Would You Like to Dine with Me? (2022) Movie Script

(ominous music)
(birds singing)
(eerie music)
(bird calling)
(eerie music)
(dark music)
(biker gasping)
(tense music building)
(soft instrumental music)
(sinister music)
(birds chirping)
(bird calling)
(eerie music)
(car dinging)
(ominous music)
(biker gasping)
[Biker] Help!
(dramatic music)
(biker grunting)
(Josh choking)
Where are you?
(tense music)
Josh, come on.
Josh, where are you?
(phone ringing)
(Josh coughing)
Josh, Josh, where are you?
(Josh coughing)
Just where are you?
[Josh] Run.
[Biker] Run? What do you mean run?
Josh, Josh,
Josh, where are you, Josh?
What are you saying? (killer muffled)
(eerie music)
(eerie music continues)
(dog barking)
You're back.
[Captive] What happened?
Who are you?
missed you.
You're home.
Who the hell are you?
(dog barking)
Where's Josh?
(dissonant piano music)
What's wrong?
You don't like it.
Where is he?
Who, Josh?
[Captive] You know where he is?
He doesn't matter right now.
What do you mean?
The doctors, they weren't
even sure he would make it.
I mean, in the beginning.
But I guess he took a turn for the better.
Gonna be okay.
Can you take me to him?
He's not in any condition
for visitors right now.
You need to eat.
(dog barking)
What's your name?
So what are we gonna do tonight?
To celebrate.
Why would we?
Hmm. You forgot.
[Captive] Forgot what?
Nevermind. Just eat.
Do you love me?
Excuse me.
That's it, I-
- Sit down.
Get your god damn hands off me.
Where did you get that?
I'll explain everything.
No, no, no.
I'll explain everything.
That's what the dinner's for.
I wanted to explain to you over dinner.
Where's your ring?
[Captive] Did you take it?
You know, I know you had a problem recently
but it's going a bit too far.
This is for you.
What the fuck is this?
Is this kind of a joke?
It's not my fault you lost your ring.
Give me the ring.
You look so beautiful right now.
Give me the fucking ring.
You know I love you, right?
Give me the ring or I'll call the police.
Not again.
Where's my phone?
It's in a safe place.
Crazy, you're crazy.
You know I talked to Josh, right?
Terrible, terrible person.
You know he did nothing but insult me.
Yeah, he's not in the hospital.
Where is he?
You know the last
thing I said to him before?
Yeah, I drugged your drink.
So, if you could tell
me when you pass out,
well that's silly, how would you do that?
I tell you what,
I'm gonna listen for
your body to hit the floor.
Then I'll come back, and pick you up.
[Captive] Oh no, where are you going?
(captive crying)
(captive crying)
Open the door.
(captive yelling)
(eerie music)
I've waited so long.
Have you ever had a dream walking
Well I did
It's our song.
May I have this dance.
Oh, I'm sorry, you're with somebody?
I'm sorry.
You know the least I
can do is buy you a drink.
Seven and seven.
I remember.
It's your favorite drink.
Waiter, Seven-Seven for the lady.
Whiskey-Coke for me.
Very thirsty.
(dog barking)
Let's dance.
Wanna dance?
Have you ever had a dream walking
Well, I did
(captor humming)
I love you.
You open it.
I'll do it for you.
Will you marry me?
(captive spitting)
You're fucking delusional.
I don't,
I don't understand.
I've done everything that you love.
If there's anything for
you, I did everything right?
You're disgusting,
and you're gonna let
me out, you crazy fuck.
Why are you doing this to me?
Did your mother drop you
when you were a child, because-
(classical orchestral music)
(captive choking)
Listen, I'm not gonna say anything.
I promise you can let me go.
I'm not gonna say anything.
When you get your manners back,
you'll get more privileges.
I'm not your wife.
I'm not.
I have known you for over 20 years,
and you have never
ever acted like this before.
My name is Samantha.
Samantha Ness.
Maybe you just need a good
night's sleep, Samantha Ness.
(classical orchestral music)
(Samantha coughing)
(Samantha murmuring)
Good night.
(Samantha gasping)
(dog barking)
(dog barking)
(bird calling)
(Samantha coughing)
(Samantha crying)
(dog barking)
(rooster crowing)
(Samantha gasping)
Good morning, sunshine.
How you doing?
How'd you sleep?
Well, hopefully better than I did.
Fucking dogs barking all night.
Hate those motherfuckers.
I gotta leave, so
would you like to have
dinner with me tonight?
That's lovely.
Okay, you get hungry, you help yourself.
Got a little bit of
everything in the bucket.
Kinda like a goulash.
(chickens clucking)
(Samantha crying)
(Samantha screaming and crying)
(ominous music)
(truck starting)
(Samantha screaming and crying)
(goat bleating)
(tense music)
(birds calling)
Honey, I'm home.
Okay, I know I'm late, I'm so sorry.
Look, don't be mad.
Are you mad?
You can't be mad at me,
'cause guess who brought home dinner?
This guy.
He's massive.
I almost broke my
back bringing this guy in.
You kidding?
Jesus Christ.
I have a confession to make, too.
Cleaning my game.
Not my favorite part, by far.
Where is Josh?
Think Sam.
Think about it.
Come on.
He was an asshole.
Sweetheart, look.
Look, I thought if I were to tell you
what really happened to
Josh, it would upset you.
Look, apparently I was right.
[Samantha] You son of a bitch. (crying)
The truth is, his meat was not bad.
I mean, it was tough,
but there was still flavor in it.
I mean, you seemed to enjoy it.
(Samantha whimpering)
God, he's huge.
(dog barking)
(classical cello music)
(Samantha panting)
(saw running)
(classical orchestral music)
(dog barking)
(Samantha sobbing)
You're not gonna find
a fresher cut than this.
What the fuck?
God damn it.
(Samantha whimpering)
Where are you taking me?
No, no, no.
All I've ever done was care for you.
Showed you love.
Very disappointed in you.
Come back, come back, come back.
Come back!
Don't leave me here, come
back come back, please.
No, no, no.
Come back!
(Samantha screaming)
(eerie music)
(Samantha screaming)
(sinister music)
I want to dinner with you.
I want to dinner with you.
I, I don't understand what you're saying.
I want to eat dinner more
than anything with you.
You look beautiful.
I've been preparing this for days.
I don't know if I'm gonna do it right.
Will you marry me.
You don't wanna be my wife?
Oh sweetheart.
(bird calling)
What's wrong?
It's just me.
(sinister music)
God, I love you.
Can I go to the bathroom?
(dog barking)
Hello? Hello?
Is this 9-1-1?
I need you to send
someone right now, please.
[Julian] Everything right in there?
(Julian knocking on door)
What are you doing in here?
I found this for us.
That's a good idea.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Get off.
Get off.
I can't.
I can't, we're not married.
It's a sin.
I'm tired of this.
I know you're not her.
And I know you don't love me.
No one could ever love me like her.
Did you want to hear what happened to her?
How she died?
She loved coming to the mountains.
Loved animals,
like she was always
finding an injured animal,
nursing it back to health.
We were happy.
But one day she left and,
she never came back.
After a few hours,
I went out looking for her.
I must have covered the whole forest.
It was people like you that killed her.
Speeding down the mountain.
Just ran right over her.
Thank God she was unconscious.
She was barely hanging on but,
I carried her back here
so she could die at home.
The truth is, when I found
you, you reminded me of her.
You have the same smile,
same beautiful face.
I guess I thought if I lived with you
I'd be able to live out,
but I wasn't able to live with her.
That's true?
(Julian laughing)
I killed her 'cause she
was a stupid fucking cunt.
I hated her.
That's why she died.
That bitch didn't believe in me.
She didn't understand anything I was doing,
and didn't support my belief
in protecting the sacred mountain.
She was gonna turn me in,
so I had to kill her.
But people, they knew her so,
had to make it look like an
accident, which was easy.
Just perched on the top
of a mountain and boop.
Sorry officer, I don't know,
she must have slipped.
She was gonna turn me in.
That's why I killed her.
(phone ringing)
Son of a bitch.
(phone ringing)
What the fuck did you,
did you call the police?
Did you call the police?
What, who did you call?
I'm sorry.
God damn it.
God damn it.
God damn it.
What the fuck did you
think was gonna happen
when you called the police?
Were you gonna turn me in?
Is that, you gonna turn?
I'm sorry.
Motherfucker, you are just like her.
You're just fucking like her.
I'm sorry.
God damn.
(Samantha whimpering)
(tense music)
(car door closing)
Sheriff's department, open up please.
Open up.
Evening, sir.
Evening Deputy.
How can I help you?
Everything all right?
Everything's fine.
You sure?
I'm sure.
A bit bored, but you know
how things are around here.
Yeah, I do.
Gets quiet up here.
So what brings you out here, Deputy?
A phone call.
Phone call?
To dispatch, about a
disturbance in the neighborhood.
Well, as you can see,
everything's quiet around here.
Sorry to waste your time.
It's my job.
You know what's weird?
That phone call came from here.
From here?
Yeah, right here.
You own this place, right?
From here.
I know what happened.
I was calling my mother
and hit the wrong speed dial.
Must have connected for a second,
I didn't even think you
guys would catch it.
I got confused.
Your mother?
Now I'm confused.
- You're confused?
- Yeah.
Do you mind if I take a look inside?
You know it's been a long day officer,
I really need to get the bed.
Been a long day for me, too.
Just routine.
Do you mind?
Of course.
Yeah, come, come in.
Looks like somebody had a guest.
Ah, just a
good friend stopped by earlier.
That's all.
Good friend?
Maybe something romantic.
I'm not sure yet.
Is she still here?
No, unfortunately not.
She's long gone.
I lied.
Excuse me.
My wife passed away a while back.
God, this is embarrassing.
I haven't been with a
woman since my wife passed,
until tonight.
I decided to call one of those.
Afterwards she started demanding
more money, threatened me.
She threatened you physically?
Yes, that's why I got on
the phone with the police,
and as soon as she saw me on the phone
she must have gotten scared.
Well, perfect.
My job's done.
Let's just file a report.
You know, that's not necessary.
I feel bad enough that you
came all the way up here.
I'd just really like to let it go.
That is why I'm here.
You cannot let a prostitute do that to you.
Let's file it.
As I said, Deputy, I've
had a really long day.
I'd like to let it go and just get to bed.
But thank you.
I'm sorry about your wife.
And I'm not the deputy.
I'm a sheriff.
(bird calling)
You stay safe out there, Sheriff.
I will.
(sinister music)
(Samantha tapping)
(ominous music)
Are you okay?
It's okay, we're gonna get you out of here.
[Julian] Don't do it.
Turn around slow.
[Sheriff] I'm turning.
Put the flashlight down.
You sick fuck.
Thought you left, Sheriff.
I didn't.
This is my job.
Why didn't you just leave, you asshole?
I told you to go.
You had to stick your fuckin' nose
into my fuckin' business
just like everyone else around here.
This is my job.
Do you understand?
Well, thank you for
your service, goodbye.
Hey hey hey hey, look.
I'm gonna kill you.
You're gonna kill me.
We don't need to do this.
You got a family.
I got a family.
She's got a family.
I don't have anyone, Sheriff.
Come on.
You're smart.
No deals with pigs.
(gun firing)
It's over.
Give me a chance
Another chance.
Look at you.
I love you.
I know you still love me.
I know I'm not her,
but we can make it work.
I love you.
Is that true?
Marry me.
Trust me.
I love you.
(soft music)
I Julian, take you Samantha,
to be my lawfully wedded wife.
To have and to hold,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and health.
Till death do us part.
(dog barking)
This is where you're supposed
to put the ring on my finger.
We're not, I mean, you don't have to.
It's your turn.
The vows.
take Julian to be my
lawfully wedded husband,
to have and to hold,
for richer and for poorer,
in sickness and in health.
Till death do us part.
(classical orchestral music)
(birds chirping)
I love Samantha Ness! (laughing)
(eerie music)
(bird calling)
(Samantha gasping)
Sam, I'm not gonna kill you.
We just got married, right?
What were you gonna do with this?
Were you gonna kill me?
I can't leave you alone one day.
Till death
do us part.
(bird calling)
(tense music)
(dog barking)
(Samantha groaning)
(bird calling)
(sinister music)
(Samantha screaming)
(Samantha screaming)
(Samantha crying)
(Samantha screaming)
(classical orchestral music)
(Samantha crying)
Sweetheart, what did you to do to yourself?
It looks like you lost a lot of blood.
Honey, come on out, we
need to get you to the hospital.
I love you, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Sweetheart, if we don't get you help,
you're gonna die out here.
(tense music)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(high-tension music)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
(gun firing)
You okay?
(Samantha crying)
(Samantha grunting)
(Samantha groaning)
Sammy, Sammy, Sammy.
We had such a good thing.
Some people are just never happy.
You think we should have
did couples counseling?
(Samantha gasping)
(Samantha gasping)
(eerie music)
Color me impressed.
You are much harder than I thought.
You know, the truth is though,
all you had to do was ask for the key.
(Samantha growling)
(Samantha grunting)
(high-tension music)
(trap closing)
(Julian choking)
(mournful orchestral music)
(soft orchestral music)
(dark orchestral music)