You Lucky Dog (1998) Movie Script

[ Male Singer ]
The two of us together
Its the only place to be
No matter what the weather
you can always count on me
But me and you
are stuck like glue
Well never come apart
You and me
couldnt hurt a flea
Were the same
right down to the heart
Its like nothing
and its something
thats hard to find
The two of us
are so similar
You know that
I can read your mind
When the rain
comes falling down
The sun will come
right back around
Cause we got the best
Nothing less
"Dog Psychic
Stuns Experts."
Dont you worry, boy.
Everythings gonna be all right.
Looks like hes
the real thing, boy.
Mr. Morgan
is a dog therapist.
Hes been gifted with
a psychic connection to canines.
So he can actually
read their thoughts
and communicate with them.
Hell sit your dog down
for a consultation...
and see if he cant
get to the heart of
whats really bothering him.
- Is this for real or what ?
- Oh, yes !
Mr. Morgans been doing this
for years. Hes a very talented
and sensitive therapist.
[ Snoring ]
[ Whines, Sniffs ]
[ Phone Ringing ]
Jack Morgan, dog therapist.
This is Bernice.
A dog therapist !
For crying out loud,
why do I listen to you ?
[ Bernice ]
Really ? I put that check
in the mail last week.
Nothing in the envelope ?
The check mustve fallen out.
Theres nothin goin on
in there.
Fifty bucks down the drain.
Maybe he communicates
with his clients
on a higher level.
- That does it.
Im goin in there.
- You cant go in there !
[ Woman ]
Honey, no.
What did I tell you ?
Hes nothing but a big phony !
Uh... well, we were making
some real progress.
Progress !
You were sleeping !
Well, thats how
it may appear
to the untrained eye--
Lets see what it looks like
with a black eye.
Im sensing a lot
of hostility here.
That could cause some serious
psychological damage to Bosco
from which he may never recover.
- And youre gonna have
to live with that.
- Fine. Live with this.
I happen to be
a personal friend of the mayor.
And Im gonna have this place
closed down quicker than
you can say "cease and desist."
Get the dog, Emily.
Come on, Bosco.
Come on.
Oh, sure !
Like he really knows
the mayor.
This is it !
Ive just had it, Jack.
Its too stressful.
Besides, Ive already got
a line on a job
with more career potential.
- What kind of job ?
- Drive-in hostess
at the Chicken Barn.
You sure I cant
talk you out of leaving ?
- Positive.
- What if I give you a raise ?
Id settle for what
you already owe me, Jack.
Im sure gonna miss you,
[ Knocking At Door ]
A customer ! Stop packing !
Put it away !
- Jack Morgan ?
- At your service.
Im Clive Windsor.
This is Calvin.
- Hello.
- Mmm.
And this unhappy fellow
is Lucky.
Hes been so upset
and agitated lately.
Im very concerned.
Yes, yes, I can see.
He needs
immediate attention.
Hmm. Could be
a chewing disorder...
or tail anxiety.
Or both.
Bernice, when is
my next open appointment ?
- Youre clear
till next Thanksgiving.
- Shh, shh.
Well, looks like
we have a cancellation.
We can get started
right away.
Please, make yourselves
comfortable. Bernice,
the gentlemen might like coffee.
So would I.
Its across the street
at the diner.
[ Chuckles ]
Shes great.
Okay. Well,
come on, Lucky.
- This wont take long.
This wont hurt a bit.
- Thats it, boy, go ahead.
Here we go.
Have a seat.
[ Clears Throat ]
[ Lucky Groans ]
Who am I kidding ?
Your heads as empty
as a clear sky, isnt it ?
Even if I could read
your mind,
all youd be thinking about
is chasing squirrels
and drinking out of a toilet.
[ Sighs ]
Believe it or not,
there was a time
when I could actually do this...
for real !
I was just a kid.
Maybe it was some kind
of genetic thing.
Well, whatever it was,
it just faded away.
[ Sniffs ]
[ Whooshing Sound ]
Man, what was that ?
I gotta get out
of this office more often.
Ive gotta get
some fresh air.
[ Whooshing Sound ]
What the heck
is goin on ?
Wait a second.
What are you lookin at ?
What are you up to ?
All right. All right,
thats it. This session
is officially over.
- Oh, done already ?
- Yes.
Im having trouble
getting through to him.
Its just not gonna work out.
- A-Are you sure ?
- Im positive.
Maybe you should see
another dog therapist
or a veterinarian.
- Anybody but me.
- Is Lucky all right ?
- I dont know.
- Is he sick ?
I dont--
- Hes worried about you.
- Me ?
Hes sensing some hostility
from two--
no, three people,
in your own home.
How did you know
about that ?
T-To be honest with you,
I have no idea.
Um, you know, it was probably
just a lucky guess.
Listen, y-you better leave.
Well, at least
let me pay you
for your information.
Oh, no, no. No, no, no.
I cut the session short. Im
not gonna charge you a thing.
No, no.
I insist.
Now I understand
whats been bothering Lucky.
I-Im glad I could help.
You have a remarkable gift,
young man.
Come on.
A gift ?
Its more like a curse.
- What happened in there ?
- Its the dog.
- What, Windsors ?
- Yeah. Yeah, I just--
I got a really weird vibe
off him.
- It kind of spooked me.
- What are you talking about ?
After all these years,
hes the only one
that I almost--
- He just rattled me.
- Jack, if youre talking
you know what,
you havent had that
since you were 14.
[ Phone Ringing ]
- Yeah ?
- [ Woman Indistinct ]
Oh, I see.
Jack, its the mayors office.
[ Men Chattering ]
Oh, so its Mr. Mooneys word
against mine. Is that it ?
Well, I happen to be
a respected canine therapist.
Why are you laughing ?
Listen, I provide
a valuable service
to the community.
Hello ?
Well, fine !
Pick my bones while Im down,
you vultures !
I cant believe this.
This is totally unfair.
Uh, Mr. Morgan ?
Remember me ?
Calvin Bridges.
Yes, yes, yes.
You work for, um--
- Mr. Windsor.
- Right.
Im sorry.
Did I come at a bad time ?
- Oh, no. No, no, no.
Im just, uh, remodeling.
- Uh-huh.
- What brings you here,
Mr. Bridges ?
- Oh.
Bad news, Im afraid.
Mr. Windsor passed away
last week.
Oh, Im very sorry.
He was such a nice old guy.
Yes, he was.
Now youre needed
at the estate.
- Why ?
- Something to do
with Lucky.
- No, thanks.
- I really think
you should reconsider.
Uh-uh. I told you,
I want nothing to do
with that dog.
This could be very much
worth your while.
Let me drive you over.
- No.
- Why ? You got
something better to do ?
Well, I--
[ Woman ]
I think were ready
to begin the proceedings.
First, let me express
my condolences on the death
of your Uncle Clive Windsor.
Thank you, my dear.
It has indeed been
very devastating.
Its been so difficult.
- [ Woman ] Please proceed.
- Fine.
"I, Clive Windsor,
being of sound mind and body,
- [ Scoffs ] Right !
- "do hereby bequeath
my worldly possessions...
- "to my only living heirs
as follows:
- Yes !
"To my nephew Reuben, who never
showed an interest in anything
other than his own comfort,
- I leave
my favorite easy chair."
- I always liked that chair.
You moron !
Hes cut you out of his will.
- Whos next ?
- "To my niece Margaret,
whose greed...
is rivaled only
by her vanity, I leave
one full-length mirror."
- And ?
- Im afraid thats it.
[ Gasps ]
Its mine !
Its mine !
- What ?
- Thank you, Uncle.
Thank you.
How dare he !
"And to my sniveling nephew
"who has always been
a big numbskull,
I leave... nothing."
- What ?
- "Thats right, Lyle.
Absolutely nothing."
Oh, thats what it says.
- That just about covers it.
- Wait a minute.
Who gets the money ?
- The $64 million ?
- The $64 million has been
placed in a trust fund.
But who gets the money ?
[ Jack ]
Mr. Bridges ?
Mr. Bridges !
If its not a house call,
why are we going
to the Windsor estate ?
I told you, Im a busy man.
Im practically a doctor.
- Youre meeting with
Mr. Windsors attorney.
- His attorney ?
Here we are.
Wow ! This is the place ?
Ive seen smaller museums.
[ Arguing ]
- [ Shouting ]
- [ Car Horn Honking ]
Is that him ?
[ Snarls ]
Im Jack Morgan,
the dog therapist.
Ill kill you !
[ Shouting,
Lucky Barking ]
Stop it !
Youll kill him.
- Let me kill him !
- [ Shouting Continues ]
Get off me !
Hey, my foot !
[ Margaret ]
Ill be back !
- Are you okay ?
- Yeah. Yeah, Im fine.
Im Jack Morgan.
- Im here to see
Mr. Windsors attorney.
- Thats me, Alison Kent.
- Youre the attorney ?
- Yes. You seem surprised.
Uh, well, I am.
I, I mean, I was--
Are you okay ?
Yeah, great.
Good. We have
some business to discuss.
We do ?
Nice place.
- Perhaps youd like
to take a look around.
- Yeah, sure.
I think I should tell you
to prepare yourself.
The situation
that were in here
is a bit unusual.
In fact, I think
its safe to say its...
the first of its kind.
When you met Mr. Windsor,
Im sure you noticed...
he was a very
unique individual.
During his lifetime
he amassed a fortune
of $64 million.
Well, that definitely qualifies
as "amassing."
You just met
his only living heirs,
who could best be described as--
Pond scum ?
Lets just say
Mr. Windsor thought
they were undeserving.
So, thats why Mr. Windsor
decided to leave
his entire estate...
to the only one he knew
possessed enough heart
and spirit...
to enjoy the money
His dog... Lucky.
- Youre joking, right ?
- No, Im not.
- How does a dog inherit money ?
- Well,
the entire $64 million
has been placed in a trust,
and you have been named
permanent translator,
his legal voice in all matters
regarding his whims and wishes
for spending the fortune.
The dog will be in control
of the assets, and you
will be working for him.
Me ?
Apparently Mr. Windsor
was very impressed with you.
Really ?
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Lets get this straight.
The dog...
and I have control
of all the money ?
Thats right.
And all the property,
including this mansion...
if you choose
to become trustee.
Of course,
I does require some duties
on your part.
Oh. Duties ?
- Youd have to live here.
- Oh, gee.
And youll have
a full-time staff.
A staff ?
I like the sound of that.
- Are you sure
this whole thing is legal ?
- Ironclad.
Unless, of course,
the heirs can prove that
youre mentally incompetent.
Aw, well, no problem there.
I mean, I am sharp as a tack.
- Mr. Morgan ?
- Hmm ?
So, is there
anything else ?
Well, there is
the matter of money.
Heres some credit cards
and cash to tide you over...
- until we set up
your bank accounts.
- Oh, excellent.
Its been very...
I think that takes care
of things for now.
Yeah. Well,
drop by anytime.
- Ill see you later.
- Ill talk to you tomorrow.
Its all mine.
[ Laughs ]
This whole castle
is mine !
I am master of the manor.
Im lord of the castle.
Im Lord of the Flies.
Lord of the Dance !
Im rich ! Im rich !
Im really, really rich !
Im rich !
Im rich !
Im really rich !
Im rich ! Im rich !
Im really, really rich !
Top o the world, Ma !
Ah, what can I say ?
Ive never been rich before.
- And it looks like
Im your new driver.
- Great !
I live upstairs on
the west wing. Ill be happy
to help you find your bedroom.
Sure. Wow.
Ive never lived in a place
that needed a tour guide before.
Oh, man, have I got
a weird taste in my mouth.
- You got a mint ?
- No.
Yeah, it tastes like--
It tastes like... shoe leather.
Are you all right,
chief ?
- Yeah. Yeah, Im fine.
- Okay.
- Follow me.
- Okay.
The old man knew
exactly what he was doing.
He was trying to teach us
some stupid lesson about
the real world or something.
- All I want to know is,
how do we get our money back ?
- According to the will,
the only way to dissolve
the trust is to prove
that the trustee,
Mr. Jack Morgan,
is mentally incompetent.
- He claims to be a dog psychic.
What more proof do you need ?
- Can you do it ?
[ Scoffs ]
Of course. Relax.
If it takes me
more than a week,
Ill retire.
But its going
to cost you.
- How much ?
- Thirty percent.
- [ Together ] What ?
- I think he said
thirty percent.
Thats thirty percent
of our money.
Your money
currently belongs to a dog.
[ Sighs ]
Thirty percent of squat
is still squat.
Do you want your house back
or not ? I cost because
Im the best in the business.
I can have you
back in your mansion,
on your patio with that dog...
on a barbecue spit
in a couple of weeks, but
30 percent is what itll cost.
[ Yawns ]
Take it or leave it.
Well, uh--
What do we do for money
in the meantime ?
You could always
take a job.
[ Gasps ]
All right.
Cut back on your spending.
Cut back ?
How am I supposed to live ?
I use an imported shampoo.
Well, you could wear
that hat for a week.
No, no, no, no.
We need a court order...
to be able to get back
into the house, to be able
to get our cars, belongings--
Negative ! I dont
want you going back there
until after the trial.
Were going for a motion.
I want to be able to tell the
jury you were too traumatized
to go back. Dont worry.
Youll be back in your rooms
in no time.
[ Margaret ]
This is an outrage.
We have no credit cards,
no cars.
I cant even imagine what kind
of room we could rent for the
amount of cash we have on us.
- What are we gonna do ?
- Shh, shh, shh.
Well consider the offer,
Mr. Pfister.
Thank you.
Come on, lets go.
I cant stand the thought
of that little creep in my home.
Heaven only knows
what hes doing
at this very moment.
- [ Rock ]
- [ Jack Shouting ]
Whoo ! Whoo-whoo !
Its five seconds on the clock,
and its up to Jack Morgan.
He fakes,
he looks for--
Its good !
Jack Morgan wins it again !
What an athlete.
What a man.
Oh, no.
Wheres the ball ?
Wheres the ball ?
Im goin in.
- [ Knocking ]
- Mr. Morgan ?
Its the housekeepers, sir.
Would you like some dinner ?
[ Rock Music Continues ]

Oh ! Oh.
Wait. Dont be afraid.
I live here.
Miss ?
Hello ?
[ Margaret ]
Look at these sheets !
- [ Reuben ]
At least theyre clean.
- But theyre cotton !
This skin has never slept
on anything less
than 100% silk.
And Im certainly not
about to start rubbing elbows
with mattress buttons now.
Ahh !
This is unbearable.
This is completely
unacceptable !
How much longer
can we be expected
to endure this ?
I suggest we take matters
into our own hands.
[ Margaret ]
Tell me.
What do you have
in mind ?
Why pay that greedy attorney
millions of dollars...
- when we can handle
the problem ourselves ?
- Yes ? Yes ?
If Lucky becomes unlucky,
the money reverts to us.
All we have to do
is change the dogs name ?
No !
If Lucky has an accident...
[ Makes Cutting Sound ]
we get all of it back.
Its too risky.
Before we go that far,
lets get the goods
on that phony mutt lover.
Lets not forget were down
to our last quarter.
Can I use it
for the vibrating bed ?
Please ?
I know its strange,
but Mr. Windsor was convinced...
Id know exactly
how Lucky wants
the money spent.
Im neat and Im tidy.
I eat the normal stuff
at the normal times.
Theres nothing fancy about me.
I think youll find
I am just a normal--
[ Whooshing Sound ]
- What ?
- What ?
- What did you say ?
- I beg your pardon ?
You said something
about going outside.
Outside ? No.
- You.
- No.
What was I saying ?
- You said you were normal and--
- Normal.
Thats right.
I am perfectly normal and--
- If you gotta go, you gotta go.
Dont let me stop you.
- What ?
- You just said--
- I didnt say anything.
- Are you sure ?
- I think Id know.
- Then you ?
- Nothing !
- [ Barks ]
- Oh, no !
Wh-What is it ?
He just--
I just--
Aah !
- Do you know what this means ?
- Yes.
- The dog wants to go outside.
- How did you know that ?
Because dogs always make
those whining noises
when they want to go out.
Oh... right.
[ Chuckles ]
Im a dog therapist.
I know that.
Uh, will you excuse us
for just a minute ?
Can I talk to you ?
Im hearing you
inside my head.
- And you can understand me,
too, cant you ?
- [ Barks ]
Why didnt you tell me
when we first met
at the office ?
- [ Barks ]
- Maybe I wasnt listening,
but I had a lot on my mind.
- Hes talking to the dog.
- Its very strange.
You dont understand.
After all these years,
its come back. Why now ?
I knew this setup
was too good to be true.
- [ Barks ]
- I know you need to go out.
Just hold it, will ya ?
Listen, I have been
through this before,
and its no fun for me.
[ Barking ]
All right, slow down, will ya ?
I havent done this
since I was a kid.
- [ Whining ]
- Wait a minute.
This could be worse
than I thought.
All right, listen.
Ive got to ask you something.
This is very important,
so think it through
Whats your personality like ?
Do you get overexcited easily ?
All right. You dont strike me
as the type that gets too hyper,
and thats good...
because its very important
to stay calm.
Whatever you do,
you dont want to get
too emotional.
Now, tail-wagging
is acceptable in moderation.
An occasional outbreak
of barking or a token growl
is fine too.
You just dont want
to get too excited
because its bad.
Its real bad.
Why is it bad ?
You dont wanna know.
People might think
Im nuts.
- Hes definitely nuts.
- [ Barking ]
All right already.
I heard you
the first two times.
You wanna go out,
well go out.
Come on.
And dont think youre
gonna be barking out orders
at me, either.
Thats not how
its gonna work around here.
Are you listening to me ?
Come on ! Its the same spot
you circled three times now !
Dont you recognize it yet ?
Sorry. I didnt mean
to throw off your concentration.
Oh, thats the spot, huh ?
Great !
I think you made
a fine choice.
What ?
For crying out loud,
Im not watching !
Im waiting.
[ Growls ]
All right, no problem.
I guess I wouldnt
want to be watched, either.
[ Barking ]
Are you finished ?
Hello ?
[ Barking ]
What ?
A bone ?
All right, calm down.
Its just a bone.
Stay calm.
Lucky, just relax,
will ya ?
Hey, come on.
I thought you said you didnt
get excited that easily.
Oh ! Oh, no !
No ! No ! No !
[ Lucky Barking ]
Oh. What in the world ?
Excuse me.
Excuse me !
Are you sure
youre all right ?
- Fine, fine.
Just lookin for a bone.
- [ Stammering ]
- What ?
- A bone, a bone.
I need to find a bone.
I buried a big, juicy bone here
a few nights ago.
I cant remember where it is.
Its driving me crazy.
I can smell it.
I know its in here.
I can taste it too.
- [ Barks ]
- Hold the phone.
This could be gravy.
Hallelujah !
Its still got some meat on it !
You need help.
- Oh, baby, I could chew
on you all night.
- How dare you !
Oh, come here,
you tasty morsel.
[ Screaming ]
- [ Lucky Barking ]
- [ Maid Screaming ]
- [ Barking Continues ]
- [ Sighs ]
[ Barking Continues ]
[ Growling ]
I think hes dangerous.
I knew it.
The guys a fruitcake.
[ Barking Continues ]
[ Glass Shattering,
Growling ]
[ Growling Continues ]
He is one sick puppy.
Excuse me.
I just wanted to let you know
that were leaving now.
Its nothing personal,
but I think you might be
possessed by the devil...
or something,
so were just going
to go now.
[ Barking ]
[ Excited Chattering ]
- [ Howling ]
- [ Barking ]
[ Fly Buzzing ]
[ Buzzing Continues ]
[ Groans ]
Oh, my head.
Yech !
No wonder.
Lucky, wake up.
We gotta talk.
Hey, look at this place.
Look at you.
Look at me !
[ Sighs ]
What did we do last night,
raid the city dump ?
Dont even answer that.
What did I get myself into ?
All right, listen.
This is not gonna go on
like this.
You understand ? You have got
to concentrate on not getting
excited, and behaving yourself.
- You got it ?
- [ Growls ]
All right, then.
Sixty-four million dollars.
- Just keep reminding yourself
of that.
- [ Calvin Clears Throat ]
- I hate to interrupt.
- Uh, good morning.
So, you, uh,
talk to the dog, huh ?
Yes, I do.
And he understands you.
Im afraid so.
- And you understand him.
- Thats right.
Okay. I see.
Ive known old Lucky here
for a few years.
Why dont you ask him why he
chewed up my brand-new Italian
leather gloves last week ?
Id really like
to know that.
[ Jack ]
Well ?
He says he couldnt resist.
He loves Italian food.
Is that so ?
Well, I guess they would be
pretty tasty at that.
Why dont you
clean yourself up ?
Ill make us a pot of coffee.
- Thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
[ Sighs ]
Look at this stuff.
Man. What are you,
a walking garbage can ? Huh ?
So, uh, how weird
did things get last night ?
Lets just say,
for the first time in my life
I locked by bedroom door...
and slept
with my light on.
- That bad, huh ?
- You wanna tell me...
- whats goin on here, chief ?
- Not really.
Okay. Okay, listen.
When Lucky gets excited,
when he gets
really, really excited,
[ Whining ]
his personality
kind of jumps into me.
- And then I kind of become him.
- [ Barks ]
What ?
You know,
its kind of like, like...
You become a dog ?
Cold nose, car chasing,
the works.
[ Chuckling ]
He expects me
to believe this.
What, you think
Im making this up ?
Hey, listen, Calvin,
I wouldnt blame you
if you left.
[ Sighs ]
Ive been here 15 years.
I got a good thing
goin here. Its home.
I want it to stay that way.
But if you keep on pretending
to be Lassie,
theyre gonna run us out of here
quicker than you can say,
"Timmy fell down the well."
[ Sighs ]
Can I fix you
some breakfast, huh ?
Bacon, eggs ?
Kibble ?
No, thanks.
I had too much garbage
last night.
How bout you, fella ?
You hungry ?
No. He hasnt had
much of an appetite since
the night the old man died.
Here you go, Lucky.
Breakfast fit for a king.
Youve gotta eat,
Whats bothering you,
pal ?
[ Footsteps ]
Ah, not tonight, Lucky.
Its the coldest night
of the year.
[ Chuckles ]
You know just how to get to me,
dont you, boy ?
All right, all right.
Come on, come on.
- [ Barking ]
- All right, lets go.
- [ Thunderclaps ]
- No, boy, not too fast.
Youre going too fast
for me, Lucky.
Wait a minute.
Youll be okay on your own.
Yeah. Okay, boy.
Go ahead.
Have fun.
- [ Thunderclaps ]
- [ Groaning ]
[ Barking ]
Lucky, it wasnt your fault.
He was an old man !
I know you miss him,
but sooner or later
youve gotta let him go.
Look, just try to remember
the good times
you had together.
Like going for walks
and riding in the car.
Those are the things
he left behind for you.
Thats what you have
to hold on to.
In the meantime,
youve gotta eat.
I know.
You need a change of scenery.
What do you say
we go someplace ?
- [ Barks ]
- You like that idea, huh ?
Where do you want to go ?
What ?
You wanna go where ?
Oh, no, not the mall.
- [ Barking ]
- Okay. All right, all right.
- Weve decided
to go to the mall.
- The mall ?
Okay. Well...
Ill bring the car around.
[ Barking ]
All right.
Just dont get yourself
all worked up.
Were going to the mall.
Just stay calm.
Calm. Calm.
Oh, boy ! Oh, boy !
Oh, boy ! Oh, boy!
Were goin for a ride !
I love to ride
in the car.
Come on, Lucky.
I apologize
if youre not,
but are you, by any chance,
the dog right now ?
Im covered in fur, arent I ?
Who else would I be ?
Come on, lets roll !
Oh, hold it ! Hold it !
Serious itch comin on.
Ooh, baby !
Oh, baby !
Oh, Suzanna !
Oh, honey, come on.
Bring it on home.
[ Sighs ]
Thats better.
Ever get one
right behind the ear ?
That can
drive you crazy.
Hey, what are we
waitin for ?
Lets get this bucket
on the road !
Im gonna need
a lot more money for this gig.
I can see that right now.
[ Jack Barking ]
[ Barking Continues ]
[ Wicked Laugh ]
Oh, look at him ! Hes better
than we could hope for.
[ Both Barking ]
- Hes a total maniac !
- Yeah !
Get close to the limousine
so we can get him on tape.
- Hurry up !
- Stop it !
I know what Im doing.
- Are you getting this on video ?
- Every bark of it.
Oh, my own man,
my own ship !
Hurry up, stupid.
Hes getting away.
Will you stop telling me
how to drive ?
You dont even have a license.
And dont call me stupid.
You keep that up,
Im gonna scream !
Look out !
- [ Margaret ]
Now youve done it, Lyle.
- Well, it was your fault !
At least we have
that raving idiot
on videotape.
Oh, no.
I forgot to put
a videotape in this thing.
[ Margaret ]
You what ? Hes coming.
Go, go, go !
Go, go, go, go !
[ Man ]
Come back here !
Hey !
- [ Horn Honking ]
- Come on !
[ Margaret ]
Well, weve lost them.
Its time to stop
pussyfooting around.
Dont you think itll look
a tad suspicious if something
happens to the dog so soon ?
I pulled it off
the first time, didnt I ?
Well break into the house
and get the mutt tonight.
This time next week,
well be sleeping
in our own beds.
Everybody in sync ?
Maybe I could make a deal
with him.
The dog ?
No !
Our Mr. Morgan.
Ill use
my irresistible charm.
Stop that.
Stop that !
- Gotta chew. Gotta chew. Ooh.
- Hmm ?
Theres Happy Pups
in the glove compartment.
Ooh ! Happy Pups.
- All right, all right.
All right ! All right already.
- Happy Pups.
Here, here.
[ Groaning ]
[ Groaning ]
Wow. What just happened ?
You took another little trip
to the rubber kennel.
Man, we gotta figure out a way
to keep Lucky
from getting so excited.
Whatever you say, boss.
[ Car Phone Ringing ]
Hello. Yes, he is.
Yes, he is, Miss Kent.
Just a minute.
- Remember, you be careful
or youre gonna blow it
for both of us.
- Yeah.
Hello, Alison.
Hi. How are ya ?
Sure, Id love to sign
some more papers, but now
were on our way to the mall.
Why dont you
just meet us there ?
Your daughter ?
I didnt know you had--
Bring her along.
Well, were going
to the pet store.
Where else is a dog gonna shop ?
I hate to break it
to you, Lucky,
but dogs
just dont buy furniture.
I mean, a new dish maybe,
or a studded collar.
- [ Barks ]
- It does look comfortable, but--
I dont need to try it.
Its your money.
If you really like it,
go ahead and buy it.
- [ Barking ]
- All right, all right.
Ill try it.
Relax. Remember,
youve got to stay cool.
[ Sighs ]
Ooh, youre right.
This is nice.
And the leather
doesnt rub your fur
the wrong way.
Get the dog
off the sofa, please.
Oh, sorry. But he insists
on checking it out
before we buy it.
It happens to be
our finest model.
What ?
Five grand for a sofa ?
- [ Barking ]
- Are you sure ?
[ Barking ]
[ Jack ]
Whatever you say.
- Well take it.
- [ Barks ]
And that one.
- And that one.
- [ Barking ]
And the two red ones
over by the door.
Oh. Very well.
We can make delivery
next week.
No, Im sorry.
He wants them tomorrow
or the deals off.
[ Sighs ]
Would a 10:00 delivery
be satisfactory ?
Come on,
make up your mind, Lucky.
Great !
Well take a pair
of these too.
[ Mouthing Words ]
Thats plenty.
Hey, heres a nice one.
Soft, squeaky.
Why dont you give it
a test chew,
see what you think ?
Too squeaky ?
Ooh, heres something
no home should be without.
A green lamb chop.
What do you think ?
I didnt like it, either.
Ooh, look at this !
Cheese-filled, smoky-flavored.
- Ooh ! How bout one of these ?
- [ Barking ]
- Two of em ? Okay.
- [ Barking ]
All of em ? All right.
I should taste-test this stuff
myself because Ill probably
end up chewing on most of it.
Now what ?
Okay, this shopping spree
is officially over.
Come on.
[ Barks ]
May I have him, Mom ?
Ill take care of him.
I promise.
Its not that easy, honey.
An apartments no place
for a puppy.
He needs a yard
to play in.
So lets move back
to the house with Dad.
He has a yard and everything.
Nicole, you know
we cant do that.
Hi !
Oh, what a cute puppy !
Did I say the wrong thing ?
We dont have room
for a puppy cause my dad
got the house.
Nicole !
Not married.
- He likes me. Whats his name ?
- Lucky.
And Im Jack. You know,
I bet Lucky would love it
if you came over to play.
- Really ? Can I, Mom ?
- Well see, honey.
You hear that, Lucky ?
Were gonna be friends.
- There you go. You got him ?
- [ Barking ]
- Thanks. That was really sweet.
- Oh, sure !
Any friend of Luckys
is a friend of mine.
- I have some documents
I need you to sign.
- Oh, no "problemo."
- All right. Okay.
- Right here.
[ Jack ]
All righty.
Right here on the dotted line ?
- [ Alison ] Yep, right there.
- [ Barks ]
[ Barking ]
[ Growling ]
- You dont like cats ?
- Huh ?
- Mom, Lucky wants to leave !
- Have time for a little walk ?
Sure. Hold on, Nick.
Were coming.
The last time I spent
an afternoon just
hanging out at the mall...
I was still living
in Nebraska.
Nebraska ? What was your
other entertainment option ?
Tipping over
the neighbors cow ?
- For your information,
theres a lot of fun things
to do in the Midwest.
- Yeah ?
My sisters, my cousins,
wed all hang out.
My mom used to call us
the seven musketeers.
Wow, theres seven of you ?
It must seem real quiet
with just you and Nicole.
Quiets okay.
But I think shes missing out
on something really special.
Being from a big family,
theres just always someone
there for you. Always.
- Thanks for the ride, Jack.
- Youre welcome ! I love trains.
[ Jack ]
When I was little, I always
wanted to be an engineer.
[ Alison ]
You know, for a bachelor,
youre pretty good with kids.
Oh ! Well, thanks.
I guess I do have
a sensitive side.
I mean, Im not one
of those guys that cries
at the drop of a hat.
But I do like kids...
and girls too !
In fact, listen, Alison,
would you ever consider--
[ Sniffing ]
- [ Sniffing ]
- [ Sniffing ]
- Won ton chicken !
- Excuse me ?
- Pork !
- [ Sniffing ]
- Sweet and sour pork !
- What ?
I can smell it.
I can smell it.
Its near, its near !
Yeah, its probably
over at Won Ton Tommys.
Yee-haw !
They must be pretty hungry.
I, I guess so, honey.
Come on, lets go.
[ Both Barking ]
Gotta have more. More !
Table scraps ! Table scraps.
I love it, I love it.
[ Excited Chattering ]
What is all this ?
Are they remodeling the place ?
It looks like he bought
the whole stupid town.
[ Reuben ]
Hes having steaks delivered.
Tons of them !
What ?
Give me those.
[ Margaret ]
Hundreds of chew toys.
I dont believe this.
Now is the time
to make my move.
- How many dogs
you got here anyway ?
- Just one.
But he and the dog have
a very... special relationship.
Just go pile this up
with the rest of the stuff.
Admit it. You overdid it.
Now, where are we supposed
to put all this stuff ?
Lucky, come on, come on.
Cant you wait till dinnertime ?
Yoo-hoo ! Hello there.
My dear boy,
please allow me
to apologize for my
behavior the other day.
- Say you forgive me.
- Okay, yeah, sure.
You cant imagine
how distraught I was...
over the sudden passing
of my beloved uncle.
[ Sighs ]
- But you seem
like a reasonable young man.
- Uh-huh.
Good ! Then we can
discuss business.
[ Jackhammer Hammering ]
What on earth are
you doing to this house ?
Were tearing out
the marble floors.
- Youre what ?
- It was Luckys idea, not mine.
That is carerra marble
imported from Naples,
hand-carved and polished !
Yeah, but you should try
running on it.
Your paws slip all over
the place, especially if youre
taking a really sharp turn.
I see.
Ah, do you mind
if I ask what you intend
to replace it with ?
Watch it, lady.
[ Screams, Laughs ]
But of course !
Where were we ?
Oh, yes, business.
I was thinking,
perhaps theres a way
we could both profit.
- Would you look at that ?
- What ?
Bones !
Beef-basted, meaty,
mammoth, crunchy, munchy,
grade-A certified bones !
My goodness.
Get ahold of yourself.
You know what Im gonna do
with those bones, dont you ?
- Bury em !
- But why ?
Duh !
So I can dig em up again.
That seems rather silly,
doesnt it ?
You dont understand, do you ?
You never did.
You gotta dig em up !
Think about it.
Its 2:00 in the morning,
and youve got nothing to do.
All of a sudden, you remember...
theres a bone
buried in the yard.
I can dig it up
and chew it to pieces.
[ Whimpering ]
Youre nothing
but a dirty, filthy,
- disgusting young man.
- [ Barking ]
- What did you say ?
- Stay away from me.
- Theres something
Ive always wanted to do.
- [ Barking ]
- Im warning you.
- [ Snarling ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Ripping Sound ]
Well ?
- Did you make a deal with him ?
- Not exactly.
- What happened ?
- Lets just say he is
a very disturbed young man.
All right then,
were gonna do it my way.
And Im gonna really enjoy
planning this one.
Lets go.
[ Door Closes ]
Ill see
if everythings ready.
Okay, just wait here
a minute, all right ?
- Calvin, you ready ?
- Oh, yes, its all done.
- Shh !
- I hope he likes it.
I gotta tell you.
Im having a ball watching him
throw Windsors money around.
Thats the way a dog is
when hes free to do whatever
he wants. Reckless abandon.
Hey, Calvin, listen.
I really appreciate
you keeping all my little...
freak-outs a secret.
I just dont want anyone
to know about this,
especially not
Mr. Windsors attorney,
Miss Kent, all right ?
- No problem.
- Thanks.
All right, Lucky, come on.
Time to play.
- Come on in.
- Come on.
Its all yours !
Look what we set up for you.
Your very own sidewalk cafe.
With todays special,
leg of moose.
[ Calvin ]
Youve made your mark, Lucky.
[ Calvin ]
Cold cuts, hot dogs,
lamb chops, pork chops,
roast beef and burgers.
Kibble by the carload !
[ Jack ]
liver-flavored candy.
Gum balls that make
their own gravy.
How bout a couple barrels
full of low-cal chew toys ?
- Well, what do you think ?
- Waitll you see
the rest of the stuff.
Wow ! Look at this !
Look at this !
- Wait till you see this.
- Ohh, wow !
Hey, Lucky,
look at this.
[ Laughing ]
Lucky, looks like
you hit the jackpot !
Come on, Lucky,
get him, get him.
[ Meowing ]
You still miss Mr. Windsor,
dont ya ?
Itll be all right, fella.
Well get through this
together, all right ?
Its just gonna take
some time.
Right now I am pooped.
I am going to bed.
I had no idea
taking care of a pile of money
could be so exhausting.
Whoa !
[ Sighs ]
Hey ! Whatcha doin, Lucky ?
looks like he wants to play.
That just figures.
Weve got thousands of dollars
worth of toys in here,
and he wants to play
with a sock.
All right.
All right, come on, come on.
Im gonna get it !
Im gonna get it !
All right, Lucky,
well play again tomorrow,
okay ?
- Im beat. Ill catch you
in the morning, Calvin.
- Okay. Good night, Jack.
- [ Jack ] All right.
Good night, Lucky.
- [ Barking ]
What ?
[ Barking ]
No, no, no, no.
We are not starting that.
[ Barking ]
No means "no."
Oh, all right.
But only for tonight.
[ Panting ]
[ Margaret ]
This is the last time I send you
to buy disguises !
You have no sense
of taste or style.
- Its all that we could afford.
- Would you just shut up
and get out of the car ?
Go !
Out of the way.
Move !
[ Lyle ]
Psst. Psst !
"We dont need a ladder,
Margaret. Itll be easy
to climb the fence."
- Shh ! Theyre gonna hear us.
- Remind me to kill you
when I get down from here.
Its diet time for you,
[ Grunts, Groans ]
Ow !
Ohhh !
[ Whispering ]
Hey, what about me ?
Open that.
Hes gonna cut
the alarm and the phones.
All right.
Now this is gonna take
all the lights out.
Shh ! You will wake up
the entire neighborhood !
Will you get that light
outta my face ?
Follow me.
[ Margaret Whispering ]
Oh, its hideous.
- Its one big canine nightmare.
- I actually kind of like
the carpet.
Shh ! Attention !
All right,
check your weapons.
Remember, this dart has got
enough sedative in it
to knock this mutt out cold.
Were gonna shoot him
and then were gonna drag him
out of here. All right ?
She has no camouflage on.
You have--
Oh !
- Here.
- Do I have to ?
[ Toy Squeaks ]
Im sorry.
Get with the program.
- [ Shoots Dart ]
- [ Air Whistling ]
Oh, I thought I got him.
[ Squeaking Sound ]
Ow ! Ow, ow.
Ow !
- Lyle, what are you doing
under there ?
- I was hiding !
[ Chattering ]
Get up, get up !
We have work to do.
Fine. Ill be--
Ooh !
If this is his idea
of decorating, we ought
to put a dart in him.
[ Indistinct Sound ]
Oooh ! Oh, oh.
Oh. Oh, oh !
Whoa ! Oh ! Oh !
Wake up, wake up, Lucky.
Did you hear that ?
- [ Yelling ]
- Lets go check it out.
You have to watch
where you aim that thing.
Oh, lets just
get out of here.
[ Whispering ]
Theres someone in the house.
- Push the emergency button
on the alarm system.
- I tried. Its dead.
- 9-1-1 ?
- The phones are out too.
Come on, you go downstairs.
Lucky and I will cover
the upstairs.
All right ?
Here, youre gonna need
something to protect yourself.
- What am I supposed to do
with this thing ?
- Hit em with the dry end.
Lets go.
[ Gasps ]
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Gasps ]
Will you stop
sneaking up on people ?
I was here first.
Follow me.
- [ Shoots Dart ]
- [ Margaret Screams ]
- You cretins !
- Margaret, I thought
you were the dog.
[ Growling, Barking ]
- Thats him !
Shoot him ! Shoot him !
- Get him, get him.
- I need a dart.
- [ Gun Clicks ]
Ive got to reload.
As usual, Im the only one here
man enough to do the job.
All right, everybody,
freeze !
- I missed.
- [ Barking ]
[ Growling ]
[ Both Barking ]
[ Screaming ]
- [ Lucky Barking ]
- [ Screaming ]
[ Barking ]
[ Both Barking ]
[ Screams ]
[ Both Barking ]
Hey, Jack ! Off.
Snap out of it.
Come on !
Jack, come on !
Im gonna go next door
and call the cops.
I know who it was.
Windsors creepy relatives.
- Did you see them ?
- No, it was too dark.
Then howd you know
it was them ?
[ Detective ]
You smelled them ?
- [ Jack ] Thats right.
- Excuse me ?
Detective, youre just gonna
have to take my word for it.
I know their scent.
What ? Cologne ?
A cigar ?
What exactly did you smell ?
Never mind.
Youll never believe me.
Send them in.
Well, weve thought
about your proposal and...
were willing
to take you up on it.
Well ! The case is more
complicated than I thought.
So my price is going up.
Its now 50 percent.
- Fifty percent ?
- Thats almost half.
Youre a low-life opportunist.
Yes !
And I have a law degree
to prove it.
[ Jack ]
Set ! Hike !
Go long, go long !
Touchdown !
Whoo !
Nice catch !
[ Doorbell Rings ]
- Hi !
- Hi.
- You remodeled.
- Yeah, yeah. We really love
how it turned out too.
You do ?
- Jack, we have a problem.
Wheres the TV ?
- Ah, its right in here.
- Whats up ?
- The local news.
And youre not gonna like it.
[ TV Reporter ] Windsors heirs
claim their uncle
was mentally unstable...
at the time he wrote his will,
which made Lucky
the richest dog in the world.
Not only did he leave the dog
millions of dollars,
but he appointed
a dog psychic as trustee.
In our suit against the estate,
we allege that the dog psychic,
Jack Morgan,
is himself mentally incompetent
and may have taken advantage
of the elderly Mr. Windsor.
Keep in mind
that this young man...
- Thats not true !
- not only represents himself
as a dog therapist,
but also claims
he can read dogs minds.
Thats right.
Hes either a con man
or a lunatic.
- Hardly the type of individual
responsible to serve as trustee.
- Oh, boy.
And... what he said.
There you have it.
One of the strangest cases
weve seen in a long time.
A bitter battle
that can best be described
as dog-eat-dog.
- Reporting live--
- I did not take advantage
of Mr. Windsor.
Relax. Okay ?
I saw this coming.
Whenever theres
this much money involved,
theres always a dispute.
- What are we supposed to do ?
- We go to court.
They say youre nuts,
we say prove it.
- Well, can they ?
- Of course not.
Not unless theres something
youre not telling me.
is there ?
- No.
- Are you sure ?
Because Ill fight for you,
But youve gotta
tell me everything
before we get to court.
You know what I know.
Bring em on.
[ Mooney ]
So I walked into his office,
and there he is... asleep.
And where was your dog ?
Up on the desk
eating a sandwich.
Mr. Mooney, why did you
and your wife bring your dog
to Mr. Morgan ?
Because he was eating
too much.
[ Gallery Laughing ]
He and the dog were digging
in the dirt
looking for bones,
barking and howling,
with him talking to the dog
like he understood every word.
Then what happened ?
You mean, after he made
improper advances toward me ?
- Yes.
- [ Woman ]
He chewed up the furniture.
Tore apart the cushions,
the pillows.
- Everything !
- The dog did that ?
Both of them did that.
When I got there,
he was headfirst in the
garbage can. The dog too.
Mmmmm !
And what was Mr. Morgan
doing in the garbage can ?
I dont know.
But when I pulled him out,
he had a hot dog in his mouth.
[ Gallery Laughing ]
[ Gavel Banging ]
Its a simple question,
Mr. Bridges.
You live at the mansion.
- Surely youve observed
Mr. Morgans conduct.
- I like to keep to myself.
Are you saying that youve
never seen Jack Morgan
exhibit unusual behavior ?
- Depends on what you mean
by unusual.
- Very well.
Would you describe
Mr. Morgan as normal ?
Theres all kinds of normal.
Mr. Bridges !
Have you seen Jack Morgan
act like a dog ?
Im afraid youll have
to answer the question.
Okay. Yes.
- On occasion.
- [ Pfister ]
Now were getting somewhere !
Details, Mr. Bridges.
- Details.
- This could take some time.
As a practicing dog therapist,
you claimed you could actually
read dogs minds,
isnt that correct ?
- Yes.
- And when you made
that claim to your clients,
was it the truth ?
But when I was younger,
I actually could read
my dogs mind.
And for some reason,
I can read Luckys mind.
Of course you can !
With millions of dollars in your
control, suddenly the old power
comes back. What a coincidence.
- Objection.
- Overruled.
But move it along, Counselor.
Lets get this straight.
You were lying before,
but now youre telling
the truth, right ?
Thats right.
Im through lying.
Lets be clear about this.
You claim you can read
Luckys thoughts.
Isnt that correct ?
Thats right.
Well, thats very interesting.
Whats on his mind now ?
Your shoes.
- [ Gallery Laughing ]
- My shoes ?
Oh, yeah, he loves to chew
on leather.
Its his favorite.
Yes, very clever.
Very clever, indeed.
Im sure you had lots
of clever answers
for the elderly Mr. Windsor...
when he came to you in earnest,
believing you
could actually help him.
- Objection.
- Sustained.
No more questions.
You may step down, Mr. Morgan.
[ Margaret ]
It was a harmless visit.
I simply intended to reminisce,
to have one last look,
to feel the presence
of my dear, departed uncle.
And then, then...
that monster...
- turned violent and cruel.
- [ Whispering ]
I cant go on.
I know this is difficult.
What did he do ?
He chased me off the property,
the home I once cherished.
Galloping on all fours,
howling like a beast.
[ Pfister ]
Then what ?
Then... he attacked me.
He attacked you ?
- Mm-hmm.
- With his fists ?
How then ?
With his teeth !
[ Pfister ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
I offer this torn
and tattered skirt to the court,
plain and simple evidence...
of the true
mental depravity...
of Mr. Jack Morgan.
[ Barks ]
[ Barks ]
- When did you plan on telling me
about your mental condition ?
- Its not a mental condition.
Im your attorney, Jack.
Youre supposed
to tell me everything.
I didnt want you to think
I was crazy.
Now I know youre crazy.
- So, what do we do ?
- We go back in that courtroom
and take our licks.
You lose it all, and I move
to a city where theyve never
heard about this case.
- Wait a minute.
Youre giving up ?
- Its over, Jack.
The relatives get everything,
including Lucky.
What ?
No way.
They can have the money,
but they cant have Lucky.
It doesnt work that way,
Alison, I cant leave Lucky
with those vultures.
He wont last a week.
- Put me on the stand.
I can prove Im not crazy.
- How ?
Theres something else
I havent told you about yet.
I can sort of channel Lucky.
I know its weird,
but its true.
What are you talking about ?
Alison, the dogs voice
will come out of my mouth.
- Youre kidding.
- I wish I was.
Alison, youve gotta believe me.
What will he say ?
I dont have
the slightest clue.
[ Judge ]
Ms. Kent, will you call
your next witness ?
Your Honor, with the courts
permission, we are prepared
to demonstrate conclusively...
that Jack Morgan can,
in fact,
read Luckys mind.
- This oughta be interesting.
- This is a waste
of the courts time.
- Afraid of the truth,
Mr. Pfister ?
- [ Pfister Laughs ]
No. But you have failed
to produce one witness
to support his claims.
If you can bring one person
into this courtroom...
who believes Jack Morgan
can read this dogs mind,
Ill agree to a demonstration.
I believe him, Your Honor.
Do your stuff, pal.
Jack, will you and Lucky
please take the stand ?
All right, Mr. Morgan,
please tell the court what
Lucky is thinking right now.
I-Im not sure.
- Your Honor.
- [ Jack ]
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Hey, come on, boy !
Whats the problem ?
Im trying to save our tails !
I know I told you not
to get over-excited.
But nows your chance
to really let loose.
Lucky, pay attention.
Im sorry, Your Honor.
I need just another minute.
He needs to get worked up
and emotional.
I think weve seen enough,
Your Honor.
This demonstration proves
just one thing.
That Jack Morgan will do
anything to get his hands
on the inheritance.
The Windsor estate
rightfully belongs...
to his blood relations,
not this ignorant dog.
- [ Growling ]
- Jack Morgan...
- is a phony and a fraud.
- [ Growling ]
No better than
the mindless beasts he claims
to communicate with.
[ Barking ]
- [ Growling ]
- [ Lucky Barking ]
- [ Growls ]
- [ Both Barking ]
Calm down, calm down.
Its okay, Lucky. Relax.
Calm down, calm down, boy.
Good boy.
Good boy. Calm down.
Calm down.
[ Alison ]
There you go.
- Its all right, Lucky.
Good boy.
- Thats the spot.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Whoa, Nellie.
Thats the spot.
[ Alison ]
Okay, sit up now.
Come on, sit up.
Am I speaking to Lucky now ?
In the fur.
Whats up ?
This is just an act.
Well just see.
Please, face the jury.
Choose an object,
Mr. Pfister.
Show it to Lucky.
But do not let
Mr. Morgan see it.
- Whats this, Lucky ?
- [ Sniffing ]
Looks like a stolen
hotel pen.
Did you take
the towels too ?
[ Laughing ]
- Nothing but a good guess.
- Try something else.
- Your Honor--
- Do it.
[ Sniffing ]
Ooh, chocolate caramel
nougat with roasted peanuts.
My favorite.
Im drooling.
Whens lunch anyway ?
[ Laughing ]
- This is outrageous !
- What else can you tell us,
fella ?
I say we cut
to the chase here, Judge.
Theres a very good reason
why my master, Mr. Windsor,
cut those three out of his will.
Theyre pinheads.
Oh, sure, they act like
theyre purebreds,
but the truth is...
theyre the runts
of the litter.
Mr. Windsor knew that Jack
had something extra
going for him,
and with my help,
hes starting to learn
how to get the best out of life.
Jacks not crazy.
A little boring maybe,
but most two-leggers are.
I dont know. Maybe
youve gotta have a life span
as short as mine to get this,
but youve got to enjoy
every minute of your life.
Its the simple things
that matter.
The sweet song
of a can opener,
those precious moments
when you catch
your own tail.
Enjoy em while you can,
because you could run out
in the street,
get hit by a bus
at any minute...
- [ Barking ]
- and boom, lights out.
[ Alison ]
Lucky ?
Are you okay ?
[ Thunderclaps ]
Not tonight, Lucky.
Its the coldest night
of the year.
Ahh, you know just how
to get to me, dont you, boy ?
[ Barks ]
All right, all right.
come on. come on.
Youll be okay on your own.
Go ahead, have fun.
[ Groaning ]
[ Alison ]
Jack ? Jack. Jack !
Jack !
What did you do
with the cup, Lyle ? Huh ?
Lucky doesnt know
what you put in that cup,
but I do.
You poisoned the old man,
didnt you ?
It was murder.
- You killed your uncle !
- [ Barks ]
Put the gun down. Put it down.
Everybody freeze.
Put the gun down !
Put it down !
Come on, lets go.
[ Growling ]
[ Gunshot ]
Lucky !
Watch the suit !
What on earth
were you thinking of ?
Well, if it had worked,
you wouldnt be complaining.
Come on, Lucky.
Hey, buddy, come on.
Hang in there.
I need you as much
as you need me.
Lucky !
Look, hes fine !
The bullet just grazed
his ear.
Ow !
[ Everyone Laughing ]
Okay, so whats
the big surprise ?
Be patient, be patient.
Mommy, look !
Jack bought me the puppy
I wanted.
Were gonna keep him here
at Luckys house.
How cute !
It really wasnt necessary.
I know, but like you said,
you want Nicole to feel like
shes part of a big family.
Well, I was hopin that...
maybe you do too.
Were here for you,
All of us.
Lucky finally realized
all the dogs at the pet shop
were for sale.
Just what we need,
more dogs !
Well, pal, you got everything
you ever wanted.
Guess the old man knew
what he was doing
when he named you Lucky.
[ Lucky Barking ]
Yeah, I guess Im lucky too.
[ Male Singer ]
I know it sounds funny
But were lucky
as lucky can be
Youre always on the money
Cause you know you got
a buddy in me
No matter what
they do or say
Youll never be alone
Cause what we got
is here to stay
And were lucky
right down to the bone
The two of us forever
were together
right till the end
The very best
Theres nothing better
than to know
youve found a friend
Cause Ive got you
and youve got me
Theres no better place
to be
Well always have the best
Nothing less
Oh, yes
Have we got the best
Weve got togetherness