Blood Ties (2006) s01e01 Episode Script

Blood Price

Hi, Mom.
Yeah, my date ended early so I thought I'd give you a call.
Mom, with you if it ends too late, I'm going too fast.
If it ends too early, I've driven him away.
You know what? We just didn't fit, okay? No, I did not hit him.
He was one of those guys, you know? He held the door and he pulled out the chair.
Mom, he tried to read me the menu.
You know what? I don't need help.
I'm not blind.
You know my desire and you may have your price.
Was that a 'yes'? I don't know.
Savage Garden? Fun House? The Bovine? Yeah, we'll do the Bovine.
Okay, you choose then.
What? Sorry, I thought I heard something.
There's some guy.
He's wearing a black cape or something.
He looks like the freakin' Prince of Darkness.
Mom, something's come up.
I gotta go.
Yeah, I love you too.
Mom, I gotta go! It'll just be a few more minutes, ma'am.
Detectives are on their way and want to ask you a few questions.
All right.
Who's catching tonight? Detectives Celluci and Graham.
Had to be Celluci, huh? Vicki! What the hell are you doing here? Uh, almost getting myself killed trying to stop a homicide.
Hi to you, too.
Dave Graham, Vicki Nelson.
You're a legend.
I mean, he's burned through a lot of partners.
Yeah, how much longer are you going to last? Listen, why don't you see if they've been able to lift any prints, will you? You look nice.
You dress for work these days? I just came from a wedding.
Don't start with me, okay? Well, if you can't close cases you might as well look good.
Well, thank you.
You look good, too.
So, what did you see? I saw someone big, and dark.
It looked like he was wearing a cape.
Tossed the kid around like a doll and then disappeared into that alcove there.
What do you mean 'disappeared'? What, do you need a Websters? I mean he went in and didn't come out.
II saw from across the street, came over to try and stop it.
So, let me get this straight.
no weapon, no backup, no idea really what's going on.
Plus you can hardly see.
So What, you turn PI and forgot everything you ever knew? No, I did forget how ignorant you can sound.
What would you have done? Well, I certainly wouldn't have got myself almost killed trying to prove I'm some kind of superhero.
Oh, That's good, Mike.
You know what? You should go into psychoanalysis.
Oh, well, shoot me for caring, Vicki.
Okay, I'm good.
All right? Settled? I'm all good.
You're not going to shoot him again, are you? That was an accident.
Mike? It doesn't look like a robbery.
The money and wallet are still there.
The wounds on his neck make it look like somebody came after him with a chainsaw.
- It also looks like he's been bled out.
- Bled out where? Well, a few drops leading down the alley A couple more down the alcove.
It's a dead end from there.
Yeah, it's just like the other one.
What other one? The other one that's also police business.
Well, I'm the primary witness.
I think I deserve a little information.
Just like you went out of your way to inform your witnesses when you were on the job, right? I cannot believe you are shutting me out.
I can't believe you walked away from the job and expect to be treated like a cop.
Then I guess I'll just leave this up to the um - professionals.
- Yeah, you do that.
Well, it was nice meeting you.
What? Hi, Mr.
Chan? Hi, my name is Vicki Nelson.
I'm an investigator working for a lawyer in Hongkong.
Yes, I was wondering, do you remember an uncle named Chi Fung Chan? Okay.
Sorry to bother you.
Can I help you? The papers say you were there last night.
You saw Ian's murder.
You know what? If you're some kind of graveyard groupie My name is Coreen Fennel.
Ian was my boyfriend.
I was on the phone with him when it happened.
I'm sorry.
What can I do for you? He saw something.
He saw who killed him? You should be telling this to the police.
I did.
They won't believe me.
I need somebody who will.
Well, what exactly do you need people to believe? Ian was killed by a Walker of the Night, a vampire.
Coreen, I understand Don't patronize me.
They're real.
Out there.
Walking the night.
Looking to slake their unquenchable thirst.
Feeding on us the way we feed on cows or chickens.
Chickens? Ian told me what he saw.
He said it was a guy wearing a black cape.
The police tried to hide it from me, but it was in the paper this morning.
Whatever killed him, took all of his blood.
You know what? I'm sure when they find who did this there will be a reasonable explanation They won't find him because they're not looking for what really killed him.
It was a vampire.
I know it.
I can pay you.
I've got a job at the University Pub.
It wasn't a human that killed Ian, Miss Nelson.
You were there.
You must know that.
You know what? All I know is that whoever did it, was big and they wore black.
If it's not a vampire, fine.
I just need somebody to investigate it.
I don't want to waste your time or your money, so I'll put a few days into it.
That's it.
Okay, it's, um Just don't put too much hope into this, okay? It may not turn out to be what you think.
Thatwas delicious.
You have no idea.
From your graphic novels I thought you'd be dark and angry.
I never figured you for a lover.
Passion is at the centre of my work.
There's nothing else worth living for.
Ah, you're smooth.
I bet you'll even say you'll call me.
You know it's sad to see someone so young be so cynical.
Like you're all of 23.
Looks can be deceiving.
Hey, what are you doing? I thought we could play some more.
It's late.
You should go home.
Well, I could just sleep here.
You have a very busy day tomorrow.
You should go.
What was I thinking? Tomorrow's crazy.
I should I should go home.
Good night, Sandra.
Good evening, Mr.
You been following the excitement in the news? I avoid it whenever possible.
It's all about the vampire.
Two killings already Not a drop of blood left in either of them.
- Just like in the movies, huh? - Just like in the movies.
Vampires are a myth! The people who write this and the people who read this are idiots! Yeah.
I guess.
They play on people's fears.
You'd think reporters would stick to the facts.
You can keep that.
Do you believe this? No.
Hey! Hey, excuse me! Can I ask you a couple of questions? You understand I wouldn't normally share this kind of information outside the police force, but there are times when we must rise above the rigidities of conventional ethics.
Solving this young fellow's murder is all that's important now.
Amen to that.
Whoever did this did not care about the extra marks for neatness.
Not in front of the client.
- I don't think he'll mind.
- Just because he's dead doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings.
Most are more sensitive than the living.
What do you think caused these marks on his neck? Frankly, I haven't a clue.
Celluci said there was another victim killed the same way.
With both, the wounds are jagged and uneven.
Like from teeth.
Like from teeth.
But whatever did the cutting was razor sharp.
It cut right through skin, muscle and cartilage in one fell swoop.
No animal can do that.
- What about the blood? - Exactly.
What about the blood? Both victims were drained nearly dry.
That's unnatural.
And what do you think this is? I found it in a crack in the wall, near where I lost sight of the killer.
I know what I think it is but I need confirmation.
Most certainly blood.
Ah, yes.
Now whether or not it's from my young friend I can't say until I do more testing.
Maybe I should ask him.
I'm kidding.
Just let me know.
Look familiar? Hey, Norman.
You said you were gonna show up at the Everquest Tournament last night.
We had eight computers networked at once.
It was freakin' awesome.
I was busy.
I have better things to do than hang out with undergrads.
Right, 'cause your social life is such a whirl.
Something like that, yeah.
What? You got a date? I might have.
Doing math tutoring for girl in the cheerleading squad is not considered a date, all right? I'm doing some stuff, some serious stuff, all right? - I'm making some changes.
- Oh, where to start? Wardrobe? Bank account card? Personality? We got another game Tuesday night if you're inter-- Screw that.
I'm not like you guys, all right? I'm going to get the clothes.
I'm going to get the money.
And I'm going to get the hot car, okay? And I'll tell you another thing.
I'm going to get a girlfriend.
A hot one, all right? You'll see.
You're going to see, all right.
Hi How's the orange pop? Do you want another one? No.
Uh I'm done.
Say Here, take that.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
Dude, where'd you get all that money? Like I said, boys, things are changing.
Nelson Investigations.
I heard you spoke with the coroner.
Oh, news travels fast Well, it's a small world.
Did you call to trade clichés or is there something you have to say to me? What the hell are you doing sniffing around this case? You know, that information is confidential.
That means it's between me and my client.
What client? Your inquisitive mind, that's what I always loved about you.
Oh, why don't you tell me some of the rest then.
I don't think so.
You're too obnoxious already.
Uh you know though, if you're willing to share information this case could be solved a lot faster.
Oh, I'm sorry.
My ears must be playing tricks on me.
Vicki Nelson asking for help? That's not what I said.
I said 'share information'.
Well, that's an interesting idea.
Why don't we discuss it over Chinese? You buying? I figured you could write it off as a business expense.
You know, consulting with the city's finest and all.
You surprise me, my son, calling me up so soon.
And after all those lovely toys I got for you.
This isn't like I thought.
I want more.
Of course you do.
And I'm here to provide.
Cause I want more money.
I want some new clothes.
I want a car, okay? A nice car.
- Get me a Porsche.
- You know the price.
Blood, and souls.
Blood and souls.
Fine, fine, whatever.
Take what you need, okay? But do just do what I say.
Your wish is my command, sport.
Okay, here's mine.
"It is easy to suggest solutions when you know nothing about the problem.
" That's the story of your career.
No, that is the job description, baby, and you know it.
about the problem.
" "The night will be filled with mystery and budding romance.
" I could help with part of that.
You going to fill me on the murders or what? Oh, Vick, come on.
This is a hot case.
None of it's supposed to leave the department.
You know that.
- Mike, come on.
How many cases have we solved over beer and bad Chinese? Oh, I get it.
You're doing Chinese with somebody else, aren't you? It Dave, isn't it? Yes, it's good old Dave.
You found me out.
God, I miss this.
Ever think about coming back to the force? Yeah, sure, just as soon as a miracle happens and somebody gives me my eyes back.
Aw, come on, Vick.
It can get better.
You know that.
They say that megadoses of Vitamin A and E can make a difference.
No, seriously.
It can increase your visual field, help with the dark adaptation, right? Sounds like you're reciting this crap.
I googled it.
You googled it? Yeah, I wanted to know.
Why? All the better to pity you, my dear? Now, you see, that's your problem right there.
You never knew the difference between pity and somebody actually caring about you? Oh, is that what this is? Yeah, and if you weren't so damn angry all the time you'd know it.
So I have anger issues, too? All I'm saying is that you never need to leave the force, all right? With a few simple adjustments you could have lived a perfectly normal life.
I am! Okay? And one of those 'adjustments', it would have meant me riding a desk for the rest of my career watching third-rate detectives fumble their way through homicide cases.
Am I supposed to resent that remark? What's that about? You know what? You can take that however you want.
You started it.
All right.
Rather than have this whole evening go off the rails, I'll make a deal with you, okay? You tell me why you're poking around in this and I will share some, some, of what I know.
You show me yours first, though.
Always was that way with you, wasn't it? Okay.
I figure from the way Reddick was beat up before he was killed that the killer had to be on something.
Yeah, maybe crystal meth, PCP.
That would give him that kind of crazy energy.
The wounds, they could have been caused by a, glove with razors or knives on it.
- Like Freddy Kruger? - Yeah.
- Something like that.
- What about the blood? Well, it could be a ritual thing, you know? Oh, for the occult, maybe.
Could be.
Why, you got a better theory? Okay, um my client is Ian Reddick's girlfriend.
She believes a vampire killed him A vampire.
Come on, Vick, going private is no excuse to take money from somebody who's not playing with a full deck.
Listen, from what I've seen this is as good a theory as any, Okay? There was something about the killer.
The way he moved.
His strength, you know? I mean, how about the fact that he took every drop of blood.
- Come on.
- Maybe he had something with him.
- I don't know.
- Like what? A portable blood-sucking machine? Mike, I went back to the alcove where the killer disappeared and I found blood four inches into a crack in the wall.
Oh, well, that's a hell of an escape route.
I mean, Vicki come on.
You're talking about real life murders being committed by some character out of a monster movie It's ridiculous.
What are you doing? Why are you? You know what? I'm sorry.
You know I was just about to tear your head off for something I don't even believe.
This is crazy.
Well, maybe I am losing it.
Here, eat your fortune cookie.
Get some Vitamin A.
- Nice catch.
- Clearly I need more beer.
Yeah, I just got out of a meeting with Cindy and Rob.
Network is screaming about the violence in the show.
Well, I told him this isn't the '50s.
There's more violence in your kids' nursery schools.
Well, they started with the whole chicken and egg thing, and that's when I lost it.
Gerry? Uh no.
No, it was nothing.
Where was I? Yeah, so I said, you know, it's just a TV show.
What does one more lousy murder at an act end matter? Sorry love, you just got cancelled.
Well, that was fun.
Kinda like old times, huh? The talking or the fighting? I was thinking both, actually.
I've got some work to do still.
It's ten o'clock.
I've got to check out that bar that Ian worked at.
Vicki, I already checked out that bar.
It is a dead end, all right? Well, maybe it needs a better investigator.
Just like old times! The city's finally world class, eh? - What? - The vampire.
I mean you always imagine them in like, New Orleans or London.
Now we've got our own.
Who knows? They might have always been here.
Oh, people would have known.
I mean, hideous blood-sucking freaks running around kind of make an impression.
They might at that.
I knew that guy, Ian, the one who was killed.
He lived across the street.
- Really? - He worked at the Nervosa Club Nice guy.
He used to let people in the service biz in for free.
I'll have to check it out sometime.
You need someone to go with, I get off at ten.
I'm glad I kind of made an impression.
You're new here.
Not new to that line.
What are you doing here? You wanna take that hand off my arm before I snap it off at the wrist.
I need to know about Ian Reddick.
What do you think people have been talking about? Last night was a perfectly normal night.
You don't wind up being killed on a perfectly normal night.
Trust me on that one.
He had a problem with a couple guys, - had to cut them off.
- What guys? They're in here every night.
Good evening, gentlemen.
We're busy.
I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Why didn't you say so.
Love meetin' new people.
Step into our office.
Hey, can I talk to you a minute? Escuse me! So this is better.
So what do you want to know? They say the waiter who was killed the other night had a problem with you guys.
That's a lot more expensive question.
He said we were bothering the girls, he got us kicked out.
That might make some people angry at him.
Yeah, try pissed.
But you didn't kill him.
You're unpleasant, but you're not involved in the kind of evil that killed him.
How do you know what the hell we are? We're done here.
You know we've done a lot of talking for you, pretty boy.
I think we deserve a bonus.
I'll give you something you don't deserve, and that's a warning.
Ian worked a normal shift, picked up his check and headed home.
Is that the best you can give me? There were some guys here he had a problem with.
Hey, are those freaks who Ian threw out, around tonight? They went outside with that guy.
What guy? Pale, black suit.
That sure narrows it down.
Pretty boy.
Long brown hair.
Where's outside? Stop.
You don't want to go out there, beautiful.
Yeah, actually I'm pretty sure I do.
Aw maybe we should dance instead.
You picked the wrong dance-partner.
You will not remember what happened tonight, but you will remember there are bigger predators than you out there.
You will not do this again.
Who did this to you? I don't know.
You all right, Mr.
Fitzroy? Cooking accident.
Making dinner at a friend's.
It looks bad.
You want me to call somebody to take a look at it? I'm sorry.
I'm fine.
Thank you.
Look, if it was up to me, I wouldn't have said nothing to nobody.
But my wife, she said it might be important to stopping this guy.
Yeah, well, anything helps, right? So you say you saw somebody? Man, I'm not sure what I saw.
I was working the block next to the park and I seen something drop out of the sky.
What something? Okay, this is where it starts to get messed up.
It started out as birds or bats and then when it gets close to the ground it kinda came together.
They sort of took a shape as they dropped over the treetop.
- Yeah? What kind of shape? - I don't know, like a guy.
Like a guy.
He was all flappy.
Like he was wearing a long coat made a noise in the wind.
You see, this is why I didn't want to say nothing.
So what happened next? It was just after that I heard the screams, then the cops show up.
All right, well, thank you.
Thank you for your time.
You've been a great help.
If this thing is a vampire, you need holy water.
- Holy water? - Yeah, that's what the wife says.
That's what the wife says, don't you know that? - I'm Norman.
- Good for you.
Hey, this is, uh my new ride.
Pretty cool, huh? You want to go for a cruise? Why would I want to do that? Oh, because I did it, right? I got the car.
I got the fancy clothes.
Are you going to let me pass or do I have to scream for help.
Like screaming's going to help.
Where did you go? Wild guess, but I don't think they go anywhere.
You'd be surprised.
Now, where were we? Blood, we were talking about blood.
Yes, yes, blood.
Well, it was blood.
And it was Ian Reddick's blood.
How it got there I can't say.
There really is no reasonable explanation.
You're going to think I'm crazy for mentioning this, but the woman that hired me believes it was a vampire that killed him.
Well, that would explain certain other findings.
Well, there was a substance on Ian's throat and that of the other victims which was something like saliva.
Like saliva? I'd be more precise if I could, but it doesn't match any animal or human species.
And there's something else.
I found this under the nails of the woman that was killed in the parking garage last night.
It's very similar in structure to a bat's wing but But it doesn't match any human or animal species.
Intriguing, isn't it? So so what are we talking about then? We've got Count Dracula out there on a bender? We must keep an open mind.
There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in the police officers' training manual.
I'm starting to believe that.
Now, Mary Baum.
Where would Mary Baum be hiding? I seen the way you looked at her, man.
You were gone.
No, no, you were way past gone.
Now we were talking about the case.
How the hell do you get that? Look man, I got eyes.
Let me think.
Last time you got out with all your parts intact.
Next time you might not be so lucky.
Who are you to talk, Dave? Your third marriage is on its last legs.
My girlfriend's not too happy either.
You know, I think this kinda qualifies me as having a certain amount of experience, dealing with difficult women.
Gee, I would think it might not be them.
You see what I'm talking about dealing with difficult women? So Vicki has a strong personality.
So does Mike.
Maybe they're made for each other.
Yeah, like, um gasoline and a match.
My bet is? He gets whupped.
I'm so thrilled to have been a part of this conversation.
Don't listen to him, Mike.
She got away once.
If there's even a chance it could work, you have to take it.
Well, I do appreciate that.
Thank you for your concern.
Anybody do any work around here? I'm going to go talk to I'll talk to you later.
Man, somebody get that girl a doughnut.
You are here for a reason, right? Just checked in with the M.
Did you read that report? That report is for me only.
what do you think of it, though? I mean, the batwing that's not from a bat.
The saliva - that's not human or animal.
- It's so obviously a vampire, right? Look, I'm just trying to make sense of this.
Vicki, I'm not going to start hunting vampires.
I don't need you running around scaring people, OK? The papers are already having a field day with this thing.
I am a concerned citizen, all right? I'm trying to help with an investigation.
If you don't want my help Look, I'm cool with that.
Vickiii Great.
Finish the ritual, Nightwalker.
The power will be yours.
Saw something on the monitor? Probably somebody's dog got loose.
You see? Nothing.
Vicki Nelson.
Nelson, it's Coreen.
Hi, Coreen Have you found out anything about Ian's killer yet? You know, I told you this would take a little time.
We might not have time.
How many peopleis this undead creep gonna kill before somebody stops it? Coreen Okay, say this is something supernatural.
You're all over this occult stuff, right? Like ectoplasm on a poltergeist.
What's the significance of a pentagram? It's a power symbol.
They're used to focus power in rituals.
Like, to call spirits, that kind of thing.
Why? What did you find? It may be nothing.
If I find anything I'll get back to you, though.
You know something.
Tell me.
Look, if I find anything I will call you back, okay? Bye.
This is Celluci.
Leave a message.
Hey, Mike, it's Vicki.
This is going to sound crazy, but I plotted the locations of the three murders and they make up the first three points of a pentagram.
I think I know where the fourth is going to be and I think it's going to be tonight.
Call me back, please.
You thought I wanted you? Stupid.
It's her I'm doing this for.
You seemed disturbed.
- What do you want? - Tell me what I want.
The girl who ate this? She's yours.
all right? I offer her to you.
But there's another girl.
Her name is Coreen.
She works at the University Pub.
I want her to love me.
Can you do that? Stealing trinkets is one thing.
But to steal a heart that's a tall order.
You have to understand, see? Idon't have the power of love.
For that you need someone much more powerful than I.
Yeah, fine - How do we call him up? - First, let me finish marking the doorway in blood on the city.
Then, one more sacrifice, here, in the centre, and he'll arrive and he'll be ready and willing to serve you.
I don't care how much blood has to be spilled.
I want her.
I I'm tired of playing the nice guy, okay? Make it happen.
- You'll find her in Parkdale.
- Yes, master.
That's why I dropped physics in the first place.
for shopping.
You're right.
See you tomorrow.
- I'll scream.
- I'd appreciate it if you would.
You're not like them.
My master knows you.
He's coming for you! Stop right there! Make another move and you're going to lose that fancy dental work.
Hold it right there! Victoria Nelson, PI.
You son of a bitch! Easy, easy, easy.
I was just trying to protect myself.
Perhaps a bit too forcefully.
You think? I didn't have time to pick up your glasses.
I see you carry an extra pair.
Thank you.
Now, I know you won't believe me, but I don't want to hurt you.
Yeah? You've got a funny way of showing it.
I wasn't the one threatening the other's dental work.
My smile is my best feature.
I've never met a vain serial killer.
I didn't kill that woman.
I was trying to stop it.
And why would I believe that? You were there.
You must have seen it.
I saw something.
I don't know what I saw.
The problem with your eyes it's more than just bad vision.
Yeah, it's called Retinitis Pigmentosa.
It's a progressive loss of visual function.
It starts with night blindness.
Then your vision tunnels so that it feels like you're looking through a straw.
Next stop, blindness, and to top it off, I'm near-sighted.
People with that condition might want to stay away from night-time stakeouts.
Yeah, are we gonna talk about my vision or are you gonna tell me what it was I'm supposed to have seen.
It was a demon.
A demon? Sure.
Why not? You're taking this rather calmly.
Well, I'd be more concerned if I actually believed it.
I suppose I wouldn't either.
So, how did you wind up there? I'm busting your chops for talking about demons, and I was out hunting a vampire.
Yeah, I know.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret, okay? You believe in vampires.
I am a vampire.
- You didn't try and kill me.
- Was I supposed to? Isn't that what vampires do? Unless of course, you also thought that garlic and silver crosses would hurt them.
Call me old-fashioned, but, I'm pretty religious.
Okay, say you are a vampire, Mr? Henry Fitzroy.
Why would you be trying to stop another blood sucker? That's hardly professional courtesy, is it? I couldn't have something like that running around town terrifying the masses, now could I? The next thing you know, the villagers are out with their stakes and their torches.
That happen much? - Often enough.
- Really? - Really.
I've lived a long time almost 500 years.
Yeah, I wouldn't have pegged you for a day over 450.
I use a great moisturizer.
You know, it's a shame you're not the more trusting type, Vicki.
That's a nice trick.
It's not a trick, Victoria.
I'm telling the truth.
That's what I'm afraid of.
The wounds are exactly the same but she hasn't lost the same amount of blood.
Whoever killed her didn't have time to take it.
The radio car was on the scene about a minute after they heard the screams.
Yeah? They get a look at the guy? Well, uniform thought he saw something before he flipped the light on.
What makes me think I'm not gonna like this? Well, he thought it looked like a man in black, carrying a woman.
There's another thing.
- They found these.
- God dammit.
This is Vicki, leave a message.
Vicki, it's me.
Where the hell are you? Call me as soon as you get this.
Why did you bring me here? If you had a more compliant personality, I could have made you forget what you saw.
- But considering you're so - Strong-willed? Try 'hard-headed'.
I had two options, I could elimate you or I could trust you.
Trusting's good.
If I sense I can't trust you, I can still eliminate you before you do me any harm.
Just 'cause you got in a lucky shot, doesn't mean that I'm easy to kill.
Everybody's easy to kill.
- Why me? - You're a private investigator, and you were good enough to find him the same time I did.
The demon hunts nights, as do I.
But if there's a human who's calling him up, and chances are, he's living his life by day.
You want to team up? Until the demon's stopped.
I gotta think about this.
Come to me tomorrow night with your answer.
And Vicki I may be the only one who can stop this demon.
Don't even think of giving up my secret.
Who'd believe me? Should I call the cops, or do you just want to arrest yourself? Hey, I've been up all night looking for you.
God, you sound like my mother.
How the hell did you get in here? I showed the Super my badge.
It works wonders.
You gonna use that, or what? You know what? I haven't decided yet.
So, why why were you looking for me? A uniform saw a woman being taken from the scene of a homicide last night.
You were there.
You are messing around with my investigation.
It's my investigation, too.
No, Vicki, you're wandering around half-blind, looking for somebody who's already killed four people.
That's a good way of becoming number five.
Aw, you know what? I'm, uh I'm just happy that you're alive, all right? Talk to you later.
You said you had this covered.
- We're on it, okay? - And the Chief is on me, the Mayor is on him, and the paper's are on all of us.
All right, look.
We found a pattern to the crimes.
It looks like there's some kind of Satanist agenda here.
Even if we break it, it's going to make news for the next ten years.
I want this freak taken down, and fast.
We done? One more thing.
I heard Vicki Nelson's got her nose in this.
No, she's working a separate investigation.
That's not what I heard.
We can't afford her anywhere near this.
She's a wild card.
Vicki cleared just about every homicide she ever pulled.
We'd be lucky to have her on this.
You do not want to stake your career on that statement, Celluci.
I guess we're working together.
History buff? Family photo.
- Right.
- You believe I'm a vampire, but you don't believe I had a father? And he just happened to be one of the most famous figures in history.
But that would make you Henry, Duke of Richmond.
You surprise me again.
How did you know that? I have a minor in history.
I learned mine the hard way.
I lived through it.
So how did you end up drawing comic books? Graphic novels.
Art and literature have always been my passions.
I finally found a medium where I can fully realize the both of them.
This is going to take some getting used to.
Okay, partner.
Why don't we start by you telling me how you know so much about demons.
London in the 1890s.
They called themselves the Hellfire Club.
Rich men and women who went to any length to relieve the boredom of their pampered lives.
Fitzroy, I've heard so much about you.
The club gave them the sense they were being wicked.
They had no idea.
And that's when the evil, at the center of it, all came out to play.
O'Mara was performing a ritual.
I didn't know if it was real or not.
I knew he was trifling with something better left alone.
- Why? - I demand your service! - What do you demand? - Eternal life! And what do you offer in return? Blood and a soul.
A Nightwalker in our midst! Take him and give me his power! Oh, yes.
You shall have your power, and I shall be free.
Finish the ritual, Nightwalker.
Use his blood to bring me through.
The power will be yours.
Anything you want! All I want right now, is for you to go to hell! We will meet again, Nightwalker.
I took the grimoire so that none of O'Mara's followers would use it again.
It was the smell at one of the crime scenes that gave it away, the worst kind of corruption imaginable.
I guess demonology's not for people with sensitive noses.
Once the demon touches them, their minds are so broken, they don't even know the difference.
Whoever's called this demon still thinks he's in control.
Well, if this guy's not calling the shots, what does the demon want? The thing I saw last night was a minor demon.
His job is to open a door to bring a much more powerful demon through.
Once the pentagram is complete, all it takes is one more sacrifice to open that door.
- You sure about this? - His master is Astaroth, the same demon I fought 100 years ago.
And what, pray tell, happens at Astaroth's coming-out party? That's when all hell breaks loose.
So, for those of us who skipped Demonology 101, define 'All hell breaks loose'.
Pure evil unleashed on Earth.
- Like what? Wars? - Of Biblical proportions.
Death, pestilence and despair ruling for 1000 years.
Most will become corrupt and fall sway to the dark forces.
Those who don't, will die horribly.
You know, don't go painting it all rosy-coloured for my benefit.
Demons have escaped in the past.
- Why haven't I heard of this? - You've heard of their work.
The slave trade, the Black Death, Stalin's atrocities in Russia.
So if we stop the one who's calling the demons, - do we stop the demon? - If we get to it in time.
- The trick is finding him.
- Where do we start? Well, the demon from last night can only offer material goods.
Well, we can't just go looking at every newly rich person in town.
Well, the demon can't create the goods.
He has to steal them, from somewhere close to where he's going to deliver them.
Well, I guess we know what I'm doing.
- How about you? - Now it's time for me to take a nap.
Victoria Vicki.
Victoria was an overweight Queen.
She wore it well, though.
Trust me.
I wanted to thank you for your help.
I haven't met anyone quite like you in over a lifetime.
Well, you know, you and I start hanging out together, people will say I'm robbing the cradle.
I'm willing to take that chance if you are.
It must be that vampire magnetism I find so tempting.
My powers of persuasion don't work on you.
Then I guess it's just you.
Past you're bedtime, isn't it? So you found the vampire? Know what? I can honestly tell you it's not a vampire.
You're as bad as the police.
Look, I threw the I-Ching, consulted my spiritualist.
How much more proof do you need? I know a vampire did it.
And so do you.
If you won't help me prove it, I'll do it myself.
Seen any vampires lately, Coreen? I don't have time for this.
Maybe it was a giant mosquito.
Hey, it was her boyfriend, man, give her a break.
It was a vampire, and I'm going to prove it.
Coreen Get yourself some help.
That's the theft reports from the last week.
More in the last couple weeks than the whole month before.
Keep that stuff in order or you're gonna have some filing to do, too.
It's like I never left.
It's good to see you around again, Vick.
Yeah, you too.
Still searching for your vampire? Not a vampire.
It's definitely not a vampire.
Since when? I was just messing with you.
Come on, who believes in vampires? Well, you were all over me about it yesterday, weren't you? Mike, you're out of practice.
You don't even know when I'm playing you any more? So what's this? Uh I've walked away from the homicide.
I've got to trace a stolen Mercedes for a bail bondsman.
Really? Vicki Nelson walking away from a case, just like that? Yup.
Other paying clients waiting for service.
Well Good luck to you then.
Nice tie.
Look, if you didn't get the blood you need, that's your problem! You're supposed to be so powerful! You let him stop you.
Unforeseen circumstances.
It won't happen again.
Not when the one after me arrives.
And you are sure he will serve me? Every wish, every whim, every dream, every desire.
You're the master.
That's right.
Go, go run off and do what you gotta do.
I just want her to be mine! I've ID'd a number of thefts that seem kind a hinky.
Stuff stolen from a locked room.
A Porsche taken from a showroom full of people.
Cash taken from a bank vault that had a time lock.
Child's play for a demon.
All of them are around the University Annex.
Chances are good that our target is right in the center.
I mean, our demon caller may even be a student.
That's still too big an area.
Well, unless you have a demon GPS around here somewhere, this is all we have.
I was hoping not to have to do this.
What do you mean? You actually have a demon GPS? I have always avoided contact with the Dark Arts.
Although what I'm going to do isn't much more than a parlour trick, is still repugnant.
Do you want to leave? I'm always up for a good trick.
Hey, I can see you.
Man, another vampire myth blown to bits! That's not what we needed to show.
I took this from the demon in the park.
This is the one we seek.
We need to know where it will strike next.
I know where that is.
It looks like a city park.
There could be 20 places like that.
Demons aren't the only ones who hunt lonely places at night.
I know this city.
It's by Queen's Park.
All right then, let's go.
Too bad that spell didn't tell us when he was going to strike.
He won't waste any time.
He'll take his last sacrifice tonight.
You love it, don't you? The night.
All of this.
It's what I am.
It's what I've been for a long time.
Speaking of which, how exactly does one become a vampire? Vacation in Transylvania.
Come on, I'm serious.
It was a woman, Christina.
We met at my father's court.
She was only there during the evenings and she wouldn't let me see her during the day.
Suppose you love someone so much you just shut off your rational mind.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the phenomenon.
So she she fed on you? That's one reason to take a mortal lover.
Didn't you notice the marks on your neck? My neck wasn't the only place she put her mouth.
Then, after about a year, she finally confessed to me what she was.
People in the court had become suspicious, and she had to move on.
I begged her to turn me.
You wanted to become a vampire? I wanted to be like her.
I wanted to be I wanted to be with her, forever.
Forever's a long time.
She warned me that two vampires couldn't share the same hunting grounds, but I didn't believe her.
I told her that true love would prevail.
She drank my blood and I drank hers.
I died, and returned from death.
She showed me the ways of the night.
Our lovemaking was like we were on fire.
You should work in recruitment.
Then shortly after a year, I was feeding on a woman I'd met at a tavern.
Christina was suddenly there, angry, vicious.
It was the territorial instinct she had warned me about.
We almost killed each other, then she was gone.
- I'm sorry.
- I should have listened to her.
I'd have lost her anyway, but still You never saw her again? If you live long enough, everything comes around again.
I needed your friend's blood.
But I've never been able to refuse a second round.
- You okay? - Yeah.
What the hell are those things? You know what? You really don't want to know.
But you might want to get out of here! Now! Come on, go! See? We're stronger.
When the master arrives, you'll suffer.
Henry! Henry? Are you okay? You're okay, right? Come on, you just heal, right? You just heal! You can do it.
Come on, you okay? I need I need to feed.
Enough! I gotta go home! I need to go.
Take me home.
Fitzroy? Come on Are you okay? What? So we're skatin' nation on that, right? Back some sweet backside air.
And we're thrashed, I mean stoked, but thrashed.
So then we come walking back through the park.
All of a sudden, Bam! This thing jumps on my buddy, Chad, and then hits my head busting a south shore birthday.
- What the hell did you just say? - Man English! Dude, look, I don't know who this guy was, all right? He was just scary and strong.
I mean, check it, seven ply maple hardwood sliced through it like it was cheese.
And then he just let you go? Nah, that's when the other dude came.
Oh yeah, another guy with like, uh big teeth and leather wings.
This was just a dude.
He went all B.
Lee on this thing, man.
I mean, you should've just seen it, like faster than you could see.
Brother, and the chick! Wait a minute.
Don't tell me.
Glasses, blonde, good looking.
Oh yeah, hot! The first guy laid a smackdown on her, too.
Wait a second.
Is she all right? I don't know, man.
First chance I saw, I was outta there.
I'll tell you what.
Make sure that this officer has your information.
We'll be in touch with you soon, all right? My buddy, Chad, is he? We'll be in touch with you, thank you.
Best bet at finding this guy and the poor guy's a space case.
Another murder last evening by Metro's vampire killer brings the death toll to five.
Now few details are available at this time, but sources suggest that, although he did escape, the killer may have been injured in the encounter.
Keep it here on your local news for complete coverage of this developing story and we'll continue to bring you Vicki, it's me.
I've left messages at your office, your home and your cell.
Call me as soon as you get this! Mr.
Fitzroy? Oh, crap! Can I help you? Oh, I was just just I was just checking in.
I was worried about Mr.
Oh, that's so sweet of you.
Henry's, um Henry's fine.
Hey, babe, it's just the doorman.
Henry's a little bit tied up, right now.
I'm sorry, I absolutely, I didn't want to disturb anything anyone.
- That's okay.
- Sorry.
But, you have yourself a good night, all right? - Thank you, you too.
- Thanks.
What am I? An idiot? How long have you been awake? - Long enough.
- Yeah, well Get dressed.
We've got a lot of work to do.
You're beautiful.
Chop, chop, mister.
So I guess it shouldn't really be a surprise that a professor of the occult works late.
She's a bit of a nighthawk herself.
I've consulted for her on various matters over the years.
Does she know what you are? She's been a good friend.
We've missed you.
So this is your new friend.
Hi, Vicki Nelson, Private Investigator.
We're working together on something.
Sorry to keep you late, but we need some information about a student.
Anything, Henry.
You know that.
We believe a student at the university might have taken an interest in demonology.
A more than academic interest.
Every year, there's a few.
They play one too many games of Dungeons and Dragons and then they start looking into places they have no business.
Can you get us names? Uh current students? Anyone, perhaps, from previous years? If you give me an hour, I could fax you seven or eight names you might want to check out.
All right.
Here's my card, fax number.
I hope nobody's gotten into trouble because of this stuff.
- Vicki Nelson.
- Vick, it's me.
Hey, Mike, how's it going? I've got a body at the skate park.
Skate park? Yeah, no, I have no idea.
This kid says you were there.
You want to come in for a line-up? Oh well, that sounds like a like a really good time, but um I'm kind of busy tonight.
Come on, Vicki, talk to me.
Tell me what the hell is going on.
Let me help you.
Listen, I'm getting a list of names that I have to run and uh I think one of them might be our killer.
All right, don't tell me.
One of them's a vampire.
Uh it's actually worse than that.
Mike, listen.
I don't expect you to believe me, but you asked me to keep you in the loop on this and that's what I'm doing.
All right? I'm not going crazy.
At least I don't think I am.
All right.
Fax it over and I'll see what I can do.
Okay, I appreciate it.
Thank you.
This cop, Mike, there's a story there.
- A long and twisted one.
- You still care about him? - Professional curiosity as a writer? - You could say that.
I don't know what's between me and him anymore.
Speaking professionally, that's pretty common.
I've got to go.
If you find our man before tomorrow night, don't try to take him yourself.
Wait for me.
And what should I tell him? Just to stop killing for a little while? Bravery is a powerfully attractive trait in a woman.
Stupidity is not.
I'll call you.
Travis Macdonald, 30 Edith St.
Got it.
You know what? As you go through the list, be on the lookout for anyone with a fancy red Porsche, okay? " do anything stupid.
" Mike! Come on! You know me better than that.
All right, talk to you.
You're Coreen, right? Yeah, I'm, uh Norman.
From the pub? Big tipper? Remember? Hey, what's up? Well, I heard you talking to those people the other day about how you were looking for that vampire.
You know what? I don't need anybody else to make fun of me right now.
I don't want to make fun of you.
No, no, no, I believe you.
There are supernatural forces at play here.
You're serious? I can prove it to you.
Hey, you're the only person who'll believe me, Coreen.
You know who killed him? What proof do you have? I'll answer all your questions but, uh I can't do it here.
All the proof is back at my place.
Come on, let's go.
Hey, that's cool.
You don't want to come, that's fine.
I called the police.
They didn't want to listen.
- I thought you'd understand.
- All right, just Give me a minute, okay? This is Vicki, beep's coming, leave a message.
Vicki, it's Coreen.
I met this guy named Norman.
He says he knows about Ian's murder and the vampire.
I'm going to his place.
I'll call you if I get anything.
You all set? You know, Coreen, I've waited for somebody like you for a long time.
Somebody who I could really talk to.
Somebody who cared about the same things I do, like vintage computers, Medieval fairs You know what, Norman? Can we make this quick? I mean, I have to meet somebody.
Don't worry.
I'm the only friend you're ever going to need, Coreen.
Thank you.
So these are the candidates for our serial killer? Half these kids haven't left their bedroom this month.
Somebody on this list is our guy, Dave.
Mike, this last guy's mom still cuts his crusts off.
And I know Vicki.
If somebody on that list isn't our guy, then he's a witness.
So who's next? Nobody believed me.
But that's all changing now, isn't it? And soon, you're going to see for yourself.
See what? The demon! Not just a demon! This time, I'm gonna call a Demon Lord.
- What are you gonna do? - Well It's a ritual.
And you know how it is.
You call up a demon, something's gonna die, right? Not you! Not you.
Hell you know, some of those people had to die.
They had it coming.
But when I chose your boyfriend, what was his name? - Ian.
- Yeah, whatever.
- You killed Ian? - Well, I did it so we could be together.
I did.
I did it so we could be together.
And when I call that Demon Lord and he serves me, you're gonna be my Queen.
All right.
Ready? Let's get this show on the road.
Vicki, it's Coreen.
I met this guy named Norman.
He says he knows about Ian's murder and the vampire.
I'm going to his place.
I'll call you if I get anything.
Oh, shoot! Henry, it's me.
I've got our guy.
His name is Norman Bridewell, I'm on my way.
Get there as soon as you wake up.
Don't worry.
I'm gonna get you out of here.
I think we found our final sacrifice.
Henry, it's me.
I've got our guy.
His name is Norman Bridewell, 52 Lunnigan Ave.
I'm on my way.
Get there as soon as you wake up.
See, I need another life, to bring the Demon Lord.
I was gonna order a pizza delivery guy, but you're so much better.
You know, she's like part of the family.
Yeah, well, next time, leave me off the list for the reunion.
Took you long enough to get here.
See? You couldn't even find a proper sacrifice, so I I had to find my own.
Lord Astaroth will be pleased.
Don't listen to him! He's using you! Trying to mess with your head.
What are you talking about? You don't even know him.
For all you know, he's a nice guy.
Look at him, right? All right, so tell me.
What do I got to say to get him here? He's here Finally.
Finally is right.
I've been waiting a long time.
You were the one who called me? Quickly perform the sacrifice so I can fully enter this plane, and then you will have what you wish.
That's what I'm talking about, man! Norman! He's lying! He's not going to give you anything! He's going to kill you! He's going to kill all of us! Shut up! Does this happen much in sacrifices? 'Cause I think she could be a little bit more cooperative.
Kill her! Ah, crap! Eternity is long.
I will be back for you.
My hands.
It won't come off.
We can't worry about that now.
You're okay.
Let's get out of here.
Vicki, what the hell did I just see? It's a really long story.
But I'm sure glad I'm not the one writing the report.
Vicki, I can't thank you enough.
Not just for finding Ian's killer, but for proving to me there really are vampires.
Who said there really are vampires? Henry.
I saw him, remember? The eyes, the teeth, all the rest.
Well, I think it would be better for all concerned if you never mentioned that ever again.
I agree.
Nobody would believe me.
But now that I know, I will be a great assistant for you.
What? Look, I haven't been to class in two months, so school's not an issue.
I can help you.
Plus, it'll help keep me quiet about what I've seen.
Five hundred a week.
No benefits unless you count bad coffee.
Thank you! - Thank you.
- Don't ever do that again.
I wanted to thank you for your help, Vicki.
You're a great detective.
Thanks, though it was weird working with you.
But, I enjoyed it.
This won't be the end for us.
- No? - You gave me your blood.
You're part of me now.
You know, feel free to call me if you need to hunt down any demons, or anything.
Vicki, speaking of demons These, right? I don't know what they mean, if they mean anything at all.
But you're worried.
That I may have just agreed to go steady with a demon.
All I know is Astaroth is an enemy of both of us now.
Then I ask we'd better stay in touch.
You'd better Talking to yourself again? - You know me.
- Yeah.
I was just enjoying the night air.
Oh, you're shivery.
It's not that cold.
Maybe it's not the cold.
Well, come on.
- What's with the arm? - Sorry, it's just me.

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