Behind Every Star (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

She's still at the farm?
You need to get there now.
I'll find a way to buy some time here.
Tell them she's on her way if they call.
Hello? Won-jae?
I mean, why aren't you here yet?
Can you check up on her?
We're running out of time.
Hurry, okay? I'm begging you.
-Good grief.
I'm Kim Jung-don,
Ms. Cho Yeo-jeong's agent.
What's going on?
There must be some kind of event.
All of Jongno was in heavy traffic.
I barely managed to get here on a scooter.
She's on her way now,
so if you just wait a little…
Excuse me.
Won-jae, where are you?
A fender bender?
How's Yeo-jeong?
-Hey, Jung-don.
Is your class not over?
Goodness, look at the time. I'm sorry.
Won-jae is on standby
with the car at the entrance.
-Come as soon as you're ready, okay?
-Sure. I'll be there.
Are you talking to me on the horse?
Yes, that's right.
You must be pretty good at it now.
Of course, I'm totally good now.
What a relief.
I was actually a little worried.
The US unit stressed that you had to
ride the horse yourself countless times.
You were worried for nothing.
Who do you think I am?
Okay. Hang up now. I'll be there soon.
I'm in trouble.
Hey, Yeo-jeong.
-Am I late?
-No, you're fine.
I didn't shower in case I was late.
-Aren't you glad?
-Yes, I'm very glad.
I have your outfits,
hairstyle, and makeup ready,
so don't worry about them.
We'll get a call from the US today.
Okay. Thank you. All right.
-Yeo-jeong, don't worry.
-Stay focused today.
-Good luck!
-Got it.
-Get her makeup ready.
We are ready to go.
-This way.
-Let's start right away.
-Hello, Yeo-jeong.
Thank you for coming out so far.
-Let's go this way.
My goodness.
-Let's start the shoot.
-Let's begin!
-Hello. Beautiful.
Beautiful. Good.
Nice. All right.
Okay, looking good.
I don't think I need to retouch anything.
-You won't need to do much.
-It's fine, right?
-It's nice and natural.
-She did all the heavy lifting.
Great job today.
Don't mention it.
It seems like there are rumors
-of the next role you'll take up.
Can I tell her?
Well, nothing's been set in stone.
We haven't even signed the contract yet.
This is for your ears only.
This will be completely off the record.
Quentin Tarantino.
Amazing, right?
What genre is it? What's it about?
It's about this woman who manages a farm.
She travels through time
to get her revenge on men, and…
Oh, my.
I was told not to share the story.
Gosh, whatever.
I read through the script
and was completely hooked.
I couldn't believe
I was getting this chance.
-This is absurd.
-I'll be one of his go-to actors.
So I've been taking horseback riding
lessons to prepare for the part.
It's great for women's thigh muscles.
I totally recommend it.
This is Method Entertainment.
Yes, I'm sorry,
but profile submissions have ended.
Hello, Mr. Kim.
Yes, I know.
I get what you mean.
But I have a good reason
when I tell you not to do that film.
At this point in your career,
you should be focused on quality,
not quantity.
Think about it, okay?
Your next project will decide
whether you rise to the top or not.
Call their youngest and tell them
that we'll manage Daniel Henney,
and reserve first-class seats.
They always say they didn't hear it
when it's me who tells them.
Then leave them a message.
Sir, do you have time later?
-Did we get new beans?
-They keep ignoring me. What should I do?
Just figure it out, okay?
Is that mine? Thank you.
You're welcome.
Then leave them a text
instead of instant messaging.
"I'm leaving you a text as you seem busy."
Be polite and convey a sense of respect.
Yes, ma'am.
I got a text from Alex.
Alex what?
Alex, the photographer.
He says he can't reach you.
He's much clingier than I thought.
Tell him I'm getting married next week.
-You're here.
You're getting married?
Why would I get married?
My gosh.
Use your brain.
Okay? Get it together.
How did it go?
Hey, Jung-don.
Did you get
Yeo-jeong's contract from the US?
Yes, sure.
What's with him?
"However, a beautiful heart
that enriches…"
"That enriches the soul, and the love
in our hearts will always be there."
"They only grow with the passing of time."
-"Physical beauty…"
-Excuse me.
You can leave your profile there.
Well, I was--
We don't sign with new actors.
It's not that.
I'm here to see Director Ma Tae-oh.
-Do you have an appointment?
Then I'm afraid you can't.
I did text him a moment ago.
Please tell him that So Hyun-joo is here.
He will know once he hears my name.
I'll tell him,
but don't get your hopes up.
He isn't someone you can just come and--
Yes, Director.
There's a…
Hyun-joo. It's So Hyun-joo.
A Ms. So Hyun-joo is here to see…
Okay, I understand.
One second, please.
You're here.
Shall we talk outside?
Don't worry.
I didn't tell the receptionist anything.
Are you in Seoul on holiday?
-Are you on a break already?
-I graduated last year.
I see.
Why didn't you tell me?
I would've sent you a gift.
You did.
I did.
Actually, it's been three weeks
since I came to Seoul.
I'm going to live here now.
What I mean is,
Busan is such a great place to live.
Why would you torture yourself here?
You had a job there too.
I was helping my mom out at her hair salon
because I couldn't get a job.
And there was something
I actually wanted to do.
And what could that be?
I want to be an agent.
Like a travel agent?
In the entertainment business.
Speaking of which, can't you help me out?
People told me
that the fastest way to become one
is through a referral.
This is my résumé.
Do you know how many kids like you
come to work here then run off crying?
But I really mean it.
-I'm confident I'll do well.
-Come on.
Stop talking nonsense.
Here. Grab something to eat and go home.
Our relationship…
I promise to keep it a secret.
I'm sorry. I'm a little late.
We're all here, so let's begin.
This is our last meeting
before my vacation.
Anything to report?
Lee Hee-jun's casting has been confirmed.
And Jung Yu-mi will
renew her contract with us.
She should be…
signing her contract by now.
She was being so picky,
but she ended up signing.
Great work, Ms. Chun.
What happened to that thing
with the writer Kim Eun-hee?
I have it ready here.
First four episodes,
including the synopsis.
Really? You have Kim Eun-hee's script?
It was highly confidential, so how?
I'll read it over and push ahead.
The production begged me
not to publicize it.
Okay, you do that, Director Ma.
Anything else?
Mr. Kim?
How's it going with Cho Yeo-jeong?
Her contract from the US.
What is it? Is there a problem?
Well, it's…
Yes, there is a problem. A very big one.
What is it? What's the problem?
I got a message saying
that they'll retract the offer
to cast Yeo-jeong.
-What did you say?
She was so thrilled about the offer
that she took up English
and riding lessons.
But they refused to cast her
because she's too old for them.
What a load of bull.
Didn't they even know how old she was?
The character was changed
to be in her early twenties with revision.
They also added many flashbacks
to her high school days,
so they're getting
someone else for the role.
I kept telling you
that it might not work out.
She called off
other dramas and films for that.
So you messed it all up?
What about the ads she got
because she was cast in a Tarantino film?
Would Yeo-jeong
sign with us again after this?
If we were to DM the director--
-Then what about a text message--
Can't you read the room?
I haven't told Yeo-jeong yet, so…
Good grief.
Come on.
-I'm sorry.
What a mess.
I left you a text message.
-Excuse me.
-One second.
Do you have a spare envelope?
Yes, go on.
Hey, you!
You little punk!
You'll quit just like this?
Have you lost it?
I've had enough!
You tell me to figure it out myself
when I ask you questions,
then you ask me why I didn't ask you
if I try to do something on my own.
Why you…
I'm Sin-yeong!
Yes, Sin-yeong. All right.
Put your stuff down. Let's talk this out.
Do you want the rest of the day off?
How about we talk tomorrow?
You're a psychopath
with personality disorders.
You stubborn old-timer!
I'm not that bad, am I?
I'd be insane to ever return here.
Call me crazy if I ever come back!
You just quit on your own.
Don't call me later
to file for unemployment benefits!
Where am I going to find someone?
Mi-sun, don't you want to be an agent?
It's Hee-sun.
And I keep telling you
that I'm an actress.
I was cast as a lead in a play
for the first time.
-If you have time--
-Kids these days.
Why don't they have any grit?
They all quit
when they're about to be useful.
Why can't they hold out for long?
Gosh, I don't know.
I'm just dying to know.
When will I find and train someone again?
I need someone now.
If you're looking for someone new,
then I can do it.
Are you coming or not?
Three months on apprenticeship.
You'll get a permanent position
depending on your performance.
Your phone must be on at all times.
You have to pick up whether you're
eating, sleeping, or taking a dump.
You'll always work overtime,
often all night.
And I can't guarantee you a personal life.
Is that okay?
Yes, it's all right.
Can you begin right away?
Our agency has about 30 actors.
We do deliveries, schedule management,
promotions, planning,
contracts, marketing,
and everything else
regarding an actor's career.
This is Choi Jin-hyeok.
He's in his fifth year
and is in charge of PR.
This is Yoo Eun-soo,
in charge of administration.
-Your name is?
-So Hyun-joo.
Yes, okay. This is your desk.
Assist your seniors for a while
and learn about your job.
Leave a note for all calls.
The only thing you'll say is,
"They're out for work."
-"They're out for work."
Nice to meet you.
Hello, Director.
Yes, all right.
By Director,
you mean Director Ma Tae-oh, right?
Yes, why do you ask?
I was just asking.
I wanted to know what he was like.
Director Ma Tae-oh?
He's the one who runs things here.
He graduated from
a prestigious university,
is good at his job,
and is handsome to boot.
On top of that,
his wife is from a conglomerate family.
In a word, for Eun-soo,
he's someone she may want
but can never have.
He's like a mirage.
Do you think
it's best to tell Yeo-jeong the truth?
I don't think so.
When an actress turns 40,
she gets easily hurt
by the most trivial words.
Telling her she's old?
That's the worst of the worst.
The pride of an actress is
like this glass.
One mistake,
and it will shatter.
And the ones who prevent that
from happening
are people like us.
-See you later.
-Take care.
Have a great trip.
Remember what I told you.
Return quickly.
-Your call could not be connected…
-That's odd. Why won't he pick up?
What should I tell her?
She'll be so disappointed.
I think she's calling about the contract.
Avoiding her forever
won't resolve this situation.
Will you be quiet? I'm thinking too.
Goodness, please.
-Don't pick up.
-I'll just put it on vibrate.
This ringtone's been
driving me nuts all day.
Hey, hello?
-Did you just hang up?
-You hung up right away?
What was that?
This is…
I'm sorry.
I was only trying to put it on vibrate.
What do I do now?
Why don't you just
keep your phone off today?
Turn the power off
and think about what to…
Hello? Jung-don!
You hung up again!
Are you trying to screw me over?
No way! Your power button is
placed differently than mine.
-You hung up!
-I did?
If anything happens between me and her,
it's your fault.
It's all your fault!
I'm sorry!
He just hung up on Yeo-jeong.
You just hung up on Yeo-jeong.
are the Legal Team's work,
but agents need to know the basics too.
An agent must know everything
regarding an actor's career.
So Hyun-joo. A new agent.
This is the archive.
A room for the scripts we receive.
There are so many.
Everything begins here.
These aren't scripts.
These were put together
by Director Jang Myung-aeh.
Ms. Jang is… How can I put this?
She's like…
a living fossil among agents.
She's in charge
of middle-aged actors or older.
Anyway, she's quite peculiar. You'll see.
I saw earlier
that Ms. Chun had
lots of scripts in her office too.
Ms. Chun is
the first to read all the scripts
that we receive at the agency.
She studies them religiously to see
where she can place our actors.
The only scripts
she doesn't get to read are
the ones Director Ma obtains personally.
Ms. Chun's specialty is
stealing other people's scripts.
You be careful too.
Follow me.
Let me show you the craziest thing.
It's where we keep the presents
from fans or sponsored goods.
We call it…
…the Method Boutique.
-Isn't it beautiful?
-It is.
This one. Look at this.
Yeo-jeong wore this dress
at the reception for the Academy Awards.
Our agency had it tailored just for her.
She was so thrilled
to be cast in a Tarantino film.
Unbelievable. She's too old?
That's so absurd.
Our field manager.
Nothing happens around here without me.
Hey, Won-jae.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh!
Mr. Kim!
Mr. Kim. What the…
Was Yeo-jeong supposed to come in today?
-Then why is she coming?
Right here. She's at the office now.
Won-jae just called.
They just arrived at the parking lot.
"Missed calls."
This is bad. What do I do?
Wait a second. Mr. Kim.
Hi, Hee-sun!
Is Mr. Kim Jung-don in?
No, he's not here.
I'll wait in his office.
Hey, Jin-hyeok.
Goodness, Yeo-jeong. What brings you here?
Where's Jung-don?
We have something to discuss.
I'm not sure. He went out to work.
He might not come in today.
Wait a second.
Did you find a new skincare shop?
Can you tell?
Totally. Your skin is glowing!
My gosh, you look amazing.
I should've switched earlier.
Do you want to go?
You get 15 percent off with my referral.
-I'd love to.
-Will you stay here forever?
-But your skin is fine.
-No way.
-Why not?
-It's lunchtime.
-Are you asking me out to lunch?
-Should I go there?
-I'd love to.
-I should go.
Even if he's out,
he usually picks up his phone.
-Then can you get the elevator for me?
-Maybe he's busy.
No, something is up.
I called him earlier.
-He picked up…
then gasped and hung up on me.
He did that twice already.
-Twice? Goodness.
-I heard it clearly.
I'm a little busy right now,
so I'll see you later.
Could you try calling him?
Can you call Jung-don? Then put me on.
Sure, I can. Of course.
Goodness, I'm getting a call.
Your car flipped over?
That's flipping wild!
Did you call the insurance company?
What now?
My gosh, what are you going to do?
Goodness. Here.
-Thank you.
What are all those?
These? Scripts that the agency received.
I have to read and analyze them.
I see.
Do you know the similarity
between those scripts and actors?
We both have to wait until we're chosen.
Cheer up.
Honestly, it's their loss
for not casting you.
What do you mean?
I mean Tarantino.
How can he turn you down
because of your age?
How much younger do they need you to look?
It's unbelievable.
You're right.
Why would they do that?
The doors are closing.
Right, what's your name?
I'm So Hyun-joo.
-Agent So Hyun-joo?
Then I'll see you around.
Cheer up.
You can do it!
What are you doing here?
I got a job here.
Who said you could work here?
Ms. Chun.
I was harsh on you
because it was so sudden.
I apologize for that.
I'll find another agency for you,
-so go back to Busan for now.
-I got a job here on my own.
-I'm going to be an agent--
-How can you…
The doors are closing.
All right.
Keep it up.
You're back.
I'll find my way home.
You don't have to drop me off.
What? But why?
I feel like taking a walk today.
You should still take the van.
It's okay. Go now.
I believe everything I do is
a part of my acting career.
Right now, I'm playing the role
of a temp receptionist.
You know what? I'm actually in a play.
It's a modern reinterpretation
of A Streetcar Named Desire.
It's my first role as the lead
after many supporting roles,
so I'm quite worried.
But if you have time, I hope you can come.
If you're busy, you don't have to…
I'm boring you, aren't I?
No, it's not that.
It's all right.
No one at the agency
cares about me anyway.
I'm sorry, Hee-sun.
There's a complicated problem
at the agency.
I was busy thinking about that.
Jung-don! There you are!
Yeo-jeong, how did you find me?
May I?
Why can't I get a hold of you?
I was out of my mind today.
-I see. So you were.
why haven't we received
a call from the US yet?
Well, actually…
-We reevaluated the script…
and felt that it was below your level.
Oh, my. Is it? All of a sudden?
But why?
parts of it were historically inaccurate,
and the way the film
portrayed the female lead
seemed rather archaic.
Is that so?
And I wasn't going to say this, but…
Okay, here it goes.
-The director wants the movie…
to have a male lead.
Oh, my God. A male lead?
-Absurd, right?
-All of a sudden?
-How could he do that?
-I see.
Forget it, Yeo-jeong.
Don't let it get to you.
We'll find another great film for you.
I might as well retire.
I get that I can get turned down
for a movie.
But my agent is racking his brain
over what lies to tell me
when he should be the one
to look out for me.
I might as well just quit,
move to the countryside,
and live a quiet life.
It's not like I can trust anyone, right?
Jung-don. How about you become an actor?
Your performance just now gave me chills.
You found a new talent.
It's just that I didn't want you to--
It's all right. Forget it.
How do you expect me to continue
working with you like this?
You'll just keep lying to me
in such instances.
It's over with you.
Did you want to see me?
Come in. Close the door.
You know who Director Ma is, right?
-Did Jin-hyeok not tell you?
Yes, I know him.
I hear he has Kim Eun-hee's new script.
Find out what it's about.
Yes, ma'am.
Eun-soo, can you help me?
There's nothing going on
between Director Ma and me.
As if I'd care about something like that.
Of course, I know that.
Anyway, he and I are not
in any kind of relationship.
I even have a boyfriend.
You do?
Then what happened back there?
That was…
because he saw me taking the scripts
outside of the office,
so he was scolding me
about confidentiality.
Goodness, I see.
How silly of me.
So how can I help you?
I'm putting together
a list of scripts we have,
and I'm missing the scripts
that Director Ma has.
And I heard
that you're the only one who
Director Ma shares his emails with.
I hear you are
his most trusted staff here.
If you could give me
his email ID and password,
I'll just get the script titles.
Are you nuts?
It's full of confidential information.
Other people can't see that.
I can't do that, ever.
-I'll just look at the script titles.
-I'm great at keeping secrets.
-Who told her?
Who was it?
Who spilled it?
Who ran their mouth off?
Who told her?
Jung-don, why? What's up?
Someone told Yeo-jeong
that she didn't get the part
because of her age.
Who in their right mind would tell her?
Maybe Star Media did this
to steal her away
once her contract expires.
I'll kill them.
Jung-don, calm down.
You're about to lose it.
Do you know how long I've worked with her?
-I've been there through ups and downs.
This just can't be.
What are we doing here?
Yeo-jeong is leaving the agency.
Who was it?
This is bad.
Who could it be?
Who did this?
-Who was it?
-Yes, Director.
-Who did this?
Did you want to see me?
Call the CEO of the agency
that represents Tarantino.
-Ask them to spare some time for me.
don't tell anybody else.
You know that, right?
Your call could not be connected.
Please leave a message after the…
She won't even pick up my calls now.
No, I don't think she's even checking.
My friend, could you call her for me?
You're both women
and are around the same age.
I'm not around her age.
My birthday hasn't come up yet.
I'm still in my thirties.
You know how much
of a difference that makes?
-Darn it.
I'm sure she needs some time to think.
Things won't go haywire now,
so give her time until tomorrow morning.
Don't you know that she's the type
who turns her back
as soon as she's disappointed?
She may not even want to talk to me.
Should I have told her the truth
from the get-go?
I would have only upset her.
Seriously? Do you have to do that now?
What? He's good-looking.
Are you made of magnets or something?
You draw men everywhere you go.
And how could he?
Am I invisible to him?
Goodness, my dear Jung-don.
And I found out later
that the woman sitting at the next table
was actually Sandra Bullock.
Anyway, Ms. Amy.
-About Tarantino's new film…
I hear 30 percent of it
will be shot in Seoul.
Don't even get me started.
It takes forever
to obtain filming permits.
There's so much paperwork involved.
It'll take much longer than you think.
But this is Tarantino.
If it was up to me,
I would beg him to come over.
Korean civil servants don't even care
who Tarantino is.
They'll get a lot of complaints
if the filming causes inconvenience,
so it won't be easy.
That movie…
This one production even waited
for an entire year only to be turned away.
You see,
I have a friend in City Hall
who's in charge of giving filming permits.
If you would like,
I could put in a good word for you.
Ms. Amy won't pick up my calls.
Could you pass her a word
when she returns?
I wish to speak to her
regarding Cho Yeo-jeong.
As it was?
He's going to cast her again?
No, I wasn't aware.
Where's Ms. Amy now?
I'll call you back.
She's waiting in the room.
Yeo-jeong, I kept calling you.
-Yeo-jeong, wait--
-Mr. Kim.
Not now. This is important.
How could she go into a meeting
without her agent?
This isn't your place.
I have something to ask…
Quentin gave it another thought
and said that
you're perfect for this role.
My gosh, that's great.
This is so great.
He said that he'd give up
all the teenage flashback sequences
for your sake.
But he said that the lead
had to be in her twenties,
so we expect you
to make a little bit of an effort.
An effort?
I, Cho Yeo-jeong, am made of effort.
I'll take better care of my skin
and start eating healthier.
Those are all given.
There is a more definitive way.
Don't take this too seriously.
It's like dyeing gray hair.
I don't have gray hair.
Well, what I mean is…
I knew that I'd get
a smaller range of roles as time passed
and braced myself to face this reality.
But now that it's actually happened,
I finally realize that I'm over 40 now.
Look at this photo.
That's my wife.
How old does she look?
Mid to late-thirties?
She's 51, the same age as me.
No way. Her surgery looks so natural…
Now, she gets Botox shots regularly
for the wrinkles on her forehead
and gets hyaluronic acid injections
for the areas around her mouth.
She did her eyes again to prevent sagging.
I see.
Do you not find her unnatural?
Not at all.
It's so natural that I wouldn't even know
unless she told me.
I see.
She'll get the procedure.
Does this mean
she can have the role again?
Then I'll tell her to resume
horseback riding lessons.
Thank you, Ms. Amy.
Is it true
that you're leaving
the agency with Yeo-jeong?
Someone at Ms. Amy's agency said
you two are leaving the agency
and starting a new one.
It's not true, is it?
I must be hearing things, right?
Did she agree to leave with you?
You've seen it yourself, so why ask?
-How could you do this?
-Shouldn't you be thanking me?
You put us in this mess,
and I stepped in to get us out.
Yeo-jeong got her role back.
Does Mr. Wang know?
You planned this
before he went on his vacation, right?
To betray us while he's gone!
That's the thing with you, Mr. Kim.
How is any of that important?
Instead of complaining to me,
shouldn't you go find a solution?
You're acting like an amateur.
That's why you lost it all.
Are you not worried
about what people might say?
If the actors found out,
do you think they'll work with you?
Why don't you learn to keep your
subordinates in check first?
Who was it? So Hyun-joo?
This happened because she told Yeo-jeong
that she lost the film because of her age.
Are you sure it was her?
How could she be an agent
with such a big mouth?
She's not cut out for the job.
You hired her, so you deal with it.
Who are you to yap around?
Did you lose it
because you saw a celebrity in person?
Why not ask her for a photo
and post it online?
"Hashtag Cho Yeo-jeong. Old.
Turned down because of her age."
Do you know what you've done?
Our biggest actress is leaving us
because of you.
I'm sorry.
You would've kept quiet
unless Director Ma told me.
Did he tell you that it was me?
Get out.
Take away her employee pass.
Why did you tell her that?
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
Actually, it might be better to quit
before you actually begin.
Not anyone can survive…
I'm sorry we have to part ways like this.
If fate allows, I'm sure we'll meet again.
I hear he has Kim Eun-hee's new script.
Find out what it's about.
Should I get the script off Director Ma
and have it summarized for you?
Do you think he'd share it
with us so willingly?
Go read it discreetly.
Got it?
You've zoned out completely, haven't you?
A star agent who runs off
to start a new agency with an actor…
It happens a lot in this field.
It's a wonder how someone as competent
as Director Ma stuck around this long.
I didn't think Yeo-jeong
would be the one to go.
So? Will you just sit there?
Director Ma will take good care of her.
He's very competent, you see.
Do you seriously think so?
That Director Ma will take better care
of Cho Yeo-jeong than you?
Is that why he told her…
to get lipo injections on her face?
Just lie around all day long.
I heard pumpkin
is great for a swollen face.
Or was it spinach?
Good job.
-Watch out.
-My gosh.
What's with your horse?
It has tattoos.
What is this?
Where did you get this?
No idea.
You lied to me
about getting better at riding?
I wasn't lying.
I'll be good after a little more practice.
You liar.
What about you?
I had no choice.
You were so thrilled
to have been cast in that film.
I didn't want you to be upset.
I was trying not to hurt you.
Forget it.
-Forget what? I was worried about you.
-Forget it, you liar.
You're the liar. This is a huge lie.
You liar.
-What? You're being immature.
-You can't say that. How old are you?
What's age got to do with anything?
I look older than you.
Stop shouting.
These horses are very sensitive!
-Stop shouting!
-You're louder than I am!
-I am not!
-Be careful over there!
A horse is coming! Get out of the way!
-Over here?
-Gosh, right there.
Here? Are you okay?
Be a man, will you?
Only I could catch you
that quickly, Yeo-jeong.
Goodness, you liar.
What about the clinic?
My reservation is at five o'clock.
Why? Are you here to stop me?
It's fine.
This isn't a big deal.
I knew I would face a day
when I'd have to do this.
The thought has crossed my mind.
It's not like I'm going off to die.
I'm fine.
No matter what choice you make,
to me, you are the best actor ever.
Come to the clinic with me.
I don't want to go alone,
but I don't want to go with anyone else.
Thank you.
You can take the stairs there.
I know.
I'll be fine.
Go now. Bye.
Ms. Cho Yeo-jeong,
please come to the procedure room.
My gosh. Have you been waiting for me?
How can I just leave you here and go?
Are you all right?
Did it go well?
Yeo-jeong, stop that. Come on.
There are people around.
Look at my face.
I'm not ready to see this.
Did they give you fake injections?
Did they scam you?
Is it because
you're too famous to complain?
I didn't get it.
-Can't you tell?
I didn't get the procedure.
Why not?
I already look young enough.
If I look even younger,
it'll be tougher for me to get offers.
I'll just live as who I am.
If I get older, I'll accept it.
That's natural.
I'm hungry. Let's eat something.
Sounds great.
Let's go!
Let's go get some delicious food!
The breeze is so cool!
-Isn't it great?
I feel like I can go anywhere from now on.
No matter where it is,
I'll take you there, Yeo-jeong!
-Let's go!
Will you continue to be my agent?
Of course, Yeo-jeong.
I'll remain your agent
until you turn 100 and wrinkly.
Don't you bring up wrinkles again.
That's off-limits for now.
We'll get lipo injections together then.
-We'll get the procedure together!
I don't want to!
-Did you talk it out with Yeo-jeong?
Okay, good work. Wrap it up, then.
What are you doing here?
I have something to tell you.
-Go while I'm still nice.
This is Kim Eun-hee's script.
-You told me to bring--
-When did I say that?
I told you to read it discreetly.
I'm sorry for what happened last time.
I won't repeat the same mistake
ever again.
Please give me another chance.
I'll do my very best if you do.
Follow me.
I'm sorry, but let's drop our contract.
-Goodness, Jin-hyeok.
-What do you think?
I told you to use size 12 font.
I'm sorry. Take mine.
-Thank you.
-Over here.
-I'll take it.
-I'm too young to use reading glasses.
-Come on, Jin-hyeok.
What is this?
Did we change the air purifier?
The air in here seems
extra pleasant today.
Is it because Yeo-jeong
renewed her contract with us?
You lost a huge film yet look excited.
We managed to keep
Ms. Cho Yeo-jeong instead.
I wonder if you'll do all right
starting a new agency without an actor.
It's an international call.
Maybe it's Mr. Wang.
Put him on speakerphone.
-We should report to him what happened.
-Of course.
-Mr. Wang.
-Mr. Wang! Are you doing well?
-Mr. Wang!
Is it nice there?
Are you doing the samba?
It's not him.
May I ask who is calling?
This is the Korean embassy in Brazil.
I could not reach
Mr. Wang Tae-ja's guardian,
so I called you instead.
Yes, I see.
What does this concern?
I'm afraid I have bad news.
Mr. Wang Tae-ja has passed away.
-Wait, what are you talking about?
He passed away?
I'm sorry to be
the bearer of such tragic news.
Wait, what do you mean?
Are you sure?
Yes, all of the staff are here.
Yes, let us know when it's been confirmed.
Subtitle translation by: Eun-sook Yoon
Ripped and synced by
I'm thinking of selling the company.
Do you think this is what Tae-ja wanted?
Who are you to judge my acting?
Two actors in the same agency
competing for a role?
Don't you know about Sun-kyu and Hee-jun?
I can't seem to reach Hee-jun.
You can't just leave this shit behind you.
That's so selfish of you!
This is why Mr. Wang brought Director Ma
instead of making you the director.
I'm an actor. My name is Ko Eun-gyul.
What's going on between you two?
I'm Director Ma Tae-oh's wife.
Don't you dare mess with my family,
or I'm going to make you pay.
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