Wong Fei Hung: Chi sai wik hung see (Once Upon a Time in China and America) (1997) Movie Script
Stop! Hey!
Stop! Mister
What is your name?
It means...
...asking for your name
There is a "Shit" man
wanting us to stop
But in such remote places,
we should not stop...
...for strangers
He may die of thirst
if we don't stop for him
Seven, tell him to pull over at once
Master, I've been eating too many
beans and suffer diarrhea from it
If I don't have rice soon,
I'll die too
Fai-hong, he can't hear you
What are you doing?
Pal, please stop to save that guy
What kind of talk's it?
What are you doing?
Craziest damn thing I've ever seen
Nothing makes me happier than
saving a life
How about saving yourself first?
Much obliged Ma'am,
folks round here call me Billy!
Nice to meet you!
I am Wong Fai-hong!
This is a good chance...
...to practice your English,
come on
Who, what, where, when!
Who, what, where, when!
When what?
I am Diana
Pleasure Ma'am
You know how?
I know everything!
See, here is the America,
and right there is where we are,
right there, that's my home town
My folks and I lived back east
for a while
But things didn't work out
So we moved out here looking for
a new start
You know what I mean?
Yeah! Yeah!
You really understand what he said?
I simply pretend that I do
Yeah... Yeah...
Cut the bull shit and start eating
It's beans again?
We have to be very lucky to make it
to the America
Ah Sol's clinic...
there is also called
Po Chi Lam right?
Exactly under the same name
Having to go through this...
...to pay him a visit,
he must be joking
Master, we ain't no need to live
on beans anymore
Where are you going?
How would you like to have
chicken buff for appetizer?
Coffee, tea, or me?
Or me? How do I drink you?
You are such a woodshed
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, L, M, N...
Do you like O?
I like an O!
don't you ever say that
I have no sense of humour
Thank you Ma'am
I've told you never
talk to strangers
Come on
Be careful!
Go, let's go
No-shadow Kick!
Master, many barbarians here!
Protect Aunt Yee
I can manage on my own
Move out
Fai-hong, Seven!
The horses are beyond control
Give me a ride!
Yee, I'm here to save you!
This is dangerous, go back in
Hands off my carriage
Where is your Master?
Fai-hong, where are you?
What did you say? I can't hear you
Take care of your back
Watch my kick!
I don't need you
Sit properly
Be care
Hold it tight!
Thank you Billy!
That's all I have to show for
gratitude from me and my family
Go on take it
It's quality!
Hi, boss, these are clean
Let's go!
Hi Lola!
Hi how are you? Lone
I'm fine, thank you
Hello, Dr. So
Hi Susan
You've got dark circles
under your eyes
Did you get not enough sleep
last night?
OK! I guess
Well! Why don't I come over
to your clinic later
So you can check me up
Sure, sure. Come by anytime!
Yes... why don't you come
along with Lola too?
I'll buy you a drink!
Are you sure?
It's alright
See you later
No beer for Chinamen
This one's on me
You just passing through?
Hello. Mr. Mayor
I just want to...
Take it easy son, he's the Mayor!
Why are you doing this for...
Let's go
I am sorry
Just a little one!
Remember, you ain't Abraham Lincoln
C'mon, let me buy you a drink
No, thanks Sheriff
Abraham Lincoln doesn't drink
No big deal!
The beer in town isn't good enough!
Sit down...
Let me take a look!
It hurts
It's alright
Take a seat...
How's he doing?
Po Chi Lam? What's that mean?
Dr. So, help!
Dr. So, where are you?
Bring them in...
What's happened?
We saved them...
...from the Gold Sand River
They've waken up for a short while,
then again lost consciousness
Aunt Yee
Yes, Master!
Go massage his chest
By using the technique which
you have just learnt
Doctor... may I massage
this lady for you?
No... I'll help her...
What are you guys fighting for?
Let's take turn
I'll be the first. Yes...
Wait! She is...
She is my master's fiance,
don't you dare trying a finger on her
Let me give you a hand!
If you want to kiss somebody,
kiss me!
I ain't trying to kiss her
This white bastard actually
wants more!
Shut up
She's awake now
Aunt Yee
I am damn hungry
I have a new son!
This weave is excellent,
we should learn how to do it
Father, the great spirit has
blessed me with another son
Where am I?
Why do you treat him so badly?
His coat is different,
his skin color is different,
his speech is different
His blood is red. Like us
My God!
But, it will not flow for us
In the end I afraid
we will be bleeding for him
Go away
How can you be so rude to a lady?
What is your name? What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
"What is your name" means...
...what's your name in Chinese!
What is your name?
I've been eating too many beans,
if I don't have rice soon,
I'll die too
Watch out! The Red Hair's coming
I beg your pardon
Wong Fai-hong... Master Wong...
Aunt Yee
Aunt Yee,
would you like a cup of tea?
Master Wong
Wong Fai-hong
This is Master's umbrella!
Aunt Yee...
Look, this is Master's umbrella
Aunt Yee,
shall we have lunch first?
I ain't hungry. You guys go ahead
What are you Chinese doing here?
We are looking for a friend
He had an accident up river
Now you know Mayor Barclay...
...doesn't wanna see you
Chinese outside your alley
Would you just pretend
you did not see us?
Sorry. No, I can't do
You bastard,
we are only searching for our friend
They treat us Chinese miners
like dogs,
having all kinds of
restrictions on us
We are always on the wrong side
Shall we stand together and
overcome him now?
No... The sergeant is nice to us
Chinese indeed!
He had driven away some white
bastards for us several times
Let's go!
no Chinese women allowed here
That's the law
I will not forget
Goodbye, Mr Lincoln
Don't worry Ma'am
Wong Fei-hong is gonna be just fine
Hey! What are you doing here?
Behave yourself or
I won't give you face
"What"? The hell!
What the hell? I like that
It's raining dogs and cats,
please go back inside
No, Fai-hong won't find us
when he is back
Master would be upset
if you fell sick
Exactly, please go back inside
Water topples a boat and
so it floats one
Hardness and softness can grow
or temper with each other
This is the spirit of Tai Chi
Reckless movement repels,
stay clam and you stay as one piece
OK, show me what you have learnt
from Tai Chi
Yes, Master
Give way...
What are you guys looking at?
It is a woman
What's so excited about a woman?
Uncle Han, don't you think
you're too old for that?
But I can still see well...
...with my eyes
We are closed for business today
Aunt Yee!
Seven, help me to check its texture
Should I add more water?
Good! ...Good!...
Sol, what are you eating?
This is glue
Is it sticky enough?
And you!
Why did you say it tastes good?
I did not! I was only nodding
Go post these Lost and
Found bills on the street
Yes Ma'am
Let's go, gluey-mouth
Post one here
Post one here!
Hey! What the hell you boys think
you're doing here?
Why did you tear...
...our poster away?
We're looking for our master!
You can't hang those posters here!
What did he say?
Nothing... Let's go
You hang one more poster,
you're going to jail
Forget about them! Let's go
The money
Hey, you are good
Thanks partner,
when are you going to teach me
Can you show me?
You want to learn leg stance?
If not you can put up
with the hardship
Like this!
Press each of your legs like this
for 4 hours
That's all it takes
OK boys, you're under arrest,
the jail's that way
Take it easy partner
I've got everything under control
Yeah, move it
Alright come on
What do they call you son?
My name is Billy!
interested in being my deputy?
We'll talk after I get my reward
You done yet?
God damn Sheriff
you made me lose my count
Now I have to start all over again
Sheriff, the pay is bad
I've to cut partial of my freedom
I understand!
You can come to work with me
only when there is a trouble
Sheriff, you got yourself a deputy
Good, try this on for size
Hi, if you see this man,
we're at the clinic
If you see this man,
we're at the clinic
How about a drink?
No, thank you
When I say drink,
you drink
Hey! Leave him alone
You shut up
Have another
You are a pretty China doll
Hey lady where are you going?
If you don't want to drink
Then wear it!
Stop it stop it stop it...
Aunt Yee! Aunt Yee
Now all the boys,
I wouldn't do that if I were you,
you wanna fight,
well, you've got one
I ain't looking for no fight
That's good
Now I want a fight!
Seven, teach them a lesson
Why don't we try something different,
Care for a friendly wager?
Now I bet this Chinamen can
wipe you out...
...without your guns
And my money is on the Chinamen, pal
which one is man enough
to fight him?
I win!
No, this is only good for a warm up
since master isn't around
Sol, translate for me
Tell them to fight me all at once
They are the winner
if anyone of them beat me
What did he say?
He said he wants to fight you all
If you win, you can keep the money
AII? Wait a minute,
we might lose!
Seven, he said if...
Trust me
Trust me
Sorry! Trust him!
I am a happy man
Me too
Aunt Yee, what about you?
Me too
Thank you!
How can I enjoy
this beautiful landscape now?
Why don't you take me back to...
...where you found me?
Maybe I can remember
where I come from
Only you have no idea
on what I am saying
Clothes, how I wish you could talk
Then you would be able to
explain everything
Master... America... Setting up
Po Chi Lam... One year anniversary,
What's this letter about?
Is it by me or for me?
My name is Sol?
...and I have a master?
I must find him,
he will have the answer
Wong Fai!
This name sounds familiar,
I must have known him
If I found him,
everything would be explained
What can I do for you?
I want to marry your daughter!
How dare you insult my sister?
You are the weakest among
all the tribes,
if you don't give me your daughter,
I will destroy you all
Fierce Eagle!
We are not afraid of you,
we will fight you to death!
Fierce Eagle!
Please, do not fight!
Hey, don't...
Yellow, please do not fight him
Come on!
Let me try
What are you doing?
Stop it. Don't!
I'm good, I'm good...
I really envy you guys
At least you know where is your root
I don't even know where I come from
The sunshine's beautiful
on this land
but the sunshine is
more beautiful on our land
But, we were forced to leave our home
You don't understand a bit of
what I'm saying
That's fine, at least you are lucky
Unlike me, I keep thinking...
...where I should be heading
I know,
someday I shall return to my land,
to my home
For bleeding for our tribe
Thank you
From now on,
verbal communication is not necessary
Body language is much better, right?
I tried to forget,
but the vision keeps coming back
Damn it!
I must learn to let go
You like it?
Take it!
Fai-hong, have a smoke!
Oh shit!
Aunt Yee is being possessed
Nah, it is not that
What's it then?
Master's stuff reminds her of him
Though I did not like you to smoke,
it isn't my main concern now
What is taking him so long
to take a shit?
Are you hungry?
Take your shit
Come on...
Come on...
Come on...
Come on...
I think I've seen him before
Let's go
Hey! Look what we got here
We got some rich Indians
Hey, I'm talking to you,
stinking red skin
Why don't you show me and
my boys one of your war dances?
I do not dance for the white man
You're dancing now, ain't you?
Isn't he Fai-hong?
You're a woman?
Why are you following us?
I'm looking for him
Fai-hong? Who is Fai-hong?
You are Fai-hong!
Am I? Then who are you?
I am Yee, Aunt Yee, your fiance!
Since you are my aunt,
how can you be my fiance as well?
Your name is Yellow?
All the people here call me Yellow
You cannot just grab that!
A, B, C, D, E...
Take it back!
She can't do without the ring,
why wouldn't she want it?
Yellow, that girl knows you,
you must follow her
The darker of your inside is
taking over
That's why I feel sick?
So I must sit under the sun more?
Aunt Yee is making a mess
in Po Chi Lam
Everyone in Po Chi Lam tries to
stay away from her
And you thought
Master had bad temper?
You should check her out now
We haven't seen Chinese women
for ages
How is it when Aunt Yee gets mad?
Aunt Yee is making a fuss again
What's the fuss this time?
She is packing up
Aunt Yee, where do you want to go?
Back to China
Prepare a carriage for me,
I am going home
Am I clear?
Yes, of course
Seven, prepare the carriage
Why so?
Aunt Yee is having
odd thinking again
Take her for a walk
around the block,
then tell her she's already home
OK, I get it!
Aunt Yee, shall we?
What are you doing?
You really think I am insane?
I know how to get back to China
It takes 10 days to reach
San Francisco by carriage,
Another six months...
...to Hong Kong by ship
From there it takes 3 days'
on train to Canton,
then again by carriage to Fu Shan
Whatever you say will not change
my decision
Now will you go prepare
the carriage?
Aunt Yee, we are ready now
Aunt Yee, this way please...
Aunt Yee,
I have forgotten my luggage,
I must go back
Carry it Sol
Aunt Yee...
Aunt Yee...
Aunt Yee...
Aunt Yee, it's master!
Aunt Yee, Master...
May I ask...
I accept no explanation from you
Aunt Yee...
I ain't here to explain, I just...
I don't want to hear anything
You happen to know someone
called Sol?
What about Wong Fai?
Does it ring the bell?
I go ask her then
Master is teasing us, isn't he?
No... Master seems to have lost
his memory
Piss off! Leave me alone, would you?
You are Aunt Yee right?
I am not!
Do you know Wong Fai then?
Wong... what?
Please stop!
Aunt Yee
I don't give allowance just
because you're a woman
What are you doing?
Checking your pulse
Aunt Yee, Master suffers...
...from loss of memory
He has lost his memory?
What should we do?
Let me try
What are you doing?
I want to show you
Wong's super stance,
No Shadow Kick
Who is Wong Fai-hong?
Sure that was you!
You are one of the 10 Canton Tigers,
coach of the local militia
You live in no. 8,
Sing Nam Street, Fu Shan,
you're a doctor
You give free treatment to the poor,
and teach Chinese Kung-fu
You are the Master of Po Chi Lam,
people's hero,
Wong Fai-hong
What is 10 Canton Tigers?
And coaching for what?
Po Chi Lam?
Free treatment to people?
Kung-fu master?
Master of Po Chi Lam,
people's hero
Wong Fai-hong?
He is Wong Fai-hong?
Notice that...
...we both know this post?
Seven, he forgot who he is
Showing him the post has got no use
Are you alright?
Are you alright, Sol?
Yeah, I'm alright
You must help him regain his memory
Wong Fai-hong,
I, Yim Chun-tung,
will see how good you really are
Ha! With my iron cloth martial arts,
you can't beat me!
Come on!
Thicker! Thicker!
Wong Fai-hong,
You should go for my stomach
not my face!
Wong Fai-hong,
do you remember Na Lan Yuan Shu?
Na Lan Yuan Shu
Na Lan Yuan Shu!
Quit fooling around
Follow me!
why are you getting fired up?
Seven, stop fighting with him!
Stop fighting!
Yee, are you alright?
I am fine
I am fine!
How did you fall so badly?
It wasn't from falling
Master, you hit me!
It's okay now, Seven
The Master is back!
This trip to America...
...is just like a dream
I can do with a dream...
...with an Indian beauty
Only you know the story!
I've just cleaned my face
You can give the ring twice,
but you can't wash your face twice?
Sure, sure
I can't remember anything
I don't understand
what you're talking about
Have you thought of that woman?
I don't have time
to think about woman
Do you miss her?
Well, a little bit
You just said
you haven't thought of woman
Thinking and missing are
two different things
If you don't think of her,
how can you miss her?
But it's the truth
The truth is I don't want to
talk to you anymore
But the one I miss is you
You know...
I can never say
these things out loud
The games are about to start. Hurry!
Master Wong
How's everyone?
Master Wong is here, Uncle Lone,
Master Wong is here
Master Wong doesn't like
people gambling
Let's pack it up and gamble later
No way,
I've just won this game
Hurry up
Master is coming!
Have you won?
How much did you bet?
I want in
Let's gamble together
Come on!
Master Wong, you too?
Come, let me be the House
Come on, come on!
Let's have some larger bets
Sure! Bet more!
Okay, if Master Wong wants us to,
we'll bet a little
Bets down and hands off
You've got nowhere...
...to spend your money anyway
Why don't you bet it all?
Master Wong, you are our hope,
you gamble like us,
how can we find a role model?
We are not used to seeing
you gambling
Master Wong,
why don't you be your normal self?
We won't gamble anymore...
Get out of here!
We understand now
I thank you all...
...for your concern
I have something to say
You came a long way...
to a foreign place,
Po Chi Lam was opened
for this reason
"When they leave home, goods are
worth more and people are worth less"
And you should know who you are
I don't hope for good business,
that'll require you being ill
Rather I hope Po Chi Lam...
...help you achieve good health,
build up a strong body
Copy the merits of foreigners and
compensate our short-comings
And shine...
...for the Chinese people
Simply put,
you must remember who you are
Today, I would like to stop here,
thank you for listening
Master Wong, that was a great speech
You're too kind...
Let's go...
Sir, take the money,
it was hard-earned
Master Wong, no more speech please
Bye! Bye!
Please excuse me...
Your gold mines dried up
There's still a little matter of
the $ 150,000 loan,
I've discreetly left off the books
Your can't even meet the payroll
for your coolies
Damn your smell like a pail of dung
Here, try some of these
Maybe it'll help your breath
Put a $ 100,000 is in the safe
I'll take care of everything else
What? Another $ 100,000
Do as I say
Keep your faces covered,
I want your identities kept secret
I'd mark pretty face
on every post office and board...
...the Mississippi Hell
I want to be famous
Shut up!
I don't give a damn,
let's just do it
Let's do it,
Master Wong won't come this time
He is real busy. Come on!
I'll be the House
Bet. Bet. Bet
It's pay day!
I'm the 11th child of my family
And I was thinking, if you and
I should open a store together,
we'll call it 7-11
Uncle Han, who is that guy?
He is our foreman,
and always cheat us
So what if you can kick real fast?
Don't forget,
this is a world of guns
You can't be as fast as a bullet
Have you got the money?
Go on and get out of here
I thought we had a...
Hell, that's too easy,
let's find some real excitement
When they start to shoot,
that would be exciting
Get back, get out
What are you doing?
What do you mean?
Yeah, you're alright
You alright, Billy?
Half a million dollars?
What? We only got $ 100,000!
What happened to the rest of it?
Let's go back and pay the Mayor and
his little town a visit
What about Pete?
He isn't gonna to make it
Adios, Pete!
Watch out!
Master Wong
How's everyone?
How are you?
Master Wong, is that a new sign?
I have something to say today
Master, you have something
to say again?
Why don't you show us...
...some fist dance
instead of a speech?
Yeah, come on! Show us
Show us some fist dance! Come on
You'll get the chance!
Today is the first anniversary of...
the American Po Chi Lam
First of all,
I would like to thank you all
for taking care of my student Sol
Don't mention it,
we are all Chinese!
We should help each other,
People, you've come a long way...
to a foreign place
You should co-operate and
take care of each other
Po Chi Lam was opened...
...for this reason
I don't hope...
...for good business,
that'll require you being ill
This is not what I hope for
Instead, I hope that...
The American Po Chi Lam...
...would become your club house
when you have time,
you can have tea,
chat, and practice Kung-fu here
Build up a strong body
And come in line...
...with Po Chi Lam's spirit
Hand in hand
we copy foreigners' merits and
compensate our short-comings
And shine...
...for the Chinese people
That's all
Come in! Refreshment time!
Let's go and have some snacks...
I think your speech deserved
some applause
Aunt Yee may come...
the timing of Aunt Yee's presence
wasn't right
Make yourself at home,
there's still more...
Welcome... Mr. Mayor,
gentlemen, we're pretty surprised
Looks like
you're having a celebration
Get in there men!
I reckon you boys have something
to do with the robbery
Search the damn place
No! It's ridiculous!
They said we were involved
in the robbery,
they want to search this place
No problem, we are innocent!
Give way,
let the police do their job
search this place
We've found the money!
What? How can it be?
Look what we have got here
Arrest every last one
of these Chinese, sons of bitches!
Be careful, Master,
they will shoot!
We're innocent,
let us out!
You can't put these people in jail
They had nothing to do
with the robbery
You don't tell me what I can and
can't do, Billy!
Now settle down son
Look, I was with Doc Sol and
Seven right before the hold-up
They've been framed
I don't give a damn if you come up
with a hundred reasons
The fact is we found some of
the stolen money...
...in Po Chi Lam
If the Chinamen didn't take
the money, who did?
Maybe it was you Billy!
No! That's crazy! I shot one of 'em
Maybe you were trying to
throw us off
Maybe you're working with the gang
Easy there, Billy
I wont let you do it
How are you going to stop me?
I'll kill you
Are you alright?
I guess someone was quicker
at that time
You're a real friend to the Chinese
Billy! I appreciate you too!
Settle down. I said settle down
He said he would get
the best deal for us,
provided that 7 of us would confess
to the crime,
If we confess do we go jail?
You can forget jail,
they are going to hang you
If you don't confess to the crime,
they're going to hang you all
they found the money
with you Chinese
No, not all the Chinese,
only the Po Chi Lam people
Uncle Lone is right
This is Po Chi Lam's problem,
nothing to do with you all
Sol, tell the sergeant,
can I take all the responsibility?
You can't confess to the crime alone
If you are going to be
the first to confess,
I'll be the second
Master my nick name is Seven,
if I am not the 3rd one,
I will be the 7th one
You all stay here, I'll go alone
This is a set up!
Master Wong, you are young
and capable
Your life should be spared for...
...the good of we Chinese workers
You've nothing to do
with Po Chi Lam,
don't get yourself into trouble!
Uncle, we are not telling others the
pathetic tales of the Chinese workers
We want to tell the glorious
history of the Chinese workers
I, Wong Fai-hong,
should stand for all of you
Who disagrees?
Come with me
It's my fault!
I couldn't imagine that,
the establishment of Po Chi Lam
in the America a year ago,
would pave the way for tragedy
And I dragged Master down too...
Uncle Han, are you afraid?
Getting married and working hard,
pretending as emperor at home
but working as slave outside...
That is my life!
Sir, it is our custom,
man would die with a full stomach
May I feed them?
All the prisoners get their
final meal before they're executed
What can it hurt?
Master Wong
This is all I can do
Master Wong,
stuffed dumplings for you
Master, we all depend on you
I have full confidence in you
I want more!
They're waiting!
Go away!
Why were you not in jail...
...with us?
I didn't do anything
I didn't do anything wrong
as Mayor of this town and
in the name of God
I'm here to witness this fair and
just execution of these men
God has decided the day
they are to die
Now I shall decide their hour
Move everyone
Up the way
Look out! Sheriff out of the way,
we have to stop him, boys!
No! No!
Master Wong, that's the robber
That's the ones who robbed the bank
Master, he was the bank robber
I have to get him to clear my name
Sol, save the others first
Master, leave these two to me
Mayor Barclay
What're the hell you're doing here?
I need the rest of my money
The other Chinese is suspicious
of me
I think I should leave town
I agree with you, you'd leave town
What do you want?
I'm just doing business with you
I want my four hundred thousand
That's the bank's money
You told me the job was gonna
a cake walk,
but one of my man's been killed
I've nothing to do with that
It was an accident
I'm sorry too
Damn it!
Go to hell
What the hell!
You little bastard,
how did you get there?
What kind of a man is he?!
This is for you!
Go in
Plays rough!
I like that
You like that
I don't think so
Come on!
Go, get out...
get out...
God damn it!
Where are you?
Where are you?
Come on out now,
let's talk about that!
Surrender now!
You still fight?
What the hell are you?
Hold it tight!
Get off me, I don't need your help!
Come on up!
Come on up. Look out!
I need you to prove my innocence
You're not a human
Get up!
Are you alright?
Why are you guys here?
Oh, Diana!
Fai-hong, are you alright?
Where do you go?
I get them here to help you!
Who are they?
They are...
Forget it
People are hurt
Let's go help them
Seven, get ready for lion dance
Come here!
Congratulations, Billy
I trust you will be a good Mayor
As a new Mayor,
I proclaim in name of friendship and
understanding that from this day on,
this area of Fort Stockton will be
known as China Town
I know you will be a good leader,
like Lincoln
Farewell, Yellow
I'm not Yellow
My name is Wong Fai-hong
A name is just a name
You'll always be our brother
Come on!
Who are they?
Don't you remember them?
Master Wong, no more speeches!
It's time to get going
That's right,
if you miss this train,
you'll miss the boat as well
Now go
didn't you have
a long speech readied?
How come you finish your speech
so soon?
Master Wong, please do go now
Get on the train
Let's go!
See you!
See you...
Here she is!
Master Wong, take care
How are you doing?
Who is that woman?
People say she's Uncle Lone's wife
Where the hell is it?
It's far from home!
It's a nice place
It's a nice place!
I am tired!
I'll need at least 3 days' rest
before I can take care of you
No problem. As you wish
Why are they so happy?
No more than 10 people per day,
and I break on the 1st and 15th
You really don't remember
the Indian woman?
No, I remember nothing!
See you!
No need to see me off, Sol,
go tend to the store
Good bye!
Stop! Hey!
Stop! Mister
What is your name?
It means...
...asking for your name
There is a "Shit" man
wanting us to stop
But in such remote places,
we should not stop...
...for strangers
He may die of thirst
if we don't stop for him
Seven, tell him to pull over at once
Master, I've been eating too many
beans and suffer diarrhea from it
If I don't have rice soon,
I'll die too
Fai-hong, he can't hear you
What are you doing?
Pal, please stop to save that guy
What kind of talk's it?
What are you doing?
Craziest damn thing I've ever seen
Nothing makes me happier than
saving a life
How about saving yourself first?
Much obliged Ma'am,
folks round here call me Billy!
Nice to meet you!
I am Wong Fai-hong!
This is a good chance...
...to practice your English,
come on
Who, what, where, when!
Who, what, where, when!
When what?
I am Diana
Pleasure Ma'am
You know how?
I know everything!
See, here is the America,
and right there is where we are,
right there, that's my home town
My folks and I lived back east
for a while
But things didn't work out
So we moved out here looking for
a new start
You know what I mean?
Yeah! Yeah!
You really understand what he said?
I simply pretend that I do
Yeah... Yeah...
Cut the bull shit and start eating
It's beans again?
We have to be very lucky to make it
to the America
Ah Sol's clinic...
there is also called
Po Chi Lam right?
Exactly under the same name
Having to go through this...
...to pay him a visit,
he must be joking
Master, we ain't no need to live
on beans anymore
Where are you going?
How would you like to have
chicken buff for appetizer?
Coffee, tea, or me?
Or me? How do I drink you?
You are such a woodshed
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
I, J, K, L, M, N...
Do you like O?
I like an O!
don't you ever say that
I have no sense of humour
Thank you Ma'am
I've told you never
talk to strangers
Come on
Be careful!
Go, let's go
No-shadow Kick!
Master, many barbarians here!
Protect Aunt Yee
I can manage on my own
Move out
Fai-hong, Seven!
The horses are beyond control
Give me a ride!
Yee, I'm here to save you!
This is dangerous, go back in
Hands off my carriage
Where is your Master?
Fai-hong, where are you?
What did you say? I can't hear you
Take care of your back
Watch my kick!
I don't need you
Sit properly
Be care
Hold it tight!
Thank you Billy!
That's all I have to show for
gratitude from me and my family
Go on take it
It's quality!
Hi, boss, these are clean
Let's go!
Hi Lola!
Hi how are you? Lone
I'm fine, thank you
Hello, Dr. So
Hi Susan
You've got dark circles
under your eyes
Did you get not enough sleep
last night?
OK! I guess
Well! Why don't I come over
to your clinic later
So you can check me up
Sure, sure. Come by anytime!
Yes... why don't you come
along with Lola too?
I'll buy you a drink!
Are you sure?
It's alright
See you later
No beer for Chinamen
This one's on me
You just passing through?
Hello. Mr. Mayor
I just want to...
Take it easy son, he's the Mayor!
Why are you doing this for...
Let's go
I am sorry
Just a little one!
Remember, you ain't Abraham Lincoln
C'mon, let me buy you a drink
No, thanks Sheriff
Abraham Lincoln doesn't drink
No big deal!
The beer in town isn't good enough!
Sit down...
Let me take a look!
It hurts
It's alright
Take a seat...
How's he doing?
Po Chi Lam? What's that mean?
Dr. So, help!
Dr. So, where are you?
Bring them in...
What's happened?
We saved them...
...from the Gold Sand River
They've waken up for a short while,
then again lost consciousness
Aunt Yee
Yes, Master!
Go massage his chest
By using the technique which
you have just learnt
Doctor... may I massage
this lady for you?
No... I'll help her...
What are you guys fighting for?
Let's take turn
I'll be the first. Yes...
Wait! She is...
She is my master's fiance,
don't you dare trying a finger on her
Let me give you a hand!
If you want to kiss somebody,
kiss me!
I ain't trying to kiss her
This white bastard actually
wants more!
Shut up
She's awake now
Aunt Yee
I am damn hungry
I have a new son!
This weave is excellent,
we should learn how to do it
Father, the great spirit has
blessed me with another son
Where am I?
Why do you treat him so badly?
His coat is different,
his skin color is different,
his speech is different
His blood is red. Like us
My God!
But, it will not flow for us
In the end I afraid
we will be bleeding for him
Go away
How can you be so rude to a lady?
What is your name? What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
What is your name?
"What is your name" means...
...what's your name in Chinese!
What is your name?
I've been eating too many beans,
if I don't have rice soon,
I'll die too
Watch out! The Red Hair's coming
I beg your pardon
Wong Fai-hong... Master Wong...
Aunt Yee
Aunt Yee,
would you like a cup of tea?
Master Wong
Wong Fai-hong
This is Master's umbrella!
Aunt Yee...
Look, this is Master's umbrella
Aunt Yee,
shall we have lunch first?
I ain't hungry. You guys go ahead
What are you Chinese doing here?
We are looking for a friend
He had an accident up river
Now you know Mayor Barclay...
...doesn't wanna see you
Chinese outside your alley
Would you just pretend
you did not see us?
Sorry. No, I can't do
You bastard,
we are only searching for our friend
They treat us Chinese miners
like dogs,
having all kinds of
restrictions on us
We are always on the wrong side
Shall we stand together and
overcome him now?
No... The sergeant is nice to us
Chinese indeed!
He had driven away some white
bastards for us several times
Let's go!
no Chinese women allowed here
That's the law
I will not forget
Goodbye, Mr Lincoln
Don't worry Ma'am
Wong Fei-hong is gonna be just fine
Hey! What are you doing here?
Behave yourself or
I won't give you face
"What"? The hell!
What the hell? I like that
It's raining dogs and cats,
please go back inside
No, Fai-hong won't find us
when he is back
Master would be upset
if you fell sick
Exactly, please go back inside
Water topples a boat and
so it floats one
Hardness and softness can grow
or temper with each other
This is the spirit of Tai Chi
Reckless movement repels,
stay clam and you stay as one piece
OK, show me what you have learnt
from Tai Chi
Yes, Master
Give way...
What are you guys looking at?
It is a woman
What's so excited about a woman?
Uncle Han, don't you think
you're too old for that?
But I can still see well...
...with my eyes
We are closed for business today
Aunt Yee!
Seven, help me to check its texture
Should I add more water?
Good! ...Good!...
Sol, what are you eating?
This is glue
Is it sticky enough?
And you!
Why did you say it tastes good?
I did not! I was only nodding
Go post these Lost and
Found bills on the street
Yes Ma'am
Let's go, gluey-mouth
Post one here
Post one here!
Hey! What the hell you boys think
you're doing here?
Why did you tear...
...our poster away?
We're looking for our master!
You can't hang those posters here!
What did he say?
Nothing... Let's go
You hang one more poster,
you're going to jail
Forget about them! Let's go
The money
Hey, you are good
Thanks partner,
when are you going to teach me
Can you show me?
You want to learn leg stance?
If not you can put up
with the hardship
Like this!
Press each of your legs like this
for 4 hours
That's all it takes
OK boys, you're under arrest,
the jail's that way
Take it easy partner
I've got everything under control
Yeah, move it
Alright come on
What do they call you son?
My name is Billy!
interested in being my deputy?
We'll talk after I get my reward
You done yet?
God damn Sheriff
you made me lose my count
Now I have to start all over again
Sheriff, the pay is bad
I've to cut partial of my freedom
I understand!
You can come to work with me
only when there is a trouble
Sheriff, you got yourself a deputy
Good, try this on for size
Hi, if you see this man,
we're at the clinic
If you see this man,
we're at the clinic
How about a drink?
No, thank you
When I say drink,
you drink
Hey! Leave him alone
You shut up
Have another
You are a pretty China doll
Hey lady where are you going?
If you don't want to drink
Then wear it!
Stop it stop it stop it...
Aunt Yee! Aunt Yee
Now all the boys,
I wouldn't do that if I were you,
you wanna fight,
well, you've got one
I ain't looking for no fight
That's good
Now I want a fight!
Seven, teach them a lesson
Why don't we try something different,
Care for a friendly wager?
Now I bet this Chinamen can
wipe you out...
...without your guns
And my money is on the Chinamen, pal
which one is man enough
to fight him?
I win!
No, this is only good for a warm up
since master isn't around
Sol, translate for me
Tell them to fight me all at once
They are the winner
if anyone of them beat me
What did he say?
He said he wants to fight you all
If you win, you can keep the money
AII? Wait a minute,
we might lose!
Seven, he said if...
Trust me
Trust me
Sorry! Trust him!
I am a happy man
Me too
Aunt Yee, what about you?
Me too
Thank you!
How can I enjoy
this beautiful landscape now?
Why don't you take me back to...
...where you found me?
Maybe I can remember
where I come from
Only you have no idea
on what I am saying
Clothes, how I wish you could talk
Then you would be able to
explain everything
Master... America... Setting up
Po Chi Lam... One year anniversary,
What's this letter about?
Is it by me or for me?
My name is Sol?
...and I have a master?
I must find him,
he will have the answer
Wong Fai!
This name sounds familiar,
I must have known him
If I found him,
everything would be explained
What can I do for you?
I want to marry your daughter!
How dare you insult my sister?
You are the weakest among
all the tribes,
if you don't give me your daughter,
I will destroy you all
Fierce Eagle!
We are not afraid of you,
we will fight you to death!
Fierce Eagle!
Please, do not fight!
Hey, don't...
Yellow, please do not fight him
Come on!
Let me try
What are you doing?
Stop it. Don't!
I'm good, I'm good...
I really envy you guys
At least you know where is your root
I don't even know where I come from
The sunshine's beautiful
on this land
but the sunshine is
more beautiful on our land
But, we were forced to leave our home
You don't understand a bit of
what I'm saying
That's fine, at least you are lucky
Unlike me, I keep thinking...
...where I should be heading
I know,
someday I shall return to my land,
to my home
For bleeding for our tribe
Thank you
From now on,
verbal communication is not necessary
Body language is much better, right?
I tried to forget,
but the vision keeps coming back
Damn it!
I must learn to let go
You like it?
Take it!
Fai-hong, have a smoke!
Oh shit!
Aunt Yee is being possessed
Nah, it is not that
What's it then?
Master's stuff reminds her of him
Though I did not like you to smoke,
it isn't my main concern now
What is taking him so long
to take a shit?
Are you hungry?
Take your shit
Come on...
Come on...
Come on...
Come on...
I think I've seen him before
Let's go
Hey! Look what we got here
We got some rich Indians
Hey, I'm talking to you,
stinking red skin
Why don't you show me and
my boys one of your war dances?
I do not dance for the white man
You're dancing now, ain't you?
Isn't he Fai-hong?
You're a woman?
Why are you following us?
I'm looking for him
Fai-hong? Who is Fai-hong?
You are Fai-hong!
Am I? Then who are you?
I am Yee, Aunt Yee, your fiance!
Since you are my aunt,
how can you be my fiance as well?
Your name is Yellow?
All the people here call me Yellow
You cannot just grab that!
A, B, C, D, E...
Take it back!
She can't do without the ring,
why wouldn't she want it?
Yellow, that girl knows you,
you must follow her
The darker of your inside is
taking over
That's why I feel sick?
So I must sit under the sun more?
Aunt Yee is making a mess
in Po Chi Lam
Everyone in Po Chi Lam tries to
stay away from her
And you thought
Master had bad temper?
You should check her out now
We haven't seen Chinese women
for ages
How is it when Aunt Yee gets mad?
Aunt Yee is making a fuss again
What's the fuss this time?
She is packing up
Aunt Yee, where do you want to go?
Back to China
Prepare a carriage for me,
I am going home
Am I clear?
Yes, of course
Seven, prepare the carriage
Why so?
Aunt Yee is having
odd thinking again
Take her for a walk
around the block,
then tell her she's already home
OK, I get it!
Aunt Yee, shall we?
What are you doing?
You really think I am insane?
I know how to get back to China
It takes 10 days to reach
San Francisco by carriage,
Another six months...
...to Hong Kong by ship
From there it takes 3 days'
on train to Canton,
then again by carriage to Fu Shan
Whatever you say will not change
my decision
Now will you go prepare
the carriage?
Aunt Yee, we are ready now
Aunt Yee, this way please...
Aunt Yee,
I have forgotten my luggage,
I must go back
Carry it Sol
Aunt Yee...
Aunt Yee...
Aunt Yee...
Aunt Yee, it's master!
Aunt Yee, Master...
May I ask...
I accept no explanation from you
Aunt Yee...
I ain't here to explain, I just...
I don't want to hear anything
You happen to know someone
called Sol?
What about Wong Fai?
Does it ring the bell?
I go ask her then
Master is teasing us, isn't he?
No... Master seems to have lost
his memory
Piss off! Leave me alone, would you?
You are Aunt Yee right?
I am not!
Do you know Wong Fai then?
Wong... what?
Please stop!
Aunt Yee
I don't give allowance just
because you're a woman
What are you doing?
Checking your pulse
Aunt Yee, Master suffers...
...from loss of memory
He has lost his memory?
What should we do?
Let me try
What are you doing?
I want to show you
Wong's super stance,
No Shadow Kick
Who is Wong Fai-hong?
Sure that was you!
You are one of the 10 Canton Tigers,
coach of the local militia
You live in no. 8,
Sing Nam Street, Fu Shan,
you're a doctor
You give free treatment to the poor,
and teach Chinese Kung-fu
You are the Master of Po Chi Lam,
people's hero,
Wong Fai-hong
What is 10 Canton Tigers?
And coaching for what?
Po Chi Lam?
Free treatment to people?
Kung-fu master?
Master of Po Chi Lam,
people's hero
Wong Fai-hong?
He is Wong Fai-hong?
Notice that...
...we both know this post?
Seven, he forgot who he is
Showing him the post has got no use
Are you alright?
Are you alright, Sol?
Yeah, I'm alright
You must help him regain his memory
Wong Fai-hong,
I, Yim Chun-tung,
will see how good you really are
Ha! With my iron cloth martial arts,
you can't beat me!
Come on!
Thicker! Thicker!
Wong Fai-hong,
You should go for my stomach
not my face!
Wong Fai-hong,
do you remember Na Lan Yuan Shu?
Na Lan Yuan Shu
Na Lan Yuan Shu!
Quit fooling around
Follow me!
why are you getting fired up?
Seven, stop fighting with him!
Stop fighting!
Yee, are you alright?
I am fine
I am fine!
How did you fall so badly?
It wasn't from falling
Master, you hit me!
It's okay now, Seven
The Master is back!
This trip to America...
...is just like a dream
I can do with a dream...
...with an Indian beauty
Only you know the story!
I've just cleaned my face
You can give the ring twice,
but you can't wash your face twice?
Sure, sure
I can't remember anything
I don't understand
what you're talking about
Have you thought of that woman?
I don't have time
to think about woman
Do you miss her?
Well, a little bit
You just said
you haven't thought of woman
Thinking and missing are
two different things
If you don't think of her,
how can you miss her?
But it's the truth
The truth is I don't want to
talk to you anymore
But the one I miss is you
You know...
I can never say
these things out loud
The games are about to start. Hurry!
Master Wong
How's everyone?
Master Wong is here, Uncle Lone,
Master Wong is here
Master Wong doesn't like
people gambling
Let's pack it up and gamble later
No way,
I've just won this game
Hurry up
Master is coming!
Have you won?
How much did you bet?
I want in
Let's gamble together
Come on!
Master Wong, you too?
Come, let me be the House
Come on, come on!
Let's have some larger bets
Sure! Bet more!
Okay, if Master Wong wants us to,
we'll bet a little
Bets down and hands off
You've got nowhere...
...to spend your money anyway
Why don't you bet it all?
Master Wong, you are our hope,
you gamble like us,
how can we find a role model?
We are not used to seeing
you gambling
Master Wong,
why don't you be your normal self?
We won't gamble anymore...
Get out of here!
We understand now
I thank you all...
...for your concern
I have something to say
You came a long way...
to a foreign place,
Po Chi Lam was opened
for this reason
"When they leave home, goods are
worth more and people are worth less"
And you should know who you are
I don't hope for good business,
that'll require you being ill
Rather I hope Po Chi Lam...
...help you achieve good health,
build up a strong body
Copy the merits of foreigners and
compensate our short-comings
And shine...
...for the Chinese people
Simply put,
you must remember who you are
Today, I would like to stop here,
thank you for listening
Master Wong, that was a great speech
You're too kind...
Let's go...
Sir, take the money,
it was hard-earned
Master Wong, no more speech please
Bye! Bye!
Please excuse me...
Your gold mines dried up
There's still a little matter of
the $ 150,000 loan,
I've discreetly left off the books
Your can't even meet the payroll
for your coolies
Damn your smell like a pail of dung
Here, try some of these
Maybe it'll help your breath
Put a $ 100,000 is in the safe
I'll take care of everything else
What? Another $ 100,000
Do as I say
Keep your faces covered,
I want your identities kept secret
I'd mark pretty face
on every post office and board...
...the Mississippi Hell
I want to be famous
Shut up!
I don't give a damn,
let's just do it
Let's do it,
Master Wong won't come this time
He is real busy. Come on!
I'll be the House
Bet. Bet. Bet
It's pay day!
I'm the 11th child of my family
And I was thinking, if you and
I should open a store together,
we'll call it 7-11
Uncle Han, who is that guy?
He is our foreman,
and always cheat us
So what if you can kick real fast?
Don't forget,
this is a world of guns
You can't be as fast as a bullet
Have you got the money?
Go on and get out of here
I thought we had a...
Hell, that's too easy,
let's find some real excitement
When they start to shoot,
that would be exciting
Get back, get out
What are you doing?
What do you mean?
Yeah, you're alright
You alright, Billy?
Half a million dollars?
What? We only got $ 100,000!
What happened to the rest of it?
Let's go back and pay the Mayor and
his little town a visit
What about Pete?
He isn't gonna to make it
Adios, Pete!
Watch out!
Master Wong
How's everyone?
How are you?
Master Wong, is that a new sign?
I have something to say today
Master, you have something
to say again?
Why don't you show us...
...some fist dance
instead of a speech?
Yeah, come on! Show us
Show us some fist dance! Come on
You'll get the chance!
Today is the first anniversary of...
the American Po Chi Lam
First of all,
I would like to thank you all
for taking care of my student Sol
Don't mention it,
we are all Chinese!
We should help each other,
People, you've come a long way...
to a foreign place
You should co-operate and
take care of each other
Po Chi Lam was opened...
...for this reason
I don't hope...
...for good business,
that'll require you being ill
This is not what I hope for
Instead, I hope that...
The American Po Chi Lam...
...would become your club house
when you have time,
you can have tea,
chat, and practice Kung-fu here
Build up a strong body
And come in line...
...with Po Chi Lam's spirit
Hand in hand
we copy foreigners' merits and
compensate our short-comings
And shine...
...for the Chinese people
That's all
Come in! Refreshment time!
Let's go and have some snacks...
I think your speech deserved
some applause
Aunt Yee may come...
the timing of Aunt Yee's presence
wasn't right
Make yourself at home,
there's still more...
Welcome... Mr. Mayor,
gentlemen, we're pretty surprised
Looks like
you're having a celebration
Get in there men!
I reckon you boys have something
to do with the robbery
Search the damn place
No! It's ridiculous!
They said we were involved
in the robbery,
they want to search this place
No problem, we are innocent!
Give way,
let the police do their job
search this place
We've found the money!
What? How can it be?
Look what we have got here
Arrest every last one
of these Chinese, sons of bitches!
Be careful, Master,
they will shoot!
We're innocent,
let us out!
You can't put these people in jail
They had nothing to do
with the robbery
You don't tell me what I can and
can't do, Billy!
Now settle down son
Look, I was with Doc Sol and
Seven right before the hold-up
They've been framed
I don't give a damn if you come up
with a hundred reasons
The fact is we found some of
the stolen money...
...in Po Chi Lam
If the Chinamen didn't take
the money, who did?
Maybe it was you Billy!
No! That's crazy! I shot one of 'em
Maybe you were trying to
throw us off
Maybe you're working with the gang
Easy there, Billy
I wont let you do it
How are you going to stop me?
I'll kill you
Are you alright?
I guess someone was quicker
at that time
You're a real friend to the Chinese
Billy! I appreciate you too!
Settle down. I said settle down
He said he would get
the best deal for us,
provided that 7 of us would confess
to the crime,
If we confess do we go jail?
You can forget jail,
they are going to hang you
If you don't confess to the crime,
they're going to hang you all
they found the money
with you Chinese
No, not all the Chinese,
only the Po Chi Lam people
Uncle Lone is right
This is Po Chi Lam's problem,
nothing to do with you all
Sol, tell the sergeant,
can I take all the responsibility?
You can't confess to the crime alone
If you are going to be
the first to confess,
I'll be the second
Master my nick name is Seven,
if I am not the 3rd one,
I will be the 7th one
You all stay here, I'll go alone
This is a set up!
Master Wong, you are young
and capable
Your life should be spared for...
...the good of we Chinese workers
You've nothing to do
with Po Chi Lam,
don't get yourself into trouble!
Uncle, we are not telling others the
pathetic tales of the Chinese workers
We want to tell the glorious
history of the Chinese workers
I, Wong Fai-hong,
should stand for all of you
Who disagrees?
Come with me
It's my fault!
I couldn't imagine that,
the establishment of Po Chi Lam
in the America a year ago,
would pave the way for tragedy
And I dragged Master down too...
Uncle Han, are you afraid?
Getting married and working hard,
pretending as emperor at home
but working as slave outside...
That is my life!
Sir, it is our custom,
man would die with a full stomach
May I feed them?
All the prisoners get their
final meal before they're executed
What can it hurt?
Master Wong
This is all I can do
Master Wong,
stuffed dumplings for you
Master, we all depend on you
I have full confidence in you
I want more!
They're waiting!
Go away!
Why were you not in jail...
...with us?
I didn't do anything
I didn't do anything wrong
as Mayor of this town and
in the name of God
I'm here to witness this fair and
just execution of these men
God has decided the day
they are to die
Now I shall decide their hour
Move everyone
Up the way
Look out! Sheriff out of the way,
we have to stop him, boys!
No! No!
Master Wong, that's the robber
That's the ones who robbed the bank
Master, he was the bank robber
I have to get him to clear my name
Sol, save the others first
Master, leave these two to me
Mayor Barclay
What're the hell you're doing here?
I need the rest of my money
The other Chinese is suspicious
of me
I think I should leave town
I agree with you, you'd leave town
What do you want?
I'm just doing business with you
I want my four hundred thousand
That's the bank's money
You told me the job was gonna
a cake walk,
but one of my man's been killed
I've nothing to do with that
It was an accident
I'm sorry too
Damn it!
Go to hell
What the hell!
You little bastard,
how did you get there?
What kind of a man is he?!
This is for you!
Go in
Plays rough!
I like that
You like that
I don't think so
Come on!
Go, get out...
get out...
God damn it!
Where are you?
Where are you?
Come on out now,
let's talk about that!
Surrender now!
You still fight?
What the hell are you?
Hold it tight!
Get off me, I don't need your help!
Come on up!
Come on up. Look out!
I need you to prove my innocence
You're not a human
Get up!
Are you alright?
Why are you guys here?
Oh, Diana!
Fai-hong, are you alright?
Where do you go?
I get them here to help you!
Who are they?
They are...
Forget it
People are hurt
Let's go help them
Seven, get ready for lion dance
Come here!
Congratulations, Billy
I trust you will be a good Mayor
As a new Mayor,
I proclaim in name of friendship and
understanding that from this day on,
this area of Fort Stockton will be
known as China Town
I know you will be a good leader,
like Lincoln
Farewell, Yellow
I'm not Yellow
My name is Wong Fai-hong
A name is just a name
You'll always be our brother
Come on!
Who are they?
Don't you remember them?
Master Wong, no more speeches!
It's time to get going
That's right,
if you miss this train,
you'll miss the boat as well
Now go
didn't you have
a long speech readied?
How come you finish your speech
so soon?
Master Wong, please do go now
Get on the train
Let's go!
See you!
See you...
Here she is!
Master Wong, take care
How are you doing?
Who is that woman?
People say she's Uncle Lone's wife
Where the hell is it?
It's far from home!
It's a nice place
It's a nice place!
I am tired!
I'll need at least 3 days' rest
before I can take care of you
No problem. As you wish
Why are they so happy?
No more than 10 people per day,
and I break on the 1st and 15th
You really don't remember
the Indian woman?
No, I remember nothing!
See you!
No need to see me off, Sol,
go tend to the store
Good bye!