Between (2015) s01e01 Episode Script

School's Out

[keyboard clacking.]
[computer beeping.]
[indistinct radio chatter.]
- [engine revving.]
- [alarm blaring.]
[soldiers shouting.]
I got him.
[keyboard clacking.]
[computer beeping.]
[bell tolling in distance.]
[bell ringing.]
Hey, Wiley.
You, uh, feel like skipping class? Unlike you, Mr.
I'm-accepted-to-MIT-early, some of us actually have to attend school to graduate.
Plus I already know I'm gonna be missing classes.
Yeah, I guess.
Breakfast of champions? Uh, yeah.
No use fighting a metabolism on steroids, I figure.
Of course, I'll probably regret the collateral damage of stomach flaps, stretch marks and ass sag after the break out.
But for now, unlike you, I'm embracing the current situation.
I know this may sound like a broken record, but care to reveal your plans post-birth? I'm just gonna continue my career as the Minister's fallen daughter.
You worried? No.
Uh No, no, this is Really, this is my dream.
Ever since I was a little girl, I was like, "I'm gonna have a baby in my teens.
We're gonna be close to the same age, so we'll still, you know, be able to party together.
" I'm glad to see you've thought this all through.
Yeah, I did.
Safe to assume you're still not gonna let me know who the father is? [inhales.]
Ah, letting that out of the bag would make me considerably less mysterious, don't you think? - Yeah.
- [bell rings.]
I guess I'll see you around.
Sure, square.
[loud music playing on stereo.]
Would you hurry up, man? [Pat.]
I'm going as fast as I can.
Well, feel like you're purposely trying to make me late.
Since when do you care about being on time for school anyway? Big party this weekend, man.
People need their supplies.
You got any other ambitions than to be a small-time drug dealer? My goal is to one day be a big-time drug dealer.
- [Ronnie laughs.]
- [sighs.]
Wow, Ronnie.
You're the pride of the family.
Yeah, well, money's better than being a plumber's apprentice.
[loud music continues.]
[brakes squealing.]
Come on! - [tires squealing.]
- [engine revving.]
Shit! [Pat.]
Watch out! You dick! [pants.]
- [buzzing.]
- [cell door slams.]
You may think you're tough, but I'll break you in a week.
That I promise.
- Try it.
- Hey! Everything okay here? This guy needs to watch where he's going.
Ran right into me.
I said everything okay here? Couldn't be better.
Just so you know, I really do appreciate this and it's an honor.
I can't believe you signed up for the army.
Are you doing this to piss off Dad? Dad's spent his whole life being pissed off.
This isn't gonna change anything.
It's only for a few years.
Sure, followed by a lifetime of failed relationships, heavy drinking and PTSD.
I've read what happens to soldiers when they come back from combat.
Chances are I won't even see any action.
That's what all the amputees say.
[indistinct chatter.]
Adam, I heard about MIT.
- Your parents must be proud.
- Uh, yeah, my mother is.
I can't wait to go.
Should be different than here.
Pretty Lake's not so bad.
Still having a hard time getting used to living in a small town.
Got you something.
- What's this for? - You're a smart guy.
Thought you might wanna expand your horizons when you get bored of the regular curriculum.
I started my master's on it.
It's pretty good.
- Master's? - Mmm-hmm.
How old are you? Since you started your master's, I mean Some kids say you're only 22.
Actually, I'm still 21.
[bell ringing.]
- I gotta go.
- Yeah.
Thanks for the book.
You're welcome.
[Wiley sighs.]
Dinner's ready.
I already ate.
No, you haven't.
Just come.
[cell phone chimes.]
[Wiley sighs.]
I can't.
Everyone's going to Kyle's.
You do realize your water's about to break, right? It's a pool party.
I got my preggo thong.
I'm covered.
Is everything a joke to you, Wiley? Did you know that your face gets kind of weird when you try to channel your inner mom? [under breath.]
You're an idiot.
Um, can you just finish cleaning up the flowers before you go? There's two more funerals tomorrow.
What are you looking at? - [Melissa.]
Dad! - [Wiley inhales.]
[indistinct laughter.]
That's funny.
Hello? Is that your son's car out front? Who's asking? He almost hit my brother and me the other day on Highway 23.
He shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car.
Oh, is this the person you were talking about? Yeah, that's him.
Let's make one thing clear.
Chuck has two witnesses that say you clipped his car - and then drove away.
- [Pat sighs.]
We expect full payment for the damages.
Then your son is a liar.
I'm going to give you ten seconds to get off my property.
After that, I call the cops.
- Mom! - Dottie! - [gurgling.]
- Mom? - [cow mooing.]
- Good girl.
Good girl.
Should I call the vet? No, Granddad.
He's just gonna charge us for doing the same thing I'm doing.
Your father's not that close to the bone that he can't afford it.
Yeah, he is.
[clears throat.]
- Need a hand? - Nope.
I'm good, thanks.
Granddad? Granddad? Granddad! [keyboard clacking.]
[computer beeping.]
There's troubling news coming in from Pretty Lake.
In a population of just over 8,000, there have been 36 confirmed deaths since Monday.
Though health officials have yet to determine a cause, they have ruled out that it is contagious.
Minister Miller's office has released a statement thanking the residents for their calm and giving every assurance that they are monitoring the situation closely.
It's all there, man.
Let's just keep this between us, okay? All right.
I appreciate that, man.
It's a pleasure doing business with you.
[sighs deeply.]
Adam, you shouldn't be in here.
Got any theories yet, Uncle Dave? I'm punching way over my weight class on this one.
Your dad would have been right in his element.
Even as a geneticist he was always drawn to the morbid.
Did you learn anything from the Ministry today? How'd you know about that? I've been monitoring your e-mails and phone calls since this thing started.
My nephew, the genius.
Now, they say they're close to figuring this thing out.
What do you think? I think you're here for the same reason I am.
None of this makes any sense.
Not really.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Adam [sighs.]
You have to leave before it's too late.
What are you doing? Mom, start packing.
We've got to get out of here.
Something is wrong.
People are dying.
The government isn't telling anyone.
You and your conspiracy theories.
They said the same thing about SARS, you know.
If I'm being my usual paranoid self, you win.
Anywhere has to be better than here, and if I'm wrong, we can You're overreacting.
Mom, people are dying.
Please, now.
We have to go.
- [laughing.]
- What's so funny? You remind me of your father.
Don't say that.
We are nothing alike.
You do.
- [groans.]
- Mom, what's wrong with you? Mom Mom! Mom! Mom? [keyboard clacking.]
[computer beeping.]
It's been confirmed that the disease is accelerating in Pretty Lake as the death toll mounts to over 300.
There has been a frustrating lack of new information.
The Department of Public Health has not issued any updates in the past week, though rumors have been swirling that a vaccine might be ready in the next few days.
Eternal God, God of our mothers and our fathers, our God, we come before you today not in sadness or despair, but in joy and in confirmation.
We come affirming Stop it! We need to pray.
No, we don't, Melissa.
Please, Wiley.
Pray with me before it's too late.
Too late for what? For your salvation.
Surely you must understand the danger you're in if you don't ask for forgiveness.
Eternal damnation is a possibility.
I don't want forgiveness from you or God.
[Miller on TV.]
Citizens of Pretty Lake, as you know, the situation is increasingly grave.
We are still no closer to finding a cause for these deaths.
Given the escalating death toll, starting immediately, we are putting Pretty Lake under full quarantine.
Know this is not a decision that was taken lightly.
A fence is in the process of being erected.
In the meantime, our military will use whatever force necessary on anyone trying to enter or leave the area.
This is for everyone's safety.
Full details will be posted on our government's websites.
We have called in experts from around the world and we are doing everything we can to figure this thing out.
Make no mistake, this was an extraordinarily difficult decision, but know our thoughts and our prayers are with you.
What are you doing about this? [woman.]
You can't do this! How long have you known about this, Mayor? [all protesting.]
I was briefed 30 minutes before the broadcast.
That's the first I heard of it.
How are we supposed to run our businesses? Live our lives? It's like they've just given up on us.
Like they're just expecting us to die.
It's a human rights violation! [all protesting.]
People, please! Please! [man over radio.]
Initialize biohazard protocol two-dash-three bravo.
Deny access into Pretty Lake.
I repeat, deny access into Pretty Lake.
[soldier on PA.]
- You are entering a militarized zone.
- Shit! Be prepared to stop your vehicle.
Do not turn around.
Is there a problem? I'm just trying to get home to Pretty Lake.
- You're a resident of Pretty Lake? - What's going on? Step out of the vehicle, sir.
Let me see some ID.
Okay, I'll get it.
It's just in my knapsack.
- Do not move! Stay where you are! - What's going on? This is a bio-medical control point.
Check it.
Check the bag.
Can't just take my stuff.
Shut up! [sighs.]
We got something.
- Put your hands on your head.
- Take him! Against the truck.
[door opening.]
What are you doing in here without protection? I've been around the bodies so much that if there's something to get, I've already got it.
Well, from what we're looking at, I wouldn't be quite so relaxed.
You can do this? You think it's that serious? Yes, we do.
We'll take the bodies for further analysis.
- You find anything yet? - No, not even a cause of death.
That bile there is the only anomaly.
- Any theories about that? - Well, viral tests are inconclusive.
If it is a virus, it's one we haven't seen before.
Viruses come with symptoms.
There were no indicators that these people were sick until they were dead.
Nah, it's gotta be something we're missing.
Listen, I'm not here to judge, but are you sure you wanna do this? There's no going back.
Don't you wanna read the contracts first? No.
I'm sure you've covered your ass.
You understand the ramifications if you tell anyone who the father is? Yeah, you've made that pretty clear.
You're not gonna count it? I know where to find you.
My client will make the final payment after the family receives possession of the baby.
Yeah, you mentioned that already.
Your dad was a good man.
I'm sorry he's gone.
To be honest, I'm surprised you showed up today, with everything going on.
Thought you weren't here to judge.
In spite of mounting pressure from inside and outside the quarantine zone, the government is remaining surprisingly tight-lipped about the disease.
What's up? Stay out of my way.
Excuse me? Let this play out.
It's gonna happen eventually.
At least we're on hand to keep it controlled.
You heard me.
Stay out of my way amigo.
Amigo? I ain't your amigo.
Who's next? You? You? One more move and I'll shoot.
[indistinct radio chatter.]
You're wasting your time.
I've worked too hard not to protect what's mine.
Dad, who cares? Come on, we're all gonna be dead soon enough anyway.
Relax, Lana.
I've been talking to some high level officials on the outside.
They're gonna lift this quarantine soon.
We will survive this.
Just like Mom? [sighs.]
People are dying, Dad.
You can't ignore that.
Are we going to die? [Charles.]
Lana She doesn't need this.
Not right now.
Amanda, we're gonna be okay.
I promise.
Yeah, right.
Where do you think you're going? Anywhere but here.
[Chuck sighs.]
It just doesn't seem real.
No, hopefully they'll lift the quarantine soon.
Hey, about Ronnie, yeah? We'll keep you in the loop if we hear anything on this side.
No one's heard anything about Ronnie.
It's like he's disappeared.
I'll go looking for him again tomorrow.
You're probably wasting your time.
He went to the city, so he's most likely outside of the quarantine area by now.
He's probably not coming back.
It's just weird that we haven't heard from him.
How you doin'? I'm scared.
[voice breaking.]
We're all gonna die, aren't we? Sure feels like it.
Franny? Dad's dead.
No one under 22.
[keyboard clacking.]
[computer beeping.]
[flies buzzing.]
Uncle Dave? Uncle Dave? [indistinct radio chatter.]
You're free to leave.
What's going on here? Stay away from the border, because you're not gonna get a second chance.
That's it? I mean, that's all you're gonna tell me? Here, you'll need these.
Congratulations, you're an official citizen of the quarantine zone.
So you guys aren't gonna charge me or anything? No.
You want my guess? They're leaving you people to die before you infect the rest of us.
[cell door buzzing.]
[man coughing.]
- How you doing? - Fine.
In here you can't survive without friends.
Seems like we've got bigger problems to deal with.
When are they gonna transfer us? What are they waiting for? We've been told to keep everyone who's still alive locked up.
Just following orders.
Heil Hitler.
You're as stupid as you look.
[cell door buzzing.]
You know the weird thing about whatever this thing is? From what I can see, no one under 22 years old has died.
Don't you think it's only a matter of time? No, actually I don't.
I've been deep inside the government computers.
They're talking about keeping us quarantined for as long as it takes.
Years if necessary.
They wouldn't do that.
Haven't you seen the news? The fence doesn't seem like a temporary solution.
Wiley, we have to leave Pretty Lake.
Yeah, right.
What are we gonna do? Just walk out the front gate? When they change shifts, there's one section that's left unguarded.
We can cut through it before anyone knows what happened.
Come with me.
I'm a beached whale.
I don't wanna slow you down.
You'll be safer alone.
I can get us both through.
When? Tonight.
[breathes deeply.]
- [Pat.]
Where the hell have you been? - [sighs.]
It's a long story.
- You could've at least called us.
- No, I couldn't.
- Let's go.
- [Tracey.]
Where? There's a fence around the town.
You know what that means? Yeah, that we're stuck here.
It's a quarantine.
No, it also means no one else can come inside.
We have free rein.
Let's go have ourselves some fun.
People are dying and you wanna have fun? Yeah, I do.
Especially if we're next.
Yeah, you're right.
What'd you have in mind? I was thinking that there has never been a better time to go shopping.
[Pat chuckles.]
All right.
So, where were you? - I'll tell you on the way.
- [door opens and closes.]
- [exclaims softly.]
- [dripping.]
[Wiley sobbing.]
[cell phone vibrates.]
[cell phone ringing.]
[breathing heavily.]
You ready? Been waiting a long time for a taste of the good life.
[tires screeching.]
There's no answer at the police station.
And so we're screwed.
I have trackers on all the cars.
If there's any advantage to being under quarantine when someone steals your merchandise there's only so many places they could go.
[breathing heavily.]
It's quiet around here.
Well, most of the staff has already left or they're dead.
What about us? Are they just gonna leave us here? Seems that way.
I quit.
You know where he is.
[both whooping.]
I can't believe we did this.
I cannot believe we did it.
More, more, more! [Chuck.]
They're heading down Reeves Road.
Quick, turn right here.
We can get ahead of them.
[door closes.]
- [Melissa.]
Wiley? - [gasping.]
In here.
[Melissa gasping.]
It's happening.
I'm in labor.
- It'll be all right.
- No, it won't.
Before Mom died, I promised I'd have everything organized.
We both knew you wouldn't have anything planned, so Thanks! [exhales.]
[tires screeching.]
No, no.
Yo, yo, slow down.
Slow down.
- [Pat.]
What is this? - Looks like an accident or something.
We should check it out.
- [Ronnie.]
For real? - Yeah.
[Ronnie sighs.]
Seems like we have a problem.
Hands in the air.
You know who I am? Mr.
So you know I own the dealership you just stole that truck from.
I know you, don't I? Listen, we figured with everything that was going on here, no one would care.
You figured wrong.
So you two are gonna be a lesson to anyone else who thinks they have a free pass to steal my merchandise.
Take off your clothes.
[Pat chuckles.]
[both chuckling.]
Uh excuse me? [both gasp.]
Do I look like the kind of man that asks twice? Dad, you think this is a good idea? Idiots like this need to be taught a lesson, son.
Yeah, but Dad, come on.
I think Son, we're gonna handle this my way.
- What are you doing? - You need to relax.
Do not tell me to relax! [groaning.]
I feel like I'm dying! You're not gonna die, okay.
Plenty of people have given childbirth at home.
When someone was around who actually knew what they were doing.
Bring that bucket over here, Chuck.
What the hell is that? [Charles.]
Lie on the ground, boys.
Come on, you can't be serious.
You're gonna cover us in driveway sealer? I'd feather you too, if I had any.
On the ground.
Shoot me first.
It would be my pleasure.
No, no, no.
He'll do it.
Ronnie, get on the ground.
- Stop! - [cocks gun.]
Stay right where you are.
Sir, put the gun down now.
The law's on my side.
Last time I checked, you're just a rich guy.
Not the law.
I'm just trying to keep the place civilized.
Punks like this don't deserve due process.
By making an example of them, maybe the next idiot that thinks it's his right to take what's not his will think twice.
What's your solution? Get in your vehicle, go home.
[laughs softly.]
Okay, we're leaving.
But be warned, you have no idea what pile you've just stepped into.
I live on a farm.
I got plenty experience in that department.
Mel, please, seriously, you need to get help.
No, I can't leave you alone.
I promised Mom.
Something's wrong.
I'm positive.
Please, go get someone.
If you don't, I will die.
Can't we at least talk about this, Gord? What's to talk about? You stole a truck.
We'll let the cops handle this.
Come on, Gord.
The world's gone to shit.
We were just having some fun.
Besides, I assumed Lotts was dead anyway.
Well, obviously, you have a perfectly reasonable defense.
I'm sure the cops will think so.
What's the point of turning us in? How do you even know there's cops still alive in there? Besides, you might find yourself on the wrong end of things.
How do you figure? You pulled a gun on one of the most powerful men in Pretty Lake.
Gord! Gord, Wiley's in labor.
Something's wrong.
I need your help.
Your lucky day.
Get in.
You boys can find your way home.
[Wiley screaming.]
[metal clanking.]
Hello? Hello? [Hector laughing.]
Trust me, there's nowhere for you to go.
Hey, Wiley.
How you feelin'? [Wiley exhales.]
I'm gonna die.
No, you're not.
It's okay.
Okay, there's things I can do, but you're gonna have to be tough.
I can't do this.
The baby's just gonna be dead anyway.
No, it won't.
Get out.
Get out! Kneel down.
You don't need to do this.
Not so tough now, are you, amigo? [cocks gun.]
Anything you wanna say before I blow your brains out? I shoulda killed you when I had the chance.
Drop the gun.
I said drop the gun.
Put it on the ground.
[keys jingle.]
[gun clatters.]
Kick it towards me.
Get in the cell.
What? I said, get in the cell.
You're almost there.
Come on, one more big push.
- [screaming.]
I can't.
- You have to.
You try doing this, you dick! - She doesn't mean that.
- Yes, I do! That's all right.
I've been called worse.
Come on.
Push, damn it, push! - Come on! Come on, Wiley, push! - [crying.]
No! - [screaming.]
I can't.
I can't! - Harder! Push! - Yes, you can.
Push! - [screaming.]
Push! [gasping.]
[indistinct radio chatter.]
Is it is it alive? [Gord.]
It's a boy.
[baby crying.]
- And it's alive and kicking.
- [crying continues.]
But for how long? - [engine revving.]
- [alarm blaring.]
[soldiers shouting.]
- Fire! - Take him down! - [bullets whizzing.]
- [Adam grunts.]
[alarm continues blaring.]

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