Death Comes to Pemberley (2013) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

1 Where are the boys, then, Joany? I don't know.
This were definitely the place.
Well, maybe they were having us on.
They'll be around here somewhere.
Oh, come on, Joan.
Let's go back.
What if we're caught? Come on.
Don't be such a baby! I'll wait here for you! Master Fitzwilliam! Come back, Master Fitzwilliam! Master Fitzwilliam! Will you Master Fitzwilliam.
Master Fitzwilliam.
Oh, I'm going to be in so much trouble for this.
Mama! I'm sorry, madam.
Master Fitzwilliam justslipped away, and you so busy with the ball It's no trouble at all.
Main dining room, quickly.
Yes, sir.
Bidwell, you'll have time for the silver? It will be polished to perfection, madam, down to the last fork.
And the fires in the bedrooms, Mrs Reynolds? They're being prepared as we speak.
How many guests do we have staying? Well, we shall have need of all of our rooms.
The six-hour candles, madam.
All of them the best wax.
Ah, the chaperones' chairs.
Yes, we ran short last year, Mrs Reynolds.
I've ordered extra, madam.
Serve the brandy slowly, Stoughton, we don't want the good ladies unable to walk to their carriages at the end of the evening - our bedrooms are all spoken for.
Madam, the food for tomorrow night.
We have white soup.
Ah, delicious.
Wild goose.
There will be some orange sauce prepared to go with that.
Game pies.
Almond faggots.
Spiced biscuits, Prince of Wales biscuits, Duke of Clarence biscuits and Duchess of York biscuits.
Mrs Reilly's ghost! In the woods! What on earth.
?! I saw her, ma'am.
Mrs Reilly's ghost! Vicious-looking, she was.
Real as you standing there! What utter nonsense! What will Mrs Darcy think of you pair? Edith, can you take these two into the pantry? Give them a thimble-full of brandy each.
I'll deal with you in a minute.
I must apologise, madam.
They're very silly girls.
Who's Mrs Reilly? It's an old wives' tale, madam.
Well, I'm sure a dose of your good sense will do the trick, Mrs Reynolds.
Well done.
Thank you all.
(May I?) Of course, madam.
Thank you.
Expecting someone? No.
Excuse me, madam.
Not really.
Oh, dear God! How can a man think with such a racket going on? Could you please ask them to stop? That wouldn't be helpful, Fitzwilliam, dearest It is a fine Pemberley tradition for the master of the house to be irritable on the eve of the ball.
And for the lady to do everything in her power to assuage him.
Perhaps some traditions need updating.
They've worked perfectly well so far.
How dreary that all good things must come to an end.
Really? Shall I disappear from your sight? A few hours would be perfect.
Sister? Mr Darcy? Yes? Not a moment longer.
I shouldn't bear it.
You ARE only human.
Master Fitzwilliam! Ah I shall take the little imp with me.
Ya-harr! A-hunting we will go A-hunting we will go At least let me saddle the horses for you, sir.
I'm sure Wilkinson can manage.
Although you did have a fall last week, sir.
That wasn't his fault.
Look, you've trained him incredibly well, Bidwell, but it is time to, umhand over the reins, as it were.
I'd have preferred my own son for the job.
Yes, yes, I know.
A Bidwell's always been head coachman at Pemberley.
Good Lord hadn't seen fit.
How is Will? Ah Mrs Darcy's planning on visiting the cottage later, to see him.
However, in the meantime, she does have a great need of you today.
You're a good man, Bidwell.
Now, then.
Foxes the length and breadth of Derbyshire will be quaking in their dens at the mere sight of you on this little fellow.
No-one's ever spoken to my brother as freely as you do.
You've brought such laughter to Pemberley, Elizabeth.
I want that kind of ease for myself.
Do you have someone in mind? Well, I'd never marry without my brother's approval, especially after Darcy wants only for your happiness, Georgiana.
We both do.
Even if my choice were a surprising one? Ah, Colonel Fitzwilliam.
He's early.
Were you expecting someone else? No, no-one.
I should go and greet my cousin.
I believe so You must be looking forward to the ball.
Yes, we all are.
I'm not much of a man for dancing.
These are beautiful.
Very beautiful this year.
Andthe white bell, perhaps? Two dozen of those.
Sorry - you scared me.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to catch you alone.
Could you spare me a moment? Of course.
You came through the woods, Colonel? Erno.
I came the usual way.
It's aboutGeorgiana.
With your keen powers of observation you will have noticed my new-found appreciation of her.
With the death of my older brother, and the duties and responsibilities that being the first son brings And the freedom.
Of course.
my mind has most naturally turned to marriage, and as I am to return to the Army soon Well, has shespoken to you about me? She always speaks of you in terms of affection.
Of course, but I I imagine you to be her main confidante.
Only when she has something to confide.
I admit she has given me no specific grounds for hope, but I have known her since she was born, and well, perhaps for a woman it is proper that love should come after marriage, rather than before it.
I'm not sure about that.
I take it that George Wickham is never received at Pemberley.
Of course not.
Goodness, I'm surprised you should even ask.
Well, so his attempted seduction of Georgiana has remained secret? We can hardly bear to think of it, let alone mention his name.
Of course.
Forgive me.
I shouldn't have mentioned it, Elizabeth.
Have you spoken of your feelings to Georgiana yet? No.
I wanted to speak to you first, and ask Darcy's permission, of course.
Georgiana's old enough to make her own decision, Colonel.
If Georgiana were to agree to marry you, then naturally, I would fully share my husband's pleasure at the news.
But perhaps it is best to wait until after the ball.
Of course.
Thank you.
Don't wait for me.
I'll walk back.
Good morning, Mrs Bidwell.
Louisa's just back from helping my eldest in Birmingham, madam.
Sit down.
She's brought the new baby home with her for a while, to give Sarah some respite.
What's his name? Georgie.
I'm sure she appreciates the help, but she must miss him terribly.
We can't keep him much longer.
Will frets ever so when he cries.
How is Will? He has good days and bad days.
Will? Hello.
Don't get up.
I just wanted to see how you're getting along with those books.
Robinson Crusoe was my favourite.
Yes, I thought it might be.
You shouldn't have troubled yourself, ma'am, not on the eve of the ball.
Oh, Mrs Reynolds has it all under control.
Well, tell her to not bring the ice in too early.
She did that one year and there was water everywhere.
You can tell her yourself next year.
You don't believe that, though.
Will For all my fine clothes, there's There's nothing I can do about what's happening to you now.
But I offer you what I can .
which is my friendship.
Wait! You're sure you're all right? I'm fine.
That madwoman could've attacked you.
No, no.
She was frightened, I'm sure of it.
I'm fine.
Mr Alveston, such a pleasure to see you.
Well, thank you for the invitation.
I hope you don't mind my coming early.
I thought I'd accompany Mr and Mrs Bennet.
What news of Highmarten? How is Jane, and Bingley? They're well, and send their regards.
Miss Georgiana.
Mr Alveston.
Thank you for your letter.
And you yours.
Should have brought my special pillow Oh, what a dreadful road you have, Lizzy - it's riddled with potholes.
Mother, I had no idea.
I'm in pieces.
Oh, don't fret, Lizzy.
You'll find the road surface miraculously smoothed itself out as soon as our carriage passed.
You do vex me, Mr Bennet.
Oh, isn't it big.
I always forget.
Welcome back to Pemberley, madam.
I would've come sooner, but I've had social engagements to attend to.
Longbourn's quite a whirlwind in its own right, you know.
I was told to give YOU this, but it's the last favour I'm doing for you, Wickham.
I want no part in this.
Denny, please.
This one last thing and I promise I'll be done with it.
I'm not playing this game.
It's been deceit from start to finish with you.
You're selfish, utterly selfish! You know nothing, do you, of women or how they truly feel! Keep your voice down.
The apothecary, you see, agreed with me - did he not, Lizzy - that the fig is quite the best thing.
Shall we? Where is Mr Bennet when I need him? He was here a minute ago.
Mr Bennet? Mr Bennet? May I speak to you in private? Mr Bennet? Unless there's someone who has a greater claim.
No, I'd like that very much.
Later, perhaps.
Of course.
Mr Bennet? Mr Bennet? Mr Bennet? What have you found? I have found these rather austere pictures of this castle.
I suddenly realised I think it belongs to Colonel Fitzwilliam.
Shall I ask him? Well, why not? Colonel? Isn't this your castle? It is.
Is that the North Sea? Indeed.
In rough weather, the waves have been known to touch the castle walls.
It must be cold in winter.
We have no complaints.
Or rather, only from the occasional soft Londoner, too used to skulking in a corridor or office.
The atmosphere can get chilly in the Old Bailey too, sometimes.
I hear you're something of a radical down there.
I like to think there's always room for improvement.
We've seen what sudden shake-ups can lead to over the water, haven't we, Darcy? Yes, terrible business Barbarity, no less.
And now Bonaparte's threatening our shores.
I'm no supporter of tyranny, sir, in any shape or form.
Mr Darcy, would you excuse me if I went for an evening ride? At this hour, Colonel? I sleep ill without fresh air.
Good night.
Good night.
A good ride, Colonel.
Although it will be getting dark soon - I certainly don't envy you the ride back.
How fortunate, then, that you are not required to come too.
Shall we? Yes.
Driver! Stop! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stop the carriage.
You're on your own, Wickham.
I'm finished with it.
Denny Don't be a bloody fool! Wickham? Wickham, come back here this instant.
Wickham, don't just leave me here on my own! Sh.
Ah! Lizzy? A portrait of dear Wickham.
It was in a little cupboard in our room.
The lock was very feeble, you know.
One tug and it quite gave.
But you're a dark horse, Darcy.
Why a picture of him? His father was my father's steward.
We grew up together.
It was my father who had the portrait done.
I forgot we even had it.
So handsome.
Isn't he? He's married to Lydia, my youngest.
But perhaps you know the name? No, I'm afraid not.
He's quite a national hero since he fought the French in Ireland.
Music! We should have music.
Georgiana, delight us with your lovely playing.
If Mr Alveston will accompany me? Oh, no.
Er, please don't make me sing.
Why don't I help you choose a dance? Somewhere inside, I'm still a young girl in love with a redcoat.
It's such a shame they're not invited to the ball, Lizzy.
I really don't see the harm, and Lydia does so love a dance.
Please save me from our guests.
Oh, I can't.
I was the best dancer in the county, you know - it won't do to outshine the youth at my age.
Georgiana has two suitors vying for her hand.
The Colonel wishes to speak to you.
He'd be a fine match.
She must marry for love, Fitzwilliam.
I wouldn't wish for anything less.
Good God.
What's that man thinking? He'll have it over.
Are we expecting anyone else tonight? No.
Stoughton! Oh, God, help! Lydia?! Oh, God! Oh, God! What's happened, Lydia?! What is it? Dead! Dead? Oh, my, heart.
Who's dead? Who's? Sit her down! I'm trying.
Someone fetch some wine! Is someone in danger? Lydia! Lydia.
Wickham is shot, Papa.
I know it.
He's dying in the woods.
Please, help him, someone! You saw this? I heard it! Well, don't just stand there - do something! You must tell us the facts as you know them.
Lydia? Lydia! Madam, are you all right? A spasm, in my side.
Strange flutterings.
Don't worry about me.
What happened, Lydia? We were driving through the woods, to Pemberley - Wickham, Captain Denny and I.
They were both angry with one another.
Captain Denny banged for the coachman to stop, and just went off.
Wickham shouted at him too, and he jumped out also.
How could he do such a thing? Then Shots.
Go! Go! Hurry up! Am I never to get that man out of my life? My love I'm sorry.
Go back inside and look after your sister.
It will be fine.
Do I know you? George Pratt, sir - coachman at the King's Arms.
Yes, of course.
Did you hear shots fired in the woods? I did, sir.
Two of them.
What were you doing there? The lady was coming to the ball, as I understand it - a jolly surprise, she said.
We'll need you to take us back to the place.
I don't know, sir - the horses won't take it.
They're terrified as it is.
Your job is to get them under control, and do as I say.
Is that understood? Yes, sir.
What's the matter? You'd better get down.
It'll help.
Let me.
I'm the one to calm her.
Bidwell, Alveston.
Yes, sir? We need to organise Lydia, we must try to remain positive, my dear, and hope at least that he died in a duel.
It's such a noble way to die! The stable lads should all still be here.
We're mounting a search.
Then I'll come with you.
It'll be cold and dark, sir - probably uncomfortable.
Mr Bennet, come along - you're needed! Please.
We'll need ropes, lanterns, blankets, a flask of brandy Stoughton will help.
Make sure Mr Darcy's horse is saddled and ready.
Gather some men! Sir.
Allow me to come too, sir.
You're our guest, and it would assure me to know you're here with the our ladies.
Yes, of course.
My trunk! What is it? Get it out of the carriage.
My ball gown will be quite creased.
Oh, I do hope it's the cream satin - it will suit your pallor.
Oh, palpitations! Do not make me speak.
Mrs Reynolds, fetch Wilkinson and call for Dr McFee.
Yes, Mr Darcy.
With your permission, sir, I think the doctor should administer Lydia a calming draught.
Excellent thought, Darcy.
But perhaps he might prepare one for Mrs Bennet first.
Excellent thought.
You've forgotten the ropes! They could be down a gully.
Everything in readiness, Bidwell? Almost, sir.
This is quite an expedition you're mounting for one hysterical woman, Darcy.
Just in case.
Let's hope we're both overreacting.
Lead on! Whoa, girls.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sh, sh.
Is this the place? That's the oak tree on the left.
This is the path they took, here.
Which way did Captain Denny head? Over there, sir.
You're on your own, Wickham.
I'm finished with it.
It were just a few seconds, and Mr Wickham followed.
Denny! Don't be a bloody fool! We waited - it must have been ten minutes, and then we heard them.
The two gunshots.
Come on, come on.
Sh, sh, sh.
'Then the lady started screaming, "Murder!"' and she didn't stop the whole way to the house.
You men, see that clearing? Try there.
Yes, sir.
Stay close to the path.
Stay together.
Wickham! Wickham! Easy.
Easy, Betty.
The draught I gave her was enough to sedate a horse.
Er, not that We'll have to keep an eye on her.
Thank you, Doctor.
Now for the mother.
I'll show you the way.
I'll ask one of the maids to sleep in Mrs Wickham's room tonight, madam.
The sofa's quite comfortable, and she mustn't be left alone.
I take it that once they're found, Mr Wickham and Captain Denny will not be stopping over? A hot meal and we'll send them on their way.
Then we can all get back to normal.
Wickham! Once again, George Wickham leads us all on a merry dance.
I can only apologise that my daughter Lydia's superlative taste in men has made him your brother and responsibility for life.
Wickham! I imagine they'll be a while yet.
Over there! Wickham? Wickham? Wickham? He's dead! Oh, God.
I killed him! My only friend and I killed him, it's my fault! Wickham, what happened here? Denny! He's drunk.
It's my fault.
Over here! It's a pistol.
It's been fired.
Whoa there Whoa.
Stand by that door and do not open it.
Yes, sir.
Get ready to carry the Captain inside.
You can tell Lydia her husband is alive, although in no fit state to be seen.
Captain Denny is dead.
Shot? We don't know yet.
Where do you want the body? Gunroom.
Stoughton, help the colonel.
Yes, sir.
Step aside.
Dear God.
Ready? Follow me.
Alveston, help me with Wickham Of course.
Get up! Unhand me! I'm an officer of His Majesty's Army.
Darcy, what are we doing here? I'm taking you inside.
No, we have to go back.
Listen to me, Darcy, you don't understand.
There's a killer out there somewhere! Stand back! Get him, damn you! Before it's too late! Get Dr McFee.
You are not listeninglet go of me! Damn you! Are you all right? Good night, Henry.
Good night.
You can go to bed.
Wickham is sedated and asleep.
But if there's any trouble you can call on Dr McFee, he's in the library.
However, I now have to inform Hardcastle.
Hardcastle? Why? He's the nearest magistrate - I'm not allowed to deal with this myself.
Can't it wait until dawn? You're exhausted.
We have to be seen to be above suspicion in every possible way.
George Wickham's my brother, in the eyes of the law.
At least it's stopped raining.
You should have some coffee before you go.
Thank you.
Could it have been an accident? There was a lot of blood.
Do you think Wickham? My only concern now is to protect Pemberley and my family.
As for everything else, we have to let justice take its course.
Mr Darcy of Pemberley, sir.
Sir Selwyn.
Mr Darcy, after midnight.
A rare pleasure indeed.
Do you know Mr Darcy well? No, no, first impressions are not encouraging.
I'm afraid I'm not the man to dissuade you from that view.
I've suffered greatly at Mr Darcy's hands.
In what way? We grew up in the same house.
His father had a real affection for me and treated me as one of his own.
When he died, he wanted me provided with a living .
and Mr Darcy chose to ignore his wishes.
The living went elsewhere.
Why would he be so unkind? I can only think it was jealousy.
Of your charm and popularity, I'm sure.
Of his father's affection for me, perhaps.
All of Hertfordshire is disgusted with his arrogance and pride.
I can manage this, madam.
Do go and get some rest.
Everything will be all right.
Will it? The man brings nothing but mischief and misery in his wake.
There's a sad inevitability to the way George Wickham has ended up.
I don't know what you mean.
Come now, you know it was widely thought a strange weakness on your father's part to indulge a steward's boy the way he did.
I don't have to justify my father.
He was a good man, and he saw promise in the boy.
False hopes, Darcy, false hopes.
We raise people above their natural station in life at our peril.
What happened to George Wickham was not inevitable.
He was given opportunities.
He chose to squander them.
Really? His marriage to your wife's sister has placed him squarely and permanently in your life.
I'd call that a hand well played.
I fail to see the relevance.
Oh, but your position is a most delicate one.
A murder, if murder it is, has been committed on your property, and the person responsible could be none other than a brother of yours.
I'll need a medical man to help me inspect the body.
Yes, Dr McFee's already with us.
Buckle, fetch Headborough Brownrigg and tell him to gather some constables, quickly now.
Yes, sir.
Let's get to work.
Mrs Darcy, I must apologise for the lateness of the hour.
Thank you for coming out.
Our guests are trying to get what rest they can.
Is Captain Denny on the premises? Yes, we put him in the gunroom.
It seemed the best place.
And Wickham is still asleep, I take it? Yes.
Is he the only suspect? No-one else has been apprehended? No, although gunshots were heard, it is possible Denny stumbled across an army deserter, or a poacher.
Ah, poachers.
We're on delicate ground there.
Well, perhaps we should prepare some warm water and towels.
And more candles in case we need them.
Madam? Yes, of course.
Sorry, it must be the shock.
This way, please.
Headborough Brownrigg and er Constable Mason, sir, madam.
With your permission, Darcy, it may be necessary to conduct a search of the grounds but first, if I may The suspect.
Yes, of course.
Mrs Reynolds? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, madam.
It's It's just that the Hardcastles aren't much liked at Pemberley.
Better fetch everything he asked for.
Someone's washed his face.
That's tampering with the investigation.
I take full responsibility for anything that's happened under my roof.
And I for everything in this room.
That's very gallant of you both but I think I know a woman's touch when I see one.
Minor scratches to the face and hands, probably er .
brambles Most of the blood on him will have been Denny's.
Dr McFee, have your clever medical men found a way of telling one man's blood from another's? We don't set out to be gods, Sir Selwyn.
Indeed Now, if you please The dead man.
Mason, you wait here.
This is not work of a bullet - the wound's too superficial.
He's been hit with something hard, possibly round in shape.
Like a cosh.
The effusion of blood would've temporarily blinded him, but it's not the cause of death.
Turn him over.
Good God! There you have it, gentlemen.
The cause of death.
Did you find him on his back? Yes.
It's the first time I've seen this.
Something very large and heavy, I'd say, probably blunt-edged.
The stock of a shotgun? No, not big enough.
To do this takes a mighty blow, delivered with vicious force.
So, it would appear the assailant hit him first on the forehead then moved in for the death blow with a heavier second weapon.
If gunfire didn't kill him, who fired the shots? Denny himself, perhaps, trying to target his attacker.
I know there's been discord between our families, but let me say how sorry I am for the darkness visited upon Pemberley tonight.
Thank you.
The security of England depends on gentlemen being allowed to live peaceably in their homes as decent landlords and masters.
If the aristocrats of France had followed our example, they wouldn't have found themselves severed at the neck.
What news? Perhaps we should spare the ladies.
Denny was murdered.
Forgive me, Sir Selwyn, my wife and I have no secrets.
How terrible I shall need to interview Wickham as soon as he wakes, if you could accommodate me until then? Of course.
An armchair and a fire would suffice.
This way, please, sir.
What did Hardcastle mean when hehe referred to poachers? When I was a boy, a Pemberley lad called Patrick Reilly poached a deer from Hardcastle's father's land.
Poaching's a serious offence, but Reilly was just a boy.
Everyone expected him to be released with a fine and a reprimand.
But Hardcastle Senior pressed for the ultimate punishment.
I'll never forget the day they hanged him.
Wickham and I were under 'strict orders not to leave the house 'but we found a way out and found a way there.
' Get lost.
Darcy, I know another way.
His mother, naturally, was inconsolable.
A few weeks later she went into Pemberley woods and killed herself.
Darcy, I'm so sorry.
And now there's this foolish superstition that her ghost appears in the woods every time misfortune's about to strike.
Mrs Reilly's ghost! Yes.
No No Two servant girls, Betsy and Joan, ran into the kitchen yesterday saying they'd seen her in the woods.
It's nonsense.
No, I know But if it was the same woman I saw, she was flesh and blood.
Perhaps she had something to do with all this.
Sir, madam, you'd best come to the house.
Why can't I see him?! What's the matter with everyone?! The magistrate needs to speak to him when he wakes.
Magistrate? What do you mean? He didn't do anything.
You've always been against him, all of you, it's so unfair.
This is your fault.
If you'd invited us to the ball like any decent sister would instead of forcing us to creep through forests, none of this would've happened.
Denny would be alive.
Lydia, please What was all that noise? What was that noise? It was Auntie Lydia.
Wasn't it, wasn't it? Sir, Mr Wickham is awake.
Go back to bed, good boy.
Are they going to hang him? Oh, God They just want to question him, that's all.
He may be their only witness.
I didn't do this.
So they don't think he did it? We must try to remain calm, Lydia, and allow them to do their work.
Perhaps you should eat something.
Don't be ridiculous, I couldn't possibly.
And we had to stay at that nasty old inn.
I know why you're so mean with your cheques, Lizzie, you're jealous.
Stuck here in your mouldy old mansion while we have all the fun.
Oh, Wickham.
We can talk about it all in good time.
Perhaps a little something Dr McFee would recommend it.
He suggested you build up your strength.
I have absolutely no appetite.
It felt like an eternity, but it can't have been more than ten minutes.
When I found him .
I could see someone fleeing through the trees, so I .
grabbed Denny's pistol and fired.
But he had vanished.
And then? I realised he was in a terrible state.
So I reloaded and fired again for help.
And then he was He was gone.
Have you found the assailant? At the present time, our one suspect is yourself.
Why would I kill him? He was the only real friend I had.
My God! I was bringing my wife to a ball.
Tell us about that.
She was angry at not being invited, and I knew that if we arrived late enough, Darcy would never turn her away.
But when Denny heard my plan, he seemed to find it .
It's been deceit from start to finish with you, you're selfish, utterly selfish.
You know nothing, do you, of women or how they truly feel 'We argued.
' We'd both been drinking.
And I was angrier than I should've been.
Then he stormed off.
That's it, that's what happened.
He must've come across someone in the woods.
There is a murderer out there somewhere.
And you You're wasting time.
Georgiana, you must've hardly slept.
I'm so sorry you had to see Wickham.
It must've brought back terrible memories.
I was never actually in love with him.
It was a .
a childishattraction.
And loneliness perhaps.
He certainly never loved me.
I always knew it was the money he was interested in.
I'd never would have eloped with him, you do believe that? Of course.
It's just I'm not so sure that my brother does.
Every time I try and talk to him about it, I can see howhow uncomfortable he becomes.
It's a difficult subject, that's all.
He must be horrified at how close I came.
I'm horrified! His anger is entirely for Wickham.
You were only 15, Georgiana.
I myself know how .
convincing he can be.
Let's all of us hope he'll be out of our lives again soon.
Hardcastle will want alibis for everyone.
We were all together last night, of course, except for you, Colonel, and your night-time excursion.
I'm sure you'll be able to offer him a full explanation as to where you went.
I will.
No doubt you have access to the best lawyers, sir, but if I can be of any help What's your immediate advice? Given that you both know him, it might be useful to discuss Wickham's character.
Do you think him capable of such a crime? In the past, I have known him to be envious, deceitful and ungrateful.
But violent? No.
I understand he fought with you in the Irish campaign of '98? He did, and bravely.
Part of the charge on French lines.
It was bloody work.
I imagine such fighting could corrupt even the most peace-loving of men.
There is nothing corrupt about serving your King and country, you fool.
What about his defence? Well, there's no motive as yet.
One thing I can't quite fathom is why Denny ran off deep into the wood.
Why not just head back on the road? It's odd.
"He's dead, Denny's dead, I killed him, it's my fault.
" You want to know what he said? He said, "He's dead, my best friend's dead, and it's my fault, "I killed him.
" Something like that.
"I killed him! "My only friend and I killed him, it's my fault!" You're sure? Yes, but I am convinced it was his guilt speaking, he felt responsible purely because of their argument.
Thank you, I believe we have our man.
Did you find a murder weapon? No.
Well, then, what proof? Firstly, a confession.
I'm a simple man, Darcy, I don't go searching for complications where there are none.
When confronted with the misdeed, Wickham confessed.
We have three witnesses to the fact.
His denials in the cold light of day are entirely to be expected.
Secondly, this.
30 pounds found in the rim of Wickham's hat, stuffed in a corner of the carriage.
If this money proves to be Denny's, we have a motive.
Wickham may be many things, he's no common thief.
I'm taking him into custody and charging him with the crime.
There'll be an inquest, and probably a trial.
Prepare yourself, Darcy.
If he's found guilty, you know the outcome.
What do you mean they're taking him away? Wickham! What's happening? Where are they taking him? Wickham! Wickham! Please let go of him.
Lydia Please let go of him.
You said they just wanted to question him.
Please Please let go of him.
Let go of him! Wickham! Have a seat.
Get off! Wickham, please.
Let go of him! Wickham, please! You must come away.
Drive on! Darcy Pemberley has weathered many a storm in its long history, and this one too will pass.
Everything we do now has to send out a signal that life at Pemberley carries on as it always has.
This place, this family, was not sustained or built by people doing what they want.
It's bigger than you or I.
I didn't intend that you should see this.
He's my sweetheart.
Louisa! I could! Kill me? We both have reasons to keep quiet, don't we? We discussed this, Darcy.
We agreed! I didn't do it, you know.
I believe you.

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