Maryland (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Oh, God.
Hey. There you go.
Mol, phone.
I'm not at the Ivy.
Oi, lip!
Fancy a curry tonight, Bec?
Oh, yeah, please.
Woke up dreaming of a bhuna.
A midweek curry?
Fitting some lights
at the Queen's Head, Saturday.
That'll pay for it.
You need to switch it back on
when you do that.
MOLLY: I'm not going to school.
Molly, we spoke about this.
You've got school.
01632? Where's that?
Can I just check your dressing?
Ever had your boobs weighed?
No. Why?
When we were kids, you'd say,
"Have you ever had
your boobs weighed?"
And then pretend to "Wahey!"
It's a joke.
You're good to go.
Take paracetamol and apply
a cold compress if it gets sore.
Results in five to seven days.
Try to distract yourself.
This is not my first time
at the rodeo.
I'll call her back.
ROSALINE: 'I don't understand.'
No, neither do I.
She FaceTimed Lauren yesterday,
said she was in Wales.
What What was she doing
on the Isle of Man?
I mean, it can't be her.
'The police have sent you
those photos. It's
'Well, it's definitely Mum's stuff.
'What's Dad said?'
I don't know.
I couldn't get in touch with him.
'Neither could the police. That's
That's why they called me.'
Do you mean he doesn't know yet?
'No, I just rang you.'
Well, he needs telling.
I know he needs telling, Rosaline.
'Well, I'm 200 miles away, Becca.'
I can't do it over the phone.
'I know. I'll go round.'
They want us to ID the body.
Yes, Rosaline. There.
I called her phone. It just
It just rang out.
Hello, love.
What's up?
It's Mum.
Well Well, they can't be sure,
can they?
They can?
Well, they want us to
..identify the body.
Did you know that Mum
wasn't at the caravan in Wales
with Maureen?
But did they change their plans
for some reason?
No, no.
Did Mum say she was going
to the Isle of Man?
I don't know.
I'm sorry. This is all too
I'll book the flights.
You don't have to worry
about any arrangements.
I can't go.
I can't go there.
I'll make you a cup of tea.
You're only going for a few days.
Got shoes?
Er, yeah.
And you're gonna wear your trainers
on the plane, yeah? Mm-hm.
I can't leave your grandad
like this.
He's gonna be fine. Don't worry.
Why won't he go with you?
He said he wasn't able.
Are you ready?
Yeah, nearly.
Here, I'll do it.
Stay on top of Mol. Jim?
You've got to lay off her, Bec.
She's a teenager.
She just has her moments.
Being excluded from school's
quite a moment.
Listen, I'll call you
if I need anything.
What was your mum doing over there?
I don't know.
She was always with Dad or Maureen.
Maybe this time she just
took herself off on her own.
Why would me mum be on her own?
Dunno. Maybe they had a row.
Me mum and dad have never had
an argument in their lives.
You don't know what people get up to
behind closed doors.
You all right? Hey. You come here.
I thought I'd come and hear
from the horse's mouth
what's being omitted
from the tender.
There's a little thing
known as the World Wide Web.
I'll send it over later.
You need to leave, Nick.
It's not a good time.
No, it's always a good time.
My mum's just died.
Oh, shit.
I'm I'm sorry.
Er, that's, erm
Yeah, when when my gran died,
it was really bad.
Right. I'll, erm
..I'll go.
Thanks for sorting the tickets.
'This is the final boarding call
'for passengers
boarding flight 211 to Liverpool.'
Got new hair?
It's been like this an age.
How's Jim and the kids?
Oh, he's good, yeah.
And how's work?
Hello, ladies. Hi.
Yes, Nick?
Yeah, all right. Send it over.
I'll take a look.
Little holiday, is it?
Right, I can look at both
at the same time.
You know, send the one
with the amendment
and then the second one
Just here for family reasons.
How'd they get your phone number?
I'm a next of kin. And Dad is, too.
It's just easier cos I see 'em all.
And only cos you're in London.
No, thanks.
I called her friends,
Maureen and Elaine.
I just left messages.
I haven't heard back from them yet.
Well, call 'em again.
Oh. OK, yeah, I'll call them again,
shall I?
If you don't want
to do the ringing round, I'll do it.
Erm, ladies, we
we're just coming up
to the Fairy Bridge.
You'll have to say hello
to the fairies, otherwise
..bad luck, like. Ready?
Three, two, one.
Hello, fairies.
Whereabouts on Westmoreland Road
do you want?
Yeah, it's the mortuary.
Our mum has died.
Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm Detective Ian Quayle.
I'm the Coroner's Officer. We spoke.
That was me.
Do you know what happened to her?
Can we just get on with it?
Well, how did she die?
Was it a heart attack or?
I can answer any questions
once identification has taken place.
Oh, it's just straight ahead.
Oh, Mum.
QUAYLE: There was a cut
to the back of her head
that is consistent
with the way she fell.
But there will be a postmortem
to establish cause of death.
ROSALINE: How long will that take?
Erm, it could take up to ten days.
Will you be repatriating?
Of course.
How long was she on the beach
before she was found?
Not long at all, we don't think.
She was meeting a friend for a walk.
She had a friend here?
He found her. He said
they walked the beach most days.
Er, most days?
No, she's, erm
She sent me pictures
from just this week.
Erm, one from Manchester,
then Wales, another one in Wales.
Have you got any?
May I?
That's not Wales. That's here. Peel.
Why would she pretend
not to be here?
Can we talk to this friend?
His number's in the office.
Just a sec.
Oh, Dad.
I'll call him when we're done.
That's her bag.
That's his number. Pete Ribeiro.
He said we could pass it on to you.
And the address
of where she was staying.
Bayview House.
Is that Is that near?
Five or six miles.
A drive down the coast.
I'll forward you the number
for repatriation.
Thank you.
Is that it?
Er, thank you for your help.
If anything else comes up,
give either of us a call.
No, she We've just been told
that our mother was here,
and we didn't know.
Is that not weird to you?
I'm really sorry.
The Coroner's role is to establish
how, what's, when and where,
not why.
Well, maybe you should stick
"why" on the list.
Becca, as far as they're concerned,
she's just a woman
who went for a walk and died.
Oh. Just leave it.
What are we hoping to find?
It'll just be photos she's sent you.
She was pretending we're in Wales,
for whatever reason.
You don't wanna know
what she was doing here
and why she didn't tell us?
Not massively, no.
Wh? Because you've got
to get back to work?
No, because I don't like
picking at scabs.
Yes, you do.
Fine, right.
I like picking at scabs.
No, I mean, you want to know
the same way that I want to know.
You wanna know because
you don't like that you don't know.
What I want
is to sort out getting Mum home
and organising the funeral, OK?
And that's what I want, too.
Well, we're agreeing, then.
That isn't agreeing.
Shall we agree to disagree?
I'd rather agree to agree.
Everything all right in there?
Not fallen in?
JIM: 'All right, babe?'
Mol's a bit upset about your mum.
'Oh, get her to call me.'
Poor Mol. She loved Mum.
It was pretty awful earlier.
'Oh, I don't believe this!'
The washing machine's not drained.
All the clothes are
'sopping wet.
'Listen, I'm gonna have to go
and sort this.
'I'm so sorry, love.
I'll call you back.'
Yeah. Yeah, OK.
Yeah. To the moon.
To the moon.
Oh, Jim?
Would you check on Dad for me?
'Yeah. Yeah, of course I will.'
Everything OK?
Yeah. Mol's a bit
I think Jim's stressed.
Mum told me
about what happened at school.
I think they came down hard on her.
Oh, well, I don't.
Well, vaping. It's not crack, is it?
It's not the vaping.
It's the kids that vape
that's the problem.
Anyway, I'm not talking about that
with you.
Get your coat on.
Where do you think they found her?
What does it matter?
I just hate thinking of her here
on her own.
MAN: Bumper catch today.
Oh, you know me, I like 'em big.
You weren't lying.
Hello, Dad?
DAD: 'Hello?'
Dad, I just wanna ask you
what Mum was saying to you
about being in Wales.
'Er, Becca, look,
I'm busy now, love.'
Oh, OK. It's just, well,
it's important, cos
Well, we know she was here
and not just yesterday.
'We don't know why.
When did she leave, Dad?
'When did you last see her?'
Last week. Right, I will talk to you
about this later.
Hi, Dad.
Look, I'm in the process
of sorting repatriation.
So if you know which
funeral director's you're using?
Or we could sort that,
if you prefer.
The one on the main drag
in Urmston.
They seem professional.
'Let me know
if you need me to do anything.'
I will, love, I will.
'Bye, Dad.'
I just I wanted to talk to him.
Yeah, he clearly didn't wanna talk
to you, not about that.
No. He couldn't get me off the phone
quick enough.
Well, maybe he knew something
wasn't right.
That's why he didn't come.
No, he would've said.
Would he?
Shall we just go to this place
she was staying
and see if they know anything,
if she left anything?
Yeah, OK.
Hello, ladies.
Are you the only person
on the island with a taxi licence?
Who said I had a licence?
Is this a house? It's not a B&B?
An old lady used to live up here
years ago.
Me dad sold her a sheepdog.
Well, that is fascinating (!)
It's cash only, I'm afraid.
What is this, the ark?
Don't get your jetpack stuck
in the door on the way out, eh?
I didn't mean to be rude.
Oh, I think we both know you did.
Well, how do I pay, then?
You owe me a pint.
Thank you.
Rosaline, what you doing?
Well, look, there's no-one home.
Let's just go.
WHISPERS: Stop it!
Well, we're not opening it.
Get off. Come on.
WHISPERS: Oh, my God
There's a load of junk down there.
Who are all these people?
She must have been here ages.
She can't have been.
Well, it doesn't look to me
like she met this lot last week
and just popped to Boots
and had the pictures developed.
And look at her hair in this one.
It's brown.
It's been years
since she's had it brown.
Right, this is ridiculous.
I'm calling Maureen.
We've left her a message. She'll
call us back when she's ready.
Mum clearly wasn't with her,
so maybe she's avoiding us. I would.
Were Mum and Dad all right?
Well, yeah. Well, I think so.
How often did you see her?
Every couple of weeks.
But I mean, we've been busy.
But But we spoke, though.
So she could've been here
and not told you?
All right, Richard?
I, uh, I've brought you these.
Oh, erm, thank you.
I I can help you put 'em away.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm fine, thanks, Jim.
Anything else
that you think you'll need, or?
No, not really.
Look, Richard.
Look, I I'm really sorry.
Gutted, in fact. We all are.
Yeah, well, you know
can't be helped.
She's double-folding tin foil.
Making a lovely life for herself,
pretending she's in bloody Anglesey.
OK, good.
Well, shall we call
this Pete bloke again?
Yeah. Let's call this Pete bloke
What's his second name?
No, no answer.
I've got his address.
You'd have no real need
for the internet, would you?
I've left you a number of messages.
Oh. Well, you know I never listen
to voicemails.
Mary's daughters
are here on the island.
I'll go say hi.
That's it? You'll go say hi?
What do you want me to say?
Perhaps some respect?
Oh, I get it.
You want me
to do full-out Queen Victoria.
Hundred years of mourning.
Where is my veil?
They're her daughters, Cathy.
I just wanna know
what we should tell them.
You do whatever you think is best.
What are you gonna say?
I'll cross that bridge
when I come to it.
Hello Becca and Rosaline.
I've heard all about you.
Please come
Well, we haven't heard about you.
How long have you known Mum?
How long has she been here?
Well, I
I first met your mum
at the writing group that she ran.
Mum ran a writing group?
So you found her?
Yes. Erm, I'd, er,
I'd gone to meet her for a walk.
How well did you know her?
Your mother
..she was a good friend to me.
She never mentioned you.
Were you having an affair?
My God, Rosaline!
He said he went for a walk.
I'm just asking.
I'm sorry.
I can't do this right now.
Well, how often was she here?
Would you please just leave?
Could we talk tomorrow, maybe?
Yeah, yeah. Fine, fine.
Why would you go straight to affair?
Yeah, well, sorry.
Just thought I'd mention
any potential elephants in the room.
Why has there got to be an elephant?
She wouldn't do that.
Well, we didn't know Mum
would be hanging pictures on a wall
in the Isle of Man
till two days ago.
"Pass me my readers, Richard."
Remember when they shared
one pair of glasses
for about five years?
Yeah. You marched them both
to the optician, didn't you?
Yes, I did.
And Mum memorised the bottom line.
The optician saw her come in
and switched the cards round.
She got herself in such a flap.
She needed bloody jam jars,
not readers.
Did she tell you that?
No. You told me
when you were staying with me.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, look. "Dear Mrs Ward,
thank you for your time today.
"If there's anything else
you require,
"do not hesitate to contact us."
It's from a solicitor's.
I'll call them.
It's her perfume.
Oh, God.
If you wanna go back,
I can sort stuff here.
No, I don't want to leave you here.
I'm just
Ros. Hey.
Huh! Remember this?
You taught me how to do this.
Oh, she's lost her touch!
My feet aren't as sweaty as yours.
It's nothing to do with the fact
that I'm the best wall climber
in the family?
Oh, are ya? Are ya?
No, no, don't you dare!
No, not the fanny!
I'm gonna wee myself!
Oh, God.
Where'd you get this?
Uh Uh
It's Mum's necklace.
That she never took off.
Where'd you get it from?
She wore this every day.
It's not yours
to just squirrel away.
What are you bothered for?
It's from Argos.
Are you for real?
I bought the first one
for Mother's Day when I was 12.
Yeah. And I bought the second one.
Yeah, I took you on the bus to town.
It's not yours to just have,
but you don't think like that.
What does that mean?
It means you think
you and Mum were tight,
so you get to take what you want.
No, I don't.
Yes, you do.
Where's all this coming from?
Are you joking?
Oh, my God.
Because we looked after you?
Oh, you two
and your fucking cult of caring.
"Oh, don't take me back there.
I can't cope with my sick daughter.
"It was so traumatic for me."
So you take over, and Mum's all,
"Becca, you've done
such a great job."
It wasn't like that.
Well, no-one asked you
to look after me.
No, I know they didn't.
No-one needed to.
Cos you're such a saint.
No, because I'm your sister.
Well, next time,
don't fucking bother.
Hey. How you doing?
Ah, you know.
Yeah. Yeah, I do.
OK, just one minute.
Here you go.
Oh, thanks very much.
Here you are.
Now, listen, you call me
if you need anything, right?
All right?
Yeah, yep.
Sorry. It took me a while
to locate the file.
So the house at Bayview
was your mother's.
As in she owned it?
It's all here.
We haven't got any money
in our family.
And she's given instruction
for it to be left to Rosaline Ward
and Becca Hall in trust.
It says it is for the betterment
of the women of the family.
What does that mean?
That's all it says.
What does "trust" mean?
Well, a trust is
It means we can't sell it.
Look what we could've won.
No change out of a million.
That's the first thing
you think of doing?
Looking up the price?
Don't give me that.
What you gonna do?
Give it to the local cats' home?
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
We can't sell the thing.
Who the fuck was she?
Well, she was Mum.
Yeah, but who was that?
Cos that's not the woman who
let Dad tell his stories
while she laughed politely.
Or was bothered
about what people thought of her.
Or went bright red
if she even told a white lie.
Well, maybe this is all so big
she couldn't tell us.
Or maybe
she was just massively selfish
and we hadn't realised.
Hello. Rosaline, Becca.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Pete called me.
I'm Cathy.
I'm a dear friend of your mother's.
Must have been a terrible shock.
Thank you.
Hoo, she'll never be dead
while you're alive.
You have the exact same nose.
Well, let's have at it.
I'm sorry your mother
was so closed off
about her experience here.
That's one way of putting it.
Another way of putting it
is I was no fan of her dishonesty.
I like things out in the open.
I told her,
"Just rip off the band-aid.
"Call your father. Call the girls."
And I'm sure she meant to.
So what WAS she doing here?
She was looking for her mother.
Gran? She died 20 years ago?
Her real mother.
Your mom was adopted.
Er, no, she wasn't.
And she found her. Her mother.
Joan Corrigan.
Oh, wait. Wait just one minute.
I'll be right back.
There they are.
Joan had your mother
just at the end of World War Two.
She'd fallen in love
with a German Jewish musician
who was in an internment camp
And, well it was a whole thing,
and they wouldn't let her
keep the baby.
Did she ever say anything to you
about this?
No, she didn't.
This is Joan's house.
She left it to your mother
when she died.
Well, I think you have
a lot to process.
Sorry. When was all this?
Oh, um, 2015. Yeah, 2015.
Sorry. She She's been coming here
for eight years?
What, I didn't
We-We knew nothing about this,
cos she
she was at home with Dad,
and then she would be with me.
Do you think your mother
was a people pleaser?
I mean she waited until
your grandmother in Manchester died
before she even started looking
for her mother.
So she came here, found her.
And it was great to get to know her,
but she felt disloyalty to you two.
And also, when you found out,
you'd find out
that she'd been lying.
That's not an excuse.
Oh, I'm right there with you, honey.
Look, look,
I'll just give you girls some time.
Erm's my number.
Please, if you need anything
Could I just use your bathroom?
Yeah. Sure.
Thank you.
Well, you know how to reach me.
This is all bullshit.
I need you to see something.
Do you know
how many Sunday dinners I've made?
Or how many times
I've popped to Aldi for some bits?
Or the trips I've done
to Dunelm Mill?
You're not
And the amount of inane drivel
I've had talked in my ear
by Mum about neighbours
or Dad's gout or the
the stent that so-and-so
had to put in down the road.
And not once
has she mentioned any of this.
I get it, Becca. She lied to us.
No, no, Rosaline, she lied to me!
Oh, there she is. She lied to you.
Found these.
I'll have a Vimto Martini
straight up, thanks. Hold the olive.
Urgh. Argh. It's disgusting.
Oh, God!
Do you think she sat here
and thought,
"Oh, the girls would love it here.
Best not tell 'em."?
I miss you, you know.
No, you don't.
Oh, OK. I don't, then.
Can you believe our grandparents
aren't our grandparents?
Uh? Pfft!
Yeah, it would've been handy
to know she was adopted.
Medically speaking, maybe.
Should we just stay here tonight?
I'll sleep in the spare bed.
It's not made up.
Shall we top and tail?
Next Episode