Freedom Fighters: The Ray (2017) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode One

MAN: (ON SPEAKER) People of Tulsa, this is your last warning.
Turn over your undesirables and we will leave your city standing.
Resist, and we will destroy everything you hold dear.
This is your final warning.
People of Tulsa, - this is your last warning.
- Stay back.
Turn over your undesirables, and we will leave your city standing.
- On my signal.
- Resist, and we will destroy everything you hold dear.
- Move, move! - This is your final warning.
- Get this.
There's no where to run.
- (MACHINE GUN FIRING) Your heroes won't save you.
Mommy, it's the Ray.
The Freedom Fighters are here.
The Rikers, the refugees on the run, and they're heading this way.
Hold the line here.
We need to give them a chance to make it to safety.
Get airborne, gentlemen.
(INTENSE MUSIC PLAYING) (MACHINE GUN FIRING) We'll make those Nazi scum see the dark.
Just what I was thinking.
MAN: What the hell just happened? I can't see anything.
PHANTOM LADY: Can you see this? (GRUNTS) Oh, it looks like they've had enough for today.
Good work, Phantom Lady.
RAY: Scratch one tank.
RED TORNADO: It's not like the Reich to give up so quickly.
It sucks, I wanted to punch more Nazis.
Don't worry.
There's plenty more where that came from.
(RUMBLING) That's not good.
Super not good.
I calculate decent odds for the five of us against Overgirl.
Unless, she brought friends.
You just had to say that.
Looks like the whole gang is here.
Come on, we have to give the refugees cover.
Next Episode