Bella and the Bulldogs (2015) s01e01 Episode Script

Newbie QB, Part 1

1 S and c and an o-r-e! Score! Score! Score! Bulldogs score! S and c and an o-r-e! - Welcome back, Bulldog Nation! Ace McFumbles here and what a game it has been! But with 10 seconds to go, our Silverado Bulldogs trail the Warthogs by 6.
A less-seasoned reporter would be freaking out, but not this guy.
Excuse me a sec.
Ahhhhhhhh! And we're back! - Okay, y'all, let's turn this game around! - SPECTATORS: [cheering.]
Sha-booyah! Come on, girls, pull that bark! Woof! Woof! Woof! WoofWoof Why am I the only one "woofing"? - Because we're gonna lose, Bella.
And when we do, this crowd is going to turn ugly.
- Just like last November.
When the dust settled, they found eight pompoms, but only three cheerleaders.
I say we run! - Pepper, chill! We're gonna win.
Coach knows, the Warthogs know, this is the perfect time for a play-action pass.
- This is the perfect time for a play-action pass.
- Which is why the Warthogs' team coach is not going to call for a play-action pass-- which is exactly why Coach is going to call for a play-action pass.
- Which is exactly why I am calling for a play-action pass.
- [whistle shrills.]
- You got it, Troy? - Got it, Coach.
- Get out there! - SPECTATORS: [cheering.]
- Yeah, we're not doin' that.
- Remember what Coach said last time you ignored him? - Nope, wasn't listening.
Check it.
We do my play.
I run for a touchdown.
And then we get to do our victory dance! - ALL: Uh-huh We're awesome Uh-huh We're handsome - And break! - - Ten! Hut! - - What is he doing? - What is he doing? - That's not the play! - That's not the play! - [whistle shrills.]
- SPECTATORS: [groaning.]
- Sausage and biscuits! - Sausage and biscuits! - Oh! - Oh! - Oh, and the Bulldogs lose! This is Ace McFumbles freaking out! Ahhhhhhhh! - [moustache rips skin.]
- Ahhhhhhhh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! - What was Troy thinking? All he had to do was fake the run, spin, and fire it deep.
- [heavy thud.]
- [mascot groaning.]
- SPECTATORS: [gasping.]
- My bad! Losses make me emotional.
- Hey, girl with the freakishly strong arm, you wanna try out for quarterback? - Who me? QB? - Who? Her? Q what? - - Dream like Team like Livin' like one of the boys - Ten! Hut! Can you believe it? A chance to be quarterback of the Bulldogs.
That's my dream! - I know.
Plus, you get to hit boys-- legally.
As a girl with nine brothers, that's my dream.
- All those years of praying to the football spirit stuff finally paid off.
- [heavenly music.]
- Thank you, five-time Super Bowl champs, Dallas Cowboys, forever and always, amen.
- Um, Bella, I'm not sure all your prayers have been answered.
Look - [radio show music.]
- Ace McFumbles here with breaking news! A girl is trying out for the football team.
- [radio show music.]
- I know what I think.
- Cuckoo! Cuckoo! - But let's hear from the fans.
- Bella as quarterback.
Thoughts? - Well, she threw the ball once.
With the wind.
There's no way she can do that again.
[slams locker.]
- A girl quarterback? - I love Bella, but she's too nice.
- What she means is no girl can play football.
They're too wimpy.
- [gasps.]
- Ow! - Bella, quarterback.
Thoughts? - No girl's tough enough to play football, especially Bella.
- Oh, come on.
No one with half a brain would agree with that.
- Well - Do you think they're right? - Not really, but I'm worried.
You could get hurt.
Or worse.
Football uniforms are super unflattering and you'll get helmet-hair and grass stains.
And be all sweaty like a boy.
And no one will want to date you.
You'll never get married and our kids will never be BFFs and I just-- - Pepper, breathe - Right.
Sometimes I forget to do that.
- Come on, Pepper, she's our friend.
And even if the whole world thinks this is crazy, we've gotta support her.
- You're right.
You've gotta go for it.
I'm just gonna miss having you on the cheer squad.
- The cheer squad.
We've got our biggest competition of the year on Thursday.
You can't leave us for football! Are you nuts? - Wow, what happened to little Miss Support Your Best Friend? - I'll support her next week.
Someone's got to catch me in the basket toss and it's sure not gonna be Pepper.
- It's true.
I would drop her.
- Sophie, I'll be there.
I'm not gonna bail on my cheer sisters when they need me the most.
- Cheer promise? - Hand to heart, hope to die, stick a pompom in my eye.
Now can a girl get a tri-five? - ALL: [laughing.]
- Sophie, not to alarm you, but your brothers are outside flying your underwear like a kite.
- ¡Hay! Le voy a dar un tremendo cachetazo.
- I may have to spray her with the hose again.
- Mom, do you think it's crazy-- me trying out for football? - Oh, honey, I don't know.
Football was like a secret language you and your Dad shared.
I can still see the two of you snuggled up every Sunday on the couch screaming at the quarterback to, "throw a home run!" "Punt a home run.
" Wait, I got it, it's, uh, "punt a touchdown!" - Well, at least that last try was all football words.
- You really wanna do this, don't you? - I have to, Mom.
I always thought being a cheerleader was as close as I could get to the field.
But now I've actually got a chance to play.
Can you imagine the look on Dad's face? - I don't have to.
It'd look like yours does right now.
But this isn't gonna be easy.
Plenty of people aren't gonna like it-- especially the boys on the team.
- Maybe.
But once they see what I can do, they'll be totally cool with this.
- I am not cool with this.
- It's just wrong.
- She's a girl.
- It's messed up.
- Chill, bro-chachos.
No one can replace "The Troy.
" [laughing.]
Especially a girl, all right? They can't play football.
That'sthat's science.
Look, she can try out all she wants, but there's no way she's making the team.
- But what if she does? There will be a girl in the locker room.
I can barely change in front of you guys.
- And we're not talking any girl.
I've known Bella since first grade and she's never farted.
- That can't be healthy.
- Guys, focus! We've got football to play and you need to get mean.
Sawyer, break out the angry milk.
- Um, what's angry milk? - Best sports drink you can squeeze from an udder.
It comes from the meanest cow I ever met-- Crazy Nellie.
I pass her every morning on the way to school.
She's real sweet, till you try to take her moo juice.
- [Nellie bellowing.]
- Yee-haw! - [Nellie bellowing.]
- [yelping.]
OhOhOh! Ah! Take a swig.
That's pure, organic, grass-fed power.
- Okay.
Oh, I feel the power! [straining.]
Oh, I'm exhausted.
- Stay strong, Newt.
We can't show this girl any sign of weakness.
- Hey, everybody! - TROY: [high-pitched squeal.]
- I'm not decent! Okay.
- [laughing.]
Guys, I know this is weird.
But all I'm asking for is a chance to prove I can play.
I'm not just some girly-girl who-- Ew, I'm sorry, but this place is riper than a summertime dumpster.
[spritzing deodorizer.]
- BOYS: [coughing, sputtering.]
- What are you doing? - Don't inhale, boys.
It'll give you girly lung.
- It actually is a very pleasing bouquet.
Is that a hint of lilac? Hey, who said that? - All right, listen up, Bella.
Football is a man's game, for a man's stake.
- ALL: Hoo-rah! - It's not for girls.
- Look, Troy, I can understand if you're a little threatened by the idea of competing with a girl.
So just treat me like one of the boys.
- [whistle shrills.]
- Why are you guys treatin' her like one of the boys? Get out so she can change! Go! [tweeting whistle.]
- Okay, but after this.
One of the boys! Today's the big day, guys.
Any advice? - Just be yourself and don't get hurt.
- Don't worry, this is gonna be just like playing in the back yard with my Dad.
- [loud thud.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- BELLA: [wincing.]
- PEPPER & SOPHIE: [gasping.]
- I was wrong.
- Bella, are you okay? - I'm all right.
- You tackle my friend again, I will take you out! - Come on, Sophie, it was a legal hit.
- Besides, Mom says you're not allowed to beat us up at school any more.
- [whistle shrills.]
- Sophie, I'm okay.
It was just one hit.
- [heavy thud.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- [heavy thud.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- [heavy thud.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- Hike! - - [whistle shrills.]
- SPECTATORS: [applauding.]
- BELLA: Set! Hike! - [whistle shrills.]
- [whistle shrills.]
[whistle shrills.]
- [heavy thudding.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- Take five.
- TROY: Don't feel bad, Bella.
- No shame in walkin' away.
- That's true.
I walked away like five times my first week, but my dad kept driving me back.
- [sighing.]
Well, I'm not walking away.
- [clump of grass thuds.]
- I'm just getting started.
- [shoulder pads collide.]
- Ow! Coach? [high-pitched voice.]
Did you see that? - BELLA: Set! Hike! - [heavy thud.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- I'm lightning up my feet And that's what they don't see, mmm-mmm That's what they don't see, mmm-mmm I'm dancing on my own Dancing on my own I make the moves up as I go Moves up as I go And that's what they don't know, mmm-mmm That's what they don't know, mmm-mmm But I keep cruising Can't stop, won't stop grooving It's like I got this music in my mind Saying, "It's gonna be alright" - Yes! - [whistle shrills.]
- Set! Hike! - And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake - I shake it off, I shake it off - Oof! - I shake it off, I shake it off - Sha-booyah! - Decision time, folks.
Will Coach go with the experience of Troy "The Wonder Boy" Dixon? - SPECTATORS: [cheering.]
- Or the rocket arm of Bella "Nickname To Be Determined" Dawson? What will he do? - Okay, guys.
- ACE: What will he do? - He will tell ya to shut off that mic, or he will come up and take it from you.
- And the Coach threatens award-winning commentator.
Story at 5:00.
- [microphone feedback screeching.]
- [laughing.]
Bella, now you have the arm, you know the game, but you're still untested.
Going with you would be a big risk.
- Here it comes, boys.
He's lettin' her down easy.
- But this is Texas.
We go big or we go home! Gentlemen, say hello to your new quarterback.
- BELLA: [screaming.]
Yip! Yippee! Yip! Yippee! I did it! I did it! [screaming.]
- Mark your calendars, boys.
Today, football died in Texas.
- My life is over.
- I did it! I'm quarterback! Best day ever! - I'm not quarterback any more.
Do you realize what this means? - [velcro ripping.]
- I'm not "The Troy.
" I'm just "A Troy.
" I can't live like that.
- We've gotta find a way to get her off the team.
- Well, how do we do that? - I don't know.
- Well, we'd better think of something.
This isn't just about me.
It's about you poor guys having to play without me.
- Hi, guys.
- Hi, Bella.
I mean, we don't like you.
- Well, I hope you like free pizza.
It's on me.
- Okay, nice try, but we don't want your-- Dudes! - [muffled.]
I don't know.
- Troy, I know you're not happy about this.
But we're teammates now.
Maybe if we get to know each other better, you know, shared our hopes and fears, we might actually get to be friends.
- I knew this pizza wasn't free.
- Well, now hold on there, Sawyer.
Bella might be right.
- OTHERS: Really? - Sure, I mean, we all have hopes and fears.
Maybe if you go first, I'll find the the courage to share mine.
- Oh, well Okay, don't laugh.
- No.
- When I was six, we went to the state fair.
- [sheep bleating.]
- Ooh, a petting zoo.
- [carnival music.]
- Oops.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, that could have been bad.
- [Diablo bellowing.]
- BELLA: [screaming.]
I know it's silly.
But bulls still totally terrify me.
- Bulls.
- SOPHIE: Hmph! - She said, hmph! - Oh, hey, what are-- Oh, my gosh, I missed your practice.
- BOTH: Hmph! - I need to talk to them.
But I love what we're doing.
Keep sharing while I'm gone.
- Oh, you know it.
I just figured out a way to make Bella quit.
Sawyer, can you put fake horns on Crazy Nellie? - Does a goose squat sideways in a muddy swamp? That means, yes.
Yes, I can.
- Okay, listen - Guys, I am so sorry.
- Don't worry, it's not like tonight's the biggest cheer competition of the year.
- Which it is.
See, she's being sarcastic 'cause we're mad at you.
- And you have every right to be mad.
I lost track of time, football ran late, and I made the team and then the guys-- - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Did you just say you made the team? - You're looking at the Bulldogs' new quarterback! - ALL: [screaming.]
- First female quarterback! You are historic likelike that guy who walked on the moon.
- Except you're a girl, and this is Texas, which makes it way harder.
- And now that I'm QB, I can be totally focused for tonight.
It's our last year of competition together and we are going to kick some booty! - You mean it? - Hey, I made you guys a cheer promise.
And I intend to keep it.
Now come here, you two.
- ALL: [laughing.]
- I feel so much better.
- I hate it when we fight.
- Me, too.
It gives me gas.
We should go.
- Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay! - See you at the competition.
Love you! Oh, hey, teammates.
How's the sharing? - Fantastic.
It made us realize you are just what this team needs.
- I am? - Yep.
All you have to do is go through the official initiation.
- I'm getting initiated? Could this day get any better? Bring it on, y'all! - ALL: [cheering.]
- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
It's not official yet.
Meet us in the locker room in an hour.
- Uh, tiny problem.
I have a huge cheer competition tonight.
- Uh, but this is our most sacred tradition.
- Every Bulldog does it.
- Yeah, but we can do it-- - You know what? Forget it, guys.
I guess she doesn't wanna be one of the boys.
- Wait! How long will it take? - Not long at all.
- Nope, over like that.
[snaps fingers.]
- Okay, I'm in.
I'll see you in an hour.
So excited! - BOYS: Yay! - Oh, she is so going down.
- - Bella Dawson, this is your Bulldog initiation.
- ALL: [thumping floor.]
- If you fail, by sacred Bulldog law, you must - ALL: [thumping floor.]
- quit the team.
- SAWYER & NEWT: Ever.
- Bring it on.
Whatever it is, I can handle it.
- SAWYER & NEWT: [laughing.]
- Very well.
Then remove your blindfold and - ALL: [thumping floor.]
- slap that bull.
- Bull? - [Crazy Nellie snorting.]
- ALL: Slap that bull! Slap that bull! - [Crazy Nellie bellowing.]
- [screaming.]
- [screaming.]
- BOYS: Slap that bull! Slap that bull! Slap that bull! - See? What'd I tell ya, boys? - I wanna play football! - Don't! - [loud slap.]
- [Crazy Nellie bellowing.]
- ALL: [screaming.]
- Mad cow! - [bellowing.]
- It's a mad cow! - [bellowing.]
- - SPECTATORS: [cheering.]
- Ace McFumbles here at cheerleader competition, hoping to interview new QB, Bella Dawson.
In fact, she's the only reason I'm here.
Because, let's face it, cheerleading isn't a real sport.
- Ace: [heavy thud.]
Ow! - Okay, we're on in five minutes and Bella's still not here.
She's the only one who can catch you in a basket toss.
Who's gonna do that now? What are we gonna do? Who's gonna catch you? How do we-- [muffled chattering.]
- Pepper, chill.
Has Bella ever broken a cheer promise? - [muffled chattering.]
- What? - I said, no.
- SPECTATORS: [cheering.]
- [Crazy Nellie bellowing.]
- I think we lost her.
- Yeah, I think you're right.
- [Crazy Nellie bellowing.]
- [horns pierce metal.]
- ALL: [screaming.]
- [Crazy Nellie ramming book bin.]
- [departing hooves clomping.]
- Sawyer, why didn't you tell me she was so crazy? - Dude, her name's "Crazy" Nellie and she was fine till you made me drive her here for this fake initiation.
- TROY: What?! - No, it's obvious-- - What? Fake initiation? This whole thing was a trick? - No.
- Of course not.
- Newt? - It's all lies! We made it up to scare you off the team! That wasn't even a bull.
It was a cow with fake horns on it.
- SAWYER: Oh - Who said that? - Seriously? After everything I did to prove I belong on this team? After I trusted you with my deepest fear? You used it against me? - In our defense, if you hadn't been so good, we wouldn't have been forced to do this.
So, I mean, you know, if there are apologies to be made, perhaps you should go first.
- Okay, I'll go first.
- BOYS: [yelping.]
- We're gonna be in here forever.
And I'm gonna be the first one eaten.
Curse my well-marbled mid-section.
- Not me.
I made a cheer promise and I'm gonna keep it.
There's gotta be a way to get past that cow.
- [Crazy Nellie snorting.]
- - And I just figured out what it is.
- - Hey, butter hutters! - [Crazy Nellie bellowing.]
- Over here.
- [Cowboy movie stand-off music.]
- [bellowing.]
- [snorting.]
- [whimsical bull fight music.]
- [Crazy Nellie bellowing.]
- Sha-booyah! - ALL: Wow.
- Oh, now I get a "wow"? Here's an idea.
See if there's a book in there on how not to be a jerk.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got real friends who need me.
- I could have made that throw.
- Me, too.
- I peed a little.
- I'm here, guys! - CHEERLEADERS: Woooo! - Oh, no, what happened? - Clearly, someone hasn't downloaded my McFumbles app.
Only 99 cents for a limited time.
- - ACE: They had the championship in the bag.
All they had to do was that last flippy-tumble thingy.
Let's watch it in painfully-slow-mo.
- - SOPHIE: Ow! - Didn't I catch you? - SOPHIE: It was more painful in person.
- In all my minutes of covering this majestic sport, I've never seen just a tragedy.
But it made for great TV.
Thanks! Come along now, Marvin.
- Guys, I am so, so sorry.
The boys set up this fake initiation.
But it was all-- - Seriously, Bella I don't want to hear about football.
You broke a cheer promise and I broke my arm.
- And I am injured, too.
I have emotional trauma.
- I feel terrible.
Guys, I promise I'll make it up to you.
- Oh, yay, another promise.
You're so good at those.
- I hope football is worth it.
- ButBut, guys, if you would just-- - - Come on, guys, think.
If we can't get rid of Bella before tonight's game, you're going out there with a girl quarterback.
All I need is an idea, all right, just one.
Anybody? - Got it.
First we build a girl trap, then we draw her in with a trail of lady bait.
- What's, uh, lady bait? - I don't know.
Shoe catalogues.
Oh, those little soaps that look like seashells that Mom says I'm not supposed to use-- even though they're soap.
So, what's the point, if I can't even-- - Okay, guys, this is ridiculous.
What's next? Pray she gets hit by a meteor? - All right, everybody hold hands.
Take a knee.
- CHEERLEADERS: [laughing.]
[laughter stops abruptly.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- COACH: Bulldogs, bring it in! Dawson! Dawson! - Sorry, Coach.
- All right, all right.
Come on, get in here.
Get in here.
Now I don't have to tell you how big tonight's game is.
The Tigers are tough.
But, Dawson, you showed me something this week.
You got the arm, you got the guts, you got that lilac spray that really freshens up the locker room.
You earned your spot.
Let's have a great practice, all right? Tonight, we are gonna beat the stripes off those Tigers! - [whistle shrills.]
- All right, get out there! - Set! Ready? - Ow! - Hut! - [whistle shrills.]
- Dawson! Get your head in the game! - BELLA: Right.
Set! Ready? Set! Hike! - [bird screeches.]
- [whistle shrills.]
- I can be warmed up in a minute, Coach.
Oh, yeah, that's good.
- Get it together, kid! Focus! - Come on, Bella, you heard him.
Hut! Hut! Hike! - [heavy thud.]
- COACH: Ah! Ah! [gasping.]
[high-pitched voice.]
Dawsonmy officenow.
What in the world is going on with you? I'm trying to give you a shot here.
And I've got a lot of people telling me I'm crazy.
Help me out.
- I'm sorry, Coach.
I'm just having a really hard time right now.
I mean What do you do when you hurt your friends' feelings, and it was kind of your fault, but not totally, because you were stuck in a book bin hiding from a fake bull with a bunch of stupid boys who'll never like you no matter what you do-- - [whistle shrills.]
- Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
This is a locker room.
Which means it's a "no cry" zone.
Look, football players can't afford to get all emotional.
We take our feelings and we bury them deep inside.
Then we burn the map so we can't ever find them.
That's what a man does.
- Well, I'm not a man, I'm a girl.
And when I feel things, I can't pretend I don't.
- Dawson, look, this game is too big for me to take a risk on a player who can't guarantee me 100 percent.
Yeah, I'm sorry, you're off the team.
- I understand, Coach.
Thanks for the chance.
- JoJo, smoothies for the team.
I'm buying.
- PLAYERS: [chattering.]
- Oh, left my wallet at home.
Newt, you got this, right? - I'm not exactly sure I have-- - My man! Hey, just the ladies I wanted to thank.
- Thank? For what? - You did what praying for a meteor couldn't.
- You got Bella kicked off the team.
- What? - How? - She was so bummed about messing up your cheer thing, she fell apart at practice and Coach cut her.
- We tried so many ways to get her off the team.
I can't believe all it too was a little girl drama.
- Bella got kicked off the team and you're celebrating? - You are horrible people! - Wait a minute.
Aren't you happy about this, too? - Why would we be happy about that? - Don't you know how much football means to her? - Bella's loved it ever since she was a little girl, and she used to play all the time with her dad before-- Oh, my gosh, we are horrible people.
- We're just as bad as they are.
She earned her spot and she deserves to play.
But you guys weren't man enough to let her.
- We have to talk to her.
Come on.
- She did earn her spot.
- I mean, she is good.
- She tackles better than me.
- Maybe, but there's nothing we can do now.
- He's right.
It's too late.
We've got football to play and we need to focus.
Now can I get a Hoo-rah! - OTHERS: Hoo-rah - I can't hear you! - OTHERS: Hoo-rah! - Now that's what I'm talking about.
- Come on.
- - [knock on door.]
[door opens.]
- I was gonna bring you your favorite ice cream.
But I got distracted by that show where they reunite people with their lost pets and I got so emotional, I ate it all, so Here's a banana.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Oh, honey, I hate to see you like this.
Maybe if you talk to the Coach.
- What's the point? I've lost my friends.
The guys on the team hate me.
I'm such a mess, I couldn't even complete a pass.
Maybe everybody was right.
I should never have tried out in the first place.
- Bella, I may not know much about football, but I do know you.
I'm gonna show you something.
- Whoa, what an arm.
- Throw it back, Daddy.
- MOM: It's getting pretty late, Bella.
- DAD: Yeah, maybe we should head inside, kiddo.
- No, I wanna play football forever.
Please? - Ha, that's my little quarterback.
Okay, five more minutes? - Yes! - Go long.
Oh, touchdown! - Sha-booyah! - DAD: [laughing.]
- I could always get him to play five more minutes.
- That little girl loved football more than anything.
- And she still does.
I'm going to talk to Coach.
- Oh, take the banana.
You're gonna need the energy when he puts you in.
- We were so wrong! - You need to get Coach to put you back on the team! - You know what, guys? You're absolutely right.
What are we waiting for? Let's go! - Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought.
- Yeah, we're really good convincers.
- I don't know how you two do it.
- Now let's go score some touchdowns! I think I got that right.
Girls, don't let me forget that line! - CHEERLEADERS: Go, go, Bulldogs Touchdown.
Touchdown Let's go, Bulldogs, let's go - I wish I could say welcome back.
But a late interception has put our beloved Bulldogs behind with only seconds left.
- Listen up.
Now we have 15 seconds to win.
Sawyer, can you get open? - Their defense is faster than a greased pig in a mudslide.
That means, no.
No, I cannot.
- And even if Sawyer could get open, I can't throw that far, Coach.
- Aw, man! - I can.
- Dawson, what are you doing here? - I'm here because I love football more than anything.
I almost forgot that.
Coach, you said I showed you something.
You said I earned my spot.
The only reason you cut me was because you thought I couldn't give a hundred percent.
Well, I'm standing here telling you I can.
Give me a chance and I'll prove it.
- Look, I'm sorry, I can't deal with this right now.
I have a game to win.
- [sighing.]
- Then play Bella.
Guys, look, she's the best quarterback we've got.
And she wouldn't have been off her own game, if we hadn't been such jerks.
- It's true.
They were terrible.
- I never thought I'd say this, but Bella is our only shot.
- Yeah, she is.
- Give her a chance.
- Come on, Coach, please? - Yeah, don't underestimate her.
Just like I did.
- And Troy's the fastest guy on the team.
He can beat anybody.
- Oh, and you know he can.
- Let's go, Bulldogs, let's go Let's go, Bulldogs - Well, then, what are you waiting for, Dawson? Get your uniform on! - [whistle shrills.]
- Coach, get your team on the field.
- There's no time for her to change.
- Oh, don't worry, this is my area of expertise.
Ah, my leg! Oh, there goes the back! My back! My back! - [whistle shrills.]
- Injury! Time out! - So, Ernie, how are Gladys and the kids? - Wow, is that kid injury prone.
And now back to our inevitable defeat.
- SPECTATORS: [chattering.]
- Wait, what's this? - - Am I seeing what I'm seeing? - - You think you got the best of me - That's my girl! Woooo! - Bet you think that everything Good is gone Think you left me broken down Think that I'd come running back Baby, you don't know me 'Cause you're dead wrong What doesn't kill you makes you stronger - Come on! Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely - All right, y'all, my Dad always said, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, but winning's a lot more fun.
Deep fade on two.
Ready? - BULLDOGS: Break! - Ready? - TIGERS: Break! - SPECTATORS: [cheering.]
- [laughing.]
Oh, guys, look, it's a girl.
You get lost on your way to the mall? Buh-burn! [laughing.]
- Down! Set! Hut! Hut! - - [heavy thud.]
- - [whistle shrills.]
- Sha-booyah! - MOM: [screaming.]
- I don't believe it! Bulldogs win! Bulldogs win! - - What's wrong? Get lost on your way to the quarterback? Buh-burn! - What a catch! - What a throw! - Hey, there's my quarterback! - [heavy thud.]
- My bad.
Winning makes me emotional.
- ALL: [cheering, whistling.]
- Girl Power! Girl Power! Bella! Bella! Bella! - ALL: [chanting "Bella!".]
- - BELLA: [laughing.]
- WOMAN ANNOUNCING: QB Table, your pizza's up.
- I got it.
- I'll help.
Thanks for sticking up for me today.
- Don't thank me.
You earned it.
- Wow, another compliment.
It's almost like you're warming up to me.
- Whoa, whoa, what I'm warming up to is catching touchdowns.
These hands might be my ticket to the pros.
Just keep throwing me the ball.
- I'll keep throwing it.
Your head's getting so big, it's an easy target.
Buh-burn! - Not bad.
This might just work out.
- Oh, please, Bella's throw won the game.
- Without my boy Troy's catch, that pass is as useless as pigeon poop on a pump handle.
- Poop? - Cowboy, I will take you out! - Not if I take you out, first.
To dinner.
In pain town.
Grrrr! - ALL: [arguing over top each other.]
- We should probably do something.
- You're right.
Tell your girls to apologize.
- For what? Your boys probably started it.
- Name one time we ever started anything.
- Mmmmy first practice, my second practice, my fake initiation-- - Okay! You know what your problem is? You live in the past, all right? The Troy looks to the future.
- In your future, does Sawyer catch all the touchdown passes while you cry softly on the bench? - Oh, no, you didn't! - Yes, I did! - ALL: [arguing over top each other.]
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