White Blood (2023) Movie Script

(gentle music)
[Betty Voiceover]
Arteries to capillaries,
to the brain, to the veins,
and back to the heart.
To the arteries, to the
to the lungs, and to the
veins and back to the heart.
To the arteries, to the
to the liver and back to the
Arteries, to capillaries, to the
to the veins
and back to the heart.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(car engine revving)
(birds chirping)
Love sick?
Setting phasers to kill.
T minus three days.
Come on, you're gonna love this
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
Home sweet home.
(gentle music)
Not half bad.
Yeah, spared no expense.
Though they might slog us
with a heck of a cleaning fee.
Hope you brought your togs.
(gentle music)
Did you notice the river out
(gentle music)
But it's winter.
Yeah, you're right.
And togs are for kids.
But I bought new togs.
(Mark laughing)
(birds chirping)
(both speaking indistinctly)
(birds chirping)
(water splashing)
(both laughing)
(gentle music)
(door knocking)
(gentle music)
What's wrong?
I just needed to warm up.
Let me help you with that.
Oh, you are cold.
(gentle music)
I Betty.
Take thee Mark to be my wedded
To have and to hold from this
day forward.
In my sickness and in your
To love and to cherish,
even when you're picking
fights with dry walls.
'Till death do us part.
(gentle music)
I pledge myself to you.
(gentle music)
I am never gonna live that
down, am I?
(both laughing)
I Mark take thee Betty
to be my wedded wife.
To have and to hold from this
day forward.
For better, for worse, for
for candlelit nights when I
miss the electricity bills.
In the sick days and the healthy
To love and to cherish until
According to God's holy
thereto, I pledge myself to you.
[Betty] May I kiss the groom?
One second.
I now pronounce you husband and
You may kiss.
Come here you big geek.
(gentle music)
Come with me.
I need to show you something.
Are you serious?
Just come on.
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
Mark, where are you taking me?
Betty, follow me.
Mark, wait.
(gentle music)
Mark, where, where are we going?
What are they?
What are they?
I'm sorry, Betty.
What do you mean you're sorry?
I can't let go.
Mark, what do you mean?
I can't let go?
I don't like this idea.
Stop Mark, stop.
(dramatic music)
(Mark speaking indistinctly)
I was asleep.
And now you're not.
Can I please get back into bed?
You crazy person.
It's all good.
Oh I know.
I know like.
Ouch, did you just pinch me?
Just double checking.
Double check yourself, you wank.
Okay, we'll both awake now.
(Betty gasping)
It seemed so real.
What was it?
I was drowning.
You were drowning?
And there were these, these
And you were yelling, "Mark,
Did I?
Tell me, how were you drowning?
In the river.
I was drowning you, wasn't I?
You were there.
It doesn't sound like I
was throwing you a rope.
This wasn't my idea, remember?
What are you talking about?
Once we get through
those doors, that's it.
- Mark.
- Your words.
It was a dream.
I'm not pulling you under.
(Betty speaking indistinctly)
I thought you come to terms with
Honestly, Mark.
We're supposed to be a couple
of ghosts.
- Calm down.
- Remember?
Calm down.
(insects chirping)
What the hell are you doing?
Did you just call me boo?
(both laughing)
Just, good 'cause you know my
on calling each other boo.
(both laughing)
Get over here
Taste like fabric softener.
Very sweet fabric softener.
Yeah bit of my active plasm.
I'm sorry.
You will be sorry.
No, I'm sorry for getting
worked up.
It's okay, you were just.
We're in this together.
(insects chirping)
(both laughing)
Now back to sleep.
(both laughing)
Are you okay?
Yeah, no, it's just
that I've seen a ghost.
(both laughing)
Shut up.
(both laughing)
(insects chirping)
(dramatic music)
(film reel spinning)
(birds chirping)
Fuck, Jesus Christ.
(birds chirping)
You startled me.
- What are you doing?
- Lend me
one of those skinny arms of
yours okay.
- Well, you know.
- What's under that?
My fat arms, they can't fit.
So I'm actually gonna need.
Mark, I'm not doing anything
until you tell me what is under
It's a mouse, okay,
it's a mouse.
Do you know, big ears, long
I know what a mouse is,
- What?
- Why are you
freaking out about it?
Because I don't want
it here when you know.
(birds chirping)
I don't want it crawling on me.
(birds chirping)
You know, you're not
gonna be in a state to care.
It's gonna go straight
for my eyes, I know it.
It really doesn't matter, Mark.
Oh, it matters.
Hey, don't, don't, just.
Get off the me.
Betty, I.
(birds chirping)
Look, Betty, I.
Get him?
Get him?
Pretty sure it was a her.
Only a woman can torment me so
So that's a no.
That's a no.
You know what the best
part about all of this is?
What's that?
(birds chirping)
We're gonna have to
live with what we've done.
(birds chirping)
I shouldn't have grabbed you.
I'm sorry, I,
I was in a frenzy and I didn't
sleep well.
I'm sorry.
Ah, it's okay, Mark, I forgive
It is a honeymoon after all.
You really mean it, Betty?
Oh, really, really, no it's kept
you up.
I mean, if you're insisting on
Shall I Irish up your tea?
I think I'll finish it as it is.
All righty.
(birds chirping)
I hope they find the bad part of
Cut it out.
So I can leave it behind.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
We don't need our wounds
When we're kissing,
when we're making love
No we don't need our wounds
No need the woodwork, we
don't need the wealthy curse
And they all marched two by
Oh, into the mm
Blue they march
They march
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm
(both laughing)
Oh, I could have been so many
So many things, now if you think
about it.
A little drunk?
I'm flying.
(both laughing)
It's a bird, it's a plane.
Kind of looks like a moose to
You don't even have your eyes
It's that.
(both laughing)
That's the one.
That confirms it.
Mark's drunk.
(both laughing)
Yes I am.
(birds chirping)
[Mark] Can you feel that?
[Betty] What?
[Mark] It's the world moving
under you.
(Betty laughing)
[Betty] I think I need to cut
you off.
[Mark] It's the grass, the bugs.
It's a world growing beneath us.
[Betty] Mm.
[Mark] I just want to sink
in and let it absorb me.
But you don't want a
mouse nibbling on you.
Well, I don't want to be
chewed up
and shat out on the concrete.
The things only rot.
(Betty laughing)
(gentle music)
Well, what do you think?
[Betty] Mm.
I try not to think about it.
[Mark] Why?
[Betty] It doesn't matter.
But it's everything.
(birds chirping)
No, I guess in my situation,
the more that you think about
the more it just rules your
You just have to accept it.
Becoming nothing.
Becoming nothing?
You become everything.
No mark, it's no longer me.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
Doesn't matter what happens
(gentle music)
At some point, the world
will lose its gravity.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
And we all float up into the
Everyone and everything.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
Swallowed by the sky.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(both speaking indistinctly)
Get it out.
It's sitting right there in your
You'll feel better, come on.
(Mark vomiting)
(Mark coughing)
There we go.
There we go.
Good boy.
That's a good boy.
Just fuck off.
No, hey, hey keep, keep
You're giving me mixed
messages here big guy.
Just, just stop teasing okay.
It is bad enough I ruined our
You haven't ruined anything.
Look, I can, I can usually
handle my piss better.
I beg to differ.
Well, we hardly played
any drinking games.
Mark, they're hardly
any fun with two people.
It's just us.
Well yeah, but you know, we
could play,
we could play Categories or,
or I've Never.
Never have I ever tried
to kill myself with alcohol.
Not myself.
Who did you try to kill?
Never have I ever
tried to murder anyone.
I don't have a drink to, to
Fuck off.
(Betty laughing)
Who did you try to kill, huh?
Don't worry about it.
No, now is the time for
We're in a safe place.
Who did you try to kill?
Come on tell me.
Who, who?
It was you.
(birds chirping)
Mark, what do you mean?
[Mark] Betty, I, I.
(insects chirping)
I'll give you one chance.
Come on, Betts.
I'm already feeling the
Tell me what you did.
I made a mistake, you know,
that's all.
What the fuck did you do to me?
I didn't plan it okay.
I made a decision in the
moment, a stupid decision.
I'm glad you put so
much thought into it.
No, no, no, no, that's
all I've thought about.
You were suffering,
okay, and I couldn't stand it.
I knew you would never ask
it of me, but I could see it.
See what, hmm?
You wanted to, you know.
I can't believe what I'm
And you just planned to
act on your ESP, huh?
I didn't plan it, okay.
When didn't you plan it then?
This last summer.
The Engagement party.
You son of a bitch.
- I didn't.
- You son of a bitch.
I didn't plan it, okay.
Your glass, it was just there.
And you, you have to
understand how horrible I felt.
Would you like me to
describe the feeling
of a liver resection?
Make you understand the
pain, the torture that I,
that I was in for a month.
They thought that I tried to
kill myself.
Have you the slightest idea
what you have put me through.
Do you have any idea what it's
like living
with everyone thinking that
I tried to kill myself.
I understand.
No you don't.
It's enough that I'm sick and
you don't fucking understand,
otherwise you wouldn't have.
I can't believe that you are
capable of doing that to me.
I want you to leave now.
Get out.
You know, I only did
it because I love you.
- Fuck off Mark, honestly.
- No, I need you.
You've gotta understand.
Get the fuck out.
Listen to me please.
You were not the first person I
who'd asked me to end it, okay.
I didn't ask you.
You know what I mean?
(Betty crying)
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
We'll rise and go now,
go to Innisfree,
in a small cabin made of
clay and wattles... (inaudible)
Something about bees.
(gentle music)
For I shall have some peace.
Some peace.
(gentle music)
The peace comes dropping slow.
Midnight's all a glimmer.
Noon a purple glow.
An evening full of the linnet's
I will arise and go now.
For always, night and day,
I hear lake water lapping
with low sound by the shore
while I stand on the roadway
or on the pavement's gray.
I hear it in the deep
heart's core. (gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
So what's on the agenda
for this afternoon?
Ah, well there is a bush walk
close by
that I thought we could
do, if you're up for it.
So you're up for it?
Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
No, no, I mean you would be.
It's just, you know,
last time I kinda had to
carry you back.
I'm in a much better state,
so I'm up for it okay.
Okay good, good.
In that case, I've got a
surprise for you.
Gosh, what?
It's something you love.
Finish your tea.
Come on, finish your tea.
(birds chirping)
Tell me.
Finish your tea, I'll finish
(birds chirping)
Now look in the bottom.
Didn't you learn your lesson
about spiking your girlfriend?
You love acid?
That's not the point, Mark.
What do you mean?
Okay, look, you're gonna have
to relax
if you wanna have a good time.
Are you actually serious right
For the next 10 to 12 hours.
You are absolutely unbelievable.
(cupboard banging)
(Betty gasping)
(birds chirping)
I'm okay.
I didn't say you weren't.
Just, I'm done with
being tired, I'm done.
You're done?
I'm done.
This exactly what I
said was gonna happen.
Now I'm gonna have to carry
you back down the hill,
just like last time.
You know what this
weather reminds me of?
The wife and kids you
left back in Sydney.
"Dante's Inferno?"
No, no, your rational fear of
fire ants.
There's nothing irrational
about fearing fire ants.
No, I'm done talking to you.
Okay, I wanna know, I wanna
No, you're being a sarcastic
I know.
Don't you love me for who I am.
You get enough love from
(birds chirping)
Finally comes out,
the truth of how you really
Well, I beg to differ.
For once we have a
European summer, you know.
It's warm, but not too hard.
Like the forest could just
open up onto the Mediterranean.
Yeah, it beautiful.
Gosh, I'd do anything to go
in that blue, blue water again.
I mean, the temperature's
a bit like it was.
That doesn't exactly look like
we're in Mykonos or Positano,
but I'm pretty happy about that.
I mean, don't take offense,
I'd rather be nowhere else in
the world.
But now is a good a
time as any to tell you,
but I really didn't like that
You're just bitter about the
last week.
I'm bitter I had to
isolate from you, yeah,
but that's not it.
Mark, you're the one that got
Oh, we were both sick.
Look, it's not that, it's
just, I just don't like Europe.
It's a pretty big continent to
Well, it's just so dirty,
all right and crowded.
Oh, do you remember Rome, hmm?
Do you remember the day
you met up with Lily
and I was left to explore alone?
Yeah, the day you got sick.
Yeah, I got heat stroke, okay
'cause the weather was
just like this, but hotter.
And we'd seen all the sites,
and so I was just
walking around this city,
taking in the concrete and the
And then I got lost.
Mark, you were sick
'cause you got blind drunk
the night before.
Well, yes, but that's not the
point okay.
I got lost and I ended
up outside the Rome Zoo,
this bio park or something,
I decided to kill some time to
go on in,
maybe it was to get out of the
I don't know.
That was your mistake.
Yeah, well look, I went in
there and that was just awful.
I mean, you'd think places like
were outlawed 50 years ago.
Okay, the elephant
enclosure, it had no shade.
So all of them were just pressed
against the side of a clay
building, clinging to its shadow.
And they had wolves all right,
fucking timber wolves in that
And they were either all
passed out or sedated.
I mean, and the hippo, my God,
that hippo,
he was in an enclosure
the size of our apartment.
The concrete ground of
the pool at its sense,
that was barely the hippo's
Oh my God that fucking hippo.
So you are basing your whole
judgment of a whole continent
of one trip to a zoo?
Because Europe made me
feel like that hippo.
Are you honestly incapable
of enjoying anything?
(birds chirping)
I think so.
(birds chirping)
I think I'm feeling it.
What's that?
It's hitting me.
The acid,
I almost forgot.
Are you feeling anything?
Yeah, I think a smidge.
How broccoli of the trees
right now?
About a six.
(both laughing)
We're getting there.
Nearly, nearly, nearly.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
That's a lot of green.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
A fucking snake.
(gentle music)
(Mark speaking indistinctly)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(gentle music)
(people speaking indistinctly)
(gentle music)
(Mark laughing)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
Holy shit.
(gentle music)
(Betty laughing)
Oh God.
(gentle music)
Wake up.
Don't joke.
You know what was the best day
of my life.
It's the day you met me.
Unfortunately for your ego,
I was about 12 or 13.
Do you remember those, do
you remember these comments?
The, the, the chain mail or
Look, I remember MySpace.
I don't remember Yala.
So it was one of those, you
I think it was like,
"If you pass this on in 10 days,
"then in a week, you'll have
the best day of your life
"and in two weeks you'll
meet the love of your life."
Or something like that.
Yeah, yeah and if you don't,
you'll die
or the chick from the ring will
get you.
(both laughing)
So I passed on one of those.
Oh, you are what's
wrong with this world.
Shut up, Mark.
I passed on one of those
and the next week I actually
had the best day of my life.
I don't know, nothing happened
or changed
because of the chain mail, but,
I don't know, I just took
everything in.
I'd never been so present.
(birds chirping)
Things I'd done a million times
suddenly became wonderful.
I don't know, it's hard to
It wasn't even sunny.
It was raining, but it was
No, I get it.
Have you had a day like that
I think so.
Nowhere as good, but I have.
I think it happens when
I have a recurrence.
I think I'm feeling it.
(both laughing)
I swear I only feel that way on
Well, some drugs.
Most kinda just push you away
from it,
from the present.
Now that's the problem.
It's not being present.
I was a bit of a depressed kid.
I think I watched too much TV.
I just, I always wanted
to be somewhere else,
somewhere green.
You know, in some
fantasy world full of magic
where I was the chosen
one in a great story.
You know, and I had friends.
God, I was always in my head,
you know,
and I, I never looked around
'cause it just made me sad
'cause it wasn't where I wanted
to be.
Yeah, there's nothing
fantastical about the suburbs.
So I would live in a daydream.
And that way of thinking, you
know, at least for so long,
I think it built pathways in my
I can't be present and it kills
(gentle music)
It's like I'm drifting.
(gentle music)
Holding my breath as the
waves crash above me.
I wanted that feeling
that you're talking about,
so damn much.
And this weekend I'm starting to
feel it.
(gentle music)
It's like what you said,
it happens after a recurrence.
(gentle music)
It's when you've accepted it,
isn't it?
(gentle music)
I've accepted it.
We're free from our future
so we can finally be present.
We're free.
(gentle music)
(Betty crying)
(gentle music)
(Betty crying)
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
Shh, shh, shh.
Shh, shh.
(dramatic music)
Come on, go, go, go.
(dramatic music)
Hey wait.
No, get off me.
Shush, shush, do you
want him to find us?
Don't, don't.
Don't what?
- Stop.
- What?
Don't touch me.
Can you please hide with me?
Where the fuck have you.
Where have you been?
Where have I been?
I don't know, hey.
It's been a long couple of
I think the acid turned on me.
Hey, why'd you run away?
Things Mark, I.
You wanna take a seat and
tell me about these things, hmm?
I'll tell you about my stuff.
(insects chirping)
What the fuck was that guy
I don't know, he sounded like.
Well he sounded like he was
gonna put us in that hole.
No, he sounded like familiar.
[Mark] I need a big stick.
Mark, are we sure that even
Well, it's acid all
right, it's not fucking DMT.
I know that.
(insects chirping)
Has this got to do
with why you ran away?
(insects chirping)
May I?
(insects chirping)
(insects chirping)
Well then,
what do we do now?
I don't think I have
it in me to move, so.
(insects chirping)
Do you think a cheeky
fuck would be too noisy?
Yeah, let's just fuck right
in front of the hooded man.
No, Mark.
It was a joke.
Stop thinking about it.
(both laughing)
(insects chirping)
Do you think as we,
do you think as we get closer to
I don't know, as we ride the
line, we,
we start to see things on the
other side.
I think I'm still a little too
to be talking about ghosts, but.
Not necessarily ghosts, just,
I dunno, it's like getting your
feet wet on a sinking ship.
Look at this staunch atheist
It's less about believing.
It's like a feeling.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
No, I,
I get it.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
You know, when my mom died, I,
I swear I kept seeing her,
you know, her face,
everywhere, I mean.
When I closed my eyes,
in the dark.
You know, I don't know if it
was my brain dealing with death
or it was just a part of
mourning or.
Mark, when you want something
so badly,
your brain can just make it up.
I know but this,
this felt stranger than that.
(gentle music)
I mean, it was so painful.
You know, I started to try and
make myself forget her face.
(gentle music)
My own mother's.
(gentle music)
Just so I wouldn't feel
the dagger in my heart
every time I realized
she wasn't really there.
(gentle music)
Did it work?
I think it goes deeper than
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
Like light from a dead star.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
Just tell him.
This is my fault.
Mark, I came here because I love
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
Mark, we are our own rivers.
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
I am my own vessel.
(gentle music)
I am my own vessel.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
I am my own vessel.
(gentle music)
(Betty crying)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
Ooh, I am my own vessel.
(gentle music)
I am my own vessel.
(gentle music)
I am my own vessel.
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
Why didn't you wake
me for sunset, Betty?
It takes effort to sleep 12
If you wanted to wake
for sunset, you would have.
Well, I wanted to and I didn't.
Nothing I haven't seen before.
Not hungry?
Nothing I haven't tasted before.
I'm sorry for getting antsy, I
just wanted this weekend to be
It's typical, isn't it?
What is?
Life, not going the way you
How did you want this weekend
to go?
I dunno.
I think my expectations were too
Too much pressure maybe.
Maybe we should have just
buttoned the curtains,
stayed in the bedroom the whole
Do you wish that,
do you wish that we had more
We've had more than enough time.
Is there something wrong?
I mean, besides you being
hangry and not eating,
I'm not hangry.
Yeah, I've heard that before.
You don't think I've been going
crazy nervous over all this?
I've been going as crazy
as you have all weekend.
But now it's just time for us to
Savor what we have left.
Right, it might not be perfect
so just make the best of what
we've got.
I don't want to die.
Unfortunately, you
don't have a choice in it.
- I have a choice in time.
- This is your choice in time.
- Yes.
- This weekend
is the only time you'll get a
Yes, and it's my choice.
And you made it.
When you came here, you made it.
The decision was final when
you walked through that door.
It is my decision, Mark.
Do you think those
machines that keep you alive
will give you a second chance to
end it?
What about the doctors, nurses,
I mean, you think they'll
give you a second chance?
Surely when you are rotting
from the inside out,
surely when you're begging to
I mean, you think they'll show
you mercy?
No, they fucking won't.
(Betty crying)
You can't run from this.
No you can't.
(door slamming)
(door banging)
[Mark] Betty,
Betty, what have you done with
Betty, let me in.
Not until you calm down.
[Mark] I don't sound calm.
[Mark] Well, maybe it's because
you're trying to ruin my life.
You are being dramatic.
You talked about choice before.
You're taking away my
choice, my choice, Betty.
Open the door.
Open the door or I'll break it
Please, please I,
I don't wanna live,
not without you, I,
I don't wanna be alone again.
I don't want you to be alone.
(gentle music)
I can't stand it, the thought
of you somewhere else alone.
There's nowhere else.
(gentle music)
I am not gonna be used as your
(gentle music)
My fucking cancer is not your
An excuse?
You know what?
I need an excuse okay,
because I can't live outside our
Every second out there with
those fake fucking drones,
being another fake fucking drone
and listening to myself talk
like a fake fucking drone.
(gentle music)
It's unbearable.
(gentle music)
It's like I'm in a cage and
it's growing smaller and
And if I escaped, I'd tear the
of every snide-face
phony out there, I would.
(gentle music)
I'd tear it all fucking down.
(gentle music)
I couldn't even breathe.
It's toxic.
The exhausts, the perfume,
artificial to the fucking
I despise that world.
I hate it.
(gentle music)
I hate myself.
(gentle music)
And then I look up and the sky
is blue.
I thought the world is getting
It stays so vast.
So vast.
(gentle music)
Give them to me.
I said give them to me.
[inaudible muttering]
I emptied them this morning.
(gentle music)
(insects chirping)
(gentle music)
(Betty exhaling)
(insects chirping)
(Betty moaning)
(Betty crying)
Mark, stop please.
Mark, stop, stop.
Fuck, fuck.
This could have been easier,
This could have been so much
(gentle music)
I won't let you make this
mistake, okay.
I said fucking stop.
What are you gonna do with that?
Listen to me, Mark.
[Mark] Are you gonna kill me?
I shouldn't have indulged in
- It's too late.
- You are sick.
You are sick and I made you
Once we walked through those
it's too late.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I have to do this.
I'm sorry.
(both moaning)
(Betty gasping)
(gentle music)
(Mark moaning)
(gentle music)
(Mark moaning)
(gentle music)
(birds chirping)
[Mark Voiceover] Betty.
(Mark gasping)
(birds chirping)
(Betty gasping)
(birds chirping)
(gentle music)
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
(both crying)
I thought I felt your heart
with my hands.
(both crying)
(both crying)
(waves crashing)
[Mark Voiceover] Should we?
[Betty Voiceover] Jump?
(waves crashing)
[Mark Voiceover] Should we?
[Betty Voiceover] Maybe.
(fire crackling)
(Betty moaning)
Take me home.
(car engine revving)
Nothing can be perfect.
I guess.
(car engine revving)
[Betty Voiceover] No, it can't.
No perfect end to the imperfect
imperfect body, imperfect life.
Makes sense.
The heart to the arteries,
to capillaries to the brain,
to the soul, to veins
and back to the heart.
To arteries, to the
capillaries, to the lungs to.
(dramatic music)
(Mark crying)
(dramatic music)
(Mark crying)
(dramatic music)
Damn it.
(Mark crying)
(dramatic music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(wind gushing)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
(Mark crying)
(gentle music)
I'm not supposed to be here.
I'm not supposed to be here.
(Mark crying)
Live with it.
(gentle music)
(gentle music continues)
I live off love, I feed off
love, I breathe off love
(gentle music)
I think of love, I drink
of love, I sink in love
And in the middle night I need
my love
(gentle music)
I need to grieve, and need
to need and be in love
My love is gonna come to me
(gentle music)
I give my love and all
my love to you, my love
(gentle music)
I feast on love, a beast
for love, release my love
You're scared and unprepared
for love, don't care my love
'Cause you're the only
woman I've been dreaming of
I swear to God, I'm
loving you for life
I swear to God, I'm making you
my wife
And if you ever leave me
(gentle music)
I never will be so
I love you 'til you're lonely

Then I'll love you some more
Just before
Beauty, beauty, beauty
There's nobody near
me, there never was
(gentle music)
Beauty, beauty, beauty
There's nobody near
me, there never was
(gentle music)
Beauty, beauty, beauty
There's nobody near
me, there never was
(gentle music)
Beauty, beauty, beauty
There's nobody near
me, there never was
(gentle music)