Wish You Were Here (2025) Movie Script

(slow orchestral music)
(stone grinding)
(water gurgles)
- [Child VO] Little Fishy .
(water splashes)
(people chanting)
(slow orchestral music)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(seagull cries)
(slow guitar music)
- [Adam] Every
relationship is a story.
Hopefully it goes
something like this.
At the end, you're in Florida,
in a sun-filled home with
slanted ceilings decorated
in pastels and plastic flowers.
There's bland food,
but it's plentiful,
and there are pink
flamingos, bingo nights,
flu shots, and the
occasional evening out,
a candlelit dinner where you
ask for the low-sodium option.
(slow guitar music continues)
At home, you talk
about your children,
about how they're not all
perfect, but you love them.
You reminisce about
many years of marriage.
You imagine yourselves young.
But that's if you're lucky.
(slow guitar music continues)
(upbeat mariachi music)
(bell rings)
- I mean, we can
see the flags go up.
I don't see why there
has to be a bell, too.
(bell rings)
Ugh, that guy asked for
his avocado al dente.
- [Charlotte] What
can that mean?
- Exactly.
(bell continues ringing)
- I got it.
(bell rings)
- Where's the other one,
the other, the other girl?
- We share sections here.
Is there something
I can help you with?
- These eggs are stringy,
and I don't mean to be picky,
but are you trying to kill me?
I mean, I did ask that other
one for the avocado al dente,
and this, look, this
is practically brown.
It's inedible, look.
- I'm sorry, I don't really know
what avocado al dente means.
(bell rings)
Um, but if- if you could
just give me a second,
I will figure it out.
(bell continues ringing)
Are you bored?
- No, not at all, sweetie.
(bell rings)
How good is that, I
mean, this is just-
- [Charlotte] Mom. You're gonna
get me fired
- What? Oh, oh, oh, no, don't
let me keep you
Came to say hi.
- Hi.
- Hey, are you still doing
my hair tonight?
- Yeah.
- Okay, good, but not too
dark, okay, 'cause you,
you know, your father likes
me a little blonde and-
- Gross.
that's not gross
for him to be attracted to me.
That's good, trust me.
- You taking a spa day?
(bell rings)
- I'm taking my 15 minute
mandatory by law break
with my mom.
- Hmm.
- [Charlotte] Helen
is covering my tables.
- You need to run
that by me first.
- Well, I couldn't find you.
Helen said you were in the
bathroom for, like half an hour.
(bell rings)
(bell rings)
- He tipped me 25
cents on a $40 check.
25 cents, he actually
had to make the effort
to take the quarter out
of his greasy wallet
and put it on the goddamn table.
- He's a regular, Helen,
so what about the tip?
- You never have
our backs, JonJon.
- You both are phased.
Get your tables closed out.
- Well, your drink
flags are dumb,
and these uniforms are lame!
(Charlotte sighs)
(Helen laughs)
- "Your drink flags are
dumb and these uniforms are
lame." (laughs)
- Lame. (laughs)
- That's priceless,
(laughs) who are you
and what have you
done with my roommate?
- That felt so good.
It was like I could feel my
heart racing as I was saying it.
(Helen burps)
(both laughing)
- I think I got roofied.
- That's 'cause you never eat.
- Hey, what you got there?
(slow guitar music)
- Oh, this?
Uh, are you guys hungry?
- You can't eat some
random guy's takeout.
(Helen cries out)
- [Helen] Oh my God .
- [Adam] Let me help you.
- It's okay, I got, I got this.
- No. (laughs)
- I'm Adam.
- Hi, I'm Trixie
and this is Dottie,
and I- I got it from here.
- My name is Helen.
- Hi, Helen.
- What? He's hot.
- Do you live around here, Adam?
- Yeah, I live on
Fifth and Third.
- So why are you going the
opposite direction, then?
- Must have got turned around.
- You want to come
eat at our place?
- That's okay.
- We live right here.
- Helen.
- Okay.
Oh, I almost forgot.
- Oh, no, thank you.
- Aw!
- Bye, Adam.
- Goodbye?
- Charlotte.
(slow guitar music continues)
- Let me into my
home, please. (laughs)
He could have impregnated
you with that look.
You should have asked him out.
I would have been
all over that guy
if he looked at me that way.
- I cannot believe that
you're eating that.
- It's good.
(Charlotte laughs)
Hi, hey.
- What?
- [Helen] There he is.
What is he doing?
- He looks lost.
- Should we help him?
Go down and talk to him.
- This is too weird.
(slow guitar music)
Are you okay?
- [Adam] Yeah, yeah, I
just forgot my phone.
- Oh.
- Okay.
Mr. Margarita Town.
- You live near
Mr. Margarita Town?
- Wanna go get a drink?
(Charlotte laughs)
- I work there.
I think.
- Ooh, no, the drink
flags are dumb.
I know a better place.
- Right now?
- No, next November.
Yes, right now.
- Go with him!
Live a little.
- [Adam] Life's short.
- Text me every five minutes,
and you will be in public,
so don't get any ideas,
takeout food guy.
(slow music)
Have fun!
(slow music continues)
- So you created an
app and then you quit?
How do you afford
your fancy takeout?
- I'm taking a break from work.
- You don't seem
like a tech guy.
- What, like douche-y?
- I mean, (laughs) you,
you're out roaming the streets
in the middle of the night,
offering your takeout
food to strangers.
- I guess you could say
I was an entrepreneur,
which still sounds douche-y, so.
- Mm-hmm.
- Do you have a
nickname, Charlotte?
(Charlotte laughs)
- My dad calls me Paper Doll.
- What does that mean?
- It means that he
thinks that I'm fickle.
Like, I'll float away
in a gust of wind.
My dad says I have
no follow through.
- Boyfriend?
- No, you?
- I- I'm straight.
(both laughing)
You're very
beautiful, Charlotte.
And you're gonna
chew your mouth off.
- I do that a lot.
- It's cute.
- It's kind of gross.
- You want to come over?
- What, to your house?
- Yeah, like, have a sleepover.
- Honestly, that kind
of freaks me out.
- Okay, we'll just
have our drinks then.
So, to answer your
question from earlier,
if I'm roaming the streets
carrying fancy takeout
and holding your hand, I win.
And there's nothing more
entrepreneurial than winning.
(Charlotte laughs)
(glasses clinking)
- You're lucky you're so cute.
- You think I'm cute?
- Yeah, I do.
- Do you want to help
me paint something?
- What? (laughs)
- But we have to be quick.
(slow piano music)
(Charlotte laughs)
It's over here.
- [Charlotte] Holy shit.
(slow rock music)
(spray paint can rattles)
- [Charlotte] What
am I supposed to do?
- Don't breathe.
I'm all right today
- I'm kidding,
don't think so hard.
You gonna find a way to
cross and you gonna get there
And I'm on fire today
Ain't no water here to
calm or even put me out
I'll find a better way
Am I crazy or the wind
is gonna blow me down
- [Adam] Yeah, okay, thanks.
I'm gonna leave it
all out there to dry
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
I'm gonna leave it all
out there to dry up
(Charlotte laughs)
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
(slow rock music continues)
- Let's take it over there.
You seem tired today
Were you up all night afraid
Of what the
future might bring
- [Adam] All right, that's good.
- [Charlotte] Okay.
I feel fine today
I had dreams of you in
places I've not seen before
You get so carried away
Like lovers new to bodies
first to touch you here
(Charlotte laughs)
This ain't a getaway
You build walls around your
heart to try to lock it in
I'm gonna leave it
all out there to dry
(car horn honks)
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
I'm gonna leave it all
out there to dry up
- All clear.
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
- Do you bring all
your girlfriends here?
- No.
And I don't think I'd be
a very good boyfriend.
All right.
Turn around, no peeking.
Over the cities
and the plains
You got time, you're
on the mend, babe
(spray paint can rattles)
And everybody wants the same
Everybody wants
the same thing
I'm gonna leave it
all out there to dry
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
- This all will
make sense someday.
All out there to dry
- I just got really sad.
- What, why?
- Thinking this night will
eventually have to end.
(Charlotte sighs)
- Well.
Why don't we make it
last as long as we can?
- Do you want to come back to
my place and have a sleepover?
- You asked me that already.
- What was your answer again?
- Yes.
Absolutely, without a doubt.
(slow rock music)
You worry me, you worry me
You worry me,
you worry me
(Charlotte laughs)
You worry me,
you worry me
- What did you
mean when you said,
"This will all make
sense someday"?
- There you are.
- [Adam] Oh, shit.
- You left the front
door unlocked again.
I think your bike's gone.
- Oops.
- I wrote you a little reminder.
- I know it's late,
sorry, thanks, Stacy.
(door rattles)
(keys clinking)
- So.
What's the plan?
- We're just hanging out,
getting to know each other.
What else would you
be doing right now?
- Uh, sleeping.
- I'll sleep when I'm dead.
(bag rustles)
- Aren't you gonna pay these?
- I only have so
many shits to give,
and parking tickets
is not one of them.
(Charlotte laughs)
Are you hungry? I'm starving,
plus we've got to finish this.
It's the best Chinese food ever.
Oh, shit, I gave your friend
the dumplings, oh, well.
- You never answered
my question.
Do you have a girlfriend?
- No, that's my friends.
I'm working on portraits, too.
Does that bother you?
If you don't want to
be here, I understand.
I can walk you home.
(Charlotte laughs)
- I'll stay for a little while.
- Okay.
Let's eat.
(microwave door slams)
(microwave beeps)
(both laughing)
- You shouldn't stand
near the microwave.
It'll cook your brains.
- You don't actually
believe that, do you?
- Yeah, I do.
- Wait, music.
(microwave beeps)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(Charlotte laughs)
One more fight
Before the night ends
- Very nice.
(slow music continues)
For this glory ahead
- This feels very familiar,
for two people who
don't know each other.
- [Adam] It's been
years, hasn't it?
I told you I'd make
a terrible boyfriend.
I'm obviously forgetful.
- Five, it's been five years.
- Mm.
(Charlotte laughs)
I like that.
Tell me about us,
how did we meet?
- I can't believe
you don't remember.
- I do, I just,
(Charlotte laughs)
I want to hear
you tell it again.
One more fight
Before the night ends
- We met at a museum.
- Right, what were
you wearing again?
(Charlotte sighs)
- I was wearing a red dress.
My hair was up,
Audrey Hepburn style.
- That's right.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
- You were staring at that
painting for a long time.
I wanted to kiss the
back of your neck.
- You didn't, though.
You just
said something
absentminded, like,
"It's not as starry
as the other one."
(both laugh)
- [Adam] Sounds like
something I would say.
- I agreed with you.
Then you asked me on a date.
I politely declined. (laughs)
- Oh, of course you did.
- But then you followed me
around the whole museum all day,
making stupid jokes.
And we played I Spy in
the romanticism section.
We laughed so hard, we
almost got kicked out.
Then you asked me out again,
and I said yes.
(slow music continues)
Give us the good fight
The dawn is waking,
no mistaking the ligh t
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
This is all borrowed time
So keep dancing
Never know when
we're gonna die
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Let the dawn have its way
This is our glory day
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(slow music continues)
This is our glory day
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
- We should get some sleep.
I'll make us breakfast
in the morning.
- It is morning. (laughs)
- Have I asked you
to marry me yet?
- Every day.
- Well?
- I always say, "Not yet."
- Why?
- Because I never want
you to stop asking.
(slow music continues)
(slow music continues)
(Charlotte sighs)
(linens rustling)
(Adam sighs)
(phone dings)
(phone key clicking)
(phone chirps)
(phone chirps)
(phone clicks)
(phone rings)
(Charlotte sighs)
- [Mom] Church, please.
Tell Helen to come up with
something better than that.
- I went to get Chinese
food, yes, for breakfast.
Did you need anything?
- [Mom] Oh, nice manners.
I just called to say
hi, am I allowed?
- Of course, I'm
fine, Mom, really.
- [Mom] Are you still coming to
dinner tonight?
You forgot about my hair.
- Um.
(silverware clatters)
(Adam groans)
- [Mom] Do I hear a man's voice?
- No, (laughs) uh, yeah, I'll
come to dinner, what time?
- [Mom] Around six.
- That works.
I gotta- I gotta go, I love you.
(Adam groans)
Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah, just too
much alcohol last night,
not enough sleep.
- Well, we didn't
drink that much.
- You're not really
my girlfriend.
You know that, right?
(slow music)
- Trust me, I wasn't
confused about last night.
(slow music continues)
Oh, what is happening right now?
(Charlotte inhales)
(clothing rustles)
- Tell me something.
- What?
- Why did you lie?
- What do you mean?
- That story of
us being together.
- Because.
You lied, too.
Because you wanted me to.
(slow rock music)
Long time lover,
have you gone
I left you walking
through the parking lot
Of a Motel 6 as I
turned our van back east
- I think you should just
go over there and be like,
"I'm a grownup and I know
what a one night stand is,"
and tell him that he
doesn't have to be a dick.
Charlie, you're letting
all the cold air out.
- Will you come to dinner
at my parents' tonight?
- Chuck E. Cheez-It's
gonna be there?
- Please, I can't do
this was by myself.
- I just hate how
Mom dotes on him
and how he treats
Pops like shit.
- You're not my actual sister.
You know that, right?
(Charlotte's dad singing
in foreign language)
- He is a good cook.
- You want to know
what the secret is?
You make a couple of
pieces of burnt toast,
some runny eggs, and you
never have to do it again.
- Do what?
(Charlotte's dad singing
in foreign language)
- Same goes for
laundry, just one pair
of tighty whiteys turned
pink, and that's it.
Pizza dough, pizza dough,
pizza dough, pizza dough
(group laughs)
(glasses clinking)
- I hope you girls aren't
eating the food at that place,
if you can even call it that.
- Honey.
- I'm serious, if you're
gonna be a waitress
your whole life, the least
you can do is get a job
at a real restaurant
so I can eat there.
- I like the Caesar
and the flags.
- I'm just saying,
you're gonna have
to figure this thing
out pretty soon, kiddo,
'cause your college
fund is almost gone,
and I can't keep
bailing you out.
- I have a career path, Dad.
- You do?
- You do?
- I know you don't want
to talk about it anymore,
but I signed you up for that
computer dating thingy, and-
- Bumble, Raya, Grindr, Swiper?
- That one.
- Oh my God.
- [Dad] Helen, get out of there.
(Helen laughs)
- Oh, no, I need to see it.
- This is the best
day of my life.
Your mommy made you
a Swiper profile.
- [Mom] Actually,
your brother made it for you .
- Mom, you used my prom photo.
Wait, what is wrong with him?
I still had braces.
- I understand, sweetie.
It's not the photo
I would have picked.
- Well, I blame you and
his extended breastfeeding.
- "Hi, my name is Charlotte.
My breasts are small,
my butt is big,
and I have a moderately
hairy upper lip"-
- Stop it.
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
(Charlotte growls)
Okay, okay, what do you
think the password is?
- Fat butt.
- Wow, really?
- Capital F, capital B.
- Okay, it's loading.
(Charlotte sighs)
- When in doubt,
blame the mother.
- [Dad] Girls, want to come
back, please?
We're not finished eating.
- Okay, that worked, wow.
Uh, okay, you go sit down
and I'll fix your
profile, fat butt.
(Charlotte sighs)
You already have messages from
men that want to date you.
(computer chirps)
- Read them to me.
- "This is Ben, I've got a
sick loft in Hell's Kitchen.
Hit me up, yo."
- Next.
- Next.
- Okay.
"This is Charles, some
fools call me Chucky."
Ugh, it's from your brother.
It says, "Hey, fat butt, guess
who figured out the password?
Please don't trick any
poor saps into dating you
by lying about your
disgusting habits
and your sick-ass
halitosis, love Chucky."
Okay, I have this photo
of you from my phone.
You look vulnerable and
your body looks hot.
- Excuse me.
- Perfect.
- How's this, "Charlotte,
29, mildly allergic to bees,
but I do love being
outside, going to the beach,
live music, and
American football."
- What?
-Guys love girls who
are willing to watch sports
with them.
"I love life and adventure,
especially when I have
someone to share it with."
- That's you, that's beautiful.
(Charlotte sighs)
- Fine, okay.
You know I'm probably gonna
delete it tomorrow anyway.
I love you all and
I appreciate it,
and now that we've
had a good laugh,
can we please just stop?
I am taking a break from dating
for, I don't know, six months.
I'm sorry, but finding some dude
on a dating app isn't gonna
give me direction in my life.
(door slams)
- Honey?
- I found the best shampoo
to get that bacon grease
smell out of my hair.
It's like $20, though, so
I can't really justify it.
Maybe I'll just quit, then my
hair won't smell like bacon.
(slow music)
- He added to it.
- What?
- He probably added to
it with some other idiot.
- What are you
talking about, this?
Oh, God, are you still thinking
about that artist dude?
- It's me, I'm the paper doll.
I told him Dad
calls me Paper Doll,
and he said that he
didn't think that I was,
what was the word that he used?
It doesn't matter, he said he
didn't think that I was that.
- Let's go home.
- This doesn't make
any sense, like,
is he trying to
send me a message,
or is he rubbing the
whole night in my face?
- It may have nothing
to do with you, sweetie.
- Helen, of all the images
he could have picked.
It was part of our conversation.
I think he's trying
to reach out to me.
- Charlie, he knows
where you live.
If he wanted to find you, he.
I'm sorry, baby.
You want to get high?
Yeah, no, bad idea, we
have to do brunch tomorrow,
and you know how JonJon gets.
- I only have so
many shits to give,
and JonJon is not one of them.
- You want to know the best
way to get over someone?
Get under someone.
I know you're gonna
hate me for this,
but it's for your own good.
I went through your profile
and I scrolled
through the messages.
- You went through my phone?
- Think of me as,
like, a filter.
You know, I'm doing the dirty
work so you don't have to.
Babe, there's this
one guy, Seth,
who seems really nice-
- Ugh.
- And he's really hot,
and I'm just gonna
read you his message.
You don't even have to speak.
Just give me a thumb's
up or a thumb's down.
(Charlotte groans)
"Charlotte, my
name is Seth Taylor
and I also have
annoying family members
who think they're hilarious.
I caught on pretty quick to
your original profile details.
I'm not great at
emailing or texting,
so if you want to talk,
here's my number."
Babe, he's clever.
You know, you really should
change your passcode.
One, two, three, four, five,
six is, like, very hackable.
(phone rings)
- [Seth] Hello?
- Hi, Seth.
This is Charlotte, the girl
you matched with on Swiper.
- No!
- [Seth] Hi.
- You cannot hang up now,
that is too cruel, talk.
- [Seth] I'm Seth, well,
you know that. (laughs)
You called me .
- Hi, Seth.
- Talk.
- Is now a good
time for talking?
- [Seth] Yeah.
- This isn't a booty
call, by the way,
so don't get the wrong idea.
- [Seth] I would never .
- Um, I don't even know
what he looks like.
You know, I just realized
that I never looked
at your profile, I
just saw your message.
- [Seth] I'll read it
to you if you want.
- Okay, this is so absurd.
- [Seth] I'm Seth Taylor,
you already know that.
I'm better looking
than most people .
I enjoy hunting large
endangered animals
and finding ways to get out
of paying my taxes . (laughs)
This is awkward, are you
doing anything tomorrow ?
- Um, uh, what did
you have in mind?
- [Seth] Well, you said
you liked football.
Want to come to a
practice tomorrow ?
I'm actually in training.
- Uh-
- [Seth] Unless
you just said that
because you think that's
what guys want to hear .
- Sure, it sounds great.
- Yes!
- [Charlotte] Uh, I look forward
to meeting you in person .
- [Seth] Likewise .
- Okay, bye.
You're coming with me.
- Yeah, no shit.
(upbeat music)
(group chattering)
(group laughing)
Couldn't wait around
just to share a smoke
Burned it down to the filter
'til it burned my throa t
Made me start to think
of what I ought to know
- This is weird.
Isn't this supposed to be,
like, a Big 10
school or something?
I googled it.
- Don't panic, we can go.
- I'll give him 15 minutes.
Or we can stay for a little
while and enjoy the show.
- You mean the game?
- Yeah, the game.
Everybody get ready !
(upbeat dance music)
Party, party, party
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Party, p- p- p- party, party
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Party, p- p- p- party, party
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Party, p- p- p- party, party
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Here we go, hey
Here we go, hey, here we go
- What?
- What?
- Did you wave, stupid?
- Uh, (stammers) hi.
- You made it.
Yeah, I- I know what
you're thinking.
I- I can explain.
- Hey, man, (laughs) you
were killing me out there.
That's too funny, dude.
- What's up?
Hey, don't forget to
stretch, it's cold out here.
- See you in 10?
- You know it.
- What's in 10, where?
- Oh, that looks good on you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You should come by
the restaurant sometime.
I can make you some
avocado al dente.
- That's exactly how I
like my avocados. (laughs)
- And yes, I am a grown man
in a costume.
(Charlotte laughs)
But before you judge,
you should know
that I do take this
very seriously, okay?
Now, before you say mascot,
we call it crowd enhancement,
and it requires just as
much athletic ability,
if not more, than,
let me rephrase that, it, it-
(Charlotte laughs)
It requires just as much, um,
dedication to the sport as,
well, (stammers) how much
do you care about football,
on a scale of one to 10?
- Zero.
- I knew it, I knew it.
Thank you for finally
being honest with me.
- Let me ask you a question.
If you knew that my
profile was fake,
or whatever, it was made
by my idiot brother,
why did you swipe right on me?
- 'Cause you're pretty, but
I'm not allowed to say that.
Then I thought, I'd
like to get to know her.
Maybe she'll surprise
me, or maybe you won't.
(Charlotte laughs)
But won't know
unless we try, right?
(Helen laughs)
- I could race you.
You said that
mascot-ing requires
as much if not more
athletic ability,
so let's see about it.
- Okay, on deck,
circle and back.
- What?
- Ready, set.
- Hey, what, hey!
(slow guitar music)
(Charlotte laughs)
- Hey, hey!
(Charlotte laughs)
- I hate ladder
drills, it's not fair.
- Sorry. (laughs)
(both laughing)
You were a shameless child
Bandied by stiff
cross currents
(Helen laughs)
Anything but mild
- It's true, you
don't have to go.
- Aw, man.
Oh, yes, oh, no
- Your routine was pretty sick.
- [Helen] Call me .
Then one day you'd had it
Exiled your close advisors
- [Helen] Call me .
(slow music continues)
Here we go mistaking clouds
for mountains, autonomy
- You look pretty.
Aren't you cold?
- Hmm.
- Oh, um, what the hell?
- Morning.
- Morning, when did?
- Hi.
- [Charlotte] I'm so confused .
- Well, we were on the
phone late last night,
and I was like, "What
the heck, come over."
- Do you live near here?
- About an hour away,
depending on traffic.
- You drove an hour in
the middle of the night?
- It's totally
worth it. (laughs)
- I don't understand
anything anymore.
- He asked me to
move in with him.
- What kind of guy asks a girl
to move in after 24 hours?
- I said yes.
- Are you out of your mind?
You just met him!
- I know, but I really like him,
and why not just,
like, go for it?
And if it doesn't work
out, then I'll move again.
(Charlotte laughs)
- You don't even like sports.
(toilet flushes)
No, thank you.
- I'm just really happy.
- Just know that if you
do hurt my best friend,
I will make it very hard for
you to catch a ball ever again.
(slow music)
- She's serious.
(slow music continues)
(dishes clinking)
Some say love is
a burning thing
That it makes a fiery ring
Oh, but I know love
(slow music continues)
(van door slams)
- Hey, fat butt.
- How did you get in?
- You left it unlocked, dipshit.
- What are you doing here?
- Oh.
I thought you were
working a double.
- What is happening?
- I found you a new roommate.
- Well, Mom did.
- You called my mom?
- Our mom.
- Wait, you're moving out?
What, now?
- Charlie, it was
gonna happen someday,
if not today, then, like, soon.
I told you that.
- Listen, Charlotte,
Mom is driving me crazy.
I gotta get out of that house,
and this could
be, like, perfect.
And you know how reliable I am.
I can pay half the
rent and the utilities.
Charlotte, you won't have
to pay for utilities.
- I know Mom still cuts the
crusts off your sandwiches,
so don't expect that
kind of shit around here.
- Whatever, I don't even
expect it, I don't want it.
I don't want you touching
my crusty sandwiches.
I don't even like that, I
told her to stop doing it.
- Can I have a hug?
- JonJon said you quit.
So, what, you're just gonna be
some random live-in girlfriend?
- Seriously, you
can't be happy for me?
- [Chucky] You know
what, I'm just,
I'm just gonna
kind of, uh, leave.
- Roddy's waiting.
- Helen, I'm
standing right here.
- Charlotte, please don't, okay?
One of us had to
make the first move.
Hey, you're still
my best friend.
(slow orchestral music)
You see the moon is bright
In that treetop night
I see the shadows that we
cast in the cold, clean light
Now my feet are gold
And my heart is white
(slow orchestral
music continues)
- I ordered pizza,
don't judge me.
- Why would I judge you?
- Well, it's vegan anyway,
if that's even possible.
I just figured your
brother's out on a date,
and we, we should make
it like a girl's night,
treat ourselves, you know, so
you don't feel like a FOMO.
(intercom rings)
- A what?
- Charlotte, I know
what a FOMO is.
I learned about it on Reddit.
- I'll be right down.
- Hello, I'm looking
for Charlotte.
- Sure, hang on a second.
- Is it a boy?
- Yes.
- For you?
- Yes.
- Why didn't you tell me?
I'll hide in Chucky's room,
and when the pizza comes,
can you please just
slide it under the door?
- No, Mom, I need to
rinse your hair out!
- I can do it, you think
I don't know how to
wash my own hair?
- No, Mom, that's
not how it works.
- It'll be fine, just
pretend I'm not here.
- Mom.
(door slams)
- Oh, also, I like hot sauce.
(door creaks)
- Roddy wants his hat back.
- What?
- I'm kidding, (laughs)
I'm totally kidding.
I bought, uh, dinner, Thai.
Uh, I guess I
should have called.
I just was thinking
spontaneity would be fun?
Roddy told me you were kind of
bummed when Helen moved out,
so I just thought
I'd cheer you up?
- But you don't even know me.
I'm sorry.
- Well, I am trying
to get to know you,
you know, if you'll let me.
- Give me a second, okay?
- Okay.
- I'll be back.
- All right.
- What the F is wrong with you?
He is a very
attractive young man.
- Oh my God, Mom, you
don't even know him.
- I'm not deaf, Charlie, I mean,
I could hear what he
sounds like, he sounds hot.
- Mom!
- Are you hung up on
some narcissist poet dude
who ghosted you,
is that the thing?
I'm quoting Helen.
Okay, Charlotte, I
need you to sit down.
- Um, no.
- Okay, okay, don't sit down,
but what I'm going to
tell you right now,
I want you to remember
and take it with you.
Are you listening?
Once Chucky asked me
if I regretted getting
married so young, and I said,
"I have memories, shared
memories with your father,
and those go a long
way when you're trying
to ignore your own
gray flabbiness."
- Rinse your hair in 20
minutes, seriously, set a timer.
- I love you!
(keys jingling)
- There's this hidden
speakeasy place nearby
that has, like, a secret
passcode, or a secret knock.
- Let's just go for a walk.
- [Charlotte] Okay.
- Been working on
my back handspring.
It's kind of tough going
upside down, though.
I think I might
have torn a muscle.
- Shit. (laughs)
- You find a roommate?
- Does Roddy do that, normally?
Move in with a girl he just met?
- No, never.
- Well, it's either gonna
be beautiful and amazing,
or it'll go down in
a heap of flames.
(slow rock music)
- I think it'll be
beautiful and amazing.
Can I show you something?
(slow rock music continues)
I'm sorry, I- I thought-
I thought it was cool.
I mean, I thought
you might like it.
- Yeah.
- Do you want to
keep walking, or?
- No.
- Can I walk you back?
- Yes, thank you.
(slow rock music continues)
I'd invite you upstairs,
but my mom is upstairs.
It's not like I live with
my mom, it's a long story.
- I'm not trying to come
home with you tonight.
Are you okay?
(Charlotte nodding)
Well, thank you for
taking a walk with me.
(Charlotte nodding)
Do you even want me
to call you anymore?
- Yeah.
I do.
(traffic rumbles)
- Goodnight.
(keys jingling)
(Seth hums)
(bell rings)
We got a birthday!
(group singing in
foreign language)
(Charlotte cheers)
(group singing in
foreign language)
(Charlotte cheers)
(group singing in
foreign language)
(Charlotte cheers)
(group claps)
- I need you to work a double
tomorrow, now that Helen quit.
(Charlotte sighs)
(door jingles)
Sorry, we're closed.
(door clicks)
- I'm glad I caught you.
Adam said that you worked here,
but I wasn't sure
if I'd find you,
or if that was even right.
- Yeah, right.
- I'm sorry if this is weird.
- Are you, like, his
girlfriend or something?
- No, (laughs) no.
He wanted me to give you this.
- Well, he knows
where I live, so.
- You don't know, do you?
I haven't read it,
but I can stay here
while you read it
and maybe answer any
of your questions.
I think he wrote it
after that night.
(paper rustles)
- Dear Charlotte, I
remembered your name just
after you left, so
I wrote it down.
I wish I wouldn't have
let you go just now .
I hope you come back,
but if you don't,
I hope this letter finds you.
Last night was by far and away
the best night of my life.
I've never felt so
connected to anyone before.
It was the first time I've
ever really been afraid to die.
When you made up that story,
at first I believed it
and I was confused
because it seemed so real ,
like a memory .
And then I realized
it wasn't true.
I wasn't mad at you, I was sad,
sad that I hadn't
met you sooner.
I was sad that it wasn't real
and that I didn't
have enough time
on this earth to love you well.
I would have stayed in this
loft with you until the very
end if you would have agreed .
I wish I would have asked you.
My days are numbered,
lady, I wasn't joking.
(slow music)
- Hi.
- Come here.
(slow music continues)
- Why didn't you just tell me?
- I guess I was
scared you'd run,
or worse, stay with
me out of pity.
But here you are.
They operated and got
most of the tumor out,
so my brain works better now,
but I drool a lot now, too,
so making out is
gonna be slobbery.
Charlotte, I'm kidding.
- It's okay.
(Charlotte cries)
Where's your family?
Why isn't anyone here with you?
- My dad can't be pulled
away from his job, you know?
It's all too hard on my mom.
Relax, please, you're
making me nervous.
(Charlotte sighs)
(slow music continues)
My beautiful,
beautiful Charlotte.
I'm a ticking fucking
time bomb, okay?
I could be enjoying noodles
one day, and then, boom.
(slow music continues)
Please don't run away
before we've had a
chance to say goodbye.
(Charlotte sighs)
- You know, I was
gonna tell you off.
- Yeah, well, you'd
better hurry up.
- Yeah, I was gonna say, (sighs)
(Charlotte laughs)
I was gonna say
that I'm a grownup
and I know what a
one night stand is.
- Uh-huh, go on.
- And that it's
really just cowardly
to ghost someone like that.
You should grow a
pair and just tell me
that you weren't interested.
But that just seems
so stupid now.
- So you want to fight?
(Charlotte laughs)
(Adam groans)
(machinery beeps)
- Adam?
- [Nurse] I'm gonna
need you to move!
(curtains whooshing)
- Charlotte?
- I'm here.
- I can't paint anymore.
(slow guitar music)
(slow guitar music continues)
(door clicks)
(blanket rustles)
- I'm a mess.
- Chucky told me you were here.
He said you quit your job?
- So did you.
You have a visitor.
- Hi.
- Yeah, you.
You were wasted.
- You remember?
- It's foggy.
- You should rest.
I'm gonna walk her
to the elevator
and I'll be back
in a minute, okay?
(door clicks)
- Careful, Charlie.
- What do you mean?
- I mean it's nice of you
to take pity on him, but-
- It's not pity, I'm here
because I want to be with him.
Oh my God, wait,
what is happening?
Oh my God, Helen.
- I know.
I know, I know, I
know, it's crazy.
This just didn't feel like the
right place to bring it up.
- I'm so happy for you.
- Thanks, Charlie.
Are you falling for him?
You have your whole
life ahead of you.
- If everyone would
just stop saying that.
(elevator dings)
I think you should go.
(water pouring into cup)
Can he go outside?
- Mm-hmm, there's a little
track and a garden on four.
- No.
Outside outside?
- That would be
against the agreement
we made with his family.
You'd have to ask his doctor,
and I'm sure she'll say no,
I mean, it's a liability.
- But he's not otherwise
being monitored.
- He is.
But, you know, I'm monitoring
him from my station,
as long as he's back for
meals and medication,
I check in on him every two
hours to take his vitals.
(footsteps pattering)
And don't tell me
what you're doing,
or you make it my liability.
- Understood.
(elevator dings)
(slow rock music)
(slow rock music continues)
I'm all right today
You gonna find a way to
cross and you gonna get there
And I'm on fire today
Ain't no water here to
calm or even put me out
I'll find a better way
Am I crazy or the wind
is gonna blow me down
I'm gonna leave it
all out there to dry
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
I'm gonna leave it all
out there to dry up
I'm gonna leave
it all out there
(slow rock music continues)
- Tell me about
after we got married.
- Well, we went back and
had a bunch of babies.
- You're skipping too much.
Tell me about, about us.
What did we like to do?
- Paint.
- Mm-hmm.
- And read.
Eat and drink.
- Don't forget about sailing.
I taught you how to
sail, and every weekend,
we would go out on our boat.
- You did?
- Mm-hmm, and when
they were old enough,
we taught our children, too.
(ocean waves lapping)
How many children did we have?
- Like, five.
- Five? (laughs)
(Charlotte laughs)
I always thought we
would only have two.
- Well, we couldn't keep
our hands off each
other, obviously.
- Mm-hmm, and they're
all grown up now,
with their own families,
their own lives.
What are they
like, our children?
- Happy.
It's all we wished for.
We put our love first and
it spilled over into them,
and now they're,
they're so happy.
- Oh, no, no, Charlotte, no.
(Charlotte cries)
(Charlotte sighs)
You have a long life outside
of frozen margaritas.
(Charlotte laughs)
(slow music)
We should get going.
(elevator dings)
(slow music continues)
(Adam groans)
(slow music continues)
(Adam wails)
- Take his jacket off.
- I got it, I got it, Adam.
- I didn't picture
this part. (cries)
(Adam groans)
- [Charlotte] I
got it, I got it.
- You don't have to do
any of this, Charlotte.
You should just leave.
- [Charlotte] Adam.
- Just leave!
(footsteps pattering)
- You have fun today?
You think about what
you would have done
if he hit his head on the curb?
Or how to stop him from
swallowing his own tongue?
- I'm sorry.
- When he wakes up, he'll
be in a better mood.
Can't say the same for me.
(Leah sighs)
(slow music)
- Are you awake?
- No.
- Can I wake you up?
- What if one of
the nurses walks in?
- Shh.
I'll be quiet.
(slow music continues)
So I read about this
new clinical trial
that you would be perfect for.
Do you prefer the red
Jell-O or the green Jell-O?
Nurse Leah could
probably hook us up.
I think she's back in tonight.
Personally, (laughs)
I prefer the red,
even though I think-
- Charlotte, stop.
- They're probably all just-
- Stop, stop.
- [Charlotte] The same flavor-
- Stop, Charlotte, just stop
pushing the chair for a second!
- What?
- I need you to take
me somewhere now
because I need to do something
besides just sit here.
- Adam, I can't.
- Let's go on a trip.
- Okay, (laughs)
where are we going?
- Charlotte, I'm serious.
This place isn't extending
my life in any way.
(Charlotte sighs)
- You can't just leave.
- I can't just sit here
and wait to die.
I can't.
Go on one last trip with me,
and then we'll talk
about the trial.
(door creaks)
(keys jingling)
(Charlotte sighs)
- Chucky, are you home?
(footsteps pattering downstairs)
Were you waiting for me
to take care of these?
- I'm making a pile for Dad.
He offered to help us out
while you find a new job
and I finish school.
- You told him I quit my job?
- Yeah, and that
you're taking care
of some dude with cancer.
- You told him that, dick.
- No, I said that what I
thought you were doing was kind.
(slow music)
It's big of you.
You should call and thank them.
- Of course I will, dipshit.
I'm gonna call them right now.
(footsteps pattering)
(phone rings)
- [Dad] Hello?
- Thank you so much for
offering to help, Dad.
- [Dad] You're welcome, kiddo.
I'm worried about you, though.
- This isn't some bleeding
heart charity case,
Dad, I promise.
- [Dad] I know, which is why
I'm worried about you.
- You don't think
I can handle it?
- [Dad] I don't
think anyone could handle it.
Your mother thinks you're
doing the right thing.
Hello ?
- Please thank her for me.
Just know whatever happens,
I will figure it out
and I will pay you back.
- [Dad] I know.
(phone clicks)
(Charlotte sniffs)
(Charlotte sighs)
(phone dings)
- [Charlotte] What?
(slow rock music)
- You made it.
(slow rock music continues)
Thank God, if you
had stood me up,
I probably would have
ended it right here.
- How did you?
- They can't make you stay.
They make it hard
for you to leave,
but they can't make you stay.
You ready?
(slow rock music continues)
You don't have to answer.
It really doesn't matter
what happens next.
You are my perfect right now.
(Charlotte cries)
- Yes. (laughs)
A thousand times yes.
(Charlotte laughs)
- Should we go on our honeymoon?
- Where are we going?
- It's a surprise.
(slow folk music)
(slow folk music continues)
- It's too much.
- I'm gonna need your help.
(slow folk music continues)
(sail rustles)
(slow folk music continues)
(slow folk music continues)
(slow folk music continues)
(ocean waves lapping)
(seagulls crying)
(ocean waves lapping)
- It's okay.
It's okay.
(ocean waves lapping)
(seagulls crying)
(ocean waves lapping)
(seagulls crying)
Are you scared?
Have you thought about
what happens after?
- I'll tell you what I believe
as long as you
promise not to be sad.
We're supposed to be getting
away from all that sadness.
(seagulls crying)
I think when it's over,
it's lights out, baby.
- God. (cries)
I think you're wrong.
- Explain.
- I think your
artwork, our memories,
the memories people have of
us, they make us immortal.
When you love someone,
your family, friends, partners,
it's like planting
little seedlings
of yourself inside their heart.
(seagulls crying)
- I like that.
I want you to say to
me that you'll be okay
and that you'll move on,
you'll find someone else.
- I've already told you that.
- I need to believe it.
(slow piano music)
- I'm afraid if you believe
it, that you'll let go.
- I don't think it works
that way, doll face.
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(luggage rustling)
(medication rattling)
(slow piano music continues)
Just to manage the pain.
- Okay.
- I applied for that trial.
I didn't make it.
(boat creaks)
I'm sorry.
(slow piano music)
- [Charlotte] Thank
you for taking me here .
(slow piano music continues)
- I'm not quite done
yet, thank you very much.
- Sorry.
We should sleep.
- Have you ever
played this game?
- Which one?
- Say something.
- Hello.
- [Adam] Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(Charlotte laughs)
- Stop.
- Stop.
- Ha ha, stop, stop.
- Stop, stop.
- My name is Charlotte.
- My name is Charlotte.
- Stop.
- Stop.
- I'm a-
- I'm a-
- No, you are.
- No, you are.
- My name is Adam-
- My name is Adam
and I'm a dummy heady.
- And I'm a dummy head.
(both laughing)
(Adam coughs)
Can we take a break,
rest for a bit?
(slow music)
Thank you for taking me here.
(slow music continues)
(slow piano music)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
- Sweetie, it's
time to get dressed.
You okay, kid?
Just blink twice
if you can hear me
so I know you're still alive.
- I just need to be alone.
I'm sorry.
(footsteps pattering)
(linens rustling)
- [Mom] Hey, love, lovey.
- Mom.
- Okay. (sighs)
I want you to know what you did
for that young
man was very kind.
But he never had a
chance to annoy you.
You never had the
chance to fight.
I'm sorry that you
didn't get that.
(Charlotte cries)
That didn't come out right.
- No, Mom, it's fine, I, (cries)
I just need to be
alone right now.
(couch creaks)
(Charlotte continues crying)
- [Helen] Charlie, sweetie,
it's time to get up.
You've been asleep for days.
I made you a bowl
of Cap'n Crunch.
Can you come and
have some, please?
Just one bite, it'll
make you feel better.
One bite.
(spoon clinks)
That's good, that's all you
gotta do, one bite at a time.
Try another.
(spoon clinks)
I was thinking we could have
a slumber-jumber tonight.
Roddy's away, so it'll
just be you and me.
(spoon clinks)
Do you want to color my hair?
I'm getting really
sick of these roots
and I was thinking
for the wedding,
I could go red,
what do you think?
- I could do that, you'd
look good as a redhead.
- I'm sorry, I know it's not
the best timing in the world.
- No, it's fine, you didn't
plan it this way.
- I was really hoping
you'd be there.
I know this is so
hard and I am so sorry
for everything you
have been through-
- Stop it, it's okay, Helen.
- I just really need you there.
You're my best friend and I
know I've been a shit friend,
but it's not gonna be
the same without you-
- Helen, stop.
It'll be fine.
I am going to be fine.
(Charlotte sighs)
I will be there.
(slow guitar music)
It ain't all right,
the hardness of my head
Now close your eyes
and spin around
Say, hard times,
you could find
That it ain't the
way that you want
But it's still all right
(slow guitar music continues)
They say you learn
a lot out there
How to scorch and burn
Gonna have to
bury your friends
And then you'll
find it gets worse
Standing out on a ledge
With no way to get down
You start praying
for wings to grow
Oh, baby, just let go
(audience applauds)
(audience cheers)
(slow guitar music continues)
(slow guitar music continues)
- Are you waiting for someone?
- Hi.
- How are you doing?
- I don't really know
how to answer that.
- I'll make it easier,
let's play a game.
Truth or dare, if you don't
want to answer the question
or do the dare, you
take a shot, okay?
I'll go first, I pick dare.
- I dare you to do your
mascot routine to the rabbi.
- Oh, my, we're gonna
need the whole bottle.
(Charlotte laughs)
Your turn.
- Truth.
- Where have you been hiding?
- I got married.
- Helen said as much.
- Sort of, well, not
legally, but in here.
Now I am a widow.
It's heavy, I know.
- I'm really sorry you
had to go through that.
- I didn't mean to
ghost you, it's just,
that was happening, and-
- You don't,
you don't owe me an explanation.
I get it, just bad
timing, that's all.
- Do you believe in soulmates?
- I think so, I do.
I think you can
have more than one,
just like you can have
on than one career,
more than one hobby, more
than one favorite food.
- Mm, mm-hmm.
- Different people connect
to different parts of us.
(Charlotte laughs)
Wait, it's my turn. (laughs)
- But we're out of booze now.
- Okay, then come dance with me.
(slow music)
- [Adam] T o Charlotte's second
husband, whoever you are,
we all know that
marriage often leads
to one person taking
care of the other.
Hopefully it goes
something like this .
At the end, you're in
Florida in a sun-filled home
with slanted ceilings
decorated in pastels
and plastic flowers.
Eventually one of you takes
care of the other until
the end, but the one who is
left will follow soon,
and you'll meet up
in the same place
you've been meeting
all these years,
which is somewhere
in the middle
with a memory of youth
close by.
She gave me this gift
before she could have
possibly had the wisdom
to understand its meaning.
I just wanted to say, I hope
you know how lucky you are.
Don't need no golden ring
It'd be no match for
the love you'd bring
From London to Tennessee
And we could catch a
train to another life
On a whim under
the moonlight
I promise you,
will you promise me
Our last names
on a wooden sign
Arm in arm where the
river starts to wind
Forever by your side
But I don't want
to be a bride
Apologies to each other
I wanna be your girl
And spend this life with you
But I don't want
to wear white
Oh, you know it's
too late for that
But can we keep
the ever after
Oh, could it be
Just you and me
(slow music continues)
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Mm, mm
We will live like
kings under lavender
Skies, we will
Live like kings
under lavender
Skies, we will
Built a poem,
we kept a rhyme
Wrapped our love
in golden twine
And we wrote, we
wrote a legacy
Just you and me,
skies, we will
We will live like
kings under lavender
Just you and me
Skies, we will
(slow music continues)
(slow guitar music)
(slow guitar music continues)
(slow guitar music continues)
(slow music)
(slow music continues)
(slow ambient music)
(slow piano music)
(slow piano music continues)
(slow piano music continues)
(music ends)