Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures (2011) s01e01 Episode Script

Epic Election

Skinner, epic session today.
That was funny when you pretended to wipe out on those tiny waves.
Totally meant to do that.
Oh, and then when you saw that dolphin, you did that really high-pitched screech.
Ohh! Yeah.
I'm a funny guy.
Bucket, how sick is it gonna be when that mongo storm hits? 15-foot waves.
Do you have any idea how big that is? Um, 15 feet? Oh, at least.
And wherever we are, when those waves hit, we go, right? Surfer code.
Nothing comes before waves.
Up top.
I should've used the other hand.
You wanna do it again, don't you? Uh-huh.
Me, too.
Breakfast is fun.
Hey, little dudes.
You're getting sauce all over the merch.
Sorry, Uncle Three Pieces.
I've told you a million times, no food in my shop.
Pizza man.
Wrong address.
Bye now.
No problem.
But I got a large pepperoni for Go away or I'll call the cops! Boys, follow the rules.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Come back! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Oh, man.
Kelly just walked in.
Hey, Bucket.
Saw you out there on the waves.
My tips are working.
I think we should make out.
What? I said you should keep paddling out.
Dude, do you need to go to the bathroom? No.
I'm showing off the goods.
Dude, you've been in love with Kelly forever.
Just ask her out already.
I can't just ask her out.
She's a junior, popular, an insane surfer.
But I got it handled.
I have a ten-step plan to win her over.
Observe step 1 impress Kelly.
Oh, wow, am I tired from lifting weights all morning.
Dude, I don't know what step 2 is, but I'm loving number 1.
I wake up, get in motion Get me to the ocean, here we go It's all about the sunshine and the current ride All the days I walk by, hello You know that when the surf rolls in That's when big waves really begin No worries, bro.
Here we go again Hey! Hey! Life is just a curl, and the summer never ends Here we go again Hey! Hey! You know it's always epic When I'm hanging with my friends Ohh-oh-ohh Here we go again Bucket, how'd you do on the test? B+.
"Getting better.
" What's yours say? "No grade given.
See school nurse.
" It's not an F.
This baby's going on the fridge.
Oh, no.
Kelly's annoying little sister.
Activate shields.
Hi, Skinner.
Skinner, OMG.
Loving the hair.
Try a cookie.
It's sweet just like you.
I'll have one.
9 bucks a box! I'm selling them for a school charity drive.
First prize is a blue ribbon.
Piper, should you be selling your cookies down the hall in the middle school? Yeah, because that's where the big money is.
Moron! I knew I smelled freshmen meat.
What up, lame squared? Math joke.
Up top.
Come on, Aloe.
So I accidentally cut you off on my board when I was 5 years old.
Let it go.
Never! You scrubs hear about the upcoming school election? Should be OTH.
That's "off the hizook.
" Fact! Sven, hook them up with my "Aloe for Prez" caps.
I'm not voting for you, Aloe.
And I'm on the fence.
Why would you vote for me? It's not like I'm the captain of the varsity surf team or a green belt in karate.
Oh, wait a minute.
I am! Oh, yeah.
Now, this is happening.
Fellas, how goes it? Look at you two in high school now.
So cute.
Hey, Belly Kelly.
What's up? Okay.
So, I'm writing a piece about the election for the school paper, and I need to interview Aloe.
Absolutely, Kell's Bells.
Swing by the Aloedome in the p.
You bring the green tea smoothies, and I'll bring the funk.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
And, moving quickly past whatever that was, I hope you give me a better scoop than I got out of the other candidate The Ukrainian foreign exchange student with the headgear.
All little guy says is "I like shampoo.
" Hey, Kells, when I'm elected, we'll be spending tons of time together.
Fact! Sounds good.
Don't do the dance.
Wait, Kelly.
I'm also running for the president thingie.
President? As a freshman? So cool.
Guess I'll be interviewing the B-man, too.
I'll give you a call.
Bucket for president? Ha! I'm so gonna humiliate you.
Aloe out! Are you kidding me? He's right.
I'm gonna make a fool out of myself.
I know nothing about elections.
No worries.
I'll be your campaign manager.
We put our two brains together, you have one gigantic brain.
Dang it.
Why won't my stupid locker open? 'Cause that's not your locker.
Ohh! Dude, you just saved me a half hour.
All systems go, I'm on a rocket to fame Bucket is a freshman, so weak and so lame So weak and so lame So weak and so l I'm okay.
I'm all right.
Good day, Mr.
Skinner, the election's in three days, and no one at school knows who I am.
Not yet they don't.
Bam! Aloe is super popular, a great athlete, and dates tons of hot girls.
And sure, Bucket's never been on a date, can't catch a volleyball, and may have wet his bed until an uncomfortably late age, but when it comes to greatness, no one can fit more pepper shakers in their mouth than Bucket.
No one.
So on election day, who are you gonna trust, the guy who's a popular athlete, or this guy? We think the choice is clear.
The cat plays for, like, three minutes.
What do you want, Piper? Rumor has it your campaign's on life support.
And I thought I could help.
We don't need your help.
Sure you don't.
Look, Bucket, I win things.
That's what I do.
So if you wanna know how to take down Aloe, I'll be in my booth.
Like we need help from a 10-year-old.
I know, right? Oh, look.
The cat's break-dancing now.
We should get Piper.
So what can you do for our campaign? First, you buy three boxes of cookies.
Bucket, school elections are all about popularity, and the quickest way for you to get some is by dating a popular girl My sister.
Piper, Kelly and I aren't dating.
Not according to these pictures.
Those pictures of Kelly and me are obviously fake, Piper.
People don't know that.
What's that one? Never mind that one.
Yes, Piper, the fake photos have circulated, and phase 2 of Operation Bucket Dates Kelly is underway.
Um, my shirt is blue.
I guess it matches my eyes.
I'll ask Bucket.
Does my hair smell like cinnamon? Hang up the phone.
I can't believe I agreed to this.
Piper's idea is insane.
Bucket, what about this plan could possibly make you nervous? Now take this lipstick and get in the girls' locker room.
Kelly? Hey.
I know you're a freshman, but this is the girls' locker room.
What? Did I walk in the wrong Really? The pink lockers didn't give it away? What a hilarious mix-up.
Kelly, while I have you, I'm writing a country song for music class, and I'm thinking of the title, "Pick You Up at 7:00, honey.
" Thoughts? Yeah.
I guess that title works.
What's up? Kelly, pick you up at 7:00, honey? I guess that works for me, cowboy.
I'm sorry.
Do you mind? Thanks a million.
Phase three of the operation.
Ready to get a hickey from Kelly? You sure that thing's safe? If it weren't, you think someone would've left it in the Dumpster behind the drugstore? Now, give me your neck.
Aah! Aah! Aah! Make it stop! Aah! Make it stop! Aah! Aah! Let me call you back.
Bucket, have you heard this rumor that we How the lunch lady used to be a dude? Kooky, right? Hey, see you guys at the polls.
The rumor about you and me dating.
Some kid said he saw a picture of us tracking Bigfoot in Alaska.
That's weird.
Us? A couple? Can you imagine you and me holding hands, taking long walks on the beach, renting a two-seat bike and pedaling to the ice-cream shop, and then you want a chocolate cone, and I want vanilla, so we laugh about it and end up sharing a strawberry? What? What? I didn't say anything.
Vote for Bucket.
Get your T-shirt.
Skinner, campaign T-shirts? Campaign T-shirt.
I could only afford one, but everyone gets to wear it for two minutes.
Check it.
I'm Bucket.
Vote for meee! Awesome.
Everyone, eyes on Aloe.
Like they weren't already.
Bucket's romance with Kelly is a total sham.
Fact! Oh-ho, no, he didn't! We're a real couple, Aloe.
We just like to keep things on the down-low.
If you're a real couple, bring in real proof.
Oh, we'll bring in tons of proof.
Right here, tomorrow night.
Why not earlier? Scared? Wait.
I just slipped into donkey.
Tomorrow, after school.
Then you guys will see that Bucket's been messing with you.
Oh, and FYI, varsity football dudes react poorly to people who mess with them.
What happens to these people? That entire salad bar gets poured on them, bleu cheese dressing included.
Salad bar! Salad bar! Bucket's got dairy issues.
Can we make it, say, a light vinaigrette? Weh Weh.
I don't care if you got bills to pay.
You have 24 hours to get me my money.
Love you, Dad.
Gotta go.
What's up? What's up? If I can't come up with proof of me and Kelly dating, I'm a day away from becoming Bleu Cheese Bucket.
And we don't have the money to redo our T-shirt with that nickname.
Hey, you're not the only one with problems.
This cookie war is taking its toll on me.
You're losing? Ow! Ow! I don't lose.
There's just been a temporary lull in sales.
8-year-olds watching their cholesterol.
Hippies! Can we focus on me here? Bucket, if you need proof, the answer's right in front of you.
It's so obvious.
You show a video of you kissing Kelly.
That'll happen.
Kelly's a certified lifeguard who knows mouth-to-mouth.
So we secretly tape you choking on something.
Maybe on a Ketchup bottle.
Okay, I was off for a sec, but now I'm up to speed.
Good plan.
Good plan.
What's the camera for, big guy? Uh, filming stuff.
Hey, as long as you've got that camera out, have you ever seen my sock puppet show? I'll be right back! Kelly's here.
She's coming.
By the way, since we're on a mission and all, we should probably have code names.
I call Max Danger, international veterinarian.
This is stupid.
We're gonna videotape Kelly blowing in my mouth and expect people to think it's a kiss? There's no way Hey, you.
Hey, Bucket.
Thanks for meeting me.
Thanks for thanking me to thank you for meeting with me, you.
Oh! Shall we begin? Yes.
So, Bucket, do you plan on lobbying for an increased art budget? I will answer that, Kelly, but first I'm going to enjoy this dry, salty snack.
Don't worry.
I know the Heimlich.
No, mouth-to-mouth.
I'm coming, nephew! Let my air fill your tiny lungs! Skinner, what are you doing in there? Not secretly filming you.
Mouth-to-mouth, the Bigfoot photos, country songs? You're behind the dating rumors.
What? No.
That's craz Sing me "Pick You Up at 7:00, Honey.
" Hey, honey Gonna pick you up at 7:00 When? At 7:00 Yeah, honey I'm so sorry.
I can't believe you lied to me.
I can't believe you found Bigfoot and didn't tell me.
Kelly, wait! I'm sorry.
I'm not gonna lie.
We're gonna need to do some editing.
20 minutes till my showdown with Aloe, and we have zero proof of me and Kelly dating.
What are we gonna do? Skinner.
Oh, sorry.
I'm listening to the surf report on my radio.
What's it saying? It's saying Hey, guys, like the new marketing campaign? Get your cookies.
Cookies for sale.
That's right.
Keep walking like you don't hear me.
I know where you live.
Not that anyone cares, but Kelly now hates me, and I'm about to have a salad bar crammed down my pants.
Dude, relax.
Just know I'm here for you no matter what.
D'oh! Gotta go! The waves are hitting 15 feet! Let's motor! Whoa.
We can't leave now.
Bro, I've only had two dreams in my life To have a tail and to surf 15-foot waves! But we don't have time for that.
We have to figure out what to do about Aloe.
Oh, this storm is huge.
They even have a news crew covering it.
A news crew? Get out of my way.
Dude, I'm kind of torn here.
You know what? Surfer code.
Nothing comes before waves, right? You should go.
But, I mean, would it be great if you stayed and helped me figure this mess out? Sure.
Extra support is always Skinner? All right.
Let's get this over with.
Bring on the salad bar.
Bring on the salad bar! Dude, they can hear me.
They're, like, 10 feet away.
So, according to my insanely expensive watch, it's time to put up or shut up.
You and Kelly where's the proof? The truth is I don't have any.
That would mean you were lying to all these large football players? Sad d Bar! Salad Bar! Salad bar! Salad bar! Bucket, I got something to say to you.
This keeps getting better.
Kelly, can you maybe yell at me later? No.
I'll yell now.
You promised me a romantic picnic lunch on our one-month anniversary, then don't even show up.
I'm confused.
So you did space it.
And after I made your favorite lunch, too? I even spelled out "Kelly Loves Bucket" in baby carrots.
Baby carrots! Why would you 'Cause I was trying to be a nice girlfriend.
To you.
Was that today? Yes.
But instead I find you here, probably flirting with some girl who wants to see those amazingbiceps.
You better make this up to me.
You and him? My world makes no sense.
You know what also doesn't make sense? When he's president, Aloe plans to divert funds away from the football budget to buy himself a tanning bed.
Weird, huh? What, I'm a bad guy because I wanna glow during the winter months? Salad bar! Salad bar! Salad bar! Salad bar! Salad bar! Yeah.
Whatev, whatev.
I put the Caesar in salad, bro.
Fact! Kelly, I can't believe you just did that.
Why'd you help me? Your campaign manager tracked me down.
He explained everything About how you have a good heart and never intended to hurt me.
Well, thank you.
Come on.
You really think I'd let those guys salad-bar my little buddy? "Little buddy.
" I can live with that For now.
Oh, and one more thing, for the next two weeks, you'll take over my shift at the surf shop cleaning used wet suits.
Used wet suits? I hope you like the smell of body odor and dead fish.
Have fun, boyfriend.
Skinner, I don't know what to say, bro.
You missed out on those waves for me.
Friend code always trumps surf code.
Thanks, dude.
You wanna slide in it, don't you? Uh-huh.
Me, too.
I still don't get why you dropped out of the election.
It was the right thing to do.
I think shampoo guy's gonna make a great president.
What's this? Just a little something for being a great campaign manager.
A tail? Thanks.
You, come here.
Okay, big guy.
People staring.
Guys, Piper's on TV.
We now go live as a young girl is being pulled from the water.
Piper? Hey, little girl, can you hear me? Get out of my shot! All I was trying to do was sell cookies for a school charity, make sure the children get their sweets.
Piper's cookies.
Buy a box today.
- That's about right.
- Yep.

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