Bloodline (2015) s01e01 Episode Script

Part 1

Ripped By mstoll Sometimes you know somethings coming.
You feel it in the air.
In your gut.
You don't sleep at night.
The voice in your head's telling you that something is gonna go terribly wrong.
And there's nothing you can do to stop it.
That's how I felt when my brother came home.
Oh, shit.
Goddamn it.
Hey, this weekend's supposed to be fun.
- I'm sure it will be.
- Heh.
Do not make me remind you again.
- All right.
We got everything? - I'm good to go.
This freshwater Wall Streeter, wants a teak slider.
All right.
Clean her up and get her back to his boat slip in Big Pine.
- You know I'll make it look pretty.
- All right.
- Hey? - Yup.
- Party like it's 1999.
- I plan to.
I plan to.
- Shit.
Where is it? - Shit.
I got it.
- Here it is.
It's your mother.
- Fuck.
Hey, Mama.
Oh, shit.
It went to voicemail.
Alec, you gotta go.
Well, tell your mother I said hello.
This is our favorite hotel in the Keys.
There must be some way we can stay an extra night.
Oh, I wish you could.
I really do, but I'm afraid this is the one weekend where it's just not possible.
Gwen, could you check Mr.
and Mrs.
Weller out of Bungalow 4? Feels like you're banishing us from paradise.
I know.
I'm sorry.
Come back.
There are my grandkids.
- Hey, Benjamin.
- Hey, Mama Ray.
How's my girl? Everything all right? Oh, stragglers are still checking out, your father's not back, and Meg won't answer my calls.
So you tell me.
Oh, when's the bus coming in? About a half hour.
You better hurry, then.
You know how your brother can be.
Next stop, Tavernier.
Hey, hey! How you doing, Benito? - Hey, Uncle Kevin.
- You're looking cut, my friend.
- How you doing? - Good.
Ready to come over to the dark side? - Am I gonna be on your team? - Yeah.
If you wanna beat this old guy.
Don't go poaching my players.
You're stuck with me, you're my anchor.
Do me a favor.
Let Mom know you're here.
I gotta go to the bus stop.
You're gonna go pick him up? He's a grown man.
He can't get here himself? John, you know I love you, brother.
I have sexy dreams about you.
Hey, Manny.
Just put it wherever you want.
I know there's gonna be overflow.
- Yeah, Miss Rayburn.
- Can you pop the trunk? Yeah.
- Where you going? The bus station? - Yup.
Good luck with that.
Did you write something for tonight? Mama! Sorry I'm late.
- I was worried about you.
- Forgot your dress.
Had to go back.
You didn't forget my dress, you stopped to see Marco.
- What are you talking about? - You're flushed.
- It's hot.
- And your hair is a mess.
Oh, great.
The linen truck is MIA.
Mom, you're not running a hotel today.
The people you invited this weekend are your family and friends.
They love you.
Nothing can go wrong.
Well, that's just stupid.
A lot can go wrong.
Sit down.
I'm gonna have Didi make you a very large gimlet.
And you are going to relax.
And you're going to enjoy yourself.
I'll feel a whole lot better when all my children are together in one place.
Where are you going? This was a bad idea.
Next stop, Islamorada.
What can I do for you, sir? How much for a ticket back to Miami? Forty-seven fifty.
That too much? - Why, can I get one cheaper? - Ha, ha.
Hey, Danny, it's me.
I'm at the Islamorada bus stop, and you're not.
Uh, give me a call when you get this, would you, please? It'll be here in two hours.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
I know.
It's great to see them too.
I can't believe how big the kids are.
Let me ask you something.
ls she not the most beautiful woman in the world? Really? You've never left the Keys.
I went to Orlando once, but it was too cold.
You said the grouper was fresh.
It is fresh.
It's not.
And the slaw is soggy.
I'm not paying for that.
All this shit's a week old.
Hey, Danny.
I've called you a couple times.
Uh, where are you? Give me a call.
Burnzy? Holy shit! What the hell are you doing here, man? Hey, Jeanie.
Welcome to the annual Rayburn Family Rope Pull! It is my pleasure, my distinct pleasure-- Shut up.
--To introduce to you the most brilliant, the most talented, and the best-looking group of rope-pullers ever in one place.
On the other hand, these 20 or so pathetic souls have volunteered to be on my brother John's team, who has abandoned you all, so my sister Meg has agreed to take over.
Come on, Danny.
Don't fucking do this.
You really heading back up to Miami? Why don't you stick around for the big Rayburn circle jerk? No, I hear they're naming the south pier after your old man.
That's a fucking joke.
No, I gotta head up north.
I got stuff I gotta tend to.
Oh, what happened with the, uh The, uh, seafood joint you were thinking about? - I opened it.
- You did? No shit, man.
Fucking A, that's great.
No, I got out.
Restaurant business is shit.
Truth is I trusted these dudes, man.
Bad dudes.
Wrong dudes to trust.
Now I'm in a bit of a hole.
You need a little cash? Maybe I find you something? Hmm? - Doing what? Exactly.
- I got something going.
Heh, heh.
You say yes, and I'll tell you.
It's Eric.
Hey, it's John Rayburn.
Hmm? ls there a problem, sheriff? I've been reporting to my parole officer.
Listen, Danny told me he was gonna be in town.
I was wondering if you heard from him.
I haven't spoken to Danny boy since before last Christmas.
But if that little prick's in town, why don't you tell him to pick up the fucking phone? - All right.
- Give my best to that Rayburn clan, okay? I'm over and out.
Fucking pope is looking for you.
So, what's it gonna be? I'm pulling a job this week.
You want me to cut you in? Hmm? Easiest score you'll ever make.
Distinguished guests, I want a fair fight! - But if you lose - Get ready to swim.
Don't bother to show your face at dinner.
Have fun and use your--! Come on.
Come on.
You missed it.
Meg took your team.
I'm sorry.
Oh, it's just a silly game.
Come on, in the middle.
No, I mean Danny.
He didn't show.
I'm sorry.
It's fine.
I'm fine.
Hey! Who chose those teams? Who chose them? Oh, you little rat.
Oh, you little dickens, you.
Where have you been? I've been coming here.
What? Are you just gonna stand up here while your sister gets her ass beat? Come on.
I've been traveling here.
I'm coming.
I've been headed here, like a freight train.
I couldn't have known then where all this was gonna end up.
I didn't know why he decided to come back.
I didn't know then what he's running from.
None of us did.
I just knew he was always getting into trouble.
And I was always coming to his rescue.
Trying to save him from himself.
But this time I didn't know whether Yd be able to save him.
Thanks, sweetheart.
It's crazy.
Your kids are growing up so fast.
Yeah, it's awesome.
It's a constant reminder of how old I'm getting.
Speaking of which, where are you at with the whole get married, get pregnant, start a family thing? Is my mother paying you to have this conversation? - She should be.
- Yeah.
I know.
It's kind of hard to have kids if you don't have a man.
Clearly my boyfriend has abandoned me.
So Oh! - Hey.
We were just talking about you.
- Yeah? I missed you.
All right.
Cool it.
Keep it in your pants, you two.
Hey, Mr.
Mister, can we squeeze in an extra chair at the main table? - Oh, no, I have a chair for you.
- No.
It's not for me.
I've invited someone.
- Someone, like a date? Oh.
- Yeah.
Exactly like a date.
Nobody told me you were bringing anyone.
I'm telling you now.
- What? - What do you think that's about? - Kev.
- I'll be right back.
I'll be right back.
- Extra chair, not a problem? - Not a problem.
- I appreciate it.
- No big deal.
What's no big deal? Nothing.
Everything is fine.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
- Who's this girl? - What difference does it make? Well, Mom and Dad haven't met her.
None of us have met her.
You want her to sit at the family table? Well, hold on.
Hold on.
- Your wife's sitting at the table.
- We're married, dude.
- John's wife's sitting at the table.
- That's different.
That's family.
- What about Meg's boyfriend? - Marco? His name is Marco.
The guy that she's engaged to? - We are not really engaged.
- You've been together for five years.
I'm not gonna make her sit on her own.
She doesn't know anyone.
That's the point, Danny.
What's the problem? Danny brought a date.
Yeah, it's a big crisis.
Glad you're here to sort it out.
He wants her to sit at the family table.
You know how Mom and Dad are about these things.
She's not family.
Well, I'm confused because I'm family.
She's here with me.
Don't act like you don't know what you're doing.
You know exactly what you're fucking doing.
- What am I doing? - You're so full of shit.
People can hear you.
Help us out here.
Who is she? Her name's Sheryl.
So I guess she's Sheryl.
Sheryl's gonna make everyone at the table feel a little uncomfortable.
But you know that, right? - You know that.
You like that.
- Don't do this.
Is that true, really? - I think you get off on this shit.
- You need to calm down.
He gets off on this shit.
Someone's gotta call him on it.
Is this gonna make you feel uncomfortable? ls it? You know what we're doing? We're thinking about Mom and Dad.
Meg, you? I don't care.
I just want everybody to chill out.
People can hear us.
The only one here that's all worked up is you.
- I'm gonna go tell Gwen to add a chair.
- No.
We're not giving in to him.
We're not giving in to him.
This isn't gonna be the fucking Danny show.
I'm not gonna do it this time, Dan.
Okay? Sheryl will sit somewhere else.
- I'll go sit with Sheryl.
- All right.
Very good.
- No.
- Yeah.
I'll sit with Sheryl.
You're not gonna do that.
That's gonna upset Mom.
If you're not sitting at the family table, that upsets Mom.
It's the fucking family table.
Why is this so difficult for you to understand? You think I'm gonna fucking invite a date and not sit with her? You shouldn't have invited the date.
Shut the fuck up.
If that's gonna be a problem with Mom, that's on your head.
Just walk away.
Just walk away.
It wasn't a problem until you fucking made it one.
All right.
Forty-five years ago-- It's hard to believe.
Forty-five years ago this weekend, me and my Sally, we opened the doors to this place.
Ah, y'all got such a great family.
Um, Sally was pregnant, of course.
And I was a little bit nervous.
I was scared shitless, actually.
Your daddy's funny.
I mean, what did I know about raising babies or running a hotel or anything? When you meet a woman like Sally She makes you strong.
She makes you brave.
She makes you believe that anything is possible.
And looking around here tonight at all these people, and my family, and everything, I realize that she was on the right track.
Stand up.
I love you, Mom.
Now, in case you haven't heard, there's a pier being dedicated to us, the Rayburn family here, in a few days off the coast highway.
Just a couple of planks, but I'm glad you're all here to help us celebrate that.
There's something else I wanna say, and I'm not quite sure how to say it.
Um Many years ago, we had us some trouble.
I recognize some of the people here who helped us through that.
I probably should have thanked you back then.
But I didn't, and I'd like to thank you tonight.
Before I sit down, I'd like to say a few words about my kids.
Um, there's Meg, my sunshine, who went north to Tallahassee to study law up in Yankee country.
And then there's Kevin, my youngest son, whose love of the sea and life, and the 3:00 cocktail kept him here.
Woo-hoo! Thank you.
And of course there's John, who likes taking care of people so much that he decided to take care of the whole bunch of us, not just the family, the whole damn island.
And then-- Oh, yeah.
Last but not least is my oldest Mmm Uh, Danny.
The one who got away, you might say.
But he always finds a reason to come back.
Even if it is to ask for money.
I'm only kidding.
Weekend wouldn't be the same without you.
I wouldn't miss it, Dad.
I think I'll sit down and shut up now.
Thank you.
Well done, Dad.
Um I'd like to say a couple of words.
- Just a couple of words if I may, Dad.
- Sure.
Here you go.
Uh Can I borrow a 20? Just a 20.
To the Rayburns.
To the fucking Rayburns! - Hey, you.
- You just took the whole bottle, did you? Boy, you've got a lot of energy.
Oh, my gosh.
- Holy cow.
Whoo! - Yeah, just like that.
Hey, babe.
She started it.
She started it.
She started it! Looks like your friend's enjoying herself.
She could be the one.
Come on.
- You okay? - Yeah.
About time she went home, huh? You haven't had a chance to dance with her yet.
I don't dance with other women.
Still kayaking, Dad? - Every day.
- Oh.
yeah? How's your time these days? I don't miss a stroke.
Glad to hear it.
You look good, Dad.
- How you doing? You all right? - Yeah.
Nothing I can't handle.
You go enjoy your family.
All right.
Janey's back in bed, and I think Ben is watching porn.
Takes after his dad.
You know.
The AC in the guest room's on the fritz.
Gonna have to use the fan.
That's no problem.
- Night, sweetheart.
- Night.
- See you soon.
- See you in a second.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Something's always broken in this damn house.
- What's that? - Blood pressure medication.
You got high blood pressure? I'm managing it.
Hey, I'm sorry about leaving you stranded at the bus stop like that.
Don't worry about it.
I got off at Key Largo, I was gonna go see a buddy.
I tried to call you.
- It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
- It's flat.
I mean, it's flat.
I need to borrow a charger.
Can I get a charger? I'm just glad you showed up.
You made Morn very happy.
Hey, Surf, come on, let's go.
Come on.
Let's go for a walk.
Come on.
Be back in a second.
Come on, buddy.
Marco, what's going on? Just got a call from marine dispatch.
They found something in the mangroves.
Want me to pick you up? No.
I'll meet you guys down at the dock.
- Okay.
See you there.
- Yeah.
- Oh, shit.
- Everything all right? Yeah, just got some stuff I gotta deal with at work.
Gotta go out on a call.
Hey, come on, Surf, get away from the water.
You got problems with the gators? Yeah, one of the neighbors lost a cat last week.
Wow, it's beautiful out here.
All right, come on.
Let's go.
Hey, listen, I'll talk to you in the morning.
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, can you hang on a second? I wanna run an idea by you.
And, uh, if you think it's shit, let me know.
Okay? - All right.
- Okay.
I was thinking of coming back.
- Come back where? - Home.
- Why? - I miss it here.
What are you gonna do here? I'm gonna help Mom and Dad in the business.
Yeah, you think it's shit.
You think it's a bad idea.
No, I didn't say that.
I didn't say that at all.
I just, uh You know, every time you come home you seem to be in a big hurry to leave.
I've never had a reason to stay.
If I had a home here, I had a job here That'd be different.
- What about Dad? - Yeah.
So I was hoping you would talk to him.
Look, man, if you're in trouble, or you need money Fucking A.
Why do you always think I'm in trouble? Come on.
- Because this doesn't make sense.
- Which part? You're always on me about how I don't talk to Mom enough, how I don't respect the family.
Now I tell you I wanna come home, and I wanna help out, and that doesn't make sense to you.
You know what, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You want me to talk to Dad, I'll talk to Dad.
Of course I will.
Yeah, I do.
I do.
I really do.
- Do me a favor? - Yeah.
Find my fucking dog for me.
You got it.
I'm not saying I'm a hero for what I did.
A man's supposed to look out for his brother.
That's what family's all about.
In a way, it wasn't just him I was trying to save.
I was trying to save myself.
I was trying to save all of us.
Sorry to ruin the night.
John, honey? Is that you? Come to bed.
This girl you brought to the party.
- Sheryl? - Is that something serious? I'm not sure.
We'll see.
I met a good one a couple of months ago.
- Good lady.
- Yeah? We go out a few times.
It was fine, good, perfectly normal.
- Good for you, Dan.
- Yeah.
And then, you know eventually We, you know, start going at it, you know.
- Mm-hm.
- And, um, she says "Hit me.
" Like "hit her" hit her.
Wanted me to hit her in the face.
What? Why? I don't know.
I told her I don't do that kind of thing.
Well, good.
I mean, truth is, I didn't really know if I wanted to fuck her or not.
She says again, "Hit me.
" And I said no again.
Then she whacks me with her fist.
And I thought she broke my nose.
I realized that she was doing it so, you know, I'd get mad and I'd hit her.
- Fred, how are you? - I'm good, John.
- How long you been out here? - Not too long.
How's this for timing? Your big family weekend and all.
Yeah, it's the way it usually works out.
Out here fishing for some snook, man.
Going up and down the channel, I saw that.
Figured I'd give you guys a call.
Just around the bend there.
So I hope you left.
Because then she starts screaming, kicking me.
And I fall off the bed.
You know, the lamp topples over.
Why didn't you just leave? Seems-- How could I? She came after me, right? She's still screaming, carrying on.
I pin her down to the ground and I tell her, "You better calm the fuck down or I will just leave.
" - This is horrible.
- We'll pretend like nothing happened.
What did she say? She tells me how no one loves her.
And how now I'm just gonna leave like everyone else leaves.
So now I feel bad for her.
- Oh, man.
This woman needs help.
- Yeah.
So I stayed the night with her.
I ended up seeing her for a few months.
I don't think it was meant to be.
It's so hard to find the right one.
I'm sure it's lonely.
I'd love to see John single.
I'd love to watch him play the field.
See what it's like.
Seriously, even just for a week.
Hold it, Tommy.
Tommy, keep it right there.
Jesus, John.
She can't be more than 16.
Call in the ME.
Get a team down here.
Goddamn it, it's gonna be a long night.
Now, listen, man.
I gotta talk to you.
This job, I-- I appreciate it, the offer, but I can't do it.
What the fuck? Why? Looks like I'm gonna be going to work with my parents.
I don't wanna fuck it up.
They asked you to come back? John's talking to the old man about it.
Do you think he's gonna welcome you back with open arms? "Danny, come home.
" John will take care of it.
How do you know? 'Cause that's what he does.
Takes care of shit.
There we go.
Yum, yum, lunch.
Look at that beautiful bastard.
- Ha-ha-ha.
- I can get more.
Well, go, Cousteau.
Can't sit over these traps all day.
What do you got, man? What is that? Whoa, dude.
You're bleeding, bro.
How come you're not out there playing? Thanks.
You know, sometimes it's just nice to sit back and watch your kids.
What's on your mind, Johnny? Danny wants to come home.
Home? What does that mean, "come home?" He wants to help out with the business.
What makes him think we need help? Just telling you what he said.
Oh, I see.
Mom! Help! I think he's serious this time.
I think this is something that he really wants.
And you think I should let him come home? My opinion is it makes Mom happier when he's around.
Oh, yeah.
It makes Mom happier, until he fucks up again.
Whoo! My hero! I think you three should make the decision about Danny.
You discuss it with Meg and Kevin.
Whatever you decide, I'll live with it.
Look, if we say yes, no good will come of this.
You guys know it.
Things will be nice for a little while, he'll be on his best behavior, you know, just long enough for Mom to get sucked back into his bullshit.
Then he'll fuck it up, and then she'll get crushed.
Don't be an asshole.
You know what? People can change.
People can change, he can't.
I just don't see how we can say no to him.
What do you wanna do? Treat him like an outcast for the rest of his life? No, it's not personal, you know.
I like Danny.
I like him.
We can hang out.
We can have a laugh, but Danny helping to run the family business? We have to think about Mom and Dad here.
Well, the thing is that Dad left the decision with us, guys.
I don't know why he did that.
Why do we have to decide? He will fuck things up.
You know he will.
And fucking old Ruth comes back home.
Yeah, baby.
So John's gonna talk to your old man? You need permission to go work for your family.
That place is your fucking birthright, man.
Well Don't fucking go begging, you know, those fucking assholes.
- Yeah.
- Okay? Come work for me, man.
What do you say? You stick around, you make some big time scratch.
You won't need a goddamn thing from the Rayburns.
Danny, I'm just saying that your family they don't give a fucking shit about you, man.
They don't give a shit-- Even when we were kids they didn't give a shit about you.
They treat you like you're some fucking plague.
- They do.
- Stop it, stop it.
Like they can't wait to get rid of you or something.
I'm telling you as your friend, as your buddy, okay, your family they're the enemy, man.
I think we have to give him a chance.
It's asinine that we're even considering this.
If we say no to him, he will leave.
And I'm not so sure he'll come back.
Why? What makes you think that? It's just a feeling I have.
You gotta fucking move on.
- Enough, all right? - You gotta say, "Fuck my family.
" Come on.
You gotta get over it already.
Fuck your family.
Fuck the goddamn family business.
Fuck the fucking Rayburns.
They hate you, man.
They always will.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Hey, man-Whoa.
I'm just trying to help.
I'm on your side.
So we say yes.
And he comes back.
You know who's gonna get the worst of it, don't you? You.
John, as soon as things turn to shit, he's gonna come straight back to you.
There's a lot of shit Danny did for me when we were kids that you don't know anything about.
I want Danny in my life.
I want him to know my children.
Goddamn it, you don't give up on family.
Do you want him to stay? Yeah.
I was surprised to see you get off that bus.
You should take it easy with those things.
Why don't you try one? No.
I don't need any.
I'm not in any pain.
You gonna stay after the weekend? Maybe I should go with you.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Stay or go.
It's not even up to me anymore.
Fuck it.
Know what I wanna do right now? What's the matter? - Can't keep up? - Oh! Hey.
Wait! ls that Danny out there? Cover yourself.
We have guests.
Oh, shit I can't remember the first time that I caught a fish.
Can you? You must have been with Dad.
You remember yours? No.
Oh, man.
I do.
You hooked a tarpon.
Fucking hooked a tarpon.
Thing was twice your size.
But Dad he wasn't gonna help you.
He wanted you to reel it in yourself.
I don't remember.
Oh, man.
Oh, I fucked up last night.
I can't even remember what happened.
I know it's not, um easy having me here.
And I'm sure you, you know - don't want me here.
- That's not true.
That money I owe you, I'm gonna pay it all back.
I been keeping track of it.
I'm paying it back with interest.
Dad gave me his answer.
Oh I'm sorry, man.
It's not gonna work out.
That's what he said? He don't want me back? No, he didn't put it that way.
He just-- And what did you say? He's just not ready for it.
It's not a good time.
No, is that what he thinks? Or what you think? Don't do that.
You asked me to talk to him and I talked to him.
Did you try to convince him? What do you want, huh? What the fuck do you want? Do you need another loan? You need somewhere to stay? Fuck you.
How can I help you? Oh, yeah.
You wanna help me.
Like what? Like the way you tried to convince Dad? Did everything in your power to get him to change his fucking narrow mind and take me back? Or did you just sit there like a good boy with your mouth shut? Like you always fucking do.
I did what you asked me to do.
Your life's not always gonna be this perfect.
Things happen to people.
And then you'll need me.
And then you'll know.
What the fuck am I gonna know, Danny? Huh? What the fuck are you even talking about? Are you saying that I don't help you? Are you saying that my whole life I haven't tried to help you? My whole fucking life, that's what I've done.
I've fucking tried to protect you.
I've tried to protect big brother.
I'll leave tonight.
Don't do that.
The bonfire's tonight.
The pier dedication's in the morning.
The secret of life? Knowing when to leave.
What? You sure you don't wanna stick around for the ceremony? Are you asking me to stay? Don't worry about it.
Hey, Danny.
Maybe I'll see you at Christmas, huh? I always thought the greatest thing that happened to me was being born a Rayburn.
Now I'm not so sure.
I'm gonna tell you everything.
It's not very pleasant.
But it's the truth.
What we did to our brother we had to do.
Please don't judge us.
We're not bad people.
But we did a bad thing.
Ripped By mstoll
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