Freddy's Nightmares (1988) s01e01 Episode Script

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Good evening.
Police continue to hunt for the murderers on elderly couple found slain in their home one month ago.
Police believe there is no connection in that case and the bizarre triple slaying of three people found near that same location.
In local news two were killed and four were wounded when local bank robbers began treatening hostages-- What? No, no, no! Don't be afraid! This time it isn't one of your nightmares.
This one was mine.
Where the hell are we? Ah.
We're coming to you live from outside the Springwood municiple courthouse.
This is the scene of the pretrail hearing of accused mass murderer, Fred Kruger.
The hopes and fears of this terrorised community rides on the evidence produced by the prosecutor, Michael Deets.
Victim No.
5, eight year old, Virginia Croft, this is how she looked when we found her.
And her four year old brother, Michael.
He was found in this dumpter a block away from his home.
Victim No.
7, 6 year old Bobby Doyle.
We were able to identify him through his dental records.
Do you have any closing remarks? Those slides are the only remarks.
They speak for themselves.
Save for the thanks that I and this community have for Leiutenant Blocker who finally apprechended this unholy abberation.
Objection, you honour! Excuse me.
Alleged unholy abberation.
Do not forget, if not for Leiutenant Blocker, his own children would be pictures on those slides, instead of sitting with his father today.
Attorney for the defense.
Do you wish to present evidence for remission? I do, your honour.
I have but one exhibit.
Due to new evidence.
I've just been made aware of, I move for dismissal of the case.
I protest your honour.
You're out of order Mr Deets.
Counsel, approach the bench.
The evidence presented to this court was obtained during an illegal arrest.
Not in compliance with a Supreme Court Riling on the rights of the accused.
With great regret, I must grant the defences motion to dismiss the case.
Your honour, this man cannot be allowed to walk free.
Then he should have been read his rights at the time of arrest.
I'm as sorry as you.
But the law is the law.
If procedure has been followed this couldn't have happened.
Courts adjourned.
This is your fault! Your screwed up and now he's free! It's on your head! Excuse me.
Where'd the hell did he go? After more children.
This isn't over.
Not by a long shot.
Those slides.
Brings it all back.
Two years of hunting, chasing shadows, and for what? Look at them.
Look at what he did to Merritt.
She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep.
Nothing resembling a normal life.
He took it.
And I couldn't stop him.
- Daddy? - What, baby? Will Freddy be back? You know, I almost shot him, Sarah.
So help me when I saw him near the girls I almost pulled the trigger.
So what stopped you? I don't want to hear about Justice.
That bastard took my little girl.
You know, Mike, I had this funny idea the law was designed to protect us.
I've given my life to the law.
I've always believed in it.
Until today.
And if it fails like today? Well then, it's our responsibility to be our own law.
Now, wait a minute.
Are you suggesting we all become a lynch mob, Michael? I'm all for giving a man a fair trial.
But the stinking system wouldn't even let us get that far.
We take it from here.
Are you with me? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Yeah, let's go! Ah, together again.
Are you ready for Freddy? Patience, tonight we'll have a little party.
Time to feed you some meat! Oh, don't worry, there'll be will plenty to go around.
Freddy's home! Tim.
Remember why we came here, remember New York.
Remember um, 18 locks on the door, armed guards in schools.
Pushers, junkies, bums, everything immeginable on the streets except decent people.
Sarah, don't.
Oh, but here we are in the land of white picket fences and PTA meetings.
Mostly what we wanted was a decent life for us and the girls.
You think I didn't want that? What are you like them, you think this is my fault? All I'm saying is that maniac is still hose on the streets.
When I saw what he was about to do to our girls, I was too crazy to remember every stupid detail.
I know his rights.
What about Lisa's rights.
What about Merritt's right.
She hasn't been the same since this happened.
Where do you think you're going? To the station to check security.
You'll be okay, I'll send a man by to keep watch.
Daddy, you can't kill Freddy.
You'll only make it worse.
Well, what about a street? Alright, okay, thanks a lot.
Well, all units report a great big negative on any Freddy sightings tonight.
He's laying low.
He knows we're watching.
Well, we're not the only ones.
What's that mean? It's just that a couple of parents don't feel like waiting for Freddy to show up.
They're gonna find him.
Right, it's just what we need right now.
A bunch of vigilantees.
Hell, Tim, I'm just a little bit surprised that you are not out there with them.
You know, I came here because I thought one man can make a difference and he can, by upholding the law, not by breaking it.
Well sometimes you've got to bend it a little bit.
What, like them out there? No.
I know the law.
I know where it begins and I know where it ends.
Do you? Yeah, chief.
Good, well take a unit and start patrolling.
And radio in if you spot any concerned citizens.
You got it.
God, I hate hick towns! You must be starving.
Shout if you need anything else.
That guard won't do any good.
Please not in front of your sister.
Mum, she knows better than all of us.
Lisa, stop.
Over here! Good God! Well, he's not here now.
This is Mary's.
My Mary.
Agh! He's not here.
That means he's in town.
Unit 2 to base.
Yeah, what's up? Yeah, Tim, I think I just spotted our citizen's committee heading into town.
That's all I need.
Their interferance.
Unit 3, this is base.
Hey, Lou.
Lou? Lou, come in.
Lou, do read me? This night never ends.
Lou? Are you here? Lou? Are you here? He's out there now.
Relax, your father's going to be home soon.
Everything's going to be fine.
He's here.
I feel him.
Look, you're getting her all upset.
He's come for us.
Please stop it.
I can't take this anymore.
Enough about Fred Kruger.
Hurry up! Go around the other side.
He's picking up where he left off.
Run around back.
What the hell going on here? Evening, Tim.
What are you doing? Where's doing what you should have done? You listen.
I'm going to him.
I'm going to do clean and by the back.
We're way past your book, Leiutenant.
You okay? Everything alright? Nothing.
Go inside and lock the door.
Freddy was here.
Honey, go back inside with your sister.
I'm coming soon.
It's alright.
Sarah, you know where the gun is.
Stay inside until I get back.
Sarah, stay with the girls.
Be careful.
Lou? You think you was going to get rid of me? Look.
Go ahead.
Put the gun down.
Take him now while I've got got the chance.
Drop the gun.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Drop the gun.
Whose side are you on, anyway? Yours.
Do all of you want to be on the same level a this piece of dirt? Doc, look at you.
You're a dentist, not an excutioner.
I've got a right to remain at large, cop, I've got a right to remain silent.
Ha ha ha! Are you listening.
I'm taking him in clean and legal.
Anybody that gets in the way can come along.
In handcuffs.
Hey cop, you've got pretty little girls.
Shut up! We uh, we got interrupted before I could get to know 'em.
They'll like me a lot better next time.
Next time? Let me kill him! I am forever.
The law is the law.
But tonight the law is on vacation.
That's it! Pour it over me.
I'm thirty.
You missed a spot.
Ha ha! Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, pig, I'd rather burn than fade away.
I'll be back! I'm free, free, freeeeeeeeee! We're all in this together.
The rest of the town knows nothing, understood? You did the only thing a man could do.
That was then.
This is now.
Springwood's nightmares are just beginning! Ha ha! Agh! It's another bad dream.
I can't save them.
Ever since that night.
Listen to me.
You didn't kill a person.
You killed some mindless evil thing.
The law doesn't care about the difference between the two.
Well, I do.
We all do.
You're a cop.
You killed Fred Kruger.
You were protecting our daughters.
The real nightmare is over.
We can handle a few bad dreams.
Okay now.
You watch your sister, Merritt? Baby? Don't worry about anything.
Look, if she has any problems, call me, I'll come pick her up.
Don't worry about the other kids, okay.
They'll understand.
Is she mad at me about anything? No, Daddy.
You know how she is.
She sees the school counsellor.
Twice a week and she says she's getting better.
Forgetting about Freddy.
Once more I'm coming for you.
Come on, Merritt.
Hey, we're going to have guests.
What? The F.
They think they can tie our boy Freddy into killings all across the state.
They're coming down here? Our troubles are over, Tim.
They feel bad about Freddy getting off.
The mistrial and all.
They're gonna help us find him.
It's only a matter of time now.
They're not going to find him.
Oh hell, Tim.
These guys are pros.
Not alive that is.
What are you talking about? A bunch of us.
Deets, the doc, some other parents tracked him back to his boiler room.
Cornered him.
We burned him alive.
I threw the match.
Hell Tim, nobody's going to blame you in this town.
Maybe not, but the Fed's won't be so forgiving.
I killed a man in cold blood, Gene.
What are you so worried about the Fed's for? So they find a body, so what.
No-one's going to talk.
Springwood's too small, somebody will crack.
Somebody always cracks.
When they do, I'm history.
Not if there isn't anybody to find.
I'll go to the power plant.
I'll take care of the body.
Hide it good.
Leave that to me, Tim.
You're not a criminal, you're a hero.
You're covered as of now.
Damn it! Gene to Tim over.
Yeah, I'm here, Gene, go ahead.
Tim, ah, a couple of our boys just discovered a body over at the power plant.
I thought you were going to take care of that.
I did, Tim, I swear.
Then, whose body did they find? I came up here after we talked.
I found the body right where you said.
I hid it over here.
I even welded the damn thing shut.
Let's open it up! Oh, Tim! Open it up! Getting ready to take the body out right now.
It can't be Kruger.
It just can't.
Gene, came down here before, took the body and hid it.
Now it's missing.
Kruger couldn't have just walked back here.
Wait, we've got worse problems.
We need to have a meeting with everybody that was here.
You, me, Deets, all the others.
The FBI is coming to town.
- What? - Yeah, that's right.
So we'd better have our story straight before they get here, especialy if Kruger turns up dead before they get a chance to look.
We'll have a meeting at my office tomorrow.
You tell the others.
They're bringing out the body.
Alright, thanks.
Oh, my God, Deets! What the hell was he doing here? He must have cracked.
Came back here.
I hate to admit it, but I'm kinda relieved.
I'm not, we're still missing one body.
Give me this.
Ow! What's the matter, tooth problem? Come on by the office tomorrow, I'll take care of it.
Tim, look.
Honey, are you alright? It's all coming apart, Sarah.
The town, the people, me.
Tim, you're not a murderer.
What was Deet's doing at the murder site.
Are you blaming yourself for Deets, is that what this is all about? Maybe he went up to check on the body, to get rid of it, but I'd already taken care of that.
I had Gene hide it.
When Deet's found it missing, maybe he freaked, had a heart attack.
Honey, you can't really believe that.
It's the only sane explanation.
Right now I need sane, bad.
Tim, come on.
Tim, relax, honey, it's going to be okay.
Tell that to the FBI.
I'd rather tell it to you.
Just relax, come on, don't worry.
Hey, I did the town a favour.
Everyone says so.
I was protecting my girls.
Listen to me.
This isn't fair! Open wide.
Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Nooooo! I know what's real.
Leave me alone! Not another dream! Daddy, are you alright? Merritt, baby, Daddy's just been having a little trouble these days, alright.
She talks about it, Daddy.
She talks? In her sleep, when she can sleep.
What does she say? Mostly she says his name, over and over.
Told me you killed him, told me you killed him.
Who told you.
Who have you been talking to in this town? No-one, Daddy, really.
Answer me! Freddy, he's back! In my dreams and yours! Bell rings.
I'll get it.
Girls, your ride's here.
Come on, Merritt.
Let's go! Come on, Merritt, come on.
We have to leave.
To go where? To leave town.
Leave Springwood.
We have to.
Time, we have a life here, you know.
We need to get out.
Before he gets both of the girls.
Look, you're scaring me.
Even New York is safe compared to Springwood.
At least there you see them coming.
We'll go back, lock ourselves in.
We'll be safe again.
Will you stop it! I'll call a meeting.
Tell the others to do the same.
When I get back, be ready to leave.
Tim, Tim.
Freddy's poisoned this place.
He owns it.
What's the matter with him? What's the matter with him? So, Lieutenant Blocker, you finally made it here.
Doc told me about that chipped tooth.
Oh, that's not why I am here.
Can you get the Doc for me? Sure, have a seat.
You ready to go? Yeah.
Here Block, just let me have another look at the tooth.
No, we don't have time.
It's just a temporary seal.
5 mins and we're out of here.
Alright, just make it quick.
You got it.
Just go down there, last door on the right, Maryanne will be there in a minute to get you ready.
Sarah told me where to find you.
She called the office all upset.
What are you talking about? Leaving town, quitting.
It's not use anymore, Gene.
As soon as the Feds turns up I'm dead.
The Feds? Who said anything about the Feds.
Who said anything about the Feds? What are you playing with me? You did.
You told me yesterday the FBI is coming in to nail Kruger.
Take it easy, Tim, I hid the body just like you said.
Everything's fine.
Kruger's body is gone.
You saw.
We opened the trunk.
Yes, I saw.
I saw the trunk welded shut.
That body is going nowhere.
I'm losing it, Gene, I'm coming it.
Take it easy, Tim, You're just stressed out.
Everything's fine.
You'll forget about it in two weeks.
This is all behind you, Tim.
Okay, Buddy.
I see you're in good hands.
I'll check on you later.
Doc will be in in just a second.
This will relax you.
You know, this gas, let's me see through your clothes.
It's just the nitrous taking effect.
Boy, it really is painless.
Now for the sodium pentathol.
Getting the works, huh.
Oh, you deserve it, Lieutenant.
Now I want you to count backwards from 10.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 1, 2, Freddy's coming for you 3, 4, better lock your door All those teeth.
I'm afraid they'll all have to go.
Tell Freddy when it doesn't hurt.
- You're dead! - Big deal! Noooo! Agh! Now there's a smile every mother could love! What happened? He must have had some reaction to the gas.
Oh, God! Sweet dreams! Whose next, you? Or maybe you? How about one of you? Captioned by Grantman Brown