Black Work (2015) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1 of 3

You look nice.
~ Are you sure she is well enough to go, as she's got a temperature? ~ She's OK.
~ Unless you don't think I should take her.
~ No, it's fine.
~ Whatever you think.
~ Dad! Here's your towel, superstar.
Here we go, come on.
Aw ~ Bye, Dad.
~ See you later.
Come on, Mum! We'll be late.
I might be out by the time you get back.
~ You've been away all week.
I thought you had a couple of days off? ~ It's just footy, Jo.
OK, well, make sure Hal has his tea before you go out.
Am I losing you? ~ What are you talking about, Ryan? ~ Mum! Coming, sweetheart.
OK, guys, ready for the warm-up? Let's go! And go! And go! And go! Go on! And go! ~ Pick a number.
~ Er, 139.
~ No, pick a number between one and five.
~ OK.
Erm four.
It's two hours away.
It's got a hot tub, sauna I can book it.
Just give us some space to talk.
What is it? What's he done now? You can tell me.
It's all right.
I-I can't we can't do this every week.
Why not? Who are we hurting? Look, you need someone and he's hardly ever there.
~ That's his job, not him.
~ But he barely communicates when he IS there.
You said it yourself.
If you're happy and content, or whatever .
then why are you here? We both need this: someone to talk to, a bit of kindness We should be talking to the people we married.
I'm supposed to be picking up a birthday present for Amy tonight.
Big surprise.
Spent way too much on it because I feel guilty as hell.
~ I don't want to feel like that any more.
~ That's why we have to stop.
Ten more minutes, OK? Don't you wait up till your dad comes home from footy.
~ Hal? ~ I don't have to be physically looking at you to hear you.
And you said you were no good at science! A-ha? "This is Ryan.
I can't get to the phone right now, so leave a message.
" Hi, it's me.
I was thinking, why don't you phone your mum and ask her if we can go out and see her? Erm, she could baby-sit and we could spend some time together.
You were right.
I er .
I want us to make more of an effort, be nicer to each other.
I love you.
Professional swimmers don't eat cereal.
Too much fibre.
~ Is that true, Mam? ~ Stop winding your sister up! ~ Lee? ~ "All right?" ~ Hi, darling.
It's Jo.
Look, I know I'm being silly, ~ but you haven't heard from Ryan this morning? ~ "No, I didn't realise he was back from London.
~ Do you want me to ask the lads?" ~ Yeah, would you? Thanks.
We were supposed to be having the day off together today.
~ Hal, go and get dressed, please.
~ Look, he will show up.
He's probably just crashed on someone's couch, or summat.
I'll call you later.
I understand you, sir, I do.
If people don't trust the police force - MY police force - then they lose faith in the law and justice.
"Well, that's what I'm saying.
We used to trust the bobby on the beat - not any more.
" "Sir, since I became Chief Constable, complaints from the public are down by 65%, and those that are reported are actively purs-" I've given you Vicki as your Family Liaison Officer.
I thought you would want somebody that you know.
Now, there's only a handful of people that know that Ryan's dead .
and we'd like to keep it that way - for now.
I don't understand.
Ryan was working on an operation for the last three years ~ .
and we are just bringing it to a close.
~ No, that can't be right.
He was in London three days a week training CID officers.
It's not what he was doing, Jo.
He was working undercover.
He was asked to keep it very tight.
No-one knew.
Jo, if there is anything you want, you just say, OK? I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere.
No, I am still with Jo, all right, so just handle it.
Right, I'm on my way.
Jo, I need you to keep this to yourself, at least until tomorrow and then it will all be over, I promise you.
I have I have to tell the kids.
Er, we think it's probably best if you don't, just for now.
We can't have Hal posting something or messaging one of his mates, or whatever - we just can't risk it.
I am so sorry, Jo, that it has to be like this, cos we would all like to be able to grieve for Ryan.
Believe me, I swear to you, tomorrow this will all make sense and you'll be proud of what Ryan's done, and so will the kids.
We were supposed to have the day off.
~ Good morning, Ma'am.
~ Morning, Chief Constable.
SOCOs found a 9mm shell case at the scene.
It matches the bullet that was found in erm Ryan's body.
He must have been attacked or in a fight.
He'd had a nosebleed, there were signs of a struggle.
~ Sorry, guv.
I only just got the call.
~ DC Clark, take a seat, please.
~ What is it? ~ Just sit down.
~ Jesus! ~ Take a moment.
There is no CCTV at the warehouse, no traffic cameras close by.
His car was parked three streets over.
He must have come the rest of the way on foot, but ~ there's fresh tyre tracks on the bridge.
~ Where is everyone else, sir? There'll be more of us but, for the next few hours, we keep everything tight.
DCS Hepburn's asked us just to work with Forensics for now.
If there's no camera footage, we should be out there now! A big operation is going down.
We are hands off until DCS Hepburn gives us the all-clear.
~ While everything just goes cold? ~ A police officer is dead, sir - a friend.
~ We can't just sit on our hands! ~ I'm not asking you to.
You'll get a run at this, but we've got to keep a low profile for the next few hours.
We work the murder scene and forensics and await further instructions.
Look, I haven't been at this station long, so I never worked with him, but I know a lot of you knew Gillespie as a friend.
But you've got to keep the emotion out of this! Has anyone spoken to the family? ~ His wife's Jo Gillespie.
~ Who's that? ~ She's a PC, sir.
She's one of us.
He was supposed to be at football.
What was he doing? Can you take me to where you found him? Jo, I can't.
Let's get you home.
Are you ready? Whatever comes back, you just need to get it Jo? ~ What are you doing, bringing her here? ~ Have you checked his phone? I rang him at 10:40, left a message.
I'd like to know if he heard it.
~ Go home.
I don't want you seeing this place.
~ I need to see it.
Please let me in.
No, you don't.
You need to go home.
OK, Jo, listen to me.
~ No, Jo.
~ Jo! Jo! You can't go in there.
What was he doing here? ~ Let me take you home, Jo, please.
~ He lied to me for two whole years.
I didn't even know who he was! Jo What am I going to tell the kids? What's for tea? I don't know.
We could get a takeaway.
Dad always lets me order.
~ Mel's Bells! ~ Are you staying? We're having pizza.
~ Then I'm not budging.
~ Jo.
~ Sorry.
I got held up.
I told you, I can make my own way home.
It's just two buses.
I don't want you doing that.
Your dad knows the arrangement.
Where is Ryan, anyway? He should've texted.
~ Everything all right with you? ~ Yeah, fine.
I just hate being late.
~ Come on, Hal.
Say goodbye.
~ Bye, Mum.
Where's Dad? Something's happened, hasn't it? You didn't say a word in the car the whole way home.
What is it? ~ I can't ~ Mum? ~ It's your dad.
~ Is he hurt? He's gone.
~ What? ~ I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Come here.
Come here.
~ When will you tell Mum? ~ Not yet.
I wasn't even supposed to tell you, but as soon as they say we can, we'll call her, OK? Stay, Hal, until I fall asleep.
She's right here.
It's DCS Hepburn.
~ I told the kids.
I had to.
~ I don't blame you and it's all right now, cos we've got them.
We made seven arrests, Jo - at a wedding.
They were all here.
What? Who? Who are they? They are a gang that were running guns across the Northeast.
We've been chasing this for years.
~ Is that what Ryan was working on? ~ "Jo, we couldn't have got them without him.
" Did one of the men that you arrested kill Ryan? We'll find out.
I'm gonna free up every single officer I've got.
"Whoever it was, we'll get them.
You take care.
" Do you want me to call Ryan's mum? No, thanks, I can do it.
Can I sleep in your bed? Course you can.
Any idea what Ryan Gillespie was doing at that warehouse on his day off? ~ We don't know yet.
~ But you've seen his handler's notes? They're patchy in the last week.
There was a breakdown in communication with Ryan.
I really hope I haven't got anything to be worried about here? Ryan was one of the best deep swimmers I've ever had, Ma'am.
I'm sure that whatever he was doing at that warehouse was all about working toward those arrests.
Let's hope so.
If he put a foot wrong undercover, this case won't even get to court.
The spare room's made up for you upstairs.
The kids OK? Where's Melly? She's upstairs.
I'm just making her a smoothie.
She decided that athletes don't eat cereal.
I don't understand.
I thought he was supposed to be in London training officers.
~ So did I.
~ Surely they've got to tell YOU what happened? You're his wife.
DS Ryan Gillespie was found dead in a derelict warehouse in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
Not an officer in the station that doesn't know that by now.
What you don't know is that he was working undercover to catch the seven men we just arrested.
Now, that fact never leaves this room! Not until we can be sure his conduct will stand up in court.
I want it understood that you are free to run at this with everything we've got.
However, it's essential that we remain discreet.
Did he have a handler he was reporting back to? Everything that DCS Hepburn considers relevant to this murder inquiry will be passed onto DCI Kapoor.
We need to find out everything we can about Ryan Gillespie.
Mum Come in, if you like.
Er, I'd better take this.
Hi, are you all right? Good just wondered how you were doing.
How are the kids? OK.
What's happening with the case? Have they put more officers on it? ~ Well, it's probably best you don't ask me too much, you know? ~ "What does that mean?" It just needs to be done right.
You are his wife, I can't just Look, Jo, I'm sorry.
"I only called to see if you needed anything.
" ~ Can I see you? ~ No, you're right.
It's probably best if we stay out of each other's way for a while.
He'll be right out.
He left some stuff last time he was here.
~ We need to talk about what happens to him now.
~ We don't have to discuss this here.
~ But we're not discussing it.
Look, Jo, I lost him before - ~ You gave him up.
I wasn't in a good place when me and Ryan split.
I thought Hal needed something more than just me.
I've got Nigel.
I can offer him a home now.
He's already got a home.
Melly needs him.
We're a family.
He is my son and you are not his mother.
I want him with me! Don't you think we should let Hal say what he wants? ~ We've got to be fair to him.
~ "Fair"? It's funny hearing that word coming out of your mouth (!) How fair was it sleeping with my husband behind my back? ~ We never did that.
~ And now you get to play the grief-stricken wife.
Just remember: I knew Ryan a damn sight longer than you, Jo.
~ I really knew him.
~ I'm ready now.
It's your decision, OK? Where you live.
~ Whatever you want, I'll support that, OK? ~ OK.
They're going to find the bad person who killed him and make sure he never does it again.
~ Promise, Gran? ~ Dad's friends will make sure of it, Mel.
You just wait.
Sorry, Jo, we need to come in.
Pass me that, will you? Jack, what's going on? He was part of a special operation working undercover.
~ Yeah, I know that.
~ He used to feed back to his handler once a week.
Then he just stopped.
We know little about his movements in the days before he died.
No! You know how it works, Jo.
Ryan wasn't doing a nine-to-five.
We're trying to build a picture of someone whose job it was to keep his activities a secret.
What was he doing at the warehouse? Did he go by a different name? ~ What was it? ~ Don't ask me questions I can't answer.
~ Can't or won't? Just leave his things alone, please.
I didn't know he was taking them.
Put them back.
I don't want the kids knowing about them.
Jo, I know this is brutal but I have to take these.
You know that.
All right, Hal? I don't understand why they took all Dad's stuff.
It's only bills and shit.
Don't worry about it.
Was he good? ~ What do you mean? ~ Dad - was he a good person? ~ Course he was.
~ Then why is nobody saying it? Yeah, well, next time you should get your bloody facts straight.
My son was a hero! The hours he worked, the things he did for this police force and you can't even print a bloody photograph! ~ What are you doing? ~ He was working on a big operation when he was killed! ~ Put the phone - ~ Undercover.
There isn't even a statement from the Chief Constable on this! ~ Put the phone down.
~ He should be on the front cover of that arsewipe of a paper of yours and you should be grateful for him! ~ Who told you he was working undercover? ~ Hal heard you and Jack talking.
Nobody is meant to know.
What are you doing calling a journalist? Helping your daughter understand who her father was! She's confused and she's angry, and so should you be.
My boy wasn't killed crossing the road, Jo.
He died doing his job and I want people to know! ~ I just don't understand! Why aren't people asking questions? ~ They will.
Yes, when? That should be all you care about now, Jo.
Who killed him - that's what those kids need to know so they can make sense of all this! Jo, all right? What are you doing here? Who's that? That's a that's a kid called Michael Parry.
He was part of the gang, but he wasn't there when we made the arrests.
~ We're looking for him.
~ And who's that? Parry's girlfriend, Sian Glover.
We think they might be on the run together.
But where is everybody? They're down the pub.
They're having a quick one for Ryan.
Jo, I'm so sorry.
It's good to see you, Jo.
Well, we charged all seven of them.
And they're not getting bail, Jo.
They're all in custody.
Ryan made that happen.
What are you doing, then? What are you all doing in here, then? ~ Why aren't you trying to find out who killed him? ~ Jo, not here.
~ No, it's OK.
Are any of the members of the gang suspects in Ryan's murder? They all had alibis for the night Ryan was killed.
Well, have they given you any leads about where Michael Parry is? If you've charged the gang, then they can't be questioned any more, so if you don't have leads on Parry by now, then he's gone! I've given DCI Kapoor any information that I think might be relevant to his investigation.
So Ryan served his purpose getting you those seven arrests ~ and now no-one's interested in finding out who murdered him! ~ Mrs Gillespie, I'm Jahan Kapoor.
I'm SIO in the inquiry into Ryan's murder.
The tyre tracks you've found, are they from outside the warehouse? ~ That's right.
~ So have you been able to identify the vehicle? We've called in footage from every traffic camera within a three-mile radius, ~ but the warehouse is a total blind spot.
~ So you don't even know what car you're looking for? ~ We're pursuing a number of promising leads.
~ What, after you've finished your pint (?) You shouldn't be eating or sleeping until you've found out how my husband died! None of you should! Jo, hold on! They're celebrating Ryan in there, too - what he did to bring that lot down.
~ No-one's saying it, but we all know.
~ Three days a week, he had a life I knew nothing about! What am I meant to do with that? How am I supposed to begin to understand it? Jo Neil Cargill - that was his cover name.
But I didn't tell you, OK? Right Gran'll hear you.
You're supposed to be asleep.
"September 12, 5:38pm.
" "It's not like Liam's slipping behind at school but I mean, Melly's flying, right?" "Do you read to Liam? It might help.
" ~ It's Mummy and Jack.
~ You should turn this off.
~ "Why, do you and Ryan read to Melly?" ~ "He's never here to put her to bed.
" ~ Melly, bed.
Hal, switch it off.
~ No, leave it.
I want to listen.
"September 26, 5:15pm.
" Hal, that's too loud! Melly's sleeping.
Hi, Vic.
What's the matter? "Hal's like Ryan.
Won't express anything.
Feeling, an opinion It's exhausting.
~ That's why it's such a lifesaver seeing you.
" ~ "For me too, you know.
" ~ Where did you get that? ~ In the airing cupboard.
"I don't know what I'd do without this time, you know together.
" ~ Switch it off.
~ "I wish we had ten more minutes.
" ~ I'm serious! "October 3rd, 5:42pm.
" "I'm going to sit Amy down.
I'm not happy.
I want her to know.
You should do the same with Ryan.
" ~ Jo, what is this? ~ "I want to.
I just can't.
" ~ Jo? ~ "If you don't love him any more, he deserves to know.
" ~ Hal, please! "August 22nd, 5:27pm.
" "You and I need some time away from here.
A weekend, or whatever, just to work out, you know" "Work out what?" "What is this, Jo? What are we doing, sitting here telling each other this stuff week after week? Cos I know why I do it.
" "I love you.
Just promise me you'll think about some time away - the two of us together.
Just say it.
" "OK.
I'll think about it.
" "October 15th, 8:50am.
" "Come on, Melly, out you get.
Have a good day, sweetheart.
I love you!" "October 16th, 8:45am.
" "Jesus! Oh, God" Hello? Oh, to what do I owe the pleasure? OK, I think I know what this is about.
Look, you don't want to print that story.
Nothing to hide, it's just baseless and you might end up looking a bit stupid if you run a story about Ryan Gillespie at this point.
What do you mean? You can't have run it already! Who's your source? Ed, listen to me! Shit! Jarecki must be doing her nut.
So much for keeping things tight (!) How did Ryan Gillespie's mother know details about his undercover work? If any of you have been talking to the family about this investigation, you'll have ME to answer to.
Take it down.
(Oh, my) It's me.
I need to see you.
What is it? What's happened? Jo, what are we doing here? Look, I got this footage from a rowing club.
They were filming a practice session the night Ryan died.
I've watched it all.
You want a blue Corsa parked on the bridge to the warehouse.
The reg isn't visible.
I'll check it out.
This is good.
There's something else.
Someone was listening to us.
~ What do you mean? ~ Every Tuesday, sat out there in my car.
Everything we talked about.
There's hours of other stuff, too.
~ Me taking Melly to school They were listening to Ryan, too.
~ You're not making sense.
Look I found some CDs.
They're numbered 24-28, which means there's probably more.
There was a bug in the car.
I don't know what's going on, or what it means.
~ Jesus! ~ Be careful, OK? ~ Jo, wait a minute.
We need to talk about this.
We need to tell someone! "October 16th, 8:45am.
" "Jesus! Oh, God" "Hello? Yeah, this is him.
Er, hold on, I'll give you my card number.
And you can get me connected up by the end of the month? OK, great.
Erm the name is Neil Cargill .
and the address is Birch Cottage, Hildene Lane, Timble, LS21.
" "Erm the name is Neil Cargill .
and the address is Birch Cottage, Hildene Lane, Timble, LS21.
" "Continue straight ahead for two miles.
In 200 yards turn left.
" "You have reached your destination.
" Stand still! Show me your hands - now! Tell me that you killed Ryan.
Say it to my face! ~ Lee! ~ Jesus! ~ How could you do this to us? ~ Don't leave me.
~ 'Do you want your wife to find out about us? I'm not comfortable with how Ryan's case was handled.
There were leads that needed to be pursued.
' 'Are you telling me you're not starting to have doubts about what he was doing in those last few months, who he really was?' Be careful.
This is a horrible world, Jo.

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