Halfworlds (2015) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

1 Leave or die, mortal! -You go.
Immediately! Order of Dzhuragan.
-Nobody listens death.
And others you think so? Dzhuragan sends greetings.
Long ago gods lived on earth.
called her children from the embers of creation.
They were known as the Demi.
Each tribe bearing the mark of its creator.
And that way while the worlds people and Demi gathered.
Demi hunted beasts, who endangered people.
And become the guardians of the land.
Humanity praised Demi as protectors.
And Demi and people lived in peace.
But that was before the time of the gift, before the Worlds Demi and People be halved.
After the gift people were taken demons and cursed them by name.
Genderuvo - monster, cursed to eat flesh.
Kuntilanak - bloodthirsty female demon.
Palasik - nightmare, who eats innocent.
Tuyuli - evil creatures, who steal and kill.
And banaspati - Demons with flaming heads.
Little Demi survived.
This is our story Halfworlds Sarah! Hello.
Today I have new drawings.
I do not want your money.
This is blackmail.
Let's see.
Maybe not this Where is it? How about this? Do you know her? Here you go.
-Thanks, Eddie.
Why do not you get a job? I was going to do, if I did not have a police record.
-Thanks, Eddie! It was selected.
The rain creates the best music.
Are not you afraid, the roof will fall on your head? I do not pay rent and I have no right to complain.
I do not even know who the owner of the building, right? No.
It sounds awful.
Do that! The audience will love you.
-What if I screwed up? I'll play in front of that damn mafia.
It's hard to satisfy them for the first time will play there.
I'm not even What are you doing? Nothing.
Looking napkin.
Obviously you will cry like a baby in my bed.
Well, it is.
I complained as dribbler.
In the orphanage beat children like you.
You're lucky I'll spare.
What are you doing? Stop.
And you're great.
-Yeah, but You are my idol.
I'm ready.
Do you? -50.
right? No, no need to pay me.
I insist.
-No, I was delighted.
Your parents probably proud of you.
If you were alive, would look like you.
REFAN! Are you finished work? -Yes.
Very early.
-Wu slept to get out.
Do you eat breakfast? -Of course not.
It is they drew breakfast? -Nobody does it.
You do not deserve such treatment! -That's my job.
And she was pregnant.
Hello, Marlon, my friend! How's it going? -He tried to catch me on the ass.
tattooing "perverted" of his penis.
"dirty bastard".
-It will not fit.
What things on TV! This is old information.
I'll turn it off.
Pay you current? -Yes, yesterday.
-Will you come tonight at the club? I took him the first guitar lesson.
Done! -Looks like? See with your own eyes.
I can not wait to show it to your friends.
Many will like it.
Tuyulite out of the shadows, as last time.
The gift stand.
We are the oldest and have a great responsibility.
Especially when it comes to the survival of our species.
This time we will not make a mistake.
We agreed, Firad that will receive the gift.
The priest Dzhuragan lately you can not maintain balance.
We need a more capable person, so to speak.
No offense.
Firad is loyal to our kind of hundreds of years.
He is a worker, not a politician.
In hard times, like this, we need a politician.
We all know, after that last gift we can not have heirs.
If you die, everything ends.
What you suggest to get a gift Gorga? You know? We know what we do to survive.
And what aim now.
Firad! When the time comes, you have to show this character.
13 days to receipt of the gift.
What happened? This morning we found Eddie dead.
Split is.
Do not tell anyone because you will chase your customers.
​​Thank you.
Tonight is special for me.
In the audience there are people, to me very expensive.
I want to dedicate the next song girlfriend.
It is the first line.
shake people! This song is for you.
One, two, three, four! Any new paintings? You could say.
Most of the wall.
What is it? I do not know, I can not stop to paint.
It's been 17 years.
You have to reconcile.
I know, but I think our murder nothing to do with the riots.
I saw something, but my memories are sparse.
Give me the folder.
Who is he? Hello! -Hi.
How did it go? -Very well.
Okay, I'm leaving! -Stay.
What do I do here? You do not have TV.
-Watch us.
Shut up! Do not listen.
Stay still early.
Bye! -Pi! Well Goodnight! Bye, Pi! Hello! How are you? -Good.
Why do you ask? Do you have many customers? You want to go? No, I'll be working late.
Until very late.
Are you sure you're okay? -Yes, thank you.
I'll see you tomorrow? -With Chalky you will go? No, he will work until late.
Are you really okay? You're acting strange.
I'm nothing! -Okay.
See you later.
-Or tomorrow.
How dare you come here? I'm here to stop gift.
Gorga said -Come here! REFAN? My baby Help! Help! Nothing.
Let's go.
HDTVRip by 5rFF Translation ANNA DELCHEVA
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