He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

The Sword of Grayskull

1 [exciting music plays.]
[electronic chirping.]
We should've done this ourselves.
We know the king's palace better than your patsy does.
[shimmering tone.]
Teela hasn't failed us yet.
She'll find what we seek.
With that sword, the Power of Grayskull will soon be ours.
[dramatic music plays.]
[footsteps tapping.]
How's the nation of Eternos this evening? Quiet as a shadow, King Randor.
Never trust shadows, General.
[engines whirring.]
[suspenseful music plays.]
[engine thrumming.]
[shimmering tone.]
You catch that game of modulok? No, modulok's too complicated.
Running on your hands and passing with your feet? [sucks teeth.]
No, thank you.
[shimmering tone.]
I'll take it from here, Soldier.
Of course, General Dolos.
I'll take it from here, Soldier.
Evelyn better pay me this time.
[electronic whirring.]
Oh, come on! [dramatic music plays.]
'Word witch didn't say there'd be this many to choose from.
- Okay.
- [knuckles crack.]
Which one of you is gonna give me that trademark Teela Grayskull tingle? Hmm.
I've been contracted to go through all this trouble to steal a [woman's voice echoing.]
Sword, Eternia, Grayskull, secrets, Eternia, Power, Masters of the Universe, Masters of the Universe.
That was way more than a tingle.
Drop the sword! I'll just put it right here.
Did she just continue to steal? Sorry.
I just needed my hands free to do this.
Oh, no! How will we ever grab our swords with our other hands? Oh, sorry.
My thumb stuck.
Able to do this! [both grunting.]
Oh, yeah, much better.
Somebody stop her! - You! Halt! - [blasters firing.]
Get her now! Go! Go! Get her! [alarm blaring.]
Ah-ha-ha, one of my legs fell asleep, sorry.
Must you have brought your apprentice along? [soldier.]
You! Halt! [blasters firing.]
[engines whirring.]
Duncan didn't bring the Royal Guard to the extraction point.
Just sayin'.
[blasters firing.]
Incoming! [explosion, glass shatters.]
[tense music plays.]
[blasters firing.]
What an unfortunate turn of events for them.
No! They're just doing their jobs! [blaster firing.]
Hachaos! Give me the sword, Hand Witch.
[woman's voice echoing.]
That sword does not belong to her.
Start the engine, kid.
This is a bust.
We're on our way to you.
The sword is right there.
Our key to universal unstoppable power is right there! [groans.]
We don't gotta find the sword again, just the girl.
Let's move.
[engines whirring.]
[woman's voice echoing.]
Bring the sword to the champion.
What champion? I have the Power! [singer.]
The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul The Power is ours Hey, we'll find our purpose 'Cause we know we're worth it And we'll be remembered We are the defenders, defenders - Oh - We fight for the win We fight till the end - We fight for the win - The Power is ours It's in our soul [dramatic percussive [music plays.]
[cat meows.]
Hang in there, Kitty.
I've got you.
Just crawl onto my shoulders and we can both go home.
What do you mean, no? I don't want us to fall.
We won't fall.
We won't fall if you get on my shoulders right now.
Did you, like, eat rocks today? I thought they were potatoes.
Did they taste like potatoes? [Kitty.]
I've never had a potato before.
- [grunts.]
- How am I supposed to know? [grunts.]
You jump the rest of the way.
What about you? I'll be fine.
[dramatic music plays.]
[wings fluttering.]
- No.
- Dragonfly.
No, don't do it.
Dragonfly! [both scream.]
[man panting.]
Adam, are you two done yet? Or do you wanna hang out some more? How long have you been there? Long enough to work on that joke.
Thought it might defuse the tension.
Way to take my mind off of imminent death, Krass.
What are best friends for? [Adam grunts.]
You weren't on tracker duty today.
What are you doing out here? Cringer's missing, and this part of the woods has the best snacks for grabbing, so I figured why not start looking for him here? Wait, did you just say Cringer was missing? Kitty, did you come out here looking for your uncle? Maybe.
He said he wanted to go hunting again.
Puh! He can't hunt without claws.
Try telling him that.
[poacher bot 1.]
- [snarls.]
- Push.
Release me, or incur the wrath of my tribe, you Beastopoid brutes.
[poacher bot 1.]
Quarry talks like it is people.
[poacher bot 2.]
Quarry talks like we are people.
Don't you poachers want more from life than caging and hurting animals? Why not rise up against your keeper? Try living for yourselves.
[electronic whirring.]
[poacher bot 1.]
Initiate capture.
- [electricity zapping.]
- [snarling.]
An uprising would displease our keeper.
Query for quarry: what happened to you when last you displeased our keeper? [snarls.]
Fair point, my subservient captors.
[motor rumbling.]
[poacher bot 2.]
R'qazz will be most pleased to have you back in the fight pit.
[poacher bot 1.]
He may add your skull to his trophy belt after your loss.
[both laugh.]
Oh, what an honor.
[engine whooshing.]
[tense music plays.]
[both grunt.]
Let me at those circuit brains.
No time for the bots.
We gotta spring Cringer.
I knew you'd come for me.
We needed a faster ride home anyway.
Stand back.
Hang on! [poacher bot 1.]
Initiate stowaway protocol.
[engine whirring.]
[Krass grunts.]
[Adam grunts.]
[exciting music plays.]
[Krass grunts.]
Great plan! Now what? You up for a game of ram-ball? [gasps.]
I'm wearing my helmet, ain't I? Adam of the Tiger Tribe risks it all to send Krass to the net.
Will she make the [sighs.]
Have I mentioned how much I hate this game? goal? [shouts, laughs.]
Ow! Whoa! [engine roaring.]
[dull crash.]
[dramatic music plays.]
[electronic whirring.]
Who's a good cub? [laughs.]
Happy to see you too.
But hug me any tighter, and I'll let them keep you next time.
What happened to Krass? Tiger Tribe for the win! Cringer, next time you feel like taking on some Beastopoids, let us know, huh? Now, where would the fun in that be? Tiger Tribe forever? [both.]
Tiger Tribe forever.
[wings fluttering.]
Why would you go hunting alone again? Everyone in the tribe does their part.
Even without my claws, I'd like to still do mine.
Spoken like a true "Stripe.
" I don't need a special tattoo to be a part of the tribe.
You keep saying that, but I never see you leave.
Now, now, Krass'tine.
Every lost soul the tribe adopts gets their stripes when they so choose.
If Adam isn't ready to set aside his cuff and get his stripe, Adam isn't ready.
This is all I have from my life before.
What if whoever lost me doesn't recognize me without this? It's been ten years.
Ah, they probably stopped looking for you by now.
Whatever, helmet head.
[horn blaring.]
[majestic music plays.]
Kitty, what you doing? There's a lady in the tree.
Um, can we help you, tree lady? Uh, your village is full of cats.
I'm apparently afraid of cats.
Then why did you come out here to where the Tiger Tribe lives? [Teela.]
A voice in my head told me to.
Ask it how much it knows about cats being able to climb trees.
Why? [cats meowing.]
I got her! [whoosh, shimmering tone.]
Magic! [tense music plays.]
[engine whirring.]
[electricity crackles.]
- What if she got caught? - [Kronis.]
We'd know.
I've been listening to the Royal security channels.
Right, because of all the crime we're doing.
This is about revenge on the king, We're not not doing crime, though.
You find her yet? We're here.
[engines whooshing.]
Trahentium super revelare [Duncan.]
Is that an actual poacher ship? [scoffs.]
The sword doesn't want her found.
Think I can get these poacher bots up and running to hunt her scent.
Do it.
Find the traitorous whelp.
Apprentice, get to work.
[dramatic music plays.]
[shimmering tone.]
[indistinct whispering.]
Why aren't you afraid of magic like the rest of your people? To be clear, the cats don't like magic.
Why let yourself get captured? [shimmering tone.]
You wouldn't understand.
Oh, because I'm from the jungle and you're from the city? Believe me, you're from the city.
I am? Yeah, your accent sounds like you were born into an upper family.
Just count your lucky stars you're out here and not back in the house that Randor built.
You don't like the king? No one likes the king, especially at street level or below street level, which is where I usually am.
Randor won't do anything about all the poaching out here, so he's no friend of the tribe's either.
And now that we're done bonding, shouldn't you be getting back to doing whatever the voice in your head told you to? Like I said you wouldn't understand.
Try me.
[chewing noisily, gobbling.]
That isn't jealousy I smell [sniffs.]
is it? Oh, of course not.
Adam's like a brother to me.
I'm just worried he's gonna leave.
Some flashy magic wielder showing up isn't gonna help anything.
And it's a problem we can't solve by ramming it with your helmet, I assume.
Every problem can be solved by ramming it with my helmet.
We may have a different problem for you to ram.
So the voice in my head led me here to deliver a package.
To who? You don't happen to have any champions out here, do you? Being a champion is about defending those who can't defend themselves.
That was weird.
Where did that come from? [horn blaring.]
[unsettling music plays.]
[electronic whirring.]
Are those poacher bots? Give us the Witch.
[engines whirring.]
Do not move.
Tiger Tribe answers to no one! [grunting.]
[electronic whir.]
Technology! I need to protect the village.
[shimmering tone.]
[mysterious music plays.]
[neck cracks.]
We'll find the girl and the sword once everyone's dead.
Duncan, have the robots burn the village.
No, no, no, I I can't do that.
[tense music plays.]
[both grunt.]
[electronic whirring.]
- [flames whooshing.]
- [people screaming.]
[dramatic music plays.]
I'll run out first.
Then you get this as far from here as quickly as you can.
Hide it.
If I survive, my voice and I will come back for it.
[people screaming.]
We need water! Please [fire crackling.]
Fire! We need to save the village! [roars.]
[static crackles.]
Ah, thank you, kind stranger.
Talking tiger! [Krass screams.]
Whoa! Flying child! [crash, wood clattering.]
[Krass roars.]
Krass, stand down.
He saved me.
[people screaming.]
Hey, Evelyn.
There she is.
[engines whirring.]
They don't get to attack us and run without a fight.
Come on, Cringer.
[poacher bot.]
Do not run.
[metallic clang.]
Et subvertam eos! Et subvertam eos! Et subvertam eos! [groaning.]
Whoa! [grunting.]
Hang on.
I've got you.
Don't worry.
This is my favorite cliff.
I almost die here all the time.
I told you to get away from here.
[shimmering tone.]
[tense music plays.]
[Krass grunts.]
Get the real sword out of here.
I had a sword this whole time? [roars.]
[dramatic music plays.]
Hand it over, thief.
You want this? Come and get it.
[thrumming, zapping.]
[shimmering tone.]
[lightning crackling.]
[thunder booming.]
"By the Power of Grayskull, I have the Power"? [whooshing.]
[exciting music plays.]
[ground crunching.]
I have the Power! - What? - No! [roars.]
What? He's a man.
[engines whirring.]
[engine droning.]
[static crackling.]
The Power of Grayskull.
Will never be yours! [engines whirring.]
[thunder booming.]
[rain pattering.]
[dramatic music plays.]
The Power of Grayskull belongs to me! [thunder booming.]

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