You Shall Not Sleep Tonight (2024) Movie Script
[explosion booms]
[flames crackling]
[dark ethereal music]
[eerie brooding music]
[eerie brooding music continues]
[eerie brooding music continues]
[uneasy rumbling music]
[daughter breathing heavily]
[uneasy rumbling
music continues]
[uneasy rumbling
music continues]
[uneasy rumbling
music continues]
[kernels patter]
[ominous music]
[footsteps patter]
[kettle hissing]
[children giggling]
[ominous music continues]
[daughter breathing heavily]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music darkens]
[crow squawks]
[dog barking faintly]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
[engine rumbling]
[corn thudding]
[dog continues barking]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
[dark unnerving music]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[daughter shrieks]
[dog whining and barking]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[father shouting and grunting]
[father breathing heavily]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[daughter shrieking]
[gentle unsettling music]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[mother breathes shakily]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[door clatters]
[tense dark music]
[tense dark music continues]
[flames crackling]
[flames roar]
[creature grumbles]
- Daddy!
- [Father] What's wrong?
Hey, hey. What's wrong, my boy?
- Over there.
- [Father] Over there?
There's nothing there.
- There was a monster.
I swear.
- It was probably a
nightmare. Go back to sleep.
- No, no, no. Don't go.
Stay. Please.
J- just for a little while.
- Okay. Just for a little while.
[tender music]
Hey, hey. It's fine.
It's okay.
Why don't you tell me about
this creature you saw? Hmm?
- It was black and scary
and it, it's skin was burnt.
There was, there was
smoke, smoke all around it.
It was scary.
- So you're still having
nightmares about that, huh?
- It wasn't a nightmare.
- Okay.
- I, I really saw it.
- I understand.
I, I, I believe you.
But you know, you can't
keep calling your father
every time you're scared, right?
You know that, right?
I mean, you're a big boy now.
You need to let go
of that fear, right?
It's not good for you.
Life goes on.
[brooding music]
- Not for everyone.
- Want me to read you a story?
Let's try this.
Oh, this is scary.
Let's try another one.
- No, no. This one is fine.
I like it.
- Are you sure?
Okay, here we go.
So, "The two sisters slept
in the same room as usual.
And as usual,
Anna, the youngest,
woke up in the
middle of the night."
[eerie music]
- [Anna] Who are you?
- [Thin Man] Give me
your sisters bear.
- Why do you keep coming here?
Just leave us alone.
You can't have her.
[Thin Man whispering
Just leave me alone.
Take her, please.
Please don't make me do that.
I can't. It's wrong.
- [Thin Man] And
I'll take her away-
- I can't-
- Who are you talking to?
[fauna chirping]
[Anna exhales softly]
- There's a man
floating above us.
[Grace gasps]
- I don't see a man.
[gentle music]
But I believe you.
Just close your eyes
and I'll protect you.
- You promise?
- Promise.
[gentle music continues]
[eerie music]
- I can feel her presence.
- [Thomas] We must
do it tonight.
- [Grace] Oh, and
payment is up front.
- [Helen] We'll get
that right away.
- She's looking for something.
- Come on.
[disquieting music]
[disquieting music continues]
[jewelry jingles]
- Wait-
- This means a lot to us.
Ever since Marybeth's
death, things just...
Thank you.
[brooding music]
- Grace.
Something's not right.
- They just wanna talk
to their daughter.
- No, you don't understand.
It's like there's something
rotting inside the house,
like a smell that won't leave.
It just gets worse
and worse and.
- Okay. Okay, Anna.
Anna, if we back out now,
people will think we're frauds.
- Whatever's in this
house could kill us.
[foreboding music]
If we leave now, we
don't even have to-
- Anna, we've been doing
this since we were kids.
We can't stop now.
I don't know anything else.
- All you care about is money.
- Anna!
I am protecting you.
- Please, Grace. No.
- If you leave now,
you have nothing.
No money, nowhere to
go, and no family.
That's what I thought.
[eerie music]
[eerie music continues]
- You've never protected-
- Anna.
[stairs creaking lightly]
- Marybeth.
Is that you?
[eerie music continues]
- [Thin Man] Give me your
sister's bear, her bear.
[dramatic music]
- Is everything okay?
- Where do these stairs lead?
- Mary's room.
- If you don't mind me
asking, how did Mary die?
- She was in her room playing
and suddenly she
was on the ground.
[Helen sobbing softly]
[gentle music]
- Okay, let's do this.
[soft brooding music]
[soft brooding music continues]
- In order for this to work,
we must open our
souls to the dead.
We cherish the light within us
and reject the evil
that lies without.
God, let us follow
your divine plan.
Marybeth, are you among us?
[distressing music]
[dark eerie music]
[wind rustling softly]
- What's your name, little girl?
- Marybeth, why do you
remain in this house?
- Because he keeps me here.
[haunting music]
- What does she mean?
- I, uh, I don't know.
- Who keeps you here?
- The thin man.
- Anna, what's going on?
Anna? Anna!
[haunting music continues ]
- Help me.
[eyes squelching]
- Anna?
Anna, please, please, please.
Come to me.
- Take me to the man.
[dark uncomfortable music]
[dark uncomfortable
music continues]
[stairs creak]
[knob clicks]
[dark uncomfortable
music continues]
- This is my room.
- [Presence] Anna.
[bed creaks]
- Grace,
is that you?
- Just close your eyes
and I'll protect you.
[dark uncomfortable
music continues]
[dark uncomfortable music]
I promise.
[Anna shrieks]
[distressing music]
[door thuds]
[dark worrisome music]
He wanted to find you.
[dark worrisome music continues]
He made me do it.
[distressing music]
[Anna shrieks]
- No. [whimpers]
[floors creaking]
[footsteps thudding]
- [Thin Man] Anna.
[wind gusting hollowly]
[wind continues
gusting hollowly]
- Just like you promised.
- [Thin Man] Don't be afraid.
Give me the bear
and I'll save you
from your sister.
I'll take her away.
[Anna breathing shakily]
[Anna continues
breathing shakily]
[blade scrapes]
[Anna whimpers softly]
[Thin Man growls]
- [Thomas] What happened?
- She's, she's happy.
She's in heaven.
She just wanted to make
sure you guys are okay
and tell you that she loves you.
Isn't that right, Grace?
[gentle uneasy music]
- That's exactly right, Anna.
- Thank you.
[eyes squelch]
[haunting music]
- If you need anything,
call me. Okay?
[light switch clicks]
[book rustles]
[ominous music]
[door rattles]
[door rattles]
[fire roaring]
[son breathing shakily]
- Daddy.
- [Father] What is it now?
- He's hiding in the closet.
[perturbing music]
[perturbing music continues]
- Inside the closet?
[door creaks]
- No.
No! Daddy!
[father grunting]
- [Father] Is this the creature?
- That's not funny.
- You're right. I'm sorry.
Good night.
[light switch clicks]
[soft brooding music]
[son exhales softly]
[soft brooding music continues]
[car engine rumbling]
[doors thud]
[waves lapping]
[soft brooding music continues]
[soft brooding music continues]
[soft brooding
music intensifies]
[fauna chirping and trilling]
[object thuds]
[dogs barking distantly]
[object clatters]
[foreboding music]
[Rose gasps softly]
[water pattering]
[water splashing]
[foreboding music continues]
- Damn, Dad.
[gentle music]
Come here.
How many times are
you gonna do this?
I told you, you can't
live with me anymore.
The nursing home's good for you.
They take care of you.
I can't deal with
this anymore, no...
[father chuckles]
You can stay here tonight.
I'm gonna call the nursing home.
Stay right there.
[gentle music darkens]
[gentle dark music continues]
[dial tone humming]
[number pad clicking]
[phone ringing]
[door knocks]
- [Receptionist] Nursing
home. Good evening.
[receiver clicks]
[fauna chirping]
[fauna continues chirping]
[wood clatters violently]
[tense music]
[light bulb shatters]
[shotguns clack]
[tense music continues]
[harried music]
[father grunts]
[father and bullies grunting]
[glass shatters]
[harried music continues]
[harried music continues]
[gunshot blasts]
- Dad!
[soft concerning music]
[soft concerning
music continues]
- You know, I didn't
kill your father.
He died of a heart
attack a few hours ago,
but there are
those who won't go.
[father grunting]
[singers chanting eerily]
[soft concerning
music continues]
[father whimpering and groaning]
[lid thuds]
[dog barking distantly]
My condolences.
[bleak forceful music]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[boat engine revs]
[singers chanting eerily]
[door creaks]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[eerie music]
[urine sloshing]
[eerie music continues]
[eerie music continues]
[water splashing]
[eerie music continues]
[eerie music continues]
[light switch clicks]
- Daddy?
[foreboding music]
[door creaks]
[creature splats and squelches]
[creature groaning and growling]
[creature continues
groaning and growling]
[son breathing shakily]
[door creaks]
[son whimpering]
[creature groans]
[flames crackling]
[brooding music continues]
[light switch clicks]
[soft music]
- [Father] Where
are you, my boy?
[soft music continues]
- I think I peed myself.
- That's okay.
But let's get you out
of those clothes though.
[playful old-timey music]
[engine rumbling]
- [DJ] Ah, nothing
like an old classic.
This is "Sleepwalk"
by Santo & Johnny.
You're listening
to KTTI 95.1 FM-
[engine roars]
- We came together
in a national crusade
to make America great again
and to make a new beginning.
Well, now it's all
coming together.
With our beloved
nation at peace...
[rustic music]
[fauna chirping]
[rustic music continues]
- [Lloyd] Mornin'. Fill her up?
- [Attendant] Yes,
sir. Thank you.
- Can you tell me where
I can find the Barrett's?
Turk and Dolores Barrett?
- Bad news, buddy.
The old man passed
away last year.
And Dolores, well,
now she moved on
down by the train station.
Ask around and you'll find her.
What's this about?
Her kid again?
- I just heard Dolores Barrett
makes the meanest god damn
apple pie in the country.
That's all.
- Well, mister, You sure drove
a long way for an apple pie.
[lonely music]
- Yeah.
- [Attendant] That'll be $18.50.
- Keep it.
- Thank you, sir.
Y'all have a nice day now.
[engine rumbles]
[lonely music continues]
[car door thuds]
[Lloyd knocks]
- [Neighbor] Are you
looking for Dolores?
- Yes, ma'am.
- She ain't here.
She's at work now.
Is Darren in trouble again?
[longing rustic music]
[door bells jingle]
Hear that lonesome
He sounds too blue to fly
The midnight train
is whining low
- Ah. [chuckles]
Good morning, sir.
What can I get ya today?
I'm so lonesome, I could cry
- Can I get a
slice of apple pie?
- I'm sorry, sir. We don't
make that pie anymore.
It's not still on
the menu, is it?
I'm sure we took it off.
- Damn.
- Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
Maybe I can get
you something else.
You really ought to
try our pancakes.
- Listen, any chance you
can talk to the kitchen?
- Well, I guess it
doesn't hurt to ask.
[discomforting music]
Did you ever
see a robin weep
[discomforting music continues]
[stool squeaks]
[discomforting music continues]
[door bells jingle]
[longing rustic music]
- [sighs] Well, I'm sorry sir,
but our cook is
busy at the moment.
- That's all right.
I'll wait.
The silence of
a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder
where you are
I'm so lonesome
[forlorn music]
[car whooshes]
- I got it. You're
him, ain't ya?
The "Phoenix Times" food critic.
W- we've been waiting for years.
And listen, I'd really
like to help you,
but that woman is
stubborn as a mule.
- Sir, I'm just a man
looking for a piece of pie.
[Mel sighs]
- Are you sure I can't
get you something else?
- Just the pie.
[Mel sighs and grumbles]
[desolate music]
[desolate music continues]
[clock ticking]
[desolate music continues]
- You're really not
gonna give up, are you?
- Nope.
- Hmm. Well.
At least I can give
you a cup of coffee.
[exhales] It's on the house.
[lighter clicking]
[light lonesome music]
[light lonesome music continues]
[light lonesome music continues]
[light lonesome music continues]
[fauna chirping and trilling]
[door clatters]
[fauna continues
chirping and trilling]
- Ma'am-
- Who are you?
What the hell do you want?
There are plenty of places
that you can go to
get an apple pie.
- I'm-
- What do you have
to come here for?
- I'm just trying
to keep a promise.
- A promise?
What promise?
[Dolores sobs softly]
[tender music]
[tender music continues]
[Dolores knocking]
[birds chirping]
[tender music continues]
[tender music continues]
[radio static crackles]
[radio chatters indistinctly]
[tender music continues]
[fluorescent lights buzzing]
[keys jingling]
- The boys were taking bets
you wouldn't get
here on time, Lloyd.
Where the hell you been?
[guards chatter indistinctly]
[prison door rattles]
[alarm clicks and buzzes]
[prison door creaks and squeaks]
[door beeps and thuds]
[footsteps clomping]
[footsteps patter]
[plate clanks]
[Darren exhales softly]
[soft brooding music]
[soft brooding music continues]
[soft brooding music continues]
- Did you tell my mom?
- No, Darren.
- That's enough.
It's time. Let's go.
Let's go. Get 'im up.
- Lloyd.
Thank you.
[door thuds jarringly]
[chair creaks]
[no audio]
[gentle music]
- Listen, son, I
think it's time.
You can't be scared all
the time, seeing things.
It's not good for you.
You need to let go of your
fear for the both of us.
Remember what I always say? Huh?
What do you have to
do if you're scared?
- Let go of my fears.
- Now say it out loud.
When I'm scared, I
will let go of my fear.
- When I'm scared, I
will let go of my fears.
- I will stare into
the creature's eyes
and I will let go.
- I will stare in the creature's
eyes and I will let go.
[eerie music]
[floor creaks]
[sheets rustle]
[dark music]
[bed creaking]
[creature growling]
[fire crackling]
[harrowing music]
[gravel crunching]
[brooding music]
[brooding music continues]
[car doors thud]
[William knocks]
- Yes?
- Ms. McKenzie.
I am William Conwell and
this is my son, Jake.
We're here for your daughter.
- Come in.
[ominous music]
[door thuds]
[wind rustling quietly]
[lighter clicks]
- She's beautiful.
- She doesn't look
like that anymore.
- Where is she right now?
- Locked her in her room.
It's been three weeks now.
I had to do it.
- You did the right thing.
- And why is this
happening to me?
Am I being punished
for something?
I slaved to give that
child a decent life.
Give her the
childhood I never had.
- Tell us what
happened to Sylvia.
- Well, it all
started with a cold.
She was home from school
for three days, and,
then s- then something
happened to her eyes.
- It's all right,
Mathilde, you can tell us.
- It wasn't my daughter anymore.
Then one night, whatever
that thing is inside of her,
it spoke to me.
- What did it say?
[Mathilde sobs softly]
I'm sorry, but I have to ask.
Do you have what we discussed?
[footsteps shuffle]
[Mathilde sniffles softly]
- 50% up front and the rest
if you can bring her back.
- You don't have
to worry anymore.
We are going to give you
your life back, okay?
See, God, he's
listening right now.
He sent us
to protect you from evil.
[chair squeaks]
Because God, the all
powerful and all merciful
is a kind and just God.
Oh, yes He is. [chuckles]
Oh, yes He is.
He rewards the
stalwart and the strong
and offers recourse to
the wayward and the weak.
One day you're
moving steadfastly
upon the righteous
path of the Lord,
and then evil lurches
from the dank shadows
with its sinister
hands and consumes us.
And what does God do, you ask?
He offers evil our
fears and our sins
to set us back on the
path toward redemption,
towards salvation,
toward Him.
This is why we're
here, Mathilde.
Sylvia must have given
into evil somehow.
But she can still be saved.
[no audio]
[money rustles]
[chair creaks]
[bandages rustle]
[no audio]
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
[door creaks]
[Sylvia breathing scratchily]
[foreboding music continues]
[chair scrapes]
[foreboding music continues]
[foreboding music continues]
[foreboding music continues]
- It's almost over. I'm sorry.
[William breathing steadily]
[William muttering]
[foreboding music continues]
- From pain and
darkness you arose.
The blood of mortals
commands you home.
[dramatic music]
- I want her to
suffer one last time
before I leave her alone.
[Sylvia shrieks and growls]
- What are you doing?
[William groans]
- Just having a
little fun, Jake.
[Sylvia laughs]
- What's going on?
[Sylvia shrieks]
- Shut the fuck up!
[Mathilde moans]
[Sylvia breathing heavily]
[voices whisper indistinctly]
[William groans]
[Sylvia inhales and cackles]
[Sylvia shrieks and growls]
- She reminds me so
much of your mother.
She was the same
age when I met her.
- From pain and
darkness you arose
the blood of mortals
commands you home.
[William groaning]
[bed rattling]
[blood patters]
[William growling and choking]
- Just a little longer.
[Sylvia groans]
[tentative music]
[Sylvia exhales softly]
[gentle music]
[William gurgles]
[Sylvia exhales softly]
[William exhales softly]
[tentative music continues]
[Jake breathes shakily]
[door latch clicks]
[brooding music]
- The prodigy has done
it again. [chuckles]
Thank you, my Lord.
Nice going.
[knife thuds]
- It's gone. Let's go.
- Well, Mathilde,
this is the part
where we ride off
into the sunset.
[container rattles]
[money rustles]
Okay. Good times.
[brooding music]
Get in the car. Let's go.
[engine rumbles]
[brooding music continues]
[gas pump whirs]
[brooding music continues]
What took you so damn long?
Where's the change?
- It's just a couple bucks.
- Well hand it over.
- [Jake] All right, I will.
- [William] Gimme
the god damn change.
- What the fuck?
All right here, fucking psycho.
[coins jingle]
- All right, spit it out.
I can see you have
something to say.
- What we're doing
to those people-
- Yeah?
- It makes me sick. I
won't do it anymore.
- You think you're the only one
dealing with these
dumb-ass humans.
Look at me. I've
exhausted myself.
At least I'm making an effort.
What's your excuse?
These people, they're nothing
compared to what we are.
We have His blood in our veins.
Show some pride for fucks sake!
- I'm supposed to show pride
watching you
torture little kids?
- That voice in your head
telling you you are
doing something wrong,
for you, that
voice is a disease.
It's unnatural. You know why?
Because this is what
you were born to do.
You have so much talent, Son,
you're pissing it all away.
- Okay, so like every
time we get some money,
you piss it away
on girls and booze.
- Don't tell me you're
not enjoying it.
I have seen you enjoy it.
And there is nothing
to be ashamed of.
This is who you are, Son.
- Whatever. I'm out.
[dog barking faintly]
[brooding music]
- You're out? [growls]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[fire crackling and roaring]
[son breathing heavily]
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
[son breathing shakily]
[door creaks]
- Daddy?
[father wheezes]
- Well done, my boy.
- Dear?
What's wrong? You okay?
I heard you screaming.
- [Son] It was nothing.
- Still having those
awful nightmares?
- Not anymore.
- Well, that's good to know.
- Do you dream about Dad too?
[tender music]
- I do.
I really miss him.
It feels unfair.
But I want you to know
that I know how you feel:
alone and scared.
So we have to be strong,
babe, for him like he was,
that's what he would want
now that he's not with us.
- He is with us, Mom.
- That's true.
Okay. [lips smack]
Try to go to sleep now.
- Yeah.
- Want me to leave the light on?
- Mm, no, it's okay.
You can turn them off.
- Bye, babe.
[light switch clicks]
[haunting music]
[haunting music continues]
[dark broody music]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[playful old-timey music]
[playful old-timey
music continues]
[playful old-timey
music continues]
[dark harrying music]
[fauna chirping]
[water sloshing]
[dark harrying music continues]
[engine revving]
[singers chanting eerily]
[door creaks]
[dark harrying music continues]
[dark harrying music continues]
[dark harrying music continues]
[bleak disquieting music]
[bleak disquieting
music continues]
[bleak disquieting
music continues]
[gentle eerie music]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[uneasy music]
[voices whisper indistinctly]
[uneasy music continues]
[uneasy music continues]
[uneasy music continues]
[uneasy music continues]
[no audio]
[flames crackling]
[dark ethereal music]
[eerie brooding music]
[eerie brooding music continues]
[eerie brooding music continues]
[uneasy rumbling music]
[daughter breathing heavily]
[uneasy rumbling
music continues]
[uneasy rumbling
music continues]
[uneasy rumbling
music continues]
[kernels patter]
[ominous music]
[footsteps patter]
[kettle hissing]
[children giggling]
[ominous music continues]
[daughter breathing heavily]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music darkens]
[crow squawks]
[dog barking faintly]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
[engine rumbling]
[corn thudding]
[dog continues barking]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
[dark unnerving music]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[daughter shrieks]
[dog whining and barking]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[father shouting and grunting]
[father breathing heavily]
[dark unnerving music continues]
[daughter shrieking]
[gentle unsettling music]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[mother breathes shakily]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[gentle unsettling
music continues]
[door clatters]
[tense dark music]
[tense dark music continues]
[flames crackling]
[flames roar]
[creature grumbles]
- Daddy!
- [Father] What's wrong?
Hey, hey. What's wrong, my boy?
- Over there.
- [Father] Over there?
There's nothing there.
- There was a monster.
I swear.
- It was probably a
nightmare. Go back to sleep.
- No, no, no. Don't go.
Stay. Please.
J- just for a little while.
- Okay. Just for a little while.
[tender music]
Hey, hey. It's fine.
It's okay.
Why don't you tell me about
this creature you saw? Hmm?
- It was black and scary
and it, it's skin was burnt.
There was, there was
smoke, smoke all around it.
It was scary.
- So you're still having
nightmares about that, huh?
- It wasn't a nightmare.
- Okay.
- I, I really saw it.
- I understand.
I, I, I believe you.
But you know, you can't
keep calling your father
every time you're scared, right?
You know that, right?
I mean, you're a big boy now.
You need to let go
of that fear, right?
It's not good for you.
Life goes on.
[brooding music]
- Not for everyone.
- Want me to read you a story?
Let's try this.
Oh, this is scary.
Let's try another one.
- No, no. This one is fine.
I like it.
- Are you sure?
Okay, here we go.
So, "The two sisters slept
in the same room as usual.
And as usual,
Anna, the youngest,
woke up in the
middle of the night."
[eerie music]
- [Anna] Who are you?
- [Thin Man] Give me
your sisters bear.
- Why do you keep coming here?
Just leave us alone.
You can't have her.
[Thin Man whispering
Just leave me alone.
Take her, please.
Please don't make me do that.
I can't. It's wrong.
- [Thin Man] And
I'll take her away-
- I can't-
- Who are you talking to?
[fauna chirping]
[Anna exhales softly]
- There's a man
floating above us.
[Grace gasps]
- I don't see a man.
[gentle music]
But I believe you.
Just close your eyes
and I'll protect you.
- You promise?
- Promise.
[gentle music continues]
[eerie music]
- I can feel her presence.
- [Thomas] We must
do it tonight.
- [Grace] Oh, and
payment is up front.
- [Helen] We'll get
that right away.
- She's looking for something.
- Come on.
[disquieting music]
[disquieting music continues]
[jewelry jingles]
- Wait-
- This means a lot to us.
Ever since Marybeth's
death, things just...
Thank you.
[brooding music]
- Grace.
Something's not right.
- They just wanna talk
to their daughter.
- No, you don't understand.
It's like there's something
rotting inside the house,
like a smell that won't leave.
It just gets worse
and worse and.
- Okay. Okay, Anna.
Anna, if we back out now,
people will think we're frauds.
- Whatever's in this
house could kill us.
[foreboding music]
If we leave now, we
don't even have to-
- Anna, we've been doing
this since we were kids.
We can't stop now.
I don't know anything else.
- All you care about is money.
- Anna!
I am protecting you.
- Please, Grace. No.
- If you leave now,
you have nothing.
No money, nowhere to
go, and no family.
That's what I thought.
[eerie music]
[eerie music continues]
- You've never protected-
- Anna.
[stairs creaking lightly]
- Marybeth.
Is that you?
[eerie music continues]
- [Thin Man] Give me your
sister's bear, her bear.
[dramatic music]
- Is everything okay?
- Where do these stairs lead?
- Mary's room.
- If you don't mind me
asking, how did Mary die?
- She was in her room playing
and suddenly she
was on the ground.
[Helen sobbing softly]
[gentle music]
- Okay, let's do this.
[soft brooding music]
[soft brooding music continues]
- In order for this to work,
we must open our
souls to the dead.
We cherish the light within us
and reject the evil
that lies without.
God, let us follow
your divine plan.
Marybeth, are you among us?
[distressing music]
[dark eerie music]
[wind rustling softly]
- What's your name, little girl?
- Marybeth, why do you
remain in this house?
- Because he keeps me here.
[haunting music]
- What does she mean?
- I, uh, I don't know.
- Who keeps you here?
- The thin man.
- Anna, what's going on?
Anna? Anna!
[haunting music continues ]
- Help me.
[eyes squelching]
- Anna?
Anna, please, please, please.
Come to me.
- Take me to the man.
[dark uncomfortable music]
[dark uncomfortable
music continues]
[stairs creak]
[knob clicks]
[dark uncomfortable
music continues]
- This is my room.
- [Presence] Anna.
[bed creaks]
- Grace,
is that you?
- Just close your eyes
and I'll protect you.
[dark uncomfortable
music continues]
[dark uncomfortable music]
I promise.
[Anna shrieks]
[distressing music]
[door thuds]
[dark worrisome music]
He wanted to find you.
[dark worrisome music continues]
He made me do it.
[distressing music]
[Anna shrieks]
- No. [whimpers]
[floors creaking]
[footsteps thudding]
- [Thin Man] Anna.
[wind gusting hollowly]
[wind continues
gusting hollowly]
- Just like you promised.
- [Thin Man] Don't be afraid.
Give me the bear
and I'll save you
from your sister.
I'll take her away.
[Anna breathing shakily]
[Anna continues
breathing shakily]
[blade scrapes]
[Anna whimpers softly]
[Thin Man growls]
- [Thomas] What happened?
- She's, she's happy.
She's in heaven.
She just wanted to make
sure you guys are okay
and tell you that she loves you.
Isn't that right, Grace?
[gentle uneasy music]
- That's exactly right, Anna.
- Thank you.
[eyes squelch]
[haunting music]
- If you need anything,
call me. Okay?
[light switch clicks]
[book rustles]
[ominous music]
[door rattles]
[door rattles]
[fire roaring]
[son breathing shakily]
- Daddy.
- [Father] What is it now?
- He's hiding in the closet.
[perturbing music]
[perturbing music continues]
- Inside the closet?
[door creaks]
- No.
No! Daddy!
[father grunting]
- [Father] Is this the creature?
- That's not funny.
- You're right. I'm sorry.
Good night.
[light switch clicks]
[soft brooding music]
[son exhales softly]
[soft brooding music continues]
[car engine rumbling]
[doors thud]
[waves lapping]
[soft brooding music continues]
[soft brooding music continues]
[soft brooding
music intensifies]
[fauna chirping and trilling]
[object thuds]
[dogs barking distantly]
[object clatters]
[foreboding music]
[Rose gasps softly]
[water pattering]
[water splashing]
[foreboding music continues]
- Damn, Dad.
[gentle music]
Come here.
How many times are
you gonna do this?
I told you, you can't
live with me anymore.
The nursing home's good for you.
They take care of you.
I can't deal with
this anymore, no...
[father chuckles]
You can stay here tonight.
I'm gonna call the nursing home.
Stay right there.
[gentle music darkens]
[gentle dark music continues]
[dial tone humming]
[number pad clicking]
[phone ringing]
[door knocks]
- [Receptionist] Nursing
home. Good evening.
[receiver clicks]
[fauna chirping]
[fauna continues chirping]
[wood clatters violently]
[tense music]
[light bulb shatters]
[shotguns clack]
[tense music continues]
[harried music]
[father grunts]
[father and bullies grunting]
[glass shatters]
[harried music continues]
[harried music continues]
[gunshot blasts]
- Dad!
[soft concerning music]
[soft concerning
music continues]
- You know, I didn't
kill your father.
He died of a heart
attack a few hours ago,
but there are
those who won't go.
[father grunting]
[singers chanting eerily]
[soft concerning
music continues]
[father whimpering and groaning]
[lid thuds]
[dog barking distantly]
My condolences.
[bleak forceful music]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[boat engine revs]
[singers chanting eerily]
[door creaks]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[bleak forceful music continues]
[eerie music]
[urine sloshing]
[eerie music continues]
[eerie music continues]
[water splashing]
[eerie music continues]
[eerie music continues]
[light switch clicks]
- Daddy?
[foreboding music]
[door creaks]
[creature splats and squelches]
[creature groaning and growling]
[creature continues
groaning and growling]
[son breathing shakily]
[door creaks]
[son whimpering]
[creature groans]
[flames crackling]
[brooding music continues]
[light switch clicks]
[soft music]
- [Father] Where
are you, my boy?
[soft music continues]
- I think I peed myself.
- That's okay.
But let's get you out
of those clothes though.
[playful old-timey music]
[engine rumbling]
- [DJ] Ah, nothing
like an old classic.
This is "Sleepwalk"
by Santo & Johnny.
You're listening
to KTTI 95.1 FM-
[engine roars]
- We came together
in a national crusade
to make America great again
and to make a new beginning.
Well, now it's all
coming together.
With our beloved
nation at peace...
[rustic music]
[fauna chirping]
[rustic music continues]
- [Lloyd] Mornin'. Fill her up?
- [Attendant] Yes,
sir. Thank you.
- Can you tell me where
I can find the Barrett's?
Turk and Dolores Barrett?
- Bad news, buddy.
The old man passed
away last year.
And Dolores, well,
now she moved on
down by the train station.
Ask around and you'll find her.
What's this about?
Her kid again?
- I just heard Dolores Barrett
makes the meanest god damn
apple pie in the country.
That's all.
- Well, mister, You sure drove
a long way for an apple pie.
[lonely music]
- Yeah.
- [Attendant] That'll be $18.50.
- Keep it.
- Thank you, sir.
Y'all have a nice day now.
[engine rumbles]
[lonely music continues]
[car door thuds]
[Lloyd knocks]
- [Neighbor] Are you
looking for Dolores?
- Yes, ma'am.
- She ain't here.
She's at work now.
Is Darren in trouble again?
[longing rustic music]
[door bells jingle]
Hear that lonesome
He sounds too blue to fly
The midnight train
is whining low
- Ah. [chuckles]
Good morning, sir.
What can I get ya today?
I'm so lonesome, I could cry
- Can I get a
slice of apple pie?
- I'm sorry, sir. We don't
make that pie anymore.
It's not still on
the menu, is it?
I'm sure we took it off.
- Damn.
- Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
Maybe I can get
you something else.
You really ought to
try our pancakes.
- Listen, any chance you
can talk to the kitchen?
- Well, I guess it
doesn't hurt to ask.
[discomforting music]
Did you ever
see a robin weep
[discomforting music continues]
[stool squeaks]
[discomforting music continues]
[door bells jingle]
[longing rustic music]
- [sighs] Well, I'm sorry sir,
but our cook is
busy at the moment.
- That's all right.
I'll wait.
The silence of
a falling star
Lights up a purple sky
And as I wonder
where you are
I'm so lonesome
[forlorn music]
[car whooshes]
- I got it. You're
him, ain't ya?
The "Phoenix Times" food critic.
W- we've been waiting for years.
And listen, I'd really
like to help you,
but that woman is
stubborn as a mule.
- Sir, I'm just a man
looking for a piece of pie.
[Mel sighs]
- Are you sure I can't
get you something else?
- Just the pie.
[Mel sighs and grumbles]
[desolate music]
[desolate music continues]
[clock ticking]
[desolate music continues]
- You're really not
gonna give up, are you?
- Nope.
- Hmm. Well.
At least I can give
you a cup of coffee.
[exhales] It's on the house.
[lighter clicking]
[light lonesome music]
[light lonesome music continues]
[light lonesome music continues]
[light lonesome music continues]
[fauna chirping and trilling]
[door clatters]
[fauna continues
chirping and trilling]
- Ma'am-
- Who are you?
What the hell do you want?
There are plenty of places
that you can go to
get an apple pie.
- I'm-
- What do you have
to come here for?
- I'm just trying
to keep a promise.
- A promise?
What promise?
[Dolores sobs softly]
[tender music]
[tender music continues]
[Dolores knocking]
[birds chirping]
[tender music continues]
[tender music continues]
[radio static crackles]
[radio chatters indistinctly]
[tender music continues]
[fluorescent lights buzzing]
[keys jingling]
- The boys were taking bets
you wouldn't get
here on time, Lloyd.
Where the hell you been?
[guards chatter indistinctly]
[prison door rattles]
[alarm clicks and buzzes]
[prison door creaks and squeaks]
[door beeps and thuds]
[footsteps clomping]
[footsteps patter]
[plate clanks]
[Darren exhales softly]
[soft brooding music]
[soft brooding music continues]
[soft brooding music continues]
- Did you tell my mom?
- No, Darren.
- That's enough.
It's time. Let's go.
Let's go. Get 'im up.
- Lloyd.
Thank you.
[door thuds jarringly]
[chair creaks]
[no audio]
[gentle music]
- Listen, son, I
think it's time.
You can't be scared all
the time, seeing things.
It's not good for you.
You need to let go of your
fear for the both of us.
Remember what I always say? Huh?
What do you have to
do if you're scared?
- Let go of my fears.
- Now say it out loud.
When I'm scared, I
will let go of my fear.
- When I'm scared, I
will let go of my fears.
- I will stare into
the creature's eyes
and I will let go.
- I will stare in the creature's
eyes and I will let go.
[eerie music]
[floor creaks]
[sheets rustle]
[dark music]
[bed creaking]
[creature growling]
[fire crackling]
[harrowing music]
[gravel crunching]
[brooding music]
[brooding music continues]
[car doors thud]
[William knocks]
- Yes?
- Ms. McKenzie.
I am William Conwell and
this is my son, Jake.
We're here for your daughter.
- Come in.
[ominous music]
[door thuds]
[wind rustling quietly]
[lighter clicks]
- She's beautiful.
- She doesn't look
like that anymore.
- Where is she right now?
- Locked her in her room.
It's been three weeks now.
I had to do it.
- You did the right thing.
- And why is this
happening to me?
Am I being punished
for something?
I slaved to give that
child a decent life.
Give her the
childhood I never had.
- Tell us what
happened to Sylvia.
- Well, it all
started with a cold.
She was home from school
for three days, and,
then s- then something
happened to her eyes.
- It's all right,
Mathilde, you can tell us.
- It wasn't my daughter anymore.
Then one night, whatever
that thing is inside of her,
it spoke to me.
- What did it say?
[Mathilde sobs softly]
I'm sorry, but I have to ask.
Do you have what we discussed?
[footsteps shuffle]
[Mathilde sniffles softly]
- 50% up front and the rest
if you can bring her back.
- You don't have
to worry anymore.
We are going to give you
your life back, okay?
See, God, he's
listening right now.
He sent us
to protect you from evil.
[chair squeaks]
Because God, the all
powerful and all merciful
is a kind and just God.
Oh, yes He is. [chuckles]
Oh, yes He is.
He rewards the
stalwart and the strong
and offers recourse to
the wayward and the weak.
One day you're
moving steadfastly
upon the righteous
path of the Lord,
and then evil lurches
from the dank shadows
with its sinister
hands and consumes us.
And what does God do, you ask?
He offers evil our
fears and our sins
to set us back on the
path toward redemption,
towards salvation,
toward Him.
This is why we're
here, Mathilde.
Sylvia must have given
into evil somehow.
But she can still be saved.
[no audio]
[money rustles]
[chair creaks]
[bandages rustle]
[no audio]
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
[door creaks]
[Sylvia breathing scratchily]
[foreboding music continues]
[chair scrapes]
[foreboding music continues]
[foreboding music continues]
[foreboding music continues]
- It's almost over. I'm sorry.
[William breathing steadily]
[William muttering]
[foreboding music continues]
- From pain and
darkness you arose.
The blood of mortals
commands you home.
[dramatic music]
- I want her to
suffer one last time
before I leave her alone.
[Sylvia shrieks and growls]
- What are you doing?
[William groans]
- Just having a
little fun, Jake.
[Sylvia laughs]
- What's going on?
[Sylvia shrieks]
- Shut the fuck up!
[Mathilde moans]
[Sylvia breathing heavily]
[voices whisper indistinctly]
[William groans]
[Sylvia inhales and cackles]
[Sylvia shrieks and growls]
- She reminds me so
much of your mother.
She was the same
age when I met her.
- From pain and
darkness you arose
the blood of mortals
commands you home.
[William groaning]
[bed rattling]
[blood patters]
[William growling and choking]
- Just a little longer.
[Sylvia groans]
[tentative music]
[Sylvia exhales softly]
[gentle music]
[William gurgles]
[Sylvia exhales softly]
[William exhales softly]
[tentative music continues]
[Jake breathes shakily]
[door latch clicks]
[brooding music]
- The prodigy has done
it again. [chuckles]
Thank you, my Lord.
Nice going.
[knife thuds]
- It's gone. Let's go.
- Well, Mathilde,
this is the part
where we ride off
into the sunset.
[container rattles]
[money rustles]
Okay. Good times.
[brooding music]
Get in the car. Let's go.
[engine rumbles]
[brooding music continues]
[gas pump whirs]
[brooding music continues]
What took you so damn long?
Where's the change?
- It's just a couple bucks.
- Well hand it over.
- [Jake] All right, I will.
- [William] Gimme
the god damn change.
- What the fuck?
All right here, fucking psycho.
[coins jingle]
- All right, spit it out.
I can see you have
something to say.
- What we're doing
to those people-
- Yeah?
- It makes me sick. I
won't do it anymore.
- You think you're the only one
dealing with these
dumb-ass humans.
Look at me. I've
exhausted myself.
At least I'm making an effort.
What's your excuse?
These people, they're nothing
compared to what we are.
We have His blood in our veins.
Show some pride for fucks sake!
- I'm supposed to show pride
watching you
torture little kids?
- That voice in your head
telling you you are
doing something wrong,
for you, that
voice is a disease.
It's unnatural. You know why?
Because this is what
you were born to do.
You have so much talent, Son,
you're pissing it all away.
- Okay, so like every
time we get some money,
you piss it away
on girls and booze.
- Don't tell me you're
not enjoying it.
I have seen you enjoy it.
And there is nothing
to be ashamed of.
This is who you are, Son.
- Whatever. I'm out.
[dog barking faintly]
[brooding music]
- You're out? [growls]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[brooding music continues]
[fire crackling and roaring]
[son breathing heavily]
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music continues]
[son breathing shakily]
[door creaks]
- Daddy?
[father wheezes]
- Well done, my boy.
- Dear?
What's wrong? You okay?
I heard you screaming.
- [Son] It was nothing.
- Still having those
awful nightmares?
- Not anymore.
- Well, that's good to know.
- Do you dream about Dad too?
[tender music]
- I do.
I really miss him.
It feels unfair.
But I want you to know
that I know how you feel:
alone and scared.
So we have to be strong,
babe, for him like he was,
that's what he would want
now that he's not with us.
- He is with us, Mom.
- That's true.
Okay. [lips smack]
Try to go to sleep now.
- Yeah.
- Want me to leave the light on?
- Mm, no, it's okay.
You can turn them off.
- Bye, babe.
[light switch clicks]
[haunting music]
[haunting music continues]
[dark broody music]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[dark broody music continues]
[playful old-timey music]
[playful old-timey
music continues]
[playful old-timey
music continues]
[dark harrying music]
[fauna chirping]
[water sloshing]
[dark harrying music continues]
[engine revving]
[singers chanting eerily]
[door creaks]
[dark harrying music continues]
[dark harrying music continues]
[dark harrying music continues]
[bleak disquieting music]
[bleak disquieting
music continues]
[bleak disquieting
music continues]
[gentle eerie music]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[gentle eerie music continues]
[uneasy music]
[voices whisper indistinctly]
[uneasy music continues]
[uneasy music continues]
[uneasy music continues]
[uneasy music continues]
[no audio]