Brown Nation (2016) s01e01 Episode Script

Farewell Papaji

[snoring intensifies.]
Dimple, Dimple, wake up.
It's 12:30.
Papaji has gone to sleep.
We have time now.
Huh? -[screams.]
-[dog barks.]
You woke up Bobby.
He bit me! He was supposed to stop doing that.
[dog barks and growls.]
Come here Bobby baby.
Go back to Mommy.
-What happened? -Nothing, Papa.
Is everything okay? Hasmukh fell off the bed and Bobby got scared.
My poor little Bobby.
This house is causing him a lot of psychological damage.
Only you can get hurt while sleeping.
Accidents can happen to a man at any time.
You booked the cap for Papaji? Mm-hm.
Hyder is coming in the morning with his cab service.
9am sharp.
9am? With his flight leaving at 5pm? You can't risk it, anything can happen.
And oh, here are the tickets, I've made five copies, put one in every bag.
Just in case Papaji loses one and something happens.
And finally, I bought your mother a present.
I don't think Papaji's buying her anything, it's just a little something, you know.
Since when did you get so thoughtful? I'm always thoughtful.
[sings to self in foreign language.]
[continues singing.]
Admit it, you're happy he's leaving.
No, how am I happy? Look at your face, it's glowing.
I just put powder.
You haven't said a word to him in six months or taken him to dinner.
We just went to the Akbar Buffet.
Yeah, and you didn't say a word.
Neither did he, to me.
Your papa hates me.
No my papa doesn't hate you.
Who do you think looks after Bobby when you're at work.
He also cleaned out your closet, you know.
He found all your dirty laundry.
What kind of a man washes another man's underwear? Papaji, did you see my Khaman? -I gave it to Bobby.
-[dog barks.]
Hasmukh, is this what I'm supposed to take to India? These are expired.
No Papaji, that's the manufacturing date.
That's nonsense.
MFG means manufacturing.
Look, see.
You are not going to teach me manufacturing.
Okay? My Dadu brought manufacturing to Ludhiana.
Instead of always trying to teach me why don't you do what I ask? Look.
I put hand tags on each and every bag.
Bloody rubbish, who's going to see that? Everything is electronically ticketed today, Papaji.
It's all computerized.
I lost two bags last year.
You want me to lose more bags? Remember Papaji? Last year the lady said you took the bags to the wrong terminal.
Please don't teach me, okay? Don't teach me international domestic.
Keep down Papa.
-You make him keep down.
-Keep down, Hasmukh.
I don't need the computer man to teach me international domestic.
-All right.
-He thinks I am a fool? No.
I don't think that you're a foo-- -[beeping.]
-Papa? Papa are you okay? -Papaji? -Papa relax.
-Papaji, are you okay? How can I relax? I am going to lose more bags.
No Papa, please breathe.
What are you doing Hasmukh, go to--go to office! I'm checking his pulse, I'm checking his pulse! Breathe, breathe.
It's his last day Hasmukh, you could have tried and been a little nicer.
-I was being nice.
-Now why is it that every time you're around him his heart monitor beeps? He can sense how much you hate him.
That thing just needs new batteries.
[lowered voice.]
Bobby shows him more love and affection than you do.
Why can't you be more like Bobby? -Bobby is a dog! -Don't call him that.
-Your Papaji hates me.
-No he doesn't hate you.
Just show him some love.
Show him some affection.
Give him something.
Tell him to clean his closet too! -[doorbell rings.]
-That must be Hyder.
So early.
Here you go Papaji.
Your visa is in tip-top shape right now.
You wanted expedited service, well I did it for you.
Thirty minutes.
I even put a nice plastic cover on it for you.
Free of charge of course.
Very well.
It look us two months last time.
Oh, Papaji, Dimple, want to introduce you to your cab driver today, this is Lemont.
One week into training but he's doing great.
Good morning, gentlemen, uh, lady.
You have a cab service now? I thought you were just in to visas.
Um yes, yes and no.
Yes and no.
I don't have a cab per say, sort of using my own personal car for the time being.
But, uh, I really do want to get in to the entire travel experience, you know? Everything from passport to airport.
Yeah So, uh, what do you say we go, yeah, let's do it.
No, no, no, relax, sit down, there's a lot of time.
His flight's not on until 5pm.
Hasmukh just called you early because he thought we would be late.
Late? Lemont here knows all the shortcuts in Harlem, Queens, Brooklyns, all of them.
Uh, he once got us from here to JFK in 25 minutes.
-30 minutes.
-25 or 30 minutes.
So what are we going to do until then? Do you guys maybe have some breakfast for Lemont? Oh, no, no, no, that won't be necessary.
You know, I had one of those Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese sandwiches.
I'll just take this bag and I'll be in the car.
Hasmukh, my friend, so nice of you to grace us with your presence this morning.
Yeah, good to see you.
Um, by the way, here's an invoice for today's services.
You'll notice I gave you a 10% friends and family discount.
Good, good.
Papaji, I'll be off now, I hope everything is okay with your bags.
-Spelling mistakes.
-Oh, that's okay Papa.
That's okay.
Papaji, I wanted to tell you It's been such an immense pleasure having you with us these last 9 months.
We're going to miss you.
[no audio.]
Bobby is going to miss you.
But I know that you have to go.
Someone has to take care of all your servants and I know that you have so much to do back home.
[in Hindi.]
God bless you, son! Hasmukh, Hasmukh, stop.
Go to office.
Go to office, Hasmukh.
I love you Papaji.
Morning, Roli.
Morning, Gautam.
Where's Mookie? It's only 9:35.
9:35? We open at 9:00am.
Gautam, have you seen Mookie? Well how am I supposed to find him? Call him.
[line rings.]
[cell phone rings.]
Mookie, is that you? Yo, LJ, what's good bro? This is not "LJ," this is your boss, Mr.
Oh, Jijaji, where are you? I'm in the office Mookie, it's 9:36am.
Why are you not in the office? Uh, Jijaji, weren't you supposed to be dropping off Dadaji at the airport this morning? Don't call me Jijaji in the office.
You thought I wasn't coming in today, eh? Honest to God, man, I have a really bad sinus infection.
Mucus everywhere.
I was just about to call you.
I didn't get a call.
Well yeah, but you just called me.
You're supposed to call me.
Jijaji, I call you, you call me, what difference does it make? We arrive at the same conclusion.
Besides, don't I get vacation days or something? There are no vacation days for interns, Mookie.
It's in the company manual.
Okay, well then how about a sick day? You can't deny a sick day.
That's probably in the company manual.
Make sure you get a doctor's note when you come in tomorrow, and not from Dr.
Okay, all eight bags are loaded and ready to go.
Please sign here.
What's this? Uh, this is a conformation form, basically it's a security precaution.
Prevents lawsuits against us.
Nice touch.
[clears throat.]
I wish your best friend was as organized as you.
Papa, don't forget to pack Hasmukh's gift.
-What gift? -I put it on the table.
Oh, what is it? It's something Hasmukh bought Mummy.
Oh nice.
[heart monitor beeps.]
Papa, papa, are you okay? Papa? Papi, I got you, you'll be all right man, you'll be all right.
-You'll be all right, Papi.
-Hyder, do something.
Lift him up.
-It's all right, Papi.
-I'm not sure from where.
Okay Papa, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.
Don't worry Papaji, we'll have you at the doctor's office in ten minutes.
Fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes.
It's okay Papa, you're doing better.
Tell them about the water.
We have, uh, complimentary spring water back there for your comfort.
[heart monitor beeps.]
Nice tie, Gautam.
I like it when employees dress up nicely for work.
You know, I'm going to make a special note in my planner just about that.
-Take a seat.
-Oh, thank you sir.
So, Gautam, have you had lunch? I usually work during lunch.
Well, today is a special day.
Today you and I are going to have lunch together at my desk.
Dimple packs more than enough lunch for the both of us.
-Not too much, I don't eat a lot.
-Arre nonsense.
Eat, eat, mm.
Eh? Yeah? -I do it? All right.
-Eh, yeah.
It's good, sir.
Very good.
Do you have any water? Eat first, water later.
My mother always used to tell me that.
Mm, mm.
[clears throat.]
So Gautam, how's things? Good, sir, wife is good.
My in-laws are coming to visit soon.
Gautam, I haven't told many people this, but my plan is to expand the business.
That's an excellent plan, sir.
I want us to be the only company qualified to service Citrus 3.
0 when it releases.
Market leadership, you know? But sir, Citrus 2.
0 came out in 2001, why haven't they done any upgrades yet? It will come, Gautam.
Oh, it will come.
And when Citrus 3.
0 releases, it will revolutionize the industry.
We need to be ready.
Okay, deep breath.
Very nice, okay.
Now, I don't mean to alarm anybody, would you hold that for me? Thanks, champ.
Uh, he's had some kind of attack.
-A heart attack? -Not a heart attack, technically, no.
Somewhere between a panic attack and a heart attack.
-Is he in danger? -No, no, not while he's here.
No, now how did this happen? This is a family issue that still needs to be resolved.
Yeah, I thought it was just a headache, so I gave him an aspirin.
Well I'm glad you did, you might have prevented a heart-attack maybe.
Uh, yeah, yeah, good, good, uh, he's my associate, -we're in the travel business actually.
-Really? Uh, here's our card.
Do you, uh, do you do limo service? Do we do limousine service? We do everything from passport to airport.
Really? Because I'm taking my niece to prom, and all of her friends want to go, and I'm paying for all of them, now, so-- [Dimple.]
Uh, excuse me? What about him? Could someone look for my luggage? I think I saw one bag drop from the car.
100% secure, sir.
100% secure, I'm going to go double check.
There's no booze in it I wanted to ask you something.
You know my wife was laid off.
And we're trying for a baby.
Oh, yeah? Trying, eh? Nice.
Uh, yeah.
Well, her family is coming soon, and we're also looking to buy a house.
Foolishness, don't buy a house now, wait five years.
Trust me Gautam, you don't want to live with your in-laws.
Even without the house sir, the gas prices, the food prices? Do you know milk is now $4 a gallon? It's very difficult to survive with my current salary.
Where do you shop? I never pay more than $3.
50 for milk.
Shoprite brand milk.
99 this week.
Take it, take it, it's yours, take it.
I need a raise, sir.
Gautam You know who's going to be my project leader when Citrus 3.
0 releases? The point is, Gautam this company is growing.
And you have a very bright future here.
My future needs money now.
Why you worry so much? I'm going to write a note in my personal planner about your situation.
-Sir? -Mm? There's no ink in your pen.
Son, when I write something, I write it in here.
Is he going to make it to the airport on time? His flight's at 5pm.
All we need is 30 minutes, that's our guarantee.
No, no, no one is going to the airport.
You need to be monitored for a couple of weeks, I still need to administer that prostate exam, there are other relevant medical tests that need to be done.
-No, I'm going to India today.
-Relax, Papa.
You are in no condition to fly, and the attendants can barely deliver coffee up there, let alone medicine.
I don't know if our house is much safer.
You know what? I think Papi was right, um, one of his bags did fall off.
I think it was the one with the passport in it.
So, that solves that mystery.
Can I see that luggage receipt for a second? I need to double check something.
Hi Roli.
How's everything going? Working hard, okay? Good, just finished my weekly reports.
Roli you're a girl, right? Yeah? I need some advice.
Today is the first time in nine months that Dimple and I are going to be home -alone.
-Oh my god.
-That's so cute.
She's been wanting me to take her out for months now and I really want to surprise her.
Don't worry, I got you.
I know all the hotspots in the city.
[phone rings.]
-It's her.
-Ask her what she's in the mood to eat.
Hey Dimple.
Hey Dimple, what are you in the mood to-- Oh, okay, you want me to come home right now? Okay, okay, I'll be home as soon as I can, darling.
Looks like you don't have to do anything after all.
Hey Dimple.
Wait, Papaji? What happened here? -A lot has happened today, Hasmukh.
-Hyder? Lemont practically saved Papa's life.
If not for Lemont, Papa would have died.
No, no, no, it wasn't me.
It was the Lord, the Almighty.
Thank you, Jesus.
-[speaks in foreign language.]
-Thank you, Allah.
Can somebody please tell me what happened? -[Papaji moans.]
-Papa, relax.
-Relax, Papa.
-Is he all right? Papaji did not appreciate the gift you purchased for your mother-in-law.
Why? I chose it myself Papaji.
Mummy always likes to wear clothes like that.
I'm really certain that she'll like it.
Hasmukh, in my culture this is a very inappropriate gift to get a mother-in-law.
That's wrong in any culture.
Look, what is wrong with-- okay, okay, I get it, this is I can explain, I can explain.
Please do.
This is what I got for Mummy.
Okay? This is an honest mistake.
I apologize.
But it's happened to all of us, yeah? -Is this a joke, Hasmukh? -What? You think Mummy's that fat? No no.
Dimple, it's the pattern.
An optical illusion.
That's messed up, man.
And somebody still has to explain this.
Hyder, who do you think this is for, huh? -You tell me, big boy.
-It's for my wife.
You want my daughter to wear that? [heart monitor beeps.]
Papa, Papa, are you okay? Call 911!
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