game announcer]
Where are you?
[Rose yells]
[game announcer]
Got you.
Oh, that is so unfair.
It must suck to suck.
Can we go again?
Okay, good.
Maybe this time
I'll let you win.
-I said--
What did you say?
What was that?
I didn't hear you,
come on, give me your gun.
[running footsteps]
[soft, tense music]
-[laser pings]
-Got ya.
[soft music]
Come on.
[mournful music]
Hey, do you,
do you need help?
Rose, we gotta go!
You know, folks, look,
a lot of people out there,
they wanna be doom and gloom
all the time.
This is wrong and that's wrong.
That's not what
we're gonna do here.
I'm gonna
give it to you straight,
but I'm gonna keep it
positive, all right?
We're gonna keep it positive
and do the best that we can
to get through this thing.
Oh, my God.
You've gotta listen to this one.
"My dearest Julia."
Are you listening?
"Julia, I would endure
any amount of physical pain
to get to you.
I would travel across
Hell itself to be with you."
"I would march barefoot
across infinite leagues
of broken glass
to hold you.
I realize now how trivial
all else in my life has been,
and the only thing
that's ever really mattered
has been you.
I long for your embrace.
I love you with every ounce
of my soul, and..."
[gentle music]
"And I can't wait to spend
my last days with you.
I tremble for you.
Love, Oliver."
I know!
Would you march
across infinite leagues
of broken glass for me?
Infinite leagues? Shit.
I don't know.
A couple miles, sure.
Hey, give me the phone.
[Rose] It's only
a few miles from here.
The woman that
this letter is addressed to.
We should deliver it.
You really want to?
It's practically on the way,
it won't take long.
[wind whistling]
That was the first time
I ever saw you freak out.
Back there.
I wasn't freaking out.
You don't have
to keep lying to me.
That shit was fucked up.
It's okay to admit it.
[Bryan] Bryan Benson
back here at KIWA,
wishing you all
a beautiful morning
as we're now under
one hundred hours to go.
We've got a lot
to get to this morning,
including an update on the new,
hastily cobbled together
plan for the government.
But before we
get into all that,
we want to hear how you are
spending your last days alive.
So, if you've got anything
special you'd like to share,
or just plain
need someone to talk to--
Are you gonna answer?
I don't think so.
How come?
I don't know, um,
my dad was pretty tough on me
growing up and...
I don't know.
It doesn't matter,
I don't know.
Oh, no, come on, I wanna hear.
We just never really got along.
And we're pretty different.
This car's the only good thing
he ever did for me, though.
It used to be his.
It's pretty cool.
[Michael] This is it.
[Rose] It feels like
we're completing a quest.
[brakes squeal]
Maybe she's
a badass tough chick,
and she's got a secret bunker,
and she invites us to it
to ride it out.
Or maybe she's crazy
and tries to kill us.
You're no fun.
Let's be quick.
-[door opens]
-[Julia] Hey.
Who are you?
So sorry,
I didn't mean to bother you.
We just, we...
We found this mail truck, and...
There was a letter for you.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I can't believe
that you did that.
It was on our way.
Do you wanna come inside?
I just made some coffee.
We would love to.
He was supposed
to be here yesterday,
and I'm sure he just
got held up with something.
Do you think he's coming?
Yeah, I'm sure he is.
Why hasn't he called?
Well, the phone lines are down.
In a lot of the states,
they're already down,
so that's probably it.
Do you want to come
try these on with me?
Do you mind?
I've been trying them on
by myself all day.
[Julia chuckles]
We haven't known each other
that long, me and Oliver.
Do you think I'm weird?
No, I don't think
that's weird at all.
We haven't been together
very long either.
Which one should we try first?
So, you guys just met?
Oh, no, actually,
we've known each other
since high school,
but we were
just kind of friends and--
well, I guess until recently.
Can you help me with the back?
[zipper zips]
I love it.
Oliver and I
haven't even met yet.
We connected online
when everything happened
and we thought
that it would be romantic
to write each other letters
while we were apart, so.
That is romantic.
He's the first person
I have ever felt seen by.
In my whole life.
There's something
so comforting about him.
I was in
a rough relationship before,
maybe that's why...
Me too.
We're sure we like the red?
What's your name?
That's a cool name.
I'm Michael.
Is it your birthday?
What'd you guys do?
We made cookies with M&Ms.
Wow, that's crazy.
You got any more of them?
Oh, there are more
but I can't have any?
[Apryl laughs]
It's okay, I wouldn't
want to share mine either.
Especially with her.
What's your name?
I'm Rose.
My name is Apryl.
So, where were we
about those cookies?
My mom said we're all gonna die.
She said that?
No, hey, no, that's not true.
Everything's going to be fine.
It's okay.
I wanna show you something.
See this ring?
This is my grandpa's ring.
His grandpa gave it to him.
It's always kind of been
my lucky ring.
I want you to have it.
And when you wear it,
it's gonna protect you,
and nothing bad
is gonna happen
to you or your mom.
I promise.
I hate rings.
Well, okay.
How about this?
This is my lucky coin.
Same thing.
Take it.
Okay, what are we thinking?
[newscaster] Welcome back,
as we are about to mark
exactly four days until impact.
Several violent encounters
between protesters
and national guard...
Apryl, sweetie,
would you go to your room
for a little while
so we could talk?
Thanks, babe.
I haven't been
letting her watch anything.
[Julia sighs]
So, Rose tells me that you guys
were friends in school.
I want to hear
how you got together.
We just...
Well, you know,
with everything going on,
it just kind of happened.
So, what do you guys think?
I've been reading
about this group online
that says it's all fake.
That it's just one big
conspiracy or something.
That nothing's gonna happen.
I mean, I don't know,
I hope they're right.
Well, I don't know
anything about that,
but I do know that
they're working on something.
The scientists and stuff?
The government?
And he told me
that there's actually
a really good chance
that they figure something out.
I wouldn't believe a word
out of those corrupt
motherfuckers' mouths.
No offense.
Sorry, anyway, forget it.
So, where did you guys say
that you're going after this?
To see my grandma.
Oh, that's sweet.
I can't wait.
I was Miss Colorado.
Probably hard to believe, right?
Not at all.
I know that you both
think I'm crazy.
But I want to be pretty.
And I want this moment
to be special,
and it probably
doesn't really matter, does it?
Let's go back, I wanna
show you the other dress.
Your daughter's so cute.
She reminds me
of my little sister.
How's your sister
doing with all this?
I don't know.
I hope Apryl likes Oliver.
Sure she will.
I'm not her mom,
I'm her aunt.
My sister wasn't ready
to have a kid,
so I always just raised Apryl
like she was my own,
since she was a baby.
[Rose] Wow, that is
an amazing thing for you to do.
Oh, she was only 16.
I thought when this...
[somber music]
I thought when this all happened
that maybe
she would wanna come back,
and we can tell her
the truth together.
That she would want
to meet her.
She hasn't come back yet.
I think you're a great mom.
I think this is the dress.
[mellow music]
Oh, come on.
Say cheese.
93 hours and 22 minutes,
that's the latest estimate.
Okay, keep them coming.
We're talking last suppers
here at KIWA.
All right, Mary,
what's on the menu for you?
Oh, well, my two sons,
Jeremy and Daniel,
are coming over.
Wait, slow down.
[spray paint can spraying]
[Rose] Hey, where are
you guys going?
This all night underground show.
It's like a mile from here.
[woman] They say
it's gonna be the best party
of the rest of your life.
[Michelle] You guys should come.
Uh, we can't,
we're going to see my grandma.
Well, that's too bad,
but...kinda wholesome.
[soft music]
I like your work.
Wouldn't want to go out
any other way.
[woman] So, where are
you guys gonna die?
I don't know.
I guess at my grandma's.
That's really cool.
Hopefully I'm gonna be
on so much different shit
I'm not gonna know
what the fuck is going on.
Yeah, but, you know,
they say that
it might not even happen.
They have a plan and everything.
[man 2] Yeah, and I'm gonna
be the president of Heaven.
What does that mean?
There's no plan.
They're just saying that
so people don't go crazy
and start rioting--
Don't listen to him,
he's overcompensating.
[somber music]
[Bryan] You know,
with everything going on,
I've been thinking about my dad.
A lot.
He never got
to hear me do this job.
He never got to hear me
do any show on the radio.
I wish he had.
I like to think that
he would've been proud of me
at a time like this.
let's take a quick break.
You ever do this as a kid?
We could watch it here.
I wonder what my grandma
thinks about all this.
She's probably not afraid.
She's probably gonna
call me a little bitch
for being scared.
How sweet.
She's not, like,
cold or anything.
She's actually really gentle.
She's one of those people
that acts all tough
and hardened on the outside,
but really she's just
a big softie underneath.
I don't think
I'm gonna be scared anymore
when I see her.
Delivery for Rose.
You still think
you could beat me in a race?
["Look at What the Light Did
Now" by Little Wings playing]
Hear it like a pounce
upon a peak, oh
You scared?
Oh yeah, terrified.
Bear it like a bounce
upon a beak
Count to three?
I'll count.
It's your funeral.
-I knew you were gonna cheat!
Look at what
the light did now
Oh, come on!
Are you kidding me?
Look at what
the light did now
Look at what
the light did now
[flies buzzing]
Oh, my God, he's so dead.
We should bury him.
Come on,
let's get him out of there.
I'll get his arms,
you just, like, grab his legs.
Like a dead tree
that's dry and leaving
Look at what
the light did now
Play it on me
On three.
Hey, come on.
I would finally
fall to pieces
I'm sorry, sir.
One, two, three.
We'll meet soon as
nephew's nieces
Look at what
the light did now
Oh, look at what
the light did now
Look at what
the light did now
Look at what the light
did now
[Rose] Do you think it's true,
what that guy said?
About the plan being bullshit?
No, I don't think so.
If that were true,
why would they say
it probably
wasn't going to work?
Wouldn't they say
it was a sure thing
if they were just trying
to keep everybody
from going crazy?
That's true.
What are they saying now?
I haven't seen anything new.
It's a really pretty one.
Yeah, it is.
[cell phone buzzing]
["Northern Lights"
by Jack Van Cleaf playing]
Maybe you should answer.
[cell phone buzzing]
I just want
You know, the last time
we talked he called me a pussy.
And the way that he said it,
it was like...
you could tell he'd been waiting
his whole life to say it.
It's okay.
My parents suck too.
[Rose laughs]
I love this song.
[Rose hums]
And I just want
-Be careful.
-[Rose giggles]
To breathe
your soul with mine
And become
the Northern Lights
[Rose laughs]
And dance across
the Alaskan sky
Are you high?
You need to take some too.
[pill bottle rattles]
Turn it up.
[music volume increases]
[insects chirring]
I just want
More than anything
To be your everything
And for you to be mine
And I just want
More than anything
To feel your body breathe
Along my side
[horse softly chews grass]
My grandma used to say
if she ever caught me
doing drugs
she would kill me.
I'm gonna tell her.
[Rose chuckles]
[horse steps softly]
It's crazy.
They have no idea
what's about to happen.
I'm jealous of them.
You wouldn't wanna know?
I would.
No, not me.
I'd want to have no idea.
Just...poof and you're gone?
[horse sighs, chews]
[grim music]
Do you still think
there's a chance with that plan?
[music softens]
You're so beautiful.
You're so beautiful.
There are 72 hours and change.
[Michael] Can't believe
we're gonna be there
tomorrow morning.
That's crazy.
I know.
I'm hungry.
You mean that dinner
full of strawberries
didn't fill you up?
[Bryan] Widespread blackouts
are now being reported.
Large squads...
[Michael] Looks like there's a
diner a little bit up ahead.
[Bryan] But as long
as the lights are on...
We could maybe get in.
I'm not goin' anywhere.
-I'll be here.
-[button clicks]
You okay?
I guess I'm a little nervous.
How come?
I don't know,
I just hope she's okay.
I don't really know anything
about the place she's staying.
Well, I'm sure she is.
And from what I've heard
about her,
she seems tough enough
to fend for herself.
That's true.
[engine rumbling]
What are they saying now?
Not great.
They're still hopeful.
Come on, it's something.
Let's try to get in.
[door rattles]
[window clatters]
[window sliding]
[door bell jingles]
[door bell jingles]
Table for two, please.
Right this way, sir.
Thank you.
Such good service here.
Go sit down.
I'm gonna try
to make us something.
[burner clicks on]
[flame billowing]
[kitchen items clattering]
This maze
is really freaking hard.
[bell rings]
[mumbles through full mouth]
[kitchen items clattering]
[bell rings]
-[Rose hums]
-[Michael] Order up.
Oh, my God,
did you have the bacon?
It's so good.
Mm. Mm.
Mm. Mm.
[audible swallowing]
[aggressive audible chewing]
Anything else I can get you?
Actually, you,
actually, um,
you got something.
-[straw blows]
-[Rose gasps]
Oh, no, you did not.
I did.
Oh, let's see what you got.
[water sprays]
What the hell?
It's so hot--
[door bell jingles]
I don't mean anybody any harm.
Wouldn't mind talking
with somebody a little.
Hi, I'm Rose.
Hi, Rose and Michael.
What brings you to these parts?
We're going to see my grandma.
You two a couple?
Yeah, we are.
So, what are you doing here?
Uh, well, I grew up
right around the corner
my whole life.
Used to come here all the time
when I was your age.
That place used to kind of be
the hot spot back in the day.
I'm glad you could be here.
I was getting
a little bit lonely.
My wife left me for her dentist
at the start
of this whole thing.
Can you believe it?
Her dentist.
People are insane.
We've seen some crazy shit.
Tell me about it.
Wouldn't believe
some of the stuff I've seen
moving around,
out and about.
Are you ever scared
going around by yourself?
Mm, I would have been,
but, what, I'm gonna die?
Fair point.
He keeps saying he's not afraid.
I'm not.
I used to be really afraid
of dying.
I spent way too much time
thinking about it.
But now that we know,
then, um,
I'm not that afraid anymore.
I guess it was the, um,
fear of the unknown,
But now it's kind of a relief.
I know I'm not gonna die
of cancer
or get in a car wreck
or an earthquake.
And it's happening to everybody,
so I don't have to feel sorry
for myself.
How'd you two meet?
We went to school together.
Oh, high school sweethearts.
We were just friends back then.
He never made a move.
He was very quiet.
[man] Well, then,
how'd you get together?
Um...we kinda,
I don't know, just, um...
I got it...
[soft music]
When all of this started...
I was in
a really rough relationship.
And then, we just
kind of hit the road together.
I'm sorry.
No, no.
Uh, no judgement here.
In fact, I wish
I was more like you guys.
You know, you know what you
want and you take it.
Just a free bird, right?
Wish I had more of that.
We have been all over
the country since then.
We broke into houses,
we camped in, like,
a dozen states.
That's what I mean.
You know, I read this thing
the other day, um,
gentleman's name was, uh,
Othea, um, Loggan, was his name.
The reporter said
that he worked
in the same pancake house
for 54 years.
No raise, no promotion.
He was never a waiter,
or a manager, or even a cook.
When the reporter asked him why,
you know what he said?
"I never asked."
He thought that's all there was.
And that was it.
And he lived
the same life every day,
and went to the same store
and bought
the same lottery ticket
and the same bologna sandwich.
He didn't know
there was anything else.
And that's me in my life.
That's like me, right?
Didn't know how to ask
for something that I wanted,
or just to take it.
Now, with everything
coming to an end,
I wish I could say I lived
a full life, no regrets.
But I'd be lyin'.
Tryin' to make the most of it
now, though.
That's why I'm staying
out and about.
I love it.
So, what's your grandma's name?
It's Ruth.
Ruth and Rose.
That's cute.
I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
She seems great.
She is.
You two remind me
of me and my wife
when we were your age.
I guess it's better you're
never gonna get to be our age.
Now, what about you?
You got any family
you wanna visit?
My dad's still around,
but we don't really get along.
[man] Me and my dad, we didn't
see eye to eye on anything.
He sure did hate my wife
though, yep.
Yeah, but he probably
would have gotten a kick
out of this whole thing.
Never went to his funeral.
Told my friends I didn't care,
but I was lying, of course.
Did go to his grave
months after the fact.
Wasn't all that bad.
Was just a tough
son-of-a-bitch is all.
But do I look like a guy
you should be
taking advice from?
What do I know?
So, you're really just out here
to stay out and about?
And you're really
just not scared?
Are you kidding me, man?
We should probably get going.
Oh yeah? Where are we goin'?
Eh, never mind.
Forget it.
Um, yeah...
Nah, I was just kidding.
Thanks for letting me ramble.
I-I am staring at you guys,
and, um, anyway, for me,
it brings back better times.
You know, and I see you
looking at each other...
and both of you
are just a dash of light.
And the only two things
that I've seen
uncorrupted by this shit.
You're the best.
Will you kill me?
I want you to kill me.
[somber music]
I don't want to just
go out...like that.
I'd rather go
with some control.
For once in my life
I want to be in control.
Have some say.
You're fuckin' crazy, man.
It's okay.
It's what I want.
I'm sorry, I...
It's okay, forget it.
It was really nice
talking with the both of you.
Have a wonderful time
at your grandmother's.
[gun thuds]
-See you on the other side.
-[door bell jingles]
[door bell jingles]
Give me a call at 866--
That was insane.
You seemed to really like him.
He was so honest.
It's kind of amazing
how people get
when they're not inhibited
That's one way of putting it.
But whether or not
this last asteroid-deflection
plan will work out...
I can't believe
you told him all that.
[Bryan] ...about the odds
of people on all sides...
Felt good to get it off
my chest.
...latest update here.
This is a message
from the government.
He deserved it.
...to hear for the first time.
I know.
Well, okay, wow.
I'm truly sorry to be the bearer
of bad news here, folks,
but the mission to deflect
the asteroids was unsuccessful.
Impact will come at 6:15 p.--
[radio shuts off]
You okay?
[Rose sighs]
-[rain pattering]
-[thunder rumbles]
What do you think
you would have done
if all this hadn't happened?
I don't know.
I wanted to go to law school.
[Michael chuckles]
You don't think I could have?
Oh, the opposite.
I think you're great at arguing.
You would have been a natural.
[Rose sighs]
What about you?
I wanted to travel the world.
There's a lot of stuff
I wanted to see.
I always wanted
to just say "fuck it" one day
and just drift.
Go to all the continents,
something like that.
Antarctica and everything.
I never left the country.
[thunder rumbles]
Me neither.
[vehicle approaching]
[engine puttering]
[brakes squeaking]
[keys jingling]
Oh, wait.
I don't know what room
she's in.
[drawer squeaking]
[papers rustling]
[drawer closing, gasping]
What are you doing?
Where is everyone?
Well, damn near everyone
stopped coming in
when they made
the announcement,
but I couldn't leave.
Thank you.
We're looking for my grandma.
She's in Room 9.
[announcer] Welcome back
to Channel 4's final broadcast.
A reminder that National Guard
units have been dispatched.
[television chatter]
[heavy breathing]
[oxygen tank whooshing]
[birds chirping]
I'm sorry to barge in on you
like this,
and I know
that this is crazy, but...
I just had to come see you.
I don't know how much
you've heard or seen,
but something might happen,
and I just wanted you to know
how much I love you
and have always appreciated you
for everything
that you did for me.
And this might be
my--my last chance to tell you.
[oxygen tank whooshing]
This is my boyfriend, Michael.
Come here.
This is Michael.
I have told him all about you.
[soft music]
And he has been so excited
to meet you.
I know that this is a lot,
and I am really sorry
that I've haven't
come seen you recently.
But I knew that
I had to get here.
And I thought that
maybe we could all...
stay together for the...
And look at what I got you.
I remember how much
you always used to love these.
Uh, sorry.
He's so handsome.
Yeah, he is.
I knew you would like him.
I can't believe you're here.
I--I remember when you...
when you used to cut
everybody's grass
in the neighborhood
when I was a little girl.
No, Grandma.
I think you might be thinking
about somebody else.
This is Michael.
This is my boyfriend.
We came to visit you.
[oxygen tank whooshing]
Who are you?
What's your name?
[melancholy music]
I love you.
I knew that she was sick.
I didn't know
it had gotten like that.
I'm really sorry.
You were right,
it was stupid to come here.
At least, you still
got to see her.
-She's here in one piece.
-You stop.
Will you just stop?
Will you stop
spinning everything positive?
-You just keep acting
like everything is fine,
and everything is not fine!
Just stop it! Stop!
Why are you acting like this?
Why aren't you
acting like this?
Why are you acting
like it's just
some regular fucking Wednesday,
and we're gonna
wake up tomorrow
and not have it be
our last day alive?
What do you want from me?
Would it make you feel better
if I just bawled my eyes out
and had a tantrum?
Will you stop, please?
This, this whole act
to prove to me
or to you that...
I don't know!
That you're some big,
tough guy?
That's why you can't even admit
that you're scared
that we're all about to die.
And you.
You want to act
like this tough rebel chick
when it's cool...
but you're really just
a scared little girl.
And you wouldn't have lasted
a day without me.
-I would like to go home.
-We just got here.
She doesn't even know
who I am.
I cannot go see her like that.
We can go find somewhere
to set up, then.
I want to go home.
I want to go see my parents.
After everything
you said about them?
They're still my parents.
You're--you're gonna leave me?
After everything?
[soft music]
I spent my last days alive
driving you here.
Everything that I did,
I did for you.
I didn't do one thing
for myself this whole time.
I dropped everything for you.
I'm sorry, I want to see
my family before I die.
Just because
I'm all that you have
doesn't mean
you're all that I have.
[crickets chirring]
[fire crackling]
[truck creaking]
Couldn't sleep.
Me neither.
I can't believe I left her.
Guess I shouldn't
have been surprised.
Last time I talked to her,
she sounded pretty good.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry...
about what I said.
I guess I just thought
that seeing her...
would make me feel better,
or I don't know, I just...
It wasn't stupid
to see your grandma.
-It wasn't?
Not at all.
I think it was the best thing
I possibly could've
thought to do.
And I bet she'd be really glad
you're going to see
your parents.
I hope so.
I don't know
if I should still go.
Yeah, you should.
You could come be with us
until it happens.
I don't think they'd want
to see me right now.
You were right, you know?
You are all that I have.
The reason I've been okay
is 'cause I've had you.
And I really meant
what I said earlier
about it being easier.
I'm not so bad
when I'm with you.
'Cause when I'm with you,
for the first time in my life,
I really feel truly present...
and just here.
And I'm sorry
for all the bullshit.
I guess I thought
acting all stoic
would make it easier on you
or help, I don't know.
I know.
And it did help.
[soft piano music]
I think you might be
the only person
I've ever really trusted.
[Rose sighs]
Do you ever wish
we did more good
during all this?
What do you mean?
Like, more to help people.
Come on.
I've been thinking.
I think I want
to go see my dad.
It's not that far
out of the way.
We could stop by there
for a bit tomorrow...
if you don't mind.
Of course not.
That would be so great.
I can't believe
it's really gonna happen.
It only started
to sink in today.
[Bryan] Twenty-eight hours,
35 minutes,
and 42 seconds, folks.
I'll have a proper goodbye
prepared tomorrow.
For now, let's have
a great last KIWA day.
How about it?
Are you nervous?
A little.
[birds chirping]
[glove compartment clicking]
-[door opens]
-[glass shatters]
-[door closes]
-[muffled shouting]
[door slams]
What happened?
He wasn't home.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
Wasn't meant to be, I guess.
Close your eyes.
-Just do it.
Close 'em.
No peeking.
-Keep 'em closed.
-They're closed.
Okay, open 'em.
Could probably get in.
Maybe stay the night here.
Still get you
to your parents in time.
Hey, wait up.
[truck door closing]
[clock ticking]
I feel like
I'm on a reality show.
Thank you.
[Michael] I wish we had
this place the whole time.
It wouldn't have been the same.
["Different" by Estef playing]
How could they just leave
all this behind?
Rich people are weird.
Every time we wake up
Or maybe they're dead.
And you see me
with no makeup
And you tell me
I'm beautiful, yeah
Well, I still think
I'm dreaming
But then you go and lean in
And kiss me on the cheek
and it fills my soul
Sorry if I'm anxious
But I've never had this
Had somebody tell me
they love me
-For everything I am
And I know that it's crazy
-Crazy, oh, but, baby
-[Michael laughs]
You could be the one
I've been waiting for
Could you be that man
There's something different
'bout ya
There's something different
'bout ya
I can't explain,
no words to say
Baby boy,
you're my everything
[Rose whistles]
No, there's something
different 'bout ya
There's something different
'bout ya
I'm new to this
But I could get used to this
Even when we argue
I know that I still want you
You always find a way
Always know what to say
[Michael mimicking
camera shutter]
And every time we make up
Well, all it takes
is one touch
And I'm in love
all over again
We can't leave this bed
Boy, you understand me
Know just what
your girl needs
And you love me
for everything that I am
[music fades, ends]
Should we get married?
You want to?
Do you?
["Different" by Estef
playing again]
There's something
different 'bout ya
There's something
different 'bout ya
[music fades, ends]
[pensive music]
How should we, uh...
I'll go first.
You have saved my life
a couple times.
And there's no one else
I would have rather have gone
through all this with.
I really don't know
what I would have done
without you.
-Plus, you're kinda cute.
-[Michael chuckles]
[Michael sighs]
-You got something...
-[Michael clucks]
-Come on.
-[Rose laughs]
I'm sorry.
[Michael sighs]
You're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen
in my entire life.
And there's probably
three and a half billion of them
on this Earth, and...
I don't think
a single one of them
could ever hold a candle
to you.
"Special" truly wouldn't even
begin to describe you.
[Michael sighs]
And I don't care
if it's only one more day.
I feel like the luckiest man
in the history of the world
to get to spend
the rest of my life with you.
That was eloquent.
Yeah, well, I'm no Oliver.
That's for sure.
[both sigh]
[gentle ambient music]
Do you, Michael, take Rose
to be your
lawfully wedded wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish
till death do you part?
I do.
And do you, Rose--
Fuck, yeah.
[man] I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may now kiss the bride.
[Rose giggles]
[bright piano music]
Shouldn't we do, like,
a first dance?
How 'bout a first swim?
[Rose giggles]
[Rose laughs]
[Rose breathes heavily, laughs]
Oh, what--are you thinking
about getting married again?
Come on!
[Rose giggles]
Come here...
Mm, not so afraid
of the water anymore, huh?
There's no alligators
in a pool!
-It's freezing.
-Is it?
[Rose yelps]
I don't want to leave you.
I know.
Do you think we would have
ended up together anyway,
if none of this happened?
Yeah. I really do.
God, I wish this could
last forever.
Yeah. Me too.
Maybe we can go back
in the morning.
Maybe your dad
will be there then?
Can't hurt to try.
[water softly lapping]
He was there.
[mournful music]
He was there, my dad.
Why didn't you go in?
I don't know.
Guess I was afraid.
I'm sorry.
-[Michael sniffles]
-It's okay.
I'm sorry.
[Michael weeps softly]
I'm sorry.
Why would you be sorry?
I don't know, I'm not,
I'm just...
It's okay.
[Michael cries softly]
It's okay.
[soft roar, explosion]
[whistling blasts]
[fireworks popping]
[birds chirping]
[mechanical clunk, gate sliding]
Well, folks,
we're coming up
on five hours to go now,
and I just wanted to say
how much I...
[static, voice breaks up]
[radio shuts off]
You know, I've been thinking
about something.
And maybe it actually
won't be as bad as they say.
I mean, they don't
really know, right?
It's all just models
and stuff.
They don't actually know
what's gonna happen
with the impact or whatever.
Yeah. Maybe you're right.
If we survive,
will you come find me?
Course I will.
[engine whines, knocks]
Shit. Fuck.
[wheels squeak]
[Michael softly exclaims]
[door squeaks]
[door slams]
We should just walk.
[glove box slams shut]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[wind gusting]
[siren wailing]
[solemn music]
[engine rumbling]
[birds chirping]
You gonna be okay?
[solemn music]
[call ringing]
[continued ringing]
[sarcastic chuckle]
[running footsteps]
[church bell tolling]
I'm sorry I left.
It's okay.
-Why did you let me go?
-I don't know.
What about your family?
You are my family.
[Michael sighs]
We still have
a few hours left.
Come on.
Where you goin'?
[Rose sighs]
Trust me.
["Haven" by Joan Shelley
[Rose exhales deeply]
A haven woven
You ate all the M&Ms again.
-You can have all next time.
-[Rose laughs]
[Rose] God,
it's a really beautiful one.
[Michael] You say that
literally every time.
[Rose] I know, but this time,
I really mean it.
-Forms and binds you
-[Rose sighs]
To mold and carry you
What was it like
seeing your parents?
I didn't even go in.
How long until...
I don't wanna check.
[phone buzzes]
I've dealt the cards
I've called my mother
I've held these pieces
for too long
[Rose laughs]
Are we gonna feel it?
[wind gusting]
[enormous blast]
[Rose exclaims]
[wind gusting wildly]
I've been thinking
about that man in the diner.
-Yeah, and he was right,
you know?
We--we did it right.
We lived it up,
we did it right.
We did.
[nearby explosions]
And I'm...
I'm really not sorry
for any of the stuff
that we did.
-I love you!
-I love you so much.
I love you!
Oh! I'm really scared.
Me too.
["Gonna Be Leaving"
by Abigail Lapell playing]
Said it in the evening
Said it in the afternoon
Said I'm gonna be leaving
Gonna be leaving soon
-Gonna be leaving
-Gonna be leaving
[gentle music]
-Gonna be
-I'm gonna be leaving
And the odds are even
-You're gonna be leaving
-Gonna be leaving
You're gonna be leaving
-You're gonna be leaving too
You're the poison
and the ivy
-Rattling the sabre
-Rattling the sabre
Said it wouldn't be,
wouldn't be easy
Said it isn't gonna be fair
-Are you gonna get angry?
-Gonna get angry?
Gonna get even?
-Are you gonna be leaving?
-Gonna be leaving?
Gonna be moving on?
Are you gonna be,
gonna be gone?
Gonna be leaving
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Gonna be leaving
-Gonna be leaving
Yeah, you're gonna be,
gonna be gone
-You're gonna be moving on
-Moving on
And the odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Gonna be leaving
And the odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Gonna be leaving
And the odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-Gonna be leaving
And the odds are even
-Odds are even
-Odds are even
-You're gonna be leaving
-Gonna be leaving
You're gonna be leaving
Gonna be leaving
-Gonna be leaving soon
-Gonna be leaving soon
Said it in the evening
Said it in the afternoon