Blackout (2012) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Sorry about this.
Tough day.
Meg was amazing.
- Really beautiful.
- Which is a sweet way of telling me I'm a terrible father.
Or maybe I'm just trying to tell you what you're missing.
Alex, late is late.
- Late is not "don't care".
- Yeah, well, you just watch out for those tough days, Daniel, because they have a sneaky way of destroying your liver.
I thought we'd treat the kids to an Indian on the way home.
I've gotta go.
Business to do.
Well, you can tell Meg yourself.
Well I came, didn't I? I turned up.
Yeah, I think you really believe that.
You got it all from me, didn't you? Fantastic.
Hey, mate, was that a pas DE deux or a pas DE don't? - All right, mate? - Hi, Dad.
- All right, son? - You all right, Dad? OK, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to go again - work Why can't it wait till the morning? Because people who matter won't wait till the morning.
Listen, I'm gonna give it up, my job.
Who wants to be a local councilor all their life? We'll open a shop.
Dancing shoes.
How does that sound? Dad, it sounds like bullshit.
Daniel Look, you look really tired.
Why don't you just come home and get some real sleep? You have no idea how good that sounds.
I'll go and do this and I'll be head-on-the-pillow by 11.
12 at the latest.
Nice shoes.
You noticed my shoes? How could I miss them? You never came to say hello.
I just did.
This is Daniel Demoys.
Leave a message- Why do you always have to be late? What's that stink? Oh, it's us.
- How did that happen, Henry? - How did what happen? You and me.
How did we end up the blokes who meet down a dark alley late at night? That wasn't the plan.
How did we end up the bastards? Danny! You cut this crap.
You're beginning to sound like a drunk.
You get your act together.
- How can they do it at this price? - How do you think? They'll hire your staff and pay 'em less.
You're not the only one who can sell a bag of bullshit to the council and call it "new, improved services".
They can't pull it off at this price, Danny, it's not possible.
No-one gives a shit if they can pull it off.
"Are they cheap?" "Yeah, they are.
" - "Do we like it?" "Yeah, we do.
" - I can't beat this, Danny.
Ah, well, then they get the deal! They get the deal? Is that what you're saying to me?! So, we shake hands, nice doing business with you down a dark alley.
Is that it? You think I'm here with you because I like you, because we're mates, because you matter one bit to me? You take my money, son.
Do you know what that means? That means I own you, Danny boy.
I know everything there is to know about you, son.
I know where the money goes, and I will use that.
You want your kids to know what a whore-loving scumbag you are, eh? Eh? You get me what I need, or I'll destroy you.
You understand? You're mine.
Charlie! Are you dressed, sweetheart? Do you want a bacon sandwich? Mum, I don't know how this works.
Come on, it's easy.
- Luke, come on.
- Are you up? - Sweetheart? - Are you up? It's all right, Charlie.
Just cut my hand.
It's OK.
Have your breakfast.
- Oh, no - Now, come on.
Come on! Oh, Dad, come on! I'll have a birthday out here if I wait much longer.
Luke? Luke, come on, sweetheart Are you UP? I hope that the window's open and the seat down.
I need to know you're up.
I'm going in ten minutes.
Now, come on! - What've you done to your hand? - Luke! Eddie Dayton was smashed last night - took me down with him.
OK - How's your hangover? - Beautiful - So, how did you get home? - I got a cab.
I didn't hear it.
I got a quiet cab.
Do you even know how you got back? Automatic pilot.
You know, Daniel, there are times, when you've had a drink, and you have such a look - - it's like you're not even here.
- It's called having fun.
- You used to join in.
- No, it's called alcoholic blackout.
There are whole conversations that we have, you don't remember them.
Well, maybe there's a reason for that.
It's the bids and tenders today.
- I've got to get moving.
- Daniel! While you were out all night, I started looking on the internet.
Now, people think that blackout’s just memory loss Alex, I like getting lashed sometimes.
That makes me normal.
Step outside.
- Everybody's doing it - "When I drink, "it's like I die and another person takes over my body, "talks for me, thinks for me.
" Whoa.
Big word, alcoholic.
Do you see a man with a string tied around his coat, or a man going to work? "It's like I'm not present in my own life.
" A man, by the way, who is chairing - "I was awake, talking " - the Bids and Tenders committee "when I came to, on a flight to Amsterdam.
It wasn't that I forgot" if he can just get out of the house.
" Getting to the airport or on the plane.
"It's that I wasn't conscious in my own mind when I did it! "I am here, but I'm gone.
" Yeah.
Some people can't get enough melodrama.
I'm gone too.
To work.
Charlie, get your coat on, sweetheart You all right, Chaz? Sometimes I wish you didn't make it home.
Well, let me know when them times are and I'll sleep on Eddie's sofa! You think we can just cam! on like this, do you? Just having the same battles, over and over? I don't want to live like this any more.
Will you drop Charlie off on your way in? Will you pick me up tonight, Dad? - Yeah.
Of course I will.
- Oh, I need some money for a drink.
All right, buy juice.
Not the fizzy stuff.
Here you are.
Go on.
Sorry I'm late.
My son was sick.
So, er we're down to two bidders and we've got 'em both in this morning to give their pitch.
- I'll start with - Daniel You haven't heard? What? Heard what? I've been trying to call you all morning.
Henry Pulis is in a coma He was attacked last night.
It sounds like he was mugged, or worse.
Danny! You cut this crap.
You're beginning to sound like a drunk.
You get your act together.
Obviously, it doesn't seem right to do any business today.
We can't renew the contract until we find out how Henry's doing I had no idea.
My boy was sick so I just dived in the car and drove straight here.
We'll reschedule the meeting.
We've had some flowers sent over to the hospital.
What's going on out there, eh? Well, if you don't mind, Eddie, since we're rescheduling, I'll head home, see how my boy is.
I'll call the hospital on the way and see how Henry's doing.
Just turn on the radio.
It's all over the news.
Prominent local businessman Henry Pulis is in a critical condition in hospital today following what police are describing as a brutal attack in the city last night.
Pulis is a key player in the fulfillment of council shocked by the news of the incident - How can they do it at this price? - How do you think? They'll hire your staff and pay 'em less.
Hello? Luke, what are you doing? Why aren't you at school? Dunno.
I wanna go in.
I get up, I get dressed, I think about it, then - then I can't do it.
- Well, you've been warned, haven't you? You start taking days off school again, you'll be excluded.
You've been excluded.
What a mess! Right, well, we'll get your mum to speak to the headmistress, tell 'em you've got a phobia or something.
- They'll have you back.
- No C What? Y You scare me when you have that look.
What look? Hey.
I don't wanna scare you any more.
Come on, Charlie! Charlie! Come on! Come on, Charlie! Come on! Sorry.
Come on, son! Come on, Charlie.
You think I'm here with you because I like you, because we 're mates, because you matter one bit to me? You take my money, son.
Do you know what that means? That means I own you, Danny boy.
You want your kids to know what a whore-loving scumbag you are, eh? Charlie, I've gotta go.
I'll come back, I promise.
Hi, this is Alex's voice.
Please leave a message.
Alex I'm sorry This is all my doing.
You've no idea how sorry I am You don't deserve this.
Just take care of the kids, please.
Whatever you want, Daniel, it'll have to wait.
Lucy, just give me five minutes, it's serious.
You turn up here, not once do you ever come and see your sister.
- You come and see a lawyer.
- Let me just tell you What, that it's a mistake, you're blameless, but it could get awkward cos some woman's making up stories? - Is that about it? - I wish it was.
This is nobody's fault but mine.
I know that now.
Look, can I ask you, cos I have been wondering for some years now, - don't you ever get sick of yourself? - Only every day.
That's why I'm here.
Look, you want a lawyer? Google one.
Don't feel you have to say anything.
Even if they to! and pressure you, just leave all the questions to me, OK? Nelson Fenner had the courage to speak out in the witness box today.
He knew what we were asking him to do would put him at risk but he wanted to do the right thing.
Nelson named names because he wants the dealers at our school gates to be stopped.
He believes that something has to be done about the rule of fear that exists on his own estate, a no-go area for the police.
He knew that someone had to do something cos young people like his brother are dying.
He knew that he would be the one.
It came at a great personal risk for Nelson and I truly believe that the sentences will be LUCY is that it? Have I paid? Have I paid? Help us! Help me, please! Do you know what you did? Do you know why you did it? It happened so fast.
It wasn't like I thought.
Daniel Daniel, if I ask you something will you tell me the truth? Don't I always? That message.
You sounded gone.
Was it because of what I said? "I've had enough"? I wasn't thinking that clearly.
It wasn't because of you.
And you were right.
Why should you put up with me? What were you doing there anyway? Wha? What? Why did you go and see Lucy? Daniel? Well, why do you think? My wife tells me she's had enough of me.
No-one kicks me into shape like Lucy.
Police said Patrick, they have CCTV footage of a woman running away in the red light area of town.
They found Dad in an alleyway near there.
Why was he there? Sylvie.
Oh, Sylvie.
Who's a lucky cowboy? Your hand's pretty much gone.
Well you'll need a lot of physio.
The doctor is supposed to tell you all this, but most of them look about 12, so how are you going to take them seriously? Your neck will be scarred pretty badly, but look at it this way - it's a miracle he didn't hit an artery He was inches away from the head.
You should be in heaven.
Or hell.
Look for life's blessings even! day.
Do you believe that? My mother used to say it, she was quite religious.
Do you want drugs? The pain? The pain is bearable.
That already makes you a rarity.
Everybody wants as many drugs as they can get.
I don't want to big you up, but I've never seen anything like what you did.
People don't use these words any more but it was like like you sacrificed yourself.
- It just happened.
- No.
Things like that don't just happen.
You did a different thing.
That makes you a rarity.
Have you any idea how famous you are? Six little sausages sitting in a pan, One went pop! The other went bang! Hi, girls.
- Dad.
- Daddy! Give me a squeeze, give me a squeeze! OK, pick a hand, pick a hand.
- That one.
- That's, er Thank you.
For your hair, huh? OK, girls, why don't you get ready for bed? Now give me another kiss.
Mwah, mwah! - Night-night.
- Night, darling.
Brush your teeth.
What are you doing? I just saw those little things, thought the girls might like them.
- It could wait till the weekend.
- I can act on impulse, can't I? Let them know that I'm thinking about them.
It just helps me to know when you're coming.
- Yeah - Not to just turn up.
Yeah, I know that, but if they know that I'm thinking about them, then they know that then they know that I love them, you know? What's wrong with that? I'm not saying there's anything wrong.
I just need you to understand.
You look different.
It's my make-up.
- Please call when you wanna come round.
- Well, my phone was dead.
Have you done something to your hair? Yeah, I, er I had it cut.
You know me, I'm always messing with my hair.
Are youare you seeing someone? I'm not seeing anyone.
It's none of your business if I am, but I'm not.
What, you think I can't read it in your face?! What is my business is if you lie to me.
Don't lie to me, Sylvie.
Don't I deserve the truth.
I promised you.
I married you.
Do you think I'm stupid? I know what the hair's about.
- So, who is it? - It's no-one.
There's no-one.
- I'll find out.
- Please accept this is not about another person.
It's about us.
We're finished.
Please try to see that I'm gonna get proof.
Then you'll admit it.
You took my money, son.
Do you know what that means? That means I own you, Danny boy.
What are you doing in here? Is he gonna live? Come on.
What did you want in there? Absolution.
- You know him? - Yeah.
Survivor guilt? - What? - Why me? Why should I live and him die? Why do I deserve it? Donna I'm a drunk.
I'm a hopeless drunk.
I never gave a thought to my wife, my kids, my job.
Nothing mattered to me more than getting wasted.
I've never admitted that to anyone before.
I don't know why I'm telling you.
I had to admit it to someone, I suppose.
Were you drunk when you did the heroics? I've never been so sober in my life.
When I stood there and I heard what that boy had done, a boy with morals and courage, that made me see what a toxic shit I am.
I felt such shame.
And I realised I was sick of being sick.
I think they call it a moment of clarity.
Who do? People who have moments of clarity.
I've never said a prayer in my life before.
Well, maybe as a kid, but I never meant it anyway.
I don't know who I was talking to, I just said "I'm sick of myself.
"Please show me a way out of this hell.
" And then I looked up and I saw the kid with the gun.
Maybe there is a purpose you don't know yet.
For you.
To live.
Just wait and see what comes, and maybe you'll know.
attempted drive-by shooting on the steps of the Crown Court.
It's thought that Mr.
Demoys threw himself in front of the intended victim, Nelson Venner, who'd been festifying against drug gangs in the city.
Tributes to Mr.
Demoys have been pouring in, praising his bravery and hailing him a national hero.
As videos of the shooting have circulated on social media, Demoys has gained something of cult status, leading to speculation that he should he given greater prominence in the city council once he recovers from his injuries.
In the past few moments, Nelson Venner was asked to comment on speculation that Mr.
Demoys may now have a higher political calling.
People keep saying to me, why can'! we have a man like him to run the city? All the other guys are just same old, same old, but Daniel Demoys he's got guts.
Whole world's seen that Political communications director Jerry Durrans refused to be drawn on the impact the shooting might have on the forthcoming mayoral election.
- Sorry to disturb you.
- It's all right, I was awake.
I wanted to say what you did I have so much admiration.
It's given me something to hang onto.
I'm sorry Do you know who I am? Henry Pulis's daughter Ruth.
I've seen you with him sometimes.
What I just told you it's not the truth.
I didn't come here to say those things.
I came in here because I saw you walking with the nurse and I thought you can help me.
Don't know how I can do that.
You know my father.
A little.
The police are saying things about him because of where he was found.
It's in the papers now.
Everybody believes that's what he was doing.
How can they say that? They don't know him like I do.
I know the kind of man your father was.
He's still alive.
Of course.
I'm sorry I want him to wake up.
- I can't bear it.
- Ruth, listen to me.
What happened to your father The police are saying they have more information.
The woman.
There was another sighting.
A description of her.
She's young.
Like, in her 20s.
She was running and crying Blonde hair.
She was carrying her shoes.
They had silver buckles.
Silver buckles.
Can you believe that? That's what they're telling me.
That's all they have - I'm sure - Will you help me? What can I do? You talk to the press.
Tell them the kind of man your father was.
They have to find this woman.
Police investigating the brutal attack on local businessman Henry Pulis are pursuing a new line of inquiry.
CCTV footage released today shows a woman running from the scene of the assault Detectives have urgently called for her to some forward.
Someone must know who this woman is.
The woman who ran away.
The police believe this woman is a prostitute.
We have to find her.
It's thought this brutal attack on a businessman so closely tied to the city council will only serve to strengthen the argument of politicians who are urgently calling for more police on our streets.
Senior investigating officer DC.]
Griffin urged people to remain on their guard as concerns gram.
You parked me in.
Go easy, Bevan.
We're busy We're in a hurry.
There's no conspiracy to park you in.
No wonder you can't find a prostitute.
You can't even find a parking space.
Bevan, you want to know why you never get in on any of the big cases? You need to look at your attitude.
Maybe you should be a little bit more conducive.
- Conducive? - Yeah.
You know? The spirit of co-operation.
Do the teamwork thing.
Come on, Griffin.
Leave the grudge at home.
Well, leave that with me.
I'm working on it.
Hello, [CI How can I help? Can I speak to Daniel Demoys, please? Are you from the press? No, it's It's a personal call.
I can't just put you through to the ward.
Well, can I leave a message? Can you leave a name? No, I don't really want to leave my name.
I'm sorry.
Without a name Do you remember what you said to me? I thought you were dying.
Do you remember what it was you said? Beam me up, Scotty You didn't used to make a joke about everything.
I think I deserve a medal, under the circumstances.
My brother's shot.
It gets to me.
It's like Isn't it time we said that's enough now? You look like you're 17 again.
That's how you sounded when you were a teenager.
What you said was "Is that it now? "Did I pay?" It keeps going round and round my head.
"Did I pay?" Like Meg's always telling me, I'm a drama queen.
Daniel, you know Jerry Durrans? I know of Jerry Durrans.
I just wanted to shake your hand, Daniel.
Tell you personally how grateful I am.
You have single handedly given this city a politician they can believe in.
That's all I wanted to say.
But that's not all.
But you've got to start with the niceties, otherwise we're no better than beasts in the jungle.
For the first time, this city is going to have a political mayor with real power.
Look who the main parties have put forward.
Two featherweights slugging it out - it's like a pillow fight.
It’ll just be more and more of the same.
You've seen the voting figures for the last 20, 30 years.
They just keep falling.
Why do you think that is? Is it apathy? Contentment? We've all had enough of the well-honed speeches, cos when you walk into a hospital today, there's a good chance you're going to pick up something that's going to kill you.
We want you to stand for mayor, Daniel.
You think I don't know? I've been in this game long enough to know what Mr.
Demoys has been getting up to.
The booze, the pills, the women, the gambling - The coke habit.
- The coke habit.
There you go! Well, a candidate in treatment.
It's pretty sexy.
I'm just joking.
Don't think I don't take this seriously, Daniel.
I work long, long hours I could've very easily have gone into business, made some proper money.
I certainly had the offers.
But I stuck with politics, because there is a stubborn bit of me that still believes.
I can see what is right in front of us.
A golden opportunity.
If we don't grab it, we're just as plastic as those bastards on the ballot paper If I let this go, I would not like myself.
If you are mayor of this city, Daniel, in the center of things, affecting people's lives, huh? You know what you did.
Have you any idea of the scale of the impact? - You're a national hero.
- You're the king dog.
If we put your name forward for this election, you will win it.
- That's not possible.
- I say it is.
I'll be your campaign manager.
I've won elections and I've lost elections, but I know what a winner feels like.
See, you probably don't remember this, but I do.
You were, like, ten or something, and you told Dad that you were going to be President.
And he explained to you.
He said "We don't have a President in this country.
" And you thought about it and you said, "I don't care.
I'm going to do it anyway.
" Daniel, if you're mayor, housing, poverty, education, hospitals -just imagine it.
Yeah, I'll even call you Mr.
President, if that helps.
Listen to me, both of you.
I'm a sorry excuse for a local politician There's a reason for that.
I'm weak.
I'm selfish.
I'm a coward.
You know what? I believe you.
I could win this election.
This country is probably stupid enough to let that happen They'd vote for the bloke on the TV.
Today's blue-eyed boy.
Like someone off some talent show, all fireworks and flashing lights.
Yeah, I could be mayor.
But it would be just another marketing trick.
Let's con the public into buying something empty and useless.
And I won't do that.
Local councilman Daniel Demoys was released from hospital today among growing speculation from political insiders that the recent outpouring of public support might make him a shock candidate in the forthcoming mayoral elections.
Some commentators have dismissed the idea as fanciful Come on.
- Do you want a drink? - Yeah.
Do we have any lemonade? We have lemonade.
Hey are you going to be mayor, Dad? No.
That's all nonsense.
I think you should.
Will you lot all concentrate - I'm going to fleece you, like I always do! Yeah, right - And you'd count that as ten? - Hey! Last time we stood here, I'd had enough.
I wish I could just have five minutes when my mind was still enough to know how I feel.
Why did you do it? Everybody thinks it was a brave thing that I did, but it wasn't.
I couldn't face another day, another minute of me.
Yeah, I watched you.
And I couldn't stop you turning into someone who didn't want to live.
And I hated you for it.
I mean, you have so much right here, so much, and it's just.
it's not enough.
I look at the kids and I don't understand it myself.
But I'm not there now, and I don't want to go back there.
I want to stop hurting you and I want to stop hurting the kids, but I don't know how.
Nine out of fen for being a stand-up kind of bloke.
OK ask me anything - if.]
lie, that's it.
What's in the envelope? I've got to do a little bit of work and then why don't you and me run away? You didn't answer my question.
What's in the envelope? What are you doing? - I think I've lost my wallet.
- I'll help you look.
Some of the states you've seen me in wi' drink I'm never going to drink.
Bad news.
Idiot juice.
The way I've been Things that have happened Nothing you did, or your mum, or Luke or Charlie.
All right? None of it was because of you.
I need you to remember that.
Dad, go easy on the drama.
You fell down sometimes.
I'll survive.
No wallet.
Well, maybe I left it somewhere else.
It'll turn up.
Everything always turns up somewhere They get the deal? Is that what you're saying to me? Where's the fucking envelope?! Daniel? I thought this whole idea of you standing for mayor was madness.
But maybe they're right.
You can use what has happened to you to help people.
Do something that matters.
Hey, Mr.
Good to see you back.
You were on TV, Mr.
Everybody says you're going to be mayor.
Have the police been in here to talk to you? Now, why would they come in here? The last time I was here there was a woman, in that booth over there.
Do you know her? What I hear is, you're going to be mayor, Mr.
No! as news of his death has sent shockwaves through City Hall.
Pulis is survived by his only daughter Ruth What is it? Henry Pulis died last night I can't find my sports bag.
Why am I always losing my sports bag? - If you put it where I told you to - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Have you finished your bacon, sweetheart? Luke, I'm going to go without you now! - I'm up! - Well, come on, then.
Charlie, come on.
she describes him as her guiding light.
He was such a kind father.
Such a lovely man.
He can '2' tel'! us what happened to him that night I'm pleading.
If you know anything if you saw anything p[ease Your sister gave me your address.
- Did she tell you to come? - No.
I decided to come myself.
- I mean, I wanted to say thanks.
- Yeah, well, there's no need.
Your sister told me how you used to be, when you were younger, like.
Your beliefs, your ideals and everything.
Yeah, well, I'm not that man any more.
I can't even remember the day I let it go.
My brother got killed.
I mean he killed himself.
He was using, and it took his life.
He was 16.
I believe that he was killed by where we live.
That can't be right, can it? You're wasted by where you are born.
Look, none of them other guys are going to do anything about it.
All right? We all know that.
So more kids are going to die.
How can that be right? Hmm? What, are you just going to ignore that, when you could do something about it? I'm a drunk.
For my entire adult life, I've been selfish and cynical.
What kind of city would want me as a mayor? One as sick as I am.
Now, the truth is, I didn't want to be a candidate in this election.
But I'm starting to think it might be my chance to pay for the things I've done wrong.
I don't know if.]
can do if.
But what.]
do know is if.]
pick up a drink, things are going to get worse.
So if you want me as your mayor, here's what I offer you no more bullshit.
If you want me, I'll do if, but I am going to rip things up, because I've lived inside of politics and it nearly killed me and what's worse is that it hurt my family.
I'm not going to do that any more.
So, my question to you is who wants to dump the bullshit? I hear the ticking of the clock.
Everything that's happened is telling me that I can pay for what I've done.
How come they've suddenly got evidence, after weeks of nothing? This is good news, isn't it? I think my father might have corrupted the contract process.
If there was someone working with him, how do we find that person? There's blood on your shirt.
She's gone.
She ran.
- You saw? - I can't get it out of my head.
This is all going to stop now, Sylvie.
- I just want my family back.
- Get out! When everything is so good it has to be bad.

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